
jelmerNoldorin: how is it failing exactly?00:01
glyphjelmer: was my earlier summary accurate00:01
Noldorinjelmer, it doesn't import the module from site-packages00:02
jelmerglyph: yes, although I should note that only newer twisted revisions were imported with newer versions of bzr-svn on launchpad00:02
jelmerNoldorin: what module is it failing to import?00:03
jelmerNoldorin: and how is it doing that, do you have a traceback?00:03
glyphjelmer: hrm00:03
jelmerglyph: so perhaps it's better to be safe than sorry and redo the launchpad imports00:03
glyphjelmer: is there a way to explicitly refresh that?00:03
glyphand is launchpad on bzr-svn 1.1.1 yet?00:03
Noldorinjelmer, nothing. just says "cannot importy module"00:04
Noldorinno traceback sorry00:04
jelmerNoldorin: .bzr.log should have a traceback00:04
jelmerglyph: yes, it's post-1.1.100:05
Noldorinjelmer, okay just a sec00:06
glyphjelmer: I guess the way to fix it is just to do the re-import somewhere else, then 'bzr push --overwrite lp:twisted'?00:10
spivjelmer: +1 to getting launchpad to redo that import00:11
jelmerglyph: we'll have to do it via Launchpad, as import branches are only writable by the importds00:11
jelmerglyph: I can look into getting that done00:11
glyphjelmer: so there's no button for me to press, then00:11
jelmerNoldorin: any luck?00:33
jo-erlendin my Python script, I'd like to check the status of a given folder, such as if there are uncommitted changes, unknown files, etc. What is the best way to do that?00:33
jo-erlendI've been told there are bzr tools for Python, and that sounds nice. If anyone has a link to docs, I'd appreciate it.00:34
jelmerjo-erlend: you probably want to use the working tree00:34
jo-erlendjelmer, I don't understand what you mean by that.00:34
jelmerjo-erlend: from bzrlib.workingtree import WorkingTree; w = WorkingTree.open("."); print bool(wt.changes_from(wt.basis_tree()))00:35
jo-erlendsounds nice. Any docs for it?00:35
jelmerjo-erlend: http://people.canonical.com/~mwh/bzrlibapi/bzrlib.workingtree.WorkingTree.html00:36
jo-erlendI guess I'll just run bzr st and check the status myself. I don't even understand how to begin using that stuff, and the only thing I need is to see if a folder has any changes. I don't need to do anything about it.00:43
jelmerjo-erlend: the fragment I pasted earlier should give you a boolean that indicates whether anything has changed00:44
jo-erlendoh. That was easier than it looked. :)00:52
jo-erlendthanks. :)00:52
Noldorinjelmer, yeah just testing01:00
jo-erlendjelmer, that feature isn't documented, though?01:00
jo-erlendI can do w.unknowns to get unversioned files, but I don't understand how I can see if files are modified. I also can't figure out how to find out what WorkingTree.changes_from does.01:03
Noldorinjelmer, what's an easy way to check if bzr-git has loaded correctly?01:04
jelmerjo-erlend: the fragment I posted should tell you if there are any modifications since the last commit01:06
Darxus"bzr: ERROR: No module named apt_pkg" - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/85223456/buildlog.txt.gz01:06
DarxusFrom https://code.launchpad.net/~spamassassin/+recipe/spamassassin-daily01:07
DarxusBulding is failing again....01:07
jo-erlendjelmer, yes, I understand that. I'm having difficulty finding out how to see if I already know that a file is unversioned or not, for instance.01:07
jelmerDarxus: there is work going on to fix that01:07
Darxusjelmer: Thanks.01:07
jelmerjo-erlend: it will only return versioned files, so only files that are not in .unknowns()01:07
Noldorinjelmer, ?01:08
jo-erlendoh, I see. Thanks.01:08
jelmerjo-erlend: See Tree.changes_from() for the documentation ("pydoc bzrlib.tree.Tree.changes_from")01:08
jelmerNoldorin: "bzr plugins"01:08
Noldorinjelmer, that displays fine even if dependent modules didn't load though01:09
jelmerNoldorin: it means the basic bits of bzr-git have loaded though01:11
jelmerNoldorin: if you want to make sure *all* of bzr-git works, run the bzr-git testsuite01:11
Noldorinjelmer, yes but it won't tell me if dulwich loaded01:11
Noldorinjelmer, which is what i want to find out01:11
Noldorinvery simply01:11
jelmerNoldorin: any sort of operation involving a git repository should load dulwich01:12
Noldoringot it01:13
Noldorinjelmer, here's the error:01:13
Noldorinbzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "git://": Unable to import library "dulwich": bzr-git: Plea01:13
Noldorinse install dulwich, https://launchpad.net/dulwich01:13
Noldorinjelmer, when dulwich is a symlinkd rather than real dir in site-packages/01:14
Noldorinthat happens01:14
jelmerNoldorin: right, but what about the traceback (in ~/.bzr.log) ?01:14
jelmerNoldorin: we just use "import" from python to load dulwich, so that's all inside of Python itself01:14
Noldorini see01:14
Noldoringot it01:15
Noldorinjelmer, http://pastebin.com/cXdaVkpL01:15
jelmerhmm, that's masking the actual error01:16
jelmerNoldorin: can you try adding "import dulwich" to bzr-git's __init__.py ?01:17
Noldorinjelmer, same01:18
jelmerNoldorin: the traceback in ~/.bzr.log should be different01:18
Noldorinoh yes01:18
Noldorinjelmer, http://pastie.org/287001101:18
jelmerNoldorin: right, python's import doesn't find dulwich01:19
Noldorinso python's import doesn't like symlink dirs basically?01:20
Noldorinbecause it finds it fine when it's a normal dir01:20
jelmerNoldorin: it seems happy with symlinks on Unix, perhaps it's different on Windows?01:22
Noldorinjelmer, perhaps01:23
Noldorini've updated the python bug i submitted about it01:23
Noldorinoriginally i was confused about what i tested01:23
Noldorinjelmer, ^01:23
Noldorinjelmer, i'm off now, but feel free to investigate it more and ping me later :-)01:23
jelmerNoldorin: sorry, I'll leave that up to the Python folks01:25
Noldorinjelmer, that's fine. i only said that in case you thought it might be something specific about bzr :-P01:26
Noldorinjelmer, if you think it's a generic issue, my bug should take care of it01:26
Noldorinta ta01:26
pooliehi vila?06:31
vilapoolie: hey !07:51
jammorning all08:12
pooliehi jam08:15
jamhi poolie08:22
jamyou've been quite active on email after being gone :)08:22
poolieoh, really?08:26
pooliei was only gone for a day08:26
pooliei do feel like i've been having a good few weeks though08:26
pooliejam anyhow i battled with buildds and ec2 today08:31
poolieand i haven't actually touched memory usage :/08:31
poolieso i don't have much to say08:31
poolieother than that i'm glad i was heading in the direction you described08:31
mgzmorning all09:21
pooliehi mgz, jelmer09:25
jo-erlendwhen I branch from some place, work on my new branch and commit to it before merging with the branch I branched from ... Will the details of the commits to my branch be visible in the other one, or will it be treated as a single commit?10:23
bob2yes and no, though bzr log will by default only show the merge10:24
mgzyou get the best of both worlds :)10:24
jo-erlendwhat exactly does that mean?10:24
bob2yes the data of every commit ever is visible10:25
mgzthe information is kept, but the default view only shows the 'mainline'10:25
bob2no by default 'bzr log' will not show the branch merged in, just the merge commit10:25
jo-erlendoh, ok. I'll need to consider my personal comments, then :)10:39
mgzthat's good general advice :)10:40
mgzweird failures ;_;11:10
mgzthe problem with the windows bot being red for so long is I have no idea which of these are due to path escaping changes11:14
vilamgz :-/11:44
mgzvila: just posted summary in bug 842223 mp11:58
ubot5Launchpad bug 842223 in Bazaar "Change to tilde escaping causes test failures" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84222311:59
mgzmaybe just something went wrong with the building of extensions on babune?11:59
mgzI don't think I caused them at any rate, so this branch can probably still land12:00
mgzand the last main windows babune build got through without bailing trying to remove a shell script, which is great12:01
* vila reads12:01
vilaso, summary, this should land and I should check the extensions build on babune right ?12:03
mgzI think so.12:03
mgzthis was using /debug/ not /Windows/12:04
mgzand we've not touched debug in a while.12:04
vilaright, but the /debug/ job rebuilt some extensions, nothing suspicious there12:06
vilaor is it ?12:06
vilamgz: ^ ?12:16
mgzthe rebuild in itself isn't suspicious, I started at an older revision, so there were pyrex source updates in between12:18
* mgz downloads the log to have a look too12:19
vilawhich are indirectly reflected by the compilations12:19
