
yamatosome could help me? how can i install lamp at lubuntu00:27
Unit193Well, you could just install Apache, MySQL, and PHP00:32
Unit193Or any other httpds, but Lubuntu isn't exactly a server OS00:33
wxlit certainly could be used as a server os00:34
wxlanything can really00:34
Unit193Can be, but servers normally don't have a GUI ;)00:35
Unit193I have lighttpd00:35
yamatoi just need to "sudo apt-get install lighttpd" ?00:36
Unit193If that's the one you want, sure00:38
Unit193Just remember to port forward and edit the config00:39
yamatobut .. the lighttpd have mysql ?00:51
phillwyamato: with the later releases of the *buntu family, tasksel is not installed by default.00:53
phillwyamato: http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=119 has updated details from the LAMP class I gave a while back.00:55
yamatophillw, i've tried to installed with tasksel, but some packages aren't found by it00:57
phillwyamato: I'd have to have a play in a VM to see what has happened, but I'm off to bed. If you email me to phillw@ubuntu.com then I'll have a look at it over the weekend and get back to you.01:00
=== robotman is now known as AlexAv
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=== LinoSP|away is now known as LinoSP
rootofjessei installed lubuntu 11.10 on a friend's dell 2400 with 40GB drive because she had problems with malware on xp04:39
rootofjessei noticed while setting up machine that sometimes screen goes black with some out of sync garbage on screen04:39
rootofjesseand then the desktop comes back and it seems to have had no effect on the os or applications04:40
rootofjessei am thinking it might be bad hardware or bad support for intel 82xxx graphics, but i would like to troubleshoot further, wondering if there is some log that might catch the error04:41
Unit193You can check logs in /var/logs or open a terminal and type  dmesg04:44
rootofjesseok thanks i'll try that when i get to her machine04:46
Unit193That is a problem card04:49
rootofjessei agree, i might have a pci card laying around that i could put in for her04:50
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
ankurI'm a new user of lubuntu. Installed Lubuntu today. Cannot find Bluetooth icon. Please help!10:32
leszekankur: make sure to have the package bluetooth installed10:34
theredbaron1834I never had anyluck with the builtin bluetooth. I say install blueman. I have used it since ubuntu 9.04 with no problem.10:35
ankurWill that make it work? Because at start up I see a message 'Bluetooth Started  [OK]'10:35
leszekthen you need to start the bluetooth-applet10:35
ankurAnd how do I do that?10:35
leszekyou can also activate it under desktop session settings to autostart10:35
leszekthen you only need to relogin for it to appear10:36
theredbaron1834Guess he is trying that :)10:36
theredbaron1834It work?10:36
ankurWhere would I find startup applications menu?10:38
leszekthere is nothing like a menu, but the desktop session settings have a list of startup items10:39
ankurI find 'Bluetooth Manager applet'. Should I select that10:40
ankurThank You!10:40
ankurNow, am I supposed to restart?10:40
leszekonly relogin10:40
leszekno restart needed10:40
ankurOh! Thank you!10:41
ankurThat was a great help!10:41
LununtuNewbiecerco aiuto10:51
LununtuNewbievorrei installare Lubuntu dalla consolle..dato che non riesco ad avviarlo in modalità grafica..10:51
TackleBerryamore amore10:52
leszekLununtuNewbie: english please10:52
LununtuNewbiei need an how to for install Lubuntu in text mode bye consolle....10:53
LununtuNewbieby text consolle10:53
leszekLununtuNewbie: have you downloaded the alternate cd of lubuntu ?10:53
leszekLununtuNewbie: then do this please, because there is no text installer on the desktop cd10:53
LununtuNewbieand by internet?10:54
LununtuNewbiecan i install lubuntu by internet?10:56
bioterror!mini | LununtuNewbie10:56
ubot5LununtuNewbie: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD10:56
bioterrorinstall it and then: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop --no-install-recommends10:56
bioterrorremember to apt-get update, ofcourse10:57
LununtuNewbieInstead, I would like to start the X server to use grafic interface .Ive tried adding vga = 771, but not go.we have suggestions? the video card is nvidia 9800 gt.11:00
bioterrorvga=something = framebuffer11:01
bioterrorit has nothing to do with Xorg11:01
bioterrorand it's "vga=771"11:01
bioterrorwithout spaces11:01
LununtuNewbieok,and framebuffer?11:03
bioterrorLununtuNewbie, http://paste.ubuntu.com/742137/11:04
