
uvirtbotNew bug: #890917 in bacula (main) "bacula won't uninstall" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89091700:11
Roastedanybody tinker with 11.10 in a Meru wireless network yet?00:14
kaushalIs there a way to implement chroot home directory using sftp in openssh server 4.7 ?00:38
kaushalI am on Ubuntu Server 8.0400:39
jandruskTry http://shapeshed.com/journal/chroot_sftp_users_on_ubuntu_intrepid/00:42
kaushaljandrusk: the version mentioned is 4.900:43
kaushalopenssh-server version is 4.7 in 8.04 LTS00:44
qman__correct, that functionality was not available in that version00:50
qman__you must use a traditional jail, I've used jailkit in the past00:50
qman__caveats being said jail applies to the user in all contexts, not just SFTP, and it requires more effort to set up00:51
qman__my suggestion is to upgrade00:51
qman__hardy's only got about a year and a half left on it for support as it is00:52
Roastedanybody tinker with 11.10 in a Meru wireless network yet?00:53
twb+1 for internal-sftp + chroot00:56
jandruskWhy not just upgrade to the latest?01:38
qman__LTS has its merits to be sure01:39
qman__but I would upgrade to lucid01:39
twblucid is lts anyway01:42
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kklimondahmm, are server upgrades from 6.06 to 10.04 (or from 8.04 to 12.04) supported?01:51
qman__they were, and may still be01:51
qman__6.06 to 8.04 may be tricky but was a supported option01:52
qman__8.04 to 10.04 is supported and 10.04 to 12.04 will be supported01:52
qman__if you mean skipping an upgrade, then the answer is no01:53
qman__they must be done incrementally01:53
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade02:02
twbkklimonda: there is copious documentation.  If you have read it and still have problems, ask away02:02
twb(As qman says, you need to upgrade to each LTS in turn.)02:02
kklimondaI don't really have problems :) I was just wondering if skipping LTS is supported (Kubuntu team did support upgrades that skipped releases, I was wondering if maybe server team does that too)02:09
twbAFAIK no02:11
=== Guest66271 is now known as jasef
jMylesI'm trying to get a computer to boot via PXE to my Orchestra Server, but I'm not running DD-WRT and I don't exactly understand the role of the "Static Lease"03:25
jrwr|offlinea Static lease is where a router gives a machine the same IP everytime via DHCP03:26
twbjMyles: do you have access to the dnsmasq.conf ?03:29
jMylestwb: I'm using Zentyal, which I think uses dhcp3 instead of dnsmasq03:31
twbOK that has an icky format but can be done03:31
twbIn dnsmasq you jsut say "go use /etc/ethers"03:31
qman__also known as a DHCP reservation, in dhcp3 it's defined in a host block03:45
qman__like so: http://pastebin.com/11i0wgW203:46
twbI call it "fixed DHCP" to avoid confusion with static (non-DHCP) allocations03:46
qman__I call it reservations because that's the microsoft term, and microsoft DHCP was the first time I'd ever heard of or used it03:50
qman__and yes, "static DHCP" is very prone to confusion03:51
qman__and, unlike most microsoft terms, that one is unambiguous and technically accurate03:52
twbI don't know anything about microsoft03:54
twbIt's fixed like a nail, not like a dog03:55
jMylesOK, got around the Zentyal issue.  Now, when we boot via PXE, we are given a list of profiles, but not the 'system' with the image (iso) that we have specified.04:23
twbWHich one is zentyal again04:25
twbOh it's one of the webmin/cpanel things04:25
twbturnkey ebox distro04:26
cgkadesIt seems that I havent had any updates to my server in a few months. Any idea how to track down if 1) I'm up to date 2) if something is blocking updates?04:29
twbcgkades: check if sources.list looks sane, run apt-get update, run apt-get dist-upgrade --dry-run04:30
jMylesWe can't seem to make orchestra work - if we pick one of the prefab profiles it goes through the kickstart and then hangs.  We don't have an option to boot an image.04:30
twbjMyles: dunno about orchestra, sorry.  All my stuff is in-house work that predates it.04:30
SpamapSboutil: jMyles using 11.10 ?04:31
SpamapSjMyles: using 11.10 ?04:31
twbcgkades: also check your release (lsb_release -a) and see if it has been end-of-lifed, in which case there are no updates, but you should upgrade to a new release04:31
jMylesyep 11.1004:32
SpamapSjMyles: hangs on the first boot or still during the installer?04:32
cgkadestwb: looks like i'm on 9.10 i thought i was on 10.04 LTS04:32
jMylesSpamapS: It goes through what looks like the initrd, past DHCP config, and then hangs on the pinkish screen04:32
twbSpamapS: why does orchestra use ks instead of preseeding?04:33
cgkadestwb: thanks for the help04:33
SpamapStwb: it doesn't04:34
SpamapStwb: but cobbler was built around the word kickstart.. so sometimes kickstart is used as the word. But it is definitely built on pre-seeds.04:34
twbAh, cobbler comes from the FC world?04:34
SpamapSYeah, Cobbler just moved off Fedorahosted onto Github today actually04:35
SpamapSjMyles: have to run, but if its hanging during the install, you should see the logs on the cobbler server. If its hanging on first boot, try booting without 'quiet' and with '--verbose' on the grub cmdline04:37
* SpamapS disappears04:37
twbRTFL FTW :P04:37
jMylesSpamapS: Where and when during the PXE boot am I supposed to see the images or systems I create in the cobbler gui?04:38
jMylesSpamapS: BTW, I am also getting a python AttributeError when I try to create an image: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'os_version04:40
twbjMyles: dunno about orchestra, but normally PXE boot will load the PXE ROM off the local h/w, that will do a DHCP request, it will then do TFTP to fetch $filename (usually pxelinux.0) from the TFTP server (defaults same as DHCP server).04:46
jMylestwb: That part seems to be working in this case.04:46
twbOnce pxelinux.0 takes over it usually tries to fetch a MAC- or IP-specific .cfg file, falling back to pxelinux.cfg/default.  THAT then usually tells it to load some more config files, a menu.c32 or similar, etc, allowing the user to pick a boot option04:47
twbOnce they do, pxelinux.0 THEN will pull down (still over TFTP) a kernel and ramdisk, and these are loaded.04:47
twbThey then will follow their coding and boot: options to find and pull down everything else, usually preseed.txt or so coming down either via TFTP (very new) or HTTP/FTP/NFS (traditional)04:48
twbOh, during that last pull down there will be a second DHCP request, which a clever DHCP server might serve something different for04:48
patdk-lapgpxe is nice, downloads and configs over http05:06
