
ActionParsnip!info firefox natty00:00
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ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 7.0.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.1 (natty), package size 14709 kB, installed size 29508 kB00:00
ActionParsnipEk123: which version do you want?00:00
kaushalActionParsnip: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/741756/00:00
Ek123ActionParsnip: Firefox 800:00
ActionParsnipkaushal: sudo kill -9 7550    should do it00:01
NicholaI am having a horrible time trying to install ubuntu on a gateway laptop....wondering if I should just give up. You guys are my only hope...00:01
kaushalBarkingFish: I am running ubuntu server 10.04.3 and i tried running the command00:01
ActionParsnipEk123: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/11/firefox-8-officially-released/00:01
MeQuerSatNichola, give up00:01
kaushalapt-get install smokeping00:01
kaushalit gets stuck00:01
ActionParsnipNichola: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded00:01
ActionParsnipMeQuerSat: not constructive00:01
kaushalActionParsnip: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/741754/00:02
Nicholayes, I did test it00:02
MeQuerSatActionParsnip, trust me, it is00:02
ActionParsnipNichola: how are you wanting to install the OS?00:02
MeQuerSatNichola, wait for the next release and give it a try again00:02
ActionParsnipMeQuerSat: no, its not at all00:02
blackshirtNichola: what type your laptop ?00:02
ActionParsnipkaushal: try the PIDs one at a time00:03
MeQuerSatActionParsnip, it'll will save him/her a lot of time just waiting for the next release ;)00:03
kaushalActionParsnip: i did that already00:03
BarkingFishMeQuerSat: No, it most certainly isn't. We're here to help people, your comments don't help anyone.00:03
kaushalit still didnot worked00:03
Ek123ActionParsnip: I saw that and it says on 11.04 and 11.10 it should show up in the update manager automatically but it hasn't yet and the software centre is still on Firefox 700:03
ActionParsnipMeQuerSat: the current releases which are not EOL are fully supported here00:03
BarkingFishIf you're not able to help, or have no intention of helping, please refrain from commenting, MeQuerSat00:03
ActionParsnipEk123: it will soon, as the page states00:03
ActionParsnipkaushal: tried a reboot?00:03
NicholaI have a gateway W340UI00:04
ActionParsnipNichola: are you using a CD or USB or Wubi?00:04
kaushalActionParsnip: i cannot do that00:04
kaushalsince its a production box00:04
NicholaI have attempted a usb, and a mini CD00:04
ActionParsnip!aptfix | kaushal00:04
ubottukaushal: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:04
ActionParsnipkaushal: try that00:04
BarkingFishNichola: what happens when you try to install it?00:05
kaushalActionParsnip: ok00:05
ActionParsnipNichola: what happens when you boot the USB?00:05
Ek123ActionParsnip: That was 9 days ago, I just assumed it should have already updated by now. If not, fair enough.00:05
NicholaIt freezes up. At different places, but eventually, frozen00:05
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blackshirtNichola: what part step make you stuck ?00:05
Guest57226Hi, how do I run a startup application (shell command) in a window?00:05
BarkingFishNichola: how long have you left it at the part where you say it gets stuck?00:06
NicholaIt doesn't seem to be a paticular step, unless I could say the final install. But it has gotten stuck in other spots as well...00:06
BarkingFishDepending on the speed of your USB device, it could simply be slow to install.00:07
NicholaI have left it overnight twice..00:07
kaushalActionParsnip: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/741764/00:07
BarkingFishah, well not that slow then :)00:07
VeyI put the gnome shell on. Still not 10.10 but much better in usability so far.00:07
icerootGuest57226: gnome-terminal -e your-command00:07
Guest57226iceroot: Thank you!00:07
icerootGuest57226: if it is that what you mean00:07
BarkingFishNichola: what operating system was on the laptop prior to your wanting to install Ubuntu?00:08
kaushalActionParsnip: Any further clue ?00:08
Nicholait was an unregistered version of windows 7. The laptop was originally designed for Vista00:09
BarkingFishhm.  I've heard of 7 doing strange things to disks, i can't remember what though.00:09
BarkingFishgive me a moment please, Nichola :)00:10
kaushalBarkingFish: Any clue ?00:10
NicholaI just bought it used and was told I could stick ubuntu on it...00:10
JoniiHey, what sort of stuff can I do to make my ubuntu profile as sterile as possible? Like, remove all access that's possible to remove, remove all use history as far as it's possible etc?00:10
Artemis3Nichola, is it hot when it freezes?00:10
kaushalBarkingFish: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/741764/00:10
Nicholano, it is never hot, maybe slightly warm...but not hot00:10
Braber01Hi I'm having trouble getting Evelotion to send any e-mails i know it's pop3 address but I don't know how to get it to send anyting00:10
ActionParsnipkaushal: thats all I got, all I can recommend is to schedule some down time00:10
kaushalActionParsnip: ok00:11
kaushalso no way out ?00:11
RoodypooI am trying to install something on Ubuntu and I get this: E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (2: No such file or directory)00:11
Artemis3Nichola, if you run the live desktop without installing, does it freezes as well? or you can use the machine all the time?00:11
ActionParsnipNichola: what graphics chip does it use?00:11
RoodypooHow do I fix this?00:11
Roodypoowindow 400:11
icerootRoodypoo: use sudo00:11
ActionParsnipRoodypoo: what is window 4?00:11
Nicholayes it freezes on the demo sometimes..00:12
icerootRoodypoo: sudo apt-get install packagename00:12
ActionParsnipRoodypoo: is there an update running? Is software centre running?00:12
ActionParsnipNichola: try the boot option: nomodeset00:12
ActionParsnipNichola: also test your RAM health00:12
Nicholaokay, how do I do that?00:12
Braber01how do I edit my settings for evelotion?00:13
NicholaI tested the memory...00:13
RoodypooActionParsnip: no it is not.00:13
Artemis3Nichola, there something else you could try, use Lubuntu and see if it freezes there, or Xubuntu but quickly turn of compositing.00:13
Roodypooiceroot: I use sudo and it still comes up.00:13
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | Nichola00:13
ubottuNichola: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:13
Artemis3Nichola, then see if its stable with either of these00:13
ActionParsnipRoodypoo: if you run:  sudo apt-get update     is it ok?00:13
icerootRoodypoo: is there enough space left on /car?00:13
icerootRoodypoo: /var00:14
RoodypooActionParsnip: I'll try00:14
RoodypooActionParsnip: I get the same error00:15
garden92is there a way to run mac on ubuntu like wine does for windows?00:15
icerootgarden92: no00:15
icerootgarden92: its not allowed to run mac osx on other hardware00:15
kettykay passèèèèèè00:16
Roodypooiceroot: ActionParsnip I should add that I deleted /dpkg/ a long time ago00:16
Roodypoowhen I was new to Ubuntu00:16
icerootRoodypoo: that is an important detail...00:16
uniquecan i run my own private cloud off of ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso ?00:17
ActionParsnipRoodypoo: try http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/fixpackage00:17
icerootRoodypoo: have fun with a rescue-system/live-cd to restore dpkg00:17
ActionParsnipRoodypoo: may help00:17
crystaltvcoHello.. im on lynx and when I try to run the update manager, I am asked for my root password, enter it and then it just goes back to the same screen..00:17
ActionParsnipiceroot: too right, yowser00:17
ActionParsnipRoodypoo: deleting random folders isn't very smart00:18
georgieeeI have a huge problem. Usually ubuntu just auto mounted my mobile (which is connected via USB). This is not working anymore and I dont want to manually mount all the devices via fstab. what can I do to solve this problem?00:18
RoodypooActionParsnip: Im new to Ubuntu and yes I realize that now.00:18
Roodypooiceroot: I need to reinstall Ubuntu?00:18
icerootRoodypoo: no00:18
icerootRoodypoo: but i guess its the easiest way00:18
* enoch UsEs Venom ScRipT [v.4] + Venom Remix SieGe oF DaRkNeSS on mIRC 5.61, Download it now!! http://venomscript.cjb.net --- http://venom.ircitalia.com ©1998-2000 by Venom Team ...All rights reserved... Loaded 2 time(s).00:18
RoodypooOh well lesson learnt.00:19
RoodypooThanks for the input guys.00:19
icerootRoodypoo: the other way is a live-system where you restore dpkg binary files00:19
crystaltvcowill update manager just bounce back to it's main screen if your root password is wrong??00:19
JoniiHey, for some reason Google Chromium is not visible in my alt+tab switcher00:19
icerootRoodypoo: but if it is a fresh install and you are a new user i would sugest to reinstall00:19
JoniiWhat's going on?00:19
nimbioticsHello evry1. Using ubuntu 11.10 with gnome, I allowed an update yesterday and, after rebooting, My monitor only has 2 settings for the resolution and none is the right one. What can I do now? TIA!00:20
icerootRoodypoo: and in the future never use sudo with rm in one line as a ubuntu-beginner00:20
RoodypooI'll keep that in mind. Thanks guys.00:21
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: which GPU? What is the make and model of the system (if it has one)?00:21
ActionParsnipJonii: can you select it with mouse?00:21
crystaltvcoany one have any ideas why update manager wont run? I got no errors after putting in my root password00:23
nimbioticsActionParsnip: I cannot recall the model of the GPU, all I know is that its an nvidia and that I'm using the  appropiate additional driver00:23
NicholaOkay, I never get to that splash screen like in the link I looked at. I never see a little keyboard...00:23
NicholaI just took my computer through it and it never came up...00:23
pooltablei just notice a legal notice with qbtorrent that is is a file shareing software is this normal??00:24
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: did you use the proprietary driver or the open one?00:24
ActionParsnippooltable: some apps have warnings, transmission does it too on first run00:25
JoniiActionParsnip: yes00:25
nimbioticsActionParsnip: propietary00:25
stochasticcan anyone help me update my flash player to the non-free version #11?00:25
JoniiIt's just not present in alt+tab switcher00:25
JoniiIt's available in super+w switcher00:25
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: try uninstalling the driver then reinstalling it, may help00:25
spinxwhat kind of card you have nvidia or aTI ?00:26
ActionParsnipJonii: strange, if you press ALT+F2 and run:  unity --replace     does it show up ok?00:26
ActionParsnipspinx: whom are you asking?00:26
chaospsychexhow do i mount a USB drive in kubuntu 11.10?00:26
crystaltvcoHello.. im on lynx and when I try to run the update manager, I am asked for my root password, enter it and then it just goes back to the same screen..00:27
nimbioticsspinx: nvidia00:27
JoniiActionParsnip: it seems to, yes00:27
nimbioticsActionParsnip: hmm i dont see how I can uninstall it00:27
spinxnimbiotics: well download the drivers from nvidias homepage. they seem to work best. i have those now working really good00:27
mbeierlSwitched to Radeon (open source) module for 11.04 and now I have display issues where the screen does not redraw/refresh properly.  There are bits of prior windows still showing on the screen.  Anyone have pointers on where to look for troubleshooting?00:28
JoniiA question: How to give outlogin to some specific user?00:28
georgieee/etc/PolicyKit$ sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart00:28
nimbioticsspinx: but is it a generic driver for all their cards? cause i dont recall the model...00:28
JoniiOr how to change a password of my account, if I'm not an administrator?00:29
nac-godfatherAnyone know why any item in my "Places" Menu is opened with gnome-mplayer00:29
ikoniaJonii: you can change the password of your own account without being an administrator00:29
nac-godfatherI uninstalled gnome-mplayer, and it was corrected (nautilus).  But then when I reinstall, then it happens again.00:29
ikoniaJonii: just do "passwd" on the comnmand line00:29
spinxthere is a feature that will autodetect what card you have.. or you can simply open your case and read what it sais on the card :P00:29
ikoniaJonii: do you understaand that you just need to use "passwd" to change your own password00:30
Joniiikonia: I don't understand what's passwd00:31
pooltablehow do i set up a time to lock my computer00:31
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JoniiAnd I'm only aware of this gui-tool to change password00:31
ikoniaJonii: a command you use on the command line00:31
mbeierlOk, it seems it's a compiz thing and going into compiz workarounds and using Force synchronization between X and GLX might have done the trick.00:32
jakobbgHi, i have a friend right now running lubuntu, and he is suddenly not able to log in, he's on the other side of the world and he needs my help. how can i get into single user mode, i don't think grub is running on it. he's got 11.04 installed00:32
crystaltvcoi figured it out.. using wrong root password lol00:32
jakobbgi'm talking with him on skype. he's in alaska, i'm in norway ... and he desperately needs to be able to log in00:33
spinxnimbiotics: there is a feature that will autodetect what card you have.. or you can simply open your case and read what it sais on the card :P pasted it again in case you didnt see it00:33
nac-godfathersee if he has any process running?  Is he NAT?00:35
nac-godfathermaybe ssh...00:35
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jakobbgmy friend does not see any grub menu upon booting, are there any key-combos needed to display the grub menu?00:37
OerHeksjakobbg, hold left Shift @boot, this will appear the grubmenu00:38
jakobbgOerHeks: great, he tries00:39
jakobbgthat worked00:40
AaronneyerCan someone help me out with an error Im getting.  Im trying to install a package and it keeps saying "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: python3.1"00:40
tonyyarussoAaronneyer: What packge, ad where did the package come from?00:41
ActionParsnipAaronneyer: sudo apt-get -f install    may do it00:41
AaronneyerPackage is dupeGuru00:41
ActionParsnipAaronneyer: are you using Natty or later?00:42
tonyyarussoAaronneyer: File a bug with the authors.  The correct way to do it in Ubuntu would be package name python3, with a version >=
ActionParsnipAaronneyer: then the command I gave will help00:42
tonyyarussoAaronneyer: (In other words, the code in their package is wrong.)00:43
ActionParsnip!info python3.100:43
ubottuPackage python3.1 does not exist in oneiric00:43
AaronneyerThe command you get would work if I was getting it from the repositories00:43
ActionParsnip!info python00:43
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.7.2-7ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 161 kB, installed size 768 kB00:43
AaronneyerBut I downloaded the file00:43
ActionParsnipAaronneyer: no, it wil pull down the deps to satisfy them00:43
AaronneyerOk, so what exact code should I type?00:43
ActionParsnipAaronneyer: its not just for the repos, its the package system as a whole00:44
ActionParsnipAaronneyer: scroll up00:44
AaronneyerI tried sudo apt-get -f install00:44
jakobbgOerHeks: seemed like he had forgotten his username, box had auto-login earlier, and now it did not work any longer00:44
AaronneyerBut what am I supposed to type afterwards00:44
ActionParsnipAaronneyer: that's it, thats the command00:44
tonyyarussoActionParsnip: I don't see how -f install is going to do anything for him.00:45
ActionParsniptonyyarusso: it will pull down the required deps (assuming they are available) to [f]ix the issue00:45
tonyyarussoActionParsnip: There is no such package as 'python3.1'.  That's his problem.00:45
ActionParsniptonyyarusso: it may just be python or something else, the manifest in the deb will tell the OS what it needs00:46
tonyyarussoActionParsnip: The package name is just python3.  The rest is in the version string only.00:46
jakobbgseems like an update has broken gui login, it only works in text-mode. fsck00:46
alexeyymy desktop and application panel doesn't work. When i try run it in terminal i get Segmentation fault. (sorry for my english). Help me plz.00:46
raulhugoIn this moment a team of freedom software developers and peruvian teachers are meeting in Lima, Perú with the mission  to build to a new XO image, with new adapted content to the region.  ¿We want send a message taked of your experience how a multidisciplinary user? Please, help us, to complete this mission! Write your message, in http://openetherpad.org/teachers or, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HBi25I2mpzcBDduzBl5Hzv976bLBYVvyT8kYLkLPZdI/edit00:46
raulhugoTeam of Somos Azucar and Escuelab -> http://somosazucar.org/ and http://escuelab.org00:46
tonyyarussoActionParsnip: Right, I know that.  The deb he has is wrong.  It has a Depends line programmed in that is not satisfiable.00:46
jakobbgand now he's stuck in text mode ... hmmm.00:46
ActionParsniptonyyarusso: lets see if the command works first00:46
tonyyarussoIt won't.00:47
ActionParsniptonyyarusso: lets see instead of assuming00:47
ActionParsniptonyyarusso: if it doesn't then we can move in a different way to if it does00:47
AaronneyerNothing really happened for it00:47
Aaronneyer0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove, and 211 not upgraded00:47
ActionParsnipAaronneyer: ok then run:  sudo apt-get upgrade    to get those in00:48
tonyyarussoActionParsnip: There was a package named python3.1 in 10.04, which is what the deb was built for, but it no longer exists as such on 11.10.00:48
ActionParsniptonyyarusso: I see00:48
eXpanderHow do I install Ubuntu in my car?00:48
oldschoolhi does anyone know if i would ever need to uninstall ubuntu would this be the right way to do it from a dual boot windows 7 with ubuntu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUgf84bdYvg00:48
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ActionParsniptonyyarusso: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3.1/3.1.3-1ubuntu1/+build/2310554   seems one was built in March this year. Is this the same?00:49
tonyyarussoActionParsnip: The reason being that Oneric has python3.2.  python3 is a metapackage that refers to the current version, and is what should be used as a dependency as such.  They skipped that step and depended directly, thus the problem.00:50
aljosawhich ppa provides latest xorg/mesa/drivers from git master?00:50
ActionParsniptonyyarusso: ahh, that makes sense00:50
ActionParsniptonyyarusso: thanks for clearing it up :)00:50
tonyyarussoActionParsnip: See http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/python3 vs. http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/python300:50
ActionParsniptonyyarusso: as long as people can explain stuff I'm up for learning :)00:50
tonyyarussoAaronneyer: Did you catch all of that?00:50
AaronneyerYa, so is there no way to get it to install 3.1 on oneiric?00:51
ActionParsnipaljosa: xorg edgers. It is VERY experimental and most likely UNSTABLE. Your choice00:51
ActionParsnipAaronneyer: you could tell the maintainers to modify the deb for oneiric00:51
AaronneyerOk then, thanks00:52
tonyyarussoAaronneyer: The way to do it involves individually downloading .debs for the dependencies manually (without apt), then using dpkg -i --force-depends on the one from them last.  But, that's a gross way of doing it, and it's a ridiculously trivial bug for them to fix upstream, so you should make them do that :)00:52
ActionParsniptonyyarusso: +100:53
Mega^RelaXhey. :)00:54
nimbioticsActionParsnip: I uninstalled & reinstalled the driver, but I'm still in the same situation; I dont have the right resolution available for my monitor. Any ideas?00:54
aljosaActionParsnip: thanks for info00:55
spinxchange them yourself00:55
spinxpastebin you xorg.conf00:56
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: could run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig; gksudo nvidia-settings   set the res to something and click 'save to x config file' then close the app and run:  gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf     and edit the file to set the res you want00:56
eXpanderAre there any Ubuntu cookies?00:57
spinxexactly too the words out of my mouth ActionParsnip00:57
Squarismis there something like "compiz-config" for unity? Seems a bit simplistic this unity00:57
OerHeksall monitors have a reset option in the little buttons menu, it could solve resolution detection.00:57
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OerHekseXpander, internetbrowsers use cookies, so yes, ubuntu have them too.00:59
zacariashow do you get the available packages list from a certain repository or ppa, or from all of your installed ones, from the command line?00:59
alexeyyGuys, can you help me?01:00
alexeyyIm using installer script for ubuntu, but i have xubuntu. After that me desktop and app menu dosnt work, other work normal.01:01
OerHekszacarias, none, according to > http://askubuntu.com/questions/5976/how-can-i-list-all-packages-ive-installed-from-a-particular-ppa01:02
nimbioticsActionParsnip: Followed your instructions, but I don't know how to edit xorg.conf to include the desired resolution. My xorg.conf filres is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/741807/01:04
alexeyyThnx. I fix this.01:04
overdubI'm getting "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!" when trying to install simple packages01:04
xangua!gpgerr | overdub01:05
ubottuoverdub: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »01:05
overdubanyone know why this might be happening, or how I can fix it?01:05
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djznanyone using the shell here?01:05
Artemis3overdub, sometimes refresh again or change mirror and it fixes itself01:05
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overdubArtemis3: is there a list of alternate mirrors somewhere?01:06
Artemis3overdub, indeed, but i think its easier to use synaptic or the change sources01:08
Artemis3in system administration or something (can't recall the exact english name)01:08
overdubthanks Artemis3, i'll poke around a bit01:09
mluser-homeHello, does anyone know if there is a non-gui program like gdebi, that can install a local .deb file, and pull in the dependencies from the internet?01:10
brjanncmluser-home: gdebi is actually a command line utility; the one you're used to seeing is gdebi-gtk01:11
brjanncmluser-home: so, the short answer is, yes :) gdebi <debfile>01:12
mluser-homebrjannc: Thank you01:12
_calumif I ran dd if=/dev/sda of=/UbuntuBackup.img, where will the drive image be saved by default?01:12
brjanncmluser-home: sure thing01:12
_calumsorry *sda301:12
brjannc_calum: in your root directory01:12
mluser-home_calum: to the / directory01:13
taar779Could someone help me out with an error: RTNETLINK answers: File exists Failed to bring uo eth001:13
brjannc_calum: that's what the / is01:13
_calumoh ok, thanks01:13
nimbioticsActionParsnip: Followed your instructions, but I don't know how to edit xorg.conf to include the desired resolution. My xorg.conf file as it was saved by nvidia-settings is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/741807/01:13
brjannc_calum: one thing to note, make sure /dev/sda3 is unmounted when you do that, otherwise your image may end up broken01:14
brjannc_calum: (or mounted read-only)01:14
_calumoh, I'm not sure I unmounted it01:14
djzni have a small problem in gnome-shell in ubuntu...-> when I open a new window, the menu (file edit view tools about, etc) it gets a delay, loading a bit later... is this anyone experiencing this on radeon module?01:14
_calumI think its mounted as read only01:14
_calumis it read only if I had to sudo to execute dd?01:15
brjannc_calum: dd isn't smart enough to understand what to do if the filesytem changes; it's literally just copying bits. you can check if it's mounted readonly by running: mount | grep /dev/sda301:15
brjannc_calum: no, you need to use sudo because you're accessing what's called a block device (which is what /dev/sda3 is)01:16
_calumso by default ubuntu denies a standard user write access to the filesystem?01:17
brjannc_calum: look at the end of the line, you'll see something like (rw) or (ro), possibly with some other options01:17
brjannc_calum: not exactly; /dev/sda3 refers to the actual partition itself, not the filesystem on it01:17
_calumhold on I'll just check01:17
reflexrgis there an ubuntu app to remove all facebook content?01:18
OerHeksreflexrg, "all" content of all users ?01:19
_calumit says rw. Is the backup ruined?01:19
_calumor should I cancel?01:20
reflexrgall content from you, interacting with others and others interacting with you.01:20
brjannc_calum: potentially. it depends on if there's been activity on that filesystem while you've been backing it up; for safety's sake, i would say yes, it's probably not a good backup, and you should cancel it01:20
reflexrgwall posts, messages, likes, comments01:20
reflexrgall of it01:20
_calumso cancel the backup and unmount then do again?01:20
reflexrgI can only find a program called exofliate for android :(01:21
yeatsreflexrg: ubuntu and facebook are not related, so no there's not an app (beyond your browser)01:21
brjannc_calum: yep, or remount it read-only. where is that partition currently mounted?01:21
reflexrgyes I know that and yes there is things beyond your browser with facebook on ubuntu01:21
yeatsreflexrg: such as?01:22
reflexrglike the IM plugin and prism or whatever you call it01:22
_calumbrjannc:I cannot remember exactly what the command said but it said rw something about errors-ro then /dev/sda301:22
djznanyone using gnome shell here?01:22
brjannc_calum: run it again, and paste the line here? mount | grep /dev/sda301:23
OphirN4545djzn: Me. Why?01:23
reflexrgfacebook makes it a pain in the ass to delete all content I am just wondering if there is a way to delete it all with an app in ubuntu repo01:23
djznOphirN4545: nvidia, intel or radeon01:23
yeatsreflexrg: but there's not anything that manages content - just things that plug in to the facebook API01:23
yeatsreflexrg: no there's not01:23
OphirN4545djzn: Virtual machine =/. Still, I use a Radeon01:23
reflexrghow about emulator for running andorid programs?01:23
brjanncreflexrg: this is offtopic for #ubuntu, so can I /msg you?01:24
ActionParsnipreflexrg: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h17txbqzjpE01:25
djznOphirN4545: did you notice when you open a new window in shell01:25
_calumsorry it took long am on other pc, it says /dev/sda3 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount.r,commit=0)01:25
djznOphirN4545: there is a delay on loading up the application menu01:25
djznOphirN4545: like "File Edit View..."01:25
djznOphirN4545: i doesn't open instantaneously with the window... it has a lag01:25
djznOphirN4545: like if it were using the global menu01:26
brjannc_calum: ack. unfortunately, you can't unmount that partition, because it's your root partition -- it's where your OS currently lives :) so you also can't run a backup to / because then it'd be backing it up to itself01:26
OphirN4545djzn: No.01:26
_calumI'll reinstall it. Probably messed things up01:26
brjannc_calum: nono, you should be fine, so long as you only ran the dd command you wrote earlier01:27
zacktui just did a fresh install of 11.10 and now i'm using dpkg to reinstall packages that there there before -- i have a message with a header "lightdm" about display managers and since i've never modified the default selection or had more than one I don't know how to respond to this message -- actually, there's no option, except click OK, but is there something that I should do now?01:27
brjannc_calum: so far, you've only created a broken filesystem image; delete that, and it's like nothing ever happened01:27
reflexrgwhen I search for ubuntu android I don't find that app :(01:28
bjrohanDoes anyone here have knowledge on wireless? When first starting my wireless, it runs fine for about an hour, then speed degrades quickly until reboot. Any suggestions?01:28
bjrohanwhen connected via ethernet cable, all works well for days01:28
_calumOK. I thought something was wrong because there was slow response from programs after killing the dd terminal. I shut down the pc, should be ok now?01:28
brjannc_calum: should be. it's possible you've filled up the disk, though, but that's recoverable.01:29
yeatszacktu: 11.10 uses lightdm by default - looks like you're installing gdm?  both work, btw.01:30
itaylor57reflexrg, you could run the android sdk via eclipse if you want01:30
_calumso now I delete the broken system image from the / directory?01:30
yeatsbjrohan: check /var/log/syslog for any messages around the times of the slowdowns?01:31
brjannc_calum: yep -- just be very careful in what you type, and double-check it, since you're sudo rm'ing from the root directory. i'd recommend: sudo rm -i /UbuntuBackup.img01:32
brjannc_calum: the -i will prompt you for a y/n answer before removing anything, so make sure it's what you want before you hit 'y'01:32
_calumahh right01:32
luis_hi there. I was looking for someone to help me on troubleshooting why my laptop (Presario c500) is having trouble to hibernate. It goes looking for a splash and then goes back to normal, without hibernating.01:33
bjrohanyeats - I just checked, I receive this message  a LOT in syslog = [18922.116881] iwl3945 0000:0b:00.0: Queue 4 stuck for 2000 ms.01:33
zacktuyeats: i'll be happy to use lightdm -- how do i make it the default?  the message says to edit a file in /etc/init.d, but i've no idea which one01:33
brjannc_calum: once you've done that, you can check how much space is on the drive with: df -h | grep /dev/sda301:33
brjannc_calum: then you should be back to normal :)01:34
_calumthanks for your help01:34
yeatszacktu: can you pastebin the full message?  I don't have enough context to advise you01:34
brjannc_calum: sure thing. if you want to try it again, you'll have to boot from a livecd, and back it up to another drive (i.e., an external drive). also:01:35
brjannc!backup | _calum01:35
ubottu_calum: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning01:35
zacktuyeats: remind me how to pastebin01:35
bjrohanwireless issue - in syslog I see the following quite often, and very repetitive, how do I go about remeding the situation for my wireless?01:35
bjrohanNov 17 17:25:06 bjrohan-MM061 kernel: [18913.543269] ieee80211 phy0: Hardware restart was requested01:35
bjrohanNov 17 17:25:14 bjrohan-MM061 kernel: [18922.116881] iwl3945 0000:0b:00.0: Queue 4 stuck for 2000 ms.01:35
FloodBot1bjrohan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:35
_calumOK removing the image was a success01:37
yeats!pastebin | zacktu (and bjrohan)01:38
ubottuzacktu (and bjrohan): For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:38
=== OffToHades is now known as BarkingFish
ali33I need help with mpd, always fail to update database01:39
brjannc_calum: good deal :)01:39
zacktuyeats: paste is 741827 -- perhaps if I just say "OK" i'll have an opportunity to select the dm01:39
luis_hi there. I'll repeat my question, I'm sorry. I was looking for someone to help me on troubleshooting why my laptop (Presario c500) is having trouble to hibernate. It goes looking for a splash and then goes back to normal, without hibernating.01:40
yeatsbjrohan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/62126501:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 621265 in Linux "Slow Wireless Connection in Intel 3945abg" [High,Confirmed]01:41
_calum113.9GB free space. Great, back to normal :)01:41
ali33anyone can help me with mpd? It always fails to update database01:41
yeatszacktu: answer OK01:41
_calumbrb, switching chat to ubuntu laptop01:43
zacktuyeats: i answered ok and chose lightdm -- this really caught me by surprise -- thanx for your help01:43
yeatszacktu: sure ;-)01:43
c3llhey guys01:44
Untitled_onlysup room?01:44
luis_any ideas, people? http://paste.ubuntu.com/741831/01:46
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aeon-ltdluis_: got a swap file/partition?01:47
luis_yes aeon-ltd, the process worked just fine untill I updated to oneiric01:48
bjrohanthank you yeats, I am looking through the posts now, looking for a fix that others have used01:48
bjrohanBTW yeats, how did you find that post so quickly?01:48
ahoneybunwhat's up with 11.10?01:48
luis_aeon-ltd, also the size of the swap is appropiate,  haven't changed anything but the Ubuntu version.01:49
_calumI have another question, is there a way to visit http sites using encryption in Ubuntu, e.g. some ssh setup?01:49
ali33anyone can help me with mpd ????01:49
luis_tried s2disk but didn't work01:49
luis_I don't want a direct solution, maybe just a way to troubleshoot that issue.01:50
aeon-ltdali33: describe it to the channel01:51
=== dalek_ is now known as BlackDalek
jrib_calum: for what purpose?01:51
_calumI'm wondering if there is a way to stop ISP from snooping on visited sites for my privacy01:51
StupendoussteveUse tor or a vpn01:52
aeon-ltd_calum: vpn, tor, other proxies etc01:52
ali33it just fails to update music database01:52
jrib_calum: sure, use https on websites that support it.  Or connect to a different host using an encrypted connection (with for example ssh or openvpn) and then from that host, connect to the website01:52
ali33just installed mpd01:52
aeon-ltdali33: check your config file01:52
ali33created mpd.conf already01:52
ali33I think it's ok01:52
jrib_calum: and obviously the other host is not on the same isp which you distrust01:52
_calumI can tunnel my http connections through a ssh server?01:53
ali33this is my mpd.conf01:53
MusicJunkieK1hi all, i need help here. my DVDs won't work in Ubuntu 11.10. i've installed all the restricted extras, and nothing is helping01:53
aaroncan I help fix bugs for 12.04 even if I'm on 11.0401:53
Stupendoussteve_calum: yes, see ssh -D01:53
jrib_calum: sure that means [your computer] ----> [ssh server] ----> [website].  The first arrow is encrypted, the second is not.01:53
jribaaron: you could install 12.04 in virtualbox01:54
luis__i'm back aeon-ltd any ideas?01:54
ali33aeon-ltd, this is my mpd.conf http://pastebin.com/F6rvGuzz01:54
jrib!dvd | MusicJunkieK101:54
ubottuMusicJunkieK1: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:54
_calumso I could set up a ssh on my desktop and route my laptop connections through that?01:54
BlackDalekHi. Video files (avi, video codec XVID MPEG-4, audio codec MPEG 1 Audio, Layer 3) play like a choppy slide show and I get no audio in Totem Movie Player. What could be causing this? How do I fix it?01:54
MusicJunkieK1i've already tried the codecs01:54
MusicJunkieK1i get no results01:54
jribMusicJunkieK1: be more specific.01:55
aaronjrib, what if the bugs were in 11.04 and have not gotten fixed yet01:55
justinasGood mornin!01:55
aeon-ltdali33: did you create a database?01:55
jribaaron: how would you know if it's the same cause :)01:55
=== luis__ is now known as luis_
BlackDalekHi. Video files (avi, video codec XVID MPEG-4, audio codec MPEG 1 Audio, Layer 3) play like a choppy slide show and I get no audio in Totem Movie Player. What could be causing this? How do I fix it? VLC plays perfectly but I can't use my remote with VLC and I want to be able to use my remote. Help!01:55
tucemiux_hey I just got a prompt about creating a passphrase for my encrypted partition, is this legit?01:55
MusicJunkieK1i mean i've reinstalled ubuntu-restricted-extras, and i've installed libdvdread401:55
justinasI have a problem: I can get direct rendering as root (nvidia), but with my own user I can't use direct rendering.01:56
ali33aeon-ltd: what you mean ?01:56
justinasWhat's the matter?01:56
jribMusicJunkieK1: well now try what ubottu's link tells you to do because it's not that01:56
Stupendousstevetucemiux_: Yes, it is for recovery if your account is locked out01:56
ali33how to create a database ?01:56
tucemiux_Stupendoussteve, thanks, I guess the thing got updated? why would I get the prompt if I've already done this?01:56
ActionParsnipali33: could use sql or there is a database app in openoffice much like MS access01:57
aaronjrib, 11.10 is just so buggy01:57
RealOptylucid is LTS correct?01:57
aaronRealOpty, yep01:57
tucemiux_ali33, what type of database youre talking about?01:57
aeon-ltdali33: wait actually, do all the files referenced in the config exist?01:57
ActionParsnipRealOpty: next LTS is 12.04 next year :)01:57
ali33aeon-ltd, yes01:57
_calumthanks all01:58
RealOptyActionParsnip, yeah was reading that it will be both versions for 5 years01:58
RealOptythats a win win01:58
RealOpty(desktop + server)01:58
yeatsbjrohan: I googled the error, then googled 'iwl3945 bugs ubuntu'01:58
aeon-ltdali33: which client?01:59
ali33aeon-ltd: ncmpcpp01:59
MusicJunkieK1i have libdvdcss2 installed, ubuntu-restricted-extras, and libdvdread4. neither VLC, Totem, Brasero,or Nautilus recognize that I have a DVD in the drive. CDs are recognized01:59
ActionParsnipRealOpty: on the server, yes. Desktop for 3 years02:00
ActionParsnip!dvd | MusicJunkieK102:00
ubottuMusicJunkieK1: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:00
MusicJunkieK1i've already done that02:00
BlackDalekHi. Video files (avi, video codec XVID MPEG-4, audio codec MPEG 1 Audio, Layer 3) play like a choppy slide show and I get no audio in Totem Movie Player. What could be causing this? How do I fix it? VLC plays perfectly but I can't use my remote with VLC and I want to be able to use my remote. Help!02:01
hitman_i have a probleme02:03
aeon-ltd... go on02:03
=== marius is now known as Guest97030
hitman_est ce c'est possible d'installer un kernel 3.1 sur une ubuntu 10.1002:03
aeon-ltd!french | hitman_02:04
ubottuhitman_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.02:04
qinhitman_: nope02:04
RealOptyActionParsnip, next LTS its both for 5 years :)02:04
MusicJunkieK1guys? anybody?02:05
MusicJunkieK1DVD problem with Ubuntu 11.10, nothing is helping02:05
hitman_----> get pack codec02:06
Guest97030join #ubuntu-fr02:06
lapionhow can 2 files be exactly the same size in bytes, however differ in number of blocks .. ???02:06
MusicJunkieK1ubuntu-restricted-extras? did that02:06
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ActionParsnipRealOpty: so it is, interesting02:06
ActionParsnipRealOpty: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases02:06
Guest97030jjoin #botosani02:07
szalMusicJunkieK1: (1) do you have a track record of that drive working in Linux?  (2) are you sure that it is even capable of playing DVDs?02:07
Guest97030join #botosani02:07
MusicJunkieK1yeah, it's always worked until i installed 11.1002:07
hitman_    /join #ubuntu-fr02:07
MusicJunkieK1could having two DVD drives in there be causing a problem now?02:08
szalshouldn't be, possible device nodes are plenty02:08
MusicJunkieK1i've installed the codecs that i'm supposed to have installed, and nothing changes02:09
BlackDalekHi. Video files (avi, video codec XVID MPEG-4, audio codec MPEG 1 Audio, Layer 3) play like a choppy slide show and I get no audio in Totem Movie Player. What could be causing this? How do I fix it? VLC plays perfectly but I can't use my remote with VLC and I want to be able to use my remote. Help!02:09
mrmoishai'd suggest reinstalling or running that script for ccs or whatever it was.02:10
xangua!dvd | MusicJunkieK102:10
ubottuMusicJunkieK1: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:10
MestreLionwhat is the equivalent terminal command for Synaptic's "download only" of packages?02:10
MusicJunkieK1yeah, i've reinstalled it a few times, actually02:10
mrmoishaThey are installed... you just have to run the shell script for it.02:10
MusicJunkieK1so how would i go about doing that?02:11
MestreLion(or, in another form: i want the equivalent of apt-get source, but for the binary packages...)02:11
mrmoishaLemme take a quick look back. I never rember how it was done.02:11
mrmoishaBe back in a quickie.02:11
MusicJunkieK1okay, thanks02:11
MestreLionubottu: doesn't "restricted-extras" packages provided the needed codecs for DVD playing?02:12
ubottuMestreLion: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:12
yeatsMusicJunkieK1: 'sudo apt-get download <package>'02:12
MestreLionxangua: : doesn't "restricted-extras" packages provided the needed codecs for DVD playing?02:12
BlackDalekplease... I don't want to have to erase everything again and start from scratch with a fresh installation.... can anyone even give me the slightest hint as to what might be wrong? It used to work before I lost everything and did a re-install. I am totally stumped as to why I can't make video play any more.02:12
ActionParsnipMestreLion: sudo apt-get install --download-only packagename02:12
xanguaMestreLion: no02:12
yeatsMusicJunkieK1: sorry meant for MestreLion02:12
MusicJunkieK1no prob02:13
MestreLionyeats: thank you! But... no way to use it as regular user, without sudo? I dont want to install, just download02:13
mrmoisha__ sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh02:13
xanguaMestreLion: MusicJunkieK1you can also install libvdvdcs2 from medibuntu repository02:13
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org02:13
mrmoisha__It should already be installed since you already could play dvd's02:13
yeatsMestreLion: I believe all apt-get functions have to be done as root02:13
ActionParsnipMestreLion: the command needs sudo as the packages go into /var/cache/apt/archives02:13
ActionParsnipMestreLion: or you can go to http://packages.ubuntu.com and manually grab debs02:14
yeatsMestreLion: actually, I was able to download without sudo02:14
MestreLionActionParsnip / yeats : apt-get source is smart enough to download to current dir...02:14
MestreLionso no sudo needed... ill try with "--download-only02:14
szalMestreLion: building from source is an entirely different beast than handling binary pkgs02:15
yeatsMestreLion: 'apt-get download' downloaded a deb to the current directory02:15
ActionParsnipMestreLion: you may find more in:   man apt-get    afaik, it goes to the normal place02:15
MusicJunkieK1installing libdvdcss2 from Medibuntu now02:16
MestreLionyeats: theres no "apt-get download" here (Maverick).. any package to enable it?02:16
yeatsMestreLion: should just work...02:16
BlackDalekHi. Video files (avi, video codec XVID MPEG-4, audio codec MPEG 1 Audio, Layer 3) play like a choppy slide show and I get no audio in Totem Movie Player. What could be causing this? How do I fix it? VLC plays perfectly but I can't use my remote with VLC and I want to be able to use my remote. Help!02:17
MestreLionrodrigo@desktop ~/work/command-not-found $ apt-get download02:17
MestreLionE: Invalid operation download02:17
=== spanther_ is now known as spanther
yeatsMestreLion: 'apt-get download <package>'02:17
yeatsMestreLion: my test was 'apt-get download screen'02:18
MusicJunkieK1i installed the Medibuntu version, and i added Medibuntu's repo to Ubuntu02:18
MestreLionyes, i tried that too yeats... didnt work.. maybe youre using a more recent versioin of ubuntu/apt02:18
MusicJunkieK1VLC is still giving me this message:   p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/sr0'. Check the log for details.02:18
yeatsMestreLion: it's not a new function02:18
MestreLionabout the DVD issue... i dont remind having any trouble watching DVDs in Lucid Lynx Netbook edition... and i didnt install any fancy packages... maybe "restricted-extras" for the codecs, and thats all...02:20
Stupendoussteveyeats: My apt-get doesn't have it either. aptitude does though02:20
szalMestreLion: as said previously.. -> 'apt-get install --download-only $package1 $package2 [...]'02:20
Stupendousstevemaybe you have an alias?02:20
yeatsStupendoussteve: nope02:20
yeatsStupendoussteve: MestreLion: however, I do have 'build-essential' installed - maybe that's what's making the difference02:21
MestreLionszal: this only works as root/sudo ... and only downloads to /var/apt/cache ... i needed a non-root version of that, that downloads to current dur, just like apt-get souce does02:21
StupendoussteveMestreLion: aptitude download02:21
MestreLionyeats: nope... build-essential is here too02:22
* yeats tests on a different computer...02:22
yeatsMestreLion: do 'man apt-get' - does it have 'download' listed as an apt-get command/function?02:23
MestreLionStupendoussteve: aptitude is a GUI too (although text one).. is there any command option that automates the download?02:23
yeatshmm - works for me on two 11.10 installations02:24
MestreLionyeats: nope02:24
yeatsStupendoussteve: what release are you on?02:24
BlackDalekdoes anyone know why, when I have installed EVERYTHING suggested in the Ubuntu help pages to get video files to play, WHY does it STILL not work? I know it MUST be able to work, because I had it all working before I had to re-install my whole system. I have spent hours and days on this and come up with nothing. I don't know what else I can try :(02:25
MestreLionso thats a new apt-get command... for 11.04 / 11.10... but its not here in MAverick02:25
MestreLion$ apt-get --version02:26
MestreLionapt 0.8.3ubuntu7.2 for amd64 compiled on Sep 22 2011 16:09:4902:26
OY1Rq: i cant view videos on youtube.com but i can view youtube videos on external sites ! anyone know this issue ? Im running 10.04, firefox
MestreLionyours is probably a more modern version, yeats02:26
xanguaOY1R: tried to upgrade firefox¿02:26
OY1Rno i did not02:27
MestreLionOY1R: may be flash installation... lucid does not come with flash by default.. which flash did you install?02:27
MestreLionno need to upgrade firefox.. i have 10.04 in my netbook and it plays youtube fine02:28
OY1Rit worked yesterday, not today.02:28
sancashow can i disable, gedit create an file backup for example file~02:28
MestreLion(but you should upgrade anyway... FF8 just landed on Mozilla's PPA.. and it rocks :D)02:28
sancasi dont know if you understand me02:29
MestreLionsancas: Edit  > Preferences > unckeck Backup files02:29
yeatsMestreLion: looks like that was not in the man page in 10.10 but was adding in 11.04 - very interesting ;-)02:29
OY1Ri did try version 6 iirc, i didnt like to so went back to 3.-02:29
BlackDalekHi. Video files (avi, video codec XVID MPEG-4, audio codec MPEG 1 Audio, Layer 3) play like a choppy slide show and I get no audio in Totem Movie Player. What could be causing this? How do I fix it? VLC plays perfectly but I can't use my remote with VLC and I want to be able to use my remote. Help!02:30
MestreLionyeats: so its a new feature in 11.0402:30
yeatsMestreLion: yep - weird ;-)02:30
szal!info firefox lucid | OY1R02:30
StupendoussteveMestreLion: Sorry didn't see your commrnt. Aptitude can use the command line options too, only does the "gui" if you run without options02:30
ubottuOY1R: firefox (source: firefox): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.24+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 (lucid), package size 11153 kB, installed size 30064 kB02:30
BlackDalekhow is it that VLC can work and no other video player on my system works?02:30
MestreLionwhy weird? new software sometimes have new features... i wanted this apt-get download badly :D02:30
yeatsMestreLion: I understand that.  I just didn't realize it wasn't a feature before02:31
MestreLionStupendoussteve: and is aptitude the only way for a non-root user to download a given binary package by name ? (besides manually going to a website, i mean) ?02:31
StupendoussteveMestreLion: Sounds like, unless you upgrade apt-get02:32
szalBlackDalek: VLC brings its own codecs02:32
MestreLionand is there any way to upgrade apt-get "cleanly", without messing the system?02:33
OY1RMestreLion, i have version 10,3,181,1402:33
MestreLionBlackDalek: VLC is the most powerful player, it comes with its own codecs for most (if not all) video formats. It doesn't mean its better than totem.. for me, vrmb and DVD videos are choppy in VLC and play great in totem / gmplayer02:34
subsumeHow to I make a currently running TMPFS bigger?02:34
lyraeAnyone know how to delete multiple files with the ftp command?02:34
subsumelyrae i dun think you can02:34
subsumelyrae its up to the client to do that02:35
lyraei see. thank you02:35
MestreLionftp is a client02:35
BlackDalekThen how can all other players not work when I have all the codecs installed as suggested on the ubuntu help pages? It is only XVID and MP3 audio.....?02:35
subsumebut more advanced clients will do things like recursive delete02:35
no-name-can you use gconf editor to tell a certain app to always open maximised?02:35
MestreLionno-name-: im not sure... but you can use compiz settings for that02:36
ygorHello guys, im brazilian so i dont know if anyone here can help me in this particular problem. i want t know how to emulate an fiscal printer to test a software. im trying to do this by following a tutorial but theres an error and i just cant make it work. does anyone know about socat?02:36
MestreLionola ygor... sou brasileito tb... se quiser, me manda uma mensagem privada02:36
MestreLionmas eu nao entendo nada de emulacao de impressoras :P02:37
OY1Rexternal(that is youtube videos NOT on youtube) play good while the same video on youtube.com wont play02:38
BlackDalekHi. Video files (avi, video codec XVID MPEG-4, audio codec MPEG 1 Audio, Layer 3) play like a choppy slide show and I get no audio in Totem Movie Player. What could be causing this? How do I fix it? VLC plays perfectly but I can't use my remote with VLC and I want to be able to use my remote. Help!02:38
lyraeremember in older gnome, under "places" on top, you could connect to a remove machine? where is that option now?02:39
yeatslyrae: open nautilus and do File -> Connect to Server...02:40
MestreLionlyrae: as subsume said, ftp command is a "raw" ftp client... it just allows you to use the commands that are in the FTP protocol, and there is no such command for recursive delete. BUT... you could either script it to get the list of files and delete them (like GUI clients do), OR you could use an ftp client that has a command-line argument that does that (i dont know any)02:40
Wisniahi , does anybody know how to change startup sound?02:40
i_0mangaHey! If you're in the US looking to spunk/shoot your load on some wonderful girls, go to http://www.bukkakeforums.com/ and sign up. Parties are being set up in the Atlanta and Dayton areas. This is no bullshit; completely real and amateur. http://i40.tinypic.com/m7vwna.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/2v9sojk.jpg02:40
subsumeI tried to change the size of my tmpfs but now i see both sizes: tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,size=100m,size=250M)02:41
subsumewhat's the deal?02:41
MestreLionyeats: nice approach... using nautilus to mount the ftp site and you can use "rm -rf" to recursively delete :D02:41
ygorIm trying to use a fiscal printer , but i need to emulate it, and im using stoq software...does anyone know it?02:41
Wisniadoes anybody know how to change login sound?02:41
lyraeyeats, , and how do i play a shortcut in desktop?02:41
yeatslyrae: I'm not sure what you mean02:42
MestreLionStupendoussteve:  and is there any way to upgrade apt-get "cleanly", without messing the system?02:42
BlackDalekthis is hopeless. there is obviously no solution and I am going to have to start again from scratch with a fresh install..... and hopefully whatever got #$@%ed up on my system won't happen again this time >:(02:42
lyraeyeats, if i'd like to create a folder on the desktop that connects to such remote machine when opened02:42
worrowhey all02:42
lyraeyeats, instead of having to go to file in nautilus each time02:42
worrowlooking for some direction here02:43
lyraehave it bookmarked somewhere..02:43
worrowanyone familiar with peppermint os two02:43
yeatslyrae: oh - I see.  I'm not sure, actually - I haven't needed to do that in Unity/Gnome302:43
lyraewell thank anyway =)02:43
worrowno peppermint users?02:44
aeon-ltdworrow: ubuntu only02:44
szalworrow: this channel supports Ubuntu and its official (as in: released by Canonical) variants, and nothing else02:45
worrowcrap. nobody is around int he peppermint service to give some aid02:45
szalworrow: not our problem02:45
worrowHey dude go F yourself. I am being kind lookign for help02:45
worrowI don't go walking around pushing people02:46
aeon-ltdworrow: if it isn't directly peppermint related but application related you can ask in their respective channels02:46
xanguaworrow: drop that attitude and language02:46
StupendoussteveMestreLion: it can be, but mixing versions is generally not a good idea. aptitude does the job and is better than apt-get anyway02:46
worrowlol. You are all snooty in here02:46
worrownot very friendly02:46
worrowszal is the one being rude by saying "not our problem"02:46
OY1Rworrow, dont mention peppermint, just ask the question since peppermint is based on Ubuntu, it ought to work on peppermint aswell.02:47
