
marsilainenAzelphur: would you not just run ionice on both:  ionice mysqldump ... | ionice gzip blah.gz00:20
Azelphurperhaps :P00:20
Azelphurthis is funny, I've got someone on my irc channel atm telling me they can brute force the password on my server00:20
Azelphurthey started off saying that I had root login enabled, I pointed out I'm running Ubuntu server and the root account has no password00:20
Azelphurnow he's saying that he can brute force the username, and the password haha00:21
marsilainenwell he can00:22
marsilainengiven enough time00:22
Azelphuryea, a few hundred years and a botnet with every single computer on the planet in it :P00:23
Azelphurand somehow bypassing the laws of physics and making my server have more than a 100mbit connection00:23
marsilainenis your password: ruhplezA ?00:24
Azelphurno, I use highly secure very long passwords.00:25
marsilainenoh, ok00:25
marsilainenis there a way to turn on auto-raise in unity?00:31
marsilainenI would like focus-follows-mouse and auto-raise00:31
ubuntubhoy3D ?00:32
marsilainenno thanks00:32
marsilainenjust focus-follows-mouse and auto-raise would be sufficient00:32
Azelphurmarsilainen: haha, just made him look stupid :D00:33
Azelphur(00:31:17) Azelphur: given my servers 100mbit connection, assuming no protocol overhead whatsoever, 6 bytes per password attempt, you'd be able to check around 2097152 passwords a second, it would take you 273238944967337074 years to guess my 6 character password00:33
marsilainenyou just told him that it's 6 characters - you shouldn't give away that sort of info00:34
marsilainenalso, you said that you use "highly secure very long passwords" <-- 6 characters != very long00:35
Azelphurmarsilainen: next line, (00:31:48) Azelphur: My password is much longer than 6 characters, and you don't know the username :)00:35
ubuntubhoymarsilainen, I mean Unity 3D or 2D ?00:36
ubuntubhoynot 3D effects00:36
marsilainenubuntubhoy: oh, I see - well whatever the default is in oneiric - I assume 2D?00:36
marsilainenhow do I tell?00:36
ubuntubhoynah, its 3D00:36
marsilainennothing looks 3d00:36
marsilainenis that good or bad?00:36
marsilainenso how do I do the above?00:36
ubuntubhoyyou need to install compiz config settings manager00:37
marsilainenah, ok00:37
ubuntubhoyor CCSM as its known00:37
ubuntubhoyfrom there you can set focus settings00:37
marsilainenok, ta00:37
ubuntubhoythe dodge to focus effect if its still there is nice00:38
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ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] 12.04 Ubuntu Developer Summit Proceedings - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/11/17/12-04-ubuntu-developer-summit-proceedings/01:10
bigcalmGood morning!07:26
bigcalmThis is far too early for any sane person to be awake07:26
bigcalmAnd off to Wolverhampton I trot. Toodles :)07:28
MartijnVdSoodles of toodles?07:29
popeyi have a thunderbird question...08:09
popeyI have mine setup to connect to an imap server08:09
popeyi have mail sorted on the server into folders, and i can subscribe to those folders in thunderbird08:09
popeybut thunderbird doesnt tell me that there is new mail in those folders till I click on them08:09
popeythis seems sub-optimal08:09
popeyis there any way to change this?08:09
hoovergood morning all08:10
TheOpenSourcerermorning popey08:13
TheOpenSourcererone account? Maultiple folders?08:13
TheOpenSourcererCheck under File->Subscribe that all folders (for each account are checked).08:15
popeythey are08:16
TheOpenSourcererHow do they get into the folders on the server?08:16
popeyprocmail stuff08:17
TheOpenSourcererWhat is the imap server?08:17
popeyno idea, its not mine08:17
TheOpenSourcererI think it "should" work.08:17
popeybut teh procmail script moves mails08:17
popeyand when I click a folder the number of unread goes up and loads of mail appears08:17
TheOpenSourcererMight be incomplete imap support on the server?08:17
* popey ssh's to the mail server to find out08:18
TheOpenSourcererCurrently I use TB Filters to move emails to folders. Was going to play with imapfilter or sieve shortly to do it on the server so will be able to compare results08:18
TheOpenSourcererHave you checked bugzilla?08:18
popeydovecot 1:1.2.9-1ubuntu6.508:19
popeythats the server08:19
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popeyi have no control over the server though08:19
popeyI use a script which detects that mail is from a list and filters it for me, someone else wrote it08:20
popeyit creates folders if tehy dont exist for new mailing lists08:20
popeyand emails me when new folders are created, which is handy08:20
popeyi dont want to filter locally, i have two computers, dont want to have to set them both up08:20
TheOpenSourcererIndeed. That's why I was interested in imapfilter and sieve for the same reason.08:22
TheOpenSourcererOur mail server (Zentyal) supports sieve.08:22
TheOpenSourcererAnd I have a Sieve plugin for TB. But it's a bit poo.08:22
TheOpenSourcerersieve that is.08:23
TheOpenSourcererimapfilter looks more interesting.08:24
TheOpenSourcererI assume that on your "account settings" for the server you have check for mail on startup and check for new messages every x minutes set08:24
TheOpenSourcererAlso check the Synchronisation and Storage settings section.08:25
AlanBellmorning all08:55
MartijnVdShowdy AlanBell08:55
MartijnVdS255 and Pac-Man - Numberphile - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umYvFdU54Po09:18
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:23
MartijnVdS\o brobostigon09:27
brobostigono/ MartijnVdS09:27
JamesTait"What a beautiful day, hey hey, what a beautiful day!" Good morning all! :)09:35
TheOpenSourcererMorning earthlings.09:36
* TheOpenSourcerer has helped popey this morning. I thought that was impossible.09:37
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=== bigcalm_ is now known as bigcalm_lappy
bigcalm_lappy2nd good morning peeps :)09:38
brobostigonmorning TheOpenSourcerer09:40
DavieyTheOpenSourcerer: did you wash your hands afterwards?09:40
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: i never really used thunderbird in anger09:40
DavieyOnce you have 'helped' popey, you always end up with those difficult moments where you can't look eachother in the face the same.  And the difficult lift conversations.09:41
* BigRedS uses it angrily all the time09:41
davmor2morning all09:46
bigcalm_lappyHaha, what have I walked in on?09:46
bigcalm_lappygord: where are you?09:46
davmor2czajkowski: prod09:46
selinuxium'lo   o/09:48
TheOpenSourcererThe Nexus is now on sale.09:50
AlanBellis that the one you want or are you going to wait for something bigger?09:52
TheOpenSourcererDunno. Still totally undecided09:53
TheOpenSourcererThe Note or Nexus, Nexus or Note???09:53
czajkowskiAlanBell: do not drop it or lose it :)09:53
AlanBellI have not lost my S209:53
czajkowskidavmor2: come back after 6 please09:53
AlanBelldid drop it a little bit, but it is OK09:53
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: Now has his phone chained to his third limb.09:53
TheOpenSourcerererr fith09:53
AlanBellit is ringing09:53
bigcalm_lappyJust got a call from somebody's number that isn't in my contacts list. I had no idea who it was but they knew me. Wrong number in any case and they hung up. I am so confused10:06
bigcalm_lappydavmor2: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bigcuthy/sets/72157606644018228/10:10
* oimon notices that oblivion is on offer in steam today, < £410:10
oimoni don't have a good enough graphics card to play it :(10:10
popeybigcalm_lappy: disapointed you didnt do a hitler tasche10:13
bigcalm_lappypopey: I have a scar in the middle of my upper lip that stops hair from growing there10:15
oimonanyone know about the flossie conference?10:35
oimonmaybe czajkowski?10:35
bigcalm_lappyoimon: is that a dentist convention?10:38
AlanBelloimon: bastubis is organising it10:39
oimonit's being held in my offices/building :D10:39
czajkowskinot sure of the dates10:40
oimonin 201210:40
oimoni think i'm getting roped in to helping10:40
davmor2czajkowski: prod10:41
czajkowskidavmor2: after 610:42
AlanBelloimon: in CMU?10:44
oimonAlanBell: QMUL10:44
AlanBellthats what I meant to type :)10:44
CaMasonMorning all. Trying to upgrade to 11.10 from 11.04. Needs 1.5GB on / which I don't have. I do, however, have 10GB on /home. How could I work around this to upgrade?10:51
popeyreinstall over the top rather than upgrade?10:52
BigRedSCaMason: what're your partitions like? Just a / and a /home?10:52
CaMasonBigRedS, precisely that10:52
CaMasonold Eee 901 netbook. 2 SSDs, one 4GB, one 16GB. 16GB is slower though10:53
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Laneymount some stuff inside /home10:53
Laneylike /var/cache/apt10:54
CaMasonthat cache is pretty empty actually10:54
popeyit will be10:54
CaMasonthe big areas are places like /var/lib10:54
popeyit will download during the upgrade10:54
