
broderLaney (and other backporters): can you think of common stock responses you have to write up on backport requests? so far i've got "this package isn't in ubuntu", "this version isn't in ubuntu", and "backports aren't srus". any others?00:56
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micahgbroder: uploaded to PPA foo, please install and run01:35
broderah yes, of course :)01:36
iamfuzzlifeless, oh sorry, was referring back to installing launchpad locally01:57
iamfuzzlifeless, does the ability to create private PPAs in the soyuz implementation exist there?01:58
blairsuggestions on which debian IRC channel to discuss a non-responsive debian package maintainer?  i've put together a patch for review.  looking to get them to update a package so it can be synced into precise02:10
lifelessiamfuzz: we deploy the same code we develop02:10
lifelessiamfuzz: no changes02:10
iamfuzzvery nice02:11
Resistancesince i got no answers from #launchpad...03:39
Resistance<Resistance> do recipe builds and what not get a lower build / ppa-build priority?03:39
Resistance<Resistance> the same source package uploaded by hand myself gets a sooner build time than the recipe build on lp03:39
Resistancein case someone here knows03:39
micahgResistance: makes sense that automatic builds are after manual ones04:09
dholbachgood morning07:51
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Laneybroder: blah blah upgrade path09:25
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l3onHey guys... do you suggest to add NO_PKG_MANGLE=1 in Makefile or in debian/rules ?15:18
l3onthe first choice means I have to create a patch... the second one should be a inline editing... what do you suggest ?15:19
l3on(package I'm merging is cdebootstrap)15:19
l3on-dpkg-deb --build temp-$(PACKAGE) $(PACKAGE).deb15:19
l3on+NO_PKG_MANGLE=1 dpkg-deb --build temp-$(PACKAGE) $(PACKAGE).deb15:19
l3onthat's the change at Makefile15:20
geserhow is it currently done?15:20
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l3onchanging Makefile15:21
l3onthat → helper/Makefile.{in,am}15:22
l3onanyway... this package has '3.0 (native)' format...15:25
l3onWhat's the best way to apply patches ?15:25
l3onI mean.. if I switch format to 'quilt' I need .orig.tar.gz15:25
l3onthat's not provided by debian :/15:26
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Laneyl3on: I suggest you read up on what a native package is :-)16:29
Laneyspecifically that applying patches is not quite the same thing when the package is native16:30
l3onLaney, I read.. but I'm not sure to understand how to apply patches :).. so, I switched to online changes ...16:33
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and`didrocks: any reason for keeping libbamf outside Debian?17:09
didrocksand`: not outside that Debian didn't need it until now17:12
and`didrocks: I maintain the gnome-pie package and while looking at its new upstream release today, I noticed it requiring libbamf :)17:13
didrocksoh, interesting :)17:13
didrocksso please, feel free to push it to debian17:13
and`do you want to maintain it there as well?17:14
and`if yes, I can sponsor the upload for you if you want.17:15
and`didrocks: ^^17:16
didrocksand`: I would be happy to do that, I can't though affirm that I can give the same QA level on debian17:18
and`didrocks: I can help you if needed, i.e forwarding stuff etc. but keeping the package in sync would be a nice thing17:19
and`didrocks: drop me a mail with a dgettable dsc and I'll push it either today or tomorrow, is that OK for you?17:19
didrocksand`: can we plan that on Monday? I'm about to leave and will be off for a FLOSS event this week-end17:20
and`didrocks: sure, but if there are no big deltas (apart changelog, maintainer stuff etc.), I can grab Ubuntu's package myself and upload it to Debian17:21
didrocksand`: you should be able to grab the current version in ubuntu and be fine with it17:22
didrocksand`: 0.2.104-0ubuntu117:22
didrocksso I guess 0.2.104-1 and I can sync back in ubuntu17:22
and`didrocks: awesome, will add you as main maintainer.17:23
didrocksthanks and` :)17:24
CarlFKis there a guid for getting source, fixing bug, uploading to my PPA, testing, and submitting the patch on my ppa?17:58
CarlFKI have submitted patches and put stuff on my PPA, wondering if there is a smooth way to do them both17:59
