
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
runman71ciao a tutti00:26
caesar_i went to remove an app and i get an error that the package manager is being use by another process01:27
caesar_but i just booted up my computer01:27
caesar_how can i find out what's using it01:27
Daskreechcaesar_: sure that you don't have anything running?01:34
DaskreechCould be it checking for any updates01:35
caesar_Daskreech: I have it set to check for updates once a week and I just installed last updates 2 days ago01:40
Daskreechcaesar_: fair enough01:41
OerHekscaesar_, do you have package-manager open, and did you try to remove that app in terminal ?01:44
Daskreechcaesar_: are you getting a package lock error?01:46
caesar_i tried in the software center  and in the package manager.. both same error01:46
caesar_im gonna reboot once more01:46
Daskreechmight just have to kill the lock file01:53
OerHekstrue, if it is occupied and not released.01:55
OerHeksreboot should do no harm nor break this lock, i guess01:56
Daskreechunless it's a stale file01:56
Daskreechif caesar_ comes back and I'm not here01:56
OerHekson gnome this should work > sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock; sudo dpkg --configure -a01:57
Daskreechtry lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock01:57
Daskreechthat should say what's holding onto it. If nothing is then you can sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock or run sudo fuser -k /var/lib/dpkg/lock01:58
Daskreechsecond is a lazy unmount of it just in case but just removing it should be enough01:58
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DaskreechAPERSON: Ok we get it!03:15
APERSONI love watching people complain about all-caps nicks03:15
APERSONit's such a petty thing to whine about03:16
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DaskreechAPERSON: It was a joke :)03:42
DaskreechJust felt like someone saying I'm a person too!!03:42
APERSONDaskreech↳ :)03:50
APERSONheh, some people rage at me for having both a all-caps nick and a non-ascii tab-complete suffix03:51
DaskreechঙAPERSONৠ: would annoy people I suppose :)03:55
APERSONapparently it ruins some clients03:55
APERSONwhere it makes the rest of the line gibberish03:56
LynoureAPERSON: what's the reason for that suffix?04:00
APERSONwhy not?04:01
LynoureAPERSON: why not something else, I mean. it was not criticism... just wanting to know what the decision process was.04:02
APERSONno, that's my reason04:02
APERSONwhy not?04:02
LynoureAPERSON: you used a random generator to choose that specific one?04:03
LynoureAPERSON: how lucky then to get anything like an arrow.04:03
APERSONI have a list of arrows that I made04:03
APERSONI have a script that I use to launch xchat that randomly changes it every start up04:04
Lynoureah, now we are getting to the good stuff... :) I thought this would be interesting.04:04
APERSONsed -i -e 's/^completion_suffix = .*$/completion_suffix = '"$(cat $HOME/.xchat2/arrows.txt | shuf | head -1)"'/' $HOME/.xchat2/xchat.conf04:06
APERSONthat's the gist of it04:06
LynoureAPERSON: I'm almost sure 1/3 of the people complaining about your tab completion character will change their mind when they hear that :)04:06
LynoureTry it sometime.04:06
APERSONyou'd be surprised04:06
LynoureProbably not, it's just 1/3, not like "all the people" :(04:07
DaskreechLynoure: I'd doubt it. Far fewer people are impressed with technical reasons behind something than are impressed with who got selected to be in the summer movie of the year04:25
ShaxsHey guys, I am trying to install emitapp.com which is a tar.gz file. According to the readme in the directory after I unzipped, I am supposed to do "Install to default /usr/local then sudo ./install.  However ./install is not working. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?04:32
DaskreechShaxs: tell what steps you did04:42
Shaxsdaskreech: I *think* I may have figure it out...one sec04:46
ShaxsDaskreech: So it looks like the command was sudo sh ./install04:48
DaskreechShaxs: one second. Time is up! We need an answer!04:48
DaskreechShaxs: ha ha ok04:48
DaskreechShaxs: type ls -l install04:48
ShaxsDaskreech: however I was missing a dependency04:48
Daskreechpaste back the line here04:48
DaskreechYou can remove your username if you like04:49
ShaxsDaskreech I need to get this dependency installed first. Lets say I wanted to install miniupnp.free.fr/files/download.php?file=miniupnpc-1.6.tar.gz. I unzipped it. What terminal commands do I need to do to make/install something like this?04:49
DaskreechShaxs: what's your dependency?04:50
