[02:06] head_victim: ping [02:09] morning sagaci [02:09] Actually, just afternoon now [02:22] head_victim: pm? [02:22] Anytime [02:29] added the monthly meeting to the loco cal http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars/loco/ [02:30] flick to December to see the first instance - made it recur for each month on the second sunday, just need to change the agenda l.u.c link each month [02:30] Nice work, I'll try to remember to add a note to the ToDo list for meetings so when we train new people in chairing they can be aware of it so if it ever changes they know to update it there as well [02:32] You could just point it to the http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-au/meetings page so it never really had to be updated [05:26] jaddi27: how many strings have you done so far? [05:27] sagaci, probably between 1000-2000 today [05:27] the total has not been updated for a couple of days [05:27] yeah, must be due to lp updates interfering with karma/translation updates [05:27] i'm doing moinmoin now [05:27] yes, something like that [05:28] I think it'll go down to around 33-34,000 [05:28] hopefully [05:28] should do [05:28] i'm doing kxsconfig [05:29] ok === sagaci_ is now known as sagaci [07:01] jaddi27: 800 strings to go [07:01] in roughly an hour [07:41] sagaci, 800 strings until what? [07:41] under 30,000 [07:41] just another minor goal [07:42] Oh, ok [07:43] Good to know that you know where we are up to. Hopefully the total gets updated soon [07:43] will in roughly 30mins-1hour [07:43] 150 to go [07:46] should be there now [07:47] just finishing off marble [07:48] hope lp doesn't die around update time [07:49] done [07:50] yes, that would be very annoying [07:52] 29755 minus what you do now [07:52] should be [07:56] ok. i am finishing marble-qt [08:02] actually, after that marble-qt is done, that's all of the kde-centric packages done [08:06] that will be good [08:06] I didn't realise it was that close to being finished [08:06] that will only leave a few duplicate packages and some more uncommon ones [08:07] I'm not going to worry about doing gcc-4.5 or the cpp libs unless they're in precise [08:10] that sounds fine [08:32] jaddi27: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric [08:32] 28880 [08:32] very nice to see that [08:33] I was expecting 29300 maybe [08:33] i think that is the largest jump in one day since I started recording the total in sept [08:33] one of us must have done more than you thought [08:33] 7.6% to go [08:34] largest jump ever, I think [08:34] should be done by monday at that rate [08:35] not that I think I will keep it up that much [08:35] nah, I'll have a lazy day tomorrow, maybe 500 or so out of the ubuntu-docs [08:36] ok. I expect I will be much the same [08:37] I am now seeing Precise mentioned a few times, so translations for Precise must be opening soon [08:39] last cycle it wasn't until after alpha 2 [08:42] ok. still a while before that happens === ejat- is now known as ejat [11:09] head_victim: how's the brisbane festival/installfest shaping up [11:30] sagaci: well it's booked [11:30] It just needs some volunteers and some marketing. [11:30] If you know anyone half decent at creating flyers who is looking for a project I know of one ;) [11:30] The only thing I'm worse at than programming is designing stuff. [11:31] I'm about as artistic as a house brick you might say. [12:04] i'm sure there's lots of stuff on spreadubuntu you could adaptg [12:10] head_victim: why don't you just rebrand the ubuntu-vancouver stuff