
=== duanedes1gn is now known as M0hi
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=== Guest96191 is now known as duanedesign
=== lifeless is now known as subunit
=== subunit is now known as lifeless
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mwhudsondoes u1 do some kind of checksum lookup before uploading a file?04:36
karnimwhudson: yes it does. it first checks if the file isn't already uploaded to U1.08:06
mandelmorning all!09:21
JamesTait"What a beautiful day, hey hey, what a beautiful day!" Good morning all! :)09:35
mandelJamesTait, you are not allowed to be that happy in the morning..09:54
JamesTaitmandel: At 6:45 this morning, I wasn't. :-P09:55
mandelJamesTait, you are not allowed to be awake that early in the morning :P09:55
JamesTaitmandel: At 6:45 this morning, I wasn't. :-D09:55
* mandel coffee10:15
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
* mandel back10:46
mandelgatox, hola11:04
gatoxmandel, como va?11:04
mandelgatox, ok, but remember, we have to use eng here.. at least until we conquer the world, then we can switch to spanish :)11:05
mandelgatox, on, I hate Mac Os X lion, worst thing EVER11:07
mandelmy laptop has been acting funny since I upgraded :(11:08
gatoxmandel, really???? i'm not a mac fan... but those things tend to work fine11:08
gatoxmandel, i think you have problems with the universe  jejjej11:09
mandelgatox, nah, terrible, is the stupid mac11:10
gatoxmandel, buy an alienware! :P11:10
mandelgatox, I have a one already until you pay me back hehe11:10
gatoxjejjeej true11:11
mandelgatox, I think my main issues is the lack of main memory this machine has and how vmware-vmx does things.. 4gb or RAM is not enough11:13
mandelgatox, on my desktop running ubuntu I can have 5 vms running with 8gb of RAM and 16 for SWAP in an SSD and I have no issues11:13
gatoxmandel, yes....  have 4gb too and that's part of my problems11:13
gatoxthat's why i needed to bought another notebook11:13
mandelgatox, If 3 years ago you said that I would not believe it..11:15
mandelgatox, our main issues are the stupid vms11:15
gatoxmandel, yes....11:15
ryeHi all, anybody here with Nexus One?11:53
* Chipaca points at beuno 12:07
ralsina__good morning!12:33
beunorye, yes, me, nexus one12:36
ryebeuno, ah, u1f works for you :)12:37
* mandel wants to puch the twited reator in the face!12:41
beunorye, it does  :)12:46
gatoxmandel, i think i found where the problem in the test might be!!! :D i couldn't be happier (unless i'm wrong...... so i'm going to be really depress) jeejeje13:30
mandelgatox, lucky you! I got them fixed with the first u1trial version I just installed trunk on windows and they fail13:31
mandelstupid dirty reactor!13:31
gatoxmandel, :S crap!13:31
* mandel lunch13:47
nessitahello all13:57
alecuhola nessita!13:57
dobeyhola nessita13:58
nessitahey guys, I'm not feeling that well, I feel a ball stucked in my throat and it hurts a lot when I swallow13:58
nessitaI will be here closing some stuff and in the meeting, of course (but in mute-mode)13:59
nessitadobey: what you wanna release today? I'm happy to help14:00
gatoxnessita, hi14:00
dobeynessita: stuff for precise14:01
nessitadobey: ok, what shall I tackle?14:01
nessitawhat project, I mean14:02
dobeynessita: actually; let's work out milestone/release scheduling for the cycle, and set up all the milestones first; almost forgot that we should do that :)14:03
nessitadobey: you mean for "future" bugs, right? not already solved ones?14:03
dobeynessita: i mean for stable-3-0; currently solved bugs should also get targeted to stable-3-0 and the 3.0.0 milestone, if they're in stable-3-0 already14:05
nessitadobey: for already committed bugs, I have a script to do that14:06
dobeyalso, i guess i should write up an e-mail to the list about all the stable branches and how people should go about proposing fixes from now on14:06
nessitadobey: yes, though I started that conversation already with ralsina and Chipaca, let me see if they answered14:06
Chipacadobey: it's a conversation coming your way rsn14:07
nessitadobey: we wanted to have a first proposal for the team14:07
nessitadobey: right, so we can have your feedback on that14:07
nessitaChipaca: any news on that front?14:07
