
=== johnoxton_ is now known as johnoxton
aquariusgrr. a CellRendererText fires an edited signal when it's edited, but you only get passed the cellrenderer itself and its path in the model. How do I get a reference to the model?12:17
jo-erlendthere's a reference to the containing tree, which has a reference to the model, I think.12:19
jo-erlendI can look it up.12:19
jo-erlendhmm. No, it doesn't look like it has. You'll probably have to store the reference yourself.12:24
jmljames_w: I reviewed a branch! Sorry for the delay15:27
james_wno problem15:27
james_wit's not like I was going to do anything with it yesterday15:28
jmljames_w: it's got a clash with my branch...DEADLINE: <2011-11-17 jeu.>15:34
jmlle sigh15:34
jmlI swear that Chrome doesn't always catch C-c15:34
jmljames_w: https://code.launchpad.net/~jml/pkgme-binary/entry_point/+merge/8239915:34
james_winternet here is so terrible15:35
jmlInternet is better in real London15:36
james_wI'm happy to merge that branch of yours in to mine15:37
james_wa cursory look suggests that your branch is fine15:37
aquariusgiven a gtk ListStore, can I have one row in that liststore appear as more than one row in a TreeView?15:37
james_waquarius, my uneducated guess is "no"15:38
aquariusthat's really annoying ;(15:38
jmljames_w: I'll handle the conflict, if that's OK. I spent too long dealing with all of that setuptools crap.15:38
james_waquarius, you could subclass ListStore to do something like that15:38
james_wjml, I assume the conflict is the setup.py?15:39
aquariusjames_w, yeah, s'pose. that's misery, though :)15:39
jmlaquarius: You're using TreeView and you object to misery a priori?15:39
jmlaquarius: I smell an inconsistency15:39
aquarius'cos I have no option *but* to use treeview.15:39
james_wjml, I assume that your setup.py usurps mine completely15:41
james_wI just did the minimum to get devportalbinary to "setup.py develop"15:41
jmljames_w: pretty much.15:41
james_wbut I'm happy for you to resolve15:41
james_wthanks for the review15:41
james_wI agree with your comments15:42
jmlincidentally, with setuptools, familiarity breeds contempt.15:42
mvoaquarius: what is the use case with the liststore/treeview, maybe you could have a custom TreeModel (but that is a invitation for pain too)15:55
aquariusmvo, use case is this. I have a bunch of data like this: [ { "name": "thing", "lists": [ "list1", "list2" ] }, { "name": "thing2", "lists": [ "list1", "list3" ] }, ... ]15:56
aquariusso I'd like to put that data into a liststore as is (that is: one liststore row per thing), and then have the treeview display a list of listnames15:56
aquariusso the treeview would contain three rows, with "list1", "list2", "list3"15:57
aquariusbut I can't see how to turn one liststore row into two treeview rows, and I don't think it's possible.15:57
aquariuswhich means I'll have to keep two liststores in sync, which is precisely what I was trying to avoid. :)16:01
diwicI'm trying to package a very simple app I've done16:06
diwicI'm using dh 716:06
diwicthe problem: make install puts the app into $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/app which translates to debian/app/usr/bin/app16:07
diwicthen dh_install tries to retrieve it from debian/tmp/usr/bin/app instead16:07
diwichow do I resolve this?16:08
jmldiwic: how did you resolve it?16:25
diwicjml, actually I'm still having trouble16:25
diwicjml, now the binary is not in the final package16:26
diwicoh waut16:26
diwicit actually is16:26
* diwic checked the wrong .deb file16:26
diwicjml, so I removed the debian/install file16:26
diwicthe makefile seems to put it in the right directory so it does not need moving16:27
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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