[02:15] cjwatson: Well, "last" on nusaken doesn't show many suspects. [02:17] nusakan, too. My fingers still need training. [02:17] infinity: so you then? (it's not a problem, I was just wondering) [02:18] cjwatson: No, not me. ;) [02:19] I have no idea then. Apparently only the two of us were logged in. [02:19] Maybe screen confuses 'last' in places. [02:19] Almost certainly. [02:19] So, nevermind that. :P [02:20] Oh. Or maybe the failure mail was just massively delayed? [02:20] Logs might know. [02:21] Or it was the build was stuck on a lock for eonss ... [02:21] lag! [02:22] That's the weird thing. I have failure mails, but http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/precise/ubuntu/ doesn't show anything later than this morning's daily. [02:22] Oh well. [02:23] Maybe the new cdimage is hurtling through a wormhole. [02:25] So that's what the twelfth core is doing [02:30] cjwatson: Is there a reason, BTW, why cdimage has an anaemic .bashrc? [02:30] cjwatson: (colour ls and histdups and some other things might be nice, but I figured maybe you had a reason to want to avoid leak or something) [02:32] not especially, it probably just dates from 2004 [02:32] feel free to improve it [02:32] -rw-r--r-- 1 cdimage cdimage 22 Aug 21 2005 /home/cdimage/.bashrc [02:32] I as close [02:33] *was [02:33] Heh. [02:33] cjwatson: I might just grab a current one from skel, then. [05:24] cjwatson: FTR, I didn't request any live builds in precise so far [11:12] cjwatson, i need to build some daily-live armel images for jani, where would i add an entry in etc/default-arches, seems there is no general "ubuntu, daily-live,*,$ARCHES" in the table anywhere [11:13] would that be the last entry (all wildcards apart from the $ARCHES entry) ? [11:14] even though its temporary i dont want to mess up again ... [11:15] if you just want to do it by hand, you can just set ARCHES in the environment when building [11:15] ah, k [11:17] err [11:17] ogra@antimony:~$ sudo -u cdimage -i [11:17] [sudo] password for ogra: [11:17] s/antimony/nusakan/ [11:17] ah, damned we have a new server [11:17] yeah, just struck me [11:17] cdimage@antimony was disabled to stop you mistakenly using it :) [11:18] heh [11:18] (please also remember to change bzr configuration in local branches that push to antimony) [11:18] i only use antimony branches locally on antimony ... [11:19] bah, and nusakan isnt in the ubuntu namespace anymore [14:08] can we have something in the transition tracker runner to remove old output? === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch [16:11] * ogra_ sighs about the mess buildlive became for armel [16:11] and the worst is that i cant just blame anyone else ... all my fault *sniff* === Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha