
ubuntu298i first time use xubuntu00:00
knomehrundel50, use greybird, that's the most complete GTK2+3 xfce theme. other than that, not much you can do00:02
hrundel50knome: Um. yep - that's what I use.00:02
ubuntu298greybird theme ?00:03
hrundel50ubuntu298: yes. greybird is a theme.00:03
spantheris greybird integrated into the standard installation? :)00:03
knomespanther, yes00:04
hrundel50knome: um. I'm on fedora.00:05
knomehrundel50, maybe you can ask the fedora channels for more information00:05
hrundel50knome: I guess. They don't have separate "xfce" chnannel though which kinda sucks.00:06
hrundel50knome: I'll try them. thanks.00:06
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zuscan anyone please tell me how come my .py script01:16
zuswont  run01:17
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jmcantrellanyone know if it's possible to open a directory with an app in thunar?02:45
knomewhat are you trying to achieve?02:46
jmcantrellknome: open a directory in gthumb02:46
knomedoesn't it open the whole directory when you open an photo with it?02:47
jmcantrelli'm not sure02:48
knomewell it should02:48
jmcantrellknome: do you know if it's possible to do sub menus with thunar custom actions?02:57
zacariashow do you get a list of all packages available on the repositories using a command line?03:20
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phunyguyIs there a color scheme that mimicks the standard ubuntu theme for Xubuntu?03:44
well_laid_lawnphunyguy: you'll need a theme for that03:46
ubottuTo change your theme in Xubuntu, go to Settings Manager » Appearance (GTK+ theme) or Settings Manager » Window Manager (xfwm4 theme) to change the theme - find more themes at http://xfce-look.org/ or http://gnome-look.org/ (for GTK+ themes)03:46
phunyguyso far 0 for 103:51
phunyguyit didnt change any panel colors.03:51
well_laid_lawnthat's the gtk theme03:51
phunyguyDOH, my bad.03:52
phunyguyI feel sheepish03:52
phunyguyselected radiance instead of ambience by accident03:52
well_laid_lawnheh ;)03:52
jrbrtsnCan anyone point me to some information about how to make my laptop suspend when I close the lid?03:53
holsteinjrbrtsn: down near the time, you should see a battery or a plug... the power applet... right click there and go to 'preferences'03:57
holsteinpoke around there and see what you can find03:57
jrbrtsnholstein, that pulls up the XFCE power manager configuration.  I've got the hibernate button action set to hibernate, and the suspend button action to suspend.04:00
well_laid_lawnit's not something I've done but I think you might need a udev rule for that04:04
jrbrtsnwell_laid_lawn, I'll check that out.  I see that there is a script '/etc/acpi/lid.sh' that should get activated when the lid is closed.04:11
holsteinjrbrtsn: i find it in the GUI04:29
jrbrtsnholstein, thanks man - I've already got those set.  So far I've run acpi_listen, and determined that no acpi event is detected, so the GUI setting doesn't matter.04:34
jrbrtsnMust be something unique about my System76 panp6 laptop.04:35
holsteinjrbrtsn: cool... i havent had to get dirty like that for a while04:35
holsteini do have a laptop thats not sleeping, but i havent had time to trouble shoot it yet04:36
holsteinhavent taken the time, i should say04:36
jrbrtsnholstein, thanks for the tips.  I think I'll send an email to System76 and see what they have to say.04:36
holsteini would probably install XFCE or xubuntu desktop on the OS they put together04:37
holsteinor add their PPA or whatever it is04:37
jrbrtsnGiving up for the night ;-)04:43
kharnovHi, I'd like to disable the popup notifications on Xubuntu 11.10. How can I do this?06:05
well_laid_lawnkhaard: settings manager - notifications06:08
well_laid_lawnoops tab fail sorry khaard kharnov ^^06:09
kharnovI'm there, but there's no option to get rid of them.06:09
kharnovI see Theme, Default Position, Disappear after, Opacity.06:11
well_laid_lawnand setting disappear to 0 doesn't work either06:11
kharnovYeah there's no option for 0.06:12
well_laid_lawnI typed in 0 and it changed to 1 when I closed it06:12