Daskreech!info miniupnpc04:51
ubottuminiupnpc (source: miniupnpc): UPnP IGD client lightweight library client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5-2ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 9 kB, installed size 80 kB04:51
DaskreechWould that help?04:51
Shaxscan I apt-get install that?04:51
DaskreechYes you can04:51
Shaxsfyi this is the full install instructions for Emit:http://pastebin.com/fQ0iifVC04:52
ShaxsDaskreech: so now I have that, I will try your command above04:53
ShaxsDaskreech: I get this: "-rw-r--r-- 1 jason jason 576 2011-11-01 07:05 install"04:55
DaskreechShaxs: can you read that?04:56
DaskreechShaxs: do you understand what that line is saying?04:58
Shaxsnot entirely04:58
DaskreechShaxs: ok so the first part is a set of permissions05:01
DaskreechYou have one dash that tells you the kind of file05:01
Daskreech- means a normal file05:01
Daskreechd means a directory05:01
Daskreechafter that you have 9 dashes05:01
Daskreech--- --- ---05:01
Daskreechthey are three sets that are each a letter05:02
Daskreechso it's three sets of those05:02
Daskreech rw- r-- and r-- is what you have05:02
Daskreechr means read w means write the last dash is a x05:02
DaskreechShaxs: can you see that so far?05:02
Shaxsso first dash before the rw denotes a normal file05:04
Shaxsno, not sure I follow 100%05:05
DaskreechShaxs: right05:06
Daskreechthen the ones after are either a - or a letter05:06
Daskreechand there are always 905:06
Daskreechin groups of three05:06
Daskreechso when you look at them read them in little groups of three05:06
Daskreechso the first group is rw-05:07
Daskreechwhich means r for read w for write and then a -05:07
Daskreechthe first three are for the owner of the file (which is happily you!) so you can read the file and write to it05:07
Daskreechhowever you cannot do the last one since it's a -05:08
darthanubismy kubuntu is not auto-updating05:08
Daskreechdarthanubis: as in it's not downloading and installing updates or it's not even checking?05:08
Shaxsgot it05:08
DaskreechShaxs: the last - can be made into a x05:09
darthanubisit does not seem to check on its own05:09
Daskreechx means eXecute05:09
darthanubisI come home from work and run update from the cli05:09
darthanubisthat works perfectly05:09
Daskreechthat would explain why you couldn't do a ./install to run the program because you don't have permissions to do so05:09
DaskreechShaxs: if you run chmod u+x install then ./install should work05:10
Daskreechalso ls -l would show -rwxr--r--05:10
Daskreechdarthanubis: Check your setting in muon ? it has an update policy there as I recall05:10
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DaskreechShaxs: if you would like I can explain the last two groups of three05:11
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Daskreechbut that should be enough toget you run the file.05:11
ShaxsDaskreech so what I want it to be is rwx05:11
DaskreechOne thing you should learn from this is that any file in Linux can be made into program so be careful of files people give you randomly.05:12
DaskreechShaxs: correct. The command <chmod u+x install>  will give your user the x permission05:12
Shaxsahhh got it05:13
darthanubisDaskreech: Muon was already setup to look for updates and notify05:13
darthanubisIt's weird, because to install soulseek, my system wants to pull in all of Ubuntu proper?05:14
darthanubissorry not soulseek nicotine05:15
darthanubismaybe my source.list file is of?05:16
ShaxsDaskreech: what would an non-normal file look like?05:17
DaskreechShaxs: what is your definition of a non normal file?05:17
Daskreechone that doesn't have a - at the start?05:17
Daskreechdarthanubis: sudo apt-get update would tell you05:17
darthanubisthat works perfectly05:18
darthanubisbut it should not be wanting to download all of Ubuntu to get nicotine05:18
darthanubisso something is off, but I can't find what.05:18
DaskreechIt's not the file then apt-get would either freak or refuse to work if that was corrupted05:18
darthanubisI know05:18
Daskreechdarthanubis: apt-cache depends nicotine05:19
ShaxsDaskreech up above you said " - means a normal file" just curious what else could show up there?05:19
darthanubisSuggests: python-gnome2? <<<is that the culprit?05:20
DaskreechShaxs: a d means a directory (folder for people from the Windows World)05:21
Daskreechdarthanubis: sounds like it05:22
Daskreechthat's by far the most common two05:22
DaskreechShaxs: ^^ sorry forgot to direct that to you05:22
Daskreechdarthanubis: install it without suggests05:23
