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scott-upstairsmicahg, regarding the SRU for the ubuntustudio-metapackage update for indicator-sound-gtk2, the SRU wiki references a previous bug report, do i need to create this bug report as well, then mark it "fix release" as note?02:00
scott-upstairsor just move directly to filling a bug for the SRU?02:00
micahgscott-upstairs: you can use the bug that documents the issue and was fixed, if one does not, file one02:04
micahg*not exist02:04
scott-upstairsaye, will do, thank you02:04
micahgscott-upstairs: I can give you a bug task if you need02:05
scott-upstairsi'm not familiar with a bug 'task', can you explain what it is02:06
micahgrelease specific task (i.e. nominate for release)02:06
scott-upstairsmicahg, i was just going to file a bug against ubuntustudio-meta package02:06
scott-upstairsmicahg, if you think that is a preferable way then i will do so02:07
micahgthat's fine, afterwards, you need someone to nominate or accept a task for the release you want to fixx it in02:07
scott-upstairsmicahg, would it expedite the process for you to give me a bug task?02:10
micahgit's part of the process :)02:10
scott-upstairssorry, getting distracted by family and too many things going on02:13
knomeugh :)02:32
scott-upstairsi'm going to have to finish this tomorrow as i need to address a few things with the kids:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntustudio-meta/+bug/89145602:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 891456 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound-gtk2 missing from ubuntustudio-meta in oneiric" [Undecided,Fix released]02:35
* knome addressed a few things with skaet02:37
knomescott-upstairs, ^02:37
scott-upstairsknome, about what?02:38
scott-upstairsknome, it would appear that you have a single blueprint as a dependency02:40
knomeyeah, haven't just yet added the rest02:41
knomebut we are on our way02:41
micahgscott-upstairs: not sure it's actually fixed in precise, that should be done first02:41
micahgscott-upstairs: you'll also need the SRU justification when you get a chance02:43
* micahg thought astraljava was working on this though02:43
scott-upstairsmicahg, okay, i should have done 'fix committed' then since it has been pushed to bzr?02:43
knomei'm waiting eagerly when we will show up at status.ubuntu.com02:44
scott-upstairsknome, we had similar problems, it took some tweaking to get all the blueprints right and changing settings to accomplish....and waiting for the cron job to scrub through and pick things up02:45
micahgwell, is it fix committed in precise? cjwatson just did an upload the other day02:45
knomescott-upstairs, yup. 02:45
knomewe'll see02:45
scott-upstairsmicahg, oh, sorry, no it is not02:45
* scott-upstairs finally comprehends that written statement02:46
micahgright, so that's the first step :002:46
* knome gives the huge round of applauds02:46
knome*clap*                         *clap*02:46
kubotumicahg: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"02:46
scott-upstairslol, i told you i was distracted ;)02:46
knomemicahg, BAH! it's almost 5am...02:46
* micahg wonders how US got kubotu02:47
scott-upstairsexcellent question, for which i do not have an answer02:47
* micahg hugs kubotu02:47
scott-upstairsjuss.i finnaly muted him, which appears to have become unmuted02:47
scott-upstairsi tried to kick him but he kept coming back02:47
scott-upstairsknome, sorry to ask you this now....will you have any time to help with the website further?02:48
knomeyeah, i will02:48
knomei have load of time on weekend nights02:48
knomeso i'll try to have a sprint on that too :)02:49
scott-upstairsi am very, very anxious to make this happen and fear it is not making the progress expect :(02:49
knomedon't worry02:49
scott-upstairsknome, i'll look through my notes from the discussion with stochastic and collate them for presenting to you02:49
knomeokay, that would be great02:49
knomeclear instructions always make you feel like working ;)02:49
scott-upstairsi don't think anything was complicated at all, just some tedious setting up some pages, etc02:49
scott-upstairsaye, clear instructions do that, the blueprints are doing it for me certainly02:50
scott-upstairsi'll handle the content once the pages are created02:50
knomethat's easy to do02:50
knomeif you have a list handy, i could do that now :P02:50
scott-upstairsknome, i was impressed by the xubuntu website sprint :)  i hadn't even considered such a thing02:50
knomewe've been thinking about the content too long now02:51
knomejust need to get it in order02:51
knomeespecially as we are all set to publish, except for the content02:51
scott-upstairsalas, i do not have the list handy, i'm helping the kids (sort of 'cause i;m typing too) and the laptop is downstairs with the converstation hopefully still in backscroll 02:51
knomeheh, okay02:52
knomei'll go to bed then02:52
knomesee you tomorrow02:52
knomei wonder if i should receive all the bug mail about ubuntu studio12:42
astraljavaknome: Depends whether you want to feel good regarding how bugs are treated at your side of the fence.12:45
ScottLmicahg, funny tidbit - i was slightly confused last night about fixing the bug in precise and your comments about "was it fixed in precise first" and i was wondering "how was i supposed to know that to do that" even though i had read the SRU wiki page last night12:59
ScottLas i said, i was pretty distracted with the kids and doing several things myself12:59
ScottLfirst thing when i woke up i realized, "duh!  #2 development fix means to fix it in the development branch of ubuntu studio...i.e. precise!.  duh!"13:00
ScottLi'm being serious too, woke up and started going to wake the daughter and the first serious concious thought was that :)13:01
ScottLupon reflection i realize that this was probably an embarrassingly stupid mistake but i'm pretty open and forthcoming, even about my mistake ;)13:10
