
cjohnstonmhall119: any way for us to get rid of http://paste.ubuntu.com/740822/02:52
knomecjohnston, btw, if you have some excess time, could you look why the xubuntu blueprint/progress still isn't visible at http://status.ubuntu.com/ ? ;)02:53
cjohnstonknome: i need more info02:53
cjohnstonwhat bps02:53
cjohnstonknome: the blueprint itself is only two hours old.. give it a day and then let me know02:54
cjohnstonthe script only runs every two hours02:55
knomecjohnston, okay, i will. thanks02:55
knometime for bed. nighty! :)02:56
mhall119cjohnston: yes, we can get rid of thate, file and bug and put the traceback in it, shouldn't be hard03:13
mhall119cjohnston: basically just replace meeting.description with getattr(meeting, 'description', '')03:14
cjohnstonmhall119: bug 89146903:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 891469 in summit "replace meeting.description with getattr(meeting, 'description', '') (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89146903:21
=== johnoxton_ is now known as johnoxton
cjohnstonmhall119: http://paste.ubuntu.com/741344/  is this anything that we need to work on?16:38
cjohnstoni wonder why we get that when im running the menu test case mhall11916:41
mhall119cjohnston: looks like django-openid-auth juds needs to be updated for django 1.3, file a bug against it17:05
mhall119deprecation warnings aren't something to worry about though17:05
cjohnstonaagainst django-openid-auth ?17:05
mhall119looks like it just needs a couple configuration fields added to make django happy again17:06
cjohnstonas long as it doesnt break 1.117:06
newz2000Anyone here responsible for this: https://github.com/christianv/jquery-lifestream17:07
newz2000Seems extremely close to something people here were working on a year or two ago17:07
newz2000demo is here: http://christianv.github.com/jquery-lifestream/example.html17:08
cjohnstonknome: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/group/topic-precise-flavor-xubuntu.html ?18:13
knomecjohnston, yup.18:17
cjohnstonall better?18:18
cjohnstondavidcalle: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/group/topic-precise-community-web-projects.html18:53
cjohnstonthats the big list of stuff.. but any of the bugs will do as well18:53
cjohnstonwe operate on a "I want to fix this" type of system, so anything that suits your fancy18:54
davidcallecjohnston, I'm definitely not doing "Clean up render.py" :P18:54
cjohnstondavidcalle: why would you take the fun away from nigelb18:54
cjohnstonhes whole life is based on that bug.. lol18:55
davidcallecjohnston, thanks for the list. I will pick a first bug when I have time (certainly this week end) :)18:57
cjohnstonsounds great18:57
cjohnstonthanks davidcalle..18:57
cjohnstonyour help is welcome on the LoCo Team Portal as well18:57
=== Ronnie1 is now known as Ronnie
davidcallecjohnston, Ok18:58
Ronniemhall119: congrats with your position in the Canonical Community Team19:39
dakerdaker> http://code.google.com/intl/fr-FR/opensource/gci/2011-12/index.html19:56
daker<daker> http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2011/11/google-code-in-2011-participating.html19:56
Ronniedaker what about it?19:58
dakerRonnie, Google Code-in site19:59
Ronniedaker, do you still have your new loco designs somewhere?20:12
Ronnieim working on our new loco website and want to get some ideas from your designs20:13
mhall119Ronnie: thanks20:16
mhall119Ronnie: you should /join #ubuntu-design20:16
Ronniemhall119: ill do, i red about it today20:16
Ronnieill put it on my outojoin list20:16
mhall119davidcalle: hey, do you have a template for those Unity lenses you're writing?  I want to get in on that action23:37
davidcallemhall119, hi23:43
davidcallemhall119, Yes I have =)23:43
davidcallemhall119, https://code.launchpad.net/onehundredscopes Trunk is a dummy lens you can use to test scopes. The branches are scopes. The code is not pretty ATM, but you'll see how easy it is to get started.23:45
davidcallehttps://code.launchpad.net/unity-lens-bliss this is prettier code by Mikkel Kamstrup.23:45
mhall119davidcalle: awesome, I'm going to make a dictionary scope23:53
davidcallemhall119, great!23:53
mhall119something I used all the time with the old deskbar-applet23:54
mhall119and have been missing23:54
davidcallemhall119, this is really cool23:54
mhall119I like this hidden lenses thing, I didn't know that was an option23:54
davidcalleYeah, at the top of the lens daemon file, you have the option to display or not the icon in the lens bar23:55

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