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desrtrobert_ancell: hey!00:55
robert_ancelldesrt, howdy!00:55
desrtyou're a hard man to get a hold of from europe :)00:55
desrti just landed a bunch of changes on glib to deal with opening up the gsettingsschema API some more00:56
desrtthe eventual goal is that dconf-editor need not parse xml00:56
desrtwould be cool if i could get some info about what you need, precisely00:56
robert_ancelldesrt, it was always planned that way :)00:56
desrtthe GSettingsSchemaKey structure is planned to be opened up00:57
desrtwith various getters00:57
desrti wish-list in the form of a bug would be great00:57
desrtno sense opening what is not needed00:58
robert_ancelldesrt, ok, I'll open on against glib?00:58
desrtfor the summary/description stuff i'm considering creating a separate cache file for those00:58
desrtthat is opened only if you request00:58
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TheMusoUgh. Network-manager and policykit are not playing nice with each other. Just tried to join my wireless network in precise, was asked for my psasword, but authentication failed for some reason.02:38
TheMusopassword even02:38
robert_ancellslangasek, does linux-pam have a mailing list / homepage?03:10
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cyphermoxTheMuso: yes, noticed that too03:58
cyphermoxI will look into it tomorrow and  try to figure out how it can be fixed, but since NM didn't change I expect something's off in polkit03:59
cyphermoxand on that note, /me goes back to bed04:00
TheMusocyphermox: thought you knew already, thanks.04:16
pittiGood morning05:03
pittirobert_ancell, TheMuso: uh, what? changing seeds in a stable release? what do you want to do?05:04
robert_ancellpitti, I just noticed that ubuntu-desktop doesn't depend on unity-greeter which is a big screw up...05:04
pittilightdm does, though?05:04
robert_ancellpitti, no05:05
pittiRecommends: xserver-xorg, unity-greeter | lightdm-greeter05:05
robert_ancell(because it doesn't require a greeter)05:05
pittithat's what's pulling it into the default install05:05
pittibut right, it leaves open the possibility to uninstall it; I thought that was on purpose05:05
robert_ancellpitti, right, but some people are upgrading and not pulling in unity-greeter as it is only a recommend05:05
robert_ancellpitti, are there people who want the ubuntu-desktop package installed but not unity-greeter?05:06
pittipresumably not05:06
jasoncwarner_hey robert_ancell and RAOF , I moved kickoff meeting to Monday morning b/c thumper couldn't make today.05:06
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, ok, np05:06
robert_ancellpitti, would it be hard to SRU a change like that?05:07
RAOFNo problem.05:07
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell and RAOF were you able to dive in yet and see what you could do? RAOF were you able to connect with njpatel?05:07
pittirobert_ancell: so, for robustifying upgrades this could be done in theory, we just never changed a seed post-release so far05:07
pittirobert_ancell: technically not05:07
pittias TheMuso says, you update the precise and oneiric seeds, regenerate ubuntu-meta, and upload as usual05:07
RAOFjasoncwarner_: I haven't caught njpatel online yet; I have caught thumper and decided that https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-distro-priority/+bug/807921 seems like a bug that could usefully be tested.05:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 807921 in unity "Unity tooltips doesn't show Hebrew characters" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:08
robert_ancellpitti, right.  So I know how to update the seeds, but can I generate ubuntu-meta?05:08
robert_ancellpitti, bug 80417105:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 804171 in ubuntu-meta "ubuntu-desktop package depends on lightdm but no greeter" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80417105:08
pittirobert_ancell: sure, apt-get source ubuntu-meta, ./update05:09
pittirobert_ancell: added o/p tasks05:09
robert_ancellpitti, what's the name of the seed branches again?05:11
robert_ancellpitti, found it05:13
TheMusoAnybody can generate ubuntu-meta, but then upload privileges apply of course.05:15
TheMusopitti: Oh one questino for you before I sign off for the weekend. Do you knwo if we are going to be adjusting GTK3 packaging for multi-arch?05:15
pittiTheMuso: I'm not sure, it's no small task due to all the plugins05:19
pittinobody is working on it right now AFAIK05:20
* TheMuso nods.05:20
pittido we need it for anything particular?05:20
TheMusoNo, but I wanted to know if it was on the agenda, because I enabled at-spi2-atk for multi-arch, forgetting that gtk3 was not multi-arched yet, untill I installed precise the other day, and had to use a symlink to hae the atk bridge module seen by GTK3.05:21
TheMusoSo if its not on the agenda, I'll rever the multi-arch changes I made.05:21
broderseems a little suckful to multiarch gtk2 and then regress that for gtk305:22
pittioh right, gtk2 is05:24
pittiso it shouldn't be that hard to apply that to 3, too05:24
robert_ancellpitti, ok, so I ran ./update, then debuild -S -sa.  Do I just dput it?05:31
pittirobert_ancell: you need to adjust teh changelog a bit05:31
pittirobert_ancell: for -proposed, and adding the bug number05:31
pittirobert_ancell: but yes, just dput; it's nothing really magical, just an ordinary source package which just happens to have a few autogenerated files05:32
robert_ancellpitti, but for uploading to -proposed I need to modify the old 1.245 right05:32
pittiuh, no?05:32
pittishould be 1.245.1 or so05:32
pitti1.245 is in oneiric final05:33