CaMasondpes the upgrade download to /var/cache/apt ?10:54
popeythats where the debs go10:54
CaMasonok. Move that to /home and symlink it?10:54
popeycould do10:54
popeyI have done that in the past10:54
CaMasonI have some /usr/local/ stuff set up that way10:55
popeybut I would still expect you would run out on the first SSD10:55
CaMason494MB free on /10:55
popeyi reinstalled mine with / on the 16GB SSD and swap on the 4GB10:55
popeyno home partition10:56
* BigRedS mumbles about swap files10:56
gordhome partitions are so 200910:56
Laneymy headphones are shredding themselves :(10:56
CaMasonbut the 16GB ssd is slow as..10:56
popeyits not exactly bleeding edge netbook these days to be fiar10:56
popeyalthough both my kids have that model10:56
popeyrunning 11.0410:56
CaMasonno, it isn't - that's why I'd rather not make it slower than it is :)10:57
popeycrunchbang it is then ☺10:57
popeyI have crunchbang on an Intel Classmate, flies along10:57
CaMasonI'm still amazed at it though with Ubuntu running on it..10:57
popeyand the classmate is even slower than the 90110:57
dogmatic69if you specify as the ip adders that means everything?10:57
BigRedSdogmatic69: yeah10:57
CaMasonI used it to demo a new project infront of some very big companies in the security industry10:57
dogmatic69what would be any internal address?10:57
CaMasonWe have 5 companies demonstrating, all connecting into one central machine (this 901)10:58
CaMasongood talking point10:58
CaMasonapart from the CTOs that came over and said "Ahh, I see you're running a Mac"10:58
bigcalm_lappyLooks like davmor2 is 'busy' ;)10:58
BigRedSdogmatic69: how are you defining 'internal'?10:58
BigRedSand what is it you're configuring?10:59
davmor2bigcalm_lappy: nearly as busy as you :P10:59
dogmatic69BigRedS: private ip? not sure the terms to use. i want to specify ssh connections to a server on aws only from within aws10:59
BigRedSwhat are you specifying thsi to?11:00
dogmatic69so i have 10 servers on aws, one can only be connected from static office ip, other 9 only from the other server11:00
BigRedSdo you mean teh 10.x.x.x addresses you get on amazon?11:00
dogmatic69in the firewall / security group settings11:00
BigRedSI thought in Amazon, by default things in the same sec group can do anything to each other11:01
CaMasonMy 901 got run over too, btw11:01
dogmatic69BigRedS: maybe...11:01
CaMasonhttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/136067/eee/DSC00664.JPG http://dl.dropbox.com/u/136067/eee/DSC00669.JPG11:01
BigRedSbut otherwise you 'just' need the cidr notation for the subnet amazon's giving yoyu11:01
BigRedSwhich will be really vague11:01
dogmatic69BigRedS: ill investigate that some more11:01
BigRedSwith Amazon, from my limited experience, you basically need to abandon the idea of doing things right, and instead find out how Amazon wants you to do it11:01
popeyanyone know of a good ebay sniping tool for linux?11:02
CaMasonwhat sort of files go into /usr/share ?11:02
gordonjcpCaMason: documentation, graphics, sound files11:03
CaMasonhm ok. Perhaps that's a candidate to be moved to sdb11:03
BigRedSdogmatic69: yeah, cheating at ebay11:03
CaMason860MB at the moment11:03
BigRedSautomatic bid-placers that get it in the last small fraction of a second11:03
* dogmatic69 is a champ at that11:04
dogmatic69dont need a tool :D11:04
dogmatic69CaMason: http://i.imgur.com/Tcst1.jpg11:05
CaMasondogmatic69, nice one11:05
dogmatic69reddit ftw11:05
popeythats changing soon ☺11:06
davmor2hey gord fancy seeing you here :D11:06
popeyif fedora do it, I suspect we will too11:06
CaMasonwhat is?11:06
dogmatic69popey: no more saving files all over the place?11:06
czajkowskipopey: TheOpenSourcerer AlanBell make any head way on a co working space ?11:06
popeymoving binaries so we don't have /usr/bin /usr/sbin /sbin/11:06
BigRedSit hardly matters given how few maintainers stick to it11:06
bigcalm_lappyOf course it would have to be while I'm away from the office that Thunderbird decides to download 20k emails11:06
CaMasonpopey, rationale?11:06
AlanBellczajkowski: I haven't looked into it much yet11:07
CaMasonalso, is `cp -R` a safe way to copy a large folder + subfolders?11:07
popeyCaMason: less confusion11:07
popeyCaMason: i use Rvp11:07
BigRedSCaMason: cp -a is better11:07
BigRedSpreserves timestamps, permissions and owners11:07
AlanBellCaMason: is there activity going on in the folder as you copy it?11:08
CaMasonAlanBell, no11:08
AlanBellin that case cp should be fine11:08
BigRedSyou may as well mv, if the point is to clear space?11:08
CaMasonit is... and yes, you're right. herp derp.11:08
dogmatic69BigRedS: so if you do sudo cp -a .... it will not make everything root?11:08
BigRedSdogmatic69: nope, it'll end up owned by the same user or uid as before11:09
dogmatic69and that does . files?11:09
BigRedSer, I'm not sure actually11:10
BigRedSI imagine so, though11:10
BigRedSa '*' doesn't match dotfiles, but recursively acting on a directory that contains some really has no excuse not to11:10
CaMasonThis was my ethernet port on my 901 after a car said hello to it: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/136067/eee/DSC00671.JPG11:11
CaMasonstill works!11:11
Laneyooo, my copy of TLPI is out for delivery11:15
gordonjcpCaMason: what did you do to it?11:16
CaMasonI left it ontop of a car. Got a call from the police 2 hours later11:16
CaMason"Someone's found your bag"11:16
CaMasonports crushed, plus broken screen. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/136067/eee/DSC00664.JPG11:16
bigcalm_lappy1Who do I blame for the dodgy wifi at the Lighthouse?11:17
* bigcalm_lappy1 blames davmor2 because he's closest11:17
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=== bigcalm_ is now known as bigcalm_lappy1
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* AlanBell wonders whether to kick bigcalm_lappy2 to ##fix-your-connection11:18
BigRedSthey're multiplying!11:18
bigcalm_lappyI was sorting out grouped nicks11:19
bigcalm_lappyWill stop now11:19
AlanBellits fine :)11:19
BigRedSoh, actually, no that's just addition really, isn't it11:19
gordonjcpCaMason: oops11:19
gordonjcpCaMason: oh well, fixable I suppose11:19
CaMasongordonjcp, yup. Works fine 2 years later11:20
gordonjcpeasy enough to get a screen and change the socket11:20
CaMasonwhich I did11:20
CaMasonwasn't very expesive either11:20
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gordsome of us have awesome servers running znc ;)11:22
hooverhey biggie11:23
bigcalm_lappyHowdy hoovie11:24
hooverhung over...11:29
bigcalm_lappyTired and clock watching. Where I am today do a great burger11:30
bigcalm_lappyYes, I will be having the very garlicy garlic bread11:31
bigcalm_lappyUsually it's an advantage of working from home - you don't have to worry about strong breath after lunch11:31
bigcalm_lappyToday I have 3 people to amuse with some garlic bread :D11:31
deej1976Dentist + Cheese and Onion crisps :D11:33
dogmatic69anyone run other distros?11:34
popeydentist + monster munch11:34
popeydogmatic69: i use ubuntu on everything except an imac and an intel classmate11:34
oimonguys, if i have a 280W PSU and want to buy a extneral gfx card to play games, am i screwed, or is there a cheap card that i can get that won't killl my PSU?11:34
dogmatic69well you work for canonical...11:34
dogmatic69would not expect anything else :P11:35
hooverI never learn it seems ;-)11:35
bigcalm_lappyhoover: celebrating something?11:35
gordoimon, "external" graphics card?11:35
oimongord: i.e. not onboard one11:36
bigcalm_lappyoimon: you won't get one that can play games nicely11:37
gordoimon, i wouldn't ;) if you want games, onlive go for it :)11:37
oimonbigcalm_lappy: i don't want the best experience in the world , but say i wanted to play oblivion..11:37
oimonit's a few years old now11:37
oimonhoping to get a budget card that might let me play those type of game11:38
daubersoimon: Isn't that called a console these days :p11:38
popeydogmatic69: same before I worked for canonical11:38
bigcalm_lappyI've got an USB DVI graphics adaptor that just about works in Linux and will let you play Minecraft ok.11:38
oimoni have a wii :-\11:38
oimonis minecraft high spec?11:39
daubersoimon: You can probable get a 360 for £150 these days11:39
oimonlooks like the dire straits video11:39
oimonby budget i mean <30 quid :)11:39
oimonoh you mean xbox11:39
daubersheh :)11:39
oimoni don't really have time to play too much, so it's not worth investing too much money..some people buy a whole new rig just to play one game :-\11:40
hooverbigcalm_lappy: not exactly11:40
gordoimon, i used to play oblivion on an nvidia 6600, you can get them dirt cheep11:41
hooverdamn dsl is all bouncy bouncy today11:41
hoovercheers all11:41
oimongord, so a http://www.amazon.co.uk/Asus-GeForce-Silent-Profile-Bracket/dp/B003B03OTA/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1321530098&sr=8-1-fkmr0 would be ok?11:41
gordoimon, for oblivion, more than enough :)11:42
