
pleia2knome: know if you're available then? if so I can take a lead here and announce it and stuff00:52
knomepleia2, yeah, actually i think i will00:53
knomepleia2, earlier will work too if it works for you :)00:53
knomepleia2, if not, no problem..00:54
pleia2my lunch is at least until 2100, so I don't want to cut it too close00:54
ochosiastraljava: do you already have the volume-indicator problem figured out?00:54
knome22UTC is okay00:54
astraljavaochosi: No, I got caught off, because jussi needed attention. (they're actually both here overnight)00:54
pleia2knome: ok, I'll draft up an announcement now00:55
knomeohh, tell the chipmunk-laughter guy "hey" from me00:55
knomepleia2, great, thanks for taking the task :)00:55
ochosiastraljava: ah right :)00:55
ochosiastraljava: do you have the indicator-sound package installed?00:56
astraljavaochosi: Let me check.00:56
astraljavaochosi: Yes, but not the -gtk2.00:57
ochosii think you need -gtk200:58
ochosigtk3 won't work with xfce's panel00:58
astraljavaochosi: Yep, that was it. Thanks again! You spoil me to death.00:58
knomeochosi, yeah, don't give the dog crackers so often.00:58
ochosibtw, i just started porting bluebird to gtk3 :D01:00
knomehah, nice01:00
ochosi(uploading a screenshot atm)01:00
knomethen add yourself as the assignee :P01:00
ochosiso i guess you can assign me to that one ;)01:00
ochosik, will do01:00
knomei'm going already ;)01:00
knomesee you!01:00
ochosiokeydokey – sleep well01:01
ScottLi see we need the indicator-sound-gtk2 package in oneiric, i'm guessing we should do an SRU if we want an update to our -desktop metapackage to be pushed to our users?04:11
astraljavaScottL: See -motu.08:47
madnickI see what Ubuntu did11:49
madnickThere is really 4 fields11:49
madnickthat are relevant, for the common user11:50
madnickautologin-user=NAME autologin-user-timeout=n user-session=session greeter-session=greetername11:50
madnicksince it uses the common configuration format11:50
knomei don't think the timeout is important for a common user11:50
knomei'd say let's use a sane default11:51
knomebut let's discuss that too at the meeting11:51
knomejust my opinion..11:51
madnickfor most people that is probably 0 :P11:51
knomeor sth like 511:51
knomealso hmm11:52
knomegreeter-session could be just our session ;P11:52
madnickwhen I use autologin, like on my HDMI computer hooked to the TV; i dont want to be promopted .P11:52
knomeand user-session probably locked to xubuntu...11:52
knomewell, i don't know about that11:52
knomecould be under advanced options11:53
knomei was thinking that if we add the option to our greeter11:53
knomejust a simple checkbox would do11:53
madnickTrue, if someone can install another greeter, they need to poke config files anyways11:54
madnickHowever. It really eliminates security of the login screen :P11:55
madnicksorta makes it just a "pick user"11:56
knomeif you need to write the pass too11:56
knomefor the setting to be saved11:56
madnickI suppose11:56
knomewell definitely11:56
knomeso, if you need a pass to change it...11:56
madnickI can't really think very well, been up since you said good night ;)11:58
madnickOfc it should be like that11:59
knomeif you want to change the autologin'd suser11:59
knomedo you need only the new users pass?12:00
ochosihm, sorry to step in so uninformed, but is there already a way to configure the auto/login behavior of lightdm?12:00
ochosi(i mean: gui frontend)12:01
madnickIt would probably make sense to make the one that checks the box be auto login user, on effective login12:01
madnickochosi: no12:01
madnickSo he would enter pass12:01
knomemadnick, but doesn't need the "permission" of the previous autologged user?12:02
ochosimadnick: do you know whether anything like that is planned by ubuntu? cause if not maybe we could hack something small together (at least that sounds like a roadmap-item to me)12:02
knomeochosi, it IS on the roadmap12:02
madnickknome: no, becauase its a centralized configuration file12:02
madnickochosi: ubuntu has it12:03
madnickbut in their user manager12:03
knomemadnick, editing it usually needs admin rights?12:03
ochosiknome: oh :)12:03
knomeerr, sudo?12:03
madnickknome: im pretty sure lightdm has good enough permissions 12:03
knomemadnick, i'm sure, but what if the user logging in doesn't?12:03
madnickwell, it would be changed by the greeter12:04
knomemadnick, let me try to explain12:04
knomeuser MASTER is a sudoer12:04
knomeMASTER sets him to be the autologged user12:04
knomethen logs out12:04
knomeuser SLAVE is not a sudoer12:04
knomeuser SLAVE tries to set himself as autologged12:04
knomewill he be able, if editing the conf file usually needs sudo rights?12:05
madnickwell thats up to us, but the current thought im playing with is yes he would12:05
knomei don't think he should...12:06
knomeif the config file is not open for him to edit manually12:06
madnickWell, I suppose we can just not allow him then :P12:06
knomethen it shouldn't be open for him to edit it via lightdm either12:06
knomethough that is a problem12:07
knomeif you want a non-sudoer to be logged in automatically for security issues12:07
knomeyou can't12:07
madnickSo we do and we damned we damned if we dont12:07
knomethis shouts for a GUI12:08
knomein non-greeter12:08
knomebecause then it's okay as long as you are a sudoer, and have verified that12:08
madnickBut I dont belive in letting users have ALL the options of the config file12:08
knomejust the basic stuff12:08
madnickBut making a GUI12:10
madnickIn the Settings12:10
madnickIm not 100% sure how we add things into that12:10
madnickbecause the its not windowed12:10
knomethere is a way12:11
knomei know that12:11
madnickWe could simply add it to the settings menu :P12:12
madnickIts where blueman is at12:12
knomewell, the settings manager is pluggable12:13
knomeask #xfce-dev12:13
ochosiyeah, having it in the settings-manager makes a lot more sense to me12:13
madnickYes, I just did not know it was possible :P I figured "if blueman isnt there, we probably could not add it, otherwise we would"12:14
knomeit is possible12:14
ochosiyeah, well the general problem is that the settings-manager is now kinda clean, but it can get messy real quick if you add too much 12:14
ochosiwe had a discussion with nick on the xfce-dev ml about that a while ago12:15
knomeyeah, but this should be added definitely12:15
madnickI was just looking at the settings screen, one would need to use GTK normal controllers :|12:30
madnickotherwise it wont fit in :P12:30
ochosiideally it would be like the other pluggable dialogs and have the "back" button12:38
knomemadnick, problems?12:39
madnicknope but12:45
madnickIm slow today12:45
knomemadnick, ++12:46
madnickheh, i know, its terrible, but i need to sleep :P atleast it works 14:20
madnickI will need some stuff, like icons14:20
madnickif we decide to do this14:20
ochosimadnick: awesome! if you want we can discuss the layout of the preferences dialog together17:20
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