[17:35] Has anyone here used an Ekiga SIP account on Android? [18:51] G'day, Floco! [20:16] mhall119: Congratulations! [20:17] itnet7: thanks! [20:17] itnet7: have you followed up with elmo? [20:17] mhall119: not quite sure how to [20:17] I did apply [20:18] I also put you down as a reference btw ;-) [20:22] itnet7: cool, /join #canonical-sysadmin and ping him to see what else you should be doing [20:24] mhall119, +1 itnet7 congrats (saw the post on Jono's blog pop up in the planet) [20:25] thanks svwilliams [20:25] ]/w 24 [20:27] is that stray characters mhall119 or irc code I don't yet know :-D [20:27] it's irc typos for "switch to window #24 in irssi" [20:28] mhall119: have you been using tmux? [20:28] itnet7: haven't tried it yet, but it's been on my radar recently [20:28] ahh cool [20:29] I think you'll dig it [20:29] I want get better with it, but I have only been using the similar to screen functions and it's the bomb, much cleaner [23:52] dantalizing: you around? [23:52] dantalizing: if you see this do you use sip on your galaxy tab? if so what app works best for you?