
tgall_foodoko: around ?00:16
An-iSociaLany work on tegra2?03:01
* phh is looking at ac10003:02
phhnot really, since it's mostly working.03:02
GrueMasterWe have AC100 images.03:02
An-iSociaLwell im actually attempting to get it to work on a motorola xoom03:03
An-iSociaLcustom compiled kernel, it boots, screen goes black, nothing more03:03
phhok so your problem is not related to ubuntu at all03:03
An-iSociaLsits at a login screen if i disable gdm03:03
phhah, not.03:04
An-iSociaLwell, its ubuntu im using03:04
An-iSociaLslightly not but slightly so03:04
phhwell just "black screen" sounds like a kernel bug.03:04
An-iSociaLjust generally asking, any help would be appreciated but not expected03:04
phhyou could activate usb gadget serial or ethernet03:05
An-iSociaLyea doesnt seem to initialize video so im betting i missing something in the config03:05
phhso you can ssh/getty to it03:05
An-iSociaLi actually managed to get adbd installed onto it03:05
An-iSociaLso, before i broke it harder trying to fix, i was able to adb into it03:06
An-iSociaLis there a config for the ac100 kernel youre using i could compare against?03:07
An-iSociaLthat might actually be just what i need03:07
infinityAn-iSociaL: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ac100/2.6.38-1002.103:08
An-iSociaLnice, thanks infinity03:09
infinityAn-iSociaL: That's the current source we're using for ac100.  The config's buried in there somewhere.03:09
An-iSociaLtheres actually quite a few03:11
An-iSociaLwell, useful, there's no way for me to determine which config youre actually using though03:13
An-iSociaLthere is the ac100 config in the debian folder03:13
An-iSociaLim currently using the drivers from chromium os03:14
An-iSociaLguess i got some options03:14
infinitySo are we.  Ish.03:14
infinityWell, some.03:14
infinityNot sure if it's a full config, but most of the glue seems to be in linux-ac100-2.6.38/debian.linaro/config/config.common.ubuntu03:15
infinityI could boot my ac100 and pull the actual config.03:15
An-iSociaLthis may do it03:16
An-iSociaLill need to recompile n rebuild the initfs03:16
An-iSociaLtake me a minute or 1003:16
* An-iSociaL yawns03:39
An-iSociaLstill compiling03:39
lilstevieAn-iSociaL: please look at what LIV2 did for getting debian booting on the xoom03:58
lilstevieyou need a kernel patch to the framebuffer03:58
An-iSociaLi did that first03:59
An-iSociaLsame problem03:59
lilstevieare you sure you did it right then :)03:59
An-iSociaLlol kinda hard to mess up04:00
lilstevieno I mean because I do know that ubuntu will load on the xoom04:00
An-iSociaLwhich one though04:02
lilsteviewe just never really persued it, cause LIV2 is a debian fanboi and I don't have one04:02
An-iSociaLive done his tutorial like 3 times, a copy of his twice and around in circles trying to find others04:02
An-iSociaLeven came across those lame chroot vpn client ones04:03
An-iSociaL(didnt do them)04:03
An-iSociaLok just ran the patch on some newer code04:04
An-iSociaLbunch of fail04:04
An-iSociaLlooks like most of it was rejected04:06
An-iSociaL15.9kb in the rejected file and the original is 17.404:06
An-iSociaLdont think it did anything04:07
An-iSociaLbeen messin with this for 3 days now04:07
An-iSociaLtotally sick of it04:07
An-iSociaLok i cant compare these04:16
An-iSociaLlike everything is enabled04:16
An-iSociaLand half is broken04:16
An-iSociaLoh well04:22
* An-iSociaL joins #debian-arm04:22
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan

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