dobeyChipaca: sure; i'd expect an "ask dobey" response to that question anyway :)14:08
joshuahooverrye: do you think you can add to the description of bug #874501 justification for the sru? i think you're probably the most knowledgeable about that particular bug at this point :)14:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 874501 in gnome-keyring (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 2 other projects) "couldn't prepare to write out keyring (affects: 4) (dups: 1) (heat: 28)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87450114:10
Chipacanessita: it was in view of your email that i asked roberto and phil to have the "QA abuse prevention" meeting yesterday14:11
Chipacanessita: still waiting to hear back from that14:12
nessitaChipaca: wasn't aware of that, thanks for the update14:12
pfibigerwe started it and roberto had internet troubles14:12
pfibigercontinuing today14:12
Chipacaugh, ok14:12
dobeydoes google calendar not support custom recurrance?14:13
Chipacanessita: not much of an update. trying to get clarity around the more handwavy "and QA does this" steps14:13
Chipacadobey: it does14:13
dobeyChipaca: i don't see how to do mon-fri, but NOT thurs14:13
Chipacadobey: although it's not as nifty as my internet provider's billing recurrence options14:13
Chipaca("the third day after the full moon")14:14
Chipacadobey: set it to "weekly", and you'll get checkboxes for the days14:14
ryewooot? NO SRU YET?14:15
nessitarye: for what?14:15
Chipacadobey: not particularly obvious, unless you think about it in a particular way :)14:15
dobeyrye: for valueerror? it's in oneiric-proposed14:15
dobeyChipaca: i'll try to think more like a google UXer more often in my daily life14:16
alecuChipaca, if they charge you by moons that means they'll be charging you an extra month every 3 years!14:16
Chipacaalecu: they charge me based on used, alone14:17
ryedobey, no, for gnome-keyring overflowing due to random number generator used14:17
Chipacaalecu: in fact, they charge me based on how much i download. I can upload for free.14:17
dobeyrye: oh, nice14:17
ryejoshuahoover, hm, I see ther update sent to precise, there is nothing about SRU for Oneiric?14:17
dobeysigh, google calendar. you are such complete fail14:18
joshuahooverrye: see the last comment on the bug...it's not going into proposed until we get address the potential for regressions caused by the fix...need a justification that takes that into account14:18
ryejoshuahoover, aha, i understand what to do14:18
joshuahooverrye: :)14:19
ryejoshuahoover, well, for oneiric we need only one fix (well, at least until somebody else wants more fixes)14:19
Chipacadobey: now what?14:19
joshuahooverrye: not sure what that means...is there more than one fix in that patch?14:20
ryejoshuahoover, duanedesign, by the way - if user claims a note was deleted but it is still present as "Notename deleted" in recent items on /notes/ then yes - we can recover it, when on beautyberry - then with l0sa help, when on other hosts - the users can do that themselves with ubuntuone-couchdb-undelete14:20
ryejoshuahoover, in that patch - no. But the one ken proposed to precise - lots of other14:21
joshuahooverrye: ah, i see14:21
Chipacarye: the ability to do it themselves will go away soon14:21
nessitadobey: any idea why the stable-3-0 are not landing yet? do we need to 'restart' something for the config to work?14:21
dobeyChipaca: editing another event that should recur, but which does not; however i see no way to make it recurring14:22
dobeynessita: maybe sidnei didn't redeploy the client tarmac instances?14:22
nessitadobey: sounds like it14:22
ralsinagood morning everyone, sorry about being late, my internet at home is dead, am at a bar14:23
Chipacadobey: checkbox that says [ ] Repeat... ?14:23
dobeyChipaca: also, it seems the one i successfully edidted and removed thursday from, still occurs on thursdays :(14:23
Chipacadobey: belo title and from/to fields14:23
dobeyChipaca: i see no such checkbox14:23
dobeythere is only an all day checkbox there14:24
nessitaralsina_: hola14:24
Chipacadobey: repeat should be next to it14:24
Chipacadobey: maybe you're using gtkhtml :)14:24
dobeyChipaca: right. it's not :)14:24
dobeyno, firefox14:24
dobeygtkhtml, i probably wouldn't even be looking at google calendar :)14:25
