
cousin_luigiany news about ff8 on oneiric?14:50
atulagrwlcousin_luigi, ff8.0.1 is planned. I guess (only anticipation) ubuntu will release it then (same as done for ff7.0.1)14:59
micahgatulagrwl: cousin_luigi: 8.0 will go out either today or monday, we ended up not needing 8.0.115:22
atulagrwlmicahg, gr8 news :)15:23
cousin_luigithanks & bye!15:33
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, sometimes I think that kernel hacking would be fun19:19
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: you obviously haven't had a lkml beatdown to say things like that19:52
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: I dare you to send a patch to lkml :)19:53
chrisccoulsoni'd need to write one first!19:53

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