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amithkkNo actibity?10:50
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ppisatiogra_: you mentioned some options for squashfs, right?13:43
ogra_ppisati, come over to a proper channel :)13:43
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Nov 17 15:00:03 2011 UTC.  The chair is NCommander. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.15:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired15:00
NCommanderBah, 3 seconds late :-(15:00
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Meeting/2011/2011111715:00
NCommanderso who's here?15:00
* janimo waves15:01
* mrjazzcat is here15:01
* ogra_ pretends to15:01
* ahs3 may or may not be here15:02
ogra_cooloney, !15:02
ogra_good to see you15:02
* rsalveti waves15:02
cooloneyogra_: thx, man.15:02
* davidm waves15:02
* cooloney waves 15:02
NCommandermorning davidm cooloney rsalveti mrjazzcat janimo and ahs315:02
* GrueMaster is propped up in a corner with a large mug of coffee.15:03
* cmagina waves15:03
* NCommander is wondering if he'll ever see the sun again15:03
NCommander[topic] http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/ubuntu-arm.html15:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/ubuntu-arm.html
NCommanderso I grouped all the specs into two topic specs; one for ARM server, and a general one15:03
NCommanderBut only one is showing up, anyone know who needs to be prodded?15:03
janimoI have no WIs there apparently15:04
davidmNCommander, talk with skate15:04
skaetNCommander,  they need the blueprints accurate with WI's before they show up.15:04
janimobut both infinity and Adam Conrad do15:04
NCommanderskaet: they're there :-/15:04
skaetNCommander - all they syntax correct?15:04
ogra_NCommander, action me with it15:04
* davidm thinks his fingers are still not working correctly15:04
janimoI do not exclude the pssibility of getting the syntax of the WI entries wrong again15:04
ogra_i'll take care of it with pitti on monday if all specs are 100% there15:05
NCommander[action] ogra to smack status.u.c with skaet15:05
meetingologyACTION: ogra to smack status.u.c with skaet15:05
ogra_*everyone* spec deadline is tomorrow !!!!15:05
ogra_make sure to have all your WIs in15:05
ogra_and to have david approve them !!!15:05
NCommanderif anyone needs help drafting specs, poke me15:06
davidmAnyone needs a spec approved poke me today in the next 4 hours15:07
ogra_even if unfinished ?15:07
ogra_well i have all my WIs but not the text complete yet15:08
NCommanderI find the LP depednency tree really becomes useless after a LOT ofspecsareadded15:09
NCommander(I can't turn up the zoom enough to even read the names)15:09
janimoNCommander, stop reading it on your cellphone :P15:10
NCommanderjanimo: I can't even read it on my external monitor15:10
NCommanderanyway, anything else on specs/status?15:11
ogra_get a projector !15:11
* NCommander should add a spec 'if-you-can-read-this-you-dont-need-glasses'15:11
ogra_move ?15:12
NCommander[topic] ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey)15:12
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey)
NCommanderNothing to report15:12
NCommanderwell, we did manage to build server images15:13
ogra_last cycle you mean15:13
ahs3have they built recently?15:13
NCommanderNo,this cycle15:13
ogra_well, indeed, why shouldnt they build15:13
ogra_how about alternate, didnt we want to do some testing with that =15:14
ogra_or did we decide that netinst suffices ?15:14
GrueMasterWe?  As it "Build more stuff for GrueMaster to test"?  Ok15:14
NCommanderI know janimo wanted some live images, but I don't think we've tried to build alternates15:14
* NCommander thinks we need to clone GrueMaster 15:14
ogra_NCommander, only for servre indeed ... no deskto alternates :)15:15
janimoNCommander, btw I got a live img from ogra yesterday, needs fixing but a good first step15:15
ogra_but we dont need to15:15
GrueMasterBad idea.  I refuse to share my coffee mug.15:15
ogra_janimo, i'll bring that up in the image topic15:15
NCommanderGrueMaster: we can clone the mug too. We have the technology15:15
ogra_GrueMaster, two straws, come on15:15
ogra_NCommander, mv ?15:16
GrueMasterI did more testing on the live image.  Having a hard time getting it to be recognized on one large vfat partition by the boot firmware.15:16
NCommander[topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, ppisati)15:16
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Kernel Status (cooloney, ppisati)
ppisatinothing new to report except for the usual SRU kernels15:16
ppisatii'm preparing the first P omap4 kernle15:17
cooloneyoh, i am working on an internal ARM project. shall i talk here?15:17
ppisatistill the same code as in O/omap4 but we a big config review/change15:17
cooloneyppisati: cool15:17
ppisatiomap4 should be much close to master now15:17
janimonew ac100 kernel uploaded to precise,  SRU with speaker fix uploaded to oneiric15:17
janimoboth 2.6.38 based still15:18
GrueMasterppisati: I also need to ping you later this morning about kernel SRU security failures I am seeing.15:18
ppisatijanimo: noone is working on 3.x kernels?15:18
ppisatiGrueMaster: impossible! our kernels are perfect! :)15:18
janimoppisati, upstream does, but does not consider it stable enough yet15:18
janimowe'll get there for 12.04 though15:18
ppisatijanimo: i see15:18
ogra_janimo, heh, high hopes15:19
janimoupstream is based on chromeos tree which is 3.0 only15:19
janimonot sure if we can make 3.2 this cycle, ut at least 3.015:19
* ppisati would like to work on that (since i finally got the cable and the stuff to hack a serial console in(15:19
janimoppisati, #ac100 on freenode :)15:19
NCommanderppisati: serial console on the ac100?15:19
ogra_guys dont forget ac100 is a spare time project this cycle15:19
ppisatijanimo: i know, but i've to finish some other stuff first... unfortunately... :(15:20
ogra_we cant put much work time in15:20
ppisatiNCommander: yep15:20
ppisatiNCommander: https://picasaweb.google.com/107597647635512051759/AC100SerialPortModification?gsessionid=ot7C1HbZg5CPWzwsGXXpZw#15:20
ppisatibut didn't solder it yet (and my gfriend will be here this weekend too... so no spare time...)15:21
