
bryceh"Enlightenment E17 Running On Wayland" ooh00:15
Sarvattbryceh, RAOF: hrm so theres not much use spending significant effort getting this lts backports stuff into the archive before got 12.04?02:47
Sarvattsince its going to be the crazy backporting 100 packages with suffixes deal02:47
Sarvattwe cant have xserver-xorg-video-quezacotl if we dont know what its actually called :P02:49
Sarvattxserver-xorg-video-intel-quezacotl that is02:49
RAOFSarvatt: Right.  We just need to ensure that we *can* get quezacotl into the archive.02:50
Sarvattwell the kernel does it and we were told this was how it has to be done so i guess thats how it's going to be? :P02:53
Sarvattimagine we'll have some metapackage stuff to work out, would be good to get it working and tested before release at least02:54
Sarvatti can probably integrate that into edgers, make a whole new stack an optional install02:54
Sarvattxserver 1.12 for instance02:54
Sarvattexcept yeah, libs..02:54
brycehSarvatt, yeah anything that can be practiced in edgers would likely help02:57
tjaaltonwell i guess at least libxi, libxrandr will have to be updated too, whatever the server needs02:59
tjaaltoni thought about the upgrade issues the other day..03:00
tjaaltonbut now is not the time to remember what it was :)03:02
tjaalton+try to03:02
Sarvatttjaalton: very much agreed about the time issue :)03:04
Sarvattlibs will have to be upgraded, thats a given03:05
Sarvattits only the subtle releases like 1.9->1.10 where you dont, that wont happen for long03:05
Sarvatt1.6->1.7, ugh03:05
Sarvatti'm slightly worried about pixman because it has a history of affecting things like notify-osd without fixing it and is required quite often03:07
tjaaltonok so the issue is that you can't "upgrade" to Q from 12.04.3 without cleaning up the backports first03:12
tjaaltonsince it would be a downgrade X and kernel-wise03:12
Sarvattis that an issue?03:12
tjaaltonnot to me03:12
Sarvattpackages could be versioned lower than Q i mean03:12
tjaaltonjust something that should be made clear03:12
tjaaltonwell you lose functionality03:13
broderthat's not a problem, because the package names will be different03:13
tjaaltonso if you need the hw support you'll regress03:13
tjaaltonand there's no way to detect that03:13
Sarvatttjaalton: what are you doing up at 5am? :)03:13
tjaaltonso, installations made with .3 should not offer the upgrade to other than the next lts imho03:14
tjaaltonSarvatt: youngest giving trouble for the past 2+h03:14
Sarvattoh once P is out yeah that'll be an issue since it'd offer to upgrade to Q but versions would be higher, think i get what you mean03:14
tjaaltonthen it was my turn and it took 15min to get her back to sleep :)03:15
tjaaltonyeah the upstream version part, doesn't matter what the package revision is03:15
Sarvatterr i meant R instead of P there, sheesh03:20
tjaaltonanyway, if we can make our lives easier by adding policy, then lets do that :)03:20
brycehhey yeah the 12.04.3 -> Q issue might be worth mentioning, can one of you add it to the blueprint?03:22
tjaaltonon the subscription?03:22
brycehalso makes me wonder about problems relating to 12.04.3 -> P (skipping Q)03:23
brycehin the linked wiki page03:23
tjaaltonhadn't noticed that03:24
broder12.04.3 -> P should be fine, right?03:24
broderbecause precise's kernel will be newer than any of the 12.04 backports03:24
tjaaltonwell it is P :)03:24
broderit's just, e.g., 12.04.3 -> M that have potential to be problematic03:25
tjaaltonversions messed up there?03:25
brycehyeah I meant 12.04.3 -> R :-)03:26
brodererr...right :)03:26
tjaaltonbryceh: should I add a "questions" headline for drive-by comments like this? :)03:26
broder12.04.3 -> R isn't a valid upgrade path, though03:26
Sarvatt12.04->Q is fine, thats the only one thats fine, 12.04.5->R will be the problem because it'll offer Q03:26
broderyou can only upgrade 6 months at a time or 2 years at a time03:27
* Sarvatt is totally slow at responding03:27
* RAOF is confused.03:27
Sarvattholy crap, me too03:27
tjaalton.4 is the latest there'll be03:27
Sarvatt12.04.5 is R X stack03:27
Sarvattnewer than Q03:27
brycehtjaalton, yeah03:27
tjaalton.2 (Q stack), .3 (R stack), .4 (S stack)03:27
RAOFAnd then we drop everyone on the T stack.03:28
tjaaltonthen the next one is another lts03:28
Sarvatttjaalton: .3 should be Q still, .4 R?03:28
