
meetingologyMeeting started Fri Nov 18 00:00:16 2011 UTC.  The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.00:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired00:00
pleia2Hello and welcome to the Ubuntu Membership Review Board for the Americas meeting for Thursday, November 17th. The wiki page for the Review Board is available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/Americas00:00
pleia2The format for the meeting is as follows: We will go through the list of applicants one by one, by date of application (FIFO).00:00
pleia2Each applicant should introduce themselves (1-5 sentences) and provide links to their Ubuntu Wiki page. After the introduction the members of the Membership Review Board will review the pages and, if needed, ask the applicant further questions.00:00
pleia2During this time it is encouraged for other members of the community to show their support for the applicant. Do not be alarmed if the members of the Membership Review Board are quiet during this time; they are most likely reading wiki/launchpad/forum/other pages and deciding how they are going to vote.00:01
pleia2When the board is ready to vote, they will publicly vote in the channel with either +1, 0, or -1 (for membership, abstain, and against membership, respectively). If the sum of those numbers is positive, then the applicant is now an official Ubuntu member! (feel free congratulate them!)00:01
pleia2Now, with any further ado, lets get started with the first applicant...00:01
pleia2looks like kdub isn't here00:01
pleia2Resistance: are you here?00:01
Resistanceaffirmitive, standby 2 mins00:01
pleia2Resistance: please go ahead and introduce yourself when you're ready :)00:01
* jrgifford is here in support of Resistance00:02
OliWooooooo! (also here for Resistance!)00:03
pleia2great :)00:03
ResistanceFirstly, i apologizing for holding everything up for two minutes, i happened to be in the midst of a phone call at the time.00:03
marcoceppiI am also!00:03
mainerrorSame here!00:03
jrgiffordResistance: you gambled you had a guy in front of you, didn't you? :P00:03
OliWell I'm playing SpaceChem. So there.00:03
marcoceppiIn support of resistance sending support via mobile phone00:04
* greg-g waves00:04
ResistanceSecondly, allow me to introduce myself.  My name, as my wiki page states (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Thomas%20Ward), is Thomas Ward.  I have been working with Ubuntu since the release of Jaunty (9.04), both receiving and providing support.  Initially starting out from the Ubuntu Forums, and providing support to users of Dell systems with Ubuntu, as I use Dell systems, I eventually began assisting with more complex00:05
Resistanceissues. ...00:05
cyphermoxyeah! /me loves Dell hardware for Ubuntu, generally00:06
pleia2Resistance: oh! I didn't realize who you were, bah nick changes :)00:07
pleia2(I recognised your real name, was trying to remember why)00:07
Resistancepleia2:  aye, I'm a member of the PA Loco Team :P00:07
ResistanceI have been, as of late, working on increasing my technical knowledge of Packaging for Ubuntu, and recently gave a session to people on the AskUbuntu site regarding the basics of packaging and what is necessary to get started.00:08
greg-gResistance: could you link to that session, I'm curious!00:08
pleia2wow, nice work on askubuntu00:08
Resistancegreg-g:  if you can give me two minutes to dig up the links, sure.00:09
OliIt's in the testimonials00:09
pleia2Resistance: any plans to get Pittsburgh area going with some release parties? :)00:09
Resistanceoh, Oli beat me to it :P00:09
greg-gOli: oh, thanks :)00:09
Resistancepleia2:  i've actually been more active in the Harrisburg area as my studies have taken me to Penn State, Harrisburg Campus, for the Security and Risk Analysis, Cyber Security Focus, degree.00:10
pleia2ah, cool00:10
pleia2shame the harrisburg open source conference was canceled this year :(00:10
ResistanceIndeed.  If it had not been canceled, I would likely have attended.00:11
n0rmangreat work Resistance00:11
Resistancethank you, n0rman.00:11
n0rmanResistance: so you are not collaborating with any LoCo Team ?00:12
pleia2#voters greg-g pleia2 n0rman cyphermox00:12
meetingologyCurrent voters: cyphermox greg-g n0rman pleia200:12
Resistancen0rman:  I am still listed as a member on the Pennsylvania LoCo team, but my time schedule has not permitted me to attend any actual events.00:12
ResistanceI also have not actively collaborated with the Pennsylvania LoCo team due to that time schedule.00:13
