
=== luciano_ is now known as ssh-ninja
=== Mohan_chml is now known as M0hi
rethsahi everyone00:43
rethsai am newbie00:43
rethsai am new with ubuntu00:47
M0hiWelcome to the community. Do you need any help?00:48
rethsaya, i am new with ubuntu00:48
rethsai dono where to start learning00:48
rethsacan u link me a path ?00:49
M0hirethsa, So, the first questiiion will be, "what is your purpose of using Ubuntu?" and depending to your answer, I ll guide you00:49
rethsai want to leant about security00:53
M0hiOkay. Then first you can start will the basic terminal commands00:53
M0hithen, have a look at bodhizazen.net where you can find some useful tutorials00:54
rethsabasic terminal command?00:59
rethsaok, i go try it 1st01:10
MavJSrethsa: some of these might come in handy - http://www.unixmen.com/linux-command/linux-command-for-beginners.html01:13
rethsaok, thanks01:43
rethsa^^ brb01:43
zkriesse_Allo all :)02:11
hilarieThis seems like the right place... Does anyone know of a FTP client with a web gui that I could use on a ubuntu headless server?02:54
zkriesse_Just trying to connect or?02:54
hilarieI would like to be able to connect to my seedbox from my ubuntu headless server and download complete files02:55
zkriesse_Well, fireftp in Firefox is nice02:55
zkriesse_It's an addon02:55
zkriesse_Seems that'd work for us02:56
hilariefrom a headless server?02:57
zkriesse_It's a web addon... You said web GUI02:57
zkriesse_I can't think of anything else... Somewhat limited knowledge right now on server things02:58
hilariehehe, I am still working on trying to install the server :)02:58
zkriesse_Ah good, so we're both behind... Now I don't feel so stupid ATM :P03:00
garden92how do you open a bin file?06:03
hilariesh FINENAME.bin iirc06:03
hilarieor run FILENAME.bin06:04
hilarieor the GUI way is to right click it, go to permissions tab, make it executeable, then double click06:04
philipballewto make it excatuable chmod +x it06:23
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse
MVanDruffso I gotta know is there a way to resize my Ubuntu partition07:41
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
PobbelHi all,  I have a broken 11.10 install.  Dual HDD, 64 bit laptop.  Windows on sda (preserved as is during install),  ubuntu on sdb along with grub. Selecting sda from boot options in BIOS, boots Windows as expected.  Selecting sdb to boot, boots grub okay.  Choosing Windows from grub menu works fine.  Choosing ubuntu from grub menu fails, leaving me at BusyBox with (initramfs) prompt.10:06
PobbelI selected 32bit download for 64bit machine as it was recommended.  This should be okay shouldn't it?10:08
PobbelAny ideas?10:10
geirhaYes. Would help to see an error message. There should be one just before you get dropped into busybox. If you don't see it, try typing "exit" in the busybox shell.10:18
Pobbelyep exit from busybox - kernel panic....  dont get much time to view log before shutdown,  will retry10:25
PobbelPID: 1, comm: init Not tainted....    (shutdown, going again)  any idea how to view log from busybox?10:28
Pobbelor pause it?  pause function key does not help10:29
geirhaMaybe Ctrl+S (Ctrl+Q to resume), but I'm not sure if that'll be read that early.10:34
Pobbelgot some photos coming10:44
geirhatrusty 'ol photons :)10:45
IRCShare<Pobbel> Error after boot prior to shutdown http://ircshare.com/i/H10:47
IRCShare<Pobbel> grub menu http://ircshare.com/i/I10:48
geirhaPobbel: Hm. I don't see any messages explaining why it's failing there. :/10:52
geirhaPobbel: In the grub menu, try one of the previous linux versions10:52
geirhaSee if any of those will boot.10:52
IRCShare<Pobbel> grub script for ubuntu boot http://ircshare.com/i/J10:53
PobbelPrevious linux versions are the same, and also fail.10:55
PobbelIs there a log file that I might be able to dig up with the live CD?10:56
