
tonki have opend tty 3. is it posible to kill the x-server on tty7 and still have tty3 running? (instaling nvidia drivers)00:00
scratchingmyheadi am using Libre office00:00
almoxarifescratchingmyhead: libre office presentation?00:00
bigtvhey you guys i need a program that does shoutcast that works right. i usually use winamp.  any suggestionsK00:00
blakeDoes anybody know how to fix NVIDIA brightness control issues?00:00
trismnadiyama: you checked the hidden systray at the bottom right corner of the screen?00:00
bigtvcan someone help me?00:01
almoxarifeblake ,  nvidia has a setting app with the install of nvidia-current package00:02
xanguascratchingmyhead: do you have libre/open office Impress¿¿00:02
nadiyamatrism, yes, and the plugin is also checked.00:02
nadiyamatrism, the same problem occurs with emesene2, but not with other apps like TeamSpeak, Skype, and such00:02
dragomirscratch that issue with docky - just installed cairo dock and its sooo much better00:02
xanguanadiyama: unity doesn't use gnome notification are by defaul, you will have to seth a whitelist, i saw something about it on webupd8 blog00:03
nadiyamaxangua, I'm not using unity, but gnome-shell00:04
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xanguanadiyama: you can set on emesene's preferences to use ubuntu indicator00:04
xanguanadiyama: then i can't help you, sorry00:04
blakealmoxarife: Not for the backlight, only the screen brightness (Which just modifies colour brightness)00:05
trismnadiyama: seems there is a bug with java tray icons in gnome shell, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64877300:08
ubottuGnome bug 648773 in message-tray "Java tray Icon does not work (_NET_WM_PID not set)" [Normal,New]00:08
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Icehawk78I've been having an issue several times now with the unity interface for nautilus not... loading, I guess? Anyone know what would cause Nautilus to look like this on 11.10?00:09
HeavyMetalhi all00:10
Icehawk78Oh. "This" being http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/39/home001.png/00:10
marsfligthHow to close the 'sudo' lease. For instance, when finished an operation with 'sudo', the system keeps ''open'' the previous given password permit also if I start another sudo instance and keeps 'open' for 10 mins. So, how can I stop/close that 'open elevation' status? I tried with 'exit' and 'sync' unsuccesfully00:10
Lasersmarsfligth: sudo -k00:11
marsfligthLasers: Thanks00:11
Lasersmarsfligth: Np00:11
Icehawk78marsfligth: Or edit the /etc/sudoers and set a timestamp_timeout=0, if you want it to never remember for a given user00:12
SorinanWill Firefox 8 reach Oneiric repos?00:12
sasoriare those things that i get from sudo apt-get update the same with the ones that pops out from the udpate manager windows ?00:12
xanguasasori: yes00:13
sasoriok thanks00:13
nadiyamatrism, makes sense. Any light with emesene2? maybe bugs the same bug but with python00:13
scratchingmyheadxangua sorry I had to leave for a bit.. I installed the libre office suite00:13
scratchingmyheadI will have impress shortly  thanks00:14
scratchingmyheadIt works.. Thanks for all the help00:19
ArcademanWeee :)00:26
Sorinanwill firefox 8 hit oneiric repos?00:27
trismnadiyama: no idea about emesene, sorry00:27
nadiyamatrism, okay, thank you for all.00:28
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osmosisthis bug says it needs testing. I need the fix. I dont see a .deb to download though.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virt-viewer/+bug/871847?comments=all00:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 871847 in virt-viewer (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Bad port '0' upon connect qemu+ssh" [High,Fix committed]00:36
TBotNikAll: anyone a WordPress guru that can join me on #wordpress, to solve a problem?00:36
psychx-Damn, a lot of people on tampabay.res.rr.com00:38
psychx-<- Hernando County00:39
eross< even worse, polk00:39
Stubkanhi, im tryin to install ubuntu.. having some issues!00:39
psychx-Stubkan: What's up? Post your question, someone should be able to assist you.00:40
Stubkanim running the liveusb, is there a way to find out my video card on it00:40
Stubkangraphics info says 'unknown'00:40
escottStubkan, lspci in the terminal will list the hardware00:40
Stubkanokay, now to find the terminal00:40
trismosmosis: the updated package is in proposed, you need to enable that in software sources (on the updates tab) before you can get the updated package00:40
trismosmosis: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed for more info00:41
Stubkanokay got it00:43
psychx-Stubkan: Are you actually in Ubuntu?00:43
Stubkanright now, running liveusb00:43
psychx-ah ok00:43
Stubkanthe issue is, ive installed it on the hard drive, but when i go to boot it up .. nothing happens00:43
Stubkanthe screen appears glitched00:43
Stubkani can see something move when i move the mouse, way up on the top 2 pixel rows00:43
zykotick9Stubkan, fyi if you use "lspci | grep -i vga" it will only list your graphics card00:44
Stubkanok, i found the graphics card, anyway with some squinting00:44
escottStubkan, sounds like a bad modeline00:44
escottStubkan, what kind of connector is there between your monitor and your computer?00:44
Stubkanok, what is a bad modeline00:44
Stubkanah now i understand.. yes i have a thingy in the middle00:44
Stubkancos i have a projector and a monitor, so to make it easier i just bought a cheap thing off an asian store to plug both into the video card00:45
osmosistrigrou, wiki was confusing, but you sugesstion to enable it through the gui worked00:45
osmosistrism, thx00:45
escottStubkan, but its an analog vga connector otherwise. i would try it without the splitter and see if it gets better00:45
Stubkanreckon i should take that off00:45
Stubkanthen id have to find another way to hook the projector up .. hm00:46
agu10^what easy and free video editing software can i install?00:46
Stubkanthe video card has a hdmi or something plug and i have another plug on that, converting it to the old vga monitor00:46
Stubkanwould that be an issue00:47
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agu10^Stubkan, i don't think so00:48
escottStubkan, hdmi sends information about refresh rate and height/width back to the video card and would be preferred00:48
Stubkanokay, my monitor doesn't have it though.  will try removing the splitter now00:48
Stubkanwill be back if it is still broken :)00:48
Stubkanthank you00:48
escottStubkan, if you can determine a good modeline you can create an Xorg.conf and save the modeline to that, but its hard to get those correct so it would be easier to start without the splitter00:49
RecombobulatorI am trying to set up a simple way to quickly switch between monitor setups. Could anyone help?00:49
escottagu10^, pitivi is one00:49
RecombobulatorIn essence, it would quickly replace the xorg.conf file, and restart the X11 server.00:50
psychx-When I run "top" in Terminal, I can obviously see all of the running processes; but it seems like there is more to the list. How do I "scroll" down to see everything?00:50
escottRecombobulator, you can create an xrandr script if all you need to do is change outputs and resolutions00:50
RecombobulatorShould I simply write a shell script?00:50
RecombobulatorThere is no easy way to detect and do it quickly without manually running a script?00:51
escottRecombobulator, you can use the gui. but what is it you want "detected"00:51
locutus_join #compiz00:51
urlin2upsychx-, if you run htop the keyboard arrow keys work00:51
Jordan_URecombobulator: If you plug in a new monitor everything should "Just Work™".00:51
RecombobulatorWell, I have dual monitors.00:52
RecombobulatorDual monitors and an Nvidia graphics card.00:52
Jordan_URecombobulator: That should also just work. What problem are you having?00:52
brandon__how do I use sfdisk to partition an unformatted drive with one partition that is as large as possible?00:52
Jordan_Ubrandon__: Why do you want to use sfdisk?00:53
RecombobulatorAnd an outdated version of Ubuntu, to boot. My network drivers do not work on the latest version of Ubuntu.00:53
brandon__I am using it in a script00:53
RecombobulatorAlright. I need to go. Thanks!00:53
Jordan_Ubrandon__: What is your end goal with this script?00:53
brandon__it wipes the harddrive, then partitions it and clones an image from a clonezilla server00:54
Jordan_Ubrandon__: If I recall correctly clonezilla can handle partitioning as well.00:55
Jordan_Ubrandon__: What is your *end goal* though?00:55
brandon__I am imaging 75 computers, and I am required to destroy the data from the drives.00:56
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psychx-I have a .run file that is not executing. I set it to be executable, but nothing is happening. It is actually TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_x86-3.0.1.run - Can someone help me to get this working?01:02
somsip_psychx-: how are you executinjg it?01:03
Jordan_Ubrandon__: If it's important that the data be destroyed first then I would use dd to copy zeroes to the entire drive first (If you're really paranoid, use a multi-pass purpose built whiping program). From there though I would be very surprised if clonezilla could not do everything else needed automatically. The main purpose of clonezilla is to automate exactly this process.01:04
Jordan_Upsychx-: Teamspeak is available in the repositories.01:06
Jordan_Upsychx-: sudo apt-get install teamspeak-client01:06
psychx-somsip_: Well, basically what I did was right click on the file, go to properties, and set it to be executable. Then I double click on the file (it's in my downloads folder in /home/) and it asks how I'd like to execute it. First I said in TErminal, because that's what it wanted to do anyway. That didn't work. Terminal didnt even open. Then I tried it again, and just did Execute. That didn't work either. I checked top, and didn't see it01:06
psychx-running - so I don't think it froze or anything.01:06
psychx-Jordan_U: I'm not sure that is the correct version.01:06
brandon__I'm already doing that, I need to figure out how to automaticly partition it, so I can run the restore command that it gave me after I entered the configuration mannually.01:06
psychx-Jordan_U: I downloaded Teamspeak 3 from their website, but when I look in repositories, it says 2.0.3201:06
somsip_psychx-: in a terminal 'sh TeamSpeak3...' what happens?01:08
roxdragonhi all exista a program for face recognition and auto tagging?01:08
Jordan_Usomsip_: That is not the proper way to run an executable. sh is not the same as bash, and for all you know it could be a perl script or simple executable.01:09
erossroxdragon it's in android 401:09
psychx-sh TeamSpeak3...01:09
psychx-that did nothing01:09
psychx-mike@mike-lubuntu:~$ sh TeamSpeak3...01:09
psychx-sh: Can't open TeamSpeak3...01:09
roxdragoneross, on ubuntu?01:09
Jordan_Usomsip_: Though I guess in this case it is a posix shell script.01:10
erossno i meant it's being developed on the latest androids from what I heard. no idea on linux or ubuntu though01:10
Jordan_Upsychx-: What is the full path to the file, including the full file name?01:11
roxdragoneross, ok , there are Google api's released?01:11
zykotick9Jordan_U, i believe TS3 might be a windows executable as well... maybe not?01:11
psychx-Jordan_U: /home/mike/Downloads/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_x86-3.0.1.run01:12
zykotick9Jordan_U, i was wront01:12
brjanncroxdragon: I remember hearing about a few projects to add a face recognition/tagging plugin to F-Spot, but I don't know if it ever made it to the finish line01:12
roxdragonok thanks...01:12
somsip_Jordan_U: First line of file:  #!/bin/sh which I wy I suggested tat approach01:12
Jordan_Upsychx-: Then run "chmod +x /home/mike/Downloads/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_x86-3.0.1.run && /home/mike/Downloads/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_x86-3.0.1.run"01:13
roxdragonbut what's name for vocal recognition? example: I: hello pc - and pc replies: hello01:13
psychx-Jordan_U: Ok, do I need sudo?01:13
erossroxdragon - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speech_recognition_in_Linux01:14
Jordan_Upsychx-: No.01:14
psychx-Jordan_U: Ok, seems like it worked - thank you for the help. I might need more help in a little while, who knows. :)01:15
Jordan_Upsychx-: You're welcome.01:15
jigpgood morning.what to use for 1gb ram lenovo laptop?xubuntu,kubuntu?01:16
psychx-Jordan_U: Quick question. It says this in Terminal: Creating directory TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_x86   - How do I find this directory?01:17
roxdragoneross, yes.. gnomevoicecontrol..but how to adding an command?01:17
jigpi have downloaded ubuntu 11.10 desktop.how to use xubuntu?i heard that it uses less resources01:17
haseebh2O_anyone here can help me with getting broadcom to work ?01:18
haseebh2O_getting error when i do makefile :(01:18
rodhashGuys.. I'm trying to remove / load the module i915 (intel video driver) but it says it's in use even with X down..01:18
psychx-Jordan_U: nvm I actually just found it01:18
rodhashand I'm not able to remove it01:18
rodhashAny suggestion?01:18
escottrodhash, rmmod the module01:19
rodhashescott, it says the module is in use01:19
rodhashas I said even with X down01:19
rodhashbut running lsmod, I see nothing using it01:19
escottrodhash, probably by the framebuffer then01:19
rodhashi915                  437400  3  --> there's nothing using it..01:20
erossroxdragon, check out, compile and read through the documentation. i never tried it01:23
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psychx-If I have something installed, but it's not in my menus or desktop or anything - What's the best way to add it?01:24
rodhash(WW) intel(0): first get vblank counter failed:  --> Guys, anyone has passed through this issue?01:24
escott!info alacarte | psychx-01:25
ubottupsychx-: alacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.2-2ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 52 kB, installed size 348 kB01:25
psychx-escott: TY01:25
rodhash(WW) intel(0): first get vblank counter failed:  --> Guys, anyone has passed through this issue?01:26
roxdragonok eross01:26
brondyis htere a channel for freemind?01:27
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brondyanyone know how to launch a word processor from a node in freemind?01:30
jefimenkois there a channel specifically for unity questions?01:32
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GeneralcamoHow do I backup files on a GUI in ubuntu?01:33
Jordan_U!backup | Generalcamo01:33
ubottuGeneralcamo: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning01:33
GeneralcamoOn initramfs?01:33
TheProfHello.  Seems I've screwed up all the permissions in /etc badly.  I've got /home in a different partition.  Is there a way to do an in-place reinstall of the OS and leave /home and all the users alone?01:34
GeneralcamoHow do I move files to an external hard drive (E:) with initramfs on Busybox01:35
escottGeneralcamo, you will have to manually mount the external drive and then copy the files over.01:36
TheProfOr, is there a command that can reassign permissions to a file based on the packages it came from originally? Thank you.01:36
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Jordan_UGeneralcamo: If you're getting stuck at an initramfs shell then there were serious problems booting and you won't be able to get a GUI until these are fixed. Do you want to try to fix this or are you just trying to back up your data? If you just want the data then it would be easiest to boot from a LiveCD/USB.01:37
GeneralcamoDoing that now01:37
Guest37094Good evening, I need some help with my video drivers in Natty, can anyone help me please?01:37
GeneralcamoIf I could hix that, it would be better01:38
GeneralcamoLooks like I accidentely made all the system files read and write, on root!01:38
szal!details | Guest3709401:38
ubottuGuest37094: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:38
GeneralcamoHow do I reverse this?01:38
escottTheProf, the reinstall is the correct approach. see !clone for how to copy your packages over01:38
Jordan_UGeneralcamo: How did you do this?01:39
lolzorzI've just installed latest ubuntu and I'm quite surprised to see that mouse pointer is invisible outside of Firefox01:39
brjanncTheProf: If you specify manual partitioning during the installation, you should be able to tell the installer to use your existing partition as /home, and make sure the "format" checkbox isn't checked.01:39
GeneralcamoRight click, set read and write01:39
Generalcamoon root01:39
Guest37094Hold on a sec. I'm logging out and logging back in as "Orbi"01:39
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate01:39
GeneralcamoHowever, I was only supposed to do that on the app folder01:39
Generalcamonot on the system files!01:39
Jordan_UGeneralcamo: Were you logged in as root?01:40
TheProfWoah that's complex ubottu!01:40
Generalcamo"as root" means yes01:40
brjanncTheProf: However, you'll lose some user information when you lose /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/group, and so on01:40
TheProfbrjannc: if I get a live DVD is there a chance I can pull those files off?01:40
tech936anyone rember the command to add a user to sudoers?01:40
Jordan_UGeneralcamo: Among other security concerns this is why you should never log in as root and why Ubuntu disables logging in as root by default.01:40
qintech936: sudo adduser user_name adnim01:41
GeneralcamoSudo refused to change file permissions for a folder that needed changing01:41
escotttech936, add the user to the admin group with usermod -a -g admin01:41
escotttech936, sorry usermod -a -G admin01:41
brjanncTheProf: those files have lines for your specific users; a livecd wouldn't have them01:41
tech936does not exist01:41
TheProfescott: does the clone option you suggested require another identical machine?01:41
tech936runing bt 401:41
GeneralcamoNever mind01:41
tech936just created a non root account01:41
Jordan_U!backtrack | tech93601:42
ubottutech936: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition01:42
szal!backtrack | tech93601:42
TheProfbrjannc: sorry I meant could I use the live DVD to access those files on the original hard drive and save them?01:42
escottTheProf, no it just generates a list of programs you have installed so you can then reinstall them01:42
tech936thanks guys01:42
TheProfescott: OK I understand. that is great as I didn't have such a list when the server got hosed.01:42
Generalcamowe serve Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu01:43
szalGeneralcamo: and Lubuntu01:43
Generalcamoahh yes01:44
brjanncTheProf: Oh, sure. But it'll be quite a task making sure you get everything :\01:44
Generalcamothe TUI01:44
szalGeneralcamo: not to forget Edubuntu ;)01:44
iarpAny apps that are installable with the livecd to check on hdd health?01:44
GeneralcamoClient side, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu01:44
Generalcamoand Lubuntu if your that geeky01:45
TheProfbrjannc: /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/group are the ones that are needed to recreate the same users? or can I export the list of users, their groups, and passwords perhaps?01:45
Generalcamoor poor01:45
Jordan_Uiarp: palimpsest "Disk Utility" is on the LiveCD by default.01:45
v1z_ to regulate the white balance of a webcam (ps3eye) on ubuntu01:45
v1z_              11.10 64bit, will I have to install a new driver? this is linux01:45
v1z_              3.0.0; v4l2-ctl doesnt have white balance controls (just on/off);01:45
v1z_              any pointers would be appreciated, even if it is to another01:45
v1z_              channel ;)01:45
FloodBot1v1z_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:45
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psychx-I installed Alacarte, but I can't find it. How do I find it?01:46
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GeneralcamoWhich ubuntu?01:46
brjanncTheProf: those are the three big ones, yes; I suppose in a pinch that would do. I don't know if there's any "backup all my users" app/script, though -- let me see01:46
escottpsychx-, are you running unity?01:46
GeneralcamoIn Unity, you can search for it01:46
deeghello world01:47
Generalcamoby going to the task menu and typing it in01:47
Jordan_U!who | Generalcamo01:47
ubottuGeneralcamo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:47
brjanncTheProf: oh, and /etc/gshadow01:47
deegalguien habla español??01:47
szal!es | deeg01:47
escott!es | deeg01:47
ubottudeeg: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:47
GeneralcamoI am assumint you are a dev, or PR, Jordan01:47
GeneralcamoWhy did you not include GNOME classic in Onieric?01:48
brjanncTheProf: I would say if you preserve /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/group, and /etc/gshadow, and /home, your users will persist.01:48
lolzorzhi, can someone help me? My mouse cursor is invisible01:48
GeneralcamoIs your mouse working?01:48
Generalcamoat all?01:48
brjanncTheProf: if you give me a few minutes, though, I'm toying with a script to determine what packages need to be reinstalled based on the files that are currently in /etc01:48
FloodBot1Generalcamo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:48
Jordan_UGeneralcamo: I am not an Ubuntu developer. That type of discussion should be moved to #ubuntu-offtopic as it's not directly support related.01:49
brjanncTheProf: which may or may not work, but hey, if your other alternative is reinstalling from scratch, it can't hurt to try01:49
lolzorzresize cursors also work, unlike pointer01:49
GeneralcamoI thought this was a general channel?01:49
brjanncTheProf: one thing, though -- is the machine currently completely unbootable?01:49
szalGeneralcamo: look at the topic; what does it say? :)01:49
Jordan_UGeneralcamo: Nope. This channel is for Ubuntu support only.01:49
WeemsI have installed gnome again but I don't have a system menu, and my icons are much larger than normal01:49
psychx-escott: No01:50
jefimenkoi found an interesting problem. if i add the following to /etc/fstab, then unity 3d won't start after reboot: "tmpfs  /tmp  tmpfs  nodev,nosuid,noexec,mode=1777  0 0"01:50
jefimenkoit's reproducible01:50
jefimenkoif i remove the line, it works again01:50
TheProfbrjannc: thanksyou very much for your help.  I didn't turn off the machine.01:50
TheProfI cannot run sudo01:50
jefimenkoi'll file a bug if needed, but can anyone help me dig a little deeper first?01:50
brjanncTheProf: oh, bummer. and no root password?01:51
TheProfbrjannc: I was working on setting up a shared folder for the teachers to collaborate on report cards and so I believe I set the permissions on ALL files to 044001:51
TheProfso you get really interesting errors and messages when that happens.01:52
brjanncTheProf: I imagine so!01:52
WeemsI have installed gnome again but I don't have a system menu, and my icons are much larger than normal01:52
g465how ti install compiz some error on daemon01:52
rhinux1Hi! I use Ubuntu 11.10 amd64, installed skype and used it. but after installing some libs skype doenst want to start any more, err msg "bash: /usr/bin/skype: File or Directory not found" even skype is in that dir. an ld /ust/bin/skype tells me " i386 architecture of input file `skype' is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output"01:52
FJAA-1983Greetings! I'm having a problem with the FGLRX package. My video suddenly failed and now the FGLRX package fails to install. http://pastebin.com/TmLiJNy001:52
GeneralcamoLive CD mode is not starting up, it is just stuck on a loading cursor, for the past 7 minutes!01:52
brjanncbrjannc: Hmm, okay, have to rethink this. So the machine is on, and you're logged in as an unprivileged user, and cannot sudo, correct?01:52
szalrhinux1: define 'some libs'01:53
brjanncTheProf: oops, that last was to you -- not talking to myself...01:53
TheProfbrjannc: correct.01:53
Jordan_Urhinux1: It sounds like you're trying to use a 32 bit version of skype but don't have the needed 32 bit libraries on your 64 bit system.01:53
brjanncTheProf: K, let me think01:53
TheProfmy personal favorite error is that bash shows you the prompt "I have no name@localhost"01:54
Jordan_Urhinux1: Why not install skype from the Partner repository?01:54
brjanncTheProf: Well, there are a couple of things to try; you can try and boot into single-user mode, but that may fail spectacularly depending on what files in /etc it tries to read01:54
rhinux1szal I once installed many apps which installed depending libs, I dont know exactly any more. but in aptitude.log I could look.01:55
GeneralcamoLive CD mode is not working01:55
Generalcamoit has been stuck on the loading cursor for the past 9 minutes!01:55
brjanncTheProf: Yeah, that's a fun one :) You could also boot into a livecd and we could try and get it back to limping along from there01:55
GeneralcamoSpeaking of livecd...01:55
Jordan_UGeneralcamo: Can you reboot and run the CD's integrity check from the boot menu? (press any key within the first 5 seconds of LiveCD boot to get the boot menu).01:56
rhinux1Jordan_U I installed from skype the 64bit ubuntu package, and afterwards I added teh partenr repo and tried it that way01:56
FJAA-1983Greetings! I'm having a problem with the FGLRX package. My video suddenly failed and now the FGLRX package fails to install. http://pastebin.com/TmLiJNy001:56
TheProfbrjannc: I am downloading and preparing to burn them right now for that reason -- worst case is that in-place reinstall.01:56
Jordan_Urhinux1: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get install skype"?01:56
GeneralcamoIt is not even booting01:56
Generalcamoit is stuck on the menu where I choose either Try Ubuntu or Install Ubuntu01:56
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brjanncTheProf: Okay. If this were one of my machines, I would probably go the livecd+chroot route and try and repair some of the damage; happy to help if you'd like to try that. (Disaster recovery is more fun when it's not my data ;) )01:57
aliquisHi all! Anyone knows how to restore the original settings in Ubuntu 11.10 when it crashes?01:57
rhinux1Jordan_U "skype is  the current version."01:57
aliquisI've run Ubuntu for a week, and this is the second time it crashed. :(01:57
aliquisLast time I could remove .gnome2 and .gconf and restart, but this time it doesn't work.01:57
aliquisI still don't have the Launcher or icons in the top of the screen.01:57
lyraealiquis, when it crashes, does it just freeze?01:57
Jordan_UGeneralcamo: Try the "Check disk for defects" option.01:58
aliquislyrae, yes, it froze for a while01:58
aliquisand then i was thrown out01:58
lyraeits been happening to me for a year or so now01:58
mcurranAnyone know why gnome-mplayer will open any selection in my places menu?01:58
lyraelike random freeze. nothing in the logs either01:58
lyraei think it might be bad memory01:58
aliquisok, thanks, i can run a memtest01:58
aliquisbut do you know how to restore the settings then?01:58
GeneralcamoHow do I do that?01:58
rhinux1Jordan_U shall I remove skype and re install it again?01:58
lyraeseems to happen when i open chrome too01:59
lyraelike if i dont open it at all, wont freeze. but if i open it, it can happen anytime while its open or after i close it01:59
aliquisi don't have chrome, but i think that firefox might have caused it01:59
lyraecould b01:59
GeneralcamoJordan, how would I do that?01:59
TheProfescott: Do those commands for listing the installed packages work if I'm running it from a live cd and pointing it somehow to the hard drive installation?02:00
aliquisdo you also lose your settings, or can you continue working after having restarted?02:00
escottTheProf, you probably need to chroot yourself in first02:00
GeneralcamoJordan, how would I do that?02:01
TheProfescott: OK02:01
FJAA-1983Greetings! I'm having a problem with the FGLRX package. My video suddenly failed and now the FGLRX package fails to install. http://pastebin.com/TmLiJNy002:01
panfisti have some ntfs partitions listed in fstab, but they won't mount automatically on boot02:01
escottTheProf, you could also try the admindir argument for dpkg02:01
panfistthey claim "mountall: fsck /media/d terminated with status 8...unrecoverable fsck error"02:02
panfistbut if i do "sudo mount -a" after booting....they mount fine02:02
jefimenkoif i add the following to /etc/fstab, then unity 3d won't start after reboot: "tmpfs  /tmp  tmpfs  nodev,nosuid,noexec,mode=1777  0 0"02:02
jefimenkoand syslog shows this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/740792/02:02
GeneralcamoHow would I run a disk check in the ubuntu install CD02:02
Toyota4RunnerHey everyone I have a problem.  Just recently I am unable to search for apps or click on Media Apps, Internet Apps, More Apps.  Nothing happens if I click on them.  Also ALT-F@ displays the run dialogue box but I can't run anything as it won't accept enter afterwards.  this is Unity-2D in 11.10 Ubuntu02:03
Jordan_UGeneralcamo: Is this the menu you're stuck at? http://jordanu.dyndns.org/tmp/screenshot_liveCD_boot_menu.png02:03
TheProfescott: if I can get into root in order to run it I guess.02:03
GeneralcamoI am on the GUI install disk02:03
GeneralcamoFor onieirc02:04
GeneralcamoIt offers install ubuntu and try ubuntu02:04
orbiSI'm back. The problem I'm having is... I have a Toshiba L300D-SP5801 Laptop (AMD Athlon x2 1.9GHz, 4GB (Kingston Hyper-X RAM), 500GB 7200RPM Seagate HDD, and the most important (the HW that's giving me nightmares) ATI x1250 Video Card with 1854MB (Shared RAM). I have Windows 7 x64 PRO installed and I just installed Ubuntu (Natty) using wubi and assigning 20GB to it.02:04
orbiI've tried a lot and haven't been successful installing the video driver so that I can take full advantage of that GPU, can anyone help me please?02:05
brjanncTheProf: I'm not sure how a chroot would behave with messed-up /etc, but it's certainly worth a try.02:05
g465how to correct my ubuntu 11.1002:05
TheProfbrjannc: true. Thankfully I had /home on a different drive on the server.  Unthankfully I only have backups of /home02:05
flopexg465: more details please!02:06
orbiI'm really new to linux, though I started using computers back in 1992 and I can find my way around them.02:06
brjanncTheProf: Yeah, I hate that feeling.02:06
GeneralcamoForget it, I should be given the option to keep files while I am installing...02:06
erossis there a CLI calculator, such as this:     <calculate>  ((5*3)/2)-7       ?02:06
flopexorbi: what is it that you are having problems with?02:07
Jordan_Ueross: bc02:07
szalorbi: if I'm not totally mistaken, the proprietary ATI video driver doesn't support that gfx card series, so you're stuck w/ the free driver02:07
brjannceross: bc02:07
jribeross: bc02:07
FJAA-1983Greetings! I'm having a problem with the FGLRX package. My video suddenly failed and now the FGLRX package fails to install. http://pastebin.com/TmLiJNy002:07
jribdoes anyone else want to tell eross about bc???02:07
milamberGeneralcamo: fsck is the file system checker02:07
erossi just want to see a return value, not go into some other shell02:07
jribeross: bc02:07
escottTheProf, if the chroot doesnt work the just use the admindir argument to specify the package database that dpkg should look at02:07
aliquiseross, are you looking for something like apcalc?02:07
orbiszal, that really BLOWS!02:07
jribeross: for example... echo 2+3 | bc02:08
Jordan_UGeneralcamo: Reboot the LiveCD and press any key when you see this: http://jordanu.dyndns.org/tmp/press_any_key_when_you_see_this.png which will get you to this menu02:08
escotteross, bash can do arithmetic with variables02:08
Jordan_UGeneralcamo: ... This menu: http://jordanu.dyndns.org/tmp/screenshot_liveCD_boot_menu.png where you can choose the "Check disk for defects" option.02:08
TheProfescott: I follow thanks.02:08
orbiflopex, I can't even have a two-display desktop, as Ubuntu doesn't know how to use the GPU correctly02:08
escotteross, echo $(( 1 + 3 * 2 ))02:08
GeneralcamoGot it02:08
erossecho 5*3.2 | bc   - gives me 16.002:08
jribeross: what did you want instead?02:09
ZiberThats funny. bc doesnt do decimals for me.02:09
erossa calcuator without an interface, pass it a complex statement like you would in basic or c and then it return the answer02:10
jribeross: bc02:10
whoeverusing ubuntu 11.10 is there a way to edit the login screen to that users must type a user name and password02:10
erossbc doesn't do decimals?02:10
escottZiber, you have to specify the scale parameter02:10
Ziberescott: how?02:10
jribeross: you just gave an example in this channel where it did...02:10
escottZiber, eross interactively scale=##02:11
derricI'm using SciDAVis and after I change the axis labes, a blue box forms around the label and refuses to go away.  When I export the plot the blue box shows up in the exported image.  How do I get rid of the blue box after modifying the axis labes?02:11
Jordan_Ueross: 3*5.2 is exactly 16.002:11
SolarisBoyis there any way to modify the keyboard shortcut CTRL + ALT + t => terminal... I'd like it to open terminator by default02:11
erosswelll doh02:11
escotteross, echo "scale=5; 5/3" | bc02:12
SolarisBoyits 15.600000000000001 with float type =)02:12
escotteross, or bc -l for maximum precision02:12
orbiAny other thoughts or tips to make an ATI Radeon X1250 GPU work correctly in Natty?, does anyone have any kind of reliable information about this card compatibility with Natty?02:14
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=== CharlieSheen is now known as Gskellig
suli8Hi, first time here.02:16
Jordan_Usuli8: Hi. Welcome to #ubuntu :)02:17
quixotedonhi t2302:18
t23got a quick question02:18
t23ok to ask?02:18
mcurranHI HOW IS EVERYONE02:18
suli8wanted to ask if anyone here using gnome shell with 11.10 and skype02:18
Jordan_Ut23: Yes. (Next time just ask your question rather than asking to ask :)02:18
quixotedont23: please do02:18
quixotedonsuli8: i'm using skype02:19
t23How do I change my mac address for eth0 so when i reset it stays the same02:19
suli8i have a strange bug02:19
quixotedonsuli8: not gnome shell02:19
t23i need to do this via konsole02:19
Jordan_Umcurran: Please don't use all caps, and keep to the channel topic (Ubuntu support).02:19
mcurran, just trying to setup my colors02:19
quixotedont23: can't answer your question02:19
suli8it kind of happens with gnome shell only. screen sharing problem. filed a bug about it but no news so far02:19
mcurrancan't figure out why my input is always gray, don' know which to edit for colors in xchat202:20
brjanncorbi: according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver the X1250 is decently supported02:20
quixotedonsuli8: what ubuntu version are you using?02:20
quixotedonsuli8: i have no problems with screen sharing02:21
suli8here is the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/87989502:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 879895 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "skype screen sharing problem when using gnome shell in ubuntu 11.10 oneiric ocelot" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:21
escottt23, ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:80:48:BA:d1:3002:21
quixotedonsuli8: do you mean lag during screen haring?02:21
Squarismabout HOW non-recommended is it to install ubuntu 64 bits? What key things is worse than the 32 bit version? Im on a 1+ year old dell laptop02:21
trismwhoever: with lightdm-gtk-greeter setting greeter-hide-users=true in the SeatDefaults section will force you to enter a username/password combo, I don't remember if this works with unity-greeter (you need to restart lightdm after editing /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf)02:21
* SolarisBoy loving 11.1002:21
suli8no no. all windows disappear...02:21
escottSquarepy, the 32bit recommendation is mostly because 32bit will run on anything02:22
TheProfThanks for all the help. Have a good night.02:22
Squarismescott, so its not unrecommend to install on a 64 bit system?02:22
cybermolly10I need help! I tried installing Ubuntu for the first time, and I think I accidentally installed Ubuntu server.02:23
suli8there are few affected by the bug. but wanted to expose it here and see if everyone has it... or there is somthing wrong here with me02:23
quixotedonsuli8: i'm using unity and skype screen sharing works fine02:23
cybermolly10Now I'm stuck on this prompt screen, I don't know how to get to anything resembling a desktop02:23
suli8quixotedon : it happens with gnome shell only :) unity is fine02:24
quixotedonsuli8: hope it's okay soon02:24
Jordan_Ucybermolly10: What prompt?02:24
whoevertrism: do i need to restart or just logout for changes to take effect02:25
cybermolly10sorry, wish I wasn't so stupid, it asks for my login and password, and then there's just this sort of...prompt02:25
cybermolly10you know, a black and white screen with a lot of tupe02:25
trismwhoever: you need to restart lightdm, so log out, ctrl+alt+f1, log in and: sudo restart lightdm;02:25
Jordan_Ucybermolly10: What are the last few words / characters on the bottom most line of text?02:25
whoevertrism: thx see you in a minut02:26
escottSquarism, the assumption is that the average person coming to ubuntu.com doesn't know how to determine if their system is 64bit or not02:26
gnomitsu!lightdm > gnomitsu02:26
escottSquarism, about the only concerns you have are 32bit apps you might want to use like skype02:26
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suli8quixotedon, i hope so. if anyone uses gnome shell and have this bug please tell me02:26
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Squarismescott, then i get it.. thanx02:27
Jordan_Ucybermolly10: Was the installer you ran graphical or was it text based? (where text based means that it had some elements like colored rectangles and simle menus but nothing that would normally be called a full GUI).02:27
cybermolly10there were colored rectangles, but it was mostly text02:27
hcpiany word on sound issue with VGC-VA10G ?02:28
cybermolly10I burned another copy of ubuntu (not ubuntu server) onto a DVD, but I can't get it to boot off of the disc02:28
Jordan_Ucybermolly10: That sounds like Ubuntu server. You can install the "ubuntu-desktop" metapackage, uninstall the server packages, and get a Desktop Ubuntu setup from here. But I would recommend just installing Ubuntu Desktop from scratch instead.02:28
Jordan_Ucybermolly10: What happens when you try to boot from the DVD?02:29
cybermolly10ok, again, I'm very stupid, how do I install Ubuntu desktop from scratch when I'm stuck at this screen?02:29
escottcybermolly10, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:29
orbibrianc: any ideas to make it work at least "decently", LOL02:30
Jordan_Ucybermolly10: Boot from and Ubuntu Desktop disk. That's why I asked what happens when you try to boot from the DVD you burned, to try to debug that problem.02:30
suli8cybermolly10,  install from scratch means, get that dvd to boot and install from there02:30
whoevertrism: you said to add greeter-hide ? to lightdm, and restart it after loggin' out02:31
cybermolly10I tried typing in the get install thingy, and it said "couldn't find package ubuntu-desktop"02:31
brjanncorbi: I don't have any personal knowledge, no; best I could do is recommend reading through the page I linked to you, and following some of the links at the bottom :\ Sorry!02:31
cybermolly10I don't know how to force it to boot off of the DVD, restarting doesn't help02:31
orbibrianc: I've tried to follow the instructions on that page previously with no success, that's why I'm desperately asking for some help02:31
Jordan_Ucybermolly10: What happens when you try to boot from the DVD?02:31
whoevertrism: it didn't work for me , pasing lightdm.conf02:32
cybermolly10how can I boot from the DVD? is there something I can type?02:32
orbibrianc: well, I'll keep trying then. gotta go, thanks to those with whom I chatted tonight.02:32
brjanncorbi: I understand! Wish I could help more. I'm sure there are/will be some ATI gurus around at some point02:32
Jordan_Ucybermolly10: Do you know how to change the boot order in your BIOS, or how to get to a menu for temporarily selecting a boot device?02:33
trismwhoever: pastebin lightdm.conf and I'll take a look02:33
cybermolly10um no, I don't know how to do anything02:33
orbibrjannc: sorry about misspelling your nickname.02:34
Jordan_Ucybermolly10: How did you boot from the Ubuntu server install CD?02:34
brjanncorbi: no worries :)02:34
cybermolly10I just restarted the computer02:34
Jordan_Ucybermolly10: How did you create the Ubuntu server CD? How did you create the Ubuntu Desktop CD?02:35
bsmith093im also in the firefox chanel can someone beam me the .0 deb, 8.0 is insta crashing on me and its the only browser i have, so sort of catch 22 at the moment02:35
bsmith0937.0 deb02:35
cybermolly10oh, I burned it on a different computer, the one I'm using now02:35
whoevertrism: back in a sec i may have got it02:35
bkfitzare most of you folks still on 10.x or have you drank the unity cool aid and moved to 11.x02:36
Jordan_U!ot | bkfitz02:36
ubottubkfitz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:36
bkfitzconsidering a move myself but just love my gnome 2 setup02:36
Jordan_Ubsmith093: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser02:36
Jordan_U!notunity | bkfitz02:37
ubottubkfitz: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic02:37
Jordan_Ubsmith093: You're welcome.02:37
bkfitz10-4 cya02:37
iggi__anyone know of a place to get support for ZeroC ICE in IRC?02:38
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whoevertrism: got it working ... but it has a heading of "other ..." is that hardcoded or can that be changed to say "who the hell are you"02:38
brjannciggi_: You can try asking ALIS... /msg ALIS help02:39
Jordan_Ucybermolly10: You burned both the Ubuntu server install CD, and the Ubuntu Desktop DVD, the same way from the same computer? Please try to be as detailed as possible in your future answers.02:39
sweatypalmsI just installed 11.10 for the first time. How do I edit the toolbar at the top? Specifically I want to remove the Messaging Menu.02:40
cybermolly10ok, first I installed the latest version of ubuntu straight onto the computer (it had windows)02:40
Squarismdoes it seem the ubuntu team is happy with unity? I havent tried it yet?02:40
trismwhoever: is this unity-greeter?02:40
cybermolly10 I couldn't connect to the internet, and when I searched for tips online, it seemed like everyone was confused about the new version, so I decided to download the previous version02:40
cybermolly10I rebooted the computer, it went into windows, I downloaded what I thought was the second most recent version, but somehow I accidentally installed the ubuntu server02:41
cybermolly10so then on this computer (a mac) I tried to burn the actual second most recent version of ubuntu onto a dvd, stuck it in the PC, and now it won't boot off the dvd, or go to windows, or do anything02:42
whoevertrism: yes it is02:42
Jordan_Ucybermolly10: I would recommend sticking with Ubuntu 11.10 personally. If you don't want the latest then 10.04 would be better than any other versions as it has long term support.02:42
iggi_brjannc, I tried that I couldn't find anything :( It just happens to be a PHP library but no support other than commerical that I can find :(02:42
rhinux1szal Jordan_U I removed skype, disabled all additional repos except extras ubuntu and canonical partner, apt-get install skype on amd64 ubuntu 11.10 causes err msg: http://pastebin.com/jqxEkiS402:42
brjannciggi_: Sorry to hear that; best place to ask would probably be in #php then02:43
