
=== Guest32231 is now known as sancris
doc__ahoy hot00:43
doc__well that ruined me forever00:43
knomehey doc__, no need to be embarrassed, we all make mistakes now and then00:44
doc__lol I know... I kid00:44
doc__I just installed xubuntu and teaching myself how to use it00:44
MechYetiHow's that going?00:55
doc__pretty good00:56
doc__installed mp3 support, installed windows share and printers00:56
MechYetiSounds good.  What kind of machine is it?01:00
doc__p4 dual core 3.8gz01:13
kiruapentium 4 dual core ?01:14
doc__thats right01:14
kiruawhy you didnt install ubuntu ?01:14
doc__wanted out of the box mp3 support01:15
doc__and first time with linux01:15
MechYetiI didn't realize there was a difference in mp3 support.01:21
doc__well I tried installing fedora 13 and getting mp3 support on that was a pain01:21
doc__so I went with something stupideasy01:21
doc__so whats this wine thing then?01:25
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:25
doc__thanks, helpful script01:26
Unit193ubottu is a bot01:26
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots for all information.01:26
doc__I know01:26
MechYetiDepending on what you're trying to run with it, wine is either magical or a source of maddening frustration.01:30
doc__what can't be done with it?01:31
MechYetiAllows you to run programs made for windows on linux.01:31
MechYetiOh, sorry, read "can't" as "can".01:32
MechYetiIt's really case by case what works well.  But more popular things are often better supported because people have already put the time in to getting them working.01:34
doc__what about stuff like photyshop?01:36
Artemis3you could try checking in their http://appdb.winehq.org/ for each program01:37
Artemis3i use wine for a couple of games01:38
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=== fraublucher is now known as m00se
voodootruyey 4 irc during install!02:38
Artemis3well its a live desktop02:40
voodootrupretty neat!, now it says I gotta reboot!02:42
=== phunyguy_ is now known as phunyguy
kiruai'm trying to install xubuntu on a computer with windows xp, should i choose "install next to windows xp" (in dual boot mode) or "use the largest  free space avalaible (or something like that)" since i let like 15gb on the hdd not assigned to any partition ?04:40
holsteinkirua: pretty sure 'install next to' will offer for you to resize04:41
kiruaok, thx04:42
xubuntu721bonjour à tous08:53
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.08:54
xubuntu721thank you08:54
SiDihey can sbdy please paste a ls /boot for me? i also need the exact kernel version of 11.10 with no updates... thx09:36
SiDiknome ochosi ^09:37
well_laid_lawnSiDi: paste.pocoo.org/show/50810609:44
ochosiSiDi: well_laid_lawn posted this for you but then your connection crashed: paste.pocoo.org/show/50810609:46
SiDicant click link type http:// pls ^^09:47
well_laid_lawn http://paste.pocoo.org/show/50810609:50
well_laid_lawnyou can highlight with the mouse and middle click to paste09:50
knomeSiDi, lol :P09:54
knomewell_laid_lawn, he's just lazy09:54
SiDiim on a phone its complicated09:55
bznhi guys11:16
bzna have a problem with apt get11:16
bzni cannot install any packages11:16
Sysirun apt-get update11:17
daz4126_Is it possible to run Ubuntu One in Xubuntu?11:21
daz4126_I was trying out #! Linux last night and was impressed that it comes with Dropbox already set up11:22
knomeubuntu one is not really supported11:22
knomei don't know if it could work at all or not11:22
daz4126_Dropbox works well in Xubuntu11:23
daz4126_Would it be possible to have it installed by default?11:23
knomeyou can add that to our roadmap for PP, and we'll see if people approve it and if it will get an assignee :)11:23
daz4126_#! also has some nice default key combinations that use super11:23
knomedaz4126_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap11:23
knomemadnick, ?11:24
madnickdropbox is11:24
SysiI could suggest hotkey swaps too11:24
madnickawesome, nvm11:24
knomeSysi, add an item to the roadmap, add yourself as the assignee, and write a specification11:25
knomeSysi, you could even add "Sysi + community" as the assignee11:25
madnickIsn't hotkeys swappable?11:26
Sysibut defaults suck11:26
Sysisuper-s vs. alt F811:26
Sysior was it F911:26
knomemadnick, Sysi: i'm open for discussion. i don't have larger-than-life feelings towards them anyway11:27
SysiI'll add them to roadmap when I get home11:27
knomethough if it means changing what upstream gives us, we should think/discuss in changing stuff in upstream too, if possible11:27
madnickbtw knome, that xfce menu editor guy, is that your friend?11:28
daz4126_eg super+w launches web brower in #!11:28
knomemadnick, yes, was having a few beers with him yesterday11:29
daz4126_Conky is also installed as default in #! and the shortcut keys are displayed on the desktop, which is nice11:29