oimonthere's a lot of mis-info out there saying that it would be useless for that kind of game11:42
oimoni have one at work i can borrow for eval purposes11:43
popeyAlanBell / TheOpenSourcerer you going to the Digital Surrey thing in Egham next week?11:48
popeyjust got the reminder, printed my ticket11:48
popeyI can't go to the xmas drinks, it's on a UUPC night11:48
dogmatic69any recommendations for monitoring x number of servers (foss)11:50
popeylandscape :D11:50
popeyok, not foss ☺11:51
deej1976dogmatic69: nagios11:51
dogmatic69been playing with ganglia which seems pretty good, its just dated11:51
dogmatic69deej1976: not foss11:51
dogmatic69$2,246 USD is a long way from OS11:52
deej1976The Open Source monitoring solutio11:53
TheOpenSourcererpopey: Yes to DS Next week.11:55
TheOpenSourcererJust been having an amusing time with my lovely wofe.11:55
TheOpenSourcererShe spilt a cup of tea all over the window controls in her Merc A class. yesterday.11:56
TheOpenSourcererThe windows open and close randomly - even with the key not in the ignition.11:56
TheOpenSourcererHave now dropped said car off at the Merc garage for investigation.11:57
gordI do believe your car is haunted11:59
MartijnVdSgord: nah it wasn't pumpkin juice or virgin blood -- it was tea12:00
bigcalm_lappyI wonder when we'll break for lunch12:01
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: I used to have a similar problem in very rainy weather in a Citroën XM, because water would drip into the relays that controlled the sunroof12:01
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: especially during the full moon?12:01
* popey has mushroom soup for lunch12:01
popeyI'm eating so much more healthily now I'm working from home12:02
MartijnVdSnot just more?12:02
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: no, just when it was raining, which in NW Scotland is quite frequently12:03
TheOpenSourcererGah - why when I am in *ANY* app and I enter CTL+F to load the search tool, instead I get a small terminal window popping up? Where would the keypress be configured?12:03
TheOpenSourcererHappens in FF, Chrome, Gedit.12:03
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: cured by cleaning out the sunroof tray drain tubes and clarting the relay bases with silicone12:03
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: your window manager12:03
Davieypopey: I often forget to eat when working from home :)12:04
gordeating healthy lasts for a while, yesterday i had two bacon sarnies with nothing else12:04
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: I'm bad with stuff like that. "Ooh it's broken. Garage time."12:05
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Dutch_proverbs#T ("Twee linkerhanden hebben12:05
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: one of the reasons I drive relatively old cars is because they're very easy to fix12:06
Davieygord: Imagine my dilemma.. I have lots of bacon, but currently no bread.12:06
gordonjcpDaviey: put the bacon between slices of bacon12:06
DavieyDo i A) Go to the shop to buy some bread .. B) Wish i had done A12:06
Davieyor C, as gordonjcp suggested.. yum12:06
popeyjust won an asus transformer on ebay :D12:07
DJonesIn byobu, on the stats info at the bottom, I've got an "(R)" in blue and a "16!!" in red, what do they mean12:07
popeyR means restart12:07
MartijnVdSpopey: for £a_lot?12:07
popey16!! means you have 16 updates to do12:07
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: on my work van, I can just about top up the screenwash (which I need to remember to do)12:07
popey!! means security updates i think12:07
lubotu3`popey: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:07
DJonespopey: Thanks, that explains it12:07
popeyMartijnVdS: ~380 GBP12:09
Davieypopey: Can you win me one aswell please?12:13
daubersand then when Daviey pays you, can you ship it to me please?12:15
* popey leaves negative feedback on ebay. it hasn't arrived yet, and I paid 5 minutes ago!12:16
popeyhmm, anyone using thunderbird on unity?12:19
popeyI have a number of unread mails = 1 in the unity launcher, but i have no unread mail12:19
popeyit doesnt seem to update the launcher icon12:19
gordpopey, thunderbird thinks you do somewhere12:20
czajkowskihttp://www.channelregister.co.uk/2011/11/17/hp_canonical_ubuntu_cloud_top_dog/  hmm interesting12:20
gordits annoying, you just have to find it12:20
popeygord: pressing "n" reveals no new mail12:20
popeyit went to 1 when a mail arrived in a folder, i read that mail, now it's not gone down12:21
bigcalm_lappyThe mail notification icon will update eventually12:21
popeyit's been a few minutes12:21
popeybah, lunchtime12:22
DJonespopey: I use thunderbird & it does seem to update, although last night it said I had 1 unread email when there were none in the inbox & 250+ in the junk mail folder12:23
oimonthunderbird used to be great for me. then i upgraded :(12:23
* oimon wants an asus transformer12:39
oimonthere's so much more i'd do with a tablet if it had a keyboard12:40
popey\o/ chicken soup12:41
gordoimon, you want a laptop12:41
davmor2popey: what happened to the mushroom?12:41
DJonesNow we know AlanBell's chicken ended up12:41
popeyit had a long use by date so i decided to have chicken instead12:42
TheOpenSourcerer(12:01:54) ***popey has mushroom soup for lunch12:42
oimongord, i want a laptop that i can unplug the screen and take to meetings/bed sans keyboard12:42
TheOpenSourcererFollowed by Chicken Soup.12:42
popeymade some crutons too12:42
AlanBellDJones: no, but it was alive last time I saw it12:42
popeyor 'cretins' as my dad calls them12:42
* TheOpenSourcerer thinks popey's claims about healthy eating are unfounded.12:42
popeycompared to what I did at last place...12:43
* AlanBell has curry for lunch12:43
AlanBellnot sure whether to try a bit of naga with it12:43
* TheOpenSourcerer wonders what he will have.12:43
TheOpenSourcererGO ON AlanBell12:43
oimonhome made pot noodle12:43
TheOpenSourcererDO IT12:43
TheOpenSourcererEat it whilst fresh!12:43
TheOpenSourcererYou won't regret it. Honestly.12:44
AlanBellI suspect I will12:44
popeyok, so i got another couple of mails, read them, now launcher says I have 2 mails12:45
* AlanBell prepares curry, rice, naga, large drink of milk and defibbrilator12:51
DaraelAlanBell: I read "naga" as meaning snake.  That would be a bit odd, though, so what does it mean in this context?12:52
bigcalm_lappydavmor2 has lost it. Somebody get him a burger, stat!12:53
oimonshould probably eat it on the bidet12:53
DaraelAh.  A variety of chilli.12:54
DaraelProbably named in comparison to snakebite.12:55
DaraelSounds fun.12:55
=== monsterwizard is now known as cooldudeyeah
TheOpenSourcererSpecifically AlanBell has a Bhut Jolokia (Dorset Naga).12:56
cooldudeyeahhow does one calm down. I just want to learn physics, electronics, programming to the point where I don't go out and make friends :P12:57
cooldudeyeahsimilar to an addicted 12 year old who loves video games12:58
shaunothrow in some AI classes, and hope that one day you'll be able to build your own friend?12:58
tugriksurely throw in some AI classes, build a teacher?12:59
cooldudeyeahMight not wor12:59
oimoncooldudeyeah: how old are you?13:00
cooldudeyeahYou don't have to go to university to be an expert, right?13:00
Daraelcooldudeyeah: Treat interpersonal relationships as training for if thou ever needest to reverse-engineer a complicated program given no information on it.13:00
tugrikDarael: spot on :)13:00
cooldudeyeahI hate school though13:00
DaraelWell, that's what I'm doing in /theory/.  I'm useless at doing that in practice.13:00
DJonescooldudeyeah: Its not so much calming down, its getting older & then realising you can't do everything :)13:00
cooldudeyeahyeah :(13:01
tugrikschool is good for access to other people, resources, and seeing the formal way of doing things13:01
oimoncooldudeyeah: channel the enthusiasm in to a job and you will probably be happy :)13:01
Daraelcooldudeyeah: I hated it too.  I'm hoping uni (which I start next October; I'm gap-yearing in India) will be better due to, eg, fewer people who don't really want to be there.13:01
cooldudeyeahThe thing is13:02
tugrikand yes, you'll soon realise you can find things to learn faster than learning them... everything you learn will increase your desire to learn new things you don't have time to learn... this will make you sad and bitter13:02
DaraelSad and bitter, or determined to defy apparent impossibility.13:02
Darael'Course, the latter won't last forever.13:02
DaraelWe'll see.13:03
tugrikheh, I flick between the two Darael :)13:03
cooldudeyeahI love meeting people who are very smart in the area of science and programming and never got a formal education13:03
cooldudeyeahfor example, when you read a physics paper published in a journal and the author hasn't even got a background in physics13:04
CaMasonHas the ability to change DPI been removed by default on 11.10?13:04