cybermolly10I would be willing to go back to 11.1 if I could do anything, but I am just stuck02:43
Tech-1what programs does devede use to operate ?02:43
iggi_brjannc, Thanks, I found some developer forums I will try too.02:43
StubkanI'm having some issues with my video card, can some one help me?02:43
Jordan_Urhinux1: Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list and the contents of any files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?02:44
BradBSi have penis inspection day tomorrow at work, does anyone have advice for me?02:44
LetalisStubkan: details?02:44
bagelsWhy is it that when I'm installing a multi-disc game through wine, I can't eject my disk? It says it's in use by another process and won't let me do it.02:45
Stubkanearlier I was on here, it seemed to think 2000x1500 was a good resolution to boot up in, so my old LCD was glitching out I found another monitor that handled it, so im able to down-size the resolution now.. but it's on 'unknown' I have a radeon 6950 card.. I want to be able to use the 3d on it02:45
sweatypalmsDoes anyone know how to remove the MessagingMenu from the toolbar in 11.10?02:45
trismwhoever: yeah, seems like you would have to rebuild the package to change it02:45
Stubkanits a very fresh install - so i think its the default driver or something02:46
LetalisStubkan: theres a program that is called additional drivers that may be able to install the necessary ones for your radeon card02:46
whoevertrism: ok, you thing they would had made that a config option02:47
pdqcybermolly10, can you get to the boot menu when you power it up? by pressing f12 or f9 or however yours does it?02:47
whoevertrism: thx for your help02:47
StubkanI had a previous installation, 15 mins ago where I selected the propriety drivers - and I installed them - then the whole  computer seemed to slow down.. nothing was smooth and minecraft i ran as a test - said it was 80 fps but it seemed more like 1502:47
cybermolly10i can try02:47
dr_willisbagels:  normally i copy all the contents of all the disks to a single directory, theninstall from that directory, not even using the disks to insall then.02:47
Stubkanthere are supposed to be open source drivers for radeon aren't there?02:47
bagelsthanks dr_willis , I'll try that.02:47
pdqcybermolly and by it doing nothing, you mean it doesnt boot into ubuntu server? just a black screen or? if you can get into boot menu you can chose to have it boot from cd/dvd instead of the hdd02:48
LetalisStubkan: hmm. that is odd. i dont have a machine with an ati card, and all i have experience with are nvidia and intel chipsets in linux.02:48
Stubkanyes, installing those propriety drivers actually seemd to degrade performance :(02:49
LetalisStubkan: it actually ran better before you installed the drivers?02:49
sartanso.. any way to get rid of "unity" on recent ubuntu? classic desktop is gone02:49
sartani want my classic, 2001-era gnome02:49
cybermolly10basically, I can log in, and then i'm still on a black and white screen that is all text02:49
Stubkanjust moving windows around on the desktop is smooth now - after installing those drivers, they stutter02:49
cybermolly10and there apparently are commands I can type but I don't understand any of them02:50
=== Jasonn is now known as osum
somsip_!nounity | sartan02:50
ubottusartan: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic02:50
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LetalisStubkan: gimme a  sec. theres a command you can run thatll tell you whether acceleration is working02:50
sartanthanks so much02:50
bagelsmy CD-ROM drive isn't recognizing any discs I've put in anymore.  How can I easily remount it>02:50
StubkanLetalis : I'm very reluctant to install the propriety drivers again, because when I tried to uninstall them earlier, the computer went back to glitching and wouldnt boot up02:51
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pdqcybermolly, ah ya i dunno how would be best to install from within server to get the desktop version. if was me i would just get to the boot menu when powering it up and boot it from the cd and install fresh over top of the installed server version02:52
Tech-1does anybody know anything about devede ?02:52
rhinux1Jordan_U /etc/apt/sources.list + .d/* http://pastebin.com/NPqk0kmJ the other repo files are temporally moved into /etc/apt/sources.list.d/disabled/*02:53
cybermolly10I can't even figure out how to get to the boot menu, I tried restarting and hitting F9 and F12 like mad and nothing happened02:53
cybermolly10I did not mean to get in so far over my head02:53
DeviceZer0So I just got a new digi camera(fujifilm finepix jx420) and when I plug it in...ubuntu does not recognize it :(02:54
DeviceZer0cant mount it and dmesg doesnt show it actually being registerred02:54
Jordan_Ucybermolly10: On many machines it flashes by almost too quickly to read, but there should be instructions during boot (before anything Ubuntu starts) for what key to press to get into the BIOS menus.02:54
DeviceZer0just these 2 lines:02:54
DeviceZer0[1127321.372029] usb 2-5: new high speed USB device number 12 using ehci_hcd02:54
DeviceZer0[1127367.068239] usb 2-5: USB disconnect, device number 1202:54
Interiushiya guys02:55
Jordan_Urhinux1: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get -f install" and the contents of the now disabled files as well?02:55
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:56
cybermolly10it just goes straight to the ubuntu login02:56
cybermolly10I didn't even blink, there were no instructions02:56
brjannccybermolly10: Did you say it's a mac?02:56
Jordan_Ucybermolly10: I doubt it, but would it be possible for you to upload a video of your machine booting?02:56
cybermolly10no, I'm talking to you on a mac, but trying to get a PC to work02:56
pdqcybermolly, ya like he said, on all my PCs it's always been one of the F keys but ya have a small window of time to press them02:56
cybermolly10where should I upload it to?02:56
brjannccybermolly10: ah, gotcha. know the make/model?02:57
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Jordan_Ucybermolly10: Youtube or any other video site.02:57
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=== grassy is now known as hopp3r
bsmith093how do i turn a tar bz2 archive of source into a deb03:00
Resistancebsmith093:  you might need #ubuntu-packaging for that support03:00
Resistancenot sure though03:00
somsip_bsmith093: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete03:01
ResistanceTech-1:  can we help you with something?03:01
ResistanceTech-1:  if not, then try doing /msg ubottu !factoid   and replace !factoid with what you want to search for in the bot.  It has less flood on the channel that way.03:01
Tech-1ya, i installed it, and it starts ok..then finishes in 2 mins, what is is missing ?03:01
cybermolly10a ha, it's F8, I think03:01
cybermolly10so I hit it, it gave me two options, I told it to go to the CD Rom, and then it went back to that login screen03:02
StubkanLetalis: are you still around?03:02
LetalisStubkan: yeah i sent you a query03:02
Stubkanoh, where? crap03:02
LetalisStubkan: what irc client are you using?03:03
osmosiswhats the name of the app to do remote desktop to a win box ?03:03
StubkanLetalis: It's the one with ubuntu.. um.. empathy03:03
brjannccybermolly10: the disc you're trying to boot from may be a coaster; just to see if it works, try booting from the ubuntu server disc you used to install?03:03
LetalisStubkan: hmm it shouldve opened up as a window i think. :/ ive never used empathy :P03:03
Stubkani'll click on you03:04
brjanncosmosis: rdesktop and tsclient are two, but there are lots.03:04
Jordan_UStubkan: Letalis: It's generally best to keep discussion (if it's on topic) in the channel so that others can help and ensure that no bad advice is given.03:05
Tech-1Resistance,  what i ment is, what dependencies doed devede need to work properly03:05
crfHi, is there a picture viewer for Linux or Ubuntu that can use DLNA?03:05
cybermolly10sometimes when I reboot I get that really quick screen you were talking about, but sometimes it goes straight to the login screen03:05
ResistanceTech-1:  dont just ask me :03:05
Resistanceask the channel :P03:05
ResistanceAnyone able to answer his question?03:05
rhinux1Jordan_U apt-get -f install no error, all ok, disabled repos in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* http://pastebin.com/PVd82EYz03:06
suli8just came across a strange issue. please help. suddenly when i type anything with the keyboard, it does a strange sound,like a beep and i have to press the key for 2 seconds in order to typppe. reboot done, no luccck03:06
Tech-1nvm, im just gonna go back to gentoo, im trired of dealing with continual put offs and denial of competency.03:07
cybermolly10alright, I'm giving up for the day, thanks for the help, I'll try agian later03:08
suli8it happend 10 minutes ago, when i was here03:08
escottsuli8, maybe you enabled an accessibility feature03:09
suli8i'll take a look03:09
=== joe75_ is now known as joe75
suli8escott, yes. i dont know what i did... but now it's working again03:10
escottsuli8, yes that slow keys03:10
suli8i had slow keys on03:10
rhinux1other problem: suspend works when wake up is not more than about 15 min or so. touchpad or key press, screen turn on again, login works. but after some longer time the screen doesn't turn on again, keeps off, but I can login blind and open terminal for "sudo reboot now". I use propertiary nvidia driver03:10
bullgard4Where are described "Snapping" windows to screen borders to make them fill up a half of the screen or the whole screen? See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME_Shell03:11
suli8escott, thanks mate for telling me where to look03:12
brjanncrhinux1: is this by chance a newer laptop with nvidia optimus?03:13
almoxariferhinux1: are you logging in or unlocking a screeen saver?03:13
rhinux1Lappy is hp pavilliion dv6000, no screen saver03:14
hylianhow do i add power off to the gnome 3 shell?03:14
escotthylian, you have to logout or install an extension03:15
rhinux1dynamic changing wallpapers, lightdm on unity2d,03:15
almoxarifehylian: there is an extension I think03:15
hylianescott, almoxarife, great, but I cannot find it in the repos, so where do I get it..??03:16
rhinux1nvidia-current Version: 280.13-0ubuntu6 on amd6403:17
luis_Luis M03:17
almoxarifehylian: gnome-shell-extensions-alternative-status-menu03:18
konamhi guys03:18
luis_Hi there. I'm pretty new on  Linux. I would Like to know is somebody can help me  find out the reason why my Graphic Card is getting so Hot. I have a VAIO Laptop03:19
konami'm having problems with ubuntu's s-video output on the intel driver03:19
konamubuntu 11.04 and 11.1003:19
rhinux1ah: I tried to use second monitor an vga with twin view, generated thereby a xorg.conf, worked after logout and x reboot with ctrl-alt-backspace03:19
konamis an intel gma850 for a laptop hp dv2000, is there a special intel driver to be installed that i'm not aware of?03:19
suli8hylian: take a look here http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/official-gnome-shell-extensions.html03:20
suli8hylian: there is a ppa with all extensions available03:20
rhinux1but next booting the twinview in nvidia settings needs to generate new xorg.conf and x reset03:21
hylianalmoxarife, apt says that package does not exist.03:21
luis_Hi there. I'm pretty new on  Linux. I would Like to know is somebody can help me  find out the reason why my Graphic Card is getting so Hot. I have a VAIO Laptop03:21
hylianthanks i'll try that03:22
zacariashow do you get a list of all available packages on your installed repositories or ppa's using the command line?03:22
almoxarifehylian: perhaps you need the ppa with the extension03:22
goodwishes11Get Paid Every 24 Hours!03:22
goodwishes11Earn Daily! Easy!!03:22
goodwishes11IT'S 100% FREE03:22
goodwishes115 to 6 Figures Realistic!03:22
goodwishes11Get Paid Everyday!03:22
FloodBot1goodwishes11: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:22
qingoodwishes11: For spamming?03:23
qingoodwishes11: Read /topic, you silly.03:24
OerHeksgoodwishes11, get rich & succesfull, download ubuntu03:24
suli8OerHeks, lol03:25
hylianok doing that now, thanks to almoxarife, suli8, and escott!03:25
rhinux1@brjannc: vga is nVidia Corporation G72M [GeForce Go 7200]03:25
brjanncrhinux1: Okay, then you don't have the problem I was thinking of. Sorry!03:25
rhinux1@brjannc: Sorry that I don't have the right problem :D03:26
brjanncrhinux1: :D03:27
luis__Hi Guys. I Would like to know if somebody can help me find out the reason why my Graphic Card is getting real Hot on my VAIO after I installed Ubuntu 11.1003:29
luis__I'm pretty new on linux.03:29
muntooIs anyone there?03:29
rhinux1is btrfs now stable enough to use it in production? thinking about to use btrfs for next ubuntu intallation on another lappy03:29
snuxollrhinux1: no03:30
brjanncrhinux1: I'd say no; it's still missing fsck utilities, for example03:30
muntooMaybe run Ubuntu 2D?03:30
snuxollbrjannc: well, fsck utilities don't really define the stability of anything03:30
luis__still on 2D is getting hot.03:31
snuxollbrjannc: when you need to run fsck your crap is already hosed, you're just hoping some crafty analytics can salvage something03:31
rhinux1@luis_ which vga chip is in there , see "lspci | grep vga" on terminal03:31
rhinux1and do you know which graphics driver do you use?03:31
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snuxollbut btrfs still has some nasty bugs that cause data loss, that's reason enough to avoid it in production unless you are making regular incremental backups and can afford data loss03:31
snuxoll(would be a great filesystem to use on a web server that caches lots of images that can be regenerated, at least)03:32
luis__Hi rhinux103:32
rhinux1@snuxoll: backup is necessary, but I dont want to restore all the time my files :)03:32
luis__I just typed that but nothing happened. Sorry. I'm very new.03:33
TadcrazioHey guys, Just dawned on me. Back when i was using windows i remember there was a "copy to clipboard" option. I am running 11.04 and want something similar. I often find doing research with several tabs of articles open and just want to copy a few quick things then paste it all into a blank notepad or document. So my question is does ubuntu have a clipboard thing that would suite my needs?03:33
snuxollrhinux1: obviously :)03:33
rhinux1@luis_ no problem :) do you know how to open a terminal windows?03:34
somsip_Tadcrazio: clipit, gpaste, diodon,03:35
somsip_Tadcrazio: ...are all worth looking at, but they might not be exactly what you want03:36
rhinux1and did you type inside the terminal / bash console "lspci | grep vga" without the sourrounding " ?03:36
Tadcraziothank you somsip03:36
rhinux1sorry "lspci | grep -i vga" -i for ignoring case,03:36
rhinux1it could be vga or Vga or VGA so that you find all of them03:37
KetrevaHello, I need some help using my blackberry with Ubuntu.03:39
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rhinux1will be there the possibility to migrate from ext4 to btrfs or do I need to backup 500G, format it and restore all the data again?03:39
escottrhinux1, i believe you can migrate. instructions are on the btrfs website03:40
NighthwkCan anyone point me in the direction on how to setup a vpn server on ubuntu 10.04?03:45
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN03:45
ActionParsnipNighthwk: http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=13202903:46
drijendang son, that was almost #slackware speed.03:47
Nighthwkthanks action03:47
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ActionParsnipI have blackbelt duck-fu03:47
drijenwell good evening my question is thus:03:47
drijena coworker is bringing me a laptop tomorrow with a busted monitor03:48
rhinux1anothre question: here a many user in channel, 1529, is there anybody from bolivia and can tell me about the quality of internet? I'm in germany and use teamviewer to admin my moms pc there, it is very slooooow. so may be the problem in our PCs or is the internet over there so slow? I have  50Mbit/s over cable TV, she dont know her bandwith overthere03:48
drijenhe wants me to install ubuntu, and have it use a secondary monitor, but tells me that when he attempts to do so, it defaults to the broken laptop monitor and never uses the secondary03:48
ActionParsnipdrijen: there should be a key combo to switch it03:49
drijenis there a way to force ubuntu to use the secondary at boot/install, or would it be easier to do a cli install and configure X after the fact03:49
drijenmay i ask what that key combo is?03:49
ai9371im having trouble with rails on ubuntu 11 can anyone help03:49
ActionParsnipdrijen: depends on the model of the system03:49
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drijenoh yiou mean hardware wise, not ubuntu wise03:50
drijendo you have a direct ubuntu method, or shall i shoot for workarounds as they woudl just be more straight forward03:50
ActionParsnipdrijen: yes, there will be a shortcut to switch it, should be ok03:50
drijenrgr that03:50
drijenthanks for your time, please take care03:50
ActionParsnipnp man, gl03:51
bsmith093has anyone else had any problems with firefox 8, i just had to go back to the default ubuntu ff3.6 because ff8 was instantly crashing on me03:51
=== luist_ is now known as luist
somsip_bsmith093: default of 3.6? What version of Ubuntu are you on?03:54
bsmith093somsip_:  ubuntu 1004 lucid03:55
somsip_bsmith093: ah. I didn't know they'd not updated the LTS to a higher version. Wow. I'm surprised...03:55
ActionParsnipbsmith093: did you make a vanilla profile after you upgraded?03:56
usalabsanyone know how I can stop the panel icons from randomly re-arranging themselves? (ubuntu Lucid LTS), I even tried 'Locking to panel' it seems nothing stops them from randomly re-arranging themselves on each power on or restart03:56
bsmith093i upgraded to 8 usign the mozzilla repos, and it was crashing , so i wanted to go back to 7, which involved pulling the mozz repos,and using 362, so how do i get7 now03:56
KimbleHey. I've just installed 11.10 on a Dell E5400, and could do with some hand-holding to get this thing optimised.  I'm struggling to find what I need.03:56
bsmith093ActionParsnip: i loaded ff3.6 once to create the config folders, the uit and dumped a backup of my ff7 firefox config folder into it, merge replace all, done03:57
bsmith093but not its ff36 as opposed to ff7 so how do i upgrade to that versioon03:57
ActionParsnipbsmith093: but did you rename ~/.mozilla    after you changed version?03:57
bsmith093copied it out, then removed ff8, installed 3, put it back03:58
ActionParsnipKimble: optomise in what way?03:59
bsmith093seems to work fine now, but the point is i would like to be running ff7 again03:59
ActionParsnipbsmith093: so did you try a blank profile with ver 8?03:59
bsmith093ummm no, how would i do that03:59
KimbleWell, it'd be nice if I could be sure that it had all the appropriate drivers.  At the moment the fans are on constantly, and the GPU reports as Unknown.04:00
ActionParsnipbsmith093: install 8, then rename ~/.mozilla   when you run the browser,you will make a fresh profile which should work04:00
bsmith093k then04:00
KimbleIt doesn't recognise my Bluetooth or WiFi hardware either.04:00
ActionParsnipKimble: ok what is the output of:  lspci | grep -i vga04:01
ActionParsnipKimble: I recommend you use a wired link and get fully updated04:01
KimbleI do have a wired link and I have.04:01
ActionParsnipKimble: what is the output of:  sudo lshw -C network | grep -i produc04:02
ActionParsnipKimble: we can get your wifi going then you can get the rest sorted easier04:02
KimbleI'll be honest, I'm struggling to even discover how to find installed applications.  It's not very intuitive.04:02
KimbleHow do I launch an terminal app?04:03
naryfaKimble: type the application's name04:03
KimbleOK.  And what's it called on a default install?04:03
bsmith093ActionParsnip: upgrading to ff8 using this ppa, whick i think is the official one  http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/firefox-stable04:03
ActionParsnipKimble: press the windows key and type the apps name04:03
KimbleYes, but what's the app name on Ubuntu?04:04
ActionParsnipbsmith093: ok, yes thats the officially managed one as far as I am aware04:04
ActionParsnipKimble: terminal04:04
naryfaKimble: I'm sorry I jumped into the context, what application are you looking for?04:04
KimbleAny terminal app.04:04
clu3Kimble, Applications -> Accessories->Terminal04:04
ActionParsnipKimble: gnome-terminal04:04
ActionParsnipKimble: that search is like the app search in the windows start menu04:04
naryfaKimble: Ctrl + Alt + T to launch terminal, and then I don't know, try application called top04:05
ActionParsnipKimble: I'd say it was as intuitive as it comes04:05
qinHm, is it me or something is wrong with brightness levels in EeePC...04:05
KimbleActionParsnip: trust me, it's not.04:05
ActionParsnipqin: which model, EEE PC make a lot of devices04:05
KimbleHow do I get to the Applications folder, fe.?04:05
ActionParsnipKimble: well microsoft use the same method04:05
bsmith093ActionParsnip: ok, blank profile, now put back original mozilla folder04:06
qinActionParsnip: 1005p04:06
ActionParsnipbsmith093: just copy in your shortcuts, looks like the old profile causes issues04:06
KimbleActionParsnip: I've used Windows XP and 7, and am currently an OS X 10.6 user.  But Ubuntu's interface is not as intuitive as you claim.04:06
ActionParsnipKimble: typing the app you want is even better than having to guess which folder the app you want is in04:07
KimbleGuess?  You have to guess which folder an app is in in Ubuntu?04:07
ActionParsnipKimble: can you run the command I gave, it will tell us the wireless chip04:07
KimbleI'm not really bothered about the wireless chip, tbh. I'd rather get the graphics and the mobo chipset drivers sorted first.04:07
BlackadderHi can someone please let me know what is the command line to update Java on server04:07
ActionParsnipKimble: you would in ANY OS if you weren't sure, the search shows things matching what you type04:08
hayloKimble yes the mac os is exactly the same on a base level- the underlying unix commands are what makes it special it shares much of this on common with linux04:08
KimbleActionParsnip: yes, my friend, but you must have some idea what the name of the application you are searching for is.04:08
BlackadderI have java installed I need to update to latest version on server04:08
hayloUbuntu software center is a great way to scroll through the installapps04:09
ActionParsnipKimble: its like when games install themselves under the developers name, like Programs -> EA Games -> Need For Speed.       I don't want to have to remember the developer of the game I make, yet the guys use this as default.04:09
ActionParsnipKimble: there are also categories of apps you can use on the right so it groups them that way too, nice and easy04:09
hayloclick installed software in Ubuntu software center thats as close as youl get Kimble - iam not an ubuntu admin04:10
Blackaddercan somone help please04:10
ActionParsnipBlackadder: you will need to grab the installer from www.java.com as oracle change the license04:10
Blackadderso the existing  java on Ubuntu requires a license04:11
elbetoDoes anyone know until when ubuntu studio 11.04 wil be supported?04:11
ActionParsnipBlackadder: oracle acquired java and changed the license04:11
KimbleOk, I ran lspci|grep -i vga - I have Intel Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrate Graphics Controller.04:12
ActionParsnipelbeto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases04:12
BlackadderYes I know but I still managed to install04:12
ActionParsnipKimble: ok and the lshw based command please04:12
Blackaddera while back & I am not running xserver on server04:12
Blackadderonly shell04:12
bsmith093ActionParsnip: ok well i changed the profile path back to my old one, and it works in ff8 now so yay, and thanks for the help :)04:13
KimbleIt shows me the gigabit ethernet controller, but no wifi.04:13
ActionParsnipbsmith093: np man, profiles can make firefox moan like a little girl. Its one of the reasons I don't use it04:13
ActionParsnipKimble: hmm, strange. Does it show if you run:  lspci04:14
bsmith093yes but the upshot is that backup is brain dead simple copy one folder04:14
ActionParsnipbsmith093: exactly, same with other apps :)04:15
haylogoodbye everyone future haylos will not be me04:15
KimbleOddly, no, there's no mention of a wifi card in the results.04:16
KimbleThough I know I have one - I've seen it with my own eyes, and it functioned find under Windows 7.04:17
ActionParsnipKimble: do you dual boot?04:19
KimbleCan someone post a link to a decent and concise description of how to both find and install all appropriate drivers for a ubuntu-based laptop?04:19
KimbleActionParsnip: no. I installed on top of a non-genuine Windows 7 install that came with the machine.04:19
ActionParsnipKimble: the description of the guide you want is too vague04:20
psychx-What's the best way to screenshot?04:20
ActionParsnippsychx-: press printscreen04:20
KimbleEh?  That's too vague?04:20
KimbleSurely there must be some kind of repository for hardware drivers?04:20
ActionParsnipKimble: basically you asked "Is there a guide to make ubuntu work on laptops"04:20
psychx-ActionParsnip: I know this isn't the right channel for this, but I'm running lubuntu, and when I hit printscreen and go to mtpaint; it doesn't let me paste it.04:20
ActionParsnipKimble: the possible configuration variations is astronomical, so no single guide could feasibly exist04:21
psychx-ActionParsnip: actually i think i found it in my home folder.04:21
ActionParsnippsychx-: lubuntu is supported :)04:21
mylistoI can't figure out why I can't hear anything on my computer04:21
KimbleYou're not exactly confirming Ubuntu as easy-to-use, you must confess...04:21
KimbleHaving appropriate drivers installed is a basic of any OS install.04:21
ActionParsnippsychx-: you can run:   sudo apt-get install imagemagick      then run;   sleep 15; import ~/screenshot.png       the sleep command gives you time to arrange the screen, you can then draw a box around what you desire04:22
psychx-ActionParsnip: Thanks :)04:22
KimbleAnyone other than ActionParsnip responding to help requests here? He's taking on everyone single-handed atm.04:22
ActionParsnipKimble: I have installed Windows7 on my Asus p1-AH2 pundit, it took me 2 HOURS to find sound drivers04:23
KimbleWhy would it take you two hours?  Is it an OEM machine?04:23
ActionParsnipKimble: on the other hand 100% of my hardware, even wifi, works out of the box04:23
ActionParsnipKimble: yes, home build and Asus don't give Win7 drivers for the model04:23
ActionParsnipKimble: is the wifi enabled in BIOS? Is there a hardware switch to enable / disable wifi?04:24
KimbleWell, no offence, but that's one of the pitfalls of rolling your own PC - you have to make sure the drivers are available for your configuration before purchasing.04:24
ActionParsnipKimble: Its an old PC, running a Semperon AM204:25
KimbleActionParsnip: aha, you may have hit on something.  Yes, I disabled all wireless hardware in bios.04:25
ActionParsnipKimble: but Ubuntu works 100% out of the box, seems easy to use to me04:25
psychx-htop is awesome.04:25
ActionParsnipKimble: so the disabledness is not ubuntu's fault, is it?04:25
KimbleI didn't say it was. ??  I told you i couldn't care less about the wifi anyway.04:25
ActionParsnipKimble: no OS can use hardware if you make it not work in BIOS04:26
KimbleAnd I never blamed Ubuntu.04:26
KimbleWhat I want to do, as I've stated before, is to get the gpu recognised properly and stop the fans spinning.04:26
Kimbleno-one else got something to say?  All on bouncers?04:26
ActionParsnipKimble: but you said it wasn't coming across as easy to use....04:26
KimbleIt's not.04:26
KimbleYou were the one that wanted me to install wifi drivers.04:27
KimbleI told you i had wired.04:27
ActionParsnipKimble: its just different, you'll get that switching from any OS04:27
KimbleI'm not switching, tho. This is just a side-line project.04:27
ActionParsnipKimble: same difference04:27
Kimbleoh god, I'm no further forward and now I have to apologise to someone on IRC for disparaging Ubuntu?04:28
ActionParsnipKimble: no, just making statements about an OS you aren't familiar wit at all is a bit rich04:28
ActionParsnipthats all04:28
KimbleI still have no graphics drivers, I don't know where to find them and no-one seems to know how I can even _find out_ about where to find them.04:29
qinHm, is it me or something is wrong with brightness levels in EeePC 1005p?04:29
ActionParsnipKimble: they are  part of a default install04:29
KimbleI've used previous versions of Ubuntu, and didn't find them so un-intuitive.04:29
KimbleBesides, the learning curve of any OS is part of its ease-of-use factor.04:29
ActionParsnipKimble: You are probably using Unity, you can install the gnome fallback or switch to XFCE which is a lot like Gnome204:30
ActionParsnipqin: which release04:30
KimbleWell, if they are part of the default install, why doesn't it recognise my GPU?04:30
qinActionParsnip: 11.1004:30
qinActionParsnip: ;)04:30
ActionParsnipqin: and which BIOS version?04:30
ActionParsnipqin: why the ;) ?04:30
ActionParsnipqin: seems you need the boot option:   acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=vendor04:31
qinActionParsnip: Beggar, just transfering 80gig, lets leave it for tomorrow. Oh, will try it, thanks04:31
ActionParsnipqin: source: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC/1005P04:32
ActionParsnipKimble: Ive seen some Intel GPUs need an xorg.conf (old school), If the screen doesn't report EDID. You can read /var/log/Xorg.0.log   to see what is going on when the X server gets created04:33
qinActionParsnip: Yeah I have seen that page, apparently did not bother to read it, thanks again.04:33
ActionParsnipKimble: once you enable the wifi, it appears its a cheap broadcom 43xx. This will help you install it04:35
ActionParsnip!broadcom | Kimble04:35
ubottuKimble: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:35
KimbleWhy is wifi so important?  I couldn't care less about the wifi.  I've said that three times at least. lol.04:36
Kimblemaybe ubuntu was a bad idea.  I think i'll see if there's a linux flavour with better support for this notebook.04:37
KimbleI'm starting to get that Wintel headache again...04:37
KimbleOnly now it's Lintel...04:37
ActionParsnipKimble: if you run:  gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf       you can add this text: http://pastie.org/287605204:38
KimbleI appreciate your attempts, but Ubuntu just isn't good enough, I'm afraid. I'm going to look elsewhere.  Find a flavour with better support for my hardware and easier to configure.04:41
KimblePeace, my friend. :)04:41
mylistoI can't figure out why I can't hear anything on my computer...not sure how to diagnose this either...04:42
aeon-ltdmylisto: check source of sound, physical connections and test if speakers work04:43
mylistoits a laptop04:43
mylistoit was working a few minutes ago...04:43
mylistothis happens from time to time...no sound from players/youtube/etc04:43
mylistoI usually have to reset my laptop04:43
aeon-ltdmylisto: go to a terminal, type 'alsamixer' is anything showing no bars or "MM"?04:44
mylistothe speaker one is all the way down04:45
aeon-ltdturn it up04:45
mylistoI know ;)04:46
mylistoaeon-ltd: that didn't do anything04:47
aeon-ltdwhat do you do prior to this happening?04:48
mylistoit does this from time to time...04:48
mylistoI know I was editing a video in kdenlive...and I got a sound error04:48
dorkanyone ever run into an issue during boot after initrd where mounting fails giving a Mount: too many levels of symbolic links04:49
aeon-ltdhmm if you can't get it fixed today make a forum post with a screenshot of the error04:49
mylistothere is no more error for me to get a screen shot of04:50
mylistolinux sound drives me nuts04:50
psychx-Ok, so I was using TeamSpeak, and the sound was working fine. Now, when I go to open Chromium, I have no sound. Any ideas?04:51
aeon-ltdmylisto: try restarting alsa04:51
psychx-hi there04:52
tystrwhat would cause php test.php to work, but ./test.php not to work04:52
mylistohow do I restart alsa aeon-ltd: ?04:53
tystr./test.php   errors with     "No such file or directory"04:54
aeon-ltdmylisto: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart04:54
PLeQtystr: ?04:54
aeon-ltdtystr: what are you trying to run it with?04:55
tystrphp test.php works fine, but ./test.php errors no such file04:55
tonyyarussotystr: Executable bit.04:56
tystrjust running from the cli04:56
ai9371hello rvm is not working in ubuntu04:58
psychx-why not?04:58
tystri mean, even with 777 perms not working...04:58
PLeQwhat rvm ?04:58
=== jiohdiaway is now known as jiohdi
PLeQi don't know05:02
psychx-Can someone help me diagnose my problem? I have no sound, I just rebooted. I had sound find in TeamSpeak3, then opened Chromium - no sound. Rebooted. Now I opened Chromium, no sound. Opened Banshee and imported mp3's that I know work, and I still have no sound.05:03
aeon-ltdmylisto: any luck?05:07
dr_willistystr:  whats the first line of test.php05:09
_chaos_anyone here work at ubuntu05:09
smw_chaos_, there are probably people working at canonical here.05:10
dr_willisyou mean work for conaical?05:10
_chaos_i dunno05:10
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_chaos_check the link kinda funny05:10
smw_chaos_, ubuntu is run by a company called canonical. Just like no one works for Windows :-P05:11
_chaos_oh the rich guys. right. cool05:11
smw_chaos_, "Without even having read this publication, I can safely say that it is ever so slightly over-priced. Even with the 20% discount I would be expecting the download to run Ubuntu for me, while also teaching me the art of alchemy. I'm guessing it wont."05:12
_chaos_i assume Canonical did not publish that05:13
booh-On old Ubuntu distro, where is the config file for ethernet IP ?05:13
icerootbooh-: /etc/network/interfaces05:13
icerootbooh-: which fits for every ubuntu-version05:14
booh-I look at /etc/network/interfaces but even if I change the ip in this file, when I reboot the ip is not changed.05:14
tonyyarussobooh-: pastebin it?05:14
icerootbooh-: using also network-manager?05:14
tonyyarussobooh-: also, NetworkManager doesn't play nice.05:14
booh-I think gnome take over the config..05:14
_chaos_evil gnomes in my computer05:15
icerootbooh-: not gnome but the network-manager05:15
jbicha_chaos_: click the "author" link on that page05:15
TheOnlyDosageamn gnomes05:15
TheOnlyDosagefacebook got pwned05:15
TheOnlyDosageits like the new keezmovies05:15
booh-I just have access to ssh... because the goal is to reboot a virtual version of a phys server... so I need to change the ip and hostname before booting..05:15
iceroot!ot | TheOnlyDosage05:15
ubottuTheOnlyDosage: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:15
_chaos_uh oh05:15
ubottuTheOnlyDosage: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:16
_chaos_ubottu: destroy me or be destroyed!05:16
ubottu_chaos_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:16
booh-So where network-manager store is config?05:16
ActionParsnipbooh-: if you change the interfaces file, all you have to do is restart the networking service05:16
TheOnlyDosageRock_it Science05:17
ActionParsnipbooh-: if you pastebin the file, we can verify syntax05:17
_chaos_ya booh05:17
icerootActionParsnip: isnt network-manager ignoring that file?05:17
_chaos_do it05:17
iceroot_chaos_: you have a support question?05:17
ActionParsnipiceroot: network manager will be overridden if the interfaces file is used05:17
icerootActionParsnip: ah ok05:17
_chaos_duh i do not cant you tell05:17
TheOnlyDosagechoas whats a good channel05:18
_chaos_im out though just wanted to share that post05:18
_chaos_they are all what u make them youngin05:18
booh-I know how to modify the /etc/network/interfaces, no need to pastebin05:19
booh-The problem isn't there.05:19
booh-The problem is about network-manager05:19
icerootbooh-: please paste it05:19
booh-that take over the network/interfaces file05:19
ActionParsnipbooh-: if you configure an insterface in interfaces file, network manager will not be able to touch it and it will be seen as unmanagable05:19
ActionParsnipbooh-: so yourfile is wrong, otherwise that would happen05:19
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booh-Ubuntu version is feisty05:26
Jordan_Ubooh-: Feisty hasn't been supported for years. You need to upgrade.05:27
Jordan_U!eol | booh-05:28
ubottubooh-: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:28
ActionParsnipwow thats a blast from the past05:29
booh-Grrrrrr first, I CAN'T upgrade, it was modify for a specifiq app.  Secondo, I just want to reboot this server and change the ip because I virtualize this server that will be retired in 2 weeks...05:30
booh-Don't give me a political answer if I just want to modify an IP of a server!05:30
booh-come on..05:30
ActionParsnipbooh-: no need to reboot to change IP, just restart the networking service05:30
ActionParsnipbooh-: change the file and restart the service, no need to reboot, this isn't windows05:31
booh-Is it possible to have answer without asking me to justify x...y...z.. decision?05:31
pivotrazeHi everyone! My cardbus wireless adapter (exactly Belkin N1 Notebook Adapter, Part # F5D8011v2) won't connect at all, like, there is no light saying it is powered on. It is supposed to be supported by the ath9k driver, so why is it not working? Here are some commands I issued that I hope help solve the problem.  http://pastebin.com/7DZHkR00 I want to use the Belkin over my internal Realtek05:31
pivotrazeiwconfig doesn't detect it either :\05:31
booh-I need to be sure after a reboot that the server won't take the ip configure in network-manager.  That's it. not more.05:31
ActionParsnipbooh-: i didn't ask you to justify anything05:31
booh-You know where network-manager store the ip?05:32
ActionParsnipbooh-: can you pastebin the interfaces file please and we can verify the config05:32
booh-This is my only question.05:32
ActionParsnipbooh-: no idea personally, you can use network manager to set a static IP too you know...05:32
booh-I can't access at this time (remotely) the x interface.05:33
booh-Only ssh05:33
pivotrazebooh-: Can you not figure it out through ifconfig?05:33
ActionParsnipbooh-: you can connect with:   ssh -X username@host    and run gui apps05:34
ActionParsnipbooh-: try /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections 05:35
ActionParsnipbooh-: yep, its in that folder05:36
ActionParsnipbooh-: you will need to open the file with: sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/filenamehere05:36
ActionParsnipbooh-: I found that out with: http://blogs.gnome.org/dcbw/2010/04/30/what-you-dont-know-about-networkmanager-part-1-configuration/05:37
ActionParsnipbooh-: which wasn't hard to find at all....05:37
zykotick9ActionParsnip, :)05:37
ai9371anyone have experience with install rubyb 1.9.205:38
ActionParsnipnice gratitude too, what a douche05:38
pivotrazeHi everyone! My cardbus wireless adapter (exactly Belkin N1 Notebook Adapter, Part # F5D8011v2) won't connect at all, like, there is no light saying it is powered on. It is supposed to be supported by the ath9k driver, so why is it not working? Here are some commands I issued that I hope help solve the problem.  http://pastebin.com/7DZHkR00 I want to use the Belkin over my internal Realtek05:38
ActionParsnippivotraze: does: dmesg | tail     show a reaction if you plug it in after you log in without the device plugged in05:40
pivotrazebeen logged in for a bit, but I plugged it in after I logged in about 20m ago. Here is the output: http://pastebin.com/h87EnuBf05:41
codeshahhey guys, if /etc/apache2/ folder is removed, how can I reinstall it with aptitude05:41
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zenroxcodeabit, only if you remove reinstall05:42
Flannelcodeshah: purge all of the apache packages, then reinstall them.05:42
codeshahI have apache and nginx and both aren't doing that05:43
codeshahi did remove05:43
codeshahthen reinstall05:43
codeshahash purge hmm how do I do that05:43
FloodBot1codeshah: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:43
zenroxits sudo apt-get purge pkgname05:43
Flannelcodeshah: purge, not remove.  And all apache packages, meaning -common and -bin and -mpm-prefork05:43
Flannelcodeshah: libapache2-* too05:44
Flannelcodeshah: `dpkg -l | grep apache` may prove useful05:44
codeshahI did apt-get purge nginx, then apt-get install nginx05:44
codeshahbut /etc/nginx is not there .05:45
codeshahI assume it works the same for all packages - not just apache05:45
jgrig2hello. I am a brand new ubuntu user05:45
jgrig2I have everything set up05:45
jgrig2but I am having problems setting up a virtual machine using virtual box.  Is there anybody who can help me?05:46
ActionParsnipjgrig2: is virtualbox installed?05:46
Flannelcodeshah: yes, but you need to purge every package that puts something there.  "nginx" doesn't have a whole lot, it looks like it installs "nginx-full" which then installs "nginx-common", etc.05:46
jgrig2Virtual box is installed05:46
Flannelcodeshah: Try this: dpkg -S /etc/nginx05:46
Flannelcodeshah: then purge all the packages listed there.05:46
codeshahaah I see05:46
codeshahI was only remoinv nginx, so I have to remove nginx-full / common too etc k05:47
jgrig2and I have my own legal copies of mac osx and windows 7 (64bit) which came to with my computers05:47
jgrig2I have an old macbook and a Fujitsu (came with windows) and I wiped the harddrive to install Ubuntu05:47
ActionParsnipjgrig2: ok then tere is a menu item to run the GUI and you can setup a virtual OS there, if your system is not decent, it will make both the host and guest struggle05:48
Flannelcodeshah: apt figures you removed those files in purpose (just like you may modify them to change some configuration bits, "remove" is just an extreme form of modify).  So unless you tell apt to remove the config files (purge does, remove doesn't), it'll "keep your changes"05:48
jgrig2May i talk with you in private actionparsnip because i'm h aving troubel following you with the other things going on05:48
ActionParsnipjgrig2: sure05:48
jgrig2I also have the exact error message05:48
pivotrazerandom q: Does WOW run well in WINE?05:50
Flannelpivotraze: yes05:50
assasinwill i loose all the customization on blackbuntu if i upgrade it?05:51
pivotrazeMmmm... yummy. I was going to keep Windows just for that xD I love Ubuntu way more, but WoW kept me on Windows. Do I just run the installed in WINE and I'm set? or any needed edits?05:51
Flannelpivotraze: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft05:52
pivotrazethanks :)05:52
assasinirc is a good source of ip's for experimenting metasploit :D lol05:53
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z0mbi3yes, i think so.05:54
pivotrazeWhat if OpenGL doesn't run well in Windows on my card... will it work better no matter what in ubuntu?05:54
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ActionParsnippivotraze: depends on the GPU05:56
ActionParsnippivotraze: WoW runs great in Wine05:56
pivotrazeLol. Well... it runs at 20FPS in Windows. It's an Intel 945gm :D lololol05:57
pivotrazez0mbi3: is Winex free? Why Winex over Wine? Sorry, don't use wine much :p05:58
codeshahanyone using nginx - just installed nginx on ubuntu with aptitude - 404 not found error hmm out of the box05:58
CarlFKhow do I pass  squid-deb-proxy/ppa-enable=true when I "apt-get install squid-deb-proxy" ?05:58