patdk-lapbut I just can't get the damned thing to fit in under a 64k rom05:06
patdk-lapatleast not with iscsi support, haven't attempted it without iscsi05:06
twbEh, TFTP is a better protocol for the job05:06
patdk-lapthat depends05:07
patdk-laptftp has no authenication or protection05:07
twbI admit the setup is a pain if you don't already have a TFTPd and you DO have an HTTPd05:07
patdk-lapand I dunno any tftp that allow scripts to change the returned files05:07
patdk-lapbut my goal was to add iscsi netboot, to systems that didn't have iscsi nic05:08
twbYou mean like CGI instead of static HTTP?05:08
twbIMO if you're getting fancy like that (or auth) then OK, http05:08
twbBut I think it's a bit silly to be serving secrets during the boot process...05:08
patdk-lapI think some things also get odd, and do http range requests for boot also, not sure though05:08
twbstatic serving, put the smarts inside the pxelinux.0 (or equivalent) chainloader, no secrets so no auth needed05:09
patdk-lapnot sure of the idea there is05:09
patdk-lapunless it's just to keep unautherized people off that network05:09
twbfuse curlftpfs is pretty cute for mounting the sq over HTTP (using range requests), but I think I'll stick to nfs/nbd/aoe :-)05:09
patdk-lapsecrets burned into rom, with https05:09
twbpatdk-lap: if you want to keep unauthorized people off the net then bloody well lock it down properly (physical layer, etc), not in the bootloader :-/05:10
patdk-laptwb, hard to do that in a classroom05:10
twbOh is this one of those stupid things where lecturers want to make sure people who are studying other classes shouldn't get access to their teaching materials05:11
patdk-lapdoubt that05:11
patdk-lapmore of a thing of ignoring random things that shouldn't be on the network I guess05:11
patdk-lapjust seen people doing it05:11
twbIf students have physical access, they can bring in their own gear unless you lock it down in the switch with MAC whitelisting &c05:11
patdk-lapnever really played with why, myself05:11
twbI mean, what's the attack vector that they're trying to close05:12
patdk-lapno clue05:12
qman__IME it's more incompetence or resources limiting things05:12
qman__my university had the problem every time the linux 101 course hit DHCP they'd bring the whole LAN down05:12
twbqman__: certainly IME teaching staff are clueless about tech :-/05:13
qman__because they were either too dumb or too cheap to put a router in that room05:13
twbqman__: haha, and STP05:13
twbqman__: I have several stupid customers that have STP-less SXs, and regularly they will plug the SX into itself05:13
twb<bam> no more net05:13
patdk-lapI really should bother with stp more05:14
twbpatdk-lap: like, at all? ;-P05:14
patdk-lapmy switchs will heal themselfs05:14
patdk-lapbut they bring things up and down for a few min before it settles down05:14
twbyou probably paid extra for name-brand switches05:14
twbAnd not a name like "Hong's Lucky Dragon genuine IOS-compatibule"05:16
patdk-lapall my cisco switchs died a quick death05:16
twbSo what, procurve?05:16
patdk-lapnever liked hp05:17
patdk-lapatleast switchs05:17
patdk-lapnormally go with the netgear l3 switchs05:17
patdk-laponly have had the poe models of those ever fail me05:18
twbnetgear's just cisco these days05:18
patdk-lapthat is linksys05:18
twbOh, sorry05:18
twbBrain fart05:18
patdk-lapand I would never call linksys switchs cisco05:18
patdk-lapif it doesn't run ios it's not cisco05:19
patdk-lapI think all catos is dead these days05:19
patdk-lapI do use cisco switchs in the hp blade systems05:22
patdk-laponly cause I don't trust the hp switchs at all05:22
patdk-lapman, long past sleep time05:23
=== scar[w]_ is now known as scar[w]
T3CHKOMMIEhey guys, im trying to set up some special hard drive mirroring stuff. I am trying to get hardive to mirror with an external hardrive, and idea how to set up this type of RAID 1?06:41
twbT3CHKOMMIE: don't do that06:47
T3CHKOMMIEtwb, its an experiment for an OS I am testing.06:48
twbT3CHKOMMIE: USB HDD enclosures are flaky enough that you'll be dumped into degraded mode regularly06:48
twbdegraded mode = won't boot without a human holding its hand06:48
T3CHKOMMIEits not a boot drive. ive got that on another exter device. its just a simple partition im trying to key "synced" with the orignal on the pc.06:48
twbASIDE from that caveat, you should be able to simply tell mdadm to use /dev/sda and /dev/sdb, where they are the internal and external drivers respectively.06:48
twbIf you're just trying to keep *files* synced, use rsync, not RAID06:49
T3CHKOMMIEis rsyn instantanious?06:49
twb(Come to think of it, the slow speed of USB2 would kill you're I/O to the main disk as well, even with write-behind enabled.)06:49
twbT3CHKOMMIE: no, rsync is a batch process06:50
twbStupid bot06:50
T3CHKOMMIEya im trying to get instantanious syncing. :(06:50
twbT3CHKOMMIE: you aren't gonna get what you want06:50
twbT3CHKOMMIE: not without some crippling tradeoffs wrt. speed and robustness, anyway06:50
T3CHKOMMIEwell then, looks like im back to programming this shit by hand.06:50
twbhttp://rsnapshot.org/ <-- I recommend this06:50
twbT3CHKOMMIE: if you're programming, then is this for a database or something?06:51
T3CHKOMMIEits a data structure I am designing. and I am trying to get it off the ground. I am using a combination of a few hard drives, jump drives and NILFS to get a web server set up that can go down, come back online with only a few seconds of down time and almost no data loss.06:53
T3CHKOMMIEso far i got it all working. i am just trying to get my internal media to be 100% cloned to my external media with in a minute of write.06:53
T3CHKOMMIEi was thinking if i did a softRAID ( i know its clunky and risky) i would have exactly two bit for bit copies one one internal drive and one external that i could then move to hardware that is working and have no down time for my site.06:54
T3CHKOMMIEI am almost 100% possitive im going to meet my goal. I just need to figure out how to keep my /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdc1 identical... RAID1 seemed to be the obvious choise.06:55
twbThat sounds like EC2's job06:56
twb"der cloud"07:01
twbRapid provisioning, high availability, etc.07:02
T3CHKOMMIEya, its just something for my small site... i cant afford cloud space :(07:03
SensivaHello, I upgraded a xen vps jaunty server to karmic using alternate CD method, and now the server opens the maintenance shell opens, and it doesn't continue to boot. Any ideas what to do?07:21