tjaaltonSarvatt: .2 is released after Q03:28
tjaalton.1 just before03:28
broderSarvatt: the point releases are offset from 6-month releases by 3 months03:28
tjaaltonit's all there :)03:28
brycehbroder, right, so from 12.04.3 you could go to Q (downgrading your X stack), or to R (correct X stack, but not a valid upgrade path)03:29
RAOFAhem.  Then after .4 we transition everyone to the T stack, because P is still supported for a long while after .403:29
tjaaltonRAOF: yep03:29
RAOFAs the various stacks drop out of security support.03:29
brycehI put a table with all these into the wiki blueprint page (and dates!)03:29
tjaaltonso basically only vanilla P and maybe P.1 is upgradable to Q, the others -> T03:30
brycehyeah it's just something we'll have to document03:30
brycehI can't imagine someone who's already opted into 3 point releases is suddenly going to wake up one day and decide to go non-LTS ;-)  But users are crazy, anything could happen.03:31
broderbryceh: if it was possible to retain the backport-R stack when you upgraded from 12.04.3 -> Q, the user could reboot and upgrade to R immediately03:31
broderbut i don't know if that's going to be possible. it depends on how the packaging magic plays out03:32
tjaaltonbryceh: users can still do that, just that update-manager shouldn't offer it. no way to protect them from sed & apt-get :)03:32
RAOFThat'd be different.03:32
brycehbroder, right, the only problem would be if they installed 12.04.3 because the Q stack was faulty on their hardware or something.  But we get into weird corner cases at this point.03:32
RAOFbroder: Hm, but you raise a good point; there needs to be some update-manager trickery to ensure that things work correctly.03:32
broderbryceh: but if they kept using backport-R stack after they upgraded to Q, in the same way that you can have old kernel versions lying around...03:33
tjaaltonyeah they just should reinstall at that point, it'll keep /home intact anyway03:33
RAOFThere's a policy question here - on a 12.04.x → 12.10 upgrade, what stack should the user end up with?  I'd like to say they should just end up with the 12.10 stack, regardless of which 12.04.x they upgraded from.03:34
* Sarvatt was seriously hoping we could just upgrade via -backports and include that on the livecd and not do package name mangling03:35
* broder 's backporter head hurts from that idea03:35
SarvattRAOF: sounds like something update-manager could handle, removing the old stack before upgrading03:35
RAOFSarvatt: Right, that's one way of doing it; we could also have the 12.10 stack declare breaks/replaces on the appropriate bits.  Either way, it needs deciding before the 12.10 release.03:36
tjaaltonbut then they risk losing hw support03:36
broderin fairness, that's always a risk on upgrade, regardless of whether you're going forwards or backwards03:37
tjaaltonjust declare it as a non-supported upgrade path.. you're on your own if you do that03:38
RAOFI think this is a huge corner case.  The use-case we're talking about is for people who installed 12.04.3 *in preference to* 13.04, and then want to upgrade to 12.10.03:46
Sarvattvery true, was about to say that too03:46
RAOFThey probably don't want to do that at all :).  At worst, they *actually* want to upgrade to 13.04 or 13.10.  And we'll support upgrading to 14.04.03:47
Sarvattso say, ubuntu-desktop depends on xorg03:51
Sarvatthow does that get fixed03:51
Sarvatti'm not seeing it03:51
RAOFxorg-q Provides: xorg03:52
tjaaltoninstall ubuntu-desktop-q :)03:52
RAOFWhich is one of the things we need to check pre-12.04: we need to ensure that nothing outside the stack has versioned dependencies on pieces of the stack.03:53
tjaaltonif there are going to be other backports due to pixman changes or such03:53
Sarvattwe're going to end up having deltas to debian on all of X doing this aren't we?03:56
tjaaltononly on the next lts when it's cleaning up the mess :)03:57
tjaaltonbut don't see why the interim release packages should03:58
RAOFThe stack is reasonably self-contained; I don't think we'll need to touch *everything*.03:59
Sarvattdo you really think meta packages will handle this correctly?03:59
Sarvattlike right now, try to upgrade to a new X video abi version with a nvidia driver or virtualbox installed providing the old one, the dist-upgrade will remove a metapackage and a bunch of other crap, then things are screwed04:01