zykotick9pivotraze, "OpwenGL doesn't run well in Windows..." your a funny guy.05:59
pivotrazezykotick9: ??? I stated it doesn't run well on windows with *my* card05:59
zykotick9pivotraze, is "my card" = ati?06:00
pivotrazeNo. "my card" = intel ;)06:00
pivotrazeI know xD06:00
pivotrazeSo I don't even need to install WoW again? I can just c/p all the files onto my linux os and not need to do anything more? I can't tell if I'm understanding this wrong06:01
zykotick9pivotraze, intel isn't bad!  seriously.  my netbook is intel and i'm very happy with it.06:01
pivotrazezykotick9: Intel 945gm?06:01
zykotick9pivotraze, not sure - i'm on my desktop right now (nvidia non-free)06:03
pivotrazeah. Well, I have the intel 945gm, which is integrated. Max 128MB ram (shared with true ram, not dedicated), Pixel Shaders 2.0, Vertex Shaders I think non-existant, or a low version, and Hardware Shading... eh. None :)06:05
ActionParsnippivotraze: set a lower res and colour depth etc, you'll get more FPS06:06
mukkugollahello all06:06
mukkugollai am facing problem06:06
mukkugollacan any one help me  plz06:06
mukkugollai am  using ubuntu 11.1006:06
pivotrazeI usually run at 1280x720 (I just can't run at a lower res :) It's just too horrible!) and i don't think you can change color depth without screwing up game?06:06
pivotrazemukkugolla: what is the problem/06:06
mukkugollamy volume control icon vanished from top pannel06:07
mukkugollai stragulling to get back that icon ..06:07
mukkugollais there any way to get back that volume control  button ..06:08
pivotrazeoh, sorry, I haven't figured anything like that out :\ No problems personally. I'm sure there is, but Idk how in ubuntu 11.10 :p06:08
mukkugollai uninstalled  and installed the alsa and pulse audio ..06:09
mukkugollanothing worked ...06:09
aking1012i'm late to the game mukkugolla...what's your audio issue?06:10
pivotrazeit's probably called something specific... I'm not sure.06:10
pivotrazeaking1012:  his volume control button is missing06:10
mukkugollamy audio  icon  form top pannel disappered  ...06:10
pivotrazebutton/icon. Interchangable words to me :)06:10
pivotrazemukkugolla: I'm assuming you have tried logging out/in or restarting?06:11
mukkugollaya i did  even rebooted ..06:11
aking1012oh, that's not alsa or pulse...that's a tray icon...and it's probably not the disappeared icon that's the problem.  it's probably something that launches before it.06:11
tweakhey guys. any suggestions on speeding up ubuntu?06:11
pivotrazedbus would obviously be working. I'm not sure what the icon, or even that portion of the panel relies on. Anyone else?06:11
pivotrazeone sec tweak, let me find the info06:12
Jordan_Utweak: What types of things are slow for you?06:12
tweakJordan_U: a lot of things, firefox, opening windows, just general sluggishness06:12
Jordan_Utweak: How much RAM do you have? What graphics card?06:13
pivotrazeBasic stuff is: http://linux-software-news-tutorials.blogspot.com/2011/03/how-to-speed-up-ubuntu.html <-- That and This --> http://ubuntulinuxhelp.com/speed-up-your-internet-connection-in-ubuntu-linux/06:13
pivotrazeAnd of course, what Jordan_U says :)06:13
pivotrazeAnd to add on, what CPU speed06:14
tweakJordan_U: 4GB06:14
pivotrazenice amount of ram. Double what i have :P Graphics card?06:15
linuxuz3r11.12 does gnome3.206:15
tweakpivotraze:  AMD athlon II X# 440 3ghz 3 core06:15
pivotrazeThat would be the CPU more likely than the GPU. What is the GPU/Graphics Card.06:15
pivotrazeBtdubs, nice CPU :D06:15
aking101210.04, 11.10,  12.04, or bust lunxuz3r06:16
tweakpivotraze: one sec gotta lspci06:16
pivotrazeWay better than my 1.6GHz Dual core :p and k06:16
aking1012@tweak there's no reason that should be sluggish06:16
pivotrazeaking1012: That's what I'm thinking. And if CPU/RAM is nice, GPU probably will be06:17
tweakpivotraze:  ATI Radeon HD420006:17
aking1012i do use binary drivers for nvidia and ati cards though06:17
pivotrazetweak: Binary drivers in that ATI?06:17
zykotick9tweak, get an SSD drive ;)06:17
pivotrazezykotick9: Heh. I want one :) Honestly, I want an SSD only for system tho.06:17
aking1012smh...  SSD... smh06:17
pivotrazeHDD for games, etc...06:17
tweakpivotraze: yeah using propriatary06:17
tweakzykotick9: a what ;p06:18
pivotrazetweak: Then there is *no* reason for that to be sluggish XD Did u try the two links I sent?06:18
ActionParsnipjust get a tonne of ram and it will be used as disk cache. Faster than the SSD :)06:18
pivotrazetweak: A Solid State Drive. I think 10x (or more?) the speed of a normal Hard Dis kDrive on average.06:18
tweakpivotraze: ok let me check it out, i have them open06:18
pivotrazeActionParsnip: What if you've maxed your ram at 2GB :D06:19
pivotrazetweak: Iight.06:19
ActionParsnippivotraze: yeah I have that too06:19
mukkugollaany help for my problem ...06:20
mynoteshello i have simple problem connecting on server using sshfs  here some info http://pastebin.com/RTUKiws306:20
zykotick9tweak, if you want to "upgrade" you system, get an SSD hard drive - the overall speedup of your box is amazing!06:20
pivotrazeActionParsnip: Heh. I have a 2007 laptop. Gateway MX8734. Maxed out at 2GB of ram, Realtek RTL8187 wireless card (my Belkin N1 still isn't working), 1.6GHz dual core processor. Ah, it's a beauty :) And sorry mukkugolla I really don't know what to say here. I haven't heard of that happening.06:20
pivotrazezykotick9: Not many people really want to spend money to upgrade :p06:21
pivotrazeI know I dont06:21
pivotraze... yet.06:21
pivotrazeOnly one thing I do not like about linux: Zune HD doesn't work with it :)06:21
ActionParsnippivotraze: I'm on a 1.6Ghz single core sempron AM2 with 2Gb DDR2 RAM (maxed) and onboard nvidia 6150lE   running well but is slowly dying06:21
tweakzykotick9: ill have to check that out. i do have a 1tb sata drive its pretty deecent06:22
zykotick9tweak, lol ;)  SSD (high speed) is crazy06:22
pivotrazeActionParsnip: Mine is dying. RTL8187 used to be BEAUTIFUL back in 2009, 5 bar connection everywhere, fast... But now it gets 3bar at max, and spurts of 4bar amazingly... but is slow, and if I don't type "iwconfig wlan0 rate 5.5M fixed" at each boot (or put in rc.local) then it wont work. That's why I wan't my stupid Belki to work06:22
pivotrazeI might have to NDiswrapper it as a last resort... which I don't wanna do. It's freaking supported in the ath9k driver! It should work *out of the box* .-.06:23
ActionParsnippivotraze: add the command in /etc/rc.local   above the exit 0 line, and it will run automagically at boot06:23
Jordan_Utweak: pivotraze: I would personally not bother with generic "speed up Ubuntu" guides. I am generally skeptical of them and it sounds like your system should not be sluggish, i.e. something is wrong which should be fixed and will continue to be your bottleneck even if you would normally gain a little from the small generic tweaks.06:24
pivotrazeActionParsnip: Yeah, I usually do. Just been to focused on my Belkin card to care yet. :) I want it to work cause it is wireless n over wireless bg06:24
pivotrazeJordan_U: I agree. But it doesn't hurt to help. It does effect my system and make it better on ubuntu. But without something on 4GB ram 3GHz processor... it should not be slow. ever. anytime. even with windows *snickers*06:25
tweakJordan_U: yeah if i could figure out why it was slow ;p06:25
mynotesanyone have an idea06:25
pivotrazetweak: When was Ubuntu (11.10?) installed last?06:25
pivotrazewas it a fresh install from 11.04 or an actual upgrade?06:25
tntcpivotraze: I've noticed that dash's menu blurring makes dash feel sluggish06:25
tweakpivotraze: maybe a month? yeah fressh install06:25
mynotes: hello i have simple problem connecting on server using sshfs  here some info http://pastebin.com/RTUKiws306:26
pivotrazetntc: That's odd. It works great for me. :)06:26
tntcwhen I disabled the blur via Compizconfigsettingsmanager, it worked fine.06:26
pivotrazetweak: Huh. I am lost as for the reason why it is so bad.06:26
tntcpivotraze: well, this was with a generic intel card. The 945 or something?06:26
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tntcwhen I use my nvidia card on my desktop, it's fine.06:26
basilichello all06:26
pivotrazetntc: I have The Intel 945gm (which is actually called the Intel GMA 950 but honest mistakes). It works great (oddly)06:26
pivotrazehi basilic06:26
basilicthis morning I have lost the DNS resolution06:26
pivotrazebasilic: Network Manager -> Change the DNS servers on eth0 or wlan0 (or whatever ur connection is called) to as primary and as secondary. :)06:27
pivotrazeShould work fine06:27
pivotrazewhich reminds me...06:27
basilicI have try to ping google, without sucess, I have take the IP by an other computer and I can ping, I write the IP in firefox and it's work...06:27
pivotrazebasilic: do what I said, and it should work fine. Usually fixes dns problems for me.06:28
tntcpivotraze: nevermind. it's the one integrated with my core i7. not sure what model that is.06:28
pivotrazetntc: Ah. That's even odder. It probably has one of the Intel HD graphics cards... which are way better than the intel gma 950...06:29
tweakpivotraze: Jordan_U: ActionParsnip: ok guys thanks for the tips at least :)06:29
pivotrazetweak: Sorry we (i?) couldn't help! :) Tried my hardest06:29
ActionParsnipbasilic: manually set DNS in network manager, set the interface to DHCP address only and set the DNS server to:,
tweakpivotraze: no worries. maybe i check my log files for errors06:29
Jordan_Utweak: You're welcome.06:29
tntcpivotraze: I'm not sure how that blur works though. isn't it also there and active in unity 2d?06:29
pivotrazetweak: yeah. And take a good look at Xorg.0.log :)06:30
basilicI don't have the network manager06:30
pivotrazetntc: I don't think it is in Unity 2d, correct me if I am wrong. It does use Compiz tho (as you found through ccsm)06:30
basilicOr I'm no realy weak up...06:30
pivotrazebasilic: what do u use? Wicd?06:30
basilicI use anything for the network, 2 ways, I have a DHCP and I don't have configure anything, or I have manualy configure06:31
pivotrazeEveryone: You know what I miss from when I was on Arch? netcfg.06:31
pivotrazebasilic: Can you get access to the router? If so, change it in there. It should roughly do the saem06:32
basilicthe router if the internet acess box I can change any thing in this, and the other computer don't have any problem06:32
pivotrazewelp, I'm off to bed (after testing wow haha) nite all!06:35
sancashow can i add a shortcut for show my desktop in 11.1006:36
basilicI have erase the server name in the resolve file06:36
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basilicI have erase the server name in the resolve file06:36
ActionParsnipsancas: default is CTRL+ALT+D06:36
basilicwhat I can update the network connexion?06:36
sancasoh thks06:36
nac-godfather#anyone know an op at #aircrack-ng?06:36
betanicki installed phpmyadmin using apt-get and now i can access it by adding /phpmyadmin to the end of mydomain.com. how/where is this configured?06:36
ActionParsnipsancas: you can change it, but that is default06:37
clydehi...complete newb here,what's the best way to explore ubuntu?06:38
DoctorTruthwhere would be the best place to ask about getting a windows based program to work. I need to get the London Drugs photobook creation software via internet to work in ubuntu as they only have support for windows and mac. anyone know how06:38
betanickclyde: explore?06:38
clydeand is there a help channel for beginners?06:39
betanickDoctorTruth: have you tried using wine?06:39
clydei have recently installed ubuntu....today,just trying to navigate it06:39
DoctorTruthyes but encountered problems after install06:39
clydeam familiar with win7,but this is completely new to me06:40
ActionParsnipclyde: what are you trying to achieve?06:41
chromaticwthow can I format a usb with ext4, disabling journaling?06:41
betanickclyde: "channel for beginners?" - this channel or google06:41
linuxuz3rhow do you get gnome extensions working06:41
betanickclyde: what are you trying to accomplish?06:41
ActionParsnipchromaticwt: ext4 is journalized. if you don't want a journal use ext206:41
betanickDoctorTruth: any error msgs?06:41
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clydeas i understand it so far,anti-virus isn't required with ubuntu?06:42
chromaticwtI thought that ext4 could be specified without journaling though?06:42
ActionParsniplinuxuz3r: http://mygeekopinions.blogspot.com/2011/04/install-gnome-shell-extensions-expand.html06:42
DoctorTruthI think so, it was a few days ago when I tried it06:42
ActionParsnip!av | clyde06:42
ubottuclyde: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus06:42
betanickDoctorTruth: can you try it again and paste any error msgs?06:43
clydeok,thank you....i obviously have no clue as yet..:)06:43
ActionParsnipchromaticwt: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext4  it needs the journal06:43
ActionParsnipclyde: you'll learn06:43
betanickclyde: virtual machine?06:43
clydei downloaded ubuntu for windows and just exploring ubuntu at present06:44
clydenot familiar with virtual machine,though06:45
betanickclyde: google virtual box06:45
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox06:46
ActionParsnip!google | betanick06:46
ubottubetanick: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.06:46
clydeok,thank you....i can access web pages ok,so i'll do a bit of research there too06:46
sancashow can i make a launch for show my desktop?06:53
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betanickDoctorTruth: you there?06:58
zykotick9sanbar, excellent question ;)06:58
DoctorTruthbetanick - it seems to be the java runtime - jre-6u12-windows-i586-p.exe causing the issues06:59
betanickDoctorTruth: jre-6u12-windows-i586-p.exe = Java Runtime Environment06:59
betanickDoctorTruth: you shouldn't need wine to run a java app you just need java06:59
zykotick9DoctorTruth, consider using openjava...06:59
ActionParsnipDoctorTruth: you want the .bin file, not the exe07:00
sagarchaliseDoctorTruth, just install default-jre from software center07:00
DoctorTruthok i'll try it07:01
betanickDoctorTruth: London Drugs photobook creation software is an exe? if so try to extract it07:01
ianm_anything I can do with a machine that won't boot due to ext4 problem short of a livecd/usbstick?07:02
DoctorTruthit appears as though I have the jre from synaptics already07:03
ActionParsnipDoctorTruth: cd; wget http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/7u1-b08/jre-7u1-linux-i586.tar.gz; sudo mkdir /usr/lib/jvm; cd /usr/lib/jvm; sudo mv jre-7u1-linux-i586.tar.gz .; tar zxvf ./jre-7u1-linux-i586.tar.gz ; rm ./jre-7u1-linux-i586.tar.gz; sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0_01/bin/java 71; sudo update-alternatives --config java07:04
ActionParsnipDoctorTruth: works here :)07:04
amin`hello guys07:06
amin`I want a music player for command line any help ?07:06
* amin` want to exchange some info with whom ever uses WMFS (ASAP)07:07
zykotick9amin`, mplayer or moc (ncurses)07:07
amin`zykotick9, hello. and how could I apply theme to moc?07:07
ActionParsnipamin`: vlc-nox07:07
zykotick9amin`, moc has themes?  new to me ;)07:08
amin`ActionParsnip, and is vlc-nox a ncurses or QT07:08
ActionParsnipamin`: its curses07:08
amin`zykotick9, I downloaded a bunch of them yesterday07:08
amin`ActionParsnip, and is it light or heavy as hell like VLC?07:09
zykotick9amin`, vlc sucks ;)07:09
amin`zykotick9, somehow I agree !07:09
ActionParsnipamin`: light, its a terminal based vlc, you can use mplayer or aplay too07:09
zykotick9mplayer ftw ;)07:10
ActionParsnipmplayer is the daddy07:10
linuxuz3rActionParsnip: do you have gnome-tweak-tool installed07:11
ActionParsniplinuxuz3r: yes07:13
clydei got a msg concerning nick register,do i need to register a nick?07:14
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode07:14
linuxuz3rActionParsnip: do you have options when you select shell extensions in gnome-tweak-tool07:14
linuxuz3rim kinda having a problem with the shell extensions i have07:15
linuxuz3rpleasae reply07:15
ActionParsniplinuxuz3r: it shows blank when I select the option07:15
linuxuz3rActionParsnip: do you know how to enable it07:16
ActionParsniplinuxuz3r: mind you, I'm on Precise here07:16
crizzywhich means you don't have any extensions installed, simply put07:16
ActionParsnipI use unity here, not gnome-shell07:16
pythonirc101has anyone upgraded to 4.1.6 vbox here by any chance?07:17
ActionParsnippythonirc101: I'm sure many have07:19
pythonirc101ActionParsnip: My networking is broken now07:20
ActionParsnippythonirc101: is it a known issue?07:20
pythonirc101no idea...but others are having problems as well..AFAIK07:20
ActionParsnippythonirc101: I'd ask in #vbox07:21
ActionParsnippythonirc101: could try a different network card in the virtual system's setup07:21
pythonirc101ActionParsnip: I've a ubuntu guest that used to work as a NAT client07:21
pythonirc101now it wont work07:21
pythonirc101i think the problem is that the new card shows up as eth1 and the previous one showed up as eth007:22
pythonirc101is there a gui to look at network settings07:22
chenbing How to optimise font displaying effort with xpdf/evince under xfce4? It's unbearable ugly.....07:22
ActionParsnippythonirc101: try selecting a different NIC card in the virtualboxes config while it is powered off07:23
psycloneI am having a problem with my external hard drive, The kernel driver for this filesystem type is not available.: Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so is the error message i receive07:23
ActionParsnippsyclone: you sure the partition is healthy?07:24
psycloneI am having trouble with my external hard drive failing to mount I receive an error message "The kernel driver for this filesystem type is not available.: Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so"07:24
psyclonei believe so07:24
pythonirc101ActionParsnip: no gui's for network settings?07:24
ActionParsnippythonirc101: yes in the vbox settings, before you start the box up, edit the confi07:25
pythonirc101ActionParsnip: Doesnt help07:25
pythonirc101I tried both NAT and Bridged07:25
ActionParsnippythonirc101: http://opensourceexperiments.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/adapter-0-setting-gui-of-vm2.jpg07:25
ActionParsnippythonirc101: you will need to boot the box to test the different hardware07:25
psycloneActionParsnip: It is ext3 filesystem07:26
ActionParsnippsyclone: have you fsck'd it?07:26
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pythonirc101thats old...4.1.6's ui doesnt look like that07:26
ActionParsnippsyclone: bad superblock implies a bad data system07:26
psycloneActionParsnip: no, and there is sensitive data on there i cannot lose07:26
ActionParsnippythonirc101: jeez, it;s the same sort of place. You get the idea even if its not 100%the same don't you07:27
ActionParsnippsyclone: why don't you have a backup?07:27
pythonirc101ActionParsnip: The problem with me is to fix ubuntu to work with vbox's interface...07:27
pythonirc101not the other way round...because i cud make work redhat and suse on the same interface07:27
ActionParsnippythonirc101: try all the options there, if it'sno good I suggest you ask in #vbox too07:27
pythonirc101and clearly just changing the type of the interface doesnt work with ubuntu07:27
pythonirc101i came from vbox07:28
pythonirc101since no one knew there...and others have the same problem07:28
ActionParsnippythonirc101: run:  dmesg | less     and scroll through, se if the device is detected07:28
pythonirc101renamed network interface eth0 to eth1?07:29
pythonirc101dmesg has tht line07:29
ActionParsnippythonirc101: does eth1 have an IP?07:29
pythonirc101want dhcp07:29
ActionParsnippythonirc101: try:  sudo dhclient3 eth107:30
kanhiyasuggest me a good downloader for ubuntu which can integrate with Firefox or chrome07:31
jjman6i can't get kdenlive to record via webcam. it doesn't seem to connect. i confirmed its on /dev/video0 the default works fine in other apps07:31
kanhiyaI am having a slow internet & need to resume lot of times07:31
unkrkanhiya: use wget   or jdownloader07:31
ActionParsnipkanhiya: jdownloader, fatrat, uget07:32
kanhiyaunkr: Thanks, let me taste them07:32
pythonirc101ActionParsnip: it started working...what does dhclient3 eth1 do? how can i make it permanent so that it works at boot?07:32
unkrkanhiya : :)07:32
pythonirc101ActionParsnip: Thanks.07:32
ActionParsnippythonirc101: add it in /etc/rc.local    above the exit 0 line,   add:   dhclient3 eth1 &      and it will run at boot as root07:33
pythonirc101oops, sorry, that command was for the vm :)07:33
ActionParsnippythonirc101: suprised you didn't check dmesg yourself...07:33
pythonirc101ActionParsnip: even if i had, i wudnt know about dhclient3 eth107:33
pythonirc101what does it do?07:33
ActionParsnippythonirc101: guess, secret is in the name07:34
linuxuz3rhow do i enable dual display on ubuntu07:42
darshan_hello everyone...i want to see some errors occured in error.log file in my ubuntu server edition pc..so for that i need to copy or transfer or share it from windows pc..how should i do this07:49
ActionParsnipdarshan_: http://pastie.org07:50
pvh_sadoes anyone know how to trace what is happening on desktop startup? the reason i ask is that i've got tracker and tracker-miner-fs in /etc/xdg/autostart but they don't start on login, wondering if there is a log somewhere07:50
ActionParsnipdarshan_: you can copy the file to a removale media or to the NTFS partition if you dual boot07:50
ActionParsnippvh_sa: look in /var/log maybe07:50
ndairouhi all07:51
pvh_saActionParsnip, nothing there that i can see.07:51
darshan_actionparsnip-no i two different pc ,for windows and ubuntu both r in different their own pc07:51
ActionParsnipdarshan_: then a removablemedia will do it, like a usb stick etc.Or you can pastebin from CLI with pastebinit and it will generate a URL (assuming it has web access)07:52
ndairoui'd like to change the star up animation of my ubuntu, hw to process?07:52
kanhiyahow to know that Jdownloader is running or not07:53
tonyyarussodarshan_: Why is it you need to move it to the other machine exactly?07:53
kanhiyai just installed it, but it's gui not appearing07:53
darshan_actionparsnip-i am not getting you,plz explain me the easiest way for it..m new to do d the task ur saying,even new to linux..07:53
ActionParsnipkanhiya: there will be a menu item07:53
kanhiyai am using 11.1007:53
ActionParsnipdarshan_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit07:53
unkrdarshan_, login as root do     ./jd.sh07:53
ActionParsnipdarshan_: you can then run:  pastebinit /path/to/file   and it will make a link online and give it you in the terminal07:54
tonyyarussodarshan_: Full sentences with properly spelled out words will get you much more coherent help than pre-teen text-speak.07:54
unkrdarshan_, do sudo ./jd.sh07:54
darshan_tonyyarusso-not move ,i need to copy it windows pc and then post it to commity,they want to exactly see wats d error is07:54
ActionParsnipkanhiya: how did you install jdownloader?07:54
darshan_unkr-wat will it do07:55
kanhiyaActionParsnip: Using 10.10 ppa07:55
ActionParsnipkanhiya: you mean ppa:jd-team/jdownloader ?07:55
SomeoneWeirdTAFEHow can I find a file that has specific text in it?07:55
ndairoui'm waitin for the help07:55
kanhiyaActionParsnip: I read some guidelines on internet07:55
ActionParsnipSomeoneWeirdTAFE: grep -R text /path/to/search07:55
SomeoneWeirdTAFEahhh cheers ActionParsnip07:56
kanhiyaActionParsnip: Let me check that page again07:56
ActionParsnipkanhiya: that ppa will install jdownloader for you07:56
kanhiyaActionParsnip: Installed and appear in the dash menu, but not runnning07:56
ActionParsnipkanhiya: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jd-team/jdownloader; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install jdownloader07:56
jasonmspSomeoneWeirdTAFE:  find . | xargs -n1 grep -li textstring (where the . is the path you want to search)07:56
linuxuz3rhow do i enable multiple displays in ubuntu07:57
linuxuz3r!dual display07:57
unkrkanhiya,   i told you do  sudo ./jd.sh07:57
SomeoneWeirdTAFEAlso in bash is it possible to change relative directories to absolute ones?07:57
ActionParsnipkanhiya: http://jdownloader.org/knowledge/wiki/addons/list/firefox-addon    this will plug firefox into the app (or you can use the webui)07:57
jasonmsphey all...  I use nano for editing and there is a way to colorize the text within it.  when I edit some .conf files they are colored, others are not.07:57
ndairouhw to change the starup  animation of 11.04?07:57
ActionParsniplinuxuz3r: which GPU??07:58
kanhiyaActionParsnip: Thanks07:58
tiktaliki was told I need to install my kernel headers...how do I do that? :V07:58
ActionParsnipndairou: there are plymouth themes in the repo07:58
jasonmspfor example fail2ban.conf is not colorized but all the nano color configuration files are?!?07:58
ndairouhw do i get it?07:58
jasonmspSomeoneWeirdTAFE: patience....07:58
ActionParsniptiktalik: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic07:59
SomeoneWeirdTAFElol sorry jasonmsp :P07:59
tiktalikActionParsnip: Thanks.07:59
pramukathe name of the daemon of freenx-server?07:59
jasonmspSomeoneWeirdTAFE: absolute would be /home/me/Desktop  is that what you mean?07:59
ActionParsnipndairou: they are packages just like any other you have installed07:59
SomeoneWeirdTAFEyes jasonmsp07:59
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SomeoneWeirdTAFEso ~/ would change to /home/<user>07:59
jasonmspSomeoneWeirdTAFE:   the top level is /07:59
SomeoneWeirdTAFEi know07:59
meskalitomy home directory is being unmounted every 5 minutes08:00
ndairouwhere can i get theses packages?08:00
ActionParsnipndairou: I suggest you watch a few vids online to see how they look08:00
jasonmspSomeoneWeirdTAFE:  open up a terminal.  type cd / and then ls to list the contents of that directory08:00
meskalitoi can mount it, but it unmounts again after some minutes08:00
meskalitowtf is going on08:00
jasonmspSomeoneWeirdTAFE: everything is found below that08:00
SomeoneWeirdTAFEjasonmsp: can you reread my question? :P08:00
ActionParsnipmeskalito: i'd boot to liveCD and fsck it08:00
pythonirc101I'm on 11.04...is do-release-upgrade recommended?08:01
ActionParsnipndairou: there are nice sunrise ones08:01
meskalitoActionParsnip: fsck what?08:01
meskalitohome dir?08:01
ActionParsnipmeskalito: the home partition08:01
jasonmspSomeoneWeirdTAFE: try using pwd to list the directory once you arrive there as it will give it to you in absolute08:01
meskalitoand why? i had no power losses etc08:01
unkrPythonirc101: its not recomended if you are a home user but if you are very consicous about your security then you must do that   otherwise you system will still work08:02
pvh_saActionParsnip, ah found something. tracker was set to OnlyShowIn GNOME;KDE;XFCE; - so that's why it wasn't starting. still wish i understood the XDG stuff better.08:02
SomeoneWeirdTAFEno jasonmsp >.<08:02
jasonmspdw = doesn't work?08:02
pythonirc101till when will my 11.04 last? (package updates wise)?08:03
ActionParsnipmeskalito: something is wrong, so its good to start with the data08:03
jasonmspSomeoneWeirdTAFE: can you pastebin what you are trying to do in sh?  I'm not an expert but it seems what you are trying to do should be pretty simple08:03
unkrPythonirc101:  it will not be last  atleast 5-6 year08:03
* amin` wants to exchange some info with whom ever uses WMFS (ASAP)08:04
meskalitoActionParsnip: is it possible to fsck it from live system?08:06
meskalitowhy do i need to livecd?08:06
ActionParsnipmeskalito: as long as the partition is unmounted, you can check it08:06
ActionParsnipmeskalito: the partition MUST be unmonted to be checked,. the liveCD will mean that NONE of the internal partitions are in use08:07
meskalitoActionParsnip: um, home partition is unmounted, that's the problem08:07
meskalitowhy can't i check it?08:08
ActionParsnipmeskalito: ifits unmounted, you can check it08:08
codeshahhey guys I am getting fuser defunct issues on my server08:10
unkrcodeshah: what is ur issue08:10
ActionParsnipmeskalito: read:   man fsck08:10
codeshahafter a while I have 1000s of fuser defunct processes08:11
codeshahand I have to restart the server08:11
codeshahonly after ~30-40 minutes08:11
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codeshahI dunno if this has to do with postfix actually because I see lots of retries08:11
brjannccodeshah: do you have php5 on that machine?08:15
kanhiyahow to remove open jdk java08:15
kanhiyai want to install java by sun08:16
kanhiyawhere it is in reposotiry08:16
brjannccodeshah: there's a similar report here, saying that the php5 cron job in /etc/cron.d/php5 is the cause: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186247208:16
meskalitomy home dir is constantly unmounting08:17
meskalitoi can't work08:17
meskalitowhat the hell08:17
codeshahhmm weird08:17
icerootkanhiya: sudo apt-get remove openjdk-7-jdk08:17
codeshahbrjannc: thx08:17
unkrmeskalito,  is the directory listed in /etc/fstab ???08:18
brjannccodeshah: here's the bug report on launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/87789408:18
icerootkanhiya: ut you can also install openjdk and sun/oracle jdk08:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 876387 in psmisc (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #877894 fuser forking uncontrollably in cron job" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:18
brjannccodeshah: no problem; hope you find some helpful information in there :) looks like the temporary workaround is either modifying the cron job to remove the fuser call, or disabling the cron job altogether08:18
kanhiyaiceroot: it is saying that it is not installed but it is appearing in the dash08:19
jasefHey - hoping someone can tell me what stupid error I'm making here, my user is in the 'src' group, which owns /srv/cvs - and the permissions on /srv/cvs are drwxrwsr-x, but I can't add files to the CVS, it tells me permission denied. I tried using touch to make a file in the folder and the same issue - what am I missing?08:19
codeshahbrjannc: what does that cron job do08:19
codeshahbrjannc: I replaced it with lsof -t08:19
kanhiyaiceroot: hOW TO know which version i am using08:19
brjannccodeshah: it looks like it removes old php sessions, but that's just according to that thread. i don't have any personal knowledge of php on ubuntu08:20
icerootkanhiya: maybe you are using openjdk-6-jdk08:20
codeshahk thx08:20
equalizerHi, can someone have a look at bug 886016 and tell me what is needed to get help on this one?08:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 886016 in xorg (Ubuntu) "CustomEdid not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88601608:20
icerootkanhiya: dpkg -l \*openjdk\* | grep ^ii   will show you what is installed08:20
meskalitounkr: no08:20
meskalitoit's my home dir08:20
meskalitoit's even not a device08:20
meskalitoits ecrypt thing08:21
unkrmeskalito, how do you come to know that it is umounted08:22
unkrmeskalito, did you set the partition for your home directory ??08:23
JustMozzyhi guys, how is everyone doing?08:23
JustMozzyI'm having a problem with my USB webcam. the device is available (lsusb, xawtv -hwscan, and skype see it) but I can't access it with Cheese or OpenCV. can anyone help out?08:24
meskalitounkr: netbeans began throwing 'not found' errors08:27
meskalitothen i look into home dir and there is README and some other txt file08:27
meskalitowhich tells me that it was unmounted to protect my data08:27
meskalitoi can mount it again with ecryptfs-mount-private , but after some times it unmounts again08:27
meskalitois it a virus?08:28
unkrmeskalito, can you access you home directory now ???08:28
meskalitounkr: yes, it works when i mount it again08:29
meskalitobut after 5-10 minutes it unmounts again08:29
meskalitoby itself08:29
unkrmeskalito, check any entries for umount  in /var/log  files      may be in /var/log/messages08:30
wallexdg-user-dirs-gtk-update how to re pop out?08:30
unkrmeskalito, search for any entries that is telling about why it is umount08:30
walleI have setting it not to pop out before...08:31
walleanyone can help me?08:33
kanhiyahello everybody, tell me which is good Empathy or Pidgin08:33
kanhiyaWhich provide better integration with audio & video calls08:34
unkrkanhiya,  i use Pidgin     and i like it too08:34
kanhiyaI installed both & now confused08:34
kanhiyaI want to remove one, which one? :)08:35
unkrkanhiya, use what ever you love to08:35
meskalitounkr: nothing there08:35
kanhiyaPidgin supports MSN?08:35
darshan_<ActionParsnip> its giving me error that request entity is too large08:35
meskalitoare there any antiviruses for ubuntu?08:36
kanhiyameskalito: Use avast or clam av08:36
unkrmeskalito,    use  anti avira      or  Clamav    what ever you like08:36
unkrmeskalito,   generally we messed with the setting and then system get corrupted08:37
unkrmeskalito, that make the problem08:37
kanhiyameskalito: Normally you don't need a antivirus on LInux08:37
kanhiyaI never used08:38
meskalitounkr: what setting?08:39
meskalitokanhiya: well something unmounts my home dir08:39
darshan_<ActionParsnip> its giving me error that request entity is too large08:40
kanhiyaMay be u click on unmount icon :)08:40
darshan_<ActionParsnip> its giving me error that request entity is too large08:40
darshan_<ActionParsnip> its giving me error that request entity is too large08:40
FloodBot1darshan_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:40
walleany one can helpme?08:40
unkrmeskalito, you will surely  find something in your errors about whu your home directory is umounted08:40
meskalitounkr: nothing08:40
derricI'm using SciDAVis and after I change the axis labes, a blue box forms around the label and refuses to go away.  When I export the plot the blue box shows up in the exported image. How do I get rid of the blue box after modifying the axis labes?/08:41
unkrmeskalito: if no errors you can show to me how would i help you08:41
meskalitounkr: i don't know08:42
meskalitowho can help me?08:42
unkrmeskalito, did you  encrypt the whole filesystem or just your home directory  ???08:42
unkrmeskalito, can you tell me what step you have taken to do that to your home directory??08:43
meskalitounkr: just home dir08:44
meskalitounkr: i checked checkbox 'encrypt home directory' during installation08:44
unkrmeskalito,   ya that the normal way  okk  now by how long you are getting this problem after installing the system .08:45
unkrmeskalito, does it issuing to your from the starting ???08:45
meskalitounkr: days08:46
unkrmeskalito, does error comes only from netbeans ???08:47
unkror from some where else ???08:47
meskalitounkr: netbeans is only indicator08:47
meskalitounkr: my home dir becomes empty, for only 2 files08:47
meskalitosome readme and some shortcut08:47
meskalitoit IS unmounted08:48
JustMozzydoes anyone have experience in webcam configuration?08:48
unkrmeskalito, after you do something with netbeans it umount your home directory08:48
guest9876Is there a way to restart the mouse with a terminal command?08:48
unkrmeskalito ; my suggestion will be try to remove the netbeans and then install it again if the problems exists then tell me08:49
meskalitounkr: LOL08:50
meskalitoit unmounts by itself08:50
meskalitoeven if i dont run netbeans08:50
meskalitoi don't know what causes that08:50
Stanley00guest9876: I think just un plug and then replug will do, you dont need a command.08:50
unkrmeskalito, okk08:50
unkrmeskalito, how you mount it back ??08:51
guest9876Stanley00: Didn't work. Need to restart it.08:51
guest9876It has a ps/2 connector.08:52
PhanTasamHi! How to install Firefox 8.0(final ver) in Ubuntu maverick? I tried with some repositories but it offers me ver.7 and 9 and 10 beta08:52
unkrguest9876, give it a restart    it doesn't  effect whether its a usb or ps/2 now a days08:53
Stanley00guest9876: may be the problem is on the mouse, try unplug the mouse, then replug, then run "dmesg" to see if the kernel recognize your mouse08:53
guest9876unkr: Yes, but how do I restart it?08:53
farrukhjonPhanTasam: http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/firefox-stable/ubuntu08:53
unkrPhanTasam, if you are specific about the  8 version you can also download it from  mozzila.org site  download the ubuntu version08:54
meskalitounkr: i use the command mentioned in README that is in my home dir after unmounting08:54
meskalitoand it mounts it again fine08:54
unkrguest9876,   do sudo  shutdown -r now08:54
guest9876The pointer moves fine, but there is a document (picked up by drag-drop you know) stuck to the pointer.08:54
unkrmeskalito,   okk08:55
PhanTasam@ farrukhjon TYVM08:55
guest9876unkr: That will restart the whole system, right?08:56
unkrmeskalito,  i dont the reason why its happening but i can suggest you to put that  mount-private command into the script and put that script into the cron.hourly     what it will do it will mount it regularly08:56
farrukhjonPhanTasam: you are welcome!08:56
unkrguest9876: yaa     even logout will also work in your case i think08:57
guest9876unkr: I'd rather not restart before I save my work... Hence I just want to restart the mouse :-)08:57
meskalitounkr: lol, once per hour?08:57
meskalitoi work in netbeans, it unmounts08:57
meskalitothen i have 40 minutes to go eat / drink tea until it remounts08:58
unkrmeskalito, no in that you can also set the time if you want that to be in every 10- 15 min or so08:58
unkrmeskalito, time limits depends totally upon you08:59
computer_Wow I keep getting "Battery Critically Low" warning massages when my battery icon is showing of half left and the time remaining read out is jumping between 11minutes to 1:09 to 33minutes.08:59
meskalitounkr: well that totally sucks08:59
meskalitoi won't be able to work like that08:59
computer_Does anyone know if this is a commonly know issue in 11.10?08:59
unkrmeskalito, i know but if you can't give the logs to me its the best suggestion i can give it to you09:00
meskalitounkr: there is nothing in logs regarding unmounts09:00
unkrcomputer_,  no it is know a common issue may be you should check your battery.09:01
unkrmeskalito, okk09:01
dck_i want to use error.log file of ubuntu pc ,in my windows pc..how should i do that09:02
computer_Also I am getting the mouse ceasing on me sometimes just after booting09:02
szaldck_: (1) define 'use'; (2) define 'error.log'09:03
guest9876Stanley00: I get an output from dmesg. How do I know if the kernel recognizes the mouse?09:03
computer_That's interesting unkr it dosen't happen with 11.04 or any other distro or version of Linux I try09:04
unkrdck_, there is an event viewer section in window go for that09:04
AdvoWorkIn /var/www/link/intranet/completed_images if i do ls -all I have: lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   26 2010-07-27 09:39 NEWcompleted -> /home/NEWcompleted  . How do I replicate that?  do i do ln -s from the /home or the completed, and do i make the dir's first? can't get it to work.09:04
dck_szal-theres an file named error.log ,which i want to acces from my another windows pc ..09:04
szaldck_: created by what?09:05
icerootdck_: same pc or another? you are talking about /var/log/apache2/error.log?09:05
Stanley00guest9876: I dont know much about that, look at the time, it will say something like "device xxx is ..."09:05
computer_I am getting the vibe that something about 11.10 does really not like something about my Presario CQ62 BIOS09:05
icerootdck_: easiest way from your windows-pc "ssh ubuntu-pc" and then "less /var/log/apache2/error.log"09:06
icerootdck_: use putty for ssh09:06
Stanley00guest9876: it depends on your exp...09:06
dck_szal-i have install evergreen name server edition software and thus it has been created at that time,at location /var/log/apache2/error.log?09:06
dck_iceroot-i am really sorry but didnt gt u09:06
iceroot!ssh | dck_09:06
ubottudck_: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)09:06
cattunewhat's the best way to ensure privacy with ubuntu?.....i've used tor with windows,but in irc for example almost all servers will reject a tor connection or open proxy09:07
icerootdck_: install "putty" on windows and use ssh to connect09:07
Stanley00guest9876: on my case, it said "[ 2753.237206] input:  USB OPTICAL MOUSE as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:03.0/usb2/2-1/2-1:1.0/input/input13" when plug y USB mouse09:07
dck_iceroot ok09:07
computer_Is there handy little software apps for updating one's BIOS from the Ubuntu desktop like there is in Windows nowadays?09:07
guest9876Stanley00: The output is very long...09:08
guest9876Stanley00: I was hoping there was a way to just restart the mouse module or something from the terminal, without restarting the computer...09:08
kanhiyacattune: Both tor & ultrasurf works well with Ubuntu09:08
Stanley00guest9876: yes, just look at some lines at the end...09:08
icerootcomputer_: 1. never update a bios by using software on the os, 2. use a freedos-usb stick and use the tool from the manufactor for updating the bios09:09
Stanley00guest9876: you cant use your mouse any more? I think you should save your work, then reboot your system09:09
computer_Sure iceroot thought that might me the case09:09
kanhiyacattune: To use ultrasurf , u need to have wine & required dlls & for Tor u need to have vidalia Or you can also download JAVA application JAP, Jondofox09:10
cattunekanhiya: thank you...do you find irc channels reject the tor setup?09:10
kanhiyacattune: I never used IRC with TOR running09:11
cattunenot that i'm doin anything nasty,but i hate the idea of being tracked..:)09:11
computer_Still seems a bit of a feature gap though as every mobo OEM that I have come across in the last five years has an app to update there BIOS from Windows09:11
icerootcomputer_: its stupid to update the bios within the os09:12
guest9876Stanley00: Well, I can't save my work, cause my keyboard is not working either... Ctrl-Alt-Del works and I get the prompt to Restart/Hybernate etc, but nothing else works... (It's on another computer than the one I'm typing from now.)09:12
icerootcomputer_: so luckily there is no such stupid thing for ubuntu09:12
RaTTuS|BIGtor is notannoymous09:12
kanhiyacattune: You can apply tor proxy setting in the IRC field or may be IRC blocked Tor proxies09:12
computer_hmm, if that is the case iceroot, I wonder why they are all doing it.09:13
icerootcomputer_: new bios updates are done inside the bios by putting a fat-stick in the pc and tell the bios to search on thr swtick for an update09:13
icerootcomputer_: because all are doing it it is good?09:13
kanhiyaRaTTuS|BIG: Yes, not completely09:14
computer_No defiantly not but if it was such a bad idea I wonder why they are all doing it from Windows09:14
cattunekanhiya: i had it setup using a tor proxy,works fine,but is rejected by almost every irc server09:14
RaTTuS|BIGkanhiya - and you have to be a bit more careful with secure sites - as you have little idea what the proxies are doing ... .. anyhoo back on topic09:15
* computer_ is looking around for a good guide on setting up a Free DOS USB stick09:15
Stanley00guest9876: hmm, look like you have to lose some of your work. Sorry, but that's all I can say now.09:15
icerootcomputer_: because windows-users are "stupid" and dont like "hard" things, they want it easy, doesnt matter if it will break the whole system09:15
georgieeeusually on the left side from nautilus all the devices are listed. This isnt the case on my machine. There are just the usual folders like "Downloads" "Music"... How do I mount all the other HDDs?09:15
guest9876Stanley00: OK. Thanks for trying.09:15
Stanley00guest9876: np09:16