DaraelCaMason: ISTR people complaining that Gnome3 didn't have that option anywhere in its config dialogs, and we /are/ basing on g3 now.13:06
cooldudeyeahhas anyone here got a job in programming without a degree13:07
CaMasonI employ someone who doesn't have a degree. PHP though13:07
CaMasonHe's good, but can't pronounce 'integer' or 'indices' as he's only ever read it, not heard it.13:08
ali1234how does he pronounce them?13:08
CaMasonintegger and in-dice.13:08
oimoncooldudeyeah: were your grades OK at school?13:08
cooldudeyeahoimon average13:09
cooldudeyeahand a A in IT13:09
CaMasonalso, where can I specfy the system-wide fixed-width font? Or is that also AWOL..13:09
cooldudeyeahbut lol IT in the UK is nothing tbh13:09
CaMasonI got a B at A-level in IT, but I got 86% in my degree13:10
ali1234afaict there's no such thing as a "job in programming" any more, unless you are willing to become self employed and undercut the outsourcing firms13:10
oimonlife is long. i still recommend people get degrees as it shows aptitude and commitment13:10
CaMasonA degree is very useful anyway..,.13:10
gordthere are lots of programming jobs13:10
CaMason3 or 4 years with lots of free time13:10
CaMasonover 900013:10
MartijnVdSCaMason: yes13:10
CaMasonMonospaced at 11pt is insanely spaced13:11
CaMason10pt or 12pt is fine13:11
ali1234there are lots of jobs where you job is to manage three indian guys who don't even speak english let alone php13:11
cooldudeyeahHow about a perl programmer13:11
cooldudeyeahperl and python13:11
ali1234if you have 20 years experience in perl there's plenty of jobs13:12
cooldudeyeahhow about just creating a  github13:12
cooldudeyeahand presenting it at the interview13:12
CaMasonI tasked the guys I hired with a task13:13
cooldudeyeahoh yeah13:13
CaMasona small Twitter-based app, PHP 5.3, using some specific patterns, and send me a git branch13:13
cooldudeyeahhow long do you give them to do it ?13:14
CaMasonas long as they wanted13:14
CaMasonabout a day13:14
CaMasongave them some tricky UTF-8 tasks. They had to read up on it. No problem there - shows they can learn13:15
gordactually no, C++, perl is for sysadmins mostly13:15
gordphp is something there is less jobs in for outsourcing13:16
oimoncooldudeyeah: if you don't meet the requirements for a uni course and are keen, then you can do a foundation year too13:16
oimoni wouldn't unnecessarily write off uni13:16
CaMasonSave a particular tweet, which was entity-ecoded UTF-8, in a binary column, then render the bytes as ISO-8859-113:16
cooldudeyeahahhh good point13:17
ali1234CaMason: you expected them to use design patterns for that?13:17
CaMasonnot much - some simple dependency injection13:17
cooldudeyeahwhat other areas do you assess them13:17
cooldudeyeahinterview question, probably13:18
cooldudeyeahanything else?13:18
CaMasonprimarily, are they smart, and can they learn13:18
ali1234i dunno if i dare ask what dependency injection is13:18
ali1234it sounds like something a junkie would do13:18
cooldudeyeahwould you allow them to show you what they have done13:18
cooldudeyeah...programming wise of coruse13:18
cooldudeyeahcourse *13:18
CaMasonyes, I encouraged it13:18
CaMasonI don't care if people f*** things up, so long as they learn13:19
CaMasonIt's more productive for us to take someone on who's not an expert and can learn, than someone who is very set in their ways13:19
cooldudeyeahyeah I've already met some people like that13:19
CaMasonI had one dev who was very particular in his approach, and wouldn't use anything other than SVN13:20
CaMasoncode was mostly procedural. He was great at algorithms, but wasn't suitable for the project at the time13:20
CaMasoncertain architectural designs made his head implode13:20
oimonprobably had aspie tendencies13:29
oimonpeople behind debian invterview with sadbfl: http://raphaelhertzog.com/2011/11/17/people-behind-debian-mark-shuttleworth-ubuntus-founder/13:29
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: I ate it13:32
TheOpenSourcererAll of it13:32
AlanBellI didn't eat the seeds, but ate all the flesh13:33
davmor2AlanBell: Wuss13:33
BigRedSanyone know how I tell Thunderbird to re-ask Gnome how it should be displaying dates?13:33
TheOpenSourcererThe heat is "not" in the seeds. It is in the placenta: the bits that hold the seeds to the flesh.13:33
TheOpenSourcererAnd you are still alive AlanBell13:33
TheOpenSourcererSO that's OK then.13:33
AlanBellI am somewhat alive13:34
TheOpenSourcererWas it warm then?13:34
AlanBellsweating a bit13:34
bigcalm_lappyMy goodness, this chocolate cake is dry13:39
oimonmicrowave it for 10 secs?13:39
shaunochocolate cake for lunch?  hang on, let me find my violin ..13:40
* TheOpenSourcerer just had a cheese sarny with chilli chutney* *(50 Chillies + 25 Cloves of Garlic, a few spices. Fried and liberally mined)13:40
bigcalm_lappyLunch was a very splendid beef burger13:40
* popey had _chicken_ soup and croutons13:40
popeyand some noodles ;)13:40
popeybigcalm_lappy: sleepy afternoon ?13:40
czajkowskichicken sambo and noodle soup with a bag of fruit from tesco13:40
TheOpenSourcererThe wife's tea accident has just cost £22013:40
bigcalm_lappypopey: we'll see how much work I get done13:41
bigcalm_lappyTheOpenSourcerer: ouch13:41
TheOpenSourcererNo chrimbo pressies for her then ;-)13:41
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: what was that spilt on then?13:41
czajkowskitea accident ?13:41
TheOpenSourcererHer A Class window controls13:41
AlanBelloh dear13:41
czajkowskiat least dshe' ok13:42
DJonesDid the cup survive?13:42
DJonesI'm waiting to find out how much an engine rebuild is costing13:43
Laneycars :(13:43
bigcalm_lappyA good vessel for one's tea is as important as the tea itself13:44
popeymy desktop looks like its going to explode13:45
popeyhad no swap enabled until monday13:45
popeynow amount of swap use is climbing13:45
DJonesShut chrome down13:45
popeybut my precious tabs!13:45
DJonesOr just use one tab13:45
* popey kills a few13:46
dwatkinssort by memory usage in top with 'M'13:46
dwatkinsbut you knew that ;)13:46
oimonis it me or is grub2 a lot harder to use than old grub ?13:47
oimoni now struggle with dual boot etc13:47
popeydwatkins: it is sorted by memory13:47
dwatkinsoh sorry popey13:47
DJonesoimon: Its not just you, seems a lot more complex13:47
shaunoI find grub2 easy enough; but the mass of scripts that autoproduce a config on ubuntu drive me scatty13:48
oimonis there an easy way ? a gui perchance?13:48
* popey ticks "Reopen the pages that were opened last"13:48
oimoni want to add a second drive running GameOS13:48
shaunoI find it easier to sit down and write a config from scratch, than to figure out how that bash soup works13:48
Laneyspotify:track:73q3FpQVXWk5eSUnyo83E4 Laney's Pop Song Of The Day™13:50
dwatkinsWhat is it for those of us without Spotify pls, Laney?13:50
popeyN Sync13:50
popey_really_ laney?13:51
Laneythe video makes it better13:51
dwatkinsheh thanks for saving me from clicking, popey ;)13:51
Laneyi'll do better tomorrow13:51
czajkowskiMyrtti: know the feeling13:52
MyrttiI think I'll just amuse myself by watching glee music videos13:53
czajkowskiMyrtti: or help me shop for xmas pressies for a geek :)13:53
oimonhow about an ubuntu mug warmer :)13:55
popeyUbuntu beer13:57
gordshould of got the ubuntu travel mug thingy at uds, it looked pretty good14:00
popeyDJones: pc much better now I restarted chrome, ☺14:03
gordsomeone has a fancy autoreplace setup ;)14:04
Laneyhome working is such fun, eh?14:16
dogmatic69popey: clock must be stuck, its been LOUD MUSIC O'CLOCK all day14:16
popeydangerously close to recording a webcam video of me dancing14:16
popeythis would not be wise14:16
MartijnVdSMore alcohol!14:16
dogmatic69MartijnVdS: don't encourage him14:17
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: why not?14:17
popeyLaney: my cheesy music for today ☺14:17
Laneywe should make a #ubuntu-uk playlist14:17
dogmatic69g+ full of videos of popey dancing :S14:17
Laneymusic to home work by14:17
MartijnVdSpopey: Moves like Jagger? Really?14:18
popeyI know! :D14:18
MartijnVdSpopey: something to fix that: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZrdwXjzKOY14:18
Laneyi have the best songs on my profile14:19
* Laney thinks user:popey might not be popey14:19
popeycan you see my playlists? ⍨14:20
popeyhehe, they all have 'publish' ticked14:20
Laneyi have clares list on14:21
Laneykylie \o\ |o| \o/ |o| /o/14:21
* popey is listening to http://open.spotify.com/track/47CvNTibRzvUdDJoYYMsM7 14:22
Laneyi wonder when spotify started working with firefox14:22
MartijnVdSpopey: spotify:track:2fOeQSDDVJmHufYSh8dbE314:23
Laneyooh yeah grandaddy, good idea14:24
gordi'm listening to whatever davmor2 is currently humming14:25
MartijnVdSgord: God Save the Queen?14:25
popeyMartijnVdS: thats nice14:27
davmor2I'm descending from outta space to find another race.......14:29
MartijnVdSpopey: Zorg's entire album is great (La Vie Privée de Zorg)14:31