NCommanderI never realized how tiny the ac100 main board is15:21
NCommanderanyway, moving on15:21
NCommander[topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)15:21
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)
ogra_ppisati, if you fry your board or something, ping me, i got a free ac100 with broken kbd here15:21
NCommanderFTBFS list is shockingly happy for week 3(?) of archive open15:21
ogra_thats good for parts :)15:21
* ppisati knocks wood...15:21
janimotended to a few ftbfs packages15:21
janimoabout 4 of them in main15:21
ogra_what about chromium ... did anyone take a look at that ?15:22
janimonot me, only firefox15:22
ogra_i know there are linaro people looking into it too and micahg is desparate to get help15:22
ogra_but there seems to be no conversation between the two15:22
ogra_we should help to get that going15:22
janimomaybe he should hang out on #linaro?15:22
janimochromium is a pita because its build system is very unlike others and needs quite a learning curve15:23
ogra_yeah, agreed15:23
NCommanderanything else?15:24
infinityI haven't tested on armel yet, but perl seems sad on armhf/smp.15:24
ogra_infinity, we have an hf topic now15:24
ogra_keep that for it :)15:25
infinityYes, but this isn't hf-specific, I'm sure. :P15:25
NCommander[topic] ARM Hardfloat status (infinity)15:25
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Hardfloat status (infinity)
infinityBut okay.15:25
ogra_so where do we stand ?15:25
infinityPerl's (still) grinding through its testsuite on my mx53, but seems happier than the panda that's been stalled on one test for ~20 hours.15:26
ogra_and once thats done we will have autobiuilds magically ?15:26
infinityPython rdeps still need to shake out, and I have a couple of things to rebuild in Essential to move their linker ref, and then the chroot can go to the librariar.15:27
infinitylibrarian too.15:27
ogra_sounds like we're nearly there \o/15:27
infinityI'd told people "Tuesday" before, but it seems I underestimated how slow my machines are (or, how nasty glib2.0 and perl are on slow hardware anyway)15:28
ogra_cant you abuse some buildds in the DC ?15:28
GrueMasterinfinity: You mentioned perl may have issues on armel.  Give me a testcase and I can start it spinning here.15:28
infinityogra_: I can't parallelise single builds terribly well.15:28
ogra_on hf/smp15:28
ogra_infinity, bah, learn it :P15:28
ogra_yeah, understood :)15:29
infinityogra_: hf/smp is confirmed, I'm betting sf/smp will have the same problem.15:29
* ogra_ didnt catch that15:29
infinityGrueMaster: debootstrap --variant=buildd precise, build perl 5.14.2 on a panda.  See if testsuite hangs indefinitely on dist/Thread-Semaphore/t/01_basic15:29
GrueMasterWill add it to jenkins for logging.15:30
rsalvetijanimo: riku is trying to fix the ftbfs at chromium, to be able to cross build it15:31
ogra_rsalveti, yeah, thats what i meant15:31
janimorsajdok, that is great15:31
janimorsalveti, :)15:31
ogra_rsalveti, do you knwo if he already talked to micah?15:31
ogra_(i asked him to=15:32
rsalvetiogra_: not sure yet, need to ping him15:32
ogra_(if i cant tab rikus nick i'm always lost)15:32
ogra_(else i would have mentioned him above :) )15:33
rsalvetiogra_: suihkulokki :-)15:33
ogra_yeah, indeed, i'm such a whiner :P15:33
=== chrisccoulson is now known as no_it_is_not_fix
=== no_it_is_not_fix is now known as chrisccoulson
infinityWe could all name ourselves after beagle buildds.15:34
infinityOr babbage, rather.15:34
cooloneyi prefer to panda then, heh15:34
* GrueMaster becomes gruecaeaeaeaeae15:35
ogra_NCommander, mv ?15:35
NCommander[topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)15:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
ogra_preinstalled look fine15:35
ogra_live not so much :(15:35
ogra_i managed to build one manually yesterday but capser is unhappy15:36
ogra_janimo is still researching ... we found some missing kernel options though15:36
ogra_or rather differences in squashfs options ... but that doesnt necessarily mean thay cause the issue15:36
GrueMasterI took the live image and mangled it into one large vfat partition, but the panda wasn't happy (refused to find MLO).  Will retry later today.15:37
ogra_so some more research is needed15:37
ppisatii can hand you a new test kernel in a couple of hours15:37
ogra_GrueMaster, the ext4 should actually be fine15:37
NCommanderprobably sometime bit rotted badly since lucid15:37
ogra_casper has code for handling that, we checked15:37
GrueMasterActually, both partitions are vfat.15:37
ogra_NCommander, well, we are missing compression support for squashfs in the kernel15:38
ogra_so that should be the first thing we eleminate15:38
janimoppisati, even if the kernel is not the issue we should still have omep4 kernel aligned with ubuntu sauce15:38
janimoif that is not already I case of course15:38
janimothat's a WI from UDS anyway so no extra work :)15:39
GrueMasterYes.  Alignment would be good.  Kernel SRU tests currently fail because of being out of alignment.15:39
ppisatiGrueMaster: i can beleive it15:40
ppisatiomap4 and master were hundreds of options away15:40
* NCommander smacks head on desk15:40
ppisatisince the inception of omap4 we always had a config that was closer to vanilla than to ubuntu15:41
GrueMasterActually, it dates back earlier than that.  I have found discrepancies on Dove and babbage before.15:41
ogra_i remember at least two UDSes where lool and i approached the kernel team about that15:42
ogra_happy it finally happens :)15:42
ppisatiyou didn't bring enough booze with out then :)15:43
ogra_NCommander, mv ?15:43
NCommander[topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
ogra_twice as many images this time :P15:44
ogra_NCommander, mv ?15:44
* NCommander beats ogra_ 15:44
NCommander[topic] QA Status (GrueMaster, mahmoh)15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: QA Status (GrueMaster, mahmoh)
GrueMasterHey, that's me.15:45
infinitySure is!15:45
ogra_smells like15:45
GrueMasterSteady work on getting kernel-SRU test automation running in Jenkins.15:45
janimoGrueMaster, is there a public url for this jenkins instance?15:46