ResistanceHowever, I do plan in future to participate more actively.00:13
pleia2glad to hear it :)00:13
n0rmancool :)00:13
pleia2#vote Resistance Membership00:14
meetingologyPlease vote on: Resistance Membership00:14
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)00:14
meetingology+1 received from pleia200:14
meetingology+1 received from greg-g00:14
meetingology+1 received from n0rman00:14
greg-guh oh :)00:16
greg-gthis happens sometimes with IRC meetings, not to worry ;)00:16
pleia2canadian internet00:16
meetingology+1 received from cyphermox00:18
cyphermoxhehe, sorry00:18
meetingologyVoting ended on: Resistance Membership00:18
meetingologyVotes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:000:18
meetingologyMotion carried00:18
pleia2congrats Resistance :)00:18
cyphermoxindeed, canadian internet in cafés ;)00:19
Resistanceboard members: I thank you all.  :)00:19
Resistanceand thanks pleia2!  :)00:19
cyphermoxthanks to you Resistance00:19
OliCongratulations Resistance00:19
cyphermoxalso, make sure you add your blog to planet.u.c :)00:19
jrgiffordcongrats Resistance !00:19
n0rmancongrats Resistance  :)00:19
Resistancecyphermox:  my blog will likely change locations, but once its fully operational i'll put it there :)00:19
Resistanceand thanks to everyone :)00:19
cyphermoxawesome, congrats again!00:20
pleia2and thanks to everyone who came out to support him, we really love to see tha t:)00:20
jrgiffordheh, it's our job. :)00:20
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Fri Nov 18 00:20:37 2011 UTC.00:20
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-11-18-00.00.moin.txt00:20
greg-gbelated congrats, Resistance :)00:20
Resistancegreg-g:  thank you :)00:20
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
amithkk Awesome Resistance is a member!12:25
nlsthzn_Resistance is futile12:34
* skaet waves16:00
meetingologyMeeting started Fri Nov 18 16:00:36 2011 UTC.  The chair is skaet. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.16:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired16:00
pittihello o/16:00
scott-workhi o/16:00
skaet[TOPIC] Release general overview - skaet16:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Release general overview - skaet
skaetAgenda can be found: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2011-11-1816:01
skaetWelcome to first weekly release meeting for Precise Pangolin aka 12.04 LTS!16:01
skaetSchedule for this release will be at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule  (some edits still need to happen, but they're later in schedule)16:01
skaetUpcoming Dates:16:01
skaet• 11/24 - Feature Definition Freeze (aka Planning Freeze) - all blueprints should be in and approved16:01
skaet• 11/25 - status.ubuntu.com gets reset and tracking workitems starts.16:01
skaet• 12/01 - Alpha 1 release.16:01
skaet .16:01
skaetNew format for the meeting is to review the comments posted by other teams in ubuntu-release maillist before the meeting, and then ask questions.16:01
skaetPlease signal when you've finished comments/questions by ".."16:01
skaetBugs committed to be fixed by the engineering teams can be found:16:02
skaet#LINK http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-bugs/reports/rls-p-tracking-bugs.html16:02
skaetBugs that you would like the engineering teams to consider for fixing, should be assigned to those teams.16:02
skaetgo ahead cjwatson16:02
cjwatsonI wanted to dig into the dssi-vst/multiarch thing that scott-work raised on -release (and I clarified)16:02
cjwatsonin particular I think the answer to this depends very much on whether there's more stuff on its way where we're going to want i386 packages on the amd64 images16:02
cjwatsonif it's just for a single package, then doing a lot of infra work seems a bit questionable, but if it's going to be for more than that then we should make sure it gets scheduled16:03
cjwatsondoes anyone know of more upcoming examples of this kind of thing?16:03
* skaet not seeing any hands. 16:04
* stgraber checks16:04
* scott-work is on the phone at work16:04
skaetok,  any objection to going into the round table, and lets folks ponder,  and then get back to it at the end of the meeting?16:05
cjwatsonjust food for thought16:05
stgrabernope, can't find any other16:05
skaet[TOPIC] Hardware Certification team Q&A - mlegris16:05
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Hardware Certification team Q&A - mlegris
skaetany questions from mlegris?  or question for him?16:06