SpamapSSensiva: no reason given, just right into the maintenance shell?07:48
SensivaSpamapS http://pastebin.com/fRfxE43N07:49
SpamapSSensiva: ahh, looks like / needs an fsck..07:51
SensivaI did07:51
SpamapSSensiva: it turns up clean then?07:51
Sensivanow aptitude tells that upstart is broken (unmet dependencies)07:51
SensivaSpamapS yes07:51
SpamapSNot sure I ever really trust aptitude. ;)07:52
SpamapSstill, so after an fsck, you were able to boot.. but then something else was broken?07:52
SensivaI got the maintenance shell after upgrade reboot, tried fsck then reboot. no luck07:54
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SpamapSSensiva: sorry to give you any false hope.. Its about time I went to bed. :p07:59
SpamapSSensiva: maybe try mounting the root fs next tho07:59
Sensivait's mounted read only08:00
args[0]g #macosx08:00
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koolhead17hi all09:16
koolhead17hola Daviey09:23
SyriaHello, I have installed phpmyadmin, mysql-server, apache and php5 on my server, how can I know what is the data base host address? it has to be the same ip address of the server right?09:40
ersiBy default, it's configured to listen to all interfaces if I'm not mistaken. So any address the server has, it'll respond on port 330609:41
ersiBut you can't log on remotely, unless you first configure users/hosts09:41
Syriaersi:  I am trying to install wordpress remotly from another computer on the same LAN and this is the IP of the server and I connect to phpmyadmin using it but when I type it as data base host it doesn't work! username and password are correct.09:43
ersiYeah, for the same reason I stated above :)09:44
ersiyou need to command line hax this boat up the creek first09:44
Syriaersi: How can I do that please?09:45
ersiSyria: That's a part of administrating a MySQL database. I'd recommend looking at: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/adding-users.html09:46
ersispecifically the GRANT statement09:46
Syriaersi:  Thank you.09:47
Syriaersi:  I have done this on a my VPS before and I didn't face such probelms. May I know why did this happen please?09:48
ersiyou probably followed a guide which told you do issue some GRANT statement :)09:49
ersiOr you had PHPMyAdmin on localhost, and logged on as root09:50
ersias in on the VPS09:50
SyriaI know nothing about coding and that grant thing scared me a lot. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/grant.html09:51
Syriaersi: On my VPS I was installing wordpress from my GUI browser firefox.09:52
KaZeR_Whi there09:57
KaZeR_Wi'm still having some issues with preseed. i just installed a server using this network preseed : http://pastie.org/2871469 and after installation the host is using dhcp. what's wrong?09:57
Syriaersi: I have created a new user and the problem is solved.. thank you :)10:00
ersiSyria: Awesome :-)10:04
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lynxmanmorning o/10:17
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uvirtbotNew bug: #891071 in puppet (main) "puppet lucid backport doesn't support upstart" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89107110:51
KaZeR_Wfor the life of me, i can't understand how to preseed a server using static ip settings. it's always using dhcp in the end10:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #891085 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.8.5-2~build0.11.04 failed to install/upgrade: подпроцесс установлен сценарий post-installation возвратил код ошибки 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89108510:55
jehoshua02htaccess mod_rewrite is kicking my trash today. I have a fresh Ubuntu LAMP server. How do I get rewrite to work?11:20
xranbyjehoshua02: 1. update the config to first enable the module then add the rewrite  and 2. restart the server11:21
jehoshua02xranby: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Edit_Apache_Configuration11:22
uvirtbotjehoshua02: Error: "???" is not a valid command.11:22
jehoshua02This one right? /etc/apache2/apache2.conf11:22
jehoshua02I'm unfamiliar with the layout of apache2 config files.11:22
xranbyjehoshua02: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_rewrite.html11:24
xranbyjehoshua02: can you paste what your rewrite rules look like?11:25
jehoshua02I need to enable the mod first.11:25
jehoshua02If I have problems with the rules I'll let you know.11:25
xranbyjehoshua02: to enable the mod add   RewriteEngine on11:26
jehoshua02xranby: sudo a2enmod rewrite11:26
jehoshua02looks like that just creates a symlink in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/, which is what I tried already.11:28
jehoshua02k, so there must be something else.11:28
xranbyjehoshua02: yes you need to update the configuration files11:31
jehoshua02xranby: I think it's AllowOverride in the site default11:31
xranbyjehoshua02: than you can create a .htaccess  file with the rest of the configuration in the webservers www folder11:32
xranbythis file needs to contains three lines11:32
xranby1.  RewriteEngine On11:32
xranby2. RewriteBase   /xyz11:32
xranby3. RewriteRule   ^oldstuff\.html$  newstuff.html11:32
xranbyjehoshua02: have you restarted the apache server using apache2ctl restart ?11:34
jehoshua02hmm... still not working.11:35
xranbyjehoshua02: double check that       AllowOverride All11:35
xranbyjehoshua02: can you paste what your rewrite rules looks like?11:36
jehoshua02  1 Options +FollowSymLinks11:37
jehoshua02  2 RewriteEngine On11:37
jehoshua02  3 RewriteBase /11:37
jehoshua02  4 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f11:37
jehoshua02  5 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d11:37
jehoshua02  6 RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php/$111:37
xranbyif you have the 1-6 numbers in the config file then remove the numbers11:38
jehoshua02xranby: the numbers are only part of vim configuration.11:38
jehoshua02xranby: any other ideas?11:46
xranbyjehoshua02: pasye any error mesasge you recive11:46
xranbyand check your access log11:46
jehoshua02403 forbidden11:46
xranbycan the webserver access the folder?11:47
jehoshua02inside that folder theres the .htaccess, index.php, and media/11:48
jehoshua02index.php and media/ are symlinks.11:48
xranbyjehoshua02: tro figure out why you get a 403 forbidden.. it are totally unrelated to the rewrite rules11:53
jehoshua02xranby: I know. Never said they were.11:54
jehoshua02ah, I mentioned htaccess at the start. sorry.11:55
spoonbowGood morning12:27
* spoonbow slaps spoonbow around a bit with a large trout12:28