RAOFThose drivers shouldn't provide the old one.04:01
RAOFBut, indeed, that's the sort of thing to check :)04:02
tjaaltonupdated the wiki04:02
brycehwonder if stuff depending on xvfb will get confused04:03
Sarvattyeah this is my xorg-edgers experience since xserver 1.5 bugging me, i've never seen an abi update handled correctly04:04
Sarvattalways some weird quirk in apt ordering screwing things up04:04
Sarvattprobably my own fault with crappy packaging or not packaging absolutely everything though04:05
Sarvattby probably I mean guaranteed I guess, still worried about it :)04:07
Sarvattthe 1.8 transition in ubuntu didnt go well04:07
Sarvattbut was ok by 1.904:07
Sarvatt1.9 was in 10.10 and 1.8 was only stopgap during the dev cycle though04:08
brycehtjaalton, versions-current now updated04:12
Sarvattsucks about 6.14.3 ati :(04:14
Sarvattnew git snapshot?04:15
tjaaltonbryceh: thanks!04:15
brycehSarvatt, yeah04:15
tjaaltonoh, heh. as if they'll ever bump the minor release :)04:16
Sarvattthey will, 6.14.4, bet ya a beer at budapest :)04:17
brycehwe could ask them to do 6.15 for the lts04:17
Sarvattoh thats micro04:17
tjaaltonSarvatt: that's patch release, or micro yeah04:17
Sarvattany point to going through that list yet?04:19
Sarvatti was waiting for xserver 1.1104:19
Sarvattonly did libdrm04:19
tjaaltonnah, stuff will get synced from testing, and the rest can wait for the server push04:20
tjaaltonthough I did upload wacom already04:20
tjaaltonmerges can be staged in git though04:20
Sarvattrebuilds are a lot faster than syncs though thinking about it04:20
bjsniderwhy is it necessary to have nvidia provide xorg video abi?04:23
Sarvattbjsnider: i wish i knew, i debated that one with tseliot since the start04:23
bjsnidernvidia doesn't even care what else is installed04:24
Sarvattit works on multiple abi's, it's only useful during the development release when it might be updated to a new abi it doesnt support04:24
Sarvattartifical limitations dont make sense to me04:24
tjaaltonwell, if we are always going to update the stack via a ppa in the future, maybe it is unnecessary to have the blobs provide it04:25
Sarvattnvidia especially, they have new abi support publically at most a week or so after its out, the real lag is the distro upgrading the driver04:25
tjaaltonthough fglrx is always behind04:26
Sarvattfglrx on the other hand is guaranteed 3 months04:26
bjsnidereven if nvidia doesn't officially support an abi, it almost always works fine with ignoreabi04:26
Sarvattbjsnider: yea04:26
bjsnider3 months behind?04:26
bjsniderdoes it work anyway?04:26
broderre: apt mangling upgrades, that's probably because the thing that's not getting upgraded is marked as manually installed04:58
broderwhile everything else is auto installed04:58
broderso apt (unfortunately) concludes that you *clearly* meant to keep the manually installed thing, even if it means you lose the auto installed thing04:58
Milos_SDIs there a bug in ppa-purge ?17:06
Milos_SDit says that there are a lot of packages with unmet dependencies...17:07
Milos_SDand it wants to delete a lot of packages not from xorg-edgers ppa17:07
ricotzMilos_SD, i think ppa-purge has some problems handling multiarch and get confused by it17:13
ricotztseliot, please upload fglrx :)17:14
tseliotricotz: I'm working right now on some changes for the upstream fglrx but I'm afraid I won't make it today for the one in Ubuntu17:14
tseliotI'm sorry17:15
ricotztseliot, hmm, if there are only problem regarding jockey could upload it somewhere where I can grab it?17:16
tseliotricotz: I've fixed jockey but something else's come up today and I had to delay my work on fglrx17:17
ricotztseliot, i see, so you dont have a "kind of working" source package at all?17:18
tseliotricotz: no, sorry17:19
tseliotI only have an untested local branch17:19
ricotztseliot, i cant test it myself, but i really like to push something to the edgers ppa17:19
tseliotricotz: I know but can't we wait until Monday?17:20
ricotztseliot, sure, if you think it will break the world it might better17:21
tseliotricotz: it should. Also, I have yet to fix an issue with hybrid graphics...17:21
ricotztseliot, alright, it is ok then17:21
ricotzit would fit the cracky edgers ppa though :P17:23

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