computer_Yes iceroot I must say I have often wondered if the update app halts all BIOS communication while the flashing is taking place/09:16
icerootcomputer_: and what about when the os is crashing?09:17
icerootcomputer_: and the update fails? and so on and so on09:17
kanhiyaRaTTuS|BIG: One should know what he is doing, if computer is virus free & one verify  security seal  than there is no problem09:17
computer_Yes that could get very ouchy especially on windblows09:18
dck_iceroot-in putty is giving askinig me for port .n idont knew wat it is...plz help me09:18
icerootcomputer_: so as i said, its a stupid idea wo flash the bios from a complete os and yes most people are doing it09:18
kanhiyaRaTTuS|BIG: no need to anonymize09:18
RaTTuS|BIGkanhiya - yes - but thesedays people are too complacent ;-p09:18
icerootdck_: 2209:18
* RaTTuS|BIG goes for coffee09:18
dck_iceroot-but then its not connecting09:18
developer-siHello there! I have an issue with Firefox in Ubuntu. The browser is started at system startup and a web application is started in the browser. Pages get changed every 15s. After 10 minutes of normal runing the browser hangs. If I move the mouse, the application continues working o.k. Do some of you have a clue what's going on?09:18
icerootdck_: because its the default port you dont have to set that port09:18
icerootdck_: sudo apt-get install openssh-server    on the ubuntu-machine09:18
computer_There is always risks when flashing a live system I guess09:18
icerootdck_: only the server-edition has ssh-server installed by default, in all other cases you have to install it by hand with the command i posted09:19
georgieeeHere is my fstab: http://pastie.org/pastes/2876873/text?key=bzvp6smkczaij13ily3e0a09:19
computer_I suppose the key is to eliminate as many risks as possible09:19
RaTTuS|BIGdeveloper-si - is there a screen saver running09:19
icerootcomputer_: correct09:19
dck_iceroot i have server edition only09:19
georgieeeAll the other HDDs arent there and I dont  know why...09:19
icerootdck_: then ssh should already be installed09:19
developer-siRaTTuS|BIG no, the screen saver is disabled.09:20
icerootdck_: can you ping the ubuntu-pc from windows?09:20
ucenik34kako be?09:20
ucenik33top be09:20
ucenik34dobar si ?09:20
icerootdck_: so then ssh-connection on port 22 should work09:20
ucenik34pisi ja kec u kec09:20
developer-siActually the browser hangs after 10 minutes only once ... when I move the mouse after hanging, application works fine and it nomore hangs.09:20
ucenik33kako e toni09:21
ucenik34super brat09:21
ucenik34da te ebam u gas09:21
icerootucenik33: this channel is english only (if that is a real language you are writing in)09:21
developer-siRaTTuS|BIG the version of the Ubuntu is 11.0409:21
dck_iceroot-network error-connection refused is show when i m connecting09:22
icerootdck_: on the ubuntu-pc can you do "ssh localhost"?09:22
dck_u mean i shud run the command "ssh localhost"09:23
proxxhello :)09:23
icerootdck_: on the ubuntu-pc yes09:23
dck_ok trying it wait09:23
Mi6oim in school and making test can some help me09:23
FloodBot1ucenik33: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:23
proxxMi6o: sure09:23
dck_iceroot -same error there09:24
icerootucenik33: stop it09:24
icerootdck_: sudo apt-get install openssh-server09:24
ucenik34misooo kaj si brat?09:24
dck_iceroot -ok doing it09:24
icerootdck_: ok09:24
iceroot!ops | ucenik3309:25
ubottuucenik33: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!09:25
Myrttiiceroot: too late09:25
icerootMyrtti: hm he was still there when i called it09:25
proxxdck_: plz dont forget to edit the cofig file, and disable the root login :)09:25
iceroot[10:24]       mode - (#ubuntu [+b *!*@]) by Myrtti09:25
iceroot[10:24]  ucenik33 | dsfsd09:25
Myrttiiceroot: yeah, but I already have banned one and I'm looking at it, so you already have my all attention09:26
kanhiyai want to make my laptop boot faster , how09:26
dck_iceroot -done with installation09:26
kanhiyaI haven't started any service09:26
proxxkanhiya:  disable startup services that you dont need09:26
icerootMyrtti: ah ok, then sorry for it09:26
icerootdck_: use windows to connect to the ubuntu pc09:26
icerootdck_: with putty09:26
proxxkanhiya:: and use openbox :)09:26
kanhiyaNo startup application except gnome logon sound09:27
=== joo is now known as Guest50012
dck_iceroot the server host key is not cached in registry-this error is coming09:27
kanhiyaopenbox, what is that09:27
icerootdck_: from windows/putty i guess09:27
AdvoWorkIn /var/www/link/intranet/completed_images if i do ls -all I have: lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   26 2010-07-27 09:39 NEWcompleted -> /home/NEWcompleted  . How do I replicate that?  do i do ln -s from the /home or the completed, and do i make the dir's first? can't get it to work.09:27
proxxkanhiya: a lightweight window manager, face it gnome is heavy, ubuntu is one of the heaviest linuxes out there09:28
icerootdck_: normally putty should ask if you want to add that hostkey09:28
computer_Oh an I also have to press my lappy's wireless button about 20 times on average ti get it to respond09:28
icerootAdvoWork: 1. never use 777 specially on /var/www09:28
dck_iceroot..i click yes , n now its running,thankx09:28
icerootdck_: great, now you can use the shell from your ubuntu-pc and e.g. have a look at the logfile you needed09:28
proxxdck_: i advice you to read up on shared keys dont use pass login :)09:29
dck_proxx-i didnt get u,plz explain it09:29
icerootproxx: he is just using it in his lan, i guess shared keys is an overkill for him and not really needed in that case09:29
kanhiyaproxx: I like ubuntu mainly beacuse of its unity09:30
proxxiceroot: true nevertheless, its good pratice isnt it :)09:30
kanhiyaproxx: It is providing good looks to my laptop09:30
kanhiyaproxx: UBuntu 11.10 also uses light dm isn't it?09:31
proxxkanhiya: then deal with it , you could disable additional services, such as cups if u dont use it09:31
icerootproxx: it is but sometimes its not good to give a new user to much informations (but i aggree using keys is much better)09:31
AdvoWorkiceroot, and for any folders within also?09:31
proxxiceroot: we are on the same level :)09:31
icerootkanhiya: for speedup your system, buy a ssd, much more benefit then configure your system to death09:31
icerootAdvoWork: if someone is using 777 its always wrong, never use 77709:32
icerootproxx: ok :)09:32
kanhiyawhen i click startup application  , only gnome login sound appear09:32
dck_iceroot ,how do i copy text in that editior09:32
icerootdck_: what editor?09:32
kanhiyaiceroot: Solid state Drive, u mean :)09:32
icerootkanhiya: yes09:32
icerootdck_: just mark the text with your mouse09:33
proxxkanhiya: search google for editing other services, as icerot pointed out sdd is a great way :)09:33
icerootdck_: it will automaticly copied, right click will paste it09:33
kanhiyaiceroot: this option is not available09:33
kanhiyaBY the way thanks to all Linux Community09:34
TulitomaattiI'm trying to setup ubuntu so, that it keeps itself connected to the Internet by a mobile broadband usb device: I wrote a shell script that checks whether the system is connected with nm-online, and on a nonzero exit status, enables wwan, and then ups the connection. However when running it as a cron job, i get an error regardless of the cron being the (super)users cron. Any ideas?09:34
dck_iceroot ,now can i copy dat file only n paste it in my windows drive09:35
Tulitomaattinmcli will give a "Error: Connection activation failed." if the script is ran by root, if it's run by a user's cron, it has the same error with a "Not authorized to control networking." appended at the end.09:36
Tulitomaattiif i run the nmcli commands in a normal terminal as a normal or super user, the connection gets established fine.09:37
proxxdck_: could you clearify your question, as i might be able to answer it09:37
=== massimo is now known as Guest88786
deej1976dck_: Have a log at winscp, you could copy the file to windows09:38
proxxdeej1976: good software :)09:38
Kartagishow can I change LANG permanently?09:38
dck_proxx-as i m accessing the shell in my windows pc..no i want that to copy that file to my windows pc09:38
computer_Wow having fun trying to find DOS based BIOS update for Compaq Presarios09:38
amin`how could i make gkrellm stick to background and not to work like a windows every time i hover my mouse over it and pop up?09:38
GskelligI can't login to root on my ubuntu server via ssh. "Permission denied (publickey,password)."09:38
Gskelligdefinitely the right password...09:38
appi_uppiwhere can we find the installation directory of openssh?09:39
deej1976dck_: winscp.net09:39
proxxdck_  : Have a log at winscp, you could copy the file to windowsas pointed by deej197609:39
dck_proxx-have a log at winscp-wat is this ,n how shud i do dis09:39
Gskelligalso, it's definitely a server side thing, tried two completely different computers09:40
proxxGskellig run the same command with the -v option09:40
proxxdck_: google it, download it09:40
proxxread the manual09:40
deej1976dck_: Goto http://winscp.net download the application and run on windows, it's like an ftp client, but uses ssh (sftp)09:40
dck_deej-ok dear09:41
tMHwinscp even has FAR plugin09:41
Guest88786someone know how to use gigolo? i cannot see my shared folder on windows xp09:41
tMHto connect to sshd'ed host via sftp09:41
flatwhitesdid you executed the following command : netstat -ntpl09:41
Gskellignevermind. figured it out09:42
Gskelligshould have come here and asked an hour ago thoug09:42
AdvoWorkiceroot, thanks for the info. any ideas about the ln -s though?09:42
flatwhitesand check the 22 port properly opened for its service09:42
proxxGskellig lol god luck :)09:42
deej1976tMH: Standard winscp work nicely09:42
flatwhitestrying man pages "man ln"09:42
icerootdck_: you can also transfer the wile, e.g. with scp (on windows its imo called winscp)09:42
tMHdeej1976 - yeah, I just using FAR manager with that plugin from winscp page:)09:42
icerootAdvoWork: maybe have a look at "mod_userdir" on apache09:43
proxxiceroot: ;lol we already gave him the website and a fool proof method :)09:43
icerootAdvoWork: i like it much more then using /var/www09:43
=== massimo_ is now known as Guest53205
proxxI really enjoy supporting ppl in my spare time :) I was a helpless noob to .. once :)09:44
ifewalter@proxx +109:45
deej1976proxx: We're all helpless noob at one time, that need a little help ( and google ) :D09:45
icerootproxx: that is the spirit of open-source communities09:45
proxx:) my pay back to the community for all this awesome code09:46
linuxuz3ranyone using gnome shell09:46
icerootproxx: you get something free, you share something free09:46
iceroot!anyone | linuxuz3r09:46
ubottulinuxuz3r: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.09:46
AdvoWorkiceroot, i dont get you?09:46
linuxuz3rhow do you change the window theme in gnomeshell09:46
dck_thankx all09:46
linuxuz3ri cant seem to change it in 11.1009:46
icerootAdvoWork: with mod_userdir you can use /home/username/public_html/foobar.html  and then http://url/~username/foobar.html09:46
AdvoWorkiceroot, can i do say http://intranet/whatever ?09:47
iceroot!changethemes | linuxuz3r09:47
ubottulinuxuz3r: To change GNOME themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu (KDE) themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu (Xfce): !xfce-themes09:47
icerootAdvoWork: http://intranet/~username/whatever09:47
icerootAdvoWork: that is how "mod_userdir" is working09:48
icerootAdvoWork: every user has it own "http://intranet/~username/"09:48
linuxuz3riceroot, it only changes the gtk theme09:48
icerootlinuxuz3r: ah ok09:49
linuxuz3rnot the window boarders09:49
icerootlinuxuz3r: then i dont know sorry09:49
linuxuz3rhow do you change window boarders in 11.10 gnomeshell09:49
proxxlinuxuz3r: do you use unity ?09:49
deej1976!info gnome-tweak-tool09:49
ubottugnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweak-tool): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.0-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 71 kB, installed size 656 kB09:49
linuxuz3rproxx, im using gnome shell09:49
proxxi really love emerald myself09:50
proxxcheck it out >> google09:50
deej1976!emerald | proxx09:50
ubottuproxx: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.09:50
proxxhaha, Its awesome, yes its buggy and bleeding, but i love it and works fine on my machine :)09:51
AdvoWorkiceroot, cheers for that then09:51
icerootAdvoWork: i like it very much and use it all the time09:52
maxxxiwhy in gigolo i havn't whindows share?09:52
AdvoWorkI do: //Internal IP/Completed$ /home/NEWcompleted cifs exec on an ubuntu server and it works perfectly. I try this on another ubuntu server and do sudo mount -a and it gives: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad super block on //Internal IP/Completed$  any ideas why?09:52
icerootAdvoWork: is cifs installed?09:53
shaibnHow can I see network settings and NIC details in CD rescue mode of Ubuntu 10.04 server edition?09:53
IdYbIIf I have portforwarding activated and I forward port 555 to which is my Laptop. If I go to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:555 why doesn't he display my localhost (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is my global IP)09:53
icerootAdvoWork: cifs-utils or smbfs should be the package09:53
shaibnifconfig doesn't exist09:53
icerootshaibn: ifconfig09:53
proxxshaibn: ifconfig ? it doesnt09:53
proxxthats funny09:53
shaibnit doesn't exist09:54
proxxcorrupt cd ? or am i corrupt ?09:54
icerootshaibn: you are talking about busy-box? or a real shell?09:54
deej1976shaibn: You've boot your server with a liveCD, and now want to check your server network configuration?09:54
icerootshaibn: uh09:54
icerootshaibn: i dont think busy-box can read that (but i am not sure)09:54
proxxbtw; question myself... would be possible to use a second keyboard with a different(custom) mapping?09:56
AdvoWorkim trying to do: sudo apt-get install nfs-common  and it finds it, im pressing Y and then it says Failed to fetch  404 not found, ip 80. Any ideas please?09:56
proxxCoz i have this external numpad and i would like to use it for hotkeys excusively09:57
icerootAdvoWork: sudo apt-get update09:58
icerootAdvoWork: is that running fine?09:58
deej1976proxx: Read along time about about setting up X with two kb, two mice, two screens, and two independant users. Not sure about having additional numpad10:00
proxxdeej1976; i searched for this for hours, and im afraid ill have to rewrite and compile drivers, but man my C sucks :P10:01
deej1976proxx: I wish you the best of luck10:02
proxxlol thanks, not sure its worth it10:02
carliwhere can I get support for linux printing?10:03
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows10:03
mateusz_Hi, how to chance scrolling sliders in Ubuntu to normal ones ?10:03
mateusz_I want them to visible and I dont like Ubuntu's disapearing sliders10:04
maxxxihow can i see shared folder on win xp from xubuntu with xigolo10:04
georgieeeI can send files via bluetooth on my mobile device but I am not able to search actually for some files on my device neither am I able to send files from my mobile to my PC. Why is this happening?10:04
carlithe problem is I have a netgear ps101, i can administrate it via ftp, but cups is not finding any printers on it.10:05
remyhi guys! how do i fix this problem; ive installed a samsung sata dvdwriter but ubuntu cannot determine the drive, what could be the problem?10:05
AdvoWorkiceroot, done that, but its still giving me the same error:  mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad super block on //Internal IP/Completed$10:06
deej1976mateusz_: http://tinyurl.com/btp74z210:06
remyhi guys! how do i fix this problem; ive installed a samsung sata dvdwriter but ubuntu cannot determine the drive, what could be the problem?10:07
deej1976!repeat | remy:10:07
ubotturemy:: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:07
AdvoWorkiceroot, installing smbfs worked, thanks for that suggestion ,i didnt see that reply10:07
kanhiyaHow to make instant file search like win 7 in ubuntu10:08
kanhiyaubuntu 11.10 & using nautulus10:09
RaTTuS|BIGkanhiya - sudo updatedb10:09
RaTTuS|BIGthen locate file10:09
kanhiyaRaTTuS|BIG: I don't understand10:10
kanhiyacommand work10:10
kanhiyabut how to locate the file10:10
bigvincedoes anyone know some channels with active users where I can ask questions about IRC?10:10
bigvincewhat command do I need to send to xchat or mIRC if the file transfer is complete?10:12
RaTTuS|BIGbigvince - check out #freenode10:12
bigvinceRaTTuS|BIG,  i am:)10:12
RaTTuS|BIGkanhiya - locate file.extension will tell you where it is - there will be graphical frontends but pffth10:13
kanhiyaRaTTuS|BIG: I am saying that search result should appear just like they appear instantly in software centre, as we start typing in search box, it starts to shortlist10:13
dck_i want to connect through root from my winscp soft of windows ,but i dont knew the password of root ,how shud i do that10:14
proxxdck_ dont use root!10:14
RaTTuS|BIGkanhiya - aha - right ok ...10:14
proxxdck_: log in as regular user10:14
dck_prozz-can u say y10:14
deej1976dck_: through putty sudo cp /var/log/file ~/logs/ ( of cause mkdir ~/logs 1st )10:15
deej1976dck_: Then winscp in with your local account.10:15
ifewaltercan we discuss off topic issues here?10:16
dck_deej-i didnt got u,y shud i do dat10:16
flatwhiteswhat kind of topic do you want to discuss?10:16
deej1976ifewalter: use #ubuntu-offtopic10:16
luca_bidear friends, I am not able to open articles of MIUR with ubuntu why?10:16
flatwhitesoff topic? I could'nt get it10:16
luca_bican yuou open it??10:17
dck_deeej1976-i am not getting u10:17
deej1976!offtopic | flatwhites, ifewalter10:18
ubottuflatwhites, ifewalter: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:18
ifewalterthank you!! :)10:19
deej1976dck_: log into your machine with putty, using your local ubuntu-pc account, then "mkdir ~/logs", then cp the file you want with the cp /dir/file/to/copy ~/logs, if you get permission denied put sudo into.10:19
luca_bican you open those files?10:20
ct529sipior: hi there .... we have evolved the discussion about compiling the kernel using different options here: http://blog.avirtualhome.com/2011/08/03/how-to-compile-a-new-ubuntu-11-04-natty-kernel/#comment-13050. Would you like to participate? I think your opinion would be important.10:20
dck_deej1976-tell wat will happen if i do as u say10:20
sipiorct529: howdy. well, it's kind of you to say so, but i doubt i could add very much. still, i'll have a look if i get the chance later this afternoon.10:21
kanhiyaRaTTuS|BIG: So, do u know the solution :)10:22
ct529sipior: thanks a lot10:22
ct529sipior: see you later!10:22
deej1976dck_: You should end up with a directory logs and the file you want to copy to windows.10:27
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Learnerhello? anybody there?10:56
ifewalterhello @learner10:56
deej1976!ask | learner10:57
ubottulearner: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:57
Learnerok, im getting this when running apt-get update: http://ppa.launchpad.net oneiric Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 464AD83D4631BBEA10:58
dck_i want to clear the logs in the error.log file ,should it create ne prb for me ,if not then how should i do dat10:59
deej1976Learner: Have you added the repository by add or with apt-add-repository11:00
deej1976dck_: sudo cp /dev/null /var/log/error.log11:01
Learnerhmmm, i avent added any repository. the only ones is added where dropbox and equinox but that was a long time ago11:01
New0hi everyone11:02
deej1976Learner: Try disabling them in turn to see which generates the error11:02
New0is there a way to install ubuntu with NTFS?11:02
szalNew0: huh?11:03
deej1976New0: Do you mean install ubuntu on an NTFS filesystem?11:03
New0i mean this is what i am trying to do. but i forgot how.11:03
georgieeeHow do I change the bluetooth download folder?11:03
szalNew0: short answer: no11:03
New0deej1976: yes on NTFS FileSystem11:03
dr_willisother then wubi.  not possible11:03
RamonI do not recommend installing Ubuntu on an NTFS partition.11:04
Ramon...even if you could.11:04
|Long|good morning folks, what is the cmd to flush dns?11:04
New0so what r u suggest me? ( i need to connect it to windows at future time)11:05
deej1976New0: I'd go with dr_willis, look at the WUBI install option11:05
szalNew0: define 'connect it to windows'11:05
New0deej1976: no tnx. hate WUBI11:05
RamonNew, you can create a Linux partition.11:05
deej1976New0: If you install Ubuntu on ext4, ubuntu will be able to mount NTFS partitions11:05
RamonUbuntu can read NTFS and ext partitions.11:06
New0szal: well, so i can copy/paste from/to between 2 PCs11:06
Learnerok,  i think it is the equinox one " http://ppa.launchpad.net/tiheum/equinox/ubuntu" what to do?11:06
RamonWhat dee said.11:06
dr_willis2 different pcs. use samba...11:06
szaland/or rdp11:06
New0deej1976: right, so all i have to do is. sda1 (ext4) sda2 (ntfs)?11:06
RamonWhat dr_willis said.11:06
developer-siHey all! I have a problem with Ubuntu 11.04. We set to startup System Monitor and Firefox on logon. Those programs show dynamic content (the contet just gets refreshed all the time). So after 10 minutes of normal runing everything seems to freeze. We have to move the mouse or somehow wake the system and then everything goes fine and never stops again. What's going on?11:06
dr_willisi think the goal is not clear here.11:07
New0deej1976: yes?11:07
deej1976Learner: Delete it and re-add if they have an 11.10 ppa.11:07
RamonNew0, I think you want to have Windows and Ubuntu in the same computer and exchange files between OSs?11:07
New0also how much space? (for /root sd1)11:08
deej1976New0: Probably the otherway round, install Windows(sda1) leaving space for Ubuntu (sda2(/),sda3(swap))11:08
New0Ramon: well, not really11:08
soltanihow can download audio of mms video link?11:09
soltaniis there any way?11:09
soltanithe video is large file/11:09
dr_willissoltani: streamtuner or  streamripper, or vlc11:10
New0deej1976: well i brother doesn't want any windows on it. (Win or Lin) so only ubuntu will be install on it. but he want to be able to cpy /pst from/to windows (pc1) ubuntu (pc2)11:10
deej1976New0: You don't need an NTFS partition on Linux11:10
soltanidr_willis, vlc and .. can downlaod videos..11:10
Ramonsoltani: You'd still have to download the whole file, then strip the audio from it.11:10
tamirhey mysql autocomplemtation?how i install ubuntu11:10
dr_willisnew0 theres no needs for any ntfs if its not going to have windows on it11:10
soltaniRamon, but the video is large!11:11
soltaniis there any way?11:11
New0dr_willis: no windows OS on it (laptop)11:11
RamonNew0: In that case, use Samba as suggested, or FTP.11:11
dr_willisNew0:  use samba or ssh to get files to/from other pcs11:11
dr_willisforget ftp ;)11:12
RamonSoltani: I don't think so. If it's a file, you have to get the whole file.  There's no way to just get certain pieces of the file without downloading the whole thing.11:12
Ramondr_willis: Why?11:13
dr_willisftp is not a good solution these days.. and worth avoiding11:13
soltaniRamon, it is mms link,we can watch it,is there anyway to download audio of it e.g. conevert it to a domain and then download it...11:14
dr_williswinscp and ssh  easier to setup11:14
deej1976Ramon: sudo apt-get install openssh-server, instant sftp server11:14
RamonI've seen it being unreliable...11:14
dr_willissome day google for 'ftp must die' for a good read11:14
tamiri need mysql autocomplemantation.press tab in mysql terminal.some one know it?11:14
New0yeaa i was working with samba. which was dificult for me. and my brother doesn't know s... about ubuntu and sure about samba. and i want to make it simple for him. so this is why i want ntfs as maybe secondery drive! is that ok.? or u still seggest me samaba?11:14
Ramonsoltani: Sorry, I don't know another way.11:15
deej1976New0: samba or ssh11:15
soltaniRamon, :thanks11:15
richthegeekI'm connected to a Mac via smb but it's not (afaik) authenticating at all (logging on via guest). Unforunately that means I have no write access.... how do I force it to auth?11:16
dr_willisNew0:  for the server mechine you do not, not not, need ntfs on it at all.. it can share ext2/3/4  to a windows machine on the lan.  a ntfs may in fact be HARDER to share11:16
New0deej1976: ok tnx for all of your help. i will do that. and btw how much ext4 space for OS? GB11:16
RamonNew0: I'm sure you can mount a remote samba drive as an additional drive and just use a file manager program to transfer files between computers/drives.11:16
dr_willis!info samba-doc11:16
soltaninow , Is it possible to move a file to my domain then I download it from my domain ..because I can download from my domain fast11:16
ubottusamba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.5.11~dfsg-1ubuntu2.1 (oneiric), package size 1645 kB, installed size 7872 kB11:16
deej1976New0: Ubuntu Server can fit in 4Gb.11:17
New0dr_willis: i may know what u talking about. since i have prob with it before. but didn't know that's the issue11:17
dr_willissoltani:  how is it being accessed? scp can copy from pc2 to pc3, via a command from pc1 ;)11:17
New0deej1976: so 10GB for / OS is good?11:18
aljosaanybody knows if there is a ppa with the latest intel drivers?11:18
deej1976New0: / (sda1-10Gb), swap (sda2-2Gb), /home (sda3-rest)11:18
New0what are swap for deej1976 ?11:19
dr_willisi have filled up a 10gb / befor. i make mine 20gb these days11:19
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info11:19
KWOB hello, im trying to install ubuntu but i have an x mark beside "has at least 4.5 available" drive space11:19
KWOBconnected to internet and plugged into source have checkmark11:20
KWOBcan someone please help?11:20
Ramonswap should be 2x RAM.11:20
New0dr_willis: tnx11:20
soltanidr_willis, suppose that i have a ftp domain with 500mb capacity,I want to download a file from another site , is it possible to move the file to my ftp domain?11:20
deej1976Ramon: Thats a really old calculation11:20
RamonKWOB:It means yoou don't have enought free space.11:20
icerootKWOB: so your question is "my hdd does not have enough free space for an installation of ubuntu"?11:20
richthegeekRamon: it's no longer valid. I have 8gb RAM and basically have never used swap... I have seen no difference between having 512mb swap and 4gbs swap11:21
RamonDeej:Is there a new one?11:21
KWOBwhich is surprising because my hdd should have enough space11:21
deej1976Ramon: haven't seen one, I usually got for equally to ram11:21
icerootKWOB: resize the partition to have more then 4.5GB or use the alternate/minimal-cd and select only the stuff you want to install to save some space11:21
New0so... (sda1-10GB sda2 -not ext4 but SWAP?11:22
ninucsbig swap is useful only if you use resource hogging progs like image editing or video thing11:22
deej1976New0: yes11:22
New0swap it's like a filessystem?11:22
icerootKWOB: the 4.5GB are not the space of your hdd, its the space of one partition on your hdd which you selected to install ubuntu on it11:22
ninucsKWOB: is this "free space" allocated by any other operating system11:22
New0and (rest- is ? ext4 too?11:22
WomkesDoes anybody know how you get JSLint to work on the command line?11:22
RamonNew0: Go with what deej said, about 2GB for swap.11:23
WomkesIt says here you should be able to execute jsl ont he command lin11:23
deej1976New0: yes11:23
Womkesbut the download does not contain that executable11:23
New0Ramon: well already did. but he also said (rest-is it ext4?)11:23
New0deej1976: hoo tnx11:23
indwicbig swap used for hibernate11:23
RamonNew0: I normally allocate the rfest of the free space to /home.11:23
dr_willisNew0:  you can just tell the installer to use the whole hd. and let it partition it as it wants11:24
New0Ramon: what?11:24
deej1976New0: How much ram?11:24
developer-siHey guys! Is it possible that a PC with Ubuntu 11.04 connected to a display through HDMI port freezes after 10 minutes? Actually the display freezes and one has to move a mouse or press a key on the keyboard to refresh the display. That's what's happening with our configuration. Has anyone encountered that yet or has a solution?11:24
soltanidr_willis, Please help me to work with scp11:24
dr_willissoltani:  what  about it?11:24
New02GB or 4GB ram11:24
ninucsdeveloper-si: maybe its the screensaver greying out the screen?11:24
New0Ramon: what is rfest.... /home?11:25
Ramondeveloper: It maybe an issue with your screen saver?11:25
ninucshappened to me while watching movies11:25
developer-sininucs: no, I'm sure the screen saver is disabled11:25
deej1976New0: In your laptop?11:25
RamonNew0: Sorry, I meant the rest for /home11:25
soltanidr_willis, move a file from http addrress to my ftp address11:25
dr_willissoltani:  scp is for ssh accessing. not http or ftp.11:25
New0deej1976: hp pavilion dv411:25
soltanidr_willis, but how can do that?11:26
deej1976New0: doesn't mean anything, how much ram and hd?11:26
dr_willisif theres not a ssh server goinng.. you dont use ssh/scp soltani11:26
dr_willissoltani:  wget and wput perhaps.11:27
soltanidr_willis, can you send me a link that expained about ssh ? i don't know what it is?11:27
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)11:27
dr_willisssh has literally 100000's of guides online11:28
dr_willisover 9000!11:28
Ramondr_willis: Your numbers don't match. :P11:28
dr_willisbeen rereading the oreilly using ssh book lately11:28
dr_willissshfs is also handy11:29
ubottusshfs is a !Fuse based filesystem which allows you to mount a remote system over !SSH - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS for instructions11:29
RamonHmm... I like it. :)11:29
dr_willistheres a fuse ftp fs also i recall11:29
dr_willisfuse is a very handy thing to learn about11:30
RamonI may have to.11:30
deej1976fuse for windows shares too!11:30
The_BROSdoesn't work sound notification in thunderbird. I have chosen .waw file, but it doesn't play. How can I fix this problem?11:30
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems11:31
dr_willishad bad luck with some of the fuse stuff.   like the fuse samba11:31
deej1976!info ntfs-3g11:31
ubottuntfs-3g (source: ntfs-3g): read/write NTFS driver for FUSE. In component main, is standard. Version 1:2011.4.12AR.4-2ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 570 kB, installed size 1580 kB11:31
alex_ole!info gstreamer11:31
ubottuPackage gstreamer does not exist in oneiric11:31
developer-siGuys, we connected the Ubuntu box through VGA port and tried again and the display freezes after 10 minutes11:33
developer-siwe have to move the mouse to get the display working ok again ... so the picture on the display just freezes11:33
dr_willisdeveloper-si:  can you still ssh into the box?11:33
dr_willishmm.. that is weird..11:33
developer-siI could try to ping the box11:33
developer-sissh is disabled at the moment11:34
developer-siok I'll try to ping the box ... the display is still right now11:34
Ramondeveloper: Have you checked the power settings?11:35
developer-siI mean it is frozen11:35
developer-siyes we checked and everything seemed okay11:35
KWOBive accessed disk utility11:36
KWOBit shows SATA host adapter11:36
KWOBcd/dvd driver11:36
KWOBperipherical device (695 mb disk)11:36
KWOBso why do i not have 4.5 gb available?11:36
deej1976KWOB: One line is enough11:36
dr_willishow big is your hard drive? how full is it?11:37
RamonKWOB: Are you sure it's 695mb disk or is it 695GB disk?11:37
dr_willis695 is an odd sized hd..11:38
EuroNerdI need a light image editor, like IrfanView on Windows. The default Image Viewer doesn't allow editing, and GIMP is way to heavy. I need something to launch quickly, crop & resize a photo and get out in 10 seconds. Any recommendations?11:38
developer-siRamon, dr_willis: the box is pingable11:38
dr_willisEuroNerd:  irvanview does work in wine or at least it used to.11:38
deej1976!info nautilus-image-converter |EuroNerd11:39
ubottuEuroNerd None: nautilus-image-converter (source: nautilus-image-converter): nautilus extension to mass resize or rotate images. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1~git20110416-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 27 kB, installed size 344 kB11:39
dr_willisEuroNerd:  hand cropping? or the same crop every time?11:39
EuroNerddeej1976, ubottu, dr_willis, hand edition, not batch, and I hate command line.11:39
dr_willishate command line... get over it.. ;)11:40
dr_willisbatch would have 1000 solutions.. but not over 900011:40
EuroNerddr_willis, that's a subject for a separate discussion.11:40
deej1976EuroNerd: Pinta11:40
deej19769000 The magic number today11:40
dr_willistheres some gnome shell addo that gives a quic image view to the filemanager. but no idea on croppig11:41
dr_willis!info mtpaint11:41
ubottumtpaint (source: mtpaint): painting program to create pixel art and manipulate digital photos. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.31-4 (oneiric), package size 640 kB, installed size 1780 kB11:41
RamonI can usually right-click on the image in the image-viewer and it allows me to do some image editing.11:41
deej1976!info gnome-sushi11:41
ubottugnome-sushi (source: gnome-sushi): sushi is a quick previewer for nautilus. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.2.0-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 5 kB, installed size 76 kB11:41
dr_willisthats it.. the sushi 9000!11:41
EuroNerddeej1976, ubottu, thanks, these look interesting.11:42
dr_willisno idea on its features11:42
dr_willisi tend to drag/drop into gimp. ;)11:42
RamonI'm sure the Ubuntu Software Center has many packages for image editing.11:42
deej197611.04: apt-cache search image | grep edit | wc -l = 4111:43
EuroNerdRamon, no doubt, I was just looking for a recommendation.11:43
dr_willisi saw a mspaint clone once. ;)11:44
dr_willisi still miss deluxepaint on my amiga.11:44
AdvoWorkon my one system i access files by http://IP:8080/dir/dir etc  but on my other one :8080 doesnt work, i edited /etc/apache2/ports.conf and changed the listen to 8080 but now it says a file I know is correct is not actually there, any suggestions please? tried editing /etc/apache2/sites-available/default and changed virtual hosts to <VirtualHost *:8080> and added NameVirtualHosts *:8080 and restarted apache but then get: [warn] NameVirtualHost *:11:45
AdvoWork80 has no VirtualHosts11:45
deej1976dr_willis: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53190811:45
deej1976!info mypaint11:46
ubottumypaint (source: mypaint): Paint program to be used with Wacom tablets. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.1-1 (oneiric), package size 381 kB, installed size 1576 kB11:46
dr_willisgotta run bb in an hr or os...11:46
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RamonShotwell is pretty light and allows you to easily crop images.11:46
nijadcan anyone help me to install Android Development Tool in eclipse galileo? am using ubuntu 10.0411:47
RamonAdvoWork: Sorry, I haven't used Apache in a very long time.11:48
RamonTake care Dr_willis11:48
Ramonnijad: Did you already download the linux packages for it?11:49
nijadyea i have eclipse ready11:49
nijadand ADT 15.011:49
nijadand android sdk ready11:50
nijadRamon: But whenever i try to install ADT i get error11:50
RamonWhat's the error?11:51
`AbhijitHi. Installed 10.04 on an old i815. Kernel 2.6.32-35. Kernel panic occurs on halt or reboot(With Caps lock etc. blinking). Any suggestions on how to resolve this? Thanks11:51
nijadMissing requirement: Android Development Tools 8.0.1.v201012062107-82219 (com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.feature.group 8.0.1.v201012062107-82219) requires 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found11:51
nijadthis is wen i tried ADT 8.011:52
nijadsomething similar comes for ADT 15.011:52
Ramonnijad: Have you rebooted the system after installation of the development tools?11:52
RamonAbhijit: You may have hardware problems.11:53
`AbhijitRamon, tried memtest. Any other suggestions on how i could check?11:53
Ramonnijad: Did you check your version of Eclipse.11:55
nijadits Galileo11:55
RamonAbhijit: How long did you run the memory test for?11:55
nijadRamon: its Galileo11:55
Ramonnijad: I'm sure we're missing something but I don't know what it is. Sorry.11:56
nijadRamon: Ok11:57
`AbhijitRamon, did the complete run yesterday. For about 3-4 hours.11:57
RamonIt didn't give you any errors?11:57
Milos_SDI need help installing AMD FGLRX drivers on HP ProBook 4530s laptop that has sandy bridge intel gpu + amd HD6490 discreat graphics11:58
Milos_SDIf I install FGLRX, then X will not start (segmentation failt) :(11:59
RamonAbhijit: It could be an issue with the chipset, not being compatible with the Ubuntu Kernel.   I have 1 laptop that can't run Ubuntu, though it runs Windowx XP perfectly.11:59
computer_Yeah these kind of issues really suck12:00
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RamonMilos: Sorry, I'm out of ideas for that one.12:01
computer_I suspect that my GPU being an AMD/ATI is the course of all my GUI and app issues at the moment12:01
Ramoncomputer: It's possible.12:01
computer_AMD opensouce the drivers please!!12:02
RamonI got to go. Take care. I don't think AMD should open source until Intel does the same.12:02
computer_Oh when oh when will all of this propitiatory bullcrap end!?12:02
computer_You mean Nvidia?12:03
RamonWhen the economy falls again.12:03
`AbhijitRamon, did google for it. Found many others having the same issue. Tried some tips from bugs.launchpad.net Didn't help. Thanks for answering though :)12:03
RamonYou're welcome.12:03
skilzHow do I change the login theme?12:03
computer_Damn spell check12:04
jribskilz: edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf to change the greeter (you may want to install one first; apt-cache search -n lightdm).  If you just want to change the background, edit the .conf in /etc/lightdm/ for the greeter you are using12:05
computer_To true Ramon, and it is coming soon12:05
skilzwhen the computer starts up12:05
jribskilz: yes12:06
clod89I need a quick help, i need to change my partition table from mbr to gpt, but ubuntu won't let me install gdisk saying unable to locate package12:07
gen0my battery suxt hard on 10.04 32bit... whyy? on 10.04 64bit it was totally ok12:07
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Milos_SDI need help installing AMD FGLRX drivers on HP ProBook 4530s laptop that has sandy bridge intel gpu + amd HD6490 discreat graphics... If I install FGLRX, then X will not start (segmentation failt) :( ... Here is the log file http://pastebin.com/hsnCw47g12:10
skilzHow do I remove the dots that appear on the background of the login manager?12:13
proxxhi :)12:14
developer-siFolks, about the display freezing I mentioned before ... when we send an input through mouse or keyboard on system start end then let the system idle, the display never freezes12:14
developer-sihow can I simulate an input signal from mouse or keyboard?12:14
jribskilz: use a different greeter.  If you want to use unity-greeter, then at the moment you must edit source code or use this ppa https://launchpad.net/~scott.severance/+archive/lightdm with the modifications12:14
skilzjrib, Whats another good greeter>12:16
jribskilz: there aren't many to choose from :)12:16
jribskilz: that's a different "desktop manager" not greeter12:16
jribskilz: apt-cache search -n lightdm   will list you the greeter's available in the repositories for lightdbm12:17
skilzwhat about gdm?12:18
jribskilz: you can use that if you want, sure.12:18
developer-siok I found xdotool for simulating mouse interaction12:18
developer-siwe'll try with that one12:18
prodr1fterxkako za join vo ubuntu?12:24
AdvoWorkcan i somehow find out what pear packages I have installed?12:25
prodr1fterxidk :P12:25
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prodr1fterxsup? :P12:28
sanjayi hv an query12:28
prodr1fterxnice :D12:29
niko!ops |
prodr1fterxyooo rootmar12:29
ubottu62.162.216.207: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!12:29
prodr1fterxyooo rootmark12:29
sigmoHello, I don't know where to report, so first a hangout on irc. The problem: When I grab the titlebar with my mouse and dragging the window around, my mousepointer isn't binded on the titlebar anymore, but somewhere else. could be somewhere above (tested it with upto 100pixels) or somewhere below). Is this a bug? and if so, to what package/project do i have to fle this bug to?12:30
sanjaybefore installing ubuntu os do we need to make the drive in NTFS format12:30
RaTTuS|BIGsanjay - no12:30
pokhi, anybody know how to update the User Agent identifcation in Ubuntu?12:30
sanjayi have installed ubuntu 11.10 version12:31
sanjaybut wifi is showing disabled12:31
prodr1fterxthis is ubuntu12:31
prodr1fterxon school12:31
prodr1fterxwe are in school12:31
sanjayany solution12:31
AdvoWorkim doing pecl install json and it says: Make sure that you run '/usr/bin/phpize' in the top level source directory of the module.   any ideas please?12:32
ucenik17xaaxxaxa ovaj12:32
FloodBot1ucenik17: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:32
NoReGreTwhenever i login, i a nautilus window opens with a certain directory, any idea how can i stop that ?12:32
RaTTuS|BIGsanjay https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide12:32
sanjaythx Rattus12:33
RaTTuS|BIGsanjay - also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo but there are lots to find in the wireless world12:33
Milos_SDI need help installing AMD FGLRX drivers on HP ProBook 4530s laptop that has sandy bridge intel gpu + amd HD6490 discreat graphics... If I install FGLRX, then X will not start (segmentation failt) :( ... Here is the log file http://pastebin.com/hsnCw47g12:34
m477when i kill compiz i lose windows' frames and i dont have prompt, what to do?12:35
a34154ekdoes anyone know how to boot into an iso file from grub?12:35
=== momchil is now known as j1tsky
luisthey guys im following this guide to make a custom Live CD: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-customize-your-ubuntu-live-cd   but i get this error when i boot my iso: No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found!   anyone help?12:37
a34154ekdoes anyone know how to boot iso from grub?12:37
deej1976!repeat | a34154ek12:37
ubottua34154ek: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:37
gadlolhi, i installed phonon-backend-vlc on ubuntu and now ubuntu uses this and not gstreamer. Is there a way i can choose one between them?12:38
a34154ekdeej1976, why?12:38
batouzohi, so nm-applet is buggy as hell, how can we then configure networks?12:38
deej1976a34154ek: why? what?12:39
Phoenix87anyone afflicted by the kworker bug?12:39
a34154ekdeej1976, help me?12:41
deej1976a34154ek: I don't know how, I've only sent you information on not repeating your question to quickly.12:41
a34154ekdeej1976, are you a bot?12:42
newnoisehi. Im trying to add a partition into my exsiting raid1. i have 300GB unused spaced in one of the partitions. how can i create a md7 into it?12:42
theishii want to get the current date in NY using the date command. Is this possible without changing my current timezone?12:43
Milos_SDI need help installing AMD FGLRX drivers on HP ProBook 4530s laptop that has sandy bridge intel gpu + amd HD6490 discreat graphics... If I install FGLRX, then X will not start (segmentation failt) :( ... Here is the log file http://pastebin.com/hsnCw47g12:44
luisthey guys im following this guide (but with 11.10) to make a custom Live CD: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-customize-your-ubuntu-live-cd  but i get this error when i boot my iso: No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found!  anyone help?12:44
