
nuvolariMaaz: tell kilos hi oom, I'm not sure about converting the sounds, but usually less-bit sound should work on a higher-bit sound device04:06
Maaznuvolari: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode04:06
nuvolario/ morning everyone04:06
Kilosgood morning everyone04:38
KilosMaaz, coffee on04:38
* Maaz puts the kettle on04:38
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!04:42
KilosMaaz, ty04:42
MaazEnjoy Kilos04:42
inetprogood mornings05:22
=== scar[w]_ is now known as scar[w]
sakhihi inetpro #ubuntu-za05:54
inetprosakhi: hi05:55
kbmonkeyhows za doing today? been a while :]07:40
nlsthznhi all10:55
nuvolario/ nlsthzn 11:12
nlsthznHow are you nuvolari ?11:12
nuvolariI'm good! How are you nlsthzn?12:38
nlsthznnuvolari, all good13:32
superflyAfternoon all.16:14
nlsthznhey superfly ... back in sa?16:18
tumbleweedwhere was the fly?16:23
superflytumbleweed: AZ, visiting family16:23
* superfly reckons it's time for another nap16:24
cocooncrashYay jet lag ;-)16:24
nuvolario/ g'evening17:31
Kilosevening all17:36
Kiloshiya superfly 17:36
Kilosnaand nuvolari 17:37
KilosMaaz, coffee on17:37
* Maaz washes some mugs17:37
Kiloslo inetpro 17:38
KilosMaaz, coffee for all17:38
MaazCome on ya buncha geeks. Rock up with your mugs with the correct amount of sugar added already17:38
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!17:41
KilosMaaz, ty17:41
MaazEnjoy Kilos17:41
nuvolariKilos! naand oom :>18:00
Kilosnaand seun18:00
Kiloshi dLimit 18:11
dLimitKilos, how are you?18:11
Kiloswell ty dLimit  and you?18:12
dLimitI'm good thanks. Guess what I got today!18:13
KilosdLimit, tell man18:14
Kiloskan guess18:14
nuvolaridLimit: ubuntu? :P18:15
dLimitI think you aught to remember these, Kilos 18:15
dLimitlol nah nuvolari.. maybe lubuntu but I'm using bodhi now18:16
dLimitCan't stand the new unity craperface 18:16
nuvolaridLimit: what's unity? *cough*18:17
KilosdLimit, i cant go look, what are they?18:18
nuvolariopenbox ftw :D18:18
dLimitIndeed nuvolari !18:18
dLimitIts a 1982 pc18:18
dLimitand spectravideo svi with 80k ram18:19
Kilosor 38618:19
nuvolariwow... dLimit, does it make a good doorstop?18:19
Kilosha ha ha18:19
dLimitHell no! Its a collectors item now. I collect retro consoles and pc's. I'm getting a commodore 64 next week18:19
nuvolariimpressive resolution... I can place a couple of 16x16 icons on screen :P18:20
Kilos640 by 48018:21
nuvolaria whopping 3.6MHz18:21
Kilosha ha ha18:22
KilosdLimit, i have a 386 and a 486 lyingh in the storeroom18:28
Kilosif you know someone coming to pta you can have them18:29
dLimitThanks kilos I'll keep that in mind. My first love was a 286 lol18:30
dLimitwith microshaft Denial of Service OS18:30
dLimitI could play a bike racing game on it but dos wasn't very kind to a 7yr old18:31
Kilosused to battle with those things and the old windows18:31
Kilosi had super bikes for win 9518:32
Kilossbk i think it was called18:33
superflyEvening Kilos18:46
Kiloshiya superfly all well there18:47
Kiloswhen you coming home?18:47
superflyAm home.18:47
Kilosah wb18:47
Kiloswhen the new job starts18:48
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:55
Kilossee you morrow18:55
superflyKilos: monday18:56
superflyNight oom, slaap lekker18:56
Kilosah ty18:56
Kilosjulle ook daar18:56

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