atommshi! i've got a cron that properly uses sendmail to send mails but when i use a php webform to send mails they go nowhere, is php using also sendmail for delivery?12:29
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atomms#debian +l 117712:54
atommsMode #debian +l 1177 by debhelper12:54
Guest9461hi there12:56
Guest9461I am trying to rdesktop via a ubuntu server but i'm not getting a connection, I'm connecting to a VM via headless mode, the only thing i've changed on the host was the hostname, would this cause the rdesktop to error? I am still trying to connect via the IP12:58
jehoshua02Guest9461: Just curious, is this a VirtualBox server? I have one setup. I had to make sure Guest Additions were properly installed to get rdp and other features working.13:10
Guest9461it's a ubuntu server and virtualbox is installed onto it13:11
Guest9461I then ssh into the server and launch VBoxHeadless13:11
Guest9461and then rdesktop into the server13:12
jehoshua02Guest9461: Cool. I have the same thing. I use PHPVirtualBox installed on my laptop to connect to the server though.13:12
jehoshua02PHPVirtualBox has a flash component that does the rdp.13:12
Guest9461nice? and what are the benefits to that?13:12
jehoshua02Web-based management of VBox VMs.13:13
jehoshua02Instead of having to remember all the command lines for Vboxmanage13:13
Guest9461eitherway, I just changed the hostname of the server, and the damn rdesktop command is no longer working, and I can't find out why13:13
Guest9461Oh, that's nice...13:13
jehoshua02Guest9461: It's possible.13:13
Guest9461I just read it all up and setup the one box as it's a free (kinda) way of using windows on my server13:14
Guest9461hmmmm yea, wish I never did... silly move really...13:14
jehoshua02Here's the steps I followed to setup everything, including PHPVirtualBox: http://www.grokensteins.org/2011/11/ubuntu-1004-lts-virtualbox-412.html13:14
jehoshua02Guest9461: But about your host name problem...13:15
* jehoshua02 thinking13:15
jehoshua02Guest9461: Can you connect to the server via IP instead of hostname?13:15
Guest9461nope, always used the IP13:15
Guest9461i can ssh in fine via the terminal13:16
Guest9461and even run the virtual machine via headless mode13:16
jehoshua02Guest9461: then I don't see why changing the host name would break anything.13:16
Guest9461VBoxHeadless -s NAMEOFMACHINE13:16
Guest9461but rdesktop isn't connecting into it...13:16
Guest9461it's not a firewall, as i've checked and also checked on different connections13:17
jehoshua02Guest9461: you were able to rdp before correct?13:17
Guest9461i've just done a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and am updating virtualbox to see if that makes a difference13:17
Guest9461yes always13:17
ersiGuest9461: Have you installed the extras? You need to have those to get VRDP13:17
ersiThe regular package doesn't have the extras with them13:17
ersiVRDP == extra13:17
jehoshua02Guest9461: yep, maybe try reinstalling Guest Additions.13:18
Guest9461yes the extras were always installed as I was rdesktop'ing into it fine earlier13:18
Guest9461okay brb13:18
Guest9461but I know the extras are installed13:18
ersiHave you upgraded virtualbox? In that case, reinstall the Extpack13:18
jehoshua02Guest9461: ah, yes, right, there's guest additions, and there's the extras. Perhaps you'll need to reinstall one/both.13:18
ersiI had this trouble when going from 3.X to 4.X13:19
Guest9461as the VBoxHeadless -s NAME command is bringing up "listening on 3389"13:19
ersiYeah, but it doesn't bind to it right? If you netstat13:19
Guest9461so it's listening, just not connecting....13:19
ersiI was quite confused when that happened as well13:19
Guest9461it's odd as I was in it earlier today, and I just decided to change the server hostname, and that's it, so the only thing I could have thought of13:20
Guest9461unless the crappy XP vdi broke?13:20
Guest9461it's an XP vm13:20
ersiunlikely, you should atleast get a blackscreen RDP in that case I think13:20
Guest9461I just get denied13:21
ersiI'd try #vbox on freenode, those guys kick ass at debugging VBox13:21
Guest9461i've tried rdesktop via linux 2 machines and also via windows 7 on another machine13:21
ersibut I'd still recommend doing an extpack clean and reinstall13:21
Guest9461okay np i'll reinstall right now see if I can sort it and then if not i'll head there13:21
Guest9461also I did learn more jehoshua02 introduced me (just) to PHPvirtualbox13:23
ersiYeah, I'm checking it out as well - it seems sweet. It's grown a lot more since last time I checked it out13:23
jehoshua02Guest9461, ersi: it's figgin sweet. Incredible work.13:24
jehoshua02Guest9461: I run PHPVirtualBox in WAMP on my laptop.13:24
Guest9461i guess it's all getting more popular, I was thinking at the time I learned this I was one of the few people in the world crazy enough to do it all this way... guess it's clearly not the case lol13:24
jehoshua02Guest9461: Actually, I think that us crazy people just know how to find eachother.13:25
Guest9461lol :)13:25
Guest9461well... xchat for me ;) lol13:26
ersiIt's still using the IRC protocol ;)13:27
Guest9461yea I knew i'd get that as soon as i hit enter... i was always memorised from an early age by the MIRC logo and the smiley lol13:27
ersiyeah, I figured :)13:28
jehoshua02I hate smileys :)13:37
zulgood morning13:54
elz89!ask | zul13:56
ubottuzul: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:56
Davieyelz89: Did i miss where zul asked to ask a question?13:58
ersiDaviey: Yes, you and me both, buddy.13:58
elz89Daviey: I thought he may have said 'good morning'to check if anyone was around?13:58
ersizul: g'day! :)13:59
Davieyelz89: ah, no - This is zul's office, he walked in and said Hi.  He is a respected member of the ubuntu server team :)13:59
zuli dunno about respected :)14:00
elz89Ahh sorry I am relatively new, zul, my appologies.14:00
elz89And I have just come from spending some time watching over #ubuntu and trying to help people. You know how heated it gets over there. lol.14:01
ersiYeah, hehe14:01
Davieyelz89: Welcome!@14:02
elz89Daviey: what is that?14:03
Davieya 'welcome' with a typo before i pressed enter.14:03
elz89Daviey: thank you, I am not going to be very valued, as I am still a pup. I have been into linux for a couple of years now. I run my own homebrew stuff, and I have just finished converting my Mum, Step Dad, Little bro and Little sisters computers to Ubuntu, (sis runs Lubuntu - crap PC), then they have a ubuntu server there backup up, media server, dhcp, dns, ntp etc... still playing around and trying to learn and servers.14:07
