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sagacihead_victim: need to update topic, for Dec meeting --> 11/12/1107:56
=== head_victim changed the topic of #ubuntu-au to: Welcome to the Australian Ubuntu LoCo Team channel! - guidelines @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/IRC | Off-topic chat in #ubuntu-au-chat | Next Team Meeting: Sun 11/12//2011 @ 2000 AEST (GMT+10) http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-au/212/detail/ | Web: http://ubuntu.org.au | Mailing List: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/MailingLists | Forum: http://au.ubuntuforums.org
redvilany suggestions for a video player besides vlc guys?10:24
head_victimxine is a popular one but I've not used anything but vlc, exaile (for audio) or me-tv for tv.10:26
redvilhead_victim: will give xine a go mate10:27
head_victimNo worries, choppy video is usually a hardware or driver issue though not a player issue.10:29
redvildo you recommend installing an older version of vlc?10:32
sagacinah, is the video 720/1080p?10:33
sagaciie. HD10:33
redvili didn't have problems before when i was using Lucid..now that i changed to Natty that's when it starts to play choppy videos10:37
head_victimWhat version of window manager are you using? With a computer with those specifications I'd definitely recommend nothing other than Lubuntu10:37
head_victimIf you're trying to do 3d graphics in natty as well as play videos that cpu will not cope10:38
redvilmy window manager? 10:41
redvilwhen i installed natty it told me Unity can't be installed so that's why i stick to Classic10:42
head_victimMoving forward I don't see a future for your computer and recent versions of gnome if it's only a 1.8ghz single core processor. I'd start looking around at other options and find one you like.10:51
redvilhead_victim: im looking for my ubuntu lucid disc..might reinstall it instead10:52
head_victimredvil: have a look at Lubuntu10:53
head_victimit's up to day and will continue to be aimed at lower specced computers.10:53
head_victimThat means it will get all the security and bug fixes that lucid won't.10:53
redvilok..thanks for the suggestion10:53
redvilit has vlc too right? 10:53
head_victimI ran it on a 2.4 celeron processor when I gave up on gnome10:53
head_victimYou can install any software from the Ubuntu repository on it :)10:54
redvilso it's basically ubuntu with a different window manager?10:54
head_victimIt is just a bit more spartan as far as looks and features but still the same beast underneath.10:54
redvilwhat about wifi...?10:54
head_victimShould work as normal10:55
head_victimTest it with a livecd would be my suggestion10:55
head_victimSee what it looks like and how it works. Remembering that it will be quicker when it's actually on the hard drive properly10:55
head_victimThat's the beauty of Ubuntu and Linux in general. If one option doesn't work, there are plenty of others to try.10:55
redvilno worries...i will definitely give that a go...10:56
redvilshould i get it from ubuntu or distrowatch..or does it even matter where?10:57
head_victimredvil: I notice your with optus so you might find it quicker to get it from http://mirror.optus.net/ubuntu-releases/11:02
head_victimHmm actually that doesn't mirror Lubuntu11:02
head_victimhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/11.10/release/ is probably the easiest and most reliable then11:03
head_victimsagaci: I notice aarnet doesn't have lubuntu either :/11:03
redvili totally forgot about that one..11:03
sagacihead_victim: put in a request?11:04
redvilso for my download server i should just select mirror.optus.net rather than aarnet.edu?11:06
sagaciwe're under 40,000 strings11:07
head_victimredvil: depends on what works better for you. I don't think there is any real benefit to using one over the other as long as they're both up to date and quick enough.11:07
head_victimredvil: for people on Telstra aarnet is unmetered data so it's preferred but for other ISPs there are other options11:08
sagacihead_victim: Bigpond*11:09
redvildoes the 'l' in front of lubuntu stand for something?11:09
head_victimsagaci: good point, telstra business have no unmetered, only Bigpond users (wired or wireless) have unmetered11:10
head_victimredvil: stands for LXDE which is the window manager11:10
head_victimit's more lightweight than gnome, kde or xfce.11:10
redvilif it's learners then i think it's really suited for me..11:10
head_victimBut in my experience it's a good mix of lightweight and easy to use11:10
head_victimI've used it for a few releases.11:11
head_victimAnyway, I have to head off for the evening, 3am wake up call :/11:12
redvilg'night mate..thanks again11:12
head_victimHere to help :)11:12
redvilg'night all .o/11:15
kaushalis there a way to forcefully update ubuntu desktop clients from server ?23:52
kaushaland also is there a way to have control over all ubuntu desktops inside LAN ?23:52

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