darthanubisDaskreech: That I don't know how to do05:23
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Daskreechsudo apt-get -o APT::Install-Suggests="false" install nicotine05:25
DaskreechShaxs: You have pipe files which you likely never meet unless you get paid a lot of money to keep linux computer running05:25
DaskreechShaxs: there are device files which are in /dev which you probably shouldn't play with05:26
darthanubisThanks, but if "install suggested recommends as dependencies" is unchecked, why would the system keep wanting to do that?05:26
DaskreechShaxs: there are also link files (shown with a l) which are like Windows Shortcuts in some way05:26
darthanubisnvm, it suddenly does not wantto do that anymore05:27
Daskreechdarthanubis: that is strange05:27
ShaxsDaskreech: Ive used pipes before for grepping logs :)05:28
DaskreechShaxs: its the same idea except it exists as a file on the file system that can be owned and survives reboots :)05:28
darthanubisI found out from a google search a thread on ubuntu forums about the auto update, install update-notifier, updated the system, then rechecked and unchecked install suggested as dependecies, and all is normal now?05:29
DaskreechIt's a fascinating little trick but honestly never going to be used by mortal users05:29
Daskreechdarthanubis: Ah I've had that happen a few times (not for this system)05:29
Daskreechwhere checking and unchecking something actually does quite a few changes in the back that for some reason had something missing on manual checks/changes05:30
darthanubisjust glad my two "bugs" are gone05:32
darthanubisty for your time:)05:33
ShaxsDaskreech: is there a log that saves the output from terminal?05:44
DaskreechShaxs: depends on what you mean. What are you trying to get ?05:45
Shaxsfor emit, I am running another command. According to documentation " FFmpeg in apt is also useless (no x264 and no libfaac). Run "sh ffmpeg.sh". It will build packages of latest ffmpeg with the most common codecs. It will also remove any existing ffmpeg, x264 and libvpx.05:46
ShaxsHowever this is a very long output from termianl but the end result is it fails05:46
ShaxsI was hoping to read through the output and see where the error(s) are05:46
DaskreechShaxs: try sh ffmpeg.sh >output.log05:47
Shaxswhen doing that does nothing show on screen? i.e. it all gets dumped to file without being shown in terminal?05:49
Shaxsoh nope there it goes05:50
DaskreechShaxs: Yes. if you still wanted everything on the screen you can use tee to send output to two places05:50
DaskreechThe error will still showup on the screen incidentally05:51
DaskreechIf you just wanted the error in a file I can do that as well05:51
Shaxsno this works great05:53
Shaxsfyi I love Guake Terminal05:53
Daskreech!info yakuak05:54
ubottuPackage yakuak does not exist in oneiric05:54
Daskreech!info yakuake05:54
ubottuyakuake (source: yakuake): a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.9.8-1 (oneiric), package size 301 kB, installed size 2108 kB05:54
DaskreechShaxs: I think you'll like that better :)05:55
Daskreechyep it's has some pretty cool terminal splitting capabilties and looks pretty neat05:56
Shaxsnice I will check it out05:57
Shaxsso it looks like, there are multiple commands in that sh file and doing ?output.log does not capture all of them05:58
Shaxswhat ends on my screen does not match what is in the log05:58
DaskreechShaxs: the command I gave you saves all the successful commands to the output.log the errors go to the screen06:00
Daskreechyou can try sh ffmpeg.sh 2> errors.log06:00
Daskreechor of course sh ffmpeg.sh > output.log 2> errors.log to grab them both06:00
Shaxsoh how do I output everything?06:00
Shaxs!info x26406:05
ubottux264 (source: x264): video encoder for the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC standard. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:0.116.2042+git178455c-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 264 kB, installed size 656 kB06:05
Shaxs!info libfaac06:05
ubottuPackage libfaac does not exist in oneiric06:05
Shaxslots of errors in the ffmpeg.sh script06:09
DaskreechShaxs: sorry you want everythign in one file ?06:47
DaskreechShaxs: sorry got distracted again.07:05
Daskreechsh ffmpeg.sh 2>&1 >output.log07:05
AndroidLoverInSFwhy is it that nautilus is able to see my camera as a hard drive, but dolphin cant mount it like a hard drive?07:16
richar_why can t i mount my network harddrive automatic when i log in ?07:17
Tech-1make believe its your girlfriend07:20
ShaxsDaskreech: no worries07:21
