
ksbalajiantnash, I got packages.debian.org while googling.00:00
Aric-Still no wifi love after the tutorial00:01
antnashI'm in. Ta00:02
ActionParsnipAric-: did you run the 2 modprobe commands listed?00:03
lapionksbalaji, of course if you removed obsolete packages at the end of the upgrad you will never know.. you can however check the upgrader's log00:03
ksbalajiantnash, Please check up packages.debian.org  -Ta?00:03
ksbalajilapion, Thanks.00:03
lapionta = thanks all or thanks again..00:03
ksbalajiantnash, ok. good you got it.00:04
antnashyeah, on the ubuntu site00:04
annoyingsporeDoes anyone know of issues with older PCI video cards or similar problems, with ubuntu server 10.10 or 11.10. right after grub, the characters look all whited out and wierd shapes, then no video. I can go into recovery mode on 11.11.00:05
annoyingsporei mean 11.1000:05
lapionannoyingspore, try to startup with the option nosplash00:06
lapionannoyingspore, if that doesn't help try using nomodeset..00:07
ActionParsnipannoyingspore: may help http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/00:07
lapionannoyingspore, the system only contains pci graphics ? no on-board/pcie or agp ?00:07
Aric-ActionParsnip: yes00:08
RoastedAnybody running Ubuntu 11.10 in an environment with Meru backend wireless gear? I'm having an issue where Ubuntu doesn't show wireless networks in Unity. In Gnome Shell, IF they pop up, they show up as "unknown"00:09
TaserCould anyone attempt to help me answer a question?00:10
smwTaser, I don't even know the question00:10
annoyingsporethe nosplash worked! there is no onboard video, it is older Pentium III board00:11
Tasersmw: What command can be used to find the version number of ftp?00:11
ActionParsnipTaser: apt-cache policy ftp00:11
TaserActionParsnip:  Where is the version in their?00:12
ActionParsnipTaser: how do you mean?00:12
genii-around!info ftp00:12
ubottuftp (source: netkit-ftp): classical file transfer client. In component main, is standard. Version 0.17-25 (oneiric), package size 52 kB, installed size 172 kB00:12
TaserIm working on my homework for my operating systems class which is based on ubuntu. One questions is "what command will display the version number of ftp" but im having a hard time figuring it out.00:13
lorddelta1ftp --version?00:13
Taserof course i tried that00:14
Taserthe response is just unkown option00:14
Artemis3ftp version of what? ftp client? which client? your homework is badly written00:14
ActionParsnipTaser: apt-cache policy ftp | head -n 2 | tail -n 100:15
TaserIm well aware  its poorly written.00:15
Ghost1227so on 11.10, with a dualscreen setup my notifications show up on the wrong monitor... is there any way to change this?00:15
TaserInstalled: 0.17-19build1 does that sound right?00:15
ActionParsnipTaser: yes that is the installed version number00:16
FlannelTaser: that's the version of the package named 'ftp', yes.00:16
smwTaser, 0.17 is the answer then00:16
antnashActionParsnip, how would I pass the results of   'dpkg --get-selections | grep firefox'  to   'apt-get purge' ?00:16
Nambi_hello all00:17
TaserSweet thanks. He is going to take a look at my answer and well probably be puzzled. But all I care about is it works and after taking a look at it I understand whats being done i belive.00:17
lorddelta1Taser: I'm wondering if it meant a client server response for the ftp...in which case you'd just connect...00:17
Artemis3or protocol version lol00:17
ActionParsnipantnash: I believe its:   | apt-get purge -00:17
Nambi_guys sorry i'm in the wrong channel but I looking for some ideas, anyone here use ddwrt?00:17
antnashthat simple?! Excellent!00:18
ActionParsnipantnash: could ask in #bash00:18
sachettoantnash, try dpkg --get-selections | grep firefox | xargs apt-get purge00:18
Ghost1227Nambi_: yes00:18
antnashcheers guys. I'll give it a shot now00:19
bugweedhi, is there an IRC for avant window manager or something00:19
Taserlorddelta1: thats what I thought in the first place but the question is asking for a command. I guess ill write both. I had written just connect before but it seems odd that would even be an answer.00:19
Squarismi uppgrade my 10.04 to 10.10.. now i get kernel panic on boot00:20
TaservsFtpd 2.2.2 would be the servers ftp version correct?00:20
bugweedhow do i install hddtemp,ACPI and lm-sensors on ubuntu00:21
ActionParsnip!info hddtemp00:23
ubottuhddtemp (source: hddtemp): hard drive temperature monitoring utility. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3-beta15-48 (oneiric), package size 48 kB, installed size 296 kB00:23
ActionParsnip!info lm-sensors00:23
ubottulm-sensors (source: lm-sensors): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:3.3.0-4ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 98 kB, installed size 476 kB00:23
Squarismshould one run 32 o 64 bit ubuntu?00:23
Squarismwhy NOT 64?00:24
haylo_sudo apt-get install lm-sensors00:24
zykotick9Squarism, you can run 64bit if you want (and have the CPU that supports it), but many people find 32bit easier00:25
itaylor57Squarism, use 32 bit on 32 bit  machines and 64 bit on 64 bity machines00:25
OerSquarism, with 12.04 64 bit will be recommended.00:25
jarubyh /clear00:27
RoastedAnybody running Ubuntu 11.10 in an environment with Meru backend wireless gear? I'm having an issue where Ubuntu doesn't show wireless networks in Unity. In Gnome Shell, IF they pop up, they show up as "unknown"00:27
ActionParsnipSquarism: if you have a 32bit CPU, or you have some 3rd party hardware which only supports 32bit00:28
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx00:29
LjLTaser: ok point made00:30
sln45I have a question which may be inapplicable to this channel, but does anybody know if there is a nice native client for RSS feeds?00:31
LjLsln45: gpodder, yarssr, firefox-sage, canto, xpn  —  GNOME: liferea, straw, evolution-rss  —  GNUstep: rssreader.app  —  KDE: knode, akregator  —  console: snownews, newsbeuter, rsstail, olive, nrss00:32
sachettosln45, thunderbird00:32
* jbrks think NateHiggers < should leave with a name like that. Not good for the rest of us.00:32
sln45Or maybe something that can pick up feeds in my Google Reader or  notify me when I get a new item00:32
sln45sachetto: I thought that was for e-mail!00:32
sln45sachetto: Does it have a standalone program for feeds? I don't want an e-mail client.00:33
jbrkssln45, what you mean by "native" here?00:33
sln45jbrks: Runs on Ubuntu,00:33
jbrkssln45, did you try searching rss with your package manageR?00:33
sachettosln45, thunderbird can manage feeds00:34
jbrkssln45, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_feed_aggregators00:34
sln45sachetto: I know that, but is it bundled with the e-mail?00:34
sln45Thanks for that link00:34
bugweedanyone here using AWN? anyone got problem cannot edit the notification area? anyone got a fix for that???00:34
sln45I'll look at that and cease to bother yall00:34
ActionParsnipsln45: opera does it too00:35
sln45ActionParsnip: I'm a FOSS kinda gal00:35
fellayaboyhow can i see the names of my cd drivers in ubuntu00:35
ActionParsnipsln45: gotcha00:36
jbrkssln45, try googling "standalone rss and notification for linux"00:36
pepeehi. I get a blank screen after suspend/resume . I'm using fglrx: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer-updates/2:8.902-0ubuntu0.100:36
ActionParsnipsln45: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/rss-ticker/00:36
sln45jbrks: I can use google, I was mostly asking about google reader in general.00:36
jbrkssln45, i'm guessing you want a notification on the desktop applet or something like that.. i'm betting there is many of them00:36
sln45jbrks: I would like having both, but I would like the feed list to be synced. Or a notifier, like you said, but I can't find one00:37
fellayaboyhow can i see the name of the CD's in linux...like the name and manufacter00:37
jbrkssln45, there's some listed on one of the top links by using those google terms00:37
hellomotoHello! Is there a way on Ubuntu to find out if your computer's been hacked or not?00:38
sln45jbrks: No need for a condescending tone. I found them.00:38
ActionParsniphellomoto: check firewall logs and/or run rkhunter00:38
jandruskTake a look at your /etc/passwd to see if there is anything suspicious along with Syslog.00:38
Squarismcan one create a bootable usb disc (with ubuntu 11.10 installation on it) from command line... my gtk version doesnt start00:38
jandruskShould be running something like Aide for file-integrity.00:39
jarubyhCheck /var/log/messages and look for anything suspicious, as well.00:39
jarubyhAny activity in /dev/shm?00:39
Artemis3its supposed to work with dd nowdays... as in, you can actually dd the iso into the usb stick00:39
jbrkshe left?00:39
jbrksjoker -- http://www.rssowl.org/overview200:39
jbrkssomeone doesn't know how to use the google.00:39
SquarismArtemis3,im on 10.04 here00:39
hellomotoActionParsnip: I just turned on my firewall. Will there still be a log to find?00:39
ActionParsniphellomoto: the firewall always runs from the day it is installed00:40
Artemis3Squarism, ah, i don't know if you can do that with that image version...00:40
ActionParsniphellomoto: so there should be logs00:40
=== jbrks is now known as yagoo
hellomotoActionParsnip: Ok. Can you please take a look at this? These permissions made me suspicious. http://pastebin.com/kK1a34nJ00:41
tonydenelineHello comunnity00:41
kaushalIs there a way to implement chroot home directory using sftp in openssh server 4.7 ?00:41
tonydenelineIm here, again.00:41
ActionParsnipnamejon: kill the caps please00:41
kaushalI am ubuntu server 8.0400:41
bugweed_is there a way to change lightDm theme?00:41
ActionParsnipnamejon: use software centre like any other app00:41
wesidenamejon or apt-get in terminal. :)00:42
tonydenelineMy problem... I buyed a dell with ATI Technologies Inc NI Seymour [AMD Radeon HD 6470M]00:42
tonydenelinein this site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonHD, says that the driver radeonhd is deprecated00:43
NxTitleI'm trying to build android on a 64-bit ubuntu 11.10 and it appears I need a 32-bit opengl - does anyone know the name of the 32-bit opengl package, if there is any?00:43
NxTitlemake: *** [out/host/linux-x86/obj/lib/libEGL_translator.so] Error 100:43
NxTitle/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libGL.so when searching for -lGL00:43
tonydenelinewhat this really means?00:43
NxTitle/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lGL00:43
riffautaetonydeneline: no one works on it anymore, it could break at any time00:43
Scuniziok.. click the windows/super key and try to search for the calculator that is in Accessories.. Calc, calc, calculator etc doesn't find it.. WHY!??00:44
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tonydenelineriffautae: thats is my doubt.. what could break any time? the driver radeonhd or the intire support for radeon graphics cards?00:45
riffautaetonydeneline: that one driver, there are other drivers people work on00:45
yagooScunizi, maybe it doesnt like da windows key00:45
Scuniziyagoo: you mean if I think of it as a "super Key" it might make a difference in Dash?  DOH!  why didn't I think of that..00:46
tonydenelineI tried to get and install the driver from the official amd support site00:46
tonydenelineriffautae: I tried to get and install the driver from the official amd support site00:46
yakchey, can someone please tell me what's is wrong with empathy and is it going to fixed in any day soon.00:46
tonydenelinebut .. there is a way to show you my screen?00:47
tonydenelineI dont know how to explain... oll the buttons desapears00:47
ActionParsnipyakc: i cant, as i don't use it. what are you seeing/00:47
wesidemy question.... Basically the honeymoon is over for Ubuntu 11.10 for me, so I am switching to 10.04 LTS, would it help if I used the server edition so i get even longer support out of it?, and would this create an problems?...00:47
dominicdinadahow to find all my installed packages in one area to remove them ?00:47
yakcActionParsnip, well. it doesnt connect to msn00:47
ActionParsnipweside: the server + desktop UI will be supported as long as the desktop is not eol00:48
ActionParsnipyakc: OK, what messages do you get when you try?00:48
yakcit keeps trying but nothing will happen00:48
ActionParsnipyakc: are there any bugs reported?00:49
yakcnothing, it just keeps trying to make connection00:49
yakcyes there are and also some fixes that didn't work for me00:49
pepeeI get a blank screen after suspend/resume . I'm using fglrx: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer-updates/2:8.902-0ubuntu0.100:49
=== OffToHades is now known as BarkingFish
yakci heard pidgin works ok so mayby i have to change a client00:50
nesKickin it from zeg android00:50
ActionParsnipyakc: worth a try00:50
nesYes yes noobs00:50
Scuniziyakc: try aMSN for connection to msn..00:50
ActionParsnipyakc: or emesene00:50
wesideWell the server edition gets support until 2015 and the desktop 10.04 lts 2013... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS00:50
Scunizithat is if it's still around00:50
guest-nPfpWYIm new to ubuntu. how do i change my account password with out knowing the old one or how can retrieve the old one?00:50
savannahToo many icons in my gnome2 toolbar. I like the all little tools and notifiers , but I can't have them all on my small netbook screen. Is there a solution?00:50
yagooguest-nPfpWY, hahahha.. you forgot your password?00:51
yagooplfffflpffpp!! lol00:51
ActionParsnipguest-nPfpWY: boot to root recovery mode and you can change any user password there with:  passwd name00:52
guest-nPfpWYno not really i sware its the one i put in when i was installing it. but when i enter it it says it wrong.00:52
Scunizisavannah: in gnome 2 there is a way to add a 'file drawer' to the tool bar.. then drop some of your icons into it.. when you click it, it will drop down showing the icons inside.. right mouse click tool bar and "Add" ..00:52
yagooguest-nPfpWY, are you using it now with the root account, how are you connected to this irc?00:53
savannahScunizi: I always wondered what that "file drawer" could do! Is there anything else handy it does? I dropped a picture into it once and it literally filled with a display of the picture.00:53
guest-nPfpWYi had to use a guest account00:53
RoastedAnybody running Ubuntu 11.10 in an environment with Meru backend wireless gear? I'm having an issue where Ubuntu doesn't show wireless networks in Unity. In Gnome Shell, IF they pop up, they show up as "unknown"00:53
Scunizisavannah: that's what it's designed for.. eliminating the clutter.00:53
guest-nPfpWYim connected with chatzilla00:54
yagooguest-nPfpWY, see if the correct charactesr are entered... try a text login (ctl-alt-f1, ctl-alt-f7->brings u back to gui)00:54
hellomotoThis is what rkhunter found: http://pastebin.com/d9LrGFmU. Does that mean my computer is infected?00:54
savannahScunizi: But it can only handle icons? Anyway, I won't ask you things I can look up. Thanks so much!00:54
yagooguest-nPfpWY, you need root access like someone said.. i'm skeptical.. i think you're using someone else's machine and want to mess around with it..00:55
tonydenelineok.. some one can help me to understand what this site is saying? http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Oneiric_Installation_Guide#The_Options00:55
jarubyh               /clear00:55
jarubyh               /clear00:55
tonydenelinejust a part that I m not understanding00:55
tonydenelinein the Installing Proprietary Drivers a.k.a. Catalyst/fglrx  section00:56
yagootonydeneline, that's not ubuntu stock.. but it is a ubuntu community drive site.. it mentions PPA00:56
guest-nPfpWYyagoo: no im using mine.00:57
digdeepHi, I am running ubuntu 11.10 on core i7, the laptop's fan is running crazy recently. I notice one cpu core is at 90%00:57
yagootonydeneline, try using "ubuntu wiki <keyterms>> .. see if there's better results with ubuntu wiki with google..00:57
* yagoo tends to use "ubuntu wiki" with google00:57
ActionParsnipdigdeep: does the system have a make and model?00:58
tonydenelineyagoo: thanks, can you confirm if Im understanding this? over there is saying: "If you enter your card information on AMD/ATI's driver page, it will offer you the Catalyst 9-3 driver to download. However, the Catalyst 9-3 driver doesn't support X servers past 1.5, and it will not work with Oneiric (or anything later than Lucid/10,04)! !!!SO BE CAREFUL!!! If you tried to install Catalyst on a system with one of these cards, see 00:58
yagootonydeneline, you using ubuntu 10 ?00:58
tonydenelinethat means...I cant use the catalyst?00:58
tonydenelineubuntu 11.1000:58
yagootonydeneline, so that site says 10.. so try looking up something with ubuntu wiki.. there's definitely some update00:59
yagooguest-nPfpWY, i think we told you how to solve it..00:59
yagooguest-nPfpWY, you need root access.. boot up with a rescue cd, and use chroot00:59
savannahScunizi: Wait, most of these icons are attached. Like, say, the wifi. Or jupiter.00:59
yagooguest-nPfpWY, a better way.. if you know how to do it is to append ->init=/bin/bash at the end of the bootline01:00
yagooguest-nPfpWY, that way you dont need to use a cd..01:00
savannahScunizi: IE they're fixed together or they won't move at all, or they just aren't listed in the "Add to Panel" thing.01:00
yagooguest-nPfpWY, then it's simply "passwd <username>" for that user..01:01
digdeepusing dell xps 164501:01
digdeeptry using window 7 on it and the fan seems all right01:02
nesFan speed on wat? ;/01:02
digdeep@nes, the fan runs normally on windows 7, but on ubuntu 11.10, it runs crazy01:03
nesCpu fan or gpu01:03
SgeoN1Is there any way to check md5sums on Windows without downloading anything?01:04
digdeepcpu fan01:04
AricUbuntu 11.10 / iMac Late 2006 / BCM4311 Wireless --- Not working after trying the solutions on the wifi forum, 2 ask ubuntu threads, and a blog post that was for an HP with the same card, including using synaptic, removing firmware, enabling and also disabling the STA driver.. stuck without wireles...01:04
SgeoN1Erm, without running any new programs?01:05
vitor-brdoes anyone know how to convert videos in mkv files to ts01:05
usr13Tips to optomize effective reqiests [FYI]: Orginize your thoughts, put them together in one post, give as much detail as you can.01:05
usr13vitor-br: What is ts?01:05
phunyguyusr13 MPEG transport Stream01:05
usr13vitor-br: Convert what kind of videos?01:06
SgeoN1Or, if not, is the disc checking thing on the Lubuntu disc likely sufficient?01:06
phunyguyvitor-br: ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy output.ts01:06
phunyguythat will just do a pure container transfer01:06
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vitor-brphunyguy, I get this error: av_interleaved_write_frame(): Operation not permitted01:07
phunyguyvitor, understood.  I get that error as well.01:08
phunyguyso demux the files first01:08
phunyguyusing mkvtoolnix's mkvextract command.  The usage is beyond the scope of this channel01:09
usr13vitor-br: http://ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-user/2011-July/001734.html01:10
vitor-brphunyguy, usr13  thanks, I'll try here ..01:10
corvusAnyone have any idea when Firefox 8 will be added to Canonical updates?01:10
usr13vitor-br:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095&page=13101:11
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dante123Artemis3 u in here?01:14
dante123Artemis3 calling Artemis 301:14
dante123Artemis3 ready to try fixing machine again....01:15
jaybee_Is there any way of launching documents from commandline in unity?01:15
jaybee_gnome had gnome-start mydoc.pdf01:15
dante123hi all, its a long story...but suffice it to say that I can now login to console on pc but no xserver working....what is command to reconfigure x server setc.01:15
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dante123what is command to reconfigure x from console?01:17
usr13jaybee_: Sure. But depends on what type of document.  If it is opeanable in openoffice just soffice file.doc01:19
antnashWould someone be able to tell me how I use sed to add  to a line after finding   PORT=   ?01:19
Gskelligi plan on having an sdcard permanently in my laptop. Can I mount it to /home/downloads?01:19
jaybee_I understand that. I want unity to work it out for me, the way it does when I double click on a file in Nautilus01:20
Gskelligand/or is there a way for me to make a symlink in home/ to /media/sdcard/01:20
riffautaeantnash: s/PORT=/PORT=
qinantnash: sed 's/PORT=/PORT='01:20
usr13dante123: What exactly are you wanting to do?  Change the screensize?01:20
jaybee_Gskellig: ln -s /media/sdcard/ /home/sdcard01:20
antnashoh. It's that easy. Bugger. Cheers riffautae and qin!01:21
Gskelligjay_, how about automatically mounting that on boot?01:21
usr13dante123: Do you have proprietary video card driver installed?01:21
dante123okay, you are going to force me to tell the long convaluted story.....i switched hd from one pc to another....and it would not load on second pc....so i went back to first and upgraded to newere ubuntu....kernel thing with second pc...01:21
dante123now it won't boot into x....thinks i have amd card and i really have nvidia on second pc....need to reconfigure x01:22
usr13dante123: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:22
jaybee_oh, ahem :) gnome-open works :)01:22
dante123so i am at command prompt....and want to configure x....and i would prefer renaming rather than deleting old xorg.conf01:22
dante123what is command for renaming xorg.conf01:23
usr13dante123: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:23
dante123wont that remove it01:23
jaybee_yes it wil01:23
jaybee_dont do that01:23
usr13dante123: But if you insist:  mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak01:23
jarubyh /clear01:23
dante123i dont want to remove it for reasons too numerous to enumerate01:23
usr13dante123: But, why would you want to save it?01:23
usr13dante123: Ok, welll there you go.01:24
ron_frowncan somone please give me any ideas about how I can install ubuntu 10.04 on this box? No boot options help it do anything regarding the black screen on boot01:24
ron_frownits a dell optiplex 99001:24
ron_frownsupposedly has some new ati radeon board01:24
Gskelligokay basically i want a neat, tidy way to have my 32GB sdcard mounted as my /home/downloads folder01:24
dante123because of monitor issues where edid is wrong...and I MAY have to put resolution details in there01:24
Gskelligbasically use it as an internal hard drive01:24
ron_frownacpi=off and radeon.modeset=001:24
dante123 mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak ....will try that thanks01:24
ron_frowndidnt help at all01:24
dante123then just reboot so it makes new config?01:25
ron_frownalternative installer did get it installed but ends up with exactly the same problem01:25
ron_frownblack screen with a garbled blinking cursor01:25
w30anybody running anything besides Gnome or KDE? I'm trying out gnome3 with gnome-panel and gnome-shell and enlightenment and xfce4. What's next, LXDE?01:26
AricUbuntu 11.10 / iMac Late 2006 / BCM4311 Wireless --- Not working after trying the solutions on the wifi forum, 2 ask ubuntu threads, and a blog post that was for an HP with the same card, including using synaptic, removing firmware, enabling and also disabling the STA driver.. stuck without wireles...01:27
riffautaew30: i use i301:28
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w30riffautae, thats new to me, got a url to look at that on?01:29
Gskelligis xfce pretty much the standard "lightweight" gui?01:29
dante123okay guys...system rebooted....and I have desktop...but mouse does not work...and menu bar at top is missing (10.10)01:30
riffautaeGskellig: lightweight DE yes, but you can dump the DE and just use a wm as well01:30
MneumonicGskellig XFCE is lightweight and really good.  You should also check out LXDE, it's more lightweight and just as good.  They are just two different ways of doing a lightweight DE01:31
ryugunsHello, I heard if I got two graphics cards, it would take work off the CPU, is that true, if so how? Please be patient with me, I'm a hardware noob.01:32
ryugunsIs there another room for hardware questions?01:32
riffautaeryuguns: as a side note, dual gpu [crossfire/sli] just makes rendering and physics faster01:32
ryugunsOkay, thank you. :)01:33
NotJimCarreyanyone fluent in pgp? trying to take ownership of my old keys i found on the server01:33
w30riffautae, Google found it for me, thanks. Is it in the ubuntu repos or did you gt it another way?01:34
riffautaean old version is in the rpo so i built it myself01:34
riffautaerepo* w30 ^^01:34
localg0dis there anyway to pull the video drivers from the 11.10 iso file or disc and use them on my current install ?01:35
riffautaew30: he provides repos for it it looks like actually01:35
w30what do I search for in the rpo*01:36
riffautaelocalg0d: if you are on 11.10 possibly, otherwise you will have dependancy issues01:36
guest-MbOtNuWhat is GRUB?01:36
riffautaeguest-MbOtNu: the software that the computer runs that then runs ubuntu/other oses01:37
zykotick9!grub | guest-MbOtNu01:37
ubottuguest-MbOtNu: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)01:37
localg0driffautae: is it possible to upgrade packages but not the entire version of ubuntu rif ?01:37
riffautaelocalg0d: only if the package dependancies are satisfied by what you already have, with video drivers that is unlikely01:37
riffautaelocalg0d: if it is nvidia or amd you can try compiling them yourself if you cant find a package01:38
localg0dwell i need to find the video driver on the disc .. is there a file branch i need to look in ?01:39
localg0dfrom there i can easily download and track down the dependencies01:39
riffautaelocalg0d: there will be a standard repo layout some where on the disk but i am not familiar with the disc layout01:39
localg0dahh yeah .. riffautae i wasn't thinking repo haha01:39
guest-MbOtNuI wanting to replace windows vista with ubuntu. the only thing i see when i boot my machine is windows boot manager and the ubuntu loading.01:39
zykotick9guest-MbOtNu, did you install Ubuntu from inside Windows, or did you boot an Ubuntu CD?01:40
guest-MbOtNuinside windows01:41
zykotick9guest-MbOtNu, then ubuntu is actually "inside" windows then.01:41
localg0d.join #irssi01:42
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w30riffautae, ahh, aewm:i386 I found it.01:45
ron_frownhow could an install fail ui stuff with xforcevesa01:48
ziggyfishdoes anyone know how to change what happens when you press F1 in gnome 3.0 (classic mode) in ubuntu 11.10?01:48
ziggyfishEvery time I accedently press F1 it, it displays a help dialog I can't get rid of. The only way to close it is by restarting the whole system01:48
SiDiAfter upgrading my system from 11.10 original packages to whatever there is now, my system wont boot: gdm keeps crashing and launching again, and theres nothing i can do to take control of the system. What shall i do?01:48
dante123what is the command from console to reconfigure x01:49
ziggyfishwhat do you want to reconfigure?01:49
xanguaSiDi: upgrade from 11.10 to whatever¿¿ 12.04 devepment¿¿01:50
SiDixangua: nope, i meant i did an upgrade of packages from 11.10 as it was in october to whatever exists now in 11.10 repositories01:50
dante123okay, without having to explain everything again.....when I boot i get to desktop, mouse is frozen, screen is not quite right...top menu bar is missing....safe mode gives me reconfigure x as an option...but that doesnt work either....so I want to run from command line01:50
usr13SiDi: Ctrl-Alt-F6  Login and turn off service gdm and then see if you can reconfigure Xorg01:51
dante123everytime i choose reconfigure x from the safe mode dialog...it just gives me the same dialog again....i want command line to do it01:51
zykotick9usr13, 11.10 doesn't use gdm - lightdm maybe?01:51
ziggyfishdante123: it looks like a driver problem01:52
SiDiusr13: i cant get a shell opened, if i boot in recovery, i dont get any relevant error messages in Xorg.0.log when launching Xorg, just a totally black screen. Same if i directly run startxfce4, and gdm just won't boot (exiting with error code 1, nothing in syslog)01:52
ziggyfishdante123: what is your graphics card?01:52
SiDizykotick9: then its lightdm that doesnt work :D01:52
icariouswhats the main difference between the regular release and LTS apart from 4-5 years support and updates.. are the packages more tested and stable ?01:52
dante123yeah probably fact that hd was in computer with amd gpu...and this one has nividia....okay so someone give me command to reconfigure...i already got rid of xorg.conf01:52
zykotick9icarious, not really - it's mainly the support duration that is different01:53
icariouszykotick9: ahoy mate01:53
dante123dpkg -reconfigure or something like that01:53
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dante123i want to force ubuntu to reconfigure everything01:53
usr13SiDi: sudo Xorg -configure01:53
CaseyorDoes anyone know if all ubuntu applications run on demian?01:53
zykotick9dante123, do you even have an xorg.conf file?  you shouldn't (unless you're using proprietary drivers)01:54
SiDiusr13: cant reach shell from normal boot, cant get rw partitions from recovery... but im gonna try in recovery anyway sec01:54
icariousis there an option to use a free software only installation? and if so. does it include a blob free kernel ? free from binary blobs ?01:54
dante123okay ran that and I get an error....says something about no adm controllers found01:54
usr13SiDi: Yes, just try it in recovery mode.01:54
dante123how can i get rid of it even looking for them01:54
zykotick9icarious, not with ubuntu no.01:54
SiDiicarious: its called chicken something,, its a derivative with only FOSS01:54
ziggyfishdante123: reconfiguring want do you any good01:54
xanguaicarious: you are looking for the gnu distros that the free software foundation recomends¿01:54
dante123okay so how to remove amd driver01:54
zykotick9icarious, ubuntu is not exactly free software friendly.  see debian.01:55
icariousxangua: i am already on trisquel.. was wondering if ubuntu freed it kernel01:55
dante123says failed to load module vmwgfx01:55
ziggyfishdante123: did you install the driver that comes with ubuntu or did you download it from the nvidia site?01:55
dante123havent done anything because i cant get to desktop01:56
usr13icarious: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS01:56
xanguaicarious: there is a 100% free software based ubuntu distro, gnewsence01:56
icarioususr13: thanks mate01:56
ziggyfishdante123: so it's a fresh install?01:56
dante123should have uninstalled amd one obviously...but didnt...so is there a work around01:56
zykotick9dante123, are you using vmware?01:56
icariousxangua: i am on trisquel. it has regular release. gnewsense is stalled since sometime01:56
dante123NOT an option.  I need to get stuff off there01:56
icariousubuntu based again01:56
zykotick9xangua, trisquel is a better option then gnewsense (in my opinion)01:56
ziggyfishdante123: what I mean have you ever been able to get into the desktop?01:57
dante123and it is an upgrade of 10.04 to 10.1001:57
dante123yes, back in 10.0401:57
dante123but only if hd was put back into first machine that did have amd card01:57
dante123i can get to desktop now...but mouse is frozen01:58
dante123cant do anything01:58
ziggyfishdante123: is a VMware driver.01:58
xanguazykotick9: icarious ok, didn't know about it ;)01:58
icariousxangua: ;)01:58
dante123i had virtualbox on there...not vmware01:58
SiDicool it looks like dbus is totally broken. usr13 i only had errors about fb0 and vmware drivers when configuring Xorg and theres no improvement01:59
ziggyfishdante123: I am looking for the way to uninstall the driver01:59
dante123thanks ziggyfish01:59
ziggyfishdante123: do you know much about the command line?01:59
dante123enough to make me dangerous02:00
ziggyfishdante123: lol02:00
dante123but go ahead02:00
BrightyHi all, can anyone help me out with a touchpad issue?02:00
ziggyfishgoto the directory /etc/X11 (cd /etc/X1102:01
dante123 ziggyfish what you want me to try02:01
dante123I suspect amd driver stuff is getting in the way02:01
ziggyfishtype nano xorg.conf02:01
dante123ok getting there02:01
Gergovguys i file name.iso and it shows "data" .. how can i extract the content? i tried dd if=file.iso of=/dir/Name.. and now i got file Name with no extention. what to do with it?02:02
ziggyfishhang on, exit out of nano, and rename that file to xorg.conf.old02:02
ziggyfishand reboot02:02
dante123actually deleted xorg.conf earlier or thought i did02:02
ziggyfishjust remembered that xorg.conf will regenerate again when doesn't exists02:03
SiDiusr13: actually there IS a change. now when i startx, my mouse doesnt work.02:03
BrightyMy touchpad dosnt work at all - I have a synaptics touchpand but In Ubuntu 10.04 if i do an 'xinput --list' my touchpad displays as a "Macintosh mouse button emulator"02:03
JoeyAI'm on Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit and am trying to install ies4linux.  However, the 'wineprefixcreate' program is missing.  I've already installed the wine package.02:03
zykotick9ziggyfish, no it won't (xorg.conf doesn't regenerate automatically, it's not even required usually)02:03
dante123there is no xorg.conf in /etc/X11/02:04
dante123just backups etc.02:04
xangua!appdb | JoeyA02:04
ubottuJoeyA: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help02:04
dante123okay i have command line ziggyfish02:04
w30Wow! Ubuntu has every window manager there is except for OSX-Pussycat and Vicesta.02:04
JoeyAxangua: I think this is more of a packaging issue.  The wineprefixcreate program should be in the wine package, as I get a "You can install it by typing:" when I try to run it.02:05
dante123ziggyfish ???? now what?02:05
ziggyfishdante123: hang on02:06
dante123checking out other ones there backups etc....have ati all through them02:07
dante123hoping there is an earlier one02:07
BrightyMy touchpad dosnt work at all - I have a synaptics touchpand but In Ubuntu 10.04 if i do an 'xinput --list' my touchpad displays as a "Macintosh mouse button emulator" and If i do a 'modrpobe --list | grep input' i get the following related to the mouse "kernel/drivers/input/mouse/appletouch.ko" should that be there or is this causing my issue? And if it shouldnt be there how do i remove it??02:08
Brightyi have trued a modprobe -r appletouch but it dosnt remove the moduel..02:08
ziggyfishdante123: remove vmware-tools02:08
dante123what is command to remove that02:09
dante123ziggyfish how?02:10
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dante123ziggyfish made it to desktop, took xorg.conf.failsafe and renamed it xorg.conf and then rebooted02:13
SiDiok fine02:13
dante123mouse is not frozen....yet02:13
* SiDi feels like he'll be running gentoo by the end of the night02:13
dante123spoke too soon....mouse just froze...maybe should try generic one instead of fancy ms one02:13
omegalimitAnyone have experience with system76 and their hardware? Is this the right place to ask?02:14
BrightyI also have my question here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+question/178919 if anyone wants to have a go02:17
itaylor57omegalimit, I am using a lemur from system 7602:18
omegalimititaylor57: thoughts?02:18
ccmonstershey guys, in gnome shell, tool bar is all messed up02:18
ccmonstersfonts are wacked out02:19
itaylor57I like it alot02:19
omegalimititaylor57: how was the process of getting it, in general? any issues upon use?02:19
itaylor57I like it alot02:19
ccmonsterswhats the issue... perhaps?02:19
itaylor57omegalimit, support is excellent and it works w/o hardware issues02:20
omegalimititaylor57: Excellent. I'm thinking of picking up the Gazelle, or maybe one of the desktops02:20
itaylor57omegalimit, good choice  you can also checkout ubuntu formums they have their own part02:21
omegalimititaylor57: I didn't know that, thanks :)02:21
ccmonstersHere is a screen cap : http://i42.tinypic.com/eamag4.png02:21
itaylor57omegalimit, http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=34102:24
ccmonstersAnyone know what I need to do to fix my GNOME SHELL?02:25
nina666 hi! How can I print Extended ASCII Codes using a standard 101-keyboard?02:26
wookienzanyone installed picasa and got the picasa protocol working with firefox?02:27
psychx-What is the addon called that makes GIMP look more like Photoshop?02:27
omegalimititaylor57: thanks :)02:29
itaylor57omegalimit, np02:29
Brighty@ psychx - is it gimpshop_2.2.11-1_i386.deb?02:30
Gergovany idea how to extract data from .iso ? i tried mount it but now i found out that when i write "file file.iso" i get "data".. and actually i dont know what that means02:30
sln45May I ask a question about the gnome panel?02:30
GraemeLionsln45,  Go ahead and ask :)02:30
psychx-Brighty: That sounds like it, thank you!02:30
psychx-Brighty: To get that I would just apt-get install gimpshop_2.2.11-1_i386.deb02:31
Brighty@ psychx - http://www.gimpshop.com/download.shtml02:31
Brighty@ psychx - there is a link to download the .deb file02:31
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psychx-Brighty: But from Terminal, that would be the correct format, right?02:31
phunyguyI am having a weird issue with all flavors of Ubuntu on this machine.  Browsing stops working every 5 minutes or so, then comes back about a minute later.  It looks like a DNS resolution issue, and no other PCs on my network have this issue.  I have replaced the network cable, switch, router, and network card in this machine, still doing the same thing.02:31
GraemeLionphunyguy: Are you on wifi?02:32
sln45I've got a tablet netbook and I have trouble with the panels when I rotate the screen. There simply isn't enough room on them for basic indicators and menus, so I'm trying to improve my icon economy. Is there a way to change "applications, places, system" to three icons?02:32
phunyguyGraemeLion, nope.  Wired.02:32
GraemeLionHmm.  okay.02:32
phunyguymy wifi workstations work 10x better02:32
Brighty@ psychx - "if" its available from the terminal it might be 'sudo apt-get install gimpshop*"02:32
Brighty@ psychx - "if" try 'sudo apt-get install gimpshop_2.2.11-1" first02:33
psychx-Brighty: Ok, thank you. I just like to do things differently sometimes to learn a little more.02:34
phunyguyI can't even ping websites in the terminal02:34
phunyguygoogle for example says "unknown host"02:34
Brighty@ psychx - if that dosnt work, download the .deb file from the website i gave you02:34
trilhaderahi all02:34
phunyguyhai trilhadera02:35
trilhaderawhere can i get some help about driver installation?02:35
psychx-Brighty: Gotcha02:35
sln45I guess I should ask about it on the forums.02:35
GraemeLionphunyguy: I asked because MINE disconnects every few minutes because Networkmanager sucks :)02:35
robin0800sln45, think you can choose a different menu type with just an icon in the add applets02:35
phunyguyyeah it seems to stay connected.  And everything else works.  It seems to be purely DNS related.02:36
sln45robin0800: I can, but I hate it. I prefer fewer clicks, and I can fit everything if I had three icons instead of three words.02:36
GraemeLionphunyguy: Possibly change DNS's ?02:36
GraemeLionMaybe to opendns or something similar?02:36
sln45robin0800: If I could change the panel's behavior when it was out of room, that would be better.02:37
phunyguysame thing.02:37
Brightycan anyone help me with a touch pad issue???? origonal poast was 20 minutes ago if someone could look02:37
psychx-phunyguy_work: Or Google's which is I believe: and to name a few.02:38
phunyguyI have tried several. included.02:38
phunyguyit's not a downstream issue.02:38
mxedphunyguy, have you reboted your router02:38
phunyguymxed. yes.02:38
GraemeLionYeah, I'm out of guesses ..02:38
phunyguyas well as replaced it.02:38
mxedok i see02:38
GraemeLion(Kinda funny, I do L4 developer support for a living :)  )02:38
phunyguyas well as everything else hardware related.02:38
trilhaderamy usb wireless card (chipset RT2870) is wrong detected (as a chipset AR9001/9002) what can i do?02:39
phunyguyGraemeLion, I hear ya.  Desktop Engineer here.02:39
mxeddoes it have same problem with wired conection02:39
phunyguymxed it is pure wired.02:39
robin0800sln45, well I like unity on my laptop with the launcher reduced in size and set to auto hide02:39
mxedi se02:39
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trilhaderano wired connection is fine02:40
sln45robin0800: I can't use unity. The funny thing about unity is that it's really only appropriate for this kind of computer, but it's too heavy for me to even try.02:40
robin0800sln45, unity 2d perhaps02:40
mxedphunyguy, to exclude that system cause your problem, try to use a livecd and se if you got same problems02:41
sln45robin0800: I've thought about trying it, but I like gnome panels too much.02:41
phunyguymxed. I did that.  and reinstalled several times.  It works great until I run updates on a fresh install.02:41
sln45robin0800: I appreciate your suggestions, but I think I will go ahead and see if it's possible to change it's behavior when it's out of room.02:42
mxedphunyguy, ahaa. i have not yet made any updates on my ubuntu. it works nice so why should i make updates02:42
phunyguymxed, it's my style.  As I said I am a desktop engineer and tend to run updates and keep stuff current out of habit02:43
mxedphunyguy, yep, but ubuntu is prety unstable these days so i wait a couple of months02:44
Artemis3mxed, do install security updates...02:44
phunyguyI even tried the newer kernel version
phunyguyno go.02:44
GraemeLionI am absolutely in love myself with the gnome shell and oneric02:45
GraemeLionBut this wireless issue is annoying :P02:45
phunyguyyou're tellin me.02:45
mxedArtemis3,  maybe later, i am not that worried to be haced on this eeepc02:45
phunyguymy other PCs run circles around this one with browsing02:45
phunyguyhas to be hardware/kernel related.02:46
GraemeLionphunyguy: Oh, on wired, my system flies.02:46
phunyguymaybe I should try to downgrade the kernel02:46
phunyguyis that even possible>02:46
GraemeLionOn wireless, there's a bug in 80211 that disconnects on occasion02:46
FloodBot1phunyguy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:46
phunyguywheeee, thank you FloodBot102:47
mxedanyway, one of my dist upgrades caused me so much trouble so i reinstaled ubuntu again02:47
icariousmxed: perform a safe upgrade always02:47
johnjohn101what do i do if unity crashes and I don't get my desktop back?02:47
mxednormaly i do02:47
Artemis3mxed, don't do dist-upgrades with ubuntu, stick to update-manager or do-release-upgrade02:47
rumpeljohnjohn101, switch to another console and restart unity manually02:48
johnjohn101how do i do that?02:48
zykotick9Artemis3, dist-upgrade is the equivalent of what update-manager does02:48
phunyguyjohnjohn101, ctrl-alt-f102:48
phunyguyto get back is ctrl-alt-f702:49
Artemis3zykotick9, not exactly...02:49
johnjohn101ok,  now how do I start unity02:49
johnjohn101i never lost firefox02:49