deakon256hello everyone12:45
deakon256i have an issue im wondering if someone can help me12:45
deakon256i have a lg 2x and updated to gingerbread but shows a R as if im roaming12:45
deej1976a34154ek: human12:47
keyanoh no!!!12:48
a34154ekdeej1976: hi5!12:48
keyanhi is not ailice12:48
zambahow can i test snmp and the default community string?12:48
keyansorry i don't know12:49
alex_ole"pipeline0: Internal GStreamer error: clock problem." and the output video is very fast. How to fix it?12:49
RaTTuS|BIGtheishi - use teh TZ see http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/date-command-set-tz-environment-variable.html for examples12:49
alex_olesorry, wrong channel12:49
theishiRaTTuS|BIG: I just found out zdump does it... thanks though12:50
gadlolIs there a way to change between phonon-backends???12:51
=== momchil is now known as j1tsky
amin`WMFS? anyone?12:56
lcbhi. Since there is no /etc/inittab log ago where/how could I disable some virtual terminals, where before use to be by commenting out *respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty*?12:58
llutzlcb: look in /etc/init13:00
lcbllutz: thanks :)13:00
lcbllutz: no /etc/init either :o13:01
llutzlcb: look _in_ /etc/init, its a dir containing upstart startscripts13:01
lcbohhh, sorry13:01
lcbsudo nano /etc/init /me slaps myself ;)13:02
Milos_SDI need help installing ATI FGLRX drivers on HP ProBook 4530s laptop that has sandy bridge intel gpu + amd HD6490 discreat graphics... If I install FGLRX, then X will not start (segmentation failt) :( ... Here is the log file http://pastebin.com/hsnCw47g13:03
Milos_SDPlease help :(13:03
iLogicanyone ever tried to mount a ubuntu ext4 /home partition on another distro and couldn't access the user's folder? I can't only list two files there, one is a readme I apparently am unable to read..13:05
lcbllutz: renaming tty*.conf would be enough?13:05
llutzlcb: rename or comment out the "start " line13:05
lcbok, thanks a lot llutz13:05
MonkeyDustiLogic  yes, I use ext4dev13:06
iLogicMonkeyDust: will google it, thanks!13:06
MonkeyDustiLogic  also google tune2fs (fs = file system)13:07
iLogicthanks a lot, M.D!13:07
ssk_the_gr8ubuntu 10.04 lucid user, my shut down menu seems to disappear from the past few days...... http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/192/69374602.png/13:07
ssk_the_gr8here's a link... please check it out, and suggest a fix13:07
ssk_the_gr8i've marked it with red on the top right hand corner13:08
xruudthird irc client I'm trying, can't seem to get anything thru13:09
sc-vaiohi all can any one help me pls13:09
xruudUp until now that is :)13:09
ssk_the_gr8xruud: opera is a good option for irc , i'm using it :)13:10
Rexter1xruud: can you hear me now?13:10
xruudYes, rexter1, I can :)13:10
Rexter1sc-vaio: wacha got?13:10
sc-vaiohi rexter13:10
xruudActually not sure which client this is13:10
sc-vaioi have 11.1013:10
lcbxruud: try ChatZilla for non professional/expert use ;)13:11
sc-vaioi started ccsm n all unity failed13:11
magnus__1Hi. I have a X800XT ATI card. How do I get the drivers working for this card? I have installed Gnome 3 and it looks like the classic version. I guess this is because of the drivers?13:11
KalidarnHmm i noticed thunderbird is still stuck at 7.0.1 for ubuntu, yet there's been numerous security fixes in 8, ppa:mozillateam/thunderbird-stable has it but doesn't support oneric and ppa:mozillateam/thunderbird-next as of this morning have replaced thunderbird 8 with thunderbird 9, what's the solution?13:11
sc-vaionow 11.10 ubuntu cant load unity13:11
sc-vaiogot it ?rex13:12
Rexter1can you get back into ccsm?13:12
sc-vaioi totally uninstalled ccsm n reinstalled unity but failin13:12
sc-vaioi can get it again13:13
xruudlcb, rexter1, I'll try opera and chatzilla13:13
Rexter1Unity requires certain compiz settings.13:13
xruudalthough this client works as well13:13
Rexter1what is lcb?13:13
Sidewinder1ssk_the_gr8, Had the same problem when I upgraded from Hardy to Lucid; just right-click on top panel, select "add to panel", and from drop-down, select "Shut-Down".13:13
xruudlcb is a user here :)13:14
spinxi have a problem i need help with13:14
spinxi have 2x Nvidia 8800 GTS graphic cards and id like to run both in SLI with 2 monitors and seperate x screens anyone here who can push me in the right direction or helo me out13:14
indwicanyone tried xubuntu 11.10?13:14
xruudsc-vaio, I'm curious as to the solution for your problem13:14
sc-vaioi want unity back13:14
xruudI had the same problem and reinstalled to get rid of it13:14
sc-vaiothat compiz made it failing13:14
xruuddid you also remove the gconf dir?13:15
sc-vaionow i cant load unity on my desktop13:15
Rexter1sc-vaio, Unity requires the largedesktop feature from desktop wall, or desktop cube, as well as the Unity plugin.13:15
drake1hello, how do  you disable automatic startup for apache-prefork?13:16
sc-vaioi scanned forums on net n this is bug i think on 11.10 with compiz n unity.many suffered13:17
MonkeyDustxruud  there's a way to reset compiz to factory defaults, that what you looking for?13:17
indwichi paul13:17
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Rexter1sc-vaio: sorry, I'm not an expert here, and I don't understand your question.13:17
ssk_the_gr8Sidewinder1: have been using lucid for months, this problem has suddenly appeared13:18
Sidewinder1ssk_the_gr8, Did my solution work for you?13:18
xruudMonkeyDust, I'm interested how to fix it next time it happens, I just reinstalled everything13:18
ssk_the_gr8Sidewinder1: yes, but wht if i want to restart or logout?13:18
xruudIt was driving me nuts, I could log in, but had to restart unity from a terminal to get it working13:19
Phoenix87anyone afflicted by the kworker bug?13:19
Sidewinder1ssk_the_gr8, Restart appears in mine; but not log-out. :-(13:19
magnus__1Hi. I have a X800XT ATI card. How do I get the drivers working for this card? I have installed Gnome 3 and it looks like the classic version. I guess this is because of the drivers?13:19
Sidewinder1ssk_the_gr8, Funny thing is, after installing what I suggested, in a few days the original "reappeared", for no apparent reason; I've had the 'two' in my panel for months. Go figure..13:21
sc-vaionot expert?13:21
hotmedalHow do I increase the contrast or decrease the transpareny for the little alt+tab window switcher. The font is unreadable on a white background.13:21
=== OliveGreen is now known as SpenserWilde
drake1update-rc-d -f apache2 remove?13:21
newnoisehi. Im trying to add a partition into my exsiting raid1. i have 300GB unused spaced in one of the partitions. how can i create a md7 into it?13:22
sc-vaioi just want unity not compiz13:22
drake1not for you, hotmedal13:22
sc-vaiohow can install my unity back?help pls13:22
hotmedaldrake1: what13:22
MonkeyDustsc-vaio  unity is a compiz plugin13:22
ssk_the_gr8Sidewinder1: just when i'd started loving ubuntu, new issues crop up13:23
Sidewinder1ssk_the_gr8, If you get stuck, all of those options are available in terminal; just type "man shutdown", or "man logoff" for syntax and options.13:24
llutzdrake1: better to use sysv-rc-conf13:24
drake1llutz: what options?13:24
Sidewinder1ssk_the_gr8, Without quotes, of courde. :D13:24
Sidewinder1course, even.13:24
Rexter1sc-vaio: no but we may figure it out, or someone else may know the answer as we talk about it.13:24
drake1llutz: i've just said: update-rc.d -f apache2 remove which seems to work13:25
Rexter1sc-vaio, Unity requires compiz, can't work without it.13:25
llutzdrake1: yes, until next apache2 update13:25
drake1llutz: ok13:26
llutzdrake1: man update-rc.d         tells you why13:26
Rexter1sc-vaio: go back into ccsm, turn on desktop wall, and the Unity plugin.13:26
cichyhi all13:28
xruudWhen I'm logged into my user account shutting down only logs out. I have to sudo shutdown -h now to shutdown without pressing a power button for 4 seconds13:28
xruudAnyone know how to fix that?13:28
Rexter1cichy: hi there!13:28
newnoisehi. Im trying to add a partition into my exsiting raid1. i have 300GB unused spaced in one of the partitions. how can i create a md7 into it?13:29
CarlFKxruud: halt ?13:29
ssk_the_gr8thanx Sidewinder113:29
xruudCarlFK: I want to press shutdown from the top menu, not opening a terminal for whatever command13:29
CarlFKxruud: ah13:30
xruudBut that just loggs me out13:30
kbroulikwhen I install the linux 3.1 kernel from the mainline kernel.ubuntu.com thing and I install both image and headers and try to compile a kernel module, it says /lib/modules/KERNELVERSION/build does not exist o.O what is missing there?13:30
Sidewinder1BluesKaj, Mornin'!13:31
CarlFKxruud: 11.10? I just tried it on a laptop, it powered it off13:31
Rexter1sc-vaio: you givving up?13:31
xruudYes, it will, but I had problems with Unity on that machine. The one I'm on now doesn't have the problem13:31
BluesKajhi Sidewinder113:32
MonkeyDustxruud  if you speak dutch, wij zitten ook op #ubuntu-nl13:32
drake1if you say: update-rc.d ... stop, for all run levels, does an update reenable automatic startup?13:32
CarlFKxruud: did the 11.10 shutdown menu option work and now it doesnt?13:33
llutzdrake1:  man update-rc.d|less -p 'administration error'13:34
RedRocket_Hello! Do anyone know which control panel (web based) is the best and most supported one for Ubuntu ?  (free). Say to control Web server, mysql, virtual servers etc.13:34
drake1llutz: yeah, that's what i just read13:34
llutzdrake1: "remove" just removes the startlinks and some updates will recreate them. so either set all runlevels to Kxx-apache2  or just don't use update-rc.d for this13:35
drake1llutz: OK. Thanks13:35
newnoisehi. Im trying to add a partition into my exsiting raid1. i have 300GB unused spaced in one of the partitions. how can i create a md7 into it?13:35
=== jelatta_away is now known as jelatta
xruudCarlFK: Yes indeed. It stopped working together with unity13:36
xruudCarlFK: I got Unity working again, but I think it runs as a lesser user??13:37
RedRocket_Do anyone know which control panel (web based) is the best and most supported one for Ubuntu ?  (free). Say to control Web server, mysql, virtual servers etc.?13:39
munzxttthi! ......  i was here yesterday and asked about how to upgrade  Linux kernel 2.6.38 to 3.1 to avoid power mismanagement and a gentleman "don't remember his name" informed me that 3.1 did not solve this yet , so i decided to move to 10.04 to avoid it and the guy said its ok now i want to know if it will be ok if i move to 10.10?13:39
xruudCan Unity be run as the wrong user, so it has to little priviledges to shutdown? Or does Unity not control the shutdown dialog started from the menu13:39
codazodaGood morning.13:40
codazodaJust upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 then 11.10 from 10.10.13:41
munzxttthi! ......  i was here yesterday and asked about how to upgrade  Linux kernel 2.6.38 to 3.1 to avoid power mismanagement and a gentleman "don't remember his name" informed me that 3.1 did not solve this yet , so i decided to move to 10.04 to avoid it and the guy said its ok now i want to know if it will be ok if i move to 10.10?13:41
newnoisehi. Im trying to add a partition into my exsiting raid1. i have 300GB unused spaced in one of the partitions. how can i create a md7 into it?13:41
szalmunzxttt: yes, but what do you expect from that13:42
nixmaniackmy ubuntu 11.10 i crashing saying CPU # offline. and then after sometime it comes back! :( :(13:42
CarlFKxruud: sounds plausible.  in system-settings, users, is your account-type:Administrator ?13:42
codazodaI'm having trouble when I double tap and drag or double-tap to highlight on a Macbook Pro 5,1.  It seems that I have to double tap very quickly.  I've gone into mouse preferences and set the delay to long.  That helps on the smiley face test, but not on scroll bars, text boxes, and the tops of windows.  Idea's?13:43
szalnixmaniack: what CPU?13:43
drake1interestig question newnoise. maybe if there is a tool to change the size of the partition without destroying the file system13:43
nixmaniackszal, CPU  1 offline, CPU 5 offline, random ones, not specific13:44
munzxtttszal : i expect my laptop screen stop flickering when i disconnect it from the power outlet!13:44
unkrcan anyone tell me how would i change 11.10 from unity to ubuntu classic ???13:44
codazodaunkr, I believe you install gnome (sudo apt-get install gnome) and then you can select it from the login menu after a reboot.13:44
xangua!nounity | unkr13:44
ubottuunkr: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic13:44
szalnixmaniack: I asked you what CPU you have there13:45
unkrcodazoda, can i install gnome 3 ???13:45
nixmaniackszal, you mean cpu model? Core i7?13:46
munzxtttszal : thank you for your help :) ... have a nice day! :)13:46
codazodaunkr: Actually, the ubottu response was more complete than mine.  I'm not sure about gnome 3.13:46
szalunkr: you already have Gnome 3 in 11.1013:46
xruudCarlFK: Yes it is, first thing I checked, being a longtime windows user!13:46
robinduckettanyway I can make gnome shell a bit snappier on multiple monitors on a cheap ass nvidia?13:46
szalnixmaniack: does that thing have any additional cores that are disabled by default?13:47
codazodaDouble-click and drag is too fast for me in 11.10.  I "miss" a lot of the time.  Any thoughts?13:47
unkrszal:  where i can get the info about various graphical version ???13:47
nixmaniackszal, i don't know where to check it.13:48
=== Guest26042 is now known as dweez
szalnixmaniack: in other words, do you have a mainboard with 'core unlocking' feature and are using that?13:49
nixmaniackszal, I'm on new laptop! nothing changed, just new ubuntu install13:50
szalnixmaniack: in that case, it sounds like a case for warranty13:50
nixmaniackszal, i don't think so, other distros are working fine! (winblows, Arch)13:51
szalsince when is Windows a distro? ;)13:52
drewmsmithit's distributed isn't it?13:52
drewmsmithcan you guys point me in the direction of an enterprise email solution?13:52
nixmaniackszal, http://paste.ubuntu.com/741185/13:53
nixmaniackszal, line 1813:53
nixmaniackszal, i actually get to black/white screen with these messages, and after some time i get GUI again13:54
szalnixmaniack: line 14313:54
equalizerHi guys, parts of my XOrg config stopped working when I upgraded to oneiric. I've opened a bug (886016) two weeks ago with the details.13:55
nixmaniackszal, what does that mean?13:57
nixmaniackszal, does sandy bridge support may be causing this problem (idk much)13:57
kuangerhow much people13:57
szalnixmaniack: no idea..  I suppose you can enter that message in Google yourself ;)13:58
szal!cn | kuanger13:58
ubottukuanger: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:58
tck9is there a way to upgrade a certain package only?13:58
munzxttthi! :) .... i found 10.04 lts but what about 10.10 is there is lts because i could not find it!?13:58
tck9apt-get upgrade tries to update lots of stuff13:59
szalmunzxttt: lol13:59
szal!lts | munzxttt13:59
ubottumunzxttt: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)13:59
munzxtttszal : sorry! i am toooooo newbie!13:59
CarlFKmunzxttt: there is no 10.10lts (i think that's what you were asking)14:00
munzxtttCarlFK : thanks for not laughing :) ,,, yeas thats what i meant ..... so you will be supporting 10.10 for how long?14:01
szal18 months, i.e., approx. until the release of 12.0414:02
AdvoWorkcan i search for text within a file somehow, directed in a certain folder?14:02
MonkeyDustAdvoWork  use grep and find14:02
RaTTuS|BIGAdvoWork grep text file14:02
munzxtttszal : thanks ...14:03
munzxtttthanks everybody :)14:03
icerootAdvoWork: grep -i pattern /path/to/file14:06
=== konquerer is now known as konquerer`
CarlFKhow do I pass  squid-deb-proxy/ppa-enable=true when I "apt-get install squid-deb-proxy" ?14:06
tck9i'm trying to upgrade bind9 and apt-get -s dist-upgrade says "the following packages have been held back: ..bind9 bind9-host ... "14:06
tck9how can this be upgraded?14:07
iceroottck9: please paste "apt-cache policy bind9"14:07
CarlFKman apt-get shows -o, but i don't seem to be able to figure out how to format the key/value14:07
tck9iceroot: http://pastebin.com/W8xYPwa014:08
MonkeyDusttck9  try rebooting in Recovery Mode, you get another menu there14:08
iceroottck9: can you do the same for "bind9-host"14:09
icerootMonkeyDust: please dont suggest something like that14:10
=== g_ is now known as Guest4824
icerootMonkeyDust: if that was related to the "apt-get dist-upgrade" issue14:10
Guest4824hello, guys14:10
MonkeyDusticeroot  it's how i do it, when upgrades are held back14:10
Guest4824does anybody know how to have youtube working properly in firefox?14:10
icerootMonkeyDust: as i sai9d, please dont suggest that here14:11
Guest4824my firefox seems not to be handling flash videos anymore14:11
iceroottck9: you installed 1:9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.3 0 by hand with a deb-file?14:11
xanguaGuest4824: use html5 player ;)14:11
=== jack is now known as Guest89241
Guest4824iceroot, are you talking to me?14:12
deej1976Guest4824: 32/64 bit, ff version, flash version reported from plugins?14:12
icerootGuest4824: no14:12
tck9this was a long time ago, not by me.. is there a log to check if it was installed by apt-get?14:12
dr_willisi will be glad when html5 manages to replace flash...14:12
Guest4824how do I know what vesion?14:13
xXx8xXxhi people, can i have 1 question?14:13
compdocyou just had 1 question - next14:13
deej1976Guest4824: in ff url "about:plugins"14:14
xXx8xXxman pages are constructed from more sections ( description, see also, history, bugs)14:14
munzxttthi for the third time in one hour :) ...... may i have the link to download kubuntu 10.10 or 10.04 ?!14:14
Guest4824man, you have to be patient with me, I'm a newby..14:14
xXx8xXxcan i parse through grotty( or anything else) my specific section?14:15
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Oneiric, and help keeping the servers' load low!14:15
deej1976munzxttt: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download14:15
Guest4824what do you mean by ff url?14:16
dr_willisGuest4824:  enter the address in firefox14:17
CallMe_CaesarGuest4824, do you have shockwave flash plugin in your firefox?14:17
deej1976ff = firefox, URL/address bar enter about:plugins14:17
Legend_XeonIs this possible to enumerate all domain names from a IP in ubuntu terminal i.e Reverse IP?14:17
Guest4824yes, and I have also the futuresplash, which I don't know what means..14:18
Guest4824And I also have the VLC14:19
munzxtttdeej1976 : thank you but i can not get the bittorent download for 10.04 can you plz give me the link for the torrent!?14:19
deej1976munzxttt: 32 or 64?14:20
munzxtttdeej1976 : 3214:20
CallMe_CaesarGuest4824, is it shockwave flash 11.0.r1?14:20
Guest4824    File: libflashplayer.so14:20
Guest4824    Version:14:20
Guest4824    Shockwave Flash 11.1 r10214:20
deej1976munzxttt: sorry DVD or CD14:20
Guest4824is it right?14:21
munzxtttdeej1976 : actually i want to run it from usb14:21
munzxtttdeej1976 : so .,... i dont know !14:21
deej1976munzxttt: cd = http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/simple/oneiric/desktop/kubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent14:21
deej1976munzxttt: FAILED!14:21
CallMe_CaesarGuest4824, yes, that should be right, because with that, I can view youtube nicely14:22
Guest4824might there be any interference with any other plugin installed?14:22
deej1976munzxttt: http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/simple/lucid/desktop/kubuntu-10.04.3-desktop-i386.iso.torrent14:22
munzxtttdeej1976 : thanks but this is 11.1014:22
deej1976munzxttt: 2nd Link14:23
CallMe_CaesarGuest4824, well, I am not sure about that. But, may be you can try uninstall the plugin, and then install it again14:23
munzxtttdeej1976 : thank you very much! :) .... you are doing awesome job :)14:24
Guest4824where do i do that from?14:25
=== sysadamin|away is now known as sysadamin
alter__Менеджер по туризму, м/ж до 40, о/р от 2-х лет, г/р и з/п при собеседовании; продавец в бутик, ж до 40,о/р, с 9 до 19, 2 выходных в неделю, з/п при собеседовании.14:27
alter__т.37-56-41                              www.alternativa-job.com.ua14:27
alter__региональный менеджер по продажам, менеджер по туризму, оператор пк, торговый представитель, продавец непрод. Товаров, продавец в табачный киоск, охранник торгового зала.14:27
FloodBot1alter__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:27
tommyentCan someone tell me if this is possible? I have my sites located @ /var/www/vhosts/ so they will be /var/www/vhosts/example.com/httpdocs I would like to jail a shell user to /var/www/vhosts no matter what I do the user is still able to browse up directories. If it is possible can you point me in the right direction?14:27
=== Lynx is now known as Guest29374
alter__Менеджер по туризму, м/ж до 40, о/р от 2-х лет, г/р и з/п при собеседовании; продавец в бутик, ж до 40,о/р, с 9 до 19, 2 выходных в неделю, з/п при собеседовании.14:28
alter__т.37-56-41                              www.alternativa-job.com.ua14:28
alter__региональный менеджер по продажам, менеджер по туризму, оператор пк, торговый представитель, продавец непрод. Товаров, продавец в табачный киоск, охранник торгового зала.14:28
FloodBot1alter__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:28
=== CallMe_Caesar is now known as Paganini
Guest4824ok guys, where do I uninstall that plugin and reinstall it from?14:29
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xruudanybody experience with beagleboard? There is a channel for that, but no-one responds there14:30
dr_willistommyent:  perhaps look into rbash (i think) theres a restricted bash shell option14:32
h2010nHi all how i can install lightspark with apt-get?14:32
tommyentdr_willis: thanks I will take a look14:32
dr_willish2010n:  find a repo or ppa that has it.. enable it.. use apt-get as you would normally14:32
dr_willis!info lightspark14:33
ubottulightspark (source: lightspark): High-performance SWF player (experimental). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 98 kB, installed size 864 kB14:33
Guest4824thank you, guys, anyway14:33
dr_willisit seems its in the  normal universe repos. :)  so enable universe and install it.14:33
xangua°looks like is already there ;) h2010n14:33
dr_willissudo apt-get install lightspark14:33
h2010nreally can i install it with any things?14:34
h2010nonly with14:34
matiaskhi another problem how to get the function apt-get to exit? Becouse i cannot use Ununtu software center?14:34
dr_willish2010n:  what?14:34
dr_willismatiask:  clarify the problem..14:34
Guest4824paganini, I was trying to send you a log file14:34
h2010ni can't speak english well pleaseunderstand me14:35
matiaskok i have installed wine througt terminal and now i want to install another program througt UBuntu  software center.And it refuses becouse apt-get is still running?14:35
matiaskhow is that possible or how can i fix this?14:36
xanguamatiask: then close terminal runing apt, you can't use both at the same time14:36
h2010nwho can speak Persian here?14:36
Guest4824Paganini:  I was trying to send you a log file ..14:36
matiaskyes i did that and still no go14:36
iljaeverytime i apt-get update my desktop symbols dissapear, how can i fix this?14:37
PaganiniGuest4824, go to ubuntu software center14:37
Paganinitype flashplugin14:37
Guest4824Paganini: how do I quote your name everytime I talk to you?14:38
Guest4824Paganini: Quickly..14:38
icerootGuest4824: tab14:38
icerootGuest4824: pa tab14:38
Paganiniyes, use tab14:39
Paganinitype pag and press tab14:39
Guest4824Paganini, perfect14:39
iljaeverytime i apt-get update my desktop symbols dissapear, how can i fix this?14:39
dr_willis!fixapt | matiask14:39
ubottumatiask: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »14:39
Error404NotFoundhow can i create binary of a bash script that i have to distribute but i don't want anyone hacking around it?14:39
Guest4824Paganini, so, I've tried to do that14:40
icerootError404NotFound: ?14:40
Legend_XeonWhen i exit from GFCE emulator which is in full screen, the whole screen go blank. What should i do in that case?14:40
Guest4824Paganini, but I'll try it again14:40
dr_willisLegend_Xeon:  you could try the xrandr tools to set the res back to what it should be,14:40
icerootError404NotFound: you cant create a binary of a bash-script, bash script will be interpreted and not compiled14:40
matiaskthank that worked14:40
deej1976Error404NotFound: Re-write your script in C14:40
matiaskthank you*14:41
Error404NotFoundiceroot: a simple bash script can be read in less, vim, or any editor. Have you install netbeans or java? remember those bin files that take care of all installation and you still can't hack them? a one in all bundled binary.14:41
iljacan somebody halb me?14:41
Guest4824Paganini, do you want to see a log file of the plugins I have installed?14:41
Guest4824Paganini, on firefox, of course14:41
PaganiniGuest4824, yes please14:41
nimeshwhat does PPA signifies when i add new repository in ubuntu ?14:41
Guest4824Paganini, I'll send you, ok?14:42
icerootError404NotFound: not possible14:42
xangua!ppa | nimesh14:42
ubottunimesh: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa14:42
icerootError404NotFound: as i said bash is interpreted14:42
Error404NotFoundiceroot: not for bash scripts? what alernates are there besides doing it all in C?14:42
icerootError404NotFound: java is build into classes14:42
nimeshubottu: :-)14:42
icerootError404NotFound: python, c, c++14:42
Guest4824Paganini, look out!14:43
icerootError404NotFound: or just use open-source!!!14:43
Error404NotFoundiceroot: hmmm, python, that might actually be a good option14:43
Sidewinder1!ask | ilja14:43
ubottuilja: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:43
llutzError404NotFound: http://www.rootninja.com/shc-compiler-to-compile-bash-shell-scripts-into-binary/14:43
jianchen.pyc is work14:43
dr_willisdo it in fortran - then no one will EVER want to even look at the code. :)14:43
chasep_workcoming back to ubuntu after a few years, there used to be a tool (or apt-get option) for finding the best source mirrors, but I can't remember or find it... any ideas?14:43
Error404NotFoundiceroot: closely integrates into out  system and i don't want my devs beeping our servers by playing with it and they will if they can view the code.14:43
nimeshxangua: ?14:43
Guest4824Paganini, do you see it waiting?14:44
dr_willischasep_work:  you maen apt-cache search pattern   ?14:44
mryotesoeI am install some software in my laptop14:44
mryotesoeI want to do offline packet14:44
mryotesoesomeone help me ?14:44
mryotesoecan i ask some question14:44
PaganiniGuest4824, no I do not see anything14:44
llutzchasep_work: netselect-apt14:44
icerootError404NotFound: security through obscurity is always bad14:44
icerootError404NotFound: a system is not safer because you cant read the source-code14:44
chasep_workdr_willis: no, not for searching packages, but sources...  i think llutz has it14:45
Error404NotFoundiceroot: agreed, strongly agreed, but for a quick patch i want something, later can get one of sysadmins to limit incoming data14:45
Guest4824Paganini, how do I send you a file?14:45
chasep_workllutz: any idea what package thats in?14:45
icerootError404NotFound: strace your-binary14:45
llutzchasep_work: that is a package14:45
icerootError404NotFound: and i see what it is doing14:45
llutz(at least in debian it is)14:45
=== max is now known as Visionaire
llutz!info netselect-apt14:45
ubottuPackage netselect-apt does not exist in oneiric14:45
Error404NotFoundiceroot: by the time devs would google and learn about strace, systems would be already fixed :)14:46
llutz!find netselect-apt14:46
ubottuPackage/file netselect-apt does not exist in oneiric14:46
Paganinido you see "you need to upgrade your adobe flash player to watch this video"?14:46
icerootError404NotFound: sounds like a very strange security-concept14:46
Legend_XeonIf the MBR which is on partition sda1 is corrupted, but ubuntu partition sda3 is unchanged. Can i recover grub boot menu?14:46
llutzchasep_work: sry, thought *buntu would have it too14:46
Guest4824Paganini, no, not at all..14:46
Error404NotFoundiceroot: you have to have make harsh and stupid decisions when you aren't just a sysadmin but a manager running short of time.14:46
gwbHi -- in 11.10, when I have two users logged in (say me and Guest), System CPU usage goes crazy -- all in Xorg.  Is this normal or a bug?14:46
Paganinithen, what do you see on your youtube screen?14:47
icerootError404NotFound: its always bad if a manager has contact to a system14:47
Error404NotFoundiceroot: arguable but offtopic and hence left.14:47
chasep_workllutz: its okay... it does (or at least did) because I know I've used it since moving to ubuntu... I haven't used debian in 10+ years14:47
=== Dream is now known as Guest32788
Guest4824Paganini, can we chat in the private room?14:49
llutz!info apt-mirror14:49
ubottuapt-mirror (source: apt-mirror): APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.8-3ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 13 kB, installed size 124 kB14:49
PaganiniGuest4824, yes sure it is14:49
chasep_workllutz: i just hit enter on "apt-get install apt-mirror" when you sent that14:49
PaganiniGuest4824, yes sure we can, sorry for my bad english :D14:49
llutzchasep_work: not sure it that is what you want...14:49
chasep_workdont think it is either14:50
llutzchasep_work: pssst, i shouldn't say it loud: get the debian packages :) no strange depends, so it shouldn't harm14:51
thelovelyaussieIs there like a PPA for Desura since it's out for Linux?14:52
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
chasep_workllutz: eh, honestly not that important.... im not against getting "non official" packages, just not worth it in this case....was more than it was annoying me i couldn't think of it then i actually needed it14:54
codazodaIn 11.10 when I connect an external monitor to my laptop I can "enable" it by logging out and back in.  Is there a way to do so without logging out?14:56
codazodanvidia on a Macbook pro 5-114:56
chillingwhy ubuntu 11.10 is so slow14:57
chillingfor me at least14:57
chillingmy laptop has good specs14:57
Paganinichilling, you can use 10.04 :D14:58
compdocwhats slow about it?14:58
Paganiniit is fast14:58
Paganiniat least for me14:58
chillingtakes time to load "things"!14:58
Pessimist<Pessimist> Did Catalyst 11.11 bring some notable changes to 2d acceleration on linux (ubuntu particulary)?14:58
Pessimist<Pessimist> flash, scrolling on firefox or any other app14:58
Paganini10.04 takes no time to load things!14:58
compdoc11.10 is fast for me.14:59
chillingi will download 10.04 then!!14:59
antoinevHello, I am on kubuntu 11.10, my computer is unable to resume after hibernating (it try and then reboot).14:59
antoinevBoth my swap and my ram are 6GB, I have checked the swap UUID in both /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume and /etc/fstab.14:59
antoinevAny tought?14:59
Paganinichilling, yes, 10.04 is rock ;))14:59
chillingdownloading with 800kb/s atm! 30min left!14:59
Paganiniholy shit14:59
PaganiniI want that connection!14:59
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:00
Paganinisorry deej197615:00
chillingits free "internet" !!15:00
chilling"free" :))15:00
Paganiniand I can only download with speed 10kb/s :(15:00
deej1976Paganini: Every thought of upgrading from carry pigeon to modem?15:01
Paganinideej1976, :D15:01
llutzdeej1976: rfc1149 rulez :)15:01
PessimistISPS in my country provide 200megabits per second internet for 25 pounds15:02
deej1976llutz: I love that one :D15:02
dr_willishmm. i was able to get the isos via torrent in like 5 min on release day :)15:02
Paganiniwith that connection, I can download the whole world music in several hours :D15:03
eHAPPY200mpbs is insane15:03
eHAPPYthe closests i can get is 100mbps for 200$ a month, 5mpbs stream15:03
chillingi download torrents with 2mb/s15:03
chillingit theres enough seeders15:04
PessimistThe only thing that you have to live near the centre of the city. I have 8mbps for 20 pounds a month, but you can have 200mbps for 25 pounds a month in the centre of the city. :)15:04
eHAPPYof course in japan you can get 1gpbs both ways for like 10$15:04
Paganiniwell, my connection is maximum 60kb/s for US$10/month15:04
chillingPaganini , its university connection ;))15:04
PessimistThat's sad15:05
chilling2MB/s is the wireless internet speed, its nice for downloading torrents etc15:05
Paganinino, it is not university15:05
Paganiniit is common internet speed in my country :D15:05
chillingbefore it was "ulimited bandwidth" that meant i could download with 3MB/s ;)15:06
magnus__1Hi. I have a X800XT ATI card. How do I get the drivers working for this card? I have installed Gnome 3 and it looks like the classic version. I guess this is because of the drivers?15:06
chillingbut they fixed it15:06
Paganiniwell, I can get cheaper for US$5 too :D15:06
chillingso maximum is 2MB/s15:06
Paganinioh if I were in Japan15:06
Paganinior Singapore15:07
chillingthey god mad speeds15:07
chillingsame with Romania15:07
Paganinibut sadly I am in Indonesia :(15:07
chillingand Russia :) cheap internet super fast speeds ;)15:07
chillinggoodbye ubuntu15:09
chillingim parting from this channel15:09
Milos_SDI need help installing ATI FGLRX drivers on HP ProBook 4530s laptop that has sandy bridge intel gpu + amd HD6490 discreat graphics... If I install FGLRX, then X will not start (segmentation failt) :( ... Here is the log file http://pastebin.com/hsnCw47g15:10
Legend_Xeonubuntu is a lucky nickname :-)15:11
soreauMilos_SD: Have you tried removing fglrx to use the default open radeon driver?15:11
PaganiniMilos_SD, I have the same problem too, if I use old kernel15:11
Paganinibecause I have install FGLRX in newest kernel(in my computer)15:12
Paganiniand error occurs when starting X in the old kernel15:12
Milos_SDsoreau, I want to use FGLRX becouse I want to be able to switch from integrated Intel to discreat ATI :)15:12
Milos_SDand back :)15:13
soreauMilos_SD: You should be able to do that with switcheroo and the open driver15:13
Milos_SDwell, that doesn't work :(15:13
eruiz /msg NickServ identify 6ct1bc4h15:13
Milos_SDin SLED 11 that come with the laptop fglrx worked :S15:13
Milos_SDand SLED 11 have 2.6.32 kernel that is very old ...15:14
ldleworkDoes anyone know of a natty-backports ppa?15:14
Milos_SDPaganini, what version is the new and old kernel? I tried it on 3.0 and 3.115:15
gwbHi -- in 11.10, when I have two users logged in (say me and Guest), System CPU usage goes crazy -- all in Xorg.  Is this normal or a bug?15:15
Tobsnhey, i just installed the new ubuntu and... where the f is the main menu?15:18
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=== richie is now known as VampsDaBeast
deej1976Clog in the top of left launcher bar15:18
dr_willisTobsn:  top left big button, theres classic-menu indicator applets you can install if you want the old gnome type menus. they got a list of them at the askubunt.com and webupd8 blog site15:19
JoniiHey, where do I find info about what does ubuntu 11.10 do by default for new accounts/users15:19
dr_willisTobsn:  you may want to check out a 'unity beginners guide' online. theres several out last i googled for them.15:19
JoniiLike, if I create a new user using adduser name, what does happen? :o15:19
Tobsnall im getting is this unity thing15:19
JoniiAnd what can I change15:19
VampsDaBeasti'm tryin to set conky up to run as a startup after log in.. adding it to the startup edit didnt work, so how do i do that?15:19
EgyParadoxJonii: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111015:20
dr_willisJonii:  it copies /etc/skel to the new users /home/username dir. and adds  a few entries in /etc/passwd /etc/group and a few other files i think15:20
Tobsncant i have both?15:20
Tobsni want a simple application dropdown15:20
dr_willisTobsn:   You an install a classic type menu indicator-applet if you want. or use some panel that has a menu.15:20
addictedneed help with a project, check http://pastebin.com/hf1VcUrv for detail.15:21
Tobsni need to install an applet to get a simple dropdown?!15:21
dr_willisTobsn:  or go learn to use unity...15:21
VampsDaBeastTobsn: you can also install another DE such as KDE and customize that.15:22
Tobsnsure there isnt some option to turn on "menu"?15:22
Tobsni mean were talking about something pretty damn easy and pretty common...15:22
=== Lynx is now known as Guest49717
dr_willisTobsn: not any more..  the os's out there are slowly moveing away from a huge menu.15:23
=== max is now known as Guest10813
Tobsnyeah but you still have some sort of list of apps15:23
Tobsnall i have here is a input field15:23
NoReGreTwhenever i login, i a nautilus window opens with a certain directory, any idea how can i stop that ?15:24
addictedNeed help with a Project, check http://pastebin.com/hf1VcUrv for detail.15:24
Tobsnthat is so weird15:25
Tobsni just dont understand why something system internally is build in but has to be now reinstalled as plugin15:25
addictedNeed help with a Project, check http://pastebin.com/hf1VcUrv for detail.15:25
addictedpm me if you can help me15:25
dr_willisTobsn:  dosent really matter.. this is the support channel.15:25
dr_willisTobsn:  gnome shell and windows 8 are also going the 'no menu way' android is also that way allready15:26
dr_willishttp://omgubuntu.co.uk/natty/  an older unity guide.. not too bad15:26
Squarismwhat is the hotkey to switch workspace/screen in unity?15:26
Tobsnyou still have an application list in all of them15:26
PaganiniMilos_SD, my current kernel is 2.6.32-35-generic and my old kernels are 2.6.32-34-generic and 2.6.32-21-generic15:26
Paganiniand the ATI driver only works in the 32-3515:27
Paganiniwhen I install new kernel, I can not use the driver with the old kernels15:27
Paganiniunless, I reinstall it with the old kernel(I suppose)15:27
dr_willisThe Applications, Places, and System menus of Ubuntu versions past have been replaced in Ubuntu 11.04 with the Unity dash.  http://omgubuntu.co.uk/natty/#dash15:27
Paganiniguys, if you miss application, places, and systems, just use 10.04 :D15:28
dr_willisor use some of the other options i mentioned earlier.. :)15:28
dr_willisplaces menu is still in the file manager i belive.15:28
Tobsnyeah this is still kinda retarded15:28
dr_willismy only ubuntu box is headless..15:29
dr_willisTobsn:  dosent really matter what you think. this is support. and this is how it is.15:29
Tobsni mean i get it as a user who uses ubuntu as is on desktop, it makes sense. but for me its just fucking confusing15:29
Paganini10.04 is nice, you do not need to upgrade if you do not have to :D15:29
Tobsnoh man, dont let me quote you ;)15:29
VampsDaBeastPaganini: you dont need to reinstall the whole OS just to get what you want. install alterturnative DE's and WM's will get you what you need and want.15:29
Tobsn"this is how it is. now shut up."15:29
dr_willisThis channel has been filled with people ranting since unity came out.. and this is not the place for it.15:30
Paganinijust kidding :D15:30
Paganinido not take it seriously15:30
LiNuX`suphow do you get png files to preview in folders in 11.10?15:30
dr_willisI gave you alternatives if you want the classic style menu. I do think one shuld hae been included by default.15:30
dr_willisor instgall some dock like i do and use its menu features.15:30
Tobsnso remember this, for the future to get around people like me who complain, just say "people complained, they wont change it, we all have to deal with it."15:31
Tobsnthat wouldve made sense to me ;)15:31
dr_willisTobsn:  take it to #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to discuss the hows and whys and wheres...15:31
Tobsnah well15:31
dr_willisif you have any other support questions..15:31
LiNuX`suphow do you get png files to preview in folders in 11.10?15:31
dr_willispeople cant comprehend the idea that this is support i guess..15:31
LiMou_Codinginstall gnome-panel, then you can have the classic desktop15:31
dr_willisanswered every qhestion he had...15:32
LiNuX`supcan mine be answered?15:32
LiNuX`suphow do you get png files to preview in folders in 11.10?15:32
dr_willisin folders means wht exactly?15:33
LiNuX`supso you see a thubnail preview of the file15:33
dr_willis99% of the timne im ssh'd in :) so i rarely use the desktop lately,15:33
LiNuX`supI used to use compiz, but I don't want to install on 11.10 as it breaks things15:33
dr_williscompiz has not broken anything here.. and thats not in charge of png previews in the file manager as far as i know.15:34
LiNuX`supit's an option in compiz I don't know where else to enable it which is why I'm asking15:34
xruudLinux`sup: How do you mean it breaks things? My 11.10 install got broken recently15:34
dr_willismy .png images here show previews...15:34
dr_willisand this vnc session is not using compiz.15:34
lauratikaim looking for a new netbook compatible with ubuntu mainly office job... emails, docs, media... not too rough use any recommendations?15:34
dr_willisthe png thing in compiz is for compiz. :) not the file manager previews15:34
LiNuX`supcompiz changes hidden things based upon settings15:34
LiNuX`supit's best not to use compiz for now till it's fixed15:35
nu_dormhi to all. I don't know why, but suddenly I can no more mount USB devices in read/write mode. They are just mount in read-only mode. How to mount EACH DEVICE by default in read-write mode? Thanks15:35
LiNuX`supok well mine do not load automatically15:35
dr_willisfile manager -> edit -> preferances -> preview   perhaps...15:35
LiNuX`supbut I guess there's no answer at this time from anyone alive in here15:35
LiNuX`supso I'll try again later15:35
dr_willistheres an always setting...15:36
dr_willisbut if you dont want to look.. guess i will be off...15:36
_calumHi, I am looking for a faster alternative to Windows 7 backup, I like clonezilla but it does not image to multiple dvds. Has anyone used partclone? Does it support multiple dvd backup?15:38
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning15:38
AlanDoes nautilus seriously have a 4100 limit to the number of files you can list?15:39
dr_willisI tend to just dd the whole hd. :)  bbl.15:39
taoliMorning guys/gals, any body have exprience using Lubuntu? or Xubuntu in a virtualbox? does the ubuntu guest addtition work on xubuntu/lubuntu? i tried puppy inside a vbox, but the mouse capturing was just horrible.15:39
MonkeyDustnu_dorm  this is how i do it: mount -t ext4dev15:39
_calumdr_willis:I hate the Windows 7 backup, it takes forever. I'm hoping that partclone supports more than 1 dvd but it doesn't seem to say, I want a Linux tool for windows backup15:39
llutzMonkeyDust: why ext4dev? thats ext4 for kernel <2.6.2815:40
llutzMonkeyDust: you should use just "ext4"15:41
MonkeyDustdidn't work, ext4dev did15:41
=== Guest_128 is now known as Dutchet`
_calumWindows 7 backup also on multiple occasions has corrupted my dvds15:41
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate15:42
=== kljlkj is now known as kappa
LINUXSUCKShi guys15:43
dr_willisi tend to just backup imporntant files to external usb.15:44
_calumdr_willis:Ahh. In this case though, can I load an Ubuntu live DVD then make dd ask me for another dvd when imaging my windows drive?15:45
VampsDaBeastdr_willis: how would i add conky to startup after login? the gui startup edit didnt get it working properly.15:45
=== kappa is now known as AntonioBlob
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone15:45
dr_willis_calum:  ive installed to a 16gb flash, got it setup, then dd'd the flash to a hd for a quick install. :)15:45