MartijnVdSpopey: he is (was?) on the same label as Lemongrass :)14:31
davmor2MartijnVdS: that's only appropriate when sung by Freddie on video ;)14:33
bigcalm_lappyI think it might be nap time14:33
bigcalm_lappyOr time for another coffee14:34
bigcalm_lappyWhich will make me more productive?14:34
bigcalm_lappyAnd who's round is it?14:34
AlanBellthe naga has worn off now14:42
oimonwoo i just found a gnome-integration addon for thunderbird :D14:44
oimoni get libnotify working again for new emails14:44
BigRedSWell, that was a dumb bug14:53
BigRedSI was comparing backed-up file size with local file mtime :/14:53
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
selinuxium /me needs to remember which window is in focus...15:23
* selinuxium also needs to remember to not put a space before /me15:23
andylockranguys, how do I run the 'screen' configuration tool from the CLI in Oneric15:27
andylockranI want to disable it turning off15:27
MartijnVdSthere is a configuration tool?15:27
MartijnVdSman screen?15:27
MartijnVdSdo you mean byobu?15:28
andylockranMartijnVdS: I meant display/screen15:28
andylockrannot screen screen :p15:28
andylockranhaven't got an oneric box to play on15:28
MartijnVdSit's in the top right corner, in the menu15:28
gordandylockran, "gnome-control-center screen"15:32
=== chrisccoulson is now known as no_it_is_not_fix
=== no_it_is_not_fix is now known as chrisccoulson
andylockrangord: ta15:37
andylockranAnyone looking for a job as a SysAdmin?15:49
oimonandylockran: what u got?15:49
oimoni'm also gonna be looking for a graduate SA for around that range. i'd be interested in the response you get15:51
diploGuys, wats the default for sending emails on natty server15:56
diploexim ?15:56
andylockranoimon: sure, I'll let you know - where are you based?15:58
diplofail2ban trying to send an email but sendmail not installed15:58
oimonandylockran: london15:58
diploCan't any of you work in Bristol/Bath area ?15:59
oimontried hiring for a more experienced role last year and struggled. however, your position should draw from a wider pool15:59
bigcalm_lappydiplo: whichever mta is installed, it will most likely include a sendmail interface for other applications to use15:59
diploCan't find anything bigcalm15:59
oimondiplo: my wife would probably like that...but no :)15:59
diploI'm guessing something gets installed by default15:59
oimon Postfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu.16:00
diploCan't find that being installed either, always thought something got installed16:01
bigcalm_lappyDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS"16:01
bigcalm_lappyiain@revo:~$ which sendmail16:01
bigcalm_lappyI think I have postfix installed on that server16:02
oimonls -ld /usr/sbin/sendmail16:02
bigcalm_lappyIt's not sendmail, the mta gives a sendmail interface16:02
Laneystop having my name!16:02
diploandy@asgard:/var/log$ which sendmail16:02
diploandy@asgard:/var/log$ which postfix16:02
bigcalm_lappyThere you go :)16:03
diploSo install postfix I guess16:03
bigcalm_lappyInstall an mta :)16:03
bigcalm_lappyLaney: whom has your name?16:03
diploDidn't want to install anything if I was just being dumb and couldn;t find it16:03
Laneyuse ssmtp or nullmailer16:03
Laneybigcalm_lappy: YOUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuu16:03
bigcalm_lappyOh, me :)16:03
oimondoes server still not include ssh-server?16:04
bigcalm_lappyLaney: there are few of us in this world16:04
diploNope not afaik, was a huge chat on ubuntu-server16:04
diplodustin kirkland was for a default yes16:04
diploothers were against16:04
diploSo guessing still not in there16:04
andylockranyou can select it by default easy enough16:04
Laneywoe is closing a chroot without saving its data16:05
bigcalm_lappy16:05 and people are starting to be productive in here16:09
bigcalm_lappyFar too many people have coughs here. Help16:09
Laneytake a rebreather16:09
TheOpenSourcererI kept being kicked off irc for excess flooding or something/16:11
dogmatic69* TheOpenSourcerer has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)16:12
TheOpenSourcererNot me. I was still here. Twitter was still gabbling away too.16:12
popeyon 11.10 64-bit, latest update gives me errors with libldap-2.4-216:19
* DJones Note to self, don't update tonight16:19
popeysame on two machines16:20
* TheOpenSourcerer deletes a folder "Popey" from TB16:21
* gordonjcp hasn't got any machines running 64-bit16:21
gordonjcphaven't got any that *can* run 64-bit, at that16:22
TheOpenSourcererAnd writes several sieve scripts to do server-side email filtering ;-)16:22
Laneypopey: that sounds like archive skew16:33
Laneyi.e. something that will sort itself out shortly16:33
monsterwizardgod damn it16:35
monsterwizard67% on a assignment16:35
monsterwizardI hate group work16:35
Laneywhy hasn't my book come yet :(16:36
oimonin order to get payments made i have to print a pdf , send it via internal mail, which gets scanned as a pdf :(16:36
Laneythe office will close soon16:37
* Laney grumbles16:37
oimongenerally i have to send the thing a few times cos they get lost on people's desks16:37
popeyLaney: makes sense16:40
Laneyyou mean they can just wait until 17:01 and fail delivery because they know nobody will be there?16:41
jonsainthi all. been a way for a while and now getting used to this new ubuntu! can someone direct me as to how i uninstall libav files, i cant seem to find how on this new one16:42
popeymy desktop just shut itself down16:43
Daraeljonsaint: well, there's always the command-line (apt-get remove package-name), but I use that too much myself to be able to comment on how it's done with the Software Centre.16:43
popeypowered off whilst I was using it16:43
jonsaintcan it be done in software centre hen??16:43
Laneythat happened to the missus, and it never came back16:44
Daraeljonsaint: I would /assume/ that one could search it for the package, and possibly click the "<num> technical items" thing near the bottom.16:44
popeyi think it's overheated16:44
popeyit boots then shuts down almost immediately16:44
popeyits not old16:44
Laneycrack it open16:44
popeyon a conf call16:45
popeylove headphones16:45
jonsaintjust trie to type it in software centre but nothing came up. im very much an amature on ubunty!16:45
Daraeljonsaint: There may be a link somewhere on the empty search page about "display <num> technical items"?16:46
jonsaintDarael, im trying to install devede but its saying need to uninstall a few libav files first and im baffled as to how to uninstall them16:47
CaMasonjust spotted the word headphones... any suggestions for a pair of comfertable, in-ear buds? (cheap too, preferably)16:47
CaMasonlol comfertable... what a spelling fail.16:48
popeyyeah, i have some sennheiser ones16:48
CaMason£££££ or ££?16:48
popeybought at airport16:48
CaMasoncomfy though?16:49
oimonsennheisers in ear too16:49
oimonvery nice16:49
oimoncheap from richer sounds16:50
oimonor amazion16:50
CaMasonthere's a richer sounds down near me, Plymouth16:50
kvarleyHow can I get the output from a command and format it in bash? By format I mean search for a particular start point and  then end after a space16:50
shaunokvarley: I want to say awk, but it the easiest method will depend what your output actually looks like16:54
kvarleyshauno: I have seen grep used, will that do the job?16:54
shaunothat'll pick out the right line, not the right word16:55
deej1976kvarley: command | cut [options] | cut [options] > file16:55
kvarleyshauno & deej1976: thanks16:56
Daraelkvarley, shauno: grep /can/ do the job - there's a flag that makes it output only the matching parts of each matching line.  Can't remember what it is off the top of my head.  'course, there's the cut solution, too.17:01
kvarleyI'm trying to get ifconfig to return just the local inet addr of the machine with no other characters either side of the string17:01
DJonesHas anybody come across this before http://www.desura.com/groups/desura/news/public-release-of-the-linux-client17:04
kvarleyDJones: Yes I use Desura17:05
DJonesLooks interesting, reads like Steam but with a native linux client17:06
funkyHatkvarley: perhaps sed -n 's/.*\(start[^ ]*\).*/\1/ p'17:06
directhexit works17:06
funkyHatThat is totally untested17:06
directhexdesura is mostly small indie games, fwiw17:06
funkyHatOh getting the IP out of ifconfig17:07
DJonesA lot of the game names I see on their website seem to be already in the default repo's17:07
Barbarianevenin' gents17:12
Barbariangot my hands on the desura source code today :D so psyched17:12
funkyHatkvarley: ifconfig wlan0 | sed -n 's/.*addr:\([^ ]*\).*/\1/ p'17:13
funkyHatReplace wlan0 with the name of the interface you want to check17:13
kvarleyfunkyHat: thanks, how do I remove the trailing line it adds?17:14
funkyHatkvarley: for some reason wrapping it in echo $() seems to sort that17:15
funkyHatI don't really know why17:15
kvarleyfunkyHat: haha ok, it works perfectly anyways, thanks a lot! =)17:16
funkyHat⢁) np17:16
