
=== ericm-Zzz is now known as ericm|ubuntu
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ogra_ppisati, here probably :)13:43
ogra_ppisati, we were trying to build live images again and discovered that we seem to be missing some squashfs options13:44
ogra_XATTR, and two compression options to be precise13:44
ppisatii'm doing a sync between master and omap4 kernels13:45
ogra_so it would help to have them on as we do on x8613:45
ogra_(its still not 100% clear that this is what causes out live images to not work, but its one difference we need to solve)13:46
ppisatithe skew between master kernels and omap4 is really big13:46
ppisatii'l narrow it down as mush as possible13:46
ogra_thats sad13:46
ogra_thanks for that !13:47
ppisatiit has been like this since the inception of omap4 kernel13:47
ppisatiwe alwasy followed more the vanilla kernel that the ubuntu cfg13:47
ogra_well, we never used live images so it went unnoticed13:47
ppisatibut it's gonna be fixed13:47
ppisaticould be13:47
ogra_awesome !13:47
xruudI'm trying 11.04 on BeagleBoard MX. I got it to uncompress the image, but then the system restarts and says "Errors were found while checking the disk for /"13:48
xruudI can "Press F to attempt fix, Ignore, Skip and M for Manual recovery" System does not respond to keypresses though...13:49
* ppisati ponders: BTW, that reminds me i'm waiting for the new XM rev C to show up...13:49
xruudppisati: mine says rev C, are there multiple rev C's?13:50
ppisatixruud: nope, juts one rev c model13:50
ppisatixruud: but there are some bugs that seem to show up on rev c only13:50
ppisatixruud: but not tours13:50
ppisati(too difficult to type today...)13:50
xruudDo you have any clue what my problem could be caused by?13:51
xruudI fixed my drive by inserting the sd into my laptop, then running fsck. But atm I only see ubuntu startup screen, no go on anything I can do. 10 min. waiting already.14:28
=== chrisccoulson is now known as no_it_is_not_fix
=== no_it_is_not_fix is now known as chrisccoulson
wobmar3is there a good howto to compile some programs for the pandaboard with a armv7 on a ubuntu-machine?17:04
wobmar3sorry for my bad english17:04
GrueMasterwobmar3: Are you looking to cross-compile from an x86 or compile directly on the panda?17:10
wobmar3GrueMaster: ah sorry, i want to crosscompile. my host system is ubuntu 10.10 32bit17:10
GrueMasterI think Linaro.org has some documentation on this.17:11
wobmar3ah ok17:11
wobmar3i found some tutorials but it doesnt work17:11
GrueMasterYou can also ask in #linaro.17:11
wobmar3thx for the nice help17:13
wobmar3ill try it and come back ;D17:13
MarcNogra_, Thanks for the tip yesterday.  My dreamplug is happily running debian-arm now.17:21
ogra_awesome !17:21
ppisatiif anyone want to try it out17:29
ppisatijanimo: ^^^17:29
janimoppisati, thanks17:35

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