GrueMasterSo far, reimaging of either Oneiric or Precise works very well.  Still some tweaks to make, but the process takes ~15-20 minutes.15:46
GrueMasterI will push jenkins results to jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com in the near future.15:46
GrueMasterI have also been working with the security team to get the qa-regression-testsuite running properly on arm and make it easier to automate.15:47
loolGrueMaster: the OMAP ROM will insist that your partition type matches your FS type; that is, if it's FAT32, you need partition type 0xc; I don't remember offhand the FAT16 type, but you get the idea15:48
loolyou also want to make sure you have the bootable flag set on your FAT partition15:48
GrueMasterStill need to figure out a way to auto-install Maverick and Natty on omap4 for SRU testing, but a few ideas are being explored.15:48
GrueMasterlool: That may be it.  I didn't spend much time on it.  Will check after meetings.  thks.15:49
GrueMasterOne of many tasks for today.15:49
NCommanderanything else?15:49
ogra_mv :)15:49
GrueMasterAutomating netinstall is the easiest.  Next will be to automate the server preinstalled images.15:49
NCommander[topic] Linaro Updates (rsalveti)15:50
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Linaro Updates (rsalveti)
* rsalveti waves15:50
rsalvetithe milestone we're closing this week: https://launchpad.net/linaro-dev-platform/+milestone/11.1115:50
rsalvetia few important things we did15:50
rsalvetiu-boot-linaro spl usb booting for panda is finally done by jcrigby15:50
rsalvetiGrueMaster this will work the same way as omap4boot15:51
rsalvetibut using the official u-boot for it15:51
rsalvetiproper instructions and etc will be released next week, once we finish the 11.11 release15:51
NCommanderrsalveti: done?15:51
rsalvetiriku fixed a bunch of packages for multi-arch enablement, but still needs to send the changes to ubuntu15:51
rsalvetihe was finally able to cross build firefox with multi-arch15:52
ogra_smagoun will be happy to hear that15:52
rsalvetihe's now looking into chromium to see if we'll be able to also cross build it15:52
rsalvetinext month we're planning to work pushing most of the changes, as for now it was more a experiment15:52
infinityBeing able to built it at all would be a start. ;)15:52
rsalvetiother than that we're also enabling the precise images now15:53
rsalvetiand hope to have them also enabled at lava soon15:53
ogra_intrestingly there are armel debs at google somewheer15:53
ogra_of v14 or even 1515:53
janimorsalveti, is there a list of MA enabled packages being worked on?15:53
infinityYeah, jbailey builds chrome for arm.15:53
rsalvetiand something I'd like to talk with you guys later is how to use lava to help testing the ubuntu images15:53
infinityOr chromium.  Or both.  I always forget.15:53
infinityrsalveti: You know Jeff?  Could be worth poking him.15:54
janimowell those may be native builds no?15:54
rsalvetijanimo: sure, 1 sec15:54
GrueMasterrsalveti: It would be nice if your teams could figure out a way to get u-boot into automated testing.15:54
rsalvetiGrueMaster: that's in progress15:54
infinityjanimo: I'm sure they're native, but we can't build native right now either. :P15:54
rsalvetia lot of discussions with plars about it15:54
rsalvetijanimo: https://launchpad.net/~linaro-maintainers/+archive/staging-overlay15:54
janimoinfinity, well we sometimes can :)15:54
rsalvetijanimo: mostly the ones changed by riku15:54
rsalvetijanimo: also a few others at our overlay ppa15:55
janimorsalveti, these imply upstream pushing I suppose15:55
rsalvetijanimo: yup, work for our next cycle15:55
cooloneyrsalveti: is there any final release from linaro based on 3.1 kernel? i think every month you guys will release once15:55
janimoLibo would be a great candidate15:55
cooloneyrsalveti: or will move to 3.2 sometime15:55
rsalveticooloney: yes, linux-linaro 3.1 for 11.11 was already released15:56
ogra_cooloney, there are no final releases from linaro :P15:56
rsalvetifor now we're still on 3.115:56
ogra_its all rolling15:56
rsalvetibut we should be using tip soon15:56
cooloneygot it, thanks15:56
* cooloney thinks 11.11 is good name for release15:56
rsalvetiand marcin also pushed a few fixes for the cross toolchain packages15:56
rsalvetithat's all from my side15:56
NCommander[topic] AOB15:57
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
* cooloney asks what's AOB for?15:58
infinityAll Other Business?15:58
infinityOr Any.15:58
ogra_any other bubblingupstuff15:58
plarsGrueMaster: we're looking at building some devices that would make it easier for us to do that15:58
infinityBut a bit of a joke with 2 minutes to go. ;)15:59
cooloneyinfinity: got it.15:59
GrueMasterplars: cool.15:59
plarsGrueMaster: but I thought you already had this solved for your purposes with usbboot on panda?15:59
GrueMasterplars: I was mainly thinking of beaglexm.  Still have network issues there.16:00
NCommanderwe're overtime, so if there's anything urgent, please say it now quickly, else I'll close the meeting16:00
GrueMasterAnd I only have 1 system.16:00
ogra_NCommander, close16:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Nov 17 16:00:42 2011 UTC.16:00
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-11-17-15.00.moin.txt16:00
amithkk[topic] wait, unvoice'd users can do this?16:40
jonohey all17:00
jonohey sabdfl17:02
beunook, lets get this party started17:04
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Nov 17 17:04:03 2011 UTC.  The chair is beuno. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.17:04
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired17:04
beunothere's no proposed topics on the wiki17:04
YokoZarI have something to report17:04
dholbachand I wanted to share a quick reminder17:05
beunoYokoZar, go for it17:05
YokoZarRight, at UDS I was tasked with investigating the voting system17:06
YokoZarBriefly, 1) We need to pick an actual algorithm to use, and 2) We need a tie-breaking procedure17:06
sabdfli thought (1) was condorcet17:07
sabdfland (2) was one of the CIVS options17:07