mlegrisFinishing up the last of our systems this week16:06
mlegris[link] http://people.canonical.com/~hwcert/oneiric-testing/oneiric_final.html16:06
Davieymlegris: Is there a list of the hardware you are cert'ing for server?16:07
* scott-work is back16:07
Daviey(or any, i guess)16:07
mlegrisDaviey: Yes, its at the end of the page I posted16:07
skaetmlegris,  can you post an email status to the ubuntu-release maillist going forward so folks have a chance to looking things over before the meeting next time?16:09
DavieyThat is what i get for typing too quickly.16:09
mlegrisskaet: sure thing16:09
skaetthanks mlegris!16:09
* skaet doesn't see any more questions... so onwards16:09
skaet[TOPIC] QA team Q&A -  jibel16:10
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: QA team Q&A - jibel
Davieymlegris: hmm, can't we see bugs why it failed?16:10
Davieyoh, sorry.16:10
skaetDaviey, no worries,  just post it at the end after the round table.16:10
jibelno question from the QA team16:11
jibelJust a note about daily smoke tests. Desktop tests are failing since yesterday.16:11
skaetthanks for getting the status mailed out.16:11
jibelWe'll investigate what's wrong first thing next week16:11
jibelany question for us ?16:12
cjwatsonjibel: URL and I can have a quick look?16:12
cjwatsonon the possibility that it's not a test failure16:12
skaetthanks jibel,  was going to ask about the daily smoke tests.16:12
skaetwhere should folks go to see the result?16:12
jibelhttps://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/ but the logs are empty. I need to replay the test manually16:13
jibelhttps://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/oneiric-desktop-amd64_default/123/ for example16:13
cjwatsoner, oneiric?16:13
jibelsorry https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/precise-desktop-amd64_default/134/16:14
cjwatsonI guess I can squeeze in a quick manual test run16:14
skaet[TOPIC] Security team update - jdstrand16:15
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Security team update - jdstrand
jdstrand[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Precise16:16
jdstrand[LINK] http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/canonical-security.html16:16
jdstrandWe've gotten our blueprints and work items in shape this week (which is evident from the wild ride that is our burndown atm ;). Like in previous releases, the security team gets to development work as time allows and we only commit to completing work items that have an 'Essential' priority.16:16
jdstrandIn that light, this cycle we have done things differently than in the past and moved all of our essential work items into their own essential blueprints. We then created the topic-precise-security-essential blueprint, that depends on our essential blueprints. This gives us and others the ability to more easily see our progress on things we are committed to implementing.16:16
jdstrand(this can of course be seen in http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/canonical-security.html)16:16
jdstrandWe have no trend line on the burn down, so I will interpret that as us being below it. :)16:16
jdstrandIn terms of bugs worth highlighting:16:17
jdstrand[LINK] http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-bugs/reports/rls-p-tracking-bugs.html#security16:17
jdstrand887332: the kernel team is handling this (patch needs to be rewritten and resubmitted upstream)16:17
jdstrand344878: plan is to make a change to ecryptfs to use pathconf, then to adjust userspace applications like evolution to properly honor pathconf. We will be adjusting ecryptfs and then filing bugs against applications that aren't honoring pathconf16:17
jdstrand800826, 872446, 851986: assigned, no progress16:17
jdstrandthat's it16:17
skaetthanks jdstrand,  for next week, can this get mailed out to ubuntu-release mail list prior to the meeting? :)16:17
jdstrandoh, has this changed? I must have missed an email16:18
jdstrandmdeslaur: ^16:18
Davieyjdstrand: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2011-November/000471.html16:18
skaetthanks jdstrand, mdeslaur.  :)16:18
jdstrandI should also mention that mdeslaur will be handling the release meetings from now on16:18
skaetwelcome mdeslaur :)16:18
skaetany questions for jdstrand?16:18
skaetbefore we move on?16:19
skaet[TOPIC] Kernel team Q&A - ogasawara16:19
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Kernel team Q&A - ogasawara
