
czajkowskiaquarius: got an irc nick for him ?00:06
aquariusczajkowski, no, that's one of the reasons I was asking :)00:06
AlanBellaquarius: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1409/detail/00:07
czajkowskiaquarius: https://launchpad.net/~mario-kemper00:07
czajkowskimight be helpful00:07
* AlanBell wasn't the least bit helpful00:07
aquariusAlanBell, am out of the country :(00:07
AlanBelloh noes00:07
aquariusczajkowski, yeah, it doesn't list irc :(00:07
aquariusHave submitted a launchpad answers question. Bah.00:08
czajkowskitry romario00:08
czajkowskiaquarius: http://shutter-project.org/contact/  or https://plus.google.com/103066453717145238737/posts00:08
aquariusI did; no such person, but I don't know whether that's because he's not onlnie right now or whether he just doesn't hang out :)00:09
aquariusczajkowski, yeah -- that's why i did the LP answers thing, since that's where they ask for questions to be sent. I'm just impatient :)00:09
czajkowskisurely not00:09
czajkowskiright sleep time before I kill someone tomorrow00:11
czajkowskinn folks00:11
aquariusmarsilainen, you can set it, but it's complex and dangerous. Install CompizConfig Settings Manager, and then go to General options > Desktop Size00:12
aquariusmarsilainen, beware: CCSM may break your machine into a hundred pieces. If you're not confident with it, don't use it. :)00:12
aquariusand Kemper answers my question! blimey, that's service.00:19
aquariushowever, the answer is: "run the latest shutter" :(00:19
monsterwizardWould  I be able to write script that gets permissions of a share point and propagate them through tools subfolders?00:20
aquariusand gnome-screenshot doen't support interactively choosing a window :(00:20
aquariusmonsterwizard, what's "a share point", here?00:21
marsilainenaquarius: ok, thanks for the info... guess I'll leave it00:21
monsterwizardwhat can it be?00:21
AlanBellaquarius: what do you mean by interactively choosing a window?00:21
marsilainenis there any plan to make it more "available" in later releases?00:21
marsilainenkind of feels like I've taken a step back...00:21
aquariusmarsilainen, I believe there are plans to make the number of workspaces more configurable, yes00:22
marsilainen4 virtual desktops is not what I'm used to... I usually had 10 in gnome...00:22
aquariusmonsterwizard, I'm not sure what you mean by "share point": perhaps you can explain in more detail?00:22
monsterwizardaquarius can I get back to you? There's a debate on this atm, sorry00:23
aquariusAlanBell, try "shutter -w"00:23
aquariusmonsterwizard, no problem00:23
aquariusAlanBell, you'll see (if you have shutter) that you get to mouse around adn have windows highlighted until you pick one to screenshot. that's excellent. gnome-screenshot doesn't let you do that, afaict00:23
AlanBellgnome-screenshot -i00:24
aquariusya. that gives you the options dialog.00:24
aquariusHm. Have had a thought.00:24
AlanBellgrab current window, delay 10 seconds, take screenshot, go hunting00:25
AlanBell15 seconds if you are using the unity alt-tab switcher00:25
aquariusmaybe this should be the flow: you click in my app, it says "launching <yourapp>...", then "click in <your app>'s window..." and then, when the focus leaves my window, shells out to "gnome-screenshot -w -d=3" and counts down "3, 2, 1" in my window.00:26
aquariusscrews you a bit for maximised things, but you oughtn't to be taking pictures of maximised windows anyway00:26
AlanBellor alt+prtscr, done.00:26
AlanBellooh, I think I see what you want to do00:27
AlanBellaquarius: is it a bit like the tool the ubuntu manual team knocked together to do automated screenshots?00:29
aquariussort of00:29
aquariuswhat it does is: get the list of apps which do not have screenshots from screenshots.ubutnu.com, cross-reference that with the list of apps that you have installed, and then give you a list.00:30
aquariusso you pick one on the list, it starts, you screenshot it, and then the app helps you upload the screenshot to screenshots.ubuntu.com00:30
aquariusthe problem is the "it starts, you screenshot it" bit.:)00:31
aquariuswould ask mpt but he's not around ;)00:31
AlanBellI see00:31
AlanBellshutter has quite a few dependencies00:32
AlanBellwould be nice to do it using gnome-screenshot or in the same way as gnome-screenshot00:33
aquariusyeah, that's what I'm thinking00:33
AlanBellis there some kind of moderation process?00:34
AlanBellor can I just upload a picture of anything my imagination can think of?00:35
AlanBelland what happens if 20 people upload a screenshot of a particular application?00:36
AlanBelland why am I not in bed yet?00:37
AlanBellnight all o/00:37
aquariusgnome-screenshot doesn't let you take a picture without showing it to the user and making them save it :(01:00
aquariusAlanBell, that's one less beer I owe you ;)01:00
funkyHataquarius: try scrot01:13
AzelphurI use scrot too, it's cool01:13
funkyHatUnfortunate name, I know01:13
aquariusfunkyHat, people aren't likely to have that installed, though01:13
Azelphurand yea I get comments all the time with the name :D01:13
aquariusI'm doing it the hard way with gtk.gdk :)01:13
AzelphurI'd really like something smart so I can select which (combination) of screens I want it to screenshot.01:14
ali1234buggity bug bug bug 89095503:29
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 890955 in unity-2d (Ubuntu) "maximized windows cover the panel with dual head" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89095503:29
Myrttihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fvTinaFzQE my old teachers on CNN07:12
Myrttinever been to the new school building tho07:13
popeymmmmm poached eggs07:48
AlanBellmorning all07:50
popeyAlso cappucino07:55
popeyAlanBell: wifey says if I can find a babysitter for 9th dec, she will come07:55
AlanBellmy wifey says no.08:00
TheOpenSourcererMorning all.08:00
* TheOpenSourcerer is playing golf that day and then has a pantomime to go to.08:01
AlanBelloh no you haven't08:01
* TheOpenSourcerer has just setup something called "todo.txt" Quite a nice idea actually. Plain text based todo list with a simple cli: $ t add my todo todo.08:05
TheOpenSourcerer$ t ls08:05
gordonjcpTheOpenSourcerer: surely that's a very longwinded way of saying echo "add my todo todo" >> todo.txt08:09
TheOpenSourcerer"t add" is shorter than echo "foo" >> filename08:09
* TheOpenSourcerer has a sickly child at home today... Main benefit is we will keep the heating on :-)08:13
popeywifey asked me last night if i wanted to change the heating now I work from home08:15
TheOpenSourcererWe have found that heating the whole house everyday of the week is not cheap.08:15
popeyi just put a jumper on ☺08:16
TheOpenSourcererWe have quite a large house with lots of leaky bits too :-(08:16
* TheOpenSourcerer has his "house jumper" on. That's the one that is baggy, saggy a bit smelly, has a few holes in it, but is snuggly.08:16
popeyi need to delete some stuff, my backup disk is full08:17
TheOpenSourcererMy office is only a single brick construction too. When it gets really cold I use an electric heater.08:17
popeymy den tends to keep the chill off because i have a few computers on08:18
popeyby 'few' I mean 408:18
* TheOpenSourcerer notes popey has a "den" - not yet an office.08:18
popeyyeah, thats 'Under Construction'08:19
MartijnVdSBuilding a new office wing, popey? :)08:19
popeytime to delete some steam games08:21
popeyhmm, i cant open steam08:22
MartijnVdSapt-get purge some_game08:23
MartijnVdSpopey: you should be able to uninstall Steam games from the "standard" list of software in Windows08:23
* popey reinstalls steam08:23
popeyyay, updating steam08:24
rml_homethis'll seem a really noddy question, but I can't find the "shutdown/restart" button in 11.10.  Am I being completely blind?08:26
AlanBellrml_home: top right, select shutdown, restart is hiding in there08:26
AlanBellor press a hardware power button somewhere08:27