LununtuNewbieok thanks11:05
LununtuNewbieI try11:05
=== LinoSP|away is now known as LinoSP
LununtuNewbiei need a guide step by step,for start Lubuntu in grafic mode..11:36
bioterrorexplain more11:41
LununtuNewbiex server don't start12:01
LununtuNewbiei tryed vga modes12:02
LununtuNewbiebut nothing12:02
leszekLununtuNewbie: vga modes have nothing to do with xserver12:09
leszekjust try to login and type startx12:09
LununtuNewbieI've trayed but nothing12:12
leszekthen please look at the log file12:16
leszek /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:16
=== P4R4N01D1 is now known as P4R4N01D
bioterrorLununtuNewbie, what have you installed12:36
bioterrorLununtuNewbie, explain a little more12:36
bioterrorwe cant help you if you dont tell us12:37
bioterrorLununtuNewbie, you installed mini.iso?12:37
LununtuNewbieno,i've booted for now only desktop version 64bit12:55
LununtuNewbieHow can I view the file Xorg.0.log?13:03
leszekLununtuNewbie: with an texteditor like vi or nano13:03
bioterrorsudo cat /var/local/Xorg.0.log13:04
bioterrorsudo cat /var/local/Xorg.0.log |less13:04
icerootbioterror: less13:04
bioterroreven better13:04
icerootbioterror: less /var/log/foobar13:04
bioterrorI like cats13:04
icerootbioterror: its stupid to use cat foo | less on a file13:04
bioterrorI cat everything13:04
icerootbioterror: do what you want but please dont suggest that here13:05
bioterrorit's stupid to use less if file has only few lines ;)13:05
icerooti think you are doing "cat file | grep foo" too13:05
bioterrorLununtuNewbie, cat /var/log/foobar |more13:05
icerootbioterror: can you stop that please?13:06
LununtuNewbieok,now i view the content of the Xorg file13:06
icerootbioterror: there is no reason to pipe that, more and less can act on files directly13:06
bioterrorbut I like pipes too13:06
leszekLununtuNewbie: search for the Errors starting with (EE)13:07
bioterrorevery day when I walk to my work, theres one older guy smoking pipeweed in front of one cafeteria13:07
bioterroriceroot, sure I like to grep, my grep has colors configured13:08
bioterrorif I get really leet, I might use less with /searchword13:08
leszekthis is offtopic I guess use the offtopic chan for that13:09
icerootbioterror: as i said, you can do yourself what you want but please dont suggest other people strange command-constructs. with cat foo | less you are caling 3 processes, less foo calls 113:09
bioterrorI better buy more cores then13:09
bioterrorif one has gpm configured, he might use elinks as a pager! scrolling with mouse <313:12
LununtuNewbie(EE) errors not present in file13:15
LununtuNewbiemaybe WW??13:15
leszekLununtuNewbie: if they aren't any errors Xorg would start13:18
LununtuNewbienow i controll the file in /usr/share/x11/xorg.conf,d13:20
LununtuNewbiefailed to load module nvidia (module does not esist,0)13:21
leszekyou have files there ?13:21
leszekso you tried installing nvidia ?13:21
LununtuNewbiefailed to load module nv (module does not esist,0)13:21
LununtuNewbiei try?13:21
leszekah this are only warnings then ?13:22
LununtuNewbietupe "one_level" has 1 levels,but <RALT> has 2 symbols13:24
LununtuNewbieignoring extra sumbols13:24
LununtuNewbieErrors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server13:24
leszekLununtuNewbie: can you post the whole xorg.0.log to a nopaste service please13:25
LununtuNewbiexinit;connection to x server lost13:25
LununtuNewbiethere is a way to do it, even from the console? I can send a ping on the Internet ..13:27
icerootLununtuNewbie: use pastebinit13:28
ubot5pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com13:28
LununtuNewbieok ,i send the command ; pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com...and now?14:08
leszekyou should get a link that you can paste here14:11
LununtuNewbieI think you need to install the right driver, because it seems that the 9800 gt is not present in the live cd Lubuntu.14:15
LununtuNewbiearriva fino a geforce 8.14:16
LununtuNewbieup to geforce 8.14:16
leszekhmmm... it should run with nouveau. and even ifnot at least with vesa14:17
LununtuNewbieThere is the possibility of installing a program like TeamViewer, via console, so I can give remote access to fix the problem by a competent person?14:25
leszekteamviewer or vnc need an xserver to run14:26
leszekI would suggest installing the nvidia propritary driver simply with jockey. jockey even works from the terminal14:27
LununtuNewbiedon't exist a version in text mode?14:27
leszek*proprietary :)14:27
LununtuNebieok I  Try to install14:29