aeon-ltdworrow: heh heh heh alright, what is the problem?02:47
Wisniai need to change startup sound , any ideas?02:47
ResistanceOY1R:  isnt peppermint using Linux Mint?02:47
worrowgood attitude guys keep it up. Next time I see someone about to cross the street infront of an oncoming car I'll just turn and walk away and say "not my problem"02:47
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition02:47
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:47
Resistancefwiw ;P02:47
OY1RResistance, not according to wikipedia02:48
ResistanceOY1R:  wikipedia isnt trustworthy02:48
worrowJust an update but Peppermint is a derivative of Ubuntu02:48
MestreLionStupendoussteve:  ok, thank you. ill try to look the manual for the arguments for the download (and alias it to apt-get download ;)"02:48
Resistance!attitude | aeon-ltd02:48
ubottuaeon-ltd: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines02:48
pangolinaeon-ltd: drop the caps02:48
Resistance!language | aeon-ltd02:48
ubottuaeon-ltd: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:48
aeon-ltdpangolin: sorry, no other way to shout online02:48
worrowI'm trying to figure out where the option is to remove the flair in the system02:48
StupendoussteveMestreLion: It's literally aptitude download packagename02:49
pangolinaeon-ltd: don't shout in that case02:49
aeon-ltdworrow: use a different application set02:49
worrowI'm just unsure what application set will work in Pep02:49
blackshirtor apt-get -d install package-name for only download and not install them02:49
worrowalso trying to get my pep to autologin as it does not come as a standard option on install.02:49
szalblackshirt: we've had that already02:49
Stupendoussteveblackshirt: Doesn't work as non-root, aptitude does02:50
yeatsworrow: that's exactly the kind of issue we *can't* support here because it's a different distro ;-)02:50
aeon-ltdworrow: anything goes, as long as the package manager can search for dependancies you can mix and match anything02:50
blackshirtStupendoussteve: yeah, you must use sudo / su02:50
aeon-ltdworrow: use a different session/login manager that does support it, gdm does02:50
worrowDon't get me wrong here, Ubuntu is amazing. But it has become too bloated02:50
worrowI get xsession error when switching to ubuntu login02:51
jaberwokiwhasup peeps02:51
MestreLionStupendoussteve: wow, THAT simple? :D02:51
jaberwokii need some help02:51
aeon-ltdjaberwoki: ask away don't ask to ask02:51
blackshirtworrow: jaberwoki: just ask what you want to ask ?02:51
jaberwokiI have the Radeon HD 6990 and I'm trying to do the three monitors. Every time I click apply the settings dont take effect through the AMD activated driver menu catalyst02:52
jaberwokiI'm in 11.10 x6402:52
StupendoussteveMestreLion: It will deliver the .deb into your current directory. I'm not sure if it will also download the dependancies02:52
worrowI did, I want less jazz to increase performance. Login session won't let me get into ubuntu session without xsession error and backtracking. I can't autologon as it is accessible to change only from root02:52
jaberwokiwhat should I do? Is it a bug?02:53
aeon-ltdworrow: aren't you root?02:54
jaberwokiI did some google foo and couldn't find anything02:54
worrowyes, but when i go into the file to change it for autologin it won't let me save02:54
worrowwhats the best session manager and logon manager across the board02:54
somsipworrow: I use a minimal install of unbuntu64 and slim login manager. Not bloated. Fast.02:55
worrowcurrently using gnome 2 and x11 session managers02:55
worrowI like speed  booting02:56
MestreLionworrow... i'll try to say this politely: since Peppermint OS is an Ubuntu derivative, many of its features and issues are common to Ubuntu. But not all questions are. And yours, in particular, is in about something that Pepper does it in a completely different way than Ubuntu. So don't call us "snooty", its just that this is a pepper-only issue that ubuntu users can't help, because it works differently there.02:56
worrowshutdown is around 4 seconds02:56
aeon-ltdworrow: how many seconds so far?02:56
worrowboot is about 20 seconds02:56
ActionParsnipsomsip: minimal install is sweet :)02:56
somsipworrow: I can't say I sit and watch it. About 9 secs I think02:56
somsipActionParsnip: yeah - avoids the cruft that goes with the standard install. No gnome here. What is unity again...?02:57
worrow9 second boot?02:57
ActionParsnipsomsip: boom, install LXDE (with no recommends) and you got a slick OS which is teeny tiny02:57
somsipActionParsnip: yup - min install, apt-get install awesome. that was me done.02:58
ActionParsnipworrow: xpud is 3 seconds here02:58
ActionParsnipsomsip: like it02:58
MestreLionStupendoussteve: deb only is fine... i dont want to install it, just take a look at the installed files. its a package that is already installed here, but i want to know what exactly it changed in my system (its the command-not-found package, btw)02:58
weiyanghi, does someone know the server comply with the DMI specification?02:58
worrowxpud, whats it got packed in it?02:58
jaberwokiThe MoBo is the Asus Sabertooth 990FX with the AMD 1100T CPU02:58
worrowsoftware manager?02:58
worrowI have to watch what I use as I have old system02:58
somsipworrow: yes - minimal really is minimal. I did have 7 second on Arch but couldn't get full hardware support. But it's moot. I get a cup of coffee while booting. that takes longer than the boot02:58
jaberwoki16GBs of mem02:58
MestreLionworrow: how many times a day you boot your machine for its time to bew of any relevance?02:58
jaberwokiand a naked woman spreading eagle02:58
ActionParsnipworrow: no it uses pud files you add to the system and they are loaded at boot, you can make them with a bit of effort from ubuntu debs02:58
ActionParsnipworrow: its not a debian based OS, that'd bog it down02:59
jaberwokiI'll be patient its all good peeps02:59
worrowI need something that is quick all around on an older system with 512MB ram and 1.8GHz02:59
ActionParsnipworrow: its mainly for those wanting a browser, a chat client and a text editor pretty much02:59
zushow can i resolve this Err http://extras.ubuntu.com oneiric Release?03:00
worrowBut also need to be able to control whats booted at start03:00
ActionParsnipworrow: lubuntu is sleek as is tinycore and puppy03:00
somsipworrow: aplogies. dmesg tells me I was up in 12 secs03:00
MestreLionworrow: go XFCE or Flushbox if you care about lightweight, fast deskops... or go Puppy Linux...03:00
worrowI need music, net, email and vlc03:00
worrowmaybe a game or cards03:00
StrangeCharmhow can i install all the restricted codecs at once? i hate trying to play a movie during a flight and finding out that i don't have the right codec03:01
szalpeople, you might wanna move the distro choice discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is for support03:01
ActionParsnipzus: what is the line for it in:  sudo apt-get update03:01
jaberwokiworrow: What about Mint?03:01
MestreLionUbuntu 10.04 LTS comes to mind... its blazing fast.... and stable... and has VLC in repos03:01
xanguaStrangeCharm: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras03:01
ActionParsnipStrangeCharm: install w32codecs from medibuntu repo as well as ubuntu-restricted-extras vlc and gnome-mplayer03:01
worrowI tried Ubuntu 11.10 all derivatives, macpup, peppermint, can't install Mint and many others. Only certain OS's will recognize boot disc03:01
worrowI wanted mint trust me03:02
zusActionParsnip,  the  line  before it is Ign http://linux.dropbox.com oneiric InRelease03:02
ActionParsnipzus: is that it?03:02
worrowis tinycore a pain to install?03:02
MestreLionStrangeCharm: Linux Mint comes with alll the codecs you might want...03:02
ActionParsnipworrow: its pretty easy03:02
worrowdo you know if DSL is shutting the door?03:03
urlin2uworrow, you have a gpt setup?03:03
zusbefore the  first error  is this, Ign http://extras.ubuntu.com oneiric InRelease03:03
zusGet:1 http://extras.ubuntu.com oneiric Release.gpg [72 B]03:03
zusHit http://extras.ubuntu.com oneiric Release03:03
zusIgn http://linux.dropbox.com oneiric InRelease03:03
zusErr http://extras.ubuntu.com oneiric Release03:03
FloodBot1zus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:03
worrowlol gpt setup?03:03
worrowI'm coming off of mac03:03
zusdidnt count on the spacing sorry03:03
urlin2uworrow, I just signed on if you mentioned that I don't have that info, so lol at you. :D03:04
worrowsigned on to what?03:05
ascan I use ubuntu for commercial use (ex office use)03:05
urlin2uworrow, this channel.03:05
jaberwokiso, to get three monitors to work with 11.10 and the AMD 6990 is there anything special I need to do since the settings wont take effect?03:05
worrowwhats that got to do with anything?03:05
jaberwokievery time i click apply it just closes03:05
jaberwokithat's why I'm here03:05
MestreLionas: sure you can... Ubuntu is as a FREE OS... "free" meaning you have the FREEDOM to use it for whatever you want03:06
urlin2uworrow, I guess you have no abilty to self reflect so i will leave it at that.03:06
worrowI just want an os that will make this laptop scream start to finish03:06
jaberwokisudo apt-get install help-jaberwoki-plz03:06
aeon-ltdworrow: arch03:06
asMestreLion, Thank you03:06
worrowurlin2u: whats in the past is in the past03:06
MestreLionjaberwoki: you actually own an 6990 ???03:06
worrowarch install tried03:06
somsipworrow: use minimal install and just add what you need03:07
aeon-ltdworrow: ubuntu-server or any 'base' OS03:07
worrowI need to download a minimal install cd though right?03:07
MestreLionas: Ubuntu (and Linux in general) is "free" as in freedom, not (only) as in free beer03:07
somsipworrow: min install iso, yes03:07
MestreLionjaberwoki: man, i so envy you! :D03:07
worrowhow is tiny core to work with?03:07
asthanks again.03:08
quixotedonmorning world03:08
worrowI liked Bodhi but not the annoyance of desktop setup03:08
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zusworrow,  have you tried xubuntu or even Arch w/XFCE ?03:09
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propuswitch is the best way to mount a disc over the local network??03:09
worrowtried both. I actually tried xubuntu last night and it locked up and screwed my dual boot I already had,03:10
worrowI was trying to triple boot last night03:10
StrangeCharmActionParsnip, where does the medibuntu repo live?03:10
urlin2uStrangeCharm, probably in /etc/apt/sourecs.list.d depends on how you added it.03:12
worrowWhat I want most is to create a hackintosh.03:12
worrowBut too annoying to have to go buy a specific laptop for03:12
MestreLionpropus: easiest way, in my opinion, is to open nautilus, browse the local network and double-click the one you want03:12
worrowi'm out. I'll harass you all later03:13
worrowthanks for all the direction on OS's03:13
OldParrif ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso does not boots in qemu because of hardware, is there possibility it boots on the host?03:13
urlin2uOldParr, do you know why it would not boot what were the symptoms?03:14
propusMestreLion: okey... but i have a server that i run as a ftp and i want to mount some of my storage discs to the ftp server so that all ftp users can access them..03:14
MestreLionOldParr: trying in VirtualBox is not an option?03:14
OldParrurlin2u: it says it finds a i686 and it needs an x86-6403:15
MestreLionpropus: oh, so you want your server to access your local folders... are the local folders shared already?03:15
urlin2uOldParr, is the computer 64 bit?03:15
propusMestreLion: yes.03:15
StrangeCharmurlin2u, i didn't, which is why i want to know where it comes from03:15
MestreLionurlin2u: he's using QEMU... and it emultes a 32bit machine by default03:15
StrangeCharm[so that i can acquire it]03:15
OldParrurlin2u: how do i know if it is a 64 bit computer?03:16
urlin2uMestreLion, ah I didn't know that thanks.03:16
MestreLionOldParr: are you sure the host will be 64-bit CPU ?03:16
=== blackshirt is now known as sun_bo_kong
MestreLionOldParr: are you talking about qemu or the phisical host?03:17
OldParrMestreLion: i do not know how many bits is the host03:18
OldParrhow do i know how many bits is the host?03:19
MestreLiondo you know its CPU ? Brand / model / year?03:19
urlin2uStrangeCharm, depends did you find it there or in /etc/apt/sources.list I spelled sources incorrect the first time.03:20
MestreLionOldParr: any modern computer sold in the last 3 (5?) years from now is 64-bit capable.. exception are netbooks and some laptops03:21
urlin2uStrangeCharm, ah the repo live I understand now.03:21
ActionParsnipOldParr: what is the output of:  cat /proc/cpuinfo   pastebin the output please and we can tell you03:21
MestreLionActionParsnip: that will say about his current computer's cpu...03:22
ActionParsnipMestreLion: yes, I thought that was what was required...03:22
OldParrActionParsnip:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/741873/03:23
MestreLionhe wants to install ubuntu in a computer... but he didnt say if he wants to install in HIS compter or perhaps in a friend's03:23
devkorcvinceI'm currently upgrading my 11.04 -> 11.10 hoping that it will finish smoothly...03:23
urlin2udevkorcvince, any paticular reason for telling us?03:24
devkorcvinceurlin2u: cause someone might stop cause of upgrade bugs... so I can click cancel03:25
ActionParsnipOldParr: yep, 64bit CPU03:25
ActionParsnipOldParr: 2.1Ghz03:26
ActionParsnipOldParr: http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/K8/AMD-Sempron%2064%20LE-1200%20-%20SDH1200IAA4DE%20%28SDH1200DEBOX%29.html03:26
MestreLion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_Sempron_microprocessors#.22Sparta.22_.28Socket_AM2.2C_Energy_Efficient.2C_G1_.26_G2.2C_65_nm.2903:26
MestreLionOldParr: it is 64-bit capable:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_Sempron_microprocessors#.22Sparta.22_.28Socket_AM2.2C_Energy_Efficient.2C_G1_.26_G2.2C_65_nm.2903:26
urlin2udevkorcvince, last thing you want to do is hit cancel in the middle of a distro upgrade if I understand you here.03:26
MestreLionbut, OldParr, may i give you a suggestion?03:27
OldParrMestreLion: speak03:27
devkorcvinceurlin2u: yap if someone will stop me cause its a bad idea to upgrade i will hit cancel...03:28
MestreLionthat one is quite an old, simple CPU... you wont benefit that much with a 64 bit OS... maybe a 32 one will run faster and lighter03:28
HowardlyI am not sure if i can get help here but does any one no about packet loss??03:28
ActionParsnipHowardly: some03:28
OldParrMestreLion: i thought that a marriage between hardware and software was good03:29
MestreLion64-bit OSes are recommended for modern machines, with more than 4GB of RAM, and which will run a lot of processor-intensive tasks (like video/audio encoding, scientific processing, etc), which i assume is not the case with a Sempron CPU machine03:29
devkorcvinceurlin2u: I'm still on Step 3 Getting the new packages its safe to hit cancel03:29
HowardlyI am trying to figure out why i am having packet loss03:29
Howardlymay just be comcast?03:30
urlin2udevkorcvince, theoretically yes but your system has been changed with the new sources list, why do you want to?03:30
MestreLionit is, OldParr, but all 64-bit machines can run 32-bits apps just fine... and 32-bit software has smaller memory usage,  hdd size, etc... its more suited for older machines03:31
Howardlyrun damn small linux03:31
OldParrMestreLion: 1 GB is too little ram for 64 bits?03:32
MestreLiona Sempron is a light CPU, meant for basic tasks like web browsing and word processing... you wont see any advantage in a 64-bit OS03:32
jockerusing 4 GB03:32
devkorcvinceurlin2u: I'm just scared to upgrade it might break... so i need an advice from the community...03:33
zusok after waiting  for a while i still get the same  errors only now in a different place, however its all still the same, ...   http://pastebin.com/uWmJvSY903:33
MestreLionOldParr: it is if you deviate too much from very basic web surfing, mp3 listening and word processing03:33
urlin2udevkorcvince, you wont really get that advice hear to many variables, I doubt you will have a problem though the OS is designed to upgrade.03:34
OldParrMestreLion: my deviation is only running virtual machines to test linux cd's03:34
MestreLionrunning VM's with 1GB RAM is begging to suffer :P03:35
urlin2udevkorcvince, best way in the future to avoid any problems in the future though s to clone the OS before upgrading.03:35
OldParrMestreLion: yes you are wright03:35
JoniiHow does autologin work?03:36
MestreLioni just upgraded from 4GB to 8GB to be able to run win XP comfortably03:36
okaykidwhere can i buy a cheap GPS?03:36
Q4sooo, does anyone know a way a visual designer can contribute to some open-source project03:36
devkorcvinceurlin2u: ya experience on ubuntu in every release I need to fresh install everything...03:37
MestreLionOldParr: specially with a Sempron CPU... it is sngle-core,single thread CPU..  VM's surely crawl there03:37
TexasRussianSo, I'm downloading the new OpenSUSE, any tips for using a RPM based distro?03:37
ssfdre38im trying to install the source code of php myself and its saying i need xml2-config but i have libxml2 and xml2 installed. do you know how i can find out03:37
OldParrMestreLion: yes you are wright03:37
Da|Mummyhow do i check if im using pulseaudio or alsa/oss?03:37
okaykidask his phone number and call him03:37
okaykidinstead of waisting time on here texting back and forth03:38
satalha_hey #ubuntu03:38
MestreLionQ4: in MANY ways... specially GUI design... most open-source projets lack decent user interfaces03:38
satalha_I just wanted to let you guys know, version 11.10 sucks and unity was a bad decision03:38
urlin2udevkorcvince, all the third party sources are turned off, and the drivers like grapahic ones don't follow the upgrade.03:38
Da|Mummysatalha_, try xubuntu or kubuntu if you dont like unity03:38
Da|Mummyor just disable unity at startup03:38
MestreLionDa|Mummy: app or OS-wide?03:38
satalha_Da|Mummy: too late, i already switched to arch linux :(03:39
OldParrMestreLion: if i could reuse all the ram i have buyed in my life my conputer should have 8 GB wright now03:39
dadisHey, first person to ask a question get's free tech support03:39
dadissatalha_: come on over to #archlinux-offtopic03:39
Da|MummyMestreLion, OS i guess, perhaps wine, but i think OS03:39
HippyNerdIm having trouble installing. I've tried USB drive, and CD, but this computer doesnt seem to want to boot the install media.03:39
Q4MestreLion: I know, but for my googling efforts all I came up with has been pages on pages of whine about designers not contributing03:39
MestreLionDa|Mummy: Ubuntu by default uses PulseAudio... but some apps can be configured to bypass it and use ALSA directly03:40
dadisHippyNerd: smoke a bowl and relax. match th md5 sum on your boot media with the offical md503:40
dadisand then try again03:40
satalha_I already tried ubuntu 2d which did nothing for my computer and actually made it slower03:40
Hilikusi was updating to 11.10 in my server on the console and i was asked if i wanted to replace a config file or leave the old one. i chose to open a terminal to investigate and when i did that the console crashed. the update was interrupted in the middle and now when i do do-release-upgrade it says there's nothing to do, apt-get upgrade says it can't lock dpkg because the resource is unvailable. what should i do to resume th update??03:40
satalha_if I'm not mistaken03:40
askhaderWhose amazing idea was it to drop Gnome?03:40
urlin2uHippyNerd, you try anything but the install media first in the bios?03:40
satalha_askhader: seriously03:40
Q4there was literally just 1 project that had an opening for a designer03:40
Da|MummyMestreLion, how do i disable pulse alltogether and just default to ALSA03:40
xanguaaskhader: unity runs on top of gnome, ubuntu oneiric uses gnome 3.203:40
askhaderOh so they just piled more bloatware on top, gotcha.03:41
satalha_askhader: do I know you? I was just thinking that myself!03:41
Da|Mummyif you want to avoid bloatware, ubuntu isnt what youre looking for03:41
MestreLionDa|Mummy: you don't want that, trust me... ALSA is single-app .. so you can't listen to music AND other stuff at the same time03:41
HippyNerdurlin2u, the system runs on the old system on old disk.03:41
HippyNerdIm using it right now.03:41
Da|MummyMestreLion, can i enable it for wine only? skyrim to be exact03:42
Da|Mummypulseaudio easts away at cpu03:42
MestreLionQ4: Emesene coud use a hand... its an amazing MSN clone... but currently lacks a good designer03:42
zuscan any one  help with these gpg errors...   http://pastebin.com/uWmJvSY903:42
brjanncMestreLion: not true, if the card supports hardware mixing, alsa supports it too; if not, the alsa-dmix plugin can03:42
HippyNerdurlin2u,  but the new disk isnt bootable yet. when booting to usb, it says boot error.03:42
MestreLionQ4: also, default themes, fonts, icons are always welcome... most out-of-the-box themes in Ubuntu are poor (in my opinio)03:43
urlin2uHippyNerd, right did you with the cd or usb try anything more then having them first in the bios or even that you have left out the details here.03:43
xangua!gpgerr | zus03:43
ubottuzus: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »03:43
ssfdre38what is the devl of xml203:43
daneshello, I need some help over here. I installed a program (do not remember which) to play midi files and now each time I restart the computer gets stuck and Ubuntu does not start. I am using a live cd. How can I fix my distribution?03:43
ActionParsnipzus: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 87538FEDDF8063EB03:43
MestreLionDa|Mummy: wine uses ALSA by default, i guess... you may check with #wine03:43
HippyNerdurlin2u, oh, yes, I set the priority to usb, cd, new disk, old disk.03:43
ActionParsnipzus: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 54422A4B98AB513903:44
Q4well, my issue is that I have been away from any real coding for so long that I'm gonna need front-end devs to implement my designs03:44
MestreLionbrjannc: didnt know that, thanks03:44
TexasRussianSo, I'm downloading the new OpenSUSE, any tips for using a RPM based distro?03:44
ActionParsnipzus: zus sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 16126D3A3E5C119203:44
brjanncMestreLion: sure thing03:44
xanguaTexasRussian: ask on open suse channel03:44
ActionParsnipTexasRussian: suse isn't supported here03:44
Matisseif i have a normal stereo mp3 or wave file, how will the playback sound on a correct X.1 system? Do I only hear something on left and right or also on subwoofer or the other ones?03:44
urlin2uHippyNerd, and thats all you didn't try hitting f12 say for a boot from menu or investigate that key prompt option?03:44
TexasRussianlol sorry03:44
ActionParsnipzus: if you add PPAs with add-apt-repository, that is all managed for you03:45
HippyNerdI dont know if this bios has the boot menu thing, it does have a place where you can setup boot preferences.03:45
MatisseTexasRussian, tips? use zypper instead of apt-get03:45
MestreLiondanes: are you using a live-cd with persistency ?03:45
ActionParsnipzus: also the virtualbox how to gave a command on how to import its key03:45
brjanncMatisse: that really depends on your crossover :)03:45
TexasRussianThanks matisse :)03:45
danesMestreLion: nope03:45
MestreLionTexasRussian: sure... folks at #opensuse have many hints :D03:45
urlin2uHippyNerd, I'm talking about a out of the bios boot from menu you may not be aware of this option.03:45
Matissebrjannc, what would be the correct version? gods 5.1 e.g. :)03:46
HippyNerdit tries to boot usb, but stops and says "boot error", when trying to boot cd, it spins up the disk, but then boots from hdd03:46
Hilikuswhat can i do if my distro update got interrupted? how can i resume it?03:46
zusActionParsnip,  the VB one was no problem till just  the  last update...03:46
MestreLiondanes: if its a live-cd, without persistency, you can not actually "install" or "fix" anything.. everytime you boot you have a completely fresh OS03:46
zuslemme see if these are resolved.. thanks  ActionParsnip  and xangua03:46
HippyNerdbios boot? is this an ubuntu software thing, or do you mean the bios software the comes with the motherboard?03:46
MestreLionHippyNerd: its hard to tell if this is an Ubuntu or a BIOS issue. HAve you tried to boot any other non-Ubuntu boot media to test if your BIOS can boots CDs correctly?03:47
MestreLionHilikus: define "interrupted' :P03:48
brjanncMatisse: Well, what I'm saying is that it's more-or-less hardware (e.g. your amplifier) dependent, and I don't think OS sound settings affect it -- I could be wrong there though03:48
zusalright i still get the same  tihng  i give  up some thing  is not right and  its really  getting me mad, im walking away for a bit03:48
urlin2uHippyNerd, try the disc or usb on another computer to confirm whether either work, then start with f12 tapping it at powering on like you were trying to get to the bios, if it does not work with a validated cd or usb look on the web for the correct key or keys for this out of the bios boot menu03:48
=== ubuntu is now known as danes
brjanncMatisse: to be clear, by hardware amplifier, I mean the amp connected to your speakers -- not your computer's hardware03:48
HippyNerdI have not tried any other install media on this computer.03:48
HilikusMestreLion: i was asked if i wanted to overwrite or keep a file that changed, i said i wanted to get a console to inspect, which is one of the options, and once there the console crashed so i was kicked out of the update03:48
MestreLionHippyNerd: do you have any non-ubuntu install media to test? maybe a windows install CD? That could rule out your bios config03:49
HippyNerdurlin2u, I can get into the bios, if thats what you are talking about,.03:49
MestreLionHilikus: but do you sill have full access to the OS? is it responding?03:50
HippyNerdMestreLion, I dont have any other install media, except for my mac...03:50
XGaryGI am trying to sync TomBoy notes.03:50
HilikusMestreLion: yes, i'm still logged in, its just that the upgrade process crashed03:50
Matissebrjannc, is there no correct way to attach?03:50
yagooHippyNerd, do you have legacy usb enabled in the bios?03:50
MestreLionHilikus: try upgrading again... it mayresume downloading / instaling the packages that it need03:51
HippyNerdI do have a running ubuntu system on this computer, is there a way I can install from the system that is currently running ubuntu 11-403:51
MestreLionHippyNerd: are you trying USB or CD ?03:51
danesMestreLion, thanks for your help. I understand that I cannot save anything using a live cd. What I want to know is if I can fix the system files in my hard drive to be able to boot up ubunutu again03:51
Matissebrjannc, but, actually, Im not interested in the sound. Which signals does the computer send? Left, right, and something else?03:51
HilikusMestreLion: no, it says no new release found03:51
urlin2uHippyNerd, I'm not and I explained real clearly, try reading the posta and imagine on a planet far far away a whole other boot from menu having nothing to do with the bios that is prompted by key prompts at powering on the computer LIKE the bios but not actually the bios.03:51
HippyNerdMestreLion, tried both, both failed.03:51
danesMestreLion, using the live cd03:51
XGaryGWhen I try to sync them, it says it failed, but has no details.03:52
luis_Running Ubuntu 11.04 on a HP Pavilion g4-1229dx  wireless card can see networks and when I put in the pass phrase for our home network it comes back Bad Password. I know irt is correct as I'm using it on the computer I am on now. any sugesstions03:52
MestreLionohhh, now i understood danes... i don't know man... it depends a lot on how damaged it is, and why it doesnt boot anymore, and how tech savvy you are. sometimes a grub re-install will do it03:52
HippyNerdMestreLion, well, usb failed, cd spun up, but it booted up from the hdd.03:52
brjanncMatisse: depends on your computer's outputs. some have multiple outputs for multiple channels, others have just stereo output, and relies on the amplifier to route the sounds to the right places. but we're getting a bit beyond the scope of #ubuntu :)03:52
danesMestreLion, its not grub. I am pretty sure03:53
MestreLionHilikus: try the update manager... it will pull the necessary packages03:53
Matissebrjannc, so, then what would the software output be if there are enough outputs on the computer03:53
HilikusMestreLion: this is ubuntu server, there's no GDM03:54
danesor is it possible to use terminal to access my hdd where my ubuntu ditribution is installed to uninstall packages?03:54
worrowquick question again. How do I remove programs from the start-up folder as root?03:54
worrownot sure what the command is to remove it03:54
Matissebrjannc, it is a pre-question because i need to decide if I can go back to alsa without loosing my multichannel functionality03:54
XGaryGWhere would I start looking for the problem?03:54
worrowremove but not uninstall03:54
HippyNerdyagoo, I didnt see that, but I can reboot and look for it in the bios.03:54
MestreLionHippyNerd: its hard for us to tell if your bios is already set up to boot from CD or not. every computer is different in this regard. Some require you to change settings to allow a CD boot.. some require a key to be pressed at boot time for boot device options... and key may be DEL, or F2, or F12... it really depends on your computer brand / model03:55
brjanncMatisse: well, for example, the laptop i'm on now has digital stereo and analog stereo outputs; under the pulseaudio sound preferences, i can select e.g. "analog duplex output" or "analog input, digital output" etc.03:55
urlin2uHippyNerd, if your addressing me what I describe has nothing to do with the bios.03:55
MestreLionHilikus: are you trying to upgrade a server via apt-get distro-upgrade????03:55
HilikusMestreLion: no, do-release-upgrade03:56
brjanncMatisse: I would guess that cards with multi-channel output would have multi-channel options. however, I think what you're asking is, can 2 channel stereo carry multi-channel (e.g. 5.1, 7.1 surround) signals? the answer is yes, because the amplifier decodes it03:56
luis_Any Thoughts?03:56
HippyNerdMestreLion, yeah, I understand, as far as I can tell from looking about the bios, it should boot from usb, and it tried, and failed. it should also boot from cd, but it sorta gave up and booted from the one running system I have installed on the old disk.03:57
MestreLionHilikus: i don't know man... i've never had the guts to do a desktop "live" upgrade... i always do fresh install ones... server is even more serious in this regard03:57
worrowI need the app-remove alternative to remove a file from a folder and not uninstall i03:58
HippyNerdMaybe I should ask, I am running 11.04, on an older disk, and I want to install 11.10 from Either CD, USB disk, or .ISO.03:58
HippyNerdwithout rebooting the computer to the media.03:59
urlin2uHippyNerd, just upgrade.03:59
=== gnomitsu is now known as Guest87279
ActionParsnipHippyNerd: grab the alternate ISO, mount it and you can upgrade using that03:59
MestreLionHippyNerd: depeding on how modern is your bios, booting from USB can be tricky... but modern bioses usually have a key that you can choose boot media at boot time without actually entering or chaning bios settings... if thats your case, its your best bet... find out which key is yours (google?) and see if the CD shows up in the list04:00
donavan01anyone know how to get an apple G5 to take ubuntu04:00
aeon-ltddonavan01: search for a powerpc iso04:00
konamhi, i'm trying to change the cursor of my ubuntu 10.10 installation04:01
donavan01got it but I cant get it boot from the dvd it just looks at me like im stupid04:01
HippyNerdMestreLion, urlin2u mentioned something like that, I dont think this bios has that. The CD and the USB drive show up in the bios.04:01
konamcan anyone help me on that04:01
MestreLionHippyNerd: oh, without booting? apt-get dist-upgrade04:01
ActionParsnipkonam: sure04:02
Matissebrjannc, can you give me a hint for finding the right pulse config? I have 5 outputs on my computer, 3 stereo cables leading from there to the 5.1 amp.  the former 5.1 settings didnt give a subwoofer signal, thats why attach the center channel to the sufwoofer...04:02
XGaryGDoes anyone use Ubuntu-One with TomBoy notes?04:02
HippyNerdMestreLion, can it install fresh to the new disk?04:02
HippyNerdwhile running from the old disk?04:02
konamActionParsnip thanks, i can't make the theme show up on the pointer section of the "appearance" wizard...04:02
ActionParsnipkonam: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZbEdV6zbzM04:02
MestreLionHippyNerd: not using apt-get dist-upgrade04:02
HippyNerdseems like I should be able to open the cd and just click install.04:03
Matissebrjannc, now I'm playing around with pavumeter and pavucontrol, but I've got no idea expect choosing and reconnecting till I find something04:03
brjanncMatisse: I don't know that I'd be much more help than poking and praying, I'm afraid :\04:03
MestreLionHippyNerd: how did you install that 11.04 in the first place?04:03
HippyNerdMestreLion, on the old computer.04:04
no-name-how do you make gnome apps open maximised?04:04
Matissebrjannc, da... at least you pushed me in the right direction, thx for that :904:04
urlin2uHippyNerd, hehe that would be nice, but thats a windows thing, you can mount a ISO as suggested though. Really your problem here is not recognix=zing what I described has nothing to do with the bios, and your computer does have it all do.04:04
MestreLionoh, and you moved the HDD to a new computer?04:04
HippyNerdThe new computer has a blank disk, and my old disk in it.04:04
MestreLionurlin2u: can you mount an ISO and do afresh install from there04:05
brjanncMatisse: Sure thing :) This guide *might* help you out: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Using_ALSA%27s_speaker-test_utility04:05
urlin2uMestreLion, yeah hold on.04:05
XGaryGI take it Ubuntu-One is buggy enough that no-one wants to deal with it?04:05
MestreLioni have lots of ISO's here... let me try that :D04:05
ActionParsnipno-name-: if compiz cannot do it, there is devilspie which you can configure with gdevilspie from googlecode. Very powerful app04:05
brjanncMatisse: (It's a mythtv guide, but mythtv is based on ubuntu, so there should be a lot of similarities)04:05
HippyNerdurlin2u, yeah, for all I know, this computer may not boot a windows boot disk either, but that doesnt solve my problem. I have a running system.04:06
brjanncMatisse: well, mythbuntu is, i mean04:06
ActionParsnipXGaryG: many use it well04:06
MestreLionHippyNerd: is the old computer still available? :P04:06
HippyNerdMestreLion, yes, sorta.04:07
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MestreLioncan you boot the CD there?04:07
MestreLionjust to see if the CD is ok04:07
XGaryGIt is not working here, and not giving a hint why not.04:08
TDJACRIs there a way to block https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MenuBar when using gnome3 so when a window is maxed its menu still shows up04:08
HippyNerdMestreLion, I'd have to put it back together, and I'd have to shut this computer down to do that.04:08
urlin2uMestreLion, took awhile to find here you go. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154984704:08
philiphas anyone used badram or memmap in ubuntu 11.10 with grub2? I need help blocking off some memory04:09
philipI have done online homework yet what i have tried based on googling and reading at ubuntu.com has not worked04:09
MestreLionurlin2u: side-note... nautilus in Linux Mint 10 can double-click-mount ISO's for 10.04, 10.10, 11.04, but not for the 11.10 ISO.. weird huh? i need to use ther Nautilus-action "Moutn" (requires sudo) for that04:10
ActionParsnipMestreLion: does it pass MD5 test?04:10
HippyNerdFor some reason, this computer wont boot from cd, or usb, but will boot from HDD. I can read both cd and usb drives, so it seems like I should be able to boot right to them from a running ubuntu system, I think you can do that from a running windows system cant you?04:10
MestreLionis ISO format different in 11.10 that would prevent MAverick to user-mount it in double-click?04:11
urlin2uMestreLion, stange I have never had a problem mounting them in Ubuntu for ionstall is another thing though.04:11
MestreLionActionParsnip: i didnt test it.. but i can mount it using sudo, and it browses just fine... i can also use it to install in VirtualBox... so i dont think it is corrupted04:11
danesI am getting this error when I try to update using terminal: E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.04:11
daneshow can I fix it?04:12
urlin2udanes, what is the release?04:13
MestreLionurlin2u: hummm, grub's ISO boot... nice approach... it may help HippyNerd 's issue...04:13
konamActionParsnip thanks, i redownloaded the cursor theme again and did this process04:14
MestreLionActionParsnip: 62fb5d750c30a27a26d01c5f3d8df459 . is there any official MD5 list for ubuntu's ISOs at hand?04:14
urlin2uMestreLion, go for it I give up.04:15
HippyNerdI dont have any floppy disks, so SmartBoot seems to be out too :(04:15
danesurlin2u, 11.0404:15
danesurlin2u, I've been upgrading since 10.0404:16
urlin2udanes, try changing the mirror in softwaresources.04:16
danesurlin2u, sorry, its actually 11.1004:16
danesurlin2u, how can I do that04:16
MestreLionHippyNerd: urlin2u hinted about a gurb feature that can boot ISO's directly... it may solve your issue... but its a bit tricky... far more trick than trying to boot a burned CD04:16
=== jack is now known as jack^_
danesis there any command to see the list of installed programs?04:18
brjanncdanes: one way is dpkg --get-selections04:18
MestreLionActionParsnip: ok, MD5 hashes match... i wonder why 11.10's ISO is not "mountable" with double click as the others04:19
HippyNerdugh, this has already become too much hassle for tonite. I'll try again tomorrow. Thanks for the help.04:19
MestreLiondanes: sinaptic also can show this... its not instaled by default in 11.10, but its still in repos04:19
hylianbrain fry, eh HippyNerd?04:19
urlin2udanes, type software sources in the dash open it hit download from-other and choose , or select best server.another04:20
MestreLiondanes: also,, AptOnCD is a nice app that shows this too04:20
urlin2udanes, sorry that another goes in the sentence.04:20
MestreLionHippyNerd: wait04:20
HippyNerdhylian, tired, too many hours doing manual labor.04:20
Matisseis it possible to configure alsa that it can play multiple sound sources at the same time (f.e. vlc, system sounds, flashplugin)04:21
HippyNerdMestreLion, ?04:21
HACKhalo2I have a partiton that has root permissions, how do i change that?04:21
MestreLionHippyNerd: your ptoblem may be either a bios not set prolerly to boot CDs, OR a corrpted / bad CD... your best bet would be to eliminate either possiblity.. that would cut diagnosis to half04:21
HACKhalo2note this is not the main partiton04:21
brjanncHACKhalo2: what do you mean by "has root permissions?"04:22
HACKhalo2i mean when I mount it root can only change it04:22
MestreLionHippyNerd: so I would start byt either testing that CD on another machine, just to see if it boots... and/or trying to boot some other media in your PC (any win xp cd would do the trick)04:22
HippyNerdMestreLion, Im pretty confident the cd and usb stick are fine. Im also fairly sure I've changed the bios properly, im uncertain if this 5 year old motherboard is working right.04:23
brjanncHACKhalo2: Ah, I see. How is it being mounted? via mount on the command line? gnome auto-mounting?04:23
HippyNerdthe usb stick boots fine on other computers. just not this one, even though it this stick shows up as a bootable device in the bios, and the bios is set to boot i.04:23
MestreLionHippyNerd: dont be "pretty-confident"... rule out possibilities, one by one... it will quckly nail down your problem to the real issue04:24
HACKhalo2brjannc, i guess via nautius04:24
MestreLiononce you know *where* its not working, it will be much easier to troubleshoot04:24
brjanncHACKhalo2: okay, give me a minute04:25
HippyNerdMestreLion, ok, after I have some pie, watch some tv, sleep, then work 8-10hours, I'll double check that my cd infact boots on other computers, and the usb stick boots on other computer, then I can take some pictures of the bios settings, and upload them to show you.  but I'd really rather just install from my old disk to the new disk.04:25
MestreLionHippyNerd: "bios being set to boot usb" is always tricky.. some older ones simply refuse to boot it... some requires voodoo like "USB-HDD" emulation...04:25
brjanncHACKhalo2: is this a removable device, like a USB drive? or just a partition on a disk?04:26
MestreLionHippyNerd: wait...04:26
HACKhalo2HDD partition04:26
MestreLionyou mean... copy the OS from one HDD to another?04:26
MestreLionbecause that would be a 1-line "dd" :P04:26
HippyNerdMestreLion, no, i just mean that I know some how I can install 11-10 from any of the many sources I have (cd, iso, usb drive) from a running 11-4 system04:27
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brjanncHACKhalo2: Oh, okay. All you need to do is change the ownership of the directory/directories, then, like sudo chown user /path/to/directory , where user is the user you want to own it. if you're certain there's nothing OS-related in that directory, you can add the -R flag to do it recursively04:28
HippyNerdthanks for the help, but im just too tired to get this going tonite.04:28
MestreLionHippyNerd: ok then... in this case you really need to boot it. take your break / snake / sleep;.. when you come back, if you give up trying to boot USB or CD, try GRUB's ISO boot... its a nice feature, and it works great04:29
HACKhalo2brjannc ok thank you. so i cd into the UUID and just chown -R the entire thing?04:30
brjanncHACKhalo2: you mean like /media/some-uuid ?04:30
MestreLionHippyNerd: bookmark this, and try later: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154984704:31
HACKhalo2that's where it's mounted at04:31
MestreLion(credit to urlin2u04:31
brjanncHACKhalo2: yep, that would work04:31
HACKhalo2ok thankyou brjannc04:31
fellayaboyhow can i bridge the connection from ubuntu to xbox 360?04:32
brjanncHACKhalo2: just be careful you're in the right directory when you chown -R, double check everything before hitting enter :)04:32
brjanncHACKhalo2: sure thing04:32
Hilikusi was running an update but my console crashed. now i see the terminal being connected (pts/2) and the processes are still there. how can i re-grab or re-attach to pts/2?04:32
askhaderHilikus: Did you suspend the process?04:32
Hilikusaskhader: no, something crashed and it looks like the terminal detached04:33
brjanncHilikus: were you using screen or anything like that?04:34
askhaderI think you're out of luck04:34
worrowis anyone available to answer some questions?04:34
Hilikusbrjannc: no, i was running a distro upgrade04:34
brjanncworrow: ask away04:34
worrowI'm working on clearing out my autostart folder and not sure if some are a requirement to boot04:35
philipis there a way to quit using the encrypted home folder feature04:35
daneshow can I swith back to the old panel? I dont like the new way the icons are displayed. I want to have all my icons accessible all the time04:35
brjanncHilikus: I'll agree with askhader then, I don't think there's any way to reattach to a pty. Surprised it's still there, actually04:35
worrowIf I list the names of them would you be able to narrow it down for me?04:35
brjanncworrow: do you mean system services, or your desktop session's autostart programs?04:36
worrowbut also am going to disable services on boot04:36
worrowneed to find the file for the services to edit04:36
worrowautostart programs04:37
MestreLionworrow: there are good GUI's for both04:37
worrownot for my distro04:37
* brjannc checks to make sure he's still in #ubuntu ;)04:37
HACKhalo2oh fuck04:38
HACKhalo2i just chowned /04:38
FloodBot1HACKhalo2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:38
pangolinHACKhalo2: Please mind your language04:38
MestreLionworrow: its risky to ask ubuntu users for the list of required boot apps, since they can be different in your distro04:38
brjanncHACKhalo2: :(04:38
HACKhalo2yea, how screwed am I?04:39
worrowI was going to listem04:39
brjanncHACKhalo2: pretty screwed04:39
worrowmines a fork04:39
HACKhalo2well i stopped it quickly04:39
MestreLionwow, a user-owned "/" ? :D04:39
HACKhalo2can I fix it?04:39
brjanncHACKhalo2: no telling how far it got, though.04:39
MestreLionwas it recursive HACKhalo204:39
worrowok lets simplify. do you know the name of the boot service file? (generic)04:39
HACKhalo2brjannc /var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_oneiric-security_universe_binary-amd64_Packages04:40
HACKhalo2and yes MestreLion04:40
brjanncHACKhalo2: ummm... possibly? don't reboot, and sudo to root just to make sure you have a root terminal in case something goes wrong04:40
brjanncHACKhalo2: sudo -i04:40
MestreLionHACKhalo2: wow... grab a coffee... this will be a loooong nite :P04:41
HACKhalo2I have sudo to root04:41
MestreLionand.. DONT reboot ::P04:41
brjanncHACKhalo2: and be SUPER CAREFUL this time. don't do anything in that terminal, just leave it sit there at the # prompt04:41
worrowboot service file name or location anyone?04:41
HACKhalo2I'm going to download a liveCD of Ubuntu and drop it on my microSD04:41
brjanncHACKhalo2: I mean, sudo -i, so that you are *actually* root. when systems start to break, sudo can stop working, so it's important to have a root terminal open04:41
HACKhalo2just in case04:41
MestreLionworrow: what do you mean by "boot service file" ?04:41
HACKhalo2brjannc, i can sudo -i, and it asks for a password04:42
worrowwell, services are running on the computer, I want to edit which ones I want to disable during startup04:42
HACKhalo2i only think it got to /var/04:42
worrowI don't use a printer or bluetooth for example04:42
brjanncHACKhalo2: yep, it's asking for your password. then it'll drop you to a prompt that ends in # instead of $. that's a root prompt, everything you do there will be like you're running it with sudo. so don't do anything yet!04:42
HACKhalo2i'm not04:43
HACKhalo2but like I said, downloading a Ubuntu LiveCD on my microSD just in case04:43
MestreLionworrow: sudo service --status-all04:43
brjanncHACKhalo2: k :) alright. umm... let's see. in another terminal, as your regular user,    cd /     and then please    ls -alT | pastebinit04:43
worrowis there a file location for that?04:44
Matisseahhh, damn it... I have changed my sound system, correct channels to correct outputs... but now I hear the 50 Hz...04:44
brjanncHACKhalo2: whoops, lowercase t. ls -alt | pastebinit04:44
MestreLionworrow.. its a different distro. the required services and the method to disable them will be different04:44
worrowi know, just not sure where to find it or what it may be called04:44
HACKhalo2installing pastebinit now04:44
brjanncHACKhalo2: k04:45
HACKhalo2also loading Ubuntu 11_04_x64 on microSD04:45
MestreLionworrow: in Ubuntu, some services use the old SysV method, some use the new upstart way04:45
brjanncHACKhalo2: hopefully we won't need it :)04:46
HACKhalo2brjannc http://paste.ubuntu.com/741905/04:46
HACKhalo2but my power is twitchy sometimes04:46
worrowmost were listed with ? also witgh - and +  (whats that mean?04:46
brjanncHACKhalo2: that's your home directory; please cd / first and run again :)04:46
HACKhalo2haha :P04:46
MestreLionbrjannc and HACKhalo2 : maybe its time to consider if a full reinstall would take LESS time than trying to reset every chown of every folder in the whole filesywstem back to its correct setting04:47
HACKhalo2brjannc http://paste.ubuntu.com/741907/04:47
brjanncMestreLion: he aborted it fairly early, I'm checking to see what root directories were touched. no worries, I know when bare metal reinstalls are faster ;)04:47
HACKhalo2MestreLion can't afford a full reinstall, I have a LOT of code and stuff I need for a NPO i work for04:47
HACKhalo2and I only have a 2GB microSD04:48
MestreLionHACKhalo2: full reinstall would only change apps and OS... it does not need to change *any* of your data04:48
brjanncHACKhalo2: ls -alt /etc | pastebinit04:49
MestreLionsure, it would be a major pain to apt-get and configure everything back... but your /home folder can stay untouched04:49
HACKhalo2brjannc http://paste.ubuntu.com/741912/04:49
MestreLionbrjannc: how to know how "early" he aborted? i wonder if i could fix that myself if i need to04:50
HACKhalo2MestreLion oh... I always just wiped the partition and reinstalled that way :P04:50
brjanncHACKhalo2: huh. okay, two more. ls -altR /etc | pastebinit     and ls -altR /dev | pastebinit04:50
brjanncMestreLion: I'm checking the modified timestamps on the directories; any directory last modified before a little while ago wasn't affected04:51
HACKhalo2brjannc http://paste.ubuntu.com/741913/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/741914/04:51
HACKhalo2i feel like such a newb04:51
MestreLionHACKhalo2: it is good practice to create a folder/partition (isolated from you $HOME) too keep personal files like docs, music, videos, code, etc etc...04:51
HACKhalo2MestreLion I'll remember that next time :P04:52
brjanncHACKhalo2: am i correct in that you chown'd to hackhalo2?04:52
MestreLionHACKhalo2: dont be... it can happen with anyone.. just double check any sudo.. and triple-check any sudo involving chowing :P04:53
HACKhalo2brjannc yep thats my username04:53
brjanncHACKhalo2: good news, /etc is safe04:53
MestreLionlucky boy04:54
mbrochhhi all. is there any way to clear recent documents on 11.10?04:54
MestreLionis /usr too ?04:54
ssfdre38what is the location of the MySQL Header files?04:54
brjanncHACKhalo2: /dev is safe too. the only other directories that've been modified today are /tmp (doesn't matter if ownership changed), /media (eh, not a big deal if changed), and /run (shouldn't matter)04:54
brjanncHACKhalo2: so, somehow, you completely escaped disaster.04:55
HACKhalo2I got lucky04:55
brjanncHACKhalo2: yes. yes you did. :)04:55
MestreLionwow, an aborted recursive chown that didnt messed up /etc and /usr ? Man, go to church NOW ! :D04:55
HACKhalo2well I'm still going to have the rescue disc just in case04:56
brjanncHACKhalo2: the only files in /etc that were owned by your user looked like they were that way because you created them (maven.sh)04:56
brjanncHACKhalo2: go buy a lottery ticket :)04:57
HACKhalo2so now I know chown doesn't do what directory your in04:57
HACKhalo2brjannc if I had the money04:57
brjanncHACKhalo2: hm?04:57
HACKhalo2i did chown -R hackhalo2 / in the media/UUID directory04:57
brjanncHACKhalo2: haha, yes, that's bad. if you want to do the current directory, you'd do chown <whatever> .04:58
HACKhalo2i now know that04:58
ssfdre38where is the MySQL Header files located at so i can install php from source04:58
brjanncHACKhalo2: where the dot means "the directory i'm in now"04:58
HACKhalo2I never needed to use chown before04:58
brjanncHACKhalo2: chown and chmod behave pretty much the same, if you ever need to use chmod in the future04:59
HACKhalo2i've used chmod before, but I traversed into the directory and did it that way04:59
* brjannc wonders what the heck chown was doing between you hitting enter and cancelling it04:59
HACKhalo2brjannc, hitting the /var/ directory05:00
brjanncHACKhalo2: really?05:00
MestreLionHACKhalo2: the last "/" in your command mens the root directory...05:00
MK`I was just using a harddrive when it accidentally disconnected before I could unmount it. Now it says i cannot mount it, because it think's it's still mounted but inaccessible. How do I clear this broken mount from the drive table?05:01
brjanncHACKhalo2: that doesn't make any sense... /var was last touched 2011-11-0905:02
MestreLionsome commands *may* work in current dir... but in this case you explicitly said the root directory05:02
MestreLionMK`: mount -u ?05:02
HACKhalo2brjannc, tre last directory printer was chown: changing ownership of `/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_oneiric-security_universe_binary-amd64_Packages'^C05:02
brjanncHACKhalo2: ohh.. i wonder if it traversed deeper into the tree before modifying anything in var proper...05:03
MestreLioni mean.. umount05:03
brjanncHACKhalo2: this might be huge, but ls -altR /var | pastebinit05:03
HACKhalo2twitchy enter finger05:04
MK`Ah, damn, it's something else then. It's not listed in the mount table, it seems that it is nautilus that is confused05:05
HACKhalo2oh my god05:05
brjanncHACKhalo2: that doesn't make any sense, there's nothing in /var owned by your user that shouldn't be as far as i can tell05:05
HACKhalo2chown didn't do anything05:05
HACKhalo2i didn't sudo it05:05
HACKhalo2it ran as hackhalo205:06
* brjannc needs a drink05:06
* HACKhalo2 epic facepalms05:06
MK`MestreLion any other ideas? It's not showing up when i run mount05:06
* benct needs a drink too05:06
HACKhalo2so I got lucky on my stupidity05:06
