
valoriehi -- anybody here going to be a mentor in GCI?08:53
valorieif so, please register on melange as a mentor08:53
valorieand be sure you're on the gsoc mentor list08:54
valoriewe have to invite everyone again, and it has to be done by Monday, when the students start work08:54
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hggdhrbelem: ping16:07
hggdhrbelem: we need to chat, I just received the packages16:32
Marchitosis there a mantainer for network manager plasmoid ?17:39
shadeslayerMarchitos: upstream ? yes17:47
Marchitosthere is a translation problem for italian17:49
Marchitosit's not fully translated17:49
Marchitoswhat can i do?17:50
Marchitosthe pc is for a man which doesn't know english17:50
Marchitoshere, on opensuse it's fully translated..17:50
Marchitosthere must be a problem with kubuntu packaging17:51
jussiMarchitos: you might be better checking in #ubuntu-translators - although someon here might be able to help you also. 17:51
shadeslayerhmm .. that's weird17:51
shadeslayerActually #kde-i18n would be the best bet, or just directly email the maintainer and/or open a bug report17:52
shadeslayerNot sure what would cause this though17:52
jussiI blame suse for not sharing!  :P :P :P :P17:53
shadeslayerhaha :D17:55
jjessesaw the email from the tech board about recongized flavors and wonder specifically if 12.04 on Kubuntu would be an LTS?18:06
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rbelemhggdh, blz d+ :-D19:12
hggdhrbelem: ping again :-)20:15
hggdhrbelem: just emailed you the receipt20:20

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