* TheOpenSourcerer recalls when you could still type "SUPER+S" to bring up that menu... 10:10.08:28
AlanBellwow, that does something interesting08:29
rml_homeAlanBell: Thanks, but I still can't see it.  I have an envelope, connection icon, clock and session icon, but no shutdown icon08:29
rml_homeit used to look like a power button in 11.4 iirc08:29
AlanBelland at the bottom of the session indicator?08:29
AlanBellwhich is a cog like power button icon08:30
rml_homeUser accounts is the botom menu item08:30
AlanBelloh, that is the me menu08:30
AlanBellso you don't appear to have the session indicator08:31
rml_homeI guess not.  I'll have a play with user settings08:31
diploCtrl Alt Delete brings up the shutdown menu for me ( Lost my indicator as well )08:32
rml_homeI'm glad I'm not the only one.  I thought I was going nuts08:33
AlanBellrml_home: we haven't ruled that out yet ;)08:33
rml_homevery true ;)08:33
DJonesMorning all08:45
danfishpopey: working from home.08:49
danfishme jealous08:49
danfishbut ...http://theoatmeal.com/comics/working_home  <- possibly not 'work friendly'08:50
MooDoomorning all08:57
selinuxiummorning   o/08:58
BigRedSgood morning!09:00
danfishanyone got a good tab management extension for chrome/chromium? Got gazillions of tabs open that I (may) need.09:05
BigRedSctrl+d ?09:11
bigcalmMorning peeps09:11
danfishBigRedS: I suppose so. Must get around to sorting out the tons of bookmarks.....:/09:14
matttmorning morning09:18
DJonesHeh, just had to send an email to the hilton hotel, persons surname was Paris so the email address was paris@hilton :)09:35
andylockranAfter each update to the tzdata package I have to run: `mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root -p mysql` to update the tzinfo in MySQL.09:38
andylockranI want to report a bug to see if that can be done as a post-installation hook for tzdata - so would I file a bug against tzdata or mysql, or both?09:39
=== awilkins_ is now known as awilkins
BigRedSandylockran: I'd vote tzdata09:51
BigRedSbecause it's somethign that shoudl happen when that's updated09:51
andylockranBigRedS: Thanks09:54
popeyhttp://fridrich.blogspot.com/2011/11/it-has-been-long-time-since-i-last-time.html sweet09:58
andylockranBigRedS: Question asked in Launchpad - can be turned to a bug on either package \o/10:01
BigRedSandylockran: oh, cool10:02
BigRedSdo both, see who fixes it first :)10:02
bigcalmBug report on both then :)10:02
bigcalmOnly 3 people have super confirmed going to the xmas meal so far. Come on peeps, it'll be a spiffing evening :) http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1409/detail/10:03
MooDootoo far and a bit pricey for so close to christmas :(10:04
DJonesWelcome Barbarian10:05
recentlydeceasedis there any way to stop the activities dash in gnome-shell from opening when triggering the top-left of the screen?10:05
awilkinsIs it possible to link directly to a channel at http://webchat.freenode.net  ?10:15
daubersawilkins: Yup... but I can't remember how10:16
awilkinsI've found a thread10:16
awilkinsYou give it a ?channels=  parameter   http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-uk10:17
DJonesThat surprises me, I would have thought not because of the recaptcha prove you're not a bit10:17
dr_barnowlHello awilkins10:17
popeythere is a button at teh top to make links10:17
awilkinsHello, me10:17
popey'add to your site'10:18
awilkinsHmm, I wonder if I can get away with embedding that in an Outlook HTML email... I can mail people a webchat... (probably not, darn hackers and jscript)10:18
DJonesStill needs the recaptcha to be completed before joining though, so can't quite automatically connect to a channel10:19
awilkinsI just got one with greek letters in it10:20
awilkinsUnderstandably, I reloaded...10:20
awilkinsAh well, Outlook won't let you paste an iframe in, didn't really expect it to work....10:22
=== Nick_ is now known as Guest15487
JamesTaitHello, hello!10:29
davmor2morning all10:53
davmor2czajkowski: prod, prod, prod, prod10:53
MooDoomorning davmor2 long time no abuse...:)10:53
davmor2MooDoo: Yeah stomach bug, cold combo not good :(10:54
davmor2bigcalm: You ready for tomorrow dude10:54
bigcalmdavmor2: aye, just hope I'm not asked to deploy a site tomorrow10:55
davmor2bigcalm: nice it's always fun10:55
bigcalmYou know I said I've give Unity a go on my laptop for a month? Other day I gave in and installed xubuntu-desktop. I tried my best, but I just can't be productive in Unity :(10:56
MooDoodavmor2: welcome back mate :)10:57
davmor2bigcalm: you might have more joy with the new version coming out FFM, multi monitor support etc etc etc etc10:57
bigcalmHere's hoping :)10:58
davmor2MooDoo: what have you done to czajkowski10:58
MooDoodavmor2: i've not seen her in a couple of days.....10:58
bigcalmFFM? I know what that means in a completely non-family-friendly way, but not here10:58
davmor2bigcalm: Focus Follows Mouse :)10:58
bigcalmNever liked that10:59
bigcalmI have a habbit of clicking on a window and then throwing the mouse to the side10:59
davmor2bigcalm: no but a lot of real geeks do :D10:59
bigcalmOooo, careful :P10:59
davmor2bigcalm: haha11:00
davmor2gord: you set for tomorrow?11:07
MooDoodavmor2: i've asked gord if he'll punch you on the arm for me :D11:07
davmor2MooDoo: cool I get gord to reproduce the hit I give him onto you too dude :D11:08
MooDoodavmor2: hehe :)11:08
oimoni thought copyright expired 50yrs after death in the UK? has this changed recently?11:12
andylockranoimon: I think so11:13
andylockranlast year11:13
andylockranLife + 70 years11:14
oimonwhat a scam11:14
andylockranactually - that link suggests othersie11:14
andylockrannope - the link agrees with me11:14
oimon For example, in the UK most work is protected for the life of the author plus 70 years11:14
andylockranthe Berne Convention says 5011:14
andylockranPeter Pan :D11:15
oimoni'm thinking of written works.11:15
oimonso if you owned george orwells books before the rule was changed, is it now copyright violation to own them?11:16
daubersHeh, the police state comes down hard on you for owning a copy of 198411:17
dauberssomewhat amusing11:17
gordoimon, once work is in the public domain, its in the public domain forever, you can't re-grab copyright on it11:18
gorddavmor2, no idea, i assume i'll find a train and arrive, something about a lighthouse, i'll figure it out11:19
davmor2gord: you have no excuse there was an email about it last week ;) 09:00-17:00 at the lighthouse indeed :)11:20
oimontime to re-read 1984 anyways :)11:20
danfishand in other breaking news "the Pope is Catholic"11:27
DJonesOnly on sundays though :)11:27
brobostigonlol :)11:28
* brobostigon likes pope jokes.11:28
bigcalmThere was an email?11:30
bigcalmbrobostigon: you must love joke.popey.com then11:31
brobostigonbigcalm: hmm, kinda, but quite an obvious joke for here.11:32
bigcalmThat's odd11:34
bigcalmThe Update Manager no longer requests authorisation before installing updates11:34
bigcalmIs this a feature of 11.10?11:38
KrisDouglasbigcalm, I just tested, it asked me for my password?11:38
diplobigcalm, Only time I get there is if I have authed with something else recently, seems to have a session based time out for it11:39
bigcalmNothing else has been asking me for auth11:39
popeyit no longer asks for password if its just updating existing packages11:40
bigcalmpopey: thanks11:41
popeysee lengthy thread about how this is evil on the -users list11:41
dauberspopey: Isn't all change evil?11:41
popeybug 81116611:42
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 814331 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #811166 [Oneiric] update-manager installs packages without authentication" [High,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81433111:42
popeysorry, bug 81433111:42
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 814331 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "[Oneiric] update-manager installs packages without authentication" [High,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81433111:42