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto15:45
dr_willisVampsDaBeast:  you have to use a script tht sleeps for like 20 seconds, then launches conky.15:45
PessimistAnyone tried Catalyst 11.11? Does it have any notable changes in 2d acceleration ?15:46
dr_willisVampsDaBeast:  and ive had issues with conky and unity not playing nicely.  toyed with it a few weeks ago15:46
dr_willisconky is always wnting to be  above the dash, or below it.. or in the wrong place15:46
gwbHi -- in 11.10, when I have two users logged in (say me and Guest), System CPU usage goes crazy -- all in Xorg.  Is this normal or a bug?15:46
VampsDaBeastdr_willis: i'm using Gnome3 and E17, soon to be KDE..so unity wont be an issue15:46
dr_willisgwb:  logged in how exactly?15:46
_calumso if I do dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/cdrom can I put this on more than one? i.e. split the image on these discs?15:47
dr_willisVampsDaBeast:  dont recall trying it in gnome3. but  you do normally want to use a script that sleeps for 10-20 sec then launches conky15:47
dr_willis_calum:  i never did it that way to a cd directly. to a file, then put that on a cd..15:47
VampsDaBeastdr_willis: any troubles with it in gnome 2?15:47
synmuffinhow can i get ubuntu 11.10 to boot into a console no, gdm or anything gui15:49
JoniiI think skel included some notion of .bashrc, a file that seemed really complicated15:49
tbruff13Can anyone help me remove a frame from a video and then paste it into an office document15:51
gwbdr_willis: I log in as me, then click on my name and choose Guest from the dropdown.  Guest's session starts, putting mine in bg.  At that point, there are two sessions -- mine and guest -- and Xorg goes nuts15:51
deej1976!text | synmuffin15:51
ubottusynmuffin: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode15:51
deej1976dr_willis will "be back later", bbl15:52
nu_dormMonkeyDust: I run that command but nothing has been mounted. Subsequently, I explicitely mounted them with nautilus but again I am not able to write into those partition, nor create a new folder and so on. What should I do?15:53
MonkeyDustnu_dorm  it seems my solution was too unconventional, maybe someone else can help15:55
MkaysiHi, where should I do package pinning? Apt in Ubuntu 11.10 is ignoring /etc/apt/preferences and /etc/apt/preferences.d/*. I know it because I gave invalid options to that file at one point and didn't receive any error messages (I received with other computer which runs Debian).15:55
newnoiseHi, i want to format a partition so that the inode-count is quite high. I use mkfs.ext3 and I know the parameters of interest are -i and -I. can anyone help me figure out how to use them correctly?15:56
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto15:56
Mkaysideej1976: That doesn't work, /etc/apt/preferences is ignored by apt15:56
sipiornewnoise: first of all: don't touch -I unless you have a very good reason to do so (if you don't know, you probably don't :-)15:57
deej1976Mkaysi: Is the documentation out of date?15:58
newnoisesipior: ok. I wont ;)15:58
Mkaysideej1976: That documentation works with Debian, but with Ubuntu that file is just ignored. I think that there might be a bug15:58
Mkaysi*but not with Ubuntu15:58
sipiornewnoise: do you really expect inode count to be an issue with this filesystem? what sort of average file sizes are you expecting?15:58
luistwhere is ubuntu default wallpaper located in oneiric??15:59
HenryVIII_I tried to install an icon theme on my laptop (11.04). Something went wrong during installation and the laptop now runs very slow + other problems, even now the icon theme is deleted. Can anyone help me find the problem?15:59
ravenhow to mount encrypted home on other systems?15:59
newnoisesipior: yes I know its the issue, because I recently ran out of inodes ;) its a tile-server and keeps around 100Mio images with averga filesize of 5kb15:59
sipiornewnoise: block size is 4kb?16:00
newnoisesipior: well, Im not too sure. The partition was created by some guided server setup16:01
sipiornewnoise: 4096 is most likely a good value for -i if you expect to fill the disk up with such small files. obviously, don't specify a value smaller than the block size :-)16:01
ravenhow to mount encrypted home on other systems?16:01
luistwhere is ubuntu default wallpaper located in oneiric??16:02
newnoisesipior: ok. so I do mkfs.ext3 -i 4096 /dev/md4, right?16:02
sipiornewnoise: and any other options, right16:02
newnoisesipior: ok thanks. would I need any other options?16:03
sipiornewnoise: i like to set the reserved blocks percentage to 0% or 1%. maybe you want to adjust the "run fsck by" time, etc.16:03
HenryVIII_I tried to install an icon theme on my laptop (11.04). Something went wrong during installation and the laptop now runs very slow + other problems, even now the icon theme is deleted. Can anyone help me find the problem?16:03
ravenhow to mount encrypted home on other systems?16:03
newnoisesipior: ok thanks!16:04
sipiornewnoise: no trouble16:04
deej1976Mkaysi: apt-mark16:04
brianhermanhello i have a keychain issue with ubuntu 11.0416:04
brianhermanit keeps on asking me to unlock it every time i reboot16:05
croephaok, is it possible to start lightdm so that it daemonizes itself in the background?16:05
Mkaysideej1976: That isn't what I am trying to do. I am trying to add repository and give negative pin priority for packages in that repo by default16:05
tolmunhow to deal with lucid and tpm_tis time out issue?16:05
pookyI'm trying to set up openldap as explained in the server manual, but when I try to start slapd I get an error of "erttool --generate-privkey --outfile server.key16:06
pookycerttool --generate-request --load-privkey server.key --outfile server.csr16:06
pookygah, fail middle click16:06
pookyan error of main: TLS init def ctx failed: -116:06
tolmunneed to add tpm_tis.interrupts=0 into kernel?16:06
pookywhen I google it, it says it is most likely a permission issue, but I've given the slapd process read permission on all the files. any suggestions?16:07
brianhermancan i delete the keychain16:08
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ravenhow to mount encrypted home on other systems?16:09
deej1976Mkaysi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DowngradeHowto16:09
mheapIs there any way that I can install ubuntu server from windows XP? (odd request I know)16:10
mheapI don't have any CD's with me, and the system won't boot from USB16:10
jtreminioHello all - I want to add an icon to the systray whitelist, but I don't know what I need to put for the name of it. It's the Google Music Frame. If I type 'all' into desktop/unity/panel, it shows up, but putting in 'google-music-frame' doesn't work.16:10
Mkaysideej1976: Downgrading isn't what I am trying to do either. I probably can't downgrade 1000 packages very easily.16:10
ravenhow to mount encrypted home on other systems?16:11
deej1976Mkaysi: At the bottom is setting up pinning, but it refers to  /etc/apt/preferences16:11
brianhermanoh i fixed it16:12
deej1976bug 50854516:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 508545 in aptitude (Ubuntu Lucid) "Aptitude ignores /etc/apt/preferences.d/*" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50854516:12
MkaysiBut it says "Fix released"16:12
MkaysiAnd I am running Oneiric so it should have the fix16:13
deej1976Mkaysi: Whats your aptitude versions?16:13
MkaysiI thought that aptitude is just frontend for apt.16:14
amin`is there aguide out there to write a bash script or zsh one for that matter to show the contents of /proc/stat file to dzen or other status bar. for example the third row is intr how could i read it?16:14
deej1976Mkaysi: hmmm apt: version 0.4.10, any one got any more input?16:15
hk01know what, i just joined with a problem, but i just figured it out.16:15
hk01regardless, thanks.16:15
Mkaysideej1976: http://pastie.org/287860616:16
deej1976Mkaysi: http://tinyurl.com/65f6af816:17
Mkaysideej1976: Apt pinning appears again, but /etc/apt/preferences and /etc/apt/preferences.d/* are ignored.16:18
deej1976Mkaysi: file a bug prephaps16:18
deej1976even manpages references preferences/.d/*16:19
dyda question related more to internet rather than ubuntu: why many times when you click a download link it brings you on a page where there is like a 5 seconds countdown before download? why not just give a direct link? (even if in the countdown page there is the direct link)16:19
deej1976dyd: offtopic but it's called advertising16:20
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dyddeej1976: it means that in those 5 secs i should give a f about the banners? :)16:21
geoffmccdyd: a lot of times they do provide a direct link too, so you can wget instead16:21
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:21
dyddeej1976: my brain can automatically avoid considering banners, but yea, that should be a good reason16:22
mordofok, bit of an annoying issue. Ubuntu keeps switching my language on me and i'm not sure why16:23
mordofor when it's doing it16:23
mordofevery so often i go to type in a different window, and the language has changed :\16:24
lachfomeWhere i can found ubuntu font family arbic ?16:24
lachfomeWhere i can found ubuntu font family arabic * ?16:24
shanttugreetings. i'm having problems with graphics (old nvidia, open drivers). on boot it does not load xorg.conf and after running fsck on recovery it loads fine.16:25
mordoflachfome: don't ask too quickly or it'll be considered spamming.16:25
brjanncmordof: by default, ubuntu's multi-language keyboard support is set on a per-window basis, so that's why it's sometimes different between windows. as to why it's changing at all, check to see what hotkeys you have enabled for changing layouts16:25
shanttualso refresh rate is 0.0 all the time which obviously sucks16:25
mordofbrjannc: would upgrading to 11.10 from 11.04 add new hotkeys? i have it set as ctrl+space (which I *know* i'm not hitting)16:26
mordofbrjannc: but it's changing it when i switch window focus, like.. i'll leave the window from typing in english.. i go back, and it's in a different language16:26
deej1976!info fonts-arabeyes | lachfome:16:26
ubottulachfome:: fonts-arabeyes (source: fonts-arabeyes): Arabeyes GPL TrueType Arabic fonts. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1-3 (oneiric), package size 2252 kB, installed size 5564 kB16:26
deej1976!info ttf-kacst | lachfome:16:26
ubottulachfome:: ttf-kacst (source: ttf-kacst): KACST free TrueType Arabic fonts. In component main, is optional. Version 2.01+mry-1 (oneiric), package size 467 kB, installed size 1080 kB16:26
brjanncmordof: No, I wouldn't think upgrading would change the hotkeys, but upgrading in general can be dodgy. And, oh -- yes, that sounds a bit strange16:27
EMKOcan i make the ssh keys on the server? or do i need to make it on my computer?16:27
JoniiHey, what does ubuntu do exactly when I use command adduser jonii?16:27
mordofbrjannc: i went to language support and it told me it's not installed completely.. fixing that may solve my problem so we'll see..16:28
JoniiIs there some neat documentation about stuff that's in skel that's copied into home directory etc?16:28
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deej1976Jonii: man adduser16:28
lachfome!info Ubuntu Font Family Arabic16:28
ubottu'Font' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable16:28
brjanncmordof: Sounds like a good place to start :)16:28
Joniideej1976: read that. It explains that there is a skel-file, it doesn't tell you what it contains16:28
lachfome!info Ubuntu-Font-Family-Arabic16:28
ubottuPackage Ubuntu-Font-Family-Arabic does not exist in oneiric16:28
JoniiTried looking into it but it was difficult trying to figuring out what those files were for16:29
mordofbrjannc: k so.. it's installed completely, and it's just using ibus now, but now i have no idea how to get to the ibus config.. this 11.10 has gimped a lot of system stuff :\ not too pleased about that16:29
RaTTuS|BIGJonii ls -la /etc/skel16:29
deej1976Jonii: man useradd option -k16:29
JoniiRaTTuS|BIG: that tells me filenames16:29
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JoniiBut those filenames unfortunately don't tell me what those files are doing16:30
newnoisedoes mv command keep file rights and ownership etc?16:30
deej1976Jonii: /etc/skel are files copied into the new users home directory16:30
mordofbjpenn: apparently a whole lot of enable/disable keyboard shortcuts got added16:31
Joniideej1976: that much I do know, yes16:31
mordofbjpenn: *might have been hitting one of those*16:31
deej1976Jonii: What are you trying to achieve?16:31
JoniiI read the man useradd. What I want to know is that, what are those files doing16:31
brjanncmordof: I know absolutely zero about ibus, sorry :\ Best I can do is point you to the ibus faq: http://code.google.com/p/ibus/wiki/FAQ16:31
deej1976Jonii: The files are source when a user log in16:32
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mordofbrjannc: thanks, i'll keep that link  incase it persists :)16:32
deej1976Jonii: or starts a new shell16:32
brjanncmordof: sure thing :)16:32
newnoisequick question: does mv command keep file rights and ownership etc?16:32
llutzJonii: read "man bash" the "Invocation" part to get an idea what those file are for16:32
Joniideej1976: understand why I can use some programs and have some programs in my launch bar for a new user, see if there's some hidden automation that I don't directly see that affects new users in a way man adduser is not telling me because it's hidden in those skel files16:32
ShooterMGHaving issues installing php-5.2.17 on Ubuntu 11.10 . I'm getting the error "configure: error: libjpeg.(a|so) not found."  even though libjpeg.a & libjpeg.so both live in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu and i've specified --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu .  any ideas?16:33
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deej1976Jonii: Read man bash16:33
JoniiOkay, ty, I'll come back here if it doesn't answer my questions16:33
deej1976Jonii: Someone correct me if I'm wrong but the /etc/skel files do not effect unity/launcher16:34
Joniideej1976: okay, that leaves me wondering where do they come from16:35
Abhijithi. i need to press ctrl space twice to bring   synapse. help.16:35
llutzdeej1976: correct, files from /etc/skel are just basic shel-configs16:35
BaNzHi guys, is it possible to connect from filezilla to a server behind a firewall using a ssh reverse?16:35
JoniiWhich I'll come back at right after figuring out what does that skel does16:35
Abhijithi. i need to press ctrl space twice to bring   synapse. in gnome3/ubuntu 11.10. help16:35
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Wisniaanyone knows how to change startup sound?16:38
ft_mnhi I get a really big MAC adress when i do ifconfig mon0, its huge . Why is that?16:38
newnoisehi there. i have a partition with a lot of small files ~1kb, which filesystem is most suitable16:39
khameis42ممكن عرب16:40
khameis42السلام عليكم16:40
strigoi66having an issue with python getting modules list if someone can help http://paste.ubuntu.com/741345/16:41
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deej1976!en | khameis4216:41
ubottukhameis42: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:41
brjannc!arabic | khameis4216:41
ubottukhameis42: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية16:41
inbitado34i will reisntall ubuntu, and my /home is in other partition, i tell it not to use that partition, but, do i set /home to that partition ?16:42
BaNzHi guys, is it possible to connect from filezilla to a server behind a firewall using a ssh reverse?16:43
deej1976BaNz: ssh tunnel16:43
BaNzdeej1976: i've a ssh tunnel between the server and a other server16:44
jsick3how do i boot into single user mode on ubuntu 11.10? repeatedly pressing ESC or holding shift while booting do not seem to work.16:45
brjanncjsick3: do you see the grub menu on boot?16:45
bioxhi guys16:46
jsick3it just boots up kubuntu16:46
JoniiAnyway, where can I read more about adding users and where do all those default programs come from, where is that default desktop thing coming from, and what's up with everything?16:46
RaTTuS|BIGjsick3 - press tab as booting IIRC16:46
AlanJhey guys..16:46
bioxsorry for the idiot question but i'm a newbie... how do i get to install the alsa driver on ubuntu minimal?16:47
brjanncjsick3: when are you trying to hold shift? to get the grub menu to show, the best way is to start holding shift during the bios splash screen16:47
Abhijithi. i need to press ctrl space twice to bring   synapse. in gnome3/ubuntu 11.10. help16:48
Nad_ObyHi looking fro help with apt-get. I'm running DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive /usr/bin/apt-get --verbose  -yfu --force-yes -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confdef install <some package>  and dpkg asks about config file? Have somebody any hint for me?16:48
MatisseSometimes the pulse soundserver crashes. Only with vlc it never crashes, but the music slows down ugly.16:48
deej1976BaNz: Can you ssh to a server behide the file wall?16:48
Matissewhats the solution which works, in longterm? I think I chose pulse because the former sound server (OSS or Alsa?) wasnt able to play sounds from different programs at the same time16:48
jsick3i don't know if it matters, but this is on an imac16:48
BaNzdeej1976: not directly that's why i've a done a ssh reverse16:49
JoeSatrianiHello guys16:50
JoeSatrianisomeone know a good 8086 emulator ?16:50
AlanJhad a question referencing installing ubuntu on a 64 bit system. i've followed all the instructions and put it on a usb drive and went to try it out and it gets to the loading screen (horrible resolution) and just sits there for a while. tried again and this time moves to high resolution, but still sits there forever. switches back and forth between the two each time i try to install16:50
pytherHow can I get the live cd to a usb flash drive? I am not using a debian based distro.16:51
brjanncjsick3: oh, it might; I've never dealt with ubuntu on a mac platform. sorry :\16:51
JoeSatrianihey AlanJ i figured out the solution for this problem with my ubuntu 11.04 64bit16:51
gwbHi -- in 11.10, when I have two users logged in (say me and Guest), System CPU usage goes crazy -- all in Xorg.  Is this normal or a bug?16:51
gwbHi -- in 11.10, when I have two users logged in (say me and Guest), System CPU usage goes crazy -- all in Xorg.  Is this normal or a bug?16:52
AlanJyeah joe... any hints?16:52
jonsainthi all. new to ubuntu and very amature but need help! trying to uninstall libav so i can install devede but im unable to locate the files to delete. can anyone help or advise??16:52
llutzpyther:  the 11.10 iso? cat path/to/your.iso >/dev/sdX     where /dev/sdX is your usb flashdrive16:52
jsick3brjannc: that's okay. thanks anyway.16:52
jsick3brjannc: i even tried the mac keybinding and it didn't work either16:53
jsick3brjannc: or i'm just doing everything at the wrong time16:53
brjanncjonsaint: can you not just install devede using the software manager? it's in the repositories16:53
pytherllutz: ok thanks16:54
brjanncjsick3: that's possible; cursory investigation suggests that grub is used as the bootloader on macs, just like with pcs16:54
AlanJyeah JoeSatriani.. what did you figure out?16:54
pytherllutz: dd would work just as well, yes?16:54
brjanncjsick3: when are you holding down shift?16:54
jonsaintbrjannc, when i go to install devede it tells me i need to unistall a few libav files first but it allows me to ignore, but if i do ignore, will it conflict?16:54
hellpehello everyone16:54
llutzpyther: yes, dd would do to. All that won't work with older ubuntu-iso, they need to be hybrid-isos16:54
jsick3brjannc: when i hear the mac boot noise/see the gray screen.16:55
jsick3brjannc: i've also tried before that happens too16:55
pytherllutz: you wouldn't have to be familar with some of the boot parameters would you?16:55
hellpemy netbook doesn't work anymore, it boots on a black screen since I disabled the proprietary AMD driver16:55
brjanncjonsaint: generally speaking, if the package manager recommends something, follow its recommendation :)16:55
hellpeI'm using Oneiric on a Eeepc 1015T16:55
llutzpyther: no16:55
brjanncjsick3: gotcha. well, let me look around for a few seconds16:55
sivanghi all, is there a way to go back to the classic Ubuntu in 11.10 ?16:56
pytherllutz: ok, trying to add ubuntu to my multiple-distro bootable flash drive16:56
hellpeIve tried some key combinations, but nothing seems to work16:56
ai9371hi i want o configure the environmental variables16:56
deej1976!classic | sivang16:56
ubottusivang: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity16:56
llutzpyther: that won't work this way16:56
pytherllutz: can't find the proper flags to tell the ubuntu scripts to look in a certian directory on the flash drive16:56
ai9371anyone got rails to work on ubuntu 1116:56
deej1976!notunity | sivang16:56
ubottusivang: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:56
jonsaintbrjannc,  so how can i uninstall then with this new ubuntu? where can i locate this software manager?16:56
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subdesigncan somebody tell me how to save podcast in Bansee player? Every time i have to type the playlist url..16:57
nvzI am trying to find out if this program will run on ubuntu, all I have are two disc ISOs I mounted both and started to install with playonlinux and half way it wants disc2 but idk how to give it disc2, I had disc2 mounted, couldnt mount it the same place as disc1 because disc1 was being used by the setup.exe asking for disc2. any thoughts?16:57
brjanncjonsaint: software center doesn't offer to do everything automatically for you?16:58
AlanJhad a question referencing installing ubuntu on a 64 bit system. i've followed all the instructions and put it on a usb drive and went to try it out and it gets to the loading screen (horrible resolution) and just sits there for a while. tried again and this time moves to high resolution, but still sits there forever. switches back and forth between the two each time i try to install16:58
tylerquestion: how can i change the default email client for 11.10 from thunderbird to alpine?16:58
raheelI am unable to install unbuntu inside windows why?16:58
jonsaintbrjannc, went in software centre and generally typed in libav but nothing came up16:58
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brjanncjonsaint: don't worry about libav; just try and install devede, and say yes if it asks if it's okay to remove some packages first.16:59
e75question: how can i change the default email client for 11.10 from thunderbird to alpine?16:59
brjanncjsick3: we can try and force grub to show itself by editing its config file16:59
e75all sources found through google are sources of information for older versions of ubuntu17:00
jonsaintbrjannc, ok il try it. cheers for the help. its all new to me!17:00
nvze75: gnome-default-applications-properties17:00
deej1976tyler: If possible, System Settings, System Info, Default Applications, Mail17:00
nvze75: yeah well the new ubuntu interface was made by and for total morons.. makes using and supporting ubuntu a nightmare17:01
brjanncjonsaint: no worries! in general, apt (the ubuntu behind-the-scenes package manager) is very good at dealing with conflicts all by itself; 99% of the time, you shouldn't have to do anything manually17:01
e75nvz: thanks. i'll take a look into it17:01
jonsaintbrjannc, thanks. il go and give it a try!17:01
reinholdHi all, can anyone tell me how to compile kernel modules from staging? I know how to compile external modules with module-assistent, but I haven't found a way yet to build a module from staging (in particular the usbip.ko module)17:01
e75nvz: heh yeah. i don't switch over to kde because the kde network manager is a pain in the ass working with my pppoe account17:01
Abhijithi. i need to press ctrl space twice to bring   synapse. in gnome3/ubuntu 11.10. help17:02
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nvze75: I've boycotted 11.10.. tried regular gnome and everything was horribly broken.. I will never use that release17:02
brjanncjsick3: (I also see a few accounts of only the right shift key working to bring up the grub menu on some machines; might try the other shift key, whichever you've been using)17:02
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jsick3brjannc: ok17:03
jsick3brjannc: i think i initially tried the left one, but i'll do it again17:03
gwbNetworking manager and VPN -- where do I put IPSEC info?17:03
e75nvz: so what? you're just stuck using an older release? using a different window manager? what choice did you have?17:03
ch3Looking for suggestions why curl http://localhost:9200 => curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host 'localhost'. works. localhost in /etc/hosts. Can ping localhost.17:03
jsick3brjannc: that doesn't seem to work either, lol :\17:04
nvze75: personally I like things ubuntu has to offer, but I am sticking with debian until they realize they can't release a 30,000+ package distro pulling in MAJOR VERSION upgrades of software suites like GNOME that are over 500 packages themselves on a TIME based schedule every 6mo17:04
brjanncjsick3: hehe, no problem. okay, we should be able to force it to show a menu. what version of ubuntu are you using?17:04
nvze75: I still use debian, and for anyone I install ubuntu for, I keep them on natty17:05
jsick3brjannc: it's 11.10, booting into kubuntu if that matters17:05
brjanncjsick3: ok, one sec17:05
donavan01anyone know what the best verzion of ubuntu I can run on a Mac G5 with PPC and also where I can download it Canonical I guess stopped offically supporting it17:07
nvze75: if you combined the 5 largest software companies in the world and used all their money profits aside, you'd be hard pressed to release anything worthwhile on the timeframe this distro works on.. most software companies take 2 years or more to press out a game much less an OS, none of which are the size, complexity, or used as productively as this is.. and still suck I might add.. heh.. so clearly when its ready makes more sense th17:07
e75nvz: also, gnome-default-applcations-properties isn't found. hmm actually i remembered i setup a new router to handle pppoe. brb. switching to kde. yeah, right off hand i'd think it'd be a good idea to release ubuntu with several flavors: kde, gnome, conservative & stable, etc. but that'd be a bit of work.17:07
brjanncjsick3: okay, run: gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub17:08
e75nvz: are you referring to debian or ubuntu?17:08
jsick3brjannc: heh, well. this isn't my computer; it's a coworkers. he's not here and we need to access stuff on his machine. i can't seem to do anything as guest. that's why i'm trying to do this.17:09
brjanncjsick3: Ohh. well, that limits our options somewhat ;)17:09
jsick3brjannc: indeed :P17:09
e75nvz: plus i'd think big gpl projects can push out software quicker since they can fork code legally. ahh, one of the many joys of freedom of knowledge and creativity17:10
e75now, brb17:10
ai9371anyone have experience with rvm on ubuntu17:11
nvze75: I'm saying that its no surprise to me that ubuntu 11.10 looks like its for special needs children and the fact that any other way of using it is horridly broken is no surprise to me because there is just no way in the reality of things, you could've assured all these changes worked in 6mo17:11
MidasxAnyone know hot to change the keymap on Ubuntu 11.04 from the terminal? I need to get it to be English not USA17:11
Joniiwhat are color codes for ls -la? why does a random downloaded file have a x(executable) permission for every user of this computer? :|17:11
ai9371anyone have rvm on ubuntu 1117:11
JoeSatrianHello, Would anyone know any emulator for 808617:12
JoeSatrianWould anyone know any emulator for 8086?17:13
JoeSatriananyone know any emulator for 8086?17:13
e75and viola!!17:13
e75much prettier17:13
* e75 is using kde now :P17:14
brjanncjsick3: well, the only other alternative i can think of is to use a livecd17:14
Midasxbrjannc: Do you know how to change the keymap ona live cd?17:16
JoniiOh, right, they're directories17:16
JoniiAnyway, what do those color codings of ls command mean?17:17
Joniiman-page didn't describe them17:17
benoliver999Hey, how to I get an app to appear in the Unity menu?17:17
jsick3brjannc: i was thinking that too17:18
wakejagrJoeSatrian: i don't know of any in ubuntu repos, but i believe pcemu is an 8086 emulator (prolly sourceforge)17:18
brjanncMidasx: I don't, sorry :(17:18
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benoliver999I don't mean pin it to the side bar.17:19
MidasxAnyone know if you can set a passwd froma script?17:19
Midasxlike @passwd <passphrase>17:19
Midasxinstead of having to type it twice17:19
=== gnomitsu is now known as Guest53507
bugweedhi, need some help. how do i change the desktop environment name listed in lightdm. example, Gnome3 shell is listed as GNOME. i want to change it to gnome-shell.thanx in advance17:27
trismbugweed: edit /usr/share/xsessions/gnome-shell.desktop and change Name=GNOME to Name= whatever you want17:28
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grenadecx-AscendAnyone have any experience with apache? Well, I have apache installed with userdir module enabled and I'm allowing it to list directories and files if there is no index file. However, I have a case where the directories have the same permissions, but it only list one of them, anyone knows why17:30
Shikhin1Ok - so I'm trying to install 11.10 on a UEFI machine. Now, when I select "Install Ubuntu on Hard Disk", for some time, it displays usual stuff on the screen. Then, suddenly, the screen goes "off", but the CPU fan keeps whirring.17:33
Shikhin1(which keeps whirring, until I plug it off)17:34
grenadecx-Ascendnvm, found my problem17:36
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:36
jasonmchristosPlease help with this similar bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ecryptfs-utils/+bug/37201417:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 509180 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "duplicate for #372014 ecryptfs sometimes seems to add trailing garbage to encrypted files" [Undecided,Incomplete]17:37
g0bl1nis there any specific channel to talk about nVidia Optimus and IronHide ?17:40
g0bl1nInstalled Ironhide and the google-chrome aquarium page still is on 1fps17:40
g0bl1ncan Ironhide be installed with Unity ?17:41
=== gio is now known as Guest91211
g0bl1ndidn't active the nVidia driver of the Aditional Drivers17:42
almoxarifeironhide?? what is it?17:42
almoxarifeIronhide is the continuation of bumblebee <-- What I bumblebee?17:43
jasonmchristossomeone help me find the afflicting o byte files17:45
g0bl1nalmoxarife, is you don't know them, it's good for you ;)17:46
MatisseDo I have 2 or only 1 sound card? http://pastebin.com/aVG6527T17:46
treenesteranyone know how to unistall kxstudio17:47
almoxarifeMatisse: I would say , one17:47
dr_willis!info kxstudio17:49
ubottuPackage kxstudio does not exist in oneiric17:49
jasonmchristosdr_willis: will you help me figure out how to track down 0 byte files afflicting ecyptfs17:49
dr_willisjasonmchristos:  never used encryptfs17:50
genii-aroundtreenester: How did it get installed? PPA? Or make, make install, etc?17:50
jasonmchristosdr_willis: why not?17:50
dr_willisjasonmchristos:  why should i. :)17:50
jasonmchristosto keep your code safe from prying eyes17:50
dr_williscode? :)  the dog may want my perl script!17:50
jasonmchristosdr_willis: you are connected online arent you17:51
treenestergenii-around: it was from several ppas17:51
dr_willislast code i did was a 3 line bash script...17:51
* jasonmchristos sight17:51
* jasonmchristos sighs17:51
dr_willisNow hideing my Naughty Icon collection.....17:52
genii-aroundtreenester: If it came as a .deb from a ppa then you should be able to remove it with the package manager17:52
treenestergenii-around: it was from several meta-packages17:52
wabashHello. I have ubuntu 10.04 and would like it to use newer versions of applications than those that came with it. How do I configure it to use newer apps?17:53
FightOppressionHow can I use lsof to find out what process uses the cd drive and kill the process?17:53
bytesaber_worki need to run an updated version of synergy not available in apt.     The synergy package installs fine from synergy-foss.org.    But when I run it i get   "synergys: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.14' not found (required by synergys)"17:53
dr_willisFightOppression:  perhaps lsof /dev/sr0 or /dev/cdrom17:53
bytesaber_workI already have libstdc++.so.6 installed.   How do I overcome this?17:54
treenestergenii-around: do i just reverse the install procedure (ex: sudo apt-get remove package_name)?17:54
genii-aroundtreenester: Maybe with also option of --purge17:54
FightOppressiondr_willis: lsof: status error on or: No such file or directory17:54
almoxarifedr_willis: an you help me with about a three line script? I need to do a wget followed by a copy to a root folder to replace the content regardless , really where I get lost is where to put it so that runs about every month??17:55
wabashWhat are "backports"?17:55
luist_is there any command line to transform (print) a PNG into a PDF?17:55
dr_willisalmoxarife:  that would be a cron job.17:55
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto17:55
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging17:55
wabashdr_willis: So are backports like app pinning in debian?17:56
FightOppressionCan I use the live the CD and burn CDs at the same time? Live CD is in the CD writer.17:56
dr_williswabash:  no.. backports are new unofficial versions...17:56
zykotick9wabash, debian has backports as well17:56
genii-aroundluist_: If you have imagemagick installed just: convert pngfile.png pdffile.pdf17:57
=== max is now known as Visionaire
wabashdr_willis: zykotick9: Does apt use keys to verify packages like synaptic does?17:59
OerHeksFightOppression, only if you have a 2nd cd-writer, i guess ?17:59
zykotick9wabash, synaptic is a gui front end for apt17:59
SquarismWhat is the recommend ("enterprise way") of installing "sun java" these days?17:59
Squarism...and jdk18:00
FightOppressionNobody has tried this?18:00
KlojumFightOppression: just trying & find out is one way, but I guess the cd writer packages needs to be started first. After that, the other cd/dvd's can be used.18:00
lcb, FightOppression: if you are running the OS from RAM yes. If not the OS asks for the application and needs to read it from that CD18:00
=== Mud is now known as Guest92141
OerHeksFightOppression, or try booting form usb, so you have the cdwriter available18:01
KlojumOthe than that, why not use a USB bootable version of Ubuntu?18:01
FightOppressionWell the problem is that I can not eject the disk.18:01
gregl_hey all, trying to get a init script to run an app as a specific user, in my init script (which is starting correctly, but as root) I've got the following start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --user $USER18:01
gregl_anyone any pointers?18:01
FightOppressionMy PC does not boot from USB.18:01
lcbFightOppression: the BIOS doesn't handle it?18:02
Klojumand installing Ubuntu onto a temporary harddisk is not an option either, i take it?18:02
FightOppressionlcb: no18:02
sandy19join ##c18:03
wabashzykotick9: I see. So, does apt use gpg keys for verifying packages?18:03
zykotick9wabash, yes18:03
=== wckd_ is now known as wckd
wabashzykotick9: Cool, thank you.18:03
ifewalterthats why they are required18:03
lcbFightOppression: try to call the burning software before inserting the blank CD... not sure if works or freezes your system18:03
FightOppressionI have downloaded kubuntu as an iso with the live cd and now i have to burn it to CD but the damn cd writer won't eject the cd. I don't know what damn process uses it. lsof didn't output a  process18:04
sandy19how to join particluar channel?18:04
lcb.    /j #particular_channel18:04
zykotick9FightOppression, i doubt you'll be able to do what you want.  Running from the LiveCD, surprisingly, requires the CD to be in the drive.  If you had two CDROM drives...18:05
FightOppressionzykotick9: why does it require the cd to be in the drive? Doesn't make sense. If I load the program that I need there is no reason at that point I can not eject the CD.18:05
jasonmchristosok someone help me remove ecryptfs from my ome directory it is causing problems18:05
=== thoidingjam is now known as damen
reCAPTCHAHey, what's everyone's favorite program for personal finances?18:08
lcbAnyone know how to set automatic login (to the login manager) from CLI?18:08
lcbreCAPTCHA: welfare18:10
lcbreCAPTCHA: j/k :)18:10
zykotick9!info gnucash | reCAPTCHA18:10
ubottureCAPTCHA: gnucash (source: gnucash): personal and small-business financial-accounting software. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:2.4.7-1 (oneiric), package size 1872 kB, installed size 6404 kB18:10
reCAPTCHASo, you think gnucash is better than, say, homebank?18:10
smwreCAPTCHA, I like gnucash18:12
smwlcb, the lottery is much better18:12
lcbauto login (for GDM) use to be by  'sudo nano /etc/gdm/custom.conf' . not anymore. anyone know how?18:14
IsraelAlbertoRVHola! Alguien habla Español?18:15
IsraelAlbertoRVHello! Anyone speak Spanish?18:15
brjannc!sp | IsraelAlbertoRV18:15
zykotick9!es | IsraelAlbertoRV18:15
ubottuIsraelAlbertoRV: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:15
trismlcb: lightdm has several autologin options /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf, see /usr/share/doc/lightdm/lightdm.conf for an overview (they are in the SeatDefaults section)18:16
IsraelAlbertoRV!sp | IsraelAlbertoRV18:16
IsraelAlbertoRV!es | IsraelAlbertoRV18:16
ubottuIsraelAlbertoRV, please see my private message18:16
lcbtrism, thank you! for some reason LightDM didn't work well on this installation so I decided to go back to GDM18:18
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=== carlos is now known as Guest71742
geethey...i have a problem with ubutnu package..can anybody help me18:20
e75i always thought kde was supposed to be more resource friendly than gnome/18:20
trismlcb: seems like it should still work with gdm as well: http://library.gnome.org/admin/gdm/3.2/configuration.html.en but I haven't used gdm recently (perhaps the documentation needs updating)18:20
e75kde is chewing through my cpu while gnome was pretty decent with my cpu18:21
Klojumyou need to be more specific, geet18:21
geetya...ok...@klojum....I installed some plugin for running media files in ubuntu..and these packages are causing fan problems18:22
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:22
lcbtrism: i'm digging on it. tks :) on that particular machine is a server with minimal graphics, so i'm running Fluxbox. I don't know why, User Administration option to do that is giving me an error, not accepting changes.18:23
MeQuerSatHow can I mount multiple partitions under one point?18:24
geet#klojum ??18:24
brjanncMeQuerSat: unionfs which can do that, but beyond its existence I don't know anything about it18:25
MeQuerSatbrjannc, I used ZFS18:26
MeQuerSatbut if I have to re-install the OS, I lose all my data18:26
=== geet is now known as csengg
brjanncMeQuerSat: unionfs is a meta-filesystem, it wouldn't require reformatting. it just does what you asked, presents multiple filesystems as if they were one18:27
lotuspsychjehowto recover deleted files of a user18:27
MeQuerSatbrjannc, ah, I misunderstood18:27
MeQuerSatbrjannc, so I can have multiple ext4 partitions be seen as one by using unionfs?18:28
genii-aroundMeQuerSat: You can also use the bind option of mount18:28
brjanncMeQuerSat: No problem. LiveCDs use it, for example, to merge the read-only CD filesystem with a ramdisk filesystem, so it looks like you have a full read-write root filesystem18:28
csenggI need to reinstall the package I installed for media player files in ubuntu,but i dont know their name...can anybody help me out?18:28
Yud_ZrocWell, I hope i dont seem too dumb, but is it possible to remove ubuntu's legacy software and install the full versions of stuff like java, flash, etc etc18:29
MeQuerSatlotuspsychje, they aren't in the Trash?18:29
lotuspsychjeMeQuerSat: no deleted user as well18:30
luist_http://pastie.org/2879185 can anyone help there ? the PDF page is cutting the PNG image so i need to resize the PDF18:30
MeQuerSatlotuspsychje, have a look at "extundelete"18:30
lotuspsychjeMeQuerSat: tnx18:30
MeQuerSatbrjannc, what about LVM ?18:31
trismYud_Zroc: in the case of flash, it is already in the repo, either with flashplugin-installer or adobe-flashplugin if you added the partner repo18:32
brjanncMeQuerSat: I don't know much about LVM either, but I think you have to set that up prior to formatting your filesystems; I don't think you can wrap it around existing filesystems, but I could be wrong18:32
csenggcan anybody tell me the name of the package for media player files in ubuntu...I need to remove those packages18:32
MeQuerSatbrjannc, it doesn't have to be wrapped18:33
MeQuerSatcsengg, which media player files are you referring to?18:33
brjanncMeQuerSat: I thought you said you had existing filesystems you wanted to mount on one mountpoint?18:33
MeQuerSatyeah, but they have no data18:33
MeQuerSatI can delete them18:33
zykotick9!undelete | lotuspsychje18:34
ubottulotuspsychje: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel18:34
brjanncMeQuerSat: Oh, I see. You might be able to use LVM then, but again I don't have much personal knowledge of it :) I'm useless today apparently18:34
MeQuerSathaha, no problem :)18:34
Yud_Zroctrism: is that flash direct from adobe?18:34
trismYud_Zroc: yes18:34
MeQuerSatbrjannc, maybe you do know what's the best fs to choose if using disks for huge files18:35
brjanncMeQuerSat: ZFS and XFS are both good choices18:35
Yud_Zroctrism: and for java, just remove all java from the package manager and install java from java.com? because the java thats installed is horribly outdated18:35
brjanncMeQuerSat: XFS has been around longer, and is already integrated into the kernel, and has less iffy licensing questions than ZFS does :) But ZFS is obviously a much more advanced fs18:36
ironhalikHow can I run a program in autostart, before gdm loads?18:36
MeQuerSatI had ZFS running great18:36
=== rymate1234_away is now known as rymate1234
MeQuerSatbut if I reinstalled OS, all settings were lost (and also all data)18:37
MeQuerSatIm trying to avoid that now18:37
brjanncMeQuerSat: understandable18:37
iceroot!boot | ironhalik18:38
ubottuironhalik: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto18:38
ironhalikthx iceroot18:38
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do18:39
Explodingpigletshow do I use deb files?18:39
trismYud_Zroc: I would generally not recommend that unless you have a good reason, both openjdk-6 and 7 are in the oneiric repos (but I don't even have java installed at the moment, so not the best person to ask)18:40
brjanncMeQuerSat: If you do decide to go with XFS, oddly enough the MythTV wiki is a good place to look, as they have guides on what options, etc. to format your XFS partitions with18:40
icerootExplodingpiglets: normally you use "sudo apt-get install package" instead of locally deb-files but if you want to install a locally deb-file run "sudo dpkg -i debfile" or double click on it18:40
genii-around!deb | Explodingpiglets18:41
ubottuExplodingpiglets: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.18:41