Pobbelor busybox?  or is it not getting far enough i.e linux kernel is not even loading?10:57
PobbelGot a lot more info streaming up on the screen using recovery mode,  will send a pic....11:03
IRCShare<Pobbel> output when using recovery mode (last few lines anyway) >  http://ircshare.com/i/K11:08
Pobbelgeirha: The last pic has some errors that may be shed some light on the issue :)11:10
geirhaAye, seems the filesystem on sdb1 may be corrupt.11:10
geirhaI'd boot the Ubuntu CD and run  sudo fsck /dev/sdb111:11
PobbelOkay will do,  cheers11:12
Pobbelgeirha:  Found lots of errors.  Just selection fix for all.  Why would I have so many errors after a fresh partition and install?11:24
geirhaI don't know. I haven't encountered that myself.11:25
geirhaPerhaps the hdd is failing or is defect11:25
PobbelI recon I have press the "y" key over a hundred times and still going11:26
PobbelI might run gparted and start again.  Thoughts?11:27
geirhaThat might be the easiest solution, yes.11:27
PobbelYeah might bite the bullet and do that.  Thanks for your help.11:28
PobbelIs there a way to check the integrity of the Install CD?  I seem to remember an option in previous installers.11:33
geirhaPobbel: Yeah, it should still be there. You have to hit a button just as it starts booting (when there's a purple screen with only a keyboard+human icon)11:41
geirhaIf you have a USB pen with >2GB free space, I find that to be less error prone.11:45
=== Snicksie| is now known as Snicksie
andrew_46RexHerudae: Bit quieter here than #ubuntu :)12:10
RexHerudaeHello, sorry I'm waking up mykids to go to school but I'll come back in a hour12:13
* andrew_46 may be asleep by then ---> southern hemisphere rulz :)12:14
nlsthzn_South vs Norht hasn't got much todo with your time zone ;)12:18
andrew_46nlsthzn_: I stand corrected :)12:18
nlsthzn_andrew_46: which country are you? Aus?12:19
andrew_46nlsthzn_: yep, and you?12:19
nlsthzn_Oh, in the UAE at the moment :)12:19
RexHerudaeHello again13:25
RexHerudaeI'm new with Linux and started with Ubuntu 11.10, I installed it in my PC (Core2Duo 2Ghz, 512Mb Ram DDR2, integrated video in Motherboard), I know the requirements for Unity are 1Gb Ram so I decided to download a Desktop environment more lightweight, so I Installed LXDE, it loads very fast, compared to the 3.5 min from login screen to open desktop in Unity, but it freezes every time13:29
RexHerudaeI open a single program, I can't even navigate in Internet, it freezes, sometimes for a pair of minutes and the graph at bottom right is all green as if iyt were using 100% CPU, it happens with every program13:29
RexHerudaeI'm thinking about uninstalling Ubuntu but I'll try to deplete the options, thanks for your support.15:13
RexHerudaeI'm new with Linux and started with Ubuntu 11.10, I installed it in my PC (Core2Duo 2Ghz, 512Mb Ram DDR2, integrated video in Motherboard), I know the requirements for Unity are 1Gb Ram so I decided to download a Desktop environment more lightweight, so I Installed LXDE, it loads very fast, compared to the 3.5 min from login screen to open desktop in Unity, but it freezes every time15:13
RexHerudaeI open a single program, I can't even navigate in Internet, it freezes, sometimes for a pair of minutes and the graph at bottom right is all green as if iyt were using 100% CPU, it happens with every program15:13
hobgoblinare you already talking to someone RexHerudae ?15:15
geirhaTough problem. My first guess would be the graphics driver15:15
hobgoblinaah - guess you are :) - that would be first guess too - though from what the specs look like they should be more than enough for xfce or lxde15:16
* hobgoblin further guesses at ati 15:16
geirhaCtrl+Alt+F1 -> log in -> run:  lspci | grep -i vga15:21
=== M0hi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy

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