
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
glitchdanyone know of a way of setting my password to a shortcut key sequence so i dont have to manually enter it?09:30
glitchdanyone awake??09:31
valorieglitchd: where?09:32
CheeseheadAnyone live today? I need feedback on a blog post before I commit: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/743509/19:01
CheeseheadHard to type with this new dog demanding attention all day, but I managed...19:03
akgranerCheesehead, :-)19:18
akgranerNice way to say thanks there19:19
Cheeseheadakgraner: Thanks19:21
akgranerCheesehead, thanks for doing all the brainstorm stuff...I know I tried for a while with a mentor to be an idea reviewer - that didn't go so well then, and now i just don't have time...but I can tell you I sincerely appreciate everything you all do!!!19:23
akgraneranyone who thinks it's a cakewalk to be a brainstorm moderator or idea reviewer should try it sometime...:-)19:24
Cheeseheadakgraner, thanks for keeping us all informed about what's going on. Quite a vital role!19:24
* Cheesehead commit his first blog post to the Planet19:25
akgranerthat's the beauty of community  - it takes u and i  CommUnIty :-)19:25
akgranerCheesehead,  --Congrats on your 1st post!19:25
Cheeseheadakgraner: Thanks. Next up, tomorrow, is getting the IRC sessions moving19:27
CheeseheadI'm already delayed a week by work (last week quite busy)19:28
akgranerYeah - I'm trying to get all the priority Ubuntu Stuff done today and tomorrow - next week is going to be nuts for me19:29
akgranerCheesehead, all I can do for the IRC Sessions is: help review the sessions (if necessary) and help promote them - wish I could do more but...19:30
Cheeseheadakgraner: Helping to promote is all I really need. That's the part I'm awful at.19:32
CheeseheadI just need to finalize the schedule, and shout "go!", and the first three months should be pretty smooth.19:33
akgranerhehe  - no worries when you get it organized and a various points in the process let me know I'll help ya keep the community informed then19:33
CheeseheadThe follow-up afet "go!" is what I'm good at.19:34
* Cheesehead moves the dog out of the way19:34

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