genii-aroundExplodingpiglets: Alternately: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb18:41
brjanncMeQuerSat: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/XFS_Filesystem18:41
Explodingpigletsok thanks18:41
dr_willisExplodingpiglets:  my fave.. 'sudo gdebi foo.deb'18:42
Yud_Zroctrism: i plan on doing java development and app development for android....would that be sufficient enough18:44
xxiaounder ubuntu lucid 64bit, if you have a cpu intensive task, e.g make -j8, while you do 'aptitude install  something', the aptitude will not finish installing, instead it will pause forever18:44
xxiaoit's reproducible for me18:45
noobiuswhen i update my nvidia driver on ubuntu 11.10 and restart the system it always freezes after about a minute after boot. i can still move the mouse but nothing else. anyone else encounter this?18:45
=== OliveGreen is now known as SpenserWilde
icerootxxiao: how can you say its taking forever? did you test it forever?18:45
SpenserWildeHi all.18:45
Explodingpigletswhat is the ubuntu counterpart to an exe file?18:45
genii-aroundExplodingpiglets: A file that has an ELF header18:46
icerootxxiao: check the nice-status, if there are different its normal18:46
MeQuerSatbrjannc, thanks, Ive read it and ext4 seems to be a better alternative :)18:46
xxiaoiceroot: in computer term a 1 minute job takes 1 hour i will consider it's forever18:46
brjanncMeQuerSat: sure thing18:46
SpenserWildeFor some reason, my screen stays on when I'm idle. How do I get it to start the screensaver?18:46
ExplodingpigletsI am trying to delete an exe file but it will not let me18:46
icerootxxiao: try make on tty1 you will see the power of the cgroups-patch introduced with 2.6.3818:46
Explodingpigletsit says "permission denied18:47
ironhalikis systemd worth the try?18:47
icerootxxiao: buts its important that is is tty1-618:47
xxiaoiceroot: you mean i switch to ctrl-f1, then build from tehre?18:47
KlojumExplodingpiglets: have you tried to CHOWN the file, or try to delete it 'as root'?18:47
xxiaodon't know that tweak,18:47
icerootxxiao: yes18:47
genii-aroundExplodingpiglets: Is the file in a folder within /home/your-username  or somewhere else?18:47
xxiaoiceroot: so the cgroup-work depends on tty, in that case xwindows is just one of them?18:48
icerootxxiao: linus called the cgroups-patch a killer-feature18:48
icerootxxiao: yes cgroups is grouped by ttys18:48
xxiaoiceroot: read that, though i did not need switch to tty to do that18:48
ExplodingpigletsI downloaded a linux version of teamviewer, but whenever I type teamviewer in terminal, it opens the windows one and my computer freezes18:48
xxiaoiceroot: it's a pity, that my machine are normally ssh-in,which is ptys18:49
noobiushas anyone successfully updated their NVIDIA driver?18:49
bluebomber_satelDoes anyone know how I can change the default ALT-TAB behavior in 11.10 so it only cycles among applications in the current workspace?18:49
Lantiziahey what does ^M represent?  a special character?18:51
llutz Lantizia DOS linebreaks18:54
noobiusis the nvidia geforce 8800m gts not supported by 11.1018:54
llutz!info dos2unix      |Lantizia:18:54
ubottuLantizia: None: dos2unix (source: dos2unix): convert text file line endings between CRLF and LF. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.3-1 (oneiric), package size 51 kB, installed size 268 kB18:54
csengganybody to help me18:58
gwbAnyone know how to put IPSEC stuff into Network Manager for a VPN?18:59
K1rk I have an issue.  I wrote a script that parses the output of "lshw -xml" and obtains serial numbers and hardware information about computers, and report back to a database.  I ran into a problem on a few models of Lenovo laptops, where the RAM doesn't list a serial number.  Does anyone know of another command I might be able to run to obtain RAM serial numbers?18:59
shaxshello, I am running Ubuntu 11.10. Im trying to setup Windows file sharing so that I can transfer my media files via the network from windows to Linux. I installed samba and used the directions here: http://kimbriggs.com/computers/computer-notes/linux-notes/samba-setup-guide-ubuntu.file . However, anytime I try to login to my linux box from windows it is asking for a user/pass. Anyone know how to fix this so that it doesnt require a l18:59
AlanBellgwb: there are some network-manager- packages for different VPN systems like network-manager-pptp or network-manager-vpnc for cisco or network-manager-strongswan19:01
NicholaI am having an issue with install on a Gateway laptop. Install hangs, as in the computer freezes up, every time. Suddenly, the mouse just won't move and there is no response from the keyboard or anything. It has done this at least five times now...19:01
djznis anyone here using gnome-shell in ubuntu latest version, NOTICED a delay on group menu appearing each time a new window is created ?19:02
NicholaI am installing from a usb drive, but have tried using the mini cd as well. With the cd, it goes so far and freezes up as well19:02
AlanBellK1rk: best bet is to open it up and look on the ram sticks, if lshw doesn't report it then it probably isn't there to report19:02
K1rkI don't want to do that, AlanBell.  We have approximately 800 computers to manage.19:03
AlanBellNichola: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions might have something to help with the freezes19:04
AlanBellK1rk: why do you need the serial numbers?19:04
djznanyone using gnome shell in ubuntu?19:05
wiggmpkRunning gnome-shell under keyboard shortcuts, specifically "Launch Terminal", it will not allow me to use CTRL+ALT+T (meaning) even though I press those Keys, it sets the shortcut as "ALT+T"... please help..19:05
nmvictorI just installed Ubuntu but forgot my password, so I cant log in. However, I have chrooted to the Ubuntu partition using a Live Cd, what options do I have to reclaim my accounts control?19:05
gwbAlanBell: I have network-manager-vpnc installed but I cannot see anywhere to put the ipsec stuff19:05
pierceso, the brightness adjustments aren't working with 11.10 on the acer s3, is there any way I can debug this?   poking around proc I don't recognize anything anymore, and all the old brightness tools are gone  :-(19:05
AlanBellgwb: is it a cisco VPN you are connecting to?19:06
K1rkAlanBell: so we can determine the "life" of our devices... like, if we swap ram between two computers we'd like to know where the stick has been, to track problems.19:06
gwbAlanBell: yes, I need to specific the "IPSec obfuscated secret" string, which I got from my company19:06
K1rkAlanBell: This is for a ticketing system, where we are tying problems to hardware by serial number...19:06
gwbAlanBell: but I cannot see where to put it19:06
AlanBellK1rk: I see. I expect that ram does not have a serial number to report electronically19:07
djznanyone using gnome shell in ubuntu?19:07
piercedjzn: ya, works well19:07
K1rkAlanBell: It does on the sticker on the memory, I did look.  But I really need something electronically to distinguish the hardware.19:07
nitro282i have ubuntu 11, and config internet key is ok.. but the comand sudo service udev restart non autostar on start PC19:07
djznpierce: i'm getting a delay on menu windows each time i open a window19:07
NicholaOkay, looked at that but don't have a clue as to where to start...19:07
nitro282what comand in ubuntu application autostart?19:08
AlanBellgwb: for a cisco vpn you will need gateway, username user password (might be a prefix and a hardware one time key pad thing) group name and group password19:08
nitro282i'm italian.. non speak good inglesh19:08
gwbAlanBell: right. I have those and that's ok.  It's the last bit I can't put in to NM19:08
gwbAlanBell: fwiw I can connect with the vpnc cli command no prob.19:08
nmvictorI just installed Ubuntu but forgot my password, so I cant log in. However, I have chrooted to the Ubuntu partition using a Live Cd, what options do I have to reclaim my accounts control?19:08
piercenmvictor:  you can just type "passwd <yourusername>" and change the password of that user19:09
nmvictorpierce: Thanks, but Wont i be prompted for the initial password?19:10
nmvictorpierce: which is what I forgot19:10
piercenmvictor: not if you are root :-)19:10
daisyhi - im trying to work out how to run a custom script on tty1 instead of login. Ive changed /etc/init/tty1.conf's exec line to exec /usr/bin/myscript, but its just a blank screen with the cursor flashing ( the script works, is in the right place and is executable ) - any ideas?19:10
nmvictorpierce: thanksalot19:10
AlanBellgwb: sorry, I am not sure where that goes, I just have those fields I mentioned and a thingie on my keyring that I press a button on and it gives me a number to type in19:10
nmvictorpierce: how about a command to change the username?19:10
user00Question - I'm trying to edit the source of a theme for gtk3. I have one last hurdle to cross. I'm editing the Zukitwo theme. In Nautilus when I highlight things on the left pane, I want the background to highlight a certain color. Does anybody know how I can do this or what coding I need to change?19:11
gwbAlanBell: guess I'm sol then19:11
piercenmvictor: bad idea :-)  just add a new user and remove the old19:11
nmvictorpierce: thanks again19:11
nmvictorI love Ubuntu19:11
noobiusi would love ubuntu if my graphics card was supported19:12
piercedjzn: what do you mean by menu windows?19:12
djznpierce: file, edit, etc19:12
user00noobius: that's not an Ubuntu problem. It's a manufacturer problem.19:12
noobiusyeah i've noticed19:12
Yud_Zrocnoobius: what gfx card19:12
noobius8800m gts19:12
user00should be fine...........19:12
Nicholaokay, this time it froze up right when it got to the purple desktop19:13
noobiusNvidia geforce 8800m gts 512m19:13
nmvictorpierce: sorry, but if i removed the user and added a new one, I bet I'll need a sudoers entry for the new user, which is what sounds complicated19:13
Yud_Zrocthats an nvidia card....they develop drivers for linux19:13
Nicholano mouse movement...19:13
AlanBellgwb: dunno if the strongswan plugin does it, that one is a bit more ipsec19:13
piercedjzn: super odd, like more than a one second delay?  might be a video card thing19:14
anonissimusI am having a hard time connecting to a cisco vpn concentrator19:15
erik__unHas anybody else here had a slight problem with Japanese fonts in Ubuntu (11.10)?19:15
Yud_Zrocare you using ubuntus retricted drivers?19:15
anonissimusthe vpn client itself doesn't get past the install and vpnc borks everytime19:15
user00Question - I'm trying to edit the source of a theme for gtk3. I have one last hurdle to cross. I'm editing the Zukitwo theme. In Nautilus when I highlight things on the left pane, I want the background to highlight a certain color. Does anybody know how I can do this or what coding I need to change?19:15
noobiusalthough i had no problem updating and using the driver for my 8800m gts on 10.0419:15
anonissimusYud_Zroc: if that is to me, I installed the vpn extension for cisco19:15
=== magg is now known as haji
XThieffor a server, i should install ubuntu 10.04 better? should be more stable and with more documentation online than the new one?19:16
erik__unXThief: I'd go with the last long-term support version, the new versions seems to have quite a lot of bugs. Haven't tried the server versions though.19:17
XThieferik__un: thank you for the information, i will follow your recommendation19:18
erik__unAt least 11.10 is probably not yet stable enough19:18
pikaciuXThief: you can use sshd19:18
nitro282sera a tutti19:18
XThiefpikaciu, what do you mean?19:19
nitro282posso chiedere?19:19
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:19
pikaciusorry... i meant you can use the ver you like and then buil the server services19:19
pikaciuXThief: sorry... i meant you can use the ver you like and then build the server services19:19
XThiefpikaciu: oh, ok thx19:20
pikaciuXThief: for ftp you can use putty19:21
shaxsI created a VPN connection for giganews following their directions here, http://www.giganews.com/vyprvpn/setup/linux/pptp.html. Anytime I try to connect all it says is "VPN Connection Failed" with no further info. Is there a log I can grep in real time to see any more info on why this failed?19:21
pierceso, brightness is broken  anyone have tips for troubleshooting?19:21
pikaciuXThief: for coping files scp19:21
pikaciuXThief: for email postfix19:21
XThiefpikaciu: maybe you are answering another persons question, doesnt make sense for what i asked19:22
gandalfcomeWhen I view my ubuntu 11.10 remote desktop from my 10.7 lion macosx it is all scrambled. I tried different clients on the mac and they all show me a scrambled picture. Any ideas?19:22
pikaciuXThief:  ops19:22
KHendrikHey folks19:22
Ghost1227anyone here have experience with .desktop files, particularly in regards to setting up unity quicklists? I've got one that's not behaving as expected19:22
user00Question - I'm trying to edit the source of a theme for gtk3. I have one last hurdle to cross. I'm editing the Zukitwo theme. In Nautilus when I highlight things on the left pane, I want the background to highlight a certain color. Does anybody know how I can do this or what coding I need to change?19:22
pikaciuXThief:  what did you ask ?19:23
KHendriktoday something funny happened ubuntu booted up and now unity 3d is gone and I#m in gnome shell19:23
KHendrikhow do i get unity 3d back i only have unity 2d as a choice ... nvidia drivers are working just fine19:24
shaxsCan anyone help me with my vpn question above?19:24
KHendrikshaxs what was the question just joined19:24
user00KHendrik: Unity 3D is "Ubuntu". Dont you have Ubuntu @ login screen?19:24
KHendriknope just ubuntu 2d19:24
shaxsKHendrik http://www.giganews.com/vyprvpn/setup/linux/pptp.html19:24
shaxsKHendrik I created a VPN connection for giganews following their directions here, http://www.giganews.com/vyprvpn/setup/linux/pptp.html. Anytime I try to connect all it says is "VPN Connection Failed" with no further info. Is there a log I can grep in real time to see any more info on why this failed?19:24
FloodBot1shaxs: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:24
spacebug-shaxs: look in /var/log/syslog for errors19:25
xxiaoit happens again, while i'm 'make -j8', aptitude 'pause' at install, now 'make -j8' is done, aptitude is not moving19:25
xxiaothis is a bug i believe on lucid/64bit19:25
spacebug-shaxs: look in /var/log/syslog for errors19:25
xxiaoaptitude just can'r run in parallal with 'make -jN'19:25
xxiaohow should i fix this?19:25
KHendrikCheck the Use Point-to-Point encryption (MPPE) box. ( try unchecking it)19:26
KaigeosI'm hoping someone can help. it's like I have two themes running together. I have compiz with unity running, but it's like metacity is running on top of it, with two taskbars overlapping at the top. and one at the bottom, I just want the one bar you get by default with unity. I'm using Ubuntu Oneric19:26
ScuniziI've just installed Kubuntu so I can switch from Ubuntu to Kubuntu when I want from the login screen.. on install it asks which display manager I want as default, kdm or lightdm.  Does it matter which I choose? Will Ubuntu default to lightdm when loaded and vice verse?19:27
shaxsLets see,,,19:28
shaxsOkay umuted now. Hah19:28
shaxsspacebug sorry closed window to relog and get unmuted. what was that directory again?19:29
shaxsKhendrik nope, unchecking that did not work19:30
=== michael is now known as Guest16501
nitro282 dovrei dare all'avvio sudo service udev restart ma non so quale sia il comando da dare ad "applicazioni d'avvio" in ubuntu19:31
KHendriknitro282, no clue what you just wrote english looks different19:32
nitro282in ubuntu-it not rispond19:32
nitro282pikaciu non rispondono19:33
pikaciunitro82: what's the problem (quale è il problema) ?19:33
KHendrikpikachu like the pokemon?19:33
Ghost1227well in case someone has a moment and/or idea... i've got a .desktop file that isn't behaving as expected, but a different one i wrote in the same format works fine. the file in question is here -> http://pastebin.com/Mr4b4ifS19:34
KHendrikahh didn#t realize it was a nick name19:34
nitro282devo dare all'avvio del sistema in automatico il comando sudo service udev restart19:34
nitro282come faccio?19:34
dollyhi all19:34
user00Question - I'm trying to edit the source of a theme for gtk3. I have one last hurdle to cross. I'm editing the Zukitwo theme. In Nautilus when I highlight things on the left pane, I want the background to highlight a certain color. Does anybody know how I can do this or what coding I need to change?19:34
pikaciunitro82: what's the problem (quale è il problema) ?19:34
b0otIs there anything like tftp32 for ubuntu?19:34
nitro282pikaciu: devo dare all'avvio del sistema in automatico il comando sudo service udev restart19:35
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:35
nitro282ubottu: non rispondo li19:35
ubottunitro282: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:35
spacebug-shaxs:  /var/log/syslog19:35
pikaciunitro82: come in pvt (viene i privato)19:36
KHendrikb0ot if openssh is installed sftp should work fine to (as a server) for client try filezilla or gftp19:37
shaxsspacebug thanks yep found some errors in there19:37
b0otKHendrik, I need tftp not ftp19:38
kubancwhen i run ubuntu from startup disk. I have menu options (try ubuntu without installing, install ububntu, etc...) can i get to console anyhow from here?19:38
KHendrikb0ot, server or client19:38
llutzb0ot: what makes tftp32 so unique? tried tftpd or tftpd-hpa?19:38
nitro282pikaciu: ho scritto in privato19:39
KHendrikb0ot, http://www.davidsudjiman.info/2006/03/27/installing-and-setting-tftpd-in-ubuntu/19:39
Myrttib0ot: perhaps you could try atftp as well?19:40
KHendrikkubanc, Hit "Escape" twice on the menu that allows you to "Try Ubuntu" or "Install Ubuntu". It should prompt you that you are leaving the graphical environment.19:41
user00Question - I'm trying to edit the source of a theme for gtk3. I have one last hurdle to cross. I'm editing the Zukitwo theme. In Nautilus when I highlight things on the left pane, I want the background to highlight a certain color. Does anybody know how I can do this or what coding I need to change?19:43
Luis_alguien esta ai manga de putos19:44
KHendrikanyone any idea how i can get unity 3d back? ubuntu is not listed in the options only ubuntu 2d but nvidia drivers are installed19:44
Luis_david_ sos puto?19:45
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:45
david_Luis : ?19:45
reachingperfectican someone tell me how to set up a multi seat19:45
KHendrikreachingperfecti, a what?19:45
user00reachingperfecti: a multiseat???19:45
NostocI am fresh installing a new ubuntu/windows dual boot.  What order should I install them in?  Windows first?  Also, I am planning to have a paging file partition, an ext3 (ubuntu) partition, an NTFS partition (XP), and a storage partition.  Should I use gparted, fdisk, or windows set up disk to partition these?  Just looking for recommendations, thanks.19:46
Luis_responda alguien la reconcha d la madreeeeeeeeee19:46
reachingperfectimulti seat means individual keyboard ,mouse display but a single cpu to power this19:46
saymoo!spain |luis19:46
ubottuluis: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:46
alsunaNostoc:  install windows first, and then set up the partitions you want during the install of ubuntu19:46
user00reachingperfecti: like.... thin clients?19:46
Luis_david_ sos un putasoooooooo19:46
ninucsNostoc: windows first, because the windows installer will overwrite your MR boottloader and you will have to rework it to boot linux19:46
BluesKajNostoc, gparted live cd19:46
christofferNostoc: Windows first as small as you need the OS partition then install ubuntu and setup all partitions19:47
Luis_alsuna dejat de alsarte19:47
Nostocalsuna: ninucs: so gparted for partitioning on livedisk first, then windows install, then ubuntu install19:47
reachingperfecti<user00> can i give u a wiki link to what i aim for19:47
KHendrikNostoc, install windows first create that partition with the windows cd do the rest during the ubuntu installation windows will be recognized and added to the boot menu19:47
user00reachingperfecti: sure19:47
Luis_hello Guest2640519:48
BluesKajNostoc, install windows first then ubuntu, pagefiles in linux are called swap files19:48
Nostocok, it seems the order isn't too important, I'll just use the windows disk first and its partitioning19:48
ninucsNostoc: would be an option. on the other hand, you can just leave up the disk space for formatting it with the installer later19:48
Nostocninucs: i'll do that, thanks for the info19:48
Nostocalso, if I make my storage partition in ext3, can I access the files from windows?19:48
Nostocnoob question I know19:48
KHendrikreachingperfecti, do you mean on a single pc or with clients connected to a main server?19:48
reachingperfecti<KHendrik> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX19:49
Luis_me voy a la yet o llet loco cualde todos es mas putooooooo portugueses e ingleses traga echeeee19:49
BluesKajNostoc, use gparted to set up all your partitions first , it makes for a faster cleaner install all around19:49
user00reachingperfecti: that's different than thin clients. my apologies. I set up thin clients where each user had a specific processing unit, but the server does all of the work. Its similar, but multiseat is a bit different it seems.19:49
KHendrikNostoc you can but you shouldn#t write to an ext3 from windows you could potentially damage it19:49
reachingperfecti<KHendrik> please check my link , it describes what i aim for but i am on 11.10.19:49
KHendrikreachingperfecti, sorry never heard of it before19:50
NostocKHendrik: mostly I will be using linux to download torrents etc, and a shared entertainment center computer to play them on a TV19:50
NostocKhendrik: so is it fine to just read/copy files from an ext3 to a NTFS19:51
ninucsnostoc, theres an ext2-driver for windows, it is able to access ext3 or ext4 filesystems, but without  the journaling19:51
KHendrikwhy do you want to use ext3 anyway?19:51
reachingperfecti<KHendrik><user00> i cannot find my xorg.conf file in ubuntu 11.10 ,then how do i modify this . do u have an  idea of how to go about it19:51
K1rkI have an issue.  I wrote a script that parses the output of "lshw -xml" and obtains serial numbers and hardware information about computers, and report back to a database.  I ran into a problem on a few models of Lenovo laptops, where the RAM doesn't list a serial number.  Does anyone know of another command I might be able to run to obtain RAM serial numbers?19:51
reachingperfecti><user00> i cannot find my xorg.conf file in ubuntu 11.10 ,then how do i modify this . do u have an  idea of how to go about it19:51
ninucsso be careful when mounting ext3 with ext2-options19:51
KHendrikreachingperfecti, by default there is no xorg.conf anymore19:51
Nostocninucs: there is no way to access the journaling in windows?19:51
user00K1rk: wow, down to the RAM serial numbers? That's an intense database!19:52
KHendrikreachingperfecti, you need to create it first but i#m not sure how19:52
Nostocninucs: my last ubuntu failed because I used ext219:52
K1rkuser00: Yes, we are hoping to track hardware as it moves through our network.  For example when a technician swaps out bad memory, etc, we want to log and be able to run reports on those changes.19:52
reachingperfecti<KHendrik> me badly stuck in that  case , will xorg.conf exist in fedora ?19:53
ninucsnostoc, it cannot fail just because you used ext2, ext2 is just more fragile than ext3 if it isn't used and maintainedcarefully19:53
KHendrikNostoc, I would go with ext4 and use a ntsf partition for sharing don#t access linux from windows thats always dangerous19:53
ninucsjournaling makes reconstruction easier if you kill a system while disks are mounted, e.g.19:53
KHendrikreachingperfecti, give me a second19:53
geolrHi all, is there a special chatroom for ubuntu server?19:54
ninucsgeolr, is your question server-specific?19:54
basilicHello room, what software can I use to msn with webcam?19:54
geoffmccgeolr: #ubuntu-server19:54
user00Question - I'm trying to edit the source of a theme for gtk3. I have one last hurdle to cross. I'm editing the Zukitwo theme. In Nautilus when I highlight things on the left pane, I want the background to highlight a certain color. Does anybody know how I can do this or what coding I need to change?19:55
Nostocninucs: khendrik: ok, thanks for all the help19:55
KHendrikreachingperfecti, http://askubuntu.com/questions/4662/where-is-the-x-org-config-file-how-do-i-configure-x-there19:55
geolrgeoffmcc: thanks :-) Intending to ask something about a non-volatile usb mount. Heading over there.19:55
ninucsnostoc, i would suggest you to use an exchange drive formatted in either ntfs or fat19:55
ninucsmakes things easier19:56
geoffmccgeolr: i use server edtion too, but unfortunatly wont be able to help with that19:56
KHendrikNostoc, np19:56
Nostocninucs: does it need to be an entire drive or is just a partition fine?19:56
asdf-can anyone else anyone else access http://pyyaml.org/ ?19:56
reachingperfecti<KHendrik> no it is not anywhere in the folder  etc \x1119:56
asdf-or just me?19:57
KHendrikreachingperfecti, please read the 2nd answer ...19:57
Nostocninucs: also which is better FAT or NTFS if I am moving files back and forth between linux/windows XP (NTFS)?19:57
ninucsnostoc, with drive i meant any media you would like, a hd partition or usb stick or whatever :D19:57
geoffmccasdf: downforeveryoneorjustme.com19:57
geoffmccasdf: its just you19:58
ninucsthe ntfs support is fine in ubuntu atm19:58
Nostocninucs: oh lol.... I never know, my friend who showed me the ropes has external hard drives everywhere, I'm just broke19:58
asdf-geoffmcc, thank you19:58
KHendrikreachingperfecti, sorry i meant the first answer with the green checkmark19:58
Nostocninucs: alright, ntfs it is19:58
ninucsfat32 has some limitations that obstruct it's use in recent systems, mainly it's limit for 4GB files19:59
reachingperfecti<KHendrik> thanks man19:59
KHendrikNostoc, you can access ntfs without a problem that used to be risky like 3-4 years ago but now its flawless19:59
KHendrikreachingperfecti, you#re welcome20:00
reachingperfecti<KHendrik> will try , i was just putting feodra on download,u saved my say20:00
Ghost1227still no one?20:00
jwmtohi, i'm having upgrade problems to 11.10.  All sorts of "failed to fetch" messages make the installer crap out.  Any help?20:00
riotingpacifist_Hi my resolv.conf isnt working i have an entry nameserver and if i dig google.com @ it works but nslookup google.com does not.20:01
KHendrikGhost1227, are you sure you can start mine craft with the comand "minecraft" not something like "java -jar /your/path/here/minecraft.jar"20:03
geoffmccjwmto: have you done multiple times? Is today first day you tried or has it been like that for a while20:03
jwmtofor a while20:03
Ghost1227KHendrik: the problem is that the quicklist doesn't show up at all... but the rest of the .desktop works. i know i can start it that way cause i wrote the launcher i'm using :P20:04
geoffmccjwmto: ok if its been for a while i doubt its on server end20:04
geoffmccjwmto: wireless or wired?20:04
jwmtoso do i have a bad list of sources?20:04
user00Question - I'm trying to edit the source of a theme for gtk3. I have one last hurdle to cross. I'm editing the Zukitwo theme. In Nautilus when I highlight things on the left pane, I want the background to highlight a certain color. Does anybody know how I can do this or what coding I need to change?20:05
geoffmccjwmto: and there are no updates to be installed before running sudo do-release-upgrade20:05
KHendrikGhost1227, im not sure about the format never wrote one before but i think in line 11 at the end there#s a ; missing20:06
SeventoesDo apt-get or aptitude have a way to see what the md5 hash of a package's binaries should be?20:06
jwmtoi ran all updates20:06
Ghost1227KHendrik: tried it with and without the ;20:06
geoffmccjwmto: what version is it now20:06
KHendrikcan you also post your minecraft start script? then i will try it on my pc20:06
pikaciubye everyone20:08
geoffmccjwmto: please post /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin and post20:08
jwmtowhere is the pastebin?20:09
SeventoesDo apt-get or aptitude have a way to see what the md5 hash of an installed package's binaries should be?20:09
jwmtook pastebin.com20:09
geoffmccjwmto: ubuntu.pastebin.com20:09
geoffmccor any pastebin really20:09
cloudy_nzhi, can anyone tell me how to get a bash package for "trap" ?20:10
kiruado you know where i can find the specifications for old versions of ubuntu ?20:10
cloudy_nzI think there's meant to be a file called trap.h in /usr/include20:10
SporksterDoes anyone know if 11.04 is based on Etch or Squeeze20:11
jwmtosorry for the delay20:14
cloudy_nzI guess the Americans are all at work or college at the moment, lol20:15
trismSeventoes: cat $(dpkg-query --control-path package_name md5sums); should get you what you want, or just look in /var/lib/dpkg/info/20:15
* cloudy_nz hunts for the mysterious missing trap package20:16
geoffmccjwmto: no prob. make sure to refrence me in post so i dont miss message20:16
jwmtothanks geoff20:16
geoffmccjwmto: anyways, i might comment out the ubuntu tweak and pidgin sources and try again20:16
geoffmccjwmto: oh wait, ubuntu tweak is already20:17
jwmtogeoffmcc: take a look at what failed: http://pastebin.com/CPe1gVZK20:17
geoffmccjwmto: will look but i think i see it too20:18
geoffmccjwmto: you have one instance of jaunty in there20:18
geoffmccjwmto: under backports20:18
geoffmccjwmto: yup, that was it... just comment out that line20:19
frost_Hi all20:19
geoffmccjwmto: line 38 on your pastebin20:20
MatisseWhen my system is booting it doesnt react on typing -> I can't enter the boot menu. What might be the problem?20:20
nimbioticsI made an update  yesterday and now, after restarting, my display is not showing the right resolution; actually, I'm only geting 2 resolutiolns and none of them is the right one. What can I do?20:20
jwmtogeoffmcc: OK I'll try again20:20
geoffmccjwmto: should do it for ya20:20
shaxsSo I have samba installed and my windows pc can see my linux box, but anytime I try to access it, it is asking for a user and pass. I cant figure out what combo to use to get access. Anyone know which I need?20:21
* cloudy_nz is still searching futilely for trap20:21
jwmtogeoffmcc: doing it from terminal20:21
jcphamcreate a windows user that matches your linux box20:21
jcphamor control panel and save your windows username and pass20:21
jwmtogeoffmcc: seems to be going.  Thanks very much for your help20:21
jwmtobye now20:21
geoffmccjwmto: lemme know how turns out, but i would put $ on that you wont have problems20:21
shaxsjcpham I did20:21
geoffmccjwmto: anytime20:22
Matissenimbiotics, do you have a crt or flat screen?20:22
shaxsjcpham so if my linux full name is "John Doe" and my user is "john", then on windows I need a "john" user?20:23
molgrewthe internal hdd of another pc I have just died, while a new one is on the way, I thought about using an external usb hdd, is that viable?20:23
nimbioticsMatisse: flat20:24
inashdeenhi guys, i always see on a cli the give command like ./start or ../home. what does the dots means?20:24
LjLinashdeen: . is the current directory, .. is its parent20:24
Matissenimbiotics, gnome or kde?20:24
nimbioticsMatisse: gnome20:26
inashdeenLjl: thanx20:26
molgrew"using an external" = install ubuntu on it20:26
geoffmccmolgrew: i have not done it, but i know people do20:27
fhtagnsince when does, in gedit, ctrl+f -> enter not show me the several results of search?20:27
fhtagnthe search box disappears after the first resul20:28
* fhtagn /facepalm20:28
molgrewok, tha is reassuring. I think I will attempt it20:28
usuariohow are you??20:28
geoffmccmolgrew: i could be wrong, but it seems to me it would be laggy, but people do it so it must not be that bad20:28
usuariowhat mada facker20:29
ScuniziGuake preferences are not changing the look of Guake on the fly.. do I have to make adjustments blind with quake unloaded?20:29
usuariowhat´s up20:29
Scunizi!ask | usuario20:31
ubottuusuario: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:31
usuarioyou what20:31
usuarioI Mexico20:31
usuariono eNGLISH20:31
Scunizi!es | usuario20:32
ubottuusuario: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:32
cloudy_nzHi, sorry to be a pain and I asked this half an hour ago20:35
cloudy_nzbut does anyone know how to enable the trap command for bash?20:35
=== goose is now known as Guest40872
=== Neal|ZNC is now known as iNeal
sstahow do I get the openjdk-7-jdk package to show in the software centre?  I know I can apt it trivially, but I'm trying to write destructions for users who faint at the thought of a terminal.  I can't seem to get anything except the jre to show up in the software centre...20:41
Snicksie|hm, did you try the technical items, ssta ?20:41
geoffmcccloudy_nz: what you mean enable20:41
ethrasI accidentally removed my only sudoer from admin group, without being able to log in as root or use sudo, How can I add this user to the admin group again? (you would think I would not be so n00bish)20:42
taoliany body have experience with xubuntu as virtualbox guest? can i use the ubuntu guest addtion on xubuntu? if not any recommendation for a lightweight distro to be use in vbox? i tried puppy, its kinda of bugg in vbox20:42
sstasurely if I type the package name in the search box, it should be there?20:42
bunamunaOk so m sisters netbook has a broken HDD...20:42
soltanihello,I want to transfer a file from http server to my ftp server,how can I do it directly ,i mean without download it then upload it...20:43
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
christofferethras: been there done that =) ...restart and launch ubuntu in safe-mode20:43
christofferthat will give you root access20:43
bunamunabut I marked the dead sectors as unusable...20:43
bunamunaeverytime I upgrade Ubuntu.20:43
bunamunait corrupts.20:43
bunamunaPls can ou help me fix the package system?20:43
ethraschristoffer: ok! thanks!20:43
christofferethras: Can't remember which key command you need to use to launch boot menu but I believe it's shift20:43
christoffermaybe ESC after 10.1020:44
ninucsdats life. i always do clean installs and it always works and even cleans up my home directory from old config file trash bunamuna20:44
ethraschristoffer:  futher complicated because this is a virtualized 10.04 server sitting on ESXi..... but there is always a way!20:45
bunamunaninucs: What's that got to do with anytthing?20:45
bunamunaI want to upgrade.20:45
bunamunanot reinstall.20:46
christofferethras: I had virtual machines aswell20:46
christofferand set grub boot loading to 3 sec ...was to short so I need some copy-paste action and type my password twise within thoose 3 seconds20:46
christofferit was a challenge20:46
christofferbut I eventually succeeded20:46
christofferwill never do that mistake again...20:46
christoffergrub wait 'at least 5 seconds now20:47
ninucsbunamuna IMHO the upgrade process is not really safe, so i suggested a fresh install. works always20:47
christofferyou never restart servers that often anyway20:47
ninucsthat's what it has to do with 'anything'20:47
inashdeencananyone suggest an alternative menu for unity/gnome3 besides cardapio and classic menu?20:47
bunamunaninucs: NO20:47
soltanihello,I want to transfer a file from http server to my ftp server,how can I do it directly ,i mean without download it then upload it...20:47
ethraschristoffer: Do you know what groups the initial user created is added to? would I need to add my user to more than just admin?20:48
ninucsaw fuck20:48
=== MichealH is now known as MH0
bunamunaI've already upgraded.20:48
Tm_Tninucs: language, please20:48
inashdeenhi guys, anyone here using AWN? just wanna ask did anyone experience the inablity to right click on notification applet and did anyone found a work around?20:48
ninucsyour REAL problem vanished in my chat buffer :D20:48
geoffmcc!language | ninucs20:48
ubottuninucs: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:48
inashdeenanyone here can share how to change ubuntu 11.10 sound theme?20:48
bunamunaJust tell me how to fix the package system pls.20:48
dreamonits second time, my printer hp m1005 prints wrong letters. Im typing a letter with libre office and printing it. chars like "i,t,e" are printed as ". So I made a PDF and printed this one with okular. same wrong letters was printed again. It doesnt seems to be problem with libreoffice. Last time I removed all printers an configured from scratch. buts its a hard work.20:49
sstathat is very weird...why would the jre package be listed, but not the jdk?  Makes no sense at all...20:49
funkyHatssta: why are you trying to install the jdk directly? If you're writing instructions for installing a java ide it should be pulling in its dependencies anyway (i.e. eclipse recommends default-jdk | sun-java6-jdk20:49
christofferethras: "adm" "admin"20:49
veni__how to fix jockey problem and install ati drivers on ubuntu 11.10 :(20:50
bunamunaI've already upgraded.20:50
bunamunaJust tell me how to fix the package system pls.20:50
sstafunkyHat: not the point...I want a specific jdk.  Why on earth would the jdk not show as available?20:50
user00Question - I'm trying to edit a theme. It's the Zukitwo theme from Gnome-Look.org. I have a small hurdle I'm trying to cross. If you look in the screenshot, you can see the orange which is what is currently selected. But if I hover over other items, I get this gray color. I'm not sure where in the world the entry for the gray color is. Where can I change it? Screenshot - http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/9215/screenshotat2011111708420:50
bunamunaninucs: Pls?20:51
ethraschristoffer: thanks!20:51
inashdeeni can't add keyboard shortcuts using the system>settings>keyboard>shortcuts option. anyone knows a work around?20:51
bunamunaMy sister asked me to install VLC for her.20:51
ninucsbunamuna i'm thinking :P20:51
soltanihello,I want to transfer a file from http server to my ftp server,how can I do it directly ,i mean without download it then upload it...20:51
christofferethras: You're welcome20:51
bunamunaninucs: k20:51
veni__how to fix jockey problem and install ati drivers on ubuntu 11.10 :(20:51
ninucsbunamuna, your package tree is in a sane state atm?20:52
geoffmccsoltani: should just be able to use terminal and copy it from one directory to another (or move it)20:52
funkyHatssta: good question. I don't know20:52
bunamunaninucs: What do you mean?20:53
soltanigeoffmcc, Can you expain more?20:53
ethraschristoffer: all fixed! Thanks agian20:53
geoffmccsoltani: well first, i made an assumption that they both were on the same machine, is that correct20:54
sstahmm, awesome.  gcc isn't listed either...is there a setting somewhere to say "please don't dumb this thing down!"20:54
shagoyjoI have a script/cron/mystery magic smoke question for anybody interested.20:54
geoffmcc!ask | shagoyjo20:54
ubottushagoyjo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:54
onicromanyone having difficulty setting ulimits for users even though /etc/security/limits.conf is configured correctly?20:55
shagoyjoubottu: Thanks, first time on the channel20:55
ubottushagoyjo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:55
AurigaAnyone using Audacious 2.5.3?20:56
=== gustav- is now known as beerbo
soltanigeoffmcc, suppose my file is in http ://something.com/abx.rar20:56
=== beerbo is now known as beerbro
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:56
veni__how to fix jockey problem and install ati drivers on ubuntu 11.10 :(20:56
soltanigeoffmcc, then i want to transfer it to ftp://ee.sss.com20:56
geoffmccsoltani: lets move this to PM20:57
Obscene_CNNsomeone suggested I used this shellscript to test my memory management but I can't figure out how I tell if it works?         :(){ :|:& };:20:57
shagoyjowhoops. Anyways, I have a subsection of a bash script that isn't going off when the script is run by cron.20:57
=== gianni is now known as Guest27361
sstashagoyjo: pastebin the script?20:59
shagoyjoone sec ssta21:01
shagoyjossta: one sec21:02
soltani,I want to transfer a file from http server to my ftp server,how can I do it directly ,i mean without download it then upload it...21:02
shagoyjossta: boss is ringing off my ear21:02
user00Question - I'm trying to edit a theme. It's the Zukitwo theme from Gnome-Look.org. I have a small hurdle I'm trying to cross. If you look in the screenshot, you can see the orange which is what is currently selected. But if I hover over other items, I get this gray color. I'm not sure where in the world the entry for the gray color is. Where can I change it? Screenshot - http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/9215/screenshotat2011111708421:03
veni__how to fix jockey problem and install ati drivers on ubuntu 11.10 :(21:03
Obscene_CNNcan abody tell me if this bash command works? :(){ :|:& };:21:05
JoniiHey, does anyone know how come a file I downloaded with KTorrent happens to have x-permission for every user of this computer?21:06
amirandaIf I run vncserver on a machine with ubuntu & unity, and then I connect and login, I don't seem to be able to do anything.  It seems like there is a file manager, but nothing else.  Any ideas how to fix that?21:06
shidoI have dell vostro 3500 that comes with 2 video cards, the integrated intel, and also a NVIDIA Geforce 310M ... but ubuntu wont take the NVIDIA card, even though i have the official nvidia drivers installed,... i have researched online but nobody has been able to solve it. any ideas? someone knows?21:06
=== faz_ is now known as faz
shagoyjossta: http://pastebin.com/NF91WUHk21:07
sstaObscene_CNN: that's really not funny...please don't do that21:07
qbert_I need to run a command on another machine, I have ssh with a keyfile setup, how can I do this ?  This for amazon's cloud servers21:07
sstashagoyjo: what part isn't being executed?21:07
shagoyjoThe for loop with the java call21:08
shagoyjossta: the for loop with the java call21:08
sstashagoyjo: all I can suggest is surrounding the variables with {}.  Otherwise it looks like it should work21:09
sstaif there are spaces then quote them too I guess.  Like "${xmllang}"21:09
gebbionehi, i have a few audio input devices in my machine but skype does not see them all, so i cannot select my webcam microphone as a result... any suggestion to fix this?21:10
shagoyjossta: it's so weird, because every other part of the script goes off without a hitch21:12
shagoyjossta: it's a root cron job21:12
AurigaTrying to make a usb bootable from cli, without unetbootin, there is a windows, command with an -ma switch or something, anyone know what it would be in Linux?21:12
shagoyjossta: and it was working up until recently21:13
sstashagoyjo: does the for loop work if you run the script without cron?21:13
shagoyjossta: yes21:13
sstashagoyjo: are there any files with spaces in the filenames?21:13
shagoyjossta: not that I've ever seen21:15
sstashagoyjo: sorry.  I don't know what to suggest except protecting/quoting the variables.  Is there no error given?21:16
sstaand presumably $ROOTDIR/content is not empty and has foles with "xml" in the filename?21:17
gebbionehi, i have a few audio input devices in my machine but skype does not see them all, so i cannot select my webcam microphone as a result... any suggestion to fix this?21:17
cloudy_nzHi geoffmcc , sorry I meant I'm in 11.10 and trap is meant to be a bash builtin21:17
b0otI just installed xinetd tftpd and tftp... and I followed this http://www.funwithip.com/?p=77 tutorial to setup up a tftp server but I can't seem to connect to it21:17
