
MarionVis there a way i can stretch my xubuntu partition to the full size of my hdd00:52
MarionVpretty much i want to merge sda1 with sda5 pretty much00:53
fosburgI have been playing with 'Linux' and 'Ubuntu' on an old pc for a few months.  Now I want to buy a workstation to do video and 3d modeling. Any suggestions?02:15
holsteinfosburg: depends on your budget02:41
holsteini think the ATI vs nvidia argument really evens out02:42
fosburgI'm trying to get something for about $1500...box only02:46
holsteinyeah... i think you can do that02:47
holsteinhard drive prices are up right now, as im sure you have noticed...02:47
JackyAlcineA box for $1500? :P02:47
holsteinyeah... i would think 6 or 800 would do you right02:48
fosburglooking at the amd--what about considerations on logic board?02:48
holsteinwhatever you need... just depends02:49
holsteini like having firewire support, but thats harder and harder to find these days02:50
fosburgAs I mentioned before---I'm a user of applications...its another story when it comes to getting the right processing power.02:50
holsteinfosburg: check out http://www.system76.com/ if for nothing else cross-referencing02:51
fosburgI have a scanner thats firewire...thats when I was a MAC user02:52
holsteini wouldnt sweat a scanner02:52
fosburgI will do that...again thanks for the help02:52
holsteini would be worried about some DV cam, or for me... audio interfaces that are firewire02:52
holsteini have several PCI firewire cards im hording though with texas instruments chipsets02:53
holsteinother than that, any modern system is going to be tolerable02:53
holsteinjust depends on what you want to spend really02:54
fosburgthanks I'll take a look at www.system76.com02:54
=== virusuy is now known as virusuy-away
Snicksieanyone knows by accident howto revert installation of a not-working driver? apt-get remove doesnt seem to help with that... i installed some wireless drivers which i though would help me do more with my wireless connection, but now my wireless isnt working anymore, so the logical step was apt-get remove broadcom-sta-common... (the drivers i installed) seems my wireless wont work and now i have to use another OS to have my wireless working :p08:44
garden92how do you open bz2 files in ubuntu?09:10
=== hobgoblin is now known as forestpiskie
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FanshaweHey all, I'm using Evolution and I need some help with redirecting copies of sent messages.10:02
FanshaweAn IMAP account seems to direct all sent mail to the 'On This Computer' account, rather than using the local account.10:03
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=== M0hi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
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=== virusuy-away is now known as virusuy
crash_im trying to find a link or help to install a program called charles on my computer since the repoitory not working for me. i downloaded the file extracted it and put it in /usr/local/src/charles has couple folder but bin has one file called charles15:08
stlsaintcrash_: where is this program located? (downloaded from?)15:09
crash_thanks i need to go mom needs to be picked up15:10
crash_apt not working for me i get errors15:57
hobgoblinwhich are? paste the errors to paste.ubuntu.com then enter and give us the new url15:58
crash_when i do sudo apt-get update16:01
bioterrorremove that from sources16:01
crash_the charles one?16:02
hobgoblincan you paste the sources file - cat /etc/apt/sources.list16:02
hobgoblinI assume you tried to follow the link stl left above16:02
bioterrorcan you pastebin ;)16:02
hobgoblincrash_: are you still there? can you pastebin the cat result please16:04
crash_that is after i delete charles one http://paste.ubuntu.com/743324/16:05
hobgoblink - edit the file and add deb http://www.charlesproxy.com/packages/apt/ charles-proxy main16:05
hobgoblinsave and update16:05
crash_i do it under gui16:06
hobgoblinwherever :)16:07
hobgoblinI added it and it updates ok here16:07
hobgoblinnow reload or apt-get update16:07
crash_deb http://www.charlesproxy.com/packages/apt/ charles-proxy main16:08
hobgoblinoh hang on - are you adding that to software sources?16:08
crash_W: Failed to fetch http://www.charlesproxy.com/packages/apt/dists/charles-proxy/Release  Unable to find expected entry 'main/source/Sources' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)16:08
hobgoblinoh hang on - are you adding that to software sources?16:08
hobgoblinin the other software tab that is16:08
hobgoblinworks fine here crash_ - I just add it to the text file though16:10
crash_yes added to other tab not working16:22
crash_i opened in notepad source list shows deb http://www.charlesproxy.com/packages/apt/ charles-proxy main16:26
crash_deb-src http://www.charlesproxy.com/packages/apt/ charles-proxy main16:26
crash_how you edit the list file so you can save it16:31
hobgoblincrash_: perhaps it is the deb-src line then - I didn't bother with that16:31
hobgoblincrash_: I use nano - but if you are using ubuntu then a gui way - gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list16:33
