
johanbrwillwh, sorry... was away for a bit00:36
willwhgenii-around: !! :D00:37
willwhwe were worried... :)00:37
willwhwhere have you been?! :D00:37
willwhsomewhere exciting I trust?00:37
willwhjohanbr: np00:37
willwhI mailed the guy who threw that together - he said he's going to take a peek at it00:37
johanbrexactly what's the OS?00:37
genii-aroundwillwh: Heh. Work was busy and a 12.04 update broke my system so I had to wait ntil after work to figure it out00:38
willwhcat /proc/version; Linux version 2.6.38-12-generic-pae (buildd@vernadsky) (gcc version 4.5.2 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.5.2-8ubuntu4) ) #51-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 28 16:11:32 UTC 201100:38
* genii-around makes coffee00:38
johanbrwillwh, okay so it runs upstart... have a look at this: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/Debugging00:39
johanbrspecifically the "increase verbosity" part00:39
willwhUbuntu 11.04 \n \l00:39
willwhjohanbr: so now I am compuzzled :D01:55
willwhturn off quiet - turn on verbose01:55
willwhnothing useful at all01:55
willwhand indeed, even in boot.log01:55
willwhit shows:01:57
willwh * Starting daemon irssid                                                                                                                                                              [ OK ]01:57
willwhalthough there are some worrying entries in my boot.log01:58
willwhWarning: DocumentRoot [/home/willwh/public_html] does not exist01:58
willwhWarning: DocumentRoot [/home/willwh/drupalize/WowzaMediaServer/src] does not exist01:58
willwhWarning: DocumentRoot [/home/willwh/drupalize/WowzaMediaServer/src] does not exist01:58
willwhI think must be something bunk in one of my apache configs :)01:58
willwhcause those dirs definitely exist01:59
willwhcd ..02:06
willwhwups :)02:06
BluesKajHey all12:50
willwhhiya BluesKaj :)17:23
BluesKajhey willwh17:46
* genii-around puts on a pot of coffee17:53
* BluesKaj upgrades to 12.04 on the other pc/testbox18:50
BluesKajif 12.04 is a solid OS with fewr bugs than 11.10 then I might stick with it til the next LTS on this pc , sonce it's our media-server18:52
johanbrwillwh, any luck with irssid?23:31
willwhI think I'm going to reinstall23:33
willwhgot a really weird issue23:33
willwhsometi,mes my screen sessions totally puke23:33
willwhi.e. ctrl a+ g to open a new term inside screen23:33
willwhand it ends up at will@web/(unreachable)23:33
willwhso I think somethign mad broken23:33
johanbrwillwh, sounds like it23:51
johanbra reinstall may be the quickest option23:51
willwhtotal pain in the rear though :)23:58

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