mgzthere's an error from make saying format incorrect de paramétre12:23
mgzprobably not relevent12:23
vilayeah, bogus mount, spurious AFAICT12:24
* mgz notes for future reference, altgr+; e12:24
vilahehe, no, that's an agrave accent not an acute one ;)12:25
mgzdammit, I had that first12:25
mgzaltgr+#, e -> è then12:25
mgzand the mystery of the vanishing bug 842233 failures is resolved12:26
ubot5Launchpad bug 842233 in Bazaar "InvalidURL from tests for local_path_from_url on windows" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84223312:26
mgzthe end of the log is "lost connection"12:26
vilaI've lost altgr on my keyboard long ago anyway so feel free to not type accents ;)12:26
mgzso they weren't run12:27
vilagood ? :D12:27
mgzwould be nice if babune clearly distinguished between "all tests run, some failed"12:27
mgzand "stuff went seriously wrong"12:28
vilashouldn't subunit handle that ? 'lost connection' comes from there no ?12:28
mgzI never remember to look at the test count, and it's not immediately obvious12:29
mgzwell, subunit doesn't help, certainly.12:29
mgzI see why you removed altgr now12:34
mgzI just got stuck in an alternate land where my input made only funky characters12:34
vilahehe, I *lost* it and since I use it very rarely I didn't notice ;)12:35
vilait seems to be bound to alt now12:35
pooliei like the cømpose key12:41
vilaright, that the one I should use :)12:42
jo-erlendare commit messages used for anything other than telling other humans about a project? I've noticed that some people seem to use a very formal commit "format", whereas I just write the stuff I've done.13:13
vilajo-erlend: some humans use conventions to communicate ;) But really they are just conventions. Unless a project use higher level tools to process these commit messages, they are just strings as far as bzr is concerned13:16
mgzjo-erlend: it's a social issue, generally you want to fit in with what the project you're contributing to does, or if its your own project make up the rules13:16
mgzfor instance, in bzr itself,13:16
mgzpeople do commit messages in feature branches however they want,13:16
mgzbut then when our automated lander merges the feature to the main branch it adds the committer and proposer to the commit message which by convention is a one sentence overview13:17
mgzusing the structured stuff for commit like --fixes and --author is better than munging those into the message13:18
mgzif you're writing "patch from X fixing bug N" then you're doing something wrong in my view :)13:19
jo-erlendis fixes just a label, or is it linked to a bug tracker?13:20
mgzit's stored as aURL13:22
jo-erlendoh, ok.13:32
jo-erlendbut I guess it has better understanding for bugs stored in launchpad?13:33
jelmermgz: hi13:36
jelmermgz: just looking at your recent comment13:36
jelmermgz: the new behaviour seems right to me13:36
mgzjelmer: yeah, but does show that I didn't succeed in getting the exact tilde handling as before13:38
mgzonly having to change one test isn't too bad, I just fear other fallout13:38
mgzjo-erlend: launchpad itself has some special integration, and I think some other bug tracker software has some too13:38
mgzeheh, jam's comment on pylzma is funny13:40
vilamgz: I've seen cases where tests were *enforcing* a bug13:41
jammgz: well, you've submitted 3+ times now I think, and nobody gets a failure message :)13:45
mgzI seem to have accidentally broken the access restrictions on my home bzr+http server14:17
mgznot a bad thing right now, as I wanted to test against a remote http repo14:17
=== aj00200_ is now known as aj00200
jelmermgz: I've updated switch-colocated to include tests for unicode colocated and other branches14:46
jelmerthat also involved using "real" branch names rather than url encoding for the "sibling" branch support in switch14:47
jelmervila: any plans for Branch._get_store() ? :)14:49
vilahuh ? Shouldn't be needed, what's the use case ?14:49
jelmervila: ah, hmm. I guess Branch._get_config_stack() then?14:51
jelmeror Branch.get_config_stack()14:51
vilawe already landed that no ? :)14:51
jelmerright :)14:51
jelmerI guess we'll just need a custom RemoteBranch.get_config_stack() implementation which uses RemoteBranchStore or something similar14:51
vilaright, there is already a RemoteBranchStack14:53
vilajelmer: do you encounter a issues with it ?14:53
