
ubottulococouncil is The Loco Council is itnet7, czajkowski, paultag, huats, leogg, popey - they are there to help, just ask! :) You can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com08:20
pangolinty Unit193 :)08:20
Unit193pangolin: Any time :)08:21
pangolinubottu: !no lococouncil-#ubuntu-locoteams is <reply> lococouncil is The Loco Council is itnet7, czajkowski, paultag, leogg, cprofit, xdatap1  - they are there to help, just ask! :) You  can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com08:22
ubottuI'll remember that pangolin08:22
pangolinubot4:  !no lococouncil-#ubuntu-locoteams is <reply> lococouncil is The Loco Council is itnet7, czajkowski, paultag, leogg, cprofit, xdatap1  - they are there to help, just ask! :) You  can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com08:23
ubot4In #ubuntu-irc, pangolin said: ubot4:  !no lococouncil-#ubuntu-locoteams is <reply> lococouncil is The Loco Council is itnet7, czajkowski, paultag, leogg, cprofit, xdatap1  - they are there to help, just ask! :) You  can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com08:23
pangolinjussi jpds can either of you update that factoid?08:24
pangolinczajkowski: you may be able to do it08:24
pangolintype !no lococouncil-#ubuntu-locoteams is <reply> lococouncil is The Loco Council is itnet7, czajkowski, paultag, leogg, cprofit, xdatap1  - they are there to help, just ask! :) You  can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com08:24
pangolinmake sure it is correct also :)08:25
ubot4In #ubuntu-locoteams, czajkowski said: !no lococouncil-#ubuntu-locoteams is <reply> lococouncil  is The Loco Council is itnet7, czajkowski, paultag, leogg,  cprofit, xdatap1  - they are there to help, just ask! :) You   can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com08:26
pangolinUnit193: do you remember if ubot4 and ubottu sync factoids?08:26
Unit193(Late) Congrats, czajkowski08:26
czajkowskiUnit193: thanks08:26
Unit193pangolin: They should, but one is messed up08:26
Unit193ubot4: btrfs08:27
ubot4Factoid 'btrfs' not found08:27
Unit193Added on: 2011-11-0608:27
pangolinok well then I think we need jpds to unbreak08:28
Unit193cproffit, not cprofit08:28
pangolinactually it's 2 t's 1 f08:29
Unit193Heh, yep. Oops (And I've seen him a lot)08:30
pangolinsorry I couldn't help czajkowski but jpds would be the one to ping about it.08:30
czajkowskijpds: ping!08:31
pangolinprobably sleeping08:31
czajkowskijpds: rarely sleeps08:31
czajkowskihe does work and may be comuting :)08:31
elky!no lococouncil-#ubuntu-locoteams is <reply> lococouncil  is The Loco Council is itnet7, czajkowski, paultag, leogg,  cprofit, xdatap1  - they are there to help, just ask! :) You   can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com08:33
ubottuI'll remember that elky08:33
elky!no lococouncil-#ubuntu-locoteams is <reply> lococouncil  is The Loco Council is itnet7, czajkowski, paultag, leogg,  cprofitt, xdatap1  - they are there to help, just ask! :) You   can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com08:34
ubottuI'll remember that elky08:34
elkymore tada08:34
pangolinI did that already but the questions is will ubot4 pick it up08:34
ubot4In ubot4, elky said: !no lococouncil-#ubuntu-locoteams is <reply> lococouncil  is The Loco Council is itnet7, czajkowski, paultag, leogg,  cprofit, xdatap1  - they are there to help, just ask! :) You   can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com08:36
elkywell that is crappy then08:36
elkyi even tried the wrong text lol08:36
pangolinI think they are supposed to sync but seems there is some issues with the bot knowing what to do08:38
Unit193You could check if maybe it doesn't sync as much08:39
andyrockgood morning09:23
andyrockhow can i request an Ubuntu cloak?09:24
andyrockof course i'm an ubuntu member...09:24
Unit193You'd need to paste your launchpad link and ping the IRCC09:25
Unit193Late congrats on membership :)09:26
Unit193andyrock: It could take a while from here09:26
jussiandyrock: Ive asked staff to do so, just waiting for a response09:29
Unit193Howdy, jussi :)09:30
jussihi Unit193...09:30
* jussi runs09:30
Unit193I just had a shower...09:30
andyrockUnit193, thank you09:30
jussiUnit193: thats even scarier then :P09:31
jussicongrats andyrock!09:31
Unit193andyrock: Congrats! (I didn't do anything)09:31
=== andyrock is now known as andyrock|away
=== andyrock|away is now known as andyrock
roxdragonhow to modify my cloak in developer ubuntu?^15:04
roxdragonmy wiki15:04
