
bjsniderSarvatt, do you happen to understand the rationale behind the choices of alternatives in fglrx?03:43
Sarvattbjsnider: no i dont, thats why i dont touch it lately03:44
bjsnideri guess i shouldn't try, but i'd like to get it into x-updates03:44
bjsnideri just don't understand why some of the libs were chosen for alternatives while others weren't03:45
RAOFWhat libs are these?03:45
Sarvattbjsnider: you know you can build source debs from the installer right?03:45
Sarvattits really easy to install your own fglrx from their website, thats the other reason i dont03:45
RAOFHuh.  This laptop has a single combined headphone/mic port.  How annoyingly useless!03:46
Sarvattthird reason is its a pain in the butt to verify the kernel module builds, thats where things always go wrong03:46
bjsniderRAOF, usr/lib/libaticalxx is strange03:47
bjsniderwhere xx is rt and cl, alternatives are in play, but dd and libatiuki are not covered03:47
bjsniderand this is where two new opencl libs have appeared03:47
Sarvattoh thats opencl stuff, i bet they put that in there themselves without alberto's help03:48
bjsniderso i don't know if they should be included, but it seems like they should because amd has a now-obsolete opencl package that would have those files and also nvidia provides a libopencl.so.103:48
bjsniderbut nvidia's libopencl is not covered by alternatives...03:49
Sarvattbjsnider: tseliot is going to upload 11.11 probably tomorrow, hopefully they dont have much package churn after that so it should be easy for a few months :)03:49
bjsniderSarvatt, phoronix says the december release is a big change too03:49
bjsniderthe source package is now too big to fit on a cd03:50
Sarvattbjsnider: yep you're right, ugh03:50
bjsniderSarvatt, for oneiric?03:50
Sarvattjust looked at the betas03:50
Sarvattbjsnider: nah precise but nothings changed really03:50
Sarvatteasy to nab it :)03:50
Sarvatt4 new libs in the december ones03:51
bjsnideri thought alternatives existed to stop to packages from installing the same file, thus overwriting each other03:51
bjsniderbut all of these laternatives are ati-specific stuff, so why do they need alternatives?03:51
RAOFThey don't.03:51
bjsniderthat's not too confusing or anything03:52
bjsniderwhy are laternavites used in fglrx then?03:52
bjsnidernvidia ships libgl, so it makes a lot of sense there03:53
bjsniderall of this stuff is libati* or amd*03:53
RAOFIt probably shouldn't be alternatived.03:54
bjsniderso these packaging scripts are overcomplicated for no apparent reason?03:54
RAOFThat would seem to be the case?03:55
bjsniderSarvatt, are the 4 new libs going to add 200mb more size this time?03:56
bjsniderthe graphics driver is bigger than the friggin' kernel03:57
bjsniderand it's not even shipping its own gl03:57
bjsniderthier code must be shared cross-platform like nvidia03:59
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tjaaltonwacom 0.12.0 uploaded10:19
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tjaaltonbryceh: might be the time to change versions-current to show precise?10:53
ricotztseliot, hello11:18
tseliotricotz: hi11:19
ricotztseliot, how is it going with fglrx?11:19
tseliotI haven't updated the driver yet. I need to upload a fixed nvidia-common and jockey first then I'll think of fglrx (my scripts should be mostly ready)11:19
ricotzok, i will be patient then :)11:20
tjaaltonricotz: wacom is uploaded though11:20
ricotztjaalton, good11:21
tjaaltonsupport for intuos4 oleds should now be in precise.. will test once it's built11:22
ricotztseliot, do you thought about getting cuda in repos yet?11:25
tseliotricotz: cuda for what?11:25
ricotztjaalton, unfortunatelly i dont have a wacom device for testing11:26
ricotztseliot, libraries like nvidia-texture-tools can use it for example which isnt packaged yet11:26
tseliotricotz: is it in debian already?11:27
ricotztseliot, since it is already available in debain syncing it would be nice, but it isnt compatible with the nvidia-driver packaging of ubuntu11:27
tseliotricotz: oh, I'll have a look at the debian package then, and see what needs to be done11:28
ricotztseliot, do you think it is possible to adapt the nvidia packaging11:28