Daskreechrichar_: look at /etc/fstab07:21
ShaxsDaskreech: Yeah having major issues. I give up trying to get EMIT installed for now. Maybe I will just install the windows version.07:21
DaskreechShaxs: what's the problem?07:22
Shaxsthe ffmpeg.sh script fails and when I try to start emit I get: "07:25
Shaxs{1,25,7} - <0.55.0> ffmpeg lacks libfaac, streaming will not work!07:25
Shaxs{1,25,7} - <0.55.0> ffmpeg lacks libx264, streaming will not work!"07:25
DaskreechShaxs: what's the failure of the ffmpeg script can you pastebin it?07:33
ShaxsDaskreech http://pastebin.com/tNpE9gvs07:39
DaskreechShaxs: What's this trying to do?07:41
Shaxsaccording to documentation07:42
ShaxsFFmpeg in apt is also useless (no x264 and no libfaac). Run "sh ffmpeg.sh".07:42
ShaxsIt will build packages of latest ffmpeg with the most common codecs. It will07:42
Shaxsalso remove any existing ffmpeg, x264 and libvpx.07:42
Daskreechwhen was that documentation written?07:42
Daskreech!info ffmpeg07:43
ubottuffmpeg (source: libav): Multimedia player, server, encoder and transcoder. In component main, is optional. Version 4:0.7.2-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 401 kB, installed size 1340 kB07:43
DaskreechYou might notice that it's trying to install older versions of all the software07:44
Shaxsoh yeah?07:44
Daskreech!info x26407:45
ubottux264 (source: x264): video encoder for the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC standard. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:0.116.2042+git178455c-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 264 kB, installed size 656 kB07:45
Daskreech!info libfaac007:45
ubottulibfaac0 (source: faac): AAC audio encoder (library). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.28-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 38 kB, installed size 124 kB07:45
Daskreechthere are also x264 and libfaac libraries available07:46
DaskreechIf emit is trying to compile it may want the header files as well07:46
Daskreech!info libfaac-dev07:46
ubottulibfaac-dev (source: faac): AAC audio encoder (development). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.28-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 40 kB, installed size 140 kB07:46
ShaxsNot sure when it was written07:46
Daskreech!ingo libx264-dev07:46
Daskreech!info libx264-dev07:46
ubottulibx264-dev (source: x264): development files for libx264. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:0.116.2042+git178455c-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 450 kB, installed size 1324 kB07:46
DaskreechThose are all newer versions than what that script is trying to install (which it's doing because they don't exist and if they do they are old)07:48
Daskreechso I would suggest just installing them from apt07:48
ShaxsI had all already installed07:51
Daskreechif the plain versions aren't enough for the ./install script the -dev packages I called earlier might help07:51
Daskreechbut  I'm heading off to bed now07:51
Shaxsnight thanks for the help07:51
Daskreechif it's not drastically important then someone will be along to help though that may be after sunrise07:52
Shaxsits not imortant07:53
Shaxsjsut trying to stream video files to my android07:53
zeldaHi. I installed Kubuntu 11.10 through bootable USB flash drive onto an external HDD. I made sure to specify the destination for grub install to be the external hdd. Now when I boot from HDD, I just a blinking cursor.08:50
zeldaAny ideas why is it behaving so? The HDD is healthy. It's Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex 1 TB.08:52
zeldaI can see the BIOS does detect the external HDD08:55
jmichaelxthis whole phono + pulseaudio business is completely dysfunctional08:59
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zeldaI have the same issue as this guy:http://www.linuxnewbieguide.org/content/how-install-ubuntu-external-usb-hdd Any ideas what might be the issue?09:20
jamil_1I all, It seems it is impossible to add new item in KickOff Application Launcher sub menus09:25
jamil_1tried adding Eclipes in Development category several times with no success09:25
alban  Hi Can anybody help me in seetting up Kontact calinder10:05
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petroПривет народ)10:18
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albanI cannot add entrys to the Calinder in kontact (Kubuntu 11.10)..  Settings Configure Calinder does not give me a entry for the Aconadi Server  T Thought tiis would be the default on a NEW Install10:25
albanThe Akonadi Server is Running & Kmail appears to be using it10:27
