
rick_h_jcastro: I'll be good and hit the answer up :P00:35
jcastroI also meant your other questions00:36
jcastrootherwise when you ask it's like "0% accept rate" and people are like "ewww"00:36
rick_h_yea, gotcha. I've got 100% on SO but my answers here haven't been home runs00:36
rick_h_you're right though00:37
snap-lGood evening03:18
greg-ghi hi03:41
_stink_is it like noon there?03:41
greg-gabout :)03:42
snap-lUploading another Club Metal04:13
snap-lThis is one you won't want to miss04:13
snap-lthe lead track is so damn powerful04:13
snap-lYour ears deserve to hear this episode, so I couldn't wait to share: !openmetalcast Special Episode: Club Metal 704:31
snap-lWow, identi.ca use has really tapered off04:35
greg-gyeah, it is sad :(04:47
snap-lI'm not even getting the normal kook response04:53
rick_h_bah, another day of rss, another day without a nexus link12:39
Wolfgerrick_h_: at least it's a Friday without a nexus link...13:02
rick_h_but yea, friday ftw, I need this weekend13:03
Wolfgerthis weekend will be nice. Next weekend will be better. 4-day ftw13:05
brouschrick_h_: so your head has not exploded yet?13:06
rick_h_brousch: get with me at the end of the day13:08
rick_h_if I can finally get my merges into dev today I'll be happy13:08
rick_h_if not...get the paper towels13:08
brouschi'll bring a tarp13:10
snap-lYou must listen to the first track, at the very least13:21
snap-lI know the industrial / cyber-metal isn't everyone's cup of tea.13:21
brouschdangit, i am just about to start ep 3313:24
brouschi'm like 3 behind now13:24
snap-lThat's OK. They don't expire. ;)13:24
WolfgerI need to go through and get the last instumetalcast still.13:25
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
rick_h_yea, it needs to go into the halls of the great xkcd14:15
ColonelPanic001so very true14:15
ColonelPanic001especially the alt-text14:15
snap-lThat's about it14:16
ColonelPanic001I want to send flowers to the poster every time the thread only has two posts, and the second is the same guy saying "figured it out, here's what I did"14:16
snap-lHey, Windows is updating14:16
ColonelPanic001KILL IT14:16
snap-lColonelPanic001: My favorites are the forum posts that have three posts. #1 is exactly the issue I'm having14:17
snap-land the other two are "bump"14:17
ColonelPanic001also have seen that.14:18
snap-lAnd by favorite, I mean that's when my soul dies a little bit more14:18
ColonelPanic001also good14:18
snap-lColonelPanic001: Yeah, I'm sure more than one book out there has been Wikipedia fodder14:19
ColonelPanic001I wish he mentioned which14:19
ColonelPanic001I bet it's that one guy. Crap, forgot his name14:19
ColonelPanic001bah, I have no idea. Older asian guy with shoulder length hair14:21
ColonelPanic001somehow, everytime I read the title of a book of his, it either sounds overly "pop" for pop science, or just.. suspicious14:22
ColonelPanic001Michio Kaku14:22
ColonelPanic001there it is14:22
snap-lBah, you beat me to the answer14:23
snap-lwas reading top-down14:23
snap-lI'm wondering  if xkcd means something like those business books that purport to be science14:24
snap-lor based in science14:24
ColonelPanic001business books?14:24
ColonelPanic001"The One Minute Manager... with Physics"14:24
ColonelPanic001I <3 https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/James_Burke_%28science_historian%2914:24
ColonelPanic001mainly just because I f'ing loved Connections14:24
snap-l"Here's the neuro-science of why you can't get up in the morning, based on a theory that you're brain feels you're instead running from alligators"14:25
snap-lAnd her'es why coffee is bad for you, reason 10114:25
* ColonelPanic001 sips his french vanilla cappuccino14:26
ColonelPanic001must be some very good cheese14:29