daz4126_madnick - is Dropbox a problem?11:29
knomethere has been some really general discussion in including some conky stuff to xubuntu by default, but mostly be me only11:30
madnickDefine problem :)11:30
knomeSysi, you want me to add the item to the roadmap now?11:31
daz4126_I've not really seen conky before, but it was nice to have it by default11:31
Sysiknome: you could11:32
knomeokay, i will11:32
knomeSysi, realname or nick?11:33
SysiI was thinking more of window managment shortcuts, but those more general ones would be even easier to have11:33
Sysiknome: most xubuntu people propaböy recognize me better by nick11:33
knomei suppose that's the case with all of use :)11:33
daz4126_They all corresponded to the default apps11:33
madnickIm unsure why that autologin thing is on there, its not a current problem and not a future one, or did people want a GUI for that?11:33
daz4126_super+e = gedit, super+f = thunar etc11:34
knomedaz4126_, i don't know if we want default application-shortcuts11:34
knomedaz4126_, maybe for x-www-browser and such at most11:34
Sysiyeah, exo-launchers11:34
daz4126_Just saying it was a nice feature in #!11:35
SysiI use super+F for fullscreen11:35
knomemadnick, well, if you can't enable autologin without touching a conf file, i think it is a bug... since you were able to do that before OO with a gui11:35
madnickknome: i see, how was that in GDM?11:36
madnickIn the settings panel?11:36
knomemadnick, i'm not sure. i never used autologin really11:36
Sysigdm1 had settings, for some time there was gdm2setup11:36
daz4126_I think autologin is an option when you install11:36
knomethis might have had something to do with the alternative install11:37
madnickWell, it is arragneable to make the greeter itself invokable with a command that adds autologin to the config file, is that a solution?11:37
knomemadnick, i didn't completely follow11:38
knomemadnick, you mean like adding an option to the greeter?11:38
knomethat would work for me, but i'd say let's have a quick poll about this in the next community meeting11:39
madnickBecause while it would be possible to make a GUI for it, and add to the menu's, that seems more like something XFCE dev perhaps should look into, since the settings window seems like an XFCE thing :P11:39
knomei added an item to the meeting agenda11:39
madnickawesome :)11:40
Sysilightdm is xubuntu-stuff, not xfce11:40
knomeshould be a really quickie though11:40
knomemadnick, maybe you want to set yourself as the assignee for the autologin stuff anyway11:40
knomemmh, one should talk with the lightdm-dev if you want to build a GUI for that11:41
knomeit should be callable from the xfce settings manager though11:41
madnickI *think* (not sure) Ubuntu already has a GUI11:42
primaryI have to ask why everyone is interested in auto-login, what purpose does that serve beyond something like an internet kiosk with no private information on it? xlock/xdm/etc keep a very minimal amount of security around against 98% of people.11:42
knomeyeah, we could investigate that too11:42
Sysiprimary: my desktop is at home behing locked doors, why not11:42
madnickYeah but its based around the default greeter aswell from what i can see11:42
knomeprimary, not everybody is, but if you have a single-user setup for a pc at home, autologin could be ideal11:42
primaryHmm, do you live with anyone else?11:43
knomeprimary, well that is something that is kind of meta-talk anyway. do you trust your wife?11:43
primaryNo :(11:43
knomethen you probably won't enable autologin. but if you do, why wouldn't you?11:44
SysiI haven't *yet* set locks on my laptop..11:44
madnickno encrypted bootloader? :\11:44
bznsorry guys was afk12:40
bznSysi: i cant12:40
bznim getting an errror12:40
Sysihow do I get gmusicbrowser to go to next song when current one ends? By default it jumps to some random song from album I don't even have selected14:05
SysiI don't have shuffle enabled14:05
testisteronI have a problem with panel14:10
testisteronNotification Area work normally but Message applet doesn't seen14:11
testisteronWhen I minimized to Pidgin, It's closed14:12
testisteronAnd I can't resolve this14:12
Sysido you have indicator applet in your panel?14:13
testisteronThank you Sysi14:29
tjingboemhow can i change the menu settings?15:32
tjingboemi want to change the path of a program15:32
tjingboemgot it15:32
GridCubetjingboem: dont worry, no questions are dumb, except when they really really are15:35
tjingboemno, my question stands15:35
GridCubewhat is that you want to do tjingboem ¿15:35
tjingboemi thought it wab in Panel15:35
tjingboemi want to change the menu15:36
tjingboemand i do not talk about diner15:36
GridCubewell, :P15:37
tjingboembut the applications menu15:37
GridCubeyeah i got that15:38
GridCubethe thing is, xfce doesnt really have a menu editor15:38
