
* xjjk eagerly awaits the next Aurora01:26
atulagrwlI am on ubuntu 11.10 (64 bit) and even after adding ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa, I am getting firefox10.0~a1~hg20111108r79928-0ubuntu1~umd1 while trying to install firefox-trunk. Is there any known issue or problem with my system only?06:24
micahgatulagrwl: the daily is currently failing to build06:25
atulagrwlmicahg, okay.06:26
atulagrwlmicahg, I guess it will take some time to resolve !!06:27
micahgwell, there were some changes made and new builds in the queue, idk if they'll actually build or not (merges welcome with fixes :), check with chrisccoulson first so as not to duplicate work)06:28
atulagrwlmicahg, build problem is not in the upstream right06:31
micahgusually not06:31
atulagrwlmicahg, let me check if I can do something about it.. getting the source right now06:32
micahgatulagrwl: you might want to wait for today's builds06:33
atulagrwlOkay.. I will wait for today's builds but in the mean time I will get the source and fire the build :)06:34
micahgatulagrwl: I think this is something chrisccoulson will need to fix in the global menu extension06:34
micahgatulagrwl: if you're interested in helping to maintain the PPAs though, you can chat with chrisccoulson, he should be online in 2-4 hours06:35
atulagrwlI will do that but I don't have any experience in maintaining packages06:36
micahgoh, that was yesterday's build that just was built a few hours ago...06:36
micahgyeah, today's builds should have progress06:37
atulagrwlhmm.. so today's change will take be built tomorrow?06:45
micahgit's starting in 1hr supposedly06:46
atulagrwlchrisccoulson, May I know what is the problem with firefox-trunk?11:25
chrisccoulsoni've no idea, couldn't you be a little bit more specific please?11:25
xjjkwoo new aurora11:35
atulagrwlchrisccoulson, Sorry for not being specific, When I try to download firefox-trunk, I am getting firefox10.0 but I see firefox11.0 in the upstream as well on the launchpad page. micahg told me that there has been some build failures.11:36
chrisccoulsonthat's right11:38
chrisccoulsonthose are fixed now, there will probably be new builds in the next publisher run11:39
atulagrwlchrisccoulson, Thanks a lot.. waiting for the new builds now :)11:46
atulagrwlGot the new package via upgrade.. Thanks a lot chrisccoulson13:21
chrisccoulsonatulagrwl, cool :)13:44
atulagrwlchrisccoulson, Is there any help needed in maintaining PPAs? I can help but I don't have any experience in packaging13:47
DannyButtermanOne of my ubuntu user has recurring errors with firefox, though it can't be reproduced : it occasionally doesn't display bookmarks anymore and browsing is no more possible. I don't know how to fix it, yet alone how to find what's happening14:05
DannyButtermanCan someone help me ?14:05
DannyButtermanPlease ?14:07
DannyButtermanHello (lo... lo... lo.....)14:20
nikolamomg those FF versions are starting to be annoying. Mozilla tries to do something with versioning that eludes my reasoning..14:20
nikolamAt least Seamonkey is not following that line of thinking. For time being.14:21
bhearsumnikolam: Firefox is releasing the same number of versions as before14:21
bhearsumyou should focus on what's in them, not on the number14:22
bhearsumthe fact is, you're getting features and performance improvements every 6 weeks instead of just security fixes14:22
nikolambut version numbers are booming. Soon we will have FF 2830 and then what.14:23
nikolamIsnt it actually nightmare2 mozilla street for website devs?14:24
chrisccoulsonwhy? it's just a number, like it always has been14:27
chrisccoulsonand jumping in here with "omg those FF versions are starting to be annoying" is unlikely to win you any sympathy in here btw :-)14:28
nikolamWell I have an opinion :)14:29
nikolamI alwas associated nice, round version numbers with long time supportable releases. And that is what people mostly want.14:29
nikolamSecurity patched medium long supported releases. Stability.14:30
nikolamI just figured newer lightning does not work for me on TB 8 and TB 3 eather. So frustration on versioning.14:31
nikolamlightning 114:31
chrisccoulsonthat's nothing to do with versioning, but rather the fact that lightning ships binary components14:32
chrisccoulsonyou could call tb 8 something like tb 3.8 and it still wouldn't make any difference14:32
chrisccoulsonlike i said, it's just a number14:32
nikolamSo how do I know it is long supported if its versions are going to so high numbers. At least how customers would know it is just a number.14:34
chrisccoulsonwell, here we go16:47
chrisccoulsonupdating to precise now16:47

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