brjanncHACKhalo2: but hey, that's even better than not really knowing what it could have touched05:06
ssfdre38can someone help me with php and MySQL header files?05:07
HACKhalo2ok, so as a triple check, sudo chown -R hackhalo2 . will chown everything in the current directory that I'm in, correct?05:07
MestreLionMK`: have you tried unmounting it with umount?05:08
ssfdre38HACKhalo2, do sudo chown -R hackhalo2:hackhalo2 /path/to/dir05:08
brjanncHACKhalo2: that's correct, and it will do so recursively. but ssfdre38's suggestion is a good one, that's typically how I do it too05:09
MestreLionHACKhalo2: weird... chown doesnt even run without sudo05:09
somsipHACKhalo2: yes, but won't change the group. What ssfdre38 has suggested will do that too05:09
lystraI'm running 11.10. I have the console set to the serial port, ttyS0. Is there any type of idle timeout that disconnects the console connection if there is no login or inactivity?05:09
HACKhalo2MestreLion huh... not sure then. I did chown as a dry run to make sure it was the directory that I wanted05:10
HACKhalo2this last time05:10
HACKhalo2not the partition I wanted is owned by me :D05:11
MestreLionrodrigo@desktop ~/testdir $ chown root .05:11
MestreLionchown: changing ownership of `.': Operation not permitted05:11
HACKhalo2er, s/not/me :P05:11
ssfdre38HACKhalo2, that is what i would do when i chown my /usr/share dir for me to edit everything05:11
MestreLionwait HACKhalo2 ... you want to change the owner of a.. partition? then you dont need chown at all05:11
MestreLionyou need to mess with the mount options05:12
HACKhalo2MestreLion, I mounted it with Nautlius and it mounted it as root05:12
MestreLionhow? double-clicking a partition?05:13
MestreLionwas nautilus running as root?05:13
flinghow to execute a script at exact date and time?05:13
HACKhalo2Nautlius is running under my account05:13
MestreLiondid it ask for password when mounting?05:14
HACKhalo2MestreLion nope05:14
MestreLionwhat filesystem is that partition?05:14
MK`well that was the first time I've had Linux crash on me in a long time. I'm going to assume it was due to that bad mount05:14
HACKhalo2MestreLion ext405:14
MestreLionits really weird for nautilus to user-mount a partition as root05:15
HACKhalo2MestreLion Nautilus is also crashing while unmounting the partition too05:15
MestreLionare those partitions listed in /etc/fstab ?05:16
MestreLionnevermind, they arent, or they wouldnt show up in nautilus05:16
MestreLionMK`: did you try my umount suggestion?05:16
=== Plinker_ is now known as Plinker
Quontrexevening ubuntu05:20
MK`MestreLion it did not appear in the mount table05:20
MK`When I saw you highlighted me I clicked over here, but then the system bugged out. The screen fell dim, and then I got a black screen with errors and had to hard reset.05:21
MestreLionand how is the mount now?05:21
oraclehow do I run a .run file?05:22
MK`it's gone since I've removed the drive.05:22
Quontrexmount fail due to improper drive mounting05:22
DoodieI am trying to run wifi on my lenovo E425 but nothing is helping05:23
Quontrexdoodie: do you have the factory wifi card in it?05:23
MestreLionoracle: double-click usually works if the file is set as executable05:23
Doodieyes Quontrex05:23
=== konquerer is now known as konquerer`
MestreLionoracle: if not, right-click it and set it as executable05:24
Quontrexdoodie: open terminal and type lspci and look for the card05:24
MestreLionoracle: if you want the terminal way, use chmod +x /path/to/file and then ./path/to/fle (notice the "." before the path)05:25
DoodieQuontrex, Ethernet controller Realtek RTL811105:26
jiltdilChannel for LFS??05:27
rangoI don't think so05:27
MK`I believe the mount is what broke it. "Nov 18 00:09:21 kernel: [ 3456.132328] BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 0000000000000018"05:28
HACKhalo2new question: is there an easy and sane way to rename multiple files?05:31
MK`HACKhalo2: try pyrenamer05:31
Quontrexhack: easy, yes, renaming them not so much05:31
DoodieQuontrex, any help for the wifi on lenovo?05:32
QuontrexDoodie: have you tried the restricted drivers05:33
DoodieQuontrex, yes sir but it does not show the wifi hardware05:34
sinisterstufhappy haxday everyone! :)05:35
QuontrexI hate pointing someone to google but you may need to pull that card out and google its part number vs ubuntu05:35
Quontrexpart number WITH the version number05:35
Quontrexlenovo usually plays well with ubuntu05:36
sinisterstufI joined this conversation a bit late but that just reminded me there's a page on  the Ubuntu Wiki with a table of wifi cards and respective drivers and a list of instructions, not sure if this is at all useful...05:36
Quontrexplease, pull it up!05:36
Doodieok , still trying05:37
sinisterstufI have no idea where it is but the Arch Linux wiki had their own list (which is easy to find)05:37
oratedHello! I read that next release of Ubuntu will be of  ~750MB which will fit in DVD. What is the reason for it? And why keeping it only little more than 100MB for it to go out of CD?05:38
sinisterstufI'll look for the Ubuntu one05:38
Quontrexthanks sinister05:38
=== josephl_ is now known as josephliu
sinisterstufno problem05:40
MestreLionorated: the real question is: if going for DVD is inevitable (Ubuntu cant properly fit a CD for a long time), why be shy and go only 750MB, when it can go 1, 2, 3gigs?05:40
uniquehow can i login to wifi with a password on ubuntu server no xwindow?05:40
QuontrexI have a question also, someone else had it and I had a different answer05:40
Quontrexwheeee I just bought a 1mb hard drive, I'll never need more - Bill Gates05:41
oratedMestreLion: That's what I asked :)05:41
williamchan_i just installed xubuntu; however when i reboot it still boot to windows7 and theres no grub menu... ideas?05:41
williamchan_shouldnt the xubuntu installer automatically install grub in the mbr of /dev/sda (i only have 1 drive) .. its a SSD tho if it matters05:42
williamchan_and i believe i am also booting via UEFI if that mastters as well05:42
MestreLionorated: there is a 1.5GB DVD available for Oneiric... it contains more langugepacks and a full LibreOffice... its buried alil deeper than the CD install, but it can be found05:42
sinisterstufunique, you might be interested in a wifi tool for the commandline like wicd (sudo apt-get install wicd) it's very easy to use, allows you to specify password/ip/everything for different networks just like the graphical network manager, give it a try!05:42
boohGrub boot too fast.. how to have the menu?05:43
MestreLionbooh: but can you SEE the menu? if yes, hit any key to cancel the countdown timer. If no, press SHIFT to make menu visible on boot05:44
oratedMestreLion: Yes, I know that. But what is the reason for Ubuntu to keep next release in 750MB only05:44
sinisterstufI found some relevant pages about Wifi on Ubuntu on the Ubuntu help site Quontrex05:44
williamchan_MestreLion: is grub supposed to be visible by default? maybe i need to press SHIFT to see grub too?05:44
MestreLionwilliamchan_: it is visible if you have more than 1 OS in the menu... if you only have 1, it simply skips the menu and boots the OS directly05:45
williamchan_MestreLion: i just did a fresh install... no grub menu at all.. continues booting to win705:45
sinisterstufbooh, edit the file /etc/default/grub and change the line GRUB_TIMEOUT=2 to GRUB_TIMEOUT= however many seconds you want it to wait, then do: sudo update-grub05:46
williamchan_im booting via EFI .. would that be a problem?05:46
MestreLionorated: not sure... maybe to keep download time small.. many people already complain ubuntu is too bloated.05:46
sinisterstufwilliamchan_, my previous message might be useful to you too05:46
Quontrexoops whoever I accidentially PM'd05:46
sinisterstufwilliamchan_, in fact, just have a look around in that file I mention, perhaps your grub is set to hidden or something?05:46
williamchan_sinisterstuf: this is fresh install tho.. never had this trouble before =\05:47
sinisterstufwilliamchan_, I think it's worth checking anyway, just in case.05:47
MestreLionsinisterstuf: if hes booting in windows, editing or taking a look at /etc/defaults/grub will be tricky :P05:47
sinisterstufMestreLion, good point :|05:47
boohsinisterstuf, psiit... I can't boot... the system freeze so I need the menu of grub.05:47
boohMestreLion, thanks... I try...05:48
MestreLionbooh: try pressing SHIFT right away when it boots to make the menu visible05:48
p1und3ranyone in here own a Ekoore Perl tablet with Ubuntu 11.10?05:49
bjrohanI am having MAJOR wifi issues, see my logs here, all suggestions greatly appreciated. I already tried modifying modprobe config options iwl3945 disable_hw_scan=0 here is my syslog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/741938/05:49
sinisterstufwilliamchan_, booh, to edit the /etc/defaults/grub file you might need to use a live CD, for updating grub from a live CD you will need to mount things in a certain way, there are instructions on the Ubuntu Wiki under the topic "Recovering Ubuntu From Windows" (or similar) or I can help you05:49
bjrohanI am using 11.10 ubuntu05:49
williamchan_SHIFT doesnt work for me... it just goes onto to windows705:49
MestreLionwilliamchan_: not sure if default xubuntu installler handles EFI... maybe you need the alternate installer?05:49
boohSHIFT doesn't work I am in vmware...05:50
=== Quontrex is now known as vice_cop
=== vice_cop is now known as Quontrex
williamchan_MestreLion: OK . so im in the recovery disk . what do i do to install grub properly on my UEFI system05:52
bjrohanWould using ndiswrapper solve my wireless issues? syslog is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/741938/05:53
oratedMestreLion: ^^ Less download time when size is increased.. actually it will take a little longer time to download the CD iso. And, I didn't intend to pull out if Ubuntu is bloated or not, its good.05:53
Quontrexbjrohan: have you googled ndiswrapper "your card model?"05:53
boohgrrrrrrrr vmware05:54
philipwhy is xubuntu-desktop got 404 packages in 11.10.. thats sucky05:54
bjrohanI forget how to look up the details on my card05:54
williamchan_MestreLion: I am in the recovery.. how to install grub onto my /dev/sda ?05:54
boohsystem freeze at rc.local and I can't have the menu in grub, boot is too fast, I don't have time to press shitf because I have to click inside the console begore.05:54
williamchan_interesting... im in the recovery disk and i look at my /dev/sda3 (where i installed xubuntu) ... theres no /boot/grub/menu.list05:57
williamchan_theres a /boot/grub tho...05:57
williamchan_how do i reinstall grub?05:57
Quontrexdoes anyone see a theme here with grub being busted?06:01
boohhey... it's ESC to enter grub boot menu.. not shift..06:03
Quontrexits esc RIGHT after the machine bios routine06:04
williamchan_reinstalled grub manually06:04
williamchan_got it working06:04
Quontrexmy hero06:04
* OerHeks still believes it is left-shi06:06
ssfdre38is there a way i can install Firefox 8.0 from source?06:06
Quontrexwilliamchan_: would you please make a howto to do that so we dont have to do it over and over06:06
oratedssfdre38: Try #firefox06:08
williamchan_XUBUNTU FTW06:10
williamchan_NO MORE GNOME3 !!06:10
Quontrexevening basheer06:10
OerHeksssfdre38, you could add the stable mozilla ppa, no need to compile > ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable but it is not supported.06:10
Quontrexfluxbox rhules06:10
basheer_I am new to ubuntu06:10
basheer_wanna learn things06:10
Quontrexwhat can I help you with?06:10
basheer_first with irssi06:11
ubottuirssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen06:11
Quontrexif you let me pm you Ill give you a secret06:12
williamchan_xubuntus font doesnt seem to be antialiased properly... just me?06:13
williamchan_the terminal font looks so bad06:13
siavoshkca secret06:13
QuontrexI am not scum, I was going to give him mirc as a crutch06:14
basheer_man irssi06:15
Quontrexthats tough water to paddle in06:16
williamchan_hey guys... the font rendering on xubuntu is horrible...  how to fix?06:20
colin___hello. pardon me.06:21
colin___I have a quick question about whether to go 32-bit or 64-bit for -/K/X/L ubuntu.06:22
tensorpuddingdo you have a 64-bit capable processor?06:22
tensorpuddingif yes, do you have 4 GB or more of RAM?06:22
tensorpuddingthen go 64-bit06:23
colin___I have a downloaded both Xubuntu 32 and 64. I'm getting new laptop with 64 bit processor.06:23
colin___And > 8 GB RAM.06:23
tensorpuddingthen go 64-bit, definitely06:23
ActionParsnipcolin___: 64bit fo sho :)06:24
colin___Will be getting a new laptop with Intel i7 core, 8 GB and beyond.06:24
colin___Thanks. Now I know to put on Xubuntu 64 bit, okay?06:24
ActionParsnipcolin___: definately :)06:25
colin___Thanks. Is 64 bit the same as amd64 even if I have to buy an Intel Core i7 quad core?06:25
colin___Okay. Right.06:26
Uburhi! i'm trying to turn on the hotspot feature but always disconnected by its own within several seconds... any solution?06:26
Logan_colin___: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit for more information06:26
colin___How do I quit this IRC? Accessing it via web browser.06:27
Logan_just close the tab06:27
colin___Thanks, but need no more info about whether I need 64 bit.06:27
excelsio1what's the best linux for a 256 MB computer?06:28
tensorpuddinglubuntu could probably run on that06:28
Quontrexexcelsio1: give me a second there is a 386 compile for it06:29
excelsio1Yeah, but what about office software and maybe accounting software or edubuntu games?06:29
Quontrexexcelsio1; sudo apt-get install linux-image-38606:29
Quontrexmight try fluxbuntu06:30
excelsio1Quontrex: I have no idea what that will do. Can you explain?06:30
excelsio1What about DSL or Puppy?06:30
Quontrexyeah dsl will work for him06:31
excelsio1seems like Puppy was buggy on my old 256 machine06:31
Quontrexwas trying to keep him in the family06:31
urlin2upuppy is not buggy06:31
QuontrexI use fluxbuntu on a 200mmx 64mb laptop as my jukebox06:31
excelsio1can dsl do the educational software for me? (if not buggy, run out of mem too quick)06:32
badbandithello, I recently installed ubuntu 11.10 and now Im having problems with 2 monitors06:32
badbanditthe display settings in system settings does not detect my 2nd monitor06:32
badbanditif I run nvidia-settings and set it there, strange things happen, such as when I open a movie in movie player06:32
QuontrexDSL is damn small linux, and therefore you get damn small features06:32
badbanditmy 2nd monitor basically freezes and although I can see it, I become limited to my first screen and have to disable it in nvidia settings06:33
excelsio1yeah... so I guess I just need to keep asking for more computers.06:33
badbanditany suggestions?06:33
badbanditthis same occurence happened when I had both monitors going and was browsing the net06:33
badbandit2nd monitor becomes disabled06:33
Quontrexexcelsio1: can you email me the specs?06:33
excelsio1probably, one sec06:33
badbanditI notice the desktop is not extended, both screens have the full top nav/icons etc06:33
Quontrexactually just put the specs out here06:34
unkrbadbandit, how can i do that also dual monitor ??  what are the requirements ??06:34
worrowmany in here?06:35
unkr badbandit does i need to have graphic cards ???06:35
badbanditunkr: nvidia-settings, set 2nd monitor to twinview, open a movie in movie player06:35
excelsio1dell dimension, 2100, xp, 256 MB Ram, 1,096Mhz processor, 37 GB HD, 16 Free.06:36
unkrbadbandit, i dont know how to do that  i never tried that before06:36
worrowwhat files would i be looking for to speedup system boot06:36
excelsio1DCC CHAT in irssi?06:37
excelsio1what's that?06:37
Quontrexexcelsio1 its safe06:37
Quontrexjust say yes06:37
Mega^RelaX<worrow> : Good tool is sysv-rc-conf06:37
QuontrexI got your plan figured out06:38
worrowi want to manually edit without tools06:38
unkrworrow,  /etc/services   put minimum services to start at system boot  also look for any scripts in rc.local if you have applied06:38
unkrworrow, there are several files not these two only06:38
Mega^RelaXrun level. the oldschool way :D06:39
worrowyes there are many files. I only need to get to a few, just couldn't remember where to start looking. Also I'm not using Ubuntu directly.06:40
Edistodoes wubi install slow down disk performance?06:40
boohubuntu in vmware freeze at boot after the message: @checking battery state06:40
unkrworrow : i told you the main ones  if you are using  graphical desktop  then also go to rc5.d directory  but you have to safe while changing inside the directory06:41
worrowsmall tweaks06:42
worrowbaby steps06:42
Mega^RelaXhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile <---- if you want to go all the way :D06:43
excelsio1So anyways, I'm in charge of the computers at this non-profit, and I've just thrown out a "working" computer with less than 256 MB RAM, I have one with 256 MB RAM, should it be tossed too?06:44
worrowthey are still good06:44
worrowmail them to me, I'll use them06:45
monkexcelsio1- depends what your using it for...whats the cpu arch?06:45
unkrworrow,    if you can use name of the user whom your are rplying to you it will me more helpful for others06:45
chroothi, what is the difference between kvm and libvirt06:46
monklibvirt is a library06:48
monklibvirt, virtualization, virtualization API06:48
monkKVM (for Kernel-based Virtual Machine) is a full virtualization solution for Linux on x8606:49
chrootmonk, if i install libvirt, then i can build a virtual machine without kvm, am i right?06:51
monkchroot- http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/Main_Page06:52
chrootok, thanks.06:53
rajumohhey what's that widget/live wall where there is a small animated figure moving along on the desktop in KDE ?06:53
useronehow can i access preferences in nautilus. the window is maximised open but the menu items at the top are not showing.06:55
boohI just don't understand now why my ubuntu vm freeze after check battery state message.. I do apt-get remove xorg gdm (I don't need graphical interface)06:55
excelsio1So anyways, I'm in charge of the computers at this non-profit, and I've just thrown out a "working" computer with less than 256 MB RAM, I have one with 256 MB RAM, should it be tossed too? about 1Ghz CPU, it's a dell dimension 210006:55
useroneexcelsio1 try lubuntu or other lightweight os.06:56
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rajumohexcelsio1: what is the main work in that non profit ? browsing the web ? mainting a webpage ?06:58
useronewhere is the setting to stop nautilus being the default file manager? i have installed another file manager but cannot uninstall nautilus without breaking ubuntu06:58
rajumohuserone: is it 11.10 ? for older versions at login you will have the option to user the new file manager /06:59
fizyplanktonare load averages from `uptime` supposed to return a value more than the number of processors? im on a 4 core system and it says i have a load average of 4.2706:59
useronerahumoh: yes, 11.1007:00
rajumohuserone: cant help you then, i moved to kubuntu cause the new gnome did not feet like my cup of tea..07:00
useronehow do i get the menu items to show in 11.10?07:01
=== Vyas is now known as VyasKadkol
useronenautilus has just unexpectedly closed....07:01
fizyplanktonare load averages from `uptime` supposed to return a value more than the number of processors? im on a 4 core system and it says i have a load average of 4.2707:02
garden92whats the best FTP client for ubuntu?07:02
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.07:03
fizyplanktongarden92: there is one built in that integrates w/ nautilus07:03
zykotick9fizyplankton, currently is each core maxed out?07:03
zykotick9fizyplankton, and yes, they go much higher then number of processors/cores -- currently on my system (dual-core) load average: 9.07, 9.29, 9.4807:04
fizyplanktonzykotick9: RIGHT now, my avgs are 0.98, 1.57, 1.76. i was closing out of some programs that had been idle for a month. i didnt think to check the graph07:05
BluebirdShaowhere i can paste my pictures.07:06
zykotick9!paste | BluebirdShao07:06
ubottuBluebirdShao: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:06
BluebirdShaowhich website?07:06
fizyplanktoni thot those were the percentage of the cpu being used. .98 ~= 25. so how could a processor be active 450% of the time?07:06
unkrcan anyone tell me how can i customize the  ubuntu  ???07:06
fizyplanktonunkr: depends. you can recompile the kernal. or install themes07:07
zykotick9fizyplankton, load isn't a percent.  1 = core fully used, so if you have 4 cores a load of 4 mean 100% cpu utilization07:07
fizyplanktonso how can your cores have a load of 9 for 2 cores. thats 450% utilization07:08
zykotick9fizyplankton, that's right07:08
tonyyarussofizyplankton: Exactly.  That's bad-ish.07:08
unkrfizyplankton, and how to do that ??07:08
fizyplanktontonyyarusso: bad-ish? what, is that like overclocking?07:09
tonyyarussofizyplankton: No, it just means that his system is having to wait for things, so stuff is running slower.07:09
tonyyarussofizyplankton: Probably not noticably, but if for instance your load was 100, you would definitely notice the sluggishness.07:10
fizyplanktontonyyarusso: well, if you bogged down a poor proccy with a load of 100, it would probably melt07:11
uniquehow can i change wlan0 to eth0 to load by default on boot07:14
uniquei no longer want to use wlan0 as my default network07:14
tonyyarussounique: what do you mean "load by default"?07:15
EdijusUser 'stud' have folder 'Edijs' in Desktop. How do I make group 'info3' users to have all permissions to this folder and group 'info4' read-only? Ubuntu 11.0407:15
boohWhy my network doesn't start since I convert to vmware?07:16
uniquetonyyarusso: when i boot my ubuntu, it try to use wlan0 i want it to use eth007:16
tonyyarussounique: it should already use eth0 if there's a cable plugged in.07:16
uniquetonyyarusso: i do not see eth0 in ifconfig only in iwconfig07:17
tonyyarussounique: wait, what?  You see eth0 listed in the output of iwconfig?07:17
llutz_unique: ifconfig -a07:17
boohbut if I do /etc/init.d/networking restart,  I have my network07:18
uniqueyes with ifconfig -a i do see it07:18
llutz_unique: its just down then07:18
tonyyarusso!info acl | Edijus07:20
ubottuEdijus: acl (source: acl): Access control list utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.51-3 (oneiric), package size 41 kB, installed size 176 kB07:20
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse
Edijustonyyarusso: Just apt-get acl, whats next?07:22
tonyyarussoEdijus: Read the documentation on POSIX access control lists as implemented in Linux filesystems.07:23
nguyenthientamhelp me , how to show RAM by console on Linux07:27
somsipnguyenthientam: free07:27
actronixïèøè free -m07:28
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic07:28
ubottuIf you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html07:28
boohhum... My network isn't working but if I do ifconfig eth0 up and ifconfig lo up my network is working... why that doesn't work at boot?07:28
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llutz_booh: did you change your /etc/network/interfaces?07:29
boohllutz, should be ok...07:29
llutz_booh: did you change your /etc/network/interfaces?07:29
boohyes I changed it but should be ok.07:29
llutz_booh: "should be" is a pointless statement07:30
llutz_booh: either its OK or it's not, re-check07:30
xruudUbuntu does not start my keyboard nor mouse. I do have a serial connection using minicom. Anything I can do to fix the mouse+key problem?07:32
xruudBy the looks of it the ports do not have power; the keyboard is wireless and normally the transmitter has a led on07:34
dr_williswhat kind of kbrd and mouse?07:34
xruudJust some basic wired usb mouse07:34
xruudboth usb07:34
fizyplanktonxruud: are the ports built in to the mobo, or are they on a daughter card07:35
dr_willischeck dmesg output and unplug/plug theback inm07:35
xruudonto the mobo07:35
xruuddmesg? is that what I can see in minicom?07:35
fizyplanktondo other devs (flash drives, ipods, etc) work on those or any other ports?07:35
dr_willisdmesg is aconsole command07:36
xruudI'd need to check. Right now minicom does not accept my input either, Think I have to enable that first07:36
xruudhaha, looking for the right mount command to mount a ft32 partition. Long time ago I had to use it :P07:37
dr_willisi ysed to use serial termunals on my linyx box. ages ago07:37
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount07:37
xruuddr_willis: it is all I have atm :P07:38
fizyplanktonxruud: sudo mkdir /mnt/asdf;sudo mount -t auto /dev/device /mnt/asdf07:38
Kartagishow can I reset LANG permanently?07:38
abeIf I would like to have NAP(or PAN) capability from my bluetooth dongle, do I need specific hardware support, or just the NAP service from bluez?07:38
vinlimstart x fatal server error: server is already active for display 007:39
vinlimWats going on07:39
fizyplanktonvinlim: try ctrl-alt-backspace07:39
almoxarifeKartagis: how do you mean?07:41
fizyplanktonvinlim: write these directions down. press ctrl-alt-f1. log in with your user and pass. type "sudo service gdm stop; sudo service gdm start" then press either ctrl-alt-f7 or f8. i forget07:41
Kartagisalmoxarife: I'd like to set LANG to en_us.UTF-807:41
xruudYeej, got it mounted :P thanks ubottu, fizyplankton07:42
shaxsHey all, I am having a heck of a time with samba. I am trying to create a public, easy to access share to stream media to HTPCs on the network running windows 7. Sometimes I can access the linux mediaserver just fine, without needing a u/p. but then it stops working and I have to reboot or restart samba. So in otherwords it is not reliably working and I cannot figure out why. My smb.conf is here http://pastebin.com/NkJaT8iE. Anyone hav07:42
vinlimfizyplankton: thx mate07:42
fizyplanktonvinlim: did it work?07:42
vinlimfizyplankton: erm. i gave up b4 ur reply. reinstalling it to ubuntu desktop now :p07:42
xruudhmmmz, I need to edit boot.scr. GEditgives me a big warning "The file you opened has some invalid characters. If you continue editing this file you could corrupt this document."07:43
fizyplanktonlol quitter07:43
llutz_!locale | Kartagis07:43
ubottuKartagis: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf07:43
fizyplanktonxruud: try "cat boot.scr". if it looks fine, then use "nano boot.scr"07:44
dr_willis boot.scr?  whats that07:44
almoxarifeKartagis: oem-config <-- check out this package07:44
vinlimfizyplankton: hah. time constraint07:44
Edistoi know this is the wrong room but... is there a way to set nouveau.setmode=0 on windows install... i crash just like ubuntu on installation07:45
xruudfizyplankton: it looks weird. Is that utf-8?'V�8;NN��J$|07:45
dr_willisshaxs:  i often find samba works better if i access the server by its ip# instead of its hostname07:45
xruuddr-willis: it is a file in my boot partition07:45
shaxsdr_willis in windows how does that address look?07:46
dr_willis //
dr_willisi think07:46
fizyplanktonxruud: im using a irc client with plain 7bit ascii encoding. if its not on your keyboard, i cant see it.07:46
fizyplanktonxruud: it may be a binary07:46
xruudfizyplankton: this is what nano shows: '^E^YV�8;NN��J^@^@^A$^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@|�^@o^E^B^F^@Ubuntu boot script07:47
shaxsdr_willis its \\xxx.xxx.x.xxx\share actually, but that actually works reliably so far! Thanks!07:47
xruudfizyplankton: can such files be edited with any other editor? Or shold it be fine even in GEdit. Provided I only change parts I can read07:48
shaxsthank you sir!07:48
dr_willisshaxs:  in the past ive had to edit the windows hosts file, and set up static ips on the servers07:48
mikodoHey! I forget how to log my conversations... Is the place to look in Xchat in the "Settings" dialogue?07:48
fizyplanktonxruud: i have no idea. i would try going into root then editing the file. you knever know07:48
shaxsdr_willis well as long as I can setup xbmc to use the ip address over hostname I should be good07:48
dr_willisxruud:  id suggest using a hex editor.07:48
xruudalready root07:48
fizyplanktonxruud: bad idea07:49
dr_willisshaxs:  check out boxee someday if you like xbmc also. ;)07:49
dr_willisshaxs:  you could also use a upnp server to share the files07:50
fizyplanktonxruud: the only times you should ever sudo -i or su is if there is if there is no practical way to sudo-(^i).07:50
shaxsI have boxxee installed too07:50
shaxsdr_willis Im about to give up on samba...07:50
shaxsso maybe unpnp will be better07:50
xruuddr_willis: installing two hex editors, hoping I can read the files :P07:50
shaxsif I understand correctly, I need to setup a unpnp server on my linux machine correct?07:50
dr_williswin7 and samba and even shares on xp/vista have been unreliable for me since vista came out07:51
xruudfizyplankton: No ideao what you are talking about. I was just editing the file with the root user because I can't edit it otherwise07:51
dr_willisshaxs:  xbmc/boxee is running on a windows box or linux?07:51
fizyplanktonxruud: anyways. i have 2 projects, a paper, and a book to read before school starts in 3 hours. so why am i on irc? beats me07:52
shaxsdr_willis xbmc on windows 707:52
xruudfizyplankton: your help is appreciated, I just did not understand the last part ;)07:52
dr_willisboxee i think has its own upnp service if you run boxee on both. xbmc might also07:52
fizyplanktonxruud: sudo will execute the next command as root. sudo -i and su will both log you in as the root user. those are more permanent than  sudo07:53
xruuddr_willis: your advice is correct I think. I need to strip exactly 72 bytes :P07:53
dr_willisshaxs:  my fancy 'boxee box' manages to see all the shares on every pc in the house. ones that the win and lin machines have issues with even.. go figure07:53
fizyplanktonxruud: make SURE to make a backup07:54
xruudfizyplankton: Aaah, that's what you meant07:54
almoxarifeshaxs: the videos are on a linux and the xbmc on a win7, does the win7 see the folder videos/tv on the linux?07:54
dr_willisbackp the backp!07:54
xruudfizyplankton: I have like three backups07:54
fizyplanktonwell on to homework07:55
dr_willisive noticed with win7 sometimes it dont want to access the same shares over wireless as it can over wired also.. may be a roter setting07:55
shaxsalmoxarife my issue has been in windows 7, going to network, finding MEDIASERVER and clicking it requires a u/p07:56
shaxsalmoxarife however it seems as if accessing it via IP instead is more reliable07:56
xruuddr_willis: priceless moment yesterday in the electronic store when I got 3 sd cards (they are the hdd) and the guy at the counter warned me that those cards where less in data retention then the more expensive ones (as if I would ever have sensitive data on an sd card (or owrse, not backupped))07:56
dr_willisneeding to use the ip.. may point to a wins servere issue/conflict07:56
dr_willisnever had a sd card fail yet.. had new ones be bad when opened... ;)07:57
farrukhjonhi all!07:57
farrukhjonhelp, now i use pidgin connected by proxy-server and how set proxy to empathy?07:59
shaxsdr_willis maybe... I wouldnt know where to start. If you look at my pastebin for my my smb.conf http://pastebin.com/NkJaT8iE it is rather sparse07:59
almoxarifeshaxs: how did you set up the shares on the mediaserver?07:59
shaxsalmoxarife see the pastebin url above07:59
shaxsI dont want to get kicked and muted again for flooding :)07:59
almoxarifeshaxs: is the mediaserver a desktop?07:59
shaxsalmoxarife yes ubuntu desktop 11.1007:59
shaxsalmoxarife chose desktop as I use sickbeard + sabnzbplus and have no idea how to do that in server using command line only08:00
almoxarifeshaxs: how did you create the share, using nautilus or scriptkiddie?08:00
xruuddr_willis: also my experience. Even when dropped in hot coffee they still work08:00
xruuddr_willis: curious if there actuially is a difference between brands....08:01
xruuddr_willis (except from transfer speeds)08:01
shaxsalmoxarife: I just created a folder and then more or less followed this: http://micheljansen.org/blog/entry/18208:01
=== thoidingjam is now known as jamo
almoxarifeshaxs: you didn't add any packages for samba?08:03
mikodoNvm, I found where the logging of conversations to disk option is.08:03
inashdeenhi, is it possible to run sound in plymouth?08:03
filip_hi all.  I'm accessing a machine under 11.10 via nomachine, and can not pick a session from gdm.  what do I need to set up so that it starts up a full gnome session?  Default 11.10 settings start an abomination shell which doesn't even have window manager.08:03
dr_willisfilip_:  i have heard that the 'nx' has isses with unity08:05
almoxarifeshaxs: lets assume you had a virgin desktop setup, if you right click the folder ( one that you are the owner of) and choose 'sharing' will install the needed packages and set it up without any need to create conf files yourself08:05
dr_willisive never had much lck with freenx or the other vairiants08:05
shaxsalmoxarife: originally I did that...right click go to share. Says it needs to download samba. Installs.08:06
filip_dr_willis: I am not using unity, precisely for that reason.  I want to use 2D gnome.08:06
shaxsalmoxarife: but I couldnt get that to work so I looked for other options08:07
dr_willisfilip_:  perhaps test out some other window managers also. may be it has issues with  the gnome also.08:07
filip_dr_willis, metacity works but only if I start it manually08:08
filip_dr_willis, in my 11.04 setup it worked like a charm, and 11.10 suddenly does not.08:08
dr_willissilly bots having a modefest again08:10
somsipdr_willis: floobot mating ritual08:10
=== Mud is now known as Guest41280
shaxsalmoxarife: this seems to be working pretty well now using the ip address. Problem now is I cannot connect to windows shares from Linux :)08:10
dr_willisshaxs:  that can be a windows firewall  setting. ive noticed08:11
almoxarifeshaxs: un-firewall the win7 machine08:11
dr_willisshaxs:  check out the findsmb and smbtree commands to scan the network08:11
shaxsdr_willis: linux noob here, not sure how to use those08:12
dr_willistype in terminal....08:12
dr_willisfor a good time check the samba-doc package/book also08:12
dr_willis!info samba-doc08:13
ubottusamba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.5.11~dfsg-1ubuntu2.1 (oneiric), package size 1645 kB, installed size 7872 kB08:13
shaxsfirewall off: findsmb does find my windows pc08:13
dr_willisthat puts some books in /usr/share/docs i think08:13
almoxarifeshaxs: turn off firewall on win7 long enough to check if you can acces it from ubuntu08:13
dr_willistry entering the ip# of the windows box in the filemanager like you did for windows08:14
almoxarifeshaxs: your win7 is running 'public'08:14
dr_willis  smb://ser.ver.ip.num/sharename08:14
xruudis there an easy way to find out what command starts an application installed via the software center?08:14
xruudghex in this case08:14
shaxsalmoxarife: dr_willis: not sure how to enter addresses in filemanager. Tried to find a way. So I tried using Gigolo to connect and it wont. Going to netwrk in filemanager it is blank08:15
llutz_xruud: dpkg -L ghex |grep bin08:15
dr_willisshaxs:  just type it in the address bar... ctrl-l to show it if its not visible08:15
xruudllutz: thanks, it is ghex2!08:16
shaxsdr_willis" lol the cntrl+l thing is what I needed08:16
dr_willisghex[tab]   ;)08:16
dr_willisnautilus 101 ;)08:17
ssfdre38where is the MySQL header files located at?08:17
shaxsdr_willis: says cannot display XXXXXXXX. Error: Failed to mount windows share.08:18
ActionParsnipssfdre38: ask in #mysql too :-)08:18
shaxsdoesnt even seem like it tries. Does it as soo nas I press enter08:18
ssfdre38ActionParsnip, im using the Ubuntu distro of MySQL so it has to be done here08:19
dr_williscould always try the smbfs/monting it by hand..08:19
dr_willis!info smbfs08:19
ubottusmbfs (source: cifs-utils): Common Internet File System utilities - compatibility package. In component main, is optional. Version 2:5.0-1ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 3 kB, installed size 52 kB08:19
dr_willissmbfs is installed?08:19
shaxsnot sure Ill try apt-get08:19
dr_willisbb in 20 min08:20
almoxarifeshaxs: did you install samba manually?08:21
shaxsno, when I originally right clicked on the folder and went to share, Ubuntu told me I needed to install samba and it did it all for me08:21
almoxarifeshaxs: the folder you are sharing within ubuntu is in your home folder?08:22
shaxsalmoxarife: yes/ home/user/videos/tv08:23
almoxarifeshaxs: 'users' ??08:23
almoxarifeshaxs: 'user' ??08:24
ActionParsnipshaxs: if you run:  smbtree   do you see the share?08:24
shaxsalmoxarife: no its /home/jason/videos/tv08:24
shaxsno, smbtree command errors out08:25
paissadguys, when i type $HOME and press TAB, the text is changed to \$HOME ... but i don't want to have the backslash ...08:25
paissadis there a way to avoid this ?08:25
ActionParsnipshaxs: what is the error??08:26
shaxssays: failed negprot: ERRnomem08:26
ActionParsnipshaxs: is that "bad credentials"?08:26
shaxsalmoxarife: I dont think so...ive tried multiple times08:27
ActionParsnipHi arief130108:27
arief1301is there anything that could help the problem rarcrack?08:28
almoxarifeshaxs: since makilg all the changes, have you rebooted the ubuntu machine?08:30
shaxsits been rebooted multiple times tonight, jsut not in the last 2 hours or so08:31
almoxarifeshaxs: since you made the 'samba' mods have you rebooted?08:31
shaxsalmoxarife: no I just restart the samba server08:31
Metroshicatem alguem aqui que fala portugues?08:32
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.08:32
almoxarifeMetroshica: por nada08:32
almoxarifeshaxs: try reboot and then the smbtree command08:33
shaxsalmoxarife: I was hoping not to reboot as I have 200gb being transferred from my external hard drive to my internal. Transferring over my tv library from my main windows 7 pc to the new linux mediaserver.08:34
almoxarifeshaxs: that's fine,08:35
hilarieIs this the place for stupid questions regarding a server install? How do I edit text files with no GUI?08:35
almoxarifeshaxs: can you verify the samba is actually running?08:35
shaxsalmoxarife: Ill try in the morning. At this point, I got the biggest issue solved: getting access on the windows pcs to the linux server using IP08:35
llutz_hilarie:" nano file"  nano is an editor08:35
shaxsalmoxarife: I would think so, I can access the linux share through the IP08:35
llutz_hilarie: use "sudo nano  ..." if you need root-permission to edit08:36
hilariellutz_ use nano like I would gedit?08:36
almoxarifeshaxs: that's right, it has to be08:36
hilariellutz_ ty, wish me luck08:36
shaxsalmoxarife: yeah the weird part now is not being able to access smb shares on windows fron linux.08:38
hilarieShould SSH by default only allow connections from localhost, or is there something wrong with my router?08:39
almoxarifeshaxs: when you say 'access the share thru ip' what machine is doing the accessing of what IP?08:39
llutz_hilarie: theres no such limitation by default08:39
hilariewell crap08:39
MK`Is there a way to boost my volume past 150%? These headphones are too low.08:40
shaxsalmoxarife: windows main pc and windows htpc1, are accessing the linux media server via ip/sharename08:40
hilarieshaxs you could use your name of your computer instead of IP that would make it so DHCP doesn't mess with everything every reboot08:41
sandy19hello i want to know why compiz is not working on my ubuntu 11.10 ?08:41
shaxshilarie: thats been another issue. Trying to access the linux share through name of computer keeps asking me for a u/p. If I do it through IP I connect find08:42
sandy19can anyone help me with the compiz issue?08:43
nixmaniackhow can i apply patches to Ubuntu mainline kernel builds?08:44
almoxarifeshaxs: using machine names requires those same machines having 'hosts' files with all the names for the different ips, you may be better off with ip's as long as the ips are static08:45
shaxsalmoxarife: ah, that makes sense. Might be easier to assign a static IP through the router. Maybe.08:46
shaxsOr I can edit the host file on each machine08:46
sandy19please help me shaxs :(08:46
almoxarifeshaxs: you definitely want to keep those ips static or you will go ape shit keeping up with dhcp08:46
shaxsalmoxarife: haha true true. Ill do that tomorrow08:47
shaxssandy19: um, I am not sure I can. I am not linux guru08:47
almoxarifesandy19: compiz doing what?08:47
shaxsalmoxarife: thanks for your help. Ive been having fun (albeit a ltitle frustrated) time learning linux for the first time. I appreciate your help with this neophyte08:48
sandy19almoxarife i have installed compiz on my ubuntu 11.1008:48
sandy19but it's not working08:48
almoxarifeshaxs: I kept xbmc on the same machine as the video library08:48
cowslapperYou do know that Ubuntu users have all been tricked into using a OS for smartphones and Tablets right?08:48
shaxsalmoxarife: I ahve two htpcs. One upstairs and one down in my bedroom.08:48
llutz_cowslapper: you do know that you are offtopic?08:48
almoxarifeshaxs: sweet08:49
shaxsalmoxarife: so I need a way to share that across multiple machines. Plus this way it gives me an excuse to build a linux machine ;)08:49
almoxarifesandy19: ok, what is broke?08:50
sandy19not i doesn't broke , when i try to use water effect , nothing happens , i configure it08:50
sandy19@ almoxarife08:50
cowslapperllutz_ are you a developer? I am. Just installed Debian (wheezy), lightdm, xfce, compiz with emerald. Mark is having problems getting devs to make his apps08:50
llutz_cowslapper: you do know that you are offtopic?08:50
Waldiisry for offtopic but is there a good channel for reverse engineerer?08:51
llutz_!ot | cowslapper08:51
ubottucowslapper: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:51
cowslapperllutz_ are you a bot or just a retard?08:51
almoxarifesandy19: water effect?08:51
llutz_cowslapper: discuss your stuff whereever you want, just not here08:51
sandy19yes in compizconfig setting manager > effect > water effect08:52
sandy19@ almoxarife08:52
shaxsalmoxarife: well I am going to call it a night.... thanks again. Maybe I will see you around again soon08:52
almoxarifeshaxs: see ya, good luck08:52
almoxarifesandy19: I don't know why one effect would not work, all effects work or don't work?08:53
sandy19none of effect work :( @ almoxarife08:53
cowslappersandy19 for you video composting what wm are you using? Thought fusion only supported Metacity, Emerald and kde wm?08:54
hje841my ocelot stops booting after loading my webserver. any idea why?08:54
sandy19what is wm ? @ cowslapper08:54
cowslappersandy windows manager for the Unity DE08:55
cowslapperDoes Unity even use Metacity anymore?08:55
sandy19@ cowslapper i don't know what do you want to say , but i am using ubuntu 11.1008:55
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inashdeenhi, i need some advice. what is the worst thing could happen if we use cairo-dock on a computer without hardware acceleration08:56
llutz_unity is a compiz-plugin08:56
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almoxarifeinashdeen: I use it without hardware acce.,,,, works fine here08:57
cowslapperinashdeen, it wont work is the worst thing.08:57
inashdeenalmoxarife: thanx08:57
inashdeencowslapper: nice one, thanx08:57
almoxarifeinashdeen: worse thing? high cpu usage? I don't see that either though08:57
hje841why does my 11.10 stops boot after loading my webserver?08:58
inashdeenalmoxarife: so it is pretty stable now???08:58
sandy19sorry i don't know which version is this08:58
almoxarifeinashdeen: I am using the unstable even, works for me08:58
inashdeenhi gusy, need some aid, anyone having notification applet right click problem on ubuntu 11.10? anyone know how to get it fixed08:59
cowslapperWhat does the graphics stack use on Ubuntu. Did they dump Metacity windows manager?08:59
inashdeenalmoxarife: what is the difference with the stable version?08:59
almoxarifeinashdeen: using cairo-dock on gnome shell, the unstable should break?08:59
inashdeenalmoxarife: ok, thanx again. i just plan to run it on unity09:00
cowslapperLinus Torvalds - If you design a system for idiots then idiots will use it.09:00
almoxarifesandy19: I can't think of a thing to tell you that would be of help, its one of those issues that unless you really know well you are useless, sorry to say, I stopped using compiz because I never 'got it'09:01
sandy19ok almoxarife i know i am noob in this. Well thanks for your time. :)09:03
almoxarifesandy19: I meant I was the the noob of compiz09:03
sandy19oh almoxarife :) thanks anyways , well shall i post this question on Ubuntu forums?09:04
almoxarifesandy19: it's a thought09:04
yagooalmoxarife, compiz worked for me on x platforms.. i never saw the use of a dumb flippin square09:05
zetherooI am just trying to make a video to upload onto youtube ... but its such a trip in Ubuntu ... I bought a Quickcam Pro 9000 and it works in Cheese ... however Cheese seems extremely buggy and has yet to output a single video that is not damaged in some way! Also Cheese crashes from time to time ... does anyone know of a better app than Cheese to record webcam video with?09:05
yagoozetheroo: try google:"list of webcam software linux site:wikipedia.org"09:06
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almoxarifeyagoo: I used one thing of compiz, multiple windows, I loved having 9 windows to play with, since moving to 11.10 and sticking to gnome shell, I can open windows as needed, I tossed compiz09:07
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hje841my ubuntu stops when starting up just after loading my webserver. any ideas?09:08
zetherooyagoo: I am kinda hoping to hear from someone who knows of a possible solution  ;)09:08
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deej1976zetheroo: Cheesy?09:09
deej1976!info cheesy09:09
ubottuPackage cheesy does not exist in oneiric09:09
almoxarifehje841: the webserver was an addition and ubuntu worked fine prior to the addittion ?09:09
deej1976!info cheese09:09
ubottucheese (source: cheese): tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.0-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 45 kB, installed size 320 kB09:09
yagoozetheroo, you tried updating your libraries? apt-get update, apt-get upgrade?09:10
almoxarifezetheroo: install 'vlc' and record it with vlc09:10
zetherooyagoo: yep ... these issues are what I experience on 3 laptops  ... all running Ubuntu 11.1009:10
deej1976zetheroo: apt-cache search webcam, quiet a lot there09:10
zetherooalmoxarife: I have VLC ... I'll look into that ...09:11
sandy19Hello please help me i posted my problem on ubuntu forum09:11
almoxarifezetheroo: forget cheese09:11
sandy19please read my problem and try to help me09:12
zetherooalmoxarife: yeah, I am pretty pissed with it right now ... total waste of time ...09:12
ic56!info xchat09:12
hje841almoxarife: i dont think my webserver is the problem. the initial problem was that it wouldnt mount  any of my disk parts09:12
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.8-3ubuntu8 (oneiric), package size 350 kB, installed size 928 kB09:12
ZpixHi all09:12
zetherooalmoxarife: so in VLC how do you record?09:12
ZpixI can't shutdown my ubuntu 11.1009:12
ic56Zpix: what exactly are you unable to do?09:13
Zpixic56: when I want to shutdown my system it goes to login page!09:14
ruby_on_tailsok so i did a very brave job, uninstalled dbus from my ubuntu machine, half of my apps stopped working, what do i do now ?09:14
ruby_on_tailsi closed the terminal while the dbus uninstallation was working09:15
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ic56Zpix: what are you clicking on to shutdown?09:15
ruby_on_tailswhat should i do now ? :((((((09:16
Zpixic56: from the panel, shutdown09:16
Us3r_UnfriendlyHey guys, anyone have experience with gnome-shell09:16
llutz_ruby_on_tails: reinstall dbus?09:17
dr_williswith what part of gnome shell...09:18
ic56Zpix: help me get this straight.  From the top panel, you click on system, from the drop down menu you click on shutdown, then you get a pop-up window.  Right so far?09:18
Us3r_Unfriendlyediting /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-3.0/gtk-widgets.css09:18
dr_willis.css shold be a text file.. so whats the issue?09:19
Us3r_Unfriendlydr_willis: i'm trying to change nautilus's background color and hopefully throw in some transparency09:19
Zpixic56: yes in unity, just like others. and after clicking shutdown, it comes back to login page09:19
ruby_on_tailsllutz_: i cant it says dbus is already the newest version.09:19
llutz_ruby_on_tails: sudo apt-get install --reinstall dbus09:19
jonsainthi all. can anyone tell me where i can get ubuntu screensavers from please.09:19
Us3r_Unfriendlydr_willis: but the *.css is huge...don't know where to find where to edit09:20
almoxarifeUs3r_Unfriendly: good luck with that, and if you manage it please share, I was told there is a bug09:20
Us3r_Unfriendlyalmoxarife: thanks09:20
dr_willisUs3r_Unfriendly:  ive no idea either. the gnome theme sites may have some info.09:20
dr_willisi just try ot other gnome shell themes till i found one i liked09:21
Us3r_Unfriendlydr_willis: i've tried there along with their irc server, with no luck.  Seems like they life the day shift life09:21
ic56Zpix: so, from the pop-up window you click on the shutdown button.  This causes the screen to go a little dark, then you get a message that says shutting down?09:21
Zpixic56: no it comes back to login page no message09:22
ic56Zpix: but it does go dark?09:22
amirwebdev2hey, how do i in ubuntu remove completely apache2 and his configs files ?09:22
Zpixic56: yes just a second09:23
llutz_amirwebdev2: sudo apt-get purge apache209:23
inashdeenis there a way to make cairo dock looks like this?? http://imgur.com/Ktm9m  + why when i click on the wireless connection icon on notification area it doubles?09:23
amirwebdev2Package apache2 is not installed, so not removed09:24
Us3r_Unfriendlydr_willis: I actually like how GNOME Shell 3.2.1 looks.  It goes well with how I used to run 2.32.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMF3dBoaGx8&hd=1  if your interested09:24
amirwebdev2but i  got data in /etc/apache09:24
llutz_amirwebdev2: dpkg -l '*apache*' |grep ^i09:24
evfoolI would need some help with booting Ubuntu on a PC with an AMD APU processor, but the screen turns off after grub, and is never turned back on... though Ubuntu seems to boot, as there is activity, only the display is not on09:25
ic56Zpix: perhaps your username lacks permission to shutdown.  Are you using the username that was created when the OS was installed09:25
yagooevfool, can u boot in recovery option?09:25
amirwebdev2there is nothing09:26
Zpixic56: yes i do09:26
evfoolyagoo: no, I did not get to install Ubuntu yet09:26
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evfoolyagoo: started from livedisk09:26
amirwebdev2but if i ls -lh /etc/apache2 i got files there09:26
evfoolyagoo: tried noacpi, nomodeset, etc09:26
yagooevfool, uhh.. what are you talkng about? your friend's computer or your install cd going bad?09:26
evfoolyagoo: with nomodeset I get to a console,09:26
evfoolyagoo: no, a new PC, trying to install Ubuntu on it, but it doesn't seem to be possible :)09:27
nikilopghermany ?09:27
yagooevfool, did u try the options on the boot screen?09:27
yagooevfool, can u get to the boot screen? (Install option menu)09:28
Viktori cannot connect IR 1020 printer from CUPS ,even when i`m online any help?09:28
llutz_amirwebdev2: did you remove an former installed apache without purge-option? if no apache is installed now, it shoul dbe safe just to remove those files (but why do you bother about them?)09:28
ic56Zpix: that username should have permission to shutodnw but one can remove permissions from a username.  Perhaps you are running a program which is failing to exit.  That could be causing the GUI to refuse to shutdown.09:28
yagooevfool, ok.. just a sec..09:28
nikilophi guys09:28
amirwebdev2i want to make a fresh clean install09:28
amirwebdev2with the default config09:28
amirwebdev2of apache09:28
Zpixic56: so how can I found that program?09:28
julius_where can i disable the mail notification symbol in the upper right corner ob ubuntu 11.10?09:28
evfoolyagoo: yes, I get to the LiveCD menu, can toggle boot options, can edit grub entries, etc09:28
amirwebdev2how can i do that09:29
Viktor i cannot connect IR 1020 printer from CUPS on 10.04 ,even when i`m online any help ?09:29
amirwebdev2if i do without the grep09:29
amirwebdev2i get rc  apache2.2-common     2.2.17-1ubuntu1.2    Apache HTTP Server common files09:29
yagooevfool, apm=off OR noapm , acpi.power_nocheck=1 OR acpi_osi=linux   ?09:29
amirwebdev2rc  libapache2-mod-php5  5.3.5-1ubuntu7.3     server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (A09:29
nikilopbay bay09:30
yagooevfool, oh that's the live cd..09:30
amirwebdev2un  apache2              <none>               (no description available)09:30
llutz_amirwebdev2: rc = "removed but configs exist"09:30
