
ScottLfalktx, will you still be able to help with the iframes for the website and coding a different ubuntustudio-controls?00:03
falktxScottL: yes, sure00:03
falktxI quit my job 2 weeks ago ;)00:03
falktx(but with plans for a new one for 2012)00:04
knomeScottL, sorry for not being so active on the website lately. i asked the canonical IS about the RT ticket though, and they said it's gonna take some more time anyway00:05
ScottLknome, i think that is okay since i would like to get as much done before the IS security check anyways00:24
ScottLknome, i'm hoping stochastic is making progress with this but i don't think he's moving quickly00:25
ScottLi have concerns about this00:25
jussiMorning all. 07:50
jussiHas anyone looked at kdenlive recently? Has it improved any?07:50
jussiThere is a bleeding edge ppa here for all those interested to have a play with the very latest: https://launchpad.net/~sunab/+archive/kdenlive-svn07:51
jussiAlso, this might be something we want to get packaged for ubuntu: https://launchpad.net/~psyke83/+archive/ppa (pulseaudio-equaliser)09:34
ailoScottL, Is Alessio Bogani going to provide the -lowlatency to be tested, as described in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-lowlatency10:11
ScottLailo, yes, that is the intent11:56
ScottLailo, but we are also going to be doing some very objective testing (with instructions provided by the kernel team) if you are interested11:56
ScottLthe kernel team would like to objectively test the -generic vs -lowlatency vs -rt kernel11:57
ScottLonce have a lot of data, we collate it, document it in a wiki, and decide if -lowlatency is really worth it, and then move one11:57
ScottLailo, would you be interested in helping with this testing11:58
ScottLoh, the purpose of the documentation is to not only provide the data to justify our decision, but also to give users expectations11:58
ailoScottL, If more testers are needed, I'm happy to assist.12:33
ailoScottL, The current -lowlatency is ahead the -generic by one version, and doesn't handle graphic drivers12:34
ailoI'm using my own custom compiled12:34
ailoWas considering to put it up on my ppa, but I realized I need to understand debian packagin a bit more, so it's not happening soon12:34
ailobogani is calling the -lowlatency at his ppa "old"12:35
ailoJust wondering where the new one might be and how to get it12:36
scott-workgood morning again13:00
astraljavaailo: I don't think there is a newer one anywhere, yet.14:16
jussiastraljava: any thoughts about my suggestions before you woke up? 14:17
astraljavakdenlive and pulseaudio-equalizer? I'll have to look into that. The latter didn't work very well the last time I used it, but it might have progressed from since.14:34
astraljavaI don't know anything about the former, it's not really my speciality, don't know much about video nor graphics.14:34
scott-workjussi: the current thought is to follow two tracks for video; one for casual user for home movies and a professional track for films15:03
scott-workthe editor for the home user is not determined, but kdenlive has been considered as well as openshot15:03
shnatselDammit, the US are trying to censor the internet again, and this time it's much worse: http://www.mozilla.org/sopa/15:33
astraljavaWe're not doing any such a thing!15:35
astraljavaOh, you meant the States, not the Studio. Sorry, my bad. *blink* *blink*15:41
shnatselsorry for confusing abbreviation :(15:45
astraljavaPardon me, I knew what you meant. I'm just such a bastard I can't help but to jump at the opportunity.15:51
scott-workhi shnatsel 15:53
shnatselhi scott-work 15:54
l33ois the midi problem when using jack solved?  i think i remember it once worked here, now the is huge midi latency - using usb here so it is no alsa midi problem i guess18:51
l33otried everything - givin higher priorities to uhci and ehci and disabling pulse...but no way...midi isnt really working18:54
l33oby the way i am quite shocked about what informations are going through the net ....i could readt a thousand times that the rt kernel is the best kernel for musicians...after testing 7 different rt kernels for some weeks now i must say that those wont give the same performance then the lowlatency kernel...so it is quite sad that there are so many misleading informations concerning linux in the net :(19:01
astraljaval33o: Old news are hard to get out of internet. People often borrow someone else's musings without investigations of their own.19:04

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