
pleia2here, have another ubuntu member00:20
pleia2congrats Resistance :)00:21
Resistancethanks pleia2 :)00:21
pleia2Resistance: which is your preferred email address?00:24
Resistancepleia2:  hehe, hard to figure out since i have four huh?00:25
Resistancei'll privmsg you it00:25
pleia2thanks :)00:25
jedijfResistance: congrats00:37
Resistancejedijf:  thanks :)00:45
Resistanceugh i just realized that the cloak will annoy freenode staff...00:51
Resistancebecause i insist on keeping my primary cloak :P00:51
jedijfResistance: i just left mine and didn't add ubuntu member so as not to bother everyone again00:55
* Resistance will probably do that00:56
Resistancesince i like having the PDPC donator cloak00:56
Resistance(instavoice in #defocus :P)00:56
jedijfseems odd that the old cloakers would have to reconfirm when adding a cloak, but JonathanD lives on beauracracy00:56
jedijfi did vista print for my 'business' cards though00:57
Resistanceyeah well i may need a business card soon :P00:58
MutantTurkeywe are getting close to crunch time02:52
MutantTurkeyLets hope i make it through another massacre02:53
MutantTurkeychem exam tomororw03:06
MutantTurkeychem book is missing.03:07
MutantTurkeyTI84 is missing03:07
Resistance250 :P03:26
InHisNameResistance: you cloak and cnx  implies a correspondence to mutantturkey?   [calvino at freenode.net]06:07
Resistanceyou can ignore calvino.freenode.net.  I use the RR06:08
Resistanceit plops me anywhere :p06:09
InHisNamerandom ?   but sure seems like you PLANNED that one.06:09
Resistancenot really06:09
Resistanceand for what its worth06:09
Resistancewhat determines my locatino is the proximity to my ZNC server06:10
Resistancethe ZNC itself is uplinked to fast connectivity at a data center so wherever i get connected to is irrelevant06:10
Resistancei try us based servers though, hubbard as a fail safe06:10
InHisNameI always seem to get one very far from me, i.e. NOT in usa.06:11
Resistancechat.us.freenode.net ?06:11
Resistancenot as up to date06:11
Resistancebut is a regional RR06:11
InHisNameEngland's not so far as usual.06:12
InHisNameg'nite for a while06:15
rmg51morning JonathanD10:12
JonathanDhey rmg5110:16
JonathanDwhats up?10:30
rmg51nothing at the moment10:40
rmg51just trying to get ready for work an d read the morning paper10:40
JonathanDLost my electrical tape :/11:10
JonathanDand lit an HDD on fire.11:29
JonathanDand blah11:29
rmg51sounds like it's time to go back to bed and hope for a better tomorrow  ;-)11:37
rmg51for me it's breakfast time11:38
ChinnoDogI made cinnamon raisin waffles, but y'all will have to come over here if you want any.13:13
JonathanDdeath by turkey bowl.17:29
teddy-dbeardeath by chocolate17:46
JonathanDI didn't have chocolate17:48
JonathanDI did have a turkey bowl.17:49
MutantTurkeyjust ate an entire can full of baked beans.18:38
MutantTurkeyrealized girlfriend is coming over later.18:38
MutantTurkeyfacepalm :|18:38
JonathanDlol :)18:38
MutantTurkeyStill, i am thinking ravioli for dinner eh?18:39
MutantTurkeyalso, chem exam? totally aced it18:39
waltmanEven without your chem book and TI-84?18:45
ChinnoDogmm, baked beans18:56
ChinnoDogMutantTurkey: Maybe you should feed your girlfriend baked beans so nothing unusual happens.18:56
MutantTurkeywaltman: got a TI84 off a buddy who graduated18:56
MutantTurkeywaltman: but no chem book18:57
ResistanceMutantTurkey:  heh.  google the chem book?19:01
MutantTurkeythey put out like 3 versions this year..19:05
MutantTurkeymine is specifically (bullshitbullshitbullshit) made for my class19:05
Adomback in my day, my TI-83+SE (Silver Edition) was the shiz.19:47
Adomi put that thing to work19:47
MutantTurkeyAdom: :P19:50
ChinnoDogBack in my day my HP48 did more than any of those TI calculators, and I was the only one in hs that had one.20:08
waltmanChinnoDog: And no one else will even ask to borrow it, since it's RPN :)20:08
ChinnoDogYea. They didn't know what they were missing.20:08
ChinnoDogOne girl had an HP38. We traded files via infrared.20:09
waltmanI've got a 25 year old HP11C here on my desk. I use it nearly everyday. I think I've changed the batteries twice.20:09
waltmanIt's an awesome calculator.20:10
ChinnoDogMy only gripe with hp48s is that the processor wasn't very fast20:10
ChinnoDogIt is ok now. I run an emulation of it on my phone and it runs way faster than the actual calculator.20:11
ChinnoDogIf the emulation supported infrared I would transfer my programs to it.20:11
ChinnoDogoh. My phone doesn't have infrared anymore. lol.20:11
ChinnoDogThe emulation is awesome20:11
waltmanMine's (barely) programmable, but it's really not worth the trouble. I just use the built-in functions.20:12
ChinnoDogIf I still used it much I would buy one of these: http://commerce.hpcalc.org/50g.php20:13
ChinnoDogwaltman: hp11c is surprisingly expensive! http://commerce.hpcalc.org/12cp.php20:16
waltmanThat's the 12c. The 11c hasn't been made for a very long time.20:18
waltmanThe 11c is the same form factor, but different functions.20:19
ChinnoDogoh, oops. interesting20:22
JonathanD$400 for inspection.20:40
MutantTurkeylike boss.20:44

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