
az7chat night !03:28
snide_lol wakee wakee]03:28
az7so when/where is the lug meet?03:29
snide_iemailed back in response to that question today, but kwad hasn't moderated it yet03:35
az7nwalug is kind of quiet too03:35
snide_probably could talk kwad into it at the game store03:35
snide_they all are03:35
snide_it's super-hard to keep interest up in these groups03:35
snide_we have a dcg, and let me tell you, it takes many people & a lot of work to just keep it going03:36
snide_but don't give up! that's the key03:36
snide_speaking of interest, its nice & cold, pouring rain... it's DAMNED difficult to stay awake here03:37
az7yeah the weather has been crap lately03:39
snide_so have you gone to a carlug meeting?03:39
az7nah, only 2600 meetings so far03:41
snide_really? where do you live?03:41
snide_do you mean fs2600?03:41
snide_ah. i promised to make it to one of those, but yeah, loooong drive03:42
snide_love to get a 2600 going in cark, but...sigh no time03:42
az7not so bad, we came down for pyarkansas last month03:43
snide_yeah that's another group that needs formation here. just hard to do03:44
snide_how is pyarkansas doing?03:44
az7it was a blast.. won some free books and all that03:45
snide_man that's awesome!03:45
snide_the only time ive been in nwa is to see a hogs game03:47
snide_that's been awhile03:47
az7you guys should carpool it up to fs2600 some time03:47
snide_yes we definitely should03:48
snide_many of us really wanna go03:48

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