rumpeljohnjohn101, which display manager do you use? Or which ubuntu?02:49
Artemis3zykotick9, at least not during an actual dist upgrade (not simply minor updating system libs02:49
johnjohn101rumpel: 11.10  and unity02:50
Firefisheicarious  what does aptitude/safe upgrade do that apt-get/upgrade/dist-upgrade does not?02:50
zykotick9Artemis3, update-manager can install new files, same as dist-upgrade02:50
zykotick9Firefishe, not break your system02:50
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rumpeljohnjohn101, then try "sudo service lightdm restart" (maybe try with typing "light" and then pressing <tab> key)02:50
Artemis3aptitude was removed to avoid system breakage...02:50
johnjohn101rumpel thanks02:51
johnjohn101i rebooted as I didn't have pidgin up so I'll make a not for this next time02:51
mxedthogut aptitude was remobed because they needed the space to fit one cd ?02:51
Firefishezoktick9: yes, but how? Artemis3 when did that happen?02:52
sanityso something keeps killing a java process on my Ubuntu box, how can I figure out why it is being killed?02:52
zykotick9Artemis3, you've obviously never ran an ubuntu system during development02:52
elz89I have just added a PPA, however I added the wrong distro version name and I have already run an update. What would be the proper way to remove this mistake and anything that might have been downloaded that is not required?02:52
Artemis3Firefishe, i think it was in 11.04 can't remember exactly02:52
zykotick9!tab > Firefishe02:53
ubottuFirefishe, please see my private message02:53
Artemis3zykotick9, ppl here should not be running ubuntu during development... maybe #ubuntu+102:53
zykotick9Firefishe, aptitude has a lot more complex resolution handling then apt-get02:53
xanguaelz89: go to software center, edit, sources02:53
xanguaremove it from there02:54
zykotick9Artemis3, i was commenting on your "aptitude was remove to prevent breakages" comment.  Aptitude can work, when apt-get fails miserably.02:54
elz89xangua: would that not just been the same as removing the 'deb *' line in '/etc/apt/sources.list' ?02:55
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hugenumbershow do I mount ubuntu from a live disk02:56
bhermzsanity visualVM may show why your process terminates. It's included with the JDK.02:56
Firefishezykotick: I'm not on a computer. I'm using mirggi on symbian.02:56
hugenumbersI mean mount harddisk from live disk02:56
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zykotick9Firefishe, i sent you !tab because you're not highlighting my nic - if your IRC client can't do TAB, get a better IRC client ;)  (perhaps not possible in your case?)02:57
Firefishezykotick9: better now?02:58
zykotick9Firefishe, there you go - highlighted, nice (i appreciate it)02:59
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Firefishezykotick9: it has to do with my manually using the correct syntax. Not much I can do on a nokia E71.03:01
molgrumi'm trying to run warsow but then this happens: http://paste.ubuntu.com/739882/03:01
zykotick9molgrum, what graphics card are you using?03:01
tanathubuntu keeps warning me my laptop battery is critically low even when it's not. and it doesn't matter if i hit ok or cancel, it shuts it down anyway. doesn't matter if i plug it in first. doesn't matter what percentage it's at.03:03
tanathreally hampers file transfers >_<03:03
molgrumzykotick9, not sure what brand of ATI radeon it is, how can i check?03:03
hugenumbersnvm think i got it03:04
zykotick9molgrum, sorry I can't help then (ATI), good luck.  warsow is a fun game.  "lscpi | grep -i vga"03:04
elz89tanath: have you tried recalibrating in the bios?03:05
mikeruhey there03:05
mikeruhow can I compile a new hid-apple module and replace the one provided by ubuntu?03:05
tanathelz89, havent' seen such a thing in the bios...03:05
tanathelz89, guess i should have a look. brb03:05
mikeruI have a 2011 apple aluminum keyboard and there's no support for the fn-keys in the 3.0 kernel provided by 11.1003:06
mikerusupport was added in the 4a4c879904aa0cc64629e14a49b64fb3d149bf1a kernel commit; I don't want a new kernel, I only want to recompile that module03:07
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tanathelz89, there's nothing in the bios about the battery03:12
dominicdinadaettercap -Tq -i wlan0 isnt working why not on 10.0403:12
dominicdinadaSSL dissection needs a valid 'redir_command_on' script in the etter.conf file03:13
dominicdinadaPrivileges dropped to UID 65534 GID 6553403:13
dominicdinadai get this error ?03:13
tanathubuntu keeps warning me my laptop battery is critically low even when it's not. and it doesn't matter if i hit ok or cancel, it shuts it down anyway. doesn't matter if i plug it in first. doesn't matter what percentage it's at.03:14
rumaging_pinzHello people from the internet03:22
reo__Hey, is there a terminal command that can start my laptop fan?03:26
reo__lsmod returned that there is a fan module03:26
smwanyone know how to add a podcast to banshee that requires auth?03:26
garden92need help. videos have no sound.03:27
zykotick9garden92, videos online?  so flash has no sound?03:28
tanathgarden92, what kind of videos? what player? what about other audio?03:29
garden92gnash swf player03:30
naked89ttWhat's the difference between 32bit and 64bit?03:31
escottnaked89tt, its for different kinds of processors. 64bit processors can run the 32bit version03:31
xanguagarden92: uninstall gnash and swf player and install adobe flashplugin03:31
w30naked89tt, 64-32=32 ?03:32
naked89ttescott, Is 64bit faster than 32bit?03:32
zykotick9naked89tt, for something yes03:32
escottnaked89tt, it depends on the application. in some cases it can be slower03:33
zykotick9naked89tt, the biggest difference is that you can address more memory (>3.2GB)03:33
w30naked89tt, it's 2011. It's time to go 64 bit even though Ballmer isn't in any hurry. Linux is ready.03:33
escottnaked89tt, but even that isn't really true as you can have >4gb in 32bit, but a single process can only use 4gb03:34
naked89ttzykotick9, oh,I have only 2G RAM,can I run 64bit system03:34
rumpelnaked89tt, yes03:34
escottnaked89tt, if you have the livecd run "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep flags | grep lm" if it prints something out you can install 64bit03:35
rumpelnaked89tt, if your hardware is 64bit, use 64bit.03:35
tanathnaked89tt, but you don't need 64-bit 'til you get more than 3gb ram03:35
zykotick9naked89tt, you can (i do on my netbook) but i'd recommend 32bit you you're not planning on upgrading you RAM03:35
w30naked89tt, there is a way with get-libs to run a 32bit program that's not available in 64 bit. But even flash is 64bit now03:35
zykotick9naked89tt, s/you/if/03:36
theborgerhey i got a startup file in /etc/init.d/ and i can start it by hand, but it is not starting on starup03:37
escotttheborger, you might need to use rc.update03:37
naked89ttI don't want to upgrade RAM to >2G,so isn't 64bit good for me?03:37
zykotick9naked89tt, because of the increase in address space programs take up more space then there 32bit counterparts03:37
MoMowhen i type mail -- i see my mail, but what is the name of the 'mailbox'?03:37
escotttheborger, rather update-rc.d03:37
garden92im running ubuntu in windows vista is there a way i can transfer files from vista to ubuntu?03:37
urlin2ugarden92, yes hold on.03:38
escottgarden92, install the guest extensions03:38
LasersInteresting question: Anyone use VLC to watch TV? (Assuming you have proper TV Tuner or whatever?)03:38
bobweavergarden92: remotely03:38
urlin2ugarden92, is it a wubi or a virtual install?03:39
theborgerescott: you are the Man03:39
tanathLasers, can't wait 'til it's online? :P03:39
urlin2ugarden92, I think vista is in media in ubuntu, and the wubi has its own file in Vista.03:39
Laserstanath: I want to reduce stuffs. If I can do that, I'll sell my TV. :303:40
tanathLasers, you know you can get tv shows online, yes?03:40
escottgarden92, that wubi loopback nonsense makes things harder. check if the windows partition is listed in the output of "mount" if it is not, then it is not safe for you to access the windows partition03:40
tpyoanyone know if ntop has a channel?03:41
xangua!alis | tpyo03:41
ubottutpyo: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*03:41
Laserstanath: Yah. I think I prefer it on the monitor. Small-sized window. Instead of huge 40 TV as a background noise. :o03:41
theborgeranyone in here an alsa guy?  I have my hdmi audio card setup for audio to come out of it. Upon a reboot it defaults back to the wrong one. anyone have an idea on this?03:41
zykotick9escott, i don't think "mount" will show it - but the menus used to have a "host system" or something entry03:41
xanguaescott: the easier would be make a real ubuntu install, with it's own partiton03:41
theborgerthat is the last problem i have to fix03:41
xanguaescott: you can then use one of those program to make windows able to read and write ext4 filesystem03:42
garden92urlin2u: where is media?03:42
tanathLasers, i sold my tv a while back :P03:42
escottxangua, garden92 had the question03:42
xanguasorry, read the above i said garden92 ;)03:43
tanathLasers, if you want to watch something big, you can hook comp up to tv and play it...03:43
w30Lasers, you can use vlc for tv or any video stuff. mplayer too. or something like the tvtime application03:44
RageSithlo everyone, i have a simple but not ubuntu only related question: how may i force a shellscript to execute itself from a special dir?03:44
naked89ttDOes this channel support ipv603:44
w30Lasers with a tv tuner card that is.03:45
escottRageSith, why not just add a "cd" command at the start of the script03:45
urlin2ugarden92, I'm not sure if that is where its at but look in file from home, as others have suggested a partitioned install is better, you might want to know the Wubi designers Agostino Rossi's opinion, basically it is for trying out ubuntu not a long term install.03:45
tanathexample: my battery is at 68%. i just unplugged and it immediately decided battery was critically low and supsended on me. >_<03:46
theborgeris there no /etc/asound.conf on 10.04 ?03:46
Lasersw30: Thank you for tvtime. I'm looking at cards. Do you use a card in particular?03:46
urlin2ugarden92, here is an interview with him. http://howsoftwareisbuilt.com/2009/03/12/interview-with-agostino-russo-wubi-ubuntu/03:46
RageSiththanks :) havent expected to be really that simple03:47
w30Haupage 350 I think if I remember right03:47
tanathand it now thinks there's an hour remaining03:48
w30Lasers, conexant CX8801 chip anyway03:48
escotttheborger, the alsa settings should be saved by the alsa-store/restore scripts. I don't know if they save the selected device setting though03:48
RageSithescott: how i may now say init.d to start those 2 manually added shellscripts on boot automaticly?03:49
tanathubuntu keeps warning me my laptop battery is critically low even when it's not. and it doesn't matter if i hit ok or cancel, it shuts it down anyway. doesn't matter if i plug it in first. doesn't matter what percentage it's at.03:49
theborgerescott: yea alsa-store etc does not work. keeps defaulting back to the other card03:49
zykotick9w30, hauppauge 350 is an analogue tuner - not sure how much use that would be these days (at least in North America)03:49
escotttanath, it may just have bad statistics. you could let it run down and get better statistics to replace the old ones, or try and find the stats database and remove it03:49
tanathescott, i suspect it does. i had it on charger for extended period03:50
escottRageSith, /etc/rc.local03:50
tanathescott, letting it run down is bad for battery though03:50
garden92to the people talking about tv. if you have a PS3 or bluray player, tversity is great at streaming media to TV.03:51
RageSithescott: do i have to enter the fullpath or only the name and params? all both scripts already stored in /etc/init.d/03:51
escottRageSith, its good practice to include the full path03:51
theborgerescott: what file are the sound preferences saved in? what .conf controlls this?03:51
escotttheborger, i don't know. i just know the alsa-*store scripts handle it. you might want to read them03:52
w30Lasers, put this in /e/tc/tvtime/tvtime.xml:    <option name="MixerDevice" value="hw:0/Line"/>   for volume control03:52
SnoStormHi mounted my external using fstab correctly and it is identified. The problem I'm having is when i open it there are no files.03:52
SnoStormbtw i'm a ubuntu noob03:53
Lasersw30: Back. Do you know if you can view closed captions with TVtime? You can try that right now?03:53
theborgerescott: yea it is kind of an odd problem. and it would take me a while to describe the whole thing to you03:53
ScuniziHow do I configure my network on unity for gigabit?03:53
w30Lasers,options are available by rt clicking on the screen03:54
w30Lasers, it's in there03:54
urlin2uSnoStorm, fstab open the partion put there automatically, you rebooted since adding it?03:54
Lasersw30: I see it. I don't have the card. That's why I'm asking. Also, new to tvtime. :)03:54
w30Lasers, under input configuration03:55
D00dleCakez420what are yall talking about03:55
SnoStormI rebooted a few times03:55
garden92urlin2u: and xangua: im on a shared computer and just want a few folders from vista. is a full install the only way?03:56
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urlin2uSnoStorm, if you right click the icon showing and properties does it show a data amount?03:56
Guest83821Is there any way when I'm editing a theme that I can select an area (such as Chrome - inspect elements) and have it show me which CSS file that selected area is utilizing? I CANNOT find out how to change the text color entry in this theme and it is driving me insane.03:56
Lasersw30: Thank you. I'll look into cards now. What would you recommend (for the card?)03:56
SnoStormurlin2u, yes it does.... shows i have 125 of my ~250gb left03:56
urlin2ugarden92, you can access ubuntu wubi from vista and vice versa, most on here don't use wubi I think you will have to figure it out.03:57
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SnoStormI've had it show the files and then it just randomly stops doing so.03:58
SnoStormfresh reboot it shows them03:58
D00dleCakez420i dont like cornbread03:58
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urlin2uSnoStorm, hmm sounds like something is amiss, not sure what myself.03:59
tanathi'm suddenly getting this after every terminal command i run: http://pastebin.com/e4YMCXWS04:02
SnoStormurlin2u, it is working now.... adding to my mediatomb but lets see how long it holds up04:03
urlin2uSnoStorm, sure personally I don't put my externals in fstab, I want to have control without the terminal, not auto mounted.04:04
tpyohow do i find out my ip on ubuntu?04:04
tanathtpyo, ifconfig04:04
Affi-Davit@ tpyo - ifconfig04:05
tanathtpyo, for local ip. ifconfig.me for public04:05
SnoStormurlin2u, it was the easiest way i found for permissions to be relaxed on the drive so i could scan the files off it for mediatomb04:05
ScuniziHow do I configure my network connection on unity for gigabit?  Router is already gigbit and network card in the computer is capable but defaults at 10/10004:05
diabolical_how to bridge from wlan0 to eth004:06
diabolical_i keep cant bridge04:06
tpyothank you tanath and Affi-Davit! :)04:06
tanathcan anyone help me with this? i get it after every terminal command: http://pastebin.com/e4YMCXWS04:07
w30Lasers, check out http://linuxhcl.com  (linux hardware compatibility list)04:07
escotttanath, what terminal emulator are you using? and what shell?04:08
tanathescott, guake/zsh04:08
escotttanath, its probably a bug in guake then. if it doesnt happen in gnome-terminal with zsh that would confirm it04:09
tanathescott, hm, yeah. not in GT04:10
tanathescott, restarting guake doesn't help. :-/04:11
tpyoanyone know much about ntop in here?04:11
jincreatorHas anyone know why there's no update about Firefox 8 for over the week?04:11
tpyoim wondering if it is suitable to collect information on an entire network04:11
tpyoor if it only collects information from the client it is installed upon04:11
tanathescott, reinstalling doesn't help either...04:12
Affi-Davitman is there any way to turn of login/logoff irc chatter?04:15
Affi-Davitits been awhile04:15
Logan_Affi-Davit: Which client are you using?04:16
Logan_!windows | Affi-Davit04:16
ubottuAffi-Davit: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents04:16
tanathum, my battery stats chart has the line go back in time and overlap itself at one point... o_O04:16
tonyyarussoAffi-Davit: Any decent IRC client should have an ignore feature - you just have to find out how to use yours.04:18
Affi-Davit@tony - im sure there is... its just been awhile since ive used this04:19
Icehawk78I've got a fresh install of 11.10, but when I run sudo apt-get update, I get a number of GPG BADSIG errors from various sources04:20
xangua!gpgerr| Icehawk7804:21
ubottuIcehawk78: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »04:21
Icehawk78xangua: Thanks much, mate!04:21
diabolical_bridging wlan0 to eth0 problems i dont get it04:21
* w30 joins ##vicesta04:23
Affi-Davit@diabol - how are you bridging them?04:23
diabolical_device wlan0 is not a slave of br004:24
diabolical_like the router guide on the community described ?04:24
diabolical_Affi-Davit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router04:25
Affi-Davitk gimme a sec04:25
Affi-Davitmaybe this might help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BridgingNetworkInterfaces04:27
diabolical_Affi-Davit: thanks looking04:30
urlin2uAffi-Davit, use tab complete for nics the @ does not address the person your talking to04:30
Affi-Davitah okay04:31
urlin2uno problem Affi-Davit04:31
veyGreetings. New here just flushing the taint of m$ from my harddrive04:31
ubottuPlease don't use silly misspellings to denigrate other operating systems. It makes users of that system feel attacked and hurts Ubuntu advocacy by making the community look unreasonable.04:33
diabolical_Affi-Davit: ok i am getting my network access via wireless going into a wired network hmmm i have no ath0 not using master mode04:33
veyAlrighty then04:33
diabolical_like wireless internet to a wired network04:33
urlin2uvey, not all open source users like to wank on the others it's cool. :D04:34
walruscodeHey, I just started to get this error: "cannot access *.sh: No such file or directory" when using a wildcard in Terminal. This hasn't happened before, could someone tell me what might be causing this?04:35
veyurlin2u, been using that microsoft contraction for a long time. hehe04:35
aaronrgodDoes any one know what the deal with the Gnome IRC server is?04:36
xanguaaaronrgod: the deal¿04:37
urlin2uaarcane, heard it was made by martians what do you mean?04:37
aaronrgodXChat can't locate irc.gnome.org as a host name. :/04:37
JGANhey again04:38
JGANis my crontab format correct?04:38
JGANi want a shell script i wrote to run every five minutes, so i did04:38
JGAN*/5 * * * * /bin/sh /home/user/Desktop/script04:39
yoaino3vI'm not sure whats "really" going on with my computer, it seems my desktop is locking up fully.  And the only way to "un-freeze" the desktop is press the power button to make it ask if (I would like to shutdown or restart) and it will stop hanging up.  Could this be a power issue, or hardware issue ? I haven't nuked anything or removed anything by "cleaning".  Just wondering what could  be going on.04:39
JGANand half the time i dont think it works04:39
JGANis it ok?04:39
yoaino3v*I'm not sure whats "really" going on with my computer, it seems my desktop is locking up fully. And the only way to "un-freeze" the desktop is pressing the power button to make it ask if (I would like to shutdown or restart) and it will stop hanging up. Could this be a power issue, or hardware issue ? I haven't nuked anything or removed anything by "cleaning". Just wondering what could be going on.04:40
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ac_slaterMy system is crashing when ubuntu is calling `efibootmgr` any known solutions??04:41
urlin2uyoaino3v, are you running a lot of stuff overdriving the ram, or is it random.04:41
escottwalruscode, can you !paste the actual shell command04:41
yoaino3vNot running hardly anything, it seems to happen when the pc is let alone.  I have the screen saver set for 50 mins.04:42
escottJGAN, that looks correct, but you could make the script log when it runs to verify for yourself04:42
walruscodeescott, It's just "chmod +x *.sh", must I !paste it?04:42
yoaino3vIt happens in about 3 mins04:42
JGANescott how do i do that?04:42
urlin2uyoaino3v, what the cpu and memory amounts?04:43
escottwalruscode, so there are no .sh files in that folder. the shell doesn't match anything and passes *.sh unexpanded as an argument to chmod which gives the error04:43
urlin2uof your computer yoaino3v04:43
escottJGAN, at the beginning of the script you could do echo "started `date`" >> logfile.txt04:44
JGANthats all?04:44
escottJGAN, that would log when it gets started, you may also want to log when it stops04:45
JGANok i think i can go from here04:45
JGANthanks escott :)04:45
JGANnight all04:45
seliteHello, my machine is overheating with Ubuntu and I couldn't find any solution for it. Can anyone help me?04:45
yoaino3v@ URLIN2U > http://pastebin.com/UrdMqX3V04:46
tpyowow i thought id just build and make ntop..... 7 dependancies later.... i need like 5 more04:46
tpyoi guess i'll leave this till tomorrow04:46
walruscodeescott, you are correct, I'm an idiot. I thought I extracted several bash scripts to that folder but I guess I didn't. D:04:46
tpyoi wish apt-get got everything04:46
walruscodeI'll just show myself the door. :P04:46
tpyobut ntop doesn't appear to be supported on it D:04:46
tpyoim guessing that apt-get is the "newer" mechanism of installing stuffs?04:47
tpyo(im relatively newish to linux)04:47
dejavou42I'm having a problem with gdm/xserver04:48
tpyowhereas ./configure make make install is the more old school mechanism of installing stuff04:48
dejavou42I have installed a new motherboard and installed the intel drivers04:48
escotttpyo, you should not be building stuff by hand04:48
dejavou42gdm starts and the login screen looks normal, but when gnome loads, the window is flipped (upside down) and mirrored04:49
tpyoescott, really? i couldn't seem to find another mechanism to get ntop04:49
veyCan someone point me out to a tutorial on the graphical interface? I don't know how you call them, shells ? I just know I have unity and I'd like to have the one I had in 10.1104:49
escotttpyo, you should install everything through apt-get. if you dont do that you can mess up your system04:49
tpyothey only offer a demo compilation for windows system and then thats limited, otherwise one has to grab their latest source code04:49
dariushall21Hello everyone. I just installed Windows onto my computer and I'm trying to reinstall 11.10 along side it, and it won't load the installer.04:49
escotttpyo, have you already done a ./configure; make; make install?04:49
tpyoand to build that i've had to install a crap ton of libs04:49
tpyoseveral times now04:49
tpyobut still not there04:50
tpyoi have more dependancies to work through :D04:50
dejavou42I have tried running Xorg -configure and copying the xorg.conf.new to /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:50
escotttpyo, ntop is in the repositories you should just apt-get install ntop04:50
escottdariushall21, what happens before it fails to load?04:51
tpyoi must have typed it wrong04:51
tpyowhere can i see the list?04:51
tpyoso i can clarify04:51
tpyoif i mess up like this again04:51
escotttpyo, if you have done a make install already you have placed files into system libraries that apt knows nothing about, and they may be incompatible with the libraries that apt would want to put there. you should audit the files in /usr against the dpkg database of files04:52
escotttpyo, you can use a gui like synaptic to browse the full list of available software04:52
dariushall21escott, it opens up the little menu it goes to when it attempts to install then it goes black and doesn't do anything else.04:53
* ejv misses the wild wild west days of no package management whatsoever04:53
escotttpyo, but in almost every case installing outside of apt is the wrong thing to do. the universe of available software should cover almost any need you have04:53
tpyothanks esccott, how do i audit?04:53
tpyojust to double check when i checked out linux like.... er... mebbe a decade ago apt-get wasn't about?04:53
escotttpyo, so if you know what you make installed, and you still have the build directory you can make uninstall04:54
escotttpyo, other versions of linux use other tools. so redhat uses rpm and yum, but the same principles hold04:54
escottdariushall21, what does that menu say04:54
tpyookay but if i make uninstall now, after i apt-getted ntop might that make uninstall of the items i previously installed ruin my apt-get of ntop?04:55
tpyoif that makes sense04:55
dariushall21escott, it's the menu that has the symbols down the bottom, I don't know how to explain it.04:55
escotttpyo, yes it probably would which is why doing things outside of apt is discouraged04:56
sirjakeHi all. Newb here...  I have a Thinkpad T60. I can't adjust the eraser head mouse speed. The built in mouse settings only seem to affect the touchpad. Where do I go to change that?04:56
tpyoescott, thanks for informing me thusly, I appreciate it :)04:56
escottdariushall21, like the keyboard symbol and the human davinci symbol?04:56
tpyoluckily this is mostly a test box so I can easily re-install should things be faulty04:57
yoaino3vWas I forgot about?04:57
escotttpyo, depending on how critical the programs you were manually installing are (and how many there were) you can perhaps safely ignore the issue. a few files won't be the apt version, and some programs may crash from time to time, but hopefully its not critical04:57
bullgard4_How can I determine the modification time of  'man 1 gnome-desktop-item-edit'?04:57
dejavou42ok, so when compiz is on, my screen becomes mirrored and flipped upside down04:58
dariushall21Escott, yes I think that would be the most accurate description04:58
escotttpyo, otherwise you have to dig through the list of installed programs with dpkg --get-selections, and for each of them dig through the files with dpkg -L and then diff that with what is on your hard drive04:58
escottdariushall21, sounds like plymouth, and you say it goes black04:59
yoaino3vguess so I'm leaving04:59
escottdariushall21, i think that is after modeset so nomodeset in the boot options probably won't help (but you could try it)04:59
escottdariushall21, you could also try to hit the up arrow when the plymouth screen first appears and see if you can see any text prior to the black screen05:00
tpyoescott, that sounds horrible, I think if I have problems i'll just restall05:00
tpyogoing back to ntop... does anyone know how it captures data so that I might trawl the data to represent it in a friendlier fashion?05:01
escottsirjake, you could see if it is adjustable in the xinput command line tool05:01
escottsirjake, xinput list; find your device; xinput list-props ##; find the property xinput set-int-prop ...05:03
sirjakeescott, how do I do that? When I type xinput in the terminal, it just gives me a lot of lists that require the device name...05:03
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dariushall21escott, so what would you suggest I do?05:04
escottsirjake, the xinput can be a bit unforgiving about the "format" specifier for integer properties, and the proper width never seems to be listed. so i just try them all05:04
escottdariushall21, start with the up arrow, and if thats not working try the nomodeset05:04
escott!modeset | dariushall2105:04
escott!nomodeset | dariushall2105:04
ubottudariushall21: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:04
RoastedIs there a way to search all context of all of my text files for a certain phrase?05:06
escottRoasted, grep05:07
Roastedescott, I want to search for what files have F7A145 in them (looking for a hex code) how would I do that exactly?05:07
escottRoasted, if the phrase is particularly long, and might span lines grep may not be appropriate05:07
dariushall21Oh, okay. So escott, my computer isn't running the stock on board graphics card, should I put it onto that and see if that helps?05:07
escottRoasted, so if it is exactly typed like that grep "F7A145" *.txt05:08
Roastedescott, it might be more than just .txt. could I do *.*?05:08
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escottdariushall21, if you have a laptop with two graphics cards, you will find things much easier to work with if you change the bios setting to embedded05:09
escottRoasted, sure grep pattern *05:09
Roastedescott, what am I forgetting? > grep "F7A145" *.*05:09
sirjakeescott, thanks for your help. I'm on the right track now. Found a Thinkpad specific tutorial for editing xinput with the keywords you gave. Much appreciated.05:09
pipaloHow can I upgrade libraries ? say babl.05:10
escottpipalo, apt will upgrade them when the newer versions are required/released for your ubuntu version05:11
pipalowhat if I want to get dev version ?05:11
pipaloI want to compile gimp and I did 'apt-get build-dep gimp' but I get configure: error: Package requirements (babl >= 0.1.4) were not met:05:12
pipaloRequested 'babl >= 0.1.4' but version of babl is 0.0.2205:12
escottpipalo, then you should manually install it to /usr/local, and recompile any programs that reference the library or do library path things to have two versions05:13
escottRoasted, so that command will search any file in your current folder for that text string (exact matches only)05:14
dejavou42I need a bit of help, when I turn compiz on my screen appears flipped like this http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/7263/ohgodo.png05:15
pipaloescott: aight, cheers.05:16
dejavou42with compiz off everything looks fine05:17
escottdejavou42, awesome!!! do you happen to know if you have some kind of rotation configured with xrandr prior to starting compiz?05:17
dejavou42^ my xorg.conf05:17
dejavou42escott: don't believe so05:18
escottdejavou42, it seems like some kind of bug in your glx/compiz stack, because no plugin should allow each subwindow to be drawn upside down05:18
ImTheDudethats weird05:18
escottdejavou42, if you run glxgears (when compiz is off) what color gear is on top?05:19
ImTheDudewhat command does that where you can turn the screen upside down i cant remember it?05:19
dariushall21escott no, im on a desktop with a stock onboard and an upgraded one.05:19
scroteI'm looking for a program like watch but a more precise interval finer than seconds.  Also it would be nice if it would log the changes (or keep displayed on stdout) incase they occur faster than the eye can notice.05:20
escottImTheDude, xrandr, but his screen is not upside down, each window (and each subwindow) is upside down05:20
escottdariushall21, well thats correct05:20
orlokI'm looking for a way to re-enable ufw if it has been disabled for a set period of time.. Any suggestions?05:20
escottdejavou42, ^^^ not dariushall2105:20
dejavou42escott: right and the mouse works correctly too05:20
bb916scrote: Don't think there is one but it's easy in bash05:21
ImTheDudeno im saying in general05:21
ImTheDudemy friends used to do it to me when i was in school05:21
scrotebb916: just keep looping it ?05:22
Ghost1227I just wrote a .desktop file for Unity, and while the default action works, alternate actions don't. However, a similar one I based it on works fine. Can someone take a look and see if I'm missing something obvious? The .desktop is posted here -> http://pastebin.com/1FBXeTVF05:22
escottdejavou42, i would nuke your .compiz and .compiz-1 folders just in case there is something screwy there, and maybe also do a unity --reset05:22
bb916scrote: it's been a while, but yes I think just a normal while loop will work05:22
cbilljonesIm trying to stream 1080p over wireless N, ubuntu 11.10 on both machines; using Apache2 webserver and totem to play; get the odd stutter - i notice bandwith seems to be capping at 2 MB/s, can anyone point me in the right direction?05:22
dejavou42escott: let me give it a try05:23
escottdariushall21, its hard to say what exactly the problem is without some text to describe the error. modesetting is a possibility05:23
scrotebb916: yes while loop, and the diff command comparing previous results with current output.  thanks for the tip.05:23
sirjakeAh, eraserhead mouse settings fixed. Thanks again, escott! I'm out.05:23
CodeWarIs there a way to create partitions for packages created using apt-get such that at runtime I can choose between two separate versions05:24
dejavou42escott: not finding a .compiz-1 folder05:24
dejavou42should it be in home as well?05:24
CodeWarfor e.g., I use my Ubuntu 11.10 for building kernel and for regular usage and I d rather packages from one didn't interfere with the other, a virtual machine just for this seemed overkill05:24
escottdejavou42, it would if it exists, you might not have one05:24
cbilljonesIm trying to stream 1080p over wireless N, ubuntu 11.10 on both machines; using Apache2 webserver and totem to play; get the odd stutter - i notice bandwith seems to be capping at 2 MB/s, can anyone point me in the right direction?  I am using a USB wireless card on server as a secong net connection, it connects to a DD-WRT router that doesnt have internet access; just for media streaming05:25
escottCodeWar, chroot05:25
dejavou42escott: and unity is not installed05:25
bullgard4_How can I determine the modification time of  'man 1 gnome-desktop-item-edit'?05:25
CodeWarescott, thanks it does look like hwat I want let me read up more on it05:26
dejavou42escott: Ok, I renamed .compiz to .comp_old05:26
xc0ffeehey.. is there a shortcut in ubuntu unity to switch between tabs in current workspace?05:27
dejavou42and I still have the same thing05:27
escottbullgard4_, ls -l `locate gnome-desktop-item-edit | grep man`05:27
escottdejavou42, you could file a bug, but since you dont have unity, you clearly have an older version of ubuntu. it may have already been fixed in newer versions and just not pushed back to your release05:28
myronescott: nope newest version05:29
=== myron is now known as dejavou42_term
escottdejavou42, ok... are you running xubuntu or something? how do you have compiz but no unity?05:30
lorddeltaescott: I run compiz with no Unity, 11.10 (well, its mostly gnome shell anyhow). There's a little checkbox in the settings panel. >_>05:31
escottdejavou42_term, in any case its definitely a bug, and it doesnt seem to be in your glx drivers, so it must be compiz that is flipping the images before drawing them05:31
Ghost1227no ideas?05:31
escottlorddelta, gnome-shell doesnt use compiz... thats why im confused05:32
dejavou42_termescott: I'm running 10.04,05:32
lorddeltaescott: Whatever this stuff on top/bottom is, I just assumed (come to think of it probably incorrectly) that it was gnome-shell, since I heard they changed it all to gnome3? Anyways the crappy dock is gone.05:33
cbilljonesghost1227 im no expert on that, but i can try; can you pastebin the file that works05:33
lorddeltaescott: if that's not unity, then I've learned something useful :)05:33
Ghost1227cbilljones: sure05:33
daleharveycan I have emacs not open as a new gtk window when I start it from the terminal05:34
lorddeltaescott: And I keep most of the effects turned off, about the only 3D thing my desktop does is the ring switcher.05:34
dejavou42escott: when I run unity --reset it tells me command not found05:34
escottlorddelta, if you are using gnome-shell then mutter is your compositor, if you use unity it is compiz05:34
daleharveyI just have export EDITOR=emacs and every time I commit a new window flies up05:34
dimmdabear, yes, you can!05:35
lorddeltaescott: Ah, so I'll understand Unity is no longer just a compiz plugin then.05:35
Ghost1227cbilljones: http://pastebin.com/6htKUxXY05:35
Roastedescott, sorry, I was here in another name a fewm inutes ago about the grep thing with the hex value. I never did get it working. It kept returning an error.05:36
escottRoasted, what error05:36
lorddeltaescott: I thought they'd done something like just used the shell and stuck compiz+unity plugin, but I haven't bothered looking at the source.05:36
tonyalmeidaI'm coming?05:36
escottlorddelta, well unity does have a compiz plugin component, but its more than a compiz plugin.05:37
Roastedescott, just no such file or dir. I want to search my ENTIRE system though05:37
dejavou42escott: I was wrong, I am using 10.04,  unity didn't come out till 11 correct?05:38
Roasteddejavou42, 11.0405:38
escottRoasted, so grepping the entire system will be slow. usually you want an indexing system to scan, but that kind of system will skip hex patterns like the one you described so its grep or nothing grep -r pattern /05:38
Roastedescott, I'm looking for a hex value within a certain folder. It's just a theme folder.05:38
escottdejavou42, right so the compiz support is a lot better from 10.04 -> 11.10 and its probably fixed by now05:38
escottdejavou42, you could see if anyone else reported it in launchpad by searching for any closed bugs or try a live cd05:39
lorddeltaRoasted: I'm not a grep expert, but couldn't you just index the system, do a folder, grep, and pipe that through a hex grep?05:39
lorddelta(assuming its already indexed)05:39
Roastedlorddelta, trying the grep -r now on the specific theme folder... been running for a bit now...05:40
Roastedlorddelta, already indexed? how would I have indexed it? *shrug*05:40
cbilljonesghost1227 can i PM you?05:40
dejavou42escott: I'm going to hate this in a few minutes but I'll try an upgrade to 11.1005:40
lorddeltaRoasted: good question. I hang out in here to learn things about my system I usually wouldn't know.05:40
escottdejavou42, before blindly jumping into an upgrade do check the release notes. its a very different desktop system05:41
Ghost1227cbilljones: of course05:41
lorddeltaRoasted: I know there are several processes that seem to like reading files on my computer, one of them being updatedb.mlocate, I suspect this is an indexer.05:42
Roastedman this is taking forever05:42
dejavou42escott: that's fine, I've played with 11.10 on another box, but everytime I upgrade, something gets broken05:42
dejavou42escott: I should be able to work through whatever the upgrade throws my way. I've been with ubuntu since 8.04 :)05:42
urlin2udejavou42, why would you upgrade then when fresh installs are much faster.05:43
lorddeltaRoasted: I feel for you. Google + better organization usually == less time to find shit, for me.05:44
dejavou42urlin2u: not for me, I have a lot of stuff customized, and it would take a while to get it all back05:44
urlin2udejavou42, probably not your just used to doing it that way, only so many customozations follow a upgrade.05:45
stevecami have my screen hooked up to my PC through a DVI to HDMI cable, i am now missing the edges of my screen05:46
urlin2udejavou42, if it works for you cool i would not put up with broken stuff is all.05:46
dejavou42urlin2u: you're probably right, but I like to fix the broken stuff rather than put up with it :)05:47
urlin2ulol gives you something to do.05:47
dejavou42I know it's more headache than its worth, but I just don't like to start "fresh" unless I absolutely have to05:48
lorddeltadejavou42: hear hear!05:48
lorddeltaYou learn more that way too.05:48
ryan_46Does anyone know how to get bluetile window manager to run? I can only do it via a work around.05:49
dejavou42brb going to restart05:49
lorddeltaWhich is part of the reason I'm running Linux, not Windows; I like to be able to do more shit with my OS rather than less, relying on other people for my updates/customization is not why I switched.05:49
pangolinlorddelta: Please mind your language05:50
lorddeltapangolin: Sorry! Just how I speak. But I will make more of an effort.05:50
urlin2ustevecam, does the monitor have a auto resize?05:50
stevecamno, that option is not available05:51
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shaxsHello everyone!05:55
dejavou42what did they replace plymoth with?05:56
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shaxsQuick question. I am getting some pretty horrid performance on Ubuntu 11.10. The mouse movement is super choppy. It reminds me as if I am remoting into the desktop over an internet connection. Keyboard input lags a little too05:58
shaxsI am running on pretty old hardware. AMD Athlon 64 3000+, 2 gb ram, and a 40 gb IDE (Yes IDE) hard drive.05:58
shaxsDo you think replacing the CPU with a dual core would help?05:59
bullgard4_shaxs: I have heard similar complaints recently. Please file a bug report in Launchpad against gnome-shell. --  I myself have a powerful Thnkpad notebook computer and cannot complain.06:00
neroninIs there a simple way to disable gdm/gnome so i start right away at CLI. I still want to have the opportunity to start gnome later though06:01
somsip_!text | neronin06:02
ubottuneronin: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode06:02
cbilljonesIm trying to stream 1080p over wireless N, ubuntu 11.10 on both machines; using Apache2 webserver and totem to play; get the odd stutter - i notice bandwith seems to be capping at 2 MB/s, can anyone point me in the right direction?  I am using a USB wireless card on server as a secong net connection, it connects to a DD-WRT router that doesnt have internet access; just for media streaming06:02
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neroninsomsip_:  ok i will try that out, thanks06:02
shaxsbullgard4, I am just building a media server for my XBMC htpcs, so I dont need a fancy box. Should I switch over to 10.4?06:03
lnghi! I have mysql client issue: # mysql >>> The program 'mysql' can be found in the following packages: * mysql-client-core-5.1; * mysql-cluster-client-5.1; Try: apt-get install <selected package>. But when I try to install it, I have: mysql-client is already the newest version.06:03
lngI cleaned my sustem of mysql after purge / delete to compile mysql from source06:04
lngI used rm06:04
tonyyarussolng: So you're attempting to run the one you compiled then?06:04
lngtonyyarusso: I compiled the server, not mysql client06:05
tonyyarussolng: Okay, so where do you think you have the client installed from?06:06
Laserscbilljones: 1080p over WiFi? .__.06:06
cbilljonesLasers i almost got it, just the odd stutter06:06
lngtonyyarusso: client was installed long before06:06
lngtonyyarusso: then I rmoved it with apt-get delete / purge06:07
tonyyarussolng: delete, or remove?06:07
lngtonyyarusso: both06:07
bullgard4_shaxs: You can use Ubuntu 10.04 instead, yes. --  An alternative solution would be to refrain from a graphical user interface in your media server, if you are content with the command-line onloy.06:07
shaxsbullgard4 me = linux n00b!06:08
shaxsBut I will say I am impressed. I am building a software raid 1 right now06:08
