
pobHi all, I have a laptop with two HDDs and would like to install Ubuntu on the second HDD and preserve the MBR on the first disk.09:20
pobI had a bad experience on the past when installing on an external HDD.  Grub installed on the fixed HDD and wrecked my windows boot :(09:20
pobHow can I ensure that I preserve the MBR on the first HDD and install grub on the second.  Then I can use BIOS boot options to choose the HDD to boot?09:21
pobShort of physically removing one HDD :P09:22
IAmNotThatGuypob: You can install GRUB in the first HDD. You can make the grub access the Linux partition in the second hard disk09:22
pobI do not want anything changed on the first HDD at all.  I want to be able to choose which HDD to boot from the BIOS boot options.09:24
pobIs this possible?09:25
Snicksiegrub has (as far as i know) an option to choose where to install it ;)09:25
pobI do not remember being able to choose where GRUB installs itself.09:26
Snicksiewell, i know i did :)09:26
pobokay is it a command line option or is it available in the gui?09:26
Snicksieit was available in gui :)09:26
Snicksiebut you'll need to specify the installation place etc by yourself or it will choose the wrong option for you ;)09:27
Snicksie<< gone09:27
pobCool, I might give this a crack.   Will the grub install go out of it's way to remove the MBR on the first disk and provide a windows boot option?  This is want I don't want09:28
pobAnyone else got any advice before I take the plunge?09:36
IAmNotThatGuyI think that will work09:37
IAmNotThatGuygrub -install /dev/sda09:39
IAmNotThatGuythat is what I remember09:39
pobthat's a bit heavy for me,  I was going to install using the Ubuntu install gui09:44
coalwateris there a mozilla ppa for oneric10:50
* nlsthzn isn't sure... know there was for natty... or was that oneiric... >.<10:55
coalwaternlsthzn: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable10:56
IAmNotThatGuyNot sure about its stablility though10:58
nlsthzncoalwater, cool... that is the one I added on my previous install... however I haven't added it on this install yet... as I am sure I will stay current with the normal repo's ;)11:00
coalwaternlsthzn: what i meant is if u check u wont find natty nor oneric in that page11:42
nlsthznI guess this one serves all?11:42
coalwaterIAmNotThatGuy: i think it was grub-install, idk if grub -install works or not11:48
* IAmNotThatGuy blinks11:48
coalwateri was scrolling up because the power went out for a bit so i was checking what i missed11:49
stlsaints-fox: o/14:29
s-foxHello stlsaint , how are you?14:29
stlsaints-fox: great14:29
s-foxI am okay thank you14:34
Sassan_shNeed help with upgrading from 11.04 to 11.10 via CD-ROM15:02
stlsaintSassan_sh: did you select the cd-rom as a source for packages?15:08
* nlsthzn knows you can select upgrade when booting from the CD AFAIK15:09
Sassan_shhow to?15:09
nlsthznSassan_sh, anybody helping you at the moment or you still waiting for assistance?15:14
nlsthznSassan_sh, http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-upgrade-to-ubuntu-1104-natty.html check this out15:16
nlsthznit is very easy to upgrade via the CD15:16
stlsaintnlsthzn: aye, user pm'ed me, problem solved ;)15:25
nlsthznstlsaint, oh cool.... been busy chatting via PM with them too :p15:25
stlsaintnlsthzn: cool, all yours15:27
nlsthznnah like you said, all sorted ;)15:28
nlsthznstlsaint, just saw your call to arms on the forum... posted there just now :)15:29
hobgoblindidn't see the enormous spam posted before it though :)15:31
nlsthznnope, must have missed that bit15:32
stlsaintnlsthzn: you use UCE?15:41
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philipballew_ would it be possible to set up a vpn server remotely?17:23
pleia2philipballew_: a graphical interface that you vpn in to?17:48
philipballew_pleia2, no my cli server back home17:48
pleia2hm, what do you mean by "vpn server" exactly?17:49
philipballew_haha. sorry, I want so set up a vpn so I can vpn into my server and say use the network there and not have to deal with my schools annoying Internet filters17:50
pleia2there are a few things you can do, if you just want this for web browsing you can set up a web proxy that you connect your browser at school through (I use tinyproxy)17:52
philipballew_pleia2, alright I can look into that. seems simple enough17:52
pleia2yeah it's probably the easiest to configure17:52
philipballew_. alright. well I gtg. thanks and ill look into that17:53
MrChrisDruifphilipballew; was someone looking for help?17:54
coalwaterssh with -D would do the job quite nicely, but he poofed, unless the name without the _ could see lol17:55
pleia2MrChrisDruif: he was :)17:56
coalwateri use that a lot17:56
MrChrisDruifpleia2; philipballew was looking for help?17:56
pleia2MrChrisDruif: yes17:56
coalwaterphilipballew: try using ssh user@server -D [port number] then after logging in set up ur browser to use socks5 proxy with ip and port = same port in the ssh connection17:57
coalwateroh and -D [port] isnt the same as -p [port], -D is a local port18:01
