
AlecTaylorI want to model the internal logical structure (i.e. separate table between Stores and Products), as well as the connection between different systems, and the partitioning of these systems, all beginning from an actor. Is BPMN correct for this? - A sample (am I doing it right?): http://i39.tinypic.com/16iut1d.png08:57
AlecTaylorI am trying to model a collection of systems, their various interconnections, as well as their internal logical structures, as a message is passed through them, initiated by an actor. Is BPMN the right notation, and am I using it right? - http://i.stack.imgur.com/r9741.png09:46
PendulumAlecTaylor: 1) This isn't the place to ask this. This is a channel where we teach classes. 2) Please wait for an answer in a channel where you've already asked a question before cross posting to other channels. Otherwise it looks spammy09:55
AlecTaylorYou guys use BBB for classroom?09:55
nigelbNo, we don't09:55
nigelbClassroom project is really meant to be mostly text only.09:55
nigelbOccasionally we do use some video stream.09:56
AlecTaylorWhat backend?09:57
nigelbThat's left to the instructor.09:58
AlecTaylorYou don't have recommended tools?09:58
nigelbNope, because we mostly focus on text-based classes. The video lessons are only when an instructors wants it.09:58
=== airurando_ is now known as airurando
=== ChrisGagnon is now known as ChrisGagnon_

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