robert_ancellpitti, yeah, I'm running precise so I've pulled down all the recent changes.  I'll upload that one to precise, then I need to get the older version05:33
pittiah, I misunderstood05:35
pittirobert_ancell: yes; pull-lp-source ubuntu-meta oneiric05:35
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pittihey rodrigo_, how are you?08:47
rodrigo_hi pitti, I'm fine and you?08:48
pittirodrigo_: I'm great, thanks; had a fine hacking afternoon yesterday, continuing today08:49
pitticlient-side apport duplicate checking making great progress08:49
rodrigo_cool :)08:50
glatzor_morning mvo08:57
glatzor_mvo, do you have got some minutes to discuss the mp?08:57
mvoglatzor_: sure08:58
mvoglatzor_: happy that you have a bit of time to look at it!08:59
rodrigo_hey glatzor_09:01
rodrigo_glatzor_, how's the PK API in aptdaemon going?09:02
glatzor_rodrigo_, fine. it is working. I updated my system today using gpk-update-viewer09:04
glatzor_rodrigo_, gpk-update-viewer still doesn't support markup correctly. so the changelogs lock a little bit odd09:04
rodrigo_I'll be adding a new method as soon as I'm done with its implementation in PK09:04
glatzor_rodrigo_, which method do you want to add?09:05
glatzor_rodrigo_, a new WhatProvides type?09:05
rodrigo_InstallResource, to install languages (for now)09:05
mvoglatzor_: is this in trunk already, i.e. should I upload a new aptdaemon :) ?09:06
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:10
rodrigo_hi chrisccoulson09:10
chrisccoulsonhi rodrigo_, how are you?09:10
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, I'm fine, and you?09:13
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, yeah, good thanks09:14
chrisccoulsonoh, no seb yet?09:16
pittihey chrisccoulson, good morning09:16
pittichrisccoulson: how's your ubuflu?09:16
pittichrisccoulson: Seb is on holiday today09:16
chrisccoulsonhi pitti. yeah, it's better this morning. i just wish i could shake this thing off my chest now :)09:17
pittichrisccoulson: is there still something missing for your two drafted specs? they have WIs, but are still in "drafting"09:18
pittichrisccoulson: (cf. my reminder mail from this morning)09:18
chrisccoulsonpitti - no, i don't think there's anything missing09:19
pittichrisccoulson: so, perhaps you can check again and flip them to "review" when you are done?09:22
chrisccoulsonpitti - ok, done :)09:23
pittichrisccoulson: "Make it possible to store collected adresses in EDS"/"Add functionality for creating addressbooks via EDS" -> will you actually work on that, or is that mconnor?09:24
chrisccoulsonpitti, m_conley. it could be either of us though :)09:24
pittichrisccoulson: also, "Add overlay scrollbar support for Thunderbird (and Firefox):" -> I thought this was pretty much impossible, given that it's not real GTK widgets and we can't modify the sources so much?09:25
chrisccoulsonpitti - right, it's going to be hard, but not impossible, and we need to do it at some point09:26
chrisccoulsonthis is why i've been careful not to give myself too many WI's this cycle :)09:26
pittiok, if you actually want to work on this, it certainly sounds like a fun project09:26
pittiI mean, working on code, not just packaging all the time09:27
chrisccoulsonyeah, it's nice to do stuff other than packaging occasionally :)09:27
pittiso, both approved, thanks!09:27
pittione to go, the default apps one09:27
pittijasoncwarner_ said this would land on Monday09:27
pittiand didrocks needs to approve one spec, but I figure he's on vac today, too09:28
chrisccoulsoni need to start taking some friday's off. i've got 10 days left09:29
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i think i've figured out my "suspend on resume" issue now09:30
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure it's the same problem as other people, as my issue is clearly caused by this empty battery exposed by the kernel09:31
pittiI need to stop for today, travelling to Dresden10:39
pittihave a nice weekend everyone!10:40
desrtpitti: cheerio10:41
rodrigo_have a nice trip pitti10:49
* desrt ponders turning gtkmenuitem on its head10:50
desrt...or at least its side10:50
rodrigo_hey desrt10:53
rodrigo_need to run some errands, bbiab10:54
glatzor_rodrigo_, bzr branch lp:~aptdaemon-developers/aptdaemon/pkcompat2 and run sudo ./aptd -td -replace11:04
glatzor_enjoy yourself pitti11:04
rodrigo_glatzor_, ok11:43
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* rodrigo_ lunch13:07
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Powerisyra lt ce?14:26
Poweris!yra lt?14:26
ubot2Factoid 'yra lt?' not found14:26
Poweris! hi14:27
ubot2Factoid 'hi' not found14:27
Poweris! lamex14:27
ubot2Factoid 'lamex' not found14:27
ubot2Factoid 'lamalex' not found14:27
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Sweetsharkanyone knowing how the per-diems for uds work, please pm me15:17
desrtSweetshark: 27 and 1615:19
* desrt skips the pm to save you from getting messages about it for the next 20 minutes15:20
* kenvandine is really surprised that we have only had one bug filed against the clutter-gst package... like ever15:22
Sweetsharkdesrt: thanks for the info ;)15:33
pittimterry: ah, diving into stable +1 team? (just saw your transition uploads)16:50
mterrypitti, yeah, I've been doing it for a while.  Mostly ftbfs and nbs stuff.  Happy as a clam  :)16:51
pittimterry: feels good to keep a tidy house^Warchive, doesn't it? :-)16:52
mterryYeah, driving numbers down to zero is always satisfying16:54
pittibye everyone, have a nice weekend!17:11
kenvandineyou too pitti!17:15
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rodrigo_ok, out for the day, have a nice weekend!18:03
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