YokoZarFor 1), the Shulze method (first in the list on CIVS) is the clear answer: it's what Debian and Wikimedia use, amid others, and it's a sound algorithm.  You can read about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schulze_Method17:07
YokoZarsabdfl: there are multiple condorcet methods (indeed CIVS lists 4 of them)17:07
sabdflah, right, tiebreaking when even Condorcet-Shultze ties17:07
YokoZarRight, which is indeed what happened between 2nd and 3rd place in the IRCC election17:08
YokoZarAs far as tie-breaking is concerned, that's actually not handled by CIVS.17:09
beuno#topic voting algorithm for board elections and tie-breaking procedure17:09
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: voting algorithm for board elections and tie-breaking procedure
dholbachDo we know how other projects deal with cases like this?17:09
czajkowskiYokoZar: so are you suggesting/recommending that going forth we use the Shulze method17:10
YokoZardholbach: I'm not sure what Debian's tie-breaking procedures are, if they even have them.  It really is a freak occurance17:10
YokoZarczajkowski: Yes, I'm saying we make it official somewhere17:10
czajkowskiYokoZar: ok makes sense to be honest as I'17:10
czajkowskim sure it gets asked the whole time17:10
dholbachI'd suggest to document it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncil/Restaffing17:10
dholbachI have no objections about using it17:10
beunoey use this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloneproof_Schwartz_Sequential_Dropping17:10
YokoZarbeuno: it's the same17:10
beuno(according to http://www.debian.org/vote/)17:11
YokoZarbeuno: (two names for same method)17:11
YokoZarIn fact that wikipedia page is a redirect ;)17:11
sabdflvery simply, this is our discretion, and how we decide is up to us17:11
YokoZardholbach: I'll look into if Debian has a true tie resolution procedure17:11
sabdfli prefer consensus, but if we vote, there is a casting vote so we never get stuck17:11
YokoZarsabdfl: Right, I was just going to suggest we resolve ties by just looking at your ballot and if you rank A > B and there is a tie between A and B, A now beats B17:12
sabdflremember, the mandate stems from us; we poll to get mutual buy-in on delegation, but it is in fact delegation17:12
sabdflwho's ballot?17:12
sabdfli don't need or want to be the direct decider on those; we should discuss them, see if we have general agreement, and if not then just vote17:13
YokoZarOk so you would defer a true tie to the CC then17:13
sabdflyes; it's our delegation, we've polled the relevant group in the community, they've said they're equally happy with two candidates we shortlisted, we can choose17:14
dholbachsabdfl's argument makes sense and it should be corner cases, I just think we should document it, so it's clear to everybody involved17:14
YokoZarThat's fine by me.  Our other two options would be 1) Just using sabdfl's vote as a casting vote in the actual election, and 2) Doing something pseudorandom17:14
czajkowskiaye as dholbach said documentaion would be the key here so everyone knows and is on the same page17:14
sabdflnote to ourselves, though, is that we should exercise real discretion in the shortlisting17:14
sabdfli do with TB and CC, and we should do the same in the delegation17:15
beunoso we use Schwartz as an algorithm, and tie-breaks get discussed and decided upon by the CC, yes?17:15
sabdflnobody should be on the shortlist that does not have our full support17:15
sabdflotherwise we're not doing our job17:15
sabdflbeuno, +117:15
czajkowskibeuno: +117:15
YokoZarbeuno: Yes, +1.  Though I think we should be consistent in calling it Shulze (that seems to be what Wikipedia has settled on, as well as the Elections-Methods mailing list)17:15
beuno#action update wiki pages describing the algorithm and tie-breaking methods used17:16
meetingologyACTION: update wiki pages describing the algorithm and tie-breaking methods used17:16
dholbach+1, that works for me17:16
czajkowskiYokoZar: thanks for looking into this17:16
Gwaihir+1 for me too, sounds fine17:16
akgraner+1 from me as well17:16
beunook, dholbach, you're up17:16
dholbachThis is the first time we are doing this, but I would like to remind everybody that we are going to do "team catch-ups" in CC meetings from now on, so we'll invite people from teams such as governance bodies and talk about a variety of things to improve our cross-team communication, etc. Here's the preliminary schedule: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-council-teams/msg00019.html - please make sure your board/council/team is aware of it.17:16
dholbach Thanks :-)17:16
dholbachOk, I just realised that we changed meeting dates, so I'll have to update the schedule.17:17
dholbachI'll take that as an action and post it to the ubuntu-council-teams list.17:17
pleia2thanks dholbach17:17
akgranerthanks dholbach17:17
Gwaihirgreat dholbach17:17
beuno#info This is the first time we are doing this, but I would like to remind everybody that we are going to do "team catch-ups" in CC  meetings from now on, so we'll invite people from teams such as governance bodies and talk about a variety of things to improve our cross-team communication, etc. Here's the preliminary schedule: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-council-teams/msg00019.html - please make sure your board/council/team is aware o17:18
* beuno stares at meetingology 17:18
dholbach...f it. Thanks :-)17:18
sabdfldholbach, can we keep that schedule in the wiki, say, on CommunityCouncilAgenda?17:18
dholbachI guess that was TMI17:18
dholbachsabdfl, sure17:18
sabdflgroovy, thanks17:18
Gwaihirmight also great to have it in the fridge calendar...17:19
pleia2that might be tricky since it's *during* the CC meeting17:19
YokoZarI suggest17:19
dholbachand it's a recurring event17:20
czajkowskii think on the agenda page should be fine17:20
YokoZarthat We start the meeting with it17:20
beuno#action add the team catch-ups to CommunityCouncilAgenda17:20
meetingologyACTION: add the team catch-ups to CommunityCouncilAgenda17:20
YokoZarI mean as a matter of policy have other teams as guests first on the agenda so that they can leave when they done17:20
pleia2YokoZar: good idea17:20
akgranerYokoZar, +117:20