* BigRedS reports bug for Linux being too easy to use11:42
popeynote it only applies to update manager11:42
popeynot apt-get11:42
popeyso you have to be sat at the machine looking at the desktop11:43
popeyand logged in11:43
popey(not locked)11:43
DJonesbigcalm: I've noticed that bug as well, same things happening, but on another machine, it asks for the password11:44
bigcalmI didn't know if it was a bug or a feature11:44
KrisDouglasI am asked every time with update manager11:44
KrisDouglasI am used to it because I update to the chromium nightly every couple of days11:44
popeydo you start update manager manually? or the popup?11:45
DJonesI wait until the icon in the unity bar says there are updates, then click the icon11:46
gordunity bar, thats a new one to add to the list11:49
bigcalmI do the same for my desktop as I'm lazy like that. For my servers I tend to apt-get upgrade whenever apticron tells me there are updates11:49
DJonesgord: :)11:49
DJonesMaybe I should have said the dis-unity bar11:50
popeyI upgrade all my machines at once with landscape :D11:53
dogmatic69is that proprietary11:54
Davieypopey: Where can i find out more about this landscape thing you talk of?11:54
DavieyIf i can lower my management and administration costs, i'm signing up now!11:55
* gord smells something fishy11:55
Laneyyou left the tuna out11:56
bigcalmgord: corporate shills, every one of them ;)11:57
* awilkins has persuaded services manager to try out Landscape.11:59
awilkinsHopfully it's a gateway drug that facilitates some support contract payments12:00
* popey high fives the corporate shills in the room12:00
bigcalmGrowing in number12:01
* selinuxium has landscape but has yet to install it... 12:07
LaneyI want to play with the shiny new Kindle that I got for the missus, but it comes in a stupidly sealed box :(12:09
shaunorepack it in a manilla envelope.  it'll look just like some adverts she vaguely recalls.12:09
davmor2popey: o/12:10
Laneyjust had to... test it worked...12:11
davmor2Laney: I couldn't give it you with a cracked screen and the box was rattling?12:12
shaunogive it the wifi password & bring it up to a full charge.  yaknow, just to make sure she gets the optimal first impression ;)12:12
davmor2Laney: or the nicer one, I wanted it to have a full charge and your favourite books on so you could start reading immediately :D12:13
AlanBellchoo choo12:17
* AlanBell is off to the Home Office12:18
* AlanBell has landscape, 60 day trial that started um, about 2 years ago12:19
davmor2AlanBell: The Home Office or your home office :D12:19
AlanBelldavmor2: The Home Office12:19
gordis The Home Office what you *call* your home office?12:20
AlanBellthe home office was where I was before I got on the train12:20
davmor2AlanBell: in that case do your top button up you scruff ;)12:20
AlanBelldavmor2: is this webcam on???12:20
danfishwhat - someone made AlanBell home secretary? Craziness ;)12:20
davmor2danfish: no that would be sensible12:21
* AlanBell wonders what to legalise12:23
* AlanBell is basically working on the legalisation of Free Software12:23
danfishheh - sensible. Can't remember what that was.12:23
danfishAlanBell: don't legalise things - make things compulsory12:23
* AlanBell puts on the Stallman wig and sprinkles cheese on toseies12:24
AlanBelldanfish: they did use the word mandatory, which was a struggle12:24
gordyou can ban that for a start12:24
AlanBellit is now mandatory to consider open source options12:24
* daubers eats an apple and has a brief power trip12:25
danfishthe devil is in the word 'consider'12:25
andylockranI am thirsty - :D12:26
danfishmy first act as PM or home sec would be to move the UK to GMT+48hrs making today Friday12:27
daubersdanfish: My first act would be to get somone else to make a brew12:29
TheOpenSourcererOooh - did someone saw brew?12:29
TheOpenSourcererAnd a biscuit please :-)12:30
* AlanBell wonders how to fit lunch in to the schedule12:30
brobostigonpub lunch, take work with you.?12:31
davmor2AlanBell: eat on the train you know it makes sense12:31
AlanBellask the Home Office to move the meeting to the pub. Excellent idea.12:31
AlanBelldavmor2: I am on the train, without the food12:31
danfishAlanBell: a 'fit lunch' - run to the home office whilst eating a sarny ;)12:31
Davieydanfish: considering hour changes always happen on the weekend, right?  Your +48hours thing, would remove everyones Sunday.12:31
davmor2AlanBell: there's your first mistake12:31
gordpack lunch into a transformers lunch box, take out during meeting, proceed to squeal in delight at having lunchables12:32
davmor2gord: haha12:32
davmor2gord: you doing that tomorrow :D12:32
Davieygord: Thomas the tank engine > transformers, any day.12:32
danfishDaviey: it would be a one-off presidential order, reversed on the Saturday night12:32
popeyDaviey: Rory the Racing Car > Thomas the tank engine12:33
* brobostigon would probebly go with android lunchbox.12:33
TheOpenSourcererA Dr. Who lunch box (with Dalek sound effects) beats Thomas12:33
danfishLightning McQueen leaves Rory the racing car for dust12:33
brobostigonor a pink floyd lunch box :)12:34
brobostigonwith pink floyd mug, with dsofm emblem on the front.12:34
davmor2popey: bob the builder > rory the racing car12:34
* daubers had a teenage mutant ninja turtles lunch box 12:35
daubersthen a stingray one12:35
daubersstingray wins12:35
davmor2AlanBell: Just do the "sudo make me a sandwich on arrival"12:35
TheOpenSourcererRight. ENOUGH of this nonsense. There is a difficult economic climate. "Get back to work you scurvy dogs (ahhh harrr)"12:36
Davieydaubers: who didn't?!12:36
TheOpenSourcererTime for lunch.12:37
davmor2daubers: I think you'll find that Thunderbirds beats stingray12:37
KrisDouglasI like them both, stingray can have more depth than Thunderbirds at time, but Thunderbirds wins.12:37
shaunoterrahawks>thunderbirds.  just because zeroids are cool.12:38
KrisDouglasAnd I will just leave Terrahawks here to be appreciated too12:38
brobostigonwallace and gromit, lunchbox, win also :)12:38
davmor2StarFleet beats them all12:38
KrisDouglasMy girlfriend and I are watching terrahawks at the moment12:38
KrisDouglaswe're on about episode 5 :)12:38
danfishcouldn't afford lunchboxes as kids......12:39
KrisDouglasdavmor2, never herd of StarFleet12:39
brobostigonKrisDouglas: star trek :)12:39
KrisDouglasbrobostigon, are you sure he doesn't mean the english dub of X-Bomber?12:39
brobostigonKrisDouglas: i would associate it with star trek, not heard of that one.12:40
* AlanBell observes the happy hour and christmas meal links got sent round Canonical UK this morning12:40
KrisDouglasStarFleet/X-Bomber has a very similar appearance to terrahawks it seems.12:40
davmor2brobostigon: there was a StarFleet before startrek you know12:40
popeyindeed they did12:40
brobostigondavmor2: i am sure, yes, but that is not where i mainly associate the word from.12:40
davmor2KrisDouglas: brobostigon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExC6OEQazrc12:41
KrisDouglasYeah, that is what I came across12:41
davmor2KrisDouglas: Then ofcourse you have Battle of the Planets and Thundercats and He-man and She-ra and defenders of the earth and .........12:43
KrisDouglasI haven't actually seen any of those12:43
brobostigonoh wow, that is certainly, ummm, original.12:43
KrisDouglas*adds to list*12:43
popeyUlysees 31!12:44
KrisDouglasbrobostigon, isn't the fat ginger one hilarious :)12:44
brobostigonKrisDouglas: looks, yes.12:44
davmor2popey: dungeons and dragons12:44
DavieyI want one of these bad boys, http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/images/B005W2Z64Q12:44
DJonesI noticed that one of the kids channels is showing new series of thundercats12:45
MartijnVdSDaviey: it's insulated!12:45
KrisDouglasI really want a Hudson voice from Terrahawks on my TomTom12:45
davmor2Daviey: We're going to have to kill you now to save you!12:45