neroninsomsip_:  can i add that "text" in a conf file somewhere? I cant access my grub menu at boot (broken monitor..)06:08
shaxsdoing my resync right now06:08
tonyyarussolng: So you're running 'apt-get install mysql-client-5.1' and getting an error?06:08
lngtonyyarusso: exactly as I wrote06:09
bullgard4_shaxs: If you are a Linux neophyte then probably it is easier for you to use Ubuntu 10.04 for your purpose.06:09
tonyyarussolng: You didn't write how you were trying to install it.06:09
shaxsbullgard4 so this software raid I built, can I transition it over to 10.4 easily?06:10
lngtonyyarusso: I did06:10
shaxsOr will I need to start the raid from scratch?06:10
tonyyarussolng: um, where?06:10
lngapt-get install ...06:10
tonyyarussolng: apt-get install WHAT?06:10
icerootshaxs: rsync for building a raid?06:10
bullgard4_shaxs: I do not know. Please ask others.06:11
icerootlng: what is the output of "apt-cache policy mysql-client"06:11
tonyyarussolng: Yeah, the mysql-client package is installed, exactly as it told you.  It's a metapackage.  Install mysql-client-5.1, or do a re-install of mysql-client.06:11
shaxsiceroot: I installed 11.10 on a 40 GB ide drive and have 2x2 TB drives for software raid 1. Right now I am building the array for the first time or doign the first resync. If I wipe and install 10.4 instead, can I keep my raid intact or do I need to redo the whole raid thing again?06:11
icerootshaxs: easiest would e to use the alternate-disc from 10.04 and recreate the raid there06:12
lapionshaxs, it is possible to convert a linux fs into raid...06:12
lngiceroot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/739938/06:13
lngtonyyarusso: same thing06:13
lngtonyyarusso: mysql-client-5.1 is already the newest version. mysql-client-5.1 set to manually installed.06:13
tonyyarussolng: How about mysql-client-core-5.1?06:13
lapionshaxs, do you have any data on the 2x2 raid drives ?06:13
shaxslapion nope06:13
icerootlng: so mysql-client 5.1.54 is installed, what is your issue?06:13
shaxsso I guess it doesnt matter06:13
lngiceroot: I cannot use it06:14
icerootlng: please post usefull details06:14
lngiceroot: The program 'mysql' can be found in the following packages:..06:14
lapionshaxs, are the 2x2 raid drives on a raid-cpntroller ?06:14
shaxswell, on my motherboards "raid controller"06:14
shaxsbut I guess that is fake raid06:14
icerootshaxs: dont use the raid-controller from your motherboard06:14
icerootshaxs: its fake-raid, use software-raid instead06:15
lapionshaxs, check out the bios raid program06:15
shaxsiceroot, yes I know, i am doing mdadm raid because the crap/fake raid in the mobo06:15
lapioniceroot, depends on chipset...06:15
icerootlapion: no06:15
icerootlapion: every desktop-motherboard uses only fakeraid06:15
tonyyarussoiceroot: It sounds like he did an incomplete removal of things before, and stranded metapackages while just ripping out the lowermost dependency, or something like that.  He hasn't really said how he "deleted" it before yet.06:16
lapioniceroot, yes that I know but there are people that buy the good stuff.. which in this case is probably not so....06:16
shaxslapion this is not the good stuff06:16
shaxslapion iceroot If you had a choice over a decent dedicated raid card or software raid, which would you do?06:17
icerootshaxs: of course software-raid, a hardware-raid-controller (a good one) is starting at 200€06:18
shaxsiceroot yeah that I will do then06:18
lapionwell if the decent dedicated raid controller has battery backed caching... hardware raid..06:18
icerootshaxs: is there a special reason you need raid1? (please dont say backup)06:18
shaxsiceroot I am building a media server to serve tv shows to my xbmc htpcs. So I figured raid 1 would be a good fail safe in case of one hd failure06:19
icerootshaxs: a backup is a good fail safe06:20
lapionshaxs, however I did run a system with a software raid system (2x4.5G) for 5 years without a hitch...06:20
icerootshaxs: normally you only need raid on important servers which needs to be available 24/706:21
lapionshaxs, but that was to interleave both drives to gain performance and space..06:21
Coder_whats up06:22
shaxsuse one file for storing/serving files off and use software to sync to another drive?06:22
lngiceroot: PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/mysql.so' - libmysqlclient_r.so.16: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 006:22
icerootshaxs: e.g. if you do stupid things and delete a file, the file is missing on both drives, so raid is not a backup06:22
lngiceroot: you see, something wrong with client06:22
Coder_whats the best apps for ubuntu?06:22
lngiceroot: I cannot reinstall it06:22
icerootlng: sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient1606:22
iceroot!best | Coder_06:23
ubottuCoder_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:23
lngiceroot: strange but - /usr/lib/libmysqlclient_r.so.1606:23
lngiceroot: it exists06:23
icerootlng: dpkg -l libmysqlclient1606:23
lngiceroot: libmysqlclient16 is already the newest version.06:23
haylo_Coder_, audacity for recording sound, clementine for mp3, virtualbox for virtual machines06:23
shaxsiceroot so if I jsut want a copy of my media files if one drive fails, dont use raid, but just use a sync program to backup data to the other hardrive?06:23
lngiceroot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/739941/06:24
haylo_Coder_, yeah there are no best apps06:24
icerootshaxs: correct06:24
shaxsiceroot into recommendations for syncing software?06:24
icerootshaxs: raid is not a backup-solution, its just a high available solution06:24
icerootshaxs: rsync06:24
iceroot!backup | shaxs06:24
ubottushaxs: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning06:24
tonyyarussolng: So what happened when you tried installing mysql-client-core-5.1 and doing a reinstall of mysql-client like I said?06:25
shaxsiceroot: okay. I think you have me convinced. Im going to stop building this raid, donwgrade to 10.4 and setup rysnc06:25
ntr0pyWhich identd do I need to enable postgresql ident method?06:25
shaxsiceroot: thanks for the sage wisdom06:26
icerootlng: dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii06:26
lngI have removed libmysqlclient16 and reinstalled required packages after that06:27
lngnow mysql client is working again06:27
celestius_halp i hosed unity - when i log in i just get a single nautilus window and the menu bar; i can get the dock to reappear if i go to /usr/bin and run it from there06:30
celestius_but it doesn't come back when i log out and log back in06:30
celestius_i deleted ~/.compiz2 or something trying to unfuck compiz06:31
celestius_did that mess things up?06:31
synflagplease, please06:33
synflagis not spam06:33
synflagsign please06:34
LK-Hi, when attempting to suspend, my box freezes instead. Any ideas?06:45
ntr0pyWhich authd/identd is the most common to use with postgresql?06:50
[deXter]Anyone here tried RAM Booster on Natty or Oneric yet?06:51
rhin0whats a RAM booster?06:52
interluderegarding screen: How would I join a screen session another user has started?06:52
rhin0you mean share screen? .. control mouse cursor?06:52
click170rhin0: I think he means Gnu Sreen..06:53
rumpe1interlude, screen -x06:53
interludethanks rumpe1 however when i type in screen -ls I don't the other users screen session06:55
silv3r_m00nsomething is blocking connections to my computer's port 80 , how can I find it out06:55
pnormansilv3r_m00n: could it be your ISP? many do.06:57
silv3r_m00nno , its my LAN06:57
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silv3r_m00nI can connect to other 192.168.1.* ips , but my peers are unable to connect to me06:57
silv3r_m00nsomekind of firewall running on my machine ?06:57
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pnormanYou've got apache or something running that you expect to respond on port 80?06:57
pnormanWhat about connecting to localhost, does it work then?06:58
RudyValenciaThe security-updates service is slow tonight... any reason why"06:58
silv3r_m00nyes , http://localhost and http://mylanip both work06:58
pnormansilv3r_m00n: ubuntu or ubuntu server?06:59
silv3r_m00nmy pc , ubuntu desktop 11.0406:59
silv3r_m00nI remember fiddling with firestarter sometime back , can that have caused this ?06:59
pnormansounds likely07:00
silv3r_m00nthen what file shud I edit to revert07:00
silv3r_m00nin firestarter I don't find any preferences for that07:00
pnormannot sure - never used firestarter. did you just want to uninstall it?07:01
silv3r_m00nyes I can do that , but I better learn how to tackle it , since I play with such tools often07:01
oratedAre linux kernel released every 2-3 months?07:01
pnormanAll I can suggest is look at the firestarter docs since I've never used it. Maybe someone else here has used it07:02
hsbjyjbnice to07:02
RudyValenciaI can't seem to connect to the Ubuntu security repo07:03
RudyValenciaand I'm trying to do setup07:03
lathiatRudyValencia: yes i am having the same issue07:03
RudyValenciawhat do I do?07:03
lathiatRudyValencia: you could reconfigure apt to use a mirror07:04
lathiatRudyValencia: most mirrors actaully have the security archives on them07:04
RudyValencianot during setup07:04
lathiatRudyValencia: true07:04
lathiatRudyValencia: it seems intermittent.. try again07:04
RudyValenciaduring setup it uses security.ubuntu.com07:04
lathiatits working a bit better for me now than 5 minutes ago07:04
lathiatstill a bit slow07:04
RudyValencianow I have a 59907:05
lathiatfun.. its working here07:05
RudyValenciaanyone know how I can get the installer to use a different repo for security updates?07:06
RudyValencia(installing over PXE)07:06
tonyyarussoRudyValencia: You'd probably need a preseed file for that07:07
RudyValenciaand how do I make one?wha07:07
RudyValenciagrr, on my android typing07:08
RudyValenciait's working a little now07:08
RudyValenciaI have a local package cache using apt-cacher-ng07:09
RudyValenciaso if there haven't been any recent updates I should get local copies07:10
ktwoanyone knows how i can change the firmware for my wifi driver? it says im using wifi/rtl8192cufw.bin, but my card is 8188CUS07:10
ktwoand its always disconnecting after 5-10minutes07:10
RudyValenciawow 304 bytes/sec :(07:10
RudyValenciait probably takes time for a repo to gear up I bet07:12
RudyValenciaI think the shift key on my phone is not working07:12
interludewhen I run screen -x user/ it give me this message: "Must run suid root for multiuser support." when i run the same command as sudo, I get "Access to session denied." Any ideas on how I could get this working?07:15
lathiatRudyValencia: I checked in with the devs and have been told its apparently fixed now07:18
lathiatRudyValencia: have fun!07:18
wolfman3k5how can I jail a user in his ~home account without having to install jailkit? I know how to do it for ftp, but how do I do it for ssh? thank you.07:18
lathiatim out of here07:18
lathiatwolfman3k5: it is much harder to do for SSH07:18
Jordan_Uinterlude: "su username" then screen -x07:18
lathiatwolfman3k5: because basically you have to install a whole operating system under his chroot.. otherwise they cant run any programs07:18
lathiatworstadmin: i would class this as "very difficult"07:18
lathiatwolfman3k5: i would class this as "very difficult"07:19
lathiatwolfman3k5: if all you want is SFTP accesss there are easier solutions07:19
wolfman3k5<lathiat> so basically I should just install a jailkit and configure it?07:19
oratedWhen can one expect to get Sandy Bridge support with linux kernel?07:19
rumpe1interlude, try http://blog.wilcoxd.com/wiki/Screen07:19
lathiatwolfman3k5: probably ive never used jailkit but if it purports to do what you want then that sounds like a good plan07:19
wolfman3k5<lathiat> it's for security reasons, in case someone hacks into one of my website accounts07:19
lathiatwolfman3k5: jailkit looks like the way to go07:20
lathiatwolfman3k5: do you provide shell access or is SFTP more what you are ater?07:20
interludeThanks Jordan_U, rumpe1. I'll try your suggestions.07:21
wolfman3k5<lathiat> No one but me has access to the accounts. I'm just being extra careful07:21
Jordan_Uinterlude: You're welcome.07:21
wolfman3k5<lathiat> I log into each account to make changes to the website it hosts, but that's it.07:22
SensivaHello, I upgraded a xen vps jaunty server to karmic using alternate CD method, and now the server opens the maintenance shell opens, and it doesn't continue to boot. Any ideas what to do?07:22
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CoolCoderwhere do i find Start Up applications in 11.10 /07:27
GK0199a girl was knocking on my door at 4 in the morning, so i woke up and let her out07:28
CoolCoderwhat the hell is 11.1007:28
haylo_CoolCoder, i find that in sustem setting under startup applications in 11.04 i would imagine 11.10 hides then in the same place07:29
CoolCoderthe issue is i have installed a php program. when i run that, it says there a old php running in the system. i need to remove this from startup. in 11.04 i did this and system was ok. but i cannot find the applications on start up in 11.1007:31
CoolCoderits too bad07:31
CoolCoderi can see "Startup applications" in the menu "Applications->Other"  but there isnt listed anything07:32
CoolCoderNumber of icons in System Tools->System is missing in 11.10 comparing 11.0407:33
ntr0pywhich identd is recommented for using with postgresql?07:33
onrei have no idea how database software and identd might be related to each other07:34
ntr0pyi need an ident daemon to use ident method for pgadmin307:34
ntr0pyhow can i connect to postgresql with pgadmin3: I always get an error message about a failing ident auth07:37
namejoncould anyone help me get my wireless working on my laptop?07:38
namejoni have tried everything and am out of ideas!07:39
somsipntr0py: have you worked with your pg_hba.conf for PostgreSQL? http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Client_Authentication07:39
buggedmedusaneed help with pptp connection issue :(07:40
buggedmedusahere is what I get in the logs buffering packet 20301 (expecting 20300, lost or reordered)07:40
Toniushow can i quit from MC with F10 key ? When I press F10, I see the menu on top of window ((( (sorry for my broken Englesh)07:40
namejonanyone know how to get apps in lubuntu?07:41
dariushall21Can someone help me out with instalation issues? It won't get past the ubuntu loading splash.07:42
haylo_namejon aptitude is a tool for installing apps in linux07:42
ntr0pysomsip: yes and i dont want to spread any passwords in config files thats why i want to use sockets/ident method, but i cant get pgadmin3 to use sockets07:42
Ghost1227so i'm still having issues with this .desktop file... anyone here have experience in writing them, particularly in regards to unity quicklists?07:43
buggedmedusapptp connection issue logs : buffering packet 20301 (expecting 20300, lost or reordered)07:44
dariushall21Can anyone help with that issue?07:44
ntr0pysomsip, have you any idea how i would get the ident method not to fail on tcp sockets?07:45
SyriaHello, I am trying to download a zip file into the folder /var/www using wget but after typing the command I get this message. Cannot write to `latest.zip' (Permission denied).,, do I have to change the permessions?07:45
dariushall21You'd have to be ROOT to do that.07:46
click170Syria: You likely don't have permission to write to that dir07:46
Natecatdoes anybody know if daemon tools or something similar could be started on system start up07:46
somsipntr0py: Idid it once, but don't remember how. I remember using another file that mapped client usernames to pgS users but don't recall the details. I was very new to pgS and got it working from wikis and suchlinke though07:46
Syriaclick170:  Ah I see!07:46
dariushall21I don't understand why my computer won't go past the splash screen. It's not frozen it's still loading.07:47
Syriaclick170: Thank you, the problem has been solved.07:48
buggedmedusacan anyone guide me in resolving this? : anon log[decaps_gre:pptp_gre.c:414]: buffering packet 17336 (expecting 17335, lost or reordered)07:49
ntr0pysomsip: yes the mapping is done via pg_ident.conf and for local sockets its working fine, but i cant get pgadmin3 to use sockets and it always fails for tcp ident auth's07:49
somsipntr0py: no idea. Long time since I've had to use pgAdmin now. I can't help07:49
click170buggedmedusa: What's the problem your having? I used to use a PPTP vpn and saw those but didn't experience problems.07:50
namejonwow so many issues w ubuntu07:51
buggedmedusathanks for the reply click170, after getting these in logs for a while connection gets terminated.. but it works in windows with no issues07:51
buggedmedusaclick170: I also tried this with linuxmint and facing the same issue07:51
annoyingsporeanyone know what 'install cloud controller' does exactly, on server 10.10 ? why isnt it there in 11.10 and replaced with something else?07:51
psypher246hello all, I have an issue with oneiric which must have been caused by carrying over my home folder from natty. when i click the home icon in the launcher it opens a new nautilus icon at the bottom of the launcher. any subsequent nautilus windows now all open under that icon instead. does anyone know how I can restore the launcher to properly only open new windows under one icon, the home one right at the top?07:52
Natecatis it possible to install ubuntu without booting from a CD07:53
Natecatother then USB07:53
click170buggedmedusa: I remember having the log message appear, and having to configure the vpn to automatically reconnect.. perhaps we were having the same problem.  I don't know how to troubleshoot it further aside from browsing the source.07:53
buggedmedusaclick170: means is it unsolved yet and there is no known way till this moment :-/ anyone solved this issue here? : log[decaps_gre:pptp_gre.c:414]: buffering packet 20301 (expecting 20300, lost or reordered)07:56
click170buggedmedusa: It reads like it's complaining about a lost packet, or that a packet arrived out of order. If that's the case, I'd suspect packet loss.07:57
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buggedmedusaclick170: I checked that with mtr and ping but I am not observing any packet loss and I wonder if that so it also should not work with windows either :-/ I am running clueless07:59
click170Good point. Perhaps the windows implementation is better at dealing with out of order packets than the nix versions? I'm guessing now though.08:00
Natecatis it possible to install ubuntu manually(without disk/usb)?08:01
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somsipNatecat: from what starting point?08:01
Toniushow can i quit from MC with F10 key ? When I press F10, I see the menu on top of window ((( (sorry for my broken Englesh)08:01
localg0dIs theadmin here ?08:01
Natecatfrom the ISO and a blank partition08:01
jasefclick170, Windows version of what? I'm coming in a little late08:01
click170PPTP, and I suspect MPPE and the compression component is being used as well.08:02
buggedmedusaclick170: I dont want to give up with ubuntu for small issues.. I will try to get it working08:02
Natecatstupid slow partitioner08:02
somsipNatecat: You're wanting to somehow run the installer from another OS?08:03
Natecatyes or manually unzip and copy08:03
buggedmedusaclick170: you suggesting me use --compression as well? but its not showing anything related to compression08:04
somsipNatecat: I suppose it's feasible. not supported though08:04
Natecatis it possible to run installer on blank partiton or do i have to do it manually08:04
Natecatwhat format does ubuntu need?08:05
click170buggedmedusa: I was guessing, but "pptp_gre" to me implies encryption so.. *shrugs*08:05
Natecatinside the disk is wubi...08:06
bugweedhi guys, wondering, is open-jdk7 good? is it compatible with sun java needs. installed it last time but not so satisfying08:07
click170buggedmedusa: Ah I was wrong, gre == generic routing encapsulation, not synonymous with encryption.08:08
click170gre != generic routing encapsulation*08:08
dariushall21Click170 can you help me, I'm having issues with installation, I can't get past the Ubuntu splash08:09
click170dariushall21: I had the same problem with the latest version of Ubuntu and wasn't able to get past it, I'm using an old version.08:10
dariushall21I'm using 11.10 and I've installed it about 5 times, this is the first time this has happened.08:10
buggedmedusadariushall21: 6th time also you are installing it over the same machine?08:11
Natecatanybody know where on ubuntu website to download kernel?08:11
click170dariushall21: I'd suspect a difference in hardware. I tried a VM and got that result.08:11
buggedmedusadariushall21: agree with click170 suggestion in your case08:12
dariushall21No, this is the second time on this machine because I installed windows I'm trying to install this along side it.08:12
click170dariushall21: Hmm, very interesting. I don't know what to suggest now though, aside from various Google phrases.08:14
dariushall21The disc is on a disc with lightscribe on the other side, that's falling off already could that cause the disk not to read right?08:15
localg0dcan anyone see my typing ?08:15
localg0dbecause i can't see anyone elses08:15
buggedmedusadariushall21: does hardware supports 64bit OS? please check the hardware as issue rises normally with hardware compatibility or if the installation source is corrupted / damaged / under issues08:15
dariushall21The computer is x86. 32 bit.08:16
click170dariushall21: There should be an option somewhere in the installer to verify the integrity of the disk (and memory, but you don't want that option), but I don't know where Ubuntu hides it these days.08:16
dariushall21I dont want that option?08:16
click170dariushall21: You want to check the integrity of the disk, not the integrity of your RAM memory.08:16
MagicJwhat is the parameter to apt-get so that I can upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 at the command line?08:18
dariushall21Check disc for defects, test memory08:18
dariushall21either of those?08:18
click170MagicJ: Are you looking for 'apt-get dist-upgrade' ? (IIRC)08:18
click170dariushall21: The first one, you want to Check disc for defects08:19
MagicJclick170:  that does not do it - I thought it would but that still keeps me at 10.04 because that is a LTS version08:19
dariushall21Okay, it's running.08:19
click170dariushall21: grab a cuppa tea, this while take awhile.08:19
bugweedhi, what package installs the right click compress option on ubuntu?08:19
onikkMagicJ: my 10.04 LTS suggests running do-release-upgrade, try that08:21
click170MagicJ: A brief (very brief) google search would suggest the way to upgrade is with update manager, the gui program.08:22
buggedmedusaMagicJ: onikk: do-release-upgrade will upgrade the OS to newest version released 11:1008:22
dariushall21Its stopped at checking ./casper/intrz/dlz, I think I can't see from right here. And the disc has spooled down so I imagine that means its bad08:22
dariushall21wait it went onto another file08:22
buggedmedusadariushall21: change the disc, create new and try installing with that08:22
dariushall21I don't have any dvds laying around to waste and my flash drive just stopped working.08:23
click170dariushall21: I'd say wait for a conclusive 'pass' or 'fail' indicator from the program. I've seen it pause like that, then continue.08:23
my_openerpHow can I uninstall ubuntu from a windows-xp box?08:23
lotrpyhello, after change setting of bonding (/etc/network/interfaces), how to enable the change without reboot?08:24
buggedmedusalotrpy: /etc/init.d/networking restart08:24
dariushall21Does anyone here know anything about windows and flash drives? All I get is "windows could not format (F:)"08:24
lotrpybuggedmedusa, letme try, thanks08:24
dariushall21check finished error found in 1 files.08:25
click170dariushall21: Well then I have good news. We now know your disk has cancer, the terminal kind. ;)08:26
MagicJbuggedmedusa:  I do not want to go to 11.10 - it has unity - I want to go from 10.4 to 10,1008:26
dariushall21Great, I don't have any discs or a working flash drive. No computer for me.08:26
lotrpybuggedmedusa, it works, thanks~08:27
click170dariushall21: What about netboot installing from the network? Boot from PXE straight to the installer.  Complicated, but possible.08:27
bugweedhow do  use open-jdk after installing it? my web java applet is not running even after in installed open-jdk708:27
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click170dariushall21: It requires an additional computer with wich to install from, https://wiki.koeln.ccc.de/index.php/Ubuntu_PXE_Install08:30
dariushall21And how would I go about setting that up?08:31
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click170dariushall21: It explains how to set it up in the link, it's beyond the scope of an IRC exchange here, it's complicated.08:32
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Daniel_Hi everybody08:37
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CreapleAre you a Chinese£¿08:39
TROLOLYeah !\08:39
conntrackFrom troll station?08:39
TROLOLwhats troll station ?08:40
Daniel_im using a third -part software, can somebody tells me the server IP or address?08:40
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bugweedhow to run java on chromium browser08:41
salim2anyone from egypt08:45
vega-any suggestions on what to do when <super>-w key combination has stopped working and also the number of desktops have been reduced from 4 to 108:47
kaiyincompose key is not working here, any ideas?08:47
salim2is this social or technical chat08:48
salim2i see08:49
=== ok is now known as ok_wait
starnhello, everyone. i am having an issue with my mouse and video games... primarily UT2004.. i also am wondering if there is a program like musictube or if thats the only one out.08:51
ok_waithi all! i'm looking for help with a frugal install to an old laptop that can't boot from anything but the internal hd (i pull the internal hd out and attach it to this machine via usb for installation)08:52
ok_waitduring the install the disk is recognized as sda1 (also no other disks are attached but the cd device) and while it's in the laptop, it's recognized as hda108:53
tuk tl amol08:53
ooldirtyok_wait, most modern distros boot by UUID now... the sda/hda conversion shouldn't be a problem08:53
ok_waiti'm able to get to a single user shell as root and i'm wondering if there's a way to tell the (debian based) operating system that it's hda1 instead of sda108:53
paolajajaja ya tu abes08:53
tuclaro mami08:54
paolaq tio mas tronto08:54
FloodBot1paola: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:54
tuxk yo te monto08:54
paolaq mas qisoeras tu08:54
ok_waitooldirty, i get a 'cannot find device sda1' or something of the such. how would i convert it? is there a file i can edit?08:54
ooldirtyok_wait, try grub-setup /dev/hda && sed -i 's/sda1/hda1/g' /etc/fstab && grub-install /dev/hda08:54
Gskelligwhere does ubuntu 11.10 keep ssh public keys?08:54
tupero uno se aguanta08:54
DJones!english | paola tu08:54
ubottupaola tu: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList08:54
paolaAGUANTA Q?08:55
ok_waitooldirty, it's a lilo bootloader :/08:55
ooldirtyeven better08:55
tulas ganas de montarte08:55
Gskelligam I in #ubuntu-es?08:55
ooldirtysed -i 's/sda/hda/g' /etc/lilo.conf /etc/fstab08:55
ooldirtySHUT THE FUCK UP08:55
somsipGskellig: no - they're just spamming08:55
Gskelligwhere does ubuntu 11.10 keep ssh public keys?08:55
tuy kien es ese gay08:55
salim2anyone from egypt people08:55
somsiptype /ignore {nick}08:55
ooldirtyoh yeah, this is irc08:56
tutu qien eres mamverga08:56
paolaQ OS DEN X CULITO08:56
DJones!ops | tu paola08:56
paolaA TODOS08:56
ubottutu paola: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!08:56
salim2why u said that08:56
alumno5abla biien08:56
somsip!ops !paolo, alumno5, tu spamming and abusive08:56
FloodBot1paola: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:56
ubottusomsip: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:56
somsip!ops | paolo, alumno5, tu spamming and abusive08:56
ubottupaolo, alumno5, tu spamming and abusive: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!08:56
tukien ers men08:56
paolaWHAT THIS FUCK08:56
tute rebiento08:56
tuo ke08:56
FloodBot1paola: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:56
alumno5tu mama08:56
tuabla bn08:56
paolaHABLA BN08:56
tuaora te cojo08:56
Tm_Tooldirty: language...08:56
tuy ya veras08:56
ok_waitooldirty, sed: couldn't open temporary file /etc/seddAidme: Read-only file system08:56
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList08:57
ooldirtyok_wait, mount -o remount,rw /08:57
Gskelligwhere does ubuntu 11.10 keep ssh public keys?08:57
somsipGskellig: ~/.ssh/08:57
ok_waitno news is good new right?08:57
ooldirtyok, run the sed line again08:57
joo__what really sucks about ubuntu is how the documentation assumes all the way that you use gnome08:57
ok_waitooldirty, i did, no output08:58
Gskelligdamn, not showing up there08:58
Gskelligi think i did something wrong08:58
ooldirtyperfect. run just "lilo" and let me know if you see errors08:58
ooldirtyno errors = reboot.08:58
ooldirtybest of luck08:58
ooldirtycan't stand you bunch of pansies any more08:58
ooldirtyhope you all rot.08:58
schreberCan someone explain why update manager stopped asking for my password when it applies/downloads, etc. updates?08:59
onikkdoes anyone have any experience how to get HDMI output with optimus+ion2 hardware?09:00
DJonessalim2: There is a #ubuntu-eg irc channel on the network for local discussion if that helps09:00
Gskelligonikk, try ##bumblebee09:02
Gskelliger #bumblebee09:02
Gskelligalthough daytime hours are best for support there09:02
starnhello, everyone. i am having an issue with my mouse and video games... primarily UT2004.. i also am wondering if there is a program like musictube or if thats the only one out..09:02
elkyGskellig, heh, whose daytime? :P09:02
cih997hi i want to start GDM from console with CLASSIC style (without effects) not 3D09:03
Gskelligelky, the americas, i think a couple of the devs who have helped me in the past are from south america09:03
onikkGskellig: ok, thanks09:04
Gskelligonikk, to my knowledge, bumblebee is the cloesest thing linux has to nvidia optimus09:04
GskelligI have HDMI output with my dual graphics card laptop09:05
BhootamHi all, using Unity on a netbook. For some bizarre reason, my logout button has vanished and I have no idea how to get it to appear again. Any idea how I can do this?09:05
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onikkGskellig: I tried ironhide and could get acceleration to work no problem, but it won't detect my TV09:07
salim2any one from Egypt09:08
Gskelligironhide is very buggy, but filled with features09:08
haylo_salim2, no09:08
DJonessalim2: There is a #ubuntu-eg irc channel on the network for local discussion if that helps09:08
Legend_XeonWhen i save a html file in a browser, it saves this file along with a folder containing images, GIFs etc. Is there any other format under ubuntu that i can save/convert this html to a single file?09:09
salim2oh thnx09:10
Legend_XeonI tried to convert html to pdf format, but some text is broken.09:10
DJonessalim2: Looking at the channel logs, it looks to be a small channel with only a few people talking so it may take a while before anybody responds09:11
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triplchi all09:12
salim2thnx d jones09:12
salim2you are very helpful09:12
triplcPlease give a link/guide to get 64-bit guest correctly. I just reinstall to ubuntu lucid 64 bit and then Virtual Box, but still cannot settup a 64-bit guest on that host.09:13
ikoniatriplc: what happens ?09:14
triplcis that i need another virtualization software other than virtualbox?09:14
ikoniatriplc: what happens ?09:14
triplcikonia: i open virtualbox but cannot "enable" 64 bit processor09:14
bugweedhi, whats a script worker?09:14
ikoniatriplc: please showme the output of "uname -a" on the host09:14
triplcLinux dafahao 2.6.32-35-generic #78-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 11 16:11:24 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:15
ikoniatriplc: what happens when you try to enable the 64bit host09:15
ikoniasorry the 64bit guest09:15
triplcikonia: in virtualbox (ver 4.1) i do not see 64-bit option at all (in processor tab)09:16
ikoniatriplc: I rarley use virtualbox so I'm not %100 on the gui, however http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch03.html details how to do it, I've just read it09:16
triplcikonia: when i try to install a 64-bit OS and it failed claiming 32-bit processor found09:17
kevinyounghi all09:17
triplcikonia: just read ch03.html too... it sounds to me that even with 64-bit host, virtualbox still require a VT-x processor of the host09:18
triplcwhich i do not have (i am using an HP laptop)09:18
ikoniatriplc: yes, it does require VT09:18
triplcikonia: hmm...can you recommend an alternative to virtualbox that does not requit VTx09:19
ikoniatriplc: no, you will ned VT09:19
triplcLinux dafahao 2.6.32-35-generic #78-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 11 16:11:24 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:19
ikoniatriplc: i saw that09:20
DJonestriplc: I had the same problem installing Windows 7 in virtualbox on a 64 bit HP laptop, I had to install the 32 bit windows, I didn't bother looking for a way round it though09:20
ikoniathere isn't one, for the 64bit side of it, you will need a VT enabled CPU09:20
localg0dIs there a way to change the treble in the sound card's output ?09:21
widewakeHello. Trying to work WebCamstudio for GNU/LINUX, the output video is constantly blinking and cant find a way around it, any ideas?09:21
triplcikonia: hm... too bad for me; i can't affort a VT system09:21
DriiperHello! do anyone know how i can activate mod_proxy in apache using 11.10?09:22
bugweedhow to run open-jdk with chromium09:22
localg0djust curious , but does anyone here know where to change the treble and bass on the soundcard's output in ubuntu ?09:22
ddvladhi, i have a problem with vmware modules on oneiric; i can't find a linux-headers-* to match my kernel and vmware refuses to use a different set of headers (which is a sensible choice, i guess)09:26
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DriiperHello! Do anyone know how to activate mod_proxy via bash in UBUNTU 11.1009:27
ikoniaDriiper: as in the apache module ?09:28
widewakeHaving an issue with webcam studio for linux, its a third party webcam program. My output video is constantly blinking, cant seem to fix.09:28
Driiperi tried the normal apt-get, but it doesnt seem to work as Proxy Pass stil doesnt work09:28
ikoniaDriiper: a2enmod09:28
localg0djust curious , but does anyone here know where to change the treble and bass on the soundcard's output in ubuntu ?09:28
deej1976ddvlad: have you install linux-libc-dev09:28
ikoniaDriiper: you need to enable the module after it's installed09:28
deej1976ddvlad: also possible: linux-headers-generic09:30
widewakeHaving an issue with webcam studio for linux, its a third party webcam program. My output video is constantly blinking, cant seem to fix it. http://www.ws4gl.org/09:30
Driiperikonia: Success, Thank you ;)09:30
katsrcFirefox 8 should be updated without any additional PPA repos needed right?09:30
chenbing`is there any advanced package management binaries ,I only installed xfce09:31
deej1976chenbing: xubuntu-desktop, gets all the parts for xfce on ubuntu09:31
chenbing`I dont want to kill xfce4 ,I appeciate its concise09:33
olewolfHi. My girlfriend is running Ubuntu (with the Unity desktop). An application seems to be running somewhere in the background so she can't start it from the Alt-F2 menu. I can easily find and kill the application from the terminal, but she prefers the desktop GUI. Which kind of "Task Manager" is there in Ubuntu, if any?09:33
localg0djust curious , but does anyone here know where to change the treble and bass on the soundcard's output in ubuntu ?09:33
localg0dolewolf: click the app finder and type " login " put in your password and then change to ubuntu classic login and from there you can put a system monitor on the taskbar and click it and bring up the task manager easier ;)09:34
MendruHelloI have a question. I have removed 2 programms from my system, but the menu entry is still there. How to regenerate the lxdemenu?09:34
RaTTuS|BIGright click - remove from bar09:35
olewolflocalg0d: I could go with Fedora, too. That is, I know I can change to non-unity, but that's not an option.09:35
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localg0dhmm .. well ... i think ubuntu is better than any penguin or red/hatted community operating system ... those which have gone commercial only to turn their back on their greatest asset aka the community itself ;)09:36
m3kkHello mates09:36
ikonialocalg0d: please stop talking nonsense.09:36
localg0dlol @ ikonia .. ok .. a little tired so i'll shut the spout off ..09:37
m3kkim having issues running ubuntu on my PC, it runs slow like im running it in a virtual enveiorment, something must be up! im running with a i7 870 or 920 cant remember and double gtx 460 SLI having windows 7 on a ssd disk and ubuntu on a seperate partition on another disk. IS there more information you want?09:38
ikoniam3kk: define "having issues"09:38
m3kkStarting something from "places" could really take long time etc, old vista ran better lol :S i expect ubuntu to run circles around my win7 installation09:38
Driiperwhy cant everything just work :D [warn] proxy: No protocol handler was valid for the URL /webmin/. If you are using a DSO version of mod_proxy, make sure the proxy submodules are included in the configuration using LoadModule. My dear ubuntu aint in the working mood today09:39
m3kkikonia, i think i did..::S09:39
ikoniaDriiper: webmin is not supported.09:39
m3kkikonia, you didnt read the rest of my message?:S09:39
ikoniam3kk: when you say starting something from places, do you mean on the virutal guest, or the host ?09:39
m3kkikonia, oh no, im not running virtual. im mean open a folder from the menu "places"09:40
Driiperikonia: is there any other way of doing this then? i need it to go via port 80 because my school likes to block everything09:40
m3kkikonia, as an example of the slugginesh, that could take a minute to bring "pictures" open.. alldou the folder is empty anyway..09:40
ikoniam3kk: ok, I suspect what you are seeing is "visual" lag, rather than actual poor performance09:40
m3kkikonia,  the programs and folders isnt opening until a minute later or something09:41
ikoniam3kk: this is normally caused by your graphics cards not been configured/working correctly09:41
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m3kkwebbbrowsing is sluggish like old magic phone with android09:41
ikoniam3kk: please listen to what I'm telling you09:42
m3kkikonia, ah.. i see09:42
ikoniam3kk: you said you had nvidia cards in the machine ?09:42
antnashHi guys. I've got a problem with an fstab mounted partition. Some directories in it are giving me permission denied when I try to cd into them09:42
m3kkikonia, yes! two of them!09:42
ikoniaantnash: look at the permissions on them09:42
ikoniam3kk: have you enabled the nvidia hardware drier module ?09:42
m3kkikonia, yes i have enabled that restriction driver..09:43
antnashikonia, I have. Shouldn't 666 give me rw access?09:43
m3kkikonia, if that is what you meant..09:43
ikoniam3kk: do you have a files called /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:43
ikoniaantnash: sounds good09:43
ikoniaantnash: can you show me the output of ls -la $directory in a pastebin please.09:43
m3kki should have, im not running inside ubuntu right now09:43
ikoniam3kk: I need to know if you do or not09:43
deej1976antnash: Directory should be 700 at least09:44
mmh_hi. can anyone recommend a notebook manufacturer where things usually just work with ubuntu?09:44
jianchenHi, guys, i've a probelm with can't find eth0 in ubuntu 10.04.09:44
deej1976mmh_: system7609:44
m3kkikonia, i will come back here later when im inside ubuntu. thank you so much for your help.. now i know where to focus my problemsolving =)09:44
ikonia!hcl | mmh_09:44
ubottummh_: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection09:44
reisiommh_: http://linux-laptop.net/ http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/09:44
antnashikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/740032/09:45
m3kkhas anyone tried Elementary OS Jupiter? based on ubuntu?09:45
deej1976antnash: chmod 777 /var/www09:45
reisiom3kk: I'm sure someone has, or why would it exist09:45
ikoniam3kk: nothing to do with this channel09:45
m3kkOkok im sorry just chattin. bye09:46
antnashdeej1976: But shouldn't 666 give everyone rw access?09:46
olewolfjianchen: how many network cards do you have (I'm assuming just one)?09:46
ikoniaantnash: which direcotry is casuing you the problem09:46
jianchenjust one09:46
deej1976antnash: Read/Write but directories need executable bit as well09:46
antnashikonia: it's var09:46
jianchenolewolf: just one09:46
antnashoh right. Fair enough09:46
ikoniaantnash: which one are you getting permissions denied09:46
olewolfjianchen: have you tried to list "ifconfig" in a terminal? It could be the network card is simply named "eth1" or so.09:47
deej1976antnash: Your permissions are a little messed up09:47
jianchenolewolf: ifconfig list only lo09:47
antnashikonia: var, and all subdirs.09:47
antnashdeej1976: Should everything really have x permissions?09:48
deej1976antnash: only directories09:48
antnashok, ta09:48
deej1976antnash: would chmod 700 /var09:48
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antnashok, thanks deej197509:49
eshloxhow to manage upstart services? i know how start and stop but maybe is a tool to add/remove from startup?09:50
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m3kkikonia: ok im in ubuntu now09:50
RaTTuS|BIGeshlox - change the permissions in /etc/init.d09:51
m3kkikonia: where is the file you where talking about xorg.conf?09:51
m3kkfound it09:51
ikoniam3kk: /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:51
deej1976antnash: Then for directories: find /var/www -type d -exec chmod 777 {} \;09:51
eshloxRaTTuS|BIG: init.d? not init?09:51
deej1976antnash: Then for files: find /var/www -type f -exec chmod 666 {} \;09:51
ikoniaantnash: I would not advise that09:51
jianchenolewolf: my pc is ThinkCentre M8300t,  i think ubuntu 10.04 can't support ntel G840 2.8ghz09:51
m3kkikonia: yeah thanks i found it, should i paste whats inside?09:52
ikoniaantnash: changing all directories to 7777 is a security risk09:52
ikoniam3kk: no09:52
antnashI'll change them all to 70009:52
ikoniam3kk: look for a line inside it that says "Driver nvidia"09:52
antnashor 77009:52
m3kkikonia: it has none,09:52
m3kkikonia: yes it has im sorry09:52
olewolfjianchen: does "dmesg" list anything about an eth interface?09:52
Barbarianantnash, If I know my permissions, that means everyone can read, everyone can write, no-one can execute?09:52