GwaihirYokoZar, +117:20
* YokoZar remembers an Ubuntu-California meeting that had some international 3AMers present who were made to wait through half an hour of nonsense17:21
dholbachyes, sounds good to me17:21
pleia2yeah, that wasn't good :(17:21
beunoif memory serves, next up is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesignTeam17:21
pleia2so I sent an email to the CC list giving us a heads up, but for the benefit of others, here's the related blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-p-designing-and-creating-ubuntu-experiences17:22
beuno#topic https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesignTeam17:22
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesignTeam
pleia2essentially the community council will be taking over most of jono's tasks here in guidance17:22
pleia2that DesignTeam wiki is slowly coming together, they wrote most of it this morning during their preliminary meeting :)17:22
wendaralso https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-p-ux-participation17:22
pleia2the team hasn't formally been announced, right now they're looking for some structure and guidance and after speaking with doctormo and wendar I offered that the CC would probably be in a good place to do this (since we're already committed to checking in with some other teams this cycle)17:23
pleia2thanks for coming, wendar :)17:23
pleia2anyone have any questions at this time?17:23
jonoI agree17:23
jonoI think the CC can offer some great guidance here17:23
beunopleia2, what would be the channel of communication?17:24
beunoso the CC should hang out over there?17:25
pleia2for actual guidance I'd suggest some CC folks hang out in #ubuntu-design, and we can welcome them to email the CC list at any time (any team can do this of course, but this can be a focus for us)17:25
pleia2and maybe do a public check-in at one of our CC meetings per month, but this should all be discussed based on neds17:26
dholbachthat sounds reasonable - do we have a point of contact there? or do we just "ping/email the team"?17:27
pleia2currently I'd say it's doctormo and wendar17:27
jonoI think a public check in could be useful, make the team feel part of the CC meetings17:27
mhall119the team for now, we haven't selected contacts yet17:27
* dholbach nods17:27
pleia2mhall119: ah, thanks :)17:27
jonoI think it could be useful to appoint a member of the design team to help coordinate with this17:28
jonomaybe Charline or someone17:28
sabdflit feels weird to me that the ubuntu design team doesn't include johnlea, mika, oren, calum, christian, mpt...17:28
sabdflthis should all be one team17:28
wendarsabdfl: they just haven't joined yet17:28
jonosabdfl, absolutely17:28
wendarcharline is a member already17:28
wendarand, yes, it is all one17:28
sabdflwendar, they are the founding members, from where i stand ;-)17:28
YokoZarI like what I'm seeing so far17:29
sabdfli don't mean to offend, and i think the energy around better engagement is excellent17:29
sabdflbut it's wrong to suggest that there was no engagement previously17:29
wendarsabdfl: I mean they haven't joined the launchpad team yet, which was created yesterday17:29
sabdfland all is fixed because wendar and doctormo made a lp team ;-)17:29
dholbachI think it's more about creating more opportunities17:30
wendarwould you like to hear more about the longer-term plans here?17:30
sabdfli asked today that design.canonical.com be moved to design.ubuntu.com, and we create accounts there for folk doing great work, regardless of affiliation17:30
mhall119dholbach: that's correct17:30
wendarthe CC feedback would be useful, but also don't want to take up too much of the meeting if this isn't the right time/place17:30
sabdflwendar, i'd like to hear that those longer term plans were agreed with the cats i listed17:30
wendarsabdfl: yes17:30
sabdflgroovy, then we're ok17:31
wendarsabdfl: they're quite enthusiastic about participating17:31
sabdfllet's get them all assembled in the team, let's get everyone bloggaging, let's do great work as always17:31
sabdfli also hope we'll have some new names on the team soon, for whom IRC and mailing lists are the normal channel, rather than a new channel17:31
sabdflsorry, new names on the canonical design team :-)17:32
* YokoZar this reminds me of the separation between "Ubuntu Desktop Team" and "Canonical Desktop Team" from some time ago17:32
wendarpleia2: one thing we'd appreciate help with from the CC is in organizing17:32
czajkowskiwendar: in what way can we help there?17:32
wendarparticularly, perspectives on setting up our guidelines and culture17:33
wendarso, any comments people have on our drafts on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesignTeam17:34
wendarwould be welcome17:34
czajkowskiwendar: i'll be home later and online and happy to talk you throuigh some stuff if that would help17:35
czajkowskior another time that is suitable17:35
wendarczajkowski: thanks!17:35
pleia2czajkowski: care to join us in #ubuntu-design?17:35
czajkowskialready there17:35
pleia2oh good17:35
czajkowskiwendar: i'll follow up after meeting with a time we can talk17:36
beunook, so "The CC to provide support and guidance to ubuntu-design"?17:37
sabdfl+2 :-)17:38
dholbach+1 from me too17:38
beuno#agreed The CC to provide support and guidance to ubuntu-design17:38
beuno#action The CC to provide support and guidance to ubuntu-design17:38
meetingologyACTION: The CC to provide support and guidance to ubuntu-design17:38
beunothat's it for the known topics17:38
beunoany unknown topics?  :)17:38
akgranerLC results17:39
sabdfli think we're still discussing17:39
akgranerjust 3 people expire from team on Saturday - so wanted to bring it up :-)17:39
sabdflright. hmm.17:39
dholbachif everybody would have a look at the discussion again and follow up, that'd help17:39
sabdflother topics?17:42
akgranerI don't have any more..17:44
czajkowskibeuno: thanks for chairing17:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Nov 17 17:45:23 2011 UTC.17:45
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-11-17-17.04.moin.txt17:45
beunothank you everyone!17:45
dholbachthanks :-)17:45