hobgoblincrash_: mine looks like this and works http://paste.ubuntu.com/743353/16:34
crash_working now thanks. is there a link on how to install something that is not deb install16:35
Snicksiehm, you should be able to add that via software sources too... i did that recently ;)16:36
crash_im saying when you have to compile it for ubuntu since they dont have deb version16:37
hobgoblincrash_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware  and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo16:42
crash_the 2nd one i tried did not work lol missinf ./configure file16:44
crash_installed but i think charles under linux may only be command line16:44
crash_thanks so much16:46
hobgoblinweclome - hope you get it doing what you want it to16:48
crash_if figure i will try it under linux since windows giving issues. i just dont use linux much since no drivers for printer under linux16:50
duanedesigncrash_: what printer?16:51
crash_and when i close laptop lid screen goes blank and have to hold power button to turn it off and then back on16:51
* hobgoblin beats duanedesign to the canon guess16:52
crash_kodak esp 615016:52
hobgoblin.should be there in 11.10 apparently16:53
duanedesignlooks like....d'oh16:53
duanedesignhobgoblin: beat me16:53
hobgoblinno idea - just searched for it and shazaam - first thread16:54
crash_wow i will try that would be great then the issue of screen not turning on was major issue alot of people were having it with ubuntu lol brb trying drivers16:54
duanedesignwhat laptop?16:55
hobgoblincrash_: and just because one person got it working - doesn't mena everyone will :)16:55
duanedesigncrash_:   under 'Power' control panel you can set 'When lid closed' - 'Do nothing'16:56
crash_hp dv7-3169wm16:56
crash_i did helps till sleep or hibernate lol16:57
crash_found printer but asking for url16:59
duanedesigncrash_: is it a network printer?17:08
duanedesignhmm, ok17:08
duanedesigncrash_: see network  printing - https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/printing/C/printing.html17:09
hobgoblinwell I'm off - good luck crash_17:09
crash_i manule looked for it working for printing17:09
crash_wonder if i can scan from computer also17:10
duanedesignIf you are on 11.10 I find this reference useful - https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/ubuntu-help/index.html17:10
duanedesignfwiw :)17:10
crash_lol i was there looking for help on compiling sofyware lol17:12
PabloRubianesduanedesign, hello18:14
PabloRubianeshi all18:14
florenhy everyone18:29
stlsaintfloren: sup18:33
florenI have a little problem well it's not actually a problem more on the likes of an inconvenient  on the log in page when I start ubuntu 11.10 the mouse and keyboard takes about 2-3 min to be recognized by ubuntu is there a way to solve this18:33
stlsaintfloren: any errors pop up?18:34
florennot much just chilling  stlsaint18:35
florennop  it just takes a few minutes for the system to recognize the mouse and keyboard18:36
stlsainthrm, not sure how much help can be done with no errors, have you checked in logs or dmesg?18:37
florenand by the way it just started happening for i dunno a week or something like that18:37
florenno i didn't check like i said its not a big deal just a inconvenient and by the way i'm new in linux  and loving it so far18:38
=== JackyAlcine is now known as EvilJackyAlcine
=== EvilJackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine
florensltsaint thanks anyway il try to find out the error with dmesg   i have too go now thanks again18:49
=== PabloRubianes_ is now known as PabloRubianes
MarionVhey everyone19:01
MarionVso I'm trying to install 11.04 from the alternate and it tells me the software install failed19:02
MarionVis there a way to do it from shell19:02
philipballewMaratich, was there a reason it said it failed?19:13
philipballewaww. my bad19:13
philipballewwhat did it say that caused it to fail19:13
bioterroralt+f2 or f3 should show19:14
MarionVone of the files on the disk failed md519:14
philipballewtry to download and burn a different disk19:14
philipballewbut yes bioterror said what would do it19:14
MarionVok so I can't just shell it19:18
MarionVwait now I can't get to windows it is giving Me a grub rescue prompt19:20
MarionVwhat can I do19:21
bioterrorMarionV, you could chroot into it, apt-get intall kernel and run grub-install19:22
jameso10Hi, I'm trying to add a program to the list of programs you get if you press tab in a terminal window, how do I do this?19:46
escott!info alacarte | jameso1019:47
escottjameso10, seems ubottu is dead. install alacarte19:48
jameso10ok, thanks!19:50
apriori_is there a way to get the windows 7 style taskbar in xubuntu? by this i mean icons with listboxes22:04
bobweaverbodhi_zazen:  You are awsome you just saved me hours thanks http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85095923:36
bodhi_zazenyou are most welcome bobweaver =)23:37
bobweaverI can just push files to a certian dir ? wget whatever .jpg <site>   >> /foo/dir23:38
bobweaverduh I just have to be in the dir | sometimes ...23:43
duanedesignhelllo bodhi_zazen23:50

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