KrisDouglasDaviey, ...12:46
* brobostigon wants a sexy female voice on his satnav, like marilyn monroe, or similer.12:46
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: the default Android voice isn't sexy enough?12:47
brobostigonMartijnVdS: definatly no where near, :)12:47
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: What about Stephen Fry? I know he doesn't have a sexy female voice.. but still12:48
brobostigonequally, i know a few women, who want a husky mans voice, for there satnav.12:48
brobostigonMartijnVdS: interesting idea.12:48
popeygord: remind me, should I have vblank on or off in unity?12:50
gordpopey, i think vblank off if you are running other GL stuff inside compiz12:52
AlanBellright, waterloo. Laters all o/12:56
KrisDouglasDoes anybody here use Linux Mint?12:57
DJonesI think that might be a no13:00
KrisDouglasI would be inclined to agree13:21
KrisDouglasOdd really, I was having a look at it, and I don't know if it's going to get me burned on a stake saying this, but it's a lot slicker than Ubuntu13:22
KrisDouglas(with Unity)13:22
bigcalmThat's been mentioned a few times here and there13:24
bigcalmI personally use xubuntu-desktop (xfce) so don't mind ;)13:24
BigRedSomgubuntu were a bit derisory towards mint's hotch-potch of gnome bits13:25
BigRedSthat is, admittedly, the closest I've come to trying mint13:25
KrisDouglasBigRedS, though it does appear to be a bit of a mix of parts, it somehow feels that little bit more seamless than unity13:28
KrisDouglasbigcalm, I am considering giving XFCE a try13:28
bigcalmKrisDouglas: it's like using gnome classic13:29
KrisDouglasI need to find something to replace unity, it doesn't feel right having 2 22" monitors. Unity feels like a tablet shell.13:29
KrisDouglasbigcalm, it looks more like gnome than I thought it did actually.13:30
KrisDouglasThe last time I used XFCE it was running on an original Xbox upon Gentoo13:30
BigRedSXFCE's basically like using gnome from 200513:31
KrisDouglasAnd then there is KDE, I quite enjoyed that when I was running SuSE13:31
AlanBelldid you know that even if you ask nicely you can't park a bike at the Home Office13:32
bigcalmAlanBell: you might be hiding subversives in the saddle13:32
shaunothey'll do anything to keep boris away13:32
KrisDouglasBigRedS, that's not necessarily a bad thing from my point of view, i want something that stays out of my way. Every time I have to hover my mouse on the left hand edge of my screen, click a button, and search for a name, I die a little inside.13:32
BigRedSoh, no. I know there's people who want it13:33
BigRedSbut the people who wanted gnome2 as it was in maverick probably don't want xfce13:33
Laneywhy can't you use the super key?13:33
KrisDouglasI was getting annoyed with Gnome 2 in Maverick13:34
KrisDouglasLaney, because when I use the super key it doesn't always open, especially when I am in a remote desktop session or similar13:35
KrisDouglasI do prefer unity to Gnome 2 in 10.10, there have been some improvements13:35
KrisDouglasBut i'm still not content with window management, and I am quite annoyed that I cannot put my finger on what it is I don't like.13:36
KrisDouglasConsidering I have widescreen monitors having it on the left edge is wondrous13:37
KrisDouglasEspecially when I look at my colleague who is a mac user. He doesn't have the dock auto-hide, so he loses about 2/3 of an inch of space of his already meagre 1280x800 resolution13:37
shaunoI really like using the bottom edge.  since I rarely have to mouse to status bars, I don't get that "jump in your face when you were aiming for a different widet" effect13:39
brobostigonthis is why i like in gnome-shell the notification thingie, disappears, so it doesnt use any screen space. other than the bar at the top, with the clock and that stuff in, it is quite space efficiant i reckon.13:39
KrisDouglasshauno, the bottom edge is where I naturally prefer it, but it makes sense for it to be on the left/right. Took me a while to get used to, but I do sortof prefer it13:39
KrisDouglasbrobostigon, I have never used Gnome shell, but it does look tidy13:40
brobostigonKrisDouglas: it is, yes.13:40
* brobostigon likes to be able to reply to stuff in empathy, directly from notifications.13:41
KrisDouglasgnome shell looks like Android Honeycomb13:43
KrisDouglas...upside down.13:43
brobostigoni have not used honeycomb.13:44
BigRedSbrobostigon: the gnome-shell notifications are infuriating with a full-screen terminal :/13:44
BigRedSI don't see why they can't just use the top panel, which you can't do anything useful with anyway13:44
KrisDouglasI run terminator with about 6 boxes open13:44
nymwarThe position of the notifications should be configurable13:45
KrisDouglasTo be fair, all that top panel seems to do is show the time13:45
brobostigonBigRedS: i have my terminal here mostly full screen with the topbar visiable, how does it behave, i havent tried it full full screen.13:45
KrisDouglascould something more constructive not be done with it?13:45
brobostigonKrisDouglas: it also shows nm-applet and all that stuff.13:45
BigRedSbrobostigon: well, the notification from the bottom covers up the bottom 12mm or so of my sreen, which is a line-and-a-bit of text13:45
BigRedSso when someione jabbers me I need to stop working for a few secodns until the notification goes away13:45
nymwarThe top bar could be temporarily replaced by notifications.  That way you could continue hacking on a maximized terminal13:46
KrisDouglasyeah, but I am looking at a demo of it, brobostigon, and it seems to be the top right 2" are the only bits with anything on13:46
brobostigonBigRedS: ah, i run byobu, so it doesnt cover here, i never really thought about that,]13:46
brobostigonKrisDouglas: the whole stripe i would say, yes.13:46
BigRedSah yeah, it's fine with screen or whatever, but I keep not using screen13:46
BigRedSI've started using pidgin now, though, because I got infurated with empathy not doing away-on-idle13:47
nymwarTo make it blingy the top bar could be like a cylinder which rotates to show notifications13:48
KrisDouglasHas pidgin made any improvements lately, I havent used it on Linux since it was un-included from Ubuntu13:48
KrisDouglasI still use it on windows13:48
KrisDouglasnymwar, that would be interesting to see13:48
BigRedSit does xmpp priority now13:48
brobostigonBigRedS: ah, i see, ok.13:49
BigRedSapart from that, I don't think so. The conversation log interface is a bit less insane than empathy's, too13:49
nymwarMaybe I should patent the top bar cylinder idea, then have MS pay me royalties ;-)13:51
BigRedSnymwar: it doesn't work in that direction! :)13:51
TREllisAlanBell: btw, Marianna did send your mails in the end, I guess she had a backlog :)13:54
davmor2TREllis: She works for Canonical right you only need a minute away from your computer before you have a backlog :D13:56
TREllisdavmor2: filtering++ that way I feel like I'm caught up, even if I'm months behind13:58
davmor2TREllis: ah Not the select all mark as read approach then ;)13:59
BigRedSdavmor2: mark as spam, prevents the problem recurring14:00
davmor2BigRedS: You'd go far, but only because it's a 27 floor lift ride to the coat rack ;)14:01
KrisDouglasI am going to now install XFCE14:32
KrisDouglasBefore I kill myself14:33
BigRedSwhy not just not install it and not go on to kill yourself?14:33
=== MichealH` is now known as MichealH
KrisDouglasBigRedS, because that's not entertaining enough14:33
KrisDouglasam I right in thinking the best procedure is to run apt-get install xfce4?14:34
KrisDouglasor is there a desktop-like metapackage that has more goodies in it?14:34
BigRedSnot in ubuntu14:34
BigRedSapt-get install xubuntu-desktop14:35
BigRedSgets you what you probably want14:35
KrisDouglasI am going to have a play14:35
KrisDouglas89.7mb of archives14:35
KrisDouglas63 seconds14:36
KrisDouglasthats wrong14:36
KrisDouglasI am enjoying XFCE so far15:06