dholbachoh... who will do the meeting minutes and chair next time?17:48
cjohnstontoo late :-P17:52
* dholbach will do the minutes/team-report17:59
cjwatsonkees: are you chairing TB today?18:00
cjwatsonI can't remember who we agreed on last week (it wasn't in the IRC logs)18:00
sabdflthanks daniel, and akgraner will chair next CC18:00
sabdflhello TB :-)18:00
* pitti waves hello18:00
* stgraber waves18:00
cjwatsonback-to-back meetings - the TB will be moving as of next fortnight though :)18:01
* cjwatson gets the minutes of the last meeting out in the very nick of time, 32 seconds before the meeting18:02
pittiFTR, I need to run out in about 35 mins18:03
cjwatsonI probably do as well - parent-teacher meeting this evening at which point I'm in charge of the other child18:04
cjwatsoncan anyone chair?18:05
broderwait, is the meeting supposed to be now or in an hour?18:05
pittiso soren sent his excuses, haven't heard from kees and mdz18:05
cjwatsonI thought it was now18:05
pittibroder: 1800 UTC, i. e. now18:05
broderbah, stupid time zones. ok18:06
cjwatson15:36 <pitti> cjwatson, stgraber, mdz, kees, soren: TB is still at 1800 UTC today, i. e. an hour earlier now with winter time?18:06
cjwatson15:38 <cjwatson> yes, I guess so18:06
pittihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda says 18:00 UTC, so I took that as definitive place18:06
stgraber#startmeeting Technical Board Meeting18:06
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Nov 17 18:06:41 2011 UTC.  The chair is stgraber. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.18:06
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired18:06
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Technical Board Meeting Meeting | Current topic:
pittianyway, so next meeting will be in 11 days then, Monday evening?18:06
stgraber#topic New meeting time18:06
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Technical Board Meeting Meeting | Current topic: New meeting time
stgraberlet's start with that then :)18:07
stgraberso based on the doodle poll, the new meeting time is now Monday at 21:00 UTC18:07
cjwatsonit's not ideal for me, but we knew that; I can manage it18:08
pittiMonday 2100 only cuts into the first sleep hour, so that still WFM during winter time; I'd appreciate if we could move it back an hour during summer18:08
pittiperhaps we can just tie it to London time instead of UTC?18:08
cjwatsonright, I proposed polling again at the next DST change18:08
cjwatsonsometimes things shift round more than that so I think it's better to repoll18:08
pittiwould make it easier to have a permanent definition which doesn't keep messing up personal schedules18:08
cjwatsonif it's done by somebody vaguely efficient rather than me then it shouldn't take too long :)18:08
cjwatsonactually I'd prefer to have occasional shifting around to share the pain ...18:08
pittiheh, or that :)18:09
stgraberI also prefer polling again in 6 months, so we can maybe find a better spot or indeed share the pain a bit :)18:09
pittiso I guess that's settled18:09
stgraberI'll update the wiki, anything else that needs changing?18:09
stgraber#action stgraber to update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda with the new meeting time18:10
meetingologyACTION: stgraber to update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda with the new meeting time18:10
cjwatsonwiki and maybe the Ubuntu engineering calendar18:10
stgraberhow do we update the calendar?18:11
cjwatsonif you don't have access, ask Michelle18:11
stgraberok, I'll have a look18:11
stgraber#action stgraber to update the Ubuntu engineering calendar with the new meeting time18:11
meetingologyACTION: stgraber to update the Ubuntu engineering calendar with the new meeting time18:11
stgraber#topic Opening backports pocket pre-release18:12
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Technical Board Meeting Meeting | Current topic: Opening backports pocket pre-release
stgraberso, back to backports18:12
broderhello everyone18:12
pittipoints 2 and 3 seem no different to me than for "normal" backports18:13
pittiand for point 4, yes, definitively source-only18:13
cjwatsonI'd like to dig into upload privileges a little bit18:13
pittifor point 4 I think the requirements for early backport uploads should be like for regular ones, i. e. include a check-mir run perhaps?18:13
cjwatsonas discussed at the tail end of last meeting18:13
broderi think we concluded last time that nobody was totally sure how the backports pocket worked currently, so we should probably talk about how we would *want* it to work, and adjust accordingly18:13
=== medberry is now known as mka
cjwatsonoriginally, the TB said "only ubuntu-core-dev gets to do manual uploads to backports" (regardless of whether that's what's actually implemented in LP)18:14
pittimy main point for discussion is the first bullet point18:14
=== mka is now known as medberry
broderactually, i realized later that source-only copies aren't an option, because we can't have 2 different builds with the same version number in the archive18:14
cjwatsonI would prefer to just say that any developer with upload privileges to the package in question can upload it to -backports, and that we'd generally expect -backporters to review that18:14
cjwatsonthat won't require adding another celebrity to LP or whatever, and it seems a reasonable policy18:15
stgraberwith upload privileges in the source or the target release?18:15
cjwatsontarget I guess18:15
cjwatsonthat's the one you're changing after all18:15
stgraberright, and only core-devs could introduce a new package in -backports then?18:15
broderand for pre-release backports, there is no source release, at least within ubuntu18:15
cjwatsonI agree that this means we might actually have to maintain the package sets for older releases18:15
cjwatsonstgraber: ubuntu-dev, I think18:16
cjwatsonif we just went with the natural LP policy18:16
cjwatsonsorry, n18:16
cjwatsonubuntu-core-dev or motu (you have to have component upload privileges)18:16
stgrabersounds good18:16
pittias all of these uploads will land in unapproved anyway, I don't see a problem with ~ubuntu-dev being technically able to upload18:17