hallynDaviey, hey, last night i did the syslog-ng merge request just bc i didn't have perms to push it to the archive myself.  if i prefer i can sling you a debdiff (though it'll be huge, since its an upstream merge)  it tests fine.14:07
elz89I have no idea why I just told you that but I guess I wanted you to get I feel fior what I am doing right now.14:07
pmatuliselz89: thank you for exposing yourself.  let us know if you are interested in helping the ubuntu server community14:08
ersielz89: Welcome :-) I've had something similar poppin' before14:09
elz89pmatulis: I am very interested, been looking into some documentation I would like to upgrade a little. I don't know where to start really, so I just try to help on IRC, and just set things up and tests things out. I also do some objective-c stuff in xcode, love iOS :-P14:12
elz89I am trying to get everyone I can onto Ubuntu and it is working! :-)14:12
elz89My mum says that she is making huge savings in electric alone, now that the whole house in running this great OS.14:13
pmatuliselz89: let me know if you want to help out with the ubuntu server guide, i'm looking for technical reviewers14:13
elz89pmatulis: you are on ;-)14:14
elz89feel free to PM.14:14
Davieyhallyn: debian -> ubuntu debdiff might be easier.14:18
hallynsure.  or a udd merge request :)  do you want the debdiff?14:18
hallyngrr.  ctrl-w in xchat14:19
hallynDaviey, lemme know what you want :)  I can send you a tarball of the .dsc/etc like i used to too, but i *know* you hate that :)14:19
Davieyhallyn: debdiff works for me.. I'm sure it'll be great.. I prefer UDD, if i'm likely going to ask for changes.. But this will be a perfect debdiff, right? :)14:19
hallynDaviey, of course :)14:20
hallynapart from two weirdness i had to change, it's almost a sync14:21
hallynok, i'll post a debidff, biam14:21
hallynDaviey, http://people.canonical.com/~serge/syslog-merge-3.3.1.debdiff14:23
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
Davieyhallyn: assume that is because systemd isn't in main?14:32
hallynthat package doesn't exist in precise14:32
hallynmy testing, fwiw, consisted of forwarding syslog msgs from one canonistack instance to another14:33
Davieyhallyn: That is Great to hear!14:34
Davieyhallyn: you know it will build-dep wait on, libevtlog-dev ?14:42
Daviey(it's universe)14:42
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Davieyhallyn: If you believe it to be required, i'll upload.. but can you raise and follow up on a MIR?14:45
DavieyIf it doesn't add benefit, can we drop it as a build-dep?14:45
hallynDaviey, thanks, no i didn't notice that.  I don't know what it is or if we need it, will get back to you14:46
hallynDaviey, well the changelog entry was:    * Build-Depend on libevtlog-dev (>= 0.2.12-5~) for correct shlibs.14:47
hallynI'm afraid it may need to be MIRd14:49
lynxmanDaviey: I'm checking the mcollective debdiff descriptions and they're right I reckon http://paste.ubuntu.com/740266/14:49
hallynDaviey, no, syslog-ng is in universe14:49
Davieylynxman: Did "Description: build server orchestration or parallel job execution systems" come from Ubuntu or Debian?14:50
Davieyhallyn: you are kidding me?14:50
hallynnope :)  i guess rsyslog is out default?14:50
hallynmaybe we should MIR syslog-ng14:50
Davieyhallyn: quite right, my bad - sorry.14:50
hallynDaviey, is that something lintian would have warned about otherwise, or not?14:51
hallyn(cause it did come up empty)14:51
Davieyhallyn: sadly, not.14:51
hallyngood to know14:51
hallynsomethign ineed to be more careful about in the future (bc it didn't occur to me)14:51
Davieyhallyn: Good, o - Uploading, looks perfect and builds here!14:52
hallynDaviey, and on a related note, the libvirt i was wanting to upload now build-depends on libnuma (popular user request), but that is in universe14:53
zulhallyn: have you figured out the gnome-keyring stuff?14:53
Davieyhallyn: really popular?14:53
hallynzul, i opened a bug on it, yes14:53
hallynDaviey, not sure.  but the guy who last wanted it wanted it so bad he went and fixed it through debian14:54
Davieyhallyn: I wonder what people are using it for.14:54
hallyndunno, but they'll be turning into rabid anti-ubuntu pro-debian fans soon14:54
lynxmanDaviey: From debian14:54
hallynzul, bug 88811914:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 888119 in juju "fixes for new error interface" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88811914:55
lynxmanDaviey: if you don't fancy it we can change it as well, but I find it an unnecessary point of delta14:55
Davieylynxman: aaaaahhhh... sorry, i thought that was our strings14:55
hallynno that's not it14:55
lynxmanDaviey: no no :)14:55
Davieylynxman: agreed, as close to possible as debian as possible on this. :)14:55
hallynheh.  zul: bug 88819914:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 888199 in p11-kit "spurious warning about gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88819914:55
zulhallyn: i would be concenered :)14:55
lynxmanDaviey: so if everyone agrees on the activemq switch I think this one is golden by now :)14:55
hallynzul, opinion on libnuma?14:55
zulhallyn: do it14:55
hallynMIR it?14:56
Davieylynxman: lets upload that baby.14:56
lynxmanDaviey: \o/14:56
hallynfeh. there are already 10 MIRs to do for $(*&%(*$&% spice14:56
hallynzul, 'do it' meant MIR libnuma?14:57
zulhallyn: yeah i dont see the problem with it, if people want it then why not14:57
hallynzul, ok.  for this first merge though i guess i have to turn it off14:58
hallyn(merge is otherwise ready, wiating to build in ppa and on some more testing)14:58
* hallyn back in an hour14:59
hallynahs3, you uploaded numactl;  would you have any concerns about MIRing it?15:04
KaZeR_Wanyone here familiar with preseeding? i'm having issues with the network config. it always uses dhcp, whatver i do15:04
ahs3hallyn: hrm, that was in a previous life :).  no, i think it would be fine; the maintainer is pretty active and it seems like reasonably stable code.15:06
hallynahs3, ok, cool, thx.  (now, really, bakc in an hour :)15:07
koolhead17bwahhhhh  internet connection15:16
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robbiewrbasak: hey, if you need additional pandaboards, I suggest getting smoser and/or roaksoax to send you theirs....as the boards are insanely backordered right now15:38
smoseri can send one to rbasak. i haven't used mine. i dont *want* to give it up, but i think it makes sense.15:39
rbasakgreat, thanks!15:40
rbasakI'm not sure what I'll be doing with them yet, but I guess I'll need them for juju testing!15:40