ogasawaraAs I noted in my release meeting email, we're hoping to upload our first v3.2 based kernel today (pending some test feedback).  cjwatson also pointed out bug 888597 which I've fixed and will make sure it lands in the upload.16:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 888597 in linux (Ubuntu) "linux-image-extra-3.1.0-2-virtual is uninstallable" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88859716:19
ogasawaraAlso looks like our kernel speicic work item status page has recently appeared:16:19
jdstrandDaviey: thanks16:20
skaetthanks ogasawara,  is there going to be any issues with things stabilizing for A1?16:20
skaetusing the new kernel?16:20
ogasawaraskaet: should be shaping up.  we just tested the nvidia and fglrx drivers with the newer 3.2 kernel and seems to be working fine.16:21
ogasawaraskaet: also doing some smoke testing amongst the team and no major fires seen yet16:21
skaetogasawara, coolio.  just wondering about the timing of it landing,  with the thanksgiving holidays occuring.   But if the testing is looking good, we should be ok as long as it lands next week.16:22
skaetany other questions for kernel team?16:22
skaetgilir, go16:22
giliris there a date for the PAE no-PAE support decision ?16:22
ogasawaragilir: still being discussed.  I'm going to raise it with the team next week as some of the key players are traveling this week.16:23
* ogra_ guesses the final decision will be posted to the kernel ML16:23
ogasawaragilir: I'll give an update next week, but there will be follow up on the thread as well16:23
ogra_or ubuntu-devel16:23
gilirok thanks :)16:23
skaet[TOPIC] Foundations team update - cjwatson16:24
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Foundations team update - cjwatson
cjwatsonQ&A not update, right?16:24
skaetsorry, missed that edit.  :P16:24
cjwatsonquick update on those bugs: the doc-base one is fixed although I'm waiting for the relevant Launchpad cron job to notice the latest Debian perl upload so that I can sync it, to finish fixing the upgrade path16:24
cjwatsonon the update-inetd one, I've sent a possible patch to Debian for review16:25
cjwatsonthey're both facets of the same underlying problem16:25
cjwatsonthat should all be comfortably out of the way by alpha 116:25
skaetthanks cjwatson,  minor typo in your email status16:27
skaetbugs committed to being fixed are rls-p-tracking list16:27
cjwatsonoh, right16:27
skaetbugs of interest to the release (ie. nominations to be considered) are rls-mgr-p-tracking16:27
cjwatsonyeah, I'll sort out my confusion over those two over time16:27
* skaet probably needs to make that a little clearer going forward.16:27
skaetany questions for cjwatson?16:28
skaet[TOPIC] Server team Q&A - Daviey16:28
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Server team Q&A - Daviey
skaetthanks Daviey.16:30
* skaet doesn't have questions16:30
DavieyI noticed bug 735072 is associated to our team, and targeted to be fixed.  We didn't commit to that16:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 735072 in samba (Ubuntu) "The hostname proposed by installer is too long for file sharing to work correctly." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73507216:30
DavieyAny questions?16:31
ogra_are we there yet ?16:31
Davieyogra_: I'll tell you when we do, ask again, and you'll get no cookies!16:32
skaetDaviey - bug is not on the rls-p-tracking list,  just on the nominations list.   I'll look into it a bit more after this.16:32
Davieyskaet: rocking16:32
skaetcommit (rls-p-tracking)  nominate (rls-mgr-p-tracking) ... see comments above that this needs to be clarified. :)16:32
* skaet not seeing any other questions... so....16:33
skaetThanks Daviey!16:33
skaet[TOPIC] ARM team Q&A-  ogra16:33
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM team Q&A- ogra
ogra_nothing to add from my side ...16:33
skaetThanks ogra!  :)16:34
* skaet looks around for questions16:34
ogra_(and sorry for the late mail, next week will be better)16:34
* skaet happy to see images building :) 16:34
ogra_wellm live images are a desaster ...16:34
ogra_but we'll get them :)16:35
skaetogra_, :)16:35
skaet[TOPIC] Linaro Q&A- fabo16:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Linaro Q&A- fabo
skaetthanks fabo! :)16:36
faboI forget to add that upcoming release will support PandaBoard ES16:36
ogra_thast 4460 ?16:36
faboogra_: yes16:36
ogra_i thought there was support already16:36
ogra_i saw oneiric booting on a 446016:36
fabounofficial, until now :)16:37
fabosorry for the late mail as well, I'll do better next time16:37