KrisDouglasI think I need to tinker with my Window Manager a bit, it's a bit ugly15:07
KrisDouglas(Only because I changed it to that :))15:07
bigcalmYou changed it to 'ugly' ?15:13
czajkowskihttp://fosdem.org/2012/  79 days to FOSDEM15:13
bigcalmczajkowski: !15:15
bigcalmczajkowski: 9th Dec, xmas meal, you know you want to :)15:15
MooDoorats belgium :(15:15
bigcalm!language | MooDoo15:16
lubotu3`MooDoo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:16
MartijnVdSAh, the rudest word in the universe :)15:16
bigcalmGlad somebody else knows this :)15:17
czajkowskibigcalm: I may come along afterwards but I'm a bad eater and the thought of someone serving me stuff I dont like isn't kinda me, think it's a nice idea mind you15:19
bigcalmHo hum15:20
czajkowskiI'm really bad to bring places for food15:21
KrisDouglasPardon my ignorance but which one was rude ;)15:21
KrisDouglasbigcalm, Yeah, I changed it to ugly, it was an accident, I think.15:22
* bigcalm hugs czajkowski15:22
* TheOpenSourcerer thinks czajkowski just lives on the black stuff.15:24
MooDoobovril o/ FTW!15:25
* TheOpenSourcerer says "Could be!" in the voice of Hong Kong Phooey15:25
czajkowskiugh Bovril15:26
* MooDoo has just stopped respecting czajkowski 15:26
MartijnVdSczajkowski: you prefer marmite?15:26
TheOpenSourcererMarmite rocks.15:26
DJonesSpeaking of black stuff, I've got some HP sauce with Guiness at home, its a bit of an acquired taste :)15:26
bigcalmI have a bottle of that, but not tried it yet15:27
DJonesIts an interesting combination15:28
brobostigonDJones: i tried that hp, on sausage sandwiches the other day, very yummy, :)15:29
popey\o/ marmite highligh15:30
bigcalmpopey: you put it in your hair?15:30
popeynot commonly15:30
TheOpenSourcererbigcalm: popey has cats. Cats love marmite...15:32
TheOpenSourcererOur cat likes Earwax :-D15:32
bigcalmWhy are you feeding your cat earwax?15:33
* TheOpenSourcerer was waiting for that15:33
TheOpenSourcererI "discovered" that factoid by accident.15:33
TheOpenSourcererA dangling hand off the sofa after digging around in my ear...15:34
TheOpenSourcererInteresting factoid #2. I discovered this on our previous cat.15:35
shaunocould have been worse.  our kittens used to like sitting on my head, and along the back of my neck when watching tv.  imagine if they'd gone for some fresh produce15:35
gordfresh is not the word i would choose15:35
popeywell known that cats like earwax15:36
popeythey go nuts for it15:36
TheOpenSourcererIs it popey? Well I never.15:36
popeygoogle cats and earwax15:36
popeyfirst hit is a b3ta link about it, nsfw15:36
bigcalmOh dear15:37
popeywell, sfw, just for child minds15:37
popeyso dont read it gord !15:37
* bigcalm tuts15:37
shaunoguess it kinda makes sense.  it's kinda fun & tangy.  and we feed them freeze-dried cardboard ..15:38
bigcalmI've never tasted a bit and thought, mmm more15:38
shaunoyou don't live on freeze-dried cardboard :)15:40
gordam not a child >:(15:40
shaunoI'm not sure I could have cats again.  our last attempt at modifying the local food chain went slightly wrong15:41
KrisDouglasshauno, you aren't supposed to eat your cat.15:43
shaunoI didn't.  they woulda beat me in a fight :)15:43
shaunowe got cats because we had a chipmunk infestation.  it worked rather well, until some passing cyotes discovered we had a feline infestation ..15:44
KrisDouglasDid you eat the cyotes?15:44
shaunohaha.  hungry?15:45
MooDooed0fj34x"£R423tr£$!V£$vt"£$%341v5£$!V23415  replace each letter with a swear word15:45
dogmatic69that is a lot of swear words15:46
KrisDouglasshauno, not now. :)P15:46
KrisDouglasMooDoo do they all have to be english?15:52
MooDooKrisDouglas: not at all no!15:53
MooDoodogmatic69: sorry just found out about work christmas hols15:53
dogmatic69MooDoo: or lack of them... ?15:54
MooDoodogmatic69: have to work boxing day15:54
MooDooin the offoce15:54
dogmatic69in the snow15:55
MooDoodogmatic69: oh that doesn't bother me, just working boxing day??  pah!15:55
MooDooanyone need a tea biatch?15:55
dogmatic69did you pull the short straw?15:55
MooDoodogmatic69: yeah15:55
dogmatic69MooDoo: wife / kids?15:55
MooDoodogmatic69: 1 wife 1 3 year old and 1 2 month old15:56
dogmatic69normally that gets you off the days like that15:56
dogmatic69clearly they dont care about family stuff15:56
dogmatic692 month old... $sleep--15:57
MooDoooh well :)16:04
Barbarianevenin' gents16:45
OliMooDoo: I read that as you having a 13yo wife.16:46
OliClear sign: I need tea.16:46
BarbarianI have tea. It is delicious16:47
MooDooOli: should i be worried about you? ;)16:57
DaraelDepends.  Is there any sign of sanity present?  If so, then yes, be worried.16:58
MooDooselect * from sanity where user = 'logged into ubuntu-uk';16:59
MooDoono results returned!16:59
DaraelAh.  Phew.17:01
Myrttimy INternet connection is so bad, even the one in UK is better :-(17:01
Myrttithis makes me a sad puppy17:01
davmor2Myrtti: no don't be a sad puppy be a sad kitten instead :D17:02
bigcalmKittens do rock17:03
BigRedSkittens don't come in 'sad'17:03
bigcalmSo sad17:03
popeynot surprised he's sad with all that drop shadow17:03
TheOpenSourcererOK - Time to go and annoy my wife by peering knowledgeably into her cooking vessels and going "hmmm".17:04
popeystir them!17:05
TheOpenSourcererThat does it too!17:05
popeythen add some salt17:05
popeyor pretend to17:05
TheOpenSourcererThat sounds just like - err - home.17:05
DaraelTheOpenSourcerer: Sounds mildly cruel, and immoderately amusing.  I approve.17:05
* MooDoo daren't go home tonight after telling my wofe i have to work boxing day :S17:05
DaraelMooDoo: Thy wofe?17:06
TheOpenSourcererMooDoo: Then go to the pub and get blindly drunk.17:06
MooDooyeah went into west country mode then17:06
MooDooTheOpenSourcerer: oh that would work lol17:06
* Darael tries to come up with an entertaining definition of "wofe". Possibly past tense of wife, but that's not really inventive enough.17:06
TheOpenSourcererYes, but at least her screaming won't bother you much.17:06
* MooDoo eyes up the pub down the road17:07
danfishTheOpenSourcerer: add a crafty chili or two to the pot when her back is turned :D17:08
Myrttiwhen I'm looking at iftop and seeing weird traffic that doesn't make any sense, how would you start pinpointing where the problem is? I'm trying to download Fedora on Transmission and every time I put transmission on, it gets really slow speeds and the quality of the connection in every app goes south like duck in winter17:09
Myrttialso my Belkin complains about SYN flood outbound something or other17:09
Myrttioh, it seems to go both ways17:10
shaunothe later would lead me to believe Transmission is mustering up more connections than your router can handle.  you'll probably get better performance if you can cap the maximum it'll create17:11
danfishMyrtti: I've just learnt to accept that as normal with p2p17:11
MyrttiI wonder would trying out with maverick laptop work better than the oneiric tablet17:11
MyrttiI just haven't experienced anything like this before17:12
bigcalmSpeaking of laptops, I'd better make sure mine is working for tomorrow's day in Wolverhampton17:12
MyrttiI'm supposed to have 24M inbound17:12
shaunoI don't supose your router offers any facility to see what its memory usage looks like?17:12
Myrttibarely getting 1K in with torrent, and even then ssh and http connections just drop17:13
bigcalmddwrt \o/17:13
Myrttiyeah, thanks, bigcalm. I just bought this Belkin :-<17:13
davmor2MooDoo: Just find a new job in the meantime where you don't need to ;)17:14
shaunoif it's what it sounds like, it's not linespeed; nat requires the router to track each connection in memory. when you start running out of memory, you'll have issues creating new connections17:14
popeyMyrtti: I'd use HTTP to get the iso, Red Hat can afford the bandwidth :D17:14
bigcalmMyrtti: I'm sorry :(17:14
MooDoodavmor2: trying17:15
davmor2Myrtti: switch it off and on again it's the ultimate IT fix :D17:15