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elz89How can I attach more than one client to a 'screen' ? I run irssi on a server, and I want to be able to mimic both sessions through my tv, and my netbook in kitchin, as I move around my flat. Sad I know, but just always wanted to know how it could be done?15:48
andolelz89: screen -x15:48
elz89andol: so I need to relaunch this because at the moment I do 'screen -S irssi && irssi'15:50
elz89So I need 'screen -x -S irssi && irssi' ?15:51
elz89then I can ssh from tv and netbook, and 'screen -r irssi' on both clients?15:51
elz89infact I should just 'man screen' and have a better look shouldn't I? lol15:51
elz89andol: will they mimic eachother, or should I pi** off and have a play?15:56
andolelz89: screen -x replaces screen -r15:56
andolelz89: Of course, if you don't need to open at different places at the same time you can just do a combined detached and open; screen -dr15:57
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elz89andol: I would like to attach to ssh'd clients to the same 'screen'16:03
greppyelz89: the answer you seek should be in the man page.16:08
elz89greppy: yeah sorry having a lazy moment, I guess it was because its really important. I was feeling lonely :-P16:14
elz89"Attach to a not detached screen session." should say "Attach to a currently attached screen session." maybe? lol16:17
elz89does anyone argee with me that if it was written that way, it would make more sense?16:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #891204 in libvirt (main) "Essential configuration in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf commented out" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89120416:23
elz89At the bottom of 'man screen' it says "A weird imagination is most useful to gain full advantage of all the features."16:25
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hallynDaviey, syslog-ng, the .xz suffix is the only problem, right?  is that an ubuntu archive-specific thing?16:28
uvirtbotNew bug: #891227 in nova (main) "nova.conf force_dhcp_release doesn't take any parameter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89122716:31
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hallynDaviey, (separately) filed bug 89123216:34
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 891232 in numactl "[MIR] numactl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89123216:34
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uvirtbotNew bug: #891229 in nova (main) "nova-manage_flagfile_location.patch identation error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89122916:36
m_3SpamapS: could VoltDB packages be put in universe?  I think they're GPL316:38
Davieyhallyn: *sigh* i assumed Launchpad now had that support.16:40
m_3https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU is a dead link16:41
hallynDaviey, well it complains about the dpkg version or something16:42
hallynDaviey, upload fails says INFO Require Pre-Depends: dpkg (>= 1.15.6) when using xz compression.16:43
hallyn(it's too bad it requires further delta against debian, but...)16:45
hallynDaviey, do you want to add that in-line, or do you want a new debdiff?16:45
Davieyhallyn: I think Launchpad needs a newer dpkg version before we can use the native package16:46
DavieyI think it needs a re-pack of the orig tarball for now.16:46
hallynDaviey, are you sure a 'pre-depends' wont' work?16:46
Davieyhallyn: No, i'm not certain.. can i suggest uploading to a PPA to see what happens?16:47
hallyn(not convinced the ppa will fail/succeed the same way though)16:48
hallyncan i put pre-depends on the source pkg?16:48
hallynno wait that doesn't even make sense.  Pre-depends is about before the binary package is installed16:49
hallynyowza, crashed xchat.  i think it's time to switch16:51
hallynDaviey, is there any downside to just repacking?16:54
hallyni had been working with the result of 'bzr bd -S -- -sa -vxyz' and it had jsut created the .orig.tar.gz for me16:54
philipballew_would it be possible to set up a vpn server remotely?17:09
SpamapSm_3: haven't looked at VoltDB17:14
SpamapSm_3: does look like that would work though17:16
m_3SpamapS: helping them own the volt charms (from hadoopworld)... they were asking about packaging too17:16
Davieyhallyn: no downside, just more work.17:20
hallynI can toss you the built package ify ou prefer.  (otherwise, just take my bzr tree and bzr bd -S it)17:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #891252 in euca2ools "--config option is not honored" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89125217:21
Davieyhallyn: I'm going for a lunch shortly... but will pick it up after?17:23
koolhead17* honored17:23
hallynDaviey, ok17:23
SpamapSm_3: yeah, the best path to the distro is really to setup a PPA and then ask for a review of the packages inside it. :)17:28
m_3ah, gotcha17:28
m_3SpamapS: perhaps the "VoltDB Charmers" team ppa?17:29
hallynDaviey: you can either grab the bzr tree and build, or grab http://people.canonical.com/~serge/syslog-ng-merge-3.3.1.tar.gz17:30
SpamapSm_3: heh that would be cool17:32
elz89andol: greppy: quick question, any way to get round the fact I have different physical sized screens when using the 'screen -x' method?17:41
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SpamapSzul: btw, thanks for uploading 2.2.2 with my patches! :-D18:02
zulSpamapS:  no problem all in a days work18:02
SpamapSProbably need to SRU some of those18:02
zulSpamapS: i thought they made it into security18:02
SpamapSzul: oh maybe they did18:03
Davieynot as yet, afaik18:03
Davieyrbasak's branch is based on SpamapS.. SpamapS would you might verifying you are happy, and we can ask for sponsorship.18:04
zullaunchpad says no18:04
zuli dont think SpamapS needs sponsorship anymore :)18:04
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Davieyzul: I think he does to -security :)18:08
zulDaviey: ah the security team got their own ways of doing things18:08
robohello: I'm getting this error. W: GPG error: http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org dist Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 9ECBEC467F0CEB1018:26
roboI'm trying to install mongodb and from their page http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Ubuntu+and+Debian+packages#UbuntuandDebianpackages-gpgkey it says to do sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 7F0CEB10 -- but that fails18:26
roboso I get that it needs the public key... but any ideas how i can get the public key and manually install it?18:27
roboor maybe even tell ubuntu to not worry about this particular repo18:27