skaetdbarth, do you have any comments on the OpenGL ES 2 support that fabo's asking about in his status?16:37
dbarththe only thing i can say is that everything is blocked due to the absence of tests16:38
dbarthexpect no code changes until that situation is resolved16:38
fabodbarth: missing tests where? code or something else?16:39
dbarththat branch is blocked, like many others16:39
dbarthyes, the code needs to come with tests16:39
dbarththe type of which, and level of validation is still subject to negotiations16:39
fabohmm ok, I'll raise that to the graphics WG16:40
cjwatsonthis is in response to the acceptance criteria stuff?16:40
dbarthi can't give you a firm guideline on the kind of test(s) you need to add for that branch to be unblocked; but that definition is what i'm working on16:40
skaetthanks dbarth,  will let you and fabo discuss further outside meeting then.16:40
dbarthskaet: +116:40
skaetany other questions for fabo?16:40
skaet[TOPIC] Ubuntu One Team Q&A -  joshuahoover16:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu One Team Q&A - joshuahoover
* skaet doesn't see joshuahoover... moving on16:41
skaet[TOPIC] Desktop Team Q&A  - pitti16:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Desktop Team Q&A - pitti
pittisee the already mailed out report: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:42
pittiI think we are in ok shape for alpha-116:42
pittiwe haven't really started breaking anything yet (and don't really plan to, except for the potential switch to RB)16:42
Davieypitti: Happen t know if/when a new X will land, that might break non-free drivers?16:42
pittiwe are mildly oversized, but nothing we can't handle at this point16:42
pittiDaviey: haven't heard imminent plans to update from bryce or Chris16:43
skaetThanks pitti,   not worrying about size too much for A1 (nice to have, not essential).  :)16:43
skaetdbarth go16:43
pittiit's just 1 or 2 MB16:43
dbarthcan we have the confirmation that it will *not* break the non-free drivers?16:43
pittiI don't know if the next version will change ABI again; I'll ask Chris/Bryce on Monday and get back16:44
dbarthsaid otherwise, the requirement to have a stable ubuntu, also applies to X; no 2 weeks with nvidia support is what i'm saying16:44
pittiwe should certainly try to avoid it at least during precise16:44
skaet[TOPIC] Desktop Experience Team Q&A - dbarth16:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Desktop Experience Team Q&A - dbarth
dbarth(sorry for the late email, i hope it passe though)16:45
dbarthin a nutshell we're blocked on the definition of tests; but assembled 2 tasksforce to create good reference examples and unblock the situation16:46
dbarthbut no bug fixes or anything else until it's done (next week hopefully)16:46
dbarththe bug tags are now enforced with didrocks i think, so process wise we're getting there16:46
skaetdbarth,  no worries, we're all ramping up to get this more efficient for next time.   Looking forward to getting us unblocked.   Can we live with what we have for Alpha 1 or is the release at risk?16:47
dbarthno, it's not at this point ;)16:47
skaets/release/milestone release/16:47
dbarthwe'll have a good unity in 12.0416:47
skaetdbarth,  so no significant changes expected between now and  Dec 1?16:48
ogra_dbarth, what about the gles code merge, will it be there for A1 as agreed on ?16:48
dbarthwe'll stay on the maintenance version, ie 4.x branch for now16:48
dbarthogra_: they're in the merge queue, we need to clarify with didrocks the level of tests he wants16:49
dbarthlet's take that offline16:49
skaetthanks dbarth.16:49
skaet[TOPIC] Kubuntu Team update - Riddell16:50
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Kubuntu Team update - Riddell
* skaet missed a s/update/Q&A/ again.... drat!16:50
* skaet not seeing Riddell though... or seeing anything posted, so moving on.16:51
skaet[TOPIC] Edubuntu Team Q&A - stgraber or highvoltage16:51
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Edubuntu Team Q&A - stgraber or highvoltage
stgraberon my phone, expect slow answers :)16:52
skaetstgraber, thanks.   :)   with edubuntu not building,  are you going to be able to release alpha 1 image?16:52
cjwatsonsorry about the fuse bit, I'll make sure that gets sorted out16:52
cjwatsonI will ensure it doesn't block you for a116:53
stgraberI dont't expect any other problem for a116:53
skaet[TOPIC] Xubuntu Team Q&A - ??16:54
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Xubuntu Team Q&A - ??