zetheroowhats the command to force a non 64bit app to install in a 64bit environment?09:30
ic56Zpix: the best way is to try to do a shutdown from a command line.  Then you can see any error messages which the GUI is hiding from you.  Do this:  hit control-alt-F1.  This will get you to a console session with a login prompt.  Login with your usual username and password.  Then type: sudo shutdown now09:30
Viktor i cannot connect IR 1020 printer from CUPS on 10.04 ,even when i`m online any help09:30
yagooevfool, i believe they make the installer's have a live-try feature nways.. try downloading the cd more oriented for installing09:30
Zpixic56: ok let me try it09:30
ic56Zpix: then watch for any error messages displayed by the shutdown program.09:30
schuhi there. i have ubuntu 10.10 running and today i added another hdd, which i want to automount via fstab - so i have added the following to my fstab, but when i run mount -a the current user (not root) has no rights... can anybody help me out? http://pastebin.com/sQuhxjSp09:30
yagooevfool, your machine 32-bit or 64-bit?09:31
evfoolyagoo: I can't boot into the try it option neither09:31
Zpixic56: i'll come back, thanks09:31
yagooevfool, your machine 32-bit or 64-bit?09:31
basheer_tell him09:31
ic56Zpix: good luck!09:31
Viktor i cannot connect IR 1020 printer from CUPS on 10.04 ,even when i`m online any help09:31
Viktor i cannot connect IR 1020 printer from CUPS on 10.04 ,even when i`m online any help09:31
=== amirwebdev2 is now known as Bikako
kevohi guys09:31
kevoeveryone german09:31
Viktor i cannot connect IR 1020 printer from CUPS on 10.04 ,even when i`m online any help09:32
Viktor i cannot connect IR 1020 printer from CUPS on 10.04 ,even when i`m online any help09:32
Viktor i cannot connect IR 1020 printer from CUPS on 10.04 ,even when i`m online any help09:32
llutz_!repeat | Viktor stop that09:32
ubottuViktor stop that: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:32
llutz_schu: you have to chown/chmod that filesystem to set the permissions/ownership you want09:33
deej1976!germany | kevo09:33
ubottukevo: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!09:33
hilariecan I do 777 on a chmod?09:33
llutz_hilarie: you dont want that09:33
schullutz_: thx09:34
evfoolyagoo: it should be 64bit, a recent 4core  AMD09:34
ic56hilarie: yes, certainly you can.  Whether that is the right choice depends on what you are trying to achieev.09:34
hilarieI am mounting my external hard drive on samba09:34
yagooevfool, which cd/dvd u downloaded?09:34
hilarieand I want anyone on my network to be able to read and write09:34
yagooevfool, what link?09:34
evfoolyagoo :64bit LiveCD for Oneiric09:34
dr_willishilarie: what fs is the drive09:35
evfoolyagoo: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download -> 64bit Oneiric09:35
yagooevfool, did u download from this http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download ?09:35
evfoolyagoo: yep09:35
schullutz_: did that but i still can't open the location and create folders or files...09:35
yagooevfool, did u md5sum check it?09:35
llutz_schu: then you did it wrong09:35
ic56hilarie: do you mean you are exporting the hard drive from linux box?09:35
hilariesharing via samba09:36
Bikakoso how do i remove the config09:36
hilariefrom ubuntu server09:36
Bikakojust rm09:36
evfoolyagoo: no, but I'll do it now09:36
dr_willishilarie:  you will most likely need to make a fstab entry for it with the right umask opton09:36
ic56hilarie: from ubuntu server to windows clients?09:36
hilarieic56 yes09:36
schullutz_: i did chmod 777 on the location under /mnt and then mount -a09:36
dr_willishilarie: then edit smb.conf to make the share09:37
Bikakoi got ubuntu 11.409:37
=== Bikako is now known as amirwebdev2
ic56hilarie: I am not sure whether setting global write permission is necessary, but, given what you are trying to achive, it certainly would do no harm.09:37
amirwebdev2(its amirwebdev)09:37
hilarieI know I will have to fstab it at some point, just trying to hack it together at this point, and I am using webmin to do all of this and it wants to know create with permissions:09:37
llutz_schu: you also dont want that :) mount that filesystem, then chgrp it to a group all users need access are member. then chmod g+w09:37
dr_willishilarie: webmin is not reccomended09:37
yagooevfool, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes09:37
hilarieDr. Willis, why is that?09:38
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.09:38
yaccHi! Any idea what I need to do to make an USB stick (onto which I installed 11.10 with bootloader in the MBR) bootable. As is it hangs after the showing selecting an entry in the grub menu09:38
zetheroowow, I never thought attempting to record your webcam could be such a drama in the 20th century :P09:38
llutz_schu: sudo mount /mnt/LinuxData,  sudo chgrp -R users /mnt/LinuxData , sudo chmod -R 775 /mnt/LinuxData09:38
amok_zetheroo, ?09:38
hilariebut.. but... I don't like the CLI09:38
evfoolyagoo: md5sum is ok09:38
yagooevfool, btw.. you may want to check if you can set hpet to 64-bit.. i'm just making a wildguess as a last resort..09:38
Zpixic56: everything was ok but there was an error !09:39
amok_what CLI is?09:39
yagooevfool, (in bios)09:39
hilarieIs there something better then webmin then?09:39
schullutz_: ah ok - now it works! thx for the help!09:39
llutz_schu: then add all users needing access to the "users" group09:39
dr_willishilarie: all i can say is get over it...09:39
ic56Zpix: good.  What was the error?09:39
amirwebdev2so what is the solution how do i remove the config from apache marked as rc in dpkg09:39
Zpixic56: Will now switch to single-user mode (fail)09:39
dr_willis!ebox | hilarie09:39
ubottuhilarie: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).09:39
zetherooamok_: heh ... nothing works well ... Cheese has yet to put out a video that does not have some sort of issue ... and I cannot find a single other usable alternative ...09:39
hilarieYour a pretty lady Dr. Willis09:39
dr_willistell that to my wife..09:40
yagooevfool, btw you burned dvd's , and used the same type of optical brand on the boot system?09:40
yagoo,/or cd's?/(and of the same brand)09:40
llutz_amirwebdev2: sudo spkg --purge apache2 && sudo apt-get install apache209:40
llutz_amirwebdev2:sry,  sudo dpkg --purge apache2 && sudo apt-get install apache209:40
yagooevfool, a common problem with optical cd/dvd's.. is knowing from experience what brand works well on your drive/s09:41
hilarieHow do I remove webmin before it messes something up? I've yet to do anything with it other then look at graphs09:41
zetherooamok_: I tried VLC, but it's another 2-5 hours of reading and mucking around that I don't have ... then I tried wxCam ... won't install because I have 64bit Ubuntu ... then I tried running Guvcview but it's not even opening ... :P ... utterly hopeless09:41
=== dj is now known as Guest6016
evfoolyagoo: the CD works, as the PC can read it09:41
amirwebdev2 rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/info/apache2-common.postrm09:41
evfoolyagoo: DVD09:41
amirwebdev2should i do that also?09:41
dr_willishilarie: how did you install webmin09:41
julius_where can i disable the mail notification symbol in the upper right corner ob ubuntu 11.10?09:41
yagooevfool, which PC?09:41
llutz_amirwebdev2: let dpkg clean that up, don't remove manually09:41
evfoolyagoo: noapm doesn't help09:41
hilarieadded it to my repos and sudo apt-get webmin09:41
yagooevfool, the installing pc?09:41
ic56Zpix: that error is not what I expected.  Try it again, this time use sudo shutdown -h now  (i.e. add the -h option, which tells it to halt, rather than go to single user mode.)  Let's see if this fails too.09:41
=== Guest6016 is now known as _dj_
evfoolyagoo: the one I am trying to install to09:41
dr_willishilarie: use apt to remove it then09:42
yagooevfool, so what errors are you getting?09:42
Zpixic56: ok09:42
zetherooI thought Ubuntu had webcams pretty much covered ... :-/09:42
_dj_i want to install windows with ubuntu09:42
Zpixic56: let me try09:42
hilariesudo apt-get remove webmin?09:42
_dj_but i m geting problems09:42
yagoo_dj_, so download wubi..09:42
_dj_wubi? whats that?09:42
evfoolyagoo: no errors, the monitor turns off when plymouth should start, and never turns back on09:42
schullutz_: since my base partition is really full (and i can't get more space there) - would it be possible to move the /home directory to my new partition and have a link so my /home/<user> dirs point to /mnt/LinuxData/home/<user> instead ?09:42
_dj_and i have already installed ubuntu 11.1009:42
dr_williszetheroo:  i find webcams either work out of the box.. or are totally unsupported..09:43
_dj_now i wanna install windows too09:43
yagooevfool, do you have two vga ports? make sure vga port#1 is being used09:43
evfoolyagoo: and there is CPU and disk activity, so I guess Ubuntu is started, but the VGA port seems to be turned off09:43
zetheroodr_willis: mine works ootb ... but it just seems that Cheese is extremely buggy ...09:43
evfoolyagoo: only one VGA port09:43
amirwebdev2its still saved me after i did it the old sites-avilable09:43
dr_williszetheroo:  but the few webcams ive had with no spport . seem to get spport in the next release09:43
yagooevfool, let me check smthing09:43
kanhiyahow to fix duplicate entries in Open with other application dialog09:44
dr_willismy silly u key is messing up.. ;(09:44
llutz_schu: yes, better to be done from live-cd than from running system. move your /home to that new filesystem, then change /etc/fstab, add a line at the end "/mnt/LinuxData/home /home  bind none 0 0"09:44
schullutz_: great, thx09:45
hilarieWhats with the floodbots freaking out?09:45
kanhiyathere are two entries for remote desktop, four entries for glade, Wine also have created so many entries, How to remove all these entries09:45
kanhiyaduplicate Ofcourse09:46
hilarieDr. Willis, deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/zentyal/2.2/ubuntu lucid main isn't the lucid part about that wrong? shouldn't it have the codename of 11.10?09:46
llutz_hilarie: it should09:47
amirwebdev2E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages. E: Unable to correct dependencies09:48
Zpixic56: without any error just in 3 seconds, system shut down09:48
amirwebdev2i do on synaptic complete removal its tells me there is broken packages09:48
evfoolyagoo: just reported a bug on this thing09:48
yagooevfool, yikes09:48
yagooevfool, btw.. what pc model is this?09:48
ic56Zpix: hmm.  Now that the system has rebooted, are you still unable to shutdown from the GUI?09:49
Zpixic56: unfortunately yes :(09:49
evfoolyagoo: it's not a brandname, but a custom one  assemb led from selected parts09:49
evfoolyagoo: components09:49
yagooevfool, what's the motherboard?09:49
evfoolyagoo: GigaByte a75m-ud2h09:50
Zpixic56: whats ur idea about making a new user?09:50
schullutz_: i tried this with another directory (for testing i moved a document directory to my new hdd) but when running mount -a it says "unknown fs type bind" o.O09:50
ic56Zpix: ok.  At least we know where the blockage is: the GUI is trying to shutdown to single user, and this returns failure.09:51
Zpixic56: ya09:51
llutz_schu: my bad, it's other way round "/mnt/LinuxData/home /home none  bind 0 0"09:51
evfoolyagoo: http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3928#ov09:51
yagooevfool, you sure your processor is 64bit? it doesnt look mainstream09:51
ic56Zpix: I think the problem is one of two things:  Either the files under /etc/rcS.d/  have been somehow broken or else09:52
ulenHello I am running Ubuntu 10.04, and up until recentely my NVIDIA 3d party drivers have been working wonders. Now they simply disappeared and I can see any items in the hardwire drivers program. How Do i Reinstall my NVIDIA drivers?09:52
ic56Zpix: you are running some kind of daemon which refuses to die under normal circuimstances.09:52
schullutz_: ok i could've seen that too ^^09:52
Zpixic56: hmmmm09:52
zetheroook I got Guvcview started and tried to record but I get this message in the terminal right before the program crashes: "[mp2 @ 0x18d14a0] codec type or id mismatches"09:53
Zpixic56: before this error I installed Conky and Airtime and have an system update09:53
ic56Zpix: a failure of this kind in a daemon would not be caused by a software bug; it would be the result of some kind of lock up between the daemon and some resource on which it depends.  The kernel itself would be getting stuck on it.09:53
Zpixic56: then I remove airtime and conky09:53
yagooevfool, you should ask #kernel about your processor..09:53
ic56Zpix: yes, new software could be causing this.  Do try to apt-get remoev airtime conky and see if that fixes it.  You can always apt-get install them after if that doesn't fix the problem.09:54
evfoolyagoo: I'll try to do that... can't find anything on the net about the processor09:54
evfoolyagoo: regarding whether it's 32 or 64bit09:54
yagooevfool, maybe an bios upgrade can help.. also i would try the 32bit edition.. (btw there's an upgrade for your bios)09:54
yagooevfool, "Update CPU code" "Improve DDR compatibility"09:54
yagooevfool, http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3928#bios (assuming u have rev 1)09:55
evfoolyagoo: it's 64bit09:56
amirwebdev2anyone help?09:57
yagooevfool, i know its 64bit.. but there's a bios update.. also the um linux kernel may work better at 32-bit with ur processor at the moment.. it's also why i mention #kernel..09:58
julius_where can i disable the mail notification symbol in the upper right corner ob ubuntu 11.10?09:58
hilariehas anyone here had any luck install zentyal on 11.10?09:58
* conntrack yawns09:58
evfoolyagoo: just downloading the 32bit to see whether that helps09:58
* conntrack laughs evilly09:59
yagooevfool, btw the processor's full model is what?09:59
yagooevfool, because there's an update to the CPU code in the bios10:00
evfoolyagoo: AMD A6-365010:00
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yagooevfool, "(Note 3 ) To use the onboard D-Sub, DVI、Display port or HDMI, must install an AMD CPU with integrated graphics."  http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3928#sp10:02
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yagooevfool, you should update your bios10:02
yagooevfool, latest ver is f5..10:03
snuffthey guys10:04
snufftdoes anyone have a moment to lend me a hand setting up MPD? i've installed it, but I can't connect to it from any client :S10:04
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CaptainQuirkHI : I'm having a weird issue on ubuntu 10.04. A segmentation fault appears in my apache error.log when accessing a specific url. How can I get more debug info ?10:08
evfoolyagoo: I have an AMP CPU with integrated graphics10:11
yagooevfool, check my mpm10:12
yagooevfool, my pm10:12
tolmunhey, the experience runing lucid on compaq8510p is fantastic :^)10:12
a34154ekanyone know how to boot windows xp iso from grub 2?10:17
dr_willisa34154ek:  it m ay not be possible10:20
dr_willisask in #windows perhaps10:21
a34154ekdr_willis i knw its entirely possible for linux distros, but m not sure about windows...10:21
llutz_a34154ek: windows != linux, ask in #windows10:22
a34154ekllutz_: yeah ill do that...thnx for ur help the other day, im running my ubuntu just fine coz of u10:22
JoniiIs there a fix to the bug that if you allow using multiple keyboard layouts, most of the time is you see the layout name somewhere, it's wrong, and most of the time ctrl-<a key> type of shortcuts use different layout than simply pressing those keys, however, in such way that _occasionally_ they do use the same10:23
dr_willisa34154ek:  its possible for some distros..10:23
tonysanCan I echo a message before some command? eg. if I ls, a message says "Current directory\n" then the content of ls ?10:26
llutz_tonysan: echo this dir has $(ls -l)10:27
tonysancould it be aliased?10:27
yagootonysan, you can echo * , and it'll show directory contents10:27
llutz_tonysan: you would create a function, aliase won't work iirc10:28
tonysanOK thanks10:29
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snuffti'm having a bit of trouble connecting to MPD over lan. i'm guessing it's a firewall or something, because i can connect on the same machine using GMPC. i just can't connect to anything on my android phone or tablet..10:36
llutz_snufft: does mpd listen on external iface at all? netstat -tulpen |grep mpd10:37
llutz_snufft: any iptables-rules filtering that port? sudo iptables -L10:37
llutz_sudo netstat.... *10:38
snufftllutz_: mpd runs on localhost:6600 cheking iptables now10:39
llutz_snufft: localhost != external iface, there you are10:39
snufftllutz_: ahh, ok. so do i have to map it somehow?10:39
llutz_snufft: configure mpd correctly, it should have a setting for that10:40
snufftllutz_: or would it be a case of giving the machine a static ip, then binding mpd to that ip?10:40
llutz_snufft: it a mpd-config thing10:40
snufftllutz_: haha, ok. mpd config round 35 :P10:40
snufftllutz_: thank you very much for your help :)10:40
llutz_snufft: man mpd.config or however it's called. should be documened somewhere10:41
snufftllutz_: no worries mate, thanks again :)10:41
bullgard4How can I determine the set of alternatives in Debian's alternatives system that installed on my Oneiric computer?10:42
bullgard4How can I determine the set of alternatives in Debian's alternatives system that are installed on my Oneiric computer?10:42
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=== sins is now known as sins-
yagoobullgard4, alternatives are used with the alternative commands (ls /etc/alternatives) (apropos alternative)10:44
yagoobullgard4, you don't change alternatives with "ln" of course10:44
yagoobullgard4, i prefer to use my own symlinks in ~/bin with ~/bin in $PATH (in my own ~/.profile)10:45
bullgard4yagoo: I did not aks how alernatives are used . I asked for determining a set.10:45
llutz_update-alternatives --list  command10:46
bullgard4llutz_: '~$ update-alternatives --list' does not list a set of the installed alternatives.10:48
llutz_it does, for a given grouü10:48
bullgard4llutz_: What does 'grouü' mean?10:48
jattls /etc/alternatives10:49
llutz_bullgard4: like "update-alternatives --display editor". if thats also not what you asked, you might rephrase your question10:50
bullgard4llutz_: I will consider rephrasing my question. --  Thank you very much.10:51
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some1elseHello. My system can't determine version of one library. Someone told me to do locate and that's a result: http://pastebin.com/p3Ty3JE0 What exactly should I do?10:54
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JoniiIs there a fix to the bug that if you allow using multiple keyboard layouts, most of the time is you see the layout name somewhere, it's wrong, and most of the time ctrl-<a key> type of shortcuts use different layout than simply pressing those keys, however, in such way that _occasionally_ they do use the same10:57
JoniiAnd, how does guest account and autologin work?10:58
oratedI'm trying to setup NAS using - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=249889 . The server system get internal IP addr assigned by wireless router sometimes as and at other times 101 while my client system gets 100. Should I setup NAS on server for both 102 and 101?11:01
icerootorated: why not using static ips?11:02
dr_willisorated:  i set my router to give the same ip for my servers. or set them to se static ips11:02
michaelahi is this the room to get help with ubuntu11:03
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic11:03
icerootorated: or mac-based ips, so the mac will alwayss get the same ip11:03
dr_willismichaela:  yes11:03
bullgard4How can I determine the set of the gneric names in Debian's alternatives system that are installed on my Oneiric computer?11:03
oratediceroot: dr_willis: The systems are connected to same network , only because of the wireless router. The router assigned address to each connected system. I'm not sure how to set them to use static ips.. Can you guide me on that?11:05
icerootbullgard4: sudo update-alternatives --config TAB TAB11:05
dr_willisorated:  my router has the feature11:05
dr_willisorated:  network manager also has the option11:06
dr_willisi use static for to, the  tell the router to assign dynamic  at
dr_willismy printer for example is always my nas is .2011:08
soulnafeinImportant problem I don't know how to solve, I've just installed ubuntu on a machine, installation was fine, I've tried ubuntu before installing and everything was fine. After rebooting it shows the ubuntu loading message, then it disappears and shows .11:08
soulnafeina fail for "Starting automatic crash report generation", few more lines and it's stuck on Stopping save kernel messages. Version is 11.10. I can access a terminal by pressing ctrl+alt+f2 if necessary.11:08
soulnafeinWhat log file should I read for more info?11:08
ct529hi everybody. I have a problem here: I am using the tg3 driver for my network card in the kernel. Booting the system taken approx 40 seconds from start to the tg3 module, then sometimes that hang in there for something like 2 minutes (120 seconds), before getting to the next stage ( EXT4-fs (sda3): re-mounted.) Any clue?11:08
FloodBot1soulnafein: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:08
ct529any clue?11:08
orateddr_willis: Yes, I'm searching that option in router configuration page11:08
ct529can that be connected to IPV6?11:08
icerootsoulnafein: /var/log/syslog would be a good start11:09
dr_willisorated:  its under the dhcp server tab here i think, mac address reservation11:09
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szalsoulnafein: /var/log/gdm.log (might be a different file depending on what login manager you use), /var/log/Xorg.0.log(.old), ~/.Xsession-errors11:09
michaelai am using a gateway GT5656 and installed ubuntu 11.10, evaything work exept i dont get a boot screen with the ubuntu logo can some one help11:10
bullgard4iceroot: I have done what you suggested. I cannot believe that your answer is correct. Your recipe pirnts 2791 "possibilities". The first is ':'. What alternatives are there for ':' in Debian's alternatives system?11:10
soulnafeiniceroot: thanks11:11
soulnafeinszal: thanks11:11
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icerootbullgard4: working fine here, 113 results11:13
michaelaim sorry can any one see my messages i just want to see if this is working11:13
icerootbullgard4: you are using bash? or another shell?11:13
soulnafeinszal: what's the default login manager in Ubuntu 11.10?11:14
icerootbullgard4: enabled additional completion-features on your shell?11:14
sagarchalisesoulnafein, lightdm11:14
icerootbullgard4: this is plain .bashrc and its working fine here11:14
bullgard4iceroot: '~$ env; SHELL=/bin/bash'.11:15
dr_willisor he put an extra space befor he did the tab tab bullgard411:15
michaeladoes know about gateways11:15
ikoniamichaela: just ask your question11:16
soulnafeinok I've looked into Xorg.0.log, apparently there is a Fatal Server error....: Screens found but none have a usable configuration. Also failed to load Nvidia kernel module!11:16
soulnafeinany idea how to solve this?11:16
almoxarifesoulnafein: pastebin the log?11:17
jonsainthi all. can anyone recommend an antivirus?11:17
ikoniajonsaint: for what purpose11:17
icerootbullgard4: http://paste.ubuntu.com/742146/11:17
almoxarifejonsaint: clamav11:17
soulnafeinalmoxarife: easy way to pastebin from commandline?11:17
michaelai installed ubuntu 11.10 on my gateway GT5656 and it all works exept i dont see a boot screen with the ubuntu logo11:17
jonsaintikonia, for my pc11:17
dr_willisjonsaint:  yo relize they mainly scan windows files right?11:18
bullgard4iceroot: I don't think that I enabled additional completion features in my .bashrc file.11:18
ikoniajonsaint: your ubuntu PC ?11:18
dr_willisbullgard4:  defals bashrc is showing them here11:18
jonsaintyeah im running ubuntu. im  a newbie to ubuntu11:18
almoxarifesoulnafein: :(11:18
ikoniajonsaint: you won't need an antivirus11:18
icerootbullgard4: i guess yiu misstyped the command and get the output of PATH11:18
icerootbullgard4: TAB TAB will show you every command11:18
ikoniajonsaint: virus's work different in Linux than in Windows so there aren't really antivirus products the same as there is in Windows11:18
jonsaintno antivirus??? why?11:18
icerootbullgard4: and if you misstyped the sudo update.. part bash is using content of PATH11:19
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus11:19
dr_willisjonsaint:  because this is not windows. ;)11:19
almoxarifejonsaint: you can use an antivirus for checking a network if the network includes win machines11:19
icerootbullgard4: pressing TAB TAB will start with :  so i guess you just typed it wrong11:19
ZpixI cant shutdown ubuntu 11.10 from panel :(11:19
jonsaintwell folks so far im loving this ubuntu! so much stuff for fre and friendly folks to match! why aint the entire planet running on this instead of windows!11:20
ikoniajonsaint: good luck using it.11:20
basslinerhm. who in the name of satan decided to put localised menu entries in grub's menu list?11:20
jonsaintare there any pointers i need to look out for when using this?11:20
almoxarifejonsaint: and you can add a antivirus checking ability to nautilus by adding clamav extension to it11:20
basslinerthis is probably the greatest bullshit decision i've ever seen.11:20
dr_willisjonsaint:  they have a windows mindset, like you just showed when yo expected to need an antivirs software11:20
ikoniajonsaint: https://help.ubuntu.com - it's a good introduction11:21
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/11:21
Zpixplease help me11:21
Kartagiswhat file should I use for resetting an environment variable?11:21
michaelai installed ubuntu 11.10 on my gateway GT5656 and it all works fine but i dont get the boot screen with the ubuntu logo11:21
dr_willismanual may be a little out of date11:21
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ikoniaKartagis: resetting ?11:21
jonsaintthank you so much everyone! looks like ubuntu is the way forward for me. il go and have a look about. thanks again. byee!11:22
Kartagisikonia: export to another value11:22
ikoniamichaela: what do you get ?11:22
dr_willismichaela:  plymouth and some drivers dont work togerhter well..11:22
ikoniaKartagis: could you tell me exactly what you want to do11:22
dr_willismichaela:  but yo do get to the desktop correctly?11:22
michaelait take awile but it just take me to the log in screen11:22
ZpixI cant shutdown ubuntu 11.1011:23
michaelayes the desktop works11:23
Kartagisikonia: I want to re-export LANG from tr_TR.UTF-8 to en_US.UTF-811:23
ikoniaKartagis: that would be in your .bashrc11:23
Kartagisikonia: what about system-wide?11:23
TehDGMZpix: what do you mean can't shutdown? Does sudo init 0 work?11:24
Kartagisikonia: /etc/bash.bashrc?11:24
ikoniaKartagis: no11:24
ikoniaKartagis: I'm trying to remember what the debian version of /etc/sysconfig/lang is11:24
ZpixTehDGM: i cant use system panel to shutdown11:24
bullgard4iceroot: '~$ sudo update-alternatives --config TAB TAB' obtains: "update-alternatives: Fehler: unbekanntes Argument »TAB«." So, what do you mean by »TAB TAB«?11:24
almoxarifeikonia: oem-setup?11:25
ikoniaalmoxarife: what ?11:25
ikoniaKartagis: the file is i18n on redhat systems, I can't remember the debian location, that should get you started though11:25
soulnafeinSo I've managed to pastebin from command line http://pastebin.com/NQbFz69s problem is after first boot, xorg fails to start. Ubuntu 11.1011:25
ikoniaKartagis: worth looking at /etc/environment too11:25
soulnafeinHelp please11:25
phoobarHow can I restart my Unity bar ? killing X won't do it11:25
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soulnafeinlet me know if you need more logs11:26
Kartagisikonia: /etc/default/locale:LANG="en_US.UTF-8" <--- phew11:26
michaeladr_willis:  are you still there11:26
inashdeenanyone here using AWN on ubuntu 11.10? really need help for the notification area problem right now. i cant right click on it!11:27
ikoniasoulnafein:  your loading the "nv" module, you don't have it installed11:27
ikoniasoulnafein: are you trying to use the open source nvidia modules ?11:27
ikoniaKartagis: good fine11:27
dr_willisim in and out all day11:27
ikoniaKartagis: find11:27
icerootbullgard4: the key TAB11:27
_GoRDoN_bullgard4: TAB = the key above caps lock, usually has 2 arrowsi in it =), press it twice11:27
icerootbullgard4: near esc with 2 arrows11:27
icerootbullgard4: its one of the best features of unix-shzells11:28
dr_willismine actally says 'tab'11:28
icerootbullgard4: and in combination with zsh its a killer-feature11:28
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.11:28
soulnafeinikonia: I didn't do anything about it, I've just installed 11.10 on this machine and it does that on the first boot.11:28
soulnafeinikonia: I've event tried to reinstall it one more time, and I get the same problem.11:29
ikoniasoulnafein: very odd, I believed the nv component was installed by default11:29
Kartagisthanks ikonia11:29
michaeladr_willis could you help me or refer me to some one who could11:29
ikoniasoulnafein: I suggest you use graphical fail safe mode, and then use the hardware drivers tool to install the closed source nvidia drivers which normally work11:29
inashdeenanyone here using AWN on ubuntu? anyone got a solution for the un-rightclickable notification area systray11:30
dr_willismichaela:  i disable that silly plymouth logo/screen and never look back.. its rather useless.11:30
soulnafeinikonia: How can I boot in graphical fail safe mode?11:30
ikoniasoulnafein: you should get an option for recovery/failsafe mode when you boot11:30
almoxarifedr_willis: how did you disable it, I want to11:31
soulnafeinwhen I boot grub shows me a recovery mode, but it still fails to load the login screen11:31
bullgard4iceroot: If I press '~$ sudo update-alternatives --config' folled by TAB and TAB, my Oneiric terminal program adds two dashes behind the command. That's all.11:31
bullgard4iceroot: If I press '~$ sudo update-alternatives --config' followed by TAB and TAB, my Oneiric terminal program adds two dashes behind the command. That's all.11:31
ikoniasoulnafein: do you have a file called /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:31
icerootbullgard4: then you dont know what tab is11:31
icerootbullgard4: or your terminal (putty??) is broken11:32
dr_willisalmoxarife:  'noquiet nosplash' in /etc/default/grub  kernel defalt options11:32
soulnafeinikonia: one sec11:32
michaeladr_willis: its not for me im on your side but its for my sister cousin he likes it11:32
lukadefar1 hi, can anybody help me... i need a web service, that could preferably be run locally, and would retreive all posible browser/plugins/os information for debugging customer issues.. i know its not realated..but i just forgot the name of an app i saw11:32
bullgard4iceroot: You are in error. I know what TAB is. Rather, you did not state an unambiguous command.11:32
dr_willisbullgard4:  try without the sdo11:32
inashdeenanyone here have problem with lightdm shutdown button which become ugly? anyone has a workaround11:33
icerootbullgard4: its working fine here with default configs, so the error is not on my side11:33
bullgard4dr_willis: Leaving out 'sudO' does not change the result.11:33
soulnafeinikonia: yes, I'm now editing it11:33
bullgard4dr_willis: Leaving out 'sudo' does not change the result.11:33
soulnafeinikonia: there isn't much in it though11:34
ikoniasoulnafein: then this is not a default install, as by default that file is not there11:34
dr_willisupdate-alternative[tab] here adds a -- then i fill in --conf[tab] for --config    then --config[tab][tab] shows 104 possible11:34
ikoniasoulnafein: if you add the line Driver "vesa" to the video device section and reboot, you'll get a basic display11:34
* dr_willis wears out his tab key11:35
michaelaikonia are you talking to me11:35
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ikoniamichaela: where ?11:36
laurusI am experiencing weird behavior with a USB keyboard on my netbook. It seems the caps lock key is permanently locked. Even when I unplug it, now everything is in caps. How do I fix this?11:36
ct529hi everybody. I have a problem here: I am using the tg3 driver for my network card in the kernel. Booting the system taken approx 40 seconds from start to the tg3 module, then sometimes that hang in there for something like 2 minutes (120 seconds), before getting to the next stage ( EXT4-fs (sda3): re-mounted.) Any clue?11:36
soulnafeinikonia: like this? http://pastebin.com/CvRhJPXN11:36
ikoniamichaela: you're asking if I'm talking to you - I'm not saying your name, and I'm addressing other peoples so I'm asking you "where" do you think I'm talking to you11:37
ikoniasoulnafein: how are you cutting and pasting without a graphical display11:37
soulnafeinikonia: FYI I've burned this installation cd yesterday, version 11.10, I've installed after choosing Try Ubuntu and I've selected the checkbox that says to download update from the internet11:37
ikoniasoulnafein: these are not default installs, the option "nologo" is not a default update11:37
soulnafeinsoulnafein: with the power of bash11:37
soulnafeinikonia: with the power of bahs11:38
soulnafeinI'll share the script with you guys later11:38
michaelaits my mistake i thought you where talking to me11:38
bullgard4dr_willis: I have changed now to another terminal program and followed your recipe. With slight changes I was able to obtain 102 "possibilities". --  Thank you very much for your help.11:38
soulnafeinikonia: Of course chatting from my other pc at the mom11:38
ikoniasoulnafein: remove the no logo line, that is an nvidia option11:38
ikoniasoulnafein: I'm concerned that this doesn't appear to be a default install as you suggest11:39
bullgard4iceroot: I suspect that I used a unsuitable terminal program. --  Thank you.11:39
soulnafeinikonia: I call bug :D11:39
ikoniasoulnafein: I don't11:40
soulnafeinikonia: shall I double check the iso against an MD5 checksum?11:40
soulnafeinikonia: anyhow, your change worked, I can now see a basic login screen11:41
silv3r_m00nI did a sudo apt-get remove dbus by mistake and now system doesn't restart , now when I do sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop it says some packages have unmet dependencies and doesn't continue , is there some way out or to force a complete reinstall of ubuntu-desktop or another fix ?11:41
ikoniasoulnafein: I suggest you now install the correct nvidia drivers11:41
michaelaso oh, how about those dodgers?11:41
ikoniamichaela: how about keeping to the channel topic of ubuntu11:41
soulnafeinikonia: I'm now looking for additional drivers11:42
orated_dr_willis: I set it to static. Now it always get static ip11:42
soulnafeinikonia: it's downloading drivers and installing, thanks. Let's hope this will fix it11:42
ikoniasoulnafein: keep an eye on the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, make sure the driver changes to "nvidia" in that file11:43
soulnafeinikonia: are you part of ubuntu dev team? Do you want me to investigate a bit more (e.g. give that you think it's not a standard install?)11:43
ikoniasoulnafein: don't worry about it,11:44
bullgard4silv3r_m00n: First do a backup.  I would then de-install and re-install all packages having "dbus" in their names. Then try again to install ubuntu-desktop.11:44
almoxarifedr_willis: tried your suggestion, no joy, went back to "" in default line instead11:44
silv3r_m00nbullgard4: for example gdebi is required but sudo apt-get install gdebi is failing , saying gdebi-core ubuntu1 is required but will install gdebi-core ubuntu211:46
soulnafeinikonia: Fixed :)11:46
me-1hi...how do i connect to a vpn..?11:47
ikoniasilv3r_m00n: sounds like you have conflicting repos11:47
orst3hi, someone got a clue why after a reboot my luks/dmcrypt device is still mounted without entering a passwort ? oO11:47
RexHerudaeGood morning11:47
bullgard4silv3r_m00n: It seems that you did not have your system up-to-date before you inadvertently erased dbus. In this case I cannot help you.11:48
michaelai have a gateway GT5656 and am trying to get my family to like ubuntu so i installed ubuntu 11.10 and im not into aesthetics but they are and i need help to get the boot screen with the ububntu logo to work11:48
soulnafeinikonia: as promised http://pastebin.com/7medKwzV I use it by doing ./pastebin.sh < /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:48
ikoniamichaela: you where told about some of the issues with plymouth11:48
silv3r_m00nbullgard4: correct11:48
silv3r_m00nthe system was not uptodate before I did the remove dbus11:49
silv3r_m00nnow what next11:49
silv3r_m00ncan the installation cd be used to rescue11:49
michaelawhat plymouth11:49
ikoniasoulnafein: don't worry, I know how ot do it, I was trying to undersand what you where doing as sometimes people describe a sitaution that isn't the case11:49
dr_willismichaela:  chek the forums for issues and fixs.for plymouth and your gpuchipset11:49
michaelawhat is plymouth11:49
ikoniamichaela: the graphical thing that isn't working so you're not seeing the boot logo11:49
ubottuPlymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »11:50
dr_willisplymouth is such a pain for so little gain11:50
soulnafeinare there plans to make the unity launch a bit more "responsive"11:50
dr_willisunity is a work in progress11:51
soulnafeinbefore using unity I've always used gnome do, I find the launcher a tad bit slower11:51
cattunehello all...does anyone know how to run myob in ubuntu?11:51
soulnafeindr_willis: what's the main objective for 12.04?11:52
dr_williswhats myob?11:52
dr_willissoulnafein: polish and more polish11:52
soreaudr_willis: mind your own business?11:52
SilfenXare there any webui remote filemanagers for ubuntu server or am I restricted to manage files via terminal only??11:53
dr_willisbyob ;)11:53
orst3hi, someone got a clue why after a reboot my luks/dmcrypt device is still mounted without entering a passwort ? oO11:53
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orst3im going to try this again, or does dolphin automount such devices on startup?11:53
dr_willisSilfenX:  ssh and x forwarding. or mc11:53
orst3with known password.11:53
cattunedr-willis:its a business program11:54
dr_willisSilfenX:  or vnc.11:54
cattunedesigned for windows of course11:54
dr_willis!wine | cattune11:55
ubottucattune: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu11:55
SilfenXdr_willis: aye, VNC - that requires some kind of desktop to be running on the server tho?11:55
cattuneok,thank you,i'll check it out11:55
dr_willisSilfenX:  in a vnc session. not a visuble display11:56
RexHerudaeI'm new with Linux and started with Ubuntu 11.10, I installed it in my PC (Core2Duo 2Ghz, 512Mb Ram DDR2, integrated video in Motherboard), I know the requirements for Unity are 1Gb Ram so I decided to download a Desktop environment more lightweight, so I Installed LXDE, it loads very fast, compared to 3.5 min from login screen to open desktop in Unity, but it freezes every time I open a single11:56
RexHerudaecould anyone help me please11:57
dr_willisSilfenX: learn how to use mc   its so handy11:57
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jribRexHerudae: when it freezes, can you access a tty by pressing ctrl-alt-f1?11:57
OinsHi. truecrypt --auto-mount=devices randomize the order of my devices. Sometimes hda1 -> truecrypt1, sometimes hda1 -> truecrypt2, aso. Is it possible to define the mount order?11:57
michaelaok its me being annoying again so ill say sorry ahead of time but is there any urls that can point me in the right direction11:57
SilfenXdr_willis: whats is mc?11:57
dr_willis!info mc11:57
ubottumc (source: mc): Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3: (oneiric), package size 2144 kB, installed size 6620 kB11:57
MonkeyDustmidnight commander11:57
MonkeyDustlike norton commander in the old daze11:58
dr_willisa must know about tool...11:58
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SilfenXright, so it can run a demon on the server that I can hook up to from any machine?11:58
MonkeyDustwhen we was young and beautiful11:58
soulnafeinI've recently converted several non techies to Ubuntu, and they love it. My only concern is that sometimes they found problems or annoyances but there's no way to track those things. Opening a ticket in Launchpad is a bit daunting for non techies. I think it would be interesting if there was some kind of simply send feeback button in ubuntu.11:58
dr_willisSilfenX: ssh is our friend11:59
SilfenXssh hates me11:59
RexHerudaeI can't even move the mouse cursor but I didn't know that command, is ctrl-alt-f1 something like Windows Task Manager?11:59
soulnafeinmaybe with the possibility to vote up for an existing problem11:59
Guest43976hey so im just reinstalling ubuntu server 10.04.  Before it had a raid setup installed so in the partition section of the install, i am trying to delete this and REDO a new raid.  I am attempting to delete the old RAID but is stuck on 0%. Any ideas?11:59
jrib!bug | soulnafein11:59
ubottusoulnafein: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.11:59
dr_willismake sweet love to the ssh queen11:59
MonkeyDustRexHerudae  ctrl alt f1 gives you a bare command line11:59
dr_willisi ssh from my phone11:59
jribsoulnafein: it's just a command and then you get prompted for info.  That should work for bugs.  If they have suggestions instead of bugs then they could use brainstorm.ubuntu.com12:00
dr_willisi ssh to my phone...12:00
RexHerudaeok, is to open console12:00
soulnafeinjrib: cheers I didn't know about it :)12:01
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soulnafeinjrib: if there is a problem with the window close button (e.g. it doesn't close, or it doesn't appear) is it a problem with Unity or something else?12:03
jribsoulnafein: probably something else12:03
RexHerudaewell eventually it unfreezes for a while, so I think I coul open the console12:03
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soulnafeinjrib: compiz?12:04
oratedI setup NFS as per http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=249889 with the only change being '/,no_root_squash,async)' After completing the setup for both server and client, I tried to access the fs from client with - sudo mount /home/user/NFS/ It took few seconds to open and it worked for almost all folders but later when I tried to enter home directory in nfs, it didn't open. Same I tried to open12:08
oratedin command line and was not able to cd home/ in /NFS.. How can I fix it?12:08
RexHerudaeOh, there's an Ubuntu Beginners Team12:08
MonkeyDustorated  have you modified /etc/exports?12:09
cringousI've installed Ubuntu 11.10, and since can't execute shell scripts, even with the 777 permissions and as root. It don't even autocomplete after ./ . Someone can give a clue ?12:09
jribsoulnafein: my guess would be it's an issue with a particular program unless it happens regardless of the program12:09
oratedMonkeyDust: Yes, that's what I said - I added '/,no_root_squash,async)'12:10
jribcringous: what are you doing exactly...?12:10
Guest43976hello, is there an option to format all harddrives before partitioning in the ubuntu server install?12:10
MonkeyDustorated  you should restart the nfs-kernel12:10
soulnafeinjrib: it does happen regardless of the program12:10
lupusshey anyone there ?12:10
ikoniaGuest43976: when you partition the disk it will offer you the option to format it12:10
ikonialupuss: 1400+ people12:10
cringousI'm trying to execute a shell script like "./program.sh"12:10
jribsoulnafein: then maybe unity though that seems pretty strange12:10
lupusscan anyone gimme a hand? I have a big problem with my computer12:11
oratedMonkeyDust: Yes, I did that - sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart. I followed everything said in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24988912:11
jribcringous: show us in a pastebin your attempts.  Include an « ls -l » command somewhere12:11
MonkeyDustcringous  try sh program.sh12:11
Guest43976ikonia, i have a raid1 that i want to delete/format and there are no options for that12:11
ikoniaGuest43976: is it hardware/software raid12:11
terohow can I change eth2 to eth0 ?12:11
Guest43976ikonia, software12:11
ikoniaGuest43976: as in mdadm ?12:11
cringousNow it works !12:11
cringousWith sh12:11
Guest43976ikonia, no worries i aborted the installation a minute ago which obviously destroyed the os as it took me to "scrub rescue"12:12
ikoniaGuest43976: I see12:12
Guest43976ikonia, and now the mdadm raid has vanished. YES!12:12
kaddihi, I need some help compiling a software (that isn't available through the repositories.) The makefile breaks almost immediately, because it can't read this line: "include Makefile.conf.$(OSTYPE)". The file supposed to be included is Makefile.conf.linux-gnu.12:13
lupussguys. my laptop internet connection is off after I upgraded. Please Help!!!!!12:13
cringousThank you all very much, it helps a lot.12:13
ikoniaGuest43976: fyi: if you remove the partitions on the physical disk, mdadm will vanish12:13
ikoniakaddi: what software ?12:13
kaddiit's called MARS, it's a research software12:13
jribcringous: you shouldn't run it that way unless you actually want to use sh (dash)12:13
ikoniakaddi: where tid you get it ?12:13
Guest43976ikonia, taking the drive out?12:13
ikoniaGuest43976: no, destorying the partition on the physical disk12:14
ikoniaGuest43976: instead of the virtal raid disk12:14
kaddifrom their repositories.. it's not publicly available I think. ikonia12:14
ikoniakaddi: ok, then you ned to contact them for support/help12:14
lupussguys. my laptop internet connection is off after I upgraded. Please Help!!!!!12:15
lupussdon't know what to do12:15
Guest43976ikonia, how do i destroy the partition ?12:15
kaddiso I'm not even allowed to ask my question?12:15
ikoniaGuest43976: then you do the install, it will ask you to partition the disk12:15
deej1976!ot |kaddi12:15
ubottukaddi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:15
ikoniakaddi: we can't help you as we won't have any way to read / understand the software12:15
ikoniakaddi: if it's not publicly available you can't give it us as that would be against their rules,12:16
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines12:16
kaddiall I need is a way to declare a command OSTYPE to return the value of $OSTYPE12:16
ikoniakaddi: hence, contacting the people who make it is the best approach12:16
BluesKajHey all12:16
ikoniakaddi: it depends on how the software wants it, it's not that simple12:16
abeanyone has experience with setting up NAP with bluez on ubuntu could point me to an up-to-date guide/doc? "sdptool browse local" never show NAP service available even when I have created a network.service in /etc/bluetooth12:16
MonkeyDustkaddi  your program is not supported on this channel12:16
kaddiikonia: this is the error: Makefile:17: Makefile.conf.: No such file or directory That is the file that should be included: Makefile.conf.linux-gnu. That is the line in the makefile: include Makefile.conf.$(OSTYPE)12:17
ikoniakaddi: that is pointless to tell me that error12:17
ikoniakaddi: the best option is to contact the people who supplied you with the software and explain the problem12:18
kaddii have nobody had supply it, I need to learn how to use it by myself12:18
kaddibut it's ok i'll figure something out12:18
ikoniakaddi: you've just said it's not publicly availabe so someone must have given it you12:18
oratedUpdating nfs server with sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart gives one error -  http://pastebin.com/VwrRTxVV Is that right?12:19
kaddii'm part of the group that's supposed to work with it.. doesn't mean someone has signed responsible for me and is at my disposure for questions12:19
ikoniakaddi: there must be someone/group/company who make the software, someone must have given your group your software12:20
kaddiyeh, prolly there is. Your guess is as good as mine though as to who that was12:20
rahmatwhere i can download source code ubuntu 11.10 ???12:20
ikoniakaddi: talk to your othe rgroup members, or the leaders of your team/projects12:20
ikoniarahmat: there isn't 1 source code, its many many packages12:20
lupussanyone else willing to give some help besides ikonia ?12:21
rabbitearthats a vexed question12:21
Joseph_I have a basic question about ubuntu12:21
ikoniaJoseph_: you need to ask it12:21
lupusswhy u ignore me :( ?12:22
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oratedand sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-common restart says command not found12:22
rabbitearyou think you are some kinda desease lupuss ?12:23
rabbiteardo you know what you are lupuss ?12:23
lupuss]lol rabbit :P12:23
ikoniarabbitear: stop that12:23
lupussit's also the scientific name for a wolf12:23
Joseph_I recently upgraded to 11.10 when asked to do that12:23
Joseph_and I really hate it12:23
lupusscan u try to help rabbit ? please12:23
ikoniaJoseph_: ok, so how can we help ?12:23
Joseph_is it possible to go back to my previous version without deleting everything12:23
rabbitearlupuss: not with more stop its12:23
Joseph_and reinstalling the os12:24
ikoniaJoseph_: no, you need to do a reinstall12:24
Joseph_ok, easy enough12:24
rabbitearnot really12:24
Joseph_I have the disk, i can just reformat the partiritoin(sp?) and start from scratch12:24
oratedIs it right to add root / in export file for nfs configuration or adding particular home directory can only work?12:24
ikoniaJoseph_: perfect12:24
lupusswhat u mean rabbit?12:24
Joseph_ok thank you12:24
deej1976lupuss: Laptop Make, Wireless card type (realtek/broadcomm ) ?12:24
rabbitearwell, you just keep saying that12:24
rabbitearI am rabbitear12:25
TehDGMorated: you *can*, but i wouldnt recommend it12:25
rabbitearwhat would I bug you with meanings and things like that?12:25
rabbitearwho do you think I am?12:25
MonkeyDust!ot| rabbitear12:25
ubotturabbitear: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:25
lupussdeej1976: hp pavilion dv4-2114br (brazilian version)12:26
rabbitearMonkeyDust: I don't suppose connical, I do run ubuntu12:26
lupussI don't care about wireless. wired is not working :/12:26
rabbitearfor years at a time12:26
TehDGMlupuss: sudo ifup eth0 ?12:26
lupusswill try it, brb12:26
ikoniarabbitear: do you have an ubuntu support question/dissusion you want to use the channel for ?12:27
rabbitearconical is secret people12:27
ikoniarabbitear: do you have an ubuntu support question/dissusion you want to use the channel for ?12:27
KHendrikMornin' folks12:27
rabbitearikonia: nope I am the support12:27
rabbitearyou can ask anything ikonia12:27
ikoniarabbitear: ok - then please stop with the pointless jabbering12:27
rabbitearikonia: ummm, I'll tell you if its enough12:28
KHendrikrabbitear, anything? what#s the meaning of life12:28
ikoniaKHendrik: please stop that12:28
rabbitearand you people will be okay12:28
ikoniathe topic of this channel is ubuntu support only - please stick to that12:28
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rabbitearyes ask question, don't give answers12:28
lupussTehDGM and deej1976: what happened is tried to see what was going on on synaptic with network-manager (read that somewhere), and as I'm a rookie user, It all got screwed: now it says no nnetwork device12:29
rabbitearwe will help you12:29
ikoniarabbitear: final warning - enoough.12:29
rabbitearikonia: you need to relax12:29
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ikoniarabbitear: you are now muted in the channel, please contact me by pm when you feel you can follow the channels topic12:30
KHendrikikonia, ok i actually have a question i'm missing ubuntu (unity 3d) in the loggin selection used to work fine until yesterday but now it#s gone nvidia driver are working fine and gnome (shell) works too12:31
kaddihow would I get a bash script to print "$USER" instead of my username?12:31
ikoniagnome-shell and unity at the same time ?12:31
deej1976lupuss: Can you pastebin the output of ifconfig12:32
KHendrikI#m in 11.10 i never installed gnome shell i just asumed its the normal dropback12:32
newnoiseHi. I have to setup a server with ubuntu and can choose between 10.04, 11.04 and 11.10, which version would you reccomend?12:32
ikoniaKHendrik: no, it's not a fall back12:32
ikoniaKHendrik: you use either unity or gnome-shell12:32
jpdsnewnoise: Whatever you need?12:32
lupussTehDGM and deej1976: wait a second. what happened is I have no more internet configuration (on Edit Connections)12:32
lupussifup lo says it's already configured12:33
newnoisejpds: what does this mean? Which one is the best compromise of speed and stability?12:33
jpdsnewnoise: It's really up to you, but you want a release that's going to be supported for a while, then use 10.04 LTS.12:33
lupussifup eth0 gives unknown interface12:33
KHendrikikonia unity 2d is still available but 3d isn#t working12:33