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership15:10
k1lroxdragon: you need to be an ubuntu member for getting a ubuntu/member  cloak. there are no special developer cloaks for ubuntu afaik15:11
roxdragonok ok15:11
jussithe only different cloaks we have are for if you happen to be a bot - which I think you probably arent15:12
roxdragoni have request a membership15:15
roxdragonon ubuntu-it15:15
LjLroxdragon, hai bisogno di essere membro Ubuntu, cosa che non so se ubuntu-it può fare (non credo), per avere una cloak15:17
roxdragonok thank you :D15:18
toddyHi. I want to ask for an ubuntu member cloak. That's me: https://launchpad.net/~torsten.franz (I'm ubuntu member) - can anybody activate it? :)17:45
k1ltoddy: herzlichen glückwunsch :)  IRCC^  just wait until someone wakes up17:47
toddythanks, k1l :)17:47
k1ljussi tsimpson elky topyli  (just some IRCC cloak highlight)18:05
topylitoddy: looks good to me20:31
toddytopyli: :)20:32
topyliany staff awake? we could use an ubuntu/member cloak for toddy20:33
topylitoddy: your account is toddynd. is /ubuntu/member/toddynd ok? i think the freenode staff likes it that way :)20:34
toddywhy nd, topyli ?20:34
topylihb, sorry :)20:34
toddyokay, thats fine20:34
topyliit's so late on a friday i must be crosseyed20:35
nikotoddy: congrats20:48
toddythats niko :)20:48
Resistancemy launchpad id is: https://launchpad.net/~trekcaptainusa-tw.  My Ubuntu Membership was approved yesterday, and I'd like an Ubuntu cloak as a secondary cloak, which would replace my PDPC secondary cloak.21:39
k1lResistance: congratulations :)  just wait for some IRCC member to approve your request, so a staff member can set the cloak. jussi tsimpson elky topyli  (just some IRCC cloak highlight)21:55
Resistancei poked jussi and topyli they're both dead or AFK :P21:55
Resistancek1l:  thanks btw21:55
k1lyep, he was just active on the request one hour ago. its friday night (at least in europe), so maybe it will take some time.21:57
=== Fuchs is now known as zombiefox
topylithanks niko22:25
Resistancetopyli:  i'll point up at the earlier lines, unless you dont have them22:26
topylii see them. i also see your LP page looks good :)22:26
Resistanceyeah, i been detailedish on that page22:28
topyliso what would your cloak be like?22:28
Resistancetopyli:  if i can keep my primary (I'm the GC for TrekWeb), then its up to what freenode staff will allow the secondary cloak to be22:29
Resistanceaccording to jussi, the secondary would be either ubuntu.member. or ubuntu./22:30
Resistanceubuntu. even22:30
Resistancedepending on what freenode staff are willing to apply22:30
Resistancelol @ pangolin22:30
* Resistance slaps pangolin22:30
Resistancetopyli:  the full would be @trekweb/administrator/ubuntu.member.resistance22:30
pangolinwe don't slap each other :(22:30
Resistanceor @trekweb/administrator/ubuntu.resistance22:30
Resistanceif staff want to be annoying22:30
Resistancepangolin:  yeah, well the slap wasnt my fault, its because you didnt read the technical limitations of the IRCd22:31
Resistancehostnames are limited to 64 chars :P22:31
Resistanceeven vhosts22:31
pangolinmaybe I did :P22:31
Resistancek1l:  secondary cloaks are applied in a different format.22:31
k1lahh ok22:31
* Resistance unfortunately has sat in #freenode for about a year now ;P22:31
Resistancek1l:  take a look at my cloak (/whois), you'll see the pdpc.active. is the secondary cloak format22:32
k1li dont collect cloaks :)22:32
Resistancewithout a primary cloak, it'd be pdpc/active/22:32
topyliResistance: i think the preferred form would be project/role/project.nick22:32
Resistancetopyli:  that's correct actually22:32
Resistancebut sometimes they allow the project.role.nick format22:33
Resistancein rare cases22:33
k1lResistance: i just had the / ubuntu ones in my memory. is dont know the rules behind that22:33
Resistanceotherwise, its project/role/project.nick22:33
Resistanceor to be better correct...22:33
topyliniko or other staff: if you're around, please advice :)22:34
Resistanceoh heck low power22:34
topylirequesting trekweb/administrator/ubuntu.member.resistance cloak for Resistance if that's ok22:36
topyliit may not be ok though :)22:37
Resistancei've had issues with wikia/trekweb. cloaks too22:38
* Resistance glares in the general direction of #freenode22:38
topylisorry, i have to go. but anyway, my ack to ubuntu kloak for Resistance22:39
Resistancesee ya topyli22:39

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