
akgranerjono  - Android hits 200 million activated devices - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUnbZlJnQ8A   and I can't wait for you to announce 200 Million Ubuntu users!01:22
akgranerjcastro, thank you!01:23
jonoakgraner, :-)01:24
bkerensajono: How do we even guage how many users Ubuntu has? I was reading a Ubuntu book published by O'Reilly and it was saying something about surpassing Mac OSX but I'm wondering how actual user counts are done since there is not any reliable way to figure it out?01:30
doctormonbkerensa: The only way I know is to calculate the number of update hits, since most updates are conducted automatically to a set schedule.01:46
doctormonPut that requires stats from multiple mirrors too.01:46
bkerensadoctormon: But how does that certify a close or exact figure? I have four Ubuntu boxes in my house and 3 servers running Ubuntu for instance :D01:47
doctormonbkerensa: And how many of your servers ask for gtk upgrades? It's true that tying num computers to num of users is hard. But do you think there are 200 million android users or 200 million android devices?01:48
bkerensadoctormon: Yeah true01:48
nigelb*whee* met ejat! :)04:14
nigelbIts the most interesting conference.04:18
nigelbLots of people are nervous, speaking for the first time publically, and sometimes first time speaking publically in English04:18
nigelb(more cheers for them from the audience)04:19
* ejat- pokes nigelb09:12
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
nigelbejat: hey09:17
* nigelb yawns09:17
* ejat too ... 09:17
ejatgoing to which track after this ?09:18
ejatnigelb: there is no public wifi xs here ;(09:18
nigelbejat: I may sit in for the HTML5 talk09:19
nigelbOr got to the user engagement one09:19
ejatyeah .. so just remain in the same room ..09:20
ejatnigelb: yawns becoz less sleep last nite?09:20
ejat:) pity u09:20
nigelbThis 12 am landing idea wasn't a very bright one09:21
* nigelb goes for more caffeine09:21
AlanBell nicks (@0 %0 +0 130)]09:45
AlanBell nicks (@0 %0 +0 130)]09:45
AlanBellsorry about the mispastes09:45
AlanBellStephen Fry is trying out Unity09:45
czajkowskiAlanBell: sweet :)10:28
AlanBellczajkowski: akgraner: pleia2: (cc peeps) are you on the case with the IRCC reelections for the three members who's term runs out on 2011-12-21?16:10
czajkowskiAlanBell: aye it has been noted already.16:12
czajkowskithanks :)16:15
doctormonVictory! http://imagebin.org/18477418:18
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin
alouriedoctormon: hey Martin19:01
alourieI've installed gc but it crashes onme19:02
alouries/onme/on me19:03
doctormonalourie: No problem, please report the problem or pastebin the error.19:30
alouriedoctormon: hold on19:30
alouriedoctormon: http://pastebin.com/UzKardsT19:34
doctormonalourie: Ah that makes sense, thanks.19:35
doctormonIf you want to continue, install python-github from paultag's repository.19:36
alouriewhy does it go to github?19:36
doctormonalourie: Very early support for github, it doesn't use it.19:37
doctormonAthough looking at the code, that error is impossible. Can you pastebin services/github.py ?19:37
alouriedoctormon: ah19:39
alouriesorry, no such thing19:39
alourieI've installed from ppa19:39
alourieso, where did it go?19:39
alourieah, got it19:39
doctormonalourie: It goes to to /usr/lib/pyshared/python2.7/ but I think the best thing to do is just do `sudo updatedb` then `locate services/github.py`19:40
doctormonyou should get 2 or 3 results, delete them all using `sudo rm` and try again.19:41
alouriewell, actually, you can see the location in the pastebin log :-)19:41
alourieso, do you want the complete file?19:41
doctormonThat'll work too19:41
doctormonalourie: No, for now just delete it, I'll debug it's issues later.19:41
alouriedoctormon: ok, renamed, running19:43
alourieit doesn't seem to do anything19:44
* alourie has to leave for 30m19:45
doctormonalourie: No trowl icon in the bar?19:56
alouriehold on20:04
alourieI see the change in the menu icons (it gets a bit wider), but no icon20:05
doctormonhmm, maybe the icon isn't installed properly. Thanks for the report.20:14
alouriedoctormon: sure20:56
alouriewhat is its name?20:56
bkerensaHope everyone is having a good weekend22:19

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