shaunoa lot of things do subtley different things when the output isn't being redirected. usually you'll never notice because they just do the right thing ;)  (like ls not using columns when you pipe it)17:17
funkyHatIn zsh \ p also seems to get output to the line with the IP address, but it doesn't seem to be via STDOUT17:18
funkyHatAlso I wouldn't have expected sed to be something that treats STDOUT differently to a pipe17:20
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Welcoming Our New Horseman: Michael Hall - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/11/17/welcoming-our-new-horseman-michael-hall/18:10
celesteh_hello, i have switched from running xfce to gnome and i think i'm happier, but i'm wondering how i can disable clicking by tapping my laptop's touchpad?18:16
Azelphurcelesteh_: it's in system > preferences > mouse18:16
celesteh_thank you azelphur18:17
celesteh_this is a lonovo tablet and the touch screen theoretically supports multitouch. do i need to install drviers or something for that?18:17
Azelphurno idea.18:18
MyrttiI just had a thought about the virtual keyboards in Ubuntu18:21
popeyMyrtti: have you seen the meego keyboard?18:22
Myrttioh yeah, it's nice18:22
Myrttibut the point is18:22
MyrttiIntel made some sort of a deal with Swype Inc in order to get Swype into Intel version of the MeeGo image18:22
Myrttiso perhaps Swype could be made available atleast in the software central for people to buy it18:23
MyrttiI'd totally pay for it especially if it came with Finnish support18:23
Myrttiand since the Intel Meego had it, there has to be some sort of feasability to the idea - I had the Intel image of MeeGo on this same tablet18:25
Myrttiatleast on technical sense18:26
awilkinsWhy is it so quiet in here around 1840? I demand entertainment!18:41
* chrisjrob does a backward somersault 18:41
awilkinsI would stamp my foot, but /me doesn't work on this stupid phone IRC client18:41
awilkinsLikewise, would applaud etc. etc.18:42
awilkins/me tried /me again18:42
chrisjrobwish i could do that irl18:42
Daraelawilkins: It's so quiet around here in 1840 because we haven't invented IRC yet.18:43
awilkinsTo impress laydee or evade zombies18:43
chrisjrobare there zombies in here?18:44
* chrisjrob looks worried18:44
chrisjrobfreakyclown: wherever i go you're already there18:45
awilkinsWell, 89 of them, it seems. Or maybe they're *really* dead instead of just quiescent18:45
chrisjrobthat's the problem with irc - you can't see them walking slowly towards you, arms outstretched18:46
AlanBellMyrtti: Dell did a similar deal to get it on the streak18:46
awilkinsHoly monkey, they just apologised for 3 mins of train lateness18:46
awilkinsThey don't usually even admit it untul it's at least 1018:47
* Darael walks slowly and invisibly toward awilkins, arms outstretched, before ruining the effect with a cry of "GRRAAAAAIINSSSS".18:49
awilkinsI remove the carrot from my pocket and toss it into the distance.18:50
gordonjcpzombie plumber18:53
gordonjcpwants your draaiiinnnnsssss18:53
* Darael ignores the carrot, since he is looking for grrrraaaaaaiiiinssssss rather than root vegetables.18:53
awilkinsI follow up with a harvest crunch bar, lamenting the lack of ability to use "/me" that makes me sound like an inexperienced RPG player not ascribing his actions to his character18:55
DaraelI think I'll stop this, at this point.  It can't possibly end well.18:56
chrisjrobno, don't stop, that's how they get you18:57
awilkinsRule 1 : Cardio18:58
awilkinsThe corrolary should be not to throw away your harvest crunch bar in case of stamina depletion18:58
riaz23_hi there,20:26
riaz23_i have a problem. actually i was installing the ubuntu version 11.10 and the files were downloaded from internet but while installing the updates my system shutdown due to POWER porblem nad after that when i started the system the previous version is also not working. i have come across such problem 1st time so can anyone help me what to do now20:31
AlanBellriaz23_: can you get to a terminal?20:33
riaz23_yes <AlanBell> I can.20:34
jutnuxEvening gentlebeans.20:34
jutnuxJust tried a toast sandwich.20:34
* bigcalm collapses20:35
jutnuxSo how're you all?20:36
AlanBelljutnux: ooh, I nearly had one of those today, how was it?20:36
AlanBellriaz23_: sudo apt-get install -f might help20:36
jutnuxAlanBell, Extremely nice! I'm quite full at the minute. Remember to smother it in butter, salt and pepper.20:36
bigcalmAlanBell: glad to see we now have 6 confirmed peeps for the meal :)20:36
bigcalmAlanBell: I might stop reminding people every day now ;)20:37
riaz23_ok dear AlanBell: trying that20:37
AlanBellriaz23_: depends a bit how broken things are, you might weigh up the time involved in fixing them vs new install20:37
jutnuxI wish I could come bigcalm! Maybe in a couple of years ;)20:37
AlanBelljutnux: will do20:37
AlanBellbigcalm: yes, it is looking good20:37
jutnuxAlanBell, definitely worth it though.20:37
AlanBelldaubers: hi20:37
AlanBelldaubers: can you remove yourself from the maybe attending list at your ealiest convenience please :)  http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1409/detail/20:38
riaz23_AlanBell: how can I install new one? actaullay i am unable to see GUI20:38
AlanBellbigcalm: is is great that doctormo can come over from America for it20:39
jutnuxHave you been to Dans Le Noir before AlanBell ?20:39
jutnuxor bigca20:39
bigcalmAlanBell: somebody is coming all the way from the states for the ubuntu-UK meal?20:39
AlanBellriaz23_: I mean a fresh install from downloading a new CD, or getting one posted http://ubuntu-uk.org/free-cds/20:39
bigcalmjutnux: I have not20:40
AlanBellbigcalm: yes (he is a brit, coming home early for christmas)20:40
bigcalmAh, sweet :)20:40
AlanBelljutnux: no, not been there before, but I have been to a similar concept in Vienna20:40
jutnuxOh right AlanBell. Was it good?20:41
AlanBellit was excellent20:41
=== MichealH is now known as MH0
oimon1um...is it possible to fry a VGA cable?21:00
oimon1by plugging into a new video card21:00
gordonjcpoimon1: you might bend a pin21:01
oimon1gordonjcp: is looks perfect21:01
gordonjcpthere's usually nothing "smart" in the cable21:01
oimon1and is in great condition21:01
oimon1no wobbly bits.21:01
oimon1the last thing i saw was "unsupported video mode" and then failed to display21:01
oimon1after i'd installed new gfx card. climbed into loft to get the spare monitor and i thought i'd try to vga cable..21:02
DJonesAlanBell: I'll have to try & meet up with doctormo when he gets back home since he's from the same town as me & went to school with some of my mates21:02
DJonesHad tried to meet up last year, but I ended up busy when a night out had been planned21:03
daubersAlanBell: Yup! Intending to do so tomorrow, got a discussion at work that hinges on me going or not21:12
AlanBellok, thanks daubers21:12
jutnuxDoes anyone know if SOPA succeeded or not?21:14
jutnuxOr is it still going on?21:14
popeyLaney: looks like the issue is still not fixed with libldap i38621:16
daubersurgh, ldap21:21
bigcalmHad my flu jab this evening21:22
popeyloads of things are disappearing from my launcher as I am looking at it21:22
* bigcalm sneezes over everybody21:22
bigcalmI blame gord if I get sick21:23
popeyseriously all of libreoffice just disappeared21:23
popeyand polly21:23
jutnuxpopey, I thought LibreOffice didn't work with Unity?21:23
popeyun  libreoffice                               <none>                                    (no description available)21:24
czajkowskipolly ?21:24
jutnuxThe launcher, that is.,21:24
popeyI am installing the nvidia binary driver21:24
popeyand loads of my desktop is being ripped out21:24
czajkowskioh dear21:24
bigcalmOh poo21:24
DJonespopey: It must be something in the last 24 hours of updates, after your comment earlier, I haven't run updates today & everything is running fine21:24
bigcalmDid somebody put rm -rf / into a package update?21:24
popeyits that libladp:i38621:25
popeyit wants to remove everything21:25
popeyand me installing nvidia-current is letting it do that21:25
* bigcalm keeps away from updates for a bit21:25
czajkowskipopey: oneiric?21:25
ali1234it's not doing that for me21:25
ali1234using apt-get anyway21:26
DJonesczajkowski: polly -> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/11/latest-update-to-twitter-app-polly-adds-real-time-updating/21:26
jutnuxWeekend tomorrow, finally.21:27
matttjutnux: yusss!21:27
jutnuxmattt, happy times!21:27
* jutnux wants another toast Sandwich21:27
DJones\o/ Friday, I can have my car back :)21:28
czajkowskiah cool21:28
matttand more heineken cup this weekend21:28
popeyali1234: you on amd64 and have flash installed?21:28
popeythat lot got removed21:29
jutnuxHoly hell.21:29
ali1234popey: yes21:30
jutnuxNot that you need gwibber ;)21:30
jutnuxOh, ubuntu-desktop got removed.21:30
jutnuxNot good.21:30
ali1234i already don't have ubuntu-desktop21:30
ali1234maybe that's part of it somehow21:30
