
airurandoebel: it looks like I'll be going to Limerick on 03 Dec 11.11:06
ebelok. would you like to bring some CDs down?11:07
ebelI can meet up or post out to you or what would you like?11:07
airurandoIf UHD goes ahead on 02 Dec 11 I could pick up a load of CDs to bring down to infoturtle11:07
airurandoI suppose I could bring some for ucl milklabs and the learning centre.11:09
airurandoI'll talk numbers with infoturtle and get back to you.11:09
ebelsure thing11:13
ebellet me know how many ye need11:13
airurandoSilly me ucl should have been UL11:26
slashtommycareful now, don't be giving them too many letters!11:27
airurandoI've sent him a DM on twitter.  Once I hear back I'll let you know.11:27
slashtommyebel: don't forget we're off to limerick at the weekend11:27
slashtommyand may have sometime on sunday afternoon before our train home11:28
ebelof course!11:28
ebelwell i'm not sure, depends on when my mum wants to leave11:28
ebelso we miiight/might not have time11:28
slashtommyif anyone was to meet us at the train station, it would take no more than 2 minutes11:30
ebelyes good point11:30
slashtommyour train is at 4.30pm - so i would suggest if anyone in limerick wants CDs to meet us at 4pm in the station11:31
ebelRight I've messages infoturtle on twitter.11:32
ebelwe have several backup plans11:32
ebelyo czajkowski11:35
slashtommyhello czajkowski, ready for your trip back home?11:36
slashtommywe are considering having an ubuntu hour on 2nd december, to mark your return11:40
slashtommywhat's your plan?11:45
ebelThey have a plan.11:47
ebelThere are 6 czajkowski models.11:47
czajkowskioh cool11:48
czajkowskium no idea11:48
slashtommywell, we could bring you back to the 'batter... some good pubs there!11:51
czajkowskiwaiting to know by next tuesday if I am going or not11:55
czajkowskikinda depends on some stuffwill keep ye posted11:55
czajkowskithanks :)11:55
czajkowskiebel: slashtommy do either of ye havea  camera fitted to your helmet for when ye bike around? any recommendations?13:55
ebelczajkowski: yes that's how we take the vidfeos13:55
czajkowskidont know much13:56
* slashtommy wants to see a picture of czajkowski on a hog13:56
czajkowskiwas wondering whats what13:56
czajkowskislashtommy: no chance the biy likes his bikes13:56
czajkowskime no so much13:56
slashtommyebel knows more13:56
czajkowskihttp://www.amazon.co.uk/Contour-GPS-Full-Helmet-Camera/dp/B00426DQ2W/ref=dp_cp_ob_ce_title_3  seems to be everywhere or at least the brand si13:57
slashtommyyou should get on the bike ;)13:57
czajkowskinot a hope in hells chance that will ever ever happen :)13:57
slashtommytis fun, what does he ride?13:57
* slashtommy will let ebel post a link to the camera we use13:58
czajkowskia I know it's big13:58
czajkowskiand it's a bmw13:58
czajkowskiand he's selling his suzuki13:58
ebelwe have one of these http://driftinnovation.com/hd170-action-camera/13:58
slashtommythat reminds me, i have more video of wicklow that i still need to edit13:58
slashtommyon SD mode it works in wide-angle mode - major improvement and makes the video appear to be normal speed13:59
ebelczajkowski: yeah the drift if the one we have14:00
slashtommyif you're not in wide-angle mode, you miss out on the peripherial vision which then makes all the video seem much slower than real life14:00
czajkowskiso I should buy a SD card also with it ?14:00
slashtommycztab: are you bring your boy back home?14:01
czajkowskiaye for xmas14:01
slashtommyyou would need a few SD cards14:01
slashtommyand i take it that this questioning is for xmas... ;)14:01
czajkowskiok so max size is 3214:01
czajkowskihow many hrs would that get you ?14:02
* ebel returns14:02
slashtommybattery would probably get you first14:02
ebelyes you'll need a SD card with it14:02
ebelwe have a 16GB one, it takes about 5 hours of footage14:02
slashtommyebel is best to advise, all i know is that you're best to stick with SD14:02
czajkowskiok they're on amazon for about 2914:02
czajkowskiso not too bad14:02
ebelthe drift does several resolutions, 480, 1020ish and 128014:02
czajkowskiwill have a look more and see if its worthwhile14:02
czajkowskithanks for the info lads14:03
ebelsorry 480, 720, 128014:03
ebel1280 is HD14:03