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rork!ru | petro10:34
ubottupetro: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.10:34
AdonaiSatan, El diablo, Shaytan, Sofia Rosengren 32 years, World Class city Göteborg, she lives in protekted adress,10:35
Adonaiher father name is Johansson, adress Westmarksgränd 21, 44435 Nödinge. blond hair, Satan, El diablo, Shaytan,10:35
AdonaiJesus is Lord, Tsidkenu the lord of rightoutness10:35
rorkalban: in Settings > Configure calendar > General > Calendars do you have any calenders set there?10:37
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geekosopherwhy is there no firefox 8 for kubuntu yet?11:09
geekosopheri mean oneiric11:12
alban42THANKS rork I see several calinder backensd but no akonadi11:20
alban42I have Kolab / Birthdays & Calinders / DAV Groupware / Ical /  kde traditional11:22
rorkI have the same but my calendar list in Akonadi is the same as in Kontact11:23
rorkSo I think if you add one it will be added to Akonadi, and Calendar will set/get the info from Akonadi11:24
alban42THANKS Rork I will try it ...11:41
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Martthi everybody12:35
BluesKajHey all12:51
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luke_66hi eveyone.14:30
luke_66how can i browse through Konsole history and get past commands even if i close and restart Konsole. i'm a gnome user and with gnome terminal works by ths way, but with Knonsole not...14:31
luke_66* i forget: with g terminal works with Up-arrow14:32
gigasofti have problem with my task mnager, it groups programs on the silly way,  how to turn this off14:34
trionsgigasoft: what do you mean by silly way?14:36
trionsYou can right click task manager > Task Manager Settings >Grouping drop down.14:36
gigasoftwell, i have two monitors, and i want to turn off all grouping14:37
gigasoftbut it does not 'listen'14:37
trionsDid you check out  Task Manager settings? Under "Grouping and Sorting' >Grouping > Do not sort. That should work.14:39
gigasoftyes i do .. but it does not work14:41
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luke_66anybody could help me?14:52
Hernan_1980Hello luke14:52
luke_66hi. how can i browse through Konsole history and get past commands even if i close and restart Konsole. i'm a gnome user and with gnome terminal works with Up Arrow but with Knonsole not...14:54
Hernan_1980I don't know. I'm Newbi.. using Kubuntu with XFCE terminal14:55
saravanahi guys . is there any software available for kubuntu like rocket dock14:55
Hernan_1980This is my first time in IRC chanel14:56
Hernan_1980I'm learning to use this14:56
Hernan_1980have a Nive day guys.....14:57
saravanacan anyone tell me a software for kubuntu like rocket dock15:02
rorkluke_66: that puzzles me for konsole behaves that way by default too, I've got no idea what can be going wrong though.15:05
luke_66ok, tnx everyone anyway15:06
_serial_hi all, is there any other menu applets that are worth looking at?15:15
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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:24
caesar_i went to install an app and i get an error that the package manager is being use by another process15:53
caesar_this is after i just booted up15:53
BluesKajcaesar_, sudo dpkg --configure -a15:56
BluesKajcaesar_, or did you logout of your last session with the package manger still open15:57
caesar_BluesKaj: wouldn't a restart close all programs?15:57
caesar_what is all this downloading?15:58
BluesKajnot if you have restore previos session enabled in system settings > startup & shutdown15:59
caesar_BluesKaj: i just fixed that16:01
caesar_ty.. but what was that command for16:02
BluesKajit finishes any updates or upgrades that were left in limbo when you logged out16:03
caesar_ima reboot now with fresh session, see if that works16:04
BluesKajit either drops any tha can't install due to dependency probs or finishes installing those that can16:04
caesar_BluesKaj: that worked16:12
caesar_but after this latest reboot.. now my start menu is at the top of my screen16:13
BluesKajyeah, strange little bugs in plasma..I still get crashes16:14
caesar_k rebooting again.. brb16:15
trionsIs there a way to view all the packages installed by file size (decreasing)?16:22
caesar_what custom command do i have to put into "alarm clock" to make the alarm play in let's say VLC or Amarok.. because the default isn't playing16:34
caesar_"rhythm-client --play" is there by default but i dont have rhythmbox16:37
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in0culai love kubuntu16:46
