[01:01] Mornin [01:10] mhall119, aye, it is...this is my home computer, i guess you can figure out what scott-work is for ;) [01:29] ejat: I land in the airport at 12 am. I'm hoping to be in the hotel by 1 am or so. [01:29] noted … im not staying at the hotel :( [01:30] Ah, right. [01:30] I'll be missing tonight's small gathering. [01:30] but its ok .. we will see how .. [01:30] Yeah :) [01:30] There's two full days! :) [01:30] Heh, I love the weather prediction. [01:31] Rain every day [01:31] :) [01:31] in the evening .. [01:31] fuuuu. I can't find my umbrella. [01:31] I should hunt for it. [01:32] like 1st day morning at uds .. raining … [01:32] did u need the umbrella ? [01:32] UDS is different. we're almost locked in a hotel for a week :P [01:33] yeah .. [01:33] nigelb: the first day of uds here was raining [01:33] cjohnston : yeah .. thats what i told him just now .. [01:33] cjohnston: The sunday before Budapest was also raining. [01:34] yup [01:34] I remember walking out of the flight into rain. [01:34] i do remember that [01:34] ejat: it didnt look like he got that [01:34] cjohnston :) [01:35] pleia2: did that guy ever get his ltp working [01:37] brb [01:47] cjohnston: heh, he disappears often, hoping he'll be at the mt view ubuntu hour tonight so I can force him to try it again ;) [01:47] heh [01:47] ok [01:47] you should be able to tell by seeing if he shows up in the 'team' list when you go to edit the team [01:48] yeah, he does now [01:48] say to add a contact or if you tried making him a meeting chair [01:48] then it should be good pleia2 [01:48] I think I need to do the "loco.ubuntu.com people are community and don't hate you" talk again to my team [01:49] why now [01:49] "it never works" if they can't log in once [01:49] lol [01:49] "first it was the wiki, now loco, canonical must hate loco teams!" [01:49] * pleia2 facepalm [01:50] bah! [01:51] * pleia2 is on a train \o/ [01:52] locos hate loco teams? [01:53] loco.ubuntu.com [01:54] but probably that too ;) [02:12] nobody says they can't use the wiki, if they like beating themselves for no reason.... [02:12] heh [02:49] mhall119: I don't understand [02:51] did any of you fine people try groundcontrol in oneiric? [03:23] doctormon: what don't you understand? [03:28] mhall119: Your double negative sentence. It says: "Anyone says they can use the wiki, if they like beating themselves for no reason..." [03:42] doctormon: yes, that is still accurate [03:43] mhall119: My parsing is failing me, can you help me by rewording it? [03:43] nobody is saying (they can't use the wiki) [03:44] count("Don't use the wiki!") == 0 [03:44] `grep -Rnic "don't use the wiki" /` eq 0 [03:45] count("Don't use the wiki as a database!") == 1 [03:45] the wiki is a database [03:45] So why would people beat themselves? [03:46] doctormon: if they like to use the wiki for storing descrete data, they are probably masochists [03:46] mhall119: That's not a database it's a scratch pad with style ;-) [03:46] doctormon: ah, from the UI it is a scratchpad, from the code it is a database [03:47] and it happens to be very bad at both [03:47] mhall119: I'm sure even angry birds has a database in there somewhere, I wouldn't use it to store user data :-P [03:47] doctormon: I'm betting Rovio does though ;) [03:48] So I take it your not a fan of the wiki for decreat data mhall119? [03:49] doctormon: yes, mostly because it's a one-way street [03:50] I just don't like it because it's got the design of a warthog, it's as flexible as a hammer, as fast as a sleeping snail and is a crutch for a real solution to data problems we have in the community. [03:51] heh, so we agree [03:51] How long did we suffer the wiki before we finally got the loco directory. [03:51] too long [03:51] agreed [03:51] we still suffer the wiki because we don't have a team reports app [03:51] soon I'm sure. [03:52] only if we get more hands [03:52] I just added the loco-portal project using ground control, ACE. [03:52] we can barely do what we want with LTP and Summit [03:52] doctormon: nice [03:52] If I can get some more support for ground control, we could