ricotzthey splitted up all libraries in their own debs though11:29
tseliotricotz: it depends. I'll know only when I see it11:29
ricotztseliot, ok, thanks11:29
tjaaltonricotz: no worries, i have one, and an Aiptek (waltop)11:30
tjaaltoni packaged cuda locally for the university where i used to work11:31
tjaaltonthere were people doing some research with it11:31
tjaaltonthere's this sdk that you had to initialize so that it'd be linked to from your home directory11:41
tjaaltoncan't remember, strange stuff :)11:41
Milos_SDcan someone help me to get FGLRX drivers installed and working on HP ProBook 4530s with Intel Sandy Bridge + AMD HD6490 graphics?12:04
Milos_SDWhen starting Xserver with FGLRX installed, XServer get segmentation fault12:04
Milos_SDhere is the log: http://pastebin.com/hsnCw47g12:06
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bjsnidertseliot, i was looking at the fglrx scripts last night and i don't understand the choices of which files to use with alternatives15:02
bjsniderthey all look like amd-centric stuff, so why are they in danger of overwriting anything?15:03
tseliotbjsnider: I'm not sure I understand what you mean15:04
bjsniderwell i thought the reason for using alternatives was to make sure file a doesn't overwrite file b of the same name also provided by another package?15:05
bjsniderbut all of this stuff is called libati* or amd*15:05
tseliotbjsnider: right, and we have 2 flavours of the same driver15:06
tseliotit's just a case that they cannot be installed at the same time15:07
tseliot(because of hybrid graphics)15:07
bjsnideryou have 2 versions of fglrx?15:07
tseliotfglrx and fglrx-updates15:08
bjsniderwhy not just make the packages conflict with each other?15:09
Milos_SDdoes anyone know how can I fix a problem that I described ? 15:10
jcristaudon't use fglrx15:11
tjaaltonhybrid graphics fail15:12
tseliotbjsnider: I did that, when I realised that they couldn't be installed at the same time15:13
tseliotjcristau: that's definitely a solution ;)15:13
bjsniderbut if they conflict then why are alternatives needed?15:14
* tseliot uses only open driver on his main pc15:14
jcristauthat and don't buy silly hybrid graphics.15:14
tseliotbjsnider: libGL, and other stugg15:14
bjsnidernvidia provides its own libgl15:15
tseliotand so do mesa and fglrx15:15
tseliotthis way you can install both nvidia and fglrx at the same time15:16
tseliot(using only one though)15:16
Milos_SDwell, it worked on SLED 11 :S15:16
tseliotMilos_SD: I don't know what problem you're facing but did you file a bug report about it?15:17
bjsnidertseliot, http://pastebin.com/hsnCw47g15:17
bjsniderthat's Milos_SD's pastebin15:17
tjaaltonright, it's trying to load both intel and fglrx -> fail15:18
bjsniderMilos_SD, have you got a switch to turn off one chip or the other?15:19
tseliotin theory that should work15:19
Milos_SDbjsnider, there is only switch to turn ATI off15:19
tjaaltonand that intel kms is probably being used15:19
Milos_SDcan fglrx that charge if I disable modseting for intel?15:20
Milos_SDthat is the only think I didn't try15:20
bjsnidera lot of people don't even have a switch15:20
tseliotMilos_SD: there's a script you can try to switch15:20
Milos_SDit is not actualy a switch... it is option to disable switchable graphics (it disables ATI totaly)15:21
Milos_SDswitchable graphics : ON or OFF... nothing else15:21
tseliotMilos_SD: so, if you want to use both cards15:21
tseliot(in the BIOS)15:22
tseliotand experiment with the fglrx driver15:22
tseliotyou can do this to use the AMD card:15:22
tseliotsudo /usr/lib/fglrx/switchlibGL amd15:22
tseliotsudo /usr/lib/fglrx/switchlibglx amd15:22
tseliotand restart15:22
tseliotsudo /usr/lib/fglrx/switchlibGL intel15:23
tseliot sudo /usr/lib/fglrx/switchlibGL intel15:23
tseliotto use only the intel card (without having to remove fglrx)15:23
tseliotMilos_SD: if this ^ doesn't help, feel free to file a bug report15:26
Milos_SDproblem is that, I think there are few bug reports about this :)15:29
tseliotMilos_SD: I don't think this is officially supported by AMD but I do what I can to help15:31