ikoniam3kk: ok, so that should be using the nvidia module, so it narrows it down to a.) if those cards are supported with the module b.) SLI is causing a problem (it used to)09:53
antnashMorning Barbarian. The 666? yeah, I think so09:53
Barbarianantnash, morning :D09:53
deej1976ikonia: I would agree as well :D, but very easy for someone that just wants to develop, not that I know their intent.09:53
m3kkikonia: ok!09:54
antnashBarbarian: Another long day of helping people out?09:54
m3kkikonia: would a update to some non-stable release of drivers possible help?09:54
olewolfjianchen: it could be that 10.04 doesn't support that network card. Someone seems to have made a work-around here: http://www.restricted.co.za/?p=15209:55
Barbarianantnash, nah, just thought I'd lurk a bit before heading off. Got a presentation to do about BI >.<09:55
jianchenolewolf : ok09:55
Barbarianantnash, business intelligence systems09:55
ikoniam3kk: no09:55
m3kkikonia: ok09:55
RaTTuS|BIGeshlox - yeah init09:55
ubuntu_sounds geeky and complex09:55
ikoniam3kk: randomly updating things with no reason is bad, doing so to unstable components is worse09:56
m3kkikonia: affirmative09:56
Barbarianubuntu_, Less so than you might imagine. It's basically putting random unrelated info into charts/graphs/stuff09:56
Barbarianubuntu_, Business types always gotta have the fancy names though09:56
eshloxRaTTuS|BIG: isnt better idea? it doesnt make sense ;-/09:56
m3kkikonia: you might have been right about visibile lag, when i set my "effects" in themes to EXTRA so you get all wobbleness to windows, the system seems to run ALOT faster..09:57
ikoniam3kk: the symptoms you describe against the hardware you list would suggest visual lag09:57
ikoniam3kk: type lsmod | grep -i nvidia , do you get any output09:58
scarleoHi, I can't launch gufw (FW config gui) from dash, it also has no real icon. Launching it from Terminal works fine. Tried reinstalling. Does anyone have any tips on what to try?09:58
m3kkill try09:58
BarbarianGeneral question. How would you pitch ubuntu to someone who thinks linux OSes are crazy complex?09:58
m3kkikonia: nvidia 10221046 7009:58
scarleoBarbarian: Depends on what they need to do. Let them try first hand if it's only abt surfing the web they will find it's easy :)09:59
ikoniam3kk: so that suggests the module is being used, which takes us back to a. and b.09:59
Barbarianscarleo, Fair enough. Basically, it consists of libreoffice, chrome, and a custom database which I think I can get working on wine. I'll see if the OS can speak for itself :P09:59
m3kkikonia: ok09:59
Rods_TigerBarbarian: let them ask a question on freenode. Oh wait, on second thoughts, that's the last thing you want them to do.09:59
BarbarianRods_Tiger, :D10:00
DJonesBarbarian: Is a quick private message ok?10:01
m3kkikonia: i think i have an idea...10:01
DriiperDo anyone have any suggestions on how to run Webmin via say Apache2? i tried the proxy way, but that didnt seem to work. The university i'm studying on is blocking all ports except port 80.10:02
m3kkikonia: i have the same syndrome as im in a game without vsync on, i see screentearing etc and its feeling really laggy. So maybe its my monitor?10:02
ikonia!webmin | Driiper10:02
ubottuDriiper: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.10:02
ikoniam3kk: no,10:02
Driiperikonia: Is there any free web interface which is supported by Ubuntu/Debian these days?10:03
ikonianot sure on the current satus of ebox10:03
m3kkikonia: what is "sync to vblank" in nvidia settings?10:03
ikoniam3kk: no idea, don't have the option list infront of me10:04
m3kkikonia: thanks for trying to help10:04
RaTTuS|BIGm3kk - force the refesh to be the same as the screen10:04
m3kkRaTTuS|BIG: thank you, i think that would solve some of the tearing? :P10:05
* jiltdil Why windows Suck?10:05
ikoniam3kk: you are ignoring the root cause10:05
Driiperikonia: ill try it out. Thanks10:05
ikoniajiltdil: nothing to do with this channel - please don't troll10:05
m3kkikonia: okey10:06
Rods_Tigerit's the air pressure differential - when you open a window in the house and there's already a door open, the air rushes out.10:06
jiltdilikonia ok cool10:06
ikoniaRods_Tiger: please don't feed sillyness10:06
jiltdilRods_Tiger, Good one +110:06
m3kkikonia:  can i do some test to see if the cards is running fine? should i install a game? glxgears etc?10:08
ikonia!nvidia | m3kk10:08
ubottum3kk: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto10:08
m3kkikonia: ty10:08
JWilliansHi Kim4x!10:09
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m3kkRaTTuS|BIG: i have enabled sync to vblank but when i move windows around there is still very visible screentearing. when i run glxgears its actually showing i have 60fps10:11
ikoniam3kk: I've told you the problem10:11
m3kkikonia: what is my problem ?:S im sorry if i missed it im cooking dinner at the same time10:11
ikoniam3kk: the card is either not supported by the nvidia propitary modules or the SLI is causing a problem,10:12
RaTTuS|BIGm3kk - ikonia has it right - probably sli - my bet - try it with sli switched off and see what happens10:13
m3kkRaTTuS|BIG: cant find SLI button in the settings for nvidia10:13
ikoniait's not a software setting10:14
hackerhey how r u?10:14
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SURFkeesI've recently upgraded from 10.08 -> 11.04 -> 11.10 and now both Unity and Gnome3 are not working at all for me. When I start them, it logs me in normally, but none of the desktop buttons, icons, menu's are responsive.10:15
Guest36164bomber 4510:15
SURFkeesAny idea where to start looking?10:15
recentlydeceasedis there any way to stop the activities dash in gnome-shell from opening when triggering the top-left of the screen?10:15
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m3kkikonia: i dont belive there is an off switch for SLI in ubuntu10:15
ikoniam3kk: I've just told you there is no software button - it's not a software setting10:15
m3kkikonia: it should be easy to just disable one card via software wouldnt you agree?10:17
haylo_SURFkees, 10.08 where did you download that?10:17
ikoniam3kk: no, as it's not a software technology10:17
RaTTuS|BIGm3kk - do you have 2 cards that you have sli'ed or are they sli'ed onboard. - are you running 2 monitors ?10:17
SURFkeesor 10.10, whatever was the last version in 201010:17
m3kkikonia: no but, nevermind SLI a hardware could be disabled by the system10:18
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ikoniam3kk: it can't10:18
m3kkRaTTuS|BIG: one monitor two cards10:18
m3kkikonia: sounds pretty weird10:18
george__if I am upgrading a hard drive, what would be the best way to transfer all the data?10:18
george__I already have partitions and filesystems set10:18
icerootgeorge__: same size?10:19
rhin0george put it onto a cd or a dvd or a usb drive10:19
george__no, no the same size10:19
deej1976george__: homearea or complete system?10:19
george__complete system10:19
george__i only have sawp and /10:19
RaTTuS|BIGm3kk lshw -class display  | pastebinit10:19
ikoniam3kk: it's not weird in the slightest,10:19
m3kkikonia: in windows etc , i can disable whatever hardware i want? with linux being so open and customizable im sure you just missunderstood me10:19
RaTTuS|BIGback in 10 mins - need a CON10:19
ikoniam3kk: you're not using windows10:19
icerootgeorge__: for the complete system i would do this (maybe not the best way) dd the old hdd onto the new hdd and resize the partitons with gparted10:19
rhin0you can install a copy of ubuntu beside an older version on the same drive and you will be able to reference the partition george10:20
ikoniam3kk: the drivers you use are not "open" they are closed so only people at nvidia can decide what to enable/disable support/not-support10:20
george__is it possible to just use cp to copy everything on there?10:20
m3kkikonia: im aware of that :P10:20
ikoniam3kk: then why are you talking nonsense about it being "open and customisable" if you know it's not10:20
* rhin0 would back the lot up onto a DVD10:20
m3kkikonia: nevermind what manuifactor the hardware has, you should be able to disable the hardware or even the port the hardware is plugged intto so the OS doesnt see the hardware, you see?10:20
george__im worried dd will mess something up10:21
haylo_dd is the only way i think like ikonia said10:21
rhin0you can make a complete tar archive of a system also -- crunched down george10:21
ikoniam3kk: no, you're just not making sense or you don't understand how the hardware / software interaction works10:21
m3kkikonia: ok10:21
livingdaylightgreetings ubunteros10:21
deej1976george__: sudo into root ; find / -devx -print -depth | cpio -pvdum /mnt/new/hd/root partition10:21
livingdaylightcan someone tell me how i can find out whether I installed [a long time ago, hence don't remember] 32bit or 4bit version of ubuntu?10:22
deej1976george__: edit /etc/fstab update uuid labels, reinstall grub10:22
ikonialivingdaylight: uname -a please10:22
m3kkikonia: i can disable the hardware in bios10:22
ikoniam3kk: correct10:22
rhin0uname -a livingdaylight tells you what you have -- if you have a 64 bit system uname -a will have 64 bit in the thing it says otherwise its 32 bit i'm not sure about 4 bit what are you running it on a calculator?10:23
livingdaylightikonia, thx10:23
livingdaylightrhin0, got it - thanks10:23
ikoniarhin0: he made a typo10:23
ikonia4 bit = 64bit without the 610:23
haylo_i think it was a joke10:23
george__find / -devx10:24
george__find: unknown predicate `-devx'10:24
deej1976george__: sorry -xdev10:25
george__so it will just list every file in / and the cpio will copy?10:26
deej1976george__: yes, I've done this with redhat 6 :), so it might be a little hit or miss10:27
danielsouzatI installed something at Synaptic, and the grub theme changed to something about Debian. How I revert this?10:28
george__will cp -a work?10:28
george__cp -a / /mnt/disk ?10:29
deej1976george__: not sure would go with cpio -pvdum10:29
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k_bxHi everyone! I have this feature proposal for Ubuntu: when someone renames a file (like from odt to doc, from png to jpg) it should somehow be able to ask "convert?". I know it's not so easy to implement, but it's a win in a long run. So is there a place where to put a feature-proposal like this? Thanks.10:33
george__ill try copying everything except proc and sys10:33
davidmy name s david10:34
davidi live in new york10:34
newnoisehi there. got some probs with ubuntu server 10.04 and a raid system10:34
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deej1976george__: the -xdev should avoid those filesystems10:34
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newnoiseit says "no more space on device available" even though "df" outputs that just 50% of space are used10:35
Guest77500i saw my dick in the cam10:35
Kamiccolodf? Dwarf Fortress?10:35
george__you had all of / in one partition?10:35
newnoiseno i have 4 partitions10:35
Guest77500but you saw me your boobs10:35
Guest2138Kamiccolo, df is a tool to report file system usage10:36
KamiccoloGuest2130, oh, right.. sorry..10:36
Kamiccolo*crawls back gaming*10:36
Guest2138Wait... I'm guest? D:10:36
=== Guest2138 is now known as jasef
Guest77500are you eat my dick ?10:36
deej1976george__: It was a label install with just / and swap, /home was mount via nfs10:36
newnoiseone for /, one for tmp, one for boot and one for var10:36
jasefGuest77500, please take non family-friendly talk OUT of #ubuntu.10:36
deej1976!offtopic: Guest7750010:37
george__it will avoid symbolic links and stuff like that i hope10:37
jasef!offtopic | Guest7750010:37
ubottuGuest77500: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:37
deej1976newnoise: Can you paste output of df -lk into pastebin10:38
newnoisedeej1976: http://pastebin.com/YBKzz2UD10:39
deej1976george__: run the first part "find / -xdev -print -depth" and direct to a file ( > /tmp/findfilelist )10:40
newnoisewhen I try to write into /var it says: "no more space available" (or something similiar ;) )10:40
george__gonna go init 110:40
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deej1976newnoise: Can you explain what your trying to write to /var10:41
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newnoisedeej1976: I'm using mapnik (a tool to render maps) to draw pictures which are saved to /var10:42
newnoisebut anything else doesnt work as well10:43
chroothi, have you ever used UEC?10:43
newnoisejust tried to download a big file using wget and the same error10:43
deej1976newnoise: Where under /var does it try and save?10:44
newnoisein this case under /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/10:44
newnoisebut the same happens if i try saving directly into /var10:45
icerootnewnoise: can you paste the output of "df -h"10:45
deej1976iceroot: http://pastebin.com/YBKzz2UD10:45
newnoisei guess that it has to do something with the software-raid10:46
newnoisebecause of the 50% ...10:46
newnoisebut I dont know too much about it ...10:46
icerootnewnoise: can you paste "cat /proc/mdstat"10:46
SK1how ya10:47
newnoiseiceroot: http://pastebin.com/b9FpMP0S10:47
SK1not much nd urself10:47
SK1this is such a dos10:48
FRI NO10:48
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com10:48
FRHA HA10:48
SK1brendan smyth is bald kind of10:48
chrootFR, don't use upper case.10:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:49
SK1oh chroot told u10:49
elkyFR, SK1, this is a technical support channel, you need to find somewhere else to chat.10:49
janekBajceps sam sie nie zrobi10:50
latino93mrrr ;*10:50
latino93grrr <310:50
SK1hes polish ha10:50
JK2stephen is a deer10:50
ubottuNOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.10:50
latino93latino kurde10:50
chrootKamila, hehe10:50
latino93a nie polisz10:50
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.10:51
SK1crap we better leave10:51
JK2Sk1 IS such a gruffalo10:51
SK1see ya10:51
RaTTuS|BIGkamila - language please10:51
JK2xtra folder yaa10:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:52
mm_Siemka ;DDD10:52
JK2you click on desk top10:52
kamilamafia happy :D10:53
JK2FR1 is a overgrown tree10:53
newnoise iceroot: http://pastebin.com/b9FpMP0S10:53
paulinadobre sranie napisami xD10:53
icerootnewnoise: sorry i am busy10:53
kamilano ba10:53
newnoiseok thanks10:54
JK2FR1 is a overgrown tree10:54
kamilanioch nioch! :D10:54
newnoisedeej1976: you might gelp me?10:54
deej1976newnoise: What's up?10:54
RaTTuS|BIG!pl kamila10:54
newnoisesame problem ... cant write to my harddrive even though its just half full10:55
newnoisehere is the raid output: http://pastebin.com/b9FpMP0S10:55
ncopahow can i set NIC speed hard and disable auto-negotiation and make the change persistent to next reboot?10:56
deej1976newnoise: Can you download anything to your homearea?10:56
newnoisedeej1976: yes. its just a problem in /var10:57
deej1976newnoise: Which directory under /var ?10:57
deej1976newnoise: Have you got permissions to write to /var ?10:58
newnoisedeej1976: i tried it as root as well -> doenst work10:58
almoxarifenewnoise: did you make permission changes?11:00
__jonathanHi all, I moved from unity to gnome 3 with my ubuntu 11.04 but I've a small problem with the empathy notification icon11:01
deej1976newnoise:  cat you pastebin ls -lart /var11:01
newnoisealmoxarife: yes. I tried to change permissions of one big folder (containing thousands of pictures) but aborted it because it took too long11:01
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__jonathanwhen the icon blinks, it seems that one icon is missing. Don't know if I'm clear in my explanations11:01
__jonathando you know how to solve it ?11:01
newnoisedeej1976: http://pastebin.com/yWEi27GZ11:02
newnoiseI just stumbled upon an article suggesting it might be because im dont have any free inodes available anymore?11:02
newnoisethats it11:03
newnoisedf -i says 100% use of inodes in /var11:03
deej1976newnoise: Excellent, I've learnt something new11:04
newnoisedeej1976: me too ;)11:04
newnoisebut how can i solve the problen ;)11:04
deej1976newnoise: Would probably need to find what's taking all the inodes11:05
newnoisedeej1976: so i have to delete files? no way too increase number of inodes?11:07
deej1976newnoise: No, unless a filesystem expert is here and can tell you.11:07
newnoisedeej1976: because I know that its the pictures i draw11:09
milliganCan I tail a file and send each line to a script for parsing ?11:12
milligantail -f /var/log/file | php myscript.php ie?11:12
VikasKMjoin #cyanogenmod11:13
brotatoam i the only person who loves unity?11:18
nils-brotato: probably ;)11:18
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mirrakor_newnoise: which filesystem do you use?11:22
deej1976brotato: you and Mark Shuttleworth, but thats offtopic11:22
tnmi need smililar program like filezilla server for ubuntu?11:23
deej1976tnm: filezilla is in the repo11:25
deej1976!info filezilla11:25
ubottufilezilla (source: filezilla): Full-featured graphical FTP/FTPS/SFTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.0-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 1277 kB, installed size 3168 kB11:25
tnmdeej1976, filezilla client yes, but no filezilla server11:25
mirrakor_tnm: there's tons of ftp servers for linux11:26
deej1976tnm: install openssh-server and use sftp11:26
newnoisemirrakor_: think its ext3, but im not quite sure :-\11:27
tnmdeej1976, what about  vsftpd. Is it Ok?11:27
mirrakor_newnoise: cfdisk will tell you11:27
blackshirtdeej1976: yeah, vsftpd OK11:27
blackshirttnm:i think vsftpd has a good reputation11:28
NarcHello everyone. Anyone using Gnome Shell on 11.10 having issues with a slow search box ? Everything is just smooth and snappy except the application search taking a few long seconds to take my typing into account. I'm using the current nvidia drivers, no other issues. Thanks.11:28
deej1976blackshirt: wrong nick, I'm and ssh person11:28
almoxarifeNarc: same here, lags just enough to annoy11:29
mirrakor_newnoise: actually sudo blkid /dev/<your disk here> will tell you the same :) (don't know if both are preinstalled)11:29
Narcalmoxarife: Ah, yeah, I tried to ignore it but it makes it annoying to use...11:30
Narcalmoxarife: Are you using the nvidia drivers too ?11:31
newnoisealmoxarife: both say: linux raid member11:31
almoxarifeNarc: not using nvidia, try this , I keep a link to /user/share/applications handy11:33
mirrakor_newnoise: I guess you ment me. Would you also do me the favor and run df -i  and post me the result?11:36
DysonReturnsGreets. I've got vsftp loaded, i want the user to be able to ftp in but not via ssh.  usermod -s /usr/sbin/nologin  or /bin/false results in FTP failing. Help please?11:36
hdonhi all :) i have three systems. Foo is running "ssh -N -R127.0.0.1:12345: bar" and baz is running "ssh -N -R127.0.0.1:12345: bar" but no success. any advise greatly appreciated :)11:36
newnoisemirrakor_: right, I meant you ;) here is the output: http://pastebin.com/TXbnEkpA11:38
hdonDysonReturns: if i understand you correctly, you want users to be able to sftp, but not use the shell11:38
DysonReturnshdon, I want users to ftp but not ssh11:38
hdonDysonReturns: well it sounds like you're using sftp, which is ssh, but not necessarily giving them shell access11:38
DysonReturnshdon, or sftp, even for that matter. the problem is restricting the ssh user to his own folder, trying to work around that.11:38
DysonReturnshdon, just ftp.11:39
hdonDysonReturns: well i think you've got the right idea, though another possibility to restrict someone to a single root directory would be a chroot jail11:39
hdoni think your idea is the best way to do this11:39
hdonDysonReturns: check sftp-related options in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config11:39
hdonDysonReturns: also login/shell related options. it's possible sshd notices that the user doesn't have a real shell and then doesn't let them do anything11:40
hdonif that's happening then there's probably an option in there for that11:40
DysonReturnscool - i'll dig some. thank you.11:40
SoulRavenplase help me with something11:41
SoulRaveni have an notebook Compaq NX740011:41
hdonregarding my problem... i have a reverse tunnel and a forward tunnel (ssh -R and -L respectively) to the same system, but am unable to connect through both tunnels. channel 2: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused11:41
SoulRavenand i just install the Xorg-edgers fresh X crack ppa11:41
mirrakor_newnoise: ok, this tells us your /var partition (how big is it actually?) has run out of inodes - var is a directory that tends to contain a lot of small files. So we basicly have two choices: find and remove a lot of small (unused) files or, move the stuff on it somewhere else,  reformat the partition and move everything back on it again (unfortunately there's no way to increase the amount of inodes online)11:41
SoulRavenand now i have only the desktop and the mouse cursor after restart, any ideea how i bring back the interface?11:42
hdonmirrakor_: /var has a lot of log files, too. you could tar them up11:42
hdonSoulRaven: are you still logging in via gdm?11:42
newnoisemirrakor_: ok, thats what i was afraid of. I created all the files ;) because its used as a tile server for an online web-app. so i gotta reformat the server ... too bad. thanks a lot for your help!11:42
Breakablea library asks for c++ compiler c98 standard compatible ...  what should I instsall ?11:43
SoulRavenhdon: i have tryed to restart lightgdm but nothing11:43
SoulRavenn change11:43
hdonSoulRaven: are you getting to the gdm login screen?11:44
mirrakor_newnoise: an osm server by any chance? I'd suggest you delete the tiles before you move the stuff - makes it easier/faster ;)11:44
Breakablea library asks for c++ compiler c98 standard compatible ...  what should I install ?11:44
hdonBreakable: gcc11:45
SoulRavenhdon yes, and after i login, i get only the background and the mouse cursor11:45
qirkIs it possible to adjust "lines per twofingervertscroll" somehow? Would like a smooth scroll as on mac11:45
Tixoswhy is the ubuntu fglrx driver useless?11:45
hdonSoulRaven: ok try instead something like startx (if that command is even still around, been a while for me) from the vt. do you know how to work with .xinitrc ?11:45
mirrakor_newnoise: when you're running mkfs.ext{your favorite version goes here} you can add the parameter -N <number of inodes> to explicitly create more inodes11:45
Breakablehdon:  I installed it already11:46
SoulRavenhdon, no, i don't know .xinitrc11:46
Breakablehdon: but still asks for a c++ compiler11:46
Breakablehdon: in config.log  , it tries gcc++ command11:47
hdonBreakable: whoops sorry wasn't reading. install g++11:47
SoulRavenhdon: is not working startx, /root/.Xauthority does not exist11:47
zykotick9SoulRaven, are you trying to startx as root?  or using sudo?11:48
SoulRavenas root11:49
hdonSoulRaven: yeah sorry if you don't know how to .xinitrc i am afraid i am rather useless to you unless i had more time on my hands than i do at this moment. good luck in fixing your problem :)11:49
qirkisn't the gtk scroll rate customizable? It's a about 3 lines with touchpad11:50
Arpit60guys i migrated from windows to linux for the first time.11:50
Arpit60i installed ubuntu 11.10,but it is not showing any of my hdd drives11:50
ThelmariaUbuntu 10.10, I'm trying to install nvidia drivers from: (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia). When I go to system->administration->additional drivers, the window pops up then disappears. I'm currently connected via vnc. What's the commandline 'open additional drivers' thing called?11:50
Arpit60wat to do ?11:50
SoulRavenhdon, i have manage to start server x11:51
Arpit60anyone ?11:52
Arpit60ubuntu not detecting my drives11:52
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Arpit60should i reinstall ubuntu ?11:53
lonnyArpit60: Try changing bios settings and try again11:53
MonkeyDustArpit60: you know how to work with a terminal? then type df -h, does it show something?11:53
Arpit60ubuntu showing nothing programs,drives etc11:53
lonnyArpit60: Does it show terminal? Or gui? Or are you stuck at boot?11:54
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Arpit60Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda3              72G  2.4G   66G   4% / udev                  995M  4.0K  995M   1% /dev tmpfs                 401M  796K  400M   1% /run none                  5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock none                 1002M  188K 1001M   1% /run/shm /dev/sdc1             3.8G  695M  3.1G  19% /media/PENDRIVE11:55
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:55
Arpit60http://pastebin.com/k72rMc54 <here11:57
Arpit60i have two hdd's 500 gba nd 80 gb11:57
RaTTuS|BIGArpit60 - sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit11:57
zykotick9Thelmaria, jockey - perhaps jockey-gtk (not sure) is the Additional Drivers command (i couldn't remember the name, was driving me a bit crazy)11:58
Thelmariazykotick9: Ah, excellent - jockey-gtk did the trick. Thanks for that.12:00
mo0n_sniperhello all12:00
newnoisemirrakor_: yes, an osm server12:01
nixmaniackhi, I'm compiling linux kernel, now when i executed 'sudo make modules_install install' I've got error http://paste.ubuntu.com/740111/. I'm stuck at this12:01
newnoisemirrakor_: but i dont want to format the drive. I think I try to handle it by changing partition size and moving the tiles to a different partition12:02
mirrakor_newnoise: no need to format the whole disk, just the partition (or as you said, you move the tiles somewhere else like /opt/ )12:03
RaTTuS|BIGArpit60 - use the usb stick to boot from the 1st HD i.e. your 500Gb one that should have linux on it12:03
newnoisemirrakor_: ok. so I could move all the stuff from /var to somewhere, reformat the partition and copy the stuff back on?12:04
mirrakor_newnoise: exactly12:04
Arpit60rattus|big can i pm you ?12:05
newnoisemirrakor_: but I cant do this while the system is running, can I?12:05
RaTTuS|BIGArpit60 - proably nopt worth it TBH - I'm snowed under12:05
mirrakor_newnoise: uhm, I think you could do this with a very small interruption or using a live cd12:06
Arpit60btw there is no restart also only hibernate and shitdown !!!! :(12:06
newnoisemirrakor_: well its a remote server, so I cant use a live cd, but I could do it from rescue system12:06
Arpit60thanks for the help !12:07
mirrakor_newnoise: using the rescue system would probably be cleaner12:07
mirrakor_(otherwise we could hick up some running applications)12:08
mirrakor_procedure is like this: 1) creating a new dir anywhere you like [i.e. /opt/newvar/] 2.) use cp -a to recursivly copy all the files  from /var/ to /opt/newvar/ (-a keeps stuff like ownership etc.), 3.) umount /var/ 4.)reformat var ith mkfs.ext3 (as sai, you should use -N to set a higher inode count, probably 3 or 4 times the suggestes amount, but this really depends on how much files the tile server will produce - every file needs an12:13
mirrakor_ inode), 5.) mount the freshly formated partition to /var/ and the last step would be 6.) use cp -a again to copy the files from /opt/newvar/ to /var/ again12:13
LeniOOanyone know how can I force format on a read-only usb drive?12:14
mirrakor_LeniOO: specify read only12:14
LeniOOin a sec12:15
SoulRaventher is any oficial drivers for intel 945gm?12:15
mirrakor_SoulRaven: tried the Intel website?12:16
LeniOOthat's what I get when I try to format this drive in gparted: Error creating file system: helper exited with exit code 1: cannot open /dev/sdb1: Read-only file system12:16
SoulRavenor what drivers ar recomandet, because i have try with xorg-edgers fresh X crack and i get only debsktop background and cursor mouse12:16
newnoisemirrakor_: thanks. how would I use the mkfs.ext3 command with -N to create 4 times of the suggested amount?12:16
Pitelhow is oneiric friendly with sandy bridge?12:16
mirrakor_Pitel: runs here12:17
mirrakor_newnoise: uhm, I think if you try to run mkfs.ext3 on the partition it should calculate a value and prints it, then you have to enter y or so to proceed with the formating, if you abort here you can take the calculated value and multiply it as you with12:17
LeniOOmirrakor_: and that's what I get when I try to delete partition: http://pastebin.com/CTWavJus12:18
SoulRavenmirrakor_: what is you sugestion, oficial drivers or xorg-edgers fresh X crack12:18
newnoisemirrakor_: what do you think of this: the / partition doesnt use its space at all12:19
mirrakor_SoulRaven: I really can't tell you that (did you check the ubuntu wiki?) since I don't own this hardware, but if there's nothing in the wiki, I'd try the official intel driver (http://downloadcenter.intel.com/SearchResult.aspx?lang=eng&ProductFamily=Internet+Devices&ProductLine=Netbooks&ProductProduct=Mobile+Intel%c2%ae+945GM+Express+Chipset+Family)12:19
newnoisewhat about cutting 200gb from it and mounting it to /var/lib/tomcat/mytiles and formatting this drive with a lot of inodes?12:19
mirrakor_LeniOO: is there some switch on the usb drive to mechanicly set it to read only?12:19
HoldenHello people :) any news about Firefox 8 reaching the official repos for natty/oneiric?12:20
LeniOOnope, I don't see anything12:20
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:21
mirrakor_newnoise: if you don't need the space otherwise it's also a working solution - keep in mind that the more i nodes you create the less actual storage you have (it's not that bad, but the inodes which are like metatags attached to the files need storage too, so maybe it would even be interesting to see if there's another filesystem that's better suited for your needs (if you have the free disc space and you're going to use it for the12:21
mirrakor_server exclusively)12:21
newnoisemirrakor_: that sounds reasonable. do you maybe have any suggestions?12:22
mirrakor_oh well, to be honest it's been a while since I looked into that field, you'd have to give me a few minutes (there are in fact fs that are better suited for lots of small files)12:23
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newnoisemirrakor_: and is there a chance to do the repartitioning online?12:25
AbstractBeliefshey guys. i installed ubuntu onto my laptop last night, and its all fine until i ran the update manager. let it install what it wanted, but now i have two kernal versions, and neither boot12:26
AbstractBeliefsany ideas?12:26
mirrakor_LeniOO: in the meantime could you paste me the following comands to pastebin: sudo fdisk -l ; sudo cat /etc/fstab ; ls -l /media*12:26
stefan___AbstractBeliefs: What about error output?12:27
MonkeyDustAbstractBeliefs: in GRUB, can you choose Recovery Mode?12:27
ThelmariaI ran nvidia-settings, and it informed me I wasn't using the nvidia driver, please run nvidia-xconfig as root to fix and restart x-server. Did that, and on reboot I'm informed the same issue. cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep nvidia returns "Driver "nvidia"".12:28
mirrakor_newnoise: could you give me a housenumber of the filesize the tiles have?12:28
AbstractBeliefsstefan___, MonkeyDust: from grub, i have both kernel 32-33 and 32-35, but neither boot (they hang, hitting the power button brings it to the loading screen but powers off). trying the recovery modes now12:29
AbstractBeliefsscreen is blank when hung, too12:29
LeniOOmirrakor_: in a sec, need to restart, brb12:30
newnoisemirrakor_: well mapnik stopped working while drawing the 17th of 18 zoom-scales. until then it were about 23M tiles. I think in the end it will at least be around 50M.12:31
mirrakor_newnoise: you can take a look at e2fsprogs, I think they should be able to resize ext2/3  online12:31
AbstractBeliefsMonkeyDust, stefan___: recovery modes dont boot. last is see is "/init/bottom \n done"12:31
mirrakor_newnoise: I mean the size of one actual tiles12:32
mirrakor_cause if we're using the fs only for tiles, then it might be worth adjusting the blocksize to fit the tiles12:32
Arpit60so i booted from usb and selected boot from first hard disk,but nothing,it shows same screen again12:33
Arpit60so i booted normally and than when i go to home folder it shows my hdd partitions for a second or two and after that they disappear12:33
Arpit60i cant mount them12:34
Arpit60problems related to file system ?12:34
Arpit60so anyone can help me ?12:35
LeniOOmirrakor_: http://pastebin.com/PTFsGMhx12:35
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:36
localg0dis there a program in ubuntu that will automatically show the days until a certain or set date ? kindof like a date calculator ?12:36
newnoisemirrakor_: filesize of one tile is around 20kb per picure12:37
Arpit60guys its not even showing my pen drive ?12:37
Arpit60wat to do ?12:37
MonkeyDust!patience| Arpit6012:38
ubottuArpit60: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:38
AbstractBeliefsMonkeyDust, stefan___ : neither 33 or 35 boot in normal or recovery mode after this botched(?) update manager run. im considering just booting back to livecd, wiping those partitions (dualbooted with win7), and retrying. how is grub going to like that?12:39
Hans_Henrikhow do i restart apache2?12:39
newnoisemirrakor_: gotta get something to eat. I post you when Im back. Thanks a lot for the help!12:40
stefan___Hans_Henrik: sudo service apache2 restart12:40
localg0dAbstractBeliefs: you should reformat and clear out your entire drive intended for your install and proceed to install windows before you reinstall ubuntu or else windows will knock out your boot manager for linux ;) and it should be fine if u do it in that order when you whipe your drive .. goodnight ;)12:40
Hans_Henrikstefan__: thanks12:40
hrwsomeone here is using gwibber with twitter?12:40
AbstractBeliefslocalg0d, i dont think ill need to go that far xD12:41
localg0dok .. now i'm going to sleep ... cause nobody can tell me where i can get a day to date calculator ;o12:41
Invitado34i changed gforce for ati driver card and now i m having problmes with a java game anything about ?12:41
AbstractBeliefslocalg0d, google, or hit the software centre forit12:41
VEndiXhello, where can i find full themes for ubuntu 11.10? any ideas suggestions?12:42
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localg0dAbstractBeliefs: looked on google and only found online free versions on websites ... and the software repo got jack for it ;)12:42
AbstractBeliefslocalg0d, im sure if you hit the osftware center, youll be able to find a calendar or diary or journal program that includes a count down option12:43
AbstractBeliefsespecially with xmas a new year so close12:43
MisterMomVEndiX,  gnome-look.org12:43
Hans_Henrikwhy is ubuntu repo's of firefox 5 major release versions out of date?12:44
ThelmariaHans_Henrik: Because firefox releases every second day, and the ubuntu release schedule is rather slower then that. Would be my guess.12:45
Random892Q). can anyone recommend a VPS for 10.04 server ? 256mb 10gb12:46
ThelmariaHans_Henrik: You can use a ppa to install whatever firefox you wish, though - see here for some details: (http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/07/firefox-8-is-20-faster-than-firefox-5.html). Or Lady Google.12:46
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qweradd "ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable" to Software Sources if you want the last firefox12:47
hrwbug 891116 is irritating - did someone got hit by that?12:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 891116 in unity (Ubuntu) "After switching desktops I am unable to enter data from keyboard" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89111612:48
BluesKajHey all12:50
Hans_Henrikis the default apache2 install single-threaded, and using just 1 core no matter how many connections it has to handle at once?12:53
icerootHans_Henrik: single thread, mutli-process12:54
icerootHans_Henrik: each reqeust has an own process12:54
Hans_Henrikiceroot: oh, ok.. smart i guess12:54
bullgard4[Ubuntu 11.10 GNOME Shell 3.2] I wonder what the text means "You are currently on the update channel" that appears if I press in Firefox 7.0.1 > Help > About Firefox?12:55
Hans_Henrikiceroot: so, if i have 10,000 simultaneous connections, i will see at least 10,000 apache2 processes running, if i get a list of running processes?12:55
FusionXDuring installation, how do I know what's happening behind the scenes?12:55
icerootHans_Henrik: no, you system will die before12:56
icerootHans_Henrik: but yes12:56
icerootHans_Henrik: ps aux | grep apache2  will show multiple processes, each is an own connection12:56
Dan_ECan anyone direct me to some simple instructions to change the grub screen for ubuntu 11.10 I don't like the purple screen.12:57
leotrhi! my unity is loaded in 2d mode. what can be a problem?12:57
hrwDan_E: edit /etc/default/grub?12:58
Dan_Ethanks will look there12:59
Hans_Henrikiceroot: btw i tried syn-flood testing against an ubuntu+apache2 and xp+xampp's apache2 (with xp unlimited connections patched); and the apache2 server crashed after ~300 connections, but on linux with the exact same hardware (same computer, multi-boot), i cancled the attack after ~2000 connections and the server still loaded quickly, unable to crash or freeze it13:00
FusionXDuring installation, how do I know what's happening behind the scenes?13:00
FusionXThe dropdown provides no information13:00
X-tonicwhy no firefox 8 yet on apt-get?13:00
icerootHans_Henrik: dont use xampp and/or winxp for servers :)13:00
ubottufirefox is the default web browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | To install plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins13:00
Hans_Henrikiceroot: and my friends at tibiafun.eu tried the same against windows 2008 server+xampp's apache, stil crashed after ~300 connections :p13:01
Dan_ESo I am a bit of a noob and I am there but still need instructions on how to do it!13:02
Hans_Henrik(that was considderably better hardware also iirc)13:02
MonkeyDustDan_E: open gedit and there go to /etc/default/grub13:03
dr_willisDan_E:  you may want to learn some linux fundamentals befor messing with the bootloader.13:03
FusionXDuring installation, how do I know what's happening behind the scenes? The dropdown provides no information13:05
RaTTuS|BIGFusionX - open a terminal window and type tail -f /var/log/syslog13:05
Dan_EI just want to add an image to the screen instead of the blank purple screen13:06
IppatsuManHi all. I have a problem with fglrx. I have a ATI Radeon HD 4500 and I use the fglrx-updates driver on Ubuntu Oneiric. Occasionally, my system crashes with a blue screen with stripes. The sys rq key does not work, so I guess that the kernel is dead. I tried googling for my problem but I was not able to find any solution or hint on how to fix it.13:06
IppatsuManXorg.0.log and syslog have no interesting lines. Any hint? Does anybody know this bug? A fix would be great, but even a bugreport on launchpad would be fine.13:06
FusionXRaTTuS|BIG: I'm in the middle of an installation, how do I open the terminal?13:07
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RaTTuS|BIGFusionX - ctrl-alt-t13:08
Hans_Henrikbasically just did equalent of: apt-get install gcc g++ build-essential apache2 php5 php-pear php5-dev mysql-server         ; now when i try to run pecl install apd; i get  running: phpize \n Cannot find config.m4. \n Make sure that you run '/usr/bin/phpize' in the top level source directory of the module \n\n ERROR: 'phpize' failed \n13:09
Hans_Henrikany1 know what im missing/doing wrong?13:09
FusionXRaTTuS|BIG: nothing :/13:09
FusionXRaTTuS|BIG: Is this a gnome shortcut?13:09
X-tonicshouldn't eye of gnome be dropped from ubuntu, since it already ships Shotwell? given that cd space is a constraint?13:10
RaTTuS|BIGFusionX - maybe if you have gone for an install that is not avaialble - you could try ctrl-alt-f1 and open a new terminal window -13:10
RaTTuS|BIGback in 1513:10
FusionXRaTTuS|BIG: ah thanks, I'm in xubuntu btw, maybe that's why the shortcut didn't work13:11
ActionParsnipFusionX: you can install guake and have one that drops down with a shortcut13:11
FusionXActionParsnip: I'm in the middle of an installation13:11
z3r0c007how to remove ppa on 11.1013:12
ActionParsnipFusionX: gotcha13:12
ActionParsnipz3r0c007: you can use ppa-purge or software centre13:12
z3r0c007ok tnxs13:13
bullgard4[Ubuntu 11.10 GNOME Shell 3.2] I wonder what the text means "You are currently on the update channel" that appears if I press in Firefox 7.0.1 > Help > About Firefox?13:16
gnomerlockerWhy isn't my Firefox updating on Ubuntu 11.10? Does anyone have a similar problem?13:16
ActionParsnipbullgard4: how did you install the browser?13:17
crizzybullgard4: it should say "on the <stable/nightly/whatever" update channel, so basically it means ubuntu has disabled updating firefox from official sources13:17
ActionParsnipgnomerlocker: which version are you on and which release?13:17
X-tonic@ gnomerlocker: !ff13:17
ubottufirefox is the default web browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | To install plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins13:17
ActionParsnipX-tonic: you can use:    !ff | gnomerlocker     :)13:17
z3r0c007i have a problm also about firefox13:17
X-tonic!thanks | ActionParsnip :P13:18
ubottuActionParsnip :P: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)13:18
bullgard4ActionParsnip: I installed it automatically when dist-upgrading from Ubuntu 11.04.13:18
z3r0c007the firefox 7.0.1 have error upgrade your firefox into firefox813:18
Dan_Eis this the line i edit? GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"13:19
ActionParsnipz3r0c007: there is a PPA with firefox stable builds13:19
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dr_willisDan_E:  depends on whatg you are wanting to do.13:19
ActionParsnipDan_E: to add bootoptios, yes13:19
bullgard4crizzy: Thank you for commenting.13:19
ActionParsnipDan_E: after adding it you will need to run:  sudo update-grub   to apply13:20
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gnomerlockerActionParsnip: W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/firefox-stable/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found13:21
ActionParsnipbullgard4: if it works,I wouldn't sweat what it says in help -> about13:21
z3r0c007actionparsnip: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable13:21
bullgard4ActionParsnip: Ok. Thank you.13:21
ActionParsnipgnomerlocker: seems the stable PPA doesn't support oneiric, or natty13:21
gnomerlockerActionParsnip: So, what should I do?13:22
z3r0c007PPA doesn't support but you can install the PPA13:22
gnomerlockerz3r0c007: Sorry, but that doesn't make sense.13:23
ActionParsnipgnomerlocker: sudo apt-get install ppa-purge; sudo ppa-purge ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-security/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade13:24
ActionParsnipgnomerlocker: the PPA has ver 813:24
feniks_mam takie pytanie13:24
ActionParsnipgnomerlocker: for Oneiric and Natty13:24
szal!pl | feniks_13:24
ubottufeniks_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.13:24
Lunar_Landerhello everyone, I got a short question13:25