DJonesIs it recoverable from?21:31
* popey reinstalls it all21:31
popeywhat a mess21:31
DJonesI'm on 64 bit, flash installed, I'm willing to give updates a chance as long as its recoverable21:31
Davieypopey: what happend?21:31
popeyso sequence of events is, 64 bit install, has 32-bit flash installed, did updates today, it wanted to update libldap 64b-bit21:31
ali1234i thought desktop was supposed to be the focus?21:32
popeybut failed to update libldap:i38621:32
popeybroken dependancy21:32
DJonesPretty sure I've got 64 bit flash installed21:32
popeythat i386 package was needed by libcurl:i386 which was needed by flashplugin-installer21:32
Davieypopey: is that a regression from a -security or -updates upload?21:32
ali1234oh, i do have ubuntu-desktop installed21:32
ali1234your system must just be messed up popey21:32
popeywherever the latest libldap came from today21:32
popeyno ali123421:32
ali1234i told you not to install those funny debs21:33
popeyits not21:33
popeyDaviey: my pc crashed earlier so i yanked the disk out and put it in my nvidia desktop21:33
Davieypopey: It would be good to get to the bottom of it asap, after tomorrow it'll hang around to Monday.21:33
popeyi had a red alert in the corner because of the apt mess due to unresolved dependancy with libldap:i38621:33
popeyi figured as laney said earlier its probably just repos out of sync21:34
popeyso i waited and still had the red light21:34
ali1234which repo are you using?21:34
popeystandard ones21:34
ali1234well i am using the standard ones too21:34
Davieypopey: security upload by the looks of it21:34
popeyso i just used jockey to install nvidia-current21:34
popeywhich then proceeded to install nvidia-current and remove half my desktop21:34
popeyincluding all that you just saw in the paste21:35
DJonesJust looking at update manager, I can see libldap-2.4-2 and libldap-2.4-2:i386 available to update21:35
Davieypopey: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openldap/2.4.25-1.1ubuntu4.1 , doesn't look dangerous from a package dep PoV21:35
Laneypopey: weird, what mirror are you using?21:35
popeyDJones: right, can you apt-get dist-upgrade21:35
jutnuxIs anyone doing anything for Children In Need tomorrow?21:35
popeyand not go through with it21:35
DJonesGive me a sec21:35
popeyand get a copy/paste to pastebin21:35
ali1234popey: i just did that21:35
DJonespopey: sudo? or not21:35
popeyi worked around it on another machine by doing "sudo apt-get remove libldap-2.4-2:i386 libcurl3:i386 flashplugin-downloader:i386 flashplugin-installer"21:36
Davieysmells like a multiarch bug IMO.21:37
czajkowskiLaney: evening! nice to have finally have met you21:37
Laneyczajkowski: likewise!21:37
czajkowskiit really does help to put the faces to the names on here21:38
ali1234popey: what version of dlashplugin-installer is that?21:38
czajkowskibut realy name tags at breakie is a must!21:38
popeyi removed it21:38
Laneywget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz -q -O- |  zcat | grep-dctrl -FPackage -sPackage,Version libldap21:40
Laneydoes not show 4.121:40
Laneyhah, s/oneiric/oneiric-security/21:43
SuprEngrhttp://bbc.co.uk/pudsey - text "donate" *to 7070521:46
jutnuxSuprEngr, now donating.21:46
SuprEngrjutnux, :)21:47
jutnuxSuprEngr, http://paste.ubuntu.com/741649/21:50
SuprEngr...& thanks21:50
SuprEngrjutnux, ...& having read that - *many* thankyous21:52
jutnuxNo problemo.21:53
jutnuxA worth cause.21:53
Laneyi just realised i was muttering to myself as my housemate washed up in the same room21:53
Laneytoo polite to say anything21:53
Laneyi cannot reproduce this ldap thingy :(21:57
ali1234neither can i21:58
popeyi had it on two machines21:58
ali1234isn't there an apt log somewhere?21:58
popeyboth clean installs21:58
popeyboth amd6421:58
jutnuxNow going21:58
* jutnux waves goodbye to everyone21:58
Laneyis one of them still unupgraded?21:58
popeydpkg log21:59
matttjutnux: night21:59
ali1234so did you reinstall ubuntu-desktop?22:00
popeyi installed ubuntu-desktop^22:00
popeyafter jockey removed everything22:00
ali1234it must be a problem of jockey?22:00
popeyok, let me explain22:00
ali1234because apt-get is not doing this22:00
popeyI have two machines22:00
popeythey both had the same problem, they both said there was a dependancy resolution issue with libldap i38622:01
ali1234what was the problem?22:01
popeythat was the first I knew there was some kind of issue22:01
popeyi pastebinned something earlier today22:01
popeythats what i pastebinned earlier22:02
popeyso i tried -f and it said "I need to remove all this stuff" and listed basically half the desktop22:02
popeyso i said 'no'22:03
popeyand left it22:03
Laneyjockey really ought not to have done that22:03
popeyand on that machine I (later) manually removed libldap:i386 and flash etc (as I outlined above a bit)22:03
popeynow, on my other machine22:03
popeywhich was in a similar state, red light in the indicator area22:04
popeyon that one I needed to install nvidia driver, so used jockey22:04
ali1234so the problem is in an older version of ldap22:04
popeyas soon as I clicked 'activate' the red indicator for update manager went away22:04
popeythen apps started disappearing from the launcher22:04
popeyas it ripped out the desktop22:04
ali1234what does "breaks" actually mean wrt apt?22:05
Laneygot to bake a cake, sorry - brb :(22:06
ali1234"When one binary package declares that it breaks another, dpkg will refuse to allow the package which declares Breaks to be unpacked unless the broken package is deconfigured first, and it will refuse to allow the broken package to be reconfigured."22:06
ali1234so we have libldap-2.4-2 : Breaks: libldap-2.4-2:i386 (!= 2.4.25-1.1ubuntu4.1) but 2.4.25-1.1ubuntu4 is installed22:07
popeyi need to get this down in a bug22:07
popeyagainst what tho?22:08
ali1234now there's two things that bother me about that line22:08
SuprEngrhas anyone realised that if you remove Banshee from 11.10 and replace it with Rhythmbox, it sets movie player as your the play music option - I would've complain but found it so funny... I was too tired from laughing!22:08
ali1234SuprEngr: you can configure those now22:08
ali1234but only banshee and movie player show up in the list and you can't easily add your own options22:09
ali1234so remove banshee and movie player is all that's left22:09
ali1234anyway about that line22:09
SuprEngrali1234, yep - only took me 12 minutes to find where it put Preffered Apps22:09
ali1234first this: libldap-2.4-2:i386 (!= 2.4.25-1.1ubuntu4.1) . the packages are not equal. so why is it a problem?22:09
SuprEngr[under system Info - wtf!????22:10
ali1234SuprEngr: everything is in there now. blame gnome22:10
ali1234ah i see22:10
ali1234it is all clear to me now22:10
SuprEngrali1234, actually imho - there is vet little in there22:11
ali1234popey: what it's telling you is you *need* to have the exact same version of ldap and ldap:i38622:11
ali1234libldab that is22:12
ali1234don't ask me how you got unmatched versions22:12
ali1234but somehow you did22:12
ali1234and now neither one can be upgraded because doing so would make it out of sync with the other one22:12
* bigcalm sneaks off to bed22:12
popeyCannot connect to crash database, please check your Internet connection.22:12
popeyHTTP Error 502: Bad Gateway22:13
popeythanks apport22:13
popeyyeah, bed here too22:13
ali1234libldap-2.4-2:i386 : Breaks: libldap-2.4-2 (!= 2.4.25-1.1ubuntu4) is saying you can't install this along side any version except for 2.4.25-1.1ubuntu422:13
ali1234and the other one wants .122:13
ali1234so they exclude each other22:14
ali1234and obviously ubuntu-desktop relies on them22:14
ali1234so the only way to resolve it is to remove both22:14
ali1234at which point the problem evaporates into nothing22:14
ali1234along with ubuntu-desktop22:14
AlanBellso, is this wrong in the repos right now?22:15
ali1234no, not right now. i just updated with no problems22:15
ali1234most likely this is something that went wrong in the repos a while ago and nobody noticed22:15
ali1234for example, the package versions got out of sync22:15
popeyi udated right after the security note came out22:15
ali1234popey upgraded some time ago, nothing bad happened22:15
AlanBellwas popey unlucky installing between uploads of the two packages?22:16
ali1234then someone realised out of sync packages = bad and changed the deps22:16
ali1234and so popey was unable to upgrade. but anyone who didn't upgrade at exactly the wrong time, potentially weeks ago, will not be affected22:16
ali1234AlanBell: looks that way to me22:16
* AlanBell does an update22:17
ali1234i have not run any updates for about two weeks22:17
ali1234then ran one just now, everything was fine22:17
AlanBell!info libldap22:19
lubotu3`Package libldap does not exist in natty22:19
ali1234i currently have 2.4.25-1.1ubuntu4.1 for 32 and 6422:19
* AlanBell grumbles at the bot22:19
AlanBell!info libldap oneiric22:19
lubotu3`'oneiric' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable22:19