davmor2MooDoo: I feel sorry for you, but tell her it could be worse you could have to work newyears eve, think of the brewery owners that would go bust if that happened ;)17:18
Myrttialso perpetually annoyed that the wan connection settings don't seem to change from VCI MUX to LLC no matter how many times I try to change the settings17:18
davmor2Myrtti: Yeah but you bought a belkin you didn't expect it to work right did you?17:19
Myrttidavmor2: well I expected more than from a TeleWell or others I've had17:21
MooDoodavmor2: i'm ok with it, wife is fuming lol17:21
davmor2MooDoo: Newyears eve?17:22
MooDoodavmor2: only working boxing day....off otherwise will 3rd jan17:23
davmor2MooDoo: that's my point how much worse would it be to have to work on new years eve17:24
MooDoodavmor2: i'd work it, that's one day i don't care about at all17:24
davmor2MooDoo: it's the biggest party of the year and you use words like don't care17:25
davmor2MooDoo: shame on you17:25
MooDoolet's use something else.....REALLY REALLY DON'T CARE :)17:25
MyrttiI must have slipped into some weird universe17:25
MyrttiI don't know how to quit htop anymore17:25
Myrttiah there we go17:26
DaraelIndeed, q.17:26
davmor2MooDoo: I'm getting this I don't care vibe from you but I'm hearing P.......A.......R........T........Y? cus I gotta17:27
gorddavmor2, where am i going again tomorrow? i mean once i get to this lighthouse place, what am i doing?17:27
daubersgord: The polka??17:27
bigcalmgord: go to the cafe17:27
bigcalmgord: buy me a coffee17:28
davmor2gord: head for the cafe17:28
davmor2gord: and don't fall for bigcalms buy me a drink query17:28
gorddavmor2, you are in the directory right? i'll just call you or something when i inevitably get lost ;)17:30
davmor2gord: did you ever go to LRL?17:30
MartijnVdSits 1°C out.. time for a run! ;)17:32
davmor2gord: okay in that case you walk out the train station straight up till you get to the traffic lights and turn right it's on the right last building but yeah give me a ring :)17:32
davmor2gord: it's literally 2 minutes tops. and you can see the big CHUBB sign as you come out of the station17:34
gordonjcpyeah, it's quite noticeable17:35
bigcalm1,511 results for 'lugradio' on flickr and I still haven't found a picture of the outside of the building17:36
bigcalmThere is this though: http://www.flickr.com/photos/andy_d/1241988602/17:38
davmor2gord: http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=wolverhampton+train+station&daddr=52.58744,-2.1234+to:Long+St&hl=en&sll=52.587046,-2.122054&sspn=0.001349,0.003484&geocode=FbxsIgMdUqff_yEkRwg-Bjx2fw%3BFbBrIgMdeJnf_yn1vMnjkZtwSDFRYxvMI4sNEw%3BFbBrIgMdeJnf_w&vpsrc=6&mra=dme&mrsp=2&sz=19&via=1&t=m&z=1917:39
davmor2gord: love google urls17:39
jutnuxEvening guys!17:39
davmor2jutnux: evening17:39
gordyeah my phone can get me there17:39
davmor2gord: although the roads have changed slightly but it should still get you close :)17:45
Myrttiok, so how do I explain the fact that after reboot, without starting transmission before starting iftop, I get weird connections to all over the world according to iftop? to Brazil, Argentina, Sweden...17:48
bigcalmmrben at his finest hour http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikedpeters/2683202679/17:48
* bigcalm gives up looking and puts dinner on17:49
Myrttibasically I don't understand why and how this stuff can show up in my iftop17:50
gordMyrtti, does iftop not let you see the process ID of the connection? nethogs will let you see those at least so you'll know what is transmitting data17:56
Myrttiok, nethogs makes more sense to my brain than iftop18:05
Myrttiit was inbound connections because I had done a portforward to see if that helps with the torrent speeds18:06
Myrtti(it didn't)18:06
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Wheres Chuck? - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/11/16/wheres-chuck/18:10
bigcalmWhere's my coffee?18:11
davmor2bigcalm: a little further to the right18:12
bigcalmHave you been moving my oggcamp11 mug around?18:13
popey\o/ oggcamp hilight18:13
davmor2bigcalm: no I just saw where you put it18:13
bigcalmAh, that highlight18:13
bigcalmpopey: why do you have marmite on highlight?18:14
KrisDouglasDoes anybody know if it is possible to show the transfer speed in Thunar?18:14
KrisDouglasI have done some googling but the results all turned up with unanswered threads and old mailing lists18:14
popeybigcalm: why not?18:15
davmor2KrisDouglas: ask on #xubuntu or #xubuntu-devel18:15
bigcalmpopey: fair enough :)18:15
KrisDouglasdavmor2, I am not technically using xubuntu, I have just installed the DE :) (joke, thanks for the channels =] )18:15
bigcalmI can't decide which fountain pen to take with me tomorrow :S18:15
bigcalmMetal body with purple ink or plastic body with green ink?18:16
davmor2KrisDouglas: being as they are the default xfce users they are more likely to know18:16
davmor2bigcalm: green ink18:16
KrisDouglasOkiedokes, I will ask, dave, thanks.18:16
bigcalmThink it'll be the metal one as it's more likely to travel better18:17
KrisDouglaswhat the hell happened to that18:17
KrisDouglasOk, I will ask. Thanks Dave. ***18:17
bigcalmdavmor2: I like the green ink so much I'm tempted to drain my other fountain pen and have it in both18:17
KrisDouglasI need to go to bed.18:17
Daraelbigcalm: Metal body and purple ink are both advantages in my book.18:17
DaraelAs long as the purple is closer to blue than pink, at any rate.18:18
davmor2bigcalm: yeah but if we are in the green house again we know what happen to your purple ink in sunlight18:18
bigcalmdavmor2: the purple ink faded over many weeks of being in the sun light :P18:18
davmor2bigcalm: :D18:19
bigcalmMetal with purple: http://yfrog.com/h346vyfj18:20
bigcalmPlastic with green: https://plus.google.com/photos/113834766641843352499/albums/567515950600995550518:20
davmor2bigcalm: apparently you'll need the purple as you can't draw a big smiley face in the green ink judging by the text in the picture :P18:22
popeydo they do orange as well as purple?18:22
davmor2popey: hahaha18:23
MartijnVdSdavmor2: ctrl+shift+u 263a ;)18:26
popeyooo I like that one too18:27
MartijnVdSpopey: 263b :)18:27
davmor2MartijnVdS: I was figuring out it I could use python to figure out the code the answer is yes,  sadly however that means I'm understanding python more18:27
MartijnVdSbut isn't there a separate block for smileys now in Unicode :)18:28
MartijnVdSdavmor2: understanding more python is good.18:28
hamitronjust don't let it tighten its grip on you, or you shall learn nothing else18:29
davmor2MartijnVdS: No it means the world is doomed, dooooomed I tell you18:29
MartijnVdSdavmor2: I liked Doom, back in the 90s18:29
Myrttiserious candy love: a friend sent me pineapple lumps from New Zealand - omg ♥18:30
davmor2MartijnVdS: Doom is different to Doomed ;)18:30
davmor2Myrtti: are those like pinapple cubes?18:31
Myrttidavmor2: chocolate covered pieces of heaven that go funny after keeping them in a fridge - they are like softer ice cubes after that18:32
* gord can't wait for his next candy japan delivery18:32
MartijnVdSMyrtti: Professor Slughorn's favourite crystallised pineapple?18:32
gordthough last time i go red bean candy... some people love it, but to me it tastes like potato candy18:32
MartijnVdSTime for foods18:33
MyrttiMartijnVdS: I wouldn't know18:33
MartijnVdSMyrtti: No Harry Potter reader?18:34
MyrttiMartijnVdS: I've read some of them once several years ago18:36
Laneyi don't get this meme18:58
Laneywho is chuck :(18:58
MartijnVdSLaney: Chuck? Meme?18:58
MartijnVdSLaney: Chuck Testa?18:58
MartijnVdSLaney: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/nope-chuck-testa ?18:59
Laneyi don't know who that is18:59
MartijnVdSI don't know either18:59
Laneycould be that person i suppose19:00
MartijnVdSvery probably19:00
popeyLaney: he's a guy who works for canonical19:02
AlanBellevening all19:18
czajkowskiAlanBell: you in London #?19:19