Lunar_LanderI wanted to download ubuntu from the ubuntu site and where are the checksums for the ISO files?13:25
RaTTuS|BIGask it then Lunar_Lamp13:25
bullgard4What programs are using the environment variable DESKTOP_SESSION?13:26
ActionParsnipgnomerlocker: you can get ver 11 from the daily build ppa if you are feeling brave13:27
aguitelLunar_Lamp, http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ see there13:27
Lunar_Landercool, thanks!13:27
gnomerlockerActionParsnip: Thanks. Works now.. Not up for 11 though. :P13:28
ActionParsnipgnomerlocker: sweet, not tried 11 myself, but I don't use firefox13:28
Lunar_LanderOK, have a nice day then! :)13:29
gnomerlockerActionParsnip: Me neither, but it should bring some new features (http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/11/firefox-11-alpha-to-land-december-20th-will-bring-speed-dial-chrome-migration/)13:30
puweihello , everyone, could you tell me how can i  rotate my term screen ( ctrl+alt+1)   90 degree13:30
ActionParsnipgnomerlocker: you can install speed dial as an addon13:30
bakhtiyorhi everybody13:30
gnomerlockerActionParsnip: Really?13:30
puweihello , everyone, could you tell me how can i  rotate my term screen ( ctrl+alt+1)   90 degree13:31
ActionParsnipgnomerlocker: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/speed-dial/    Opera has had speed dial for AGES13:31
gnomerlockerActionParsnip: Yeah, I know about Opero. Had no idea you could have that in Firefox as well :P13:32
dr_willispuwei:  you refering to the console display? or the X sessions display?13:32
ActionParsnipgnomerlocker: Chrome has speed dial 2 which has a real nice text based export/import feature13:32
ActionParsnipgnomerlocker: opera had speed dial in 2007 :)13:33
lokidervishspeed dial is boss13:33
dr_willispuwei:  the consoles an use the framebuffer, so it might be doable with the various fbset or other fb settings..13:33
dr_willisUsing Opera on my PC and Phone. :)13:33
ActionParsnipFunny how firefox only just introduced it...13:33
rootuxwhat is the best way to start programming ? -- I try python ...13:33
dr_willisrootux:  just dive in and strt doing it.. is thebest way.13:34
dr_willisrootux:  python is very good to start with13:34
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rootuxty for your answer it's the my first time in irc chat13:35
rootuxit works!13:35
BluesKajI'm getting the public key error with the FF/mozilla  launchpad ppa ..It seems most of these keys aren't being verified lately. Is this common ?13:35
bakhtiyorcould anybody tell me why my website is not opening outside of my server? thank you in advance13:36
bullgard4BluesKaj: No.13:37
rootuxi' m using xchat can i also join a irc chanel using a programm for the terminal?13:38
puwei<dr_willis>      thank you13:38
KrisDouglasrootux, Have a look at IRSSI13:38
BluesKajthis the 3rd key that won't verify from launchpad , bullgard413:38
RaTTuS|BIGrootux - see irrsi13:38
RaTTuS|BIGdamn fingers ;-p13:39
blackshirtrootux: using irssi13:39
ActionParsnipweechat or irssi13:39
puweiusing webchat.freenode.net13:39
ActionParsnipor telnet13:39
blackshirtrootux: i'm using irssi now13:39
speedy139with channel is for ubuntu help13:40
RaTTuS|BIGspeedy139 this one13:40
speedy139ok small thing13:40
speedy139i install jack over sudo apt-get install jack13:40
speedy139everything fine no errors13:41
speedy139than i run sudo apt-get install qjackctl13:41
speedy139than sudo start qjackctl13:41
speedy139den window comes up13:41
speedy139and wenn i press start13:41
speedy139i get error13:41
elz89!u | speedy13913:42
ubottuspeedy139: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.13:42
dr_willisspeedy139:  we can read more then 4 words on a line....13:42
speedy139ok sorry13:42
mutantedpkg errors on dist-upgrade, mysql-client package, mysql-client-5.1 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.10 ... "trying to overwrite '/usr/share/man/man1/mysqlcheck.1.gz', which is also in package mysql-client-core-5.1 0:5.1.41-3ubuntu12.10"  dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)13:42
ActionParsnipspeedy139: you do know wenn is the same length as when13:42
speedy139Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory Cannot connect to server socket jack server is not running or cannot be started 14:42:59.123 ALSA connection graph change. 14:42:59.312 ALSA connection change. 14:43:00.465 Startup script... 14:43:00.467 artsshell -q terminate Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory Cannot connect to server socket jack server is not running or cannot be started sh: artsshell: not found13:43
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:44
ActionParsnipmutante: you may need to force install the deb to make it overwrite the duplicated file. You should also report a bug to get the overlap solved13:44
elz89speedy139: have you tried asking in #jack?13:44
mutanteActionParsnip: ok thanks, this was also meant as a test if this is "known problem" on recent upgrades13:45
speedy139sorry how can i ask in the termina if jack was started13:45
rootuxis it possible to send picture through the irc net?13:45
mutanterootux: yes, using DCC file transfer13:46
ActionParsnipmutante: the package manager doesn't like overlapping files which is why you get the error13:46
MonkeyDustmutante was faster ;)13:46
RaTTuS|BIGrootux yes but you probably dont want to13:46
ActionParsniprootux: use imageshack to make a url13:46
Dice-Mani'm using gnome how can i calibrate my usb pad ?13:46
mutanterootux: which is technically not really "through the IRC net" but a direct connection from you to the other user..13:46
elz89Dice-Man: 'joystick' package13:46
speedy139actionparsnip how to i check in the terminal if jack was started13:47
speedy139or how to manual start it13:47
_BootHi there, installed 11.10 (amd64) and it's nice, but I'm getting really low desktop graphics performance (using the ati proprietary driver)13:47
_Bootwhat can I do to improve performance/framerate?13:47
elz89speedy139: does it have upstart job? like 'service jack start'13:47
ActionParsnipDice-Man: playdeb has an app for configuring gaming devices13:47
RaTTuS|BIG_Boot lspci -class display | pastebinit13:48
ActionParsnipspeedy139: ps -ef | grep jack13:48
Dice-ManActionParsnip, elz89 i'm using maverick13:48
mo0n_sniperwhat is the official supported kernel for ubuntu 10.0413:48
Dice-Manlet's test joystick13:48
_Bootwhat the hell just happened13:48
majormengjoin /#ubuntu- cn13:48
RaTTuS|BIG_Boot see netsplit13:48
elz89!netsplit | _Boot13:48
ubottu_Boot: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:48
_Bootah, i didnt see the split notice13:48
_Booti know what it is :>13:49
ActionParsnipDice-Man: it supports maverick13:49
_Bootlspci doesnt like -class display option13:49
rootuxwhy sometimes joining so many people in one second?13:49
ActionParsniprootux: its a netsplit13:49
elz89_Boot: don't bother with option, just PB the whole shabang13:49
BluesKajnetsplit rootux , see above13:49
AdvoWorkif i have /var/www/dir/dir/images/NEWcompleted -> /home/NEWcompleted   what is the original source of the files?13:50
rootuxwhat is a netsplit?13:50
elz89!netsplit | rootux13:50
ubotturootux: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:50
Dice-Manelz89: how to lauch it ?13:50
_Bootgah firefox crashed just as i pasted13:50
Dice-Manelz89: is it a cmd tool ?13:51
rootuxthx agian a nice community :)13:51
elz89Dice-Man: most probably if I suggested it, I'm a junkie...13:51
majormengjoin / #ubuntu-cn13:51
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_Bootanyway http://pastebin.com/2jvvpUuV, it is a Radeon HD473013:51
_Booti think13:51
ActionParsnip_Boot: use pastebinit in cli is easier :)13:52
_Bootnot installed, dont feel like installing it for one use :>13:52
oogaboogaAnyone know where I can buy a fake AMD CPU?13:53
oogaboogai want a model/toy CPU13:53
oogaboogabut it has to look realistic13:53
_Booti ran an opengl game fullscreen and it wasn't too bad, but windowed it was atrocious13:53
RaTTuS|BIGoogabooga dunno but not from here13:53
_Bootsame with any desktop framerate stuff13:53
ActionParsnipoogabooga: i'd ask in ##hardware13:54
rootuxwhich programming language would you recoommend for beginners?13:54
ActionParsniprootux: pascal is a good teaching language13:54
Bhavesh_Can I run Ubuntu on my mobile with 128MB RAM? http://www.gsmarena.com/nokia_5233-3390.php13:54
elz89rootux: python13:54
ActionParsnipBhavesh_: I'd go for Slitaz, TinyCore or Puppy13:55
_Boottinycore <313:55
_Bootpractically an instant boot13:55
ActionParsnipxpud is near instant, boots in 3 seconds here13:56
prashant_123456my ubuntu 11.10 says low space on home partition and having 20 gb in total hdd space suggest !!!!!!13:56
ActionParsnipyes, xpud13:56
_Bootwhat is that?13:56
Bhavesh_ActionParsnip: :D13:56
ActionParsnip_Boot: go find out13:56
BluesKajstrange bullgard4 , I ran the the "receive key " again with was the 3rd or 4th time and this time the key was verified .13:57
_Bootoh I see13:57
BluesKajwhich was13:57
usr13prashant_123456: df | pastebinit  #Send resulting URL13:57
rootuxI try python but i don't know how to create a graphic  window -- how can i do this?13:57
usr13let us see...13:57
corradosalve a tutti/e13:57
rootuxi use nano as editor13:57
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: use bleachbit to clear out guff, run it as root too. Avoid settings which say they will take a long time and watch your settings for apps or it will remove stuff you want to keep13:57
corradoavrei bisogno di un aiuto13:58
usr13prashant_123456: Aditionally:  sudo fdisk -l |pastebinit  #And send resulting URL13:58
corradonessuno parla italiano??13:58
RaTTuS|BIGcorrado !it13:58
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:58
rootuxist jemand im chat mit dem an sich auf deutsch über python unterhalten kann ?13:59
_Booti'm going to try uninstalling the proprietary driver because at least I had high resolution tty by default without it13:59
rootuxmeine englischkenntnis sind noch nicht die besten13:59
gnagnohello all13:59
originalsholland holland13:59
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originalsholland holland14:00
MonkeyDustoriginals: wij zitten ook in #ubuntu-nl14:00
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:00
gnagnoI am starting to use unity right now... can someone please explain me how to add the eclipse icon to the left bar ? I just have a grey icon...14:00
xananaxHello, nautilus is unusable (slow and taking 100% cpu)...What can I do?14:00
ubidoobi2hi all ... need help with 11.10 swap part.  this is what the partition looks like in gpart.   /dev/sda6  ! (black box) unknown 4.75 gb14:00
AdvoWorkif i have /var/www/dir/dir/images/NEWcompleted -> /home/NEWcompleted   what is the original source of the files?14:00
prashant_123456usr13, ActionParsnip http://imagebin.org/18431714:01
ubidoobi2also was wondering - since i'm obviously running without a swap here how much this will slow down the system.  or will it with 5 gb of ram.14:01
adi11 hi all. i have some problems with my laptop hp dv 6700. installed latest ubuntu. when i boot after grub screen i choose ubuntu. but it fails to load the os one out of two times. anyone any idea what that might be? thanks14:02
ActionParsnipubidoobi2: probably none at all unless you start running a LOT of apps14:02
oogaboogaanyone have a broken AMD CPU they would like to sell?14:02
ActionParsnip!ot | oogabooga14:02
ubottuoogabooga: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:02
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: you can pastebin that text, no need for an image14:03
ubidoobi2ActionParsnip - takes about 10 seconds to load Chrome after fresh boot .. seems like a long time to me.  It is next to instant in win7 on the same machine14:03
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, how to pastebin pls explain the simple way14:03
RaTTuS|BIGls -l | pastebinit14:03
RaTTuS|BIGor whatever command14:03
bullgard4ubidoobi2: Take am Ubuntu live CD and use GParted to repair the swap partition.14:04
bullgard4ubidoobi2: Take an Ubuntu live CD and use GParted to repair the swap partition.14:04
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit14:04
ActionParsnipubidoobi2: different OS with different mechanisms14:04
ubidoobi2bullgar4: can i do it from within ubuntu? .. i don't have a live cd .. i did this install from the alternative cd because the live would not recognize the drive at all14:05
_BootIt's kind of funny, without the ATI proprietary driver everything works quite nicely14:05
ActionParsnipubidoobi2: swap is only used if you fill your RAM up, like swap space in Windows14:05
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, it says need to install pastebinit14:05
ActionParsnipprashant_123456: yes, install it.Its a fantastic app14:05
RaTTuS|BIGprashant_123456 sudo apt-get install pastebinit14:05
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, ok14:05
bullgard4ubidoobi2: No. You'll need a live CD.14:05
Gorkymanhey guys... how do I limit the command output by page? :)14:05
ActionParsnippastebinit should be default installed imho14:05
xananaxSorry to be a bother but I really need the help, I have a lot of work and my pc is simply not usable, re-install is not an option (no time!) please can anyone point me in the right direction? Nautilus is frozen, desktop is frozen, and of course everything related to nautilus freezes too14:05
ActionParsnipGorkyman: could pipe into less14:06
_BootOne thing that has changed since installing/uninstalling the driver is my tty font has gone back to the chunky one rather than the default14:06
_BootHow do I revert the tty font?14:06
ActionParsnip_Boot: change the font rendering level14:06
_BootHow do I do that?14:06
bullgard4Gorkyman: Append '| more' to your command.14:06
Gorkymanyeah thats what I was after14:07
rootuxwhat can u do with pastebinit?14:07
ActionParsnip_Boot: system settings14:07
ubidoobi2bullgard4 : any idea what would happen if i tried doing this from within ubuntu? ... this is how the swap was setup at install ... so not like i would be changing any data on it .14:07
ActionParsniprootux: pipe command outputs and files to it and it will make a URL14:07
ActionParsniprootux: saves having to use a browser to pastebin files, waaaaaay faster14:08
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/740237/14:08
lokidervishwould there be any obvious concerns with installing win7/ubuntu/backtrack5r1 on single machine? my concern is mainly with the two flavors of linux on the same machine, thanks in advance14:08
_Boot...new system settings... can't find anything related to font rendering14:08
adi11hi all. i have some problems with my laptop hp dv 6700. installed latest ubuntu. when i boot after grub screen i choose ubuntu. but it fails to load the os one out of two times. anyone any idea what that might be? thanks14:09
bullgard4ubidoobi2: You do not want to change data on a swap partition? I believe that you do not know the proper use of a swap partiton yet. Get informed about the basic functionality of a swap partition.14:09
ActionParsnip_Boot: http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Configuring_Ubuntu_Desktop_Fonts14:09
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/740237/14:09
_Bootits the tty fonts i mean, like when you ctrlaltF114:10
Bhavesh_ActionParsnip: Well if you have used a Nokia phone before, how would I boot from MicroSD like I do on my PC?14:10
ubidoobi2bullgard4: .. i know what the swap is for .. but obviously there is something within that partition telling the partition what it actually is ... isn't there? LOL14:10
ActionParsnipBhavesh_: no idea, sorry14:10
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ActionParsnipprashant_123456: use bleachbit, it will clean a lot of space out14:10
_Bootand 11.10's appearance settings are a little cut down now anyway :/14:11
MenthaneGuys I'm making a bootable USB but unetbootin' has done 5% of the unarchiving in like 12-15 minutes. Apart from unetbootin' what could I use instead?14:11
rootuxwhat is the command to scent wirless networks?14:12
bullgard4ubidoobi2: The formatting of this partition determines in this case the basic functionality of this partition.14:12
edbianrootux: sudo iwlist scan14:12
ubidoobi2bullgard4 ... i'll give it a whirl and hope for the best.14:12
bullgard4rootux: 'scent'? please explain what you mean.14:12
_Bootcan anyone tell me what the default FONTFACE/FONTSIZE settings are in /etc/default/console-setup ?14:13
rootuxsry bullgard4 i thought it's the same  as tracking14:14
prashant_123456ActionParsnip, thanks14:14
ubidoobi2bullgard4: .. it gave me an error .. would not format to swap.14:14
rootuxwhat is the sense of this red line?14:15
afrodeityI am looking for a bulk email verifier, anybody?14:15
ActionParsnip_Boot: 16 here in Precise14:16
bullgard4ubidoobi2: I have never had this error message. Please google for it.14:16
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
_Bootah okay thanks, something has changed mine to 16 in Fixed14:16
rootuxhow can i quit irssi in the terminal? (i try q and "exit")14:16
ActionParsnip_Boot: mine is fixed too: http://paste.ubuntu.com/740245/14:17
somsiprootux:  type /quit14:17
ActionParsniprootux:type;   /quit14:17
_BootHmm what.14:17
ubidoobi2bullgard .. yeah something is wrong there .. i manage to get it unallocated ... but when i go to format ... none of the options highlight - swap, ext4 etc.14:17
_BootSince the ati driver it's gone into a smaller DOS-style font14:17
_Bootis all i can describe it as anyway14:17
_Bootinstead of the nice sharp one before14:17
_Bootmaybe it was terminus before14:18
_Bootwell I'll try terminus on next boot :D14:18
bullgard4ubidoobi2: I don't know why.14:19
ZePwincessPearli want to know how to check in on facebook places using a diffrent location as my current one14:20
rootuxif i typ "sudo iwlist scan" it shows the network card. How can I list the wirless networks in my area?14:20
scriptwarlocklet me try here: FXComposeContext: illegal window parameter: aborted in libfox1.6 oneiric, any ideas?14:20
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ZePwincessPearlooh sorry can anyone suggest me a channel to talk on facebook stuff kinda new here14:21
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ActionParsnip_Boot: try gnome-tweak-tool14:22
rootuxhow can i list wirless networks in the termianl?14:22
llutzrootux: iwlist s14:22
_Bootwill give it a try if my console-setup config doesnt work :V14:23
scriptwarlocklet me try here: FXComposeContext: illegal window parameter: aborted in libfox1.6 oneiric, any ideas?14:25
Snicksiescriptwarlock, have you reported a bug about this?14:26
ActionParsnip_Boot: yep, gnome-tweak-tool has a fonts section14:27
scriptwarlockSnicksie, yes but very desperate to have the solution since my software is very important for my cyber cafe shop14:27
afrodeityok, found a solution, I need to install vrfy14:28
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:33
neroninI have quite a weird problem, every time i log onto my ubuntu 11.10 machine via the connection freezes for seconds to minutes, sometimes the ubuntu machine even disconnects from the router. Any idea how i can fix this?14:34
JK2im from jamaca14:34
scriptwarlocki guess i have to wait for the bug fix... thanks anyway14:35
JK2i'M from china14:35
RaTTuS|BIG!cn | jk214:40
ubottujk2: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw14:40
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voozeI just did somthing "bad" I guess. I used the tool in ubuntu (start disc somthing) to create a USB to have iso's on it.. but after i plugged in the WD external harddrive i just clicked "delete drive" like ubuntuforums or somthing said, but now i cant see the drive14:42
voozeany ideas?14:42
RedArmyIs Ubuntu One uninstallable in 11.10?14:43
voozeRedArmy: sure, just go to software center and remove14:43
AdvoWorkif i have /var/www/dir/dir/images/NEWcompleted -> /home/NEWcompleted   what is the original source of the files?14:43
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|Slacker|RedArmy, guess so...check the software center14:44
RedArmyI assume removing it will also remove the annoying 'avaialble for purchase' stuff when searching in unity14:44
dydhow can i list the software i have installed?14:45
zmbmartinIs I switch from workspace 1 to workspace 4 google chrome closes. I can switch to workspace 2 or 3 but once I switch to 4 it closes. Anyone else seeing this?14:46
BluesKajdyd,  dpkg --list | grep ^ii.* | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | sort | less14:47
dydBluesKaj: thanks14:48
zmbmartinnevermind it is a keybinding issue.14:49
X-tonicshouldn't eye of gnome be dropped from ubuntu, since it already ships Shotwell? given that cd space is a constraint?14:50
zmbmartinhow come gwibber will run in the background not in my alt-tab running apps, but I still get notifications and updates... but thunderbird does not?14:50
antnashalright guys. should this:   sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 700     work?14:51
antnashgot it14:52
=== dwalisser is now known as walisser
xslhow do i see if pspp 0.7.8 is available on ubuntu repository14:53
xslthe current one i have installed is 0.6.214:53
newnoisehi there. im trying to split one of my partitions into two without redoing the complete filesystem14:53
newnoiseI trief it with resize2fs but I cant get it working14:53
newnoisealways says resize2fs: New size smaller than minimum (51773748)14:54
jason00Hey there - quick question - I know in Chrome you can do "inspect elements" which allows you to see what CSS coding is in use. But is there a way to do this with GTK3 themes? I CANNOT find the entry in any of these files that has the highlighted color to it.14:54
newnoiseanyone can help?14:54
ActionParsnip!info eog14:54
ubottueog (source: eog): Eye of GNOME graphics viewer program. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 714 kB, installed size 2984 kB14:54
xsl!info pspp14:54
ubottupspp (source: pspp): Statistical analysis tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.2-3ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 2313 kB, installed size 6680 kB14:54
ActionParsnipX-tonic: it is 3mb, quite considerable, you could post a suggestion on brainstorm14:54
RaTTuS|BIGnewnoise - it probably means that there are too many file scattered accoss the old partition14:55
ActionParsnip!ppa | xsl14:55
ubottuxsl: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa14:55
* tMH is gone. nsf14:55
X-tonicActionParsnip: Should I file it as a bug in Ubuntu? or should i just post on Brainstorm?14:55
xslty ActionParsnip14:55
ActionParsnipX-tonic: could do both I guess14:56
xslbut they also dont have the last version14:56
Tixoscan someone help me with this error               >   Major opcode of failed request:  139 (ATIFGLEXTENSION)14:56
newnoiseRaTTuS|BIG:  well its just using 10% of the space there is.14:56
luistcan i remake the ubuntu live cd with some custom packages and without some other?14:56
Tixosfull error >  http://pastebin.com/sE9wKEA314:56
ActionParsnipxsl: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gandalf/pspp; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade14:56
pokhi. for some reason javascript is not working on certain sites e.g. google.com on my ubuntu installation. anybody have any ideas?14:56
X-tonicHow do change theme of my unity without installing Gnome Shell as a dependency (the gnome tweak tool uses this as a dependency) ?14:56
ActionParsnipxsl: only goes up to natty though14:57
xslty ActionParsnip will see what i can manage, rly need last version :)14:57
ActionParsnipxsl: /usr/bin/apt-add-repository: symbolic link to `add-apt-repository'14:58
ActionParsnipxsl: so same difference14:58
RaTTuS|BIGluist I dont htink so no - well not easily14:59
ActionParsnipxsl: that will give the version you need14:59
jason00Hey there - quick question - I know in Chrome you can do "inspect elements" which allows you to see what CSS coding is in use. But is there a way to do this with GTK3 themes? I CANNOT find the entry in any of these files that has the highlighted color to it.14:59
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xslif they dont have oneiric package how can i workaround to install it?15:00
RaTTuS|BIGluist - though you may want to look at http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-customize-your-ubuntu-live-cd -15:00
ActionParsnipxsl: you can change the PPA to natty in software centre and try the natty binary in oneiric if you want15:00
bakhtiyorcan anybody recommend me good manual for ufw15:00
xslActionParsnip, i will try that ty15:00
ActionParsnipxsl: I'd sugest you compile it yourself or try a different source15:01
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.15:01
luistRaTTuS|BIG: oh thanks15:01
bakhtiyorubottu: thanks a lot15:02
ubottubakhtiyor: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:02
MenthaneUnetbootin' is painfully slow when extracting the files. What other utility could I use?15:02
andygraybealdoes ubuntu work well on tablet computers, either from asus or toshiba?15:02
rocioque que?15:03
ActionParsnipMenthane: 1-2-3 installer from pendrive linux (under windows) or usb-creator under Ubuntu. I doubt they ill speed up the extraction15:03
RaTTuS|BIG!sp rocio15:03
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:03
RaTTuS|BIGdang ;-p15:03
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ActionParsnipMenthane: the extraction is the speed of your drive and CPU15:03
RaTTuS|BIG!es | rocio15:03
ubotturocio: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:03
ActionParsnipMenthane: itprobably feels slow as the progress bar doesn't move much for the squashfs file as it is huuuge15:04
Tixos  Major opcode of failed request:  139 (ATIFGLEXTENSION)15:04
Tixossomebody help with this15:04
MenthaneActionParsnip my computer is six years old but it has two pentium D 2.8GHz processors idk the transfer rate of the HD but it should be going faster then this.15:06
ActionParsnipMenthane: faster than anythingI got. Considering its a one off thing I wouldn't sweat it personally15:06
voozeI really need help here: after i created/deleted my WD external drive to make it iso bootable, its just "gone" i cant see it with windows or linux.. how do i format it or anything? I cant see it with sudo fdisk -l either15:06
ActionParsnipMenthane: it will take even longer with a DVD ISO15:06
WLUanyway to check whether my screen accept multitouch input (the digitizer pen works) but does not respond to finger gesture15:08
antnashHey guys. I've all of a sudden run into issues with NFS. What's wrong with   '/storage *(ro,subtree_check,all_squash)'   in my exports that makes the share unmountable?15:08
asdf-i'm trying to install ubuntu 11 server... i can't install it because the HD i'm using was part of a LVM but it isn't anymore. I am trying to remove the links to the PVs but I can't... there is no fdisk on the ubuntu 11 server15:10
compdocasdf-, download gparted and delete everything on it, if thats what you want15:11
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Alia1Hi, when i open a program with a large window (that still fits in the available desktop area) it will get resized or maximized. This doesnt happen in Ubuntu 2D, compiz issue maybe? Any ideas?15:14
KittyBunnyWhy does gnome 3 look like this and how to fix it? > http://helen.57o9.org/images/gnome3.png15:14
asdf-comdoc, thanks but i dont' have any OS installed15:14
asdf-comdoc, actually... thanks for the tip bc GPARTED is bootable right?15:14
compdocgparted is bootable15:14
asdf-great idea... thanks15:14
KittyBunnyI'm logged into a GNOME 2 session atm.15:14
* asdf- gives compdoc +115:14
KittyBunnyHow do I fix it from there?15:14
ActionParsnipKittyBunny: which release are you using?15:15
KittyBunnyActionParsnip: 10.1015:16
KittyBunnyI don't want to upgrade.15:16
ActionParsnipKittyBunny: and the issue is in Gnome3?15:16
KittyBunnyActionParsnip: Idk.15:16
KittyBunnyI'm googling around.15:16
KittyBunnycan't find anything.15:16
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xapelwhere is the Ask Mark channel?15:17
ActionParsnipKittyBunny: Can you give the output of:  sudo apt-get install pastebinit; dpkg -l | grep gnome | pastebinit15:17
h00kKittyBunny: Gnome 2 is not incldued on Ubuntu 10.10, and you must have used a PPA, which aren't officially supported15:18
ActionParsniph00k: 3 ;)15:18
h00k!ppa | KittyBunny15:18
ubottuKittyBunny: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa15:18
ActionParsniph00k: the pastebin will help lots15:18
KittyBunnyh00k: GNOME 2 comes on Ubuntu 10.10 actually.15:18
h00kKittyBunny: yes, it sure does15:19
xapelwhere is the Ask Mark channel?15:19
h00koh, Gnome 3 doesn't. Typo, sorry.15:19
kanhiyahow to do video call in pidgin15:19
kanhiyai am using ubuntu 11.1015:19
KittyBunnyh00k: If I upgrade to Ubuntu 11 then i'll have no sound.15:19
ActionParsnipkanhiya: does the cam work in pidgin?15:19
ActionParsnipKittyBunny: tried a clean install?15:19
BluesKajxapel, who knows ...why are you asking this ?15:20
Skummelkanhiya what protocoll are you using in pidgin? MSN?15:20
KittyBunnyActionParsnip: Yes.15:20
elz89Where should I look, to change resolution of the logon screen by CLI on a remote machine that I have ssh access to?15:20
aboudreaulthi, does anyone been able to configure ironhide with a dell xps15 ?15:20
voozeI really need help here: after i created/deleted my WD external drive to make it iso bootable, its just "gone" i cant see it with windows or linux.. how do i format it or anything? I cant see it with sudo fdisk -l either15:20
ActionParsnipKittyBunny: can you give the output of the command I gave please15:20
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kanhiyaActionParsnip: My webcam is right & working in cheese15:20
KittyBunnyActionParsnip: Be patient15:20
KittyBunnyAPT is slow15:20
elz89vooze: gparted15:20
panvhi, I am trying to disable my laptop touchpad when i have a normal mouse plugged in... but I don't know how to do that... please i need some help... I use ubuntu 11.1015:21
KittyBunnyActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/NChiJFkG15:21
kanhiyaActionParsnip: Google  Video chat & Yahoo video chat15:21
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voozeelz89: ah yes ofcouse :P thx15:21
BluesKajxapel, Ask Mark will take place in #ubuntu-classroom at 1500UTC on Freenode15:21
kanhiyaActionParsnip: How to check that, it is working or not in pidgin15:21
compdocvooze, i created/deleted my WD external drive to make it iso bootable  <- explain this?15:21
elz89vooze: also take a look at 'mkfs' mkvfat' etc just mk'tab' and explore bud...15:22
BluesKajxapel, you couls have read that yourself15:22
xapelBluesKaj: I thought that was 20 minutes ago15:22
kanhiyaI have installed plug ins15:22
kanhiyaSkummel: I am using Google & yahoo15:22
ActionParsnipKittyBunny: seems you are on Gnome215:22
BluesKajxapel, just try  #ubuntu-classroom15:22
KittyBunnyActionParsnip: Atm yes15:22
KittyBunnyI did say i'm currently logged into GNOME 2 session15:23
elz89vooze: another nice command for you would me 'df -h'15:23
ubidoobi2looking for a robust linux distro for older laptop running xp - any ideas? hdd is small ... like 20 gb .. want something that is fast15:23
ActionParsnipKittyBunny: but 3 isn't installed at all, which makes it weird how your OS looks how it does15:23
elz89ubidoobi2: tinycore15:23
fokusleeubidoobi2: how about puppy15:23
KittyBunnyActionParsnip: It is installed.15:23
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ActionParsnipkanhiya: try in flash properties app allowing webcam access15:24
ActionParsnipKittyBunny: what is?15:24
xapelBluesKaj: Sorry, I am a bit over eager, it seems I am almost a week too early :)15:24
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KittyBunnyActionParsnip: gnome3-shell15:24
ubidoobi2elz89: i have tinycore on a older desktop ... it's fine and boots fast and all ... a little ahead of the learning curve that i'm on though15:24
KittyBunnyand gnome3-session15:24
KittyBunnyI installed them both.15:24
voozecompdoc: well, i wanted to make a Linux mint 12 rc LIVE DVD, so i plugged the external harddrive in, and pressed "delete drive" in usb-creator-gtk. And then it was gone15:24
elz89ubidoobi2: puppy then.15:24
ActionParsnipKittyBunny: it's not compatible with Maverick, which is why you are getting issues15:24
* KittyBunny sighs15:24
elz89vooze: use unetbootin.15:25
ActionParsnipelz89: xpud is decent too15:25
voozeelz89: gparted cant see it :/15:25
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compdocvooze, you might unplug the external and plug it in again15:25
elz89ActionParsnip: xpud is news to me, thank mate.15:25
panvhi, I am trying to disable my laptop touchpad when i have a normal mouse plugged in... but I don't know how to do that... please i need some help... I use ubuntu 11.1015:25
voozecompdoc: done it like 10 times :)15:25
KittyBunnyActionParsnip: Then help me upgrade.15:25
compdocvooze, then nm15:25
KittyBunnyEverytime I upgrade my sound fails to work.15:25
KittyBunnyand nobody in here seems to know how to fix it.15:25
kanhiyaActionParsnip: Thanks15:26
ActionParsnipKittyBunny: I'd install Oneiric clean, alternatively you can sit on Maverick til April next year and install Precise Pangolin which is LTS15:26
KittyBunnyActionParsnip: Oneiric?15:26
ActionParsnip!oneiric | KittyBunny15:27
ubottuKittyBunny: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) is the current release of Ubuntu | Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111015:27
voozeelz89: unetbootin cant see the drive either15:27
LogicallyDashingThere are a bunch of fuser processes making my computer slow. I want to find out why they're starting. So I guess I want to know what process launched some other process. How do I do this?15:27
elz89vooze: lsusb | pastebinit15:28
burgerilloHi.. in ubuntu 11.04 and now 11.10 ubuntu could not install grub loader to /dev/sda... now my computer wont even boot to the ubuntu usb disk!15:28
KittyBunnyActionParsnip: I can only seem to upgrade to 11.0415:28
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burgerilloDoes anyone recognize this well known bug and know the fix?15:28
elz89burgerillo: what can you boot to?15:28
burgerilloI remember many people had the same issue when I had it with 11.0415:28
ActionParsnipKittyBunny: you will need to upgrade to Natty (11.04) first, then to Oneiric (11.10)15:28
burgerilloelz89: nothing15:28
xslDoes anyone use istanbul with Oneiric?15:29
elz89ok got a rescue medium?15:29
iceroot!anyone | xsl15:29
ubottuxsl: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:29
KittyBunnyActionParsnip: brb booting into test partition.15:29
kanhiyaI usually disable my touch pad by double tapping  near a LED provided at the edge & LED start glowing in Windows, in Ubuntu 11.10 touchpad is working but i am not able to disable it by tapping near LED, which software to download for that15:29
voozeelz89: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/508707/15:29
BluesKajburgerillo, why not just upgrade via the 'net15:29
xslWen i start istanbul i dont see any output or place to click .. im missing a tray or something15:29
LogicallyDashingkanhiya: you can disable the doubletap in system settings15:29
burgerilloBecause i prefer wiping and doing a clean install15:30
ActionParsnipkanhiya: does it make an evernt in xev?15:30
lockergnomerCan someone tell me why this is happening to me on Ubuntu 11.10? http://i43.tinypic.com/2v9rak0.png15:31
kanhiyaLogicallyDashing: I am saying to disable touch pad entirely when i tap twice near LED provided on touchpad15:31
xslWhat desktop session record tool should i use in oneiric ?15:31
ActionParsniplockergnomer: thats the grid plugin15:31
kanhiyaActionParsnip: I don't understand15:31
imbezol_lockergnomer: virtual machine?15:31
ActionParsniplockergnomer: if you grab a window and drag it to the left that will happen15:31
rozaqi want to get yahoo messngger..15:31
BluesKajburgerillo, well, good luck15:31
ActionParsnipkanhiya: xev is a terminal command15:32
rozaqhow to get installer ?15:32
LogicallyDashingkanhiya: oh, well, it's really just a workaround but there's a panel applet to lock the mouse pointer15:32
lockergnomerActionParsnip: I knew that already, but I haven't dragged anything. It just appears out of nowhere.15:32
newnoisehum. I dont know what to do know. i changed partition size with resize2fs but if i look now with "df -h" it still has the same size15:32
lockergnomerimbezol_: No.15:32
voozerozaq: i think pidgin can do yahoo15:32
elz89vooze: can you not just do what I asked?15:32
ActionParsniplockergnomer: drag something there, it may make it go away15:32
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voozeelz89: what did i miss ? :/15:32
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KittyBunnyActionParsnip: Ok i'm booted into natty now.15:32
ActionParsniprozaq: there use to be gyahe15:32
kanhiyaLogicallyDashing: Tell me about the app & how to add that to taskbar15:33
KittyBunnyI've launched the Update Manager.15:33
lockergnomerActionParsnip: I know about that too, but the thing is that it's really annoying me since it happens like very time I go to the left.15:33
KittyBunnyGuess what?15:33
KittyBunnyTheres no upgrades15:33
ActionParsniplockergnomer: do you use the snap feature?15:33
KittyBunnyHow do I upgrade?15:33
ActionParsnip!upgrade  | KittyBunny15:33
ubottuKittyBunny: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade15:33
lockergnomerActionParsnip: No.15:33
ActionParsniplockergnomer: then disable the plugin. It will make the WM use fewer resources too15:33
elz89vooze: why not just do what you were asked to do?15:33
lockergnomerActionParsnip: What's the plugin's name in CompizConfig?15:34
ActionParsniplockergnomer: you can disable stuff in ccsm, you don't have to keep the default stuff enabled15:34
ActionParsniplockergnomer: its called: grid15:34
elz89vooze: lsusb | pastebinit15:34
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AdvoWorkif i have /var/www/dir/dir/images/NEWcompleted -> /home/NEWcompleted   what is the original source of the files?15:35
voozeelz89: oh sorry, did not realize it was a command :D but here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/740303/15:35
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lockergnomerActionParsnip: Ah, what a relief! Thanks.15:36
newnoisehum. I dont know what to do know. i changed partition size with resize2fs but if i look now with "df -h" it still has the same size15:36
LogicallyDashingkanhiya: it appears I was remembering something from xfce and not unity or gnome. sorry15:37
LogicallyDashinganyway the answer to my previous question was pstree15:37
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kanhiyaActionParsnip: It doesnot make a event when i try to disable touchpad by tapping near end15:38
kanhiyai am using a synaptic touchpad15:38
elz89vooze: is the drive plugged in?15:39
voozeelz89: yes, just tryed to plug it in another usb, was outcome15:39
voozesame outcome **15:39
elz89gparted should see it15:39
voozeit dont :/ i even tryed to boot from it, and the computer does not see it at all15:40
elz89vooze: I'm stumped thn bud, I have never know gparted not see a drive.15:41
voozeelz89: yeah okay :/ thanks for your help anyway!15:41
scriptwarlockkanhiya, have you seen somewhere in system settings> mouse and touchpad?15:42
AlphahunterThis is a cool irc15:43
rootuxdoes anybody know a good python tutorial ?15:43
auronandacerootux: they would in #python15:43
elz89!google | rootux15:43
Alphahuntertheres one called a byte of pythin15:43
ubotturootux: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.15:43
elz89well... that told me.15:44
lgp171188Hi, in my oneiric installation, sounds in pidgin alone suddenly stopped working after upgrades. Any ways I can debug and fix the issue? I can hear the sounds in pidgin preferences menu when I trigger the preview .15:44
rootuxstill waiting for a useful tip...15:45
auronandacerootux: have you asked in #python?15:45
rootuxi will thx15:46
xsl!video editor15:48
auronandacexsl: you could try openshot15:49
xslauronandace : i was googling and found a name - cinelerra15:50
xslbut will give openshot a try15:50
somsiprootux: Python The Hard Way could be worth a try15:51
rootuxsomsip: :)15:52
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newnoiseis it possible to run gparted from terminal?15:52
newnoise!info gparted15:53
ubottugparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.1-1ubuntu4 (oneiric), package size 523 kB, installed size 1840 kB15:53
zykotick9xsl, cinelerra is sorta pro-grade (i don't find it very stable however), openshot and pitivi are more consumer oriented video editors15:53
auronandacenewnoise: you can launch it yes, but if you want a cli partitioner you may want to try fdisk15:53
xslzykotick9 : as long i can put some sound on the video and cut some frames, im happy15:54
newnoiseauronandace: can i shrink a partition with fdisk?15:54
zykotick9xsl, try openshot and/or pitivi then15:54
auronandacenewnoise: don't know sorry, man fdisk and find out15:54
rumpe1newnoise, no15:55
zykotick9newnoise, parted is the cli version of gparted15:55
rumpe1newnoise, for shrinking you would need to adapt the filesystem on the partition. fdisk only manages the sizes and location of the partitions.15:55
newnoiserumpe1: can i shrink a partition with parted?15:56
zykotick9newnoise, "parted - The GNU Parted disk partition resizing program"15:56
bugweedhi, may i know what is the name of the screen before the login?15:56
pedrosansHi all, have anyone experienced a bad substitution problem while using maven in ubuntu?15:56
newnoisezykotick9: sounds good :)15:56
somsipbugweed: Plymouth?15:56
auronandacebugweed: you mean during boot? plymouth15:57
bugweedsomsip: ok, then how do i edit them in ubuntu 11.10?15:57
somsipbugweed: <shrugs>15:57
bugweedanyone know how to edit plymouth on ubuntu15:57
Ghost1227anyone know how to change the libnotify display location?15:58
Spikeshi all, If i'm using ssh key with passphrase to connect to remote server should ssh ask for passphrase every time i log in?15:58
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zykotick9bugweed, this is from 10.04 but might still work http://ubuntuguide.net/howto-change-plymouth-themes-initial-splash-screen-in-ubuntu-10-0415:58
MonkeyDustSpikes  no15:59
SpikesMonkeyDust, damn, any ideas why it keeps asking for it?15:59
somsipSpikes: depends if you've set up gnome-keyring to remmeber it15:59
MonkeyDustSpikes  it should be stored somewhere, known_hosts or so16:00
gwb_Hi -- Sometimes when I'm using ubuntu 11.10, a friend wants to check email.  I let her use the guest account.  at that point, two users are logged in (me and guest).  Also, CPU util. goes crazy, concentrated in Xorg.  Is this a bug or something I have to live with?16:00
newnoisebut can i use parted to resize the partition without losing the data?16:00
SpikesMonkeyDust, ok, thanks16:01
zykotick9newnoise, there is always a risk resizing partitions - i'd have a backup if i where you16:01