ali1234nice try22:20
popey!info libldap2 oneiric22:20
lubotu3`'oneiric' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable22:20
AlanBelland no jussi at the moment22:20
popeyits jpds' bot isnt it?22:21
AlanBelloh, maybe it is22:21
ali1234would probably be helpful at this point to see the dependency info for the old one22:21
popeyalso fwiw, my laptop was a clean install 4 days ago22:21
AlanBelland upgraded at the time of install?22:22
popeyand other packages over the course of this week22:22
Myrttiohmygawd, Hairy Bikers ♥ Just watched their episode of Vegetarian food and I can't remember when I've last drooled so much22:23
SuprEngrperhaps best left at... 'oneiric' is not a valid distribution22:23
AlanBellpopey: grep libldap /var/log/dpkg.log might be interesting22:23
* SuprEngr counts days till 12.0422:23
ali1234so the .1 is the bugfx release22:24
ali1234my best guess is you updated when only one version was available22:24
ali1234popey: that's after you got that dpkg error though22:25
popeythat dates back to 12th22:25
popeythe 15:54 is when I updated earlier today22:26
ali123412 of august22:26
popeyafter that update the red light appeared for i38622:26
ali1234oh is that a grep on ldap?22:26
AlanBellthats when it went wrong22:26
popeyneed older dpkg.log22:26
ali1234no that should have everything22:26
SuprEngraww go on someone - ask me why I've gone anti- 11.10 all of a sudden22:26
popeyyou're right thats all of it22:26
Davieypopey: i just did the update, doesn't look like i have that issue.  But then, i might have less multiarch than you.22:27
ali1234popey: look at the 15:54 stuff22:27
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/741690/ thats the whole log22:27
ali1234it upgrades the 64 bit one, but not the i386 one. that's where it broke22:27
ali1234presumably at that time the i386 package was not up yet22:28
AlanBelltoday, between uploads22:28
ali1234i can check by looking at the mirror timestamps...22:28
DavieyI'd be qute suprised if ie86 and amd64 were not published on the same run22:28
DavieyThey were copied from the Security team PPA, so it's not as if they were built at different times and published seperately.22:29
popeythats the log from landscape22:29
AlanBellhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/741691/ output of grep libldap /var/log/dpkg.log for me22:31
ali1234yeah you got both upgraded22:31
popeyi wonder if this is because i upgraded via landscape22:32
popeyis landscape multiarch aware?22:32
ali1234it looks like popey's update at 4pm bombed out at libldap:i386?22:32
ali1234did you get a dpkg update between 4pm and 8pm?22:33
Davieypopey: I don't know that smart handles multi-arch TBH22:33
popeydoes smart log?22:34
popeyali1234: pass22:34
popeyi see nothing in /var/log22:34
=== davie_ is now known as Guest73954
Laneytoo lazy to bake :(22:55
Laney/ tired22:55
Laneyit would be weird if they weren't published simultaneously indeed, but then again I do not know how LP copies work22:56
popeyright, filed a bug in landscape22:56
AlanBellthat would be sub-optimal if all the landscape managed machines everywhere broke themselves tomorrow23:03
AlanBellI know the point is you can choose to do test deployments to different groups of machines etc23:03
Laneyhow is it landscape's fault?23:05
Laneyi saw a dist-upgrade paste that showed unupgradables23:06
popeyit wasnt distupgrade23:06
popeyi did the upgrade via landscape23:07
Laneyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/741324/ ?23:07
popeythats after the breakage happened23:07
popeyillustrating the breakage23:07
popeythunderbird in 'still not got the right number of mails on my launcher' shocker23:08
Laneyso landscape upgraded the i386 package somehow23:08
Laneywithout the native one23:08
popeyother way round23:09
popeyor not, i dunno, too tired now ☺23:09
Laneyno, you iz rite23:09
* Laney eats more soup23:09
popeymmm soup23:10
popeylooking forward to mushroom soup tomorrow23:10
popeyand will add extra mushrooms23:10
* AlanBell appears to have 5 perpetual licenses for landscape23:10
Laneytomorrow i have to skive off work in the morning to buy my mother's birthday presents23:10
Laneyand then speedbake a cake before leaving for a weekend canoeing23:11
popeyi have to take sam shopping at the weekend23:12
popeyi need a shoe box (not shoes) and some things to put in for some child somwhere else in the world23:12
popeyi think we have a very prescribed set of things to put in it like pens, notepad, toothbrush.23:13
Laneythose are a nice idea, we did them back when i was a cub leader23:16
Laneywas a bit hard to find a non-religious charity to go through iirc23:17
popeyi cant recall the charity we're going through23:17
popeyits via the school so no idea23:18
popeyoh, hang on, leaflet23:18
Laneya lot of them liked to insert bibles into your boxes23:18
popeyoh really?23:19
popeyI did not know that23:19
popeyI will be enquiring23:19
Laneydepends on the charity, and this was a few years ago23:19
popeyI can believe it23:19
Davieypopey: You are buying a new pair of shoes, purely for the shoe box? :)23:20
Davieypopey: pro tip, use a shoe box for a baby pair of shoes. Cheaper to fill.23:21
popeyDaviey: i dont buy shoes that are so expensive that they have a box ☺23:21
popeymine usually dont even come with a bag23:22
popeyI have to rip them off the tramps feet23:22
popey..without waking him23:22
Laneyi have stupidly small feet, so filling my shoe boxes wouldn't be a problem23:26
Laneysize 623:26
funkyHatLaney: good if you like wearing heels though23:26
Laneygood for me climbing actually23:27
DavieyLaney: wow, you DO have small feet.23:28
DavieyLaney: Can you claim a blue badge?23:28
Laneyi have been known to topple over in a stiff breeze23:28
AzelphurI am having ridiculous amounts of fun with Drupal \o/23:29
AzelphurI made a module that utilises GameQ and APC for caching, I can just write "[server tf2 surf.tf2.azelphur.com numplayers]" and it replaces it with a live player count from my server \o/23:29
ali1234the drupal logo represents the tears of people who try to use it23:29
buzz_i like drupal.23:30
Azelphuryour just mad I am getting good results :D23:30
AzelphurI like drupal too23:30
buzz_always worked for me23:30
buzz_only build a few sites on it. not used v7 yet.23:30
AzelphurI've got really awesome stuff working :D23:30
Azelphurusing v7 here23:30
buzz_im going to do my personal blog stuff in d7 most liekly23:30
ali1234i have to rebuild my whole site every time i update it23:31
Azelphurbuzz_: I'm making an entire network of sites on d7 :D23:31
ali1234because it forgets all the menus23:31
ali1234because the menu is a plugin like everything else in drupal23:31
Azelphurali1234: I have a clever set up using a module that hides content based on what site your on, so technically there's only one site, but it changes "mode" depending on which domain your accessing it with23:33
funkyHatI kind of like drupal, but for anything more involved than a basic CMS/blog I end up spending more time clicking stuff than I would writing the site from scratch in rails23:33
Azelphurdifferent themes, different content, but I can create any type of content and post it to any combination of the sites :D23:33
funkyHatTheming it is really nice though23:33
funkyHatAzelphur: I use drupal's multisite features... a weird split site like you're describing wouldn't really work for the sites I host23:34
AzelphurfunkyHat: why not? :)23:34
Azelphurmultisite is better if you have totally 100% separate sites that are nothing to do with eachother23:35
funkyHatAzelphur: that is why ;)23:35
Azelphurbut for a network of connected sites, content access rules23:35
Azelphurhaha, :)23:35
Azelphurdomain access rather :P23:35
funkyHatThat does sound like it could be useful, is the module on drupal.org?23:38
AzelphurfunkyHat: yea, http://drupal.org/project/domain23:38
AzelphurfunkyHat: I asked in the drupal channel about what I could do regarding shared user database and global (and nonglobal) forums, domain access does it no problem23:39
funkyHatAzelphur: does it do single sign-on too? That would be nice23:40
AzelphurfunkyHat: there is only one site, so yes.23:40
AzelphurfunkyHat: what it does is it detects what site your on, and overrides the content access permissions on practically everything so it can be shown or not shown on a per site basis23:41
funkyHatAzelphur: well it would depend how it managed the cookies, but cool that it works23:41
Azelphuryea, I've noticed the cookies are an issue23:41
Azelphuryou have one user and pass, but have to login to all 3 sites23:41
Azelphurhavn't worked around that yet23:41
funkyHatThat's what I meant by single sign on ⢁þ23:42
funkyHatOpenID could possibly be a sort-of solution23:42
Azelphurhehe I plan to allow openid sign on anyway23:43
funkyHatSpeaking of which I need to fix my OpenID provider23:44
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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