leszekLununtuNewbie: try jockey-text to search and install the nvidia proprietary driver14:29
LununtuNebieok now is installed...14:42
LununtuNebietry to startx?14:42
leszekhave you restarted your machine ?14:49
LununtuNebiein live cd?14:50
leszekno why ?14:50
leszekafter installing the nvidia driver you need to restart14:50
=== TackleBerry is now known as TackleBerry|afk
LununtuNebieinstalled the drivers in live-cd.if i reboot, I do not lose your changes? the system is not installed yet, I'm trying to start it, then install it.14:53
leszekok thats not possible14:53
leszekyou need to install first14:53
leszektry booting the live cd in safemode14:53
leszekthat should bring up the desktop14:53
leszekand then you can install14:54
LununtuNebieyep,but in safe mode,don't start..14:54
leszekhmm... it has to start with the vesa driver otherwise the card is broken14:55
leszekplease try to boot the live system with xforcevesa bootparameter14:56
LununtuNebiepress F6 and write?14:57
leszekif thats not working then you need to download the alternate cd and install in textmode and then later install the nvidia driver14:58
LununtuNebienothing...ok try the alternate15:00
=== ubuntu_ is now known as draioch
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=== TackleBerry|afk is now known as TackleBerry
=== TackleBerry is now known as TackleBerry|afk
=== TackleBerry|afk is now known as TackleBerry
=== M0hi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
=== TackleBerry is now known as TackleBerry|afk
bekor_hi anyone here upgrade recently to 11.04?18:26
l0p3nHello! How can I change the font size in Lubuntu. I can barely see the menu fonts..18:31
bioterrorwith obconf18:32
bioterrorfrom appearance tab18:32
l0p3nbioterror: thx dude18:32
xsaidxbioterror: you ruinin lubuntu oneiric ??18:33
bioterrorthere was also another place18:33
bioterrorxsaidx, I'm trying to ruin it ;)18:33
xsaidxbioterror: no im jst askin cusi had poblem with it when i installed gedit18:35
l0p3nbioterror: I've changed the font size in obconf but it doesn't change menu font size e.g. "file" and "edit". It's still the same size.19:01
bioterroryou do that with lxappearance19:01
l0p3nthx once again ;)19:02
bioterrorl0p3n, are you using television?19:02
bioterrorI feel you19:02
bioterrormy font size is around 40 or something19:03
l0p3nin lxappearance? How big is your tv?19:03
bioterror40", just 720p19:04
l0p3nsweet ;)19:04
bioterrorI used to have 50" plasma, but the image burned :(19:05
l0p3nbioterror: I've heard that can happen to plasmas. But how? Overusage?19:06
wxlomg tv sweet19:06
bioterrorl0p3n, I owned that for 2 days. it was instant, previous plasma was in use for hmm 1.5 years19:09
bioterrorLG has a nice buy back option ;)19:09
bioterrorbut this is offtopic again ;)19:10
bioterrortv's are cheap nowdays, btw19:10
l0p3nyea I was wondering buying a new one so I can use this for nothing else than linux :P19:11
l0p3nHow is the quality, plasma vs LCD?19:12
l0p3nI mean image quality19:12
bioterrornowdays LCD is equal19:12
bioterroreven better?19:12
bioterrorthe biggest difference was contrast19:13
bioterrorin plasma black was black, and in LCD it was more like grey19:13
bioterrorbut new LCD panels are way much better19:13
l0p3nI was told to get a Samsung but the next one will be a Sony.. I think..19:13
draiochwatch the energy ratings on some of them big plasmas by the way19:14
bioterrordraioch, yeah, 250W and over :D19:14
bioterrormakes some heat19:14
draiochive decided get a 27" monitor (philips might be best for engery) about 20-30 watts i think19:15
bioterrorthat's low19:16
l0p3nDo you get a good brightness with so few watts?19:16
l0p3nbut I guess it's a way of saving energy and money ^^19:17
bioterrormy wife got our "bedroom tv" from our local Apprentice tv show ;)19:17
bioterrorit's a Samsung, 26" or something19:17
bioterrorits weird how you can configure it into a "angle mode" so that the picture is good if you watch it that it's higher than you are19:18
bioterrorlike lying on bed19:18
l0p3nbioterror: That is something that bothers me on my LCD. I can't watch the tv from below :P19:18
l0p3nits blurry19:19
bioterrorthis is not19:19
l0p3nbut anyways enought about the TV talk :) I don't seem to find the lxappearance menu where can I find it?19:21
bioterroralt+f2 and type: lxappearance19:22
bioterrorit's the "Customize Look and Feel"19:22
l0p3nFailed to execute child process "lxappearance" (No such file or directory)19:22
l0p3nWell I think I know the problem. I am using Xubuntu but with the Lubuntu Core. Soon I will make a fresh install of Lubuntu and maybe that file won't be missing.19:25