Spikessomasin, i don't think i did16:01
scriptwarlockGhost1227, try this trick http://www.webupd8.org/2010/07/patched-notifyosd-updates-option-to.html16:01
Spikessomasin, it's a server, after all16:01
newnoisezykotick9: i did a backup. but theoretically if everything goes well parted resizes without losing data, correct?16:01
zykotick9newnoise, that's the plan ;)16:02
somsipSpikes: I have previously seen people who have problems gettin keyring to startup properly. Someone sent me a webpage recently with some interesting info on it...16:02
RaTTuS|BIGnewnoise - best bet really - make a backup of all your data elsewhere - then fiddle as your going to trash your partition table anyway -16:02
auronandacegwb_: don't you have to log out for your friend to login as guest16:02
newnoiseI'm scared ...16:03
tapason a system with automatic logon, how do you restart the user session?16:04
tapasi trief sudo stop gdm && sudo start gdm16:04
tapasbut that doesnät really work16:04
tapasdesktop doesnt show16:04
tapasso i have no X atm to check the web :(16:04
auronandacetapas: are you using 11.10?16:05
tapasi think its 11.0416:05
tapaslet me check (not my computer)16:05
tapas /etc/issue says 11.0416:05
idefixcan you receive dutch tv with linux?16:06
newnoisewell I cant use parted anyway as my drives use some incompatible features16:06
MonkeyDustidefix  wij zitten ook op #ubuntu-nl16:06
newnoisejeeez. a whole working day blown for like nothing up to now ...16:06
gwb_auronandace: nope16:07
Ghost1227scriptwarlock: nope... and i actually want to change the monitor it's displayed on16:07
Ghost1227good try though16:07
flourishhi, quick question about system beep. now i cannot disable system beep. When i do shutdown -h xxx, it beeps very minute16:07
flourishmodprobe -r pcspkr doesn't work16:08
gwb_auronandace: just click on my name and choose the guest account from the dropdown16:08
tapasaah, sudo killall Xorg did the trick16:08
auronandacegwb_: oh, fast user switching16:08
newnoisecan anyone guide me through repartitioning my server. Im lost16:09
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alteregodi need those file rtl8168f-1.fw - where can i get them?16:09
gwb_auronandace: yep, but slower performance (much slower)16:09
leotrhi! when i select "restart" in unity system menu it's not restarted but throws me to user selection screen. What can cause that?16:10
tapasit seems playing with the compiz setttings manager destroyed the new gnome shell16:10
tapasclassic mode works..16:10
puffI've been using skype chat on this windows machine to chat with people at work.  Is it possible to chat via linux?16:11
puffI'm already using empathy with googletalk for non-work stuff...16:11
johnmpuff: there is a skype client for linux.16:12
auronandace!skype | puff16:12
ubottupuff: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga16:12
scriptwarlockGhost1227, oh i thought it was the notify location16:12
Spikessomsip, fixed the proble. If you're interested, apparently my ssh-agent was not bahaving as it's supposed to , so i had to use command 'exec ssh-agent bash' and then ssh-add to add passphrase so it'll be used automatically while sshing16:15
tjaderHow can I make it so that non-admin users can connect to networks?16:16
tjaderIn 11.10 it always tries to save the network configuration system-wide, therefore requiring admin credentials16:16
tjaderIn 11.04 and before it saved the configuration for the current user only by default, that was much better16:16
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bugweedafter installing sun java 6, how do i make sure it is running and not open jdk16:19
bugweedsecond, how do i remove open jdk completely16:19
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snikkerhi i've got nvidia and intel graphics card on my notebook. how can i use nvidia card with full 3d support?16:20
puffHm, okay, so I followed the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype and added the canonical partners repo, "sudo aptitude search skype" shows the skype package...16:21
newnoisecan anyone explain my what resize2fs does exactly? it just changes the filesystem-size, but not the partition size, correct?16:21
puff... but "sudo aptitude install skype" gets:  Couldn't find package "skype".  However, the following packages contain "skype" in their name: pidgin-skype pidgin-skype pidgin-skype-dbg pidgin-skype-dbg skype skype4pidgin skype4pidgin16:21
dtiguesnikker: i would disable the onboard video in the bios first16:21
puffAnd I see skype right in the middle of that list...16:21
tjadernewnoise: yes16:22
dtiguesnikker: then reboot and run additional drivers to install the nvidia drivers16:22
snikkerdtigue: i can't disable the onboard in the bios, no option available16:22
tjaderYou have to adjust the partition size accordingly before/later if you are growing/shrinking.16:22
gaurav_sood91hello all16:24
__vincentHow would I install grub to the MBR of a new hard disk?16:24
__vincentGrub is already installed on the disk, i just need to put it in MBR16:24
__vincenti cant find the exact command16:24
KittyBunnyI wanted to thank him. :(16:24
gaurav_sood91i am using ubuntu oneric on an amd radeon hd 6470m card and i am unable to successfully install it. i tried #ati but they were unhelpful there. any ideas on how to accomplish that. also, is my card compatible with gnome-shell?16:25
DaSkySkyLineBdoes anyone know how i can find the anonops server again?? sry that i ask but i was in the hospital for 3 weeks and now i can't find it :/16:25
gaurav_sood91i run gnome-shell on fallback mode16:25
newnoisetjader: ok. how do I do this?16:25
gaurav_sood91what i did to install the driver was to enable the driver from additional drivers. but i get an error when i run fglrxinfo16:25
KittyBunnyDaSkySkyLineB: Offtopic but feel free to PM me and i'll tell you where it is there. :)16:26
dtiguesnikker: then just only use the nvidia port and run additional drivers16:26
archenommmm nvidia drivers16:26
snikkerdtigue: i've aleady installed nvidia drives from repo, but doesn't work16:27
Ghost1227scriptwarlock: what you sent should allow adjusting location, but only within the set screen16:27
Ghost1227for me it's displaying on the wrong monitor altogether16:27
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__vincenthow do i know my my harddisk + boot partition number is grub?16:29
dtiguesnikker: what doesn't work ?16:29
__vincentmine is /dev/sdb1 the boot partition16:29
barcefIs there any way to mute the speakers on my laptop when i plug in my headphones? I have to keep going into the sound preferences and changing the audio output.16:29
gaurav_sood91barcef: should they not automatically get muted? this is actually what happens in mine16:30
snikkerdtigue: i don't have 3d support and glx...16:30
Tech-1just installed DEVEDE and it quits after 2 mins, is there something missing ?16:30
barcefgaurav_sood91,  There is no fix for this? When I boot into windows they mute automatically when I plug in my headphones. In ubuntu they don't. There has to be CONF file somewhere I can edit this behaviour.16:31
gaurav_sood91barcef: i dont know. let me check if there is, cos i did not have to change anything and they automatically get muted16:32
gwb_Hi -- Sometimes when I'm using ubuntu 11.10, a friend wants to check email.  I let her use the guest account.  at that point, two users are logged in (me and guest).  Also, CPU util. goes crazy, concentrated in Xorg.  Is this a bug or something I have to live with?16:33
zykotick9Tech-1, when you say "quits" do you mean the program crashes?  If so, try starting devede from a terminal to see if you get any useful output.16:33
Tech-1zykotick9-  no, it finalizes like its done, but only gives 2 mins of iso16:34
=== MortenTemp is now known as Morten_
zykotick9!tab > Tech-116:34
ubottuTech-1, please see my private message16:34
zykotick9Tech-1, sorry I don't have any suggestions then.  I haven't used devede in quite a while.  Good luck.16:35
Tech-1why give be the ubotto mssg, i tab all the time16:35
aarHi, how can I stop someone from resetting my root password by booting in rescue mode (when they have physical access to the computer)?16:36
Tech-1that made no sense16:36
DaGeek247eir is a bot, why is he allowed here?16:36
zykotick9Tech-1, you tried "zykotick9-" which is NOT my nick - so i didn't get highlighted, wouldn't happen if you used TAB16:36
Tech-1o ic16:36
DJonesaar: You may be able to disable usb & cd booting in bios and then set a password on the bios to somebody re-enabling them16:36
Tech-1the - is what i use on all the tabs i tab16:37
Tech-1instead of a ,16:37
DJones*so somebody can't reanable16:37
genii-aroundaar: Consider uncommenting #GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_RECOVERY="true" in /etc/default/grub   and updating grub. Then you need to boot from livecd16:37
zykotick9Tech-1, xchat isn't smart enough to see it as the proper nick16:37
aarDJones, genii-around, thank you16:37
Tech-1im on xchat and never had any issues,16:38
genii-aroundaar: You're welcome16:38
zykotick9Tech-1- did that highlight you?16:38
Tech-1i c now16:38
ringberarhey could someone help me with a hard drive partition problem?16:39
ringberarit would be much appreciated16:39
Tech-1better ?16:39
zykotick9Tech-1, much better ;)16:39
=== as456fgt is now known as dury
ringberaris there any way you guys could point me in the right direction to get some help?16:40
duryhi there channel :)16:40
Tech-1zykotick9,  before i go, can i change mencoder to ffmpeg in devede ?16:41
zykotick9Tech-1, no idea?16:41
duryis it worth to upgrade to 11.0416:41
alazare619!best bot16:41
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:42
zykotick9ringberar, could you ask a more specific question?  perhaps someone can help you but "hd partition problem" is very broad.16:42
ringberari understand16:42
Tech-1seems like faster these linux oss;s spit sht out, its getting to be like american made cars, 4 wheels and half a motor.16:42
ringberarim not EXTREMELY experienced with using linux and i want to install windows 7 as a seperate os on my system16:43
ringberarwhen i try to install it from the cd rom boot16:43
ringberarit says i need an ntsc partition16:43
ringberari have no idea how to make that nor anything to do with partitions on a linux system16:43
ringberari only know how to on win16:43
durysorry I'm to 11.1016:43
zykotick9ringberar, it's NTFS BTW ;)16:43
ringberarthanks :l16:44
nbfdoes anyone have any good documentation on making Ubuntu 11.10 less horribad16:44
duryis it worth to upgrade to 11.10?16:44
nbfdury: god no16:44
* Tech-1 snickers16:44
zykotick9ringberar, assuming your current linux install takes your entire disk, you'd need to resize it to leave blank space for Windows to install into.  gparted from a LiveCD might help.  Good luck.16:44
neroninfor 24 hours now i have tried to understand why this happens: When i log on to my ubuntu machine via ssh, the connection from that machine to my router brakes (both machines are behind the same router). I have a third ubuntu machine, with, as far as i can see, identical settings, with which i have no problems. Can any one shed some light on this?16:45
Lasersnbf: Using Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS or different distros. :)16:45
Tech-1ubuntu better straighten up or they will soon be out of the ball park16:45
durynbf: what u mean?16:45
nbfdury: the desktop in 11.10 is completely different16:45
nbfand it's different in a bad way16:45
nbfif you mean server, it might be worth it if you want newer packages16:45
Barbarian!nounity | nbf16:45
ubottunbf: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:46
Pumpkin-being an xfce user has made all this pain kinda easy to avoid. I'm not saying that is a solution for you, but it works for me.16:46
durynbf: I guess you can put it in a classic gnome desktop16:46
zykotick9Tech-1, check Distrowatches' 7 day popularity - Ubuntu is plummeting, currently 5th most popular16:47
durynbf: there must be that choice16:47
Tech-1ya, i was gonna say that, but some diehards may not have liked it16:47
Tech-1but its the truth'16:48
bakhtiyorhi. I have iptables with a rule -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3306 -j DROP16:48
BarbarianTo be honest, I think the new interface is a lot easier for newbies to use.16:48
Tech-1im almost considering going back to gentoo16:48
bakhtiyorI need to allow connection to 3306 from localhost16:48
bakhtiyorhow do I do that_16:48
eukreignis there a way to get the windows aero snap in unity 2d?16:49
harovali1hi, a blackout left ubuntu system at booting, like this: http://bpaste.net/show/20294/ , how can I resolve this ?16:49
Tech-1you cant put a cell phone on a desktop and say  "here it is new and improved"16:49
AdvoWorkif i have /var/www/dir/dir/images/NEWcompleted -> /home/NEWcompleted   what is the original source of the files?16:49
zykotick9harovali1, assuming no changes where made prior to the power loss - i'd boot a livecd and try to fsck your partitions.  Grub isn't seeing a / partition, is my interpretation of your pastebin.16:52
harovali1zykotick9: thanks16:52
nbfbakhtiyor: one way would be to add a -J ACCEPT in before the DROP rule but only for localhost16:53
white_magicis there some app in ubuntu which sets up Windows-like keyboard shortcuts? I'd just rather not do this myself16:53
=== DjZerxes is now known as zkriesse
bakhtiyornbf: could you pls tell me how16:53
bakhtiyorsudo iptables -A INPUT -s localhost -d localhost -p TCP -dport 3306 -j ACCEPT16:54
bakhtiyori am doing that but it says error16:54
nbfbakhtiyor: you need to insert it before the other rule17:01
nbf-A appends the rule to the end17:01
nbf-I 1 puts the rule in the first spot in the table17:01
=== erkan^ is now known as zippo^
yaccAny hints how to install Ubuntu onto an USB Flash stick best?17:02
om26eryacc, you want to install ubuntu on it?17:03
=== zippo^ is now known as erkan^
bakhtiyornbf: but  sudo iptables -A INPUT -s localhost -d localhost -p TCP -dport 3306 -j ACCEPT giving error and not letting me to add this rule17:03
RaTTuS|BIGyacc http://www.pendrivelinux.com/ if you have windows17:03
om26eryacc, or want to make it bootable?17:03
=== krzysiek2 is now known as macer1
yaccom26er, yeah, basically my "laptop-on-a-stick" workplace => >90% places were I might end up away from the office have a PC, and in the worst case, I do have an Acer One (the one with the really sad SSD inside) that I can use for the seldom cases that I'm somewhere without a PC.17:04
=== KomiaPoi1a is now known as KomiaPoika
yaccRaTTuS|BIG, well, I've got explicitely no Windows, I need to "borrow" a Windows Box for any Windows-only stuff :)17:05
om26eryacc, just install on it as a normal drive17:05
yaccom26er, grub installed to the mbr of the USB stick, that's it? And how to handle hardware autodetection?17:06
om26eryacc, it should just work17:06
om26eryacc, you must have a faster drive ;)17:07
zykotick9yacc, don't expect "great" performance from a USB install17:07
yofsomeone there?17:09
durynbf: are u there?17:09
RaTTuS|BIGyacc - I've got ubuntu runing on an 8GB pendrive - I've formatter as ext2 with a few options to hepl the speed - also see putting /tmp on a ram disk17:10
RaTTuS|BIG[I'veually had it running OK on  a 4GB drive ]17:11
sledgesCan I just install Ubuntu 11.10 to USB Stick instead of a hardrive, choose /dev/sdb for GRUB and hope it will work? I tried LiveLinux with Persistence, but after having activated restricted drivers for my wi-fi, system could no longer boot normally after restart. Thanks!17:11
RaTTuS|BIGsledges yes17:11
zykotick9RaTTuS|BIG, 4GB isn't even recommended HD size for modern Ubuntu installs - it's too small17:11
RaTTuS|BIGzykotick9 - you can do it but you ahve to trim - 8GB is ok though17:12
ezeei just installed ubuntu server 11.10, and open ssh...how do i check to see if  open ssh is running?17:12
RaTTuS|BIGzykotick9 I've got 11.04 running on an eeepc 70117:12
sledgesRaTTuS|BIG: thanks, in the failed LiveLinux case I tried it with Linux Mint (so it was an Ubuntu 11.04 fork)17:12
RaTTuS|BIGezee ssh localhost17:13
newnoiseso after all i managed to shrink the size of one of my partitions in a software raid 117:13
zykotick9RaTTuS|BIG, lol - i've owned 3 eeepc 701s - i know how cramped 4GB is ;)17:13
newnoisenow i want to create a new partition with the new unused space17:13
newnoisecan anyone tell me how to do that17:13
RaTTuS|BIGzykotick9 ;-P17:13
zykotick9newnoise, so long as it's blank space, i think the windows installer should be able to handle it17:14
newnoisezykotick9: well its on a remote server, so i have to use linux terminal commands17:15
RaTTuS|BIGnewnoise - sudo fdisk /dev/sda ,- or whatever it is17:15
zykotick9newnoise, for making an NTFS partition?  good luck.17:15
newnoiseI dont want no NTFS partition17:15
zykotick9newnoise, i thought you wanted to install windows - sorry, perhaps i'm confusing you with someone else.  sorry.17:16
newnoiseRaTTuS|BIG: the problem is that it is a raid, when I use fdisk /dev/md it says "unable to open"17:16
mattalexxHow can I set up samba server so that it uses system logins instead of its own login database?17:16
newnoisezykotick9: no problem ;)17:16
fleaanyone available to help with midi (usb midi) setup?  TIA - i am exhausted from contradictory search results17:17
ezeeon ububuntu server 11.10, how do i switch eth0 from dynamic to static?17:17
MonkeyDustezee: in /etc/networks/interfaces17:18
llutz_ezee: change /etc/network/interfaces    help from "man 5 interfaces"17:18
RaTTuS|BIGezee  /etc/network/interfaces17:18
duryhey guys.... mmm.. is it possible to make a photo book with an application under ubuntu as Iphoto in apple does?17:21
ezeeMonkeyDust: llutz_ : thanks17:22
lgp171188Hi, in my oneiric installation, sounds in pidgin alone suddenly stopped working after upgrades. Any ways I can debug and fix the issue? I can hear the sounds in pidgin preferences menu when I trigger the preview.17:23
luis_Running 11.04 can anyone tell me the advantages of upgrading to 11.10?17:23
Goollasha little better on the interface side17:24
llutz_luis_: do you miss something? if not, stay with 11.0417:24
Goollashless buggy17:24
dragomirhi everyone - i would like to know how to set docky moved up above the bottom panel. ubuntu 10.0417:25
Goollashof course, I wouldn't know as much as I'd like to—I can't get the darn thing working on my Macbook air 4-217:25
luis_llutz: don't miss anything But being on this channel I sure have noticed people having a lot of problems with 11.1017:25
=== fork is now known as Guest29190
llutz_luis_: people always have trouble after upgrading. but simple thing: if your system works and you don't miss anything then don't touch it.17:27
skplew burnt toast17:27
luis_llutz: very true Thaks17:27
newnoisehow can i add a partition into a raid 1 setup (mdadm)17:28
=== skpl is now known as kogepan
duelleHi there, since about a week i'm having serious problems with hard crashes of my ubuntu 11.10. kern.log says "NVRM: Xid (0000:01:00): 31, Ch 00000013, engmask 00000120, intr 10000000". I also had problems with flash since upgrading from 11.04 to 11.1017:29
=== fredk_ is now known as fredk
philipballew_QUESTION:  would it be possible to set up a vpn server remotely?17:30
bekksphilipballew_: Sure.17:31
NO_SOPAplease, sign this petition http://act2.freepress.net/sign/resolution_of_disapproval/17:31
NO_SOPAif you don't know what is about, read about SOPA, on the meanwhile you can see the american stupidity in all it's splendor LIVE. Or maybe Hitler's has reencarnated in America.17:31
NO_SOPAhttp://mfile.akamai.com/65764/live/reflector:39480.asx?bkup=39655&prop=n <-- Live Stream with SOPA stupidity from whiteshouse.17:31
philipballew_a troll with a good message. haha17:31
ezeeMonkeyDust: llutz_ : /etc/network/interfaces i got how to config static, but no option for DNS in that file...how do I configure DNS server setting?17:31
geoffmccphilipballew_: kind of like a hooker with a heart of gold17:32
philipballew_bekks, alright.  so If i ssh into my yserver I would still need to open ports correct?17:32
llutzezee: sudo apt-get install resolvconf, then add a line"dns-nameservers"   or whatever dns you want to your interfaces-files17:32
philipballew_geoffmcc, True, most on here are saying sexual things17:32
NO_SOPAplease, sign this petition http://act2.freepress.net/sign/resolution_of_disapproval/17:33
ezeellutz: thanks...pretty sure resolveconf will already be installed though...is it in /etc?17:33
NO_SOPAif you don't know what is about, read about SOPA, on the meanwhile you can see the american stupidity in all it's splendor LIVE. Or maybe Hitler's has reencarnated in America.17:33
NO_SOPAhttp://mfile.akamai.com/65764/live/reflector:39480.asx?bkup=39655&prop=n <-- Live Stream with SOPA stupidity from whiteshouse.17:33
NO_SOPAplease, sign this petition http://act2.freepress.net/sign/resolution_of_disapproval/17:33
NO_SOPAif you don't know what is about, read about SOPA, on the meanwhile you can see the american stupidity in all it's splendor LIVE. Or maybe Hitler's has reencarnated in America.17:33
FloodBot1NO_SOPA: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:33
llutzezee: "package resolvconf " not the file /etc/resolv.conf17:33
llutzezee:"dns-nameservers"   or whatever dns you want to your /etc/network/interfaces file17:34
duelleHi there, since about a week i'm having serious problems with hard crashes of my ubuntu 11.10. kern.log says "NVRM: Xid (0000:01:00): 31, Ch 00000013, engmask 00000120, intr 10000000".17:35
ezee_llutz: how do I add multiples, sep by comma?17:38
ezee_dns-nameservers, 432432, 43243217:38
llutzezee_: yes17:38
alazare619im looking for some help with a script http://pastebin.com/A94WdCN1 basically its suppose to search /etc/fstab for any entry that is /dev/sd* marked as a cdrom drive and remove it but im getting rpl command not found any idea17:38
llutzezee_: err, no: sep by space17:39
ezee_llutz: k thx17:39
llutzezee_: for more info, options "man resolvconf"17:39
igetrootsup all17:39
ezee_llutz: but to be clear im making thses change  in /etc/network/interfaces NOT resolve.conf17:39
igetroothey anyone know what the ubuntu-dev channel is?17:39
igetrootor if theres a channel for bugs n such17:40
igetrootbelieve i found an interesting bof17:40
llutzezee_: correct, /etc/resolv.conf will be changed automically17:40
Goollashyes, kPaCaB4eG?17:40
ezee_llutz: thans so much im good now17:40
adi11hi. why is it that i boot on my gnu/linux os successfully once every two times? anyone can help.. thanks17:44
RobinJhelp! this has killed my X server it seems! http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/24670/choose-at-grub-menu-whether-nvidia-driver-should-be-used/24671#2467117:45
Goollash@ adi11: is it exactly every other time or just about 50%?17:45
adi11after grub selection it goes on and tries to load ubuntu. but it fails every two times17:46
adi11Gollash : once in two.17:46
adi11after it fails it goes in initramfs. after that only ctrl +alt+del17:47
* AKQJ10 porra de equipe17:47
adi11than i restart and it loads the os but it seems that some hangs are there too.17:49
Goollashsorry in lecture hold on17:50
=== nephyrin_ is now known as nephyrin
CaptainPlanetSo is this the technical support channel or the off-topic/open discussion channel?17:57
igetrootCaptainPlanet, hard to tell all ive seen is alot of joins-parts lol17:58
igetroottheres few other channels too, ubuntu-devel ubuntu-hardened ubuntu-one17:58
trijntjeHi all, i'm trying to get my laptop to use apt-cacher on local network, but I keep getting timeout errors. What can I do to fix this?17:59
CaptainPlanetHmmm... I just installed X-Chat, so I'm new to the program. Seems easy though.17:59
=== RudyValencia- is now known as RudyValencia
=== Mud is now known as Guest87424
CaptainPlanetapt-cacher? hmmm.... I'm not too familiar with that. Is it like apt-get?18:00
lotuspsychjeim looking for an xvidcap equivalent18:00
nispaurIt's an english channel here, right ?18:01
trijntjeCaptainPlanet: no, its a caching server for debian packages, so when you have multiple ubuntu machines on the network you only have to download updates once18:01
trijntjenispaur: yes18:01
nispaurok, thanks trijntje18:01
CaptainPlanetAhh, I see.18:01
CaptainPlanetAnybody know a good PPA for games? I'm looking for MMORPG's to play.18:03
jutnuxI dislike pre-12 year olds on the Ubuntu facebook :'(18:03
jutnuxCaptainPlanet, Have you tried Googling? I'd help but I'm no games person (other than Xbox).18:04
saymooi dislike ubuntu for being on facebook :P18:04
lorddeltaCaptainPlanet: Games, on linux? Don't you know you you're on the wrong OS? :P18:04
jutnuxsaymoo, Me too. I have them on G+ but you can't wall psot.18:04
jutnuxlorddelta, There are games.18:04
saymoolorddelta: Don´t you know you have wine?18:04
lorddeltaCaptainLinux: Though I found a link buried in my bookmarks the other day with some games for linux in it.18:05
CaptainPlanetYeah, I have. And Google is just crap. I get really specific with Google's search, and it still gives me crappy links. =/18:05
lorddeltasaymoo: haha yes, doesn't work with everything.18:05
jutnuxCaptainPlanet, Works fine for me!18:05
jutnuxChrome is amazing too.18:05
CaptainPlanetHahaha! That is funny, lorddelta.18:05
CaptainPlanetI've got Wine, it's just that I don't have any games on Windows. And I kinda shrunk Windows down a little too much. Lol18:06
lorddeltaIndeed. But, still, I bet you won't find Skyrim running on *nix for a couple years to come....18:06
lotuspsychjewhats a good flv stream recorder for ubuntu18:06
lorddeltaAnd its not that Linux is incapable of running skyrim. Just that it really is still the wrong os for "serious" gamers.18:08
lorddeltaMe, I play flash games. :P18:08
CaptainPlanetI use Jolicloud for regular use, but Ubuntu when I want to do a lot of stuffs.18:10
CaptainPlanetLike play Final Fantasy 7. ^^,18:10
lokidervishgrr i need a new laptop bag - any suggestions? (i know off topic)18:11
CaptainPlanetLol. What IS the topic on this channel anyway?18:11
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic18:11
llutzCaptainPlanet: type /topic18:11
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:12
JoniiHey, I'd like to use right from startup emacs on my netbook. The problem is, I also want to keep as much of the system password-protected as possible. How do I resolve this conflict, any tips?18:13
=== noob889 is now known as tero
lokidervishfailsauce floodbot18:13
JoniiI thought if I could make a new user that I could log in instantly that only could access emacs+necessary files18:14
JoniiWithout password needed for login18:14
CaptainPlanetHmmm...... I can't seem to find the channel info.18:14
CaptainPlanetOh whoops. Didn't read the top.18:15
starsinmypocketsI'm trying to configure ssh to use multiple public keys... ssh-add /path/to/mykey_rsa seems to fail.... anyone point me at the proper config file?18:16
JohnCan someone please help with my wireless connection: I am missing the firmware for  dell inspiron 1750 for wireless18:19
CaptainPlanetCrud.  I can't get my launch bar and menu bar to show.  =/   John, have you tried looking in Synaptic to find the drivers n' software for your Dell in there?18:20
CaptainPlanetThere's always something in Synaptic that I find helpful.18:21
JohnWhat is synaptic18:21
=== peppe84 is now known as Guest33435
CaptainPlanetSynaptic Package Manager18:22
SadlyMistakensynaptic is the application to look for programs to install or uninstall18:22
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto18:22
geoffmccJohn: have you gone into additional drivers and see if all you have to do is activate it?18:22
CaptainPlanetif you don't have it, get it from the Ubuntu Software Center.18:22
danileigh79Is there a specific way to change my sudo password or is it associated with my login password?18:22
CaptainPlanetLogin password I believe.18:22
CaptainPlanetAssuming your the administrator, of course.18:22
JohnI have been into additional drivers but nothing comes up18:23
rumpe1danileigh79, same thing18:23
danileigh79rumpe1: thx18:23
=== Guest33435 is now known as peppe84_
icerootdanileigh79: its your user-password18:24
danileigh79If someone hacked my windows partition, they should not be able to see anything about Ubuntu, right?18:24
CaptainPlanetKeep in mind that some proprietary hardware/drivers isn't available for Linux.18:24
JohnI am downloading the synaptic package manager. WHat is the next step please18:24
icerootdanileigh79: if you are using ext3/4 drivers on windows, you can access the ubuntu-partitions18:25
CaptainPlanetI don't know too much about your problem, John, but try typing "Dell" into your search bar in Synaptic18:25
Johnokay thanks18:25
danileigh79iceroot: I'm not, it's using FAT32 and NTFS on my windows partition, I'm just worried because I keep some pretty sensitive info on Ubuntu, stuff that I don't want on WinXP18:26
icerootdanileigh79: i am talkin about your ubuntu-partiton which is ext3/418:26
CaptainPlanetOkay, this is getting annoying:  does anybody know how to refresh or reset the desktop?  I can't get my launch and menu bars to show.  >.<18:26
geoffmccJohn: run lspci -v from command, and tell us what it says your wifi card is18:26
Dany0hey guys does anyone have an idea how can I  enable user-themes extension in gnome3? I love the way it works, I find it very productive, but they default theme is disgusting and I'm losing it you know, and I can't get user themes to work, yellow triangle in gnome-tweak tool =/ anyone, please?18:26
rootux a mate have a problem: he got windows 7 as OS if he start a video (adobe flashplayer) --> he can't move the courser or make anything --> then he have to shoutdown the pcs by pushing the power bottom ... what can we do? (i already ask in the windows channel)18:26
danileigh79CaptainPlanet: are you using unity or gnome?18:26
Dany0tried everything, it's just not enabled18:26
icerootdanileigh79: if it is sensitiv stuff, encryption is a good start18:26
icerootCaptainPlanet: unity --reset18:27
danileigh79iceroot: i thought by putting it on ubuntu instead of winxp, it would be encrypted18:27
icerootdanileigh79: no not by default, ubuntu is not using encryption by default18:27
Dany0CaptainPlanet, what shell?18:27
Johntovarishchump@tovarishchump-Inspiron-1750:/$ lspci -v 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Memory Controller Hub (rev 07) Subsystem: Dell Device 0406 Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0 Capabilities: <access denied> Kernel driver in use: agpgart-intel  00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) Subs18:27
yaccRaTTuS|BIG, how do you handle hardware detection?18:28
CaptainPlanetLol!  Too much text to keep up with!  haha.  I'm using Unity.18:28
danileigh79iceroot: is there a way to fully encrypt ubuntu then, I have it set by password, and so far, my winxp part has not been able to detect ubuntu, I want to keep it that way18:28
CaptainPlanetAnd i'm using the bash shell18:28
Dany0CaptainPlanet, ctrl+alt+t unity --reset18:28
Dany0can anyone help me with the themes extension in gnome3?18:28
icerootdanileigh79: xp cant detect ubuntu because you need ext3/4 drivers as already said18:28
geoffmccJohn: im not seeing your network card listed. scroll threw the output and find the network card18:29
CaptainPlanetGotcha.  Thanks Dany18:29
ryugunsIs  it possible to play TF2 on WINE?18:29
geoffmcccopy and paste only that - or copy paste whole thing to pastebin and post url to it here18:29
Dany0CaptainPlanet, you should thank iceroot18:29
icerootdanileigh79: but with installed drivers you can eaisly access ubuntu-partitons from windows18:29
Johngeoffmcc:00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Memory Controller Hub (rev 07) Subsystem: Dell Device 0406 Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0 Capabilities: <access denied> Kernel driver in use: agpgart-intel  00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) Subsystem: Dell Device 0406 Flags: bus master, f18:29
CaptainPlanetWoot!  Thanks Dany8.18:29
danileigh79iceroot: ok thx I just want to make ubuntu as secure as possible18:29
iceroot!appdb | ryuguns18:29
ubotturyuguns: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:29
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Dany0CaptainPlanet, also I'm not Dany818:30
CaptainPlanetryuguns, I would assume so....18:30
geoffmccJohn: ok, i think that one is your ethernet port (wired)18:31
icerootdanileigh79: i am not sure if it is possible to encrypt a partition which is already in use but maybe someone here knows it18:31
CaptainPlanetWell, I'll just go by your username/nickname that shows up on my screen.  Lol18:31
geoffmccJohn: lemme look something up18:31
rumpe1danileigh79, a full encryption of ubuntu is usually not necessary (enrypting all the free software packages, manuals, wallpapers, ... ?). Encrypting your user folder in home might be a better idea though, if you want to protect your software profiles, logs, bookmarks.18:31
Johngeoffmcc: thanks. is there a way to go into private chat?18:31
Dany0hey, does anyone have an idea how can I  enable the themes extension in ubuntu? I've tried everything, yellow triangle in gnome tweak tool =/18:32
bjpennhow do i make ubuntu console resolution bigger?18:32
bjpennim not using a gui18:32
CaptainPlanetAre you talking about stuff like Compiz?18:32
Dany0bjpenn, zoom18:33
robohello: I'm trying to find this key. Any ideas how I can obtain it? I guess I don't understand what's being passed to --recv. apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 7F0CEB1018:33
bjpennDany0, what do you mean by zoom18:33
geoffmccJohn: I sent you a msg check for it, i will be in there18:33
bjpennis that a function?18:33
CaptainPlanetJust a CLI?? Yikes! Keep me away from your computer! Lol18:33
bjpennthought it would be a simple question, nobody knwos for real?18:34
xkogexGo on www.otakustate.com Game, Anime and Manga News and Reviews!18:35
bjpennhow do i make ubuntu console resolution bigger? im not using gui18:35
TrentonDAdamsAre there any known issues with ubuntu 10.10 regarding memory leaks that simply show up in kernel AnonPages?18:35
llutzbjpenn: set your resolution in /etc/default/grub, like: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="vga=791"18:35
TrentonDAdamsI've got 8G of memory, and my used AnonPages just keeps going up and up, and I close programs, and it does not go back down.18:35
andygraybealwhat program can recommend which channel i should set my wifi router?18:35
X-tonicif i want to file a bug about the the default software shipped in ubuntu, under what category in launchpad should i file it?18:36
icerootX-tonic: ubuntu-desktop18:36
icerootX-tonic: !ubuntu-bug ubuntu-desktop18:36
CaptainPlanetandy, isn't your router set to WPA2 by default?18:37
icerootX-tonic: without the ! of course. just type "ubuntu-bug ubuntu-desktop"18:37
X-toniciceroot: k.. thanks, ill do that. :)18:37
mirrakor_what does one have to do to get a package into the default repository of ubuntu?18:38
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:38
mirrakor_(debian policy compliant)18:38
popeymirrakor_: easiest thing to do is get your package into debian, then we sync from there18:39
mirrakor_hm.. okay, that does sound a little bit complicated but I'm going to pretend ubuntu is just a branch of debian :D18:39
popeymirrakor_: it is ☺18:39
mirrakor_popey: yeah, but I'd still have to repackage it I guess (or do the accept packages like flashqard_0.15.0-1ubuntu2?)18:40
popeymirrakor_: repackage why?18:40
popeymirrakor_: if you package something for Debian, we sync from debian so we get it (eventually)18:40
mirrakor_popey: because I already put it in an PPA18:41
popeymirrakor_: if you want to package something specifically for ubuntu then you can do that of course, but it's nice for everyone to benefit18:41
icerootpopey: is everything synced from debian (main)?18:41
popeymirrakor_: ok, then I'd talk to someone in #ubuntu-motu18:41
popeyiceroot: mostly18:41
popeyiceroot: some stuff gets synced from upstream, not debian18:41
popeyand some stuff we build outselves18:41
icerootpopey: but it contains everything which is also in debian (main) but not always the debian-version18:42
popeyiceroot: not always everything, most things18:42
mirrakor_ok, thanks :)18:42
icerootpopey: ok, thanks for the info18:42
Dany0hello? can anyone help me? gnome3? themes? extension disabled? please? hello?18:44
CaptainPlanetOh snap.........  Umm.... I think Ubuntu is screwed up really bad.  =/  Should I copypaste the warning messages I'm receiving in the Terminal and send the info to the Ubuntu guys?18:44
xrdodrxCaptainPlanet, what ubuntu guys? us? if you do and explain what you were doing prior to when they appeared, we might be able to help you, yes18:45
iceroot!details | Dany018:45
ubottuDany0: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:45
trijntjeHi all, i'm trying to get my laptop to use apt-cacher on local network, but I keep getting timeout errors on both the server and client. I've tried to find a solution on the web, but nothing so far18:45
CaptainPlanetErrm.... The fellows I email to.  'Cause it looks pretty nasty.  =/  I'm chatting on my netbook with Jolicloud along side my laptop with Ubuntu 11.10.18:46
BelerafonHi. My screen resolution is 1024x600 and it works fine by default. Today after connecting external monitor I can't  go back to this resolution. In system preferences only 1024x768 and 800x600. How to change?18:46
marko-_-how do i change encoding in gedit?18:47
CaptainPlanetI had a few programs running (including Wine setup) and then I decided to close out of them because I wanted to do the first backup of my /Home folder.  Everything was going okay, until I told Wine to exit the setup.  That's when my launch and menu bars disappeared for a while.18:48
X-toniciceroot: When i go to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu, and click the "report a bug" on the right pane, it takes me to a wiki page. While if i go https://bugs.launchpad.net/~desktop-bugs or https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugs i dont see the option to file a bug.18:48
trijntjeCaptainPlanet: sounds like unity crashed, no big deal18:48
icerootX-tonic: type in the shell "ubuntu-bug ubuntu-desktop"18:49
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)18:49
CaptainPlanethuh.  mkay.18:49
Dany0iceroot, I've been spamming here for a long time -.-'18:49
Dany0iceroot, <Dany0> hey guys does anyone have an idea how can I  enable user-themes extension in gnome3? I love the way it works, I find it very productive, but they default theme is disgusting and I'm losing it you know, and I can't get user themes to work, yellow triangle in gnome-tweak tool =/ anyone, please?18:50
CaptainPlanetOkay, now I can't exit the Terminal because I'm afraid that I'll kill a process that's still trying to do something important----I think.18:50
icerootDany0: if someone is spaming instead of writing usefull infos in one line (and dont repeat every minute) normally the people ignoring such posts18:50
trismDany0: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/10/how-to-install-gnome-shell-themes-in-ubuntu-11-10/18:51
osseHow does Gnome generate thumbnails? I found an article describing how to add support for more thumbnails but the default mechanism is apparently not implemented the same way18:51
Dany0trism, I'll try...18:52
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Dany0trism, made some errors while installing, removed installed again it seems like it workd18:54
CaptainPlanetI found a cool way of finding the manuals for the programs I use in Ubuntu.  Wanna know how?  You might already, but it'll be good for the discussion/other users.18:54
trismDany0: what were the errors?18:55
icerootCaptainPlanet: man programname?18:55
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Dany0trism, I have no idea; "alt+f2 r" and off we go it works18:55
CaptainPlanetLove that command!  Really helpful too.18:55
icerootCaptainPlanet: man man :)18:55
Dany0trism, oh yeah something about newer version available and then can't write to xml18:56
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bytesaber_workany idears?    http://pastebin.com/nKybbhnX18:56
icerootCaptainPlanet: there is also "apropos searchstring" and "info command"18:56
icerootbytesaber_work: first idea: dont use a root-shell18:56
Dany0CaptainPlanet, man is here since 1960's18:56
bytesaber_workiceroot, any ideas about the problem?18:57
bytesaber_workiceroot, sudo is pointless if you're just going to type sudo every time.18:57
icerootbytesaber_work: its not18:57
bytesaber_workiceroot, sudo was meant for setting up other users with restricted access.18:57
bytesaber_workanyhow, any ideas about the lib?18:57
icerootbytesaber_work: root-shell is useless and will break things more easily18:57
bytesaber_workiceroot, ok18:58
bytesaber_workiceroot, any ideas about the lib?18:58
icerootbytesaber_work: also  apt-file search /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6   is not finding anything on 11.1018:58
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moo-how can i find the list of bugs that affect most people?18:58
bytesaber_workit appears to be installed *shrug*18:58
kamilnadeemguys I am facing quite a few problems on kubuntu 11.10 off late18:58
icerootbytesaber_work: mom i will update my database18:58
CaptainPlaneti'm guessing the worst thing you could do is "sudo apt-get remove linux" or something like that? Lmao18:59
kamilnadeemthe sound of the system goes out randomly and then18:59
kamilnadeemwhen irun a video file , the player will hang18:59
kamilnadeemsame case while watching youtube18:59
kamilnadeemalso the desktop shell has crashed one time too mnay18:59
kamilnadeemon me after the 4.7.3 update18:59
kamilnadeemwhy is all this happening?18:59
Dany0trism, thanks18:59
bytesaber_workiceroot, this is a 10.04 lts  if that matters18:59
CaptainPlanetWait---this channel is for 10.04??18:59
CaptainPlanetlike only?19:00
CaptainPlanetoh. k19:00
icerootCaptainPlanet: its for every stable ubuntu which is not EOL19:00
icerootbytesaber_work: can you do a "dpkg -S /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6"19:00
bytesaber_workiceroot, http://pastebin.com/3QZDxG7p19:01
rumpe1bytesaber_work, hm... perhaps because the version isn't exactly 3.4.14 but 4.4.3?19:02
bytesaber_workrumpe1, could be *shrug*  kinda wondred that19:02
icerootbytesaber_work: very nice with that sudo :)19:02
CaptainPlanetHow do I log onto the UbuntuOne-Omg!Ubuntu-let's-talk-about-random-fun-stuffs channel?19:02
bytesaber_workiceroot, >; )19:02
icerootbytesaber_work: i also thing its related to the version19:02
bytesaber_worksounds good19:03
shaxsIs there an easy way to use say apt-get to install the x.org open source ati driver?19:03
badappleare you trying to build something from source or installing a package and receiving that error?19:03
bytesaber_worki'm trying the from site 1.3.8 version of synergy.   It's newer than the supplied one in 10.04.   I'll keep at the supplied older .deb19:03
CaptainPlanetNvm, I found it! :D19:03
icerootbytesaber_work: but you dont need sudo for dpkg -S :)19:03