ralsinaalecu: ping, sorry I missed 1-1, was internet-less. Could we reschedule?14:29
ryeChipaca, that is schrödinger to know.14:29
alecuralsina: sure14:29
dobeyoh the other one says (Still saving changes...)14:29
dobeyhow efficient of you, google14:29
dobeydelete and recreate let me make a recurring event though14:30
joshuahooverrye: can you work out that sru (874501) with kenvandine to figure out what we need to do to get the fix in for oneiric? sounds like maybe we need less to go in for o for the fix14:30
mandelalecu, ping14:50
alecumandel, pong14:51
mandelalecu, do you have the time to give me a hand with some failing tests in sso14:52
alecumandel, we are about to have our team meeting, right?14:52
alecumandel, can we do it after that?14:52
alecumandel, anyway, if you point me at the branch I can take a look14:52
mandelalecu, we have standup at 4 and team meeting at 4:30 so its sounds good to do it after that14:53
mandelalecu, I'll push it and we can take a look after14:53
ralsinawe can skip standup today14:53
alecumandel, we don't have standup today: just team meeting14:53
ralsinathe idea was that on weekly meeting day there is no standup14:53
alecumandel, it's at the same time.14:53
mandelalecu, really, cool :D14:53
mandelI was going to say that having both was stupid hehe14:54
alecumandel, we have only team meeting, at 4pm your time. So, in 5 minutes!14:54
mandeloh, getting in mumble then14:55
dobeyah it is nigh time eh14:56
ralsinaI just dropped half a glass of sprite on the keyboard. Seems to be working though!14:59
dobeyralsina: after the meeting you are going to want a new keyboard.15:01
ralsinadobey: it's my notebook's keyboard :-/15:01
dobeysticky-keys ftl15:01
dobeynessita: mumble?15:02
nessitadobey: yes, going!15:02
duanedesignsomeone ping me?15:06
duanedesign<.<  >.>15:06
nessitaduanedesign: ping15:11
nuffigelhey everyone, whats the default way to install an ubuntu one client on an X-less gentoo machine? There is a gentoo-ubuntu-one overlay, but it ships only the gui version that requires nautilus and, thereby, all of gnome15:11
nessitaduanedesign: you wanted a ping? :-)15:11
duanedesignnuffigel: well you can just not install ubuntuone-gnome and you will not have to install nautilus15:13
duanedesignthen run Ubuntu One from the command line with u1sdtool15:13
nuffigelduanedesign: hmm, apparently, this is not supported by the overlay, guess I'll have to compile by hand?15:15
nuffigelduanedesign: well, thanks so far, it gets me on the way i suppose :]15:19
duanedesignnuffigel: Chipaca might be able to help more. I think he had dome this before15:23
Chipacame? nevah!15:23
* Chipaca reads15:23
duanedesignthis == install U1 on an X-less box15:23
Chipacaah. no.15:23
ChipacaI did something different, which doesn't count as installing ubuntu one15:24
duanedesignoop. I was mistaken. Not the first time :)15:24
Chipacanuffigel: you can get the bzr bits, and pass in the needed keys and such as commandline args (or config options) so that dbus isn't necessary, and you're set15:24
Chipacanuffigel: it's not rocket science, but it is probably comparable to the more boring parts of material science15:25
ralsinamandel: fumón!15:33
dobeyChipaca: dbus is necessary, but keyring isn't (if you already have a token and shove it in the config file instead)15:33
ralsinanuffigel: ubuntu one doesn't really work without X15:34
mandelalecu, got time?15:34
ralsinanuffigel: it requires gnome-keyring, so you won't be able to authenticate without X. Sorry.15:34
mandelalecu, I have a very first small question, the tearDown from unittest.trial.TestCase it returns a deferred, right? cause in our tests on windows is not (twisted 11.0.0)15:35
dobeymandel: no. but it expects anything deriving from it to probably return a deferred, if overriding tearDown15:40
dobeymandel: but the new u1trial should catch all the cases where that is an issue15:40
alecumandel, you should return a deferred from a tearDown (probably the one returned from super().tearDown)15:49
alecumandel, or decorate your tearDown with @inlineCallbacks and yield on the deferred returned by super().tearDown15:50
alecumandel, the same goes for setUp15:51
dobeyyou need to inlinecallbacks and yield the super; but like i said, u1trial complains about that now :)15:51