l0p3nbioterror: Thanks for the help anyway!19:26
bioterrorinstall lxappearance19:26
bioterrorit's a great program for tweaking GTK19:26
l0p3nI think I tried but lemme try again..19:27
l0p3nbioterror: yea now it works :)19:27
draiochdoin a reinstall latest lubuntu, anyone know what the install size is ive an old p4 pc, maybe i should do a minimal install does it make a difference19:42
=== MichealH is now known as MH0
psychx-Anyone have any idea why my flash videos will lag sometimes? Is it my processor? Pentium 4 2.6Ghz21:29
leszekpsychx-: or it might be the harddisk caching in the background, or just your graphicscard21:31
leszekits hard to tell21:32
psychx-I have an ATI Radeon HD 3850, I think it's supposed to be decent. (not for playing new games, but should be fine at least for videos.)21:32
psychx-Could be my hard disk being old I assume21:32
psychx-Any tips on how to make it better?21:42
=== EyesIsServer is now known as EyesIsAsleep
zkriesse_psychx-: What's your system capabilities?22:30
psychx-zkriesse_: Sorry, what do you mean by that?22:30
zkriesse_Said you've got a radeon hd 385022:30
zkriesse_With a pentium 4?22:31
psychx-zkriesse: Yes22:40
psychx-1 sec i have to reboot, i have been having another issue where weird things happen, like i go back on my chromium browser and it immediately goes back forward, i cant highlight anything, it acts like im double clicking everything etc22:41
Gege71hello anyone use audacious with .ape file ?23:10
Multbrelchpsychx-, what was your problem?23:11
psychx-Multbrelch: Basically, my flash videos (youtube, etc) sometimes run very poorly. Even when not in HD. Even in Windows 7 I was able to run 480p and occasionally 720p perfectly fine. Now it seems to have a lot of trouble with it. I can run a 1080p file fine. Pentium 4 2.6Ghz, ATI Radeon HD 3850, 1GB RAM.23:13
Multbrelchpsychx-, so it is the same under Windows23:13
Gege71maybe your bandwidth is not enough :)23:14
psychx-No, in Windows I can stream at least a 480p video perfectly fine on a website such as YouTube.23:14
psychx-I have 40Mbit down, 10Mbit up23:14
Multbrelchbut before you could watch 720p23:14
psychx-Even if I'm in 320p on YouTube it runs poorly.23:14
MultbrelchIs it a laptop?23:15
MultbrelchYou know what I think? Wait, i'm searching the page ... mom23:15
psychx-I'm wondering if maybe it's that I have an old hard drive23:16
MultbrelchI think it might be your graphics card23:16
MultbrelchThe connections of the pins of the GPU on the board. - Look, this might help:23:16
MultbrelchHave fun23:17
Multbrelchwhile reading23:17
psychx-this is odd23:19
psychx-If it's the video card, would that cause a lot of other random issues too? Like for example, when I'm scrolling down a webpage, it appears to lag every now and then.23:20
Multbrelchmay be23:20
MultbrelchBTW: here another site: http://forum.notebookreview.com/alienware/385973-how-repair-your-dead-graphics-card-your-alienware-23.html23:20
MultbrelchSo, does the card get hot?23:21
MultbrelchLook here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWDgYl4ns0w23:22
psychx-You know what the strange thing is? I can play 3D games just fine. Some of them will lag, but I noticed a lot of those utilize some kind of flash programming or something.23:24
psychx-For example, I was playing Torchlight, which isn't a brand new game or anything - but does have nice graphics - and it ran beautifully.23:26
psychx-Also, I've noticed these strange lines running down my LCD... I'm not sure if thats the graphics card or the screen itself. It is only visible on certain colors.23:27
psychx-They arne't really lines of pixels, or more of these vertical off-color lines that are wider than 1px, more like... 50px or something, not sure.23:27
reflexrgI forgot23:28
reflexrgI want to have a script to make md5sums but don't want to over write them. how do you have it automatically use todays day then .md5?23:28
reflexrgI remember doing this once before but I forget23:29
reflexrgsince I don't regularly make scripts23:29
Multbrelchpsychx-, hmmm then I have no idea ... sry I can't help23:29
psychx-thank you anyway23:29
Multbrelchgood luck23:29
Multbrelchcu all23:29
wxlanyone have a problem with network-manager not starting up with wireless enabled?23:34
reflexrgnevermind I figured it out23:44
reflexrgmd5deep -r * > 'date +%m-%d-%y'.md523:44
elz89I am not getting any bluetooth options at all with lubuntu, whereas i do with ubuntu?23:55

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