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Milos_SDtseliot, it doesn't work... it is the same as doing: sudo aticonfig --px ddx or --px idx15:37
Milos_SDand switchlib doesn't even switch libs :)15:38
tseliotMilos_SD: how so?15:38
tseliotI mean, how are you so sure that it doesn't switch libraries?15:38
Milos_SDin xorg log it says something about not right libs are loaded15:38
tseliotare you using oneiric?15:39
tseliotok, so, do an update-alternatives --display x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf (if you're using Ubuntu 64 bit) before and after those two commands15:40
tseliotthings should change. The fact that the driver segfaults is a different issue15:41
tseliotoh and sudo aticonfig --px ddx or --px idx call those two scripts15:41
tseliot(which I wrote)15:42
Milos_SDyes I know that... and after I use aticonfig --px idx I can't use aticonfig at all anymore15:42
Milos_SDlibGL is missing15:42
tseliotMilos_SD: oh, I think I know what's going on...15:43
tseliotno wonder it's missing15:44
tseliotI should've updated the powerXpress alternative with multiarch paths for mesa... my bad15:44
tseliotI'm going to upload a new upstream release with a fix anyway15:45
tseliot:~$ cat /usr/lib/pxpress/ld.so.conf15:45
tseliotwrong ^15:45
Milos_SDbtw, I need to create /usr/lib64 directory and then copy fglrx folder from /usr/lib/ in it to make aticonfig --initial -f work at all15:46
tseliotMilos_SD: it's best if you don't copy things manually, otherwise things will break on next update15:47
Milos_SDwell I do that when I install 11.10 version of fglrx from amd site... but it has to be done for fglrx-updates from repos too15:48
Milos_SDand I think for fglrx package too15:48
tseliotMilos_SD: that's because I maintain the scripts for all of them ;)15:48
tseliottherefore if something is not fixed in my packages in ubuntu it's likely that it's not fixed in the amd installer15:49
Milos_SDfor fglrx package (not the -updates one) have that bug fixed in changelog, but it isn't realy fixed :)15:50
tseliotI'll check that and make sure that it's really fixed15:50
tseliotthanks for reporting the issue15:50
Milos_SDso, that is the main problem that Xserver is segfaulting here?15:51
Milos_SDmain reason*15:54
tseliotMilos_SD: it could be15:54
* tseliot -> phone call15:54
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brycehtjaalton, right; will try to get that updated today17:11
tjaaltonbryceh: cool, thanks17:12
Sarvattmultiarch with PPAs is really proving to be unfun because i386 is always backed up more than amd64 and you get http://paste.ubuntu.com/741401/ for a few hours every day17:39
Sarvattaccept that and wine silently stops working17:39
ricotzSarvatt, thanks for updating right drivers ;)18:14
Sarvattthe right drivers?18:15
ricotzthe ones which failed so far with xserver git master18:15
ricotzdidnt follow their changes but maybe they got fixed18:16
Sarvattoh my script updates every driver whenever there are new updates in upstream git, they must be fixing it :)18:17
Sarvattyeah ajax fixed a bunch up it looks like18:17
Sarvattits screwed up on mga though, i have to do that one manually18:17
Sarvattis that broken?18:17
Sarvattricotz: does geode build on master?18:18
Sarvattor openchrome18:18
ricotzmga built18:18
ricotzgeode i havent in the ppa though18:19
Sarvattso just vmmouse still18:22
Sarvattmight be able to fix that up, lets see18:23
ricotzi am copying the missing one, i just grabbed the driver from the precise pocket18:24
Sarvattoh hell18:53
Sarvattspent the past half hour fixing up vmmouse then it hit me18:53
Sarvattajax was fixing the upstream drivers up, check fedora18:53
Sarvattricotz: new vmmouse incoming :)18:54
ricotzSarvatt, nice ;)18:54
ricotzunfortunatelly wacom failed against all odds18:55
Sarvattricotz: did you check fedora?18:57
ricotzyeah, it might work with git master19:00
ricotzwacom said so too ;)19:00
Sarvattricotz: you could always override_dh_auto_test:19:01
Sarvattdh_auto_test || echo "Test suite failure, but keeping on anyway"19:01
Sarvatt :P19:01
ricotzi see, havent looked at it closely while i dont really need it19:02
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