brouschcrazy stuff http://www.forbes.com/sites/alexknapp/2011/11/17/physicists-create-light-from-nothingness/14:30
snap-lSo Forbes does science when it's convenient to do so? :)14:31
brouschmust be a slow business and finance news day14:32
snap-lI passed it along to JoDee14:33
snap-lLet's just say the big print exciteth, and the little print diminisheth14:34
_stink_that headline writer should be ashamed.14:35
_stink_science reporting sucks so bad.14:36
snap-lJoDee totally agrees14:36
snap-lIt's the equivlent of "A PRESIDENT DIES! FIND OUT WHICH ONE!"14:36
ColonelPanic001_stink_: yer one of them scientists. What's a decent place to read science news? As in, essentially pop-science. Serious, accurate stuff, but stuff I'll understand, at least well enough to look up background or ask about on my own.14:39
_stink_this is very sad14:39
_stink_but i honestly have no clue14:39
_stink_i can ask around14:40
* ColonelPanic001 checks his often neglected RSS reader14:40
snap-l(so sayeth the JoDee)14:40
ColonelPanic001your opinion on those would be great14:40
ColonelPanic001snap-l: thanks, I'll add it14:40
Wolfgerreadable by the common man, yet accurate info? I don't think it exists. :-p14:40
ColonelPanic001QUIET, NAYSAYER14:41
_stink_ucsusa.org seems political.14:41
ColonelPanic001it is14:41
ColonelPanic001maybe nevermind that one14:41
snap-lSkeptic's Guide to the Universe also has a lot of science on it14:41
ColonelPanic001not really 'science news'14:41
_stink_newscientist.com smells funky, but i'll dig deeper14:41
ColonelPanic001I added these just on a whim, so feel free to tear them apart.14:42
ColonelPanic001I'm not a "fan" of any of them14:42
_stink_physicsworld.com looks very good, but is narrow.14:42
ColonelPanic001it's narrow, but that's what RSS readers are for. heh14:42
snap-lastrobites is also good14:42
_stink_sciencenews.org wins because of the hilarious front page picture and caption14:42
snap-lbut it's extremely narrow.14:42
Wolfger"if you were able to spin a mirror at speeds close to the speed of light, then the mirror would convert virtual photons into actual photons" .... so, the headline should be "Physicists [Can] Create Light From Nothingness [in Theory]"14:43
ColonelPanic001CNN.com: "PHYSICISTS CLAIM TO BE GOD"14:44
snap-lYou're also using the physicist version of the word "light"14:44
_stink_the subtitle on physicsworld.com is the right one: "Physicists convert virtual photons into real ones"14:44
_stink_which is boring, i guess14:45
_stink_c'mon that is funny14:46
snap-lThat seriously need some captions14:47
snap-lI'm starting to think the Squeezebox server is not nearly as random as it claims14:49
snap-lthree times this week it's recommended "The Buck Pets - Mercuritones"14:49
snap-lwhich either means that the algorithm isn't that great, or the Squeezebox feels that was a decent, but rather overlooked 1990s album.14:50
snap-lWhich means my Squeezebox is a fucking music hipster14:50
ColonelPanic001awesome. someone has some musical crap over here14:51
snap-lWant some recommendations?14:52
brouschsnap-l: i got the care box the other day. thanks15:00
snap-lbrousch: Awesome.15:00
snap-lDid everything show up OK?15:00
brouschlooks like it15:00
snap-lCool. I was a little worried it might have scuffed up things.15:01
brouschsnap-l: did you like Tyson Boogie?15:09
brouscha couple seemed OK15:09
brouschcrap, forgot my headphones today15:10
snap-lbrousch: I listened to it a bit15:10
snap-lTheir description confuses me, though15:10
snap-lI'm hoping they're not indirectly covering AC/DC. :)15:11
* snap-l tries not to play covers on the show15:11
ColonelPanic001I just looked at reallifecomics.com for the first time in ages15:52
ColonelPanic001wtf he has a kid15:52
ColonelPanic001I missed so much :\15:53
snap-lYou weren't watching close enough15:53