deej1976lupuss: Can you add a new network connection in the connection manger12:33
newnoiseare there any real improvements in 11.10 compared to 10.0412:34
lupussI did that12:34
KHendrikworking -> not present at all12:34
lupussnow it's not saying "no network device" anymore12:34
ikoniaKHendrik: interesting,12:34
lupussbut it's not working, though12:34
lupussyou want me to pastebin ifconfig deej1976?12:34
deej1976lupuss: if possible12:35
lupussi''l get the laptop and try12:35
jpdsnewnoise: Try it, and see for yourself if it's sufficent for your needs?12:35
walidhi guys, i'm new to linux and i have trouble installing dropbox through the command line12:35
jpdsnewnoise: Only YOU know what YOUR needs are.12:35
walid(running a vm of mininet, no gui)12:35
jpdsnewnoise: And you probably want #ubuntu-server too.12:35
deej1976newnoise: 10.04 LTS server has 5 year support, the others are 18 months12:35
walidi'm running ubuntu 10.0212:35
deej1976walid: impossible12:36
waliddeej1976: lol12:36
waliddeej1976: really? i saw plenty of tutos and tricks and such, but i don't know which i should use12:36
walidbut if it's simply not possible...12:36
deej1976walid: lsb_release  -r12:37
MonkeyDustwalid  type apt-cache search dropbox and install the package you need12:37
newnoiseok. I stick with 10.04, we use it on other servers, so itll be easier to care for it12:37
linux_boontrying to make a perl script run as a daemon... just installed proc::daemon but have no idea on how to use it now anyone can help me?12:37
walidMonkeyDust: this returns nothing12:37
deej1976walid: So not 10.0212:37
icerootnewnoise: never touch a running system and specially never touch servers12:37
MonkeyDustwalid  it means it's not in the repos12:37
waliddeej1976: nope, sorry :/12:37
walidMonkeyDust: i read i have to add the repo (=deb? )12:38
lupussdeej1976: ifconfig is on http://pastebin.com/B9yrFbWK12:38
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:38
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waliddeej1976: do you know how to do it?12:39
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deej1976walid: dpkg -i [deb_file]12:40
deej1976walid: sudo of cause12:40
waliddeej1976: i'm really sry, this is prob my 4h 5th command on a proper linux...12:40
walidand deb file i should download first?12:41
deej1976walid: yes12:41
walidwith wget12:41
walidi'm on it12:41
deej1976lupuss: Strangely definitely no network card pickup, I've just deleted the connection, reboot, add back selecting the eth0 mac and it picked up.12:42
lupussI absolutely didn't understand what us said deej12:42
lupussbut lemme tell u something12:43
lupussin the past, I have followed a tutorial12:43
lupussso to make some portforwardings12:43
deej1976lupuss: I've just tested in a virtual machine12:43
walidneed to install nautilus, on it i think ^^12:43
lupussin order to do so, I needed to do set up a static ip12:43
deej1976walid: Not a good idea for a server12:43
lupussas I'm connected to a router12:43
icerootwalid: dont do that12:43
waliddeej1976: hm i'm not on a server12:44
icerootwalid: what system are you using when nautilus is not installed?12:44
lupussok deej, your telling me to delete it, reboot, and add one new, selecting eth0 ? ok will try it12:44
icerootwalid: kubuntu? lubuntu?12:44
lupussbut no idea by now how to select eth012:44
SpenserWildeHi all.12:44
walidiceroot: i'm downloaded a vm from http://yuba.stanford.edu/foswiki/bin/view/OpenFlow/MininetVMSetupNotes12:45
SpenserWildeWhat's the package that provides zlib support for Python?12:45
icerootwalid: and what is "mininet" a linux-distribution?12:45
walidDistributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Release:10.04 Codename:lucid12:45
skumarai just install gnome shell in ubuntu 11.10. i get this problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1882972 any help?12:45
walidmininet is a network virtualization soft12:46
walidrunning on ubuntu12:46
PiciSpenserWilde: iirc, its a python builtin.12:46
icerootwalid: ok12:46
waliddeej1976: so i shouldn't install nautilus? then no dropbox?12:47
SpenserWildePici, iirc?12:47
PiciSpenserWilde: If I Recall Correctly12:47
deej1976walid: Not if you want to keep it gui-less12:47
SpenserWildePici, Actually, I am trying to install Plone. But it tells me that Python zlib support is missing.12:47
* deej1976 I'm out for a bit12:47
PiciSpenserWilde: let me double check...12:47
waliddeej1976: i don't really care about having it gui-less. i just need it to run! ;)12:48
icerootwalid: download this https://www.dropbox.com/install?os=lnx  and double-click the file or use "sudo dpkg -i filename.deb"12:48
walidps: what's nautilus?12:48
icerootwalid: file-browser12:48
icerootwalid: default file-browser for gnome/unity12:48
walidiceroot: i just did that ^^i ran apt-get install nautilus-dropbox, it said it was installed..12:49
icerootwalid: so what is the issue?12:49
lupussdeej1976: I have deleted it and rebooted, but when I came back there was a new one: the difference was it says eth0 on the MAC address( the prior didn't had nothing there)12:49
lupussbut it's still not working12:49
PiciSpenserWilde: zlib is part of the Python Standard Library: http://docs.python.org/library/zlib.html12:49
lupussand ifconfig12:49
lupussreturns the same, except for the line 'RX bytes:480 (480.0 B)  TX bytes:480 (480.0 B)' which has different bite numbers12:49
walidiceroot: well now i'm not sure. i couldn't add the deb to install dropbox, but now i think i did.12:50
walidneed to find how to launch the deamon12:50
icerootwalid: sure its a daemon?12:50
walidiceroot: no.12:50
icerootwalid: sounds like its just a nautilus-addon12:50
lupussdeej1976: a guy suggested on forums that something went really wrong when I upgraded, and that I should reinstall everything12:51
lupussthe os, I mean12:51
walidiceroot: hm so do you know what i need to do to have it running?12:51
santanuchello!! am a new ubuntu user:-)12:53
telemareanyone knows if there is any good private torrent sites i can reg12:53
Lasers!piracy | telemare12:54
ubottutelemare: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o12:54
walidok instructions are in the dropbox command12:54
icerootwalid: sorry never used it12:54
Laserstelemare: http://www.mininova.org/12:54
walidi think i'm done here soon :)12:54
jabbadooOk. So I try to boot a Ubuntu Server LTS from iso image on kvm. When I start the installation it says "trying to enable frame buffer", and then everything goes pitch black. Any ideas?12:56
skumarai have my screen flickering after install gnome shell. why?12:56
PiciLasers: If you're going to be nice enough to call !piracy, please actually abide by it yourself.12:58
icerootwalid: worked?12:59
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lupussdeej1976: ur testing something ?12:59
walidiceroot: in process. nautilus just said it couldn't connect13:00
icerootwalid: to the dropbox-server?13:00
walid** (nautilus:14381): WARNING **: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused  ** (nautilus:14381): WARNING **: Could not inhibit power management: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files ^C13:00
shadowpirateis it possible to resize the swap if my installation is just inside window$?13:00
arcskyhello i have turned on remote desktop in ubuntu. and i control it with vnc client. but why ist so damn laggy ? sitting on 10mbit link in same country13:00
walidall for nothing.13:01
icerootwalid: the system comes already with a gui?13:01
icerootwalid: or did you install it by hand?13:01
walid'this computer is already linked to an account'13:01
icerootwalid: ah :)13:02
walidiceroot: the system comes as an image13:02
walidiceroot: cause i'm running it through a vm13:02
walidso... i can forget about this.13:02
icerootwalid: why?13:02
icerootwalid: just use another dropbox-user13:02
walidsudo dropbox start To link this computer to a dropbox account, visit the following url: https://www.dropbox.com/cli_link?host_id=ff74c9617b8cf25a92819e001e8eead5&cl=en_US13:02
murlidharhow to make the dash launch in full screen ?13:02
walidhm. i don't think i can have 2 accounts on 1 computer.13:03
walidi'm pretty sure dropbox forbids that.13:03
icerootwalid: i dont know13:03
gemunuhow can I install Nautilus-elementary on ubuntu 10.04.313:04
walidiceroot: i'm prettry sure. plus it wasn't that necessary. and i should stop playing with linux and get down to my business.13:04
walidwhich isn't easy either ^^13:04
murlidhargemunu: i think there is ppa to install nautilus-elementary . not sure if there still maintaining it.13:05
psychognitehello to genius out there13:05
psychognitecan some give some tricks on iirc13:05
psychognitei am nu to irc13:05
psychogniteplease help me out13:05
szal!irc | psychognite13:06
ubottupsychognite: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines13:06
psychognitekkk thnx a lot13:07
mvv_arcsky: what's the latency?13:07
murlidharah jeez! i managed it myself :)13:07
arcskymvv_: with ping?13:08
walidalright guys, thanks for your help, and i'll be back the day i head into ubuntu again!13:09
bobalicioneHow can I find if my system is recognizing my audio device on this laptop?13:09
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santanuchi am new to irc and ubuntu. interested in bash script. is there any channel for bash script programming?13:10
llutzsantanuc: #bash13:10
santanucllutz: thanks :-)13:11
ThePendulumI was wondering, does anyone know what 'error : no such device : 8f5e5e69-f6ed-4b09-b7b6-49107808ef9a' means? As in, what device can't it find?13:11
KittyBunnyHello I replaced gnome-screensaver with xscreensaver and now I can't lock my computer.13:11
KittyBunnyWhy is that?13:11
icerootThePendulum: its an entry from /etc/fstab i guess13:11
TehDGMThePendulum: a harddrive partition maybe?13:12
TehDGMwhat iceroot said13:12
llutzThePendulum: UUID changed (/etc/fstab, sudo bklid)13:12
ThePendulumTehDGM: Is there a way to check for it?13:12
bobalicioneI found my audio hardware using lspci... how do I find out if it is mounted?13:12
psychognitehow to connect #bash from here only.....i knw it is stupid question i didn't know...?13:12
ThePendulumI failed to install an OS on the system for 3 days now, it gets annoying D:13:12
ThePendulumWell, the installation of Linux distributions goes alright, but none of them boots properly13:12
icerootpsychognite: /join #bash13:13
KittyBunnyThePendulum: They should do.13:13
psychognitethnx iceroot13:13
KittyBunnyYou obviously have an hardware failure.13:13
ThePendulumKittyBunny: I kinda got to that conclusion myself LOL13:13
icerootpsychognite: you are welcome13:13
KittyBunnyThePendulum: Normally Linux works out of the box.13:14
willienot if you have LVM partitions13:14
KittyBunnyUnless the computer it's installed on has an hardware failure.13:14
ThePendulumKittyBunny: I know, I installed a lot of distributions before including this exact version of Ubuntu13:14
KittyBunnyMy sisters netbook hard drive.13:14
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ThePendulumWindows fails to install as well, it says it misses a driver for the optical drive13:14
williecan anyone point me to a url that SOLVES the lack of lvm partitions showing up in 11.10 64-bit13:14
KittyBunnyThePendulum: But Windows is STUPID13:14
ThePendulumKittyBunny: Windows has been my fallback OS for whenever something fails. The reason for that is, Windows will install, no matter what :P13:15
KittyBunnyWhere Linux would go ahead and install but may not boot.13:15
KittyBunnyWindows complains during installation.13:15
KittyBunnyBut this is offtopic here13:15
ThePendulumSo did Linux13:15
ThePendulumThe installation of both Ubuntu and Mint has failed many times before I got it right13:15
ThePendulum(the installer itself)13:15
KittyBunnyThePendulum: So I recommend you fix the hardware then install Ubuntu or you're going to fail.13:16
ThePendulumWell, many say it is a hardware issue, but I have no idea what part13:16
KittyBunnyThePendulum: Probably the hard drive more than anything.13:16
AtamiskOkay, i have a "general computing" question. If i buy a processor with more cores, but a slower overall clock frequency, will my 32-bit applications suffer? Basically i'm looking to jump from an i3-540 to an i7-800 series.13:16
ThePendulumKittyBunny: Strange, it's a brand new SSD and it ran Windows just fine before I attempted to install Mint 1213:16
KittyBunnyThe hard drive is probably corrupting the installation.13:16
KittyBunnyThePendulum: Theres your problem.13:16
ThePendulumKittyBunny: What would be the problem?13:17
KittyBunnyDid things install before the SSD replacement?13:17
ThePendulumI never replaced anything, it's a brand new system13:17
KittyBunnyThePendulum: Take it back13:17
ThePendulumBut things installed on it, as I said, Windows ran fine and before that I was running Ubuntu fine as well13:17
ThePendulumIt would be such an odd coincidence for it to fail right at the moment I am trying to install Mint 1213:18
KittyBunnyThePendulum: Do you get any I/O errors?13:18
ThePendulumAlso, Ubuntu and Mint 12 have booted before, but then they show nothing but an empty striped purple or grey screen or a strobe effect13:18
Atamisksounds like a video issue13:18
ThePendulumKittyBunny: The system itself boots just fine, up to loading the actual OS13:19
KittyBunnyI can't install Ubuntu from a disc.13:19
KittyBunnyI get I/O errors.13:19
ThePendulumI installed it from both a CD as well as a flash drive13:19
KittyBunnyMust be that I can't burn discs properly or The disc drive is screwed.13:19
ThePendulumAtamisk: Graphics card should be alright as well, the live cd runs just fine13:19
ThePendulumKittyBunny: That could be in your case, but I get the same results from CDs as well as a flash drive installation :P13:20
Atamisktrue enough, but if it isn't instaling the right driver on install, it would play havoc with video.13:20
ThePendulumThe only thing I could think of, is indeed the SSD13:20
KittyBunnyThePendulum: Nope13:20
KittyBunnyYou said the disc doesn't display right.13:20
ThePendulumBut that doesn't explain why the Windows installation fails to load files, as well as the Ubuntu installation at multiple occasions13:20
KittyBunnyand Windows installations are text based.13:21
ThePendulumBecause as far as I know, no installation needs the hard discs/SSDs before actually installing something13:21
ThePendulumText based?13:21
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KittyBunnyThePendulum: The blue screen in Windows13:21
ThePendulumThey seem to have a similar structure as Linux installation13:21
KittyBunnythe one that's used to partition the drive, etc.13:21
ThePendulumKittyBunny: didn't experience a blue screen for years :P13:21
KittyBunnyThat's text based.13:21
Atamiskyeah, the newer windows installation setup is a GUI13:21
ThePendulumWell I hardly ever access it13:21
ThePendulumAtamisk: It has been a GUI since at least XP?13:22
KittyBunnyAtamisk: It is?13:22
KittyBunnyAtamisk: I mean right at the beginning.13:22
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KittyBunnywhere it copies the files to the HDD.13:22
Atamiskwhen i installed W7 on my old netbook (HUGE mistake. it now runs arch :P) it was a very slick GUI13:22
KittyBunnythat's text based13:22
Atamiskno, the whole thing is GUI now, as fr as i remember.13:23
ThePendulumAtamisk: I never experienced Windows 7 as a huge mistake, different for Vista. But I prefer Ubuntu (when it was still running Gnome 2) or Mint13:23
KittyBunnyThePendulum: Ubuntu uses a lot of graphics as it's setup program.13:23
KittyBunnyand you said they don't display right.13:23
c3llhey what's up guys13:23
KittyBunnyI suggest you replace your card and see if that fixes the problem.13:23
ThePendulumKittyBunny: The setup itself displays just fine, it completes as well. The fun starts when I try to boot the installed OS13:23
KittyBunnyHDD then13:23
ThePendulumThe live disc runs just fine as well, looks great too with Gnome 3, so I feel like ruling out the video card13:24
KittyBunnyThePendulum: I could probably send you one but i've no money.13:24
AtamiskThePendulum: I like W7 alright too, but it's a bit ...demanding on a 32-bit netbook :P.13:24
szalThePendulum: W2k and XP setup, afair even W98 setup, were partly graphical, W7 setup is fully graphical..  can't say for Vista..  but this is off-topic here ;)13:24
MonkeyDustThePendulum  i had the same issue with mint 12: live ok, install nok13:24
ThePendulumMonkeyDust: Were you able to solve it?13:24
ThePendulumMonkeyDust: I basically bricked my entire system, nothing can be installed13:25
Atamiskhave you tried making the hard drive is utterly empty of files and starting completely afresh? i've had times if i didn't completely wipe my HDD down to the MBR, i had issues.13:25
ThePendulumAtamisk: I formatted it multiple times now.13:25
Atamisknew partition table and all?13:26
ThePendulumCould the additional hard drives be an issue?13:26
KittyBunnyAtamisk: Problems only occure when you try to install Windows on a drive that has Linux on it or trying to install a shitty linux os on a drive with windows on it.13:26
ThePendulumThe OS is installed on the SSD, but I got two 1TB HDDs as well13:27
Atamiskpossibly. dmesg can be accessed during a live session, right guys? maybe check there for obvious errors?13:27
KittyBunnyThePendulum: Then use the HDDs.13:27
ThePendulumKittyBunny: I could try installing it on one of the HDDs indeed13:27
KamZouHello, i have a conflict with my DHCP-DDNS architechture ... 2 linux clients got the same ddns-txt in dhcpd.leases, do you know why ?13:27
* mvv_ looks up13:27
ThePendulumHowever, I'll lose all my data, damned D:13:27
mvv_KittyBunny: does xscreensaver work?13:27
KittyBunnymvv_: Yes13:28
mvv_arcsky: yes, ping13:28
Atamiskas a sidenote, is there anywhere on freenode to get some hardware advice?13:28
ThePendulumAtamisk: ##hardware :P13:29
KittyBunnyAtamisk: ##hardware13:29
KittyBunnyOh shit13:29
Atamisklol okay.13:29
KittyBunnyI was too slow13:29
ThePendulumAs usual13:29
ThePendulumLast kid in line to be picked for gym classes and all13:29
ThePendulumI am going to reboot once more, now without the hard drives attached13:29
ThePendulumPerhaps they interrupt the boot somehow13:30
KittyBunnymvv_: So ya I would like to lock my computer.13:30
ThePendulumIt must be hard for them now so many of their relatives have died in Thailand13:30
ThePendulumerror : unknown filesystem.13:30
ThePendulumY U NO BOOT? D:13:30
KittyBunnyforget it13:30
KittyBunnythanks for nothing guys13:30
* KittyBunny reinstalls gnome-screensaver13:30
mvv_KittyBunny: so manually calling xscreensaver doesn't?13:30
KittyBunnymvv_: What do you mean?13:31
mvv_one moment13:31
mvv_so does running xscreensaver-demo and selecting lock screen work?13:33
KittyBunnymvv_: Nope.13:34
KittyBunnyI'm using GNOME3 also.13:34
mvv_so nothing happens?13:34
KittyBunnymvv_: Nope13:34
mvv_how annoying13:34
mvv_use xtrlock instead?13:35
KittyBunnymvv_: But I want to use the GNOME3 lock13:35
* mvv_ blinks13:35
KittyBunnyHow different is it?13:35
KittyBunnyIs it like xlock?13:35
* KittyBunny hates xlock13:35
mvv_it just locks the screen, nothing more13:35
mvv_read aptitude show xtrlock13:36
KittyBunnymvv_: Ok I've install it...13:36
KittyBunnyWill it work out of the box?13:36
mvv_type xtrlock13:37
KittyBunnymvv_: How do I unlock?13:39
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mvv_KittyBunny: type your passwd and hit enter13:40
KittyBunnymvv_: Ok so how do I link it to the Lock Screen button in GNOME3?13:41
mvv_i'm not sure, i tend to bind it to a key combo.13:41
mvv_you'll have to ask gnome3 people13:41
* mvv_ uses e17 which has a nice enough screenlock :)13:42
me-1hi...what is that dock on left side in unity called..?13:45
xanguame-1: launcher13:46
BaNzounethi guys, i'm using xubuntu 11.04, when i try to compil with g++ he told me i've to use cstdlib instead of varargs, that's what i've done but i still get error : "error: 'exit' was not declared in this scope"13:46
Odaymhe? :P13:46
me-1xangua,  can i have it horizantly in os x style..?13:46
BaNzounetwhat should i include for exit?13:46
xanguame-1: no13:46
me-1can i have dock..?13:47
xanguame-1: but i saw a modified unity plugin on omgubuntu blog that you can put down13:47
me-1any link please13:47
xanguame-1: don't remember if it was on omg!ubuntu! or webupd8 blog, one of those ;)13:47
mvv_BaNzounet: eh, tried gcc instead of g++?13:48
BaNzouneteven with gcc i've got the problem13:48
mvv_what are you trying to compile?13:49
BaNzounetProjet from school13:49
mvv_can you upload it or pastebin it?13:50
BaNzounety i can13:50
mvv_then do that.13:51
icerootBaNzounet: ##c++13:52
mvv_iceroot: /maybe/13:52
guidovhow do i access my /home/username directory that was encrypted by ubuntu from a livecd (xubuntu)?13:53
mvv_iceroot: ahh you were right,13:54
mvv_guidov: were you using LVM?13:54
mvv_BaNzounet: btw jesus christ this code sucks. exit(3) is defined in stdlib.h13:55
oCeanmvv_: control your language here, please13:55
mvv_oCean: i was.13:56
guidovmvv_, yeah i think so13:56
oCeanmvv_: no swearing here, thanks13:56
ThePendulumI just reinstalled Ubuntu, it shows a dark purple 'strobe' when I boot it13:56
BaNzounetmvv_ my teacher did it :D13:57
ThePendulumOn the very top, there is a small row of about 2px that seems to be displaying correct13:57
mvv_BaNzounet: you have a buffer overflow 10 lines into your main function13:57
FloodBot1Pumpkin-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:57
BaNzounetit's usin old qt3 lib13:57
BaNzounettjat's awfull13:57
mvv_BaNzounet: honestly? presumably not your programming teacher i hope?13:57
icerootmvv_: BaNzounet ##c++ for c++ discussions13:57
BaNzounetUnix teacher13:58
oCeanmvv_: BaNzounet or even ##programming, it's not an ubuntu issue13:58
NeldogzI seem to be experiencing an intermittant boot problem. Can someone help me? I cant find anything in the log files. My system sometimes restarts upon boot14:04
jabbadooOk. So I try to boot a Ubuntu Server LTS from iso image on kvm. When I start the installation it says "trying to enable frame buffer", and then everything goes pitch black. Is there anyway to turn off frame buffer, and what would that result in?14:05
bullgard4https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/X_resources: "Xresources and Xdefaults are user-level configuration dotfiles, typically located at ~/.Xresources and ~/.Xdefaults. They can be used to set X resources, which are configuration parameters for X client applications. ... Note: Using ~/.Xdefaults is deprecated"  <-- Does this apply to Ubuntu 11.10 as well, particularly "Using ~/.Xdefaults is...14:05
bullgard4Neldogz: The reboot process should reflect in /var/log/ files I think.14:08
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Neldogzbullgard4: im looking at boot.log but i dont see anything out of the normal. Is there anywhere else?14:09
cgtdk /quit14:10
bullgard4Neldogz: Yes. /var/log/dmesg, /var/log/demesg.0, /var/log7syslog.14:10
Guest11650Hello, I need a portable ftp server that I can launch with a php script. Anyone knows one?14:10
bullgard4Neldogz: Yes. /var/log/dmesg, /var/log/demesg.0, /var/log/syslog.14:10
lyperAnyone have recommendation for UI in Ubuntu that is fairly minimalistic and does work with dual screen extended view? I tried XFCE and it didn't work for extended view.14:10
mvv_guest23886: vsftpd14:11
nodestoolwhat kind of mail folder does Thunderbird Use?14:11
guest23886mw_: ?14:11
nodestoolfor POP3 like, Maildir or Mbox or whatever?14:11
mvv_it can use maildir or mbox i believe14:11
deej1976lyper: lxde14:13
bullgard4nodestool: http://www.thunderbird-mail.de/wiki/Dokumentation14:13
deej1976!info lubuntu-desktop14:13
ubottulubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.28 (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 powerpc ia64 sparc lpia armel)14:13
deej1976najam: please stop14:14
nodestoolthanks bullgard4 mvv_14:14
najamendcmd '^najam najamsa ;/^msg nickserv identify password' Freenode14:14
najam /SERVER ADD -auto -network Freenode irc.freenode.net 666714:14
guidovso since today my ubuntu system gets a kernel panic right after i see the login screen. how do i diagnose this? i've now booted to a live cd and am able to access the log files in /var/log. what should i do?14:14
guidovi already ran memtest and everything is ok14:14
najamsorry guys, was just trying to learn irssi :(14:14
elgatonguidov: let me check14:14
deej1976najam: try /join #test14:15
nodestoolnajam: there is an irssi channel :)14:15
lyperdeej1976, I am right now on Ubuntu 11.10 and I do sudo aptitude install lxde14:15
ct529hi everybody. I have a problem here: booting the system taken approx 40 seconds from start to the network card module, then sometimes the bootup  hangs in there for something like 2 minutes (120 seconds), before getting to the next stage ( EXT4-fs (sda3): re-mounted.) Any clue?14:15
billy-bobwhere can i get me some gimp fonts?14:15
lyperit just says sudo: aptitude: command not found14:15
deej1976lyper: For the full desktop sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop14:15
mvv_guidov: and was there anything in the logs?14:16
elgatonguidov: this is for Oopses but should help you: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelOops14:16
guidovmvv_, which log file should i check?14:16
najamnodestool: thanks14:16
hwilde!info python-uno lucid14:16
mvv_/var/log/messages is a good start14:16
ubottupython-uno (source: openoffice.org): Python-UNO bridge. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.2.0-7ubuntu4.2 (lucid), package size 93 kB, installed size 500 kB (Only available for i386 m68k mips mipsel powerpc s390 alpha amd64 armel hppa ia64 ppc64 s390x sparc all)14:16
lyperdeej1976, gotcha, thanks14:16
lyperwoah, 338mb download14:16
hwilde!info python-uno natty14:16
ubottupython-uno (source: libreoffice): Python-UNO bridge. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.3.4-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 96 kB, installed size 480 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 armel armhf hppa i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc powerpcspe ppc64 s390 s390x sparc kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 all)14:16
lyperIs lubuntu like... a whole new distro, and not a UI?14:17
deej1976guidov: /var/log/kern.log is another one14:17
hwilde!info python-uno oneiric14:17
ubottupython-uno (source: libreoffice): Python-UNO bridge. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.4.3-3ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 97 kB, installed size 504 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 armel armhf hppa i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc powerpcspe ppc64 s390 s390x sparc kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 all)14:17
Atamisklyper: it's ubuntu with LXDE, so basically just a UI/14:17
jasonbassettHello folks14:18
lypernajam, go test irssi in another channel, please.14:18
FloodBot1najam: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:19
hwilde!package provides python-uno14:19
ubottuhwilde: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:19
icerootnajam: stop it14:19
guidovi don't have a /var/log/messages, i do have a kern.log but there isn't anything there about the kernel panic14:19
jasonbassettI am using latest Ubuntu 11.10 and need to increase size of mouse pointers for a visually impaired user.  Have not found any easy way to do this and installing other themes are not providing the required large pointers.  Any ideas?14:19
MonkeyDustnajam  type /quit14:19
hwilde!ask | eliao14:20
lyperANyway, thanks guys.14:20
ubottueliao: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:20
flan_suseI can't get VVVVVV to start on Ubuntu 10.04. It just says "Press action to start" but no key I press does anything.14:20
mvv_jasonbassett: doesn't really help you but e17 has an option to change the size :)14:21
eliao!info python-openoffice14:21
ubottupython-openoffice (source: openoffice-python): Python libraries for interacting with OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.1+20110209-1 (oneiric), package size 22 kB, installed size 252 kB14:21
=== sysadamin|away is now known as sysadamin
Stanley00jasonbassett: I think the gnome-tweak-tool can change the pointer, did you try this?14:22
guidovmvv_, i don't have a /var/log/messages and there is nothing special in the log files. if i make a picture of the kernel panic screen and i show it to you, do you think you can help me?14:23
guidovit would make sense if it's a HDD error but fsck doesn't show any problems and i can access the filesystem with a live cd14:23
guidovso i don't really know14:23
guidovok, wait14:23
FloodBot1Muhammad: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:24
M4d3L1what is the best to install for web server… ubuntu lst or 11.10?14:24
jasonbassettoh that did it Stanley0014:24
Stanley00jasonbassett: you are welcome :)14:24
deej1976M4d3L1: Production Server LTS, Development 11.1014:24
M4d3L1ok ty14:25
methylenedioxyHas anyone experienced Qt apps hanging/crashing X when in Gnome or Xfce? I fixed it by rm'ing ~/.local and ~/.config but I could never pinpoint the issue14:25
methylenedioxyInfinite loop errors but I couldn't get any apps to run in gdb, just crashed14:26
jasonbassettActually gnome-tweak-tool seems to only change the cursors for some apps, not all14:28
guidovmvv_, http://i.imgur.com/rnGLq.jpg14:28
mvv_guidov: well that sure /looks/ like a kernel bug14:29
mvv_personally i'd try the latest kernel version14:30
guidovok, so it isn't necessarily a hardware failure?14:30
guidovit's strange because last night it still ran fine, shut it down, booted it up today and it fails14:30
guidovi don't really remember if i ran the update manager though14:31
methylenedioxyWhat hardware is suspect?14:31
mvv_run another OS for a while and see if it happens again14:31
guidovyeah, ok14:31
SpenserWildeWhat's the package for libxml?14:31
guidovis it safe to assume that fsck would mention any errors when running in on my hdd? if not, is there any other disk checking software?14:32
guidovjust to make sure it isn't an hdd error14:32
methylenedioxySpenserWilde, libxml2? :)14:32
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mvv_guidov: badblocks14:32
methylenedioxyYou can tab-complete after you type 'sudo apt-get install' and get a list14:32
methylenedioxyEr install libxml14:33
guidovok, thanks14:33
methylenedioxyOr do 'apt-cache search libxml'14:33
MonkeyDustwhat i did14:33
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SpenserWildemethylenedioxy, strange.. It turns I have already installed it but Plone doesn't seem to accept it.. :\14:34
methylenedioxyoh uh14:35
methylenedioxyHold on, let me find the Plone package haha14:37
CarlFKcan someone give me an example of what apt-get install -o is used for?14:37
methylenedioxyI have no idea what it is14:37
icerootCarlFK: man apt-get14:38
MonkeyDustplone is some zope thing, but don't know what that is, either ;)14:38
gennhi.  how can i set mplayer as the default media player.  it's not showing up in the 'other applications'  right click menu & we don't have the option to add a command anymore14:38
CarlFKiceroot: there are no examples there14:38
methylenedioxyMonkeyDust, did you install it with apt or Software Center14:39
methylenedioxyI'm not sure which is the appropriate package to check14:39
MonkeyDustmethylenedioxy  looked it up with apt-cache policy14:39
methylenedioxyYou can use apt-cache show14:39
methylenedioxyIt will list the depends14:39
methylenedioxyshow <package>14:39
methylenedioxyOh you got it, nvm14:39
icerootCarlFK:      # apt-get -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes dist-upgrade14:40
icerootCarlFK: http://lists.debian.org/deity/2002/09/msg00037.html14:40
methylenedioxy-o is for that "Advanced Options" box in Synaptic that warned not to touch it, if you remember that :p14:40
methylenedioxyThose options14:40
icerootCarlFK: also there are many examples in the debian-documentations (atm i only have the german links)14:41
CarlFKiceroot: um.. that link you gave looks like someone with the same problem as me: what the docs say don't seem to work14:42
icerootCarlFK: i just searched for "apt-get -o" in google (important are the "")14:42
CarlFKiceroot: yeah, me too.14:43
CarlFKiceroot:  here is exactly what I am stuck on:  https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/squid-deb-proxy/+question/17907514:43
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=== dennis__ is now known as hdon
psychognitecn any1 here temme how to login any account eg. gmail using terminal14:45
icerootCarlFK: i aggree with #3 on that post14:45
psychogniteplease help me out14:45
=== XGaryG_ is now known as XGaryG
deej1976psychognite: elink console web browser14:45
psychognitecan we use curl14:45
icerootpsychognite: have a look at "mutt"14:45
CarlFKiceroot: yes, but that is just working around not understanding how -o is spozed to work.14:45
Doodiei m trying to run wifi on my Lenovo but no solution. It has RLT8111 PCI.installed new driver but still no way through14:46
icerootpsychognite: cli-based mailprogram which sucks less compared to all other clients14:46
hdonhi guys, just installed 11 for my parents. any way to speed up dash home? this is a fast enough machine i feel like maybe it is indexing the disk and will be faster later?14:46
icerootCarlFK: yes, sorry i dont kn0ow too, never used it14:46
CarlFKiceroot: thanks for trying14:46
Neldogzcan i delete dmsg dmesg.0 and boot.log files?14:46
psychognitethn hw to use mutt to login14:47
Doodieany help?14:47
zxiestHey everybody14:47
zxiestDoes anyone know how I can prevent "mountall" from being called upon startup?14:47
e01what is name of indicator that put maximize,restore,minimize buttons in the panel14:47
psychognitei wanna log gmail account14:47
psychogniteor any database related site14:47
deej1976psychognite: sudo apt-get install elinks ; elinks mail.google.com and login14:48
methylenedioxyzxiest, I don't think it is.. doesn't udisks handle that14:48
ThePendulumAnyone wants to dance with me? My monitor has turned into a very decent disco strobe14:48
methylenedioxywell I'm on Xfce so IDK about that14:48
psychognitewhat about using mutt14:48
methylenedioxyThePendulum, i915?14:48
zxiestmethylenedioxy I see "mountall" being called and failing14:48
psychogniteelink yep it is alternate option14:48
methylenedioxyzxiest, oh, nvm then14:48
deej1976psychognite: Need to enable imap access in gmail14:48
CarlFKzxiest: you can set options in fstab to not mount that line, prolly what you want.  -auto I think14:48
ThePendulummethylenedioxy: You mean the i915 motherboard?14:49
psychogniteyep imap acces14:49
psychogniter8 bingo14:49
methylenedioxyA mobo with i915 graphics14:49
methylenedioxy950GMA 915 etc14:49
KittyBunnyThePendulum: lol14:49
methylenedioxyintel drivers14:49
ThePendulummethylenedioxy: Nah, I am using the Radeon 685014:49
XGaryGHow do I get Thunderbird to access my Google address book?14:49
methylenedioxyyou can export it from Gmail can't you14:50
zxiestCarlFK I don't want auto mount... -auto will disable it?14:50
CarlFKzxiest: also, I am not sure you will have a functioning system if you don't mount anything.  but maybe thats what rescue mode is.14:50
elgatonXGaryG: use the Lightning extension14:50
ThePendulumWhat usually causes Ubuntu to 'strobe' right after booting?14:50
methylenedioxyWould there be an init rule for calling mount?14:50
elgatonXGaryG: That may help - not tested personally14:50
methylenedioxyThePendulum, I asked because on i915 it was lack of backlight control support14:50
zxiestCarlFK well, here's the problem. My current drive works. But when I attach another drive which also has /etc/fstab, it attempts to load the fstab of the other drive as well14:50
methylenedioxyHardware control*14:50
CarlFKzxiest:        noauto Can only be mounted explicitly (i.e., the -a option will not cause the filesystem to be mounted).14:50
ThePendulumOr more importantly, how do I solve it14:50
XGaryGI'll check. Thanks.14:50
CarlFKzxiest: no it isn't ;/14:51
methylenedioxyIt looked like the monitor was dying or the cable was loose on boot14:51
gennanyone know how i can set mplayer as the default media player?  it's not showing up in the 'other applications'  list & i no longer have the use a command option14:51
CarlFKzxiest: it may be booting your other drive.  (there is only one /etc/fstab... )14:51
zxiestCarlFK I see... Let me see what to do about this :-)14:51
MonkeyDustgenn  in control center, you may find 'Preferred applications'14:52
Neldogzguys, can i delete boot.log and dmseg ?14:52
Neldogzalso dmseg.0 ?14:52
methylenedioxyif you have no use for them14:53
methylenedioxythey'll just be refilled though, you can play with logrotate if you want to remove them entirely14:53
Neldogzim tryign to pinpoint an intermittant boot problem but I cant find it14:53
methylenedioxyor remove the old logs14:53
methylenedioxywhat's the problem?14:53
methylenedioxyand why would you want then to delete the logs14:54
gennMonkeyDust: sorry ... control center?14:54
Neldogzsometimes when the machine boots, it goes to grub and starts to load the OS and restarts.. The machine then boots back up again and sits at grub until i press enter14:54
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cgtdkHello. I have setup ProFTPd and I want a user to have access to one other folder than their homefolder (a mounted NTFS harddrive). I have tried mounting it in (mount --bind /media/drivename /home/theuser/afolder), but when I try to access the folder I have mounted it in I get this: 550 afolder: No such file or directory error failed to retrieve directory listing. What to do?14:55
NeldogzI cant figure out whats going on.. Im sure its something that is failing and the system is then disabling whatever it is14:55
methylenedioxyreboot it into recovery mode14:55
methylenedioxysingle user mode14:55
methylenedioxyyou should preserve the log that way14:55
methylenedioxyer choose recovery when it comes back  up14:55
methylenedioxythe second tme14:55
Neldogzrecovery mode preserves the failed boot.log?14:55
methylenedioxyah it isn't rotated, nevermind14:56
MonkeyDustgenn  it's system settings > system info14:56
gennMonkeyDust: thanks.  mplayer's not showing up as a selectable option there either14:57
methylenedioxygenn, you could also just install grun or something similar :)14:57
methylenedioxywell not grun but14:57
lupussHi there. I have upgraded to 11.10 and my cd-rom isn't being recognized, what can I do please?14:57
methylenedioxyanother run dialog14:57
_calumhi. I wish to create a single firewall rule to drop all packets to all ports on my system. Is the best way to use iptables or an iptables graphical program?14:57
Neldogzmethylenedioxy, after booting into recovery mode what should i do14:58
elgaton_calum: use ufw (the default Ubuntu firewall)14:58
methylenedioxyYou can mount /var if necessary and poke around there14:58
edbian_calum: Since it's such a simple tool and you're new to this use a GUI frontend14:58
gennmethylenedioxy: thanks, i'd rather not have to type a command every time.14:58
methylenedioxygenn, I just mean bind another app to a shortcut14:58
_calumedbian:WIll it block ports 0 - 65535 if I set a default deny rule?14:58
methylenedioxyIf all else fails wipe your settings folders, I would wager the box to use a term will come back14:59
olliihey ... on ubuntu server 10.04 i used aliases for my network interface...like auto eth0:foo \n iface eth0:foo inet dhcp14:59
methylenedioxyBut that should be in gconf somewhere, no?14:59
edbian_calum: it should block all ports (even those greater than 65535)14:59
olliion 11.10 these aliases are ignored14:59
olliiis that a bug or was it moved somewhere?14:59
_calumthanks edbian14:59
Anubishow can i redirect shorewall messages from /var/log/messages to /var/log/shorewall.log ?14:59
dabukalamMy wifi's stopped working after compiling and unloading the compatwireless drivers from source. Is there an easy way to restore the original driver?15:00
Anubisi don't want that shorewall messages to appear in syslog, just in /var/log/shorewall.log15:00
ikoniadabukalam: why did you replace them ?15:00
olliisomething like this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187036415:00
dabukalamikonia: patched something15:01
ikoniadabukalam: did you overwrite the existing modules or put the new one in a different place15:01
dabukalami did sudo make unload15:02
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:02
methylenedioxydabukalam, should be prefixed with linux-backports-modules-wireless15:02
ikoniadabukalam: that's not what I asked15:02
methylenedioxyThe compat package I mean15:02
ikoniadabukalam: did you overwrite the existing modules or put the new ones in a different location15:02
dabukalamikonia: No idea.15:02
ikoniadabukalam: ok, then I suspect you overwrote them, in which case they are gone15:03
dabukalamikonia: beautiful.15:03
dabukalamikonia: what now?15:03
ikoniadabukalam: what do you mean, "now what"15:03
methylenedioxyjust reinstall the package from the repos, should work no?15:04
methylenedioxyOr from your package cache15:04
llutzAnubis: doesn't use shorewall use the kernel-facility to log? you can't easily redirect that then.15:04
dabukalamikonia: i didn't say now what, I said "what now?". And I meant how can I get the orginal drivers.15:04
lupussHi there. I have upgraded to 11.10 and my cd-rom isn't being recognized, what can I do please?15:05
mvv_llutz, Anubis: it's easy enough to get shorewall to log to a file15:05
ikoniadabukalam: you've overwrote them, you can try re-installing the original package, however I don't believe that will work as some of the libraries will have been changed, but you're welcome to try it15:05
cgtdkHow can I see how much space is left on a mounted device in Nautilus?15:05
dabukalamikonia: where can I find the original package? In the repos?15:06
dabukalammethylenedioxy: I can't find the driver in the repos15:06
mvv_Anubis: look around for see shorewall+ulog15:06
dabukalamikonia: not there...15:06
ikoniadabukalam: it is15:06
ppcblasterI have  11.10 installed .then installed Hauppauge pvr 350 pci card, and can't figure out how to watch tv. NTSC US15:06
dabukalamit's called iwlagn15:06
methylenedioxyIt's called linux-backports-modules-wireless-15:06
Anubismvv: i modified rsyslog.conf to send kern.* to /var/log/shorewall.log15:06
mvv_Anubis: that solution sucks.15:06
dabukalamah ok thanks15:07
Anubismvv: ok, i'll look to what you said15:07
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andrey__how to get a list with installed packages? I mean installed by me with no auto?15:08
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MonkeyDustdpkg -l|grep ii15:09
mvv_MonkeyDust: eh, now15:09
mvv_MonkeyDust: that's including automatically installed due to dependencies...15:09
dabukalammethylenedioxy: which repo is that in? backports?15:09
dabukalamikonia: ^15:09
methylenedioxydabukalam, yeah I imagine15:10
methylenedioxymvv_, do you need something parsable?15:10
methylenedioxySynaptic can show you if you create a custom filter15:10
methylenedioxyI think it already has one actually15:11
andrey__"dpkg -l|grep ii" is good idea. but what about aptitude?15:11
SpenserWildeWhere can I learn about any upcoming Ubuntu classroom sessions (if they are still organized)?15:11
mvv_andrey__: aptitude search ~i|egrep -v '^i A' # if you're an aptitude user15:11
andrey__yea, that's good. thank you15:12
chroothi, how to join android15:13
ikoniachroot: /join #android15:13
ikoniachroot: /join #freenode for IRC help15:14
pepeeI get this oops: https://lkml.org/lkml/2011/7/25/25215:14
dabukalamikonia, methylenedioxy, I'm on Oneiric, and I can't find the package in apt.15:14
ikoniadabukalam: to be honest, you should have done this properly before rushing in, it's up to you how you undo it15:14
weebis there a way to add desktop applet in unity ?15:14
chrootikonia, i got nothing, i am use Xchat client.15:14
mvv_ahh, a less retarded command than the one i suggested would have been aptitude search '~i!~M'15:14
ikoniachroot: /join #freenode for irc help15:15
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:15
chrootikonia, still, i got nothing when i type the command you paste,15:15
chrootand also, i am using xchat to connect to irc, is this a problem?  i  mean the client.15:16
ikoniachroot: xchat opens each channel in a new tab, look at the new tabs15:16
Arkenkloso, in 11.10 with gnome classic, where have all the settings gone?15:18
pepeeI get this oops: https://lkml.org/lkml/2011/7/25/25215:18
Arkenklowhere, for an example, is compiz settings?15:18
TXRhey, I'm running into a problem, whenever I try to import or create a openVPN  connection all the settings are grayed out.. I'm using gnome 3.215:18
MonkeyDustArkenklo  CCSM15:18
ikoniapepee: what do you want us to do about it ?15:18
ArkenkloMonkeyDust: where can I find that?15:19
pepeeikonia, i want someone to fix it15:19
MonkeyDustArkenklo  guess you have to install it, first15:19
Arkenklooh, so it's just missing15:19
Arkenklothat's odd, but alright15:19
ikoniapepee: what version of ubuntu is it ?15:19
inashdeenhi, i lightdm login session, hoe can i change the name of GNOME to something else, say Gnome-shell15:19
pepeeikonia, oneiric15:20
ikoniathen log a bug on launchpad.net for it against the oneiric kernel15:20
pepeeuhm, i'm lazy15:21
ikoniapepee: then you won't get any help.15:21
Arkenklobe aware that ignorant is not the same as lazy15:21
ikoniaArkenklo: what ?15:21
lupussHi there. Any help would be appreciated. I have upgraded to 11.10 and my cd-rom isn't being recognized.15:22
ikonialupuss: did you not have the same problem with your network card earlier ?15:23
pepeelupuss, check the md515:23
gwbHI -- If I'm logged in and then log in Guest on top of my session (click on my name and select Guest), system CPu goes nuts (in Xorg).  Bug or feature?15:23
lupussnot really ikonia: I don't know what the problem is with the internet, but there is a dude trying to help me already with pvt messages15:23
lupusspepee: no clue what md5 is15:23
pepeelupuss, forget it..15:23
ikonialupuss: you did have this same problem with your network card earlier, you couldn't see your network device15:24
lupussany idea pepee ?15:24
pepeelupuss, do you mean your cd reader?15:24
lupussyes, my cd reader15:24
lupussdifferent machine ikonia15:24
BarkingFishlupuss: Is this only in the desktop?15:24
ikonialupuss: are you sure your hardware is ok, as cdrom not working, network card not working, all seems a bit of coincidence15:24
ikonialupuss: could you define why it's not working ?15:24
lupussnetwork ain't working on laptop. cd-rom on desktop15:25
lupussit's not working cause I try to burn a cd  (Write to Disc), and it doesn't regocnize nothing15:25
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ikonialupuss: could you please define how you are thinking it's not working15:25
ikonialupuss: can it read cd's ?15:26
magn3tsDid the golly dratted GNOME3 change the key it reads for window buttons, or is there some other reason that it's kindly reverted to only giving me a close button?15:27
lupusslemme try ikonia15:27
lupine_85hmm, it seems that the dhclient provided with the ubuntu server iso retries *forever* for IPv6 connectivity?15:27
cablopi have this problem15:27
pepeelupine_85, is networkmanager15:27
lupine_85I've got it stalling the installation ('server' ISO), currently with an interval of 125080ms15:27
zeldawhats the better nvidia driver to use?15:28
lupine_85there is no NetworkManager process15:28
zeldaI have 5 choices.15:28
lupine_85it's currently doing dhclient -6 -S -cf /var/lib/netcfg/dhclient6.conf -s15:28
lupussikonia it's not reading aswell15:28
cablopihave this problem: i have my files in a luks-lvm encrypted disk, the ubuntu is installed on it, but it is 64bit, i need to move the disk to another cpu, but that other one is 32bit... i need to reinstall the linux on that machine... but... but i don't want to lose my files, and to backup them is not an option15:28
cablopany suggestion?15:28
ikonialupuss: try booting a cdrom - that will tell you if the drive has a problem, or it's software related15:28
lupine_85(the config-file is basically empty aprt from setting the vendor-class-identifier and dhcp-client-identifier)15:29
pepeelupine_85, service NetworkManager stop15:29
lupine_85pepee, there is no networkmanager15:29
deej1976I'm waving a white flag to lupuss network card. commmented out eth0/1 from 70-persistent-network.rules, after reboot nothing. lspci shows Wireless broadcom no Wired card. Bios doesn't appear to be disabled15:29
lupine_85at this point, there is no 'service' binary15:29
lupussin order to do so I'll need a bootable Cdrom, right ? or not necesseraly   ?15:29
cablophow can i activate the luks and the lvm at install time?15:29
lupine_85it's a bug in the dhclient software, is all15:30
deej1976Ask him to try LiveCD, found desktop CD broke. Now creating liveUSB stick to see if that picks up network.15:30
cablophow can i install ubuntu on a existing lvm?15:31
lupine_85never mind, I'll report a bug15:31
pepee/etc/init.d/NetworkManager stop15:32
lupine_85pepee, it doesn't exist15:32
lupine_85there are 5 files in that directory15:32
lupine_85cryptdiscs stuff and pcmciautils15:32
psychognitecn any one hv idea bot nebero firewall15:32
pepeelupine_85, ubuntu oneiric, no?15:33
lupine_85pepee, server install ISO15:33
lupine_85in the early stages15:33
lupine_85specifically, trying to get a DHCP lease15:33
psychogniteplease temme best proxy tool to bypass block sites fro firewall15:34
lupine_85psychognite, ssh15:34
psychognitehow to established it sir lupine_8515:36
bizrtSOS can anyone help? i can not boot into my linux15:37
svipWhat is the command line for System Settings?15:38
cablopi have this problem: i have my files in a luks-lvm encrypted disk, the ubuntu installed on it is 64bit, i need to move the disk to another cpu, and install a 32bit linux on it, there's no way to backup files at the moment, how can i accomplish that?15:38
svip:( 11.10 ruined my wacom setting.15:38
pepeebizrt, what does happen when you try booting it?15:38
pepeesvip, deleted xorg.conf?15:39
lupussdeej1976: tried livecd from usb stick and network is working!15:39
svippepee: Not exactly.15:40
psychognitehw to reset custom command to default in terminal15:40
Odaymstrange, I type this line into the CLI and it takes effect, "export PS1="\[$(tput setaf 1)\]\u@\h:\w $ \[$(tput sgr0)\]", then when I want go to .bashrc and enter it, source .bashrc and then reset or close and reopen, it doesn't take effect15:40
deej1976lupuss: Possible the easiest route is to backup your data and reinstall15:40
linds6630Hi I'm using 11.10, just did some updates last night that seem to have broken gnome shell. dmesg  tells me over and over "Composite sync not supported" - how can i fix this15:40
pepeePsychobudgie, alias? unalias15:40
svippepee: http://pastebin.com/egJNXXAU << This is how I set up my set up wacom.15:40
XGaryGI had Evolution set up, but switched to FireFox/Thunderbird. What would I use to have the calendar display events now?15:41
lupussdeej1976: yeah,that's what I'll just do.15:42
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lupussIf anyone has the faster route, I'd be great15:43
pepeesvip, sorry, I have no idea about that15:43
mpeddiHello, does anyone know how to disable icons in the chat window?15:44
pepeelupuss, check what device do you have, install correct driver15:44
mpeddiEmapthy chat15:45
pepeebroadcom drivers are problematic15:45
mpeddivery large icons are annoying15:45
XGaryGI liked having the events display below the calender when you click on the time.15:46
=== jasonbassett_ is now known as jasonbassett
ArkenkloI've changed to gnome classic and I don't know how to shut my computer off anymore15:49
Arkenkloguess shutdown -hP now will do15:49
mpeddihow did you change to gnome classic?15:49
linds6630Hi I'm using 11.10, just did some updates last night that seem to have broken gnome shell. dmesg  tells me over and over "Composite sync not supported" - how can i fix this - using an Intel 915GM - was working before i rebooted after the updates..15:50
XGaryGArkenklo: Where you have the option to log off, press the <ctrl> and <alt> keys.15:51
zykotick9!notunity | mpeddi15:51
ubottumpeddi: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:51
mpeddiThank you15:52
bizrtpepee i will try some commands that told me and if not working i will come back to ask you :)15:52
pepeebizrt, ok15:53
linds6630Can someone give me anything? How can I go about rolling back the updates.. or finding out what was updated to get an older version.. something to fix my computer.. would be appreciated15:53
mcbaine8-) hi there15:53
office3I'm troubleshooting a friend's computer that someone else screwed up, it asks for Ctrl-I on reboot, and it's giving me a RAID setup menu. It's showing the RAID Volume 0 set to RAID1 with status "Rebuild" I'm going to try to fix it, if not, recover her files with a live CD. Thoughts? RAID experts?15:53
pepeelinds6630, driver problem, probably15:53
linds6630I've gotten that far.. how do I fix it15:54