coalwaterphilipballew_: still trying that vpn thing? or did u figure it out18:07
philipballew_coalwater, I was told I could use a proxy.18:08
philipballew_i knew I could use that18:08
coalwaterare u on ur pc ?18:08
philipballew_im on my laptop and my server I was gonna set a vpn on is 580 miles away. but i have ssh set up18:08
coalwatergood, u could use that18:09
coalwateru dont need vpn, i dont even know how to do that, u could use ssh with -D18:09
philipballew_what does tacking a cap d do coalwater ?18:09
coalwaterset a dynamic port, or w/e its called, any traffic sent to that port is sent to the server to handle it, u then set ur proxy to use a socks proxy with that port, so all ur browser traffic is sent encrypted to the server then the server hanadles it and sends the reply back18:11
coalwaterit can pass any kind of filters, unless the server it self is blocked i guess18:12
philipballew_well if my school wants to block my home personal server i might need to talk to them18:12
philipballew_can I do all this remotely?18:13
philipballew_alright. ill do something like this tonight probably18:14
coalwaterjust ssh user@server -p whatever -D any port, 8888 for example, then on the browser set it to socks proxy v5 with ip and port 8888 ( or w/e port u pick)18:14
coalwateru can use some proxy switching add onds to make it easier, if u are going to use it often18:15
philipballew_coalwater, though can I open a port remotely though?18:15
philipballew_i will be using it 24/718:16
coalwatero ok18:16
coalwaterbut u have to keep the ssh session active all the time18:16
coalwateru can do it on a tty screen i guess18:16
philipballew_hum. maybe I can set it up with network manager to connect to the proxy everytime I connect18:17
philipballew_coalwater, It seems doable to set up a proxy fairly easily18:19
coalwateri dont know, i only discovered it when i was on a vacation to anther country that blocked a whole lot of things lol,18:19
coalwaterfor some reason when i used a squid proxy it wasnt working so good, because somehow some sites still were blocked18:19
coalwaterbut using this method allows me to watch vids that are allowed to us people only for example18:20
philipballew_what country do you live in?18:20
philipballew_what part?18:21
coalwateridk, cairo lol18:21
coalwaterif u mean what city18:21
philipballew_yeah. Never been there, Maybe i will need to hit that up one day18:22
philipballew_anyway coalwater THanl you for the information. its gonna help me18:26
coalwaternp, u can really find a lot talking about it if u search for 'using putty with ssh as proxy ' or something like that, that's how i found it18:27
philipballew_alright. i have never used putty. I might need to give it a try soon18:28
coalwaterputty is for ssh on windows, u dont need it if u are on linux18:30
philipballew_for sure. you gotta wonder why windows does not have as good of a cli as linux and unix18:31
coalwateryea, i really got used to using terminal, on windows u find even basic things not available, i <3 terminal lol18:32
coalwaterwhen do I need the bind server and when do I not, and is it the same as the 'named' service19:17
steph_hello all, I have a question about resizing partition on a usb stick that contains an operating system. anyone have experience in this area?20:47
steph_it is fat32, containing debian live20:48
worpoleHi! having a pretty major problem i was hoping you could help with, i've started experiencing pretty major problems with internet connectivity. I am running the latest ubuntu version "Oneric Occelot"22:46
worpoleMy internet connection lately has been VERY VERY slow! Other users in the house are getting speeds of around 5 meg but my laptop running ubuntu acheives around 0.1 meg. I've tried troubleshooting the problem by disabling the wireless connection and using an ethernet connection but the speed is exactly the same (slow!). Any ideas what the problem may be?22:48
worpoleMy system is up to date, and im not running any other programs in the background doing downloads constantly (as far as i know!)22:49
bioterroris it slow to other computers too in the house?22:49
bioterroror just thru router to wan?22:50
worpoleAll the other computers in the house get a decent connection speed22:53
worpoleand there are 3 other computers running22:53
bioterrorbut you didnot answer to my question22:55
bioterrorwhat if you move data between your computer and one of the 322:55
bioterroris it slow too?22:56
worpoleoh, im sorry23:00
worpoleto be honest i havent tried that23:00
worpolehow would i go about it23:00
bioterrorscp, smb, nfs23:03
bioterrorpick one23:03
worpolesorry man, not sure what you mean. can you dumb it down a touch/23:04
bioterrorwindows shares, for example23:04
bioterrorie smb23:04
ubot2Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:05
worpoleah ok! cheers i'll give that a go and report back later. thanks23:05
bioterrorI'm off to bed23:06
bioterrorgood night ;)23:06

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