micahgshould we allow new sources after feature freeze though?  IMHO, those could wait until the following release18:17
pitti(as the usual script will not work, there's nothing to backport from)18:17
brodermicahg: i think allowing new sources is a huge benefit of this plan18:17
pitti^ agree18:18
cjwatsonI would like to allow ~ubuntu-backporters to be able to do queue management on the backports pocket18:18
broderbecause previously there was an extended period where there was no way to get new sources into the archive, which is difficult for upstreams that are new to our cycle18:18
cjwatsonthis will, I think, require some work in LP, but it seems eminently worthwhile18:18
cjwatsonthat way we wouldn't impose much extra archive admin load18:18
pittiand it would also get rid of the AA steps for the regular backports, makign the process smoother18:18
pittibut it's not a blocker for this policy, anyway18:19
micahgpitti: well, except for backporthelper18:19
pittimicahg: do we need that?18:19
micahgfor no change backports?18:19
pittiI thought these would be pretty much normal uploads, just with a differetn target (devrelease-backports)18:19
cjwatsonre pocket copies: we could simply copy source in universe and reupload things in main.  that would probably be good enough.18:19
pitticjwatson: you mean source+binaries in universe?18:20
pittiI'd prefer rebuilding it (new toolchain, FTBFS check, etc.)18:20
broderallowing backporters to do queue management sounds spiffy. we already have that open request to LP to allow for separate queue privileges by packetset, right? i wonder if it's worth rolling this request into that18:20
pittior new library ABIs18:20
brodercjwatson: is there a specific reason that AA need to do backports with backport-helper/mass-syncs instead of us doing them with backportpackage? i guess we bypass the new queues that way?18:21
cjwatsonI think it just meant we didn't have to do more checking18:22
cjwatsonpitti: you're probably right18:22
* micahg thought it was the same reason for using sync-helper and why the LP API is prefered for sync's, no round trip through dev machines18:22
cjwatsononce -backporters starts handling the queue admin, I wouldn't mind revisiting that18:23
cjwatsonI'd prefer we do that first though18:23
cjwatsonthat way -archive doesn't have to check that it's really the same package with changelog tweak18:23
broderah, right, because the queue doesn't actually give you the diff you care about. makes sense18:24
cjwatsonlast time I raised a concern about skew in developer attention, but on reflection, I think it's mostly different developers involved18:24
cjwatsonand having a mechanism for people to get things into -backports early ought to take some pressure off the release team and allow us to have a higher-quality release in general18:24
cjwatsonas long as you folks are sensible about saying "no, this really ought to go into the release 'cos it's broken as it is"18:25
cjwatsonwhich AFAICS you're already doing with SRUs18:25
broderyeah, "this should be an SRU" is one of our stock answers18:25
broderi think extending that to "this should be a freeze exception" should be pretty natural18:25
pittiwith these, do you actually expect a huge influx of packages which are backported pre-release?18:27
pittimy gut feeling is that we are talking about a magnitude of ten here18:27
broderyeah, i don't think i expect it to be massive18:28
broderor at least not initialy18:28
pittias for your first point, can we have a report which shows us when backports get obsoleted by release uploads?18:30
pittiand/or an email notification?18:30
pittiwe have that in the pending-sru.html script already, should be simple to port18:30
micahgwell, if it18:30
pittiit shows us when an SRU gets superseded by a -security upload18:30
pittiin that case we need a merge or a new backport18:30
broderyeah, and i've got a similar report for backports whose source was superseded by a security/SRU update18:31
micahgugh, if it's going into -proposed, we wouldn't want to remove that from -backports, right, since it'll be post release?18:31
pittisomething similar would also be useful for the existing backports18:31
broderi can definitely do that18:31
pittie. g. you backport final version, then it gets a security update18:31
pittithis should be re-backported, too18:31
micahgoh, that's what you mean...18:31
broderright - http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~broder/rebackporter/rebackports.json is the report i'm currently generating18:31
pittimicahg: no, I mean if you upload to -backports at FF time, and the same package gets FFEd later on with a higher version18:32
micahgah, right, makes sense to remove, but would we want to do that for -proposed as well or just the release pocket?18:32
pittiif that could alert the backporter team, or it auto-files bugs, or whatever, I'd be entirely happy with the proposal18:32
pittimicahg: I think for -updates/-security uploads we generally want to update the backport as well18:32
pittifor release, it might be a merge18:33
broderi'm ok with having it auto-file bugs18:33
pittias we have both a newer version and a (potentially totally unrelated) fix to the release package18:33
micahg+1 on auto-file18:35
cjwatsonauto-file with a tag, yes18:35
pittisorry, I need to run18:35
pittiwith the "superseded package" being flagged, and doing new uploads for main uploads into +1, I'm happy18:35
broderthanks for your input, pitti18:35
stgraberis there anything else we want to discuss on that topic? we unfortunately don't have quorum today, so I'd recommend to document the plan based on the dicussion we just had and vote on the final proposal at the next TB meeting18:38
cjwatsonright, we're now inquorate; I think I'm happy with this but it's significant enough that I think we should document what we have and not try to do it on a bare quorum anyway18:38
cjwatsonand there were enough changes suggested here that I think they deserve writing up18:39