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achiangbarry: ping, do you know how to steer setup.py to install python modules in /usr/share/appname/xxx instead of dist-packages dir?21:55
barryachiang: is this for a package using dh_python2?21:56
achiangbarry: yeah21:57
barryachiang: do a man dh_python2 and search for "private dirs"21:57
achiangbarry: the package wants to install some private modules, and per policy, they should go into  /usr/share/module21:58
barryachiang: yep, dh_python2 supports that21:58
achiangbarry: hm, so i'm talking with my upstream and they want to make setup.py do it, so this works on fedora too21:58
barryachiang: hmm, okay.  try this: `python setup.py install --help`.  there are a number of options available to control where stuff gets installed, so upstream will have to poke through those and figure out what works best for them22:00
achiangbarry: ok, will pass on, thanks22:01
barryachiang: np. hth.22:01
iamfuzzlifeless, got LP up and running locally \o/23:12
iamfuzzlifeless, how does one go about adding userS?23:12
iamfuzzlifeless, when I acess Login/Register, it only gives me the option to login23:13
StevenKiamfuzz: utilites/make-lp-user <name>23:13
Laneyadmin@canonical.com / test23:13
lifelessthere are some scripts in bin/ and utilities/23:13
Laneyis the default, but ^23:13
iamfuzzmany thanks23:13
* iamfuzz wonders why canonical doesn't offer installation and setup of this as a paid service like LDS23:14
StevenKBecause we'd prefer you use launchpad.net23:14
StevenKBut we understand that isn't possible all the time23:14
iamfuzzwe likely would, other than the bandwidth issues as a result of a hosted service23:15
LaneyI tried to get soyuz working but it bob the builder had some phantom mozilla build going on so it never got any build jobs23:15
Laneyhow do I kill that?23:15
StevenKLaney: Hack the DB23:15
iamfuzzLaney, lmk how it works out - thats my next step too :-)23:15
* StevenK tries to remember the runes23:17
Laneyno worries, I don't have it up atm :-)23:17
lifelessactually thats not why we don't do an LDS like thing23:17
StevenKEither way lib/lp/buildmaster/enums.py has the magical values23:17
StevenKLaney: So you have a build in status 0 (NEEDSBUILD), you want to update the DB so that they are all 2 (FAILEDTOBUILD)23:18
Laneyi think it is currently building actually23:18
StevenKThen 6 to 223:18
Laneybut I get the idea23:19
Laneythank you :>23:19
StevenKLaney: #launchpad-dev on this network. We'd be delighted to answer any questions you have.23:19
StevenKiamfuzz: ^23:19
Laneyam there, idling23:19
Laneywill surely have questions when i come to actually do something23:19
iamfuzzLaney, you have any problems importing your gpg key?23:22
Laneyi think you have to make sure gpg knows about it23:22
Laneyon the host, for that script23:23
lifelessthe idea of on-site launchpads was mooted way back at the london exhibition hotel LP sprint23:24
lifelessnever seemed to get the resourcing needed, and doing it from the existing dev team would slow down features23:24
ajmitchLaney: you're making progress now? :)23:28
Laneytoo tired to boot the vm and check23:29
Laneyshould have done it in an lxc23:29
ajmitchbetter than messing up your live system23:33
iamfuzzwhere are the logs stored?  I can't get it to import my key for the life of me23:34
iamfuzzlifeless, StevenK I apparently have something with my bazaar alias screwed up.  When I click on the logout button, it takes me to the "Lost something?" page with broken images23:55
iamfuzzand when trying to import a key, I get this fun: 2011-11-17 15:33:21-0800 [HTTPChannel,4,] - - [17/Nov/2011:23:33:20 +0000] "GET /pks/lookup?search=0xD69FC46438D3A33619E5577D39BE3335F26A3797&op=get HTTP/1.1" 500 145 "-" "Python-urllib/2.6"23:55
iamfuzzany ideas?23:55
StevenKiamfuzz: Does the URL start with bazaar.launchpad.dev?23:56
iamfuzzStevenK, yes23:57
iamfuzzStevenK, https://bazaar.launchpad.dev/+logout?next_to=https%3A%2F%2Ftestopenid.dev%2F%2Blogout23:57
StevenKiamfuzz: It's LP attempting to log you out of loggerhead too, you'll hit it if you use make run, rather than make run_codehosting23:57
StevenKiamfuzz: It's ignorable23:57
iamfuzzStevenK, ah, thought it might be related to my key import issue as well23:58

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