bytesaber_workheh heh true19:04
icerootbytesaber_work: yes thats the best way, only use the newer version with a newer ubuntu-version19:04
CaptainPlanetIs there a command that can fix Ubuntu and/or Unity?19:05
phunyguy_workCaptainPlanet, is there a command to ban all trolls from this channel?19:07
CaptainPlanetMy bad!  I don't mean to be trolling.  I'm still new to Linux, so it's kinda confusing.  =/19:09
MonkeyDustwhat do you want to repair?19:09
BarbarianWhat's wrong, CaptainPlanet?19:09
oupateddieis 11.10 only available with unity?19:10
MonkeyDustoupateddie: yes19:10
Barbarian!nounity | oupateddie19:10
ubottuoupateddie: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:10
MonkeyDustah, 'only'19:10
bytesaber_worki bet the unity thing comes in here a 100 times a day19:10
CaptainPlanetUnity or Ubuntu seems to be broken (I don't know what the heck I'm talking about LOL).  I don't get what's going on with Ubuntu right now, but it's not behaving normally.19:10
Barbarianbytesaber_work, thats why nounity exists :P19:10
bytesaber_workBarbarian, lol whats that19:11
Barbarian!nounity | bytesaber_work19:11
bytesaber_worki hate that compiz is even broken for gnome3 now19:11
ubottubytesaber_work: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:11
bytesaber_workBarbarian, right.19:11
bytesaber_workBarbarian, guess i knew that19:11
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity19:11
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:12
BarbarianCaptainPlanet, any chance you could either be more specific, or post a screenshot somewhere?19:12
bytesaber_worki hopped over to LTS again.   just so i could have gnome + compiz.    i'm weird i guess for liking my rotating cube19:12
* saymoo wish ubuntu used the vanilla gnome instead of the current mumbo jumbo crappy unity shell...19:12
pnormanMy 11.10 didn't come with unity by default. It came with bash19:12
bytesaber_workis the ubuntu community in general accepting Unity?19:13
Barbariansaymoo, it's to be able to use the interface seamlessly when they jump to mobile devices19:13
badappleI'm not I switched to fedora19:13
CaptainPlanetI can't post a screenshot because I'm using the chat channel with my netbook. =/  My laptop is the one that has ubuntu on it.19:13
BarbarianCaptainPlanet, details then. Can you describe whats going wrong?19:13
saymooBarbarian, yes, they should make two editions... each edition with their special needs19:13
bytesaber_workbadapple, i enjoy fedora, but it's always dead by the time i get it all configured and a new release is out.19:13
saymooas they used to do19:14
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bytesaber_worki used to just use plain ol debian alot.19:14
CaptainPlanetI'll try.  One second---let me figure out what it is that I'm looking at.  Lol19:14
Barbariansaymoo, default is always gonna be tailored to newbies, and from experience with them unity is easier for them. Joy of linux is that you can change the defaults any which way you like.19:14
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Myrttijust a reminder for everyone that you can discuss the differenceses of GnomeShell, Unity and Gnome2 in #ubuntu-offtopic as this channel is strictly for support issues19:15
saymoothis unity, (for desktops) makes Ubuntu (and indirectly GNU/Linux) newcomers and novices a bad taste of what this new OS is all about.19:15
christian_lappyhwot disable pulse  ?19:15
BarbarianMyrtti, didn't know that channel existed, thanks for that19:15
zykotick9_christian_lappy, for one program you can use "pasuspender foo"19:16
christian_lappyzykotick9_: ok..i have teamspeak using pulse and want give wine direct access to alsa..will that work ?19:17
kernelpanickerajoin #.inux19:17
CaptainPlanetOkay, so my menu bar seems to be working fine again, but my launch bar is messed up because I have the functioning Unity 3D launch bar on top of my crashy not working 2D launch bar.  There's a process in the terminal that's still going, and it's just yelling at me with warning messages.  I think it is because Unity crashed earlier or when I tried to reset it in the command line.19:17
zykotick9_christian_lappy, no idea - good luck :)19:17
saymooBarbarian, i'm done with these "markisms" (markism = Mark (shuttleworth) his wish, is ubuntu developers command.. meaning if he want something to be included by default, it will be done, no matter if it sucks or not... HE does not care about the community apparently)19:18
Myrttisaymoo: please take it to some other channel, this channel is for support only.19:18
marsfligthHow to set the 'old' Gnome menu? I mean the one with menus, basically that is default in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Thanks19:18
BarbarianCaptainPlanet, any idea what the process is?19:19
Barbarian!nounity | marsfligth19:19
ubottumarsfligth: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:19
ThinkT510saymoo: have you tried alternatives? xubuntu, kubuntu, lubuntu? if you don't like unity, don't use it19:19
LiNuX`supis there a way to get network folders to show for example when clicking on upload from a website to upload a picture and it's in a network folder... network folders even ones that are bookmarked do not appear19:19
CaptainPlanetlet me find my task manager.19:19
saymooThinkT510, that's not my point ;) but i am not allowed to discuss this any further (see post of myrtti), so stop that (respecting the request) :)19:20
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oupateddiecan one rollback from 11.10 to 11.04?19:21
BarbarianLiNuX`sup, didn't respond because I have no idea ^^19:22
ThinkT510oupateddie: no19:22
h00koupateddie: nicely, no.19:22
Barbarianoupateddie, not without wiping the partition and re-installing from scratch19:22
CaptainPlanetNope, I can't tell which one it is.  Umm.... I got a message that says this:  " ** (gnome-system-monitor:1358): WARNING **: SELinux was found but is not enabled. "  Is that bad?  =O19:22
saymooyes... but with too much effort ;)19:22
h00kAlthough, if you keep your /home on a separate partition, it may make things like reinstallations easy and not so devistating19:22
h00kor do backups, or something19:22
shaxsI have installed both 10.4 and 11.10. I have a Radeon 3450. Anytime I keep the Radeon in there the system runs slow, mouse moves super choppy ect. If I remove the video card and use on board, it runs great. I have tried installing Catalyst/fglrx and that didnt help. I then purged that driver and all x.org ati related drivers19:23
sstabackups are harder with modern HD sizes19:23
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ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity19:23
phunyguy_work!caps | jakklyn19:23
ubottujakklyn: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:23
phunyguy_workHAH that was a guess19:24
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:24
jakklyn!EAT THE SHIT OUT OF MY ASS phunyguy_work19:24
CaptainPlanetI'm just gonna restart my computer.....  yeeeaaaaah.....  o_^;19:24
phunyguy_work!language | jakklyn19:24
ubottujakklyn: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:24
BarbarianCaptainPlanet, Good luck19:24
jakklyn!EAT THE FAECES OF OF MY RECTUM phunyguy_work19:25
ubottujakklyn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:25
llutz!ops | jakklyn19:25
enchiladoOh dear.19:25
ubottujakklyn: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!19:25
LiNuX`suphonestly if half you guys tough it up for a few days you will get used to and see the benefits of unity... I think it's only fail which isn't anything major is it's issues with compiz19:25
phunyguy_workhahaha awesome.19:25
jakklynIM INNOCENT19:25
enchiladoLiNuX`sup: I have been using Unity for months.19:25
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enchiladoI still don’t like it.19:25
pangolinjakklyn: drop the caps and mind your language please19:25
trinimoseshi all19:25
llutzenchilado: then don't use it19:26
phunyguy_workso he says OK with caps.19:26
trinimosesI am getting an error in my apache2 log about favicon.ico not found19:26
pangolinphunyguy_work: I'll handle it.19:26
trinimoseshow can i stop this error19:26
trinimosesi dont have a favicon.ico19:26
phunyguy_workwow, really? ok.19:26
LiNuX`supwell to each their own...  :)19:26
iceroottrinimoses: then create a favicon.ico if you want it19:26
enchiladollutz: I won’t be for much longer, but I’m getting a new computer very soon so I’m not bothering to install anything else on this one19:27
iceroottrinimoses: or download an exisiting19:27
LiNuX`suppersonally the only thing I miss is my pretty compiz effects19:27
Barbariantrinimoses, Try making one (theres a million web-based image converters online) and see if putting one in there fixes it19:27
cblondinanyone else here using Irssi?19:27
MonkeyDustcblondin: yes19:27
Myrtticblondin: plenty of people19:27
iceroot!anyone | cblondin19:27
icerootcblondin: #irssi19:27
llutzenchilado: there are about hundreds of other DE/WMs, just pick a different one.19:27
ubottucblondin: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:27
icerootthere should be a automated message from ubottu if someone is starting with "anyone"19:28
BarbarianAnd pangolin smoteth the infidel. :P19:28
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MonkeyDustanyone knows how to write such an automated script? :p19:29
enchiladollutz: I know… I’m probably going to try another distro first though, I’ve only ever used Ubuntu and, some years ago, Fedora19:29
ninucsdebian ftw19:29
icerootninucs: #debian19:29
machiolatewhat's the purpose of adding a signing key for a program? what exactly does this do?19:29
ninucsi use ubuntu mainly because of my weird internet connection here at the barrackss, i'm not able to get a recent version of debian19:30
machiolatecool ninucs, what branch?19:30
llutzninucs: tell in #ubuntu-offtopic19:30
ninucsmachiolate: you can verify that you get a genuine version19:31
ninucsllutz: what to tell?19:31
machiolateahh, ok cool. thanks.19:31
llutzninucs: all your offtopic stuff19:31
ninucsah, sry ;)19:31
saymooeach topic in ontopic, since it's a topic on it's own ;)19:31
saymooso offtopic in essence does not exist19:32
machiolatewhere would I add this? " curl https://www.kismetwireless.net/code/dists/kismet-release.gpg | sudo apt-key add - " <------ to my sources.list?19:32
llutzmachiolate: just run it once19:33
machiolateahh, ok. so just type it into the terminal?19:33
llutzmachiolate: yes, it will get the gpg-key and add it to your system19:33
NesSeHi! Does someone know if its possible to install mysql 5.5 on Ubuntu server 11.10? i only find packages for mysql 5.119:34
Barbariansaymoo, Which means offtopic is just an excuse to have a normal conversation that meanders through different topics19:34
machiolatenice, thanks again llutz.19:35
h00ksaymoo, Barbarian: please keep the conversation here ontopic. You're aware of #ubuntu-offtopic.  Thanks :)19:35
machiolateare you a reservist llutz?19:35
llutzmachiolate: nope19:35
machiolatewhich branch?19:36
NesSemy question is in this topic right ?:)19:36
h00k!ot | machiolate19:36
ubottumachiolate: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:36
ninucsNesSe: why didnÄt you look for it at the distributors website?19:36
machiolateAnyways, thanks for your service.19:36
saymooNesSe, yes itś possible (if there is no ppa you could always compile it from sourcecode).19:36
llutzNesSe: you'll need to find a ppa with that version or build it yourself19:36
machiolateThat is all.19:36
shaxsso it seems as though ati support in linux isnt as good as the support for nividia?19:37
saymooshaxs, i run with AMD cards, no problems here (runs fast!)19:37
phunyguy_workshaxs, the open source drivers actually work quite well19:38
shaxssaymoo im trying to run a hadeon 3450 and as soon as I click my name to login it runs but slow19:38
phunyguy_workjust not sure on gaming performance.19:38
shaxsvery choppy mouse movement like I am remote logged in via the internet...driving me nuts19:38
shaxsI dont need gaming performance19:40
shaxsjust desktop performance19:40
phunyguy_workdid you install the restricted driver?19:40
phunyguy_workif so, remove it.19:40
phunyguy_worki had issues with it as well..  Dual monitors wouldn't work19:40
shaxsI have tried installing Catalyst/fglrx and that didnt help. I then purged that driver and all x.org ati related drivers19:40
fission6i made myself have sudo privellages but it ask me for my password if i do sudo ls or something any ideas how to fix this19:41
saymooshaxs, ok, well i have a HD6850 with amd drivers, and i can run quite everything (incl. 3d) witout hickups19:41
shaxssaymoo so weird. This card was jsut pulled from my main desktop no issues19:41
vip_hello. can someone tell me please how to add time to mplayer config. ?19:42
saymooshaxs, i honestly couldn't tell you what it could be.. (since i have no personal bad referencing point to compare)19:43
_6ihi guys, i played around  with using jack instead of alsa for a couple of apps, and i ended up somehow making my audio-in unusable -> it's so quiet, that even with max input volume in alsa (over 100%) i get only 1 bar when i hit the mic against the desk (for more subtle stimuli there is no indication of any input..)19:43
_6iwhen booting from usb, all works fine19:43
_6ianyone, any idea?19:44
mant1sanyone ever have trouble getting Ubuntu installed on an old SCSI seagate cheetah?19:45
machiolatewhat is the apt-get command when installing a program to use in order to make sure that you are promted at every possible issue during the install? i.e. that nothing is assumed19:45
vip_hello. can someone tell me please how to add time to mplayer config. ?19:45
bekksmant1s: Just ask what you really want to know.19:46
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_6ivip_: time? what do mean?19:47
mant1sbekks: okay..anyone know if there's a driver for an old SCSI seagate cheetah drive...?19:47
bcxHi there, I am having a strange problem where my server boots19:47
bcxbut only after I am sitting at the initramfs prompt19:48
bcxand type exit19:48
bcxI don't see any errors in the syslog19:48
bcxI tried increasing the rootdelay19:48
bekksmant1s: A harddisk never needed a driver. The scsi controller does need one.19:48
bekksmant1s: Which install CD did you use?19:48
vip_normaly u need to press o to mplayer show u time of track I want to he show that by default19:48
bcxit seems that the only thing that matters is I type exit, at the initramfs19:48
_6ivip_: you might want to consider writing to #mplayer channel19:48
mant1sbekks: ubuntu server 3219:48
bekksmant1s: Which Ubuntu version?19:49
vip_thanks I didnt know so they have channel19:49
steph_hello, does anyone know of an active channel discussing Live  USB creation?19:50
mant1sbekks: it's a poweredge 6450 ;)19:50
_6ivip_: i would use the command-line parameter explained in the manual page (man mplayer)19:50
* mant1s learns how to use google 19:50
bekksmant1s: Thats not an Ubuntu version.19:50
webroastershi guys. I'm trying to get some videos off of  a canon hd cmos camcorder, and I've got it mounted, and I can see files, but not one particular file like a AVI or similar19:50
mant1sbekks: ubuntu server 10.04.3 32bit19:51
webroastersis there a catch or do I need to download a piece of software to do this?19:51
steph_webroaster-you may have to convert the files into your preferred format.19:51
webroastersbut there's no particular video, it's a bunch of folders with other information inside of them.19:52
steph_hmmm. some video format has strange file extention.19:52
steph_check the size of your files and see if any are big19:53
avinashhmHI , is there any way to check what package a command is a part of ; example scp is a part of openssh-server .. any way to find openssh-server from scp  ?19:54
vip_that option is not included over there. i read that all ready19:55
llutzavinashhm: dpkg -L package, dpkg -S file (to find packages), apt-file search19:55
Micheal`sorry that was yum on the brain19:56
bllzHello!  How should I go about enabling cloned display to vga via the command line?  I'm using nvidia proprietary drivers and I don't have access to a WM19:56
_6ivip_:  i've written to you in priv19:57
bllzIn other words, is it possible to configure nvidia's twin-view without using nvidia-settings?19:57
_6ibliz: xinerama?19:57
zykotick9_6i, twinview is nvidia's version of xinerama19:57
avinashhmllutz, excellent ... dpkg commands i verfied ; but is it apt-file search ? i don't have apt-file ...19:58
basilic3hello all, I do a mistake, I have remove the libc.so.6 from my system, please help me19:58
kool_toolHave the scanner bugs been fixed in 11.10?19:58
avinashhmllutz, even " apt-cache search filename " isn't the one19:58
llutzavinashhm: apt-file doesn't come by default, it also searches packages not installed which makes it handy19:58
_6izykotick9: that is why i suggested xinerama instead19:59
avinashhmllutz, got it ... i ll install apt-file .. thanks very much man19:59
qirkIs it possible to adjust "lines per twofingervertscroll" somehow? Would like a smooth scroll as on mac19:59
_6izykotick9: it can be set up from xorg.conf19:59
bllz_6i:  Sorry, I didn't catch your message -- my username has 2 L's =)20:00
zykotick9_6i, so can twinview ;)20:00
bllzzykotick9, Do you know where I could find information about setting up twinview non-graphically?20:01
Guest72710hey guys, help please! I have two graphics cards! why? and how do I know which one I am using?20:01
zykotick9bllz, you'd need to configure it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf - but no i don't have a link handy.  Good luck.20:01
bllzzykotick9, ok thanks anyway!20:02
PowerTeamI wanna play som good all .mod and .xm files. What is the recomende player for use in ubuntu20:02
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_6ibliz: i would use xorg.conf20:03
ThinkT510_6i: you keep misspelling his nick, its bllz not bliz20:03
CaptainPlanetwhat's the command to log out?20:04
llutzbllz:  http://pastebin.com/0KJvDuLR     maybe it helps you20:04
bllz_6i, I assumed as much, but do you have any information on how to do this?20:04
bllzllutz, thank you!20:04
bllzThinkT510, thanks ;-)20:04
CaptainPlanetor a keyboard shortcut?20:04
RudyValenciaHow do I put Linux experience on a resume?20:05
RudyValencia"Linux: Any distribution or from source"?20:05
haylo_CaptainPlanet, i reccomend find ing the place to change you keybind it is under sytstem settings- RudyValencia tell them you are an awesome haxer20:05
bllzRudyValencia, open a word processor, type the words, hit ctrl + p =)20:05
bekksRudyValencia: What is "linux experience"?20:05
RudyValenciaI am writing a technician resume20:06
RudyValenciaand I'm trying to put my skillset20:06
MonkeyDustRudyValencia: there's this lady Carla Schroder20:06
haylo_tell them you have experience networking systems running propriatary and free system resources20:06
bekksRudyValencia: That doesnt have much to do with Ubuntu support I guess :)20:06
ResistanceRudyValencia:  can i /query you for a sec?20:07
_6ibllz: sorry, and in the man page `man xorg.conf' try reading about `Option "LeftOf"' and the similar ones20:07
_6ibllz: i think it should go in the monitor section, but you'll see20:08
zykotick9PowerTeam, see if ubuntu has opencubicplayer, it's kinda retro-neat20:08
bllzllutz, I see in your xorg.conf that you have the option "TwinView" set to "1".  My current xorg.conf has "DynamicTwinView" set to "False" ... do you know if these parameters are equivalent?20:08
_6ibllz: btw, i would recommend reading through the whole manual page -- it took me som time to gather the strength, but it was highly informative20:09
natschilHello. I have a (password protected) ssh certificate in my home folder for one particular computer. However, even if I connect to other computers, it asks for the password for that certificate. Is there a way to get around this?20:09
bllz_6i, yes it may well come to that =)20:09
magoosterwhere can i get help with Thunderbird?20:09
llutzbllz: idk20:09
PowerTeamzykotick9, il check it out20:10
onikkhi, is there anyone online who'd have the time/patience/expertise to help me enable HDMI output on optimus+ion2?20:10
magoosterwhere can i get help with Thunderbird?20:10
Barbarianonikk, you got either ironhide or bumblebee yet?20:12
bllzIf I wanted to set the default monitor to be my external monitor connected via VGA, is "xrandr --output VGA-0 --primary" a safe way to do it?  Is this permanent?20:12
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onikkBarbarian: I tried Ironhide but couldn't get the output working, just the acceleration20:13
Barbarianonikk, Ok, thats a step in the right direction. Just doing some reading to find out what ion2 is, brb20:14
_6ibllz: using xrandr is not permanent20:14
_6ibllz: however i recall, there has been a way to set xrandr changes to be permanent...20:14
_6ibllz: i just dont remember how.. :)20:15
bllz_6i, I suppose I could always use a startup script =/ ... what the hell, I'll bite the bullet and edit xorg.conf.20:15
bllz_6i, This now has me thinking of that xkcd comic about xorg.conf =)20:15
steph_hi, does anyone know if it is possible to resize a partition on usb that contains a bootable os???20:15
bllzsteph_, it should be possible20:15
steph_I have tried with gparted but get an error...20:15
bllzsteph_, what's the error?20:15
onikkBarbarian: I think the difficulty is that the HDMI port is on the nvidia chip, not connected to the intel chip...20:15
_6ibllz: i missed that - link?20:16
steph_ btw it's formatted fat32, 4gb kingston, with debian live in one big partition...20:16
haylo_steph_ yes but it can be tricky i have had mixed sucess wiht gparted20:16
bllz_6i, http://xkcd.com/963/20:16
shaxsDo you think a AMD Sempron 130 Sargas 2.6GHz would be enough processing power to act as a simple media server?20:16
_6ibllz: thx20:16
steph_basically i have one big debian usb partition and i want to make it into persistent...20:16
urtoHi, how can i change the system graphic in gnome?20:16
PowerTeamI must say i am very please with the new ubuntu on me netbook, on think i didnt like is the default geust user. but i was pretty easy disabel20:17
bllz_6i, behold the awful truth!20:17
_6isteph_: if you don't move the partition (change where it starts on the drive), it should work20:17
_6ibtw, does anyone have any idea about my problem? -> i played around  with using jack instead of alsa for a couple of apps, and i ended up somehow making my audio-in unusable -> it's so quiet, that even with max input volume in alsa (over 100%) i get only 1 bar when i hit the mic against the desk (for more subtle stimuli there is no indication of any input..); when booting from usb, all works fine20:17
steph_i put no space before the partition, only try to make unallocated space after.20:18
Barbarianonikk, can't seem to find anyone else with your problem, closest is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1552250 but thats audio, not graphics20:18
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity20:18
_6isteph_: i think it should have work, but what the hell, i'm no guru.. :D20:18
ShapeShifter499I'm trying to set up a certificate authority and I'm getting this error ---> pastebin.com/DcGnH1nA20:19
steph__6i: yes me neither20:19
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ShapeShifter499can someone help?20:19
steph_it  was a big error, but at the end it says:20:19
steph_libparted messages    ( INFO )20:19
steph_     20:19
steph_GNU Parted cannot resize this partition to this size. We're working on it!20:19
steph_The file system is bigger than its volume!20:19
vip_hi. I have problem with mplayer. I try explain what I want. When I open terminal and show to him path to song ( mp3 ) I have sound and all information about that song. When I click by mouse the same song I have only sound - no info at all. My question is: how to set up mplayer to he show u all information about song when u choose track by mouse, not by typping path in terminal?20:19
FloodBot1steph_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:19
onikkBarbarian: yeah, i've seen audio topics too but nothing about video. it's as if everyone elses HDMI is just plug 'n' play :/20:19
gateway_i installed ubuntu server 11.10 on a gateway all-in-one series ZX and no image displays on the screen20:20
zykotick9gateway_, tried nomodeset yet?20:20
zykotick9!nomodeset > gateway_20:20
ubottugateway_, please see my private message20:20
borisbI have a problem, Unity won't start anymore on Ubuntu 11.10. It shows the desktop, icons and desktop menu, but the launcher is not showing (It works if I select 2D at the login screen). It worked fine until I opened compiz settings manager and closed it without changing anything. Please help, it's my wife's laptop and she will bite by head off :)20:21
Barbarianborisb, try doing compiz --replace in terminal if you can get it open without a launcher20:22
ShapeShifter499I'm trying to set up a certificate authority and I'm getting this error ---> pastebin.com/DcGnH1nA20:22
borisbIcan on tty1, would that work?20:22
Barbarianyeah, if you declare --display 020:23
borisbok, will try20:23
bllzwhat does DFP-0 stand for in the context of X11?20:24
gateway_thanks ubottu and zykotick9 i'm reading ubottu's note20:24
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots20:25
llutzbllz: 1st digital output (dvi here)20:26
bllzllutz:  oh okay that makes sense.  Would this include VGA as well?20:26
llutzbllz: vga = analog, so i doubt20:26
bllzllutz do you happen to know the equivalent for analog?20:27
llutzbllz: nope20:27
bllzllutz, okay thanks.  your answer shoudl make googling easier =)20:27
llutzbllz:  CRTx  i guess20:28
bllzllutz, I suspect you're right20:28
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_6ibllz: i think it was VGA-0 :)20:28
_6ibllz: (and so on..)20:29
bllz_6i, of course!  It's staring right at me too20:29
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bllzand another quick question... what's the recommended way of restarting X from the command line?20:29
bllzI tried /etc/init.d/X11 restart, but the command wasn't found20:29
Lasersbllz: Restart your GDM/Lightdm instead.20:29
bllzLasers, I don't believe I have that installed20:30
_6ibllz: i don't know about recommended, but i use the same as Lasers said20:30
talmailightdm is the gdm substitute for the newest ubuntu?20:30
bllzLasers, I'm running an ubuntu minimal install20:30
bllztalmai, yes20:30
_6ibllz: you cannot run a wm without a dm20:30
borisb@barbarian: I'm getting 'Unknown option --reset'20:31
Laserstalmai: Yes. Since Unity is not Gnome3. They made their own *dm and it's lighter.20:31
bllz_6i, I'm not running a wm20:31
_6ibllz: you do not have a graphical environment?20:31
Barbarianborisb, just did --help, it's --replace, sry20:31
bllz_6i, maybe I'm unclear on what a WM is exactly, but I don't believe I have one.  I do have a graphical environment, however.20:31
MonkeyDusta window manager lets you open, close and move windows20:32
bllzMonkeyDust, okay that's how I understood it20:32
bllzin that case, no, I do not have a WM20:32
bllznor do I want one20:32
borisb@barbarian: "Fatal: Could not open display". I added --display 0, doing from tty120:32
Barbariantry from a higher level, like ctrl+alt+F520:33
Lasersbllz: Okay. What are you using?20:33
_6ibllz: the most common dm-s (desktop managers) are (in ubuntu): lightdm (ships with unity), gdm (ships with gnome), kdm (ships with kde)20:33
bllzLasers, this is an ubuntu minimal installation20:33
bllzLasers, so I have X11, but no WM20:33
munzxttthi! .... first is it true that linux 2.6.28 is not managing power properly and the upgraded karnel has solved this issue ?! ... if so ... how can i upgrade it?! .... btw ,,, i tried to upgrade it following steps showed in this website( http://www.howopensource.com/2011/08/how-to-compile-and-install-linux-kernel-3-0-in-ubuntu-11-04-10-10-and-10-04/)but a got an error!20:33
bllzor rather, X11 was installed post-hoc20:34
whoeveris there a fix /away to install quanta it seems to not be avilable in 11.1020:34
Lasersbllz: So you're on irssi right now? You can start X11 with "startx" -- It'll read ~/.xinitrc20:34
borisb@barbarian: nope, still fatal20:34
bllzLasers, starting X isn't the problem.  I'd like to restart it20:34
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bllzLasers, should I just do a killall xorg?20:34
_6ibllz: how did you start it?20:34
bllz_6i, it starts at boot20:35
h00k!kernelcompile | munzxttt this may help you20:35
ubottumunzxttt this may help you: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)20:35
Barbarianborisb, Try it again with -v, and see if you get more detail on that error20:35
Guest29953Hi everyone. I was trying to fix a dual monitor issue and followed some advice saying to delete monitor.xml, unfortunately this cause some serious issues and now 3d unity is broken and system config > monitor only shows one monitor. I20:35
bllzwhatever I'll just restart the machine20:35
Lasersbllz: Try hitting CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE.20:36
ZiberWhats the package name for apache mod_rewrite? I can't seem to find it.20:36
borisb@barbarian: Unknown option -v20:36
_6iLasers: won't help20:36
surfdueI have a bash file that runs after a push from Git, I need to run a fix permissions script after it runs as root, or a priviledged user. Whats the best and safest way to do this?20:36
bllzLasers, I should have mentioned this is via SSH.  No keyboard access =/  It's okay though, I just restarted20:36
bllzthe server that is20:36
scrubuntuHello! How do I get rid of this message? Enter password to unlock your login keyring  The password you use to log in to your computer no longer matches that of your login keyring.20:36
surfdueThe user running the bash script is git, an unpriviledged member who only has access to the web directory20:36
_6ictrl+alt+backspace restarts the dm if the key combination is even enabled20:36
munzxtttubottu : thanks , actually i am a newbie and i dont know what's the benefit of compiling it by my own! :)20:37
ubottumunzxttt: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:37
slinzexhow can I make identical copy of SOURCE in DESTINATION ? I have problems with files like arcívo20:38
munzxtttubottu : lolz :) you are intelligent :)20:38
ubottumunzxttt: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:38
Barbarianborisb, Ok, this probably wont work, but worth a try: same thing, but --display:020:38
Guest29953is there  a way to rebuild the monitor.xml?20:38
_6ibllz: i'm guessing here, but maybe `sudo service x11-common restart' could have worked20:38
Lasersscrubuntu: Install seahorse. You can use blank password (for unsafe) without any password prompt or put in a new password.20:38
Guest29953I've logged out/in, reset-up nvida-settings, rebooted but there's no monitor.xml20:39
bllz_6i, I'll give it a shot in about 30s20:39
borisb@Barbarian: I made a .sh file and ran it, which gave me terminal in X session. I ran 'compiz --replace' from it and it reset the compositioning but still no unity...20:40
Barbarianborisb, Ok, now type "unity" in terminal20:40
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we2seekhi 2 all20:41
WeissWaschbaeri need to modprobe pcspkr at startup, how to proceed?20:41
_6ibllz: i never tried it however -> i always restart the dm with `restart lightdm/gdm/kdm' or `service lightdm/gdm/kdm restart' or `/etc/init.d/lightdm restart' (-||- for gdm & kdm)20:42
scrubuntuLasers: Thanks dude20:42
Lasersscrubuntu: NP.20:42
_6iWeissWaschbaer: there is a file you have to put the modules name in, but i can't recall which20:43
_6iWeissWaschbaer: but i remember, it contains only module names, no commands and such20:44
Ludo237Hello :D20:44
machiolatewhat is the equivalent of ./configure for ubuntu?20:45
borisb@Barbarian: Typing 'unity' does nothing. Only suspicious thing is the first line 'unity-panel-service: no process found'20:45
_6iWeissWaschbaer: i read a tutorial once, where i had to load a module "manually"...i'll try to look it up..20:45
machiolateor do i need to install ./configure?20:45
Barbarianborisb, unity --replace also does nothing?20:45
andrew-mhow do you generate a monitor.xml config file?20:46
ThinkT510machiolate: what are you trying to compile?20:46
h00kmartian: ./configure works, if you're compiling something?20:46
Lasersmachiolate: Check the database for existing package first. Check PPA. If you're not familiar, use ./configure as a last resort. Also, see !checkinstall20:46
h00kmachiolate: kismet is in the repos20:46
h00kmachiolate: you don't need to compile it, you can just apt-get install kismet, or use the Software Center20:47
icerooth00k: sudo apt-get install kismet20:47
WeissWaschbaer_6i: ok ill try looking for it also20:47
icerooth00k: wrong nick20:47
machiolatei'm trying to run it with suid/root privelages which requires downloading, compiling20:47
icerootmachiolate: sudo apt-get install kismet20:47
machiolateif i apt-get install i can only run as root it says20:47
h00kmachiolate: so, 'gksudo kismet' from a terminal to run it as root20:48
borisb@barbarian: what's the equiv. of 'stop gdm' in 11.10?20:48
surfdueany idea?20:48
icerootborisb: sudo service gdm stop20:48
machiolatei don't want to run as root20:48
machiolatei'm trying to run it more secure20:48
ThinkT510iceroot: 11.10 uses lightdm by default, not gdm20:48
h00kmachiolate: then you're not going to get the features that it needs root for20:48
_6iWeissWaschbaer: patience, i already remembered what the tutorial was for..20:49
machiolateyou can h00k, but you need to compile it by yourself, it takes some work & configuring. i figured it would be a good learning experience20:49
icerootborisb: then lightdm if that is the default (i dont know i am not running gnome/unity)20:49
borisb@iceroot: ty20:49
_6iWeissWaschbaer: i should have it bookmarked20:49
machiolateonly certain elements of kismet are run as root when you use the suid method of installing20:49
icerootmachiolate: its always a good idea to be interested in something and learn new things20:49
llutzmachiolate: running it suid/root is as bad as using sudo. it runs with root-permission in both cases.20:50
borisb@barbarian: nope, 'unity --replace20:50
machiolateit starts as root then changes to a simple user, isn't that better than just staying as root?20:50
borisbstill does nothing\20:50
whoeveris quanta/quanta -plus really dead?? , not activly developed/maintained?20:50
llutzmachiolate: doesn't make a real difference20:50
machiolatehell, the developers claim its more secure! wouldn't they know! lol20:50
Barbarianborisb, Well, you could always sudo apt-get remove --purge unity, then sudo apt-get install unity. Thatd be sure to reset it.20:50
* RaTTuS|BIG Humps empity20:50
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )20:50
machiolateso they're just pulling my leg eh?20:50
icerootwhoever: have a look at the site from the maintainers20:51
_6iWeissWaschbaer: it seams, the file is /etc/modules20:51
bllzllutz, _6i, Xorg.conf == great success!  Thank you so much for your help!20:51
llutzbllz: yw20:51
whoevericeroot: it looks down, can't reach it so didn't know if they are having site problems or dead20:51
_6iWeissWaschbaer: open your /etc/modules file and add the modulename to the list of modules20:51
bllz_6i, and the easiest way to kill X11 ended up being "killall Xorg" followed by "startx".  Ugly, but functional =)20:51
AdhamSabryI have added gnome 3 source to the rep. to be able to update it if there are any updates released, but then I'm unable to open ubuntu software center anymore, so I went back to the reps. and removed it but then I still unable, rebooted many times, and still the problem exists20:52
icerootmachiolate: but more secure is to use software from the repos which is getting security-updates. compiling stuff by your own will not get any security-updates20:52
icerootwhoever: ah ok20:52
_6iWeissWaschbaer: If you are using a standard Ubuntu kernel, this should be all you need to do.20:52
AdhamSabryand here is the error: E:Type 'ain' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome3-team-gnome3-oneiric.list20:52
icerootAdhamSabry: paste that file please20:52
icerootAdhamSabry: also gnome3 is in the 11.10 repos20:52
AdhamSabrywhich file please?20:53
icerootAdhamSabry: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome3-team-gnome3-oneiric.list20:53
dtoebeHow do I add a path to my bash file for a file in my home folder [using 10.10, with an unencrypted home folder]20:53
machiolateok ... I guess I'll just install with the package manager20:53
llutzdtoebe: create and use ~/bin for own executables, it will be added to your path20:53
Lasersdtoebe: Put it in ~/bin and hope it works.20:53
reisican pulseaudio be configured to always output to both audio devices (integrated and hdmi)?20:53
machiolateif that's the case20:53
AdhamSabrythere is nothing but "ain" in it, iceroot20:54
c3llhey guys20:54
reisior somehow auto-switch the outputs (when hdmi is in use, use it, otherwise integrated)20:54
icerootAdhamSabry: then delete that file20:54
Barbarianhey c3ll20:54
dtoebeLasers: not sure what that means20:54
icerootAdhamSabry: after that it should be working again20:54
AdhamSabrywhat is the delete command in terminal please?20:54
icerootAdhamSabry: rm20:54
icerootAdhamSabry: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome3-team-gnome3-oneiric.list20:54
Lasersdtoebe: Create a directory 'bin' in your home directory. /home/dtoebe/bin.  Put the bash script there.20:55
icerootAdhamSabry: and please remeber, gnome3 is in the 11.10 repos already, you just have to install "gnome-shell" with "sudo apt-get install gnome-shell"20:55
AdhamSabryI installed it iceroot20:55
AdhamSabrybut it's not there...20:55
adi11hello everyone. i am having a very funny time with  my ubuntu and i cant seem to find whats going on. latest 11.10 installed on hp dv 6700 amd cpu, nvidia card with proprietary 285 drivers installed, hdd 200gb, dual boot with win7. it fails to load the sys exactly once every two times. after grub page i choose ubuntu and it starts loading the os. immediatley it send  me on a busybox (initramfs) where i give a ctrl+alt+del. after reboot it loads g20:55
icerootAdhamSabry: you have to choose gnome3 in the logon-screen as a session20:56
munzxttthi! ... how can i upgrade linux kernel  to 3.1 on ubuntu ?!20:56
munzxttthi! ... how can i upgrade linux kernel  to 3.1 on ubuntu 11.04 ?!20:56
iceroot!backports | munzxttt20:56
ubottumunzxttt: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging20:56
AdhamSabryhere are the files there iceroot: atareao-atareao-oneiric.list   sargentd-beaverdbg-oneiric.listatareao-atareao-oneiric.list.save  sargentd-beaverdbg-oneiric.list.save  n-muench-burg-oneiric.list   webupd8team-gnome3-oneiric.listn-muench-burg-oneiric.list.save    webupd8team-gnome3-oneiric.list.save20:56
icerootmunzxttt: is there a special reason you need 3.1?20:56
adi11i have never had a trick like this in ubuntu.20:56
adi11but its like the pc or the os is playing with me.20:57
AdhamSabry(I'm already using gnome3 iceroot), I'm talking about the update itself20:57
AdhamSabryI would like it's updates to be included in the update manager20:57
munzxttticeroot : i heard and read that 2.6.28 can not manage power properly!20:57
icerootmunzxttt: 3.1 cant do it too20:57
icerootmunzxttt: same issue like in 2.6.3820:57
munzxttticeroot : :( what about older versions!?20:58
_6iadi11: haven't you installed ubuntu on an usb stick?.. :D -> some motherboards won't recognize it right after you booted from it20:58
icerootmunzxttt: imo everything below 2.6.38 is not affected20:58
ardian_Is PyQt in the repo ?20:58
adi11_6i : yes20:59
_6iadi11: the usb stick, not ubuntu20:59
adi11i installed it fro the usb stick20:59
icerootardian_: find out with "apt-cache search searchstring"20:59
munzxttticeroot : so if i fall back to 10.04 would i face the same issue?20:59
_6iadi11: from is no problem, only to20:59
icerootmunzxttt: no20:59
adi11_6i :what do you mean :) i dont understand21:00
iceroot!info linux-image lucid21:00
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)21:00
ardian_iceroot, thank you21:00
icerootmunzxttt: no 10.04 is not affected by that21:00
adi11i had a iso image of ubuntu and did the install through usb stick21:00
icerootmunzxttt: but remeber,its not a linux issue, its an issue about bad hardware-developers and strange propitary stuff in that21:00
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adi11_6i : i had a iso image of ubuntu and did the install through usb stic21:01
AdhamSabryiceroot, how can I know the version of the current gnome that I have?21:01
munzxttticeroot : :) .... thanks ! .... one more question plz .... will i need to go through installing drivers headache on 10.04 ... i am linux newbie!21:01
icerootmunzxttt: normally not, everything should work by default21:01
icerootmunzxttt: but you can use a live-cd to find out if everything is deteced and working21:02
_6iadi11: i had run knoppix with a persistent image from a usb stick once (settings and files remain after reboot), and if i restarted, i got a boot failure -> the hardware didn't find the usb stick -> i had to power down and after that it worked again21:02
iamartoubuntu 11.10 Rocks. Except for the name maybe, cause I don't get it :)21:02
munzxttticeroot : :) thanks you are doing an awesome work! thanks again :) bye!21:02
icerootAdhamSabry: i guess "apt-cache policy gnome"21:02
iceroot!info gnome21:02
hanasakiis there any target date to fix openjdk7 to not depend on openjdk7?  also to package the sun java7 jdk?21:03
armor-64Hi I have a problem here!the sound in Ubuntu stopped working!!!!solution??21:03
ubottugnome (source: meta-gnome3): The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.0+1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 2 kB, installed size 56 kB21:03
iceroot!info gnome lucid21:03
ubottugnome (source: meta-gnome2): The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.28+1ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 16 kB, installed size 56 kB21:03
spiky25good work if it wasn't of unity ...21:03
icerootAdhamSabry: yes "apt-cache policy gnome" everything after 1: is the gnome-version21:03
adi11_6i i used a usb stick to install my ubuntu on my hdd only the first time. now my ubu is on my hdd. and the problem does not concern usb i think..21:03
icerootmunzxttt: thank you :)21:03
LiNuX`supis there a way to enable folder preview of png files for 11.10 without installing compiz?21:04
surfduewhy wont this work? its in the sudoers file "git     ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/fixPermissions.sh"21:04
_6iadi11: then i have to agree -- no idea then..21:04
icerootarmor-64: type "alsamixer" and see if something is muted htere21:04
surfduegit cannot run sudo for that script, still ask for a password21:04
AdhamSabryalright, iceroot, I hope this make you understand me, the current gnome version is 3.0, while there is 3.2 out there21:04
LiNuX`supalso is there a preview pane available for 11.10 similar to windows?21:04
llutzsurfdue: you have to add all binaries called by that script to sudoers21:05