GridCubeyou can do however, what question 6 suggests: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Website/Top1015:38
GridCubebe aware that alacarte pulls half of gnome/compiz/unity with it if you dont do --no-install-recommends15:40
hobgoblinI played with alacarte a few months ago to do that - it was not completely satisfactory from memory - things I wnated to deal with weren't showing there - just a fyi15:41
GridCubewell i never did, its just a thing, usually i just create a launchers box for things i want to do15:42
hobgoblinI just learnt about those things - assuming them to be what I Think they are - very useful15:43
tjingboemwell, i like Xubuntu because it is more or less lightweight15:54
tjingboemdon't wanna get a lot of compiz stuff15:54
daz4126_if you put --no-install-recommends then you will just get alacarte15:55
daz4126_it works fine15:55
tjingboemthanks daz4126_ , sounds good15:56
tjingboemi will dig into this15:56
tjingboemfunny name a la carta15:57
tjingboema la cart15:57
tjingboemreally getting hungry now15:58
tjingboemshould autostart alacarte when i start Xubuntu?16:04
GridCubetjingboem: no. its just an editor16:09
tjingboemwill the changes be reflected in the Applications menu of Xubuntu?16:10
GridCubetjingboem: they should yes16:41
pteague_workseems to be an issue with xfce4-weather-plugin ... doesn't seem to be getting data :(16:44
pteague_work"Weather report for: 99."... everything is 99... temp is 99F, wind speed is 99 mph, etc16:46
GridCubepteague_work: thats the weather channel fault16:46
GridCubethey changed their xml schema16:47
GridCubeand now you have to pay to see how it is or something like that16:47
GridCubebut in any case the plugin should be rewritten16:49
GridCubeand there are no plans to do so in the near time16:49
SysiI think I saw bug report with solution16:59
=== CiPi is now known as cipi
jmcantrelli just installed xubuntu on my eeepc, but network manager shows "device not ready" for the wireless. anyone seen this?17:42
istokfor some reason the top/bottom toolbars are gone, they were available the last time i booted and now, if i minimize an application etc, it completely vanishes and i can't select it again :/17:45
istoki'm sure i have "save last session" selected17:46
TheSheepistok: press alt+f2 and type 'xfce4-panel'18:36
KaiRunhey which ones are the sound fds in /dev/ ? i m having trouble finding them19:33
TheSheepKaiRun: fds?19:34
pteague_workKaiRun, might try /dev/snd/* ?19:39
KaiRuni m trying that but i get corrupted fd19:39
KaiRunor permission denied even though i m root19:40
KaiRunreally strange19:40
TheSheepKaiRun: what are you trying to do?19:40
KaiRunpipe my ouput to some distortion programms19:41
TheSheepKaiRun: ouput?19:41
TheSheepKaiRun: output from what?19:41
KaiRunfrom the sound fd19:42
KaiRunfile descriptor19:43
=== baizon_ is now known as baizon
holmeHey, I just installed Openoffice, and the autocorrect wont work. The dictionaries are installed, etc etc19:43
TheSheepfile descriptor is a structure in the memory of a running process that is used to access a file19:43
holmeany advice?19:43
TheSheepit doesn't exist on the disk19:43
TheSheepthe things on the disk are called files19:43
KaiRunso its a no?19:44
TheSheepI think ubuntu doesn't have /dev/dsp and such anymore by default19:45
TheSheepyou might be able to enable them in alsa config somehow though19:45
TheSheepthe ones in /dev/snd are probably more low-level things19:46
TheSheepjust my guess19:46
TheSheepah, /dev/dsp is for oss19:46
TheSheepI think alsa has oss emulation19:48
TheSheepor you can use padsp in front of your command19:49
KaiRunok i ll try19:50
rhin0can;t enable twinview in 11.10 --- have nvidia recommended drivers loaded20:26
alethiophiledid dist upgrade to oneiric, it replaced all my fonts with ugly spindly ones20:46
alethiophilehow do I get the originals back?20:46
=== jcfp is now known as Guest56906
DoKhi all21:29
holmeHey. How do I get the autocorrect to work in Openoffice. Everything is in place, but it just wont work...does anyone have any advice?21:53
daz4126Hey everybody, I've been playing around with some ideas for a xubuntu logo that combines the ubuntu logo with an X22:42
w30ever since OSX came out everything has to be blue, God I hate blue... anything but blue for me.22:45
w30I work hard to get the blue out of my box.22:46
w30however I can get the blue out of anything with gimp *smile*22:47
Unit193daz4126: Hey, lets go to #xubuntu-offtopic since it's not support ;)  Can talk about it there22:47
w30I'll be quiet I promise....22:48
daz4126blue was just the colors on the Xubuntu artwork page22:49
daz4126going into #xubuntu-offtopic22:49
antnashis there somewhere I can find a xubuntu 11.10 package list?23:54

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