jelmerI'm seeing VFS access over HPSS from BranchStore14:54
jelmervila: RemoteBranch.get_config_stack() returns _mod_config.BranchStack(self)14:54
vilaright, RemoteBranchStack is a bit hackish, let me find the relevant comment14:55
jelmervila: also, RemoteBranchStack still uses BranchStore so presumably will involve VFS calls too14:55
vilaif you use the old config scheme you also trigger VFS calls14:56
vilathis should be better once http://pad.lv/832042 is fixed14:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 832042 in Bazaar "config files are read for each option" [High,In progress]14:57
vila+# Needed for 'stacked_on_location' *only* which use a hack that could be14:58
vila+# removed when each config file is read only once. This stack is not yet used14:58
vila+# in branch.py -- vila 2011-09-0614:58
jelmerah, thanks15:01
jelmervila: btw, that bug is in progress but not assigned?15:01
vilahehe, I was angry :)15:01
vilajelmer: fixed (or rather assigned ;)15:03
jelmervila: :)15:04
vilanot sure yet if I should finish migration options before or after fixing it15:05
jelmervila: after, IMO. we shouldn't really be adding more VFS calls15:07
vilaI don't think we added some so far ?15:08
jelmervila: Branch.get_config() doesn't use VFS calls AFAIK, but Branch.get_config_stack() does15:08
vilabut the remote config stuff is one of the most confusing so I may have miss a case15:08
jelmervila: also, it's nice to have the design (including lokcing, etc) of the config stacks finished before we start using it in anger15:08
vilalocking should be ok15:09
vilaha, looking at remote.py, right, not a VFS but still a request so in the end, it will be a single VFS instead of at least one request per option15:10
jelmervila: I mean locking in combination with not reading/writing config files for every option touched15:10
jelmervila: plus the overhead of enabling VFS mode15:11
vilaoh, that, right15:11
vilaif I'm not mistaken, the actual behavior for remote objects is to query the config for each option (without caching it) so doing a single VFS call will be a win15:13
vilaas for locking, we are already under a branch lock so we reuse it15:13
vilai.e. at worst, even today, we do one VFS call instead of a query and in the end, we'll get rid of the queries15:14
jelmervila: but we should be moving away from VFS calls, not introducing new ones15:15
vilaone step at a time :)15:15
vilaonce we know which VFS calls are still needed, we can turn them into queries15:15
jelmervila: sure; I'm just saying I don't think we should be switching to config stacks while they're introducing more VFS calls15:16
vilaor reuse the existing ones (but that sounded too hairy last time I looked)15:16
vilajelmer: what do you propose then ?15:16
jelmervila: adding a HPSS call for branch stores15:16
vilapremature design, the needed calls will be fully defined when all the options are migrated15:18
vilaand *requiring* HPSS calls will break backward compatibility with older servers15:19
jelmervila: that means introducing more VFS calls until all options are migrated, I really think that's a bad idea.15:19
jelmervila: I didn't say anything about requiring HPSS calls. Just about not relying on VFS calls.15:19
vila*one* VFS call by store instead of one query by option15:20
jelmervila: who says we can't have a VFS call for retrieving the stack contents?15:20
vilathe point is to reduce the queries, VFS or not15:20
vilabackward compatibility for older servers15:20
vilayou can't switch to stacks using HPSS calls *only*15:21
jelmersure, either way we'll still support falling back to VFS if the serve doesn't support newer calls like we do with all HPSS calls15:21
vilaHPSS calls are worth only if they replace *several* VFS calls, it doesn't matter here15:22
jelmervila: eventually we want to get to a VFS-free HPSS server15:22
vilabut I'd rather to an HPSS call that also returns the branch store when opening the branch then...15:23
vilas/rather/rather add/15:23
vilain that case that would mean one less roundtrip15:23
vilabut just adding an HPSS call to replace a single VFS call ? What's the gain ?15:23
jelmervila: it's not tied to the underlying file format15:24
jelmervila: wouldn't the config be read each time the branch is read locked?15:25
vilajelmer: it depends on whether the config file is always read when a branch is read locked :)15:26
vilabut it may be a win anyway if it avoids a roundtrip in most cases15:27
jelmervila: anyway, my point really was about fixing when we read and write config files first15:28
jelmerso that we have a stable config stack/store API to rely on15:28
jelmervila: I think the HPSS thing matters too, but that should be a lot easier to fix (and not have any impact on callers)15:30
vilayou totally lost me15:30
jelmervila: I think we should fix bug 832042 before using config stacks/stores in anger, because it probably will impact API users15:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 832042 in Bazaar "config files are read for each option" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83204215:31
vilajelmer: if you find a way to fix it without a new config scheme, please go ahead, I bang head for a long time before reaching the conclusion that the new design was the best way to achieve that :)15:32
jelmervila: I think we should fix it *in config stacks/stores* before we start switching options over15:33
vilajelmer: wrong idea, that would multiply the potential issues15:34
jelmervila: if we don't then I think we probably will have to fix callers of the stack/store API when bug 832042 gets fixed.15:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 832042 in Bazaar "config files are read for each option" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83204215:35
vilaI did propose a stack registry to make sure stack/store acquisition could be controlled15:38
vilathis was pushed because there was no clear need15:38
vilaI'm now working to make the needs clearer15:39
jelmerSorry, but I don't see how a stack registry is relevant here.15:39
vilaI know :)15:39
jelmeras a caller, I want to know when my changes get written to disk if I do: Branch.get_config_stack().set("foo", "bar")15:40
vilatoday: during the call, tomorrow: when you release the branch write lock15:41
jelmervila: it would be nice ot state that in bug 832042 at least15:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 832042 in Bazaar "config files are read for each option" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83204215:42
jelmerat the moment it's very vague about that15:42
viladevnotes/configuration.txt has a more precise definition and refers to bug #83204215:43
vilabut still a bit hand-wavy15:44
jelmervila: I don't see any references to 832042 in configuration.txt15:44
jelmeris this your private notes?15:45
vilagrr doc.bazaar.canonical.com is down ??15:45
vilaha right, the bug reference is a local edit, I was referring to the last section 'Why and when locking config files matter'15:48
jelmervila: doc/developers/configuration.txt in lp:bzr ?15:50
vilano, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-core/bzr/devnotes/view/head:/configuration.txt15:52
vilano, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-core/bzr/devnotes/view/head:/configuration.txt#L760 even15:53
jelmerah, ok15:55
jelmervila: thanks15:55
jelmerI'll paste the relevant bits into the bug15:55
jelmer(it's really confusing to have two documents about this btw, I don't really see the point of lp:bzr/devnotes)15:59
vilanot implemented yet stuff15:59
jelmerright, but that's true for doc/developers in lp:bzr too16:00
vilaerr, no, the later is targeted at developers and refers to internals as they work today (at least that's my understanding)16:00
jelmervila: I've landed several specs there before they were implemented, plans.txt was created specifically for that purpose16:05
vilareally ?16:06
vilathere is no plans.txt right now though16:07
jelmervila: there is, doc/developers/plans.txt in lp:bzr16:07
* vila blinks16:08
jelmermy understanding of devnotes was that it was just a place to stow random notes from sprints, I don't think I've looked at it since Barcelona16:10
jelmeranyway, the configuration.txt in there is a good read16:10
vilathe devnotes one you mean ?16:10
jelmerI think you sent me a copy of it earlier, I didn't realize it was in there16:11
jelmervila: yeah16:11
vilaHa, you read it at least once, I was scared for a second :)16:11
vilajelmer: if you want more read on config, enjoy https://code.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/config-command/+merge/82421 ;)16:14
jelmervila: sure, I'll have a look16:16