scott-workshould be knome but i don't know he's here16:54
madnickWe are just observers this tiume, I think (?) unless micahg has something to say :)16:54
skaetyeah,  I16:54
skaetI'll work with knome to figure something out for next time.   He said he has someone, but not sure who yet.  :)16:55
skaet[TOPIC] Ubuntu Studio Q&A - scott-work16:56
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Studio Q&A - scott-work
scott-workemail  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2011-November/000475.html16:56
scott-worknothing really to add except for the ia32-libs which i can clarify with colin offline16:57
skaetThanks scott-work!16:57
* skaet didn't see any issues in the status, so moving on...16:57
skaet[TOPIC] Lubuntu Team Q&A - gilir16:58
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lubuntu Team Q&A - gilir
skaetthanks gilir,  re: powerpc,  let me know when there's testers line up for it,  and I'll put it on the manifest.16:58
gilirok, I'll see this point next week16:59
* skaet has not been seeing the powerpc images get much testing love - so want to make sure that's in place before we add to builds.16:59
skaetgo scott-work17:00
skaetthanks gilir17:00
scott-worki should have mentioned earlier that we will be starting testing of the -lowlatency kernel vs. -generic next week17:00
cjwatsonto clarify, it's not adding to builds - lubuntu/powerpc is already being daily-built17:00
cjwatsonit's adding to test manifests17:00
giliryes powerpc are build, just not tested :)17:01
skaetscott-work,  thanks for adding.   Are you going to be trying to put it out with the A1 images?17:01
scott-workskaet: i do not expect to, we have quite a bit of testing and evaluation i think17:01
scott-worknot to mention, getting the package through revu and into the archive17:02
skaetscott-work,  *whew*  ;)17:02
skaet[TOPIC] MOTU Team update - tumbleweed or Laney17:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: MOTU Team update - tumbleweed or Laney
* skaet seeing both of them marked away ... moving on17:03
skaet[TOPIC] any other business?17:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: any other business?
LaneyI thought we weren't giving regular updates17:04
skaetanyone have further comments or cases for: <cjwatson> I wanted to dig into the dssi-vst/multiarch thing that scott-work raised on -release (and I clarified)17:04
skaet<cjwatson> in particular I think the answer to this depends very much on whether there's more stuff on its way where we're going to want i386 packages on the amd64 images17:04
skaetLaney,  I should have typed Q&A - my bad17:05
cjwatsonthere's no huge urgency on that since it won't get done before the germinate changes needed for faster publishing anyway17:05
pittias for the main Ubuntu images, I'd really like to avoid introducing such a case17:06
pittiit would add quite a lot of overhead (you will at least have to install a second glibc etc. onto the images)17:06
scott-workcjwatson: in the short term should we consider removing dssi-vst from the seeds?17:06
scott-worki can check on the impact of that17:06
stgraberabove url is the work in progress iso tracker, comments and suggestions are welcome (soon to be feature-equivalent to the current one)17:07
pittiit seems most use cases are related to proprietary extra stuff which we only offer to download on demand17:07
Davieystgraber: Any progress on an API?17:07
pittiso I can't think of anything else17:07
cjwatsonscott-work: if you're willing to do that, that's a good short-term option IMO; I don't know exactly what features you lose by doing so17:07
cjwatsonpitti: main Ubuntu images> agreed17:08
stgraberapi works to add builds, api to add results should be there this afternoon17:08
cjwatsonscott-work: perhaps we should have that be downloaded on demand during installation, since it's proprietary?17:08
cjwatsonor, well, dependent on proprietary bits17:08
cjwatsonanyway, we can discuss by mail or whatever17:09
skaetstgraber,  its looking very good!  Looking forward to it.     One issue is that Drupal7 is not deployed yet it appears,  I'll be requesting it from IS today.17:09
scott-workcjwatson: i will look into it and get with you about it later17:09
stgraberskaet: thanks17:09
* skaet sees that the threads and questions have wound down...17:10
DavieySurely we have another 20 mins? :)17:10
skaetThanks everyone for participating,  and a big THANK YOU to those who got their status in email before the meeting.  :)17:10
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Fri Nov 18 17:10:46 2011 UTC.17:10
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-11-18-16.00.moin.txt17:10
pittiDaviey: actually the point of the new format was to make it a lot faster :)17:10
pittithanks everyone, have a good weekend!17:11
Davieypitti: Yep!17:11
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
skaetThanks mlegris, jibel, jdstrand, ogasawara, cjwatson, Daviey, ogra, fabo, pitti, dbarth, stgraber, gilir, scott-work, Laney!17:11
ogra_thanks skaet !17:11
jdstrandthanks skaet!17:11
mlegrisDaviey: http://people.canonical.com/~hwcert/oneiric_blockers.html17:11
mlegristhank skaet!17:12
jibelskaet, thanks !17:12
faboskaet: thanks :)17:12
scott-workthanks skaet , et al17:12
Davieymlegris: How much work would it be to make a server speicifc list?17:12
mlegrisDaviey: not sure, brendand makes the reports17:13
Davieymlegris: If it isn't too much work, I would monitor such a report to try and make sure things make progress.17:15
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darrenhawke12345girls add 26B22AED21:34

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