
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci
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jo-erlendafter login, if you open the dash, then it looses focus, which means  that you'll either have to close it and reopen it, or click it with the mouse. Very annoying. Does anyone know if there is a bug report about that?13:45
smspillazjo-erlend: not any that I know of, but maybe DBO or myself might be able to tackle it next week14:43
jo-erlendsmspillaz, that would be great. I reported it here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/89251914:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 892519 in unity "Unity dash temporarily looses focus after logging in. " [Undecided,New]14:48
jo-erlendjust tested with a guest account and it's reproducible on that as well.14:50
andyrockjo-erlend, there is already a bug report for that14:53
jo-erlendoh, ok. :)14:53
andyrockjo-erlend, and if i'm not wrong it is in progress14:54
andyrockthe quicklist problem has been already fixed14:55
jo-erlend"the quicklist problem"?14:55
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jo-erlendoh, that you can't select items the first time you open them?14:55
jo-erlendthat's nice. It's been a little annoying. Not nearly as annoying as the dash loosing focus, of course.14:56
andyrockwe're working on it, don't worry :)14:56
jo-erlendI'm not worried. I'm ANGRY! :)14:56
jo-erlendno, but it's nice to hear people are aware of it and working on it. That's all I wanted. :)14:58
andyrockyeah... don't be angry :P14:58
jo-erlendfix it then, or else I'll have to switch to OpenBSD!!! :)14:59
CodSmackhello all - I've got a new W520 and I note it is supported at 10.10.  Does this mean I can't install 10.04 LTS?  I am attempting to avoid Unity until the developers remember some of us have laptops and not pads17:20
CodSmackI've downloaded both the wubi for 10.04 which installs with no NICs and the 64bit iso which won't install (no GUI whatsoever - drops to an ASH shell)17:21
CodSmackoh - whoops I'm in the wrong channel - sorry to bug you guys17:21
broderit looks like indicator-session now checks /var/run/reboot-required at the end of every apt transaction, where previously it would inotify on that file path. this means that installing packages with dpkg -i and manually deleting /var/run/reboot-required both no longer change the indicator (and i do both of those rather regularly in the process of doing development). is there a particular reason th17:57
broderat switch was made?17:57
broderbah. stupid irc client that doesn't show me when i hit the max message length17:57
Andy80hi all18:42
Andy80ping to "anyone involved in Unity-2D": is it to early to start thinking to Qt5?18:43
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