snap-lhe went and got married and had a kid all in that time15:53
snap-lIt's YOUR FAULT.15:53
ColonelPanic001I think I remember him getting married, don't remember15:53
WolfgerAwesome. I just loaded some media in Dolphin browser on my Android, and the progress bar started out at NAN%17:30
Wolfgerthen went up to 0% and on through 100% as expected.17:30
Wolfgerwhat was the name of the service I used to use that tries to tie all your social networks together? (not that I expect anybody to *know* which one *I* used, but with a few guesses I should see and recognize the right one)17:33
Wolfgerservice, not app :-p17:35
WolfgerColonelPanic001 gets a fail for the day17:35
ColonelPanic001Firefox sync17:36
Blazeixthat's the only one i know of17:38
Wolfgerping, yes!17:40
WolfgerThank you17:40
* snap-l pats himself on the head.17:40
WolfgerGoogle suggested posterous and slideshare17:41
snap-lplaxo? Isn't that a prescription drug? :)17:41
Blazeixping? isn't that apple's social network?17:48
Wolfgerping.fm predated Apple's ping by quite a bit17:53
Wolfgeror maybe apple bought it out. i don't know. I pay little attention to what Apple does.17:53
greg-gnot bought out, separatethings17:56
greg-gunlike my words17:56
brouschsnap-l: d00d, i just listened to omc ep 20. best. omc. evar.18:32
brouschlive from penguicon18:32
greg-goh right, with the new install, and no easy way to transfer radio stations/podcasts from one banshee install to another, I failed to resub to lococast/omc :(18:33
brouschwell that was an old one that i missed. i have them queued up18:35
snap-lbrousch: thanks. :)18:44
snap-lgreg-g: Spread the love as well. Trying to grow the shows. :)18:47
greg-gsnap-l: will do, I redent/tweet when I can :)18:48
snap-lMuch appreciated.18:49
snap-lI'm sure the folks at the CC offices don't just listen to drum circles. ;)18:49
greg-ghaha, not many metal heads, unfortunately18:50
brouschnew age hippiy crap18:50
Wolfgerwhat exactly is new age hippy music?18:55
WolfgerI mean it used to be Dylan and Joplin and Hendrix...18:56
brouschwhale songs and gurgling water18:56
Wolfgerah, exactly as I thought.... just making crap up again. :-)18:57
brouschas usual19:00
snap-lIt's the sound of whales yelling at each other overlaid with pan flute and harp.19:01
brouschthat's much too violent19:02
snap-ldo you speak whale?19:02
brouschit is the sound of whales making love in the deep while dryads and nymphs cheer them on19:02
Wolfgerdryads live in forests....19:03
Wolfgerdefinitely not deep-dwelling cretures19:03
* Wolfger wonders what exactly a hippy looks/acts like in brousch's mind19:04
brouschso what's a dryad called that lives in a kelp forest?19:04
Wolfgera mermaid19:05
Wolfgerdryads are tree spirits dammit19:05
Wolfgerkelp "forest" nonwithstanding19:05
Wolfgersirens perhaps is what you're thinking of19:06
brouschi'm not thinking of anything. i'm making crap up19:07
brouschyou're putting entirely too much thought into this thing19:07
Wolfgerand thus Hannity and Limbaugh are explained. Don't think, just make crap up. :-)19:09
snap-lMy mother was a dryad.19:09
snap-lbtw: new cloudkicker album dropped19:17
snap-ltwo, actually.19:17
ColonelPanic001must aquire.19:32
* Wolfger waits for rick_h_ to swoop in from out of nowhere19:40
rick_h_don't ask to ask...just ask :P19:40
ColonelPanic001he did ask. to sak.19:40
Wolfger:set wm=80 does nothing.... :set wm=78 issues a new line after every whitespace19:40
Wolfgerwhat am I doing wrong?19:41
rick_h_use tw19:41
rick_h_wm is based on the current window size, no current text19:41
Wolfgerwhat is tw?19:41
rick_h_:help wm and :help tw19:41
Wolfgeroh. Duh. wm is from the right border, not left. I misread that. Or rather, my brain ignored what I read in favor of what I expected.19:43