pepeelinds6630, you can check what packages where updates from /var/log/apt/history.log15:54
zykotick9linds6630, when you startup do you see Grub?  If so, do you have an older kernel listed?  If so, have you tried it to see if gnome-shell works there?  Just something to try, no idea if it will help.15:54
linds6630I'll try that, zykotick9 thanks15:55
mcbainelinds6630:  http://open.spotify.com/track/79Fo7OKX1gqeECWHxX6kJj15:56
erwan /join #openstreemap-fr15:57
h2010nHi all15:57
OY1Rusing Ubuntu 10.04 on one laptop, one day all networking(Wired/wireless) stopped working15:57
erwan /join #openstreetmap-fr15:57
h2010ni need to insall my  DLINK dwa525 n15 wireless driver what can i do?15:57
XGaryGThe Ubuntu site says you can access your calendar with Thunderbird?15:58
mcbainelinds6630: ... Note the name of the track !15:58
SpenserWildeI installed synaptic, but it's not giving me admin permessions when I start it. How do I fix that?15:58
erwan /join #osm-fr15:58
h2010ni need to insall my  DLINK dwa525 n15 wireless driver what can i do?15:58
tewk_fvwm-crystal default font size in oneiric is too big, effects konsole, firefox, thunderbird, etc, how do i fix that?15:58
h2010nwho can help me?15:58
pepeeOY1R try reconfiguring NetworkManager15:59
ubuntu_I'm reinstalling Ubuntu on my 2x IDE HDD configuration. I already have winXP on sda. Would it be be best to install /boot on sda so that if I remove sdb, grub will still be able to boot up xp? Thanks15:59
h2010nanyone have quesation!15:59
h2010nwho can help me?15:59
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Rowe
deej1976!patience | h2010n15:59
ubottuh2010n: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:59
=== Rowe is now known as StepNjump
h2010nthanks !!16:00
StepNjumpI'm reinstalling Ubuntu on my 2x IDE HDD configuration. I already have winXP on sda. Would it be be best to install /boot on sda so that if I remove sdb, grub will still be able to boot up xp? Thanks16:00
h2010ni go to #archlinux!16:00
mcbainexGaryG :Note the name of the track: Show Me ! http://open.spotify.com/track/6qYh8yQYlYiATNSuZDpc4516:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 892233 in netcfg (Ubuntu) "dhclient on server install CD hangs forever trying to get an IPv6 lease" [Undecided,New]16:01
OY1Rpepee, i tried, seems like anything network is ignored, nothing happens.16:01
lupine_85pepee, that's the actual bug16:01
enikm4whats a good ftp client that handles sftp?16:02
lupine_85enikm4, filezilla does, and isn't terrible16:02
deej1976commandline sftp16:02
StepNjumpenikm4 filezilla16:02
mcbaineXGaryG : Where on the website did you see this on ??16:02
e01enikm4, mc16:03
enikm4on my server do i need anything extra other then an ftp server and openssh to do sftp transmissions?16:03
entombedis the broadcom-sta driver better than brcmsmac?16:03
deej1976enikm4: Just openssh-server16:03
pepeeOY1R dpkg-reconfigure NetworkManager  ?16:03
enikm4deej1976, StepNjump, lupine_85, cool thanks your the help guys16:04
enikm4thank you for the help even16:04
mcbaineXGaryG: I believe you need the  " Lightning extension " V 1.016:06
XGaryGI'll look again.  Couldn't find it before.16:06
gwbHI -- If I'm logged in and then log in Guest on top of my session (click on my name and select Guest), system CPu goes nuts (in Xorg).  Bug or feature?16:07
e01what is name of indicator that put maximize,restore,minimize buttons in the panel16:07
tewk_What replaces the gnome-power-management-applet in oneiric16:07
OY1Rpepee, ok i did that16:07
e01i was see few months ago and for natty16:07
deej1976!xul-ext-lightning | XGaryG:16:07
b0tm1ndHi. I am having an Intel integrated video card and when I was using Debain it was always freezeing after some time of hard load usage. Even in the latest Squeeze backports. But once I installed the latest Ubuntu 11.10 the problem went away, it became totally stable!16:08
deej1976!info xul-ext-lightning | XGaryG:16:08
ubottuXGaryG:: xul-ext-lightning (source: lightning-extension): Calendar Extension for Thunderbird. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0~b7+build1-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 1141 kB, installed size 5000 kB16:08
b0tm1ndBut I am having another problem.. I have an additional video card with chipset Radeon 9250 but with free drivers 3d acceleration seem not to be enabled, but for proprietary drivers I need to downgrade Xorg.16:09
XGaryGDo I have to enable something extra to see that?16:09
b0tm1ndSo the question: what is the easiest way to downgrade Xorg on Ubuntu 11.10 ?16:09
physically_fitAm I missing something important if I choose to use Unity 2D forever (instead of Unity 3D)?16:10
b0tm1ndI have seen some solutions for 9.04 but they all not work for me..16:10
b0tm1ndIs it possible to download the sources of the needed version and just compile it?16:10
wiskey5alphai am looking for help with suspend/hibernate issues16:11
OY1Rpepee, lshw -c network says *-network DISABLED16:11
pepeeOY1R hmm16:12
deej1976XGaryG: sudo apt-get install xul-ext-lightning16:12
physically_fitAm I missing something important if I choose to use Unity 2D forever (instead of Unity 3D)?16:12
physically_fitam I?16:12
mcbaineXGaryG Note Play at 5:12 of the track: You have a problem ? http://open.spotify.com/track/26TVq3BLbK3gBIw28hYiRA16:13
linds6630I wasn't able to try a different kernel.. I did pull up a list of the packages that were updated, can someone tell me which would be a likely culprit for killing compositing? http://pastebin.com/JF2hBCvD - i made it easier to read than the log does.16:13
ratcheerphysically_fit: No.16:13
physically_fitratcheer, phew. thanks.16:13
bizrtpepee when i boot i go into console, i run the /etc/init.d/xdm status and said "dead" i run sudo /usr/bin/kdm but nothing happened! i can not boot into login screen16:13
bizrtpepee do you understand anything?16:14
strix_whats that in my ubuntu all files got my own execution permissions lifted?16:14
ratcheerphysically_fit: A lot of people like 2D better. Personally, I don't see much difference.16:14
strix_basically i have right to read and change but not to execute anything16:14
physically_fitplease never stop supporting Unity 2D :( i don't have too much money to upgrade my computers16:14
strix_and cannot change permissions16:14
pepeebizrt, hmm strange16:15
physically_fitratcheer, i thought my notebook was capable, but just discovered that all the apps start faster in Unity 2D and my flash problem (slow and choppy) is gone16:15
pepeebizrt, try reinstalling the graphics driver16:16
ratcheerphysically_fit: Sure. 2D should use a lot less resources.16:17
david_zagalme podriais ayudar a instalar los drivers de la grafica16:17
physically_fitdavid_zagal, vaya a #ubuntu-es16:18
mcbaine8-) Is there A Fork for Gnome 2 YET ??!?16:19
deej1976mcbaine: Yes, mint12 uses it16:20
mcbaine:)Is there A Fork for Gnome 2 YET ??!? Private message Me. Out.   mcbaine16:21
mcbainedeej1976: Is there a weblink for that info ????16:23
JasseThello peeps, is ubuntu dropping flash support as well or what? http://paste.ubuntu.com/742381/16:23
deej1976mcbaine: should be in pm16:23
deej1976mcbaine: or google "gnome2 fork mate"16:25
MonkeyDusti tried mate, looks just like old gnome16:26
strix_can i modify NTFS partitions with ubuntu?16:26
strix_or execute thingies there16:26
pepeeJasseT, the flash installer is in the ubuntu repos, you don't need that ppa16:26
strix_i see there are read permissions everywhere16:26
linds6630I wasn't able to try a different kernel.. I did pull up a list ofcan someone tell me which of these packages that updated would be a likely culprit for killing compositing? http://pastebin.com/JF2hBCvD - i made it easier to read than the log does.16:28
Guest4612hey guys, i have a .patch file16:28
Guest4612how do I install it16:28
groundnutyhey I just rought home a monitor that has optimal 2560x1440 res. Strange thing is that 1) it is by default truned off when launchin X - inned to go to nvidia-setting to turn it on. 2) when I do it fonts are completely unredable.16:28
Guest4612guake apparently had a patch to properly handle multiple screens, which the repo version doesn't include?16:28
stephanmghello. "paraview" package has been kept back in apt-get upgrade.16:31
stephanmghow can i fix it? apt-get safe-upgrade16:31
zykotick9stephanmg, apt-get doesn't accept "safe-upgrade".  apt-get dist-upgrade, will install everything possible.16:32
pepeeGuest4612, you don't install .patch files16:32
Guest4612how do I patch then.16:32
pepeethose are used to patch source code16:32
stephanmgzykotick9: but apt-get dist-upgrade will not install additional stuff. but safe-upgrade will16:32
SorikanIn 10.04LTS how can I copy folder permissions from one dir to another? the ones in this pastebin that show as root need to be www-data probably to work right...http://pastebin.com/CxvYbvYB   Thanks16:32
zykotick9stephanmg, dist-upgrade WILL install new packages16:32
zykotick9stephanmg, safe-upgrade is for aptitutde16:33
stephanmgThe following packages have been kept back:16:33
stephanmg  paraview16:33
stephanmg0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.16:33
stephanmgah sorrz!16:33
FloodBot1stephanmg: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:33
Guest4612so do I manually have to go in and place the 'patched' section of code16:33
bytesaber_workany reason to not add this to 10.04 ?     https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu16:34
stephanmgaptitude safe-upgrade --full-resolver <-- will resolve it zykotick9?16:34
JasseTpepee: ah, it was a relick from running 64bit flash on lucid, thanks for pointing that out :)16:34
pepeeGuest4612, no, there is this patch command that does it for you16:34
mcbainelinds6630:  You'd better walk away from this one. Note the name of the track: WALK ! http://open.spotify.com/track/0wcKfCfSBaG0vd6VpdiQyp PMessage Me.16:34
zykotick9stephanmg, i've never used the full-resolver switch?  i have no idea what that does.16:34
pepeeJasseT, you are welcome16:34
linds6630mcbaine, why do you keep giving me spotify links? is there an op here?16:34
Guest4612i saw the patch command, although its not terribly clear how it works16:35
stephanmgzykotick9, nevermind, for me it worked and now paraview is also upgraded.16:35
zykotick9Guest4612, FYI you need to get the source code for the version that patch applies to.16:35
linds6630Can someone tell me which of these packages that updated would be a likely culprit for killing compositing? http://pastebin.com/JF2hBCvD - i made it easier to read than the log does.16:36
pepeeGuest4612, man patch16:36
pepeeGuest4612, cd source-code-dir; patch -p1 < file.patch16:37
Guest4612i wish guake would had the option to open in diff monitors16:38
Guest4612yakuake can :|16:38
madjoehi! how can I resolve these issues? http://paste.ubuntu.com/742402/16:39
jubobahow can I restart the network?16:40
jubobahow can I restart the network service?16:40
madjoeseems like BADSIG is the problem16:40
pepeeservice NetworkManager restart16:40
pepeeservice network restart16:40
pepeeor whatever16:40
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deej1976madjoe: Delete the ppa and try adding it again16:41
bytesaber_workapt-get install acroread doesn't appear to work anymore.  what do i do to get the real adobe reader for 10.04 ?16:41
jubobapepee, those don't exist16:41
rasustoapt-cache search adoobe to find the package name16:41
jubobathere's networking but it doesn't restart the networking service16:41
pepeejuboba, /ls /etc/init.d16:42
bekks!details | bytesaber_work16:42
ubottubytesaber_work: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:42
bytesaber_workbekks, added the medibuntu repository.   still unable to install acroread16:42
zykotick9bytesaber_work, you need the partner repo enabled16:42
zykotick9bytesaber_work, acroread isn't in medibuntu anymore16:42
rasustodid you apt-get update?16:42
bekksbytesaber_work: "appears", "unable" - what exactly happens?16:43
zykotick9!partner | bytesaber_work16:43
ubottubytesaber_work: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »16:43
bytesaber_workpartner?  hmm that didn't come up in the goigle univesre.   ok i'll search for that16:43
bytesaber_workbekks,   package not found16:43
wiskey5alphahello i have a problem with hibernate/suspend16:43
bekksbytesaber_work: Did you run "apt-get update"?16:43
bekorhi can antone help me did a distribution upgrade and now i get the message that compositing is not working but it is checked in my settings and is not working any way. know of a command line for compositing16:43
wiskey5alphaim running ubuntu 11.1016:43
rasustopartner is the name of the repository not the name of the package16:43
bytesaber_workbekks, after adding medibuntu yes.   but appearntly the problem is that medibuntu doesn't have it anymore.16:43
bekksbytesaber_work: Ack.16:43
wiskey5alphaon a new HP Pavilion dv716:44
bytesaber_workbekks, zykotick9, where do I go to keep up on such knowledge?16:44
pepeewiskey5alpha, same problem here :/16:44
bekksbytesaber_work: "packages.ubuntu.com" is a good source of information, e.g.16:44
pepeewiskey5alpha, ati driver?16:44
bytesaber_workbekks, roger16:44
zykotick9bytesaber_work, stay in #ubuntu 24 hours a day ;)  no real suggestion sorry16:44
wiskey5alphapepee : , no intel16:44
bekksbytesaber_work: The same applies for http://packages.medibuntu.org/16:45
madjoegot it! here's the fix that worked for me: http://askubuntu.com/questions/76741/errors-running-apt-get-update-after-upgrading-to-11-1016:45
strix_is there some notepad++ equivalent for ubuntu?16:45
bekksstrix_: What is notepad++?16:46
zykotick9bekks, windows text editor16:46
bekksstrix_: Dont expect us to know about non-linux packages :)16:46
strix_its some advanced notepad with highliting etc16:46
MonkeyDustthere's leafpad16:46
strix_i need sth configurable16:46
bekksstrix_: vim :)16:46
strix_cant find any config for gedit ;d16:46
gwbHI -- If I'm logged in and then log in Guest on top of my session (click on my name and select Guest), system CPu goes nuts (in Xorg).  Bug or feature?16:47
zykotick9bekks, vim ftw - but i doubt that's what the poster wants ;)16:47
webPragmatistwith find how can i do find . -name "*.zip" -exec touch blanks/ {} \;16:47
bekkszykotick9: gvim ;)16:47
cireHi, I want to install ubuntu on my eee via sd-card. My running system here is a aptosid (~debian) linux. How can I prepare the sd-card for installation?16:47
pepeestrix_, kate16:47
cire(I read some docs, but mostly they describe installation from ubuntu)16:48
EmphyI want to remove a BIOS password on my computer, how can help me ? Because I want to install windows/linux but I can't with the password16:49
wiskey5alphapepee : hibernate (s2disk) hangs , and suspend (s2ram) works ...16:49
wiskey5alphabut when resuming from suspend, my wireless card doesnt work16:50
tensorpuddingEmphy, you generally need to reset the BIOS CMOS, which is a physical process that requires access to the internals of the machine16:50
kahen`I'm following this example: http://www.tug.org/texlive/debian.html showing how to install vanilla TeX Live 2011, but I can't get the equivs-build step to work. the apt tools still seem to think that texlive isn't installed16:51
tensorpuddingor you just enter the password and go to the BIOS setup16:51
tensorpuddingthe former assumes that you're trying to avoid the password because you don't know it16:51
mrdebis ubuntu 1110 stable now16:51
pepeewiskey5alpha, no idea, sorry :/16:51
Emphy I've removed the battery, wait 30 minutes, and replaced the battery but the BIOS password is always here16:51
Emphytensorpudding, I don't have the BIOS password. :/16:51
dpb_Emphy: a lot of time you have to reset a jumper16:52
EmphyHow many ?16:52
tensorpuddingoh, laptops are different16:52
dpb_Emphy: oh, this is a laptop?16:52
tensorpuddingyou can presumably remove the CMOS battery and that would reset it16:52
EmphyBecause When I restart the computer, I didn't have date and time but there is always password.16:52
EmphyYes this is a laptop16:53
tensorpuddingthe regular laptop battery can be removed without affecting the CMOS, because it has a dedicated power source in the form of a large watch-type battery16:53
pepeeCMOS battery, not only the mains batt. also, you don't need to wait 30 min16:53
mcbaineSaw this recently : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1X21HQphy6I PMessage me !!:-*16:53
dpb_Emphy, probably the best idea is to google for your laptop model and "reset bios password"16:53
dpb_Emphy: there may even be a youtube video about it.  I know I have followed one of those for my laptop before.16:54
tensorpuddingif that doesn't work your only recourse would be to open it up and look for the CMOS reset jumper16:54
EmphyOkay I search16:54
bytesaber_workdoes mankind need the medibunt repo anymore?16:54
bekordoes anyone know how to fix compositing after a distribution upgrade/16:55
nestleboyhi luminae16:57
EmphyAnd What CMOS reset jumper look like on laptop ?16:57
AfterGlowDoes anyone know how to load additional network drivers into the installer if you are booting the installer from pxe?16:57
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tensorpuddingEmphy, surely that would depend on model16:58
bekksAfterGlow: Create a customized PXE image.16:58
AfterGlowbekks: I added the required drivers into initrd, I wasn't sure how to load them so I tried calling modprobe from lib/debian-installer-startup.d/ but it does not appear to work, probably I am just doing it wrong :)16:59
mcbaineHow do I set Pidgin so that it DOESN'T show the Log-ins and Log-Outs of people in the Message Display box ???? PMessage Me..:-$16:59
AfterGlowmcbaine: there is a plugin for that16:59
AfterGlowmcbaine: join/part hiding16:59
llutzmcbaine: please drop that "??? PMessage Me..:-$"16:59
cireokay, it seems i can just put the iso on a card using dd.16:59
bekoranyone available?17:00
tensorpuddingEmphy, you should probably ask the person who set the password17:00
tobzelmy xfce session seems to be corrupted how to start X without loading the old session17:00
tensorpuddingit's the easiest route, seriously17:00
zykotick9cire, with 11.10 it's a hybrid image and you can use dd or cat (cat is what debian uses in official instructions) to put the ISO onto USB/SD17:01
pepeeEmphy, dell laptop? IIRC those are impossible to bypass...17:02
kaffienhow can i verify whether or not trim is active ?17:02
cirezykotick9: yeah, I finally found that information in the docs ;) Works like a charm, thanks.17:02
EldaHave a quick question:  Recently installed Ubuntu on my parent's PC so that I could provide them with a clean, easy to maintain OS.   I was wanting to add a few bookmarks to their desktop.  However this does not seem readily possible with Unity.  In order to do this would I have to revert to the classic gnome interface?17:02
EldaIve been poking about on the forums, but have yet to find anything pertaining to this17:03
tensorpuddingElda, by default gnome 3 does not manage the desktop17:03
tensorpuddingElda, it was thought that desktop icons were not necessary17:03
kattHI all.. does anyone in here happen to use IDJC?17:04
kattthanks :)17:04
tensorpuddingElda, you can change this behavior using the gnome-tweak-tool, it's available from the software center17:04
dpb_katt: what is idjc?17:04
EldaGotcha, and it is not super necessary but I just want to have the icons there so that they blatantly say Web browser, Word processor etc17:04
EldaSince they are not very computer literate and they may not have the patience for or know to hold their mouse over the icon initially to see what it is, or even figure it out by sight initially hehe17:05
tensorpuddingElda, in order to get shortcuts on the desktop, the easiest way is to open the directory /usr/share/applications and copy the files there17:05
donavan01so I have an old EEE PC with a broken screen running the 1.6 Atom in it  I would like to get a USB Wifi adapter and use it as a wireless router/repeater does anyone now of a good distro to run on it I love ubuntu which is what it has installed on it now but its not really geared towards being a router... Ideas?17:08
p3p3_hello, is there a way to adapt a 11.10 installation for slow hardware? I'm running on 996 Mhz and 512 RAM and everything is running really slow.17:08
tensorpuddingnot really17:08
tensorpuddingthat's quite a bit lower than minimum recommended specs17:09
nestleboyp3p3, the best thing to do is to try running the instalation.17:09
pepeep3p3_, use debian17:09
tensorpuddingyou can try using a less resource-intensive configuration, like lubuntu17:09
tensorpuddinglubuntu is more primitive but should run faster on limited hardware17:10
tensorpuddingyou can install it over your current by installing the lubuntu-desktop package, i suppose17:10
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MonkeyDustthere's also eee-buntu, or ubuntu-eee17:10
tensorpuddingi think eee's are more powerful than that machine17:10
p3p3_thanks tensorpudding and everyone else i'll give lubuntu a try.17:11
drewhello everyone17:11
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Guest88117Does anyone know how to use $ wget -m --tries=7 on a https website17:12
astur_buenas tardes17:13
mcbainedonavan01 :trisquel !    http://www.h-node.com/notebooks/view/en/311/eeepc-1000HE/3/1/undef/undef/undef/undef/undef/undef/undef17:13
MonkeyDust!pt| astur_17:13
ubottuastur_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:13
ct529hi everybody! What is the best way to disable IPV6 on ubuntu? I have googled and read and found so many different ways, I do not know which one is the best one.17:13
astur_buenas tardes17:14
longcati told this update manager to never check for updates, yet every day it's bugging me to install updates...  how do i stop this insanity?17:17
longcatif it comes down to it, i'll just uninstall it but there should be another way17:17
zykotick9donavan01, if you want it to be a dedicated router (and nothing else) you could check out http://www.smoothwall.org/ it's got a web interface, and is pretty sweet.  I haven't used it in a couple years, and never tried it with wireless.  good luck.17:17
mutantI can't get click/drag to work (and it can be jumpy) with the Synaptics Clickpad on an HP Envy running 11.1017:20
mutantanyone able to possibly help?17:20
inashdeeni am having a problem with cairo dock. the jupiter minimized icon is not showing17:22
donavan01zykotick9 thanks checking it out now17:23
trupWhat command do i need to use to run applications from terminal?17:23
surfdueI made a file 1777 and the owner root. Why can another user still delete this file?17:23
rumpe1trup, depends on the application. Usually just the applications name.17:25
trupHmm, il try17:25
trupOkay worked17:25
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surfduetrup: I normally go to the dir and then type ./appname17:25
surfduetrup: or for example /var/bin/appname you can find the name of system wide apps by doing a which appname17:26
surfduerumpe1: any idea about my question.. im stumped :/17:27
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rumpe1surfdue, because of the 7=4(read)+2(write!)+1(execute)17:27
trupim newbie to linux, especially ubuntu distribution. Is there any important things that i should do? I noticed that there is only firewall no other av apps17:28
surfduerumpe1: I assume write comes with delete priviledges.17:28
surfduerumpe1: no way to give write, but not allow delete unless its the owner17:28
rumpe1surfdue, exactly17:28
EldaTry running unity 2d as opposed to 3d?  Kind of getting used to the new version myself17:28
surfduerumpe1: i thought stickybit handled that part :(17:28
Eldaoh sorry it was scrolled up, and I saw an older comment17:29
Eldasorry xD17:29
rumpe1surfdue, sure, e.g. 774 = user(all perm.), group(all), others(4=just read)17:29
surfduerumpe1: see I need to give users the ability to edit the file, but just not delete it17:29
rumpe1surfdue, stickybit is only for execution17:29
pikaciu1 exec 2 read 4 write17:30
surfduerumpe1: do I have any options?17:31
dmorrison42I'm in the process of cleaning up my files. I have a mangled directory of files and an organized directory of files. Most of the files have been organized but I want to check to see if any of my files from the mangled directory are missing from the organized directory (the opposite of fdupes) how can I do that?17:31
bekorcompiz issues any one good at it?17:31
wapmorganhow binding hot keys in gnome 3?17:31
rumpe1surfdue, that's not possible17:31
Ampelbeinsurfdue: you could set -w on the containing directory17:31
surfdueAmpelbein: what will that do?17:32
surfdueAmpelbein: the directory is shared, there is other files that are being created and deleted17:32
Ampelbeinsurfdue: ok, then that option is out17:32
surfduethis is actually a link, and whats happening is an app is going in, loading the linked file, and rewriting it, causing the symbolic link to get overridden17:33
gemunuI'm running ubuntu 10.04.3 on a dell-xps-m1330. How can I install nvidia driver?17:33
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skeenansurfdue: use chattr +a to set append attribute, file cannot be deleted, use lsattr to see whats set on it17:34
inashdeenhi, i am having a problem with icon which minimized to systray on cairo-dock. it is not showing on cairo-dock17:34
TheProfGood day. Question:  I reinstalled Ubuntu 11.04 and imported my users, passwords, /home, no problem.  But I found I have 2 entries for the first user created in /etc/passwd.  Can I delete one of them safely?17:34
surfdueskeenan let me check17:35
zykotick9gemunu, system / admin / hardware drivers (or similar) -- does it list nvidia, and/or show a (recommended) one?17:35
codazodaUbuntu 11.10, Natalis 3.2.1, when I highlight a file or folder and then start to type, it shows a little box with that text.  If I click another file or folder that text used to dissapear and I could start typing again.  That box no longer goes away (instead it goes away after a few seconds).  Is this broken or am I just using it wrong?17:35
TheProfone entry is: fname:x:1000:1000:First Last,,,:/home/fname:/bin/bash, other is: fname:x:1000:1000:First Last:/home/fname:/bin/bash17:36
gemunu<zykotick9> nope17:36
pikaciugemunu: Additional drivers17:36
zykotick9gemunu, "lspci | grep -i vga" in a terminal17:36
gemunu00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)17:37
zykotick9gemunu, intel -- not nvidia17:37
zykotick9gemunu, OH is this one of those dual gpu things?17:37
mkjacksonhey folks, been thinking of updating my father's old laptop which has been running ubuntu 8.10 (or so)... does 11.10 perform just as well, or hopefully better, on old hardware?17:38
codazodaOpen Nautilus.  Click a file, type 'm'. Click another file, type 'a'.  The search string is now 'ma' and backspace takes you to a previous folder instead of backing up over what you just typed.17:38
gemunubut there is a nvidia sticker on the front17:38
zykotick9gemunu, i haven't used one of those (and kinda doubt lucid would be ideal at support for them)17:38
oratedHello! While configuring NAS, the input path given for file in /etc/exports like - '/,no_root_squash,async)' - The / or /home or /var or whatever need to be individual partitions? I got /home in different partition and when I shared / only and tried to access from client, it didn't work giving home folder empty but later when I added same line for /home it worked.17:38
zykotick9gemunu, good luck.  sorry lucid might let you down (it was my fav ubuntu release ;)17:38
gemunuok. Thanks17:39
Ampelbeincodazoda: That's a known issue, see bug 87945617:39
zykotick9gemunu, but there are some specific software for switching the gpu settings - see if you can get them for lucid (not sure what it's called)17:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 879456 in nautilus (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Typeahead functionality for nautilus is broken" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87945617:39
inashdeenhi, my lightdm turns pretty horriblr when i press the shut down button. i think it is uisng highcontrast or something. the thing is, only the shutdown panel in lightdm is affected. all the other themes are normal. how can fix this?17:40
zykotick9gemunu, switcheroo or something like that?17:40
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gemunu thanks for the tip17:40
zykotick9does anyone know what the software for switching nvidia/intel is called?17:41
llutzzykotick9: Bumblebee?17:42
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zykotick9gemunu, see above for one option, there might be another as well.  thanks llutz17:42
codazodaAmpelbein: Okay, thanks.17:43
hasufelli got a generel question about ubuntu17:45
hasufellwhy does ubuntu suck?17:45
=== ubuntu is now known as draioch
* lupine_85 deploys meta17:45
zykotick9gemunu, this post looks promising for lucid support http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1569380&page=6 i also noticed some PPAs with bumblebee (and that post suggests it'll work with bumblebee) so looks promising.  good luck.17:45
EldaBetter yet; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32UGD0fV45g17:46
inashdeen_hi, i am using cairo dock on unity with the unity plugin disabled. the problem is, my minimized application to icon tray is not seen in cairo dock. ho wdo i fix these. OS: ubuntu 11.1017:46
gemunuThanks very much .... cheers17:47
gemunuzykotick9, Thanks very much .... cheers17:47
draiochim trying to reinstall lubuntu following boot prob, used a live xubuntu DVD to get access to me home folders but cant cut and paste to backup drive before new OS install, do i need to change file permissions of something thx17:47
zykotick9gemunu, thank llutz ;) he knew the key fact17:49
hasufelli think ubuntu is an unstable version of debian experimental17:49
llutzDo you have any ubuntu support related question? hasufell17:49
Arcademandraioch, did you already mount the drive your backing up to17:49
ct529hi everybody! What is the best way to disable IPV6 on ubuntu? I have googled and read and found so many different ways, I do not know which one is the best one.17:50
zykotick9hasufell, ubuntu starts from debian "sid" the unstable branch (might might include packages from experimental repo as well)17:50
draiochthx arcademan dont think so how do u do that17:50
me-1hi...my PC can not run unity and gnome 3 what can be the issue17:50
hasufellllutz: yes, i want a stable ubuntu, but im unable to find one17:50
Arcademanhmm you could do it like so:17:50
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nootilushello everybody17:50
draiochacrademan the mount option is greyed out17:50
me-1nootilus, hi17:51
Arcademan... mount /dev/sda/ /media17:51
Arcademanor whatever the device is sda or sdb17:51
nootilussorry to bother, but I would like to know if someone can help me or show me a good tuto/guide for newbie about making a script sending a mail17:51
nootilusI have set up a torrentbox which I manage with ssh. It uses rtorrent and I've read rTorrent can send a mail when a download is complete but I have no idea how to do that17:52
Arcademandraioch, just do umount to unmout it :)17:52
Arcademansame way :)17:52
draiochthx acrademan17:52
me-1hi...my PC can not run unity and gnome 3 what can be the issue17:53
llutznootilus: http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/wiki/RTorrentCommonTasks17:53
Arcademanme-1 video card issue :)17:53
nootilusllutz, yes I found that page, but it simply says "Assuming you have a working mail system" and I have no idea how to have a working mail system17:54
llutznootilus: install a simple nullmailer or ssmtp/msmtp + bsd-mailx, setup the host you want to send the mail to and you should be fine.17:54
draiocharcademan: the external drive can be accessed (able to delete files) so must be a prob with the files in the home folder of the previous install17:55
nootilusllutz, ok I'll go find some infos about a "nullmailer"17:55
me-1Arcademan,  you seem right but how can i make sure i get the video card that is capable17:55
llutznootilus: lhttp://www.absolutelytech.com/2010/07/17/howto-configure-msmtp-to-work-with-gmail-on-linux/17:55
nootilusI'll stay around if I'm stuck ;)17:55
Arcademanmight be draioch :)17:56
alsoeric_I;d like to set up dual monitors but all the instructions I've found don't work.  suggestions?17:56
Arcademanyou should be able to do copy <whereever your home folder is> to /media17:56
draiochthx arcademan do i need to change the permissions to access those files (files are from previous install that i had boot problem so using livedvd to access them but wont let me copy them over)17:57
nootilusllutz, thanks again, the link you sent me seems very clear. I'll try that17:57
elias_good evening (18:57 UTC-1)17:58
Arcademanyou should sill be able to copy them draioch :)17:58
Arcademanusing the live CD17:58
elias_I'm italian and I'm 1117:58
elias_hi, ErisMonk17:58
alsoeric_help with dual monitors please??17:58
w_aIs it posible to make a mail server (so collect mail from like hotmail, gmail, etc) so i can connect difrent pc to it (include outlook clients) and all the pc loging in with same mail account will see the same mails. Like if one pc crash the mail are stil on the server.17:58
elias_hi, tachik0ma17:59
Arcademanme-1 most ATI and Nvidia cards are compatible :)17:59
draiochthx or will i be able to reinstall lubuntu with an option of not overwriting/reformatting disk17:59
elias_hi Axlin17:59
Promilleask | alsoeric_17:59
Arcademandraioch, you should be able to select custom disk when installing and change it accordigly just be careful18:00
draiochthx arcademan18:00
Arcademanjust be warned if you select the wrong option the data goes by by :)18:01
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nootilusllutz, are you still here?18:01
llutznootilus: yes18:02
elias_1651 connected user, wow!18:02
elias_hi, tolmun18:02
elias_hi, kstange18:02
nootilusllutz, do you know if I can use the tuto you gave me with another mail account than gmail? It seems I can't pass the gmail "2 steps security" system18:02
kstangeis there a channel regarding mirroring for ubuntu or should I ask here?18:02
kstangeI'm having trouble finding good documentation on the subject18:03
llutznootilus: it should work with every other mail-account too18:03
KrisDouglaskstange, mirroring in terms of?18:03
kstangemirroring the ubuntu distribution18:03
nootilusllutz, ok, I'll try with one of my imap account18:03
kstangeI have done it, I submitted my mirroring request, and it's still pending review after 2 weeks18:03
nootilusllutz, thanks again for your patience ;)18:03
kstangeI realize the mirror admins may be busy, but I couldn't find any documentation to indicate the normal review process or timeline18:04
llutznootilus: other example setups http://msmtp.sourceforge.net/doc/msmtprc.txt18:05
kstangeoh, I just found a page I didn't see before which says #ubuntu-mirrors is where I belong, sorry for the noise18:06
nootilusllutz, thanks18:06
nootilusllutz, don you have any clue? -> "msmtp: the server does not support TLS via the STARTTLS command"18:06
nootilusI wonder if I shouldn't set a gmail account without the 2-steps protection just for my torrentbox... :)18:07
llutznootilus: try again with "tls off" "tls_starttls off"18:07
nootilusllutz, ok18:07
nootilusllutz, hmmm... "msmtp: cannot use a secure authentication method"18:08
llutznootilus: "auth off"18:09
llutznootilus: next step would be to look for more advanced mail-provider18:09
nootilusllutz, ah18:09
searchfgold6789How do I convert several .png's to jpeg? I have imagemagick but don't know what to do18:10
llutzsearchfgold6789: for pic in *.png; do convert $pic ${pic/png/jpg};done18:11
searchfgold6789ok luts, thanks! will try18:12
christian__1please could someone help me: i have a apache php server running on my local machine, i am creating a directory with php, but it can't: permission denied, how can i set the permissions ?? i know the user is www-data18:13
christian__1i could add the user in the root group. but i dont think thtas a good idea18:13
llutzchristian__1: make the parent dir group writable and chgrp www-data18:14
MonkeyDustchristian__1  ls -la shows the permissions, use chown to change them18:14
christian__1is it enough when i change the permissions of the dierctory where he wants to create his ?18:14
christian__1thank you !!!!!18:14
christian__1i will try it :D18:14
gmcinnes2Hi all:  The latest nagios-nrpe-server seems to have an init script that is not writing a pid to /var/run/nagios.  It uses the lsb/init-functions start_daemon function to start the daemon, but it's not giving me any debug info about not being able to create the pid.  Any ideas how to debug?18:17
nootilusgah, I just created a new gmail "unprotected" account but still can't send mail :(18:17
elias_hi, apetro18:18
elias_apetro: where are you from?18:19
elias_hi, Klojum. Where are you from?18:19
christian__1i changed owner + group to www-data18:19
christian__1but it still cant create the directory18:19
llutzchristian__1: make  dir group writable18:19
llutzchristian__1: sudo chmod g+w dir18:20
christian__1it is writeable18:20
christian__1drwxr-xr-x  4 www-data www-data 4096 2011-11-18 15:38 analysis_data18:20
christian__1drwxr-xr-x  2 www-data www-data 4096 2011-10-20 19:23 anubis_c18:20
christian__1these are the both directories18:20
llutzboth not group-writable18:20
christian__1they are inside:18:20
pikaciuchristian_1: maybe 77018:20
christian__1ahh sry18:20
christian__1my stupid18:21
pikaciuchristian_1: maybe 77118:21
FloodBot1christian__1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:21
christian__1i totally thoght x is writebale... ^^ sry18:21
christian__1i know its executable18:21
edbianI can't write my vfat usb drive in Debian (on xfce) it's mounted read/write (mount says so anyway) everything is owned by user root (UID 0) I can't chmod or chown anything and I can't touch files in there without using sudo.  Suggestions?18:21
icerootedbian: #debian18:22
llutzedbian: use mount options like uid/gid/umask, chown/chmod don't work18:22
edbianI'm going to Debian18:22
edbianllutz, Why do I need to set uid gid ?18:23
christian__1still doenst work... the 2 mentioned directories, are inside /mnt/ does the /mnt/ directory also need to be owned (or grouped) by www-data ? and set to be writeable ??18:23
edbianHow do they work?18:23
llutzedbian: man mount18:23
geoffmccchristian_1: is this in /var/www or have you created a vhost?18:25
koichiroseHi, I'm running Ubuntu 11.10 with gnome classic. Nautilus' "File Operations" dialog is not an actual window and will disappear under other windows if I don't set it 'always on top'. Anybody knows where to look for this?18:26
IraqiRE: Is there driver for " lbt canon 6000 " in Ubuntu? if there from where I can get it?18:26
glebihanchristian__1, no the /mnt directory doesn't need to be owned by www-data. Where are you trying to create a new folder exactly ?18:27
christian__1i know changed every direcotry inside the direcotry tree to writeable by g and o (the unsafest way)18:27
christian__1now it works18:27
christian__1/mnt/analysis_data/uploaded/    exists18:27
christian__1everything else is created by the php server18:27
christian__1its working now with all rights for group and other...18:27
christian__1i know its a bad idea to do this ...18:28
christian__1i think it should work if i set the gruop to www-data and set group +w18:28
icerootchristian__1: using 777 is bad, in compination with php its really bad18:28
christian__1for the dir analysis_data and everything under ?18:28
christian__1i know iceroot18:28
christian__1i am a real noob with permissions and linux18:29
elias_hi alexandrev. Where are you from?18:30
Myrttielias_: this isn't really a social channel. this is for Ubuntu support.18:31
geoffmcc!offtopic | elias_18:31
ubottuelias_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:31
oCeanelias_: this channel is for tech support only. You're welcome to join #ubuntu-offtopic for cha18:31
pikaciui'm offtopic too !18:32
vezeenahow can i setup dual monitor on oneiric? the 2nd monitor doesnt show on nvidia-settings. monitor 1 is plugged into the mah nvidia card. monitor 2 is plugged into the motherboard18:32
vezeenacouldnt find a guide... theyre all for gnome desktop not unity18:33
buntuon #gentoo18:34
Folklorejust installed new ubuntu with this dumb bar thing on the side18:36
Folklorehow can I get to a cmd shell18:36
IraqiIs there driver for printer " lbt canon 6000 "  ? and How I can get it?18:36
Folkloreand how do I turn this garbage off18:36
Folkloreand show old menus18:36
tensorpuddingFolklore, do you want a console or a terminal emulator?18:36
tensorpuddingFolklore, the former works as it has in the past, ctrl+alt+f118:36
plummerbIs using Update-Manager the same as apt-get update, apt-get upgrade  ??18:37
tensorpuddingFolklore, for the latter, hover the mouse over the left edge, click the thing with the ubuntu logo at the top, it opens the dash, where you can launch programs18:37
Folkloretensor thats not what I wanted18:37
MyrttiFolklore: terminal emulator can be launched with ctrl-alt-t as well18:37
tensorpuddingFolklore, then look for the one labelled Terminal18:37
sstaplummerb: almost.  I think it uses a very slightly different set of proprities for dependencies...or maybe that's changed now18:37
FolkloreI meant in ubuntu, a simple shell18:37
Folklorenot turn the whole into into a concole18:38
tensorpuddingFolklore, i asked whether you wanted a console or a terminal emulator, it sounds like you want the latter, so do what i said to launch Terminal18:38
pikaciuFolklore: altt + f2 and digit xterm18:38
Folkloreanyway I can just have the old menu show, like other ubuntu versions18:38
plummerbFolklore  ctrl+alt+F7  will take you back to X18:38
tensorpuddingFolklore, the old interface is gone18:39
tensorpuddingFolklore, as of 11.1018:39
Myrtti!notunity | Folklore18:39
ubottuFolklore: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:39
sstaFolklore: yes.  once you get a terminal, install gnome-shell, log out, then log back in using "classic" as the desktop18:39
tensorpuddingFolklore, it was part of gnome 2, the old version of gnome, and ubuntu has migrated to gnome 318:39
Folkloreno wonder ubuntu popularity has plummeted18:39
plummerbHmmmmm...  Troll?18:39
tensorpuddingFolklore, if you install gnome-shell, you can get gnome-fallback, which looks vaguely like the old one18:39
Folkloreplummberb you referring to me? because I tell you what friend18:40
Folklorethis new interface, FORCED upon all users, is what I call trolled18:40
Folklorenot me18:40
sstaFolklore: http://scarygliders.net/2011/11/15/get-rid-of-unity-on-fresh-ubuntu-installation-and-customize-to-your-liking/18:40
MyrttiFolklore: please, let's be civil18:40
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:40
tensorpuddingFolklore, the change to the UI are not entirely popular18:40
smwFolklore, agreed, but it is also gnome's fault18:40
tensorpuddingFolklore, just follow the instructions18:40
plummerbssta  Ok.  I have CrunchBank which doesn't have update-manager...18:41
smwFolklore, actually, alot of it is gnome's fault.18:41
plummerbFolklore, then use Lumbuntu or Xubuntu...18:41
altf2oI would argue /forced/ is removing the ability to use any other UI, which they have not, it's simply another step. If you don't like it install GNOME3 and be done with it.18:41
smwFolklore, I think ubuntu should have spent less time working on unity and more time rebuilding gnome2 on top of gnome 318:41
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:42
smwsorry LjL18:42
tensorpuddingthey could have created a shell which looked like the one in gnome 218:42
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tensorpuddingbut that would have begun to look dated as everyone else moved to gnome-shell18:42
Myrttican we please move the discussion about desktop environment politics to #ubuntu-offtopic18:42
Guest88117does any one know how to use $ wget -m --tries=7 on a https website?18:43
plummerbOk...  So if I want to install update-manager is that what I install or is it called something else?  update-manager-core?18:43
danpalmerhi there, im having some problems with sudo18:44
Folkloremight look at mint, heard that was good18:44
Folklorethanks guys18:44
plummerbI have CrunchbanG...  not Crunchbank...  lol18:44
geoffmccGuest88117: man wget shows how to pass along the username/password if that helps18:44
oCeanplummerb: you said you are running Crunchbang? That's not supported here18:44
danpalmertwice now, all the users have been removed from the sudoers file and I have to go back into recovery mode to set it up again18:44
plummerboCean  Well crap.18:45
oCeanplummerb: well, there's #crunchbang channel18:45
ghabitHello. Looking for DLNA server for Ubuntu. Help! ^)18:45
IraqiLjL: :-| bo0o018:45
inashdeenhi everyone, how do i disable indication-application-service at startup? second, if disable it, will it only affect unity or will tiaffect gnome shell DE too?18:46
MyrttiFolklore: good luck. Mint is moving to Gnome3 too.18:46
oCeanghabit: have you seen/tried http://www.tvmobili.com/ ?18:46
Guest88117It isnt working, I am tring every thing but no luck18:47
danpalmeranyone got any ideas about my problem? making my server totally unusable.18:47
ghabitoCean, nope, thanks!18:48
geoffmccdanpalmer: im just trying to look into it, you fix file and on your next sudo it broke again, nothing inbetween?18:50
danpalmergeoffmcc: no, i fixed it a few hours ago in the recovery mode, added the users back to it, and now when I tried (and one of the other users tried too) we aren't in it. server has been rebooted once in between, but it worked for a few hours18:51
Guest88117maybe I am doing it wrong, When I type man wget it gives me a screen. telling me what it can do, but what should I type in the manual page18:51
danpalmergeoffmcc: main stuff on the server: apache, svn, mysql, virtualbox, thats about it at the moment apart from the standard packages.18:52
geoffmccdanpalmer: what version of ubuntu18:52
danpalmer11.10 server18:52
geoffmccGuest88117: if you skim threw it you should see the arguments for username/password. I would give u directly but i dont remember them, but i know they are in man18:53
ybit3any work on integrating nepomuk into ubuntu?18:53
geoffmccGuest88117: ps you are probably going to find to that most sites block this with a user agent string18:53
Folkloreis there faster way to run a terminal18:54
boxybrownhey guys18:54
ybit3hi boxybrown18:55
boxybrownmy hostname -f isnt returning the fqdn as set in resolver.conf18:55
boxybrownany tips?18:55
boxybrownis there a way to get hostname to reload from this file?18:55
icerootFolklore: yakuake or tilda18:55
geoffmccdanpalmer: when you try to sudo does it say "cant open /etc/sudoers; permission denied" or say something else or nothing at all18:55
llutzFolklore: faster than ctrl-alt-t, guake18:55
Guest4612i opend up libre calc just now, and boom, lightdm @ 99%18:55
danpalmergeoffmcc: "cat: /etc/sudoers: Permission denied"18:56
icerootdanpalmer: sudo18:56
llutzdanpalmer: ls -l /etc/sudoers18:56
Folklorethanks llutz, I may keep ubuntu only cause I wanna test some simple server code im writing, no way i'd be able to handle this as a main os18:57
danpalmericeroot, geoffmcc: when sudo'ing "dan is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported."18:57
Folkloregot it in vbox18:57
danpalmerllutz: "-r--r----- 1 root root 574 2011-04-15 17:02 /etc/sudoers"18:57
icerootdanpalmer: then use the first user created with ubuntu18:57
icerootdanpalmer: your primary user18:57
danpalmeri am18:57
icerootdanpalmer: then you broke your system18:57
=== Guest4612 is now known as ccmonster
danpalmericeroot: i was able to sudo a few hours ago18:57
danpalmerand nothing has been happening since that we have done18:58
ccmonsterany clue what would cause libre office to use 99% of my cpu? or to make LightDM use it, that is18:58
icerootdanpalmer: never ever edit /etc/sudoers directly18:58
danpalmericeroot: i wouldnt. i was using usermod18:58
icerootdanpalmer: what is the output of "id"18:58
danpalmericeroot: i added the users I needed to by doing "usermod -G sudo <user>"18:58
danpalmericeroot: "uid=1000(dan) gid=1000(dan) groups=1000(dan),1007(svn)"18:58
llutzdanpalmer: "2011-04-15 " on 11.10? do you have some auto-restore features active which reset all changes in your system after a while?18:59
icerootdanpalmer: admin-group is missing18:59
llutzdanpalmer: usermod -aG18:59
danpalmericeroot: i know that. it was there before18:59
icerootdanpalmer: boot a live-system or use recovery-mode and change that18:59
llutzdanpalmer: you removed all other groups when not using -a18:59
Lostmonkwhats good for converting video to ipod format on ubuntu?18:59
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danpalmerllutz: i thought that "G" added as opposed to "g" that replaced, not sure where I read that, might be wrong19:00
icerootdanpalmer: did you enable the root-account?19:00
llutzdanpalmer: man usermod19:00
genii-arounddanpalmer: When you use: usermod -G newgroup username   .... if you do not use the -a switch, "newgroup" becomes the ONLY group that user belongs to19:00
icerootdanpalmer: by setting a password?19:00
Guest88117geoffmcc:  Is there an other way to make a copy?19:00
paulusI want remaster the ubuntu without remastersy, you know other tool?19:00
danpalmerllutz: also, this doesnt explain why I was REMOVED from the sudo group19:00
iceroot!remaster | paulus19:00
ubottupaulus: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility19:00
atruno does anyone know of a cheap ntsc video capture device that works on ubuntu, and can do ntsc 720x480 ?19:00
llutzdanpalmer: sudoers file date is: "2011-04-15 " on 11.10? do you have some auto-restore features active which reset all changes in your system after a while?19:00
icerootatruno: ntsc does not have 720*48019:01
danpalmerllutz: i dont know about those features19:01
geoffmccGuest88117: sorry not off top of my head, but im sure there are packages out there19:01
danpalmerllutz: if they are enabled by default then i guess I have them running. no idea about that stuff though, i didnt know it existed19:01
wbBlueDaveHi everyone! Guys, can someone help me with a bluetooth problem ? thanks in advance19:01
atrunoiceroot, what does ?19:01
llutzdanpalmer: there is nothing like that by default, the file-date seem just too old to me to be "normal"19:02
* tMH is gone. nsf19:02
maslenHow can I safely exit and resume X? ( My goal is to install the newest nvidia driver)19:02
office3how do I set up RAID while installing 11.0419:02
geoffmccGuest88117: its pretty simple, but if you use firefox maybe just file save page as, may be more work if a few pages, but off top head best i can give ya19:03
=== vikas is now known as Guest30386
ActionParsnipmaslen: the 285 driver is on the xorg edgers19:03
geoffmccmaslen: have you considered installing it from ppa?19:03
blarggAny way to reduce HDD thrashing when copying to a FAT partition? I'd like the file copy to basically read say 50MB of data, then write it all in one go, etc.19:03
maslengeoffmcc: I was not aware that was possible.19:03
maslenActionParsnip: What is the 'xorg edgers' ?19:04
Folklorewow ubuntu doesn't even have latest firefox?19:04
ActionParsnipmaslen: use the less fresh more stable link in the description19:04
Folkloresays 7.0 is latest, when 8 is already out...19:04
Guest30386HI I am a new user and accidently installed Ub 11.10 as default OS, on windows XP....how can I get dual boot option...please advise thanks in advance19:04
geoffmccmaslen: see my post (#3) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11466226#post1146622619:04
icerootoffice3: use the alternate-disc which can use sw-raid at setup19:04
llutzFolklore: you want a rolling-release distro19:04
icerootFolklore: there a never major-updtae inside a release19:05
ActionParsnipmaslen: its a ppa, you'll find it with near zero effort19:05
icerootFolklore: in the official repos19:05
office3is this ok?19:05
danpalmerok, i think I know how to fix the system now. im leaving to do that.19:05
Folkloreiceroot it doesn't use Mozilla's releases?19:05
ActionParsnipmaslen: in ubuntu its very rare to actually download something to then install it19:05
icerootFolklore: as i said, inside the ubuntu repos there are only sec udates, never feature-updates for one ubuntu version19:06
icerootFolklore: almost never, only a very few apps get major-updates19:06
SarekI am looking for a kernel image of 3.0.0 that does _not_ have KVM compiled in. I read that from 2.6.anything on all version have KVM compiled in19:07
ActionParsnipmaslen: after you add the ppa, install nvidia-current and 285 is yours19:07
Folkloreiceroot and why is this, canonical is intentionally making users less secure because they want to throw their logo on firefox distributions instead of using the normal ones?19:07
icerootFolklore: you dont want big changes in your software when you only want a sec-update19:08
FolkloreI want the choice, that's what I want19:08
icerootFolklore: you have the choice19:08
Folklorenot canonical dictating that for me, so much for "freedom"19:09