mandelalecu, I'm doing that and in theory it should be removing the selectables but aint working, let me paste you the setup and teardown15:51
alecumandel, great15:51
alecudobey, that sounds very useful. How are you doing it?15:52
mandeldobey, alecu take a look: http://paste.ubuntu.com/741300/15:52
alecudobey, is it just complaining when tearDown does not return a deferred?15:52
mandelalecu, we inspect the testsuit to check if you do call the suer etc..15:53
alecumandel, can you paste the error too?15:53
mandelalecu, dirty reactor, but sure15:53
mandelalecu, with example error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/741302/15:54
alecumandel, the that's not disconnected is self.client_factory15:55
alecumandel, and the one that's being disconnected in tearDown is self.server_factory15:55
alecumandel, the key point is here: 'twisted.internet.tcp.Client'>15:56
mandelalecu, but in line 17 there is and addCleanup15:56
mandelalecu, that should be taking care of the TcpClient (I actually moved it from the tearDown to the cleanup to see if it helped)15:58
alecumandel, http://mumak.net/stuff/twisted-disconnect.html15:58
alecu"In order to clean up a test that connects a client to a server, you need to wait on three Deferreds: one for the listening port, one for the server protocol and one for the client protocol."15:58
alecumandel, it has bitten me a few times, and I worked around it. But I just found this link that explains it very clearly.15:59
mandelalecu, that is the link I read yesterday, aint working :(16:00
mandelalecu, our current implementation follows the save protocol implementation found int he twisted.pb test cases to tearDown16:00
mandelalecu, but we have bug 88534216:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 885342 in ubuntu-sso-client "Tests failing in SSO (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88534216:01
joshuahoovernessita, rye, dobey, duanedesign: i tested the sru for bug #872924 and it looks good, changed the tag to verification-done16:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 872924 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Precise) (and 5 other projects) "Resuming a failed upload crashes with ValueError: I/O operation on closed file (affects: 24) (dups: 3) (heat: 136)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87292416:01
mandelalecu, take a look at trunk and you will se the implementation that fails, is very very similar except for the SaveProtocol stuff16:02
dobeyalecu: it should afaik16:02
duanedesignjoshuahoover: awesome16:03
mandelalecu, in those tests we also have a diff but where we d not call mocker.restore() but has nothing to do with that issue16:05
ryei am stupid16:07
mandelalecu, run of the tests and example code: http://paste.ubuntu.com/741310/16:07
mandelalecu, some of them fail some do not due to a dirty reactor, which I don't understand, if the reactor is dirty it should happend for all of them, right?16:08
ryeOOPS-ID- is wrong, it is OOPS-16:08
alecumandel, not really16:08
alecumandel, trial makes sure the reactor is clean after each test run.16:09
alecumandel, that way you can be sure you are not leaking *other* stuff in the reactor.16:09
mandelalecu, and the teardown executes after every test.. so either the tests that fail are broken of the tearDown should be doing the job correctly16:10
nessitaok guys, I'm off to the bed16:14
dobeynessita: get well16:15
nessitaplease talk to ralsina anything you need from me, I tried to gave him all the details about all the pending stuff16:15
mandelnessita, mejorate!16:15
nessitagatox: please make sure alecu review your unicode branch, since he was the last one working on this :-)16:15
nessitamandel: thanks!16:15
gatoxnessita, yes... get better!16:15
nessitaok, see ya all on Nov, 30th, though I will be stepping by tomorrow to answer any question/pending stugg16:16
alecunessita, get well16:16
mandelalecu, we have the same issue in the tcpactivation tests which might be easier to debug16:17
alecumandel, have you read the last example in the article on mumak's blog?16:21
gatoxluncch! brb16:21
mandelalecu, you mean the one with TestDisconnect, yes16:22