Martthi everybody17:00
in0culais there a web site that explain customization and improvements?17:02
in0culaeven if kubuntu is very cool out of the box17:02
Quintasanin0cula: http://userbase.kde.org/17:03
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TheLastProjectWhen was that KDE bugfix coming again?18:16
TheLastProject3 Plasma Desktop crashes within 5 minutes is really starting to annoy me >_>18:16
TheLastProjectEspecially since some software, like Xchat, overreacts and crashes as well then...18:17
skramer_hi everybody. Since fresh install of Oneiric, I have some strange issue with rekonq: It always ask how to deal with PHP scripts. Either "save as" or "open". But open just shows the script instead of the web page...  Is there any solution?18:34
caesar_install chromium18:35
TheLastProjectPeople really need to stop acting like that is helpful18:37
TheLastProject"Hey, KDE keeps crashing on me" <--- my case18:37
TheLastProjectWill I be recommended to go and use GNOME now?18:38
caesar_TheLastProject: no sense of humor damn18:39
TheLastProjectI was not aware that a support channel was supposed to have humour in it?18:39
caesar_chill the fuck out18:39
TheLastProjectI thought there were off-topic channels for that?18:39
TheLastProjectAh, okay. First Google result was "Children's Trust Fund of Oregon"18:40
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rorkskramer_: with the script, do you mean raw PHP or just the HTML it prints?18:49
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jaafarHi everybody.  What's the magic trick to get Amarok to play my audio CD's?   I get the popup that says "Play audio CD with Amarok" as an action... nothing happens.  Well, Amarok starts, that's it.  Attempting to add tracks manually doesn't seem to work either.  No error - it just doesn't do anything. Help!19:09
skramer_rork: it prints some text starting with <html>19:12
rorkskramer_: and there19:12
rork+'s not something like <?php in it?19:13
skreech_jaafar: can you check in #amarok ?19:16
jaafarskreech_: thanks, I will.  I just saw some stuff online suggesting that it was a kubuntu issue..19:20
=== slow-motion_ is now known as slow-motion
skramer_rork: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/11/19/Screen2.png19:21
skramer_rork: and after I click "open": http://wstaw.org/m/2011/11/19/Screen3.png19:22
skreech_jaafar: Where was that information?19:22
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
jaafarskreech_: I can't find that link right now for some reason :(19:26
jaafarsomething about hal?19:26
jaafaror the backend configuration?19:26
jaafarskreech_: oh here we go http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=115&t=9457219:27
rorkskramer_: does it only happen on a particular page? or with all php pages? e.g. http://www.rork.nl/index.php ?19:28
skramer_rork: your page works...19:29
rorkskramer_: so it seems to be a site specific problem, not a general browser problem. Which link did you click on that site?19:30
skramer_rork: any of the links has same effect, opening the text. but I just found out that pressing F5 from that text finally shows the right page19:32
skramer_rork: still, rekonq seems to have problem with pages which miss favicon.ico: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/11/19/Screen4.png19:34
skramer_rork: which is rather strange since I never had such problem before on the system which I upgraded since 7.10...19:34
rorkskramer_: all your screenshots showed the same screen19:36
ShaxsI have an "internet dvr" and want to sync the contents of where I save my videos to a backup drive. So if I delete a file off the source, I want the same file to be deleted from the backup. Would this be the correct rsync command "rsync –av --delete /homes/user/Videos/tv /media/backupdrive/tv backup"19:36
skramer_rork: hmm...  strange19:38
skramer_rork: I have to leave now... thanks for you help, anywa19:38
Shaxsanyone have experience with rsync?19:40
rork!patience | Shaxs19:40
ubottuShaxs: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.19:40
rorkShaxs: that was not exactly the message I wanted to send, it would be "if someone knows  your answer (s)he will answer you :)19:41
Shaxsits all good19:41
Shaxsjust nervous to run this command dont want to accidently delete stuff19:42
=== noteleks is now known as Linuxnewbie
=== Linuxnewbie is now known as noteleks
jaafarjust verified my audio cd playing problem on two different machines, both running Oneiric, and two different CDs19:49
jaafardoes this work for anyone?19:49
