
MacSlowhey folks08:10
=== johnoxton_ is now known as johnoxton
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
YoBoYhi designers :)13:12
YoBoYthere is a release date for the new design website (madebymake.something) ? My locoteam (ubuntu-fr) started to work on a new design and this site can really help us :)13:23
yailiYoBoY: not yet, I'm afraid, but I'm working on the schedule for that this week, as soon as possible, it's very important! :)13:26
yailiYoBoY: also, that won't be the correct url13:26
YoBoYyes sure :)13:27
doctormo-otherHave people seen the post on planet from Christian Giordano?13:31
YoBoYthere is some rules my team have to follow on top of the guidelines, or are we free to adapt these guidelines with our own ideas ? If I remember well my team was an example for a "type 3" ubuntu websites13:31
mhall119yaili: is there any help we can offer in getting the new design website out?13:31
doctormo-otherwendar: Could I grab your ear for a few minutes?13:31
YoBoYdoctormo-other: I have seen it and it was right on time. Our parisian party is over and I finally have more time to work on design13:33
yailimhall119: sadly, no, it's mainly logistics13:34
doctormo-othernuthinking: ping13:35
nuthinkingdoctormo-other: hi13:44
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=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
Andy80hi :)14:48
wendardoctormo-other: good morning :)14:56
wendardoctormo-other: have got one meeting in 5mins, but free after that14:56
mhall119Hi all, I've started a wiki page for the design team: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesignTeam15:39
mhall119I think we should discuss what the mission for this collaborative team should be, what we would like to see as goals, and where we should limit our scope15:39
=== nuthinking__ is now known as nuthinking
om26erI have a question, would the launcher have blur in future?16:22
sladenom26er: I think rosie/chaotic might have tried some experiements with blur in the design process17:04
sladenom26er: jaytaoko would be able to say what the actual situation on the implementation side is17:05
om26eri saw blur in the launcher sometime the Oneiric cycle IIRC17:05
om26erwould be good to have the launcher blurred, in some cases the totally transparent panel can be un clear on eyes, especially for BFB17:06
sladenom26er: yes, IIRC in Orlando rosie, Otto, Cimi and MacSlow(?) were looking at possibilities for making the background work a little more effectively17:07
om26ersladen, that's interesting and cool to hear :-)17:09
om26erlauncher needs to rock harder :-D17:10
sladenom26er: I think the general idea is to firm up what's there17:11
sladenom26er: eg. the reports of certain colour-combinations causing text<->background constrast issues17:11
MacSlowsladen, I was not directly involved in this particular discussion17:25
MacSlowI talked with Otto about other background-related stuff17:26
calcmandan_preHello folks18:02
om26erjaytaoko, continuing here, will the launcher have blur ?19:41
jaytaokoom26er: When the dash opens the launcher background becomes blurred19:41
jaytaokoom26er: same thing for the Dash and the panel.19:42
om26erand when there is not dash i.e. launcher over a maximized window is revealed, blurred launcher would look more attractive wont it?19:42
jaytaokoom26er: you are asking about having the blur be permanent in the launcher?19:42
om26eryes jaytaoko19:43
jaytaokoom26er: it is technically feasible. However there are a many reason why we don't do it at this stage.19:43
jaytaokoom26er: First it has to be part of the design.19:44
jaytaokoom26er: then there is the cost in resource and performance19:44
om26erI'll open a bug for that to see what design thinks about that19:44
om26eroh performance :/19:44
jaytaokoom26er: The launcher being always visible, having an active blur there is more demanding19:45
om26erjaytaoko, that would be more of a problem on slower GPUs19:45
om26ertoggle FTW! :-D19:45
jaytaokoom26er: right! Oneiric was our first release of the active blur. We can still improve on the technique we use19:46
jaytaokoom26er: So it is not excluded that we are going to make the active blur more optimized in the future.19:47
om26erjaytaoko, could I assume "future" to be LTS+1 or that may happen this cycle as well ?19:48
jaytaokoom26er: Not sure; the first requirement is to have design decide on the treatment they have for the launcher19:49
om26erjaytaoko, I will open a bug about that :-)19:49
jaytaokoom26er: in the mean time that doesn't stop us to find new ways to optimize the algorithm for the blur19:49
jaytaokoom26er: no problem!19:50
om26erjaytaoko, thanks for all the info :-)19:50
jaytaokoom26er: you're welcome :)19:51
* AlanBell wonders if the London design team folks would like to come out to play19:54
AlanBellwe have a pub meet on the 8th of December in Surbiton19:55
AlanBelland christmas meal on the 9th of december at Dans Le Noir in London19:55
* AlanBell further wonders if sabdfl is in town for that?19:56
sabdflDans le Noir tried to kill me20:01
sabdflmistook 'allergic to shellfish' for 'i'll have extra shrimp, please'20:02
sabdflit was entertaining :-)20:02
sabdflgreat night, otherwise20:02
AlanBellgosh, that isn't so clever20:03
AlanBellnice 'tashe by the way20:03
doctormo-othersabdfl: An attempt on your life! never!20:04
doctormo-otherAlanBell: We put in for lil-Violet's passport, I'm hoping I can come to that event still.20:04
popeyoh wow, you're coming too?20:04
popeyI've convinced Mrs Popey to come along too20:05
popeyI said that even though the place will be full of geeks, she wont be able to see them.20:05
doctormo-otherpopey: With the wife off on maternity leave and me off forever, the schedule is flexible. Matter of baby's schedule now ;-)20:05
AlanBelldoctormo-other: do sign up on the page, we have a hard limit of places and it is first come first serve, you can change your attendance up to 48 hours in advance20:06
popeyDo you have someone to look after mini-mo whilst you're eating unknown food product in the dark?20:07
doctormo-otherhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1409/detail/ <- popey like the new design for listing attendees?20:09
doctormo-otherAlanBell: Job done.20:10
AlanBellyay \o/20:17
doctormo-otherpopey: Probably will be the wife, or my good friends in Surrey.20:18
doctormo-other...looking after the lil one.20:18
pleia2doctormo-other: lyz is my lp name, pleia2 won't work (that's why I changed it)23:03
doctormo-otherpleia2: I forgot why I needed it.23:05
popey  23:13
wendarpleia2: oh, good I just fixed workitem in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-p-ux-participation23:46
pleia2thanks :)23:46

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