
pangolinGTRsdk: you asked a support question in #ubuntu when you are not running Ubuntu.00:35
pangolinanyway, please part this channel if there is nothing further.00:37
GTRsdkoh yeah. Sorry about that. I forgot.01:05
ubottuiceroot called the ops in #ubuntu (ucenik33)09:25
Myrttibanned but not kicked09:31
ubottuniko called the ops in #ubuntu (
Piciniko: sorry, I'm not really here.12:33
ubottuFloodBotK2 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (tgr appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)19:33
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (tgr appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)19:33

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