well_laid_lawnkharnov: in xfce4-settings-editor you can set it to 006:15
kharnovNope, they still pop up.06:16
well_laid_lawnnotifyd must override it maybe ask in #xfce if no one else in here knows06:17
kharnovIf I kill the notifyd process, it starts up again.06:18
kharnovIf I try to remove xfce4-notifyd's package, it requires me to remove blueman, update-notifier, and xubuntu-desktop.06:19
kharnovActually, I don't think I need any of those, since xubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage.06:20
kharnovAnd I don't use bluetooth and I do all my updating with Synaptic anyway.06:20
kharnovMaybe that'll work.06:20
kharnovYes! Removing it worked.06:23
kharnovOkay, problem solved.06:23
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tjingboemhow can i change the color of the background in a program? Someone told me i have to change the theme but i see no diffrence09:28
tjingboemcan it be that somehow portions of the theme ofa Kubuntu i had installed are used?09:29
tjingboemor does Xubuntu has its own theme managers and uses only that?09:30
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Guest88786hi guy someone can explain me how to use gigolo? i'm a noob i want see shared folder on my windows xp09:38
maxxxihi i cannot use gigolo... i wanna see shared folder i have on my xp  when i press connect i haven't windows share only personalizzed position10:22
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knome...is the offtopic channel12:30
knometype '/j #xubuntu-offtopic' to join it12:30
aceaccisthx got it just a C&P fo12:31
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:17
gorthaugi've an problem in xubuntu 11.10 (full-updated), image viewer can't open my image files14:18
madnickwhich one?14:19
madnickdo you get an error?14:19
gorthaugall formats (jpg, gif, png), i don't get error, when i try to open a file by double click the program start but don't show anything only the window, empthy14:21
well_laid_lawnstart it from a terminal14:22
well_laid_lawnto get the errors14:22
gorthaugthe program it's restretto, isn't?14:24
knomegorthaug, ristretto has problems in oneiric if you have thumbnailbar enabled. i suggest using gthumb for now14:24
gorthaugi've thumbnailbar enabled14:25
well_laid_lawndidn't know that14:25
knomewell_laid_lawn, it pretty much will freeze if you have thumbnailbar enabled :P14:26
well_laid_lawnahh k14:26
gorthaugmmm another thing... my keywoard has and volume control... there is a way to make work this on xfce?14:32
gorthaugkeyboard sorry :D14:32
KrisDouglasgorthaug, the volume control just works on mine, what keyboard is it/14:33
gorthaugufff... it's an HP... it's have almost 15 years :D14:36
gorthaugi don't see any model name14:37
Sysigorthaug: you can add hotkeys in settings, command would be "amixer -q set Master 5%+"14:37
Sysi5%- for lowering14:37
well_laid_lawnuse xev to find the key and set a shortcut14:37
Sysiwell_laid_lawn: if key isn'14:38
Sysiisn't recognised by xfce settings, where do you set hotkeys based on info from xev?14:39
gorthaugamixer -q set Master 5%+14:40
gorthauggorthaug@gorthaug-pc:~$ amixer -q set Master 5%+14:40
gorthaugamixer: Unable to find simple control 'Master',014:40
well_laid_lawnSysi: using xmodmap perhaps? never had that issue14:40
Sysiwell_laid_lawn: well, you don't need info from xev if you use xfce settings then14:41
gorthaugmmm i've 2 sound cards in my computer, one in the motherboard that i've "off" in the BIOS and a pci card... but alsamixer take the integrated card by default, how can i change this?14:43
Sysiinstall pavucontrol (and use pulseaudio, which is there by default)14:44
iljacan sb help me?14:44
knomeilja, with what? try asking first.14:44
iljaeverytime i "apt-get update" my desktop symbols dissapear14:44
iljahow can i fix that14:44
iljaafter "apt-get update" my desktop symbols dissapear- how to fix?14:48
knome!patience | ilja14:48
ubottuilja: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:48