alecumandel, I think that if we apply that pattern to every test where we connect a client to a server we could get rid of many of the timing issues in tests16:22
alecumandel, well, looking at your example, it's missing a few things that are done on that last example.16:23
mandelalecu, yes, I did not follow the exact code.. I give a try with that16:23
* mandel gets to it16:23
alecumandel, the thing to remember is that there are *three* deferreds we should be waiting on... that's why it uses gatherResults16:24
alecumandel, we should yield once on a gatherResults of three other functions.16:25
alecumandel, also we should try to come up with a shorter way of all this that can be used in every other test16:27
alecumandel, I'm thinking of something that's used like:16:27
alecucleanupDisconnection(testcase, server, client)16:28
alecumandel, and that it automatically monkeypatches the "connectionMade" and "connectionLost" methods, and uses addCleanup on the testcase.16:29
mandelalecu, and add it as a method for the base test case class, makes sense16:30
mandelalecu, although that would have to be done in the test case from u1-dev-tools, right? so that we can use it everywhere16:30
alecumandel, perhaps. I'm still not sure what object would "client" and "server" be, and if we should pass some other stuff too.16:31
mandelalecu, lets first fix this guys, if it works lets chat with natalia to add it everywhere, ok?16:31
alecumandel, right16:32
alecuok, it's lunchtime for me too!16:32
mandelI'm going to call it a 20 min early EOD, catch you all tom16:36
dobeylunch, bbiab18:12
alecugatox, ralsina: can I get trivial reviews on the two branches in this bug?18:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 891644 in ubuntuone-storage-protocol (and 1 other project) "Use /api/time to do the timesync (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,In progress]18:26
gatoxalecu, on it18:26
ralsina_alecu: sure18:27
gatoxFINALLY!!! my unicode fixes branch is ready!18:36
alecugatox, congratx!18:37
gatoxalecu, thanks..... i couldn't be happier :P18:37
gatoxalecu, but probably this is not the end jeje18:38
gatoxalecu, i'm reviewing your branches..... i don't know where to began! jeejje18:45
gatox+1 on both :P18:45
alecugatox, very complicated branches, right?18:46
gatoxalecu, i'll have a present for you...... wait..... i'm waiting for launchpad to rescan this branch :P18:47
* alecu covers his head with both hands!18:47
alecuplease no unicode branches this week!!!18:47
gatoxalecu, emmmmm...... i'm seeing unicode branches for the last 2 weeks almost jejeje18:48
alecugatox, yes, I know. And you are suffering them DAILY!18:48
ralsina_alecu: trivial, setting to approved18:49
gatoxalecu, true true...... but ALSO i get the chance to read and understand a lottttttt of the code in u1-client..18:49
alecugatox, cool!18:49
gatoxralsina, alecu unicode review please: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/unicode-issues/+merge/8258618:49
alecuralsina_, thanks!18:49
ralsina_gatox: I don t have any slots today, need to prep the release for tomorrow :-/18:50
gatoxralsina, no problem!18:50
gatoxalecu, when you review it, you will find that some lines are just pep8 fixes..... it was stronger than me :P..... i'll propose another branch later fixing pep8 issues in u1-client again and added the pep8 checker to the test..... i talked about that with nessita18:52
alecugatox, sounds like a great time to add these kinds of checks18:52
alecugatox, but I'll tell you the same that I tell nessita about these kind of fixes: please do a separate branch for it.18:53
alecugatox, so we don't mix functionality with style fixes18:53
gatoxalecu, yes obviusly!! now some pep8 fixes get mix with this branch..... but the idea is to make a new branch for that fix18:53
alecugatox, ok, great.18:53
alecugatox, why did you comment the method "test_upgrade_None_to_last_phantom_share_path" in test_vm.py ???19:16
gatoxalecu, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry, that was for testing!19:16
alecuit looked like :-)19:16
alecugatox, a typo repeated a few times in test_os_helper: "funcion" (it should be "function")19:19
gatoxalecu, fixed commented code19:19
* gatox looking at typo19:20
alecugatox, also, test_expand_user_fails_if_not_bytes and the one below it have no docstring19:20