provide the developer tool to get more people involved in the website work. [03:52] All that's needed is a text editor and the ability to start the server. [03:53] I need a weekend where I can hack LTP data into Meetingology [03:54] what's that? [03:54] that's AlanBell's new meeting bot [04:01] mhall119: So you'll get meeting logs to go to the loco directory directly? [04:20] mhall119: zomg. You're on bash.org! [04:20] http://bash.org/?945304 [04:22] nigelb: lol, that was a while ago [04:22] doctormon: we already have links to the logs [04:22] I'm thinking of getting the agenda into meetingology [04:22] heh [04:23] Oh god. Taxi in 2.5 hours. Need to finish packing. [04:23] interesting, anything to exorcise the wiki from day to day use :-D [06:22] Good Night Ladies and Gents! [07:43] aloha [07:46] good morning [07:46] dholbach: aloha there hows you [07:47] hey czajkowski [07:47] a bit tired to be honest - I don't know why, but I feel like I woke up 500 times tonight [07:48] how about you? [07:50] about the same went to bed at 11 but up at 12 -4 and then finally nodded off about 5 :/ [07:50] it's going to be a long day [07:51] yes [07:51] * dholbach gets another espresso [07:59] morning [08:10] jussi: gives a shout when you're about will you please. [08:15] i think he's taking a break isnt he? [08:15] oh, he was around yesterday [08:15] ignore me ☺ [08:36] morning popey ! [08:37] morning huats [08:39] good morning [08:44] czajkowski: yes? [08:45] jussi: can you fix the factoid please [08:45] czajkowski: sorry, no. If it doesnt sync to ubot4, only jpds can fixor it. :( [08:46] bots and me fail! [08:46] jussi: cheers [09:12] I am trying to model a collection of systems, their various interconnections, as well as their internal logical structures, as a message is passed through them, initiated by an actor. Is BPMN the right notation, and am I using it right? - http://i39.tinypic.com/16iut1d.png [09:25] Hello! [09:25] * nigelb waves from airport [09:25] * AlecTaylor waves back [09:46] hi [09:46] I am trying to model a collection of systems, their various interconnections, as well as their internal logical structures, as a message is passed through them, initiated by an actor. Is BPMN the right notation, and am I using it right? - http://i.stack.imgur.com/r9741.png [09:47] AlecTaylor: not sure this is the right place to ask that [09:47] AlecTaylor: you are probably asking in the wrong place. perhaps #ubuntu-app-devel might be better? [09:47] hehe [09:48] asked there :P [09:49] AlecTaylor: ok. crossposting is generally frowned upon, so you may want to just be patient. [09:49] You asked me to post there! === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [09:51] AlecTaylor: thats fine [09:51] AlecTaylor: what has it got to do with Ubuntu though? [09:52] Ubuntu was designed, Ubuntu designs various softare and architectures [09:52] So I thought they may have some tips! [09:52] I would have thought BPM diagrams and swimlane stuff would be interesting discussions for a BPM forum or ISO 9000 area or something [09:52] wasn't really designed using a process approach though [10:06] Sunday is UCADay! [10:31] AlanBell: Have a specific one to suggest? [10:32] not really, I don't do that any more [10:32] and the number of people in the open source world that would have a clue what you are on about is pretty small [10:33] there is a jbpm project that Alfresco includes and OpenERP has some BPM tools in it, you won't get much help on either of those in the Ubuntu channels though [10:40] mm [13:02] jcastro, hi, who can restore my admin privileges on summit.ubuntu.com? (actually, summit.linaro.org) [13:26] danilos: what do you need admin privileges for? [13:27] mhall119, we want to use summit.linaro.org to start preparing for our next Connect coming up in early February [13:28] danilos: oh, ok [13:29] danilos: do you need access to just the schedule data, or do you need the access to the sponsorship too? [13:30] oh, linaro are not doing May? [13:30] or are they doing quarterly connects now? [13:30] AlanBell: they have a shorter cadence [13:30] 4 months I think [13:31] mhall119, I don't need access to sponsorship stuff right now [13:31] danilos: check your access now [13:31] AlanBell, mhall119: yeah, we do them quarterly, there'll be another one in May [13:32] ok, we won't do breaky stuff with the etherpad bit when you are in mid-connect then ;) [13:32] nigelb: ^^ [13:32] cjohnston: ^^ as well [13:32] mhall119, if I just create a linaro 'summit', how bad is it going to be if it shows up on summit.ubuntu.com? should we perhaps look for a different deployment instead? [13:32] danilos: linaro don't use sponsorship through summit do they? [13:32] Daviey, I don't know that much [13:33] danilos: depends on how much coding work you can put into summit between now and then [13:33] danilos: How familar are you with summit? [13:34] Daviey, I've only done one non-trivial change to the code so far [13:34] mhall119, I don't expect us to be able to put much effort in, fwiw [13:35] danilos: if you add a Linaro Connect to the system, it'll be displayed on summit.ubuntu.com's main page, but otherwise I don't think it will have any adverse effects [13:35] uds.ubuntu.com will still link to /uds-p/, so that's good [13:35] mhall119, right, that's what I thought, how bad would that be for ubuntu [13:36] danilos: not bad, and we could get a fix for that relatively easily [13:37] danilos: but we'll be deploying some fixes, for both Ubuntu and Linaro, between now and Feb. [13:37] we also have a planned upgrade to django 1.3 sometime soon [13:37] mhall119, right, we are fine with fixes which don't break stuff :) [13:38] just warning you, there's a chance of short down times when we do them [13:38] mhall119, as for upgrade, that's fine, but let's not do it too close to February (if it can happen this year, it'd be good) [13:38] danilos: we're going to do that one as soon as IS is ready [13:38] mhall119, ah, ok, that sounds good then [13:43] jcastro: ping [14:11] danilos: i was told by multiple other people that you guys wouldn't be using summit in Feb.. Has that changed? [14:37] cjohnston, hum, I am surprised about that, since people who are running the connect are asking me for it [14:38] dunno [14:50] jcastro: how can i get get a burndown page like yours (http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/u/jorge.html) ? [14:51] ok so it was explained to me that you needt o be in a group [14:51] and then cjohnston said that we can't make more groups because the server gets overload [14:51] you know, we should charm->EC2 this bad boy. [14:54] jcastro: if only we knew someone involved with juju that could do that for us.... [14:55] Charming status would be epic. [14:55] IMO [14:56] jcastro: then convince IS to point a *.ubuntu.com domain to an AWS IP address [14:56] * jcastro whistles [14:59] how about just [14:59] setting one up [14:59] for the people who can't be on status.u.c? [15:03] james_w, would you mind if I take over https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/News and replace it with submissions procedures and the like? [15:03] DANIEL. [15:03] (Hi.) [15:04] HEY JORGE [15:04] HOW ARE YOU DOING????? [15:04] good [15:04] excellent :) [15:04] Not at all [15:04] merci bien [15:16] you down with entropy? ya, you know me [15:24] everybody got UCADay in their calendar for sunday? :) [15:37] ashams, see I told ya! ^^^^ [15:39] yeah, you were absolutely correct ;D [16:56] Joeb454: around? [17:08] hey jono [17:09] hey dholbach [17:09] have a great weekend everyone - see you all next week! [17:09] and don't forget UCADay on Sunday! [17:09] * dholbach hugs you all [17:17] wish I could quit for the day 7 minutes after my boss shows up:) [18:23] so, someone else owns twitter.com/xubuntu (never tweeted), but twitter claims they "may" respect trademarks, canonical owns the trademark, how/who does the xubuntu team need to nudge to at canonical to get help with this? [18:28] pleia2: trademark@ubuntu.com might work took me about two days to get a response or perhaps https://forms.canonical.com/trademark/ [18:29] * nigelb waves [18:29] hi nigelb [18:29] hey [18:29] bkerensa: thanks, I'm familiar with those, was hoping for a