jelmervila: https://code.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/config-command/+merge/82421 now includes aliases too, is that intentional?16:26
jelmervila: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/740351/16:27
vilawow, nice catch, no it's not16:27
vilaor is it...16:27
vilano not intentional16:28
vilabut is it such a bad idea ? Yes, probably16:28
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
vilajelmer: fix pushed and comment added to the mp explaining the root issue17:19
* jelmer looks17:21
jelmervila: wouldn't this break "bzr config" for people who currently don't have a [DEFAULT] header set?17:23
vilaI don't think we really support having a no-name section in bazaar.conf, some tests were relying on this assumption but  IIRC bazaar.conf is created with the DEFAULT section (and documented as such)17:25
vilathe old code is pretty blurry around this specific issue17:26
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
mgzjelmer: reviewed some of your updated branches, just a few little things17:45
jelmermgz: thanks17:46
jelmervila: it looks a bit odd that list option values are in quotes17:46
jelmervila: I know why, but still17:46
jelmeranyway, MP looks good otherwise17:46
vilajelmer: yup, the issue is that we don't rely on the store to automaGically interpolate lists, we *can* do either (depending on option registration), we default to not.17:49
vilajelmer: regarding the HPSS call, I agree it can and should be done,17:49
vilajelmer: but it doesn't have to be done before or after $this, it can be done in parallel17:50
vilajelmer: and indeed, some _get_store is needed ;)17:50
vilajelmer: I had to re-think our discussion backwards, but I've connected the dots :-)17:51
jelmervila: ah, ok17:54
jelmervila: I'm still working on Andrew's HPSS branch, I might have a stab at the config store one too17:54
mgzhpss still scares me...18:06
jelmermgz: it scared me too, but I found it quite reasonable once I dug into it. The main thing that makes it hard to work with is that the code is so scattered across different bits of bzrlib.18:15
mgzyeah, finding which bits are actually still live can be a bit of a challenge, and understanding the naming18:15
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
jelmervila: FWIW, "bzr config -d lp:..." is 11 HPSS calls before your change, 25 after (13 VFS)18:30
vilajelmer: (not here) can you paste that with a full (reproducing) url as a comment in the mp ?19:11
glyphIf I want to run a command after a particular branch gets a new HEAD revision, where do I put that hook?19:16
jelmervila: done19:18
jelmerglyph: a bzr plugin which installs a post_tip_change hook. I believe we have examples somewhere, hang on..19:18
glyphjelmer: actually maybe I'm saying this wrong19:20
glyphI want to install this on the server side of things19:20
glyphthe branch that gets pushed to19:20
jelmerglyph: in both cases, the pre_change_branch_tip / post_change_branch_tip hooks should work19:22
jelmerglyph: see lp:bzr-testrunner for an example of a plugin which uses the pre_change_branch_tip hook19:22
GRiDjelmer, i'm trying to make a blackbox test to reproduce bug 889872. since the simple tests in test_pack don't fail, i assume there needs to be a certain amount of data available. any idea how much that might be, based on the failures you saw?20:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 889872 in Bazaar "not a valid key error" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88987220:15
jelmerGRiD: hi20:17
jelmerGRiD: no idea, sorry - it happened on my bzr and samba repositories, both of which are pretty big20:18
GRiDright ok. is there a way to generate a test repo during a blackbox test with that kind of data, or no?20:19
GRiDeven if there was, i assume it would be slow.20:20
jelmerGRiD: perhaps there are other parameters you can tweak to make it happen earlier?20:21
jelmerGRiD: I'm not really familiar with the index code unfortunately20:21
GRiDjelmer, ok thanks. i'll play with it.20:24
GRiDwell i've duplicated it on a repack of bzr at least.20:27
=== abentley_ is now known as abentley
pooliehi all21:23
pooliehi grid, jelmer,21:23
jelmerhi poolie21:26
GRiDhi poolie21:34
Noldorinhi hi21:34
peitschiemornin everyone :)22:13

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