Wolfgerfreshly armed with :help, /me heads back into the fray19:48
ColonelPanic001Let Yourself Be Huge is pretty good19:53
snap-lYeah, it's definitely a differnet album20:04
snap-lrelease the hounds20:08
ColonelPanic001with bees in their mouths20:08
rick_h_Blazeix: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCexiX_eUJA&feature=youtu.be&hd=1 YUI MVC fun20:09
ColonelPanic001I don't like ever mentioning an author in code comments, because svn/git/etc does that anyway, and often there's plenty of people that alter the code. can't list them all.20:11
_stink_you are trying to take all the crdit20:11
rick_h_ColonelPanic001: +1, don't make crap in comments I don't care about20:12
ColonelPanic001nah, it's just for example, here in grades.php. What is Eric edits it? Am I stil the "author"? Of what parts?20:12
snap-lColonelPanic001: Also, it depends on if this is code that's being exposed to the rest of the world20:12
snap-lor if the license demands credit (aka: the XFree license)20:12
_stink_right, just teach people git blame20:13
snap-lThere needs to be a git bless20:13
snap-lblame for "who broke the $%%&%^& build"20:13
snap-lBless to turn people into objects in Perl. ;)20:13
snap-lUm, n/ms20:13
ColonelPanic001I give up.20:53
ColonelPanic001find . -name "*.php" works20:53
ColonelPanic001I want to add to that, "-exec php -l;"20:53
ColonelPanic001find: missing argument to `-exec'20:53
ColonelPanic001I've tried all kinds of variations on that20:54
ColonelPanic001_stink_ fixed it20:55
ColonelPanic001needed a trailing, \, seems20:55
ColonelPanic001find . -name "*.php" -exec php -l {} \;20:55
snap-lYou can also use xargs20:56
snap-lfind . -name "*.php" -print0 | xargs -0 php -l20:57
snap-lI believe that's equivalent, and will also null-pad spaces.20:57
_stink_ColonelPanic001: I TOLD YOU TO ASK HERE20:57
ColonelPanic001nah, the xargs method is how I started try to do it, and it gave me problems20:58
ColonelPanic001I'm not picky20:58
snap-lWell, my most random e-mail of the day:21:00
snap-lSOme seminar for getting my resume read by recruiters21:00
snap-lSponsored by my company21:00
snap-lI think they're telling me something21:00
ColonelPanic001I wonder if I could make vim run php -l on a php files whenever I save it. I may try this after a bathroom break21:01
snap-lit was a meeting notice21:01
rick_h_Blazeix: you around this weekend? Would love to pick your brain on this: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~rharding/launchpad/bugfix_891735/view/head:/lib/lp/contrib/javascript/yui3-gallery/gallery-text-expander/gallery-text-expander.js21:04
rick_h_basically rehacked the heck of a plugin that needed help21:04
rick_h_but it's friday and I'm missing an easier way to do the resize on deleting I think21:04
Blazeixrick_h_: hey, I'll be around. I haven't examined the yui text expander code yet, but did you see this recent alistapart article? http://www.alistapart.com/articles/expanding-text-areas-made-elegant/22:47
rick_h_Blazeix: yea, I changed some of the old plugin based on that23:56
rick_h_like the move from the keyup event to the valueChange YUI event23:56
rick_h_but didn't go all the way to the dual html element setup23:56
Blazeixany particular reason? it looks like the old plugin code assumes 60 char width, is a bit hacky23:58
rick_h_heh, that's my change23:58
rick_h_the old plugin code actually set the height to 1 line tall, and then reexpanded it23:58
rick_h_I added the 60char test to try to avoid flashing it all the way to nothing and back again23:58
rick_h_which is what I wanted to chat about23:58
rick_h_the negative of the list apart stuff is the double elements23:59
rick_h_I was trying to work with just keeping the single textarea23:59
rick_h_oops, family over afk for a while23:59

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