slashtommyhttp://youtube.com/slashtomeu - all those videos are shot with that camera in SD14:03
ebelwe usually use 720 which is DVD quality14:03
ebelif it's in 720 then it has a 170 degree field of view, basically wide angle14:03
ebelif it's 1280 then it's like normal14:03
czajkowskicheers :D14:04
ebelwe always use 720 with the windangle14:04
ebelyou can see here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/rorymccann/5822416632/in/set-72157626938588538/14:04
ebeli'm a bit confused, might be getting mized up14:05
ebelanwyays the wide angle is great14:05
ebelcause it means you really don't have to aim it14:05
ebelAbout 75% of the video footage we took (on a cheaper camera) of european bike tour is rubbish. Just the sky or something14:06
ebelwhich was very annoying14:06
* slashtommy hopes czajkowski's boy buys here some gear and a helmet for xmas ;)14:06
ebelAnd the drift has a little screen14:06
slashtommyebel: we must go again14:06
ebelSo i used to sit on the bike, take a photo, then look at the photo on the little screen and check that it was ok befor eheading off14:07
ebelI think the countour has an iphone app (with an android app coming soon™) that allows you to view out the camer14:08
ebelso it's like a little broadcast. you can uise the iphone as a remote control view finder14:08
ebelactually this http://www.flickr.com/photos/rorymccann/5822416632/in/set-72157626938588538/ must be the HD non-widescreen14:08
ebelOne annoying thing with the shitty one (that cost ~ €50) was that everything looked slow14:09
ebelWhereas with the wideangle, since you can see so far to the sides, you can see road & bushes etc whizz by. Makes it look *much* faster.14:10
ebelso you look at the video and go "Crumbs, I don't remember going that fast!"14:10
ebel(Conversely, when looking at the old one, it was like "wow, we werent' going that slow, were we?"14:10
ebelwideangle is great for when you move you head around. One problem with the old non-wideangle one was that you (& your head) move around when riding a bike14:11
ebelSo the video is very jerky. However with a wideangle it's much less of a problem, since the viewer is able to keep the important parts in view14:11
slashtommywideangle is definitely the way14:11
ebelthis is a wideangle view http://www.flickr.com/photos/rorymccann/5855915667/in/set-72157627004907232 and you can see the walls at the side whizz past,  but that's cause you're almost looking due left14:13
ebelHowever, i used my old strap for the the drift, You get a few velcro things with the drift, and some clips, so I dunno how great that is14:14
ebelYou also get a little remote control with the drift to turn it on/off. it's real handy14:14
ebelI've attached it to the side of my tank bag14:15
ebelYou can slightly see the fish-eye/wideangle in these 2 photos http://slashtom.eu/displayimage.php?album=28&pos=1 http://slashtom.eu/displayimage.php?album=28&pos=014:16
ebelYou can see what it looks like strapped to the helmet here: http://slashtom.eu/displayimage.php?album=28&pos=814:17
ebelthe drift comes with a halfsize battery so you can take about 4 hours of video14:19
ebelWe bought a bigger one here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Drift-HD170-Long-Life-Battery/dp/B0046ZG7OI/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1321539522&sr=8-214:19
ebeland it will last all day14:19
ebelFor the record a 40 minute video is about 2.5GB14:23
ebelThere are several other popular camera for bikes, GoPro, Contour etc.14:24
BenChapmanevening ubuntu folk :)21:30
airurandohi moylan21:32
moylansorry for missing last nights irc meetup.  slept through it.21:32
airurandogood you got some sleep21:33
moylanhad tried to time been out earlier in the day and sleep time to be there but no such luck.21:34
airurandonot to worry. plenty more of them in the future21:35
airurandodid you read the logs?21:35
moylannot yet.  was going to have a rummage last night but will get to them tonight.21:35
czajkowskimeet most of your new loco council : )21:36
moylanhi czajkowski, a year in the uk?21:37
czajkowskitime flew!21:37
airurandocongrats czajkowski21:38
czajkowski2 more years21:38
airurandoaye, well deserved.21:40

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