broderok, so it sounds like (a) bot to monitor and file bugs about skew between -release and -backports, (b) modify -backports to require source-change uploads only from people with permission to upload to that package in other pockets, (c) do rebuilds of either everything or everything from main that gets copied forward to the +1, (d) possibly follow up with lp on allowing queue management granularity18:39
broderby pocket?18:39
stgraberyeah, even with pitti's +1, we're only at 3/6 members, so better have it well documented, letting the other TB members look at the final proposal and then vote on it in two weeks18:39
broderanything i missed?18:39
cjwatsonthat's everything I mentioned at least18:40
stgraberlooks good18:41
broderok. i can volunteer to write that up and update the list, then18:42
stgraberbroder: can you update the plan to include these few points and send an updated version to the ML (or a link to a wiki page?)?18:42
stgrabersounds like a yes :)18:42
broderi'm also going to start working on a list of code that needs to be modified to support this18:43
stgraber#action broder to update the plan for pre-release backports and send update to the TB mailing-list18:43
meetingologyACTION: broder to update the plan for pre-release backports and send update to the TB mailing-list18:43
brodercool. thanks for the feedback, everyone18:44
stgraberbroder: thanks!18:44
stgraber#topic Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed (standing item)18:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Technical Board Meeting Meeting | Current topic: Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed (standing item)
stgraberdidn't find any new topic on there after a quick look. Only a discussion on upstart/lxc and a comment from Kate on bug 17437518:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 174375 in Launchpad itself "Distribution drivers permissions may need redesign" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17437518:45
stgraber#topic AOB18:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Technical Board Meeting Meeting | Current topic: AOB
stgraberanything else?18:45
cjwatsonnothing from me18:45
cjwatsonand about to be called away, so :)18:45
stgraber#topic Chair for next meeting18:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Technical Board Meeting Meeting | Current topic: Chair for next meeting
stgraberI say we stick with kees as he's the next one in alphabetical order, any objection? :)18:46
cjwatsonwfm :)18:46
stgraberperfect :)18:46
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Nov 17 18:46:59 2011 UTC.18:46
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-11-17-18.06.moin.txt18:46
stgraberthanks everyone18:47
cjwatsonthanks for chairing18:48
keesargh, stupid DST18:51
* inetpro so happy that we do not have DST in South Africa18:53
stgrabersent the minutes for the TB meeting, currently in the moderation queue19:05
mdzstgraber, hi19:07
mdzwhat happened, no meeting?19:07
beunomdz, happened ^^^19:08
mdzhmm, the calendar says it was scheduled for 8 minutes ago :-/19:08
micahgmdz: UTC + DST = uh-oh19:09
mdznobody pinged me, but I had another meeting anyway19:09
mdzmicahg, shared calendaring = better than nothing :-)19:09
micahgheh, maybe kees can help with Google Calendar understanding UTC19:10
mdzmicahg, or someone can remember to update the calendar the 4x per year that this happens ;-)19:15
mdzor fall back on email19:15
micahgheh, that too19:15
mdzanyway, rant over19:15
mdzsorry I couldn't be at the meeting19:15
pleia2if you set the time zone to Reykjavik, Iceland in google calendar you never have to change it (it's UTC and no DST)19:17
micahgpleia2: is that what the fridge is set to?19:18
stgrabermdz: 15:36 < pitti> cjwatson, stgraber, mdz, kees, soren: TB is still at 1800 UTC today, i. e. an hour earlier now with winter time?19:18
stgraberanyway, we changed time for our next meeting, hopefully the calendar will be updated by then19:18
mdzstgraber, I was still in bed at that time :-)19:18
mdzand had already been scheduled into other meetings based on what was on my calendar for the past week19:19
mdzfor meetings during the work day, it's hard for me to attend unless the time is fixed in advance on the calendar19:19
pleia2micahg: there isn't a default when you add stuff to fridge calendar (google calendar tries to help you by converting to your time zone) and when you embed a calendar in a website like on fridge it has more timezone options (it's set for GMT)19:20
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
AlanBellbeuno: czajkowski what was the problem with the #info command earlier? czajkowski said it overflowed or something??20:15
czajkowskiAlanBell: it didnt catch all the chars that were being copied in for an #info command20:17
czajkowskiit was missing the last 3 letters20:17
AlanBellisn't that just an IRC/Freenode limit?20:17
AlanBelllong text: This is the first time we are doing this, but I would like to remind everybody that we are going to do "team catch-ups" in CC  meetings from now on, so we'll invite people from teams such as governance bodies and talk about a variety of things to improve our cross-team communication, etc. Here's the preliminary schedule: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-council-teams/msg00019.html - please make sure your board/council/team ...20:18
AlanBell... is aware of it20:18
AlanBellthat was one line in irssi20:19
beunoit should of still captured tha amount that got through, no?20:19
* AlanBell goes to see what it does with #info anyway20:21
AlanBellhmm, very little by the looks of things20:22
AlanBellit captures it and puts it in a dictionary, but the moin output writer does not appear to use it20:22
AlanBelland it doesn't echo it back to you (which I would argue is correct, I don't like echoey bots)20:23
beunoI thought it hadn't worked because it didn't echo anything back20:23
AlanBellno, it worked, but the command doesn't do anything20:24
AlanBellnothing to do with line length20:24
AlanBellI am going to get it to do more echoing back privately to acknowledge it got things20:24
AlanBellbug 89179420:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 891794 in Ubuntu IRC Bots "#info doesn't do much" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89179420:26

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!