more human response that would help me determine whether it's even worth bothering :) [18:30] but if it only takes a couple days for a response that's not so bad (it used to be a black hole) [18:30] hah [18:30] pleia2: Have you talked to anyone at Twitter? I hear they can take months if not longer to address issues and enforce their own policies [18:31] black holes are fun :D [18:31] bkerensa: no, and that's the reason for the "may" in my comment ;) [18:31] sometimes a legal dept to legal dept process can be quicker [18:31] *sometimes* [18:31] (as opposed to their usual customer service route) [18:32] On another note does anyone know if it is possible to get the Ubuntu banner layouts? I am going to be making a banner and hope to use the official design... Were doing a big event the first week of Dec [18:32] bkerensa: I'd ask in #ubuntu-design [18:33] they've been helpful with my recent requests for things like that [18:33] (takes a few days, but they can usually dig out the artwork I need eventually :)) [18:33] cool :D [18:34] of course it's friday and they all live in the UK [18:34] doh :) [18:35] :P [18:36] It could be worse... You could be approached by Debian people to put together a venue with food and beverage for two days from 9am to 5pm =o [18:37] with just two weeks to work with :P [18:37] they can approach all they want, that's not going to happen :) [18:39] well luckily I was able to get PuppetLabs to sign off on venue now just trying to raise enough money to feed 25 people for 3 meals for two days =/ [18:39] I love Debian people (mostly I'm one of them) but too many of them have little to no respect for people who do non-developer stuff, "It's easy to do that stuff! they only need 2 weeks!" and I try not to help them with this illusion ;) [18:41] it is nice that they've opened up NM though <3 [18:41] pleia2: Yeah magic does not happen in two weeks so they will get whatever I can serve up [18:41] puppetlabs is awesome, you have a really great relationship going on up there, kudos :) [18:42] bkerensa: 3 meals a day? [18:42] pleia2: PuppetLabs is good people [18:43] if I heard 9-5 for hours on something I'd assume that it might include lunch and snacks [18:43] +1 on puppetlabs and good peoples! [18:43] not breakfast and dinner as well [18:43] Pendulum: Well I guess two since it will start at a little after breakfast [18:44] (and I've been to plenty of events where lunch was up to us to find, but that only works if there's food close to the venue) [18:45] was working on my UCADay stuff and it was sounding like an acceptance speech and next I'd like to thank...boring - so I changed my thought process to how would jcastro write this - muahahaha....:-) [18:45] \o/ [18:45] lol [18:45] good thinking akgraner [18:46] Pendulum: Geeks up here are spoiled unfortunately.... I was very surprised that people showed for the Ocelot release since it wasnt catered [18:46] akgraner: I'm making cards for every member who came to any of the last three events or meetings [18:46] yeah - I screwed up something else I was working so - I decided to work on something else for a few minutes...this has not been my finest week as far as productivity and I go... [18:46] for UCaday [18:47] bkerensa, sounds cool... [18:49] I don't know what all I am going to to besides blog and email people...but I think it's going to be fun reading what people write and stuff [18:49] pleia2, you know if people post a lot of stuff we'll be adding a ton of links to UWN :-) yay [18:50] * pleia2 has totally ignored UWN this week [18:50] :\ [18:50] rough week, I'll have some time this evening though [18:50] I looked at it and thought I need to add some links will do that tomorrow though [18:51] pleia2, no worries :-) [21:25] aloha [22:26] Mem is fun http://doctormo.org/2011/11/18/chucks-away/ [22:27] jcastro where does one go to see all the charms that have been written so far? [22:35] http://charms.kapilt.com/ [22:35] temporary [22:35] those are the accepted ones [22:35] the rest are in lp:charm [23:10] in Iain Farrell still at Canonical? [23:17] technoviking: Nope. [23:18] nigelb: thanks