cloudy_nzhowever, I can't find trap with "which trap" and it doesn't appear to be installed21:17
shagoyjossta: nope, the entire thing goes off, the jar just doesn't run.  And yes, it's got *.xml files21:17
sstacloudy_nz: trap is a bash builtin.  man builtins21:18
shagoyjossta: but it's good to know I'm not a moron :-)21:18
user00Question - I'm trying to edit a theme. It's the Zukitwo theme from Gnome-Look.org. I have a small hurdle I'm trying to cross. If you look in the screenshot, you can see the orange which is what is currently selected. But if I hover over other items, I get this gray color. I'm not sure where in the world the entry for the gray color is. Where can I change it? Screenshot - http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/9215/screenshotat2011111708421:18
sstashagoyjo: cronjobs generally send emails with the output.  Nothing at all in the output that suggests the problem?21:18
guntbertcloudy_nz: builtin = no extra binary -> which gives no result21:18
cloudy_nzssta, thank you!21:18
xruudUnity issues, anybody happen to know how to restore unity in 11.10 when I already tried removing and reinstalling?21:18
shagoyjossta: nono, I get output that the cron job has run, and as you can see the cron job outputs to a log file, which I can read. All of the other functions run too. The ftp, the tar and the rm sections go off without a hitch.  Just the for loop I get no output for.21:20
* cloudy_nz goes to battle the evil bash, fabric and rsync monsters21:20
sstashagoyjo: hmm.  Perhaps try wrapping the for with a "pushd $ROOTDIR"/"popd" pair, and tweak the cp and jar stuff?21:21
sstashagoyjo: sounds to me like (for some unknown reason) the $(ls ... ) stuff is returning an empty list21:22
sstatestable by echoing the list before you loop over it maybe?21:22
sstasomething like LIST=$(ls $ROOTDIR/content|grep xml); echo ${LIST}21:23
=== l0p3n_ is now known as ZeitFight
SilverFoxwow... just installed 11.10, a few things different.  'lightdm' for starters.  hmm... ok.  So on this Toshiba laptop, I hear the ubuntu startup sound, and the wallpaper, but thats all that ever loads.  On the live CD, if I press F6 during grub and tick all the options (noacpi etc) it doesn't do that.21:23
SilverFoxI'm not sure how to figure out which kernel option I need to use to fix this issue.21:23
coffeetimeencrypt [< on|21:24
shagoyjossta: thanks. I'll give that a try. I've never used pushd/popd before21:24
sstashagoyjo: they're really useful in scripts that are called by other scripts.  Lets you leave the calling script in a known state afterwards21:25
=== mira is now known as Guest87313
xruudMy laptop will not shutdown when I press shutdown. Instead I'm logged out. Would that be a rights issue?21:25
guntbertSilverFox: with the live CD select another option on every boot and notice what helps...21:26
xruudthe only way I've found that will shutdown the pc besides from the power button 4sec is: sudo shutdown -h now21:26
SilverFoxguntbert: k, once I isolate, can I just press 'e' in grub and add that option on a new line at the end?21:28
joansirleyall of you21:28
antnashAlright guys. I'm trying to get vnc4server set up properly but all I get is a black/yellow screen and an X as a cursor.21:28
guntbertSilverFox: yes, you see they are appended to the command line on the live CD too ( iirc )21:29
joansirleyyou must not agree with my opinion but I hate Unity21:29
joansirleymy question is21:29
joansirleyhow to uninstall unity in ubuntu 11.1021:30
guntbert!enter | joansirley21:30
ubottujoansirley: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:30
AaronneyerCan anyone help me with deleting linux swap partitions?  I've done a lot of installs/reinstalls and currently have 3 extra swaps and am not sure which one is the one in use21:30
guntbert!notunity | joansirley21:30
ubottujoansirley: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:30
SilfenXhello - I m curious why I cant write access an ext4 partitioned drive on the ubuntu machie from my windows 7 machine. No problems accessing it s contents but nothing else works like making folders, deleting, creating files, copy to etc. It is set as writeable and users with write access are asigned to the share too21:30
xruudAaronneyer: Just geussing here, but can you noit tell from file access dates?21:31
AurigaAaronneyer, Maybe open up the Disk Utility, check in there if you haven't looked already...21:31
joansirleyok ubottu you are a clever bot...21:31
sstaAaronneyer: /etc/fstab probably lists the one in use21:31
AaronneyerIm looking in disk utility right now.  Would the one in use be the highest or the lowest swap by sda#?21:32
guntbert!list > orst6221:32
ubottuorst62, please see my private message21:32
sstaAaronneyer: "swapon -s" gives a summary of the swap in use21:32
AaronneyerOk thank you21:33
AaronneyerSo I can freely delete all of the other swap partitions?21:33
JoniiHey, how do I find out what are these files? [manual]21:33
FloodBot1Jonii: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:33
Joniilibxcb1-dev, libxcb-randr0-dev, libx11-dev21:33
AaronneyerOk, because on my netbook, I had three different distros installed and when I tried to delete two swap partitions I think it deleted my grub21:34
JoniiI meant this, had wrong stuff on clipboard21:34
AaronneyerBecause I got a grub rescue prompt on bootup and had to install a new distro to fix it21:34
sstahmm...possible that deleting the partitions renumbered them.  It ought not to, but I guess it might21:35
JoniiLike, what are those files?21:35
AaronneyerMmk well thanks, I'll try that now21:35
JoniiOr, are they files to begin with?21:36
xruudNoone who knows what my shutdown problem could be? google is not helping me very well today21:36
=== sysadamin is now known as sysadamin|away
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do21:38
=== gnomitsu is now known as Guest87019
SilverFoxok... acpi=off seems to be the one I need.  However... when I press 'e' in the boot menu and add it to the kernel line, no change.  I can press ctrl-alt F1, I get a vty, so I have access, just gui isn't working right.21:40
SilfenXhello - I m curious why I cant write access an ext4 partitioned drive on the ubuntu machie from my windows 7 machine. No problems accessing it s contents but nothing else works like making folders, deleting, creating files, copy to etc. It is set as writeable and users with write access are asigned to the share too21:40
AaronneyerMmk, was unsuccessful.  I deleted all the swaps except the one it said was active, but when I booted up I got a grub rescue prompt and it said it could not find the partition21:40
Joniiokay, the next question: How do I know which such things I already have installed?21:40
AaronneyerIs there a way to fix this without installing a whole new ubuntu?21:40
AaronneyerLike a quick way to fix the grub.  I'm currently booting into a live CD of ubuntu21:41
JoniiLikes of these: libxcb1-dev21:41
Laurenceb_hi, /tmp/TSwR1IuE.zip.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.21:41
Laurenceb_Try again later, or contact the server administrator.21:41
SilverFoxis there a log file I should be inspecting?21:42
Laurenceb_^ why do i get that from firefox?21:42
SilverFoxLaurenceb_: sounds like the download failed.21:42
Laurenceb_but it fails with everything21:42
Laurenceb_is my tmp file space full or something?21:42
ipv6jesusHello. I have Ubuntu & Windows on dualboot (not wubi). I'm trying to install the drivers for a mouse I've just bought, however the installer crashes due to a "cannot open bootloader device". Would this be because of the fact that I have a GRUB boot loader?21:43
Erik____Wubi install of 11.10 doesn't work on my new laptop21:43
enikm4how can you delete a directory with stuff in it?21:44
AaronneyerCan anyone tell me how to fix my grub.  I deleted extra swap partitions and my linux partition and my swap partition went from sda10/11 to sda5/6 and now I get a grub rescue prompt on bootup21:44
SilverFoxenikm4: rm -rf21:44
enikm4SilverFox, ty21:44
pist0l-fishscenario: i have a partition with my OS (windows) and i want to resize it and put ubuntu on a new partition. i have a bunch of mirrored disks being managed by windows software raid. my solution is to unplug the mirrored disks when i install ubuntu, and then make sure the fstab doesn't have references to the mirrored disks and then plugging them back in and rebooting21:44
SilverFoxenikm4: be careful with that thing.  Its loaded.21:44
pist0l-fishwill this prevent ubuntu from ever mounting my mirrored disks?21:44
NeldogzHi all, i have been troubleshooting the replication of contacts from thunderbird to ubuntu one using the thunderbird-couchdb package. Via process of elimination I appear to have found why the contacts are not syncing. Only when the migration process noted within desktop-couch-migration.log cycles does ubuntu one sync the data21:44
enikm4SilverFox, haha okay thanks21:45
pist0l-fishessentially question is: when you reboot ubuntu, does it check for new /dev/sd* devices and add them to the fstab21:45
Neldogzso i have 2 questions. Does anyone know  how often does this process occurs? and secondly is there a way to force it?21:45
DexoHey everyone, i have a question. Is there a way to make it so sound is played through both my headset (or external speakers) and my internal laptop speakers? I'm running Ubuntu 10.04.21:46
Laurenceb_wget works - clearly an firefox issue21:46
amirandapist0l-fish: No, it  won't automatically add them when they appear.  However, why do you want to unplug the drives?  I think you should be able to tell ubuntu to ignore the disks during the install...21:47
ActionParsnipDexo: you may be able to unmute the interface in sound options21:50
DexoActionParsnip: Under the Output tab of Sound Preferences?21:51
xrdodrx!info firefox21:52
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 7.0.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 16391 kB, installed size 35508 kB21:52
xrdodrxstill 7.0.1 in ubuntu? :<21:52
wh1phey peps21:53
wh1pany1 on here ever setup openvpn?21:53
b0otAnyone know how to change the configuration for tftpd?21:54
ActionParsnipDexo: wherever, have a sniff around that kind of thing21:54
wh1pb0ot what are you using tftpd for?21:55
ActionParsnipb0ot: is it not /etc/tftpd.conf21:55
DexoActionParsnip: I've tryed all the different outputs and hardwares, nothing seems to work21:55
dbjohn1hello, I'm using ubuntu 11.10 and my hard drive makes some noises21:56
b0otwh1p, uploading configs to ip phones21:56
ActionParsnipb0ot: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-setup-advanced-tftp-server-in-ubuntu.html21:56
wh1pi cant help you with that soz21:56
b0otActionParsnip, not there21:56
b0otActionParsnip, I have it setup and I can see in syslog my phone trying to get a file that isn't there21:56
b0otbut I want it to skip requests that it can't get and move on21:57
b0otIt works fine with tftpd32 for windows...21:57
wh1pare you sure that the phone is the requesting the right file from the correct location?21:57
ActionParsnipdbjohn1: does it sound like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8S5F2Bd7uA21:57
wh1p-spammerwh1p joined our IRC and spammed us!21:57
dbjohn1ActionParsnip: yes but not that often21:58
wh1phow do i spam?21:58
ActionParsnipdbjohn1: sounds like its dying. I suggest you replace asap, ensure your backups are sufficiently recent21:59
wh1p-spammerwh1p is an evil hacker!21:59
gandalfcomedbjohn1: I also had a problem with a harddrive and it sounded a bit like this: www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0. There's a solution in the youtube thread.21:59
dbjohn1I only have the problem since I installed 11.1021:59
wh1panyway i joined to ask if anyone can push me in the right direction for settings up openvpn?22:00
dbjohn1ActionParsnip: I only have the problem since I installed 11.1022:00
wh1p-spammerwh1p I'll push you in the right direction22:00
wh1p-spammeroff a cliff22:00
=== wh1p-spammer is now known as SiCC
wh1p@wh1p-spammer thanks :) did u join just to troll?22:01
xruudCan someone help me with my laptop that wont shutdown when I click shutdown?22:02
DexoI vote for /kick wh1p-spammer22:02
SiCCxruud, tried the power button?22:02
SilfenXwhy cant I write access an ext4 partitioned drive on the ubuntu machie from my windows 7 machine. Can access it s contents but notmodify. It is configured in Samba asbeing writeable and users with write access are asigned to the share too22:02
SiCCDexo, who's that?22:03
xruudSiCC: 4sec will work22:03
=== SiCC is now known as hak5
ActionParsnipxruud: if you run:  sudo shutdown -h now    does it die?22:03
wh1psicc u the same guy that was just on hak5 irc?22:03
DexoSiCC: a person in the chat that keeps trolling "wh1p"22:03
xruudActionParsnip: yes, that is my temp fix :P22:03
hak5Dexo, who's SiCC?22:04
hak5You're such a fucking n00b.22:04
glebihan!ot | hak522:04
ubottuhak5: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:04
xruudActionParsnip: I want it to just shutdown using the gui buttons. Instead it logs me out22:04
wh1pamazing i go on a couple of irc channel to get some help and guess wht some guy chooses to troll on them22:04
SilverFoxwhen did grub get so friggin complicated?22:06
willfjpoi algum brasileiro?22:06
wh1phow do i leave?22:07
ActionParsnipxruud: just checking, its good to test22:07
xrdodrxwh1p, /quit22:07
cgtdkwh1p: /quit22:07
xruudActionParsnip: I think it is a rights issue22:07
ScuniziDragging windows around is a bit laggy and slow even with the Nvidia Current Recommended driver loaded.  Is there a setting in CCSM that might fix this?  It wasn't this way on the previous release.22:07
xrdodrxSilverFox, it's always been that way ;)22:07
ActionParsnipSilverFox: its pretty simple once you get to grips with it and manages a lot of the short comings of grub122:07
Dexodoes anyone in here ever us JACK?22:08
xruudActionParsnip: but even when logged out, the menu there will not shutdown the machine either22:08
ActionParsnipxruud: try: gksudo gedit /etc/init.d/halt   and add: rmmod snd-hda-intel22:09
ActionParsnipxruud: add it below the line: ### END INIT INFO22:10
ActionParsnipxruud: source: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1306789&page=322:10
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SilverFoxActionParsnip: do I edit /etc/default/grub, /boot/grub/grub.cfg, or /etc/grub.d/foo ?22:10
SilverFoxScunizi: #test22:11
Joniihey, i have a program that totally took over the terminal22:11
bekks,grub2 | SilverFox22:11
ActionParsnipSilverFox: depends what you are wanting to do. You never edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg22:11
SilverFoxgrub2 | silverraindog22:11
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ScuniziSilverFox: wierdness on my tty .. sorry.. do you know how to restart unity?  it just crashed22:11
SilverFoxActionParsnip: I'm trying to add kernel options to one of my menu entries.22:11
bekks,grub2? SilverFox22:11
bekkshmm :(22:12
bjrohanAnyone have suggestions as to why my wireless connection starts out strong, then the speed diminishes over about an hour or so?22:12
bjrohanWired connection stays at 7MB over the course of a day, wireless not so much22:12
Joniictrl-c, ctrl-z nor ctrl-d doesnt work against it22:13
ActionParsnipSilverFox: then you edit /etc/default/grub   and add the options in the quotes with:  quiet splash     then run:  sudo update-grub22:13
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Joniiwait, wait!!22:14
SilverFoxActionParsnip: thanks.22:14
SilverFoxgrub2 | SilverFox22:14
ActionParsnipSilverFox: its not hard, just different22:14
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SilverFoxFair enough.  Just doesn't appear very 'KISS' on the surface.22:15
xruudActionParsnip: This did not work. It also seemes to have reset unity or something as my bar on the left is now back to default22:15
xruudActionParsnip: I'm having multiple issues anyway; I also have to fill in my password everywhere I need to twice, always. The first time is ignored even if I use a wrong pwd22:15
ActionParsnipxruud: editing that file will not change unity in any way22:16
Shogoothi. im on a window machine and i got 1 chrome tab open, but i get 12 processess in my taskmanager. is this normal?22:16
ActionParsnipShogoot: windows isn't supported here, try ##windows22:17
inashdeenanyone here using AWN on ubuntu 11.10? anyone resolved the bugs in it?22:17
ActionParsnipinashdeen: which bug? there are a few22:17
xruudActionParsnip: I did not expect it to, perhaps it was me shutting down the laptop with the pwr button. In any case, it did not solde the problem22:17
xruudShogoot: yes, normal22:17
nightwalkerkgHi,how do i create a new folder and a document inside etc/X11 ?22:17
inashdeenActionParsnip:  mine was with the indicator applet. i cant right click to set the preferences22:18
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strix_what would be the easiest way to get svn 1.7.1 for ubuntu 64 bit?22:18
JoniiFor some reason, my keyboard shortcuts like ctrl-c use qwerty, when im using dvorak22:18
Joniiwhys that?22:18
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inashdeenActionParsnip: what other bugs present? i Am building this for a custom distro, so may you share the bugs with me??22:18
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strix_im trying to access my university svn, authentication works for windows but not for ubuntu22:19
xruudI'm going to sleep. These Ubuntu problems will have to wait. When will there be a bugfix expected? The 11.10 seems very buggy to me22:19
ActionParsnipinashdeen: launchpad has all the reported bugs22:21
EnissayHi guys, what are the best options for fstab to mount an ntfs data HDD ?22:21
ironhalikwow, my ubuntu got back to those quick starts it advertised ;>22:21
Azraelhey folks, quick question.  i've got ubuntu 11.10 installed and i'm using unity.  sometimes an orange translucent box appears and covers the entire left half of my screen.  seems to be correlated with a mouse gesture i haven't yet figured out.  anyways, what is this box about and how can i get it to go away?22:21
xruudironhalik: how fast?22:21
xruudironhalik: I was amazed at my 25 sec cold boot22:22
ironhalikxruud: about 10 seconds from post to desktop, would need to time it22:22
inashdeenActionParsnip: what is indicator-sound-gtk222:22
Senixsnuxoll: how are you?22:22
ironhalikxruud: but the funny part is, the splash got broken22:22
xruudironhalik: (25 sec on an old laptop)22:22
ironhalikxruud: mine is quite old too, but I just installed ghetto ssd on it :>22:23
JernejLwhere do i obtain libstdc++.so.6 32 bit for 64 bit ubuntu?22:23
ironhalik32gb 400x compact flash card22:23
xruudironhalik: my trick exactly!22:23
JernejLor compile something without libstdc++.so.6?22:23
inashdeenActionParsnip : basically, my problem is not on the list22:23
ActionParsnip!info indicator-sound-gtk222:23
ubottuindicator-sound-gtk2 (source: indicator-sound): System sound indicator.. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.9-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 32 kB, installed size 136 kB22:24
ActionParsnipinashdeen: then you can report a new bug you have identified22:24
ironhalikxruud: what kind of speeds are you getting? hdparm shows me about 70 megs read, and dd shows 40 megs write, but compared to original 1.8 drive with 15 megs tops it just got lightning fast22:24
glebihanstrix_, you can either use a ppa (such as https://launchpad.net/~dominik-stadler/+archive/subversion-1.7/), but that's at your own risks (meaning that you have to trust the maintainer of the ppa before installing it. Otherwise, you can install from source22:24
xruudWell in any case, ActionParsnip, thanks for your time. I think I'm much faster re-installing ubuntu altogether. I only had apache2, mysql and some progs installed...22:25
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JernejLi need a GLIBCXX_3.4.1522:25
JernejLhow do i get that22:25
xruudironhalik: I have no clue. First thing I did when I got it was lending the laptop to a friend in need. So no initial speeds, and I haven't gotten around since22:26
ironhalikbtw anyone using ibam (the battery time estimator) and tried to integrate it into unity?22:26
xruudironhalik: Mine is some newer intel model22:26
zacktuin a windows 7/ubuntu dual boot configuration i wanted to expand all partitions into unused space -- i deleted the ubuntu partitions and want to let windows manage its expansion before recreating ubuntu partitions -- anyway, i have a grub error message --- can i fix grub or must i install the windows boot manager?  (i did something like this before by using the windows install disk, but that...22:27
zacktu...was for XP)22:27
ActionParsnipzacktu: by deleting the ubuntu partitions you removed the grub config22:27
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SuprEngrwhy have I gone anti 11.10? 'coz it will *not* allow use of my Three Mobile dongle no matter what I try!22:29
SuprEngr[all other distros fine]22:30
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conntrackDoes ubuntu support load balancing?22:30
zacktuactionparship: so how do i get the windows boot manager so I can resize the windows partition before recreating the ubuntu partitions?22:30
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ActionParsnipzacktu: use your windows 7 CD and you can reinstate the boot loader22:32
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zacktuactionparship: i don't recall -- do i select something like "repair my windows?"22:33
ActionParsnipzacktu: you can use recovery console and run a couple of commands, the guys in ##windows will be able to advise22:33
lifestreamHello, is there a tool that will defragment a FILE, in Linux? I need to defrag a 4GB file I copied over from Windows.22:33
zacktuactionparsnip: thanks22:33
ActionParsniplifestream: if you copied it to ext4, it will be defragged22:34
deej1976 !defrag | lifestream22:34
ubottulifestream: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext4) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.22:34
lifestreamActionParsnip, oh, is that so? That's a great feature! I have ext3, though.22:34
lifestreamdeej1976, I know, but I MUST defrag this file. It's a game data file, and it causes textures to look funny (and yes, I know it's the file, not the graphics)22:35
deej1976lifestream: by copying the file you've altered the possible fragmentionn of it22:36
lifestreamEven in ext3?22:37
matyyAlLA PrOSImA BeLLi... [ÎñF£®ñø]™ [§¢®íÞ†]22:37
deej1976lifestream: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext3#Defragmentation22:38
spinx60does anyone here know if i can get 2 monitors running with SLI enabled?22:38
scottjspinx60: you should be able to get 4 monitors working22:38
spinx60i only have 2.. if 4 monitors is possible then 2 monitors schould be possible aswell22:39
spinx60im tried everything..22:39
scottjspinx60: do both monitors show up in nvidia-settings?22:39
m477when i kill compiz i lose windows' frames and i dont have prompt, what to do?22:40
spinx60but if i activate the 2nd screen it still wont fire up if i restart X22:40
spinx601 will start however22:40
scottjspinx60: perhaps you need to run nvidia-settings as root so you can save the xconfig22:40
Raydiation!wiki grub222:40
lifestreamI know ext filesystem does not get fragmented. So even though I copied the file from windows, it automatically allocates to continuous space. Hmm.. alright22:40
spinx60i have done that too22:41
lifestreamthanks, I'll download the file over-night and see if it fixes the problem22:41
Raydiation!give Raydiation grub22:41
ubottuRaydiation: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:41
spinx60but i dont seem to be able to activate both monitors when i run my 2 graphic cards in SLI mode22:41
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:41
scottjspinx60: oh but both monitors work fine w/o sli?22:41
deej1976lifestream: make sure you've defragged windows before copying22:41
lifestreamdeej1976, it's not my windows, i highly doubt he defrags, ever :P22:42
spinx60im running both now whitout SLI Enabled22:42
deej1976lifestream: ok, good luck22:42
spinx60but i want it enabled so that i get the extra power but i dont want too loose 1 screen22:42
lifestreamdeej1976,  so you are saying if his windows is fragmented, then I SHOULD defragment it on linux? (confused)22:43
kirbygibnercan anyone tell me if they have any suggestions for cell phone rentals for international travel22:43
spinx60brb need to restart x.22:44
deej1976lifestream: Get windows owner to defrag their Windows drive before copying the file back.22:44
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scottjspinx: well I guess I'm not 100% sli works with multiple monitors, maybe you should confirm that22:45
spinx60some say it doesnt work at all.. some say it does but i havent found any guides pointing towards a working solution.. some say newer nvidia drivers  support it22:47
spinx60thats why i came here thinking mabee someone else had the same problem and mabee they got it fixed22:47
scottjidk, I actually have two ndivia cards but I haven't bought the $6 cable to sli them22:48
spinx60hehe i have a spare one you can have it.. whats your adress :P22:48
scottjvirginia :)22:49
scottjI actually have one but it's in storage in the west22:49
JoniiHey, where does launcher keep it's data?22:49
spinx60sweden here :P you pay the shipping cost.. with probably is alot more than bying a new cable22:49
eeeuserHello -- does anyone know of a good UI for OCR?22:49
JoniiI mean, where is the data about those icons you see in launcher, say, by default libre office programs, firefox etc22:49
scottjJonii: /usr/share/icons or ~/.icons maybe22:50
spinx60need to reboot it seems something is wrong with my sound server keeps crashing22:50
eeeuserJonii, the launcher commands are held in .desktop files, which are stored in /usr/share/applications22:51
ActionParsnipeeeuser: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OCR22:51
Joniieeeuser: isn't that system-wide?22:51
eeeuserthat is, yes, the selections are elsewhere22:52
JoniiLike, if I edit those for one user, they all change?22:52
eeeuserActionParsnip, that OCR stuff is all command line22:52
ionstorm66anyone know how to do "fbcon=rotate:3" in grub2?22:53
ionstorm66i have my monitor in portrait22:53
_spt_eeeuser : see VueScan22:53
ActionParsnipeeeuser: "OCRFeeder suite provides handy GUI"22:54
ActionParsnipeeeuser: http://live.gnome.org/OCRFeeder22:54
ActionParsnipeeeuser: try reading ALL the text, helps22:54
garden92did Chromium come before google chrome?22:54
eeeuserI saw ocrfeeder-cli22:54
=== spinx is now known as spinx60
spinx60hey again22:55
ActionParsnipgarden92: chome is a snapshot of chromium with some added stuffs22:55
spinx60now my sound is working22:55
Joniieeeuser: So, where do I get to change what are launcher items for this user?22:55
ActionParsnipgarden92: the daily chromium ppa has nice beta features22:55
garden92think i'll check it out22:55
deej1976!info dconf-tools | Jonii22:56
ubottuJonii: dconf-tools (source: d-conf): simple configuration storage system - utilities. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.10.0-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 60 kB, installed size 252 kB22:56
ActionParsnip!info ocrfeeder22:56
ubottuocrfeeder (source: ocrfeeder): Document layout analysis and optical character recognition system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.5-1 (oneiric), package size 602 kB, installed size 2176 kB22:56
ActionParsnipeeeuser: its in the universe repo too, so be sure you have that enabled22:56
ionstorm66why would it be so hard to rotate in grub222:57
SilverFoxok, when pressing 'e' in grub, I see a line that looks like....  "linux /boot/vmlinuz-3.0.0-12-generic root=UUID=... ro quiet splash acpi=off vt.handoff=7", but adding the acpi=off seems to cause no boot (black screen)22:57
ActionParsnipSilverFox: which GPU do you use?22:57
SomelauwHow do fonts work in ubuntu. In my terminal I don't see the terminus font.22:58
SilverFoxActionParsnip: I'll have to do a recovery boot to check.  I think its a Radeon.22:58
SomelauwAnd I do have terminus-console installed.22:59
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ActionParsnipSilverFox: try adding:  nomodeset     too22:59
SilverFoxActionParsnip: my syntax looks ok/good for that edit though?23:00
ActionParsnipSilverFox: sure23:01
JoniiSo it's not advisable to try and edit launcher items by hand?23:01
ActionParsnipJonii: you can if you want23:01
SilverFoxActionParsnip: ATI Radeon Xpress 200M23:02
Joniiso where are the data23:02
deej1976Jonii: Are you trying to remove items or add items?23:03
sir_tyrionHow can I setup my ubuntu box to be a vpn server so my windows box can connect to it through vpn?23:04
sir_tyrionwith a username and password23:04
Joniideej1976: what I have in mind is kinda "tweak, in whatever ways I find possible"23:05
SilverFoxActionParsnip: same thing with nomodeset.  black screen.23:05
JoniiI don't know yet what are the ways that are possible. I'm just curious to see how does that aspect of ubuntu work, reall23:05
haploidWhat on earth would cause *constant* disk thrashing under ubuntu 11.10, when iotop is claiming 0 iops?  is iotop lying, or is my disk becoming self-aware and trying to launch skynet?23:05
SilverFoxActionParsnip: when I press e during boot, I see a lot of other lines in there besides the 'linux' line.  recordfail, set gfxpayload, insmods, etc.23:06
deej1976Jonii: Can you define "tweak" a little more. The default icons can really only be removed/added to. Can you define "tweak" a little more.23:06
deej1976!repeat | deej1976 :D23:07
ubottudeej1976 :D: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:07
=== nac4l is now known as nac-godfather
haploidthe disk churns constantly, and iotop claims zero activity.  incredible.23:09
codazodaIn Ubuntu 11.10 w/ nVidia drivers my system seems to change the xorg.conf settings on each boot.  That means changes that I make to the xorg.conf file don't seem to stick (it's got some automatic magic going on).  Can I easily disable the automatic magic?23:11
nac-godfatherAnyone know the name of the terminal program that speaks for you (whatever you type)?23:11
zykotick9!info festival | nac-godfather23:12
ubottunac-godfather: festival (source: festival): General multi-lingual speech synthesis system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.1~release-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 986 kB, installed size 2892 kB23:12
Joniideej1976: I understood you could also add some options, like, for chromium "open a new tab | open a new incognito tab"23:12
deej1976Jonii: Ah ha! now I know what your looking for23:13
nac-godfatherNo, there was another one zykotick923:13
codazodaIt changes if I plug or unplug a monitor.  But, it's not smart enough to detect the LCDs and projectors in conference rooms at work.23:13
JoniiBut I take it that there's no sensible way to access launcher data from command line23:13
FatSteveHello. I want to install Ubuntu (11.04) on partition C: of my HDD. At the moment, I do have Windows 7 installed on it. So, my question is, can I boot Ubuntu from my CD , format partition C, and install linux on it, without risking the valuable data I have on partition D? My "D:" has 500 GB of data so I cannot move the data. Thank you.23:14
Multbrelchcodazoda, does it change only if you  plug or unplug a monitor?23:14
deej1976Jonii: Have you found information for adding extra options?23:14
MeQuerSatFatSteve, yes, you can23:14
SilverFoxOK, got it to work with the combination of acpi=oldboot and nomodeset.  Now...  what, if any, functionality or features am I losing by passing these options?23:14
Joniideej1976: nope23:14
MeQuerSatSilverFox, fast tty switches and some power-saving options23:15
MeQuerSatSilverFox, nothing really interesting :)23:15
JoniiI'm mostly just curious to know where's the data. The rest I thought I could figure out myself or something, though a guide or something would help23:15
codazodaMultbrelch: Yes.  Only if I change the monitor and restart X.23:16
Multbrelchcodazoda, is the monitor plugged in when u restart?23:17
Ek123Hi, I'm on the Firefox beta channel. If I want to switch back to the stable channel do I just have to remove the 'firefox-next' repo from my software sources? Or is there anything else I have to do after?23:17
deej1976jonii: http://maketecheasier.com/8-really-useful-ubuntu-unity-quicklists/2011/05/0723:18
codazodaMultbrelch: Sometimes.  If I connect it to no monitor and restart, it works.  If I connect it to my secondary monitor (DVI) and restart, it works.  If I connect it to a 1080p TV or projector in a conference room (VGA through who knows what wires and switches) it doesn't work.23:19
deej1976jonii: Google "23:19
deej1976jonii: Google "unity launcher quicklist"23:19
codazodaMultbrelch: Other Mac OS X and Windows users seem to detect it fine, so I don't know if it's the switches and cables or not.  Ubuntu see's it as 800x600.23:19
Multbrelchcodazoda, I see. In my case all is perfect. I have also a nvidea card. Small advice ...23:20
Netalarmhi, does 11.10 still support 3d-flip like features?23:20
ActionParsnipEk123: uninstall the browser, then reinstall it23:20
Multbrelchcodazoda, search for a program called 'disper'23:20
ActionParsnipNetalarm: it can have the cube nonesense, yes23:20
NetalarmActionParsnip, how would I be able to use that?23:21
MultbrelchIt helps a lot when u work with beamers and ext. TV screens23:21
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codazodaMultbrelch: I've read about that elsewhere but didn't install it because it wasn't in Synaptic.  I'll go get it.23:21
FatSteveI want to install Ubuntu (11.04) on partition C: of my HDD. At the moment, I do have Windows 7 installed on it. So, my question is, can I boot Ubuntu from my CD , format partition C, and install linux on it, without risking the valuable data I have on partition D? My "D:" has 500 GB of data so I cannot move the data. Ty.23:21
Multbrelchcodazoda, u need to install the repository23:21
Multbrelchcodazoda, just follow the advices on this page ... and use the repository for Maverick23:22
SPELINAXtengo un problema23:22
vulnI assumed it should be simple to turn on Compiz with Cube rotation and so on in Unity on Ubuntu 11.1023:22
FatSteveSPELINAX, try english..23:22
Ek123ActionParsnip: Thanks, I'll do that now...23:22
ActionParsnipNetalarm: enable it in ccs,23:22
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:22
codazodaMultbrelch: Got it.  I'll try that.  Thanks for the advise.23:23
serialkwhich command is executed to mount a partition in /media when I open it in nautilus ?23:23
SPELINAXHola alguoen me puede ayudar?23:24
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList23:24
Joniideej1976: this isn't working as I expected it to. I thought the pre-existing launcher items would be in the same place the new ones will be placed23:24
SPELINAXhay alguien?23:25
FloodBot1SPELINAX: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:25
uniquei am trying to install ubuntu on intel i5 processor 64bit... do i need the ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso file?23:25
JoniiBut since that tutorial suggests I make a directory called ~/.local/share/applications, I take it it's not the case. So I can't pinpoint where does Ubuntu find those default programs to be included in the launcher the first an account is created23:25
blackshirtunique; you can use 32/64 bit ubuntu, but maybe more eficient with amd6423:26
=== Edgan_ is now known as Edgan
deej1976Jonii: I've not tried adding Quick lists, looking /usr/local/share/applications23:26
deej1976jonii: sudo find / -name applications -type d23:27
uniqueblackshirt: its confusing me that the file is called amd64 and im installing it on i523:27
deej1976jonii: Possible locations23:27
trismJonii: the items that should be in the launcher are kept in dconf, but the actual launcher files can be in several locations (usually either /usr/share/applications or ~/.local/share/applications/)23:27
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:27
blackshirtunique: don't be confuse, amd64 just for a name 64bit sistem, not specific to AMD23:27
JVizhow do I deal with a null directory name?23:28
FatStevedeej1976, ok, I`m sorry.23:28
trismJonii: the defaults are set in the gsettings key com.canonical.Unity.Launcher favorites, you can see the default values in dconf-editor (but it just lists the .desktop files that are loaded)23:28
uniqueblackshirt last question, to install it with RAID1 i only need the -alternate-amd64.iso file right?23:28
mmoebiusJViz: What do you mean by "null" directory name ? ... A directory name cannot be an empty string.23:29
blackshirtunique: yeah, or server edition23:29
JVizmmoebius: ls lists it as (null), but ls (null) says -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('23:30
deej1976mmoebius : yes it can mkdir " " "  "23:30
mmoebiusJViz: ( and ) are special characters to bash. You need to escape those.23:30
mmoebiustry ls \(null\) or ls "(null)" or ls '(null)'23:31
JVizmmoebius: that worked23:31
mmoebiusdeej1976: A space character is not an empty string.23:31
serialknobody know about my previous question ?23:32
mmoebiusdeej1976: You can evan have ANSI-Escape sequences in dir names. That wat great fun in the good ol' tiokmes when ls didn't filter those by default and people started to have ANSI terminals ;-)23:32
Joniitrism: oh, ty, that answers my question23:32
vulnI assumed it should be simple to turn on Compiz with Cube rotation and so on in Unity on Ubuntu 11.10.. Has anyone had a good experience on doing that?23:32
mmoebiusserialk: Most likely, nautilus issues the mount() call to the kernel, directrly, why ?23:33
Joniitrism: I take it those defaults are not to be tampered with unless you know really well what you're doing?23:35
mmoebiusserialk: Otherwise, run strace -p <pid of nautilus that mounts stuff> as root and watch it issue a call or an execve() ... Most likely you want the -o option of strace and analyze the resultiung big file later. Dirty work but foolproof23:35
serialkmmoebius: my nautilus isn't launched as root23:35
JoniiI kinda expected something more user-friendly, like a folder or a single file that lists all the launcher items23:36
trismJonii: do you mean edit individual items or edit the items listed in the launcher?23:37
Ek123Is Firefox 8 not in the 11.04 software centre yet?23:37
Joniitrism, both, really23:37
deej1976!ff | Ek12323:37
ubottuEk123: firefox is the default web browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | To install plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins23:37
mmoebiusserialk: try whatever works for you. User may work. I wouldn't know. Espcieally if the mounbter would run over a helper-program that is suid and you try to follow with the apppropriate strace option, you would want t orun strace as root. Before, read the strace man page anyways.23:38
trismJonii: you can add items to the launcher by dragging and dropping them there, right click and uncheck them to remove them23:38
mmoebiusserialk: and consider -t -r and -s 150 or greater. Just my 2cent ;-)23:38
trismJonii: if you want to edit an item, I usually create (or copy) the desktop file into ~/.local/share/applications and then you can edit the file as you need23:38
trismJonii: you'll need to drag and drop it back on the launcher for the changes to take effect, and you generally want to rename custom items so they don't conflict with system version from /usr/share/applications/23:39
JoniiSo it's by default gui-thing to modify launcher? Okay23:40
Ek123ActionParsnip: When I reinstalled Firefox through the software centre I got FF7 even though 8 is the latest stable release. Did I remove the wrong repo or is the software centre version not necessarily always the newest version?23:41
chaospsychexhow do i install 'iostat' ? 'sudo apt-get install iostat' outputted pkg not found23:43
zykotick9!info firefox | Ek12323:43
ubottuEk123: firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 7.0.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 16391 kB, installed size 35508 kB23:43
deej1976!info iostat23:44
ubottuPackage iostat does not exist in oneiric23:44
chaospsychexwell how to i make the pkg myself and install it ?23:44
trismchaospsychex: maybe the sysstat package, it has a /usr/bin/iostat binary23:44
deej1976!info sysstat23:45
ubottusysstat (source: sysstat): system performance tools for Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 10.0.1-1 (oneiric), package size 282 kB, installed size 876 kB23:45
deej1976chaospsychex: sudo apt-get install sysstat23:45
Ek123zykotick9: Oh thanks, I didn't know about the !info command. I guess It'll update itself as usual then?23:45
zykotick9Ek123, i know ubuntu changed the rules about software updates for firefox, but i don't really know the specifics23:46
* deej1976 closing laptop23:47
Ek123zykotick9: Ah ok, I'll look into that then23:47
zykotick9Ek123, but you're right, firefox's current version is 823:48
spinxive managed to have 1 monitor on 1 card and the other monitor on the other card. so now im running 1 screen on 1 card and vise versa and 2 seperate x-screens. and that improved performance very well instead of using 2 screens on 1 card23:48
stochastichey, at a recent update my flash plugin started acting weird, certain video sites just show a white screen23:49
ActionParsnip!find iostat23:49
ubottuFound: banshee-extension-radiostationfetcher, pcp-import-iostat2pcp23:49
VeyI have a question. I installed 11.04 and it  has unity. I want to go back to classic ubuntu like in 10.10 on my other computer. But at the login screen I don't have the ubuntu classic option. I installed the gnome one but it's was the right one . I don't know what's the command to install the classic desktop. Does anyone know ? all the tutorial says it should be switchable at the login screen but it's not23:49
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: those 2 packages may help23:50
daniel__yo hablo español y necesito ayuda23:50
zykotick9!es | daniel__23:50
ubottudaniel__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:50
blackshirtVey: i don't exactly, but there are "gnome-fallback" packages23:50
kaushalis there a way to forcefully update ubuntu desktop clients from server ?23:51
zykotick9Vey, is it 11.04 or 11.10 that you installed?23:51
Veyblackshirt, I'll search the web about those. oh I think zykotick9 is right, Might be the 11.10 I installed23:51
mbeierlI have 11.04, ATI driver with catalyst control centre installed.  How do I change the screen colour depth to 16?  There are no options for depth anywhere\23:51
zykotick9!notunity | Vey23:52
ubottuVey: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:52
zykotick9Vey, "lsb_release -a" in a terminal will tell you for sure23:52
Ek123zykotick9: If I download Firefox from their site I can get version 8 but then it won't update properly will it?23:54
Veyzykotick9, definitely 11.10.   I'll look into the gnome-shell package. I tried one but dont recall which23:54
ActionParsnipEk123: there is a PPA you can use, you can even use the nightly to get 11 if you fancy23:55
kaushalAny clue about http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/741754/ ?23:55
BarkingFish!details | kaushal23:58
ubottukaushal: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:58
ActionParsnipkaushal: use: ps -ef | grep dpkg    what is output?23:58
Ek123ActionParsnip: I think I found the ppa you're talking about: 'firefox-stable' but it says it's aimed at Lucid and Maverick users. I'm on Natty, should that make a difference?23:59
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