_6iadi11: could you explain your problem a little more clearly?..21:05
adi11can anyone tell me where to check in order to find whats prevents my os loading after grub screen?21:05
icerootAdhamSabry: only a ppa will solve that21:05
surfduellutz ok thanks21:05
icerootAdhamSabry: or maybe backports from 12.04 but i bet that will kill your system at the moment21:05
AdhamSabryand how please?21:05
AdhamSabryI don't understand?21:06
iceroot!ppa | AdhamSabry21:06
ubottuAdhamSabry: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa21:06
iceroot!backports | AdhamSabry21:06
ubottuAdhamSabry: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging21:06
armor-64iceroot: no every thing is 50 %!!!!!something else???21:06
adi11_6i: a hp laptop. installed ubuntu on it. it goes ok until after grub screen.21:06
AdhamSabryoh, yes I know ppa, but I believe gnome3 updates ppa is not there21:07
FusioniteHey Guys21:07
FusioniteQuestion, On my cloak, it says Unaffiliated/Blah21:07
icerootarmor-64: and not muted? (there is a symbol below that graphs)21:07
adi11_6i : after that it hangs on the loading ubuntu screen. once every two times.21:07
AdhamSabrybackports, I'm not sure if there is something I have requires "gnome3" updates21:07
FusioniteHow to change to say Ubuntu or something?21:07
icerootAdhamSabry: i bet there are ppas for gnome3.221:07
xanguaAdhamSabry: do you use oneiric¿21:07
Randolphhi all21:08
AdhamSabrygive me the ppa and I will check if it's there21:08
_6iadi11: if you hit Esc after grub, you will see the programs command-line output which are starting up instead of the startup screen (again Esc switches back to the image)21:08
surfduellutz: i added everything in there, git     ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/chmod,/bin/chown,/bin/bash,/usr/bin/fixPermissions.sh and the bash script is set to 331.21:08
adi11_6i : so my machine practically fail to boot ubuntu 1 out of 2 times21:08
armor-64iceroot: yes everythning is ok!!!i forgot to mantion that i am using external PCI soundcard!!!21:08
surfduestill asking for password21:08
xanguaAdhamSabry: then you have gnome 3.221:08
whoeverin ubuntu 11.10 how are you supose to add apps to the list ?21:08
AdhamSabrybecause what I find through google is pretty not there in my ppa list, so I add it and it doesn't work21:08
AdhamSabryI updated gnome 3 only21:08
xanguawhoever: sudo add-apt-repository "ppa's name"21:08
Fusionitewhoever : Int he side menu bar?21:08
AdhamSabrybut didn't add it's ppa21:08
FusioniteIn the*21:08
armor-64iceroot : but the pc is reading the card corectly!!21:08
AdhamSabrydidn't work with me21:08
icerootarmor-64: with f6 you can choose the soundcard, is the correct one selected?21:08
Anton2khhahhah funny ice cream men from africa lol now this is funny http://www.clipcrowd.com/2011/11/funny-ice-cream-men/21:09
adi11_6i: ok i will try that now.21:09
icerootarmor-64: in alsamixer21:09
AdhamSabryplease, can you xangua and iceroot, send me the ppa?21:09
xanguaAdhamSabry: you make no sence, ubuntu oneiric comes with gnome 3.2 by default21:09
icerootAdhamSabry: i dont know a ppa about it i am not using gnome anymore, so my only answer to that ppa would be google, sorry21:09
_6iadi11: when a "bad" boot is in order, hit Esc, and whatch out for any error msgs21:09
llutzsurfdue: 311??? it has to be readable to be executed21:09
Fusionitewhoever : ??21:09
icerootxangua: with gnome 3.021:09
AdhamSabrywell, the current gnome is gnome 3.021:09
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surfduellutz: i dont want other users able to see it21:09
AdhamSabrywhile there is gnome 3.2 but I dno't have it21:09
iceroot!info gnome | xangua21:10
whoeverFusionite: yes the side bar and ie : i had to download vuescan and it does not show up when i search in dash21:10
surfduellutz: i thought sudo would make it readable since the users essentially is root21:10
ubottuxangua: gnome (source: meta-gnome3): The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.0+1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 2 kB, installed size 56 kB21:10
llutzsurfdue:it _has to be readable_ to be executed21:10
adi11_6i: ok i will do that now and report back :) thanks21:10
surfduellutz: works for me under root21:10
AdhamSabryyessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss iceroooooooooot21:10
Fusionitewhoever : Should we do this in a PM??21:10
armor-64iceroot : yes i check that too but nothing!!!it's weard because one day when i open the pc it wasind working,the on board sound is working!!21:10
icerootarmor-64: sounds strange, sorry dont know another solution21:10
AdhamSabrythat is what I have iceroot and xangua21:10
whoeverFusionite:  sure21:10
surfduellutz: works now21:10
surfduellutz: still 31121:10
AdhamSabry!info gnome | xangua21:11
ubottuxangua: gnome (source: meta-gnome3): The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.0+1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 2 kB, installed size 56 kB21:11
llutzsurfdue: really? ... sry then, i was wrong21:11
surfduellutz: ya its funny git cant even read the file with sudo. but can execute it :)21:11
icerootAdhamSabry: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas/1821:11
surfdueisnt that why we have execute, read, write?21:11
icerootAdhamSabry: use at your own risk21:11
surfduellutz: you did help me with the binaries ty.21:11
_6iadi11: write in priv if i dont answer21:11
armor-64iceroot: me too my friend,i consider to format or instaling gnome 3 to see if it is working!by the way in windows 7 the card is working perfect!21:11
llutzsurfdue: ya due to sudo... usual case is hiding scripts from users, which doesn't work if they should run it21:12
_6ibtw, does anyone have any idea about my problem? -> i played around  with using jack instead of alsa for a couple of apps, and i ended up somehow making my audio-in unusable -> it's so quiet, that even with max input volume in alsa (over 100%) i get only 1 bar when i hit the mic against the desk (for more subtle stimuli there is no indication of any input..); when booting from usb, all works fine21:12
icerootarmor-64: you are not using gnome at the moment?21:12
icerootarmor-64: i am asking because lubuntu is not using pulse-audio by default21:12
armor-64iceroot: not event installed,i am using alsamixer,the default by installing ubuntu21:13
icerootarmor-64: then you should also have pulseaudio when using normal ubuntu21:13
icerootarmor-64: i am not sure if "pavucontrol" is installed by default but its a nice app to manage volume for different soundcards, maybe have a look there21:14
AdhamSabryiceroot, I can't actually find the ppa21:14
armor-64iceroot: i give it a shot!w8 a second and i will tell you the result21:15
trismAdhamSabry: the gnome apps in oneiric are already gnome 3.2, only the gnome meta package is old (gnome-shell version is 3.2.1)21:15
AdhamSabryIsn't updates are always about new features or improvements or bug fixes? I'm using gnome 3.0 and would like to update it to 3.2, what's the bad in that?21:15
AdhamSabrytrism, I already checked...................21:15
trism!info gnome-shell | AdhamSabry21:15
ubottuAdhamSabry: gnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 1082 kB, installed size 4956 kB21:15
AdhamSabrythere is no that21:15
icerootAdhamSabry: inside a ubuntu release you will only get security updates, enver feature updates21:16
icerootAdhamSabry: because of not changing big things during an update21:16
AdhamSabryI have installed gnome-shell http://www.gnome.org/gnome-3/ actually seperately after installing ubuntu 11.1021:16
icerootAdhamSabry: ah gnome-shell is 3.2 then you are using the latest version21:16
AdhamSabryI'm not using 3.221:16
icerootAdhamSabry: just use "sudo apt-get install gnome-shell" to get gnome3.221:16
AdhamSabryI'm using 3.000021:16
icerootAdhamSabry: you are using gnome3.0 with gnome-shell3.221:17
AdhamSabryhow can I know the gnome-shell version please?21:17
icerootAdhamSabry: apt-cache policy gnome-shell21:17
_6idoes anyone have any idea about my problem? -> i played around  with using jack instead of alsa for a couple of apps, and i ended up somehow making my audio-in unusable -> it's so quiet, that even with max input volume in alsa (over 100%) i get only 1 bar when i hit the mic against the desk (for more subtle stimuli there is no indication of any input..); when booting from usb, all works fine21:17
icerootAdhamSabry: or better "apt-cache show gnome-shell"21:18
armor-64iceroot: sorry to tell this but the program you told me it's telling me that it's working perfectly the sound,i will install gnome and see if it works!!if not then format!!!21:18
iceroot_6i: sounds like the mic-boost option is missing21:18
AdhamSabryiceroot :D21:19
icerootarmor-64: and what are you using at the moment when not gnome?21:19
AdhamSabryI guess I was checking the gnome only not the shell :D21:19
icerootAdhamSabry: yes me too21:19
icerootAdhamSabry: strange gnome-thing21:19
AdhamSabrywell, yes gnome-shell is correct, it's 3.221:19
_6iiceroot: any idea how can i turn it back on -> no indication in sound preferences..21:20
iceroot_6i: good question, i am also always searching for that option21:20
armor-64iceroot : unity! i give up on gnome becouse gnome 3 is not the style that i like,ubuntu 10.04 style is what i liked much!!!21:20
iceroot_6i: try "alsamixer" and press "f4"21:20
icerootarmor-64: for me unity and gnome3 is the same :)21:20
Guest72710if i have "switchable" graphics how do i switch?  how do i know which one i'm using?21:20
icerootGuest72710: nvidia ion?21:21
tioxI had made a specific-purpose account for my computer with a really long "Real name", and I want to change it so it only displays the username. It would also give me more panel space, so yeah, the incentive of doing this is high.21:21
_6iiceroot: already tried -- interesting though, that when i boot up the fresh os, from usb, it works fine21:21
armor-64w8 i will logout and see if threre is change on sound21:21
iceroot_6i: very strange21:21
BarbarianGuest72710, If it's nvidia optimus, google ironhide.21:21
armor-64iceroot :w8 i will logout and see if threre is change on sound21:21
tioxUbuntu 11.10 BTW21:21
AdhamSabryiceroot, will gnome-shell update itself automatically if there is any update released for it, or do I have to have a specific ppa for it added?21:21
Guest72710iceroot: they are Intel Integrated Controller and ATI Radeon HD 5000 series21:21
icerootGuest72710: ah yes optimus and not ion21:21
icerootGuest72710: ah ok21:22
_6iiceroot: my consequence is that i must have changed some setting, but no idea what21:22
icerootGuest72710: have a look at a toll called "vga-switcher" i was using it with nvidia-stuff maybe its also working for your setup21:22
icerootAdhamSabry: only security-updates you will get in ubuntu11.1021:22
_6iiceroot: -> it worked before for my regular install too, but not now21:22
iceroot_6i: my alsamixer is showing me "mic boost" when i press f421:23
iceroot_6i: so if you dont see that option, sorry i dont now where to find it then21:23
NesSeis there any pre built packages for mysql 5.5 @ amd64 for ubuntu server? cant figure this out.21:23
iceroot!info mysql-server21:24
ubottumysql-server (source: mysql-5.1): MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.1.58-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 6 kB, installed size 96 kB21:24
icerootNesSe: only as a ppa21:24
AdhamSabryiceroot, I want to add the feature in ubuntu 11.10 default gnome that is about the banshee player controls to be in the sound tray icon21:24
AdhamSabryto gnome3, is it possible?21:24
icerootAdhamSabry: i have never seen gnome3, never used it so i dont know21:24
BarbarianRight guys, I've helped a fair few people here, time to repay the favour :P Anyone got any idea what would cause ubuntu 11.10 64bit to recieve on input the output of the laptop instead of the microphone?21:25
icerootAdhamSabry: but normally that should be indipentend from gnome21:25
AdhamSabrywell, thank you very much iceroot, I really appreciated, you helped me a lot, and sorry...21:25
NesSeiceroot: ok where would i be able to find those ?21:25
icerootAdhamSabry: sorry for what?21:25
icerootNesSe: first of all, why you need unstable software on a server21:26
_6iiceroot: where do you have that mic-boost button?21:26
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.21:26
tioxiceroot: Abandon hope. 12.04 will see the end of Mono, thus, the end of Banshee.21:26
AdhamSabryfor keep saying that I have gnome 3.0 and not gnome 3.2, without knowing the different between gnome and gnome-shell (Didn't think of that, because in their site only gnome)21:26
iceroot_6i: in alsamixer press f421:26
iceroottiox: yes that will be great :)21:26
tioxAhhh, I think so too.21:26
iceroottiox: software has to be free so its a very good idea to remove mono21:27
tioxI really wish Banshee was coded in C as it's a damn awesome player.21:27
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NesSeiceroot: well its kida of a home server that is not so important and im going to hava xbmc sync its library on the database witch runs so slow on earlyer versions of mysql21:27
tioxMaybe someone else will do the recode and offer it undr a different name.21:27
icerootNesSe: but running fine with 5.5?21:27
AdhamSabrywell, sorry again iceroot and thanks one more time :-)21:27
icerootAdhamSabry: you are welcome21:28
AdhamSabryI'll try to get involved in gnome code and see if I can manage to do something new...21:28
localg0di know i'm about to ask another dumb question ... but ....21:28
_6iiceroot: yeah, F4 switches to capture (i've been there), but then i have the input choices listed (mic amongst them), but i don't see mic-boost anywhere (and what do you mean by button anyway -- alsamixer has a curses interface for me..)21:28
NesSeiceroot: from what i have heard its supposed to run better21:28
localg0dif i'm using alsa is that the audio i'm using ? or can pules audio be installed along side alsa sound ? without slowing down on crashing my computer ?21:29
tioxI'm still waiting on an answer to My question prior; Changing the displaied name on the upper-right in the top panel to display the user name instead of the  full/real name21:29
icerootNesSe: https://launchpad.net/~nathan-renniewaldock/+archive/ppa21:29
iceroot!ppa | NesSe21:29
ubottuNesSe: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa21:29
WalkFarHey mates: Im attempting to root a phone using SuperOneClick, on ubuntu obviously, while trying to make it so the computer can read the device properly, the page I'm on is telling me to type "ATTR{idVendor}=="0BB4" " , however the terminal reads that the command was not found, if you could answer in PM please do!21:29
iceroot!addppa | NesSe21:29
ubottuNesSe: Since Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details21:29
icerootWalkFar: if i am correct that goes into /etc/udev/rules.d/foobar21:30
icerootWalkFar: that was the case for my android21:30
WalkFariceroot: I was told to put it under /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules21:30
icerootWalkFar: yes21:30
icerootWalkFar: that what i am saying21:31
_6iiceroot: yeah, F4 switches to capture (i've been there), but then i have the input choices listed (mic amongst them), but i don't see mic-boost anywhere (and what do you mean by button anyway -- alsamixer has a curses interface for me..)21:31
WalkFariceroot: For me the terminal is telling me that the command is not found though21:31
iceroot_6i: "button" :)21:31
icerootWalkFar: what command?21:31
ActionParsnipWalkFar: you probably need to add that to a config file, it's not a command21:31
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icerootWalkFar: create the file /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules and put ATTR{idVendor}=="0BB4 in that file21:32
SilverFoxfor a windows user that is ready to do something new (because current windows install is bogging down), is wubi a poor choice?  I'm not personally familiar with wubi.21:32
BarbarianAnyone got any idea what would cause ubuntu 11.10 64bit to recieve on input the sounds the computer is making instead of the microphone?21:32
fully_humanI am determined to figure this out.  When I wake my computer up from being supended/hibernated, it immediately goes back to sleep.  Anyone know why?21:32
icerootWalkFar: gksudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules21:32
bugweedhi, can anyone share how to autorun a program in a specific De only? thanx21:32
fully_humanbugweed: De?21:32
BarbarianSilverFox, Not a bad choice, but a linux partition installed seperately would be better. Wubi is the easy choice though21:32
icerootSilverFox: yes, if you want to use ubuntu use dual-boot or a vm21:32
bugweedfully_human: Desktop environment21:33
sskalnikIf I'm using pbuilder, how can I get multiple terminals in the same chroot?21:33
guntbertSilverFox: better use a live CD for trying21:33
SilverFoxMy fear is wubi will be slow.  It is running w/in Windows, ya?21:33
sskalnikiceroot, a vm will be slow if windows is already slow21:33
comandobuenas tardes21:33
SilverFoxk, I'll start w/Live CD and if it looks good to him, I'll help resize part and dual boot it.21:33
icerootsskalnik: but you dont have to "fight" with extra partitons21:33
icerootSilverFox: sounds good21:34
sskalnikSilverFox, if you can make a live USB, it will be much faster than a CD, plus you can save stuff to it.21:34
BarbarianSilverFox, I'd recommend EaseUs partition manager to resize, nice and easy windows program21:34
fully_humanbugweed: In KDE, you need to go to System Settings and then go to "Startup and Shutdown" and then "Session Management."21:34
BarbarianSilverFox, And unetbootin for the live USB21:34
SilverFoxBarbarian: not Qpart?21:34
BarbarianSilverFox, Not tried it, if you're comfortable with it, then sure :P21:34
fully_humanbugweed: In gnome, I think it's a section in gnome-control center.  Since Ubuntu went Unity, though, I'm not exactly sure. :/21:35
BarbarianSilverFox, But unetbootin for a USB live is just amazingly good.21:35
fully_humanAnyone know why Ubuntu is suspending again after I wake it up?  If no one knows, how do I look at the source code to figure out what's wrong?21:35
bugweedfully_human: i am having both gnome3 and unity. i am currently running AWN. so i dont want it to run on GNome321:35
st3n0kubuntu installed,firefox tab-groups don't work - what to do?21:35
tioxIt's Unity I'm trying to do this in. Is there any known way to change the displayed name in Unity? I'd really like to in order to reclaim a bunch of space in the top panel.21:35
SilverFoxBarbarian: can you turn around and use it to install, like on a livecd?21:36
fully_humanbugweed: Hm...sorry, Can't help you there. :/21:36
BarbarianSilverFox, Of course21:36
bugweedbump anyone21:36
tioxLike for instance, if Joe Blow used jb as his username, I want it to display jb instead of JoeBlow21:36
ActionParsnipfully_human: wat make and model system?21:36
SilverFoxk, I'll go that route.21:36
SilverFoxlivecd can be sluggish21:36
fully_humanActionParsnip: I have a Satellite L305D-S5934.21:37
ActionParsnipbugweed: AWN will need gnome to run, its the DE which Unity runs on too21:37
fully_humanActionParsnip: I did install tosh-utils.21:37
BarbarianSilverFox, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/21:37
bugweedActionParsnip: is there a way to kill it when it is running on gnome321:37
ActionParsnipbugweed: kill what?21:37
ActionParsnipfully_human: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1020119.html21:38
Guest72710iceroot: when i try "echo ON > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch" i get "bash: ... permission denied"21:38
ActionParsnipfully_human: be sure you have the latest BIOS too, may help. Looks like you are not alone21:38
Guest72710even when i precede with "sudo", why would that happen?21:38
tioxNote about AWN on Gnome 3: You need the Gnome 2 libs to make full use of it (Indicators and stuff)21:38
bugweedActionParsnip: AWN on GNome3. i only want it to autostart on Unity21:38
tioxOtherwise, if it's AWN and Unity, just have AWN autostart. SHould run as a separate app.21:39
ActionParsnipbugweed: unity needs Gnome3 to exist. Unity is only a shell which runs on any DE you want21:39
BarbarianAnyone got any idea what would cause ubuntu 11.10 64bit to recieve on input the sounds the computer is making instead of the microphone?21:39
fully_humanActionParsnip: Yeah, and just recently my computer randomly shuts down dispite the fact that it's cool.  Thanks. :)21:39
_6iiceroot: i've writte to you in priv21:39
sskalnikAnyone know how to spawn more terminal sessions inside of a chroot?21:40
fully_humansskalnik: Have you tried using screen?21:40
sskalnikI'm using a pbuilder chroot and having to hop between a man page and the CLI is getting old21:40
sskalnikI shall give that a go, then, fully_human21:40
icerootGuest72710: you need sudo with tee to do something like that21:40
fully_humansskalnik: on Ubunut it's called byobu. :)21:40
st3n0firefox in kubuntu installed, tab-groups don't work - what to do?21:41
Guest72710sudo with tee?? i shall google that at once21:41
ActionParsnipfully_human: if you suspend from CLI, is it ok?21:41
jenso my virtualbox gave me a message about how it cant find one of its files to start21:41
fully_humanActionParsnip: CLI?21:41
ActionParsnipfully_human: command line21:42
fully_humanOh, I don't know haven't tried that.21:42
icerootGuest72710: echo "ON" | sudo tee /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch21:42
icerootGuest72710: normally you are ust using sudo to act as root21:42
ActionParsnipjen: is it when you try to install or is it in an installed virtual OS?21:42
icerootGuest72710: but echo is not working with sudo21:42
ActionParsnipfully_human: worth exploring21:43
jenI think its from the update21:43
jenActionParsnip, I think its from the update, I just installed some updates and I forgot how to fix it21:43
fully_humanActionParsnip: Thanks.  There's a solution online about using wicd as the net manager...I had a feeling it was a net manager problem21:43
ActionParsnipjen: so the OS is installed and has started showing issues?21:43
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ActionParsnipfully_human: wicd is awesome :)21:43
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jenActionParsnip,  yes maybe I shall try something21:43
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sskalnikfully_human, yes this shall do nicely. Vielen Dank21:44
WalkFariceroot: PMed you21:44
jengrr I cant get it T_T21:44
SilverFoxwow... unetbootin is slick.21:45
fully_humanWhat's the default network manager that I need to kill?21:45
icerootfully_human: network-manager21:46
icerootfully_human: normally in combination with nm-applet21:46
ActionParsnipjen: hold shift at boot and use an older kernel, is it ok?21:48
=== ubuntu is now known as ubsky
ActionParsnip!test | raptor6768221:49
* RaTTuS|BIG Humps |21:49
ubotturaptor67682: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )21:49
raptor67682I am trying this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8720989&postcount=421:49
jenActionParsnip, im going to get my friends help with it21:49
_6iSilverFox: multisystem from http://liveusb.info is also not bad -- enables you to have a multiboot setup on a usb stick and uses multiple boot managers on the stick with online switching possibility21:49
raptor67682ActionParsnip: works but I get some text from aplay in the channel21:50
ActionParsnipraptor67682: what text do you want?21:50
ubskycan someone help me with UEFI and figuring out what files to put from the ubuntu cdrom in the efi boot folder, so far I have got refit to load the bootx64.efi to the grub prompt but it does not know where to boot to21:50
ActionParsnipraptor67682: so irssi makes a noise when you get highlighted...?21:51
raptor67682ActionParsnip: I did now aplay -q21:51
BarbarianAnyone got any idea what would cause ubuntu 11.10 64bit to recieve on input the sounds the computer is making instead of the microphone?21:51
raptor67682it seems to work better21:51
_6iSilverFox: you can also test your new setup in a virtual machine21:52
raptor67682ActionParsnip: yes, the idea is indeed this one21:52
raptor67682ActionParsnip: but I would be happier to run a script that beep only for given channels. a bit like xchat21:52
NostocI have a dual boot ubuntu/windows system.  The windows system was recently infected with a rootkit in the MBR.  In order to remove the rootkit, I need to restore the mbr.  Is there a way to do this without damaging by ubuntu system?21:53
joansirleysome human like being overt there21:53
NostocI would just like to reinstall the windows partition21:54
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Nostocis there a channel to go to for help with ubuntu?21:55
Odaym``you're in it, Nostoc21:55
joansirleyyes nostoc21:55
Odaym``are you stupid or something?21:55
joansirleyit seams that yes21:55
_6iNostoc: after reinstalling windows, you have to reinstall ubuntus boot manager (e.g. from a live cd or usb), because windows' boot manager does not recognise non-windows systems21:55
Nostocso I will need to do a fresh install of both the ubuntu and windows systems?21:56
Nostocalso, do you know how to change the default boot order in GRUB?21:56
joansirleyyou can use several methods to rebuild grub21:56
Odaym``don't install windows at all :)21:56
lyraeWhen i try to open an image(png, jpg,etc) imageviewer tries to open it, and doesnt. basically nothing happens21:56
lyraehow can i fix it?21:56
joansirleylike the ones suggested at guia-ubuntu.org21:56
NostocI need windows for my engineering applications (esp solidworks)21:56
joansirleyin spanish21:56
joansirleywhy don't you install a virtual machine?21:57
Odaym``definitely, it's very fast there too21:57
ubskylooking for help with setting up an EFI partition and ubuntu21:57
Odaym``and you can edit the grub boot order MENU from grub.conf21:57
_6iNostoc: ubuntu uses grub boot manager by default -- you have to reinstall only that21:57
Odaym``but do not tamper with it if you have no idea what you're doing21:57
Nostocthankis Odaym21:57
Nostocjoansirley: I believe that using a virtual machine would be slower and less stable than simply using windows21:58
lyraebetter yet. Where do i set default applications for file types./21:58
joansirleythe only problem is21:58
jutnuxNostoc, I run XP fine in a VM21:58
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joansirleyinstall linux in a primary partition activating it21:59
joansirleyafter that boot with ubuntu life21:59
joansirleyand rebuild grub21:59
Nostocubuntu is currently on its own primary partition21:59
joansirleythere ara several methods21:59
joansirleysuggested in guia-ubuntu.org22:00
joansirleyin sapnish22:00
=== Mud is now known as Guest92198
NostocI can't speak spanish, no me gusta22:00
joansirleyI have no problem in give you my email22:00
joansirleyif you want i can give you the needed documents22:01
BarbarianAnyone got any idea what would cause ubuntu 11.10 64bit to recieve on input the sounds the computer is making instead of the microphone?22:01
Nostocjoansirley: alright, my email is davtuner@gmail.com22:01
Nostocjoansirley: I appreciate it22:01
ubskyanyone know anything about using refit on non macos systems?22:01
joansirleyI take note of your email22:02
joansirleymine is joan.masdemont@gmail.com22:02
GatorAlliHello, I am running Ubuntu 11.04 x64 on a Mac Pro. Almost everything is working fine, except for the wireless connectivity. The Internet connection always stops for a couple minutes then goes for a couple minutes in a random cycle. I tried several USB wireless adapters, but the problem still persisted. How do I fix this problem,22:02
Nostocok, thanks alot!22:03
joansirleytomorrow I send you my email22:03
_6iNostoc: boot order: do you want to reorder your entries, or is it enough to set the default selection to not the first?22:03
joansirleyI quit tomorrow ...working day22:05
joansirleysee all of you22:05
torckleduckhey everyone22:06
GatorAlliIs there a problem with the ported wireless configuration22:06
_6iNostoc: also, on reinstalling grub: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling_GRUB222:06
torckleduckhow I mine fish?22:07
WalkFarI'm having some problems still trying to get adb/SuperOneClick to work correctly for me, the guide I'm using is here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=8699742&postcount=537   For whatever reason I still can't get it to read my phone22:08
torckleduckhow is babby formed?22:08
GatorAlliHello, I am running Ubuntu 11.04 x64 on a Mac Pro. Almost everything is working fine, except for the wireless connectivity. The Internet connection always stops for a couple minutes then goes for a couple minutes in a random cycle. I tried several USB wireless adapters, but the problem still persisted. How do I fix this problem?22:08
torckleduckGatorAlli: what kind of Mac Pro?22:09
GatorAllitorckleduck: MacPro 1,122:10
_6iNostoc: I also suggest you read this before rearranging your boot list: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Configuring_GRUB_2 and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Boot_Display_Behavior  , and afterwards if you still want to do it, then read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Custom_Menu_Entries22:10
molgrumhelp, i cannot run warsow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/739882/ (i have an ATI card)22:11
WalkFarI'm having some problems still trying to get adb/SuperOneClick to work correctly for me, the guide I'm using is here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=8699742&postcount=537   For whatever reason I still can't get it to read my phone22:11
soreaumolgrum: Looks like you installed the proprietary driver and it isn't working. What is the output of 'lspci|grep VGA'?22:12
molgrumsoreau, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Juniper [Radeon HD 5700 Series]22:13
soreaumolgrum: Try removing fglrx and use the default open radeon driver22:13
molgrumok thanks22:14
bytesaber_workjust downloaded firefox 8 from their website.   extracted the .bz2.    now what?22:14
bytesaber_work ./run-mozzila.sh doesn't work22:15
ngirardHi all. I'm using ubuntu and the Gnome desktop, not KDE. My locales are in french. I need to use "parley" (a KDE application). After apt-get install parley, parley starts correctly but its interface is in english. How can I switch it to french ?22:15
GatorAlliHello, I am running Ubuntu 11.04 x64 on a Mac Pro. Almost everything is working fine, except for the wireless connectivity. The Internet connection always stops for a couple minutes then goes for a couple minutes in a random cycle. I tried several USB wireless adapters, but the problem still persisted. How do I fix this problem?22:15
urlin2ubytesaber_work, you can get it from a ppa.22:15
bytesaber_workurlin2u, isn't this just as easy?22:15
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bytesaber_workthere isn't evne a readme22:15
urlin2ubytesaber_work, I don't know you tell me lol. :D22:15
bekksbytesaber_work: No. The way you are going to the moment is much more complicated.22:15
bekks*at the moment...22:16
bytesaber_work>: \22:16
bytesaber_workwhat is this for then?22:16
bekksbytesaber_work: It is for the one who want to install it manually while knowing what/how to do it.22:17
urlin2ubytesaber_work, for the ppa     sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable22:17
urlin2u    sudo apt-get update22:17
urlin2u    sudo apt-get install firefox language-pack-en language-pack-en-base22:17
Barbarianlol urlin2u, beat me to it by about 5 seconds22:17
bytesaber_worki can add the ppa *shrug*.   was just gonna leave "the system" alone and run ff8 in it's own dir and leave ff3 alone.22:19
oupateddiewhy would 10.10 already have the Firefox 8 available for Ubuntu and 11.04 not?22:20
MonkeyDustthere's this link http://www.muktware.com/articles/294922:20
molgrumsoreau, that worked wonderfully22:25
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galerienHi, just wondering if the "dd" command is supposed to work on umounted devices22:28
deej1976galerien: yes: dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb22:29
genii-aroundgalerien: It can work on both. But if your device is a disk for instance in which the data is being altered as you are trying to dd off it, then it can result in strange data22:29
deej1976!info dd22:29
ubottuPackage dd does not exist in oneiric22:29
galerienit results in : "dd: opening `/dev/sdb': No medium found22:30
deej1976galerien: cat /proc/partitions, is sdb there?22:31
galeriendeej1976, no, but "ls sd*" gives me sda1-7 and sdb22:32
deej1976galerien: What does Disk Utility report?22:33
jrwr|offlineI want to use a compression proxy (Ziproxy) and I want it to also compress SSL'd Content as well, I use it over a ssh tunnel so SSL being in the clear is not a issue for me22:34
galeriendeej1976, one 500Gb hard disk and under peripheral devices one Multiple card reader22:34
deej1976!crosspost | jrwr|offline:22:35
ubottujrwr|offline:: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.22:35
galeriendeej1976, I just figured it out : sdb => sdb122:35
galerienI'm so rusty and so ashamed right now...22:36
jrwr|offlinedeej1976, :P -server has been dead for the last hour :)22:36
galeriendeej1976, thanks for your help and good night/day depending ;)22:36
deej1976jrwr|offline: My bad, sorry22:37
jrwr|offlinedeej1976, its ok :)22:37
deej1976galerien: No problem22:37
CharminTheMooseHey all, I want to be able to call the reboot/shutdown programs as a normal user on a single user system via bash. How can I go about doing this?22:38
ppcblasterTrying to get my old hauppauge pvr 350 going in Unubtu 11.10 I found http://www.upubuntu.com/2011/10/tv-viewer-watch-and-record-tv-stations.html22:39
jrwr|offlineCharminTheMoose, I think its calle setuid22:40
ppcblasterI then discovered the Tcl/Tk is no good and need to get a newer version22:40
ppcblasterwhere do I look?22:40
jrwr|offlineCharminTheMoose, where you can set a permission on the filesystem to have that program always run as a UID, EG: Root22:41
CharminTheMooseAhh yes, I forgot about setuid!22:41
* CharminTheMoose gets RTFMing22:42
Bert_2Hi, how can I find out who who worked on the updated version of a certain ubuntu package ?22:43
dirtycookiehello people, i backed up a drive via dd to a file and wanted to mount it with this command: mount /4gb_backup /mount -o loop and i get this error message "mount: /dev/loop0: can't read superblock". what am i doing wrong?22:44
whoeverFusionite: ok i got it , the menue, i had to log out and back in for it to update but there are 2 instaces of the application. also the nameserver line in resolv.conf kept disapearing on reboot, and i had to enable the root acount set the na22:46
whoeverFusionite: the nameserver in resolv.conf before it would stay22:46
soreaumolgrum: Cool, glad it worked ;)22:46
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gateway_there's no grub on my ubuntu 11.10 installation, how can I get it?22:48
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bekksgateway_: There is grub2 instead.22:49
gateway_bekks: how do I know that?22:49
bekksBecause Ubuntu 11.10 includes grub2.22:50
gateway_excuse me, i'm pretty new on it. I just installed ubuntu with default config22:50
gateway_bekks: if ubuntu 11.10 includes it by default, then I have grub222:51
bekksgateway_: Yes :)22:51
gateway_bekks: i sucessfully installed ubuntu with nomodeset configuration22:52
gateway_but when i restart i cant see anything but a blackscreen22:52
lucas-argI need to install a kw-ub405-a analog tv decoder in ubuntu, but i dont knwo where to start... i cant find drivers for it, the manufacturer doesnt have any drivers either, any ideas where to get help??22:53
gateway_i tried this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 for installation22:53
gateway_now installation is done but no grub shows on the screen, then i cant continue with the steps shown in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313222:54
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steelboxis there anyone expert in OpenMP please?22:55
deej1976!ask | steelbox:22:55
ubottusteelbox:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:55
gateway_i tried the shift key but it doesnt show the grub menu22:55
genii-aroundgateway_: Try the ESC key then22:56
gateway_genni-around: esc key same result as shift key: blackscreen, no grub :(22:58
lucas-argplease i need help with an usb stick tv decoder.. kw-ub405-a cant find drivers for ubuntu22:58
steelboxI got the following openmp sample code http://paste.ubuntu.com/740680/ and I got no speedup when output->st=1. I suppose that gcc or openmp remove the for loop since the outer loop only have a single iteration.22:59
deej1976steelbox: have you tried asking this in #openmp ?23:00
steelboxdeej1976: it's empty :)23:01
dirtycookiehello people, i backed up a drive via dd to a file and wanted to mount it with this command: mount /4gb_backup /mount -o loop and i get this error message "mount: /dev/loop0: can't read superblock". what am i doing wrong?23:02
steelboxSo is there a simple way to ask to gcc/openmp to correctly parallelize this code even when the outer loop only have a single iteration?23:02
Mydalon_Hi, I try to mount a nfs share in fstab, but at boottime the system hangs very long (and is not pingable during that time) obviously trying to mount the share w/o networking up. Then it says mounting fails and if I skip the mounting, network gets up very soon after. This does not only affect nfs, but also aiccu.23:04
Mydalon_Has anyone a pointer of what I may have done wrong?23:04
shabblewhat's the (best|easiest) way to get both a binary and corresponding kernel sources? (Attempting to build a custom patched module without rebuilding an entire kernel/all modules)23:05
shabblelinux-source-3.0.0 is actually 3.0.4 if I'm reading this (src/Makefile) right23:06
Mydalon_BTW: I am on 11.1023:07
fbhHi.  Can anyone tell me exactly what the "dns-clean" startup item does?   (server 10.04 LTS)23:07
shabbleMydalon_: there's a 'noauto' option you can stick in fstab somewhere, iirc.23:07
fbhAs far as I can read it's only needed if I have a modem connection. I'm just wondering why this is enabled by default on a new installation of a server OS23:08
Mydalon_shabble, I will have a look in that option, one moment please23:09
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Mydalon_thx, I'll try that23:12
reCAPTCHAHi all, total n00b question here... how do you print in greyscale in 10.04?23:16
LehthanisHey all, I am having some kind of failure and I think it's caused by a bad config file I tried making. How can I boot to command line to try and fix it?23:23
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deej1976!text |Lehthanis:23:24
ubottuLehthanis:: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode23:24
GUNDAMhello i am using ubuntu 10.04 net bokk ed. unintchenaly delited thetop  mane menu panel.23:28
xangua!panels | GUNDAM23:29
ubottuGUNDAM: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »23:29
amir_varastehhi. how can i change boot order in ubuntu-win7 dual boot ?23:30
GUNDAMthank you.23:30
tonkwen i boot ubuntu i get some bios error befor ubuntu is starting to boot buth the message is to fast. wer to find boot loog?23:31
bekkstonk: The boot log (if existing) does not contain BIOS messages.23:33
LehthanisWhat's the kernel line look like in the grub boot option editor?23:34
LehthanisI'm on a cell phone because I have no internet here. PC is offline.23:35
deej1976tonk: If you can get in the bios, change boot order and remove hard disk, this will possible stop your laptop booting for you to read the error message23:35
surfdueanyone fimiliar with bash? ((: 1 -le 9: syntax error in expression (error token is "9")23:35
bekksPressing pause should do the same.23:35
LehthanisIs the kernel line the one that starts with linux?23:35
surfdueline 86: if (($REPLY -le $total)) && (($REPLY -ge 1)); then23:35
tonkdeej1976: i got that 2 lines only wen bootin ubuntu23:36
tonklines of error*23:36
LehthanisWhat line do I add text to in grub to boot to command line?23:39
LehthanisKernel doesn't appear in the text23:40
deej1976Lehthanis: Does the rescue mode work?23:40
* deej1976 going to bed now23:40
LehthanisThere's a line : linux /boot/vmlinuz....23:41
LehthanisIs that it?23:41
trismLehthanis: yes23:41
LehthanisOk, trying recovery first.23:42
LehthanisOk... Got to prompt. Where would i find xorg. Conf?23:43
RedAmryIs there a way to deactivate the 'apps available for download' adware in Unity?23:44
LehthanisOooh, found it. Is there a command line text editor?23:45
dragomircan someone please help me? ubuntu 10.04 I would like docky to be pushed up above the bottom panel and not be behind it, or over it.23:46
mueslihow can i start a terminal?23:48
scottjwhen applying a patch, the failing hunk is safed in a .rej file, but is there an easy way to see why it failed?23:48
girantmuesli: Ctrl + alt + t ?23:49
mueslilol, how very obvious :) girant: thanks23:49
scratchingmyheadIs there a program I can use to open a .pps file?  libre cant open it23:49
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girantmuesli: Np23:50
mueslione more question: i added a ppa in the software center, how can i get it to update the sources?23:50
muesli(e.g. apt-get update without going via the terminal)23:50
xanguadragomir: normally people discards panels when they use a dock, you can also pur dock on the sides23:51
xanguamuesli: with the update manager23:51
dragomirthanks xangua23:51
blakeHi, I'm having a problem being unable to change my brightness on a NVIDIA graphics card with 11.10 and the NVIDIA drivers, is there any solution to this?23:51
mueslixangua: is that "updates available" in the upper-right menu?23:52
mueslixangua: ah yeah, it's called update manager23:52
muesliwould probably be clever(er) to update sources when adding a ppa23:52
BartzyI'm using NetworkManager to connect to my VPN. my VPN is pushing a DNS server ( for the example. my local DNS from my DHCP server is  for example. For some reason, NetworkManager puts the VPN DNS server ( before the local DNS server ( in /etc/resolv.conf, which causes problems. Any idea ?23:52
marsfligthHow to force 'passwd' to use a short password?23:54
scratchingmyheadIs there a program I can use to open a .pps file?  libre cant open it23:55
girantscratchingmyhead: Open Office is an Office Suite and it has a program that is the alternative of Power Point. You don't use the word processor for this. I believe if you double click the file it will open it up for you. The Linux I am on right now doesn't have the software installed yet.23:58
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bigtvim new to linux23:58
bigtvi just started last week23:59
scratchingmyheadI get      there is no application installed for powerpoint files???23:59
almoxarifescratchingmyhead: there is in 11.1023:59
nadiyamaHi, I don't see Jdownloader systray icon under gnome shell, so when I clic on "close" it just hides. Any fix?23:59

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