jaafarand if not, maybe "play audio cd with amarok" is not a good thing for the device thing to suggest :)19:52
Matissei try to use alsa instead of pulse. How can I check if the sound is play only with alsa?19:54
jaafarskreech_: even more info here, looks like a common problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1841118&page=319:58
redsusanHello, I cannot play dvds. I have installed kubuntu extras to.What am I missing?20:08
=== warren is now known as Guest33510
Matisseredsusan, explain in detail20:12
Matisseotherwise nobody can help you20:12
rorkredsusan: did you install libdvdcss2?20:13
redsusanyes i did20:14
redsusanI am still searching on google20:15
rorkhm, that should normally do the trick :/20:15
redsusanI rebooted the computer to.20:17
redsusanI am using VLC player, and this is what I get...................20:25
redsusanPlayback failure:20:25
redsusanDVDRead could not open the disc "/dev/dvd".20:25
redsusanYour input can't be opened:20:25
redsusanVLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/dvd'.20:25
rorkredsusan: I get that occasionally, I blame it on my dvdplayer drivers, it works if I pop in the cd, wait for the "insert media" menu to pop up and the select "play with VLC"20:33
i_am_nullhow do i disable panel transparency in kubuntu 11.10?20:33
i_am_nulllike, just have a plain gray panel or something20:33
BluesKajtry a new desktop theme in windows decor or something, i_am_null20:35
BluesKajoh yeah I forgot to say like20:36
i_am_nullthey're all freaking transparent20:36
BluesKajimport spme new ones or somerthing like20:37
i_am_nullthey're probably all transparent too20:37
i_am_nullwhat's the deal with transparent stuff20:37
BluesKajno they aren't20:37
i_am_nulli find it highly annoying, isn't there just a switch to turn off transparent panels20:37
BluesKajstop trolling and do something20:38
i_am_nulli see other screen shots of people using the default theme on kubuntu but they don't have a transparent panel20:38
haysso font rendering in linux appears to suck... is there anything that can be done about this?20:38
haysparticularly firefox has a real hard time, it appears20:38
i_am_nullsurely there is a option to turn this off?20:38
BluesKajwell , look around, i_am_null ...maybe if you concentrate on finding jnew themes instead you might , likr find find something20:40
i_am_nullmaybe i will just switch to the redmond theme, nothing in it is transparent20:41
BluesKajhays have you set your font choices in system settings>application appearancs20:42
haysBluesKaj: yeah i set it to all the Deja family20:42
haysquassel looks great, its really just the web (firefox) that looks terrible20:42
i_am_nullhays: make sure font hinting is set to slight20:42
i_am_nullmy fonts looked like crap untill i did that20:42
i_am_nullalso uncheck the "exclude range" button20:43
i_am_nullkubuntu's fonts are screwy out of the box for some reason20:43
i_am_nullat least they were for me20:43
BluesKajhays and use the high res amd high cpu fine tuning20:43
BluesKajin the style section20:44
i_am_nullwhat's really bad is awful fonts on a transparent panel :P20:44
i_am_nullhard to read20:44
BluesKajthen change the font defaults20:47
haysnot allowing web pages to choose their own fonts seems to help20:48
haysI actually like 'slight' hinting better than medium20:49
jjman6how come when running muon it won't let me do anything Saying i don't have permissions to do that operation.  And its not even prompting for admin pw20:50
haysBluesKaj: it seems like the essense of the problem is that there is no standardized way to render a font (or people aren't following it) so when linux picks some random TTF that a website wants, Freetype is not going to do as good job of it as Windows...20:53
igor__че это за хрень?20:57
BluesKaj!ru | igor__20:57
ubottuigor__: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:58
igor__кто меня читает чте это за фигня?20:58
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
* Daskreech yawns21:41
DaskreechAnyone needs anything?21:41
BarkingFishnrn, Daskreech - if you need to go get some Z's, i'm happy to sit in and help :)21:42
* Daskreech jsut woke up!21:43
BarkingFishoh. I saw you yawn and though you were tired21:43
DaskreechDoesn't mean I'm not tired :-D21:53
* Daskreech hugs the pillow while it's still warm21:53
BarkingFishDaskreech: I'm pretty tired too, I usually have a little shuteye in the middle of the evening, just to keep myself running till i knock off about 1am22:01
BarkingFishi missed it tonight, and boy am I feeling it.  3 coffees and I'm still not fully conscious22:01