spantherhello there. I've installed the newest 11.10 and found 2 entries under proprietary drivers. one ati/amd as main entry and one said later updates. the main one I can install just fine but the later updates ever give out an error pointing at /var/log/jockey.log16:12
phunyguy_workOK so I am looking at xfce-look.org for some themes, and some say xfce, and some say gtk2.0, etc.  the GTK2.0 ones tend to look better, what is the difference?16:23
phunyguy_workspanther, I wouldnt bother with that16:24
spantherok :)16:24
phunyguy_workhad issues with them. One installed but didnt work correctly, the other wouldnt install16:24
spantherthe main drivers just work fine (so far, as I can say) but these updates on the second line don't install correctly :/16:24
phunyguy_workup to you.16:25
spantheryep, I had installed the updates, then the main was uninstalled lol. then i reinstalled the main again :)16:25
phunyguy_workI use the non-restricted.16:25
spanthernow i only use the main :)16:25
spantherbut as you said, maybe the main don't work correctly too :/16:27
spantherI have to check this later with a graphical program or something like that16:27
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spantheryou use the open "radeon"?16:28
phunyguy_workwhatever came with the OS16:28
spantherah ok, so you have no 3D acceleration?16:29
phunyguy_workyes I do16:29
phunyguy_workand it works fantastic16:29
phunyguy_workHD 455016:29
spantherwhich card if i may ask? :)16:29
phunyguy_workI am psychic16:29
spantherwell I own a HD 687016:29
phunyguy_workyeah you may need the good ones16:30
phunyguy_workI dont16:30
spantherlucky you :P16:30
phunyguy_workthe only issue I had with the restricted driver, was dual monitors16:30
phunyguy_workcouldn't get xrandr to expand the desktop without cloning16:31
spantherI only use one monitor at a time :) use my HDTV as big monitor for a year now lol16:31
spantherI had some weird bugs the last days under windows. sometimes (happened more than once) I opened my browser (firefox) windows just scrolled up and down randomly without doing anything O.o16:32
spantherI had a bad feeling and since I don't game anymore and enjoy the harddisk encryption I now completely switched to linux on all my machines :)16:33
phunyguy_worksame.  Dont game much16:33
spantherI did once, but that's before DRM, activation and bugs at release killed gaming :P16:34
phunyguy_workthats what consoles are for16:34
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:34
spanthercome there :P16:35
tjingboemi freaked around with the Appearance Settings and lost my theme. How can i revert to standard theme of Xubuntu11.10?17:04
phunyguy_workOK so I am looking at xfce-look.org for some themes, and some say xfce, and some say gtk2.0, etc.  the GTK2.0 ones tend to look better, what is the difference?17:56
ochosiphunyguy_work: the xfce-themes are usually only window-manager themes. (at least if they got categorized correctly)17:57
phunyguy_workochosi, I dont know what that means18:01
ochosiphunyguy_work: window-manager themes change your window-borders (the box that contains close, maximize, minimize, window-title etc.)18:01
ochosiphunyguy_work: gtk-themes change everything else18:02
phunyguy_workhmmm..  some of these have ppa repos to add, but they dont work18:02
phunyguy_workis that a common occurance?18:02
phunyguy_workthey look really cool too :(18:02
phunyguy_worklike this one.  http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Orta?content=13412318:09
phunyguy_workochosi ^^18:09
ochosiphunyguy_work: most likely your xubuntu-version and the one supplied by the ppa don't match18:11
ochosiphunyguy_work: you can dl the theme though anyway, extract it and install it by hand (e.g. "sudo mv $themefolder /usr/share/themes/" if you want to install it systemwide)18:11
cla_qualche smanettone italiano?18:12
phunyguy_work!italian | cla_18:13
ubottucla_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:13
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
phunyguy_workI see some of those theme photos have these cool mac-style docs...  is that possible in Xubuntu?18:40
baizonyes it is18:45