* gatox fixing...19:21
nuffigelsoo, i installed ubuntuone-client from source and it says "ImportError: No module named ubuntuone.platform.linux.tools" - guess the configure script is somehow broken (it should check for the python module, shouldn't it?). Anyways, where can I get this python module? Oh, I'm running gentoo x6419:21
dobeynuffigel: that module is from ubuntuone-client19:23
nuffigelweird, then something must be wrong with my install i guess, thanks19:23
dobeynuffigel: so likely, an installation issue :)19:23
nuffigeldobey: do you know what file?19:24
dobeyit's probably not a single file, but a general issue19:25
gatoxalecu, all fixed19:25
dobeyknowing how it was built/installed exactly (commands used), would probably be helpful though19:25
dobeyalso, i have no idea what python gentoo uses by default19:26
dobeythat could also be an issue19:26
alecugatox, the body of MetadataTestCase.check_version is commented and there's only a "pass"19:26
nuffigelI think i got it, installed in /usr/local instead of /usr - stupid mistake of me19:26
nuffigeldobey: yeah, that was it, its now asking for "ubuntu_sso.xdg_base_directory"19:27
gatoxalecu, done..... sorry.... all the test are ok anyhow.... i re-tested everything19:28
alecugatox, the piece of code used to set the USER_SID might look better in it's own function.19:31
alecuand it might even get some tests19:31
alecuit's -> its19:31
gatoxalecu, okkkkkk, refactoring that19:32
alecugatox, does it makes sense?19:32
dobeynuffigel: you need ubuntuone-storage-protocol and ubuntu-sso-client also19:32
gatoxalecu, yes, i know what you mean19:32
nuffigeldobey: yeah I got storage-prot but sso-client has a strange install thingy19:33
alecugatox, and also we are not leaving variables like process_handler and security_info in the os_helper namespace19:33
dobeynuffigel: strange how?19:34
nuffigeldobey: there is just a setup.py and it needs some more modules (mocker and pythoncom)19:35
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
alecugatox, other than that, the branch looks great. I've just finished reviewing it.19:35
nuffigeldobey: I'm kinda spoiled by automake i guess ^^19:35
dobeynuffigel: it doesn't need those. it does need python-distutils-extra19:36
gatoxalecu, great!! thanks!!..... with: "and also we are not leaving variables like process_handler and security_info in the os_helper namespace" you mean if we put everything inside a function, right?19:36
nuffigeldobey: I have python-distutils-extra version 2.23 installed19:36
dobeynuffigel: then ./setup.py install should work fine as normally would19:37
dobeynuffigel: mocker is needed to run tests; and pythoncom is needed on windows only19:37
nuffigeldobey: hmm but it does say "ERROR: Python module mocker not found" and "ERROR: Python module pythoncom not found" and then exits with some really weird trace finishing up with the well-known "ValueError: _type_ 'v' not supported" :]19:38
nuffigelill give you a paste...19:38
nuffigeldobey: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/509375/19:40
dobeynuffigel: hrmm, i think maybe you need a newer distutils-extra19:45
nuffigelgetting 2.31 right now...19:46
dobeynuffigel: there was some bug similar to that which i fixed (it may even have been that exact bug actually) :)19:48
nuffigelah that would be nice :]19:49
nuffigeldobey: yeah, the ubuntu-sso-client setup runs now, great work - gentoo guys need to update their python-distutils-extra...19:52
nuffigelurgs, more problems...19:53
nuffigel"ImportError: No module named PyQt4.uic.Compiler"19:53
nuffigelsounds like Qt (but no X, remember)19:53
dobeyyeah, you'll need to install pyqt also19:53
nuffigelI hope it doesnt depend on Qt19:53
dobeyif you want to run the qt ui it does (and so we need some pyqt bits at build time to generate ui)19:54
nuffigeldobey: hmm maybe I can disable the Qt-UI in the setup then...19:54
alecugatox, yes... if we put everything in a function then we don't have those variables scattered in the file.19:55
gatoxalecu, yep!! i'll do that as soon as i finish with this trivial branch that i'm going to propose in a few minutes19:56
dobeywell, the ubuntu_sso.xdg_base_directory bit will be going away soon19:56