DaskreechBarkingFish: Mid day naps are important :) I'm fine you can go if you like22:01
BarkingFishnah, it's only 10pm here. If I go to bed now I'll be up by 5am :P22:02
katsrcwhenever i watch a movie on my Kubuntu desktop, the monitor will go blank, is this due to some power saving profile?22:15
Daskreechkatsrc: sounds like it22:19
Daskreechmost players should inhibit it but KDE 4.8 will have a don't move button in the systray so you can hit it and the computer won't sleep or shutoff the screen22:19
katsrcDaskreech: seems like the profile settings don't change a thing22:21
katsrcthat's good to know about KDE 4.822:21
Daskreechkatsrc: that's a little strange then. Perhaps the monitor has it built in ?22:21
katsrcyeah, that's what i'm assuming22:22
BarkingFishcan you not disable screen blanking & power saving in the systemsettings?22:29
BarkingFishi killed mine in my x configuration, took out the DPMS entry22:29
=== ORiON is now known as Guest86908
katsrcBarkingFish: seems like it was only an issue with VLC.22:41
BarkingFishkatsrc: ok then, I'm sure VLC has that as an advanced config option22:41
=== gary_ is now known as Guest23277
jmichaelxwhat notifications need to be disabled to stop the kmail popup warning each time a person logs in?23:00
jmichaelx11.10 would have been far better off to ship with KDE 4.6.523:01
jaafarjmichaelx: yeah that's pretty silly23:04
jaafaruh, I mean the kmail popup23:04
Daskreechjmichaelx: kmail pops up something?23:10
jaafaron every login on oneiric :)23:11
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reisioI'm look for something very hand-holdy for getting photos off a plugged in camera23:28
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jesusgarciagomezalguien que hable español???23:33
reisiojesusgarciagomez: #ubuntu-es23:34
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:34
Daskreechreisio: digikam or gwenview23:34
jesusgarciagomezok gracias23:34
reisioDaskreech: using digikam now, doesn't hold enough hand :p23:35
reisioI suppose I'll make some script23:35
Daskreechreisio: what are you looking for it to do?23:36
reisioDaskreech: I basically need the files to automatically copy when the device is connected, and then have dolphin open the directory, and have a right-click shortcut :p23:41
janieI need help getting Kubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric) to use my Broadcom wireless card.23:41
reisioI'll sort it out, just thought I'd see if anybody knew of something for it :p23:41
jmichaelxDaskreech: yes, the kmail popup.... how does one disable that? the notification settings are like a jungle.23:41
Daskreechreisio: what would the right click shortcut be?23:41
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:41
janieThank you.23:41
jmichaelxi think it would be great if KDE moved away from annoying popups altogether23:42
Daskreechreisio: it does sound scripty though. Pretty sure that you can get that working with some udev scripts23:42
Daskreechjmichaelx: remove the systemtray. Donw23:42
reisioupload to facebook probably23:42
reisioI might be lazy and skip that part, though23:43
reisioand just tell her how to do it23:43
DaskreechThat's implemented already. Kipi23:43
reisiotalking to me?23:43
jmichaelxDaskreech: remove the system tray?23:51
reisioDaskreech: what's kipi?23:51
DaskreechThat's what is holding the notifications area and making the popups23:51
Daskreechreisio: kde imaging plugin interface23:52
jmichaelxDaskreech: my question was how to stop the kmail popups23:52
reisioDaskreech: for dolphin?23:52
reisioDaskreech: is that already installed?23:52
Daskreechreisio: press print screen and the send to button is kipi23:52
Daskreechshould be if you have plasma installed23:52
Daskreechreisio: it's a library works over dbus so You can script it into anything I would think23:53
Daskreechjmichaelx: Ah only kmail ones23:53
Daskreechjmichaelx: I suppose settings -> configure notifications doesn't help you?23:54
* jmichaelx facepalm23:54
reisiookay I don't frequently use KDE, so this has been bothering me for a while23:55
reisioin konsole, if you accidentally hit CTRL+SHIFT+t for a new tab, how do you  undo what it does? :p23:55
jmichaelxDaskreech: you get asked a lof of questions, so i will not blame you for not even having read the question that you were nonetheless giving an answer to... but if you do happen to know WHICH of the notification setting applies to this kmail popup, i would appreciate it.23:58
* jmichaelx makes a habit of misreading everyone's IRC posts23:59

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