phunyguy_workOh man, this is looking fantastic.  got AWN installed, just need to get color themes right19:10
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Guest71358How do I move the terminal icon from the drop down menu to the bar at the top?19:51
Sysidrag and drop (on 11.04 or 11.10)19:52
Guest71358I have lts19:52
Sysiadd new items → launcher, command is xfce4-terminal, set others to be what you want19:53
Guest71358thank you.19:55
phunyguy_workSo I seem to have broken window decorations...... how can I recoer it?20:10
phunyguy_worki cant change window focus, i have no titlebar, etc.  I can right click on the desktop and get the app menu but thats it20:12
Sysixfwm4 --replace20:13
Sysirm -rf ~/.cache/sessions and possibly save session on logout20:13
alexeyymy desktop doesn't work. When i try run it in terminal i get Segmentation fault. (sorry for my english)20:14
phunyguy_workOH MAN, fantastic!!!20:14
phunyguy_workgenius, you are.20:15
alexeyyapplication menu doesnt work too20:20
_emptyHow do I get the "dock" back? I accidently deleted it and cant figure out how to get it back.. :P20:23
phunyguy_workAaaand I am back in business.  Got AWN dock running perfect, and unity-style appmenu at the top replacing the window buttons20:25
falken_good evening all. I wonder if any of you guys would have time to look at my wireless networking issue. Detailed info on the following Ubuntu forums thread. SO far there is only one person replying and I would be interested in a wider opinion. thanks.20:35
falken_This is the url: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=188196920:36
falken_ok thanks anyway. night.20:42
_emptyHow do I get the "dock" back? I accidently deleted it and cant figure out how to get it back.. :P22:03
knome_empty, if you removed it, there's no easy way to get it back22:03
_emptyI kinda removed the window..22:04
_emptyAnd then it got removed..22:04
_emptyWorkspace 1 got removed then it disapeard.. :P22:04
_emptyMaby I should just reinstall then.. :P22:04
knomewell, somebody should have the default panel configuration22:08
knomeyou could copy that22:08
knomei don't, so i'm unfortunately unable to help22:08
_emptyknome: Ok, thanks for the help anyway!22:09
Sysilog out, press Ctrl Alt F6, log in, rm -rf .config/xfce4 exit and press Ctrl Alt F722:10
_emptySysi: Thanks, worked just fine!22:14
jakob__i came here b/c I have a question regarding xubuntu.22:25
jakob__(xubuntu.org/help sent me here)22:25
jakob__thing is: "Update Manager" is popping up, asking me to install upgrades.22:26
jakob__Is there a way to make this thing quiet? usually i would've used gconf-editor and disabled /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch. but that doesnt work anymore. Any tips?22:27
Sysisettings → sessiond and startup → autostart22:27
Sysiand possibly rm -rf ~/.cache/sessions22:28
subspiderhi Sysi22:28
Sysioh hi22:28
subspiderlook sysi i have a laptop with xubuntu and i wanto to work with other keyboard22:29
subspiderbut it's not working22:29
subspiderit's wireless22:29
subspiderhave any ideia22:29
Sysiis it working somewhere else?22:30
subspiderlloll good question22:30
subspideri'm going to try22:30
Sysibluetooth/with usb receiver?22:30
cr0ntab_can someone help me with this?22:32
cr0ntab_xfce-panel crashes when I add a 3rd panel and drag it to the bottom of my screen22:32
cr0ntab_everytime without fail22:32
jakob__xkb-keyboard layout crashes after wake from suspend22:33
jakob__i mean the applet22:33
Sysicr0ntab_: you could try #xfce22:33
jakob__so, seems to me like the panel is kinda broken all together22:33
cr0ntab_Sysi: ok thanks22:33
SysiI think xkb-plugin is pretty buggy, was unmaintained for quite a time22:34
jakob__or that22:34
SysiI need to wake up for school in seven hours, good night everyone (I'm not only helper here after all)22:34
jakob__its a bummer. it was always nice to see which layout was active22:34
jakob__swell dreams22:35
subspiderno Sysi22:36
subspidermy keaboard works on windows22:36
subspidernot on lnux22:36

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