alecugatox, ok. I'll wait for that change before running tests on this .19:56
dobeythen you won't really need it to use ubuntuone-client19:56
gatoxalecu, ok19:56
nuffigeldobey: ye, I'm trying to go with ./setup.py install_lib19:58
gatoxalecu, ralsina (when you have a moment today or tomorrow) really trivial branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/congratulations-page/+merge/8259620:08
nuffigeldobey: hmm, when running ./setup build_py it says http://paste.pocoo.org/show/509386/ - did it build now or not? (warnings aren't errors, right?)20:08
alecugatox, trivial like mine?20:08
gatoxalecu, jejeje not so much...... but close20:08
alecugatox, 108 lines (+23/-19) 3 files modified20:08
alecugatox, not even close!20:09
gatoxalecu, but one file is .ui, and the other .qss20:09
gatoxah no..... not .qss20:09
dobeynuffigel: none of those are actually errors20:10
dobeynuffigel: that output is basically normal20:10
alecugatox, the docstring on test_congratulations_page_title looks like copypasta20:12
gatoxalecu, mmmmm...... do you think?20:12
nuffigeldobey: ah i see, there is a "--verbose" flag :]20:12
gatoxalecu, fixed20:14
nuffigeldobey: hmm, running u1sdtool it still backs out with http://paste.pocoo.org/show/509387/ although xdg_base_directory seems to be installed okay20:14
gatoxok...... eod for me!20:15
gatoxsee you tomorrow!! :D20:15
gatoxbye alecu20:15
alecubye gatox!20:15
dobeynuffigel: where is ubuntu_sso installed to?20:21
dobeynuffigel: is there an ubuntu-sso-client.pth file in the site-packages directory as well?20:23
nuffigeldobey: nope, nowhere to be found20:24
dobeynuffigel: that's your problem then :)20:25
nuffigeldobey: there is, however: /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ubuntuone-client.pth20:25
nuffigeldobey: ah good to know :]20:25
dobeynuffigel: you did install_lib which didn't install everything i guess20:25
dobeynuffigel: you can copy it over from the ubuntu-sso-client source directory though20:25
nuffigelsounds good20:26
nuffigelif it was there, that is20:26
nuffigel~/src/ubuntu-sso-client-1.3.3 $ find -iname "*.pth"        <-- returns nothin20:26
nuffigelthat a problem?20:27
dobeywell it's not the latest release20:27
nuffigelaccording to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client it is20:27
dobeythough i'm pretty sure the pth was added before 1.3.320:27
dobeynuffigel: launchpad is unfortunately not very smart about showing releases :(20:28
nuffigelah okay, my expectancies are just too high :]20:29
dobeyhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/stable-1-4 shows something else, for example :)20:29
nuffigel tar -tf ubuntu-sso-client-1.3.3.tar.gz  | grep pth      <-- returns nothin btw20:29
nuffigelgetting the 1.4 version then...20:30
dobeynuffigel: it's not there; but the problem is because you did install_lib instead of install20:31
dobeynuffigel: you can just echo "ubuntu-sso-client" > ubuntu-sso-client.pth and put that in your site-packages dir20:32
nuffigelkk will do that20:32
nuffigeldobey: I'm sorry to bother you this much...20:33
nuffigeldobey: here's your output of u1sdtool now: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/509395/20:33
dobeynuffigel: do you not have twisted installed?20:34
nuffigelI got twisted in version 11.0.0 and twisted-conch also20:35
dobeynuffigel: you need twisted-names20:35
dobeyi just realized it's a different source20:35
nuffigelah alright, installing right now20:35
nuffigelhmm http://paste.pocoo.org/show/509398/20:37
dobeyapparently you didn't install ubuntuone-storage-protocol20:44
nuffigeldobey: hmm I did, but i guess its also an old version20:44
nuffigeldobey: its 1.1.320:44
dobeyyes, every old version20:45
nuffigelgetting 2.0.020:45
dobeynuffigel: if you're installing from source anyway, any reason to not just build from bzr branches?20:45
nuffigeli don't have bzr installed20:45
nuffigelI didnt think it was worth the hassle until now...20:46
nuffigelu1sdtool seems to run now20:49
nuffigelwow, you're da man, dobey - next project: teach python to check for the libs it needs and tell the user what it wants when he runs this setup.py - automake can do it :]20:50
nuffigelno really, thanks alot for the help20:50
nuffigelbye guys21:27

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