ScottLbut i also learned something something that i will not forget (even when distracted) so i think it's good :)13:11
ScottLbut i do look forward to getting more into packaging and package management and getting more practical experience behind me13:11
astraljavaOk, I haven't read the SRU wiki yet, so I'll fix it in precise now.13:33
astraljavaScottL: micahg: precise seeds updated13:38
astraljavaFunny now, but I wonder if we're jumping into each other's throats later into the cycle.13:40
ailoJust got to remember to be extra precise13:42
astraljavaailo: You're yet another finn, right?13:47
knomel33o, looks like you have problems with the connection. do you think there is something you could do about it?14:04
l33owhat do you mean exactly??14:06
astraljavaknome: Hide joins/parts, *snap*, problem solved.14:06
knomeyou've been disconnecting and connecting, have you noticed that?14:07
l33oi have to reboot to change bios and rtirq settings14:07
knomeastraljava, then i won't be able to see when you part so i can start talking bad things about you.14:07
knomel33o, okay. :)14:07
l33obut you may be right14:07
knomegood to know it's not unintentional14:07
ailoastraljava, Finnish, born in Sweden. Like linus, but the other way around14:07
l33osince i have my adriana grub splash screen i enjoy rebooting hehehehe14:08
ailoWell, not that Finnish-Swedes are Swedes14:08
l33oi think its good that you told me14:09
astraljavaknome: Why wouldn't you talk bad things about me in my presence? I hardly care.14:09
knomeyou're such a sweetheart.14:09
l33osometimes irc clients reconnect or loose connection during high latencies and sometimes the user dont notice that14:09
l33oso good to know14:09
astraljavaailo: Ahh... ok.14:09
l33othank you14:09
l33oi start watching a tv show..you know becker14:10
ailoKarjalainen / Savolainen. I get to be from many places14:10
knomebecker or beck?14:10
l33owhen i started watching it that i somehow can connect to this tv show14:11
l33osome how i am a lil unfriendly too14:11
l33overy sad and dissapointed -  never the less i am tryig to be a good guy14:11
l33oso now at maybe episode 14 he talks about a girl ( his ex) he can never forget14:11
l33oher name is..what a funny coincidence: sandra....the name of that girl i cant never forget - who broke my heart  and destroyed my dignity14:13
l33oi really do belive that here in universe 1 averything is connected with everything14:13
l33othats why you cant shield waves like gravity - thats why everything is connected14:14
l33otalked too much - still headache  ouch14:14
knomehuh? :P14:16
l33oi think tonite i will do my 6 terrabyte back up..14:17
l33odoing it at night -  being afraid of the vibrations at day time14:17
l33ochanging now completely to ext4 - like google ;)14:18
chrislancd ..19:19
l33_sorry, that i am disturbing again - is there a way/a chance to get the lowlatency headers installed ?21:57
l33_tried everything - still not able to install that21:57
scott-workl33_: from where are you getting the -lowlatency kernel?22:00
l33_from Alessio Igor Bogani ppa22:01
l33_i thought its the same then the lowlatency kernel at kxstudio and at ubuntu studio22:01
scott-workl33_: the linux-meta-* package has the headers in it22:04
knomescott-work, you might be interested in our latest blueprint.22:04
l33_thank you22:04
knomescott-work, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-xubuntu-menu-managing22:04
l33_hey knome..you prefer xubuntu over lubuntu ?22:05
knomel33_, i suppose, as i'm the xubuntu project lead ;]22:05
l33_didnt know that 22:05
knomenow you do :)22:05
l33_i am allways looking for optimisations...can you tell me one reason why i should use xfce instead oflubuntu?22:06
knomeif you want the lightest possible ubuntu, you should use lubuntu22:06
l33_i mean xubuntu instead of lubuntu22:07
l33_okay....thats what i am doin22:07
l33_is there better gtk22/gtk3 compatibility with xubuntu ?22:07
knomeor maybe something like fluxbuntu can be compared22:07
knomegreybird is the most complete gtk2+gtk3 theme there is22:07
l33_looks really nice22:08
l33_reminds me a lil of osx22:08
l33_just a very lil22:08
knomeit is a bit similar, but definitely not meant to copy apple too much22:09
l33_c ya22:09
l33_is there a special trick when compiling kernel modules for the lowlatency kernel ?22:10
l33_i do have a rme soundcard and i got some nice drivers/modules which i have to make first....this worked well with the generic kernel but now with the lowlatency one22:10
l33_seems that there is a systemlink to usr/src misssin here in /lib/modules/linux-lowlatency-3.013/build22:11
scott-workknome: i like! i like!22:14
scott-workone thing that studio needs to do also is to get freedesktop to adjust or create new categories for audio programs22:15
scott-worklike plugins or synths22:15
knomeyou just add the categories to the .menu file, and in the .desktop files22:15
knomescott-work, edii @ #xubuntu-devel can probably tell you even more22:16
knomewe hacked on the menu stuff today, and we're pretty much done in the investigation part, now we just need to simply create the pathces/code22:17
l33_why is ubuntu-studio based now on xfce and not on lxde...?22:18
l33_i mean, xruns are surely a serious topic, so getting the system so lean as possible helps getting closer to realtime performance22:20
l33_why choosing a lil more memory consuming desktop environment?22:21
l33_re boot22:22
knomewhen you go to a less memory consuming DE's, you are always losing some of the features and user-friendliness22:22
scott-workknome: ah, it had been suggested that i try to adjust the framework (i.e. freedesktop categories) rather than laboriously hack the menu file22:27
scott-workwe used to hack the menu ourselves before moving to xfce22:31
knomescott-work, not that switching to xfce generally would fix the issue, since you the menus are still using the same spec ;)22:58
l33owe are islands and never too far, we are islands...23:04

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