Resistancerobo:  the Key exists in the system.18:34
ResistanceWhen you do sudo apt-key... what do you get?18:34
roboResistance, i get an error that it couldn't find it18:34
robosec, i'll pastepot18:34
robooh, that worked from my laptop but not from the server...18:35
* Daviey ponders offering avahi publication service for cobbler18:35
roboResistance, I take it that apt-key doesn't use port 80. I get this error from the server: gpgkeys: HTTP fetch error 7: couldn't connect to host18:36
Resistancenope it doesnt18:36
Resistanceat least not afaik18:36
* Resistance runs some checks18:36
robookay, so i can simply grab the key then import it using apt-key from a file18:38
roboso on my workstation i imported the key. Is there a way to dump that key into a file? This way I can import it on the server?18:39
roboOr is there a better way to do this?18:39
Resistancethe better way is to use apt-key :/18:39
Resistanceand yes, i read your previous statement :P18:40
savidI know there's a way to set the default editor system-wide using update-alternatives,  but is there a way to do this per-user?18:40
robosavid, the EDITOR environment variable?18:45
savidrobo,  yeah that's what I thought of doing,  but apparently visudo doesn't respect that variable18:46
patdk-wknormally it's EDITOR or VISUAL18:46
patdk-wkI used to always set both18:47
roaksoaxkirkland: ping18:49
kirklandroaksoax: yo!18:49
roaksoaxkirkland: yo! so I was testing the autoreloding thingy for powernapd and it works like a charm18:49
roaksoaxkirkland: but that's only for the "general" config18:49
roaksoaxkirkland: do you think it should also be for the monitors?18:50
kirklandroaksoax: yeah, i think so18:50
kirklandroaksoax: but again, this is going to be *very* expensive18:50
roaksoaxkirkland: kirkland yeah, but since it is checking the time of modifucation of the config file is not that expensive anymore18:51
roboResistance, any suggestions on what i can do?18:51
kirklandroaksoax: hmm, yeah18:51
roaksoaxkirkland: though for now I'll just leave the general configuration autoreloading and look into the monitors later18:52
Resistancerobo:  perhaps temporarily deactivate the firewall while you get the key?18:52
roboResistance, yeah, that's not going to happen :-)18:52
Resistancealthough that restrictive of a firewall not allowing you outbound is pretty harsh18:52
Resistancerobo:  then i got nothing.  there's pretty much no *easy* way other than using apt-key... *shurgs*18:52
* Resistance has a meeting he has to get to anywayws18:52
robowe have proxy servers that allow port 80. Apparently apt-key doesn't use port 80 or it doesn't respect Acquire::http::Proxy18:52
kirklandroaksoax: cool18:52
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robookay, ty for your time Resistance18:53
savidI set EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi and VISUAL=$EDITOR,   visudo doesn't seem to use it though.  oh well.18:53
roaksoaxkirkland: now, for integrating bryce's modules/services, I was thinking on 1. either writing a new binary that disables services/modules or 2. script under /etc/pm/power.d. What do you think?18:53
robosavid, it's probably something with sudo, not visudo18:53
* Resistance hates systems redesign meetingns18:53
Resistancenamely cause i have to implement the design changes >.>18:53
kirklandroaksoax: cool18:55
kirklandroaksoax: i thought we have a script that enables/disables services/modules?18:55
roaksoaxkirkland: yeah bryce's script. though it needs adaptation to support pm-powersave approach if we place it on /etc/pm/power.d18:56
kirklandroaksoax: right18:56
kirklandroaksoax: so it should be a wrapper script in /etc/pm/power.d18:57
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kirklandroaksoax: that looks at our config file18:57
kirklandroaksoax: and enables/disables those modules/services18:57
kirklandroaksoax: probably two separate scripts, one for modules, one for services?18:57
roaksoaxkirkland: ok, I think that sounds better18:58
hallynahs3, sorry, just to be sure i understood right, you're just saying rename netcf1 to libnetcf1 and netcf-dev to libnetcf-dev, right?  (or did i also get the contents wrong?  hmm, i'll take another look)19:02
kirklandroaksoax: cool19:05
ahs3hallyn: you've got it right19:05
hallynahs3, thx19:05
ahs3hallyn: another question occurred to me -- have you run piuparts on the package?19:06
hallynnever heard of it19:06
hallyn(that's a no :)19:06
hallyntrying to think how i'm gonna remember that name.  what on earth does it stand for?19:09
ahs3heh.  i need to understand it better myself, but it's a nice QA check on a deb19:09
=== RoyK^ is now known as RoyK
hallyndude that looks aweseome19:09
ahs3package-install-update-blah-blah ... i dunno :)19:09
* hallyn goes to run that on the syslog-ng merge19:10
ahs3cool.  it gets run on the entire archive from time to time...kinda handy19:10
* ahs3 wonders if ubuntu does that... ?19:11
hallynahs3, i'm guessing not, because we have all those install/upgrade manual tests as apart of the qa testing before release19:13
Davieyahs3: It's been discussed, but not as yet.  We've only just got a lintian service!19:13
ahs3hallyn: nod.  i'm poking around at the QA folks to see what'll happen :)19:13
hallyngreat black bear, or hornet's nest?  now we'll know.19:14
ahs3Daviey: heh.  well, get on the ball!  what are you doing chatting with me :-)?19:14
Davieyahs3: http://yes.sir.daviey.com19:15
adam_g_Daviey: do we have the different requirements and installation scenarios for orchestra/cloud documented anywhere? i dont see it on the whiteboard/blueprint. there was quite a bit discussed at UDS19:18
=== adam_g_ is now known as adam_g
Davieyadam_g: it's still being pulled together19:21
Davieyadam_g: We need to build on what we have already done, but also cater for the demo experience aswell as deployment19:23
DavieyThere was a thought to use the liveusb model for that, but i'm not sure that is that good.  Do you have thoughts?19:24
adam_gDaviey: right. i think the demo experience within a larger infrastructure will difficult to nail down, but if we've having everything laid out and defined, we can see what overlaps19:26
adam_gliveusb = orchestra-live?19:26
DavieyI'm not entirely convinced it'll be less work doing that TBH19:27
zuli think a demo is a bonus if it can be done then great but..19:27
kklimondahmm, any idea why do I have to edit common-password after enabling pam-krb5 to get changing password working?19:30
dub_hi, i have problem setting up new install with 10.04, but the part manager dont set the "bootable flag" on, any idea?19:30
