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testificateis any launchpad support on duty atm?04:30
lifelessno, but you might get lucky ;) Just ask.04:33
testificatesome personal information was posted in a launchpad bug report. and I'm trying to see if I can have it edited or pulled04:35
StevenKWe can hide the comment.04:35
StevenKWhich bug and comment number?04:35
lifelesswhats the url to the comment? thats from the top right of the commen - the #123 thing, and you can privmsg me if you like04:36
lifelessStevenK: trade you, I handle this, you finish reviewing :P04:36
StevenKlifeless: I have04:36
StevenKlifeless: The LPGL comment is the only one I have04:37
lifelessyeah, see the thread - trove are not freetext04:37
lifelessStevenK: I've fixed that extraneous line up04:38
lifelessturns out testificate04:38
lifelessturns out testificate's issue is with the initial bug description :(04:38
wgrantBest to make the bug private, then.04:38
StevenKOr wave SQL :-P04:38
wgrantFixing the description history is on the radar, but it's not clear how to do it.04:39
StevenKFor exactly this reason, I bet04:39
lifelesshave made private and recommended filing a bug on apport04:44
wgrantHave you unsubscribed everyone?04:45
wgrantWhat's the bug #?04:45
george_eAll of the builds from my recipe are failing with an unusual error. Here's one of the buildlogs: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/85234067/buildlog.txt.gz04:46
george_eThe error: "bzr: ERROR: No module named apt_pkg.04:47
george_eYou may need to install this Python library separately."04:47
lifelesswgrant: bug 49982104:47
ubot5Error: Could not gather data from Launchpad for bug #499821 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/499821). The error has been logged04:47
lifelesswgrant: just -security and -bugs left, which testificate was ok with04:47
wgrantgeorge_e: Fix for that is currently being rolled out04:47
lifelesswgrant: neither being inclusive04:47
wgrantlifeless: -bugs is roughly $world04:48
george_ewgrant: Will I be able to retry the build afterward without worrying about uploading the same version?04:48
lifelesswgrant: eh, requires coc + mentoring04:48
lifelessbut yeah, can delete it too I guess04:48
wgrantgeorge_e: Yes04:48
testificatewgrant: is -bugs not private?04:55
lifelesstestificate: its the folk that can do bug triage for Ubuntu; joining the team is open to folk that demonstrate trustworthiness, sign the coc, and learn the triage rules.04:57
lifelessyou can't just-join, and you can be removed if you are a problem04:58
testificatewell I suppose that's the best that can be done for now then05:00
george_eIs it possible to change the Git URL an automatic import pulls from for a branch?06:53
wgrantgeorge_e: You can't, but you can ask us to change it.06:56
wgrantAs long as it's the same repo, just moved.06:56
george_eCould you please change ~george-edison55/libwebp/trunk to pull from http://git.chromium.org/webm/libwebp.git06:57
george_eIt's got the old Git URL there.06:57
wgrantLet's see if that works.06:59
george_eThank you!06:59
george_eHopefully that will get the builds rolling again.07:00
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mirrakor_is there a statistic for PPA archives?11:19
tumbleweedany ideas why this bug can't be created via the API? http://paste.ubuntu.com/740135/12:14
wgranttumbleweed: Looks like your title has a newline at the end.12:21
wgrantWell, that's helpful.12:21
wgrant23:21:16 < wgrant> tumbleweed: Looks like your title has a newline at the end.12:24
tumbleweeddidn't think of that, thanks12:26
* tumbleweed tries to figure out where that came from12:26
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CarlFKI like pink and all, but... um.. not there.14:36
CarlFKis that really spozed to look like that? (and does anyone else think it is pretty hard to read?14:43
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Pegasus_RPGHello. I'm trying to add an ssh public key that I generated from an S/MIME certificate using a procedure I found on the Web. But Launchpad complains that the key is invalid. If I add extra words to the end, it takes it fine but incorporates the first extra word into the key instead of putting it as a coment16:31
Pegasus_RPGAm I doing something wrong?16:31
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SpamapSwas this a temporary error for daily builds? bzr: ERROR: No module named apt_pkg18:04
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SpamapSI had a bunch fail this morning18:05
lamontSpamapS: there was a rollout today APAC-time... could you do a test build and tell me if it still fails?18:05
SpamapSlamont: ack, running now18:06
SpamapSlamont: https://code.launchpad.net/~juju/+archive/pkgs/+recipebuild/119811 , expected in 4 hours.. ;)18:07
lamontthere. that's a bit better18:08
dobeySpamapS: yes, i saw a couple of those last night, and a rebuild worked fine18:11
lamontSpamapS: looks like a winner?18:14
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
SpamapSlamont: yes, sorry, had a phone call, thanks for the q jump. :)18:49
thomi|workHi - is there any way to force a recipe to be built for a new distro series? I've just enabled packages for natty on an existing recipe, and I want to trigger a build without touching the bazaar branch. Any ideas?18:58
jelmerthomi|work: you can request a build on the web page18:58
thomi|workjelmer: It's currently set to build daily. if I set it to build on request the "request build" button doesn't appear.18:59
thomi|workoh nuts - sorry, it hides down the bottom of the page. My bad.18:59
moo-how can i find the list of bugs that affect most people?19:00
jelmermoo-: go the the bugs page, then select "Order by number of users affected"19:01
moo-i dont find that19:03
jelmermoo-: there is a select box with "by importance"19:04
jelmerchange that to "by number of users affected"19:04