AlanBellon a train in waterloo about to leave19:19
AlanBellhow are you?19:20
czajkowskiproductive day ?19:20
AlanBellrather intense!19:21
czajkowskiin a good or bad way?19:21
AlanBellwhat are people up to this evening?19:25
AlanBelland have you all signed up for the happy hour/christmas dinner?19:25
Laneypossibly going to see "the future"19:26
czajkowskiAlanBell: curled up in bed reading19:26
MartijnVdSlistening to some good music19:26
Laneywhich is a film narrated by a cat19:26
danfishAlanBell: happy hour, of course, meal, no pass :(19:27
AlanBelljust got an email from the place, can't expand the booking but 9 is OK19:29
* AlanBell wonders if czajkowski and filace will come to dinner19:30
danfishmay have to put on a disguise in Surbiton, in case my patients see me in a pub19:30
AlanBellis that bad?19:31
AlanBellwill they ask you to have a look at bits of them?19:31
czajkowskiAlanBell: consdiering the courses danfish goes on I'd hope not19:32
czajkowskiAlanBell: nope fraid not for the meal19:32
danfishhah - I really hope not, but will bring rubber gloves just in cases19:33
TheAshManHi, I have a problem where the login screen doesn't start. after boot19:42
TheAshManI've tried logging in to recovery mode and running unity --reset, but I got an error saying no display variable set19:43
TheAshManCan I fix this from a live CD?19:44
* MartijnVdS takes away AlanBell's caps lock key19:46
sadsunI think TheAshMan means GRUB19:47
TheAshManNope, don't mean grub. I do mean lightdm. My bad.19:47
AlanBellsorry, there wasorry, didn't mean to be shouty, I lost signal for several minutes and then it all came back19:51
AlanBelllaggiest mobile connection evar19:53
BigRedSMartijnVdS: but then he can't turn it off!19:54
danfishis plymouth now the default? (can't run oneiric on this laptop due to a kernel prob - running debian)19:57
* danfish must really sort out this laptop20:01
jutnuxI have purchased my Father's christmas present: http://r.jutnux.co.uk/tYzP5f20:04
czajkowskiI've one last xmas pressie to get20:08
czajkowskiand it's the one that's gonna drive me batty20:09
jutnuxWhat is it? czajkowski ?20:09
bigcalmA bat20:09
czajkowskiI've no idea20:09
bigcalmA case of rum cask Innis & Gunn for me?20:11
* bigcalm sups his ale loveingly20:11
jutnuxWater is the way forward, young padawan.20:11
jutnuxYou're older than me so.. failure there.20:12
bigcalmThem to their own :)20:12
bigcalmI'm guessing that you are less than 18 (or 21 if you are in the US)20:13
jutnuxYes. Are you referring to alcohol?20:13
jutnuxYou obviously don't know the youth around me.20:14
jutnuxDrinking, parties every weekend, drugs, more drugs, more partying.20:14
jutnuxNot that I drink, do drugs or party so extremely I end up in hospital like most (:20:15
czajkowskihttp://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/896  for the movmber tha's in it20:15
jutnuxczajkowski, I grew mine over the weekend and it looked horrible. It had to be killed unfortunately.20:16
jutnuxSo what do you all think about SOPA?20:18
* AlanBell hopes it is just an american problem20:22
* czajkowski had to write an article on it today20:23
AlanBellor I hope it gets chucked out so it doesn't come over here20:23
AlanBellgreat firewall of America20:23
MartijnVdSI stopped caring about politics a long time ago. Not much changes in the end anyway.20:23
AlanBellland of the free20:24
* AlanBell arrives in Farnham20:24
jutnuxczajkowski, Where is such article?20:25
jutnuxAnd yes, if it comes here there will be protests so I doubt it'll change much.20:25
jutnuxJust result in more people using Ubuntu ;)20:25
czajkowskijutnux: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/czajkowski/H-onlineArticles  I put all my stuff on here20:25
jutnuxALl of the big companies are joining in.20:26
jutnuxThe US will end up like China.20:26
jutnuxIf this happens20:27
jutnuxThe internet is over20:27
jutnuxIt was today20:27
jpdsjutnux: Righto.20:27
jutnuxjpds, I didn't mean literally over but.20:27
jutnuxPretty much breeching the first amendment if they stop free speech.20:33
Barbarianwouldn't be the biggest shock, coming from america20:34
bigcalm!language | jutnux20:34
lubotu3`jutnux: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:34
BarbarianAll hail the corporatocracy20:35
jutnuxSorry bigcalm ;)20:35
jutnuxI hope it never comes here.20:35
jutnuxI think I read about one in Europe.20:35
bigcalmczajkowski: If I were to take part in movember, I think I would find myself single for a month20:35
jutnuxWorth it though isn't it bigcalm? ;)20:36
TheOpenSourcererczajkowski: jutnux If you have Windows (or a patent infringing decoder) you could watch the Hearing on SOPA here: http://judiciary.house.gov/20:36
bigcalmHayley does not like facial hair below the eyes20:36
MartijnVdStell her it's manly.20:36
czajkowskibigcalm: hehe I've done everyone and anything to get it grown no such luck20:36
marsilainenmaybe she should get a shave then20:37
jutnuxTheOpenSourcerer, Can#t get on. How's it going so far?20:37
TheOpenSourcererI do not have Windows or a patent infringing codec.20:37
bigcalmThat depends if one chooses to recognise software patents or not20:38
marsilainenI don't think you can choose which laws to recognise20:39
marsilainencan I choose not to recognise the murder law?20:39
TheOpenSourcererTime for beer and BBC. Laterz all.20:39
jutnuxAdios amigo!20:39
bigcalmMurder is a matter of morel point of view. Software patents are a farce20:40
MartijnVdSEEK they changed the BBC guide page20:41
MartijnVdSit's horizontal now20:41
Azelphurgot a friend with a neighbour with a printer that seems to be not working20:47
AzelphurIt's an MP210, it has about a week old ink cartridges in it, on it's single digit LED display it says E then 1 then 6, and repeats.20:48
Azelphurany ideas? I tried reseating the cartridges but that didn't solve it :(20:48
gordonjcpmarsilainen: codecs can't infringe patents, because they are software and you cannot patent software20:50
marsilainenI was not responding to that20:51
Azelphurit's extra fun because the manual makes no mention of error codes20:51
marsilainenI was responding to bigcalm's statement "That depends if one chooses to recognise software patents or not"20:51
marsilainengordonjcp: though to be honest I think your point is nothing more than semantic: you can patent ideas, including algorithms, which software then implements20:53
marsilainenthat's the essence of what a "software patent" is20:53
BarbarianPatenting math is insane. Thats what a software patent is.20:54
gordonjcpmarsilainen: there is actually quite a lot to getting a valid patent20:54
DaraelBut that's just it:  Look at what the patent system was developed for, and what the requirements for a patent are /supposed/ to be, and one can easily see that patents are intended for use on implementations.20:54
gordonjcpmarsilainen: and it boils down to in most of the world you *cannot* patent software20:54
marsilainengordonjcp: I never said that there was not20:54
gordonjcpand you'd even struggle to patent the ideas behind the software20:54
gordonjcpI say this as someone who holds a couple of patents for hardware20:54
marsilainennor have I said that I agree with software patents20:54
marsilainenI have no idea what point you are trying to make20:55
marsilainenthe fact is that in the US at least there are thousands of patents being used to protect algorithms used in software20:55
DaraelUnfortunately, getting /hardware/ patents that are so vaguely-worded that they are clearly designed to cover any idea that someone else eventually comes up with seems to be possible - cf that Apple patent on 3d display without glasses (I forget the patent number, or I'd provide a reference.  I'll see if I can dig it out)20:56
gordonjcpmarsilainen: right, but the US is irrelevant20:56
marsilainengordonjcp: well, irrelevant in what context?20:56
gordonjcpmarsilainen: it's *one* country, with backward-looking laws20:57