Folkloreapparently not19:09
maslengeoffmcc, ActionParsnip: Installing it now from the 'update manager'. Thanks!19:09
icerootFolklore: do what you want with your system, add a repo you want, add a ppa you want19:09
icerootFolklore: but we dont want big changes when there are security-updates19:09
blarggiceroot, no, it's true, Canonical came to my door with a gun and forced me to use Ubuntu. They give me no choice!19:09
icerootFolklore: things should not break after an update19:09
blarggI am appreciative of stable releases. I still use 10.04.19:10
Folklorewhy would a browser update break anything?19:10
geoffmccActionParsnip: just wondering the difference between your way and mine, i suggested add ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates as thats what i did19:10
Folkloreit doesn't break anything on windows19:10
bashedCan I use the time command to print just the time for the process without showing the actual output?19:10
oCeanFolklore: if you just came to rant, please find some place else to do so.19:10
icerootFolklore: what about "gnome2 is used by 11.04" now gnome2 is no longer supported, sould 11.04 just update gnome2 to gnome3? is that what you want?19:10
ActionParsnipmaslen: easier than windows, plus when the ppa is updated you will too19:10
Guest88117geoffmcc: That copies some of the page but will not put every thing together like page.html and so on19:10
icerootFolklore: all your addons from 7.0 are working with 8.0?19:10
icerootFolklore: you tested ALL addons?19:11
Folklorea GUI manager update is differnt from a browser update19:11
geoffmccGuest88117: sorry, wish i could have been of more help19:11
Folkloreiceroot that's a non-argument because you know what, in windows I can hit the about button in firefox and update without any issues19:11
FolkloreI have that choice, that freedom19:11
Adriannomgot disconnected.  no idea if anyone replied so i'll post this again:19:11
Folkloreubuntu won't let me do that19:11
Adriannom hi.  just built a new machine and i transferred my ssd from my old machine to the new.  however, when i boot i get the error "gave up waiting for root device".  if i wait a while and type exit the error repeats.  if i load grub and try recovery mode i get a blank screen forever.  i also tried deleting the UUID from grub and the error persists.  i've booted a livecd and i can't actually see any disks under the sata host19:11
Adriannom adapter.  i can see the disk in the bios though.  any ideas what i could try next?19:11
icerootFolklore: you can do it in ubuntu too19:11
FloodBot1Adriannom: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:11
blarggFolklore, the user doesn't care why the breakage occurs; stability involves the OS and apps.19:11
icerootFolklore: just install the version from mozilla19:11
icerootFolklore: as you do on windows19:11
Guest88117geoffmmc its ok You have help more then google lol19:12
Folklorethat version already should be installed19:12
Folklorebut thanks19:12
icerootFolklore: then you can hit the update4 button19:12
Guest88117So thank you19:12
oCeanFolklore: of course you have the freedom to choose whatever you want. Newer versions are available through PPA archives.19:12
ActionParsnipFolklore: use the stable or nightly ppa. Not hard19:12
icerootFolklore: or backports19:12
bullgard4https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/X_resources: "Xresources and Xdefaults are user-level configuration dotfiles, typically located at ~/.Xresources and ~/.Xdefaults. They can be used to set X resources, which are configuration parameters for X client applications. ... Note: Using ~/.Xdefaults is deprecated"  <-- Does this apply to Ubuntu 11.10 GNOME Shell 3.2.1 as well, particularly "Using...19:13
bullgard4...~/.Xdefaults is deprecated"?19:13
ActionParsnipFolklore: lots more choice than windows19:13
iajlo there19:14
ActionParsnipHi laj19:14
tensorpuddingbullgard4, deprecated for what?19:14
icerootFolklore: e.g. when i updates thunderbirde from 6 to 7 enigmail was not working. that is not a case i want by default19:14
FolkloreAction oh yeah? Ubuntu has millions of apps too?19:14
iajI know that du -h is giving me a list of filesizes inside the current directory.19:14
Folkloreexactly...no random digs are necessary19:14
tensorpuddingbullgard4, i don't think many programs have used it for configuration19:14
iajIs there some good way to sort it, biggest on the bottom?19:14
icerootFolklore: i took more then a week until enigmail was working with 7.019:14
Folkloreiceroot that sounds like a serious operating system problem19:15
ActionParsnipFolklore: sure there are thousands in software centre alone19:15
Folklorethunderbird auto updates on my box and works fine19:15
icerootFolklore: what?19:15
icerootFolklore: that has nothing to do with the os19:15
Folkloreaction don't pretend linux has anywhere near as many apps as windows does, that's silly19:15
oCeanFolklore: you have the freedom to choose Windows if you want. Please stop the offtopic discussion now19:15
Folkloreiceroot a program update breaking other programs19:15
Folkloreyou don't see a problem with that?19:15
icerootFolklore: enigmail is a thunderbird-addon19:15
Folklorethat's crazy to me19:15
oCeanFolklore: stop it now, last warning19:16
tensorpuddingtrotting out the numbers of apps available is pointless, why does it actually matter19:16
ActionParsnipFolklore: its called a bug19:16
llutzcould you please take that discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic19:16
Guest30386Really need help - HI I am a new user and accidently installed Ub 11.10 as default OS, on windows XP....how can I get dual boot option...please advise thanks in advance19:16
ActionParsnipFolklore: remember blaster virus? Is that not the same?19:16
FolkloreoCean what are you even talking about? hey I got an idea how about you stop warning me, ignoring everyone else, and make your focus fair and balanced, singling me out doesn't make you look very good19:16
Folklorejust sayin...19:16
icerootFolklore: we told you why there are no major updates and nopw stop it19:17
zmbmartinHow long until thunderbird 8 is in the repos?19:17
icerootzmbmartin: read the lines above19:17
ActionParsnipFolklore: is the blaster virus in windows not the same?19:17
zmbmartiniceroot: I just got in here. I don't have any lines above.19:18
icerootzmbmartin: there are normally no major-updates within an ubuntu-release19:18
geoffmccGuest30386: you should install xp and then ubuntu and you should be fine19:18
ActionParsnipI love knowledge of both windows and Linux for when people think windows is faultless. Pure comedy19:18
bullgard4tensorpudding: I cited tha opinion of an archliniux author. I'd appreciate to hear how this relates to Ubuntu 11.10.19:18
zmbmartiniceroot:  The forums and some news posts say they will be available any day19:19
icerootActionParsnip: specially in that case there is no difference in windows and ubuntu you can do the same thing.19:19
powdahoundAre karmic updates no longer available? Getting 404s hitting http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic-updates/*19:19
ActionParsnipzmbmartin: for which release?19:19
icerootzmbmartin: then is the answer "any day"19:19
tensorpuddingbullgard4, considering that Xdefaults is part of x.org, i would assume that its deprecation is the same in ubuntu19:19
iceroot!eol | powdahound19:19
ubottupowdahound: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:19
icerootpowdahound: short answer is "yes no longer available"19:20
ActionParsnipiceroot: just the fact of "updates shouldnt cause issues" :-D19:20
powdahoundInteresting - didn't know the repos got taken down at that point. Will check these links. Thanks19:20
ActionParsnipKarmic was the daddy19:20
luisthey guys… im trying to change the loading logo and i cant run update-initramfs correctly inside the chroot: http://pastie.org/2884835   so the logo only changes when turning off. what am i missing?19:20
blarggActionParsnip, they shouldn't cause issues, which is why I use Ubuntu and their conservative approach.19:21
ActionParsnipblargg: updates can cause issues, its a possibility in all softwares19:22
blarggActionParsnip, yeah, my point was just that's why I like Ubuntu's updates mostly being just security, so they won't be as likely to break anything.19:23
geoffmccblargg: a security update can foul up just as much as any other19:23
bullgard4tensorpudding: You said that you did not know why this article deprecates using .Xdefaults. Later you are saying that its deprecation is the same in Ubuntu. I am sorry but I cannot find any reasoning in your message.19:23
ActionParsnipTrue. I'm massochistic and am running 12.04 now19:23
tensorpuddingbullgard4, i didn't read the article19:24
tensorpuddingbut i know that Xdefaults is part of X.org19:24
blarggThis HDD thrashing is driving me nuts. I just want it to buffer writes until it's got about 50MB, then flush it ALL before it starts reading more. This way a file copy won't thrash near as much (copying a ton of data here).19:24
ActionParsnipzmbmartin: http://edigitales.org/ready-with-your-firefox-8-and-thunderbird-8-install-now/19:24
tensorpuddingX.org is an independent piece of software and ubuntu does not mess with it19:24
tensorpuddingso if X.org has deprecated .Xdefaults, then it will be deprecated in Ubuntu too19:24
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tensorpuddingthe bald statement of .Xdefaults being deprecated makes little sense to me19:25
ActionParsnipblargg: is your ram healthy?19:25
bullgard4tensorpudding: Do you speak about this: http://www.x.org/wiki/ ?19:26
blarggActionParsnip, yeah, machine is fine. For some reason copying to a FAT partition thrashes a lot more. I'm thinking maybe it makes some meta-data uncacheable or something.19:26
genii-aroundxorg.conf is also deprecated but still can be used if you want.19:26
boxybrownanybody know how to set FQDN?19:26
boxybrowni think its getting borked by Avahi19:27
tensorpuddingbullgard4, i think what they meant is that you should use .Xresources instead of .Xdefaults19:27
blarggI'm not sure whether cp etc. uses truncate to pre-allocate space. I know that things like ext4 don't care, since they allocate on write.19:27
blarggallocate on flush rather19:27
ActionParsnipblargg: FAT? Wow, people still use that?19:28
mang0Could anyone walk me through setting up an FTP server? I know next to nothing about it, and I'd like to know more/set one up myself. All the guildes I've looked at online haven't worked...19:28
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd19:28
luisthey guys… im trying to change the loading logo and i cant run update-initramfs correctly inside the chroot: http://pastie.org/2884835  so the logo only changes when turning off. what am i missing?19:28
mang0!ftp > mang019:28
ubottumang0, please see my private message19:28
blarggActionParsnip, yeah, for interoperability. It's a drive with large files for transfer beween machines.19:28
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ActionParsniptensorpudding: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-883409-start-0.html19:29
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blarggActionParsnip, not literally FAT, but a variant (mount says vfat)19:29
llutzbullgard4: " man Xsession | less -p Xdefaults"    should answer your question. as tensorpudding said, its a Xorg thing and applies to all distros using Xorg19:29
ActionParsnipblargg: like an Amiga? :-)19:29
bullgard4tensorpudding: Ah, this is an interpretation that I should think over. Thank you very much for commenting.19:29
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ActionParsnipblargg: is the filesystem fragmented?19:31
blarggActionParsnip, no, but I am copying from another partition (at the beginning of the drive) to this one at the end.19:31
blarggI just want the system to flush all the buffered writes and block the reading process during this time, rather than interleaving reads during the flush.19:32
blarggI've tried vm.laptop_mode and adjustments of the various *ratio values.19:33
bullgard4llutz: Excellent! This answers my question. --  Thank you very much for your help.19:33
mikelissI really need some help. I installed the mainline kernel on my desktop, but now I can't get it to boot.19:37
xbox360servicedid u install from cd?19:38
mikelissNo, I had the regular kernel installed and it would occasionally freeze, so I installed the mainline from the deb files that the kernel team provides.19:38
gmcinnes2Anyone familiar with the lsb/init-functions ?19:39
xbox360serviceu shud install from a cd u can inatall to hard drive or run off cd with out a install19:39
luisthey guys… im trying to change the loading logo and i cant run update-initramfs correctly inside the chroot: http://pastie.org/2884835  so the logo only changes when turning off. what am i missing?19:39
worrowI'm looking for some onfo on different distros in general.19:39
mikelissxbox360service: yeah, I tried that, but I can't get a live cd to boot. Tried using the 64 bit and the 32 bit.19:40
mang0worrow: #linux19:40
xbox360servicedid u fromate?19:40
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office3why won't my ubuntu thumb drive boot this computer? it's brought up initramfs command line. What do I do here?19:40
mang0How can I use nautilus as an FTP server? CAN I use nautilus as an FTP server? According to !ftp I can?19:41
mikelissxbox360service: Ummm, did I what?19:41
mang0office3: Make sure BIOS is set to boot from "Other" or "USB"19:41
office3mang0: it is!19:42
xbox360servicecan u boot from cd? if not go to bios and set ur 1st boot to cd/dvd rom then save and reboot with cd in19:42
xbox360servicewhen u boot from cd u can clean the drive or pick what to install19:42
geoffmccActionParsnip: just thought i would let you know, the url you provided for zmbmartin actually gets you to beta version 9 of firefox/thunderbird, not version 8 like article suggests19:43
office3why won't my ubuntu thumb drive boot this computer? it's brought up initramfs command line. What do I do here?19:43
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abstraktis there a way to exclude a certain file or folder while tarballing with tar -cf foo.tar foo/ for example?19:45
mikelissxbox360service: No, I can't get the live CD to boot. It crashes when I try.19:46
genii-aroundabstrakt: --exclude=<thingname-or-pattern-here>19:47
BinaryMasteranyone know what package I need to install to get pygraphviz19:48
altf2omikeliss: when you say crash, does it just stop and hang like your system did before you installed the new kernel?19:48
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sveinseI'm on a minimal ubuntu system, and are writing some scripts for installation. When doing apt-get install I get   "package1: Depends: package2 but it is not going to be installed". This is caused by a failing dependency in package2" Is there any option I can apt-get in order for it do investiage "package2" so the user can be more properly informed?19:48
mikelissaltf2o: No, previously, the system would boot, and then within a couple days would crash. Now it just won't boot.19:49
boxybrownhostname -f, anyone?19:49
mikelissaltf2o: I tried to get a hold of the reason my system was crashing previously, but couldn't ever find a reliable log.19:49
abstraktgenii-around, ahh yes i see it in the man page, but...19:49
boxybrownis network manager still messing this up?19:49
abstraktgenii-around, how do I specify multiple files... is it an ERE? a BRE? comma separated list?19:50
genii-aroundabstrakt: --exclude=file??pattern1  --exclude=file*pattern2           etc19:51
altf2oahh ic. I have seen similar symptoms and it ended up being a stick of bad RAM. (As soon as I'd try and address a certain part of it, the whole PC would crash). Do the Ubuntu CD's boot on another system ok? Because if the disks are ok, then you need to most likely start looking at 1) incorrect BIOS configurations, 2) bad hardware.19:51
abstraktgenii-around, ahh ok so I can use the --exclude flag multiple times19:51
genii-aroundabstrakt: Yep19:51
abstraktare the patterns globs or are they BRE or what?19:51
mikelissaltf2o: Hrm, if this is bad RAM, I'm going to feel crazy. But it was working kind of OK before I installed the mainline kernel. I'd love to get it back to that state. After that point, I could work on seeing if this is a RAM issue.19:52
oCeanabstrakt: or use --exclude-from <filename>, where you specify the various patterns in <filename>19:53
abstraktoCean, uhh, that still doesn't answer whether the pattern is supposed to be a glob or a BRE or what19:54
oCeanabstrakt: not sure if it's regex, probably just pattern, not sure19:54
abstraktoCean, define "just pattern"19:54
abstraktglob pattern? like a regular shell expansion?19:54
oCeanabstrakt: that's what I meant, but I'm not sure19:54
mikelissaltf2o: Holy crap, I just pulled out a RAM stick, and it friggin' booted.19:55
abstraktmy find man page doesn't say anything about --exclude-from19:55
mikelissaltf2o: I'm in shock right now.19:55
abstrakter... tar man page19:55
oCeanabstrakt: really? mine does19:55
altf2osometimes the long shot does pay off, lol.19:55
altf2oI struggled for 2 days before I tried that. Unfortunately it's usually random, seemingly unrelated symptoms that you end up seeing.19:56
srhbDoes anyone know how to make an Ubuntu live USB stick for Mac -without- using Mac? I have a Mac with neither harddisk nor dvd drive and would like to use it with Ubuntu for now.19:56
mikelissaltf2o: I'm going to uninstall the mainline kernel then shut it down and run mem test. If that shows a problem, I'm going to have to compensate you somehow.19:56
ozzloysrhb, i believe the same live disk can be used for macs as for other computers19:57
ozzloysrhb, so just make a live usb using whatever machine you have that works19:57
bodhi_zazensrhb: copy the mac live image to usb with dd or any tool you wish, such as unetbootin, or are you wanting to make a custom iso, that would be much more involved19:57
srhbozzloy: Unfortunately no, Macs won't boot regular USB images.19:58
altf2ohehe, not needed, it was a lucky guess due to similar sounding symptoms. Yes I would definitely toss it back in and run memtest CD on it. Mine tested obviously corrupt, thankfully it was just one stick.19:58
ozzloysrhb, oh, nevermind then19:58
srhbbodhi_zazen: No, that won't work, Macs don't seem to boot the standard images.19:58
bodhi_zazenWhy not ?19:58
srhbbodhi_zazen: I'm not an expert, but it has to do with the way the Mac boots. It needs a HFS partition or something.19:59
bodhi_zazenWhat live iso is there for a mac ?19:59
bodhi_zazensrhb: so you want to install Ubuntu into a USB that then boots on a mac, but you are not using a mac and you do not know how it boots ?19:59
JoniiHey, what's the stuff that's run on login, what makes all the programs that do run, run on the startup, where do they exist, where is all that listed? I'm using Ubuntu 11.10 Unity19:59
srhbbodhi_zazen: That's the gist of it, hence why I'm looking for a guide.20:00
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bodhi_zazensrhb: google is going to be your best bet, that sort of information is going to be very specialized20:00
srhbbodhi_zazen: It is, and I've had no luck on Google so far. All solutions need another Mac in order to make the USB bootable on Macs. Ah well.20:01
bodhi_zazensrhb: you can look at this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch20:01
G-H0STHi fellas, i have a... tiny problem :D20:02
bodhi_zazenyou will need to understand the mac boot process, once you do that it should be easy, but I do not know20:02
srhbbodhi_zazen: Thanks, but it has no relelvant information.20:02
srhbSpot on. :P20:02
bowoHow To, install ruby1.9 and earthquake Twitter Client Based Terminal20:02
G-H0SThow can i put my wifi card, which is usually getting between ETH0 and ETH1 to wlan0, if it isn't yet...20:02
sstasrhb: look at the hackintosh sites.  They have tweaked bootloaders for MAC that can boot USB20:02
srhbssta: Hm thanks, I hadn't thought of that20:03
G-H0STso example, lspci says its intel pro/wireless, blablabla. how to assign it to WLAN0?20:03
bodhi_zazensrhb: if that link is not relevant, you are probably out of luck20:03
srhbbodhi_zazen: I'm slowly coming to that conclusion as well. I love my Mac, but that it won't boot regularly from USB is just ridiculous.20:03
sstaget a refund on the MAC and buy 4 PCs with the money :)20:04
srhbssta: Thanks, but that's not helping :)20:04
G-H0STmac ftw, if you dont like it, give it off to me with lion on it *.*20:04
bowohahahahaha :)20:04
bowousing hackintosh?20:04
xruudHow can I fix having to fill in my password twice?20:04
sstaxruud: "fix"?20:05
bodhi_zazensrhb: I do not use your hardware at all, but I think you need to learn the internals of a live iso , which requires a ton of reading, and you find irrelevant, so you are stuck20:05
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bowoexit > sleep bye all20:05
xruudssta: is it normal that you fill in your password at any prompt twice?20:05
G-H0STnoone? :(20:05
JoniiAlso, for what reason does my Ubuntu 11.10 crash pretty much always when I try to log out one user and then log in as another20:05
sstaxruud: only when you're changing it...20:05
xruudssta: see, fix...20:06
srhbbodhi_zazen: I am quite familiar with Live ISOs and rolling my own - the trouble here is making the Mac actually boot from USB. The article you linked has no information on the topic, hence the comment about it being irrelevant - sorry for being vague.20:06
donavan01anyone know if there is some magic dance or sacrifice I have to preform to steve to get an old G5 PPC Mac Pro tower to install Ubuntu?20:06
srhbBoot UBUNTU from USB, I should say.20:06
^jthi, is there a user version/equivelent of the init.d folder. Also, just to check this is actually what i'm looking for: any -x script put into the init.d folder will be run on startup?20:06
brontosaurusrexdonavan01, i think ppc is not officialy supported20:07
sstasrhb: it should be able to boot USB already (you know you need a GUID partition type?)20:07
srhbssta: No, but that's the kind of information I need. Can you point me in the direction of making that via Linux or Windows?20:08
G-H0STdmesg returns me with [ 75.somenumber] [DRM:Intel_prepare_page_flip] *ERROR* prepared flip multiple times20:08
donavan01brontosaurusrex its not officaly support but its part of the community support and its still being developed20:09
xruudIs there any way to check what ubuntu is doing when I fill in my password? I have to enter it twice, everywhere. Something miust be wrong the first time20:09
reise6Is there a way to require root password to open a file by editing /etc/sudoers?20:09
sstasrhb: I think the tool to do it in Ubuntu is called "gdisk".  I've never had to though.  I imagine a google for something like "GUID partition create ubuntu" or soemthing might help20:09
srhbssta: Thanks. :)20:10
altf2oreise6: not sure if this is what you want, but you can always change the owner/group of the file to root:root (chown root:root <file>, chmod 0700 <file>) and only people who have 'sudo' permissions can edit/view it.20:11
reise6altf2o: Good idea. Thanks!20:12
hilariethrough cli how can you check your system load?20:13
hilariewoot uptime 3m :) ty20:14
bodhi_zazensrhb: OK, well you need to learn how a mac boots20:14
bodhi_zazenI assume they can boot a CD, so it is possible20:14
bodhi_zazenYou then incorporate that technology into your usb20:14
srhbbodhi_zazen: The way they boot from cds is apparently not the same way they boot from USB. I'm looking into it now, got some pointers from ssta. Thanks. :)20:14
bodhi_zazenwhich usually involves extracting the iso, making changes as necessary, and then re-packaging20:15
bodhi_zazenyea, you need to look at the internals of the boot process20:15
Fodi69hi, my ubuntu 11.10 can't find "easycrypt" in the software center, it is visible in the list when I search for it, but when I click it, it says that there is no such software in my current software sources??20:16
zmbmartinwhy is there a ppa for thunderbird 8 (thunderbird-stable) that works on 11.04 but not for 11.10?20:16
sstaiso is somewhat different.  iso as a format has a boot image that's loaded.  It's not the same as a disk, where there are two main (and a fair number of fringe) possibilities.  GUID and MBR.  (unhacked) MAC can only boot GUID I believe.20:17
trollhey guys i have some problems with my ubuntu20:17
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Guest50757first: why cant i kill transmission (does not even work with kll -9)20:17
charlesit's magic20:18
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charlesGuest50757: did it become unkillable / unresponsive at the beginning of a download, by any chance?20:18
Guest50757charles yes exactly20:18
Fodi69hi, my ubuntu 11.10 can't find "easycrypt" in the software center, when I search for it: it is visible in the list, but when I click it: it says that there is no such software in my current software sources!20:19
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somefreenamebetter name20:20
inashdeenis there a way to change /etc/lsb-release safely without breaking the system20:20
somefreenamecharles do i need a hammer to solve it?20:20
xanguainashdeen: what exactly did/want to do¿20:20
Fodi69hi, my ubuntu 11.10 can't find "easycrypt" in the software center, when I search for it: it is visible in the list, but when I click it: it says that there is no such software in my current software sources!20:21
hilarieI am setting up samba on my server and     create mask = 0755 is chmod stuff right? how do I make it so anyone can create/edit/read files?20:21
inashdeenxangua: i am building my own customize OS. see www.revamplinux.blogpsot.com  .  a user report a bug related to this conflict20:21
G-H0SThow do i reset gnome shell already?20:21
G-H0STctrl shift alt backspace?20:21
xanguainashdeen: i suggest you ##linux then20:21
sstahilarie: no.  A mask is the permissions you do NOT want to be set20:21
hilarieG-host control alt delete20:21
hilariessta :O20:22
G-H0SThilarie, thanks...20:22
inashdeenxangua: it is from ubuntu, so why should i go there?20:22
hilarieg-host log out shuts down gnome shell :)20:22
joansirleyhello friends20:24
hilariesup joansirley20:24
joansirleyhilarie you rule20:24
Untouchab1e_Trying to install Ubuntu 11.04 but my bluetooth keyboard and mouse are not detected, making installation somewhat difficult.. any way around this?20:24
hilarieI get that all the time :)20:24
hilarieUntouchable_ if you can use a non bt mouse and keyboard for install, your life will be much easier20:25
JoniiHey, I'm thinking of making as sterile browsing user on my laptop as possible. No history, no cookies, nothing but a browser and a text editor, as clean and simple as possible20:25
Untouchab1e_hilarie: I know, but sadly, I left my wired mouse at work and I dont have a wired keyboard lying around :(20:25
JoniiAre there any guides for that?20:26
JoniiThere's really no purpose for doing that other than, you know, seeing how it's done, how practical it is, and then taking those lessons and doing something else with that20:26
hilarieUntouchable_ I seem to remember reading instructions for installing a headless server using no keyboard, then you could SSH in, find your bt drivers, and install ubuntu desktop20:26
joansirleyi would like someone to explain me how can I limit the autoconnect option of my wireless network. I don't want my wireless adapter to search other network I just want to connect to mine20:27
inashdeenmy lightdm shutdown button turns horrible for unknown reason. the overall theme is ok, only the shutdown button got problem. is there a way to fix that>20:27
Untouchab1e_hilarie: hmm, Im just thinking hard and Im convinced that when I installed 11.04 on this box, I used my bluetooth keyboard/mouse20:27
rhizmoeis there a way to prevent shotwell from running every time i plug my phone in?20:27
Untouchab1e_hilarie: maybe I used the alternate installer?20:27
rhizmoei mean, of course there is. but the setting's location is obscure.20:28
hilarieUntouchable_ Possible retarded solution: Have you tried resetting it and seeing if it gets noticed after awhile, this worked for my wireless keyboard and mouse20:28
Untouchab1e_hilarie: resetting what exactly?20:28
hilariethe installer until it gets noticed, are you able to mess around with the bios with bt keyboard?20:28
wiesshundDOes 11.04 still install the unity interface?20:29
Untouchab1e_hilarie: the BIOS and everything else works fine with my keyboard/mouse20:29
hilariewiesshund it does, but you can go into classic :)20:29
Untouchab1e_its just the 11.10 install that fails to detect20:29
joansirleyunfornately for me yes20:29
sstawiesshund: yes20:29
rhizmoehow do i prevent shotwell from running every time i plug my phone in?20:29
hilarieUntouchable_ reboot your heart out, a UPnP setup should work20:30
TK5791hello all, i'm new to ubuntu20:31
joansirleyhello tk579120:31
Untouchab1e_hilarie: yeaa, Ive been trying20:31
joansirleycome and read20:31
hilarieUntouchable_ hang out, maybe someone much smarter then me will log on.20:32
charlessomefreename: if you'd stayed online, I would have answered :)20:32
TK5791just trying to get my head round Ubuntu having been a windows user for over 20 years20:32
joansirleyit's very interesting if someone can help in my topics it will be i real help20:32
borncan anyone tell me how do i get any **** torrent client **** working? #@*!@@#!20:32
Untouchab1e_hilarie: thanks for your help at least :)20:32
TK5791I'm running Ubuntu 11.1020:32
joansirleyborn....transmission is by default installed and worked for me20:32
TK5791can anyone help me download and run Skype?20:33
zykotick9rhizmoe, nautilus / edit / preferences / media tab20:33
Untouchab1e_TK5791: open the software center and search for skype20:33
Untouchab1e_easy as pie20:33
TK5791where is the software center?20:33
bornjoansirley well mine is freezeing, occupieing the cpu and unkillable => not working for me20:33
office3the thumbdrive I'm trying to boot from says (initramfs) mount: mounting aufs on /root failed: No space left on device aufs mount failed.20:33
TK5791sorry this is all very new to me20:33
bornis there any command line bug free client?20:33
joansirleyok born20:34
brontosaurusrexborn, rtorrent20:34
bornTK5791 just press the windows key and enter "software center"20:34
rhizmoezykotick9: yeesh, that is non-obvious.20:34
TK5791thanks born20:34
LemonAidHello. I`m having a bit of trouble with youtube-dl. When i try to convert a video to any format i get "WARNING: unable to obtain file audio codec with ffprobe".  I`ve done some looking on the web, and they say the problem is fixed. (?) Sorry if it isn`t the place to ask, feel free to redirect me if you think it`s apropriate.20:34
joansirleyborn....synaptic there is plenty of bittorrent client...azureus20:35
TK5791found it... entered Skype, all I get is an unhappy smile20:35
rhizmoezykotick9: appears to be gnome3 only20:35
rhizmoe(i'm in gnome-classic, sorry)20:35
jordanborn: are you the same person who was here a minute ago saying that Transmission froze as soon as it starting downloading, yes?20:35
xanguaneed to enable partner first TK5791 or just go to skype.com20:35
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »20:35
rhizmoeor whatever gnome-shell gets you20:35
sstaTK5791: skype is in the partner repository...not enabled by default20:35
zykotick9rhizmoe, sorry - i don't use gnome3 so not sure about it at all.  my bad.20:35
office3the thumbdrive I'm trying to boot from says (initramfs) mount: mounting aufs on /root failed: No space left on device aufs mount failed.20:35
rhizmoeoh, maybe it's gnome2, then :)20:36
rhizmoegnome-classic is in between them, apparently20:36
TK5791hey guys, loving this help... but what is the repository?20:36
rhizmoefeaturewise, i should say20:36
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories20:36
highnessHello. Was just curious. I made some updates yesterday (not entirely sure which updates though) and today my screen flickers and almost as if showing scanlines across my screen. Does anybody here know what might be wrong?20:37
rhizmoeugh, i simply need to reinstall to 10.1020:37
highnessRunning an Nvidia Go 760020:37
jordanborn: what version of Transmission are you using, and what's the filesystem of the disk that you're downloading onto?20:37
TK5791ubotto - thanks20:37
rhizmoeenough of this crap20:37
TK5791I'll take a look.20:37
bornTK5791 its where you download software from... you just checked the official ubuntu software and skype is third party20:37
blaBlubI am facing problems with power management and fan control of my gfx20:37
bornjordan im useing the ppa release 2.4 i think20:38
TK5791i've tried downloading direct from the skype site but but I was getting an internal error message20:38
blaBlubHas anyone a idea...?20:38
inashdeenif anyone dont mind, can someone teach me how to register to ##Linux, and please, dont give me the RTFM. i am like super noob and dont understand the manual a bit. thank you20:38
xangua!register | inashdeen20:38
ubottuinashdeen: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:38
afk_ /leave20:38
brontosaurusrexinashdeen, /nickserv help20:39
bornTK5791 click at the software center then up ur screen there should edit apear20:39
hilariewhat mask should I use https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html says 0755 but I want people connecting to be able to do anything to the samba share,20:40
bornTK5791 you have to press edit => software sources and check ubuntu partners20:40
hilarieor is it the permissions that the file has on the server, so it doesn't really matter?20:41
brontosaurusrexhilarie, 755 is everything minus execute20:41
bekksbrontosaurusrex: Ermm. No.20:41
sstaumm, it's everything except write for group and other20:41
brontosaurusrexbekks, what else?20:41
bekks7 = 1 + 2 + 4, 5 = 1 + 4. 7 = rwx, 5 = r-x ...20:42
hilarieThis is on my home network, I want me and my roomate to be able to use this share/drive like it was connected to our own computers20:42
Adriannomcat 1, laptop 020:42
jordanborn: what's probably happing is transmission is waiting on your filesystem to preallocate all the files for the content you're downloading20:42
jordanborn: what filesystem are you using?20:42
brontosaurusrexhilarie, ups, was totally wrong20:42
jordanborn: on ext3 and ext4 this should be nearly instantaneous20:42
bornjordan i dont realy care what transmission fails... i try it with rtorrent now20:43
hilarieis 666 what I am looking for?20:43
bekkshilarie: What are you looking for? :)20:43
hilariefor me and my roomate to be able to use this drive like it was our own20:44
Chees_BHWhi. where can i find the log of postfix? its not in /var/log20:44
jordanborn: ok, hope you find something that works for you20:44
hilariewant to both be able to read and write20:44
bekkshilarie: Then you want a umask of 0777 for your share.20:44
Agent[99]try school20:44
jodlajodlahello, i have some questions for vftpd -> how to limit users to only one directory and give them permissions for uploading file in this directory?20:44
hilariethanks bekks20:44
bekksYou want to be able to execute files from there, too.20:44
bornTK5791 tk press windows key and enter software sources.... there you have to check "third party software" and "partners" after that skype should be there20:44
joansirleyjust to help you can ADD pidgin-skype to pidgin from synaptic or whatever20:44
hilariewell bekks, neither computer this is shared with is going to be unix, and its a ntfs partition, so I think, the execute part doesn't so much matter,20:45
TK5791thank you born... just trying to read up about Repos20:45
bekkshilarie: Well, without x, you cannot execute files from there - not even linux executables.20:45
bekksOk, there is a trick to do so ;)20:46
joansirleywell people I quit see you soon ...you're very inspiring20:46
z3r0c007how to convert doc files to pdf files20:46
Amozz3r0c007, open them with libreoffice and export/save them as PDF20:46
brontosaurusrexz3r0c007, libreoffice20:46
bekksz3r0c007: By using libre/open-office and convert them.20:46
llutzz3r0c007: http://kgsspot.blogspot.com/2011/09/convert-doc-to-pdf-in-command-line.html20:47
hilariesomeone needs to make a package to rename libreoffice to its proper name, the new one freaks me out20:47
z3r0c007ok thanks20:47
TK5791how do I turn off the F**king Authentication B*****K20:47
office3the thumbdrive I'm trying to boot from says (initramfs) mount: mounting aufs on /root failed: No space left on device aufs mount failed.20:48
TK5791got dam it this is frustrating20:48
office3What do I do?20:48
AmozTK5791, watch your language :)20:48
bekksTK5791: please behave and use words without *, so others actually understand what you mean.20:48
Chees_BHWhi. where can i find the log of postfix? its not in /var/log ?20:48
bornTK5791 you do not realy need to read that stuff20:48
TK5791bekks... seriously... would you prefer that I use the full spelling?20:49
xruudI guess I'm having a problem no-one here knows how to solve. Even though it is not just me having it20:49
geoffmcc!language |TK579120:49
ubottuTK5791: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:49
hilarieTK5791 Swear goddamnit! or you know, take a deep breath, and explain whats going on so maybe you can get some help20:49
TK5791ubotto... understand20:49
xruud(double pwd problem)20:49
bornTK5791 lets do it step by step... do you find the software center?20:49
bekksTK5791: No. I just want to understand whats your problem with what exactly. Just describe it in detail, then someone can help you maybe.20:50
TK5791so, how do I turn off the Authentication when I don't have a password active?20:50
office3What do I do?20:50
office3the thumbdrive I'm trying to boot from says (initramfs) mount: mounting aufs on /root failed: No space left on device aufs mount failed.20:50
TK5791thank you Bekks20:50
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:50
Chees_BHWhi. where can i find the log of postfix? its not in /var/log ??20:50
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Oneiric, and help keeping the servers' load low!20:51
inashdeenis there a way to change description on /etc/lsb-release safely20:51
ubottuOneiric can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/oneiric/desktop/ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/oneiric/server/ubuntu-11.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/20:51
bekksTK5791: You have to have an active password, and then you can turn the authentication off.20:51
TK5791how do I get myself an active password?20:51
Agent[99]sharing is carrying20:51
Agent[99]or in this case seeding20:51
bekksTK5791: You cannot login without an deactivated password ;)20:52
blaBlubMy gfx card's fan-speed is driving my crazy....20:52
blaBlubI need help, please...20:52
Agent[99]help your self20:52
office3I'm going to remake my boot thumbdrive with unetbootin, any tips?20:53
bornTK5791 im not quite sure what you mean but try windows key + user accounts20:53
TK5791ok... so I have no password... without a password I can't create a password... what gives?20:53
Agent[99]fell free to fix it20:53
brandon_Anybody know where I can find a more detailed manual for XChat-GNOME IRC? The manual that comes with the program doesn't say much about CLI features.20:53
Chees_BHWhi. where can i find the log of postfix? its not in /var/log ???20:53
sstahow do you have "no password"?20:53
bekksTK5791: How do you know you have a deactivated password?20:53
blaBlubWhen it has speed up, the speed never lowers... Newest driver installed..20:53
bornTk5791 im quite sure you have a password? you mean your userpassword or the root password?20:53
FandaMy Ubuntu 11.10 don't load after GRUB loading, I see only a black screen. Can anybody help me?20:54
TK5791when I login to the user accounts... password field = none20:54
genii-aroundChees_BHW: /var/log/mail.log usually20:54
blaBlubAnyone has faced problems with fan speed  of gfx card in ubuntu20:54
bekksTK5791: "login to the user accounts" means what exactly?20:54
geoffmccChees_BHW: quick google search of postix log file + ubuntu says /var/log/mail.log20:54
TK5791don't know Root password... I'm only aware of user password20:54
blaBlubAgent[99], how do I fix it?20:54
TK5791User Account=20:54
AmozTK5791, in ubuntu, the root account doesn't have a password. It's disabled by default20:54
bekksTK5791: And a not shown password doesnt mean it is a) deactivated or b) not set. It isnt shown. It cannot be shown since all that is stored is the hash of the password.20:55
bekksAmoz: Wrong.20:55
Agent[99]!gfx drivers20:55
genii-aroundblaBlub: Is it an nvidia?20:55
TK5791Login Options... Password None20:55
bekksAmoz: the root password isnt disabled, but just not set.20:55
linds6630Can someone tell me which of these packages that updated would be a likely culprit for killing compositing? http://pastebin.com/JF2hBCvD - i made it easier to read than the log does.20:55
blaBlubgenii-around, Yes Nvida 450 gtx20:55
TK5791don't know what this Root Password is20:55
Amozbekks, ah, sorry20:55
bekksAmoz: And a password being not set prevents you from login in.20:55
bekksTK5791: Read what I wrote seconds ago.20:56
bornTk5791 you still had to enter a password when you set up ur ubuntu20:56
genii-around!info nvclock | blaBlub .. this is also for setting fan speed20:56
ubottublaBlub .. this is also for setting fan speed: nvclock (source: nvclock): Allows you to overclock your nVidia card under GNU/Linux. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8b4-1ubuntu6 (oneiric), package size 48 kB, installed size 188 kB20:56
blaBlub!gfx drivers20:56
sstabekks: well, technically it is set...to an impossible value... "!"20:56
TK5791I know... but I don't like passwords when I'm the only one using the comp20:57
usr13_linds6630:  killing compositing?20:57
FandaMy Ubuntu 11.10 don't load after GRUB loading, I see only a black screen. Can anybody help me?20:57
bekksTK5791: Then enable autologin.20:57
blaBlubgenii-around, Yes but that don't seems to work20:57
TK5791the original password was removed with none because I choose auto login20:57
bekksThe password isnt removed.20:57
bekksTK5791: Autologin is just enabled.20:57
blaBlubgenii-around,  It's very old software, too20:57
cgtdkWhy doesn't Firefox update to version 8? I thought they were going to update the repositories with every new version because of Firefox' new release schedule.20:57
geoffmccTK5791: even though u enabled autologin, the password you selected is still the password to sudo20:58
TK5791Bekks... Password = None20:58
linds6630i get composite sync error when trying to use gnome shell usr13_20:58
bornTK5791 the password is still in use for many things for example to encrypt your other passwords when you check "auto login" on msn20:58
usr13_TK5791: So you have forgotten your password.  Right?20:58
TK5791no... I know the old password but it doesn't work20:58
bekksTK5791: "doesnt work" means "I forgot the new one".20:59
TK5791seriously I haven't a password that I didn't create20:59
geoffmccTK5791: are you locked out, can you not run passwd and change?21:00
usr13_!password | TK579121:00
ubottuTK5791: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords21:00
bornTK5791 are you sure you are remembering the right password? where are you trying to enter it?21:00
TK5791I click on none... it takes me to password... I type in old password and new password and the box to click for change is greyed out21:01
boxybrownhey guys, how do I get my fqdn working correctly when using network-manager21:01
usr13_TK5791: Are you logged in as the original (first) user?21:02
ssta"click on none" where?21:02
=== brandon_ is now known as test1
TK5791password none21:02
boxybrownhostname -f won't give my fqdn because of the way network-manager edits /etc/hosts21:02
usr13_TK5791: Or have you added a new user to the system? (Second user account.)21:02
=== test1 is now known as fiftyfive
sstaTK5791: where?21:02
TK5791user accounts21:02
=== fiftyfive is now known as observation
TK5791no second user21:02
geoffmccTK5791: Are you trying to change the password of the user you are currently logged in as?21:03
KoolvinHey, I have intel pentium e5700, it's a 64bit processor, would I dl x86 or 64bit21:03
askhaderKoolvin: Relly?21:04
askhaderYou can't guess?21:04
askhader64 bit21:04
askhaderBut x86 will work.21:04
FloodBot1askhader: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:04
KoolvinIntel is all wacky with their instruction sets.21:04
TK5791I'm trying to create a password so I can close down the authentication popup21:04
sstaTK5791: did you enter the new password twice?21:04
rduplainanyone know if you can list a package's license with dpkg or an apt tool?21:06
=== mentoc_ is now known as mentoc
sstaTK5791: does it say "too short" for the new password?  if it won't accept the new password as valid, it won't let you change21:07
fedcabCan someone please tell me how to reset defective (user specific) settings preventing unity to start? I get no window manager after I obviously messed up my settings by installing gnome. Or at least can someone tell me where unity logs error reports?21:07
TK5791the change box is greyed out21:07
TK5791it won't even attempt to change the password21:07
geoffmccTK5791: what pop up, like when your trying to install something but need more privliges21:07
TK5791geoffmcc = yes21:07
geoffmccTK5791: why not just wait to do that, go to a terminal, type passwd and change your password and then do what your trying to do21:08
sstarduplain: I don't thing the Packages files have that information, so probably not...21:08
zykotick9rduplain, even "apt-cache show foo" doesn't say anything about license, perhaps apt doesn't include it?  good luck.21:08
vegeta59vous allez bien21:08
rduplainssta: I didn't think so, but wondering if there is a db out there21:08
vegeta59ya des francais21:09
zykotick9!fr | vegeta5921:09
ubottuvegeta59: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:09
vegeta59zykotick9 merci21:10
geoffmccTK5791: now that i think of it, the way your trying to change password isnt working probably cause the authentication box is still up21:10
bornTK5791 i think what he is trieing to suggest is that you pess the windows key and enter "Terminall" than you enter "passwd"21:10
sstarduplain: there are for Debian, but I ddon't know about for Ubuntu21:11
geoffmccand close the auth window if its up21:11
usr13_geoffmcc: born:  I think he's got it now.21:11
TK5791ok... I'll give it a try21:12
usr13_TK5791: As rduplain suggests:  Open a terminal, type passwd and change your password.21:12
bornusr13_ sry im new in supporting people21:12
sstarduplain: if you had a full mirror, then you can hack something together with dpkg-deb I suppose.21:12
TK5791sorry... hasn't worked21:12
TK5791should I just try to reboot?#21:13
usr13_TK5791: What didn't work?21:13
rduplainfrom arghx in #debian -> rduplain: /usr/share/doc/libc6/copyright substitute libc6 for your package21:13
bornTK5791 if there nothing apears when you type in ur password dont be afraight... it works but he just shows no response21:13
mkjacksonhey folks, been thinking of updating my father's old laptop which has been running ubuntu 8.10 (or so)... does 11.10 perform just as well, or hopefully better, on old hardware? I know we're not M$ but new technology does tend to require better h/w...21:13
macromancerhas anyone here tried to convert FLV->WAV using FFmpeg? i'm getting "[flv @ 0x8f37a80] Could not find codec parameters (Audio: speex, 16000 Hz, 1 channels) \ /usr/share/red5/webapps/audiorecorder/streams/audioStream_1321648462114_43.flv: could not find codec parameters"21:13
usr13_TK5791: What did you do? (That did not work?)21:13
=== ubuntu is now known as draioch
macromancerflv is audio w/Speex codec21:13
sstarduplain: oh, if you already have the package installed, then yes21:13
TK5791I've closed all the windows and tried to reset password but Change box is still greyed out21:14
usr13_TK5791: As rduplain suggests:  Open a terminal, type passwd and change your password.21:14
geoffmccTK5791 as i suggested a few times try passwd in term21:14
TK5791I'll try that21:14
bornTK5791 if you dont know how to open a terminal just ask21:15
borngeoffmcc im new in helping... if i make things worse just tell me21:15
gennanyone know how i can set mplayer as the default media player?  it's not showing up in the 'other applications'  list & i no longer have the use a command option21:15
TK5791password updated via Terminal21:16
sstamkjackson: 11.10 needs beefier hardware to run the default install.  There are lightweight WMs though that will probably work fine21:16
geoffmccborn: your fine, i just knew he still needed help when usr13 said something cause i was getting pm'd by him21:16
geoffmccTK5791: ok now try what you were doing21:17
hackenschmidthey, what does the "." at the end the list of permissions mean? e.g. "-rwx-r-xr-x."21:17
TK5791ok, thanks one and all, so how do I turn off the Authentication21:17
bashnerdhackenschmidt: I think is just for a matter of typography.21:17
hackenschmidtbashnerd, so why do some files have it and other don't?21:18
geoffmccTk5791: it can be done but i dont recomend it   http://help.ubuntu.com/community/rootsudo   at bottom Remove password promt for sudo... but again, i dont recomend21:18
guntberthackenschmidt: what files have that? show us a pastebin please21:19
geoffmcctk5791: yes you may be only one using computer locally, but remember, your on the internet with it21:19
deej1976hackenschmidt: Can you send an ls -lart of a directory that contains files with and without the ending .21:19
bornby starting "User Accounts" but i would recommend to keep it active... cause its used for some other things21:19
hackenschmidtthey're cron scripts.21:19
hackenschmidtya sure21:19
=== jeremy_ is now known as Guest47059
arxamphi all21:21
arxampany recommendations on a modern, supported video card for a build-it-yourself desktop?21:21
guntberthackenschmidt: you are not making this up, are you? I have never seen that before21:22
hackenschmidtnot arxamp, not ati21:22
hackenschmidtgunbert, NO.21:22
bornarxamp i recommend nvidia... it has the best linux support21:22
KoolvinBest opengl support*21:22
hackenschmidtgunbert, the only reason I'm looking at this is because cron is doing so weeeerid stuff21:22
bornati + linux = no good21:23
deej1976hackenschmidt: The files have ACL set.21:23
deej1976hackenschmidt: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131442521:23
cgtdkI've had trouble with ATI drivers too. No problems with any of my Nvidia GPUs though.21:23
ratcheerarxamp: I run an ATI 6770. It is great, but a lot of trouble to keep it working with Linux. I also recommend nVidia.21:23
bornTK5791 all right? if you need something just ask21:23
X-tonicwhy does 11.10 query for i386 updates (mine is a amd64 install) when I do a apt-get update?21:23
arxampborn: thanks.21:23
hackenschmidtdeej1976, thanks21:23
bekksX-tonic: Because you have a multilib system and some packages are not available for amd64 -or- you have i386 system.21:24
hackenschmidtati and gnome3 don't play nice at all. I had a 6970 and ended up returning it because it was so buggy21:24
hackenschmidtbought a 560 ti and haven't had any problems since21:24
inashdeencould not get a distribution template. what does that mean?21:25
bekkshackenschmidt: That doesnt have anything to do with the ati hardware, but with the driver for it.21:25
X-tonicbekks: but is 11.10 multilib by default? cause in 11.04 this did not happen.21:25
reutI need help installing opencv on ubuntu 11.1021:25
bekksX-tonic: Ubuntu amd64 is multilib since a very, very long time.21:25
hackenschmidtbekks, yes, but it's not much good without a driver.  :)21:26
inashdeenif anyone dont mind, can someone just open /etc/lsb-release and tell me the settings in there. i messed mine and now i cannot update files21:26
bekkshackenschmidt: So the driver was buggy, not the hardware ;)21:26
Guest47059hi, I just installed newest ubuntu fresh; and wondering how to enable compiz. I have synaptic installed; but when I search compiz, I get a little grey exclamation point next to it.... any one know what i should do??21:26
ratcheerThe latest driver, 11.11, is working pretty well with Gnome3. Not perfect, but pretty good.21:27
bekksinashdeen: Please tell us what you have in that file.21:27
bekks!paste | inashdeen21:27
ubottuinashdeen: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:27
deej1976!info ccsm21:27
ubottuPackage ccsm does not exist in oneiric21:27
hackenschmidtbekks, fair enough. But the windows driver was also terrible. catalyst is awful.21:27
Jordan_UGuest47059: Compiz is used by default in Ubuntu if your graphics card / drivers support compiz.21:27
StavaI've read somewhere that ubuntu spins down/up the hard drive a lot more than is healthy (at least on laptops?). Is that true? If so, how do I prevent that?21:27
Jordan_U!ccsm | Guest4705921:28
ubottuGuest47059: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz21:28