jelmernot sure if it works on the Ubuntu project though, it's got a lot of bugs19:04
moo-ah there19:04
moo-nspluginwrapper is #1, you can fix this easily by putting flash 64-bit in repository so ppl can use that instead of nspluginwrapper19:05
jelmermoo-: it's probably better to comment on the bug itself, this channel is about Launchpad, not Ubuntu19:07
jelmer(but please do read the other comments, I'm sure that if there was a simple solution it would've already been fixed)19:09
moo-there is a simple solution, put the 64-bit flash version in the repository19:13
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poolieSpamapS, lamont, dobey, yes, it was a bug21:12
poolieit's now fixed and deployed thanks to haw and lamont21:12
rillianhi. I'm trying to set up a launchpad mirror of https://git.xiph.org/opus.git21:36
rillianbut the imports seem to fail without actually pulling anything21:36
mwhudsonrillian: got a link to an import?21:36
mwhudsonis there a git:// protocol mirror?21:38
rillianyes, just s/https/git/21:39
mwhudsonhave you tried importing that?21:39
mwhudsonthat said21:39
mwhudsonbzr branch https://git.xiph.org/opus.git/ works just fine here21:39
rillianno. I did try http in case it was the authentication21:39
mwhudsonah, anyway:21:40
mwhudsonbzr: ERROR: The repository you are fetching from contains submodules. To continue, upgrade your Bazaar repository to a format that supports nested trees, such as 'development-subtree'.21:40
mwhudsonhi jelmer :-)21:40
rillianmwhudson, well, that's more than I got21:40
rillianI didn't think the repo had submodules though21:40
mwhudsonrillian: i changed the import to git and got http://launchpadlibrarian.net/85300633/xiph-opus-master.log21:42
mwhudsonrillian: which reflects what happened to me locally21:42
rillianok, so two problems21:43
rillian'git submodule status' prints nothing21:43
Resistanceis the bzr-builder ppa restricted to the recipe team?21:44
Resistanceor is there another way i can add that into my system?21:44
* Resistance wants to local-test a recipe first21:44
rillianmwhudson, apparently there are submodules somewhere in the history21:46
rilliandoes that mean we can't mirror now, o is the 'upgrade your Bazaar repository' message something you can act on?21:47
tumbleweedResistance: it tells you how to install it, in the project description: https://launchpad.net/bzr-builder21:47
Resistancetumbleweed:  then the page on the wiki needs updating - because that page links to a 403'd page21:48
Resistancetumbleweed:  Getting bzr-builder... You can install the bzr-builder plugin from this PPA:  https://launchpad.net/~dailydebs-team/+archive/bzr-builder21:49
Resistancethat 403s21:50
Resistanceor at least, says "Forbidden"21:50
Resistance(from https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/GettingStarted#Getting_bzr-builder )21:50
poolieResistance, the source is all out there21:50
pooliecan i ask why you want to run it?21:50
poolieoh i see21:50
poolieyou already said, to locally test it21:50
Resistance*before* troubling the builders :P21:51
* tumbleweed finds local testing vital when working on daily builds21:51
pooliei think the link is wrong21:51
Resistanceand also the advice on the page tumbleweed linked me is wrong21:51
Resistancethe code there that says to install/run it..21:51
Resistancethis happens:21:51
poolieyes that link21:51
Resistance[kahless /home/teward/testing]% bzr branch lp:bzr-builder ~/.bazaar/plugins/builder21:52
Resistancebzr: ERROR: Parent of "/home/teward/.bazaar/plugins/builder" does not exist.21:52
poolieoh well that's easy21:52
pooliemkdir -p ~/.bazaar/plugins21:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 891373 in Launchpad itself "help page is wrong about locally testing recipes" [Critical,Triaged]21:54
pooliewill try to look into it later21:54
Resistancedoes the debian/changelog version name just have to be whatever the base version is minus the ~{revno} stuff for the recipe?21:56
* Resistance is getting a crash if he includes {revno} in the changelog21:57
tumbleweeddon't worry about the changelog, the recipe build adds a new entry, with the version number based on your recipe21:58
Resistanceah good21:58
Resistancewth is this upstream source thing... its a bloody test recipe!21:59
Resistancethere is no upstream source :/21:59
jelmerResistance: your package probably disagrees (does it have the source format set to "3.0 (quilt)" or a version string that suggests a non-native package?)22:01
jelmerResistance: alternatively, you can specify --allow-fallback-to-native22:01
Resistancejelmer:  yeah it builds when i use --allow-fallback-to-native22:01
Resistancebut this'll need to work in PPAs, no?22:02
Resistancecan i even specify such a build string?22:02
* Resistance assumes not22:02
jelmerResistance: launchpad has --allow-fallback-to-native enabled by default22:02
Resistanceyeah it has the source format set to 3.0 (quilt)22:02
* Resistance slaps his templates22:02
jelmerResistance: "3.0 (quilt)" does suggest it's a non-native package, with an upstream source22:02
Resistancei'll have to fix those :P22:02
Resistancejelmer:  what should i change that to, if anything, to remove that?22:03
jelmerResistance: "3.0 (native)"22:03
Resistancejelmer:  where would the output be located?  http://pastebin.com/bkjS0gqq  <-- last thing there is a lintian E: line, followed by a W: line.22:04
Resistanceother than that, there's no errors22:04
jelmerResistance: I think the second argument is the target dir22:08
Resistancealso the lintian line might not show up anymore (to allow my system to stop yelling at me, i added teward@kahless to my active PGP key)22:09
Resistancejelmer:  well it built the source package correctly...22:09
Resistancejelmer:  theoretically, i'd have to pbuilder the source to determine whether it'll not explode, right?22:10

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