kklimonda(by default pam_krb5 entry is requisite and I have to change it to [success=2 default=ignore] or sufficient)19:31
kklimondajdstrand: hey, what's the status of auth-client-config? It hasn't been updated since intrepid, nor pushed to debian and it overlaps some pam-auth-update features.20:00
dub_any human can help me?20:01
jdstrandkklimonda: yep. I don't do much with it. I keep meaning to fix the couple of bugs that are open against the sample profiles, but it hasn't been a priority. people should be using pam-auth-update. I haven't removed/demoted it cause people have told me they use it20:01
Matrix300011.10 will easy up to 12.04 right?20:03
RoyKMatrix3000: yes20:21
RoyK!ask @ dub_20:22
ubottuRoyK: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:22
genii-aroundHm. !ask should maybe also say something about give us !details20:28
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:28
dub_RoyK, <dub_> hi, i have problem setting up new install with 10.04, but the part manager dont set the "bootable flag" on, any idea?20:36
dub_at 16:30 hrs20:37
ninjixRoyK: can you describe the storage config you are using?20:42
RoyKninjix: what storage config? the one for backups? for scientific data? for high-speed file/database access?20:43
ninjix;) meant for dub_20:44
ninjixwant to know more about the disk arrangement20:44
patdk-wkroyk, the one for little availablility :)20:45
Matrix3000if i need to install java openjdk-6-jre is recommended instead of sun-java6-jre right?20:48
RoyKpatdk-wk: heh - those 100TB boxes run well now, with better controllers and no FSCKING WD drives20:51
patdk-wkall upgraded to megasas now?20:51
ninjixMatrix3000: I find it depends on the how Ubuntu/Debian friendly the app developers are20:51
patdk-wkor well, the sas2008 chipset?20:51
Matrix3000ah ok20:52
jcastrokirkland: hey do you have your slides from that power talk you did at some $conference?20:52
ninjixI default to the Oracle/Sun when I'm hosting services or apps that cater to the entire Linux community20:52
Matrix3000i think oracle is moving it from java-jre to openjdk anyways20:52
jcastroI need to steal content for a lug meeting tonight20:52
kirklandjcastro: yup20:52
patdk-wkjcastro, wget mirror works well :)20:52
kirklandjcastro: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2011/08/powernap-your-data-center-linuxcon-2011.html20:53
jcastrokirkland: didn't you have another too?20:54
Matrix3000Yes. Oracle and IBM announced in October 2010 that we will collaborate in the OpenJDK Community to develop the leading open-source Java SE implementation, and make the OpenJDK Community the primary location for open-source Java SE20:54
RoyKpatdk-wk: lsi920120:55
kirklandjcastro: yeah, i did linuxcon and linux plumbers this year20:55
kirklandjcastro: and roaksoax did Texas Linux Fest20:56
* jcastro nods20:56
kirklandjcastro: you need the originals?20:56
jcastronope, I am all good20:57
RoyKninjix: what did you mean storage config? I have one server with 8TB on striped mirrored 1TB drives and some SSDs for read and write caching, it's blazingly fast - I have three backup target machines, two with 11 x 7-drive RAIDz2 and some spares, and one with an 8-drive RAIDz2, all 2TB hitachi deskstar20:58
RoyKadd another server for scientific data with a mix of RAIDz2 levels (I suddenly had to extend storage very quickly20:58
Randolphhi all21:08
Resistancewhere can i find documentation about sudoers?  including common configuration options21:08
RoyKResistance: man sudoers?21:10
RandolphRoyK, grilled ;)21:10
ResistanceRoyK:  without using man.  i'm stuck on a windows system21:10
RoyKResistance: ssh into a linux system or perhaps use google?21:10
RandolphResistance, on windows system you can install cygwin21:11
guntbertResistance: you can find it on the web, google "man sudoers" :)21:11
ubottuLART has been disabled in this bot.21:11
patrickmwroaksoax, jamespage referred me to you. thought you could help answer this question.  the qa lab control the CDUs from the Enablement "Sentry Switch".  We'd like Orchestra to manage the power. Does that CDU type match any of the supported types in this wiki: https://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/wiki/PowerManagement#WhatsSupported21:21
kklimondajdstrand: and is there a tool similar to pam-auth-update we can use to modify nsswitch.conf ?21:30
kklimondahmm, there is update-nsswitch proposed for debian, but they yet again got stuck at discussing "the right way to do it"..21:35
kklimondaover a year ago.. sigh21:35
jdstrandyeah, there is not21:38
roaksoaxpatrickmw: let me look into it21:44
jrwr|offline I want to use a compression proxy (Ziproxy) and I want it to also compress SSL'd Content as well, I use it over a ssh tunnel so SSL being in the clear is not a issue for me22:34
sbeattiejamespage: could you sync libnb-parser-java (bug 890504)? It's blocking netbeans from building.23:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 890504 in libnb-javaparser-java "Sync libnb-javaparser-java 7.0.1-1 (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89050423:29
andygraybealhow do you guys set up your network printers?23:46
andygraybeali have ubuntu 10.04 as my server.23:46
andygraybealdo you use lpd://ip-address/passthru ?23:46
andygraybealor something else?23:46
andygraybealand do you use PCL drivers or postscript drivers?23:47
SpamapSandygraybeal: I always used cups and ipp:// urls23:48
andygraybealSpamapS, okay - that's is what i would like to do too.23:48
andygraybealwhy not lpd:// ?23:48
SpamapSandygraybeal: as to drivers.. typically PCL is faster as it is quite a bit less verbose.23:48
andygraybealyea, fast is what i need, precision is not.23:49
SpamapSandygraybeal: because ipp is more modern? No real reason. :)23:49
andygraybealSpamapS, okay awsome.  thank you.23:49
andygraybealfor some reason, when i go to setup the network printer - i select 'IPP' and it says "host" and "queue" - i type in and the 'verify' button... doesn't become enabled, and neither does the 'apply' button -- i wonder if something is wrong.23:55
andygraybeali tried just now to type ipp:// - and nothign still23:55
swharperim going through a fresh server install setting up a raid 5.  if i understand this correctly i want to partition each drive with 2 physical volume for raid partitions.  one small on and one "max", then set the bootable flag to on?23:55
swharperfor each drive?23:55
andygraybealoh i'm using the printer console in the gui, maybe i should instead be using the cups website on localhost.23:56

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