StavaI've actually found this, http://tjp3000.blogspot.com/2009/05/disable-frequent-hard-disk-spindown-in.html is that a good idea for 11.10?21:28
inashdeenbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/742665/21:28
ratcheerdeej1976: Try compizconfig-settings-manager21:28
X-tonicbekks: when i had 11.04 installed, and when I did apt-get update, it never hit the i386 Packages. here in 11.10, even after a fresh install it does.21:28
Guest47059thanks I will try it.21:28
deej1976ratcheer: it was for Guest4705921:28
bekksX-tonic: Why did you touched that file at all? :)21:29
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inashdeenbekks: never mind, i solved it already. may i ask why ubuntu is rigid regarding lsb-release whereas debian do not need that file21:29
X-tonicbekks: sorry, i didnt get which file are you talking of?21:30
guntbertX-tonic: I guess that was not intended for you :-) (he was talking about lsb_release)21:32
private_metabildramer: why do a couple of letters in caps annoy you so much?21:33
guntbertprivate_meta: wrong window? :)21:34
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private_metadammit... first wrong nick, then wrong windw21:34
boxybrownwhyyyy is this software so shitty21:36
usr13inashdeen_: What id debian's method of identifying it's version numbers?21:36
boxybrownand why wont ubuntu fix its shitty bugs21:36
FlashbangCould someone tell me how to enable nautilis to search in hidden folders?21:36
boxybrownso broken21:36
usr13boxybrown: What bug?21:36
usr13boxybrown: What is broken?21:36
bashnerdFlashbang: ctrl+h21:36
Flashbangthanks bash21:37
boxybrownusr13: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/64564821:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 645648 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "network-manager updates /etc/hosts, breaks hostname -f" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:37
boxybrownand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/63289621:37
DarrowHey everyone, I'm trying to install Ubuntu on a VirtualBox.21:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 632896 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Leaves unreachable entries in /etc/hosts when stopping network" [Medium,Fix released]21:37
DarrowThe CD boots but then when I go to Install Ubuntu, the screen turns black.21:37
DarrowAnyone know why?21:37
nu1hello anyone knows if there is a similar application for ubuntu to readon tv? I would like to view videos and some live streaming stuff that is offered by readon. Any suggestions?21:37
Jordan_UDarrow: What iso are you using? Did you check the md5?21:38
acuDarrow: few possible reasons - maybe you try to install 64 bit OS in 32 bit machine ?21:38
nu1I installed miro, but do not know where to get the list of urls to online videos21:38
boxybrownand this one21:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 8980 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "hostname -f does not return a proper FQDN" [Medium,Confirmed]21:38
boxybrownwhich has been open since 2004!!!!21:38
Darrowacu: It's 11.10 server edition, 32 bit.21:38
DarrowJordan_U: MD5 seems fine, not sure what happened. I can choose the language, but after that, any choice I choose turns the screen black.21:39
Flashbangbashnerd, hm I already had hidden files enabled, I meant the actualy search function. I am currently trying to search for a file in FireFox's cache folder and nothing appears in the results even If I am positive the file exists21:39
usr13boxybrown: Which one?  632896?21:39
usr13or... ?21:39
boxybrown8980 has been open since 200421:39
guntbertboxybrown: ranting here doesn't help any  and please mind your language21:39
boxybrownguntbert: sorry!21:40
boxybrowni just dont like wasting my time trying to find a workaround for something that should definitely work21:40
boxybrownand other software depends on21:41
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inashdeen_usr13: come again, i dont get it21:41
usr13boxybrown: I think that it happens to have happened again.21:41
usr13not that it never got resolved.21:41
bornguys when i try to install software it installes but dpkg response with 1 after21:41
A|i3Nok so, ubuntu 11.04, clean install as of last night. Just installed K9Copy to make a backup copy of an expensive DVD - I load the program, hit open and the program just closes on me.21:42
inashdeen_minimized tray icon is not showing on cairo dock on ubuntu 11.10. how do i fix this?21:43
mdmkolbeI just tried to install ubuntu (11.10) but after the initial install process the BOIS doesn't recognizing the HD as bootable (I get a no O/S found error).  Any ideas?21:43
bornguys when i try to install software it installes but dpkg response with 1 after how can i find out whats his problem?21:43
bekksborn: TAke a closer look, it tells you exactly whats returning 1.21:44
* LmAt is away: Away currently, but you can try me...21:45
ratcheermdmkolbe: Do you know how to chroot to your installation from a live cd?21:45
mdmkolberatcheer: with a bit of help, I'm up for it (Give me a moment to boot the live CD, but I need guidence after that (I am familiar with command line, but not chroot specifically))21:47
bornbekks http://paste.debian.net/146207/ <- maybe you can tell me =)21:48
bekksborn: Read line 3 and 4. Thats an exact error description.21:49
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rduplainssta: I have dpkg-query and copyright file script going for installed packages. thanks for your help21:50
bornbekks good work! now lets do something against it :P21:50
FlashbangI already have hidden files enabled, I meant the actualy search function. I am currently trying to search for a file in FireFox's cache folder and nothing appears in the results even If I am positive the file exists21:50
theshadowAlright, I've asked this before but now I just lost two hours of work because the intel drivers caused a hang check failure which locked up the machine and corrupted files when forcefully rebooted. I've commented on a bug, I've begged, but seriously. I need some solution because for the first time in 4 years I'm considering ditching ubuntu21:50
Flashbangcan anyone help?21:50
bekksborn: Well, take a look at the complete output to see whats going wrong.21:50
boxybrownusr13: what happened again? the problem cropped up again?21:51
bornbekks sry im stupid... here is the output http://paste.debian.net/146209/21:52
bekksborn: show us the output of lsb_release -a please21:52
A|i3Nok so K9copy crashes on a clean system - any ideas? I just installed libdvdcss2 and it still just closes on me. Or is there another channel I should ask this is21:53
A|i3Ner in21:53
Alperenhow can i filter rss feeds in evolution ?21:53
Valtamcan I add debian repos to ubuntu?21:54
bornhttp://paste.debian.net/146210/ i can tell you what i was trying what it may caused... if it helps21:54
mdmkolberatcheer: heh, I think I found the problem (somehow the partation never was marked bootable).  (I'm in the process of testing this theory.)21:54
Flashbangthanks for the help...21:54
bornbekks http://paste.debian.net/146210/ i tried to unistall polipo... something did not work21:54
cvrA|i3N: try a different disc, some discs with different protection crash it21:54
Jordan_UValtam: No.21:55
A|i3Noooh ok. It's cars2 so it's pretty new.21:55
theshadowAnyone? Seriously, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/737972/ I've tried to get someone to comment but for the last two weeks it's felt like no one has cared. I'll get what ever data you want but this is affecting productivity in a bad way and didn't start happening till an update came through.21:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 737972 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "drm:i915_hangcheck_elapsed] *ERROR* Hangcheck timer elapsed... GPU hung" [Undecided,Fix released]21:55
ratcheermdmkolbe: I don't think that's it.21:55
cvrsony/disney usually big issues21:55
mdmkolberatcheer: after setting the boot flag in gparted (from Boot CD) and rebooting it still doesn't work, so you are right that that wasn't the issue.21:57
A|i3Ncvr: i used to have a library or something that cracked copy protection like that... i can't remember the name of it though? Seems like it was on a site having something to do with ubuntu restricted software or something21:57
mdmkolberatcheer: (I'm unsure whether to set the boot flag back to the way it was (off).)21:58
ratcheermdmkolbe: Personally, I would put it back the way it was.21:58
mdmkolberatcheer: done21:59
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JoniiHey, I'm thinking of making as sterile browsing user on my laptop as possible. No history, no cookies, nothing but a browser and a text editor, as clean and simple as possible22:00
JoniiAre there any guides to doing that?22:00
ratcheermdmkolbe: Can you boot to a live CD and still be connected here?22:00
JoniiLike, what sort of stuff you'd have to take into account?22:00
mdmkolberatcheer: yes22:00
mdmkolberatcheer: the boot CD is on a different machine22:00
icerootJonii: kiosk-mode22:00
icerootJonii: have a look at it22:01
ratcheerOk, do it and I will try to walk you through the process of setting up grub.22:01
bornbekks im still very very unhappy with my error... =/22:01
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usr13born: What error?22:02
mdmkolberatcheer: I'm surprised that the installation form the Boot CD didn't already do that22:02
submanHow do I tell if my OpenGL is functioning properly?22:02
bornusr13 http://paste.debian.net/146210/22:02
ratcheermdmkolbe: It should have, but something is messed up. Maybe we can fix it.22:03
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usr13born: Ok, what error?22:03
deej1976subman: Try glxgears22:03
Joniiiceroot: nope22:04
submandeej1976, yeah, tried that.  I could not run it or install it.22:04
hilarieHello... so... looking for a way to start ftp downloads from my ubuntu headless server preferable with a GUI or webgui of some sort, any ideas?22:04
illyhi everyone - i need some laptop advice. my 5 year old Dell X1 is about to bite the dust, and i'd like to get a laptop  with Ubuntu as the host operating system. does anyone have a recommendation on which laptop to buy?22:04
bornusr13 sry was the wrong one here is the right http://paste.debian.net/146211/22:04
deej1976!mesa-ulits | subman22:04
guntbert!ftp | hilarie22:04
ubottuhilarie: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd22:04
submandeej1976, mesa-utils22:05
office3will edubuntu work in xubuntu22:05
hilarieguntbert is there a webgui way to do things like that?22:05
deej1976hilarie: On the server install openssh-server and sftp to download22:05
deej1976!info mesa-ulits | subman22:05
ubottusubman: Package mesa-ulits does not exist in oneiric22:05
deej1976!info mesa-utils | subman22:05
ubottusubman: mesa-utils (source: mesa-demos): Miscellaneous Mesa GL utilities. In component universe, is extra. Version 8.0.1+git20110129+d8f7d6b-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 26 kB, installed size 132 kB22:05
guntberthilarie: web-GUI for ftp??22:06
hansg01how to change hardware temperature from F to C?22:06
hilarieguntbert kinda, I want to be able to initialize transfers to my server from a 3rd box22:06
submandeej1976, 180 fps good?22:06
usr13born: apt-get -f install22:06
deej1976subman: What GPU?22:06
guntberthilarie: sorry, I don't understand what you try to do22:07
deej1976!info openssh-server22:07
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.8p1-7ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 331 kB, installed size 876 kB22:07
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)22:07
submandeej1976, nVidia 620022:07
hilariedeej1976 the ftp I want to pull it from is offsite22:08
bornusr13 the same lame error message. shall i paste it again?22:08
deej1976subman: Have you tried any opengl games? tuxracer?22:08
hilarieI guess I am looking for a ftp client that can be controlled remotely?22:08
deej1976hilarie: Ok, filezilla ( sudo apt-get install filezilla )22:08
submandeej1976, Yes, Flightgear.  Both my dual-cores go to 100% and the framerate is only at about 4-5 fps22:09
Multbrelchhansg01, what do you mean precisely?22:09
hilariedeej1976 will look into that22:09
bornusr13 do we need a hammer?22:09
ZeloZeloslately when i connect to my tv/sound system the sound is very noisy, i never noticed it before any suggestions?22:10
usr13born: sudo dpkg --configure -a22:10
ZeloZelosnot sure if its the os or my system..anyone know how to diagnose?22:11
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bornusr13 already tried... it just ends  (proberply normal) with no output but dont solve the problem22:11
deej1976subman: Just looking up glxinfo strings22:12
submandeej1976, No problem, doing some research here as well22:12
deej1976subman: glxinfo | grep ^Open22:13
deej1976subman: Should say NVidia22:13
submandeej1976, Yes, it does22:14
Joniiiceroot: that seems mostly what I was looking for, though my google fu failed the first time I tried it there22:14
JoniiIt tells you to change user privileges, but I can't find any documentation about what are those privileges, except entries in that gui-thing22:15
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deej1976subman: driver: OpenGL version string: 4.1.0 NVIDIA 280.1322:16
MultbrelchZeloZelos, did you check connections of the cables?22:17
submandeej1976, OpenGL version string: 2.1.2 NVIDIA 280.1322:17
ZeloZelosMultbrelch yup, all the same as always, never been changed, but noise is now appearing22:17
JoniiAlso, if anyone has any good guide about how does Ubuntu and Linux in general work, a bit under-the-hood like stuff about everything, that works as an advanced introduction to the system and can be read in less than 2 days(main topics in some depth + links to additional resources), feel free to share22:17
bornusr13 okey... ur not responding... i try it with the hammer :P22:18
MultbrelchZeloZelos, can you test your system with another computer?22:18
bekksJonii: http://www.amazon.com/Linux-Bible-2010-openSUSE-Distributions/dp/047048505122:18
JoniiSure, I've been asking for such a resource here for months now. I'm a bit unsure if I should just stop22:18
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ZeloZelosMultbrelch i can use my phone22:18
bekksJonii: The URL doesnt mention ubuntu, but the book does.22:18
VampsDaBeastany one know what the package i need to install gnome 2(latest)22:19
Joniibekks: seems it's a physical book. If I'm to read it, I gotta find other ways to read it22:19
VampsDaBeastlemme reword that.. i want to install gnome 2 and need the apt-get install line to install all of it,22:19
bekksVampsDaBeast: Hopefully some backport PPA. Oneric doesnt support gnome2 anymore.22:19
ZeloZelosMultbrelch sounds fine with phone22:19
plummerbGnome is the name22:20
VampsDaBeastreally, bekks22:20
bekksVampsDaBeast: Really.22:20
VampsDaBeastbekks wow.. didnt think they'd take support for older gnome out..22:20
JoniiI'd prefer resources that I didn't have to obtain illegally, but I'm not gonna complain. Thanks bekks22:21
bekksJonii: You can buy the book legaly.22:21
KoolvinHey how can I find the used/remaining space in ubuntu server 10.0422:22
bekksKoolvin: Using "df -h", e.g.22:23
xxiaocan i point nfsserver to run on eth1 instead of eth0?22:23
xxiaoeth1 is for internal network22:23
Joniibekks: nah. There are some reasons I'm not going to do that22:23
xxiaoif i use internal ips on /etc/exports it will be auto on eth1 then?22:23
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Joniibekks: though, now that you insist, I think that book should be available in at least one of the libraries I have access to22:23
bekksxxiao: All you could do is to create a share that is accesible for the internal network only. See man 5 exports for details.22:24
JoniiGood thinking !22:24
MultbrelchZeloZelos, the best way is to test your audio/video system with a second computer22:24
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ZeloZelosok ty Multbrelch ill give it a try22:25
MultbrelchZeloZelos, and: Did it appear after an update of your ubuntu system?22:25
JoniiBy the way, how come there's virtually no documentation about anything Linux is and does?22:25
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bekksJonii: There are TONS of documentation about that - most of it you wont find in a library, unfortunately.22:26
KoolvinHey, I install ubuntu with a flash drive, and now it won't boot unless I boot from the flash drive. Did I accidentally install the MBR onto the flashdrive?22:26
Joniiman pages for specific commands, so if you know what you're going to do, and what commands you're going to use to do it, you can get some help. Then, other than that... Nothing that I can see. Maybe the source code is well documented, I don't know, but for an ordinary user, nothing22:26
plummerbJonii  Yes, Linux is community driven....  Therefore most documentation is found IN the community.  That is, online.22:26
urlin2uJonii, you have not been looking it is open source, everything including the code is available.22:27
bekksKoolvin: Not necessarily. Possibly you installed Ubuntu on the flash drive, too.22:27
ZeloZelosMultbrelch no22:27
Joniiplummerb: yeah, and I've been asking for some sort of an introduction texts on this channel for months. man intro and this linux bible 2010 have been the only hits I've gotten this far22:27
bekksJonii: There are gigabytes of documentation for almost every distro I know of.22:28
geoffmccJonii: i am no way advanced, but when i first started i just browsed around the forums and in launchpad answers22:28
plummerbJonii   I think O'Riley has a Linux in a Nutshell book out there...22:28
KoolvinBekks, df -h shows the usb not mounted22:28
bekksKoolvin: Then it is not mounted.22:28
Joniiurlin2u: sure it is. But it's a pretty big leap to assume that just to use ubuntu, I'm going to read and grok in entirety the whole source code(how many millions of lines is that?) of Ubuntu and necessary programs22:28
KoolvinIt does however show /dev/sda1 being the hdd22:28
KoolvinSo I'd assume it's on the harddrive22:29
KoolvinWill reinstalling grub fix my problem?22:29
nattier1Hi. I have installed restricted drivers (ATI graphics drivers - FGLRX). Everything seems to work ok except boot splashscreen - it's now big and ugly (very low resolution). How to fix this?22:29
MultbrelchZeloZelos, as I have written: second computer or may be second OS on your current computer22:29
bekksKoolvin: /dev/sda could be your usb disk too.22:29
bekksKoolvin: I assume you have it plugged in and booted into Ubuntu, right?22:29
MultbrelchZeloZelos, u can test your system by booting from a live CD22:29
JoniiI mean, aren't there any... You know, general guidelines, "You can do this, there's this, oh, you definitely should read more about this, here's a link, and then you should try out this.."22:30
KoolvinThe size of the disk is 500 gb, not the 8gb on the flash drive beasty_22:30
bekksKoolvin: Depending on your BIOS, the device order may vary.22:30
MultbrelchZeloZelos, and with the live CD u test your audio/video stuff22:30
urlin2uJonii, you have to be careful not to project meaning into a set of words, ubuntu is one on the most covered as it has a rather large user base.22:30
KoolvinYes, but the harddrive shows 850mb used22:30
ZeloZelosMultbrelch i dual boot with vista, it does it on both22:30
KoolvinIt's cleanly formatted22:30
KoolvinIt was22:30
bekksKoolvin: Then you have to fix your grub(2) install.22:30
ZeloZelosMultbrelch it seems worse in vista22:30
KoolvinWhich would mean reinstalling grub?22:30
bekksKoolvin: No, fixing it.22:31
Joniiurlin2u: yeah, that's what I thought. And that's precisely why I'm shocked by how there just doesn't seem to be that much documentation about anything. Like, some detached tips here and there, if you know what google keywords to look for22:31
MultbrelchZeloZelos, so then the probability of an issue with the hardware of your audio is higher (in the comp)22:31
MultbrelchZero, its a laptop?22:31
bekksKoolvin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:32
MultbrelchZeloZelos,  its a laptop?22:32
ZeloZelosMultbrelch yup22:32
frs9doI downloaded MANDVD and its a diamond shape icon22:32
frs9dowhat do I do with it22:32
slucidiHey all, does anyone here have any experience running more than two monitors via multiple similar nVidia GPUs?22:32
frs9doI wantto install this program badly22:32
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MultbrelchZeloZelos, then its not easy to open the laptop and test the audio card22:33
ZeloZelosMultbrelch it sorta sounds like an improper ground..just like car audio which i know tons about, but little about home equiptment22:33
urlin2uJonii, what you may not realize though is that there are 100's of linux distro and many more, but although they may seem different, fundamentally they are quite similar not sure it help to know that but the desktops are what makes them seem different the most I think.22:33
JoniiThis lack of results is actually so surprising that I refuse to believe it. I think there are some good internet resources that tell you what's linux and what's it good for, but that I haven't found yet. Hence me asking about that every day or two22:34
ZeloZelosMultbrelch ohh....i got an idea, i have an old external sb...:) ill hook it up and see22:34
MultbrelchZeloZelos, open the laptop and check for loosen cable, bad connections ...22:34
MultbrelchZeloZelos, sb =22:34
plummerbJonii   Try this...  http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596154493.do22:34
ZeloZelosMultbrelch its a real pain to open this crazy thing, i replaced the hd once it took an entire day messaging parts off this thing22:34
ZeloZelosMultbrelch sb is sound blaster22:35
MultbrelchZeloZelos, try it22:35
ZeloZelosits from the 90's but ill give it a go. thanks for helping Multbrelch22:35
Joniiplummerb: tack22:36
GTRsdkIs it possible to have transmission go to a process that is invisible, but still working?22:36
MultbrelchZeloZelos, ur welcome22:36
JoniiOr, thanks22:36
plummerbJonii  Linux is an extremely complex operating system.  The "distributions" attempt to customize it for various users.  If you are fining that it just doesn't meet your needs you may need to look at Mac or Windows.22:36
plummerbLinux isn't for everyone.22:37
frs9dothat is true22:37
urlin2uJonii, what you may not know as well as far as what its for is that 70% of the fastest soper computers run Linux the large hadron collider runs linux about half the servers on the net google , facebook, government computers in many countries use linux, many time it is a backdrop to others working quietly in the background.22:37
Multbrelchplummerb, is Windows more easy to understand? ;-)22:37
geoffmccJonii: might i suggest google search on how to setup php apache and mysql in ubuntu and then do it, then get a blog going. this will a. get you started on a project and then b. give you a place to write up some tutorials or daily journal of your ubuntu experience22:37
JoniiLike, lemme share you my plight: I've been looking for information about Linux user system for a week now. I've been asking here, I've been reading several wiki articles about that, and asking on other irc channels. Only yesterday I was finally told what users _ARE_ in Linux. No one had that written down anywhere I could find22:37
frs9dowindows is the easier OS22:37
frs9dono question about that22:38
GTRsdkMultbrelch: not when it says that you have registry issues :(22:38
MultbrelchGTRsdk, :-)22:38
frs9doBut doesn't always mean better22:38
bekksfrs9do: It is just more colourful.22:38
jutnuxJonii, sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ phpmyadmin22:38
jutnuxln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/phpmyadmin22:38
frs9doNo its not, the way it handles packages is far more easier22:38
frs9doLike EXE files22:38
jutnuxfrs9do, Ubuntu uses .deb?22:39
plummerbJonii  That's more of a "how do computers work" question.  Not a linux question.22:39
geoffmccjutnux: thats the easy way, i was suggesting it to him as a learning experience22:39
frs9dowe download something on linux and its a diamond shape thing22:39
slucidiAnyone have some experience with 11.10 + multi-gpu?22:39
JoniiIt's like this for everything. I ask the same question over and over again, go over stuff that is in format of tips for achieving something when I seek to understand how it works, and I never do. Unless I get very lucky, as I got with that user thing, and I got someone knowledgeable to explain it to me in depth22:39
Multbrelchfrs9do, I changed to Linux because I had NO CLUE about Windows at the end. Linux is so transparent ...22:39
frs9doI downloading MANDVD22:39
jutnuxgeoffmcc, try that, but if there if he is finding it too hard that'd be a quicker way!22:39
frs9doANd its some diamond22:39
frs9dogod knows what to do with it22:39
frs9doIf it was windows, it would be an EXE22:39
shaxsHello, Im trying to install http://www.skifta.com which gives a linux .bin file. Using http://www.ehow.com/how_4578189_install-bin-file-ubuntu-linux.html I was able to launch the Skifta installer. I put the install directory as /home/.skifta but it installed the software to its default which is /root/skifta. Now my question is, how do I launch the application? All that is in the /root/skifta/ directory is zoom.bootstrap22:39
frs9doANd life would be easier22:39
geoffmccjutnux: yea he not even trying to install apache or anything, i was suggesting that he does as a project for him.22:40
Joniiplummerb: as far as I can tell, it's very much a linux question because there are several ways you could handle a thing called "user" with a computer. I wanted to know how that concept was implemented in Linux22:40
mcbainehttp://www.amazon.co.uk/Western-Digital-Elements-Multimedia-Drive/dp/tech-data/B003WE8RW4/ref=de_a_smtd   anybody got  an ubuntu version of a media-box-pc ????22:40
jutnuxgeoffmcc, probably a better idea to be honest!22:40
geoffmccJonii: you are the user, plain and simple22:40
jutnuxmcbaine, system76 do a media pc!22:40
Joniigeoffmcc: for linux, it's not me. It's the processes that I run, which are given rights to files based on my user ID, that form an interface between me and the kernel22:41
plummerbJonii  Well, I recommend starting with that Linux in a nutshell book.  I believe it covers users, groups and how they are used in Linux.22:42
plummerbfrs9do  Are you using KDE?22:42
frs9dojutnux: if it uses this deb, what do we do with the diamond shape icon? Does it open with deb?22:42
Joniiplummerb: ty, I'll check that out22:42
frs9doplummerb: kde?22:43
frs9doyou mean the theme?22:43
win-peza todos22:43
plummerbfrs9do  Do you know what distrobution you are running?22:43
plummerbUbuntu, Kunbuntu, Xubuntu?22:44
plummerbfrs9do  And do you know where you downloaded that application from?22:45
hdon_hi ubuntu people :) what's your favorite graphics card for ubuntu that costs $100 or less? X is eating all the CPU on my sisters' machine with ubuntu now installed :|22:45
frs9doplummerb: http://sourceforge.net/search/?q=mandvd22:46
bekkshdon_: Something beginning with N and ending with vidia ;)22:46
hilariehdon_ ATI!22:46
* hdon_ dies22:46
hilarieNo really, you most likely can't go wrong, buy from a store with a deccent return policy22:46
hilarieJust in case22:46
plummerbfrs9do  Did you go to ManDVD or mandvd2?22:47
slucidihdon_ what does she need to do with it? just run x with compiz smoothly?22:47
hdon_slucidi: exactly22:47
frs9doplummerb: mandvd22:47
frs9doplummerb: the first one22:47
hdon_and mine bitcoin :P (just kidding)22:47
slucidihdon_: easy and cheap, you can pick up a Galaxy gt520 for about 50$22:48
bekkshdon_: Another graohics card wont fix that problem as long as you dont change the driver or resolve the problem.22:48
hdon_slucidi: crap i forgot one other caveat22:48
hdon_and this fact... makes the $100 or less part easy22:48
hdon_in fact unavoidable22:48
hdon_it needs to be AGP22:48
plummerbfrs9do  And did you go to the Files section from there?22:48
slucidiyou can have one from my basement22:48
hdon_well i just replaced their hard drive and their optical drive and their power supply22:49
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slucidilet me see what I can dig up on the tubes.22:49
hdon_maybe i should go the last mile and give them a new mobo22:49
win-pezno entiendo22:49
frs9doDId you see the url plummerb22:49
slucidihdon_: you could grab a geforce 6200 from newegg for under $50 that would do the trick22:50
plummerbfrs9do  I may not have seen it.  What was it?22:50
hdon_slucidi: thanks! :)22:50
slucidino problem =]22:50
frs9doone sec plummerb22:50
inashdeenhaving problem installing cairo-dock-plug-ins_2.4.0~2-0ubuntu1_i386 on ubuntu. any workaround?22:50
lorenzhi guys22:50
frs9doplummerb: http://sourceforge.net/search/?q=mandvd22:50
lorenzcan anyone help me install alsa on ubuntu minimal?22:51
plummerbfrs9do  Does that dimond icon you downloaded have a name or is it just an icon?22:51
frs9doIt has a name plummerb22:51
slucidihdon_: you've got a few options among specific manufacturers with little difference in price... try and get one with a little more ram.  you should be able to get 512 on one of those22:52
frs9doplummerb: it says MANDVD22:52
plummerbfrs9do  What happens if you double click it?22:52
frs9doplummerb: absolutely nothing22:53
xruudlets try my luck; I'm having a pwd problem, the first try is never accepted, where to look?22:53
plummerbfrs9do  Well, looks like the download may not have worked correctly then.  What browser are you using?22:54
Jordan_Uxruud: By "pwd" do you mean password?22:54
Jordan_Uxruud: Where are you entering the password? At the LightDM login screen?22:54
frs9doplummerb: firefox22:55
xruudJordan_U: anywhere; login, terminal. Any time, every time22:55
Jordan_Uxruud: So if you use "su myusername" from a terminal you get this problem?22:56
xruudJordan_U: Google said it could be a keyring problem, but I made sure thois has the same pwd as my login22:56
slucididoesn't sound like a keyring problem if its happening at login22:57
rj175Hello All, I am wondering if anyone knows of an application I could use which would allow me to have diffrent sets of workspaces depending on what im doing? At the moment I just have 12 workstations but it would be nice if I could just have a list for say "work" "Coding" etc that would change depending on what I was doing. Any ideas?22:57
xruudJordan_UL Yes, su ruud -> I have to enter pwd twice. In fact; it is very fast the first time and the second takes two seconds to accept22:57
frs9doplummerb: ok I downloaded it again22:58
xruudslucidi: indeed, I was just following any lead I could find22:58
frs9doand it looks like it worked but it still only saus "OPEN FILES" when I double click it plummerb22:58
frs9doSome open files window shows u22:58
kharlosshi there. i have a strange problem. 3 days ago i encountered a big problem. at 12 ( i`m GMT + 2) PM  my webserver stop responding / extremly slow conection using ssh. I see there is a large amount of data copied ( backup something maybe, or i don`t know) - i see this on hdd led, and harddisk sound like verry busy one.  i`m not a power user, i`m more a webdesigner.  somebody can help ? ( i22:58
kharlossmention, if i restart my webserver, everything it`s ok after) but restarting my server every night, ofcourse isn`t a solution. thanks in advance22:58
slucidixruud: understood, and good on you. I'm just thinking out loud.  do you use a non-us keyboard layout, and has this been happening since you installed?22:58
inashdeenanyone here using cairo dock? i need help22:59
bekkskharloss: Is your server reachable from the internet?22:59
plummerbfrs9do  Ok  So it looks like it is wanting you to select a media file to put on a dvd....   ?22:59
KoolvinHow can I install ruby 1.9.2 rather than the lates22:59
KoolvinHow can I install ruby 1.9.2 rather than the latest22:59
xruudslucidi: the keyboard layout is US. The problem occurred after removing another user AND changing my pwd. Not sure which one caused the problem23:00
frs9doplummerb: no no23:00
frs9doplummerb: are you familiar with ubuntu :)23:00
kharlossbekks : yes. actually after 50 minutes, everythuing it`s ok now ... but this happened maybe 2 weeks ago, every night23:00
plummerbfrs9do  Yep23:00
bekkskharloss: Then cut the internet connection of the box and investigate further, using tools like "iotop", "htop" to see _whats_ going on, and then investigate _why_23:01
psychx-Anyone know some really cool/fun, but free, linux games?23:01
frs9doplummerb: the diamond shape looks like a source code maybe?23:02
kharlossbekks actually i guess it`s about  some maintenance cron`s, because every night at the same hour, at midnight the same S$#t happened23:03
bekkskharloss: You have to verify it :)23:03
frs9dosorry all23:03
frs9dothis one I mean23:03
slucidixruud: is it the root account having this problem? your personal user? multiple accounts?23:03
frs9doplummerb: this is what it is23:03
kharloss bekks, my big problem now is i have to wait until tomorow night, because everything looks fine23:03
xruudslucidi: My account is the first created, administrator. Does that make it root? There is only one account on the machine now23:05
slucidixruud: for the purposes of my question, more or less.  have you tried changing your password?23:05
xruudslucidi: I'm kind of new on Linux, took me 13 years to finally leave it installed since trying it out several times ;)23:05
Jordan_Uxruud: Can you pastebin the output from an attempt with su? The output should not contain your password.23:06
bekksxruud: No. The first account created (asked while installing ubuntu), only does have a membership in the admin group, which allow the usage of sudo.23:06
plummerbfrs9do  Honestly, I've downloaded it and I can't get it to launch...23:06
slucidixruud: no problem ;) on ubuntu, the actual root account is locked and your personal account takes root power via sudo, usually.23:06
bekksUsing su will fail, since root has no password set, so you cannot login as root. You can use sudo instead.23:06
Phoenix87is anyone experiencing the kworker issue with 11.10?23:07
bekksPhoenix87: "the issue"?23:07
xruudslucidi: It occurred after chaniging my pwd. I changed it to something else for a short while and changed it back together with removing a temp user. Then the problem started23:07
plummerbfrs9do  And the project doesn't appear to have been updated since 2006.  I would look for a newer tool.23:07
Phoenix87yeah kworker takes 100% CPU and wifi stops working23:07
KoolvinHey, I keep doing sudo apt-get install rubygems1.9.1 and it says it's already installed, however gem -v produces 1.3.5...23:07
frs9doplummerb: that software is the only one that works for me23:08
frs9domy dvd player wont play dvd's burned with new software23:08
frs9doit keeps skipping23:08
xruudJordan_U: howto pastebin? never done that23:08
plummerbfrs9do  Try burning DVDs at a slower speed then.  That may be the difference...23:08
Jordan_U!pastebin | xruud23:09
ubottuxruud: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:09
xruudthe output is empty anyway23:09
slucidixruud:  I'd say pastebin the results of attemping to use your password like Jordan asked before we go any further23:09
frs9doplummerb: I burned it at 2x speed23:09
plummerbfrs9do  ManDVD may just be so old that it burns at a slower speed..23:09
kanupatari have installed ubuntu 11.10 in my dell lattitude machine23:09
kanupatareverything was correct23:09
xruud!pastebin | ruud23:09
csullivanKoolvin, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1403278/how-to-update-ruby-on-linux-ubuntu23:09
ubotturuud: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:09
kanupatarand after installation, I facing some issues in wireless23:09
kanupatarthe wireless properly autheticated23:10
xruudI do not get the pasting yet :P23:10
kanupatarand showing connected in the desktop23:10
jukebox-zeroKoolvin, the 10.04 package ruby1.9.1 is ruby 1.9.2 but is so named due to a "library compatibility version" could be a similar convention. http://goo.gl/R62j23:10
kanupatarand when i take mozilla, the internet is not coming23:10
KoolvinJukebox-zero, how do I fix that23:10
KoolvinI have no idea what I'm doing with ruby23:10
=== illusiOn_ is now known as illusi0n_
KoolvinNeed it for an application23:10
kanupatarand when i checked the ifconfig, I am seeing the connection is at ETH123:10
jukebox-zeroKoolvin, I wouldn't know either. Just a quick google on your behalf.23:11
docmurI have not been able to connect to MSN from a chat program for weeks now, if I can it's about a 12 second connection and it drops out, I've tried Piding and Empathy23:11
kanupatarCan Any one helpme on this?23:11
docmuranyone know whats wrong23:11
docmurdid they change there gateway23:11
kanupatarplease have a look onto my problem please23:12
xruudAh ok, I just paste the url then, I take it there is a faster way to use pastebin, but that command I'm not getting yet23:12
kanupatari have installed ubuntu 11.10 in my dell lattitude machine23:12
kanupatareverything was correct23:13
csullivankanupatar, dont repeat yourself23:13
kanupatarthe wireless properly autheticated23:13
plummerbfrs9do  Sounds like you need a new DVD drive then.  Shouldn't matter what you burn a DVD with.  If the DVD drive is too old it may not support the most up to date versions.23:13
kanupatarcsullivan: sorry23:13
kanupatarand when i checked the ifconfig, I am seeing the connection is at ETH123:13
xruudslucidi, Jordan_U: The output is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/742751/23:13
frs9doits not old really23:13
csullivanTry to not post a bunch of sgmented lines23:13
kanupatarand the connection is not coming23:13
frs9doits a 2 week old pc23:13
csullivankanupatar, do you get an IP in ifconfig?23:13
kanupatarin eth123:14
slucidixruud: thanks.  if Jordan_U doesn't have another suggestion based on that, I'm going to suggest you try changing your password to something simple and seeing if the issue persists.23:14
plummerbfrs9do  Like a Dell or a Gateway?23:14
karlwhow does one troubleshoot a bad wireless connection to my router?23:14
xruudslucidi: I'd have to change the keyring pwd as well?23:14
karlwit all started with 11.1023:14
frs9doplummerb: its a custom PC23:14
plummerbfrs9do  What is the maker of the DVD drive?23:15
csullivankanupatar, did you use iwconfig?23:15
Jordan_Uxruud: pwd for *NIX people will probably bring up Print Working Directory from the $PWD environment variable.23:15
kanupatarcsullivan: yes23:16
kanupatarin eth123:16
slucidixruud: since it's happening with your login, if we just change that we should get some insight without changing your passwords elsewhere in the system.23:16
kanupatarit is showing all authetication details23:16
xruudJordan_U: Unfortunately I have no idea what that means, I'm looking it up23:17
csullivankanupatar, does ping google.com23:17
plummerbfrs9do  Samsung?23:17
john77hello. am on ubuntu 11.04. how might i run silverlight to watch eurosport player videos?23:17
slucidixruud: he means that if you type 'pwd' at a prompt, it tells you the directory you are in.23:17
kanupatari tried , nslookup www.google.com23:17
hilarieor ping !23:17
frs9doplummerb: yes23:17
hilarietry pinging that IP (its google)23:17
xruudJordan_U: Ow I see, well, over here it is short for password... I'll keep it in mind, though!23:18
kanupatarnot working23:18
MeQuerSatjohn77, you can install moonlight available here: http://www.go-mono.com/moonlight/23:18
csullivanWhat version of ubuntu?23:18
kanupatarcsullivan: not working the ping23:18
kanupatarcsullivan: means the machine is failing to get the internet through eth123:19
csullivankanupatar, What version of ubuntu?23:19
kanupataroneric ocelot23:19
laxativesI just found super + n inverts colors and I like it more than without, is there a way for me to set everything to open inverted by default?23:19
xruudslucidi: can I change password from the terminal? Settings will not allow me to unlock user accounts to change them. (Might be part of the problem?)23:19
slucidixruud: it doesn't bring up a dialog when you hit unlock, or is it just greyed out?23:20
plummerbfrs9do  Is that a DVD rom or DVD writer?23:20
kanupatarcsullivan: 11.1023:20
frs9doDvd writer plummerb23:20
csullivanWhat did you do try and set it up?23:20
xruudslucidi: The unlock button is greyed out. I cannot click it23:20
plummerbfrs9do  Do you know what the modle number is?23:21
frs9doplummerb: http://www.samsung.com/ph/consumer/monitor-peripherals-printer/optical-disc-drive/dvd-rw-drive/SH-S223L/BEBE/index.idx?pagetype=prd_detail23:21
slucidixruud: to change your password from the terminal, just type 'passwd'. it will ask for your current password, then let you set a new password23:22
frs9doplummerb: its this one23:22
hopstafarianhi all, wondering how to unzip all the archives in a directory in order to recombine them into a single zip archive, the only problem, is that all the archive contain a single file with the same file name (transaction.qdx)..any way to get them to not overwrite each other?23:22
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g11tchsg nickserv identify ectorrendu1323:22
csullivang11tch, nice23:23
g11tchyeppers...going to change it now...23:23
xruudslucidi: I guess I have to restart the machine. brb.23:23
csullivang11tch, tell me you don't use that pass elsewhere?23:23
slucidixruud: you shouldn't have to reboot for that23:23
rashidi just came here today23:23
slucidioh dear.23:23
csullivanI've done that twice in a row before.23:24
slucidirashid: what?23:24
rashidslucidi: not really anything but really the newest linux,i don't like it23:24
geoffmcc!topic |rashid23:25
ubotturashid: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic23:25
plummerbfrs9do   That's a pretty old drive.23:25
plummerbin the computer world.23:25
plummerbfrs9do  How long have you had it?23:25
FunnyLookinHatIs there a way to clear my DNS cache ?23:26
=== ruud is now known as Guest85650
Guest85650slucidi: Sorry to say it did not work :(23:26
Guest85650hmm, why am I a guest now23:26
frs9doplummerb: it came with the PC23:26
=== Guest85650 is now known as xruud
slucidiGuest85650: you can get your name back with /nick xruud23:26
xruudslucidi: I found it :P23:27
plummerbfrs9do  Looks like that drive is about 2 years old...23:27
slucidixruud: so still having that issue, eh? alright.  you can still run commands that need root privileges successfully via sudo, yes?23:28
geoffmccFunnyLookinHat: i believe /etc/init.d/named restart will flush it23:28
gregu1Hi. How can I _disable_ unity3d? (I only want to give user unity2d)23:28
FunnyLookinHatgeoffmcc, cool thanks23:28
xruudslucidi: correct23:28
frs9doplummerb: thats old? :D23:28
gregu1they can't pick up unity3d. only unity2d.23:28
FunnyLookinHatgeoffmcc, Ah - no named   :D23:28
bluu_http://i.imgur.com/hL1vH.png i removed unity and that's how my gnome looks like. how can i readjust those items?23:28
bekksgregu1: FunnyLookinHat: named isnt part of a standard installation .23:28
FunnyLookinHatbekks, Yeah23:28
FunnyLookinHatdns-clear is supposed to do it I believe23:28
FunnyLookinHati.e. /etc/init.d/dns-clear start23:29
john77MeQuerSat: the go-mono website tells me it 'cannot install moonlight because it is not compatible with firefox 7.0.1'. Any other suggestions?23:29
plummerbfrs9do  If it doesn't support DVD formats that have come out in the last year then yes.23:29
xruudslucidi: Is the security part something I can remove and re-install, or is that part of the system itself?23:29
bytesaber_workok ubunti folk.    I use google+.  I use pidgin.   My google+ profile picture is normally seen with whatever googletalk app i use.     I reinstalled ubuntu on mydesk at work.   Durring itstall, it asked to take a picture of me.  So i did it.   Why is it now my googletalk picture profile???23:29
gregu1how can I remove "Unity" option from choose of login screen and set it ONLY to Unity 2D?23:29
frs9doplummerb: what other program can I use to convert AVI to DVD and burn23:29
frs9doplummerb: do you know of any?23:30
bekksbytesaber_work: Because thats the way pidgin handles that photo.23:30
shaxsIm trying to install emitapp.com to stream content from my linux box to my android device. In it it says "- Erlang in default apt repository is ancient. Run "sh erlang.sh" and it will23:30
shaxsinstall it manually or find a repository with an up to date erlang version. " However I cannot seem to get this to work23:30
slucidixruud: hehe you can't really tear the user system out and put it back in as far as I know ;) how did you remove that other user?23:30
plummerbfrs9do  More importantly what drive did you use to burn the DVDs that are skipping?  The same dirve?23:30
bytesaber_workbekks, i don't have any picture setup in pidgin23:30
frs9doplummerb: yes23:30
bytesaber_workbekks, where is the source of this new picture?23:31
bekksbytesaber_work: You just said you did?23:31
frs9doI could try another software plummerb23:31
frs9doplummerb: but do you know of anmy23:31
slucidigregul: don't repeat yourself, we heard you the first 2 times ;) there are a lot of busy people in here, someone might be able to help you soon23:31
bytesaber_workbekks, people see the picture.  i don't see it anywhere in my pidgin23:31
xruudslucidi: pressing minus in the gui; the only way I saw available when editing user accounts23:31
bekksbytesaber_work: But it was pidgin that asked for that picture?23:31
pulchrashi all23:31
bytesaber_workbekks, .   no.   the installation of ubuntu did.23:31
Zopiac/usr/share: Size of files: 3.5gb    Size on disk: 30.8....wut?23:32
shaxsanyone know how I am supposed to "Run "sh erlang.sh" I cannot get that to work23:32
xruudslucidi: I got one question; keep files -> no23:32
bytesaber_worki just thought it'd be some user profile picture / icon for logging in.23:32
plummerbfrs9do  Well I would look in the Ubuntu Software Center for Multimedia applications for making DVDs23:32
Zopiachow is /usr/share 30.8gb on disk?23:32
bekksbytesaber_work: The installation of ubuntu doesnt ask for a picture.23:32
bytesaber_workbekks, yes it does.23:32
bekks10.04 doesnt. 1000%.23:32
bytesaber_workbekks, it detected my webcam23:32
bytesaber_workhas done.23:32
FloodBot1bytesaber_work: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:32
slucidixruud: okay, nothing odd there.  I take it you also changed your password in the UI by selecting unlock and then proceeding from there?23:33
frs9doI have Devede23:33
frs9doBut I dont see any option to convert AVI to MPEG23:33
plummerbfrs9do  I have used FFMPEG many times.  You might try WinFF....23:33
xruudslucidi: yep, back then I still could ;)23:33
shaxsnm figured it out23:33
slucidixruud: gotcha. I think I've found something relevant to your issue, gimme a sec to parse it23:33
pulchrasI've got a dumb question about apt-get23:34
csullivanpulchras, shoot23:34
reflexrgwants to create md5sums from terminal with today's date set automatically like this without quotes "11-18-11.md5"23:34
reflexrgis this possible?23:34
reflexrgyeah I know23:35
xruudslucidi: great! I love to figure out what the problem is.23:35
reflexrgshell script I want to make23:35
reflexrgbut I forget how to do that date thing like that23:35
l1tI'm just trying to set a  script to start on startup on the default run levels:23:35
l1tupdate-rc.d -f convstarter.sh deafults23:36
xruudslucidi: and i already tried 10 google pages results or such23:36
l1tI get this error: update-rc.d: warning: /etc/init.d/convstarter.sh missing LSB  information23:36
plummerbfrs9do  Looks like DeVeDe will convert AVI to DVD....23:36
psychx-Anyone know any awesome adventure games or anything for ubuntu/linux?23:37
ZopiacHow does linux deal with icons? I know it's in /usr/share, but the whole thing is really confusing23:37
frs9doplummerb: I dont see the option for that23:37
plummerbfrs9do  What version do you have?23:37
submanWhat is KMS support?23:37
slucidixruud: can you open up a gnome-terminal for me and run 'sudo polkit-gnome-authorization' ?23:37
frs9doplummerb: 3.16.923:38
pulchrascsullivan when running "apt-get update" commnand,  I get a 3 lines on the prompt with "err" and  "404 not found" messages.... I've seen this is general, so that won't be important I guess, but I'd like to ask what does it mean23:38
plummerbfrs9do  Latest is 3.17  but it looks like previous versions supported AVI...23:38
xruudslucidi: is a gnome-terminal different from CTRL+ALT+T?23:38
frs9doplummerb: ok23:39
slucidixruud: not if you are running gnome ;)23:39
csullivanpulchras, it didn't find a file on the server23:39
csullivanDoes the command not work at all?23:39
xruudslucidi: Unity I'm afraid23:39
csullivanOr do you get *somewhere*23:39
slucidixruud: it's still the same one, hehe.  Unity is based on Gnome. and secretly, the exact terminal doesn't matter. I was just trying to be as clear as possible ;)23:39
plummerbfrs9do  When you select a file to add to the DVD does it let you select any file?23:39
trihedrongood evening23:39
frs9doplummerb: yes23:40
xruudslucidi: sudo: polkit-gnome-authorization: command not found23:40
plummerbfrs9do  Well, try selecting an AVI....23:40
slucidixruud: one sec, I seem to have lead you astray23:41
pulchrasthe command works, but I've just tried to add som ppa's via the "add-apt-repository" command and I got some errors, so I just wanted to fix it.... I could, but there where still theses errors, so I just wanted to know23:41
xruudslucidi: But I think I am seeing a direction here. Something with policies?23:42
pulchrasit's strange because it prompts for example this "Err http://ppa.launchpad.net oneiric/main i386 Packages23:42
pulchras  404  Not Found23:42
pulchras" so I guess that it may be something important xD23:42
pulchraslike system updates or something like that23:43
noobiuswhenever i update the driver for my nvidia 8800m gts and reboot 11.10 freezes. a lot of people are having the same problem23:43
slucidixruud: something along those lines.  have you had any issues trying to mount usb drives or anything of the sort?23:43
xruudno, they are mounted automatically when inserted. Also the mount command works as it should. I did have to change fstab to include a drive that I sabotaged from being mounted (I lend out the laptop to a friend)23:44
cypr1nushi, is there any way to change colours in Ubuntu theme? ( I really hate violet/orange theme)23:45
sardonyxhow do feed a text document full of folder names into du?  i've tried cat names.txt | du -sh and it doesnt work...23:46
kisukeanyone know how to forcemount a borked NTFS parition?23:48
slucidixruud: and when you select the shutdown option from inside your user account, it shuts down correctly, it doesn't take you to the login screen, right?23:48
slucidixruud: for the record, I'm running low on ideas as to what is up here.23:49
xruudslucidi: no, it does not shutdown, but log me out. Which is another problem Im having23:49
slucidixruud: oh, that's a big lead.23:49
xruudslucidi: the only way to shutdown other then 4seccing the pwr button is to sudo shutdown -h now23:50
slucidixruud: there's an issue with LightDM (the default login manager for ubuntu 11.10) that that symptom and the others you are having are related to23:50
xruudslucidi: Is canonical working on that, or promised to release a fix soon?23:51
floyd_how do you find how much memory is in your comp in ubuntu23:51
floyd_how do you find how much memory is in your comp in ubuntu23:52
geoffmccsystem info23:52
slucidixruud: yup, it's a known issue.  in the mean time I've got a few leads based on that.  in a terminal, please run 'sudo gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf'23:53
xruudslucidi: done23:53
xruudslucidi: need to see what's in?23:54
floyd_well it says 2.9 but i know i got 4.0 in there23:54
slucidiSo while I'm in here, has anyone had any issues with Xorg 1.10.1 segfaulting from a fresh install of 11.04 with multiple nvidia gpus installed? Tried asking about this in #xorg and #nvidia but they're populated with the living dead23:54
xruudubotto: how to use pastebin?23:54
slucidixruud: do you see a line along the lines of 'autologin-user=ruud' in there?23:55
xruudslucidi: yes, it is the bottom line out of 423:55
slucidi:xruud edit that line so that it looks like '#autologin-user=ruud'23:56
floyd_any1 no y it say i only have 2.9 memory when i know i got 4.023:56
xruudslucidi: commenting it out...23:56
slucidi:xruud then try logging out and back in23:56
trismsardonyx: du only seems to accept nul terminated arguments from stdin, but this seems to work: cat files.txt | tr '\n' '\0' | du --files0-from=-;23:57
sardonyxsomeone else suggested cat names.txt | xargs du -sh  that seems to work23:58
sardonyxthanks for looking into it trism23:58
=== ruud_ is now known as xruud
slucidixruud: any luck there?23:59
xruudslucidi: nope, I completely restarted23:59
slucidixruud: damn.  are you at least able to go to the user settings panel and unlock your user?23:59
kisukeanyone know how to forcemount a borked NTFS parition?23:59

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