AlanBellmarsilainen: in the #ubuntu-uk context, it is a different jurisdiction20:57
AlanBellthey do have extra-jurisdictional influence20:58
gordonjcpmarsilainen: if the USA decided that you had to sing nursery rhymes for ten minutes before firefox would start, would Ubuntu remove firefox or make a singstar-type game?20:58
gordonjcpof course not20:58
BarbarianThe US like to think they run the world. And they try and enforce that way.20:58
gordonjcpwe run into this problem on amateur radio mailing lists all the time20:59
gordonjcp"well you can't use that mode because the FCC says you can't use more than 300bps on the HF bands"20:59
gordonjcpis there a reason why I should care about the FCC's regressive thinking?21:00
marsilainengordonjcp: so you suggest that Ubuntu ignores all US software patents?21:00
ali1234i do21:00
ali1234actually i think they should go one step further and include as much "patented" software as possible21:00
ali1234even if it is no use to anyone21:00
DaraelIt may not be strictly gramatically correct (the expansion of USA is plural, after all), but I would argue that in the context of what Barbarian said, the pronoun should be "it", to differentiate the attitude of the nation from that of its people.  The /nation/ is the thing with the attitude, not (or not universally) its citizens.21:00
gordonjcpmarsilainen: yes21:01
gordonjcpthe US is not relevant to 99% of Ubuntu users21:01
jutnuxLaughing so hard.21:01
BarbarianDarael, I 100% meant the government, not the people.21:01
marsilainengordonjcp: prove that statistic21:01
marsilainenI bet more than 1% of ubuntu users are in the US21:01
DaraelBarbarian: I was reasonably sure that was the case.  But I think it's useful to make the distinction explicit.21:02
gordonjcpmarsilainen: maybe, but still some vanishingly small proportion21:02
gordonjcpthey probably don't even have computers in most of the US, they're against "God's Will" or something21:02
gordonjcpthe taliban confiscate them, no doubt21:03
marsilainenok, now you're being silly21:03
gordonjcpmarsilainen: long story short, why should I be inconvenienced to keep a bunch of butthurt crazy religious fundamentalists happy?21:03
marsilainenoh look, more users in north america than anywhere else21:03
Barbarianjutnux, nice link :D21:04
bigcalmAlanBell: maybe this is the point of having regional ISOs :)21:04
* gordonjcp -> home21:04
gordonjcpbrb in half an hour21:04
jutnuxBarbarian, indeed. Microshaft are clearly worried. They even made a video comparing Office 2010 to OO.org21:05
BarbarianI do believe we might be privileged enough to witness the fall of micro$loth within this decade.21:06
BarbarianI don't think I have anything hard to back that up, but it's a feeling.21:06
bigcalmBarbarian: and 2012 will be the year of the Linux Desktop21:07
AzelphurBarbarian: it's pretty obvious that microsoft won't 'fall' what I think will happen though, is that things like smartphones will take over and microsoft will no longer have a monopoly :)21:07
BarbarianAzelphur, I didn't mean disappear into the abyss, I meant fall as in no longer able to bully and litigate their way to maintaining their monopoly21:07
Azelphurindeed :p21:07
Azelphurcompetition between the OS's will encourage innovation and make people write cross platform code, which is the best for everyone, hopefully that'll happen. :D21:08
BarbarianI do wonder if any non-linux non-windows OS will come into the limelight. Is BSD a different base, or is that also linux?21:09
Azelphurit's different21:09
Barbarianmac = linux21:09
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Wheres Chuck 2 - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/11/16/wheres-chuck-2/21:10
Azelphurmac is BSD21:10
DaraelBarbarian: OSX is BSD, and BSD and Linux are both *nix.21:10
Azelphurhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac_OS_X "Mac OS X is based upon the Mach kernel.[13] Certain parts from FreeBSD's and NetBSD's implementation of Unix were incorporated inNeXTSTEP, the core of Mac OS X."21:11
Barbarian"In a Netcraft survey published 1 March 2011, the top three most reliable Web hosting company sites for the month of February 2011 (the most recent month for which figures are available as of March 2011) were all found to be running FreeBSD on their servers."21:13
BarbarianI had no idea!21:13
shaunoI have to admit, I don't put much faith in netcraft anymore21:14
Barbarianshauno, Any reason?21:14
shaunothey're still stuck on a very 90s view of how these things work.  most notable sites are applications servers sat behind load balancers.  So the OS you see is the loadbalancer's, and the uptime (do they still chart those?) is almost complete fiction because you're round-robined off multiple machines21:15
BarbarianI see21:16
shaunothat's how you get crazy headlines about microsoft running linux on their servers.  because they pulled assets off an akamai loadbalancer, not msft's network21:17
BarbarianHuh. Really? I thought microsoft really did run linux :P21:18
shaunothey did run freebsd for a long time.  hotmail was on freebsd for a *long time* after they acquired it21:19
DJonesEvening all21:22
BarbarianHow goes it?21:23
DJonesNot bad, just having a break from minecraft21:24
DJonesHow about you21:24
Barbarianpretty good21:25
Barbarianpresentation went really well :D21:25
DJonesThats good21:25
gordonjcpthat's actually a really tiring and annoying drive21:38
jutnuxSomeone needs to invent a cure for the Cold21:38
jutnuxEven though it's semi-impossible.21:38
j0nr\wg 1421:40
dwatkinswhat if it turns us all into zombies, though?21:41
BarbarianNobody on #ubuntu seems to know. Anyone got any idea what would cause ubuntu 11.10 64bit to recieve on input the sounds the computer is making instead of the microphone?21:41
jutnuxIncorrect sound choice?21:41
jutnuxOnly thing I can think of21:41
BarbarianIf you mean the almamixer CLI interface thing, not that, tried it21:41
dwatkinsBarbarian: are you using PulseAudio? Have you looked at padevchooser?21:42
Barbariandwatkins, Never heard of it, reading about it now21:42
dwatkinsworth checking, iirc21:43
Barbariandwatkins, It doesnt want to ./configure :(21:48
dwatkinsBarbarian: you shouldn't need to compile it - I believe it's in the repos21:49
Barbarian"Package padevchooser is not availuable, but is referenced"21:50
dwatkinsWhat give you that, apt-get install padevchooser? I assume you've run apt-get update and apt-get upgrade recently.21:55
Barbarianyes, yes and yes.21:56
dwatkinsWhat release of Ubuntu?22:04
Barbarian11.10 64 bit22:04
MyrttiI just noticed the alt text on sabdfl's Movember blog entry22:04
Myrtticracked me up22:04
Barbariani'm going up to development version of ubuntu-sound, seeing if that makes a difference22:04
Barbarian"failed to fetch ubuntu-audio-dev" RAGE22:06
czajkowskiaquarius: find who you were looking for ?22:34
Azelphurhow do I pipe the output of a command into tar?22:41
AzelphurI want to run a mysqldump and tar it as it goes22:41
deej1976Azelphur: mysqldump -h host -p -u userid database | tar cvf mysql-bkup.tar -22:44
Azelphurty :D22:44
deej1976Azelphur: might work :D22:44
Azelphurecho "Hello" | tar cvf mysql-bkup.tar - # doesn't seem to work, so I'm gonna assume no22:45
Azelphurit says -: cannot stat: no such file or directory22:46
deej1976Azelphur: mysqldump < mysqldump options> | gzip > outputfile.sql.gz22:48
Azelphurdeej1976: ah, have to use gzip for it tar can't do it22:48
Azelphurhaha, same time22:48
deej1976Azelphur: www.ducea.com ?22:49
Azelphurwhat about it?22:49
deej1976That's where I found it22:49
Azelphurah cool :)22:49
AzelphurI found it on stack overflow22:50
deej19763rd one down on my gogle search22:50
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Azelphurhmm, here's an interesting bash question :p23:37
AzelphurI'm running mysqldump ... | gzip blah.gz, I want to ionice both the gzip and mysqldump, how do I do it?23:38
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